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the Diagrams.

The diagrams, it will be observed, are grouped under the seasons, and they indicate the positions of the constellations as they appea...

the Constellations Of Spring.


ursa Major (er´sa Mā´-jor)—the Great Bear. (face North.)

Location.—Ursa Major is probably the best known of the constellations, and in this work I presuppose that the reader is famili...

ursa Minor (er´-sa Mi´-nor)—the Little Bear. (face North.)

Location.—The two pointer stars in Ursa Major indicate the position of Polaris, the North Star, which represents the tip of the...

gemini (jem´-i-ni)—the Twins. (face West.)

Location.—A line drawn from β to κ Ursæ Majoris and prolonged an equal distance ends near Castor, in Gemini. G...

auriga (â-ri´-ga)—the Charioteer. (face Northwest.)

Location.—A line drawn from δ to α Ursæ Majoris, and prolonged about 45°, ends near the bright Capella, i...

cancer (kan´-ser)—the Crab. (face West.)

Location.—Cancer lies between Gemini and Leo. A line drawn from Nath in Auriga to Pollux in Gemini, and prolonged about 15°...

hydra (hi´-dra)—the Sea-serpent. (face South And Southwest.)

Location.—The head of Hydra, a striking and beautiful arrangement of stars, lies just below the Bee Hive, in Cancer, 6° sou...

leo (le´o)—the Lion. (face South.)

Location.—A line drawn from Pollux, in Gemini, to γ in Cancer, and prolonged about 12°, strikes Regulus, the brillian...

coma Berenices (kō´-ma Ber-e-ni´-sez)—berenice's Hair.

Location.—A line drawn from Regulus to Zosma, in Leo, and prolonged an equal distance, strikes this fine cluster, which is 18&d...

canis Minor (kā´-nis Mī´-nor)—the Lesser Dog. (face West.)

Location.—Procyon, the Little Dog Star, lies about 23° south of Pollux, in Gemini. A line drawn from Nath, in Auriga, to Al...

corvus (kôr´-vus)—the Crow. (face South.)

Location.—A line drawn from the Bee Hive, in Cancer, through Regulus, in Leo, and prolonged about 40°, ends near the conspi...

crater (krā´-ter)—the Cup. (face South.)

Location.—Crater is situated 15° west of Corvus, and due south of θ Leonis. It is easily distinguished by reason of a...

meteoric Showers.


the Constellations Of Summer.


draco (drā´-ko)—the Dragon. (face North.)

Location.—About 10° from α Ursæ Majoris—from α to δ is 10°—slightly south of, that ...

lyra (lī´-ra)—the Lyre.

Location.—Lyra may be easily distinguished because of the brilliant Vega, its brightest star, which is situated about 12° s...

cygnus (sig´-nus)—the Swan, Or The Northern Cross.

Location.—Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus, is at the top of the cross, and a little over 20° east of Vega. It forms a t...

aquila (ak´-wi-lä)—the Eagle, And Antinoüs. (face Southeast.)

Location.—Half-way up the sky in the Milky Way, you will see three stars in a line, the middle one much brighter than the other...

delphinus (del-fi´-nus)—the Dolphin, Or Job's Coffin. (face Southeast.)

Location.—The little cluster of five stars forming Delphinus is to be seen about 10° northeast of Altair, and, though there...

sagittarius (saj-i-tā-ri-us)—the Archer. (face South.)

Location.—A line drawn from Deneb, in Cygnus, to Altair, in Aquila, and prolonged an equal distance, terminates in Sagittarius ...

ophiuchus (of-i-ū-kus)—the Serpent Bearer, And Serpens. (face Southwest.)

Location.—A line drawn from ε Delphini to γ Aquilæ, prolonged about 30°, strikes the star Ras Alhague, ...

scorpius (skôr´-pi-us)—the Scorpion. (face South.)

Location.—Scorpius, one of the signs of the zodiac, is a beautiful star group, and one that is easily traced out. It lies just ...

libra (lī´-bra)—the Scales. (face Southwest.)

Location.—Libra is one of the signs of the zodiac, and lies between Virgo and Scorpius. Its two chief stars, α and β...

corona Borealis (kō-rō´nä Bō-rē-a´-lis)—the Northern Crown.

Location.—A line drawn from α Cygni, to α Lyræ, and projected a little over 40°, terminates in the Crown,...

hercules (her´-kū-lēz)—the Kneeler.

Location.—A line drawn from either Vega, in Lyra, or Altair, in Aquila, to Gemma, in Corona Borealis, passes through this cons...

boötes (bō-ō´tēz)—the Herdsman, Or Bear Driver. (face West.)

Location.—Boötes lies just west of the Crown, and east of Cor Caroli. It may be easily distinguished by the position and s...

virgo (ver´-gō)—the Virgin. (face West.)

Location.—An imaginary line drawn from Antares in Scorpius through α Libræ and prolonged a little over 20° stri...

canes Venatici (kā´-nēz Ve-nat´-i-cī)—the Hunting Dogs. (face Northwest.)

Location.—Cor Caroli, the bright star in this constellation, when on the meridian is about 17° south of ε Ursæ...

meteoric Showers.


the Constellations Of Autumn.


cassiopeia (kas-i-ō-pē´-ya)—the Lady In The Chair. (face North.)

Location.—A line drawn from δ Ursæ Majoris, through Polaris, strikes α Cassiopeiæ. It is situated the s...

cepheus (sē´-fūs) (face North.)

Location.—A line drawn from α to β Cassiopeiæ and prolonged about 18° strikes α Cephei. The nearest ...

pegasus (peg´-a-sus)—the Winged Horse. (face South.)

Location.—One corner of the Great Square is found by drawing a line from Polaris to Cassiopeia, and prolonging it an equal dist...

andromeda (an-drom´-e-dä)—the Chained Lady.

Location.—The star α Alpheratz is at the northeastern corner of the great square of Pegasus, one of the stellar landmarks...

perseus (per´-sūs)—the Champion. (face Northeast.)

Location.—α Persei lies on a line drawn from β to γ Andromedæ, and is about 9° from the latter. The ...

pisces (pis´ēz)—the Fishes. (face Southeast.)

Location.—This constellation is represented by two fishes each with a ribbon tied to its tail. One, the Northern Fish, lies jus...

triangulum (trī-an´-gū-lum)—the Triangle. (face East.)

Location.—A line drawn from the star γ Pegasi to Algol in Perseus passes through β Trianguli. The triangle i...

aquarius (a-kwā´ri-us)—the Water Carrier. (face Southwest.)

Location.—A line drawn from β Pegasi to α of the same constellation, and prolonged as far again, ends just east of t...

capricornus (kap-ri-kôr´-nus)—the Sea Goat. (face Southwest.)

Location.—A line drawn from α Pegasi through ζ and θ in the same constellation, and projected about 25°, s...

aries (ā´-ri-ēz)—the Ram. (face Southeast.)

Location.—The star α in Aries, known as Hamal, and sometimes as Arietis, a star of the second magnitude, is about 7° ...

cetus (sē´-tus)—the Whale. (face Southeast.)

Location.—A line drawn from Polaris, to δ Cassiopeiæ, and prolonged two and one third times its original length, re...

musca (mus´-kä)—the Fly. (face Southeast.)

Location.—Musca lies between Triangulum and Aries, the diagram clearly defining its position. The four stars composing ...

meteoric Showers.


the Constellations Of Winter.


taurus (tâ´-rus)—the Bull. (face Southwest.)

Location.—Taurus contains the well-known and unmistakable group the Pleiades, on the right shoulder of the Bull. A "V"...

orion (ŏ-rī´-on)—the Giant Hunter. (face South.)

Location.—Orion is considered the finest constellation in the heavens. A line drawn from Nath to ζ Tauri (the tips of the ...

lepus (lē´-pus)—the Hare. (face South.)

Location.—Lepus crouches under Orion's feet. Four stars in the constellation form an irregular and conspicuous quadrilateral....

columba Noachi (co-lum´-bä Nō-ä´-ki)—noah's Dove. (face South.)

Location.—Columba is situated just south of Lepus. A line drawn from Rigel, in Orion, to β Leporis, and prolonged as far a...

canis Major (kā´-nis Mā-jor)—the Greater Dog. (face South.)

Location.—The three stars in Orion's girdle point southeast to Sirius, the dog star, in Canis Major, the most brilliant star in...

argo Navis (är´-go Nā´-vis)—the Ship Argo. (face South.)

Location.—Argo is situated southeast of Canis Major. If a line joining Betelgeuze and Sirius be prolonged 18° southeast, it...

monoceros (mō-nos´-e-ros)—the Unicorn. (face South.)

Location.—Monoceros is to be found east of Orion between Canis Major and Canis Minor. Three of its stars of the fourth magnitud...

eridanus (ē-rid´-a-nus)—or The River Po. (face Southwest.)

Location.—Three degrees north and 2° west of Rigel, in Orion, lies β Eridani, the source of the River. Thence it flows...

meteoric Showers.


the Planets.

It is not within the scope of this work to dwell at length on a discussion of the planets. Certain explanatory matter regarding them ...

the Milky Way.

The Milky Way, or Galaxy as it is sometimes called, is a great band of light that stretches across the heavens. Certain portions of i...

The Motions Of The Stars.
It may be that the student desires to proceed in this conquest of the sky at a more rapid pace than the scheme of study permits. To as...

meteors, Or Shooting-stars.

As this work is designed primarily to cover what is observable in the starlit heavens with the naked eye, the subject of meteors, or ...

Amateur Astronomy

The Contemplation Of The Heavens
The crimson disk of the Sun has plunged beneath the Ocean. The sea has decked itself with the burning colors of the orb, reflected fr...

The Constellations
In Chapter I we saw the Earth hanging in space, like a globe isolated on all sides, and surrounded at vast d...

The Stars Suns Of The Infinite
A Journey through Space We have seen from the foregoing summary of the principal Constellations that there is great diversity...

Our Star The Sun
In the incessant agitation of daily life in which we are involved by the thousand superfluous wants of modern "civilization," one is ...

The Planets
A.—Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars And now we are in the Solar System, at the center, or, better, at the focu...

The Planets 2
B.—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Before we attack the giant world of our system, we must halt for a few m...

The Comets
Shooting Stars, Bolides, Uranoliths or Meteoric Stones What marvels have been reviewed by our dazzled eyes since the outset of...

The Earth
Our grand celestial journey lands us upon our own little planet, on this globe that gravitates between Mars and Venus (between War an...

The Moon
It is the delightful hour when all Nature pauses in the tranquil calm of the silent night. The Sun has cast his farewell glea...

The Eclipses
Among all the celestial phenomena at which it may be our lot to assist during our contemplation of the universe, one of the most magn...

On Methods
How Celestial Distances are Determined, and how the Sun is Weighed I will not do my readers the injustice to suppose that they...

Life Universal And Eternal
And now, while thanking my readers for having followed me so far in this descriptive account of the marvels of the Cosmos, I must inq...




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