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Read some of the scariest and real ghost stories. Many stories have been written hundreds of years ago.

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  Ghost Stories (638)  


Read some of the scariest and real ghost stories. Many stories have been written hundreds of years ago.

Ghost Stories

Present At A Hanging
An old man named Daniel Baker, living near Lebanon, Iowa, was suspected by his neighbors of having murdered a peddler who had obt...

A Cold Greeting
This is a story told by the late Benson Foley of San Francisco: "In the summer of 1881 I met a man named James H. Conway, a resi...

A Wireless Message
In the summer of 1896 Mr. William Holt, a wealthy manufacturer of Chicago, was living temporarily in a little town of central New ...

An Arrest
Having murdered his brother-in-law, Orrin Brower of Kentucky was a fugitive from justice. From the county jail where he had been ...

A Man With Two Lives
Here is the queer story of David William Duck, related by himself. Duck is an old man living in Aurora, Illinois, where he is uni...

Three And One Are One
In the year 1861 Barr Lassiter, a young man of twenty-two, lived with his parents and an elder sister near Carthage, Tennessee. T...

A Baffled Ambuscade
Connecting Readyville and Woodbury was a good, hard turnpike nine or ten miles long. Readyville was an outpost of the Federal arm...

Two Military Executions
In the spring of the year 1862 General Buell's big army lay in camp, licking itself into shape for the campaign which resulted in ...

The Isle Of Pines
For many years there lived near the town of Gallipolis, Ohio, an old man named Herman Deluse. Very little was known of his histor...

A Fruitless Assignment
Henry Saylor, who was killed in Covington, in a quarrel with Antonio Finch, was a reporter on the Cincinnati Commercial. In the y...

A Vine On A House
About three miles from the little town of Norton, in Missouri, on the road leading to Maysville, stands an old house that was last...

At Old Man Eckert's
Philip Eckert lived for many years in an old, weather-stained wooden house about three miles from the little town of Marion, in Ve...

The Spook House
On the road leading north from Manchester, in eastern Kentucky, to Booneville, twenty miles away, stood, in 1862, a wooden plantat...

The Other Lodgers
"In order to take that train," said Colonel Levering, sitting in the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, "you will have to remain nearly all ni...

The Thing At Nolan
To the south of where the road between Leesville and Hardy, in the State of Missouri, crosses the east fork of May Creek stands an...

The Difficulty Of Crossing A Field
One morning in July, 1854, a planter named Williamson, living six miles from Selma, Alabama, was sitting with his wife and a child...

An Unfinished Race
James Burne Worson was a shoemaker who lived in Leamington, Warwickshire, England. He had a little shop in one of the by-ways le...

Charles Ashmore's Trail
The family of Christian Ashmore consisted of his wife, his mother, two grown daughters, and a son of sixteen years. They lived in...

The Empty House
Certain houses, like certain persons, manage somehow to proclaim at once their character for evil. In the case of the latter, no par...

A Haunted Island
The following events occurred on a small island of isolated position in a large Canadian lake, to whose cool waters the inhabitants ...

* * * * *
There was a faint sound of rattling at the brass knob, and the door was pushed open a couple of inches. A pause of a few seconds, and ...

A Case Of Eavesdropping
Jim Shorthouse was the sort of fellow who always made a mess of things. Everything with which his hands or mind came into contact is...

Keeping His Promise
It was eleven o'clock at night, and young Marriott was locked into his room, cramming as hard as he could cram. He was a "Fourth Yea...

With Intent To Steal
To sleep in a lonely barn when the best bedrooms in the house were at our disposal, seemed, to say the least, unnecessary, and I fel...

The Wood Of The Dead
One summer, in my wanderings with a knapsack, I was at luncheon in the room of a wayside inn in the western country, when the door o...

Smith: An Episode In A Lodging-house
"When I was a medical student," began the doctor, half turning towards his circle of listeners in the firelight, "I came across one ...

A Suspicious Gift
Blake had been in very low water for months--almost under water part of the time--due to circumstances he was fond of saying were no...

The Strange Adventures Of A Private Secretary In New York
I It was never quite clear to me how Jim Shorthouse managed to get his private secretaryship; but, once he got it, he kept it, and for so...

Visions Of The Dead In Sleep
In most of the Greek and Roman stories that survive, the wraiths of the dead are represented as revisiting their friends on earth in...

The Power Of The Dead To Return To Earth
Though there is no period at which the ancients do not seem to have believed in a future life, continual confusion prevails when the...

The Belief In Ghosts In Greece And Rome
Ghost stories play a very subordinate part in classical literature, as is only to be expected. The religion of the hard-headed, prac...

Stories Of Haunting
In a letter to Sura[30] the younger Pliny gives us what may be taken as a prototype of all later haunted-house stories. At one time ...

The belief that it was possible to call up the souls of the dead by means of spells was almost universal in antiquity. We know that ...

Apparitions Of The Dead
Among the tall stories in Lucian's _Philopseudus_[79] is an amusing account of a man whose wife, whom he loved dearly, appeared to h...

The Signal-man
"Halloa! Below there!" When he heard a voice thus calling to him, he was standing at the door of his box, with a flag in his...

The Haunted House - The Mortals In The House
Under none of the accredited ghostly circumstances, and environed by none of the conventional ghostly surroundings, did I first ma...

The Trial For Murder
I have always noticed a prevalent want of courage, even among persons of superior intelligence and culture, as to imparting thei...

The Fall Of The House Of Usher
During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the h...

Banners yellow, glorious, golden, On its roof did float and flow; (This--all this--was in the olden Time long ag...

Wanderers in that happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute's well tuned ...

And all with pearl and ruby glowing Was the fair palace door, Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing And s...

And travellers now within that valley, Through the red-litten windows, see Vast forms that move fantastically To...

As if in the superhuman energy of his utterance there had been found the potency of a spell--the huge antique panels to which the spea...

The Old Nurse's Story
I set out one evening for the cottage of my old nurse, to bid her good-bye for many months, probably years. I was to leave the ...

The Superstitious Man's Story
"There was something very strange about William's death--very strange indeed!" sighed a melancholy man in the back of the van. It...

A Story Of Ravenna
Ravenna being a very ancient city in Romagna, there dwelt sometime a great number of worthy gentlemen, among whom I am to speak o...

Teig O'kane And The Corpse
There was once a grown-up lad in the County Leitrim, and he was strong and lively, and the son of a rich farmer. His father had...

The Haunted And The Haunters: Or The House And The Brain
A friend of mine, who is a man of letters and a philosopher, said to me one day, as if between jest and earnest--"Fancy! since we...

The Botathen Ghost
The legend of Parson Rudall and the Botathen Ghost will be recognised by many Cornish people as a local remembrance of their boyh...

The Ghost Of Lord Clarenceux
In the chair which stood before the writing-table in the middle of the room sat the figure of Lord Clarenceux. The figure did not...

Dr Duthoit's Vision
I knew a fine specimen of an English abbe when I was at school at Hereford. This was Dr Duthoit, Prebendary of _Consumpta per Sab...

The Seven Lights
John M'Pherson was a farmer and grazier in Kintyre--a genuine Highlander. In person, though of rather low stature than otherwise,...

The Spectral Coach Of Blackadon
"You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know The superstitious, idle-headed eld Received and did deliver to our...

Drake's Drum
Sir Francis Drake--who appears to have been especially befriended by his demon--is said to drive at night a black hearse drawn by...

The Spectre Bridegroom
Long, long ago a farmer named Lenine lived in Boscean. He had but one son, Frank Lenine, who was indulged into waywardness by bot...

The Pool In The Graveyard
By this corner of the graveyard the red dawn discovered to Jonas a little pool of clear water, with mosses and parsley-ferns all ...

The Lianhan Shee
One summer evening Mary Sullivan was sitting at her own well-swept hearthstone, knitting feet to a pair of sheep's-grey stockings...

The Haunted Cove
Commonplace in itself and showing positive vulgarity in the style in which its pleasure-grounds are laid out, Clyffe, near Berwic...

Wandering Willie's Tale
Ye maun have heard of Sir Robert Redgauntlet of that Ilk, who lived in these parts before the dear years. The country will lang m...

Glamis Castle
"The Castle of Glamis, a venerable and majestic pile of buildings," says an old Scots Gazetteer, "is situate about one mile north...

Powys Castle
It had been for some time reported in the neighbourhood that a poor unmarried woman, who was a member of the Methodist society; a...

Croglin Grange
"Fisher," said the Captain, "may sound a very plebeian name, but this family is of very ancient lineage, and for many hundreds of...

The Ghost Of Major Sydenham
Concerning the apparition of the Ghost of Major George Sydenham, (late of Dulverton in the County of Somerset) to Captain William...

The Miraculous Case Of Jesch Claes
In the year 1676, about the 13th or 14th of this Month October, in the Night, between one and two of the Clock, this _Jesch Claes...

The Radiant Boy Of Corby Castle
The haunted room forms part of the old house, with windows looking into the court. It adjoins a tower built for defence, for Corb...

Clerk Saunders
Clerk Saunders and May Margaret Walked owre yon garden green; And sad and heavy was the love That fell them...

Dorothy Durant
A schoolboy named Bligh, who went to Launceston Grammar School, of which the Rev. John Ruddle was headmaster, from being a lad of...

Pearlin Jean
It was Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, the antiquary, who furnished this account of Pearlin Jean's hauntings at Allanbank. "In my ...

The Denton Hall Ghost
A day or two after my arrival at Denton Hall, when all around was yet new to me, I had accompanied my friends to a ball given in ...

The Goodwood Ghost Story
My wife's sister, Mrs M----, was left a widow at the age of thirty-five, with two children, girls, of whom she was passionately f...

Captain Wheatcroft
In the month of September 1857 Captain German Wheatcroft, of the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, went out to India to join his regim...

The Iron Cage
[As you express a wish to know what credit is to be attached to a tale sent forth after a lapse of between thirty and forty years...

A C----]
Sir James, my mother, with myself and my brother Charles, went abroad towards the end of the year 1786. After trying several different...

The Ghost Of Rosewarne
"Ezekiel Grosse, gent., attorney-at-law," bought the lands of Rosewarne from one of the De Rosewarnes, who had become involved in...

The Iron Chest Of Durley
Mr _John Bourne_, for his Skill, Care and Honesty, was made by his Neighbour _John Mallet_, Esq., of _Enmore_, the chief of his T...

The Strange Case Of M Bezuel
"In 1695," said M. Bezuel, "being a schoolboy of about fifteen years of age, I became acquainted with the two children of M. Abaq...

The Marquis De Rambouillet
The Marquis de Rambouillet, eldest brother of the Duchess of Montauzier, and the Marquis de Precy, eldest son of the family of Na...

The Altheim Revenant
A monk of the Abbey of Toussaints relates that on the 9th of September 1625 a man named John Steinlin died at a place called Alth...

Sertorius And His Hind
So soone as Sertorius arriued from Africa, he straight leauied men of warre, and with them subdued the people of Spaine fronting ...

When Sextus sought Erichtho he chose his time in the depth of the night, when the sun is at its lowermost distance from the upper...

Then there came unto him the ghost of poor Patroklos, in all things like unto the very man, in stature, and fair eyes, and voice;...

Vision Of Cromwell
A vision that I had presently after the king's death--I thought that I was in a great hall, like the king's hall, or the castle i...

Lord Strafford's Warning
In the Rev. John Mastin's _History of Naseby_ is cited a story of an apparition that was supposed to have appeared to Charles the...

Kotter's Red Circle
Kotter's first vision was detailed by him, on oath, before the magistrates of Sprottaw, in 1619. While he was travelling on foot,...

The Vision Of Charles Xi Of Sweden
The authenticity of the following narrative rests upon a _proces-verbal_, drawn out in form, and attested by the signatures of f...

Ben Jonson's Prevision
Ben Jonson told Drummond of Hawthornden that "when the king came to England, about the time that plague was in London, he being i...

Queen Ulrica And The Countess Steenbock
When Queen Ulrica was dead, her corpse was placed in the usual way in an open coffin, in a room hung with black and lighted with ...

Denis Misanger
On Friday, the first day of May 1705, about five o'clock in the evening, Denis Misanger de la Richardiere, eighteen years of age,...

The Pied Piper
The following instance is so extraordinary, that I should not repeat it if the account were not attested by more than one writer,...

Jeanne D'arc
Upon her trial, as it is repeated by Chartier, she spoke with the utmost simplicity and firmness of her visions: "Que souvent all...

Anne Walker
In the year 1680, at Lumley, a hamlet near Chester-le-Street in the county of Durham, there lived one Walker, a man well to do in...

The Hand Of Glory
One evening, between the years 1790 and 1800, a traveller, dressed in woman's clothes, arrived at the Old Spital Inn, the place w...

The Bloody Footstep
On the threshold of one of the doors of Smithills Hall there is a bloody footstep impressed into the door-step, and ruddy as if t...

The Ghostly Warriors Of Worms
The abbot of Ursperg, in his Chronicle, year 1123, says that in the territory of Worms they saw during many days a multitude of a...

The Wandering Jew In England
When on the weary way to Golgotha, Christ fainting, and overcome under the burden of the cross, asked Salathiel, as he was standi...

Bendith Eu Mammau
They appeared diverse ways, but their most frequent way of appearing was like dancing-companies with musick, or in the form of fu...

The Red Book Of Appin
Once upon a time, there lived a man at Appin, Argyllshire, and he took to his house an orphan boy. When the boy was grown up, he ...

The Good O'donoghue
In an age so distant that the precise period is unknown, a chieftain named O'Donoghue ruled over the country which surrounds the ...

Sarah Polgrain
A woman, who had lived in Ludgvan, was executed at Bodmin for the murder of her husband. There was but little doubt that she had ...

The Fascination Of The Ghost Story
What is the fascination we feel for the mystery of the ghost story? Is it of the same nature as the fascination which we feel f...

The Apparition Of Mrs Veal
This relation is matter of fact, and attended with such circumstances, as may induce any reasonable man to believe it. It was...

Canon Alberic's Scrap-book
St. Bertrand de Comminges is a decayed town on the spurs of the Pyrenees, not very far from Toulouse, and still nearer to Bagner...

The House And The Brain
A friend of mine, who is a man of letters and a philosopher, said to me one day, as if between jest and earnest,--"Fancy! since w...

The Silent Woman
The uproarious merriment of a wedding-feast burst forth into the night from a brilliantly lighted house in the "gasse" (narrow st...

Veile returned to her home, as she had escaped, unnoticed. The narrow street was deserted, as desolate as death. The searchers were to...

Of all Irish ghosts, fairies, or bogles, the Banshee (sometimes called locally the "Boh[=ee]ntha" or "Bank[=ee]ntha") is the best k...

The Man Who Went Too Far
The little village of St. Faith's nestles in a hollow of wooded hill up on the north bank of the river Fawn in the county of Hamp...

A quarter of an hour later he appeared again at the bottom of the lawn, dressed as before, his wet hair already drying into its crisp ...

The Woman's Ghost Story
"Yes," she said, from her seat in the dark corner, "I'll tell you an experience if you care to listen. And, what's more, I'll tell ...

The Phantom 'rickshaw
"May no ill dreams disturb my rest, Nor Powers of Darkness me molest." --_Eve...

The Rival Ghosts
The good ship sped on her way across the calm Atlantic. It was an outward passage, according to the little charts which the compa...

One Does Not Always Eat What Is On The Table
By the light of a tallow candle which had been placed on one end of a rough table a man was reading something written in a book. It wa...

What May Happen In A Field Of Wild Oats
". . . The sun had hardly risen when we left the house. We were looking for quail, each with a shotgun, but we had only one dog. Morga...

A Man Though Naked May Be In Rags
The coroner rose from his seat and stood beside the dead man. Lifting an edge of the sheet he pulled it away, exposing the entire body...

An Explanation From The Tomb
In the diary of the late Hugh Morgan are certain interesting entries having, possibly, a scientific value as suggestions. At the inque...

The Interval
Mrs. Wilton passed through a little alley leading from one of the gates which are around Regent's Park, and came out on the w...

"dey Ain't No Ghosts"
Once 'pon a time dey was a li'l' black boy whut he name was Mose. An' whin he come erlong to be 'bout knee-high to a mewel, he 'g...

Some Real American Ghosts The Giant Ghost
A case in point is the Benton, Indiana, ghost, which is attracting much attention. It has been seen and investigated by many peop...

Some Famous Ghosts Of The National Capitol
(Philadelphia _Press_, Oct. 2, 1898) The Capitol at Washington is probably the most thoroughly haunted building in the world. No...

A Genuine Ghost
(Philadelphia _Press_, March 25, 1884) DAYTON, O., March 25.--A thousand people surround the grave yard in Miamisburg, a town near ...

The Baggageman's Ghost
"The corpses of the passengers killed in the disaster up at Spuyten Duyvil was fetched down here and laid out in[1] The room was darke...

Drummers See A Specter
(St Louis _Globe-Democrat_, Oct. 6, 1887) [The last man in the world to be accused of a belief in the supernatural would be your go...

Dr Funk Sees The Spirit Of Beecher
(New York _Herald_, April 4, 1903) While he will not admit that he is a believer in spiritualism, the Rev. Dr. Isaac Funk, head of ...

Mystery Of The Coins
Dr. Funk was especially anxious to have an opportunity to see and talk with Mr. Beecher, in the hope that light would be thrown on the...

Mr Beecher Appeased
"When what seemed to be Mr. Beecher's embodied spirit appeared to me," Dr. Funk said, "I asked that very question. He smiled and repli...

Maryland Ghosts
(_Baltimore American_, May, 1886) For forty years the Rev. Dr. B. has been the rector of a prominent parish on the Eastern Shore. H...

The Ghost Of Peg Alley's Point
Peg Alley's Point is a long and narrow strip of wooded land, situated between the main stream of Miles river and one of the navigable ...

An Apparition And Death
The old family seat of the T.'s, one of the most prominent names in the community, is not far from the scenes of the above-mentioned a...

An Idiot Ghost With Brass Buttons
(Philadelphia _Press_, June 16, 1889) In a pretty but old-fashioned house in Stuyvesant square--ghosts like squares, I think--is an...

A Model Ghost Story
(Boston _Courier_, Aug. 10) A very singular story which forms one of the sensational social topics of the day is the best authentic...

A Ghost That Will Not Down
(Cincinnati _Enquirer_, Sept. 30, 1884) GRANTSVILLE, W. VA., September 30.--The ghost of Betts' farm will not lay. Something over a...

Tom Cypher's Phantom Engine
(Seattle _Press-Times_, Jan. 10, 1892) Locomotive engineers are as a class said to be superstitious, but J.M. Pinckney, an engineer...

Ghosts In Connecticut
(N.Y. _Sun_, Sept. 1, 1885) "There is as much superstition in New-England to-day as there was in those old times when they slashed ...

The Spook Of Diamond Island
(St. Louis _Globe-Democrat_, Sept. 18, 1888) HARDEN, Ill., Sept. 18.--For some time past rumors have been circulated in Hardin to t...

Mistaken Identity Conclusion
We have given various instances of ghostly phenomena wherein the witnesses have failed at first to realise that what they saw partoo...

Legendary And Ancestral Ghosts
Whatever explanations may be given of the various stories told in our previous chapters, the facts as stated therein are in almost e...

Group Iii
We now come to the third group of this chapter, in which we shall relate two first-hand experiences of tragedies being actually witnes...

Banshees, And Other Death-warnings
Of all Irish ghosts, fairies, or bogles, the Banshee (sometimes called locally the "Boh[-e][-e]ntha" or "Bank[-e][-e]ntha") is the b...

Miscellaneous Supernormal Experiences
The matter in this chapter does not seem, strictly speaking, to come under the head of any of the preceding ones: it contains no acc...

Group Ii
We now come to some stories of apparitions seen some time after the hour of death. Canon Ross-Lewin, of Limerick, furnishes the follow...

Apparitions At Or After Death
It has been said by a very eminent literary man that the accounts of the appearance of people at or shortly after the moment of deat...

Group I
We commence this group with stories in which the phenomena connected with the respective deaths were not perceived as representations ...

Haunted Places
That houses are haunted and apparitions frequently seen therein are pretty well established facts. The preceding chapters have dealt...

Poltergeist is the term assigned to those apparently meaningless noises and movements of objects of which we from time to time hear ...

Dear Mr Seymour,
I enclose some account of our experiences in K---- Castle. It would be better not to mention names, as the people occupying it have to...

Haunted Houses In Mogh's Half
The northern half of Ireland has not proved as prolific in stories of haunted houses as the southern portion: the possible explanati...

Haunted Houses In Conn's Half
From a very early period a division of Ireland into two "halves" existed. This was traditionally believed to have been made by Conn ...


Haunted Houses In Or Near Dublin
Of all species of ghostly phenomena, that commonly known as "haunted houses" appeals most to the ordinary person. There is something...

His Dead Wife's Photograph
This story created a sensation when it was first told. It appeared in the papers and many big Physicists and Natural Philosophers we...

The Major's Lease
A curious little story was told the other day in a certain Civil Court in British India. A certain military officer, let...

The Open Door
Here again is something that is very peculiar and not very uncommon. We, myself and three other friends of mine, were ask...

What Uncle Saw
This story need not have been written. It is too sad and too mysterious, but since reference has been made to it in this book, it is...

The Boy Who Was Caught
Nothing is more common in India than seeing a ghost. Every one of us has seen ghost at some period of his existence; and if we have ...

The Starving Millionaire
This story was also in the papers. It created a sensation at the time, now it has been almost forgotten. The story shows that black ...

The Bridal Party
In Benares, the sacred city of the Hindus, situated in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, there is a house which is famed pretty...

[2] Since the publication of the first edition "Hasting House" has been converted into an Indian Rugby for the benefit of the cadets o...

A Strange Incident
When I was at college there happened what was a most inexplicable incident. The matter attracted some attention at that time, but...

What The Professor Saw
This story is not so painful as the one entitled "_What Uncle Saw_." How we wish that uncle had seen something else, but all the sam...

'talks' With Mr Stead

Sir A Turner's Psychic Experiences
General Sir Alfred Turner's psychic experiences, which he related to the London Spiritualist Alliance on May 7, in the salon...

The Boy Possessed
I think it was in 1906 that in one of the principle cities in India the son of a rich man became ill. He had high fever and delirium...

A Supernatural Phenomenon
Sir, It may probably interest your readers to read the account of a supernatural phenomenon that occurred, a few days ago, i...

Permeshwar Dayal Amist, Ba,
_July 9._ _Vakil, High Court_ ...

The Examination Paper
This is a story which I believe. Of course, this is not my personal experience; but it has been repeated by so many men, who should ...


The Dog Fanti
Mrs. Ogilvie of Drumquaigh had a poodle named Fanti. Her family, or at least those who lived with her, were her son, the laird, and t...

Mark Twain's Story
Mark was smoking his cigar outside the door of his house when he saw a man, a stranger, approaching him. Suddenly he ceased to be vis...

The Pig In The Dining-room
Mrs. Atlay, wife of a late Bishop of Hereford, dreamed one night that there was a pig in the dining-room of the palace. She came dow...

The Mignonette
Mrs. Herbert returned with her husband from London to their country home on the Border. They arrived rather late in the day, prepared...

The Lost Cheque
Mr. A., a barrister, sat up one night to write letters, and about half-past twelve went out to put them in the post. On undressing he...

The Ducks' Eggs
A little girl of the author's family kept ducks and was anxious to sell the eggs to her mother. But the eggs could not be found by ea...

The Lost Key
Lady X., after walking in a wood near her house in Ireland, found that she had lost an important key. She dreamed that it was lying a...

The Lost Securities
A lady dreamed that she was sitting at a window, watching the end of an autumn sunset. There came a knock at the front door and a ge...

The Arrears Of Teind
"Mr. Rutherford, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the Vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accu...

The Two Curmas
A rustic named Curma, of Tullium, near Hippo, Augustine's town, fell into a catalepsy. On reviving he said: "Run to the house of Cur...

The Assyrian Priest
Herr H. V. Hilprecht is Professor of Assyriology in the University of Pennsylvania. That university had despatched an expedition to e...

To The God Nibib, Child

Of The God Bel,

His Lord


Pontifex Of The God Bel

Has Presented It
But, in the drawings, the fragments were of different colours, so that a student working on the drawings would not guess them to be pa...

The Knot In The Shutter
"It is said that a dream produced a powerful effect on Hone's mind. He dreamt that he was introduced into a room where he was an entir...

Queen Mary's Jewels
"I have had a strange dream about your ring" (a "medallion" of Anthony and Cleopatra); "it is very valuable." Major Buckley said it...

The Deathbed
Miss C., a lady of excellent sense, religious but not bigoted, lived before her marriage in the house of her uncle D., a celebrated p...

Dream Of Mr Perceval's Murder
"SUNDHILL, December, 1832. "[Some account of a dream which occurred to John Williams, Esq., of Scorrier House, in the county of Cor...

The Rattlesnake
Dr. Kinsolving, of the Church of the Epiphany in Philadelphia, dreamed that he "came across a rattlesnake," which "when killed had _tw...

The Red Lamp
Mr. Cooper says: "A fortnight before the death of the late Earl of L--- in 1882, I called upon the Duke of Hamilton, in Hill Street, ...

The Scar In The Moustache
This story was told to the writer by his old head-master, the Rev. Dr. Hodson, brother of Hodson, of Hodson's Horse, a person whom I n...

The Coral Sprigs
Mrs. Weiss, of St. Louis, was in New York in January, 1881, attending a daughter, Mrs. C., who was about to have a child. She writes:...

The Satin Slippers
On 1st February, 1891, Michael Conley, a farmer living near Ionia, in Chichasow county, Iowa, went to Dubuque, in Iowa, to be medicall...

The Dead Shopman
Swooning, or slight mental mistiness, is not very unusual in ghost seers. The brother of a friend of my own, a man of letters and wid...

Under The Lamp
I had given a glass ball to a young lady, who believed that she could play the "willing game" successfully without touching the person...

The Cow With The Bell
I had given a glass ball to the wife of a friend, whose visions proved so startling and on one occasion so unholy that she ceased to m...

The Deathbed Of Louis Xiv
"Here is a strange story that the Duc d'Orleans told me one day in a tete-a-tete at Marly, he having just run down from Paris before h...

The Old Family Coach
A distinguished and accomplished country gentleman and politician, of scientific tastes, was riding in the New Forest, some twelve mil...

Riding Home From Mess
In 1854, General Barter, C.B., was a subaltern in the 75th Regiment, and was doing duty at the hill station of Murree in the Punjaub. ...

The Bright Scar
In 1867, Miss G., aged eighteen, died suddenly of cholera in St. Louis. In 1876 a brother, F. G., who was much attached to her, had ...

The Vision And The Portrait
Mrs. M. writes (December 15, 1891) that before her vision she had heard nothing about hauntings in the house occupied by herself and h...

The Restraining Hand
"About twenty years ago," writes Mrs. Elliot, "I received some letters by post, one of which contained 15 pounds in bank notes. After...

The Benedictine's Voices
My friend, as a lad, was in a strait between the choice of two professions. He prayed for enlightenment, and soon afterwards heard a...

The Man At The Lift
In the same way, in August, 1890, a lady in a Boston hotel in the dusk rang for the lift, walked along the corridor and looked out of ...

The Wraith Of The Czarina
"In the exercise of his duties as one of the pages-in-waiting, Ribaupierre followed one day his august mistress into the throne-room ...

An "astral Body"
Mr. Sparks and Mr. Cleave, young men of twenty and nineteen, were accustomed to "mesmerise" each other in their dormitory at Portsmout...

In Tavistock Place {93}
"In the latter part of the autumn of 1878, between half-past three and four in the morning, I was leisurely walking home from the hous...

The Dying Mother {101}
"Mary, the wife of John Goffe of Rochester, being afflicted with a long illness, removed to her father's house at West Mulling, about ...

The Vision Of The Bride
Colonel Meadows Taylor writes, in The Story of my Life (vol. ii., p. 32): "The determination (to live unmarried) was the result of a ...

Appearances Of The Dead
We now pass beyond the utmost limits to which a "scientific" theory of things ghostly can be pushed. Science admits, if asked, that i...

The Daemon Of Spraiton In Devon {111} Anno 1682
"About the month of November in the year 1682, in the parish of Spraiton, in the county of Devon, one Francis Fey (servant to Mr. Phi...

Sir George Villiers' Ghost
The variations in the narratives of Sir George Villiers' appearance to an old servant of his, or old protege, and the warning communic...

Cavalier Version {121}
"1627. Since William Lilly the Rebells Jugler and Mountebank in his malicious and blaspheamous discourse concerning our late Martyred...

Wyndham's Letter
"Sr. According to your desire and my promise I have written down what I remember (divers things being slipt out of my memory) of the ...

Lord Lyttelton's Ghost
"Sir," said Dr. Johnson, "it is the most extraordinary thing that has happened in my day." The doctor's day included the rising of 17...

The Slaying Of Sergeant Davies
We now examine a ghost with a purpose; he wanted to have his bones buried. The Highlands, in spite of Culloden, were not entirely pa...

"dear Lang,
"I enclose a tradition connected with the murder of Sergeant Davies, which my brother picked up lately before he had read the story i...

Concerning The Murder Of Sergeant Davies
There is at present living in the neighbourhood of --- an old lady, about seventy years of age. Her maiden name is ---, {140} and she...

The Gardener's Ghost
Perhaps the latest ghost in a court of justice (except in cases about the letting of haunted houses) "appeared" at the Aylesbury Petty...

The Dog O' Mause
Account of an apparition that appeared to William Soutar, {145a} in the Mause, 1730. [This is a copy from that in the handwriting o...

Peter's Ghost
A naval officer visited a friend in the country. Several men were sitting round the smoking-room fire when he arrived, and a fox-terr...

It was one evening in the summer of the year 1755 that Campbell of Inverawe {157} was on Cruachan hill side. He was startled by seein...

Inverawe rose before dawn and went straight to the cave. Macniven was gone! Inverawe saw no more of the ghost, but the adventure l...

The Beresford Ghost
"There is at Curraghmore, the seat of Lord Waterford, in Ireland, a manuscript account of the tale, such as it was originally received...

Half-past One O'clock
In October, 1893, I was staying at a town which we shall call Rapingham. One night I and some kinsfolk dined with another old friend...

"put Out The Light!"
The Rev. D. W. G. Gwynne, M.D., was a physician in holy orders. In 1853 he lived at P--- House, near Taunton, where both he and his w...

The Creaking Stair
A lady very well known to myself, and in literary society, lived as a girl with an antiquarian father in an old house dear to an antiq...

The Grocer's Cough
A man of letters was born in a small Scotch town, where his father was the intimate friend of a tradesman whom we shall call the groce...

My Gillie's Father's Story
Fishing in Sutherland, I had a charming companion in the gillie. He was well educated, a great reader, the best of salmon fishers, an...

The Dream That Knocked At The Door
The following is an old but good story. The Rev. Joseph Wilkins died, an aged man, in 1800. He left this narrative, often printed; t...

The Girl In Pink
The following anecdote was told to myself, a few months after the curious event, by the three witnesses in the case. They were conne...

The Dog In The Haunted Room
The author's friend, Mr. Rokeby, lives, and has lived for some twenty years, in an old house at Hammersmith. It is surrounded by a la...

The Lady In Black
A ghost in a haunted house is seldom observed with anything like scientific precision. The spectre in the following narrative could ...

The Dancing Devil
On 16th November, 1870, Mr. Shchapoff, a Russian squire, the narrator, came home from a visit to a country town, Iletski, and found hi...

The Wesley Ghost
No ghost story is more celebrated than that of Old Jeffrey, the spirit so named by Emily Wesley, which disturbed the Rectory at Epwort...

Lord St Vincent's Ghost Story
Sir Walter Scott, writing about the disturbances in the house occupied by Mrs. Ricketts, sister of the great admiral, Lord St. Vincent...

More Haunted Houses
A physician, as we have seen, got the better of the demon in Mrs. Shchapoff's case, at least while the lady was under his care. Reall...

Haunted Mrs Chang
Mr. Chang, of that ilk (Chang Chang Tien-ts), was a man of fifty- seven, and a graduate in letters. The ladies of his family having ...

The Great Amherst Mystery
On 13th February, 1888, Mr. Walter Hubbell, an actor by profession, "being duly sworn" before a Notary Public in New York, testified t...

The Hymn Of Donald Ban
O God that created me so helpless, Strengthen my belief and make it firm. Command an angel to come from Paradise, And take up his ab...

The Devil Of Hjalta-stad {246}
The sheriff writes: "The Devil at Hjalta-stad was outspoken enough this past winter, although no one saw him. I, along with others, ...

The Ghost At Garpsdal
In Autumn, 1807, there was a disturbance by night in the outer room at Garpsdal, the door being smashed. There slept in this room the...

Gisli Olafsson
Notwithstanding this declaration, the troubles at Garpsdal were attributed by others to Magnus, and the name of the "Garpsdale Gho...

The Story Of Glam
There was a man named Thorhall, who lived at Thorhall-stead in Forsaela-dala, which lies in the north of Iceland. He was a fairly we...

'the Foul Fords' Or The Longformacus Farrier
"About 1820 there lived a Farrier of the name of Keane in the village of Longformacus in Lammermoor. He was a rough, passionate man, ...

The Marvels At Froda {273}
During that summer in which Christianity was adopted by law in Iceland (1000 A.D.), it happened that a ship came to land at Snowfell N...

Hands All Round
Nothing was more common, in the seances of Home, the "Medium," than the appearance of "Spirit hands". If these were made of white kid...

The Cold Hand
[Jerome Cardan, the famous physician, tells the following anecdote in his De Rerum Varietate, lib. x., 93. Jerome only once heard a r...

The Black Dog And The Thumbless Hand
[Some years ago I published in a volume of tales called The Wrong Paradise, a paper styled "My Friend the Beach-comber". This contain...


The Dog Fanti
Mrs. Ogilvie of Drumquaigh had a poodle named Fanti. Her family, or at least those who lived with her, were her son, the laird, and t...

Mark Twain's Story
Mark was smoking his cigar outside the door of his house when he saw a man, a stranger, approaching him. Suddenly he ceased to be vis...

The Pig In The Dining-room
Mrs. Atlay, wife of a late Bishop of Hereford, dreamed one night that there was a pig in the dining-room of the palace. She came dow...

The Mignonette
Mrs. Herbert returned with her husband from London to their country home on the Border. They arrived rather late in the day, prepared...

The Lost Cheque
Mr. A., a barrister, sat up one night to write letters, and about half-past twelve went out to put them in the post. On undressing he...

The Ducks' Eggs
A little girl of the author's family kept ducks and was anxious to sell the eggs to her mother. But the eggs could not be found by ea...

The Lost Key
Lady X., after walking in a wood near her house in Ireland, found that she had lost an important key. She dreamed that it was lying a...

The Lost Securities
A lady dreamed that she was sitting at a window, watching the end of an autumn sunset. There came a knock at the front door and a ge...

The Arrears Of Teind
"Mr. Rutherford, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the Vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accu...

The Two Curmas
A rustic named Curma, of Tullium, near Hippo, Augustine's town, fell into a catalepsy. On reviving he said: "Run to the house of Cur...

The Assyrian Priest
Herr H. V. Hilprecht is Professor of Assyriology in the University of Pennsylvania. That university had despatched an expedition to e...

To The God Nibib, Child

Of The God Bel,

His Lord


Pontifex Of The God Bel

Has Presented It
But, in the drawings, the fragments were of different colours, so that a student working on the drawings would not guess them to be pa...

The Knot In The Shutter
"It is said that a dream produced a powerful effect on Hone's mind. He dreamt that he was introduced into a room where he was an entir...

Queen Mary's Jewels
"I have had a strange dream about your ring" (a "medallion" of Anthony and Cleopatra); "it is very valuable." Major Buckley said it...

The Deathbed
Miss C., a lady of excellent sense, religious but not bigoted, lived before her marriage in the house of her uncle D., a celebrated p...

Dream Of Mr Perceval's Murder
"SUNDHILL, December, 1832. "[Some account of a dream which occurred to John Williams, Esq., of Scorrier House, in the county of Cor...

The Rattlesnake
Dr. Kinsolving, of the Church of the Epiphany in Philadelphia, dreamed that he "came across a rattlesnake," which "when killed had _tw...

The Red Lamp
Mr. Cooper says: "A fortnight before the death of the late Earl of L--- in 1882, I called upon the Duke of Hamilton, in Hill Street, ...

The Scar In The Moustache
This story was told to the writer by his old head-master, the Rev. Dr. Hodson, brother of Hodson, of Hodson's Horse, a person whom I n...

The Coral Sprigs
Mrs. Weiss, of St. Louis, was in New York in January, 1881, attending a daughter, Mrs. C., who was about to have a child. She writes:...

The Satin Slippers
On 1st February, 1891, Michael Conley, a farmer living near Ionia, in Chichasow county, Iowa, went to Dubuque, in Iowa, to be medicall...

The Dead Shopman
Swooning, or slight mental mistiness, is not very unusual in ghost seers. The brother of a friend of my own, a man of letters and wid...

Under The Lamp
I had given a glass ball to a young lady, who believed that she could play the "willing game" successfully without touching the person...

The Cow With The Bell
I had given a glass ball to the wife of a friend, whose visions proved so startling and on one occasion so unholy that she ceased to m...

The Deathbed Of Louis Xiv
"Here is a strange story that the Duc d'Orleans told me one day in a tete-a-tete at Marly, he having just run down from Paris before h...

The Old Family Coach
A distinguished and accomplished country gentleman and politician, of scientific tastes, was riding in the New Forest, some twelve mil...

Riding Home From Mess
In 1854, General Barter, C.B., was a subaltern in the 75th Regiment, and was doing duty at the hill station of Murree in the Punjaub. ...

The Bright Scar
In 1867, Miss G., aged eighteen, died suddenly of cholera in St. Louis. In 1876 a brother, F. G., who was much attached to her, had ...

The Vision And The Portrait
Mrs. M. writes (December 15, 1891) that before her vision she had heard nothing about hauntings in the house occupied by herself and h...

The Restraining Hand
"About twenty years ago," writes Mrs. Elliot, "I received some letters by post, one of which contained 15 pounds in bank notes. After...

The Benedictine's Voices
My friend, as a lad, was in a strait between the choice of two professions. He prayed for enlightenment, and soon afterwards heard a...

The Man At The Lift
In the same way, in August, 1890, a lady in a Boston hotel in the dusk rang for the lift, walked along the corridor and looked out of ...

The Wraith Of The Czarina
"In the exercise of his duties as one of the pages-in-waiting, Ribaupierre followed one day his august mistress into the throne-room ...

An "astral Body"
Mr. Sparks and Mr. Cleave, young men of twenty and nineteen, were accustomed to "mesmerise" each other in their dormitory at Portsmout...

In Tavistock Place {93}
"In the latter part of the autumn of 1878, between half-past three and four in the morning, I was leisurely walking home from the hous...

The Dying Mother {101}
"Mary, the wife of John Goffe of Rochester, being afflicted with a long illness, removed to her father's house at West Mulling, about ...

The Vision Of The Bride
Colonel Meadows Taylor writes, in The Story of my Life (vol. ii., p. 32): "The determination (to live unmarried) was the result of a ...

Appearances Of The Dead
We now pass beyond the utmost limits to which a "scientific" theory of things ghostly can be pushed. Science admits, if asked, that i...

The Daemon Of Spraiton In Devon {111} Anno 1682
"About the month of November in the year 1682, in the parish of Spraiton, in the county of Devon, one Francis Fey (servant to Mr. Phi...

Sir George Villiers' Ghost
The variations in the narratives of Sir George Villiers' appearance to an old servant of his, or old protege, and the warning communic...

Cavalier Version {121}
"1627. Since William Lilly the Rebells Jugler and Mountebank in his malicious and blaspheamous discourse concerning our late Martyred...

Wyndham's Letter
"Sr. According to your desire and my promise I have written down what I remember (divers things being slipt out of my memory) of the ...

Lord Lyttelton's Ghost
"Sir," said Dr. Johnson, "it is the most extraordinary thing that has happened in my day." The doctor's day included the rising of 17...

The Slaying Of Sergeant Davies
We now examine a ghost with a purpose; he wanted to have his bones buried. The Highlands, in spite of Culloden, were not entirely pa...

"dear Lang,
"I enclose a tradition connected with the murder of Sergeant Davies, which my brother picked up lately before he had read the story i...

Concerning The Murder Of Sergeant Davies
There is at present living in the neighbourhood of --- an old lady, about seventy years of age. Her maiden name is ---, {140} and she...

The Gardener's Ghost
Perhaps the latest ghost in a court of justice (except in cases about the letting of haunted houses) "appeared" at the Aylesbury Petty...

The Dog O' Mause
Account of an apparition that appeared to William Soutar, {145a} in the Mause, 1730. [This is a copy from that in the handwriting o...

Peter's Ghost
A naval officer visited a friend in the country. Several men were sitting round the smoking-room fire when he arrived, and a fox-terr...

It was one evening in the summer of the year 1755 that Campbell of Inverawe {157} was on Cruachan hill side. He was startled by seein...

Inverawe rose before dawn and went straight to the cave. Macniven was gone! Inverawe saw no more of the ghost, but the adventure l...

The Beresford Ghost
"There is at Curraghmore, the seat of Lord Waterford, in Ireland, a manuscript account of the tale, such as it was originally received...

Half-past One O'clock
In October, 1893, I was staying at a town which we shall call Rapingham. One night I and some kinsfolk dined with another old friend...

"put Out The Light!"
The Rev. D. W. G. Gwynne, M.D., was a physician in holy orders. In 1853 he lived at P--- House, near Taunton, where both he and his w...

The Creaking Stair
A lady very well known to myself, and in literary society, lived as a girl with an antiquarian father in an old house dear to an antiq...

The Grocer's Cough
A man of letters was born in a small Scotch town, where his father was the intimate friend of a tradesman whom we shall call the groce...

My Gillie's Father's Story
Fishing in Sutherland, I had a charming companion in the gillie. He was well educated, a great reader, the best of salmon fishers, an...

The Dream That Knocked At The Door
The following is an old but good story. The Rev. Joseph Wilkins died, an aged man, in 1800. He left this narrative, often printed; t...

The Girl In Pink
The following anecdote was told to myself, a few months after the curious event, by the three witnesses in the case. They were conne...

The Dog In The Haunted Room
The author's friend, Mr. Rokeby, lives, and has lived for some twenty years, in an old house at Hammersmith. It is surrounded by a la...

The Lady In Black
A ghost in a haunted house is seldom observed with anything like scientific precision. The spectre in the following narrative could ...

The Dancing Devil
On 16th November, 1870, Mr. Shchapoff, a Russian squire, the narrator, came home from a visit to a country town, Iletski, and found hi...

The Wesley Ghost
No ghost story is more celebrated than that of Old Jeffrey, the spirit so named by Emily Wesley, which disturbed the Rectory at Epwort...

Lord St Vincent's Ghost Story
Sir Walter Scott, writing about the disturbances in the house occupied by Mrs. Ricketts, sister of the great admiral, Lord St. Vincent...

More Haunted Houses
A physician, as we have seen, got the better of the demon in Mrs. Shchapoff's case, at least while the lady was under his care. Reall...

Haunted Mrs Chang
Mr. Chang, of that ilk (Chang Chang Tien-ts), was a man of fifty- seven, and a graduate in letters. The ladies of his family having ...

The Great Amherst Mystery
On 13th February, 1888, Mr. Walter Hubbell, an actor by profession, "being duly sworn" before a Notary Public in New York, testified t...

The Hymn Of Donald Ban
O God that created me so helpless, Strengthen my belief and make it firm. Command an angel to come from Paradise, And take up his ab...

The Devil Of Hjalta-stad {246}
The sheriff writes: "The Devil at Hjalta-stad was outspoken enough this past winter, although no one saw him. I, along with others, ...

The Ghost At Garpsdal
In Autumn, 1807, there was a disturbance by night in the outer room at Garpsdal, the door being smashed. There slept in this room the...

Gisli Olafsson
Notwithstanding this declaration, the troubles at Garpsdal were attributed by others to Magnus, and the name of the "Garpsdale Gho...

The Story Of Glam
There was a man named Thorhall, who lived at Thorhall-stead in Forsaela-dala, which lies in the north of Iceland. He was a fairly we...

'the Foul Fords' Or The Longformacus Farrier
"About 1820 there lived a Farrier of the name of Keane in the village of Longformacus in Lammermoor. He was a rough, passionate man, ...

The Marvels At Froda {273}
During that summer in which Christianity was adopted by law in Iceland (1000 A.D.), it happened that a ship came to land at Snowfell N...

Hands All Round
Nothing was more common, in the seances of Home, the "Medium," than the appearance of "Spirit hands". If these were made of white kid...

The Cold Hand
[Jerome Cardan, the famous physician, tells the following anecdote in his De Rerum Varietate, lib. x., 93. Jerome only once heard a r...

The Black Dog And The Thumbless Hand
[Some years ago I published in a volume of tales called The Wrong Paradise, a paper styled "My Friend the Beach-comber". This contain...

Canon Alberic's Scrap-book
St Bertrand de Comminges is a decayed town on the spurs of the Pyrenees, not very far from Toulouse, and still nearer to Bagneres-de-L...

Lost Hearts
It was, as far as I can ascertain, in September of the year 1811 that a post-chaise drew up before the door of Aswarby Hall, in the he...

The Mezzotint
Some time ago I believe I had the pleasure of telling you the story of an adventure which happened to a friend of mine by the name of ...

The Ash-tree
Everyone who has travelled over Eastern England knows the smaller country-houses with which it is studded--the rather dank little bui...

Number 13
Among the towns of Jutland, Viborg justly holds a high place. It is the seat of a bishopric; it has a handsome but almost entirely new...

'oh, Whistle, And I'll Come To You, My Lad'
'I suppose you will be getting away pretty soon, now Full Term is over, Professor,' said a person not in the story to the Professor of...

Count Magnus
By what means the papers out of which I have made a connected story came into my hands is the last point which the reader will learn f...

Mr Humphreys And His Inheritance
About fifteen years ago, on a date late in August or early in September, a train drew up at Wilsthorpe, a country station in Eastern E...

Martin's Close
Some few years back I was staying with the rector of a parish in the West, where the society to which I belong owns property. I was to...

The Stalls Of Barchester Cathedral
This matter began, as far as I am concerned, with the reading of a notice in the obituary section of the _Gentleman's Magazine_ for an...

Casting The Runes
_April 15th, 190-_ Dear Sir, I am requested by the Council of the ---- Association to return to you the draft of a paper on _The...

A School Story
Two men in a smoking-room were talking of their private-school days. 'At _our_ school,' said A., 'we had a ghost's footmark on the sta...

The Rose Garden
Mr and Mrs Anstruther were at breakfast in the parlour of Westfield Hall, in the county of Essex. They were arranging plans for the da...

The Tractate Middoth
Towards the end of an autumn afternoon an elderly man with a thin face and grey Piccadilly weepers pushed open the swing-door leading ...

A Word About Dogs
We always loved a dog; and it almost broke our little heart, when but a trudging schoolboy, in our first jacket-and-trowsers, our kind ...

The Smooth Terrier
Sir Walter Scott, who was a great friend to dogs, as well as a nice and critical judge of their qualities, used to tell this story:—Whe...

The Shepherd Dog
The shepherd dog is another useful—almost indispensable—creature, on the sheep, or dairy farm. This cut is an accurate representation o...


This work owes its appearance to the absence of any cheap and popular book on the subject of Rural Architecture, exclusively intended f...

General Suggestions
In ascertaining what is desirable to the conveniences, or the necessities in our household arrangement, it may be not unprofitable to l...

If a stream flow through the grounds, in the vicinity of the house; or a pond, or a small lake be near, a few varieties of choice water...

China Goose
The small brown China goose is another variety which may be introduced. She is nearly the color of the African, but darker; has the sam...

A Common Sheep
That the keeping of choice breeds of animals, and the cultivation of a high taste for them, is no vulgar 365 matter, with even the most...

Improved Domestic Animals
Having completed the series of subjects which we had designed for this work, we are hardly content to send it out to the public, withou...

Shorthorn Bull
In cattle, if your grounds be rich, and your grass abundant, the short-horns are the stock for them. They are the head and front, in ap...

Devon Bull
On lighter soils, with shorter pastures; or on hilly and stony grounds, another race of cattle may be kept, better adapted to such loca...

Southdown Ewe
The Southdown, a cut of which we present, is a fine, compact, and solid sheep, with dark face and legs; quiet in its habits, mild in di...

Long-wooled Ewe
The Cotswold, New Oxford, and Leicester sheep, of the long-wooled variety, are also highly esteemed, in the same capacity as the Southd...

Rabbitry Loft
A, place for storing hay. B, stairs leading from below. C, room for young rabbits. D, trapdoor into trunk leading to manure cellar. E...

Cheese Dairy House
This building is one and a half stories high, with a broad, spreading roof of 45° pitch; the ground plan is 10 feet between joists, and...

Cheese Dairy House Ground Plan
The Ground Plan was printed upside-down. INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT. The front door is protected by a light porch, (a,) entering by a doo...

The Butter Dairy
This, if pursued on the same farm with the cheese dairy, and at different seasons of the year, may be carried on in the lower parts of ...

The illustration above needs but little description. The posts should be stone, if procurable, one foot square, and four feet long, set...

Farm Barn 2 Rabbits
It may appear that we are extending our Rural Architecture to an undue length, in noticing a subject so little attended to in this coun...

A, the doe's hutches, with nest boxes attached. B, hutches three feet long, with movable partitions for the young rabbits; the two lo...

Farm Barn Design I
This is a design of barn partially on the Pennsylvania plan, with under-ground stables, and a stone-walled basement on three sides, wit...

Farm Barn Interior Arrangement
A main floor, A, 12 feet wide, runs the whole length through the center of the barn. S, S, are the large doors. H, H, are trap doors, t...

Farm Barn Main Floor Plan
Underneath the body of the barn are the stables, root cellar, calf houses, or any other accommodation which the farm stock may require;...

Farm Barn Under-ground Plan And Yard
The most economical plan, for room in tying cattle in their stalls, is to fasten the rope, or chain, whichever is used, (the wooden sta...

Farm Barn Design Ii
Here is presented the design of a barn built by ourself, about sixteen years since, and standing on the farm we own and occupy; and whi...

Farm Barn 2 Floor Plan
INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT. Entering the large door, (a,) at the front end, 14 feet wide, and 14 feet high, the main floor (g,) passes thr...

Farm Barn 2 Barn Attachments
It may be expected, perhaps, that in treating so fully as we have of the several kinds of farm building, a full cluster of out-building...

The hog is an animal for which we have no especial liking, be he either a tender suckling, nosing and tugging at the well-filled udder ...

Farm Barns
The farm barn, next to the farm house, is the most important structure of the farm itself, in the Northern and Middle States; and even ...

The Dovecote
This is a department, in itself, not common among the farm buildings, in the United States; and for the reason, probably, that the dome...

Among the useful and convenient appendages to the farm and country family establishment, is the ice-house. Different from the gener...

Ash House And Smoke House
These two objects may, both for convenience and economy, be well combined under one roof; and we have thus placed them in connection....

Poultry Lawn
As poultry is an indispensable appendage to the farm, in all cases, the poultry-house is equally indispensable, for their accommodati...

An Apiary Or Bee-house
Every farmer should keep bees—provided he have pasturage for them, on his own land, or if a proper range for their food and stores lie ...

Cottage 4 Interior Arrangement
PLAN From the veranda in the center of the front, a door opens into a hall, 17×7 feet, with a flight of stairs leading, in three dif...

Cottage 3 Cottage Outside Decoration
Nothing so perfectly sets off a cottage, in external appearance, as the presence of plants and shrubbery around it. A large tree or two...

Cottage 3 House And Cottage Furniture
This is a subject so thoroughly discussed in the books, of late, that anything which may here be said, would avail but little, inasmuch...

Cottage Design Ii
This cottage is a grade beyond the one just described, both in appearance and accommodation. It is 20×16 feet on the ground, with a rea...

Cottage 2 Interior Arrangement
PLAN The front door opens into a common living room, 16×12 feet, with two windows, in which is a stove-chimney running up from the m...

Cottage Design Iii
This cottage is still in advance of No. II, in style and arrangement, and may accommodate not only the farm laborer or gardener, but wi...

Cottage 3 Interior Arrangement
PLAN The front door opens, in the center of the front wall, into a hall, 12×8 feet, with a flight of stairs on one side, leading to ...

Cottage Design Iv
This cottage is still in advance of the last, in its accommodation, and is suitable for the small farmer, or the more liberal cottager,...


This work owes its appearance to the absence of any cheap and popular book on the subject of Rural Architecture, exclusively intended f...

General Suggestions
In ascertaining what is desirable to the conveniences, or the necessities in our household arrangement, it may be not unprofitable to l...

Style Of Building—miscellaneous
Diversified as are the features of our country in climate, soil, surface, and position, no one style of rural architecture is properly...

The site of a dwelling should be an important study with every country builder; for on this depends much of its utility, and in additio...

Home Embellishments
A discussion of the objects by way of embellishment, which may be required to give character and effect to a country residence, would e...

Material For Farm Buildings
In a country like ours, containing within its soils and upon its surface such an abundance and variety of building material, the compos...

Outside Color
We are not among those who cast off, and on a sudden condemn, as out of all good taste, the time-honored white house with its green bli...

A Short Chapter On Taste
The compound words, or terms good-taste and bad-taste have been used in the preceding pages without, perhaps, sufficiently explaining w...

The Construction Of Cellars
Every farm house and farm cottage, where a family of any size occupy the latter, should have a good, substantial stone-walled cellar be...

Ventilation Of Houses
Pure air, and enough of it, is the cheapest blessing one can enjoy; and to deny one's self so indispensable an element of good health, ...

Interior Accommodation Of Houses
Ground, in the country, being the cheapest item which the farmer can devote to building purposes, his object should be to spread over, ...

Chimney Tops
Nothing adds more to the outward expression of a dwelling, than the style of its chimneys. We have just shown that independent chimney ...

Preliminary To Our Designs
We have discussed with tolerable fullness, the chief subjects connected with farm buildings—sufficiently so, we trust, to make ourselve...

Farm House
Design I. We here present a farm house of the simplest and most unpretending kind, suitable for a farm of twenty, fifty, or an hun...

Farm House 1 Interior Arrangement
The front door, over which is a single sash-light across, opens into a hall or entry 9×7 feet, from which a door opens on either side...

Farm House 1 Chamber Plan
The roof story is partitioned into convenient-sized bedrooms; the ceiling running down the pitch of the roof to within two feet of the ...

Farm House 1 Miscellaneous
In regard to the surroundings, and approach to this dwelling, they should be treated under the suggestions already given on these subje...

Farm House Design Ii
This is the plan of a house and out-buildings based chiefly on one which we built of wood some years since on a farm of our own, and wh...

Farm House 2 Interior Arrangement
The front door of this house opens into a small entry or hall, 9×6 feet, which is lighted by a low sash of glass over the front door. A...

Farm House 2 Miscellaneous Details
At this point of our remarks a word or two may be offered on the general subject of inside finish to farm houses, which may be applicab...

Farm House Design Iii
We here present the reader with a substantial, plain, yet highly-respectable stone or brick farm house, of the second class, suitable f...

Farm House 3 Interior Arrangement
As has been remarked, the main entrance front to this house is from the wing veranda, from which a well finished and sizeable door lead...

Farm House 3 Miscellaneous
It may be an objection in the minds of some persons to the various plans here submitted, that we have connected the out-buildings immed...

Farm House Design Iv
This is perhaps a more ambitious house than either of the preceding, although it may be adapted to a domain of the same extent and valu...

Farm House 4 Interior Arrangement
The front door from the veranda of the house opens into a hall, 18×8 feet, and 11 feet high, amply lighted by sash windows on the s...

Farm House 4 Chamber Plan
Opening into the wing from the kitchen, first, is a large closet and pantry, supplied with a table, drawers, and shelves, in which are ...

Farm House 4 Surrounding Plantations Shrubbery Walks Etc
After the general remarks made in the preceding pages, no particular instructions can be given for the manner in which this residence s...

Farm House 4 Tree-planting In The Highway
This is frequently recommended by writers on country embellishment, as indispensable to a finished decoration of the farm. Such may, or...

Farm House Design V
We here present a dwelling of a more ambitious and pretending character than any one which we have, as yet, described, and calculated f...

Farm House 5 Ground Plan
Plans in original orientation INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT. The front of this house is accommodated by a porch, or veranda, 40 feet long, a...

Farm House 5 Chamber Plan
It is also lighted by a window over the lean-to, on the side. Back of this, at the end of the passage, is the sleeping-room, 16 feet sq...

Farm House 5 Construction
A house of this kind must, according to its locality, and the material of which it is built, be liable to wide differences of estimate ...

Farm House 5 Grounds Plantations And Surroundings
A house of this kind should never stand in vulgar and familiar contact with the highway, but at a distance from it of one hundred to a ...

Farm House Design Vi
A Southern or Plantation House.—The proprietor of a plantation in the South, or South-west, requires altogether a different kind of res...

Farm House 6 Ground Plan
INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT. This house stands 50×40 feet on the ground. The front door opens from the veranda into a hall, 24×14 feet, in ...

Farm House 6 Chamber Plan
The main flight of stairs in the entrance hall leads on to a broad landing in the spacious upper hall, from which doors pass into the s...

Farm House Design Vii
A Plantation House.—Another southern house is here presented, quite different in architectural design from the last, plain, unpretendin...

Farm House 7 Ground Plan Interior Arrangement
The front door opens into a hall 34 feet long and 10 feet wide, with a flight of stairs. On the left of this opens a parlor or dining-r...

Farm House 7 Chamber Plan
The chamber plan is simple, and will be readily comprehended. If more rooms are desirable, they can be cut off from the larger ones. A ...

Farm House 7 Miscellaneous
We have given less veranda to this house than to the last, because its style does not require it, and it is a cheaper and less pains-ta...

Farm House 7 Lawns Grounds Parks And Woods
Having essayed to instruct our agricultural friends in the proper modes of erecting their houses, and providing for their convenient ac...

Farm House 7 Fruit Garden—orchards
As the fruit garden and orchards are usually near appendages to the dwelling and out-buildings, a few remarks as to their locality and ...

Farm House 7 How To Lay Out A Kitchen Garden
The kitchen garden yields more necessaries and comforts to the family, than any other piece of ground on the premises. It is, of conseq...

Farm House 7 Flowers
Start not, gentle reader! We are not about to inflict upon you a dissertation on Pelargoniums, Calla-Ethiopias, Japonicas, and such lik...

Farm House 7 Farm Cottages
Altogether too little attention has been paid in our country to these most useful appendages to the farm, both in their construction an...

Elevation Cottage Design I
This cottage is 10 feet high, from the sill to the plates, and may be built of wood, with a slight frame composed of sills and plates o...

Cottage 1 Interior Arrangement
The main body of this cottage is 18×12 feet, with a lean-to, 8 feet wide, running its whole length in rear. This lean-to may be 8 o...

The Death Bogle Of The Cross Roads And The Inextinguishable Candle Of The Old White House Pitlochry
Several years ago, bent on revisiting Perthshire, a locality which had great attractions for me as a boy, I answered an advertisemen...

The Inextinguishable Candle Of The Old White House
There was once a house, known as The Old White House, that used to stand by the side of the road, close to where you say the horse fir...

The Top Attic In Pringle's Mansion Edinburgh
A charming lady, Miss South, informs me that no house interested her more, as a child, than Pringle's Mansion, Edinburgh. Pringle's ...

The Bounding Figure Of House Near Buckingham Terrace Edinburgh
No one is more interested in Psychical Investigation Work than Miss Torfrida Vincent, one of the three beautiful daughters of Mrs. H...

Jane Of George Street Edinburgh
The news that, for several years at any rate, George Street, Edinburgh, was haunted, wrote a correspondent of mine some short time ...

The Sallow-faced Woman Of No Forrest Road Edinburgh
The Public unfortunately includes a certain set of people, of the middle class very middlish, who are ever on the look-out for some ...

The Phantom Regiment Of Killiecrankie
Many are the stories that have from time to time been circulated with regard to the haunting of the Pass of Killiecrankie by phantom...

Pearlin' Jean Of Allanbank
Few ghosts have obtained more notoriety than Pearlin' Jean, the phantasm which for many years haunted Allanbank, a seat of the Stua...

The Drummer Of Cortachy
What ancient Scottish or Irish family has not its Family Ghost? A banshee--the heritage of Niall of the Nine Hostages--is still the ...

The Room Beyond An Account Of The Hauntings At Hennersley Near Ayr
To me Hennersley is what the Transformation Scene at a Pantomime was to the imaginative child--the dreamy child of long ago--a flora...

House Near Blythswood Square Glasgow The Haunted Bath
When Captain W. de S. Smythe went to look over ---- House, in the neighbourhood of Blythswood Square, Glasgow, the only thing about ...

The Choking Ghost Of House Near Sandyford Place Glasgow
The last time I was passing through Glasgow, I put up for the night at an hotel near Sandyford Place, and met there an old theatrica...

The Grey Piper And The Heavy Coach Of Donaldgowerie House Perth
Donaldgowerie House, until comparatively recent times, stood on the outskirts of Perth. It was a long, low, rambling old place, dati...

The Floating Head Of The Benrachett Inn Near The Perth Road Dundee
Some years ago, when I was engaged in collecting cases for a book I contemplated publishing, on Haunted Houses in England and Wales,...

The Hauntings Of ---- House In The Neighbourhood Of The Great Western Road Aberdeen
The following experience of a haunting is that of Mr. Scarfe, who told it me some few summers ago, expressing at the same time great...

The White Lady Of Rownam Avenue Near Stirling
Like most European countries, Scotland claims its share of phantasms in the form of White Ladies. According to Mr. Ingram, in his H...

The Ghost Of The Hindoo Child Or The Hauntings Of The White Dove Hotel Near St Swithin's Street Aberdeen
In the course of many years' investigation of haunted houses, I have naturally come in contact with numerous people who have had fir...

Glamis Castle
Of all the hauntings in Scotland, none has gained such widespread notoriety as the hauntings of Glamis Castle, the seat of the Earl ...

The Residence At Whitminster
Dr. Ashton--Thomas Ashton, Doctor of Divinity--sat in his study, habited in a dressing-gown, and with a silk cap on his shaven head...

The Diary Of Mr Poynter
The sale-room of an old and famous firm of book auctioneers in London is, of course, a great meeting-place for collectors, librarian...

An Episode Of Cathedral History
There was once a learned gentleman who was deputed to examine and report upon the archives of the Cathedral of Southminster. The ex...

The Story Of A Disappearance And An Appearance
The letters which I now publish were sent to me recently by a person who knows me to be interested in ghost stories. There is no dou...

The Mystery Of The Circular Chamber
One day in late September I received the following letter from my lawyer:— "My Dear Bell,— "I shall esteem it a favour if you can...

The Warder Of The Door
"If you don't believe it, you can read it for yourself," said Allen Clinton, climbing up the steps and searching among the volumes on t...

The Mystery Of The Felwyn Tunnel
I was making experiments of some interest at South Kensington, and hoped that I had perfected a small but not unimportant discovery, wh...

The Eight-mile Lock
It was in the August of 1889, when I was just arranging my annual holiday, that I received the following letter. I tore it open and rea...

How Siva Spoke
During the summer of the past year a medical friend of mine sent me an invitation to dine with him and two of his fellow-craftsmen at t...

To Prove An Alibi
I first met Arthur Cressley in the late spring of 1892. I had been spending the winter in Egypt, and was returning to Liverpool. One ca...

No 252 Rue M Le Prince
When in May, 1886, I found myself at last in Paris, I naturally determined to throw myself on the charity of an old chum of mine, Eu...

In Kropfsberg Keep
To the traveller from Innsbrueck to Munich, up the lovely valley of the silver Inn, many castles appear, one after another, each on ...

The White Villa
When we left Naples on the 8.10 train for Paestum, Tom and I, we fully intended returning by the 2.46. Not because two hours time se...

Sister Maddelena
Across the valley of the Oreto from Monreale, on the slopes of the mountains just above the little village of Parco, lies the old co...

Notre Dame Des Eaux
West of St. Pol de Leon, on the sea-cliffs of Finisterre, stands the ancient church of Notre Dame des Eaux. Five centuries of beatin...

The Dead Valley
I have a friend, Olof Ehrensvaerd, a Swede by birth, who yet, by reason of a strange and melancholy mischance of his early boyhood, ...

The Canterville Ghost
BY OSCAR WILDE I When Mr. Hiram B. Otis, the American Minister, bought Canterville Chase, everyone told him he was doing a ver...

The Ghost-extinguisher
BY GELETT BURGESS My attention was first called to the possibility of manufacturing a practicable ghost-extinguisher by a real-es...

The Transferred Ghost
BY FRANK R. STOCKTON The country residence of Mr. John Hinckman was a delightful place to me, for many reasons. It was the abode ...

The Mummy's Foot
BY THEOPHILE GAUTIER I had sauntered idly into the shop of one of those dealers in old curiosities--"bric-a-brac" as they say in th...

The Rival Ghosts
BY BRANDER MATTHEWS The good ship sped on her way across the calm Atlantic. It was an outward passage, according to the little char...

The Water Ghost Of Harrowby Hall
BY JOHN KENDRICK BANGS The trouble with Harrowby Hall was that it was haunted, and, what was worse, the ghost did not content its...

Back From That Bourne
ANONYMOUS We are permitted to make extracts from a private letter which bears the signature of a gentleman well known in business...

The Ghost-ship
BY RICHARD MIDDLETON Fairfield is a little village lying near the Portsmouth Road, about halfway between London and the sea. Stra...

The Transplanted Ghost A Christmas Story
BY WALLACE IRWIN When Aunt Elizabeth asked me to spend Christmas with her at Seven Oaks she appended a peculiar request to her le...

The Last Ghost In Harmony
BY NELSON LLOYD From his perch on the blacksmith's anvil he spoke between the puffs of his post-prandial pipe. The fire in the fo...

The Ghost Of Miser Brimpson
BY EDEN PHILLPOTTS I Penniless and proud he was; and that pair don't draw a man to pleasant places when they be in double harnes...

The Haunted Photograph
BY RUTH McENERY STUART To the ordinary observer it was just a common photograph of a cheap summer hotel. It hung sumptuously fram...

The Ghost That Got The Button
BY WILL ADAMS One autumn evening, when the days were shortening and the darkness fell early on Hotchkiss and the frost was beginn...

The Specter Bridegroom
BY WASHINGTON IRVING On the summit of one of the heights of the Odenwald, a wild and romantic tract of Upper Germany, that li...

The Specter Of Tappington
COMPILED BY RICHARD BARHAM "It is very odd, though; what can have become of them?" said Charles Seaforth, as he peeped under th...

In The Barn
BY BURGES JOHNSON The moment we had entered the barn, I regretted the rash good nature which prompted me to consent to the plans ...

A Shady Plot
BY ELSIE BROWN So I sat down to write a ghost story. Jenkins was responsible. "Hallock," he had said to me, "give us another...

The Lady And The Ghost
BY ROSE CECIL O'NEILL It was some moments before the Lady became rationally convinced that there was something occurring in the c...

In The Blackfriars Wynd
''Twill be a black day for auld Scotland when she ceases to believe in the muckle Deil,' commented 'the Meenister' of the Tron Kirk,...

By Peden's Cleuch
The Border hounds had gone right away up Redewater after an old dog fox they had picked up on the rocks beside the Doure; twice had ...

'ill-steekit' Ephraim
'About the middle of the night The cocks began to craw: And at the dead hour o' the night The corpse began to th...

The Cock-crow
A cloud hung over the bishopric--the ancient patrimony of Saint Cuthbert. Bishop van Mildert had died and, sede vacante, great ch...

By The Shrine Of Saint Cuthbert
The bells were ringing to evensong in the great cathedral dedicated to Saint Cuthbert, that stands like a fortress on its rock above...

'meenister' Machiavelli
The soul of the Minister of Bleakhope was disquieted within him, for he had just been 'up the water' and seen the new stained-glass ...

Elder 'machiavelli-er'
I On the evening after the stained-glass 'windie' had been set up in the new kirk and dedicated to the memory of Saint Cuthbert, ...

Repentance Tower
SCENE I. TEMPTATION Late one spring evening not long after the disaster of Solway Moss, Sir Robert Maxwell was walking to and fro...

The Lord Warden's Tomb
My companion had surprised me by a sudden change of demeanour, for which I could not account, and I was watching him out of the tail...

Castle Ichabod
'When you saw the dog, my dear,' said my uncle, the Rector, to his wife, 'almost exactly, if I remember right, a year ago this month...

The Muniment Room
My uncle had succeeded late in life to the family estate in the north of England, which was situated on the wild moorland of north-w...

In The Cliff Land Of The Dane

The Doppel-ganger
So this was the old home--the cradle of his race! Percy Osbaldistone of Osbaldistone Tower gazed curiously about him in what had ...

In My Lady's Bedchamber
'Well,' said Harry laughingly, as he showed me the family portraits, and more especially the ladies, on the wall of the panelled din...

The Warlock Of Glororum
'But are you sure your father wouldn't object?' I asked of my companion--a most bright and amusing Eton boy--to whom I was playing ...

'muckle-mouthed Meg'
'Hang him, Provost!'[1] cried the Town Clerk; 'he was caught red-handed; i' the verra manner, makin' awa aff wi' a quey o' your ain ...

The Prior Of Tynemouth
Prior Olaf stood on the central merlon of the gate tower that protected the little cell of Tynemouth from assault on the landward si...

The Haunted Ale-house
'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,' so Donald Macgregor muttered to himself as he strode cautiously down the water of Coqu...

The Cry Of The Peacock
'Damn the dice!' cried the elder of the two players, in a spasm of rage; 'damn my ill-luck--damn everything!' and as he shouted his ...

Kitty's Bower
When Eric Chesters of Chesters Castle married Miss Brocklebridge--the bold and handsome heiress of Sir William, ironmaster, baronet,...

The Tale Of The Three Antiquaries
Thomas Turnbull stood beside his spade and gazed rapturously at a small portable Roman altar which he had just unearthed. Owing to a...

Apud Corstopitum
(per lineam murus.) L. Sentius Castus--at one time an officer in the 'Domestici,' or Emperor's Guards--had volunteered for active...

The Devils Of Loudun
Loudun is a small town in France about midway between the ancient and romantic cities of Tours and Poitiers. To-day it is an exceedi...

The Drummer Of Tedworth
There have been drummers a plenty in all countries and all ages, but there surely has never been the equal of the drummer of Tedwort...

The Haunting Of The Wesleys
The Rev. Samuel Wesley is chiefly known to posterity as the father of the famous John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, and of the h...

The Visions Of Emanuel Swedenborg
In mid April of the memorable year 1745, two men, hastening through a busy London thoroughfare, paused for a moment to follow with t...

The Cock Lane Ghost
The quaint old London church of St. Sepulchre's could not by any stretch of the imagination be called a fashionable place of worship...

The Ghost Seen By Lord Brougham
It is comparatively easy, when seated before a roaring fire in a well-lighted room, to sneer ghosts out of existence, and roundly af...

The Seeress Of Prevorst
Modern spiritism, as every student of that fascinating if elusive subject is aware, dates from the closing years of the first half o...

The Mysterious Mr Home
"So you've brought the devil to my house, have you?" "No, no, aunty, no! It's not my fault." With an angry gesture the woman, t...

The Watseka Wonder
When the biography of the late Richard Hodgson is written one of its most interesting chapters will be the story of his investigatio...

A Medieval Ghost Hunter
The name of Dr. John Dee is scarcely known to-day, yet Dr. Dee has some exceedingly well-defined claims to remembrance. He was one o...

Ghost Hunters Of Yesterday And To-day
Psychical research, of which so much mention has been made in the preceding pages, may be roughly yet sufficiently described as an e...

An Essay On Ghosts And Apparitions
There is no folly more predominant, in the country at least, than a ridiculous and superstitious fear of ghosts and apparitions. Ser...

The Dominican Friar
An Extraordinary Event that happened lately at Aix-la-Chapelle. As the following story, which is averred to be authentic, and to h...

The Superstitious Couple
In the letters from a gentleman on his travels in Italy to his friend in England, is the following curious account of an experiment ...

The Haunted Bed-room
A young gentleman, going down from London to the west of England, to the house of a very worthy gentleman, to whom he had the honour...

Remarkable Instance Of The Power Of Imagination
It has been remarked, that when the royal vault is opened for the interment of any of the royal family, Westminster Abbey is a place...

The Westminster Scholars
A few years since, some Westminster scholars received great insult from a hackney-coachman, who treated them with the greatest scurr...

The Ideot's Funeral
The following extraordinary affair happened about ten years since, at a village in the north of England. About midnight, the mini...

The Ventriloquist
The following anecdote is related by Adrianus Turnibis, the greatest critic of the sixteenth century, and who was admired and respec...

The Female Fanatic And Heavenly Visitor
The following curious affair happened a few years since at Paris, and is well attested by a gentleman of the greatest respectability...

The Female Sprites
In September 1764, the following extraordinary incident happened in the family of a clergyman then living in Bartholomew Close. T...

The Prussian Dominoor Fatal Effects Of Jealousy
An officer of rank in the service of the late King of Prussia, having lost an amiable wife whom he tenderly loved, became quite inco...

The Dead Man And Anatomical Professor
Many, who were personally acquainted with Mr. Junker, have frequently heard him relate the following anecdote. Being Professor of...

The Drunken Bucks And Chimney-sweep
On March the 19th, 1765, four bucks assembled at an inn in Grantham, to drink a glass, and play a game of cards. The glass circulati...

The Cripplegate Ghost
The following story, well authenticated in the neighbourhood of Cripplegate, will convince the reader, that vicious intentions are ...

The Ventriloquist
The following anecdotes are related by the Abbe de la Chapelle, of the French Academy. This gentleman, having heard many surprisi...

The School-boy Apparition
A few years since, the inhabitants of Dorking, in Surrey, entertained a notion, that a ghost walked in a certain place in that neigh...

The Credulous Peasants
No longer ago than the year 1788, when the husbandmen of Paris suffered so severely by the devastation on the 13th of July in that y...

The Nocturnal Disturbers
The following authentic story is related by Dr. Plot, in his Natural History of Oxfordshire. Soon after the murder of King Charle...

Mareschal Saxe And The Haunted Castle
The following very remarkable adventure, which befel the Mareschal de Saxe, whilst returning to his country-seat, near Dresden, in S...

Remarkable Resuscitation
In the first volume of the Causes Celebres, a popular French work, is the following extraordinary story, which occasioned a serious ...

The Credulous Bishop
A few years since, a memorable conference took place between Dr. Fowler (then Bishop of Gloucester) and a Mr. Justice Powell: the fo...

The Ghostly Adventurer
About thirty years ago, some labouring mechanics met one Saturday evening, after receiving their wages, at a public-house, near Ripp...

The Heroic Midshipman Or Church-yard Encounter
At a respectable inn, in a market-town, in the west of England, some few years since, a regular set of the inhabitants met every eve...

The Cock-lane Ghost
About the middle of January 1762, a gentleman was sent for to the house of one Parsons, the officiating parish clerk of St. Sepulchr...

The Hypochondriac Gentleman And The Jack-ass
A sober gentleman of very great respectability, who was low-spirited and hypochondriac to a degree, was at times so fanciful, that a...

The Castle Apparition
Translated by the Rev. Weeden Butler, Jun. from a Monkish Manuscript. In the vicinity of Chamberry, a town in Savoy, stood the anc...

The Twins Or Ghost Of The Field
Ye who delight in old traditions, And love to talk of apparitions, Whose chairs around are closely join'd, While n...

The Double Mistake Or College Ghost
Mr. Samuel Foote, the celebrated comedian, played the following trick upon Doctor Gower, who was then provost of his college, a man ...

The Haunted Castle
The castle of Ardivillers, near Breteuil, was reported to be haunted by evil spirits. Dreadful noises were heard; and flames were se...

The Hammersmith Ghost
In the year 1804, the inhabitants of Hammersmith were much alarmed by a nocturnal appearance; which, for a considerable time, eluded...

The Frightened Carrier
In October 1813, a little before midnight, as one of the carriers between Nottingham and Loughborough, was passing near the village ...

The Club-room Ghost
At a town in the west of England, was held a club of twenty-four persons, which assembled once a week, to drink punch, smoke tobacco...

The Lunatic Apparition
The celebrated historian De Thou had a very singular adventure at Saumer, in the year 1598. One night, having retired to rest, very ...

Supposed Supernatural Appearance
Some few years since, before ghosts and spectres were commonly introduced among us by means of the pantomimes and novels of the day,...

The Apparition Investigated
In a village in one of the midland counties of Scotland, lived a widow, distinguished among her neighbours for decency of manners, i...

The Benighted Traveller And Haunted Room
A gentleman was benighted, while travelling alone, in a remote part of the highlands of Scotland, and was compelled to ask shelter f...

The Haunted Beach Or Power Of Conscience On A Murderer
BY MRS. ROBINSON. Upon a lonely desert beach, Where the white foam was scatter'd, A little shed uprear'd its head,...

The Subterranean Traveller Or Ghost And No Ghost
The following record is copied verbatim from an old newspaper--The Weekly Journal, or British Gazetteer. ...

The Milkman And Church-yard Ghost
A man much addicted to the heinous sin of drunkenness, in coming home late one winter's night, had to cross Stepney church-yard; whe...

The Fakenham Ghost
The lawns were dry in Euston Park; (Here truth inspires my tale) The lonely footpath, still and dark, Led over...

The Unfortunate Priest And Dead Body
In a province of Prussia, a man being dead, was carried, as is customary, into the church, the evening previous to the day of his i...

The Vigil Of Saint Mark Or Fatal Superstition
Rebecca was the fairest maid That on the Danube's borders play'd; And many a handsome nobleman For her in tilt and...

The Floating Wonder Or Female Spectre
The bridge over the river Usk, near Caerleon, in Wales, is formed of wood, and very curiously constructed, the tide rising occasiona...

Poor Mary The Maid Of The Inn
Who is she, the poor maniac, whose wildly fix'd eyes Seem a heart overcharg'd to express? She weeps not, yet often ...

Giles The Shepherd And Spectre
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Giles, ere he sleeps, his little flock must tell. From the fire-side wi...

A Man With His Head On Fire And Covered With Blood
The following singular adventure is related by a military captain. "I was coming home one night on horseback, from a visit I had b...

The Innocent Devil Or Agreeable Disappointment
The following story is extracted from a letter I received, some time since, from a friend, on the subject of apparitions. "Return...

The Spectre Of The Broken
The following observations on that singular phenomenon called the Spectre of the Broken, in Germany, is related by Monsieur J. L. Jo...

Sir Hugh Ackland
The following remarkable fact shews the necessity of minutely examining people after death, prior to interment, and of not giving wa...

An Agreeable Explanation
A gentleman of undoubted veracity relates the following story. "When I was a young man, I took up my residence at a lodging-house,...

The Somersetshire Demoniac
On the 13th of June 1788, George Lukins, of Yatton, in Somersetshire, was exorcised in the Temple Church at Bristol, and delivered f...

The Maniac Or Fatal Effects Of Wanton Mischief
Some years ago, a very intelligent, handsome, and promising youth, whose names is Henry Pargeter Lewis, the son of a respectable att...

Extraordinary Double Dream Without Any Corresponding Event
The late Reverend Mr. Joseph Wilkins, a dissenting clergyman, at Weymouth, in Dorsetshire, had the following remarkable dream, which...

Remarkable Instances Of The Power Of Vision
A shepherd upon one of the mountains in Cumberland, was suddenly enveloped with a thick fog or mist, through which every object appe...

The Philosopher Gassendi And The Haunted Bed-room
In one of the letters of this celebrated philosopher, he says, that he was consulted by his friend and patron the Count d'Alais, gov...

The Ghost On Ship-board
A gentleman of high respectability in the navy relates the following story. "When on a voyage to New York, we had not been four d...

A Remarkable Story Of A Ghost
Thrice called for, as an Evidence, in a Court of Justice. A farmer, on his return from the market at Southam, in the county of Wa...

The Lady Of The Black Tower
BY MRS. ROBINSON. "Watch no more the twinkling stars; Watch no more the chalky bourne; Lady, from the holy wars ...

Part Second
Now the merry bugle-horn Through the forest sounded far; When on the lofty tow'r, forlorn, The lady watch'd the ...

Jean Bouchon
I was in Orleans a good many years ago. At the time it was my purpose to write a life of Joan of Arc, and I considered it advisable ...

Pomps And Vanities
Colonel Mountjoy had an appointment in India that kept him there permanently. Consequently he was constrained to send his two daught...

The city of Bayonne, lying on the left bank of the Adour, and serving as its port, is one that ought to present much interest to the...

The Leaden Ring
"It is not possible, Julia. I cannot conceive how the idea of attending the county ball can have entered your head after what has ha...

The Mother Of Pansies
Anna Voss, of Siebenstein, was the prettiest girl in her village. Never was she absent from a fair or a dance. No one ever saw her a...

The Red-haired Girl
A WIFE'S STORY In 1876 we took a house in one of the best streets and parts of B----. I do not give the name of the street or the...

A Professional Secret
Mr. Leveridge was in a solicitor's office at Swanton. Mr. Leveridge had been brought up well by a sensible father and an excellent m...

H P Scary
The river Vezere leaps to life among the granite of the Limousin, forms a fine cascade, the Saut de la Virolle, then after a rapid d...

The following story is found in the Gretla, an Icelandic Saga, composed in the thirteenth century, or that comes to us in th...

Colonel Halifax's Ghost Story
I had just come back to England, after having been some years in India, and was looking forward to meet my friends, among whom there...

The Merewigs
During the time that I lived in Essex, I had the pleasure of knowing Major Donelly, retired on half-pay, who had spent many years in...

The Bold Venture
The little fisher-town of Portstephen comprised two strings of houses facing each other at the bottom of a narrow valley, down which...

I Among the many hangers-on at the Hotel de l'Europe at Luxor--donkey-boys, porters, guides, antiquity dealers--was one, a young ...

Little Joe Gander
"There's no good in him," said his stepmother, "not a mossul!" With these words she thrust little Joe forward by applying her knee t...

A Dead Finger
I Why the National Gallery should not attract so many visitors as, say, the British Museum, I cannot explain. The latter does not...

Black Ram
I do not know when I had spent a more pleasant evening, or had enjoyed a dinner more than that at Mr. Weatherwood's hospitable house...

A Happy Release
Mr. Benjamin Woolfield was a widower. For twelve months he put on mourning. The mourning was external, and by no means represented t...

The 930 Up-train
In a well-authenticated ghost story, names and dates should be distinctly specified. In the following story I am unfortunately able ...

On The Leads
Having realised a competence in Australia, and having a hankering after country life for the remainder of my days in the old home, o...

Aunt Joanna
In the Land's End district is the little church-town of Zennor. There is no village to speak of--a few scattered farms, and here and...

The White Flag
A percentage of the South African Boers--how large or how small that percentage is has not been determined--is possessed of a rudime...

The Ghost In Love
On the 15th day of the First Moon, in the second year of the period of "Renewed Principles," the streets of the town of the Eastern ...

The Fresco
In the Great Highway of Eternal Fixity, Mong Flowing-spring and his friend Choo Little-lotus were slowly walking, clothed in the lon...

The Dwarf Hunters
The heavy summer in the South is particularly hard to bear for those who are ill. The damp heat keeps them awake, and thousands of i...

The Corpse The Blood-drinker
Night was slowly falling in the narrow valley. On the winding path cut in the side of the hill about twenty mules were following eac...

Love Rewarded
Lost in the heart of Peking, in one of the most peaceful neighbourhoods of the Yellow City, the street of Glowing-happiness was slee...

The Woman In Green
At this time, in the Pavilion-of-the-guests, in the Monastery-of-the-healing-springs, the most celebrated of the Fo-kien province, ...

The Fault And Its Consequences
When Dawning-colour was on the point of dying, he called his mother to him. "Mother," he said, "I am going to die. I do not wish ...

Deceiving Shadows
Night was falling when the horseshoes of the mules of my caravan resounded on the slippery flagstones of the village. Tired by a ...

In the time when the Shining Dynasty had just conquered the throne, the eastern coasts of the Empire were ravaged by the rapid junks...

Hong The Currier
"In the time when the Justice of Heaven was actively employed with the affairs of the earth, one of my ancestors had an adventure to...

In the town of Sou-tcheou a young man lived called Lake-of-the-Immortals; he was wise and generous. His business consisted in going...

The Princess Nelumbo
Gleam-of-day was sleeping; his round face and high forehead denoted the scholar's right intelligence. All of a sudden he saw a ma...

The Two Brothers
In the town of Sou-tcheou there lived two brothers. The elder, surnamed Merchant, was very rich; the younger, named Deceived-hope, v...

The Marble Arch
When the troubles began to break out in Hankow, many families were alarmed. Those who were not ignorant of the powerful organisation...

The Dutiful Son
At the foot of the Oriental-Perfume-Mountain, in one of the most beautiful places of this celebrated district, the passers-by could ...

Through Many Lives
Some people remember every incident of their former existences; it is a fact which many examples can prove. Other people do not forg...

The River Of Sorrows
Along the path leading to the city of All-virtues, in the obscure night, a poor coolie, grumbling under a heavy load of salt, was tr...

The Mysterious Island
In the beautiful Chu-san archipelago there is a small island where the flowers never cease blooming, and where the trees grow thick ...

The Spirit Of The River
In a small village along the river Tsz lived a fisherman named Siu. He started every night with his nets, and took very great care n...

In the twenty-second year of the period Eternal-happiness, the population of Chao-cheou's harbour, awaking on a bright summer's mor...

Unknown Devils
Suen Pure-whiteness was privileged with the possibility of seeing distinctly all the creatures of the other world, who, for the grea...

In the city of The-Great-name lived a rich idler named Tuan Correct-happiness. He had then attained the age of forty and still he h...

The Patch Of Lamb's Skin
In the twenty-fourth year K'ang-hsi lived in a remote district of the western provinces, a man who could remember his former lives. ...

In the City-between-the-rivers lived a young student named Lan. He had just passed successfully his second literary examination, and...

The Laughing Ghost
Siu Long-mountain was one of the most celebrated students of the district of Perfect-flowers. Having mastered the mysterious theorie...

The House And The Brain
LORD EDWARD BULWER-LYTTON A friend of mine, who is a man of letters and a philosopher, said to me one day, as if between jest and...

The Roll-call Of The Reef
A. T. QUILLER-COUCH "Yes, sir," said my host, the quarryman, reaching down the relics from their hook in the wall over the chimne...

The Open Door
MRS. MARGARET OLIPHANT I took the house of Brentwood on my return from India in 18--, for the temporary accommodation of my famil...

The Deserted House
ERNEST THEODOR AMADEUS HOFFMANN You know already that I spent the greater part of last summer in X----, began Theodore. The many ...

The Mysterious Sketch
ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN I Opposite the chapel of Saint Sebalt in Nuremberg, at the corner of Trabaus Street, there stands a little t...

Green Branches
FIONA MACLEOD In the year that followed the death of Manus MacCodrum, James Achanna saw nothing of his brother Gloom. He might ha...

The Four-fifteen Express
AMELIA B. EDWARDS The events which I am about to relate took place between nine and ten years ago. Sebastopol had fallen in the e...

The Were-wolf
H. B. MARRYATT My father was not born, or originally a resident, in the Hartz Mountains; he was the serf of an Hungarian nobleman...

The Withered Arm
THOMAS HARDY A Lorn Milkmaid It was an eighty-cow dairy, and the troop of milkers, regular and supernumerary, were all at work...

THEOPHILE GAUTIER Brother, you ask me if I have ever loved. Yes. My story is a strange and terrible one; and though I am sixty-si...

The Stalls Of Barchester Cathedral
MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES This matter began, as far as I am concerned, with the reading of a notice in the obituary section of the Ge...

What Was It?
FITZ-JAMES O'BRIEN It is, I confess, with considerable diffidence that I approach the strange narrative which I am about to relat...




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