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What you decide to use to transform your wall area is not as important as how you best use the space available. Before gathering most of your items, read up as much information as possible about the proper use of the space. The more you understand about d

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  Interior Design (38)    Thoughts on Materials (33)  


What you decide to use to transform your wall area is not as important as how you best use the space available. Before gathering most of your items, read up as much information as possible about the proper use of the space. The more you understand about d

Interior Design

Lines And Curves
Straight lines in a room call for straight lines in furniture, rugs and hangings. They make a room dignified and serious in appearan...

Curved Lines
Curved lines in decoration and furniture are of various kinds. The rococo styles (Louis XV and the Regency) are overluxurious and ofte...

Broken Lines
Broken lines give us a feeling of life and movement. But they should not be used for the permanent decorative lines of a room--the l...

Vertical Lines
Vertical lines express aspiration and disquietude; diagonal lines, action. In wall paper designs and rug patterns the diagonal line is...

Form And Color Tip
Never overemphasize one of the dimensions of height, width and depth at the expense of one of the others. They must be harmonized. ...

The proportions of any room are best when they make a normal impression on the eye. The oblong is the best decorative art form, as a ...

The Square
The square form is solid and firm, but tends to be monotonous. Square windows, fireplaces and wall spaces, as well as square rooms in ...

The Triangle
The triangular form (in mantel clocks, lampshades, highboys, bookcase foundations, and sometimes where it appears in wall paper or T...

Curved Forms
Curved forms, the circle, the oval and the ellipse, are all agreeable. There is in them "a hint of the mysterious dualism of life." ...

Colors makes decorative shapes easy to see. (For the character of the colors and the principles of their effective combination the rea...

All parts of a furnished room must help express one ideal of balance. The realization of this ideal is proportion. A horizontal roo...

The Dining Room And Work Rooms
The dining room, with which we were so directly concerned in the preceding portion of this book, offers a natural point of departu...

Working Rooms Versus Living Rooms
Before passing to the other rooms of the house, we will pause to consider a more purely utilitarian group. The Kitchen.--These room...

Living Room Drawing Room And Library
We now return to the rooms where decoration is the rule. While always remembering that connecting rooms must harmonize with one anothe...

Bed Room Nursery And Play Room
For the bedroom, though other colors such as green and violet, in particular (save red, which is a poor bedroom hue) are not barred,...

Nursery And Play Room
These children's rooms should always give out a gay and cheerful atmosphere. To obtain this wall papers with colorful friezes with ch...

Some Hints Anent Period Furniture
Period furniture is a means to a decorative end. It is a part of the decoration of a room, and must be adapted to its lines and pro...

Final Tips
Interior Decoration is a very extensive and complicated subject. What we have here attempted to do has been to give an idea of the ge...

Home Decoration
The chief features to be observed in house furnishing are color, form, and proportion. All stiffness of design in furniture should be a...

The Hall
The hall being the index to the whole house, due care should therefore be given to its furnishing. Light colors and gilding should be a...

The Sitting-room
The sitting or everyday room should be the brightest and most attractive room in the house. Its beauty of decoration should not be so m...

The Library
The walls of the library should be hung with rich, dark colors, the latest style in wall paper being a black ground with old gold and o...

The walls of bedrooms should be decorated in light tints and shadings, with a narrow rail and deep frieze. Most housekeepers prefer rug...

The Diningroom
The dining-room should be furnished with a view to convenience, richness, and comfort. Choose deep, rich grounds for the walls—bronze-m...

The Kitchen
It is a remark too often made that this or that “is good enough for a servant.” If all knew that unpleasant surroundings made unpleasan...

Decoration As An Art
"Who creates a Home, creates a potent spirit which in turn doth fashion him that fashioned." Probably no art has so few masters a...

Character In Houses
"For the created still doth shadow forth the mind and will which made it. "Thou art the very mould of thy creator." It needs t...

Builders' Houses
"Mine own hired house." A large proportion of homes are made in houses which are not owned, but leased, and this prevents each ma...

Colour In Houses
"Heaven gives us of its colour, for our joy, Hues which have words and speak to ye of heaven." Although the very existence of...

The Law Of Appropriateness
I have laid much stress upon the value of colour in interior decoration, but to complete the beauty of the home something more than ...

The kitchen is an important part of the perfect house and should be a recognised sharer in its quality of beauty; not alone the beau...

Colour With Reference To Light
In choosing colour for walls and ceilings, it is most necessary to consider the special laws which govern its application to house ...

Walls Ceilings And Floors
The true principle of wall treatment is to make the boundary stand for colour and beauty, and not alone for division of space. As...

Location Of The House
Besides the difference in treatment demanded by different use of rooms--the character of the decoration of the whole house will be ...

As ceilings are in reality a part of the wall, they must always be considered in connection with room interiors, but their influence...

Floors And Floor-coverings
Although in ordinary sequence the colouring of floors comes after that of walls, the fact that--in important houses--costly and elab...

Draperies are not always considered as a part of furnishings, yet in truth--as far as decorative necessities are concerned--they sho...

Although the forms and varieties of furniture are infinite, they can easily be classified first into the two great divisions of good...

Thoughts on Materials

There are several ways of ornamenting a woven cloth: (1) real tapestry, (2) carpet-weaving, (3) mechanical weaving, (4) printing or ...

Of Decorative Painting And Design
The term Decorative painting implies the existence of painting which is not decorative: a strange state of things for an art which p...

Of Wall Papers
While the tradition and practice of mural painting as applied to interior walls and ceilings of houses still linger in Italy, in the...

Earliest amongst the inventions of man and his endeavour to unite Art with Craft is the Fictile Art. His first needs in domestic lif...

Metal Work
In discussing the artistic aspect of metal work, we have to take into account the physical properties and appropriate treatment of t...

Stone And Wood Carving
The crafts of the stone and wood carver may fairly be taken in review at the same time, although they differ in themselves. It is...

The institution of schools of art and design, and the efforts of serials and magazines devoted to artistic matters, have had their p...

Stained Glass
In these days there is a tendency to judge the merits of stained glass from the standpoint of the archaeologist. It is good or bad i...

Table Glass
Few materials lend themselves more readily to the skill of the craftsman than glass. The fluid or viscous condition of the "metal" a...

Printing, in the only sense with which we are at present concerned, differs from most if not from all the arts and crafts represente...

Modern bookbinding dates from the application of printing to literature, and in essentials has remained unchanged to the present day...

Of Mural Painting
There seems no precise reason why the subject of this note should differ much from that of Mr. Crane's article on "Decorative Painti...

Of Sgraffito Work
The Italian words Graffiato, Sgraffiato, or Sgraffito, mean "Scratched," and scratched work is the oldest form of graphic expression...

Of Stucco And Gesso
Few things are more disheartening to the pursuer of plastic art than finding that, when he has carried his own labour to a certain p...

Of Cast Iron
Cast iron is nearly our humblest material, and with associations less than all artistic, for it has been almost hopelessly vulgarise...

Of Dyeing As An Art
Dyeing is a very ancient art; from the earliest times of the ancient civilisations till within about forty years ago there had been ...

Of Embroidery
The technicalities of Embroidery are very simple and its tools few--practically consisting of a needle, and nothing else. The work c...

Of Lace
Lace is a term freely used at the present time to describe various sorts of open ornament in thread work, the successful effect of w...

Of Book Illustration And Book Decoration
Book illustration is supposed to have made a great advance in the last few years. No doubt it has, but this advance has not been mad...

Of Designs And Working Drawings
The drawings which most deeply interest the workman are working drawings--just the last to be appreciated by the public, because the...

Furniture And The Room
The art of furnishing runs on two wheels--the room and the furniture. As in the bicycle, the inordinate development of one wheel at ...

Of The Room And Furniture
The transient tenure that most of us have in our dwellings, and the absorbing nature of the struggle that most of us have to make to...

The English Tradition
The sense of a consecutive tradition has so completely faded out of English art that it has become difficult to realise the meaning ...

Carpenters' Furniture
It requires a far search to gather up examples of furniture really representative in this kind, and thus to gain a point of view for...

Of Decorated Furniture
Decorated or "sumptuous" furniture is not merely furniture that is expensive to buy, but that which has been elaborated with much th...

Of Carving
It is not uncommon to see an elaborate piece of furniture, in decorating which it is evident that the carver has had opportunity for...

Intarsia And Inlaid Wood-work
Although decoration by inlaying woods of different colours must naturally have suggested itself in very early times, as soon indeed ...

Woods And Other Materials
The woods in ordinary use by cabinetmakers may be divided broadly into two classes, viz. those which by their strength, toughness, a...

Of Modern Embroidery
If we wish to arrive at a true estimate of the value of modern embroidery, we must examine the work being sold in the fancy-work sho...

Of Materials
Almost every fabric that is good of its kind is suitable for a ground for needlework, and any thread of silk, linen, cotton, or wool...

It is not unusual to hear said of textiles and embroideries, "I like soft quiet colouring; such and such is too bright." This assert...

Stitches And Mechanism
As a guiding classification of methods of embroidery considered from the technical point of view, I have set down the following head...

"Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well."--SOLOMON. "Produce; produce; be it b...


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  Interior Design  
  Thoughts on Materials  

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