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  Prophecy Studies (33)  


Study the prophecies of the past in order to understand what the future may hold.

Prophecy Studies

The Present Age: Its Beginning Progress And End
Ecclesiastes i:9 The Book of Ecclesiastes is the Book in which the natural man speaks. The conclusion which the wisest man reached ...

The Beginning Of The Age
In dealing with man and the earth, to work out his own plan of redemption and restoration, God works in certain periods of time which...

The Progress Of The Age+
This present age is unrevealed in the Old Testament. When Daniel received the great prophecy which Gabriel carried from the Throne o...

That Blessed Hope
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the glory of our great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ," Tit. ii:13. ...

Its Power And Blessedness
Such then is "that blessed hope," blessed indeed, and an imminent hope. It is a hope which if really held in the heart will shape the ...

Who Will Be Caught Up When The Lord Comes?
The doctrine of the first resurrection and the coming of the Lord for His saints is nowhere taught in the Old Testament; it is altoget...

The Church And The Great Tribulation
Nothing should unite God's children into a closer fellowship than the blessed hope of the coming of our Lord. This was the case, when...

What Is The Tribulation?
The Word of God speaks of tribulation. Tribulations, distresses and all that goes with it are in the world on account of sin. Believ...

Important Conclusions
We have seen what the church and her destiny is. We have learned the character of the tribulation. It is evident that the true churc...

The Ten Virgins Or The Midnight Cry
Matthew xxv:1-13 The study of this most solemn parable spoken by our Lord is very opportune. It is also necessary because certain ...

The Redemption Of The Purchased Possession
Ephes. i:13, 14; Rev. xii We find in these words a truth revealed, which is quite often overlooked by readers of this great Epistle...

The History Of Satan
Satan is a person and has a history. No intelligent believer in the Bible denies this, for the Bible teaches in both Testaments that ...

What Person He Satan Was
The conception, which originated in the middle ages, in connection with the gross perversion of the truth of God, that this person is ...

His Satan Fall
His fall and how he became the great enemy of God is also revealed. We find it in the two chapters already quoted, Isaiah xiv and Eze...

Where Was His Satan Original Dwelling Place
If this being attempted to put his throne above the stars, then must he have had a throne somewhere else. If he aimed to ascend into ...

Satan's Doom Announced
Then the Lord sought that which was lost, the guilty pair, and addressed the serpent. The words the Lord then spoke contain the first...

An Interesting History Of Satan
An interesting history follows. The Old Testament history is the history of conflict between the seed of the serpent and the seed of ...

Why He Satan Hates The Church
He hates the true church because he knows its members are the blood-bought hosts of the Son of God, destined to rule and reign with H...

Satan's Final Opposition
When this age ends Satan will make a final effort in opposing God. He will be permitted to succeed for a brief time and do what is in...

The Conversion Of The World And The Jews
The term, the conversion of the world, is nowhere used in the Bible. That there is, according to the predictions of God's Holy Word, a...

According To Prophecy
It is in the Old Testament Prophetic Word where we find the promises that the nations of the world will be brought to know God, that a...

The Nations Which Enter Into The Kingdom
In Matthew xxv:31 our Lord speaks of what will take place when He has returned, "When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all ...

Who Will Be Used In The Conversion Of These Nations?
But who will be the preachers who proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom if all true Christians have left the earth and the true Church is...

Revelation Chapter Seven
We call attention here to the seventh chapter of Revelation. In this chapter we read of the sealing of one hundred and forty-four tho...

These My Brethren
When our Lord addresses from His throne these converted nations He says, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these m...

What Else Converted Israel Will Do
When the Lord comes all Israel living in that day will be saved, except the apostates (Ezekiel xx:38), those who have worshipped the B...

The Feasts And The Names
Leviticus xxiii The Lord commanded His people Israel to keep seven yearly feasts. We find them mentioned in their proper order in ...

When The Shadows Flee Away
"Until the day break and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense" (Sol. Song iv...

Not Till He Comes
Not till the Lord Jesus Christ comes again and is enthroned as King over this earth will that day break when the shadows flee away. H...

For Soon Shall Break The Day
Up to the fair myrrh-mountain, The fresh frankincense hill, I'll get me in this midnight, And drink of love my fill. ...

The Coming Reign
King of kings! ascend Thy throne; Visit this Thine earth again; Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh; Take Thy mighty power, an...

These Are The True Sayings Of God
Sure the record; Christ has come! Rich, for us became He poor. O my soul, then know His love; Love Him, serve Him evermo...

The Supper And The Advent
Till He come we own His name, Round His table gathering; One in love and faith and hope, Waiting for an absent King. ...




  Prophecy Studies  

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