Card Games (282) |
Rules and how to play different types of card games. Euchre, auction and solitaire. |
Card Games
The Rubber
1. The rubber is the best of three games. If the first two games are won
by the same players, the third game is played; should the sco...
2. A game consists of five points. Should a player order up, assist,
adopt, or make the trump, and he and his partner take five tricks...
8. The knave is the highest card, then the ace, king, etc.
9. In all cases every one must cut from the same pack.
10. Should a pl...
Formation Of The Table
11. If there are more than four candidates, the players are selected by
cutting; those first in the room having the preference. The fo...
Cutting Cards Of Equal Value
13. Two players cutting cards of equal value, unless such cards are the
two lowest, or the two highest, cut again.
14. Three player...
Cutting Out
15. At the end of a rubber, should admission be claimed by any one, or
by two candidates, he who has, or they who have, played a great...
Entry And Re-entry
16. A candidate wishing to enter a table must declare such intention
before any of the players have cut a card, either for the purpose...
22. The pack must neither be shuffled below the table, nor so that the
face of any card can be seen.
23. The pack must not be shuff...
The Deal
28. Each player deals in turn; the right of dealing goes to the left.
29. The player on the dealer's right cuts the pack, and in div...
A New Deal
33. There must be a new deal by the same dealer if during the deal or
during the play of the hand the pack be found to be incorrect or...
A Misdeal
41. A misdeal loses the deal.
42. It is a misdeal,--
I. Unless five cards are dealt to each player.
II. Unless the dealer begi...
Cards Liable To Be Called
46. All exposed cards are liable to be called, and must be left on the
table; but a card is not an exposed card when dropped on the fl...
Cards Played In Error
58. Should the third hand play before the second, the fourth may play
before his partner.
59. Should the third hand not have played...
The Revoke
62. Is when a player, holding one or more cards of the suit led, plays a
card of a different suit.
63. The penalty of a revoke is t...
Calling For New Cards
72. Any player (on paying for them) before, but not after, the pack is
cut for the deal, may call for fresh cards. He must call for tw...
Making The Trump And Playing
74. The trump card having been turned, the eldest hand may pass, order
up, or play alone; in either of the last two cases the third ha...
The Discard
86. Should the card turned up be made the trump, the dealer must at once
discard one card from his hand. The discard is not complete u...
The Trump Card
91. The trump card must be left in view till played, and if removed or
lifted from the pack, becomes an exposed card.
92. After the...
Playing Alone
93. A player may play alone when he orders up, assists, adopts, or makes
the trump, or when his partner does so, provided that he hims...
Etiquette Of Euchre
106. The following rules belong to the established Etiquette of Euchre.
They are not called "Laws," as it is difficult, and in some ca...
Technical Terms Used In Euchre
"Right Bower," or "Right,"--knave of the trump suit, which is the
highest card.
"Left Bower," or "Left,"--knave of the same color a...
Eldest Or First Hand
When the right is not turned, order with three medium trumps or better,
and some strength in suit, _provided you have nothing to go to...
Second Hand
Do not assist too light. This is the most common error in Euchre.
Assist with three trumps.
right and another.[1]
left and...
Third Hand
It requires a stronger hand to order or make the trump in this position
than in the eldest hand, since you cannot depend upon your par...
The Dealer
Take up three trumps.
right and ace.
right and king
right and queen.
right and another, and one suit.
right, a...
The Bridge
There is such a variety of opinion about the bridge that the writers do
not feel confident enough to express any decided view about th...
Lone Hands
It is impossible to absolutely define a "lone hand." With the score
three-all, four-all, or any score in your favor, do not risk a lig...
The following cases are offered to illustrate some of the fine points in
the game. Opportunities for making some of these plays occur
Case I
Refusing to over trump.
9 of clubs (turn-up),
Knave of clubs,
Ace, kin...
Case Ii
Leading through assistance. When to continue with trumps.
King of hearts (turn-up),
Queen of...
Case Iii
Ruffing a winning card in order to draw trumps and score two.
9 of hearts (turn-up),
Case Iv
Leading a trump up to the right.
Knave of hearts (turn-up),
King of hearts,
Case V
Under-play in fourth hand with a large tenace.
Ace of diamonds (turn-up),
Queen, 7 ...
Case Vi
Trumping your partner's trick to put the lead through the strong hand.
Ace of diamonds (turn-up...
Case Vii
Refusing to ruff when you hold the high trump.
Queen of clubs (turn-up),
Right, ace of...
Case Viii
9 of diamonds (turn-up),
Knave of hearts,
Queen of spades,
Case Ix
Queen of clubs (turn-up),
Right and left bowers,
Queen, knave of diamo...
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The foun...
Canfield Or Klondike
One Entire Pack of Card...
The Great Thirteen
Two Entire Packs of Cards ...
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The found...
The "louis" Patience
Two Entire Pac...
The Congress
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Fish-bone
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Carpet
Two Entire Packs of Cards
Two Rings
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The foun...
The Nation
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Wheel
Two Entire Packs of Cards
Mount Olympus
Two Entire Packs of Cards
One Entire Pack of Cards
Nine Cards from One Entire Pack
The Square
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Olga
Four Piquet Packs
The fo...
The Herring-bone
Two Entire Packs of Cards
General Sedgewick
One Entire Pack of Cards
The Queens
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Terrace
Two Entire Packs of Cards
One Entire Pack of Cards
Deal out in hori...
Light And Shade
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The foundations ascend in sequence, but are formed in ...
The Labyrinth
Two Entire Packs of Cards
Spenser's Fairie Queen
Two Entire Packs of...
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Kings
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Zodiac
Two Entire Packs of Cards
Marriages may be made in the Zodiac with cards from the Equ...
The Constitution
Two Entire Packs of Cards
Napoleon's Square
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Hemispheres
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Flower-garden
One Entire Pack of Cards
The Besieged City
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Empress Of India
Four Entire Packs of C...
La Nivernaise
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Sultan
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Fourteenth
Two Entire Packs of Cards
One Entire Pack of Cards
The Blockade
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Clock
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Shah
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Mill
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Four Corners
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Salic Law
Two Entire Packs of Cards
The Fifteen
Two Entire Packs of Cards
Napoleon At St Helena
Two Entire Packs of ...
Explanation Of Terms
Available cards. Those that are not "blocked" by other cards, i.e., not forbidden by the particular rules...
La Belle Lucie
One Entire Pack of Cards
With so many excellent textbooks now in circulation, it seems almost
audacious to add another treatise to current card literature. I...
The Declaration
It is well to realize from the start that the declaration is the most
important department of the game, and yet the most simple to m...
Original Declarations By The Dealer
The Dealer, in making the initial declaration, obtains a valuable
strategic position whenever his hand justifies an offensive bid
The Bid Of One No-trump
The Dealer is justified in basing his declaration upon the assumption
that his partner has one-third of the high cards not in his own ...
Hands In Which The No-trump Declaration Is Doubtful
Suit 1 King, Knave, X Does not contain an Ace, but is
" 2 King, X, X above the average and has fo...
When To Bid Two No-trumps
An original bid of more than one No-trump is rarely advisable, as it is
important that the partner be given the option of bidding two ...
Exception To The No-trump Rule
There is one important exception to most of the No-trump bids above
described, and that is when the hand, which otherwise would be a
Suit Declarations
For some reason the Dealer is more apt to make faulty suit bids than
unwarranted No-trumpers. It seems as difficult for the old Whist ...
Various Ideas Of The Two Spade Bid
Every game of the Whist family has some point upon which experts
disagree, and which, consequently, produces apparently interminable
The Two Spade Bid
The bid of two Spades is a showing of Spade strength, with a hand which
does not contain Spade length sufficient to justify the bid of...
The Three Spade Bid
The declaration of three Spades by the Dealer is a very recent idea and
is also most informatory. It says: "Partner, I am anxious to h...
When To Bid Two In Either Royals Or Hearts
Another case to consider in bidding by the Dealer is when more than one
of any game-scoring suit should be declared.
The original t...
When To Bid Three In Either Royals Or Hearts
An original bid of three Royals or Hearts is justified by a hand in
which sufficient strength exists to make it probable that the
The Two Bid In Diamonds Or Clubs
The original bid of two in either Diamonds or Clubs with the score at
love is a totally different character of declaration from two He...
How To Declare Two-suit Hands
The only remaining case of original declaration by the Dealer is the
hand with two suits, both of which are of sufficient strength to ...
Hands In Which A Trump Declaration Is Doubtful
Spades Ace, King, X, X, X Has five Spades headed by Ace
Hearts X, X, X and King. With Royals Trump ha...
Second Hand Declarations
The Second Hand bids under two totally dissimilar conditions. The
Dealer of necessity has declared and, either by a call of one Spad...
Bidding Over One Spade
When Auction was in its infancy, the authorities advised the Second
Hand, regardless of the character of his cards, to pass a declarat...
When To Bid No-trump
The rules governing an original offensive bid by the Dealer apply to
the Second Hand, after the Dealer has called one Spade, in practi...
When To Make A Trump Declaration
The Dealer, having declared one Spade, a Trump declaration of one, two,
or three by the Second Hand is subject to exactly the same rul...
The Double Of One Spade
The question of when the Second Hand should double is covered in the
chapter on "Doubling," but as the double of one Spade is really a...
The Bid Of Two Spades
The bid of two Spades shows exactly four Spades and the same high-card
holding which justifies doubling one Spade.
The Second Hand,...
The Bid Of Three Spades
The bid of three Spades when made by the Second Hand shows a holding of
at least five (probably six) Spades, almost certainly without ...
How Second Hand Should Bid After An Offensive Declaration
When the Dealer has made an offensive declaration, the Second Hand must
bear in mind that it is possible this may be his last opportun...
The Shift
Holding six or more of a suit, headed by Ace, King, Queen, some writers
have very properly called it an Auction "crime" to double. The...
When To Bid Two No-trumps Over One No-trump
The bid of two No-trumps over one No-trump is a more or less spectacular
performance, that appeals to those fond of the theatrical. Th...
How To Bid Against Two Or Three Spades
With two Spades bid by the Dealer, if the Second Hand have a suit he
desires led against a No-trump, it is of the utmost importance th...
When To Bid No-trump Over A Suit
The question of what amount of strength warrants the Second Hand in
bidding one No-trump, after a suit has been declared by the Dealer...
Third Hand Declarations
Third Hand declarations can best be considered by dividing them into
three classes:--
1. When the Dealer has called one Spade, and ...
When The Dealer Has Called One Spade And The Second Hand Passed
In the old days, when the Dealer's "one Spade" was without significance,
the Third Hand was always obliged to declare, in order to giv...
When The Dealer Has Shown Strength And The Second Hand Passed
One of the cardinal principles of harmonious team play is that when the
partner has made a suit declaration which is apt to result in ...
When Two Spades Has Been Declared
When the Dealer bids two Spades, he gives explicit information
regarding the contents of his hand. The Third Hand is, therefore,
When Three Spades Has Been Declared
When the Dealer has called three Spades, the Third Hand has quite
accurate data with which to work. In this case, even if his hand be
When One Club Or One Diamond Has Been Declared
When the Dealer has called one Club or one Diamond, the Third Hand (the
score being love) must realize that going game with the declar...
When Two Diamonds Or Two Clubs Has Been Declared
When the Dealer has called two Clubs or two Diamonds with the score at
love, the Third Hand should allow the declaration to stand, unl...
When One Heart Or One Royal Has Been Declared
When the Dealer bids one Heart or one Royal, the Third Hand should not
overbid unless without strength in the declaration. By this is ...
When Two Hearts Or Two Royals Has Been Declared
The declaration of two Hearts or two Royals is practically a command to
the partner not to alter the call. It indicates at least six s...
When To Overbid A Partner's No-trump
When the Dealer bids one No-trump and the Third Hand holds five or more
of any suit, one of the most disputed questions of Auction pre...
When To Overbid With Strong Clubs
The question of whether the Third Hand, with strong Clubs, should
overbid his partner's No-trump has aroused considerable discussion. ...
A New Plan For Overbidding
In this connection, a new scheme of take-out is respectfully called to
the attention of the thoughtful and studious Auction players of...
When To Overbid One No-trump With Two No-trumps
When the Dealer has bid one No-trump and the Second Hand passed, the
Third Hand, much more frequently than most players imagine,
What Third Hand Should Bid When Second Hand Has Declared
This situation involves so many possibilities that it is hard to cover
it with fixed rules.
The Third Hand in this position should ...
Fourth Hand Declarations
Some of the principles that have been considered in connection with
certain Second and Third Hand bids are also applicable to similar
When The Dealer's Defensive Declaration Has Been The Only Bid
As a general rule, when this situation arises, the Fourth Hand holds a
combination of cards which makes his bid unmistakable. The othe...
When The Only Offensive Declaration Has Been Made By The Dealer
In this case the Fourth Hand, before making a declaration in any manner
doubtful, should remember that his partner has, by failing to ...
When The Only Offensive Declaration Has Been Made By The Second Hand
In this situation the Fourth Hand is in much the same position as the
Third Hand when the Dealer has made an offensive declaration, an...
When The Only Offensive Declaration Has Been Made By The Third Hand
In this position the Fourth Hand is informed of his partner's weakness.
This weakness is probably quite pronounced, as the Second Hand...
When The Dealer Has Made A Defensive And Both The Second And Third Hands Offensive Declarations
In this situation, the Fourth Hand comes more nearly within the
category of a second round, or late bidder; that is, he is in the
When The Dealer And Second Hand Have Made Offensive Declarations And The Third Hand Passed
It is an exceptional hand which justifies taking the partner out of a
suit declaration, called over a No-trump bid by the Dealer. The ...
When The Dealer And Third Hand Have Made Offensive Declarations And The Second Hand Passed
In this case, both adversaries having shown strength, and the partner
weakness, it is dangerous for the Fourth Hand to declare, and he...
When All Three Players Have Made Offensive Declarations
This case is entirely analogous to the second round or late bidding,
and is covered under the head of CONTINUATION OF THE BIDDING.
Continuation Of The Bidding
After the completion of the first round, the situation of the bidder
becomes so complex that it is most difficult to apply general rul...
When To Advance The Bid
It is frequently most difficult for a bidder to determine whether he is
justified in advancing his own or his partner's declaration, a...
When To Overbid The Partner
Overbidding a partner with a declaration which he has once taken out is
only authorized by an honor count which is of material value, ...
The practice generally called "flag-flying" consists in overbidding an
adverse declaration, which will surely result in game and rubbe...
All doubles, except the double of one Spade by the Second Hand, which
is really an informatory bid, are made for the purpose of increa...
The Choice Between A Game And A Double
A most interesting question arises when a player is placed in the
gratifying position of having the opportunity of electing whether to...
When To Redouble
The question of when to redouble is so intricate that it is hard to
consider, except when the specific case arises. Some players frequ...
What To Do When The Partner Is Doubled
The player who, whenever his partner's declaration is doubled, becomes
frightened, concludes that the worst is sure to happen, and tha...
The selection of the correct lead in Auction is not attended with so
many difficulties as in Whist, or even in Bridge. In Whist, the
How To Lead Against A No-trump
When the partner has not shown strength, the leader, against a
No-trump, should open his own long suit. If he have two long suits, he
Number-showing Leads
The lead in Auction is materially simplified by the fact that
number-showing is not nearly so important as in Whist, and really only
The Lead Against A Suit Declaration
Against a suit declaration, the original lead of the longest suit is
not in the least imperative. Strength is far more important than
How To Lead To A Double
The question of what lead should be made when the partner has doubled
is comparatively simple, although the answer depends materially ...
The Tables
The tables which appear at the end of this chapter should be carefully
examined by all who are not absolutely letter perfect in the
The Play
It has been stated elsewhere that it is easier to advise an Auction
player how to declare than how to play. This is unquestionably tru...
Difference Between Play In Auction And Bridge
There is little difference between the play in Auction and Bridge,
although in Auction, due to the bidding, all the players have much
Playing For Game
The Declarer should never take a finesse or make any other play which,
if it succeed, gains one or more tricks, but which, if it fail,...
Play For An Even Break
The Declarer, in the absence of any positive indication to the
contrary, should base his play upon the probability of an even division...
General Play Of The Declarer
The Declarer, as soon as the Dummy's cards are spread, should size up
the situation, see how many tricks are in sight, what suit or su...
Declarer's Play Of No-trump
The Declarer will find that he is obliged to use different tactics when
playing a No-trump from those he employs when a Trump has been...
Declarer's Play Of A Suit Declaration
The Declarer generally has a greater opportunity to display skill in
the play of a suit declaration than of a No-trumper. With a suit
Play By Declarer's Adversaries
The adversaries of the Declarer must realize that they are at some
disadvantage in the play. The Declarer knows every card in the Dumm...
The Signal
One of the best and most serviceable methods of giving information is
by using "the signal," which is made by the play of an unnecessa...
The Discard
The discard which in Whist has been the subject of so many
controversies, and which, even in Bridge, has created some discussion,
Blocking The Dummy
When the Declarer is playing a No-trump and the Dummy holds a long suit
without reentry, an adversary of the Declarer may have the opp...
Avoid Opening New Suits
The adversaries of the Declarer should avoid opening new suits unless
the situation shows it to be necessary. They should remember tha...
How To Return Partner's Lead
When the original Third Hand returns a suit opened by his partner, he
should lead the winning card, if he hold it. If without the best...
The Finesse
The cards of the Dummy being exposed make it easy for the player
sitting back of him to determine when to finesse. As the object of a
Scoring And Score-sheets
The score is a very important incident of the game of Auction, and to
keep it properly requires considerable care and skill.
The fi...
The Laws Of Auction Bridge
In 1902, some years before Auction had been heard of in the United
States, a number of the best-known clubs of New York, Philadelphia,...
The Rubber
1. The partners first winning two games win the rubber. If the first
two games decide the rubber, a third is not played.
2. A game consists of thirty points obtained by tricks alone, exclusive
of any points counted for honors, chicane, slam, little slam, ...
14. In cutting, the ace is the lowest card; as between cards of
otherwise equal value, the lowest is the heart, next the diamond, next...
Cutting Out
21. If, at the end of a rubber, admission is claimed by one or two
candidates, the player or players having played the greatest number...
Right Of Entry
22. A candidate desiring to enter a table must declare his intention
before any player at the table cuts a card, whether for the purpo...
28. The pack must not be shuffled below the table nor so that the face
of any card may be seen.
29. The dealer's partner must colle...
The Deal
31. Each player deals in his turn; the order of dealing is to the left.
32. The player on the dealer's right cuts the pack, and in d...
A New Deal
37. There must be a new deal--
a If the cards are not dealt into four packets, one at a time and
in regular rotation, begin...
Declaring Trumps
42. The dealer, having examined his hand, must declare to win at least
one odd trick, either with a declared suit, or at "no trumps."
Doubling And Redoubling
53. The effect of doubling and redoubling is that the value of each
trick over six is doubled or quadrupled, as provided in Law 4; but...
59. As soon as the player to the left of the declarer has led, the
declarer's partner shall place his cards face upward on the table, ...
Cards Exposed Before Play
65. If, after the cards have been dealt, and before the trump
declaration has been finally determined, any player lead or expose a
Cards Exposed During Play
67. All cards exposed after the original lead by the declarer's
adversaries are liable to be called, and such cards must be left face
Leads Out Of Turn
76. If either of the declarer's adversaries lead out of turn the
declarer may either treat the card so led as an exposed card or may
Cards Played In Error
80. Should the fourth hand, not being dummy or declarer, play before
the second, the latter may be called upon to play his highest or ...
The Revoke
83. A revoke occurs when a player, other than dummy, holding one or
more cards of the suit led, plays a card of a different suit. It
General Rules
90. Once a trick is complete, turned and quitted, it must not be looked
at (except under Law 82) until the end of the hand.
91. Any...
New Cards
95. Unless a pack is imperfect, no player shall have the right to call
for one new pack. If fresh cards are demanded, two packs must b...
97. While a bystander, by agreement among the players, may decide any
question, he should not say anything unless appealed to; and if ...
Etiquette Of Auction Bridge
In Auction Bridge slight intimations convey much information. A code is
compiled for the purpose of succinctly stating laws and for fi...
Decisions By The Card Committee Of The Whist Club Of New York
Since the adoption of the foregoing code, the Card Committee of the
Whist Club of New York has rendered the following decisions,
Case 1
A bids out of turn. Y and Z consult as to whether they shall allow the
declaration to stand or demand a new deal. B claims that, by re...
Case 2
A bids two Hearts, Y bids two Diamonds,--B demands that the Y
declaration be made sufficient. Y says, "I correct my declaration to
Case 3
At the conclusion of the play the cards are turned face downward
preparatory to the next deal. It is then discovered that the pack
Case 4
A player belonging to one table expresses his desire to enter another,
and cuts in. At the end of the rubber he claims that he is not ...
Case 5
A player belonging to one table expresses his desire to join another,
cuts for the privilege of entering in accordance with Rule 23, a...
Case 6
The bidding in an Auction deal was as follows:--
1st 2d 3d
Round ...
Case 7
The bidding in an Auction deal was as follows:--
1st 2d 3d 4th
Round ...
Case 8
At about the seventh or eighth trick, the left-hand adversary of the
Declarer remarks, "If you have all of the tricks, lay down your h...
Case 9
Dummy leaves the table to get a glass of water. As he returns to his
seat, he sees his partner's hand and notices that he is revoking....
Case 10
With three tricks to play, the Declarer throws his cards face upward on
the table, claiming the remaining tricks. His opponents admit ...
Case 11
The Declarer leads three rounds of Trumps, on the third an adversary
Later in the play the Declarer leads a winning card w...
Case 12
The adversaries of the Declarer take ten tricks, but revoke. Under
these conditions, can either side score "except for honors or chica...
Summarized Penalties
For the benefit of those who wish to hastily ascertain the penalty for
an offense or to refer to the law upon the subject, the follo...
Nap Or Napoleon
The game of Napoleon, or as it is more generally and popularly called
"Nap," was introduced into this country from the United States...
The main idea of the play, as already stated, is for one of the competitors
to stand against the united efforts of the others, who, ...
As a perfect Nap is of such rarity we must content ourselves with
substitutes, and in this respect we may regard the following combi...
The stakes may consist of any amount previously arranged, and whatever is
decided upon, whether it be counters or money, is recognis...
The deal having been completed the players are entitled to look at their
cards, and then declare, in turn, whether they will "stand"...
Playing The Hands
The player who has called the highest number of tricks now becomes
senior hand, and his object is to make the tricks he has declared...
There are several innovations and different methods of play which may
be introduced into the game of Napoleon, but any divergence fr...
Misery Or Misere
This is the most common variation, and is the antithesis of Napoleon,
inasmuch as the caller must not make a single trick. The call...
Buying Cards
After the cards have been distributed, but before any declaration has
been made, the dealer asks each player in turn, beginning with...
Spare Hand
An extra hand is dealt, which each player in turn has the option of adding
to his own hand, selecting from the ten cards thus held f...
Double Header
If each player "passes," then the stakes for the next deal are doubled,
and remain so until the person declaring has won. In cases w...
If a player calls Napoleon, and another player on his left considers he can
also make five tricks, he may call "Wellington," in whic...
This is called in the same manner, that is to say over the player calling
Wellington, and then the stakes are trebled, the caller wi...
Thirty-two Card Packs
If Piquet or Bezique cards are used, i.e., packs with the 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 of each suit omitted--leaving but 32 cards in the set--th...
Six- Or Seven-card Nap
In this variation six or seven cards are dealt to each player, who,
before making his call, has to throw away (face downwards and un...
Nine-card Nap
This may be described as the last innovation in the game. It is conducted
on exactly similar lines to the five card method, except t...
Loo (or, as formerly it was sometimes called, Lue) is a very lively and
popular round game, justly described as one of the best and ...
Three-card Loo being the most popular at the present day, we shall devote
ourselves more particularly to that game, leaving the five...
For the reason already mentioned the stakes should be so arranged that the
amount in the pool can always be divided by three. Thus,...
The deal is settled in the same way as already described in connection
with Nap, and the cards having been shuffled and cut, the sin...
The cards having been dealt, and the trump card turned up, the player on
the left of the dealer has the right to look at his cards, an...
Playing The Hands
The players having decided whether they will stand or not, the leader
plays his card. If he holds ace, or with ace turned up holds ki...
As mentioned in the case of Nap, any divergence from the plain game must
be carefully settled by the company before play is comme...
Club Law
This is the most common variation, and its object is to force a number of
loos, especially when a large number of players are engage...
Unlimited Loo
In this variation the penalty to be paid for a loo varies with the amount
in the pool, and becomes the same as the total stakes of t...
Mixed Loo
This is played on the same lines as the unlimited variation, except that
a limit is fixed, beyond which the loo does not go. For in...
Five-card Loo
This is the old-fashioned game, and we may go back to old books for a
description of it. It is said to be a much more amusing game ...
Irish Loo
This is virtually the same as the five-card variety, except that three
cards only are dealt to each player, and Pam is unknown.
Thirty-two Card Packs
As described in connection with Nap, Piquet or Bezique cards may be used
for Loo, but in that case the number of players must, of ne...
Hints To Players
In deciding whether to stand on one's own cards, or whether to take the
miss, the amount in the pool is a matter f...
The game of Poker is played with an ordinary pack of fifty-two cards.
The number of players is limited only by the number of cards,
Value Of The Hands
The "hands" at Poker are as follows, in order of value:--
No. 1. Sequence Flush, or Straight Flush.--A sequence of five cards
The Jack-pot
If all the players reject their cards, declining to play, ante's stake
remains in the pool; and the deal passes to him. Before he d...
Modifications of the game have been from time to time introduced,
but few have any claim to permanence or popularity. The best know...
Technical Terms
For convenience of reference we annex explanations of the few technical
terms used in Poker.
Age.--The eldest hand, i.e. the play...
The Stakes
As before stated, the ante and limit should be fixed before play begins,
and once fixed should not be altered in any circumstances. ...
Hints To Players
A few words of advice to the tyro may not, in conclusion, be out of place.
They will not make him into a good player--practice and e...
Rules Of The Game
The Deal.
1. The cards shall be the ordinary pack of fifty-two cards.
2. The players, after being seated, shall each draw a card ...
The Play
25. The turn to say shall pads from right to left, and the player who
has first say after the deal shall, if he open the game, stake...
The Draw
34. The first player to the left of the dealer shall have first draw.
35. The turn to draw shall pass from right to left.
36. B...
The Betting
52. All bets shall be deposited in the pool.
53. The first player to the left of the ante shall have first right to bet
after the...
The Hands
65. The following shall be the hands in order of value; the first
being the highest:--1, Sequence flush; 2, Fours; 3, Full; 4, Flush...
77. Any dispute shall be referred to the dealer, unless he be one of the
disputing persons; and if on a matter of fact his decision ...
Vingt-un Or 21
Vingt-un, or twenty-one, is another game we find described in books
published at the commencement of the present century. Its name ...
The object of the players is to secure from their cards--the pips on
which count as already mentioned--twenty-one points, or as near...
The first dealer is settled by one of the company distributing the cards in
the same manner as explained in connection with "Nap" (s...
The whole of the hands having been dealt--that is, two cards given to
each player, and also to cases of divided pairs, the drawing o...
A pool may be formed for any purpose that may be decided upon, and may
be made up according to arrangement. For this purpose, it ma...
Limiting The Deal
In the game we have described we have adopted the principle that the
declaration of a natural Vingt-un throws the dealer out; but an...
Selling The Deal
Should a player object to take his turn at dealing, or desire to part
with it for other reason, he is at liberty to sell the right t...
Additional Privileges For A Natural
It is sometimes agreed that the holder of a natural Vingt-un, providing
the dealer has not also received a natural, shall be entitle...
Commerce Description Of The Game
Ninety years ago the game of Commerce was recognised as being played in
two distinct ways, the new and the old mode, so that it may ju...
The Old Game
The older mode of playing the game of Commerce differs materially from
the description given above, and as it does not present such ...
Pool Commerce
This is a variation of the old method of conducting the game, and is played
on somewhat similar lines, except that a pool is made up...
Limited Commerce
It may be agreed that only the Tricon, Sequence, Flush, and Point shall be
recognised in the game, or even Tricon, Sequence, and Poi...
Penalties For The Dealer
It is sometimes agreed that when the dealer holds a Tricon, Sequence,
Flush, or Pair, and his hand is beaten by either of the others...
Extended Commerce
This is only applicable to the modern mode of playing the game, which in
this variation is extended until all the players are satisf...
Continuous Dealing
Another method of playing the modern game is to allow the same dealer to
remain in until one of the players secures a Tricon, Sequen...
This is a round game which for very many years has been one of the most
popular of its class. It requires little skill in its condu...
Pope Joan
For the game of Pope, or Pope Joan, a special board, or a pool with
eight compartments, is required, or the divisions may be marked ...
The most popular variation from the foregoing game is for the winner,
i.e. the one who first plays out his cards, to only take the s...
Five-pool Pope
The board or pool may be made with five divisions only, in which case
Pope Joan, Matrimony, Intrigue, Ace, and Game are retained, Ki...
Pope Joan Wins
In this variation, when Pope Joan is turned up the dealer at once wins
the game, and takes the stake standing to Game on the board, ...
Limited Stops
In lieu of the spare hand being dealt, with the object of making extra
stops, it may be arranged that a definite number of cards be...
Looking At The Spare Hand
Among amateurs and inexperienced players it is sometimes agreed that the
dealer shall look at the spare hand, so as to see what card...
Spin may be regarded somewhat as a variation or offshoot of Pope Joan,
which game it very much resembles. The dealer will therefore...
This is another variation of Pope Joan, or Spin, and is played on
similar lines. The seven of each suit is taken out to form stops,...
There are two distinct methods of playing this game, so unlike as to lead
to the conclusion that at some time or other two separate ...
Turn-up Snip
It is sometimes agreed that the dealer shall turn up the top card of the
undealt portion of the pack, and if then the first player c...
We have already mentioned that our reason for adopting the above title is
to distinguish this method of playing the game of Snip-Sna...
This game, which is of considerable antiquity, is available for two, three,
four, or more persons, but is usually played by four, wh...
My Bird Sings
This game may be played by any number of persons up to thirteen, if a
full pack of cards be used; or by any number up to eight with ...
The game is sometimes played for flushes only; that is, the four cards
must be of one suit before a player's "Bird sings," and somet...
Spoil-Five may be played by any number of persons not exceeding ten; the
best game, however, is when four or live take part, as then...
Robbing is one of the most important features of the game, inasmuch as if
the player who holds the ace of trumps omits to rob when h...
The holder of the five of trumps, the knave of trumps, or the ace of
hearts, enjoys the privilege of not being obliged to play them ...
A very good game may be played by allowing the cards to retain their
ordinary sequence. As this avoids confusion, it is more suitab...
Two Tricks Win
If five or more players are taking part in the game, it may be found
desirable that the winner of two tricks shall take the pool, or...
This variation is sometimes played when two persons, or two sets of
partners are engaged in the game. It consists in allowing the n...
A variation is sometimes made by the introduction of "jinking." The winner
of all five tricks receives from each player his origina...
Twenty-five And Forty-five
Instead of the game being finished in one hand, it may continue until one
player makes twenty-five, or forty-five. In this case the...
There are many varieties of Loto, with pictures, flowers, letters, etc.,
instead of numbers, which are known as Picture Loto, Botani...