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  Queen Mary (81)    Queen Victoria (104)    Queen Elizabeth (12)    Queen Adelaide (11)    Windsor Castle (52)    King Henry the VIII (56)    Catherine of Aragon (25)  


Queen Mary

Summary Of Queen Mary
During the reigns of James IV. and James V., Scotland emerged from barbarism into comparative civilization. Shut out, as it had prev...

Scotland And Its Troubles During Mary's Infancy
James V. left, as an inheritance to his kingdom, an expensive and destructive war with England. He likewise left what, under such c...

Scotland And The Scottish Reformers Under The Regency Of The Queen-dowager
It was in the year 1517, that Luther first stated his objections to the validity of the indulgences granted so liberally by Pope Leo...

Mary's Birth And Subsequent Residence At The French Court
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was the third child of James V. and his wife, Mary of Guise. That lady had born him previously two sons...

Mary's Marriage Personal Appearance And Popularity
The time now approached when Henry began to think of confirming the French authority in Scotland, by consummating the contract of ma...

Mary The Queen Dauphiness The Queen And The Queen Dowager Of France
Shortly after the espousals, Mary and her husband retired to one of their princely summer residences. Here she unostentatiously disc...

Mary's Return To Scotland And Previous Negotiations With Elizabeth
Elizabeth being informed of Mary's intended movements, thought the opportunity a favourable one, for adjusting with her one or two o...

Mary's Arrival At Holyrood With Sketches Of Her Principal Nobility
Mary landed in Scotland with a mind full of anxiety and uncertainty. She came alone and unprotected, to assume the government of a c...

John Knox The Reformers And The Turbulent Nobles
Mary had been only a few days in Scotland when she was painfully reminded of the excited and dangerous state of feeling which then p...

Mary's Expedition To The North
The Lord James, now Earl of Mar, had for some time felt, that so long as he was regarded with suspicion by the Hamiltons, and with i...

The Proposal Of A Divorce Between Mary And Darnley And The Christening Of James Vi
It was in December 1566, during Mary's residence at Craigmillar, that a proposal was made to her by her Privy Council, which deserve...

Occurrences Immediately Preceding Darnley's Death
We are now about to enter upon a part of Mary's history, more important in its results, and more interesting in its details, than al...

The Death Of Darnley
It was on Sunday, the 9th of February 1567, that the final preparations for the murder of Darnley were made. To execute the guilty d...

Bothwell's Trial And Acquittal
During the whole of the day that succeeded her husband's death, (Monday the 10th of February 1567), Mary shut herself up in her own ...

Bothwell's Seizure Of The Queen's Person And Subsequent Marriage To Her
Every thing appeared now to be going smoothly with Bothwell, and he had only to take one step more to reach the very height of his a...

The Rebellion Of The Nobles The Meeting At Carberry Hill And Its Consequences
Mary's first step, after her marriage, was to send, at her husband's desire, ambassadors into England and France, to explain to thes...

Mary At Lochleven Her Abdication And Murray's Regency
Scotland was now in the most unfortunate condition in which a country could possibly be. Like a ship without a pilot, it was left at...

Mary's Escape From Lochleven And The Battle Of Langside
With few comforts and no enjoyments, Mary remained closely confined in the Castle of Loch-Leven. Her only resources were in herself,...

Mary's Reception In England And The Conferences At York And Westminster
If there had been a single generous feeling still lurking in Elizabeth's bosom, the time was now arrived when it should have discove...

Mary's Eighteen Years' Captivity
The last eighteen years of Mary's life were spent in imprisonment, and are comparatively a blank in her personal history. She was tr...

Mary's Trial And Condemnation
The closing scene of Mary's life was now rapidly approaching. Debilitated as she was by her long confinement, and the many painful t...

Mary's Death And Character
On the 7th of February 1587, the Earls, who had been commissioned to superintend Mary's execution, arrived at Fotheringay. After din...

An Examination Of The Letters Sonnets And Other Writings Adduced In Evidence Against Mary Queen Of Scots
O place and greatness! millions of false eyes Are stuck upon thee! Volumes of report Run with these false and most contrarious ...

Through the kindness of William Traill, Esq. of Woodwick, Orkney, we are enabled to give the following authentic genealogical accoun...

Mary's Childhood
1542-1548 Palace where Mary was born.--Its situation.--Ruins.--The room.--Visitors.--Mary's father in the wars.--His death.--Regen...

Her Education In France
1548-1556 Departure.--Stormy voyage.--Journey to Paris.--Release of prisoners.--Barabbas.--St. Germain.--Celebrations.--The conven...

The Great Wedding
1558 Hastening the wedding.--Reasons for it.--Attempt to poison Mary.--The Guises.--Catharine's jealousy.--Commissioners from Scot...

1559-1561 Mary's love for Francis.--How to cherish the passion.--Grand tournament.--Henry's pride.--An encounter.--The helmet.--The...

Return To Scotland
1561 Calais.--Artificial piers and breakwaters.--Throckmorton.--Elizabeth's plans.--Throckmorton baffled.--Throckmorton's advice.--...

Mary And Lord Darnley
1562-1566 Stormy scenes.--Lord James.--Acts of cruelty.--Mary's energy and decision.--Her popularity.--Story of Chatelard.--His lov...

1561-1566 David Rizzio.--Embassadors.--Rizzio's position.--Rizzio French secretary.--Displeasure of the Scotch nobles.--They treat ...

1566-1567 Earl of Bothwell.--His desperate character.--Castle of Dunbar.--The border country.--Scenes of violence and blood.--Birth...

The Fall Of Bothwell
1567 Mary's infatuation.--Excuses for her.--Mary's deep depression.--Interposition of the King of France.--Bothwell at Edinburgh C...

Loch Leven Castle
1567-1568 Grange of Kircaldy.--Mary's letter.--Removal of Mary.--A ride at night.--Loch Leven Castle.--The square tower.--Plan of L...

The Long Captivity
1568-1570 Dumbarton Castle.--The situation and aspect.--Attempt to retreat to Dumbarton.--Mary's forces defeated.--Mary's flight.-...

The End
1586-1587 Plots and intrigues.--How far Mary was involved.--Babington's conspiracy.--Secret correspondence.--Seizure of Mary's pape...

The Little Waif
On a spring day, in the year 1568, Mistress Talbot sat in her lodging at Hull, an upper chamber, with a large latticed window, glaze...

Evil Tidings
After giving orders for the repairs of the Mastiff, and the disposal of her crew, Master Richard Talbot purveyed himself of a horse ...

The Captive
Death and sorrow seemed to have marked the house of Bridgefield, for the old lady never rallied after the blood-letting enjoined by ...

The Oak And The Oaken Hall
The oaks of Sheffield Park were one of the greatest glories of the place. Giants of the forest stretched their huge arms over the t...

The Huckstering Woman
The huckstering woman, Tibbott by name, was tended by Queen Mary's apothecary, and in due time was sent off well provided, to the gr...

The Bewitched Whistle
A child's point of view is so different from that of a grown person, that the discovery did not make half so much difference to Cis ...

The Blast Of The Whistle
Richard Talbot was of course convinced that witchcraft was not likely to be the most serious part of the misdeeds of Tibbott the huc...

The Key Of The Cipher
Where is the man who does not persuade himself that when he gratifies his own curiosity he does so for the sake of his womankind? S...

Bridgefield was a peaceable household, and the castle and manor beyond might envy its calm. From the time of the marriage of Eliz...

The Lady Arbell
After several weary months of languishing, Charles Stewart was saved from the miseries which seemed the natural inheritance of his n...

Queen Mary's Presence Chamber
The storm that followed on the instalment of the Lady Arbell at Sheffield was the precursor of many more. Her grandmother did suff...

A Furious Letter
A period now began of daily penance to Mrs. Talbot, of daily excitement and delight to Cis. Two hours or more had to be spent in at...

Beads And Bracelets
The Countess was by no means pacified by the investigation, and both she and her family remained at Court, maligning her husband and...

The Monograms
When Cicely had been carried into a chamber by Master Talbot, and laid half-conscious and moaning on the grand carved bed, Mrs. Talb...

Mother And Child
Cicely was well enough the next day to leave her room and come out on the summer's evening to enjoy the novel spectacle of Trowle Ma...

The Peak Cavern
It was quite true that at this period Queen Mary had good hope of liberation in the most satisfactory manner possible--short of bein...

The Ebbing Well
Cicely's thirst for adventures had received a check, but the Queen, being particularly well and in good spirits, and trusting that t...

Cis Or Sister
Buxtona, quae calidae celebraris nomine lymphae Forte mihi post hac non adeunda, Vale. (Buxton of whose warm waters men tel...

The Clash Of Swords
Festivals in the middle ages were conducted by day rather than by night, and it was a bright noonday sun that shone upon the great h...

Wingfield Manor
The drawing of swords was not regarded as a heinous offence in Elizabethan days. It was not likely, under ordinary circumstances, t...

A Tangle
It was a rainy November afternoon. Dinner was over, the great wood fire had been made up, and Mistress Talbot was presiding over th...

James VI. again cruelly tore his mother's heart and dashed her hopes by an unfeeling letter, in which he declared her incapable of b...

The Love Token
"Yonder woman came to tell this young lady's fortune," said Sir Ralf, a few days later. "Did she guess what I, an old man, have to ...

A Lioness At Bay
It was in the middle of the summer of 1586 that Humfrey and his young brother Richard, in broad grass hats and long feathers, found ...

Paul's Walk
Will Cavendish, who was in training for a statesman, and acted as a secretary to Sir Francis Walsingham, advised that the letters sh...

In The Web
It was a beautiful bright summer day, and Queen Mary and some of her train were preparing for their ride. The Queen was in high spi...

The Castle Well
"What vantage or what thing Gett'st thou thus for to sting, Thou false and flatt'ring liar? Thy tongue doth hurt, it's s...

Hunting Down The Deer
Humfrey had been sworn in of the service of the Queen, and had been put in charge of the guard mustered at Chartley for about ten da...

The Search
Humfrey had been much disappointed, when, instead of joining the hunt, Sir Amias Paulett bade him undertake the instruction of half ...

During that close imprisonment at Tixall Cicely learnt to know her mother both in her strength and weakness. They were quite alone;...

In the meantime the two Richard Talbots, father and son, had safely arrived in London, and had been made welcome at the house of the...

Westminster Hall
Beneath the noble roof of Westminster Hall, with the morning sun streaming in high aloft, at seven in the morning of the 14th of Se...

In The Tower
"Here is a letter from Mr. Secretary to the Lieutenant of the Tower, Master Richard, bidding him admit you to speech of Babington," ...

"Is this my last journey?" said Queen Mary, with a strange, sad smile, as she took her seat in the heavy lumbering coach which had b...

Before The Commissioners
Who would be permitted to witness the trial? As small matters at hand eclipse great matters farther off, this formed the immediate ...

A Venture
"Mother, dear mother, do but listen to me." "I must listen, child, when thou callest me so from your heart; but it is of no use, ...

My Lady's Remorse
"And have you brought her back again! O my lass! my lass!" cried Mistress Susan, surprised and delighted out of her usual staid co...

Master Talbot And His Charge
The afternoon on which they were to enter the old town of Kingston-upon-Hull closed in with a dense sea-fog, fast turning to drizzl...

The Fetterlock Court
People did not pity themselves so much for suspense when, instead of receiving an answer in less than an hour, they had to wait for ...

The Sentence
The tragedies of the stage compress themselves into a few hours, but the tragedies of real life are of slow and heavy march, and the...

Her Royal Highness
Cicely had been living in almost as much suspense in London as her mother at Fotheringhay. For greater security Mr. Talbot had kept...

The Supplication
In due time the boat drew up at the stairs leading to the palace of Richmond. Cicely, in the midst of her trepidation, perceived th...

The Warrant
"Yea, madam, they are gone! They stole away at once, and are far on the way to Fotheringhay, with these same conditions." So spoke...

On The Humber
Master Talbot had done considerately in arranging that Cicely should at least begin her journey on a pillion behind himself, for her...

Ten Years After
It was ten years later in the reign of Elizabeth, when James VI. was under one of his many eclipses of favour, and when the united E...

Queen Victoria

Sixty-three Years Since
The 24th of May, 1819, was a memorable and happy day for England, though like many such days, it was little noticed at the time. Six...

In the months of March and May, 1819, the following announcements of royal births appeared in succession in the newspapers of the da...

In the month of August, 1831, the Princess went with her mother to profit by the soft, sweet breezes of the Isle of Wight. The Duche...

The Accession
On the day after that on which Princess Victoria celebrated her majority. Baron Stockmar arrived at Kensington. He came from the Kin...

The Proroguing Of Parliament The Visit To Guildhall And The Coronation
Buckingham Palace had been a seat of the Duke of Buckingham's, which was bought by George II., and in the next reign was settled on ...

The Maiden Queen
When the great event of the coronation was over the Queen was left to fulfil the heavy demands of business and the concluding gaieti...

The Betrothal
The Queen's remaining unmarried was becoming the source of innumerable disturbing rumours and private intrigues for the bestowal of ...

The Marriage
The 10th of February rose dark and foggy, with a lowering sky discharging at frequent intervals heavy showers. But to many a loyal h...

A Royal Pair
The Queen and the Prince were only one whole day holding state by themselves at Windsor. It is not given to a royal couple to flee a...

Royal Occupations An Attempt On The Queen's Life
The family arrangements in the marriage of the Queen and Prince Albert appear to have been made with the kindest, most judicious con...

The First Christening The Season Of 1841
The Queen was able to open Parliament in person at the end of January. The first christening in the royal household had been fixed...

Birth Of The Prince Of Wales Visit Of The King Of Prussia
On the 9th of November, 1841, the happiness of the Queen and Prince was increased by the birth of the Prince of Wales. The event too...

Fresh Attempts Against The Queen's Life And The Death Of The Duc D'orleans
On the 30th of May a renewed attempt to assassinate the Queen, almost identical in the circumstances and the motive--or no motive, sav...

The Queen's First Visit To Scotland
The Queen had never been abroad. It was still well-nigh an unconstitutional step for a sovereign of England to claim the privilege, ...

A Marriage A Death And A Birth In The Royal Family
The rest of the autumn and early winter passed in busy quiet and domestic happiness. In November, the Queen honoured the Duke of Wel...

The Condemnation Of The English Duel
On the 1st of July, 1843, duelling received its death-blow in England by a fatal duel--so unnatural and so painful in its consequenc...

The Queen's Trip To Ostend Drayton Chatsworth And Belvoir
"Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coute." In the course of another week the Queen took a second trip to the Continent, sailing to Ost...

Allies From Afar And Death And Absence
Lady Bloomfield describes a set of visitors at Windsor this year such as have not infrequently come a long way to pay their homage t...

Royal Visitors And The Birth Op Prince Alfred
The year 1844 may be instanced as rich in royal visitors to England. On the 1st of June the King of Saxony arrived and shortly after...

Louis Philippe's Visit
The Queen and the Prince returned to Windsor to receive a visit from Louis Philippe. The King, who had spent part of his exiled yout...

Sketch Of The Princess Charlotte
It seems to me that the life of Queen Victoria cannot well be told without a prefacing sketch of her cousin, the Princess Charlotte,...

Birth Of The Princess Victoria
After the loss of his wife, Prince Leopold left for a time his sad home of Claremont, and returned to the Continent, but came back s...

Victoria's Early Education
Queen Victoria tells little of her childhood, but speaks of it as rather "dull." It seems, however, to have never been empty or idle...

Queen Victoria Absence From The Coronation Of William Iv
Queen-making is not a light task. It is no fancywork for idle hours. It is the first difficult draft of a chapter, perhaps a whole v...

King William Jealous Of Public Honors To Victoria
The indifference of the Duchess of Kent to the heavy pomps and heavier gayeties of his Court so offended his unmajestic Majesty, tha...

The Princess Opens The Victoria Park At Bath
When she was eleven years old, the Princess opened the Victoria Park at Bath. She began the opening business thus early, and has kep...

Victoria's First Meeting With Prince Albert
In May, 1836, the Princess saw, for the first time, her cousins, Ernest and Albert, of Saxe-Coburg. These brothers, one eighteen and...

The Last Day Of Victoria's Real Girlhood
It seems to me that the momentous day just described was the last of Victoria's real girlhood; that premature womanhood was thrust u...

The Sovereignty Of England And Hanover Severed Forever
Ever since the accession to the throne of Great Britain of the House of Brunswick, the Kings of England had also been Kings of Hanov...

Comments Upon The Young Queen By A Contemporaneous Writer In Blackwood
A writer in Blackwood, speaking of the Queen about this time, said: "She is 'winning golden opinions from all sorts of people' by he...

Victoria's First Christmas At Windsor Castle As Queen
On Lord Mayor's Day, the Queen went in state to dine with her brother- monarch, the King of "Great London Town." It was a memorable,...

The Coronation
The coronation was fixed for June 28, 1838 a little more than a year from the accession. The, Queen had been slightly troubled at...

Pictures And Descriptions Of The Queen And Her Love Of Pets-
In the Hall of the St. George's Society of Philadelphia there is a very interesting picture by the late Mr. Sully of Queen Victoria ...

Prince Albert
If the Princess Charlotte was the prototype of her cousin Victoria, Prince Leopold was in some respects the prototype of his beloved...

The First Months Of Marriage
In this mere sketch of the great life of the Queen of England, I can give little space to the political questions and events of her ...

Death Passes By
On the 10th of June, 1840, occurred the first mad attempt to assassinate Queen Victoria--made as she and Prince Albert were driving ...

Birth Of The Prince Of Wales
The next sensation in connection with the Court was the discovery of the famous "boy Jones" in Buckingham Palace. This singular youn...

The Queen's First Visit To Scotland
This year of 1842 was not all joy and festivity. It was the year of the massacres of the British forces in Cabul; there was financia...

He Queen And Prince Albert Make Their First Visit To Germany-
This year--1844--there was a death in the household at Windsor, and a birth. The death was that of Eos, the favorite greyhound of Pr...

Second Attempt On The Queen's Life
At last came 1848--a year packed with political convulsions and overthrows. The spirit of revolution was rampant, bowling away at al...

Birth Of The Duke Of Connaught
Early in this year of 1850, Prince Albert, though not in his usual health, began in deadly earnest on his colossal labors in behalf ...

Close Of The Great Exhibition-anecdote
The great Exhibition was closed about the middle of October, on a dark and rainy day. The last ceremonies were very solemn and impre...

Birth Of The Duke Of Albany
At Balmoral the following autumn, the Queen heard of the death of her most illustrious subject--the Duke of Wellington, and green ar...

The Emperor And Empress Of France Visit Windsor
The Queen's kind heart was really pained by the sudden death of the Czar, her sometime friend and "brother"--whose visit to Windsor wa...

Birth Of The Prince Imperial Of France
At Balmoral, where they took possession of the new Castle, the Queen and Prince received the news of the approaching fall of Sebasto...

The Prince Of Wales' Trip To America
In May, Prince Albert ran over to Germany to visit his old home, and his new son, and his darling daughter, whom he found well and h...

Failing Health Of Prince Albert
All this time while the Queen was absorbed by anxious care, or passionate grief for her mother, the health of the Prince-Consort was...

The Twilight Life After
"There is no one near me to call me 'Victoria' now!" is said to have been the desolate cry of the Queen, when, on waking from that f...

The Queen's Sympathy During The Illness Of President Garfield
On the 7th of March, 1863, all London and nearly all England went mad over the coming of the Princess Alexandra, from Denmark, to we...

My Reasons For Honoring The Queen
My reasons for admiring and honoring Queen Victoria are, perhaps, amply revealed in this little book, but I will briefly recapitulat...

Baby Drina
"Elizabeth would be a good name for her," said the Duke of Kent. "Elizabeth was the greatest woman who ever sat on the throne of En...

The Schooldays Of A Princess
Nothing could be more simple than the order of the Princess' day at Kensington. Breakfast was at eight, and it was eaten out of door...

Examination Day
When Queen Victoria was a tiny child, she is said to have asked her mother one day, "Mamma, why is it that when Feodore and I are wa...

A Queen At Eighteen
During the years from 1833 to Victoria's eighteenth birthday, on May 24, 1837, her life was sometimes that of a child, sometimes tha...

The Coronation
When the young Queen awoke on the morning after her accession, she must have fancied for a moment that she had dreamed all the event...

The Coming Of The Prince
The coronation ceremonies in Westminster Abbey were, indeed, magnificent, but it must not be supposed that England was satisfied wi...

Housekeeping In A Palace
Common people may make a wedding tour, but kings and queens are too fully occupied to afford such luxuries. The sovereign of England...

A Home Of Our Own
It is very delightful to live in palaces and entertain kings and emperors; but Queen Victoria's palaces belonged to the English nati...

Nis! Nis! Nis! Hurrah!
Few men in England worked as hard as Prince Albert, the uncrowned King. If a corner stone of a school, a hospital, or a public build...

The Royal Young People
Many people had thought that the Russians hoped to get control of India. If they had succeeded in doing so, the Queen would have bee...

The Queen In Sorrow
It had certainly become clear to all her Ministers that Victoria was no mere figurehead, for while she yielded if their judgment was...

The Little Folk
In the midst of all the royalties that were present at the wedding of the Prince of Wales were the two great novelists of the realm,...

Mother And Empress
While the German wars were going on the Queen was thinking for her country as a sovereign and feeling for her children as a mother. ...

The Jubilee Season
With the exception of Prince Alfred, the Queen's children had married according to the German proverb, "The oldest must leave the ho...

The Queen And The Children
There had been only one drawback to the Queen's happiness during the Jubilee rejoicings, and that was the poor health of her favorit...

The Closing Years
One autumn day in 1896 vast numbers of telegrams were sent to Queen Victoria, not only from the English colonies, but from almost al...

Reign Of Queen Victoria
The reign of Queen Victoria may be aptly described as a period of progress in all that related to the well-being of the subjects of ...

First Meeting With Prince Albert Death Of William Iv
The first great event in the young princess's life, and that which was destined to colour it all for her good and happiness, was her...

Marriage And Delicacy Of The Prince's Position
Nowhere does the genuine unselfishness and sweet womanliness of the Queen show more than in her record of those days. She did not, l...

Rebellion In Canada
The Queen had been only a few months on the throne when tidings arrived of a rebellion in Canada. The colonists had long been dissat...

Distribution Of Victoria Crosses By The Queen
For a long time the Turkish empire had been gradually falling into decay, and the possessions of the Turk--the 'sick man,' as he has...

The Indian Mutiny
Exactly one hundred years after Clive had laid the foundation of our empire in India by the victory of Plassey, events occurred in t...

Marriage Of The Princess Royal
Meanwhile a domestic incident had made a great change in the royal family. The Princess Royal had become engaged to Prince Frederick...

The Queen In Mourning
Henceforth the great Queen was 'written widow,' and while striving nobly in her loneliness to fulfil those public functions, in whic...

The Queen As An Artist And Author
The Prince-Consort, as we have seen, was accomplished in music and painting, and knew much about many subjects. The Queen is not onl...

Civil War In America
We now continue our summary of public affairs. The Crimean War had been finished, and the mutiny had broken out, whilst Lord Palmers...

I On November 6, 1817, died the Princess Charlotte, only child of the Prince Regent, and heir to the crown of England. Her short l...

I The child who, in these not very impressive circumstances, appeared in the world, received but scant attention. There was small ...

Lord Melbourne
I The new queen was almost entirely unknown to her subjects. In her public appearances her mother had invariably dominated the sce...

I It was decidedly a family match. Prince Francis Charles Augustus Albert Emmanuel of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha--for such was his full tit...

Lord Palmerston
I In 1851 the Prince's fortunes reached their highwater mark. The success of the Great Exhibition enormously increased his reputat...

Last Years Of The Prince Consort
I The weak-willed youth who took no interest in politics and never read a newspaper had grown into a man of unbending determination...

I The death of the Prince Consort was the central turning-point in the history of Queen Victoria. She herself felt that her true l...

Mr Gladstone And Lord Beaconsfield
I Lord Palmerston's laugh--a queer metallic 'Ha! ha! ha!' with reverberations in it from the days of Pitt and the Congress of Vien...

Old Age
I Meanwhile in Victoria's private life many changes and developments had taken place. With the marriages of her elder children her...

The End
The evening had been golden; but, after all, the day was to close in cloud and tempest. Imperial needs, imperial ambitions, involved ...

A Look Back
In the old legend of Rip Van Winkle with which the American writer Washington Irving has made us so familiar, the ne'er-do-weel Rip ...

Childhood Days
On the western side of Kensington Gardens stands the old Palace, built originally in the solid Dutch style for King William and Mary...

Early Years
God save thee, weeping Queen! Thou shalt be well beloved! The tyrant's sceptre cannot move, As those pure tears have...

Husband And Wife
After four short days the Queen and her husband returned to London, and from this time onward the Prince acted as his wife's secreta...

Family Life
"Upon the good education of princes, and especially of those who are destined to govern, the welfare of the world in these days very...

"Two men I honour, and no third. First, the toilworn Craftsman that with earth-made Implement laboriously conquers the Earth, and ma...

Victorian Era
1838. The Chartist Movement. The Chartists demanded (1) Annual Parliaments; (2) Manhood Suffrage; (3) Vote by ballot; (4) Equal ele...

The Children Of England
"From the folding of its robe, it brought two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. . . . They were a boy and a...

Ministering Women
Honour to those whose words or deeds Thus help us in our daily needs; And by their overflow Raise us from what i...

It was in Balmoral Castle that the husband and wife most loved to be with their children. Here they could lead a simple life free fr...

The Great Exhibition
The idea of a "great exhibition of the Works and Industries of all Nations" was Prince Albert's. The scheme when first proposed in 1...

Albert The Good
The year 1861 was a black year for the Queen. On March 15th her mother, the Duchess of Kent, died. She had been living for some time...

Friends And Advisers
Possibly the person to whom the Queen owed most--next to her husband--was Lord Melbourne. His position at the time when the young Q...

Queen And Empire
What should they know of England who only England know? The England of Queen Elizabeth was the England of Shakespeare: This...

Countries Around The Globe
THE BRITISH EMPIRE The population of the Empire is estimated to be 355 millions of coloured and 60 millions of white people. ...

Stress And Strain
Forward, forward let us range, Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change. ...

Victoria The Great
The keynote of Queen Victoria's life was simplicity. She was a great ruler, and at the same time a simple-minded, sympathetic woman,...

Victoria Life
Victoria Alexandrina, only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent, fourth son of George III. Born at Kensington, May 24, 1819. Became Quee...

Queen Elizabeth

Elizabeth's Mother
1533-1536 Greenwich.--The hospital.--Its inmates.--Greenwich Observatory.--Manner of taking time.--Henry the Eighth.--His characte...

The Childhood Of A Princess
1536-1548 Elizabeth's condition at the death of her mother.--Her residence.--Letter of Lady Bryan, Elizabeth's governess.--Conclusi...

Lady Jane Grey
1550-1553 Lady Jane Grey.--Her disposition and character.--Lady Jane's parents.--Restraints put upon her.--Lady Jane's attainments...

The Spanish Match
1553-1555 Queen Mary's character.--Bigotry and firmness.--Suitors for Queen Mary's hand.--Emperor Charles the Fifth.--Character of ...

Elizabeth In The Tower
1554-1555 Elizabeth's position.--Legitimacy of Mary and Elizabeth's birth.--Mary and Elizabeth's differences.--Courteney's long imp...

Accession To The Throne
1555-1558 Mary's unhappy reign.--Unrequited love.--Mary's sufferings.--Her religious principles.--Progress of Mary's Catholic zeal....

The War In Scotland
1559-1560 Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots.--Their rivalry.--Character of Mary.--Character of Elizabeth.--Elizabeth's celebrity wh...

Elizabeth's Lovers
1560-1581 Claimants to the throne.--General character of Elizabeth's reign.--Elizabeth's suitors.--Their motives.--Philip of Spain ...

Personal Character
1560-1586 Opinions of Elizabeth's character.--The Catholics and Protestants.--Parties in England.--Elizabeth's wise administration...

The Invincible Armada
1585-1588 Fierce contests between Catholics and Protestants.--Philip's cruelty.--Effects of war.--Napoleon and Xerxes.--March of i...

The Earl Of Essex
1588-1600 Character of Essex.--Death of Leicester.--Essex becomes the queen's favorite.--Cecil and Essex.--Elizabeth's regard for E...

The Conclusion
1600-1603 Question of Essex's guilt.--General opinion of mankind.--Elizabeth's distress.--Fall of Essex's party.--Wounds of the hea...

Queen Adelaide

A Brief Account Of Boston House And The Clitherow Family
IT seems almost incredible that in the twentieth century a station on the Metropolitan Railway should stand amidst quite rural surroun...

Defeat Of The Ministry Dinner At St James's
THOUGH the reign of William IV. was free from any serious war, the political condition of the country was such as to cause the King mu...

A Week-end Visit To Windsor
THE following long letter bears testimony to the King's conscientious discharge of duty, to his anxiety with regard to public affairs,...

False Rumours About The Queen
IN 1832 the cholera made its appearance in many parts of the country, and claimed many victims. At Brentford the people disputed hotly...

The Royal Birthday Fetes
THE following year found Colonel Clitherow's time greatly occupied with the treasurership of the Sons of the Clergy Corporation, and w...

Dinner To Their Majesties At Boston House
OUR next glimpse of their Majesties is not from, but at Boston House. This unsought honour was rather deprecated, though thoroughly a...

Luncheon At Windsor Visits To Windsor And St James's
'BOSTON HOUSE, 'August 28 [1834], WE have been absent a week visiting different friends, and on our return this morning took a Roya...

Dinner At Kew Fetes At Syon House Queen Adelaide's Fund
'BOSTON HOUSE, 'July 13 [1835]. 'WE were invited on Saturday to dine at Kew with their Majesties. It was quite a social party, no c...

Death Of The King
AFTER a short illness, William IV. died at Windsor Castle on June 20, 1837. On July 17 Miss Clitherow wrote as follows: 'Thank you ...

An Appreciation Of King William Iv And His Reign
TO the letters already given, which cover the seven years of William IV.'s reign, it seems appropriate to add two public utterances on...

In The Beginning
THE little Duchy of Saxe-Meinengen was once a portion of the inheritance of the princely Franconian house of Henneberg. The failure o...

Windsor Castle

Of The Earl Of Surrey's Solitary Ramble In The Home Park
In the twentieth year of the reign of the right high and puissant King Henry the Eighth, namely, in 1529, on the 21st of April, and ...

The Butcher And How He Was Cast Into The Vault Of The Curfew Tower
Turning off on the right, the earl and his companion continued to descend the hill until they came in sight of the Garter--a snug li...

Of The Meeting Of King Henry The Eighth And Anne Boleyn At The Lower Gate
A joyous day was it for Windsor and great were the preparations made by its loyal inhabitants for a suitable reception to the...

How King Henry The Eighth Held A Chapter Of The Garter
From a balcony overlooking the upper ward, Anne Boleyn beheld the king's approach on his return from the Garter Tower, and waving he...

Of The Ghostly Chase Beheld By The Earl Of Surrey And The Duke Of Richmond In Windsor Forest
On that same night, and just as the castle clock was on the stroke of twelve, the Earl of Surrey and the Duke of Richmond issued fro...

How The Fair Geraldine Bestowed A Relic Upon Her Lover
Surrey and Richmond agreed to say nothing for the present of their mysterious adventure in the forest; but their haggard looks, as t...

How The Earl Of Surrey And The Fair Geraldine Plighted Their Troth In The Cloisters Of Saint George's Chapel
Barriers were erected on the following day in the upper ward of the castle, and the Lady Anne and her dames assembled in the balcony...

Of Tristram Lyndwood The Old Forester And His Granddaughter Mabel
In consequence of the announcement that a grand hunting party would be held in the forest, all the verderers, rangers, and keepers a...

By What Means Sir Thomas Wyat Obtained An Interview With Anne Boleyn
The incident above related gave new life to the adherents of Catherine of Arragon, while it filled those devoted to Anne Boleyn with...

Of The Mysterious Disappearance Of Herne The Hunter In The Lake
Unable to procure any mitigation of Surrey's sentence, the Duke of Richmond proceeded to the Round Tower, where he found his friend ...

Of The Compact Between Sir Thomas Wyat And Herne The Hunter
On the day after his secret interview with Anne Boleyn, Sir Thomas Wyat received despatches from the king for the court of France. ...

In What Manner Wolsey Put His Scheme Into Operation
Foiled in his scheme of making Wyat the instrument of Anne Boleyn's overthrow, Wolsey determined to put into immediate operation the...

Of The Visit Of The Two Guildford Merchants To The Forester's Hut
Tristam Lyndwood did not return home till late in the evening; and when informed of the cardinal's visit, he shook his head gravely....

How Herne The Hunter Showed The Earl Of Surrey The Fair Geraldine In A Vision
On the third day after Surrey's imprisonment in the keep, he was removed to the Norman Tower. The chamber allotted him was square, t...

What Befell Sir Thomas Wyat In The Sandstone Cave
THE cave in which Sir Thomas Wyat found himself, on the removal of the bandage from his eyes, was apparently--for it was only lighte...

How Sir Thomas Wyat Hunted With Herne
Accompanied by Wyat, and followed by the whole cavalcade, Herne dashed into the glen, where Fenwolf awaited him. Threading the hollo...

How Wyat Beheld Mabel Lyndwood
When perfect consciousness returned to him, Wyat found himself lying upon a pallet in what he first took to be the cell of an anchor...

How The King And The Duke Of Suffolk Were Assailed By Herne's Band
Henry and Suffolk, on leaving the forester's hut, took their way for a sort space along the side of the lake, and then turned into a...

Showing How Morgan Fenwolf Escaped From The Garter Tower
Half-an-hour afterwards Fenwolf was visited by the Duke of Suffolk and a canon of the college; and the guard-chamber being cleared, ...

How Herne The Hunter Was Himself Hunted
On the guard's recovery, information of what had occurred was immediately conveyed to the king, who had not yet retired to rest, bu...

Comprising The First Two Epochs In The History Of Windsor Castle
Amid the gloom hovering over the early history of Windsor Castle appear the mighty phantoms of the renowned King Arthur and his knig...

Comprising The Third Great Epoch In The History Of The Castle
Strongly attached to the place of his birth, Edward the Third, by his letters patent dated from Westminster, in the twenty-second ye...

Comprising The Fourth Epoch In The History Of The Castle
Finding the foundation and walls of Saint George's Chapel much dilapidated and decayed, Edward the Fourth resolved to pull down the ...

Containing The History Of The Castle From The Reign Of Charles The Second To That Of George The Third
ON the Restoration the castle resumed its splendour, and presented a striking contrast to the previous gloomy period. The terrace, wit...

The Last Great Epoch In The History Of The Castle
A prince of consummate taste and fine conceptions, George the Fourth meditated, and, what is better, accomplished the restoration of...

Of The Interview Between Henry And Catherine Of Arragon In The Urswick Chapel
IT was now the joyous month of June; and where is June so joyous as within the courts and halls of peerless Windsor? Where does th...

How Herne The Hunter Appeared To Henry On The Terrace
Henry again sat down to his despatches, and employed himself upon them to a late hour. At length, feeling heated and oppressed, he a...

How Mabel Lyndwood Was Taken To The Castle By Nicholas Clamp
THE storm which had fallen so heavily on the castle had likewise visited the lake, and alarmed the inmates of the little dwelling on...

How Mabel Was Received By The Party In The Kitchen
Addressing himself to a stout-built yeoman of the guard, who was standing within the doorway, Nicholas Clamp demanded admittance to ...

Of The Combat Between Will Sommers And Patch
Mabel's heart fluttered violently at the usher's announcement, and for a moment the colour deserted her cheek, while the next instan...

The Legend Of Herne The Hunter
"Nearly a century and a half ago," commenced Cutbeard, about the middle of the reign of Richard the Second, there was among the keep...

Of The Mysterious Noise Heard In The Curfew Tower
On quitting the kitchen, Henry, having been informed by Bouchier that Tristram Lyndwood was lodged in the prison-chamber in the lowe...

Showing The Vacillations Of The King Between Wolsey And Anne Boleyn
Before returning to the state apartments, Henry took a turn on the ramparts on the north side of the castle, between the Curfew Towe...

How Tristram Lyndwood Was Interrogated By The King
Anne Boleyn remained with her royal lover for a few minutes to pour forth her gratitude for the attachment he had displayed to her, ...

Of The Brief Advantage Gained By The Queen And The Cardinal
As the king, wholly unattended--for he had left the archers at the Curfew Tower--was passing at the back of Saint George's Chapel, n...

How Tristram Lyndwood And Mabel Were Liberated
Intelligence of the queen's return was instantly conveyed to Anne Boleyn, and filled her with indescribable alarm. All her visions o...

How Wolsey Was Disgraced By The King
On the following day, a reconciliation took place between the king and Anne Boleyn. During a ride in the great park with his royal b...

How The Earl Of Surrey And The Fair Geraldine Met In King James's Bower In The Moat
IN order to preserve unbroken the chain of events with which the last book of this chronicle concluded, it was deemed expedient to d...

How Sir Thomas Wyat Found Mabel In The Sandstone Cave And What Happened To Him There
A week after the foregoing occurrence, the Earl of Surrey was set free. But his joy at regaining his liberty was damped by learning ...

In What Manner Herne Declared His Passion For Mabel
Utterly disregarding her cries and entreaties, Fenwolf dragged Mabel into the great cavern, and forced her to take a seat on a bench...

How Sir Thomas Wyat Was Visited By Herne In The Cell
Made aware by the clangour of the lock, and Fenwolf's exulting laughter, of the snare in which he had been caught, Sir Thomas Wyat i...

How Mabel Escaped From The Cave With Sir Thomas Wyat
The next day Mabel was set at liberty by her gaoler, and the hours flew by without the opportunity of escape, for which she sighed, ...

Of The Desperate Resolution Formed By Tristram And Fenwolf And How The Train Was Laid
Transported with rage at the escape of the fugitives, Fenwolf turned to old Tristram, and drawing his knife, threatened to make an e...

How The Train Was Fired And What Followed The Explosion
About ten o'clock in the night under consideration, Surrey and Richmond, accompanied by the Duke of Shoreditch, and half a dozen oth...

Of Henry's Attachment To Jane Seymour
ON the anniversary of Saint George, 1536, and exactly seven years from the opening of this chronicle, Henry assembled the knights-co...

How Anne Boleyn Received Proof Of Henry's Passion For Jane Seymour
On the day after the solemnisation of the Grand Feast of the Order of the Garter, a masqued fete of great splendour and magnificence...

What Passed Between Norris And The Tall Monk
Tottering to the seat which Henry and Jane had just quitted, Anne sank into it. After a little time, having in some degree recovered...

Of The Secret Interview Between Norris And Anne Boleyn And Of The Dissimulation Practised By The King
Henry's attentions to Jane Seymour at the masqued fete were so marked, that the whole court was made aware of his passion. But it wa...

What Happened At The Jousts
The first of May arrived; and though destined to set in darkness and despair, it arose in sunshine and smiles. All were astir at ...

What Passed Between Anne Boleyn And The Duke Of Suffolk And How Herne The Hunter Appeared To Her In The Oratory
For some hours Anne Boleyn's attendants were alarmed for her reason, and there seemed good grounds for the apprehension, so wildly a...

How Herne Appeared To Henry In The Home Park
On that same night, at a late hour, a horseman, mounted on a powerful steed, entered the eastern side of the home park, and statione...

The Signal Gun
Anne Boleyn's arraignment took place in the great hall of the White Tower, on the 16th of May, before the Duke of Norfolk, who was c...

King Henry the VIII

Letter First To Anne Boleyn
On turning over in my mind the contents of your last letters, I have put myself into great agony, not knowing how to interpret them,...

Letter Second To Anne Boleyn
Though it is not fitting for a gentleman to take his lady in the place of a servant, yet, complying with your desire, I willingly gr...

Letter Third To Anne Boleyn
Although, my Mistress, it has not pleased you to remember the promise you made me when I was last with you--that is, to hear good ne...

Letter Fourth To Anne Boleyn
MY MISTRESS & FRIEND, my heart and I surrender ourselves into your hands, beseeching you to hold us commended to your favour, and th...

Letter Fifth To Anne Boleyn
For a present so beautiful that nothing could be more so (considering the whole of it), I thank you most cordially, not only on acco...

Letter Sixth To Anne Boleyn
TO MY MISTRESS. Because the time seems very long since I heard concerning your health and you, the great affection I have for you ha...

Letter Seventh To Anne Boleyn
DARLING, these shall be only to advertise you that this bearer and his fellow be despatched with as many things to compass our matte...

Letter Eighth Anne Boleyn To Wolsey
MY LORD, in my most humblest wise that my heart can think, I desire you to pardon me that I am so bold to trouble you with my simple...

Postscript By Henry Viii
The writer of this letter would not cease, till she had caused me likewise to set my hand, desiring you, though it be short, to take...

Letter Ninth To Anne Boleyn
There came to me suddenly in the night the most afflicting news that could have arrived. The first, to hear of the sickness of my mi...

Letter Tenth To Anne Boleyn
The uneasiness my doubts about your health gave me, disturbed and alarmed me exceedingly, and I should not have had any quiet withou...

Letter Eleventh To Anne Boleyn
The cause of my writing at this time, good sweetheart, is only to understand of your good health and prosperity; whereof to know I w...

Letter Twelfth To Anne Boleyn
Since your last letters, mine own darling, Walter Welshe, Master Browne, Thos. Care, Grion of Brearton, and John Coke, the apothecar...

Letter Thirteenth To Anne Boleyn
The approach of the time for which I have so long waited rejoices me so much, that it seems almost to have come already. However, th...

Letter Fourteenth To Anne Boleyn
DARLING, I heartily recommend me to you, ascertaining you that I am not a little perplexed with such things as your brother shall on...

Letter Fifteenth To Anne Boleyn
MINE own SWEETHEART, this shall be to advertise you of the great elengeness that I find here since your departing; for, I ensure you...

Letter Sixteenth To Anne Boleyn
DARLING, Though I have scant leisure, yet, remembering my promise, I thought it convenient to certify you briefly in what case our a...

Letter Seventeenth To Anne Boleyn
The reasonable request of your last letter, with the pleasure also that I take to know them true, causeth me to send you these news....

Letter Eighteenth To Anne Boleyn
To inform you what joy it is to me to understand of your conformableness with reason, and of the suppressing of your inutile and vai...

Choosing A Confessor
It was in the year 1543. King Henry the Eighth of England that day once more pronounced himself the happiest and most enviable man i...

The Queen And Her Friend
At last this long day of ceremonies and festivities drew near its close, and Catharine might soon hope to be, for the time, relieved...

King Henry The Eighth
Catharine was not deceived. The doors were opened, and on the threshold appeared the lord marshal, with his golden mace. "His maj...

King By The Wrath Of God
"Who dares interrupt us?" cried the king, as with headlong step he returned to the chamber--"who dares speak of mercy?" "I dare!"...

The Rivals
At the very moment when the king was pronouncing, in a voice almost exultant, Anne Askew's sentence of death, one of the king's cava...

The Intercession
"And now, Kate," said the king, when all had withdrawn, and he was again alone with her, "now let us forget everything, save that we...

Henry The Eighth And His Wives
The calm of night had now succeeded to the tempest of the day, and after so much bustle, festivity, and rejoicing, deep quiet now re...

Father And Daughter
Both now kept silent for a long time. Lord Douglas had leaned back on the ottoman, and, respiring heavily, seemed to breathe a littl...

The great levee was over. Sitting beside the king on the throne, Catharine had received the congratulations of her court; and the ki...

The King's Fool
Two years had passed away since the king's marriage, and still Catharine Parr had always kept in favor with her husband; still her e...

The Ride
It was a wondrous morning. The dew still lay on the grass of the meadows, over which they had just ridden to reach the thicket of th...

The Declaration
Thomas Seymour returned to Catharine. She still lay there with closed eyes, pale and motionless. He gazed on her long and steadil...

Le Roi S'ennuit
King Henry was alone in his study. He had spent a few hours in writing on a devout and edifying book, which he was preparing for his...

The Queen's Friend
Earl Douglas, Gardiner, and Wriothesley, had accompanied the king into his cabinet. At last the great blow was to be struck, and ...

John Heywood
After so much care and excitement, the king needed an hour of recreation and amusement. Since the fair young queen was seeking these...

The Confidant
The queen was just ascending the steps of the great public staircase, and she greeted John Heywood with a friendly smile. "My lad...

Gammer Gueton's Needle
Slowly and lost in gloomy thought, John Heywood walked toward his lodgings. These lodgings were situated in the second or inner cour...

Lady Jane
All was quiet in the palace of Whitehall. Even the servants on guard in the vestibule of the king's bedchamber had been a long time ...

Loyola's General
She rushed to the window and gazed after him till he had disappeared, then she uttered a deep cry of anguish, and, wholly overcome b...

The Prisoner
Still all was calm and quiet in the palace of Whitehall. Nothing was stirring, and nobody had heard how Lady Jane Douglas left her c...

Princess Elizabeth
The king sleeps. Let him sleep! He is old and infirm, and God has severely punished the restless tyrant with a vacillating, ever-di...

Henry Howard Earl Of Surrey
The great court festival, so long expected, was at last to take place today. Knights and lords were preparing for the tournament; po...

Brother And Sister
Lightly on the tips of her toes the duchess stole toward her brother, who did not yet observe her. The thick Turkish carpet made her...

The Queen's Toilet
The festivities of the day are concluded, and the gallant knights and champions, who have to-day broken a lance for the honor of the...

The Queen's Rosette
The golden gallery, in which the tourney of the poets was to take place, presented to-day a truly enchanting and fairy-like aspect. ...

Miss Holland, the beautiful and much-admired mistress of the Duke of Norfolk, was alone in her magnificently adorned boudoir. It was...

The Acknowledgment
The Princess Elizabeth was sitting in her room, melancholy and absorbed in thought. Her eyes were red with weeping; and she pressed ...

For a few days past the king's gout had grown worse, and, to his wrath and grief, it confined him as a prisoner to his rolling chair...

The Accusation
In vain had the king hoped to master his pains, or at least to forget them, while he tried to sleep. Sleep had fled from the king's ...

The Feast Of Death
For a long time the king had not appeared in such good spirits as on this festive evening. For a long time he had not been so comple...

The Queen
From the niche in which John Heywood had hid himself he could survey the entire corridor and all the doors opening into it--could se...

Parliament, which had not for a long time now ventured to offer any further opposition to the king's will--Parliament had acquiesced...

New Intrigues
Henry Howard was dead; and now one would have thought the king might be satisfied and quiet, and that sleep would no longer flee fro...

The King And The Priest
"God bless and preserve your majesty!" said Gardiner as he entered, to the king, who just then was sitting with the queen at the che...

It was many days since the king had been as well as he was to-day. For a long time he had not enjoyed such refreshing sleep as on th...

The Catastrophe
After days of secret torture and hidden tears, after nights of sobbing anguish and wailing sorrow, Catharine had at last attained to...

Le Roi Est Mort Vive La Reine!
King Henry lay a-dying. That life full of sin, full of blood and crime, full of treachery and cunning, full of hypocrisy and sanctim...

Catherine of Aragon

The mythic element cannot be eliminated out of history. Men who play leading parts on the world's stage gather about them the admira...

Catherine Incapable Of Having Further Children
In the year 1526 the political prospects of England became seriously clouded. A disputed succession had led in the previous century to...

Anne Boleyn Chosen By Henry To Succeed Catherine
It was believed at the time--and it was the tradition afterwards--that Wolsey, in his mission to Paris, intended to replace Catherin...

Anxiety Of The Pope To Satisfy The King
The story returns to Orvieto. The dispensation was promised on condition that it should not be immediately acted on. Catherine havin...

The Divorce
The marriage with Anne Boleyn was now a fixed idea in Henry's mind. He had become passionately attached to her, though not perhaps she...

Illness Of The Pope
Human pity is due to the unfortunate Pope--Vicar of Christ, supreme judge in Europe, whose decrees were the inspirations of the Holy...

The Court At Blackfriars
The great scene in the hall at the Blackfriars when the cause of Henry VIII. and Catherine of Aragon was pleaded before Wolsey and C...

Alarm Of Catherine And The Growth Of Lutheranism
On the collapse of the commission it was at once announced that the King would summon a Parliament. For many years Wolsey had govern...

Anger Of Anne Boleyn And The Duke Of Norfolk
The momentous year of 1529 wore out. Parliament rose before Christmas; Peers and Commons dispersed to their homes; and the chief par...

Danger Of Challenging The Papal Dispensing Power
The question whether the Pope had power to license marriages within the forbidden degrees affected interests immeasurably wider than...

Unpopularity Of Anne Boleyn And Removal Of Catherine From The Court
A struggle was now inevitable between the King and the Pope, and the result of it would depend on the sentiments of the English nati...

Death Of Archbishop Warham And The Pope Urged To Excommunicate Henry But Refuses Angering The Queen
The unity of Christendom was not to be broken in pieces without an effort to preserve it. Charles V. was attempting impossibilities ...

Henry Advised To Marry Without Waiting For Sentence
The Pope had promised Ortiz that nothing should be said of the intended excommunication till the brief was complete. He betrayed the s...

Coronation Of Anne Boleyn
If circumstances can be imagined to justify the use of the dispensing power claimed and exercised by the Papacy, Henry VIII. had...

The Pope's Authority Abolished In England
Interview between the Pope and Francis at Marseilles--Proposed compromise--The divorce case to be heard at Cambray--The Emperor conse...

Determined Attitude Of The Princess Mary
Pretenders to supernatural powers usually confine the display of their skill to the presence of friends and believers. The exercise ...

Intended Escape Of The Princess Mary Out Of England
The English Peers are supposed to have been the servile instruments of Henry VIII.'s tyrannies and caprices, to have been ready to d...

Illness Of The Princess Mary
England, to all appearance, was now on the eve of a bloody and desperate war. The conspirators were confident of success; but conspi...

Absolution Of Lord Thomas Fitzgerald For The Murder Of The Archbishop Of Dublin
Negotiations for a treaty--Appeal of Catherine to the Emperor--Fresh plans for the escape of Mary--Forbidden by the Emperor--The King ...

Warlike Resolution Of The Pope Restrained By The Cardinals
Cifuentes had been misinformed when he feared that Francis was again about to interpose in Henry's behalf at Rome. The conferenc...

Illness Of Queen Catherine
While the Pope was held back by the Cardinals, and the Great Powers were watching each other, afraid to move, the knot was about to ...

Likelihood Of A Separation Of The King From Anne
Catherine was buried with some state in Peterborough Cathedral, on the 29th of January. In the ceremonial she was described as the w...

Anne Sentenced To Die
Easter at Greenwich--French and Imperial factions at the English court-- Influence of Anne Boleyn--Reports of Anne's conduct submitted...

Competition For Henry's Hand
Human nature is said to be the same in all ages and countries. Manners, if it be so, signally vary. Among us, when a wife dies, some d...

Expectation That Henry Would Return To The Roman Communion
Whether Henry, on the exposure of the character of the woman for whom, in the world's union, he had quarrelled with Rome and broken ...



  Queen Mary  
  Queen Victoria  
  Queen Elizabeth  
  Queen Adelaide  
  Windsor Castle  
  King Henry the VIII  
  Catherine of Aragon  

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