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  Superstitions (107)

Find thousands of old superstitions and urban legends taken from around the world divided into themed categories.


1. The bairn that is born on fair Sunday Is bonny and loving, and blithe and gay. Monday's bairn is fair in the face...

7. If a child cries during baptism, it is the devil going out of it. Niagara Falls, Ont. 8. It is lucky for the child to ...

10. An open hand in a baby is a sign of a generous disposition, but a habit of closing the fingers indicates avarice, or, as we say, ...

Introduction To The World
17. Take the baby first into the sunlight on Sunday. Put it into short clothes and make all changes on that day. 18. To make a chil...

First Actions
41. If a child cries at birth and lifts up one hand, he is born to command. 42. If the baby smiles in its sleep, it is talking with...

45. First a daughter, then a son, The world is well begun. First a son, then a daughter, Trouble follows aft...

60. A child to whom is told any story which he considers remarkable will usually reply by an expression of skepticism, such as: Really...

To stump another boy to do a thing is considered as putting a certain obligation on him to perform the action indicated. The phrase is...

76. Put a mark upon a paper for every bow you get, and when you have one hundred bury the paper and wish. When the paper is decayed yo...

79. If two persons, while walking, divide so as to pass an obstruction one on one side and one on the other, they will quarrel. Childr...

81. The stars are angels' eyes. Westminster, Mass. 82. The stars are holes made in the sky, so that the light of heaven ...

89. An eyewinker placed in the palm of the hand will cause the ferule to break when the teacher strikes the palm with it. P...

91. At croquet, if your ball was about to be sent flying, the safeguard was to draw an imaginary X with your mallet, saying, Criss cro...

94. When a child loses a tooth, if the tongue is not put into the cavity a gold tooth will come in place of it. New York an...

101. If a person is very handsome, it is a sign that he will have one of the infectious diseases of childhood (measles, whooping cough...

102. Dimple in chin. Devil within. Chestertown, Md. 103. A dimple in the chin is lucky. Some say it shows you're ...

105. Small ears indicate that a person is stingy. Large ones show that he is generous. General. 106. Large ears are a ma...

Eyes And Eyebrows
109. Hazel eyes betoken a good disposition. Boston, Mass. 110. If your eyebrows meet, you will be rich. Somerv...

115. Always keep your nails clean and you will be rich. Peabody, Mass. 116. A white spot in the nail, when it comes, mean...

120. If your instep is high enough to have water flow under it, you are of good descent. Brookline, Mass. 121. A mole on...

122. If there is a blue vein in the child's forehead extending down upon the nose, it is one of the surest signs of early death. ...

124. Coarse hair indicates good nature; fine hair quick temper. Northern Ohio. 125. Red hair indicates a spit-fire. ...

138. A straight line in the palm of the hand is an omen of early death. Massachusetts. 139. The letter formed by the vein...

148. A mole on the eyebrow denotes that one will be hanged. On the ear it denotes that he will be drowned. Chestertown, Md....

156. A vein across the nose is an omen of short life. General in the United States. ...

157. A broad space between the teeth indicates a liar. Biddeford, Me. 158. Broad front teeth mean that one is generous. ...

164. Eat an apple at midnight before the glass, saying,-- Whoever my true love may be, Come and eat this apple with me,...

166. When eating an apple, snap it with the fingers and name it for a person of the opposite sex. Count the fully developed seeds (all...

174. Kiss the baby when nine days old, and the first gentleman you kiss afterward will be your future husband. New England....

175. Go upstairs backward, into a chamber backward, and into bed backward. Drink some salt and water, and if you dream of some one br...

183. Read the third verse of the third chapter of Hosea, Joel, and Amos for three Sundays in succession, and the first gentleman you w...

185. When you see a turkey-buzzard flying alone, repeat,-- Hail! Hail! Lonely, lonesome turkey-buzzard: Hail to the Eas...

187. The coming husband is determined by repeating the following words, touching each button of the coat, vest, or dress in order:-- ...

Four-leaved Clover
194. If a girl puts a two-leaved clover in her shoe, the first man who comes on the side where the clover is will be her future husban...

199. Count sixty white horses and one white mule, then you will marry the first man with whom you shake hands. Chestertown,...

Daisy Petals
211. Pull off the petals of a daisy one by one, naming a boy (or a girl as the case may be) at each one, thus, Jenny, Fanny, Jenny, Fa...

220. Put the breast-bone of a fowl over the front door, and the first one of the opposite sex that enters is to be your future compani...

225. Take an egg to your window; break it over a knife; remember the day and date. Wish that your true love would come to you. If you ...

229. Name each of the four fingers of one hand for some person of the opposite sex, then press them tightly together with the other ha...

230. Scatter your clothes in the four corners of the room, naming them. The man you are to marry will bring you your clothes in a drea...

Letters Of The Alphabet
241. Write names on three pieces of paper, throw them up in the air (in the dark); feel for one, put it under the pillow, and in the m...

245. Go out at midnight and walk around a peach-tree, repeating,-- Low for a foreigner, Bark for a near one, Cro...

248. Take beans in the hand, go out of doors and throw them against the window. The first man's name that you hear spoken is the name ...

263. Suspend a ring by a hair from the finger. Let it swing over a tumbler. The number of strokes against the side of the tumbler indi...

267. If you look at a bright star intently before retiring, you will dream of your sweetheart. Alabama. 268. Count nine ...

273. After drinking tea, turn the cup upside down, whirl it round three times, set it down in the saucer, whirl again, take it up, tur...

Walking Abroad
276. Go to walk and turn back. The first man you meet you'll marry. Massachusetts. 277. If you walk the length of seven r...

282. Float two cambric needles on water and name them. If they float together, they'll marry. If they float apart, they won't marry. ...

290. On accidentally making two lines rhyme, kiss your hand, and you will be so fortunate as to see your lover before nine that night....

303. A Halloween custom is to fill a tub with water and drop into it as many apples as there are young folks to try the trick. Then ea...

327. If you are a bridesmaid three times you will never stand in the middle. Baldwinsville, N.Y. 328. Three times a brid...

Attire Of The Bride
332. If you try on your wedding dress before the ceremony, you will not be happy. Cambridge, Mass. 333. The bride should...

Lucky Days
345. Marry in Lent, Live to repent. New York. 346. The day after a wedding is called the bride's day, the next ...

The Marriage Ceremony
351. Happy is the bride that the sun shines on. Northern Ohio. 352. If it rains on the wedding, the bride will cry all he...

Courting And Wedding Signs
364. If your apron string becomes loosened, your true love is thinking of you. New York. 365. If your apron drops off, y...

431. If you take a baby in your arms for the first time, and at the same time wish, you will get your wish before the year is out. ...

463. To dream of cod or caplin is a sign of rain[TN-3] Newfoundland. 464. To dream of a good catch of fish is a sign of r...

494. To dream of white things is lucky (or sign of death?). Newfoundland. 495. Dreaming of white things is a sign of snow...

Dead Persons
498. To dream of a dead father is lucky. Labrador. 499. To dream of a dead mother is unlucky; it brings sorrow. ...

505. To dream of walking in a garden is a sign of a graveyard. 506. To dream of ploughed ground indicates that a grave will be dug f...

510. To dream of eggs means you will get a beating,[TN-4] Prince Edward Island. 511. Dreaming of eggs is a sign of anger;...

Fire And Smoke
514. It is bad luck to dream of fire. St. John, N.B. 515. To dream of fire portends sickness. Eastern Massachu...

Human Beings
524. To dream of a baby is a sign of death. 525. To dream of babies is unlucky or is a sign of trouble. General in the Un...

Meteorological Phenomena
538. To dream of walking through snow means sickness. St. John, N.B. 539. To dream of a snowstorm is a sign of the speedy...

Money And Metals
543. To dream of silver money is a sign of sickness. 544. To dream of small change (money) is bad luck. Newfoundland. ...

547. To dream of teeth is unlucky. Eastern Massachusetts. 548. It is death or bad luck to dream of teeth falling out. ...

553. To dream of smooth water means good luck; of rough water means ill luck. St. John, N.B. 554. Dreaming of running wa...

Weddings And Funerals
560. To dream of marriage is a sign of a funeral. Topsail and Carbonear, Trinity Bay, N.F. 561. If you dream of a marriag...

569. To dream of raw meat is a sign of ill luck. 570. To dream of eating meat is a sign of sickness. Boston. 571. To s...

608. At cards, if your luck is poor, walk round your chair three times, lift it, sit down, and your luck is assured. Genera...

612. It is unlucky to travel on Friday. New York and Pennsylvania. 613. Never begin a piece of work on Friday; it is bad ...

622. If you put on any garment wrong side out, as, for example, a pair of stockings, never change it, as to do so brings ill luck. Thi...

631. It is good luck to find a horseshoe. General in the United States and Canada. 632. The luck is especially good if th...

637. See a pin and pick it up, All the day you'll have good luck; See a pin and pass it by (or let it lie), All t...

644. It is unlucky to pass salt across the table. 645. Spilling salt is unlucky; throw some over your left shoulder, or burn a pinc...

650. If the broom is moved with the rest of the household furniture, you will not be successful. The broom should be burned while stan...

Turning Back
656. It is unlucky to turn back for anything after you have set out to go anywhere. Prince Edward Island. 657. Returning...

663. If two persons shake hands across the gate, they are bringing on themselves ill luck. Alabama. 664. It is unlucky t...

714. A group of bubbles on a cup of coffee signifies money. United States. 715. A mass of bubbles floating on a cup of ...

736. Having a piece of bread and taking another is a sign some one is coming hungry. Maine, New York, and Pennsylvania. ...

795. Green glass beads worn about the neck will prevent or cure erysipelas. Chestertown, Md. 796. Gold beads were former...

816. To keep fire always burning on the hearth will prevent cholera among chickens. Alabama. 817. If a fish-hook pierces...

836. Rub the hands with the first snow that falls and you'll not have sore hands all winter. Winn, Me. 837. On Ash Wedne...

844. It is believed that piercing the ear will cure weak eyes or strengthen the eyes. It is often done to children for this purpose. ...

872. Blood from the warts on a cow's bag coming in contact with a person's hands will cause warts to appear on them. New Ha...

883. To cure a wart, grease it with stolen bacon, and hide the latter. 884. Split a bean and put one half on the wart, one half in t...

930. As the days begin to lengthen, So the cold begins to strengthen. Northeastern United States and Canada. 931....

Days And Times
936. The first Tuesday after the new moon settles the weather for that quarter. Newfoundland. 937. If it is a fair sunse...

Fair Or Foul
962. Of a change:-- Long looked for Long last, Short notice, Soon past. Brookline, Mass. ...

990. When the moon is on the back, it denotes weather wet or mild; when on the end, it denotes frost. Newfoundland. 991....

1003. A load of barrels foretells wet weather. Eastern Massachusetts. 1004. When the Brothers (Catholic theological stude...

Wind And Storm
1050. A broom falling across the doorway, or chairs set crosswise, is the sign of a storm. Stratham, N.H. 1051. If a clo...

1080. Repeat, looking at the new moon the first time you see it,-- New moon, true moon, tell unto, me Who my true love ...

1094. The moon seen over the right shoulder brings good luck; over the left shoulder, ill luck. General in the United State...

1110. Some say you can see the man's axe and dog in the moon. New Brunswick. 1111. If the moon shines in your face as you...

Wax And Wane
1114. Set out cabbages in the new of the moon to make them head up well, and gather apples in the new of the moon to make them keep we...

Domestic And Mechanical Operations
1141. To make good bread, stir it with the sun. To make good yeast, make it as near sunrise as possible. Northern Ohio. ...

1151. In rubbing for rheumatism, etc., rub from left to right (sunwise). Concord, Mass. 1152. Ringworm may be killed by m...

Death Omens
1158. To raise an umbrella in a house is a sign of an approaching death. Pennsylvania; somewhat general in the United Stat...

Morturary Custom
1240. If salt water pigeons' feathers are in a bed, the sick person on it will not die easily. Newfoundland. 1241. In ...

1271. If a child in eating an apple merely girdles it and leaves the apple good at stem and below, it indicates that he will be a poor...

Bodily Affections
1340. If the right cheek burns, some one is speaking well of you; if the left, they are speaking ill of you; if both, they speak well ...

1376. If you mend your apron or dress while on you, some one will lie about you. Maine and Alabama. 1377. As many stitch...

1402. Halloween cabbages are pulled and thrown against the owner's door as a reminder of his laziness. Southern Pennsylvani...

1419. What you do on your birthday, you will do all the year. Salem, Mass. 1420. On cutting the finger-nails:-- ...

Domestic Life
1438. It is supposed that a broom placed behind the door will keep off witches. Bruynswick, N.Y. 1439. To burn the stub ...

1464. A stratum of warm air indicates the presence of the devil. Boston, Mass. (Irish). 1465. If, when a newly-married co...





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