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  Rosicrucian Articles (31)  


This site will sheld some light on the history of the rosicrucian mystery.

Rosicrucian Articles

The Order Of Rosicrucians And The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Our Message And Mission
A Sane Mind A Soft Heart A Sound Body Before entering upon an explanation of the teachings of the Rosicrucians, it may be wel...

The Rosicrucian Fellowship
For the purpose of promulgating the Rosicrucian teachings in the Western World, the Rosicrucian Fellowship was founded in 1909. It is ...

The Problem Of Life
Among all the vicissitudes of life, which vary in each individual's experience, there is one event which sooner or later comes to eve...

Three Theories Of Life
Only three noteworthy theories have been offered as solutions to the riddle of existence and in order that the reader may be able to m...

We Are Eternal
On whistling stormcloud; on Zephyrus wing, The Spirit-choir loud the World-anthems sing Hark! Lis't to their voice "we ...

The Chemical Region
If one who is capable of consciously using his spiritual body with the same facility that we now use our physical vehicles should glid...

The Etheric Region
In addition to the solids, liquids and gases which compose the Chemical Region of the Physical World there is also a finer grade of ma...

The Desire World
When spiritual sight is developed so that it becomes possible to behold the Desire World, many wonders confront the newcomer, for cond...

The World Of Thought
When we have attained the spiritual development necessary to consciously enter the World of Thought and leave the Desire World, which ...

The Region Of Concrete Thought
The Region of concrete Thought is neither shadowy nor illusory. It is the acme of reality and this world which we mistakenly regard as...

The Region Of Abstract Thought
Various religious systems have been given to humanity at different times, each suited to meet the spiritual needs of the people among ...

The Constitution Of Man
Our chapter head, "the constitution of man," may surprise a reader who has not previously studied the Mystery teachings, or he may ima...

The Vital Body
That body of ours which is composed of ether is called the "vital body" in Western Mystery Schools, for, as we have already seen, ethe...

The Desire Body
In addition to the visible body and the vital body we also have a body made of desire stuff from which we form our feelings and emotio...

The Mind
This is the latest acquisition of the human spirit, and in most people who have not yet accustomed themselves to orderly, consecutive ...

Invisible Helpers And Mediums
There are two classes of people in the world. In one class the vital and dense bodies are so firmly cemented that the ethers cannot be...

After a longer or shorter time there comes in each life a point where the experiences which a spirit can gain from its present environ...

During life the collapse of the vital body at night terminates our view of the world about us, and causes us to lose ourselves in unco...

The First Heaven
In the first heaven, which is located in the higher regions of the Desire World, the panorama of life again unrolls and reveals every ...

The Second Heaven
When both the good and evil of a life has been extracted, the spirit discards its desire body and ascends to the second heaven. The de...

The Third Heaven
In the third heaven most people have very little consciousness for reasons explained in connection with the Region of Abstract Thought...

Birth And Child Life
It must not be imagined, however, that when the little body of a child has been born, the process of birth is completed. The dense phy...

The Mystery Of Light Color And Consciousness
"God is Light," says the Bible, and we are unable to conceive of a grander simile of His Omnipresence, or the mode of His manifestatio...

Education Of Children
Respecting the birth of the various vehicles and the influence which that has upon life, we may say that during the time from birth to...

A Description Of The Headquarters Of The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Work in the physical world requires physical means of accomplishment; therefore a tract of land was bought in 1911 in the town of Ocea...

Our Lessons Are Sermons
They embody the highest moral and spiritual principles, together with the loftiest system of ethics, for Astrology is, to us, a phase ...

We Do Not Cast Horoscopes
Despite all we can say, many people write enclosing money for horoscopes, forcing us to spend valuable time writing letters of refusal...

T He Course In Christian Mysticism
Christ taught the multitude in parables, but explained the mysteries to His disciples. Paul gave milk to the babes, but meat to the st...

How To Apply For Admission
Anyone who is not engaged in fortune-telling or similar methods of commercializing spiritual knowledge will, upon request, receive an ...

The Cost Of The Course
There are no fixed fees; no esoteric instruction is ever put in the balance against coin. At the same time, it cannot be given "free,"...




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