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  World Wars (60)    Heros (26)    War Stories (46)    Hero Stories (43)    British Navy (49)  


Stories about World War I / II.

World Wars

Why The United States Entered The War
The United States was slow to enter the war, because her people believed war an evil to be avoided at almost any cost except honor. I...

America Comes In
We are coming from the ranch, from the city and the mine, And the word has gone before us to the towns upon the Rhine; As t...

Pershing At The Tomb Of Lafayette
They knew they were fighting our war. As the months grew to years Their men and their women had watched through their bl...

America Enters The War
SPEECH BY LLOYD GEORGE, BRITISH PREMIER, APRIL 12, 1917 I am in the happy position of being, I think, the first British Minister...

The First To Fall In Battle
During the trench warfare, it was customary to raid the enemy trenches at unexpected hours, sometimes during the night, often during t...

Four Soldiers
THE BOCHE The boche was chiefly what his masters made him. He was planned and turned out according to specifications. His leader...

The Poilu
The soldier of France, the poilu, is a crusader. He is fighting to defend France, his great mother, in whose defense, centuries ago, ...

The Tommy
John Masefield, the English writer, says, St. George did not go out against the dragon like that divine calm youth in Carpaccio's pict...

The Yank
The boche went into the war as a robber, the poilu as a crusader determined to save the sacred and holy things of the world from dese...

So nigh is grandeur to our dust, So near is God to man, When Duty whispers low, Thou must, The youth replies, I can. ...

Where The Four Winds Meet
There are songs of the north and songs of the south, And songs of the east and west; But the songs of the place where the fou...

The United States Marines
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun, We have fought in every clime or place Where we could take...

The Soldiers Who Go To Sea
If the army or the navy ever gaze on Heaven's scenes, They will find the streets are guarded by United States marines. So sin...

When The Tide Turned

Where The Tide Turned
It is the general impression that the tide of victory set in with Marshal Foch's splendid movement against the German flank on July 18...

To Wish To Take Away One From The Immortal Glory Which Belongs
to the Allied armies, nor from the undying gratitude which we owe to the nations who for four heart-breaking years, with superb heroism,...

Just Before The Tide Turned
On the 27th of last May the Germans broke through the French position at the Chemin des Dames, a position which had been considered by...

The Turning Of The Tide
A division of marines and other American troops were rushed to the front as a desperate measure to try and stop a gap where flesh and ...

A Boy Of Perugia
In the year 1500, Raphael was a boy of eighteen in Perugia working and studying with the master painter Perugino. Did the city itself...

Redeemed Italy
Italy, since 1860 at least, has cherished the dream that sometime all European territory with Italian-speaking inhabitants would be un...

Song Of The Aviator
(This poem was written for an entertainment given by the Y.M.C.A. at an aviation barracks in a large camp in France. Mrs. Wilcox addr...

Nations Born And Reborn
In America, and in many other countries, people have listened with wonder and enjoyment to strangely beautiful music played by, probab...

To Villingen--and Back
Very remarkable in the world struggle for liberty was the eagerness of the Allied soldiers to fight and to make the supreme sacrifice ...

On slight pretext, Germany in 1864 and in 1866 had made wars against Denmark and Austria that might easily have been avoided. Franc...

Vive La France 1
The determination of the people of Alsace and Lorraine not to submit to the pressure of their conquerors was made evident even up to...

The Call To Arms In Our Street
There's a woman sobs her heart out, With her head against the door, For the man that's called to leave her, --God have pity ...

The Kaiser's Crown
(VERSAILLES, JANUARY 18, 1871) The wind on the Thames blew icy breath, The wind on the Seine blew fiery death, The snow la...

The Quality Of Mercy
There is an old saying, Like king, like people, which means that the king is usually not very different from the people whose executiv...

The Really Invincible Armada
The northern coast of Scotland is about as far north as the southern point of Greenland and nearly all of Norway lies still nearer the...

I Knew You Would Come
We are all very proud that America was permitted to have a share in the holiest defensive war ever known. Then let us also remember t...

The Searchlights
Political morality differs from individual morality, because there is no power above the State.--GENERAL VON BERNHARDI. Shadow by...

Fighting A Depth Bomb
All who have read of the sinking of the Lusitania, by a torpedo, shot from a German U-boat, realize the terribly destructive force of ...

The Second Line Of Defense
In Norwich, England, stands a memorial which will forever be visited and prized by travelers from every part of the world, and especia...

U S Destroyer _osmond C Ingram_
If you were standing on the deck of a patrol boat watching for submarines and, looking down at the water, suddenly perceived a torpedo...

Joyce Kilmer
The first poet and author in the American army to give up his life for the cause of freedom was Joyce Kilmer. Like Alan Seeger, anoth...

I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowi...

Blocking The Channel
Bruges is an important city of Belgium made familiar to American boys and girls by Longfellow's beautiful poem, The Belfry of Bruges. ...

The Fleet That Lost Its Soul
Sailors and especially fighters on the sea have in all ages possessed the noblest and bravest of souls and the finest morale. This is...

The Little Old Road
There's a breath of May in the breeze On the little old road; May in hedges and trees, May, the red and the white, May ...

Harry Lauder Sings
Harry Lauder, an extremely popular Scotch singer and entertainer, gave his services to help cheer the soldiers on the western front. ...

The Thirteenth Regiment
The World War has shown clearly that all peoples are not alike, that they do not think alike, that they do not feel in the same way ab...

Where Are You Going Great-heart?
Where are you going, Great-Heart, With your eager face and your fiery grace?-- Where are you going, Great-Heart? To ...

The Capture Of Dun
After the Americans had cleared the Saint Mihiel salient, Marshal Foch gave them a task which was probably the most difficult and dang...

Bombing Metz
ADAPTED FROM THE ACCOUNT WRITTEN BY RAOUL LUFBERY In January, 1916, I belonged to the Bombing Escadrille 102. One fair day a littl...

The Unspeakable Turk
Although the great issues of the war were decided, and victory was finally won, by the fighting on the western front, the British cam...

The Secret Service
The United States did not declare war till nearly three years after the war had begun in Europe. During most of that time the situati...

At The Front
What one soldier writes, millions have experienced. At first the waiting for orders; the wonder of how to adapt one's nature to t...

A Carol From Flanders
1914 In Flanders on the Christmas morn The trenched foemen lay, The German and the Briton born-- And it was Christm...

The Miner And The Tiger
On an October day in 1866, David Lloyd George, then a little lad of three years, came with his mother and younger brother to live with...

The Lost Battalion
On December 24, 1918, Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Whittlesey of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was presented in the presence of 20,000 ...

United States Day
United States Day was celebrated in Paris on April 20, 1918. On that day, exercises were held in the great hall of the Sorbonne; on ...

November 11 1918
Sinners are said sometimes to repent and change their ways at the eleventh hour; and on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the ...

Waiting For The Flash
Not at once can the mind grasp the full significance of the wonderful event of Monday, and as time goes on, more and more will the wor...

In Memoriam
[THE FIGHTING YEARS, 1914-1918] Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is...

The United States At War--in France
Adapted with a few omissions and changes in language from the report of General Pershing made November 20, 1918, to the Secretary of W...

The United States At War--at Home
When any nation declares war, it immediately brings upon itself unusual problems and difficulties, but probably no other nation ever h...

A Congressional Message

President Wilson In France
On December 14, 1918, President Wilson arrived in Paris. He had by leaving North America done something never done before by an Ameri...

Sergeant York Of Tennessee
People will always differ as to what was the most remarkable exploit of the World War. Major General George B. Duncan, one of the Ame...

When the last gun has long withheld Its thunder, and its mouth is sealed, Strong men shall drive the furrow straight On ...


The brilliant historian of the English people [*] has written of Washington, that "no nobler figure ever stood in the fore-front of a ...

Daniel Boone And The Founding Of Kentucky
... Boone lived hunting up to ninety; And, what's still stranger, left behind a name For which men vainly decimate the...

George Rogers Clark And The Conquest Of The Northwest
Have the elder races halted? Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the seas? We take up the task...

The Battle Of Trenton
And such they are--and such they will be found: Not so Leonidas and Washington, Their every battle-field is holy groun...

We are but warriors for the working-day; Our gayness and our guilt are all besmirch'd With rainy marching in the painf...

King's Mountain
Our fortress is the good greenwood, Our tent the cypress tree; We know the forest round us As seamen know the ...

The Storming Of Stony Point
In their ragged regimentals Stood the old Continentals, Yielding not, When the grenadiers were lunging, ...

Gouverneur Morris
GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. PARIS. AUGUST 10, 1792. Justum et tenacem propositi virum Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non...

The Burning Of The Philadelphia
And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turban'd Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, ...

The Cruise Of The Wasp
A crash as when some swollen cloud Cracks o'er the tangled trees! With side to side, and spar to spar, Whose s...

The General Armstrong Privateer
We have fought such a fight for a day and a night As may never be fought again! We have won great glory, my men! And a d...

The Battle Of New Orleans
The heavy fog of morning Still hid the plain from sight, When came a thread of scarlet Marked faintly in the w...

John Quincy Adams And The Right Of Petition
He rests with the immortals; his journey has been long: For him no wail of sorrow, but a paean full and strong! So wel...

Francis Parkman
(1822-1893) He told the red man's story; far and wide He searched the unwritten annals of his race; He sat a liste...

Remember The Alamo
The muffled drum's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo; No more on life's parade shall meet That brave...

Hampton Roads
Then far away to the south uprose A little feather of snow-white smoke, And we knew that the iron ship of our foes ...

The Flag-bearer
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are ...

The Death Of Stonewall Jackson
Like a servant of the Lord, with his bible and his sword, Our general rode along us, to form us for the fight. ...

The Charge At Gettysburg
For the Lord On the whirlwind is abroad; In the earthquake he has spoken; He has smitten with his thunder ...

General Grant And The Vicksburg Campaign
What flag is this you carry Along the sea and shore? The same our grandsires lifted up-- The same our fathers ...

Robert Gould Shaw
Brave, good, and true, I see him stand before me now, And read again on that young brow, Where every hope was ne...

Charles Russell Lowell
Wut's wurds to them whose faith an' truth On war's red techstone rang true metal, Who ventered life an' love an, yout...

Sheridan At Cedar Creek
Inspired repulsed battalions to engage, And taught the doubtful battle where to rage. --Addison. Gen...

Lieutenant Cushing And The Ram Albemarle
God give us peace! Not such as lulls to sleep, But sword on thigh, and brow with purpose knit! And let our Ship of Sta...

Farragut At Mobile Bay
Ha, old ship, do they thrill, The brave two hundred scars You got in the river wars? That were leeched with clam...

O captain. My captain. Our fearful trip is done; The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won; The po...

War Stories

The Shot Heard Round The World
On April 19, 1775, was fired "the shot heard round the world." It was the shot fired for freedom and democracy by the Americans at L...

A King Of Heroes
"King" is not a word that will go out of use when the world has been won for democracy. We shall still use it much as we do now, whe...

Defense Of LiÉge
To Germany's unfair and treacherous proposal that Belgium be false to her promises to the world, there was but one answer for Belgiu...

The Destruction Of Louvain
More than one hundred years ago, Napoleon, the famous French general, started out to conquer the world, just as the Germans have bee...

Cardinal Mercier
He is an old man, nearly seventy, with thin, grayish-white hair. He is very tall, as was Abraham Lincoln, nearly six feet and six in...

And The Cock Crew
"I hate them all!" said old Gaspard, And in his weather-beaten face The lines of bitterness grew hard, For he had ...

A Belgian Lawyer's Appeal
One of the great lawyers of Belgium in behalf of the members of the bar of Brussels, Liége, Ghent, Charleroi, Mons, Louvain, and An...

Edith Cavell
Americans are particularly interested in the story of Edith Cavell, because the American minister in Brussels on behalf of the Ameri...

He hurried away, young heart of joy, under our Devon sky! And I watched him go, my beautiful boy, and a weary woman was I. ...

The Case Of Serbia
But Belgium is not the only little nation that has been attacked in this war, and I make no excuse for referring to the case of the ...

The Murder Of Captain Fryatt
Captain Charles Fryatt was in command of a British steamship named Brussels, running from Tilbury, England, to the Hook of Holland. ...

Rupert Brooke
Among the losses that the World War has caused--many of them losses that can never be made good--is that of the promising young Engl...

Let Us Save The Kiddies
At 12:20 noon, on Saturday, May 1, 1915, there steamed out of New York harbor one of the largest and fastest passenger ships in the ...

The Charge Of The Black Watch And The Scots Greys
Sometimes a retreat is in reality a great victory. It has been said that it requires a greater general to direct successfully a grea...

The Battles Of The Marne
At Marathon (490 B.C.) and at Salamis (480 B.C.) the Greeks defeated the Persians and saved Europe for western civilization. Had the...

The Queen's Flower
On July 25, 1918, nearly every person in Washington, the capital of the United States, was asked to buy a bunch of forget-me-nots; a...

At School Near The Lines
The boys and girls in America have listened with great interest and sympathy to the many stories of children in devastated France, l...

A Place In The Sun
The history of Rome about 1500 years ago tells us of "the wild and terrifying hordes" of Huns, with ideas little above those of plun...

Marshal Joffre
The greatest leaders in history are often men who for the larger part of their lives have been almost unknown. Poor, simple in their...

The Hun Target The Red Cross
All the civilized nations of the world have agreed to respect the Red Cross, believing that when men are carried from the battlefiel...

They Shall Not Pass
The caves described in the Arabian Nights are not more wonderful than the rock citadel of Verdun; in many ways they are not so marve...

She is a wall of brass; You shall not pass! You shall not pass! Spring up like summer grass, Surge at her, mass on...

The Beast In Man
A German leader once said, "The oldest right in the world is the right of the strongest." This is true and will always continue to b...

When Germany Lost The War
No man knows exactly when and where the three and twenty allies will win the war, but all men know when and where Germany lost it. I...

Carry On!
It's easy to fight when everything's right, And you're mad with the thrill and the glory; It's easy to cheer when victo...

War Dogs
The story of "The Animals Going to War" tells how, one by one, the wild creatures, then the enemies of man, were made his friends an...

The Belgian Prince
The Belgian Prince was a British cargo steamer. On a voyage from Liverpool to Philadelphia, with Captain Hassan in command, she was,...

Daring The Undarable
We are thirty in the hands of Fate And thirty-one with Death, our mate. So sang the men who, with D'Annunzio, the Italian...

Killing The Soul
As the centuries pass, the greatest glory of any nation, its highest satisfaction and pride, is in the works of art which it possess...

The Russian Revolution
The controller, as he is called on the Siberian railroad, was passing through the cars to see that every passenger had a ticket. He ...

A Ballad Of French Rivers
Of streams that men take honor in The Frenchman looks to three, And each one has for origin The hills of Burgu...

Bacilli And Bullets
Sir William Osler, one of the greatest medical men in the world, told the soldiers in the English training camps that he wanted to h...

The Torch Of Valor
The torch of valor has been passed from one brave hand to another down the centuries, to be held to-day by the most valiant in the l...

Marshal Foch
A Great German philosopher said many years ago that history was the story of the struggle of the human race for freedom. Would the H...

The Mexican Plot
It is true that Germany does not know the meaning of honesty and fair play. Most Americans, in everything, want "a square deal." The...

Why We Fight Germany
Because of Belgium, invaded, outraged, enslaved, impoverished Belgium. We cannot forget Liége, Louvain, and Cardinal Mercier. Trans...

General Pershing
In April, 1917, a small group of men in civilian dress climbed up the side of the ocean liner, the Baltic, just outside of New York ...

The Melting Pot
America has been called the "crucible" or the "melting pot" of nations, because many peoples of many races and many countries come t...

Although I am an American, I am still in the French aviation corps, in which I enlisted when the war broke out. I am too old for ser...

Alan Seeger
As England and the world lost Rupert Brooke, so America and the world lost Alan Seeger. English poetry and lovers of beauty expresse...

Can War Ever Be Right?
After England had entered the war against the Central Powers, Gilbert Murray, an English writer, asked this question and answered it...

What One American Did
If a person had been standing one night beside the railroad tracks in Germany in the fall of 1917, he would have seen a train speedi...

There are many ways of fighting, and the Germans, in their forty-four years of planning to conquer the world, thought of them all. T...

The God In Man
A soldier on the firing step, aiming at the enemy, is suddenly struck; and he drops down to the bottom of the trench. His nearest co...

The World War
The story of the World War is the story of the control of the sea by the Allies, of land fighting on two fronts, the western and the...

Nations And The Moral Law
I believe there is no permanent greatness to a nation except it be based upon morality. I do not care for military greatness or mili...

Hero Stories

The Hero Of Vincennes
Early in 1775 Daniel Boone, the famous hunter and Indian fighter, with thirty other backwoodsmen, set out from the Holston settlemen...

A Midwinter Campaign
A splendid monument overlooks the battlefield of Saratoga. Heroic bronze statues of Schuyler, Gates, and Morgan, three of the four ...

How Palmetto Logs May Be Used
In 1775, in Virginia, the patriots forced the royal governor, Lord Dunmore, to take refuge on board a British man-of-war in Norfolk ...

The Patriot Spy
It was plain that Washington was troubled. As he paced the piazza of the stately Murray mansion one fine autumn afternoon, he was sa...

Our Greatest Patriot
If American boys and girls were asked to name the one great man in their country's history whom they would like to have seen and tal...

A Midnight Surprise
We have certainly read enough about General Washington to know that he often planned to steal a march on the British. Don't you reme...

The Defeat Of The Red Dragoons
If what the proverb tells us is true, that it is always darkest before dawn, the patriots of the South in 1780 must indeed have pra...

From Teamster To Major General
On July 3, 1775, under the great elm on Cambridge Common, Washington took command of the patriot army. During the siege of Boston, w...

The Final Victory
About the middle of March, 1781, Lord Cornwallis defeated Greene in a stubborn battle at Guilford, North Carolina. Although victorio...

The Crisis
Exactly eight years from the day when "the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world," ...

A Daring Exploit
About a century ago, pirates on the northern coast of Africa were causing a great deal of trouble. They used to dash out in their v...

Old Ironsides
"Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! Long has it waved on high, And many an eye has danced to see That banner in the s...

Old Hickory's Christmas
At the beginning of the last century, England was fighting for her very life against the mighty Napoleon. We remained neutral; but o...

A Hero's Welcome
Rarely has the benefactor of a people been awarded such measure of gratitude as we gave Lafayette, in 1824. Eager crowds flocked int...

The First Sea Fight Of The Revolution
THE BURNING OF THE "GASPEE" IN NARRAGANSETT BAY DOES it not seem an odd fact that little Rhode Island, the smallest of all our st...

A British Schooner Captured By Farmers In 1775
CAPTAIN JERRY O'BRIEN LEADS THE PATRIOTS OF 1775 HOW would any of you like to go back to the days when people had only tallow can...

Benedict Arnold The Soldier-sailor
A NOVEL FIGHT ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN WAS it not a dreadful pity that Benedict Arnold should disgrace himself forever by becoming a tra...

Captain Paul Jones
THE GREATEST OF AMERICA'S NAVAL HEROES ONCE upon a time there lived in Scotland a poor gardener named John Paul, who had a little...

How Paul Jones Won Renown
THE FIRST GREAT FIGHT OF THE AMERICAN NAVY YOU have been told how Captain Paul Jones lost his ship. He was given another in June,...

Captain Bushnell Scares The British
THE PIONEER TORPEDO BOAT AND THE BATTLE OF THE KEGS MANY of us, all our lives, have seen vessels of every size and shape darting ...

Captain Barry And His Rowboats Win A Victory Over The British
A GALLANT NAVAL HERO OF IRISH BLOOD THE heroes of our navy were not all Americans born. More than one of them came from British s...

Captain Tucker Honored By George Washington
THE DARING ADVENTURES OF THE HERO OF MARBLEHEAD CAPTAIN SAMUEL TUCKER was a Yankee boy who began his career by running away from ...

The Last Naval Battle Of The Revolution
THE HEROIC CAPTAIN BARNEY IN THE "HYDER ALI" CAPTURES THE "GENERAL MONK" YOU must think by this time that we had many bold and bra...

The Moorish Pirates Of The Mediterranean
OUR NAVY TEACHES THEM A LESSON IN HONOR I SUPPOSE all the readers of this book know what a pirate is. For those who may not know,...

The Young Decatur And His Brilliant Deeds At Tripoli
HOW OUR NAVY BEGAN AND ENDED A FOREIGN WAR IN the ship Essex, one of the fleet that was sent to the Mediterranean to deal with th...

The Gallant Old Ironsides And How She Captured The Guerriere
A FAMOUS INCIDENT OF THE WAR OF 1812 WHEN did our country win its greatest fame upon the sea? I think, when you have read the sto...

A Famous Vessel Saved By A Poem
"OLD IRONSIDES" WINS NEW GLORY "OLD IRONSIDES was a noble old ship, and a noble old ship was she." Come, I know you have not hear...

The Fight Of Captain Jacob Jones
THE LIVELY LITTLE "WASP" AND HOW SHE STUNG THE "FROLIC" NO doubt most of my readers know very well what a wasp is and how nicely ...

Captain Lawrence Dies For The Flag

Commodore Perry Whips The British On Lake Erie
"WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND THEY ARE OURS" IN the year 1813, when war was going on between England and the United States, the whol...

Commodore Porter Gains Glory In The Pacific
THE GALLANT FIGHT OF THE "ESSEX" AGAINST GREAT ODDS ANY of you who have read much of American history must have often met with th...

Commodore Macdonough's Victory On Lake Champlain
HOW GENERAL PREVOST AND THE BRITISH RAN AWAY THE United States is a country rich in lakes. They might be named by the thousands. ...

Four Naval Heroes In One Chapter
FIGHTS WITH THE PIRATES OF THE GULF AND THE CORSAIRS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN WE have so far been reading the story of legal warfare;...

Commodore Perry Opens Japan To The World
AN HEROIC DEED WITHOUT BLOODSHED THERE are victories of peace as well as of war. Of course, you do not need to be told that. Ever...

Captain Ingraham Teaches Austria A Lesson
OUR NAVY UPHOLDS THE RIGHTS OF AN AMERICAN IN A FOREIGN LAND NOW I have a story to tell you about how this country looks after its...

The Monitor And The Merrimac
A FIGHT WHICH CHANGED ALL NAVAL WARFARE. THE story I am now going to tell you takes us forward to the beginning of the great Civi...

Commodore Farragut Wins Renown
THE HERO OF MOBILE BAY LASHES HIMSELF TO THE MAST AN old friend of ours is David G. Farragut. We met him, you may remember, years...

A River Fleet In A Hail Of Fire
ADMIRAL PORTER RUNS BY THE FORTS IN A NOVEL WAY OF course you know what a tremendous task the North had before it in the Civil Wa...

The Sinking Of The Albemarle
LIEUTENANT CUSHING PERFORMS THE MOST GALLANT DEED OF THE CIVIL WAR NOW I am going to tell you about one of the most gallant deeds ...

How The Gloucester Revenged The Sinking Of The Maine
DEADLY AND HEROIC DEEDS IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN IF you look at a map of the country we dwell in, you will see that it has a finger ...

The Great Victory Of Manila Bay
DEWEY DESTROYS A FLEET WITHOUT LOSING A MAN GEORGE DEWEY was a Green Mountain boy, a son of the Vermont hills. Many good stories ...

Hobson And The Sinking Of The Merrimac
AN HEROIC DEED WORTHY OF THE AMERICAN NAVY SOME of us know what a dark night is and some of us don't. Those who live in cities, u...

Sampson And Schley Win Renown
THE GREATEST SEA FIGHT OF THE CENTURY I HAVE told you what Hobson did and what Wainwright did at Santiago. Now it is time to tell...

British Navy

A Saxon Chronicle
The founders of the English nation were a maritime people. Before they settled in the British Isles they had to dare the dangers of ...

The Story Of The Cinque Ports

The Story Of Sir Edward Howard
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. Sir Edward Howard was the second son of Thomas, Earl of Surrey, afterwards Duke of Norfolk, and treasurer to He...

The Story Of Sir Thomas Howard And Sir Andrew Barton
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. In the third year of the reign of Henry VIII., Sir Andrew Barton, a Scots seaman, with two stout vessels--the L...

The Story Of Sir John Hawkins

The Worthy Enterprise Of John Fox

The Story Of Sir Francis Drake
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. Francis Drake is said to have been born at Crowndale, near Tavistock, about the year 1540. Both his birth and h...

The Voyage Made To Tripolis In Barbary

A True Report Of A Worthy Fight

The Story Of The Spanish Armada
BY SIR EDWARD CREASY. On the afternoon of July 19th, A.D. 1588, a group of English captains was collected at the bowling green on...

The Story Of The Revenge

The Story Of Admiral Blake
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. Robert Blake, who became the admiral of the Commonwealth, was the eldest son of Mr. Humphrey Blake, a Spanish m...

The Story Of The First Dutch War
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. The causes of this war are differently stated, according to the humours and opinions of different writers. The ...

Stories Of The Second Dutch War
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. I. THE DEFEAT OF THE DUTCH OFF HARWICH. The second Dutch war was declared in Holland in January and in Englan...

The Destruction Of The Algerine Navy
On the conclusion of the Dutch war it became necessary to restore order on the high seas by destroying the pirates who had taken adv...

The Story Of Sir John Berry
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. As an illustration of the way in which a man could rise to the highest honours of the navy in the good old days...

The Story Of The Third Dutch War

The Battle Of Beachy Head
There was little to record to the honour of the navy in the reign of James II. As Duke of York he had held the office of Lord High-a...

The Victory Of La Hogue
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. On the dismissal of the Earl of Torrington from the command of the navy, Edward Russel was appointed admiral an...

The Story Of Sir George Rooke

Off Gibraltar
It is not to be supposed that our enemies quietly accepted the conquest of Gibraltar by Sir George Rooke as final; indeed, a very sh...

The Story Of Admiral Benbow
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. Admiral Benbow was descended from the ancient and honourable family of the Benbows in the county of Salop; a fa...

Defeat Of The Spanish Fleet In The Faro Off Messina
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. Early in the year 1718 the activity of the naval preparations in England, rendered necessary by the disturbed c...

The Story Of Captain Hornby And The French Privateer
The difficulties under which merchantmen carried on their trade with foreign countries before the navy had reduced to order the high...

Off Cape Finisterre
Towards the end of the year 1746 the French ministry came to a determination to increase their forces in Canada, and, with the assi...

The Loss Of Hms Namur
BY JAMES ALMS. On July 15th, 1747, Captain Boscawen was made rear admiral of the blue, and placed at the head of a large military...

The Loss Of Hms Pembroke
BY MASTER CAMBRIDGE. The melancholy fate of the Namur, which was lost at the same time and place as the Pembroke, has already bee...

The Story Of Admiral The Honourable John Byng
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. The honourable John Byng was the fourth son of George Viscount Torrington, and was born at his father's seat at...

In Indian Seas
1758-9. Though the great achievements of large fleets are apt to monopolise fame, it often happens in the story of our English na...

The Story Of The Glorious Fifty-nine And The Battle Of Quiberon Bay
The year 1759 has been described as one of the most glorious years in the history of England, a year during which "it was necessary ...

The Story Of Lord Rodney
BY JOHN CAMPBELL. George Brydges Rodney was born at Walton-on-Thames in the year 1718. His father, Henry Rodney, was at the time ...

The Loss Of The Ramilies
BY G. H. WALKER. Admiral (afterwards Lord) Graves having requested leave to return to England in 1782, was appointed by Lord Rodn...

The Loss Of Hms Centaur
BY CAPTAIN INGLEFIELD. The storm which proved fatal to the Ramilies was responsible for the loss of many other ships in the same ...

The Loss Of The Royal George
BY G. H. WALKER. When the brave die in battle, the ardour which impels them to glory and renders them insensible of their danger ...

The Mutiny Of The Bounty
The circumstances detailed in the following narrative are altogether of so singular and romantic a character that but for the undeni...

The Story Of Lord Exmouth
(SIR EDWARD PELLEW). Edward Pellew, afterwards Viscount Exmouth, was born at Dover in 1757. At thirteen years of age he went to s...

The Glorious First Of June
On January 21st, 1793, Louis XVI. of France was guillotined, and in the following month the French Republic declared war against Eng...

Triumph In Retreat
A STORY OF "BILLY BLUE." After the defeat of the French by Lord Howe on the 1st of June, 1794, the French navy was much too shatt...

The Mutiny Of 1797
AT SPITHEAD, APRIL 15TH.--AT THE NORE, MAY 22nd. In the course of February and March, 1797, Lord Howe received several anonymous ...

The Battle Of Camperdown
The mutiny at Spithead found the British ministry intent upon blocking up the Dutch fleet in the Texel and Admiral Duncan appointed ...

The Loss Of Hms Repulse
BY G. H. WALKER. The Repulse was one of the ships belonging to the Channel fleet, under the command of Sir Allen Gardner, but had...

The Story Of Nelson's Boyhood
BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. Horatio Nelson, son of Edmund and Catherine Nelson, was born September 29th, 1758, in the Rectory of Burnham T...

First Steps Up The Ladder
A CHAPTER FROM NELSON'S CAREER. BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. Though Nelson did not live to be an old man, he crowded his life with so mu...

On Board The Agamemnon

The Evacuation Of Corsica And The Battle Of Cape St Vincent
BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. Sir John Jervis now became commander of the Mediterranean fleet, and Nelson joined him in Fiorenzo Bay. The ma...

The Story Of Santa Cruz
BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. About the middle of the year 1797 Nelson hoisted his flag as rear-admiral of the blue on board the Theseus. Th...

The Story Of The Battle Of The Nile
BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. Early in the year 1798 Sir Horatio Nelson hoisted his flag on board the Vanguard, and was ordered to rejoin Ea...

The Bombardment Of Copenhagen
BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. In the year 1801, Nelson, who had been made vice-admiral of the blue, was sent to the Baltic, as second in com...

The Story Of The Battle Of Trafalgar
BY ROBERT SOUTHEY. In 1803 the short-lived Peace of Amiens came to an end, and Nelson was re-appointed to the command of the Medi...




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