Lessons (374) Clairvoyance (9) Goths (20) Crystal Reading (20) Mysticism (44) Stonehenge (23) Supernatural Metals (28) Naturalism (90) Witch Craft (17) History of the Devil (23) CrystalGazing (20) |
Find articles and lessons that touch on different areas ranging from the law of attraction to clairvoyant psychometry |
In preparing this series of lessons for students of Western lands, I have
been compelled to proceed along lines exactly opposite to ...
The Astral Senses
The student of occultism usually is quite familiar with the crass
individual who assumes the cheap skeptical attitude toward occult ...
Telepathy Vs Clairvoyance
In this work I shall use the term "clairvoyance" in its broad sense of
"astral perception," as distinguished from perception by mean...
Telepathy Explained
Telepathy, meaning Thought-Transference, bears a misleading title.
Literally translated, it means "suffering at a distance," or, per...
Scientific Telepathy
The investigators of the Society for Psychical Research, of England,
started by giving a broad definition of Telepathy, as follows: ...
Mind Reading And Beyond
The simpler forms of telepathic phenomena have received the name "Mind
Reading" and by some have been regarded as something not quit...
Clairvoyant Psychometry
The word "clairvoyance" means "clear seeing." In its present usage it
covers a wide field of psychic phenomena; and is used by diffe...
Clairvoyant Crystal Gazing
As I have informed you in the preceding lesson, Crystal Gazing is the
second method of getting en rapport with the astral plane. Und...
Clairvoyant Reverie
In the preceding two chapters, I have asked you to consider the first two
methods of inducing the clairvoyant phenomena, namely, Psy...
Simple Clairvoyance
In a previous chapter we have seen that there are three well-defined
classes of clairvoyance, namely, (1) Simple clairvoyance; (2) C...
Clairvoyance Of Distant Scenes
Let us now consider the phenomena of the second class of clairvoyance,
namely, Clairvoyance in Space.
In space clairvoyance the c...
Clairvoyance Of The Past
The third great class of clairvoyant phenomena, known as Time
Clairvoyance, is divided into two sub-classes, as follows: (1) Past-Ti...
Clairvoyance Of The Future
Future-Time Clairvoyance, as indicated by its name, is that class of
clairvoyant phenomena which is concerned with the perception of...
Second-sight Prevision Etc
Notwithstanding the difficulties in the way of an intelligent explanation
of the phenomena of future-time clairvoyance, second-sight...
Astral-body Traveling
There is much confusion existing in the minds of the average students of
occultism concerning the distinction between astral visioni...
Strange Astral Phenomena
There are several phases of astral phenomena other than those mentioned in
the preceding chapters, which it will be better for the s...
Psychic Influence; Its Laws And Principles
One of the phases of psychic phenomena that actively engage the attention
of the student from the very beginning is that which may b...
Personal Psychic Influence Over Others
Psychic Influence, as the term is used in this book, may be said to be
divided into three general classes, viz., (1) Personal Influe...
Psychic Influence At A Distance
The second phase of Psychic Influence is that called Distant Psychic
Influence, in which psychic induction is manifested when the pe...
Laws Of Psychic Attraction
The third phase of Psychic Influence is that which may be called Indirect
Psychic Influence, in which psychic induction is manifeste...
Nature's Finer Forces
One of the most common mistaken conceptions of the average student of
the occult sciences, and of so-called "psychic phenomena" in g...
Knowledge Versus Faith
As a matter of fact, as all the advanced students and teachers of the
occult doctrine know full well, we have no direct knowledge what...
Supernormal Not Supernatural
Perhaps a clearer understanding of this important subject will be had if
we but substitute the term "supernormal" for that of "superna...
Supernormal Not Abnormal
The above important statement concerning the distinction between the
"abnormal" and "supernormal" is not made merely for the purpose o...
The Prevailing Ignorance
The ignorant and unthinking attitude of certain portions of the general
public toward this class of phenomena is akin to that of a com...
Prejudice Against The Unusual
Those to whom the above illustration may seem far-fetched, exaggerated,
and unwarranted, are asked to carefully consider the ignorant ...
Great Changes Impending
But it would be unjust and unfair to the general public were we to fail
to add to the above criticism the fact that there is underway ...
The Naturalness Of The Occult Powers
Returning to the subject considered in the opening paragraphs of this
book, namely, the NATURALNESS of the occult and psychic higher p...
The World Of Vibrations
Modern science furnishes abundant testimony to support and substantiate
the teachings of the ancient Hindu sages to the effect that ev...
Super-sensible Vibrations
Moreover, as every text book on science informs us, there are sounds too
low as well as those too high for the human ear to register, ...
The Higher Vibrations
The vibrations of magnetism and electricity are imperceptible to our
sight, though they may be registered by the appropriate apparatus...
Unseen Worlds
Listen to what careful thinkers have said concerning the possibility of
entire worlds existing in the same space occupied by us, but o...
Interpenetrating Planes And Worlds
Another says: "It is true that 'things are not what they seem'; but
everything seems to be 'thus and so' to us only because of its
Manifold Planes Of Existence
The ancient occult teachings have ever insisted upon the presence of
numerous planes of existence, of which our own particular plane i...
Planes And Vibrations
To those who may be disposed to regard the above statements concerning
the "planes of being" as somewhat visionary, theoretical, or im...
The Higher Senses Of Men
There are found persons who, while admitting the possibility of other
and finer planes of being and life, yet question the possibility...
The World Of Sensation
The reports of our sense organs are called "sensations." A sensation is
defined as "an impression, or the consciousness of an impressi...
A Senseless World
A writer on the subject has said: "Psychologists have pointed out to us
the fact that if a human being were born without sense organs,...
The Elemental Sense
Science informs us that all of the five senses of man, viz., the
respective senses of touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell are but
The Raw Material Of Thought
From what has been said, it is seen that we can know only those things
concerning the outside world which are capable of being reporte...
The Evolution Of The Senses
This subject of increased sense-powers has always been a fascinating one
for the psychologists, and much speculation has been indulged...
Unfoldment Of New Senses
The same writer continues as follows: "Even as it is man is able to
perceive only a limited number of sound vibrations--there are many...
Discovery Of New Worlds
Another psychologist says: "If a new sense or two were added to the
present normal number in man, that which is now the phenomenal wor...
Transcendental Senses
Another writer has drawn an interesting picture, which is based upon a
conjecture which is scientifically valid, as follows: "The late...
We Sense Only Vibratory Motion
In assimilating the strange and wonderful conceptions of the
psychologists above quoted, concerning the possibility of a new world of
The Higher Planes Of Nature
In view of the facts and principles above set forth and considered, we
may begin to see that there is nothing "unnatural" in the hypot...
An Appeal To Reason
Concluding these statements, let us say that the student of this book
will find nothing contained within this book which is contrary t...
Mental Vibrations And Transmissions
In the category of Nature's Finer Forces must be included that class of
manifestations which are generally known as Telepathy, Thoug...
The Higher Forces
We may say here, frankly and plainly, however, that the advanced
occultists regard this class of phenomena as comparatively simple and...
Chitta Or Mind Substance
The Hindu Teachings hold that that which we call "Mind" is not an
intangible something different from anything else in Nature, but tha...
What Modern Science Says
There are many to whom this conception of the vibration energy of Chitta
or Mind Substance may seem strange. But such persons will be ...
A Living Dynamic Focus
"Every living being is a dynamic focus. A dynamic focus tends ever to
propagate the motion that is proper to it. Propagated motion bec...
Dynamic Correlate Of Thought
"A process that is at once chemical, physical and psychical, goes on in
the brain. A complex action of this kind is propagated through...
Answer To Skeptical Critics
The two most likely objections advanced against this conception by
sceptical critics are as follows: "(1) The mental vibratory motion,...
The World Of Vibrations
It is true that the scientific instruments of the laboratory, such as
the galvanometer, do not record thought vibrations. This, becaus...
Uncharted Seas Of Vibration
The following quotations from eminent scientists will serve to give the
student a general idea of the views of science upon the questi...
The Human Wireless Telegraph Instrument
Having seen that the first question of the sceptical critics is capable
of being answered in the scientific spirit, and by ideas based...
A Great Scientist's Theory
Let us begin with that great master of modern science, Sir William
Crookes, the inventor of the celebrated "Crookes' Tubes," without w...
Human Electro-magnetism
Professor Bain, another eminent authority, tells us: "The structure of
the nervous substances, and the experiments made upon the nerve...
Human Etheric Force
Professor Haddock, a popular writer along the lines of scientific
psychology and kindred subjects, in a part of his work in which he w...
The Brain-battery
The same writer says: "All states of body and mind involve constant
molecular and chemical change. The suggestion arises that the brai...
A Peculiar Organ
So much for the conceptions of modern western science, which agree in
the main with those of the ancient oriental occultists, although...
The Pineal Gland
The Pineal Gland is a mass of nervous substance which is found located
in the human brain in a position near the middle of the skull, ...
Transmission Of Thought
Many other facts set forth by modern western science could be cited in
our consideration of the question of the existence of any possi...
A General Principle
At this point we wish to impress upon the minds of the students of this
book that what has been above said regarding that class of men...
Transformation Of Vibrations
One of the things which seem to greatly puzzle the average student of
the subject of mental vibrations, and thought-transference, is t...
Example Of Electric Light
Perhaps this matter may be best explained by means of illustrations of
the operation of electricity and light--electric vibrations and...
Example Of Wireless Telegraphy
Likewise, in the case of the wireless telegraphy, the electric energy
produced by the sending instrument is transformed into subtle an...
Example Of Light Waves
The same process is detected in the transmission of what we call light
waves. The activities manifested by the substance of the sun se...
Transformation Of Mental Vibrations
Now for the analogy. Mental vibrations are so only when they remain in
their own uninterrupted medium of channel of activity, i.e., th...
Vibrational Attunement
And here we find another startling correspondence between the phenomena
of wireless telegraphy and that of thought transference or tra...
In Tune With Higher Planes
But, in connection with the above statement of the "in tune" law or rule
of manifestation, we wish to call to the attention of the stu...
The Two Key-words
Concluding our consideration of the "just how" of the transmission of
thoughts, messages, and "psychograms" between two minds, be they...
Thought Transference
The most elementary and simple form in which mental vibrations are
transmitted is that which may be called Thought Transference. In ...
Involuntary Transmission Of Mental Vibrations
Mental vibrations emanating from the brain of the individual take on the
form of wave-like movements in the ether, which are according...
Thought Waves
Thought-waves are manifested in various forms, modes, and phases, and in
different degrees of power. Some are emanated without any cle...
Vibratory Thought Force
The vibratory force of thought-waves persist for some time after their
original emanation. Here, also we have analogies on the physica...
Mental Atmospheres
A well known American writer on this subject has said concerning this
point: "There are many places today filled with the thought-vibr...
The Contagion Of Thought
The same writer says, along the same general lines: "Many have of course
noticed the differing mental atmospheres of stores, offices, ...
Mental Whirlpools
The contagion of thought-vibrations is manifested by such vibrations
coming into contact with the minds of other persons within the fi...
Mental Tidal Waves
"We know how great waves of feeling spread over a town, city, or county,
sweeping people off their feet, and causing them to lose thei...
Mental Attunement
It should not fail to be noticed, moreover, that we habitually receive
and accept more readily those thought vibrations which are in h...
Voluntary Transmission Of Mental Vibrations
Under the head of Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations may be
placed the following two general classes of phenomena, viz., (1)
Voluntary Mental Influence
Under the category of Voluntary Mental Influence we find much of the
phenomena formerly classed as "Magic"--and by this we mean both W...
White Magic
Under the category of White Magic may be placed all those
efforts of mental healing, and similar phases of metaphysical
Black Magic
It has well been said that there are always two poles to
everything in Nature, and continued experience and investigation seems
to su...
Base Use Of Mind Power
One writer says: "It is a fact known to all students of occultism that
Black Magic has been frequently employed in all times to furthe...
The Secret Of Witchcraft
"An examination of the methods employed by these 'witches,' as shown by
their confessions, give us a key to the mystery. These 'witche...
Modern Black Magic
"In our own civilized lands there are many people who have learned the
principles of mental influence, and who are using the same for ...
The Explanation Of Sorcery
Another writer says: "In various stages of history we find the records
of persons having been affected by the influences of witches, s...
The Power Of Fearthought
The last-named writer explains the reference to "fear and belief" in the
last sentence above quoted by the following very important st...
The Negative Pole
"At the extreme negative pole of susceptibility we find persons who
believe firmly that other persons have psychic power over them, an...
Voodooism Explained
"Among the negroes of the South, in America, and among the Hawaiians, we
find marked instances of this kind. The negro Voodoo men and ...
The following quotations from writers on this special subject contain
detailed directions for the use of those who may have reason to ...
Repelling Adverse Influences
This writer continues: "Not only in the case of personal influence in
the actual presence of the other person may be defeated in this ...
Neutralizing Psychic Influences
Another writer gives us the following most interesting information and
advice for use in cases of this kind: "I wish to point out to y...
Telepathic Phenomena
The second general class of phenomena in the general category of
Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations is that known as "Telepat...
Scientific Investigators
Scientific observers, for a number of years past, have been conducting
careful series of experiments in Telepathy, and many volumes of...
How Experiments Are Conducted
The scientific experiments involving Telepathy, which have been
conducted by numerous societies for psychical research and other bodie...
Private Experiments
But, after all, the most convincing evidences of Telepathy are those
which most of us have met with in our own experience. There are b...
Development Of Telepathic Power
Practically every person may develop a certain degree of telepathic
power, sending, receiving, or both, by means of a moderate amount ...
Mind Reading
Perhaps the best plan for the beginner is to practice the popular "mind
reading" experiment or game, which is quite popular in some lo...
Development Practices
This class of experiments, while open to the objection that there may be
more or less muscular direction consciously or unconsciously ...
The Willing Game
The second stage on telepathic development is much akin to that just
described, with the difference that there is no physical contact ...
Formal Tests
The third step in telepathic development is that of conducting
experiments similar to those originally conducted by the Society for
Automatic Writing
In this connection it may be stated that many investigators and
experimentors along the lines of telepathic phenomena have met with
Psychic Sensitiveness
The student of this book will find in the succeeding portions thereof,
from time to time, certain general instructions regarding the
Clairvoyance And Kindred Phenomena
A very large and very interesting class of occult or psychic phenomena
is that known under the very general classification of "Clairvo...
Clairvoyance Defined
The English Society for Psychical Research, in its glossary, defines the
term as follows: "The faculty or act of perceiving, as though...
The Phenomena Of Clairvoyance
The phenomena of Clairvoyance may be subdivided (a) according to methods
employed, and also (b) according to general distinctions. The...
Classification According To General Distinctions
The classification of Clairvoyant Phenomena according to general
distinctions, proceeds as follows: (1) PRESENT CLAIRVOYANCE, in which...
In Psychometry, the clairvoyant establishes the en rapport connection
with objects, persons or scenes, removed in space or in time, by...
The Psychic Scent
Occultists have elaborated a technical theory to account for the
phenomena of Psychometry, or rather to account for the action of the
Magnetic Affinity
A somewhat celebrated investigator of psychic and occult phenomena has
said concerning this phases of Clairvoyance: "The untrained cla...
Distant En Rapport
One of the most familiar instances of the production of clairvoyant
phenomena by means of Psychometry is that illustrated in the above...
Psychic Underground Exploration
Psychometry is frequently employed to describe underground or "mine"
conditions existing at the present time at the particular place f...
Psychic Detective Work
Many cases are recorded by the investigators in which the psychometrist
is able to "sense" a particular locality, a house, a room, a p...
How To Psychometrize
The following general remarks concerning Psychometry, given by a writer
on the subject, will be found interesting and instructive. The...
Developing Psychometry
"You have doubtless heard of the sensing of sealed letters spoken of as
pure clairvoyance. But this phase of phenomena properly belong...
Varieties Of Psychometry
Another investigator along these lines gives the following instructive
comments regarding the practice of psychometric power: "Persons...
Psychometric Getting In Touch
"A psychometrist may, by holding a letter in his hand, or putting it to
his forehead, be able to perceive and delineate the personal a...
Psychometric Readings
"The person who sits for the psychometrist for a 'reading' should not be
antagonistic nor frivolous, neither should he desire special
Crystal Gazing Etc
The second of the three general classes of the methods employed to
obtain the manifestation of clairvoyant phenomena is that known as
Crystals And Bright Objects
The use of crystals and other bright objects for this purpose has been
common to occultists and psychics at all times, past and presen...
The Care Of The Crystal
There is no particular virtue in any particular object used for this
purpose, as such object acts merely to focus the psychic power of...
How To Use The Crystal
The best authorities on the subject of crystal-gazing insist that all
experiments along the said lines should be conducted in a seriou...
The Milky Mist
While some experimenters obtain results almost from the time of the
first trial, others find that it requires a number of sittings bef...
Classes Of Psychic Pictures
An English writer on the subject furnishes the following general
classification of the psychic pictures manifested in the process of
General Directions For Crystal Gazing
An old English authority on the subject of crystal gazing handed down to
his students a certain set of general directions and rules to...
Selection Of Place Etc
"(1) Select a quiet room where you will be entirely undisturbed, taking
care that it is as far as possible free from mirrors, ornament...
Adjusting The Crystal
"(2) The crystal should be placed on its stand on a table, or it may
rest on a black velvet cushion, but in either case it should be
Time Of Sittings
"(3) Commence by sitting comfortably with the eyes fixed upon the
crystal, not by a fixed stare, but with a steady, calm gaze, for ten...
Other Persons Present
"(4) Any person, or persons, admitted to the room, and allowed to remain
while you sit, should (a) keep absolute silence, and (b) rema...
Crystalline Vision
"(5) When you find the crystals begin to look dull or cloudy, with small
pin-points of light glittering therein, like tiny stars, you ...
Physical Requirements
"(6) The crystal should not be used soon after taking a meal, and care
should be taken in matters of diet to partake only of digestibl...
Determining Time Of Fulfillment
"(7) As regards the time at which events seen will come to pass, each
seer is usually impressed with regard thereto; but, as a general...
Two Classes Of Visions
"(8) Two principal classes of vision will present themselves to the
sitter, viz.: (a) the Symbolic, indicated by the appearance of sym...
Time And Space In Crystal Gazing
In the subsequent pages the student will perceive the different
manifestations of clairvoyant vision classified according to the
Direct Clairvoyance
The third of the three general classes of the methods employed to obtain
the manifestation of clairvoyant phenomena is that known as D...
Trance Conditions
Many clairvoyants, manifesting their powers by means of the methods of
Direct Clairvoyance, produce in themselves the condition of tra...
Clairvoyant Reverie
A writer on the subject of Clairvoyance says: "The best authorities
instruct their pupils that the state of clairvoyant reverie may be...
The Dawn Of Clairvoyance
A well-known authority on the subject of Psychic Development says:
"Occasional flashes of clairvoyance sometimes comes to the highly
Methods Of Development
The same authority, after warning students against attempting to develop
their psychic powers by unnatural and harmful practices, such...
Clairvoyance: Past Present And Future
As we have said in the preceding chapter, in our consideration of the
general subject of Clairvoyance, there is possible a general
Present Clairvoyance
In what is called Present Clairvoyance the objects perceived by the
clairvoyant are present in time and in space, at the moment and pl...
The Human Aura
In the first place, this mode of clairvoyant vision discloses the
interesting phenomena concerned with the human aura, or psychic
The Prana Aura
"The clairvoyant vision is also able to discern what is called the
'prana aura' of a person. By this term is indicated that peculiar
The Auric Colors
Another writer says of the clairvoyant perception of the human aura: "As
he looks, the clairvoyant will see himself surrounded by the ...
Thought Forms
Another phase of clairvoyant phenomena of this class is that of the
perception of "thought forms," as they are called by occultists. A...
The X-ray Sense
Another phase of clairvoyant phenomena of this general class is that
which may be called "the X-Ray Sense," for indeed it enables the
Microscopic Vision
Another phase of clairvoyant power of this general class, but one not
nearly so common as those above mentioned, is described by a wel...
Space Clairvoyance
In what is called Space Clairvoyance the objects, persons, scenes, or
events perceived by the clairvoyant are removed in space from hi...
The Psychic Telescope
Space Clairvoyance, or Distant Clairvoyance, is manifested in the form
of Psychometry, Crystal Gazing, or Direct Clairvoyance, as we h...
In the theory of vibratory forces, as set forth in the earlier chapters
of this book, we have the only scientific explanation of the p...
Sensing The Higher Vibrations
Under the radio-active theory it is quite reasonable to conceive of the
clairvoyant sense being able to register and interpreting thes...
Viewing Distant Scenes
A writer has said of this form of clairvoyant perception: "The view of a
distant scene obtained in this way is in many ways not unlike...
Time Clairvoyance
In what is called Time Clairvoyance the clairvoyant is able to perceive
objects, persons, scenes, and events removed from him in past ...
Past Time Clairvoyance
In what is known as Past Time Clairvoyance there is the manifestation of
clairvoyant vision in the direction of scenes and occurrences...
The Mystery Of Seeing The Past
To persons investigating the phenomena of clairvoyance for the first
time, however, there seems to be a much greater mystery attached ...
Analogies On The Physical Plane
We may find many correspondences on the physical plane to serve as
illustrations of the phenomena of Past Time Clairvoyance, if we wil...
Thousand-year-old Light
But we have a much more striking illustration and correspondence in the
case of the transmission of light from the distant stars, whic...
Reading The Light Waves
Now, if our physical vision was sufficiently powerful to magnify objects
on the stars, or if we had instruments to do this for us, we ...
The Akashic Plane
But this, however, is but an illustration of the correspondence on the
ordinary physical plane of certain things on a higher plane of ...
The Akashic Records
The clairvoyant whose powers of Past Time Clairvoyance have been
developed sufficiently, and who has mastered the art of concentration...
Degrees Of Clairvoyant Vision
There is, of course, many degrees of power and development among
clairvoyants of this class; and as a result we have many varying degr...
The Memory Of Nature
A celebrated occultist says concerning the point just raised:
"Comparatively few accounts of persons possessing this faculty of
Involuntary Clairvoyance
"The psychometrist, who needs an object physically connected with the
past in order to bring it all into life again around him; and th...
Future Time Clairvoyance
In what is known technically as Future Time Clairvoyance, we have the
manifestation of the clairvoyant vision in the direction of scen...
Seeing What Has Not Yet Happened
The student who reasons carefully and logically usually meets with what
to him, at least at first, seems to be an unsurmountable obsta...
Simple Prevision
There is a phase of prevision, or prophecy of coming events, however,
that is not true clairvoyance at all, but simply the subconsciou...
The Nature Of Time
That eminent scientist, Sir Oliver Lodge, offers an ingenious and
interesting, though very technical explanation of this class of
The Oriental Teaching
The Hindus, and other oriental peoples, however, have a clearly defined
and positive explanation of the phenomena of Future Time Clair...
The Eternal Now
A writer on this subject has said: "Those occultists and metaphysicians
who have thought long and deeply upon the ultimate facts and n...
Absolute Time
The daring flights of metaphysical fancy have resulted in the general
acceptance, on the part of advanced metaphysicians, of the postu...
The Occult Hypothesis
But it must not be supposed that the oriental occultists hold for a
moment the theory that the clairvoyant actually obtains access to ...
The Prophecy Of Cazotte
Students of history are familiar with the numerous recorded instances of
marvelous prophecy of future events, wonderful predictions of...
The Dinner Of The Elect
"It appears as but yesterday, and yet, nevertheless, it was at the
beginning of the year 1788. We were dining with one of the brethren...
The Illuminatus
"One only of the guests had not taken part in all the joyousness of this
conversation, and had even gently and cheerfully checked our ...
The Beginning Of The Prophecy
"'Ah,' said Condorcet, with his insolent and half-suppressed smile, 'let
us hear--a philosopher is not sorry to encounter a prophet--l...
The Shadow Of The Guillotine
"Cazotte went on: 'You, Monsieur de Nicolai, you will die on the
scaffold; you, Monsieur Bailly, on the scaffold; you, Monsieur de
The Fall Of The Great
"'Then,' observed Madame la Duchesse de Grammont, 'as for that, we
women, we are happy to be counted for nothing in this revolution; w...
The Fate Of Royalty
"Here a sensible emotion pervaded the whole company, and the countenance
of the host was dark and lowering--they began to feel that th...
The Fulfillment Of The Prophecy
To appreciate the startling nature of the Cazotte prophecy at the time
when it was made, one needs but to be even slightly acquainted ...
Other Historical Instances
To mention but a few other celebrated instances of historic prophecy:
George Fox, the pioneer Quaker Friend, had the clairvoyant facul...
The Eternal Verities
As a writer has said concerning this phase of clairvoyant phenomena:
"This phase of clairvoyance is very fascinating to the student an...
Among the higher categories of Nature's Finer Forces is included that
which is popularly known as "mediumship." Although this term h...
What Is Mediumship?
Let us see just what is meant by the term "mediumship." The term
"medium" is defined as: "That which lies in the middle, or between ot...
Ancient Mediumship
It is, of course, unnecessary to state in detail the fact that
communication with decarnate entities has been known and practiced by
Mediumship And Religious Belief
The careful student will of course notice that this communication with
the higher planes of life and being--this so-called "mediumship...
The Ideals Of Modern Spiritualism
A writer well expresses the ideals of modern western spiritualism as
follows: "Through the gateway of mediumship for upwards of fifty ...
Immortality Demonstrated Through Mediumship
"'Immortality demonstrated through mediumship' should be inscribed upon
the banner of spiritualism, for the fact of life beyond the in...
The Truth Of Personal Survival
"When once there is established the conviction of the truth of personal
survival of our loved ones, and the actual and satisfactory
The Gateway Of Mediumship
"Through the gateway of mediumship the spirits make themselves known in
a variety of ways. There are many phases of mediumistic phenom...
The Mediumistic Character
The following quotations from eminent modern spiritualists will further
serve to illustrate the accepted general principles of "spirit...
Mediumistic Sensitivity
Emma Hardinge Britten said: "Whatever that force may be which
constitutes the difference between a 'medium' and a non-medium, it is
The Higher Vibratory Forces
The student who has carefully read what we have said in the earlier
portions of the present book regarding the subject of Nature's Fin...
Psychic Attunement
The entity, or spirit, dwelling on one of the many higher planes of
being who wishes to communicate with persons on earth through a me...
The Development Of Mediumship
As regards the acquirement of mediumship qualities, information and
scientific instruction is much needed, particularly at the present...
Unconscious Mediumship
The student will do well, however, to remember that as a popular writer
has said: "It must not, however, be supposed that spirit influ...
Mediumship And Individuality
The student will find it desirable to acquaint himself with the best
opinions concerning the possible or probable effects of the pract...
Co-operation Of Medium And Spirits
The medium who observes certain simple and plain rules and habits of
conduct will not suffer any loss of strength of character or
Mediumship Not Dangerous
The following additional quotations from spiritualistic writers on this
point, serve to throw important light on this subject. J. J. M...
Rational Mediumship
Wallis says: "The rational course for mediums and inquirers to follow is
assuredly that of avoiding the extremes alike of credulity an...
The Home Circle
Mediums are born or made. That is to say, many persons are born with the
gift of mediumship, while others, lacking this natural power,...
The Cure For Fraudulent Mediumship
At the present time we have too few mediums, and this fact is
attributable largely to the gradual discontinuance of the home circles.
Warning To Young Mediums
Wallis says concerning this point: "After a time, as the development
progresses, the medium and his spirit friends may be strong enoug...
Mediumistic Conditions
Mediumistic phenomena, i.e., the phenomena by and through which spirits
manifest their presence and demonstrate their power, may be ...
Physical Phenomena
PHYSICAL PHENOMENA cover a wide range of mediumistic manifestations,
among which are movements of tables, the production of "raps," th...
Psychic Force
Various explanations of the power employed by the spirits, assisted by
the medium and by the circle, have been offered by the scientif...
Human Magnetism
Dr. Dean Clarke says: "Human magnetism, or nerve aura, is probably the
most sublimated form of ethereal matter, hence nearest in refin...
Hudson Tuttle (writing under control) gives the following statement of a
spirit concerning the manner in which physical phenomena are ...
The orientals account for physical mediumistic phenomena in a similar
way, though their terms are different. Instead of speaking of zo...
Mental Phenomena
MENTAL PHENOMENA cover another wide range of mediumistic phenomena,
among which may be mentioned the following, viz., involuntary or
The Value Of Phenomena
The chief value of physical mediumistic manifestations is not, as
generally supposed, that of affording entertainment or food for thou...
Trance Condition Not Essential
Many persons are under the impression that it is necessary for a medium
to go into the trance condition in order to manifest physical
Scientific Reports On Phenomena
Sir William Crookes, in speaking of D. D. Home and Euspasia Paladino,
said: "Most, if not all, of the occurrences with Euspasia seem t...
Phenomena Without Darkness
"Home always refused to sit in the dark. He said that, with firmness and
perseverance, the phenomena could be got just as well in the ...
Test Conditions
"During the whole of my knowledge of D. D. Home, extending for several
years, I never once saw the slightest occurrence that would mak...
Is Darkness Necessary?
From the above it is seen that not only is the trance condition not
absolutely necessary for the production of striking mediumistic
Developing Circles
The person who is developing mediumship will do well to surround himself
with persons of a certain type of psychical power, and to for...
Impersonating Mediumship
What is known as "impersonating mediumship" occurs where the medium is
so completely under the control of the manifesting spirit that ...
The Proper Mental Condition
The young medium, however, should beware against striving too hard to be
the instrument of the phenomena of spirit impersonation. For ...
Demand Proof Of Spirit Identity
A certain degree of care and caution, and the employment of honest
powers of discrimination, is necessary on the part of the sitters i...
The Trance Condition
The psychic condition frequently attending the demonstration of
mediumship powers is usually spoken of as a "trance," but this term is...
Spirit Inspiration
Wallis says, concerning the nature of a certain phase of spirit control:
"In the case of speaking mediumship, where general and philos...
Spirit Suggestion
"At first the operator may succeed by very imperfectly stimulating the
brain of the sensitive and causing the cerebration and expressi...
Psychic Attunement
Those who have read the above carefully stated opinion, will begin to
see the reason why certain mediums who have attained the greates...
Automatic Writing
In that phase of mediumship known as "automatic or inspirational
writing," there is manifested two distinct forms of spirit control of...
Inspirational Writing
In inspirational writing, on the other hand, the spirit impresses the
message upon the mind of the medium, either as a whole, or else ...
Gradual Development Of Powers
Most mediums develop their powers of mediumship gradually, and pass
through a number of stages in their development of power. At first...
Spirit Guides
As the development proceeds, it will be found that one or two particular
spirits will manifest a greater power than the others, and af...
No Loss Of Individuality
In concluding this part of our book, we would call your attention to the
following statements made by writers along the lines of spiri...
Mediumship Beneficial
A second writer says: "There is no reason why the reactive consequences
of frequent control by enlightened and earnest spirits, even i...
Mediumship And The Bible
A third writer, Rev. H. E. Haweis, says in connection with the relation
of spiritualism with religion: "People now believe in the Bibl...
How To Develop Mediumship
Anyone is entitled to be considered a "medium" if he or she is
psychically sensitive and capable of receiving and responding to spir...
Who Are Mediumistic?
Many persons are more or less naturally sensitive to spirit influence,
and therefore mediumistic. In many cases these persons tend to ...
The Mediumistic Temperament
A leading writer on the subject of mediumship has said: "It is a
fundamental proposition that sensitiveness, or the capability of
Is Mediumship Desirable?
While it is true that a vast majority of persons possess the mediumistic
power, latent and dormant, and capable of being developed to ...
Developing The Natural Power
A writer on this subject well says: "Just as a drum or tamborine is
incapable of being made to emit a tithe of what can be produced by...
Mediumship And Genius
The spirits controlling the hand of a celebrated writing medium, once
delivered through him the following message regarding the nature...
Spontaneous Mediumship
What may be called "spontaneous mediumship" is experienced by many
persons not claiming mediumistic powers, and not understanding the
Mediumistic Flashes
A writer has the following to say concerning this class of mediumistic
persons: "Those persons who are naturally sensitive sometimes
Systematic Development
"The remedy will be found in the systematic cultivation of interior
repose and confidence. The psychic must learn to regard it as a
The Development Circle
As we have repeatedly stated in the foregoing pages, the actual spirit
circle is the best possible means of developing the latent powe...
The Aspirational Attitude
To those who purpose to develop their latent mediumistic powers by and
through the development circle, we would say that it is of the ...
Natural Unfoldment
Again, the person wishing to develop his latent mediumistic powers must
exercise patience and perseverance, and must not insist upon a...
Persistent Watchful Waiting
Some persons are so disappointed because they have not obtained results
after two or three sittings that they give up further efforts....
Building Lines Of Communication
Just how long it will require to obtain convincing results at the
development circle is a matter largely dependent upon certain
Developing Concentration
The following advice on this particular subject will be found helpful to
those contemplating the formation of development circles, and...
The Call For Illumination
"The sincere supplication for illumination and guidance is never in
vain. The spirit breathes a serener air, and is calmed, strengthen...
The Jacob's Ladder Of Communion
"By the earnest study of the conditions requisite for the development of
body, mind, and psychic sense, the intelligent medium will en...
The Attainment Of Excellence
"There is but one course of procedure for the successful attainment of
excellence in any field of labor or thought, and that is by stu...
What A Development Circle Is
Now then, with the above advice and admonitions in mind, the persons who
desire to develop and unfold their mediumistic powers will do...
Forming The Development Circle
The circle should be composed of not less than four persons, and not
more than twelve. It is well to have an equal number of persons o...
The Sitters In The Circle
The sitters will do well to occupy their same places at each sitting,
unless the spirits indicate otherwise. The medium, or in the abs...
The Spirit Communication Code
At the beginning, the leader should plainly announce the signalling
conditions, so as to avoid confusion on the part of the sitters an...
The Matter Of Time Conditions
The time at which the seances are held is not in itself important, but
it will be found best to fix such time at such an hour that wil...
Opening Of The Seance
It will be well to open the seance with a few moments of earnest, silent
meditation--a few moments of dwelling "in the silence," as so...
Developing A Medium
If the circle be one devoted chiefly to the development of mediumistic
powers in some one of its members, then it will perhaps be best...
The Personnel Of The Circle
The personal composition of the spiritualistic circle is a very
important matter, and those entering into circle work should pay
Changing The Sitters
Changes in the membership of a circle is sometimes found to be quite
beneficial. If a circle meets night after night with the same
Adding A Medium
Sometimes there may result certain physical phenomena such as table
tippings and movements of furniture, in cases in which there is a
Reasons For Changes
In cases in which the spirits suggest changes in the order of sitting of
the members of the circle, or suggest other changes in the pe...
Psychic Attunement
One of the most common faults of the sitters at a circle is to become
unduly impatient, and to try to force matters to a clear manifes...
Pre-test Manifestations
Do not be in too much of a hurry to obtain "test" messages. Let the
communications flow on in a somewhat rambling manner at first, unt...
Premature Tests
Regarding the matter of premature tests, or unreasonable demands, the
same writer further says: "Remember that the first requisite is ...
Forcing Tests
Another writer has said on this point: "I then, in my anxiety, made a
mistake which anxious inquirers sometimes make. I wanted more--I...
Spirit Directions
Another point which should be borne in mind by the sitters in the circle
is that the spirits should be consulted as to just what they ...
Questioning The Spirits
After a satisfactory arrangement of the sitters is obtained, and the
table tiltings or rappings have assumed a clear, definite charact...
Substance And Shadow
Moreover, the earnest investigator of spiritualistic phenomena must
always bear in mind that the mere production of mediumistic phenom...
Mediumistic Phenomena
Some students of this book who have noted in the foregoing pages certain
references to the conduct of the sitters in the circle may ...
The Part Played By The Sitters
All of the best authorities on the subject of spiritualism are
practically agreed concerning the important part played by the sitters
Result Of Bad Sitters
And Wallis has said: "Although the spirits may be intensely anxious to
demonstrate their power, they are sometimes repelled from those...
Mental Atmosphere Of The Medium
Likewise, it must not be forgotten that an important factor in the
production of mediumistic phenomena is that which Morse, in the abo...
The Mediumistic Mind
If the medium is filled with the idea or notion of producing brilliant
or sensational results, he will in all probability so disturb t...
Mediumistic Stage Fright
In the same way the placid reflecting surface of the mediumistic mind
may become disturbed by the presence of fear, doubt, and distrus...
The Psychic Telephone System
The medium should ever strive to guard against this harmful mental
state, and should open himself completely to the spirit influence,
Interrupted Communications
It should not be forgotten, in this connection, that the spirits have
their own difficulties to contend with. In the current slang phr...
Some Difficulties Of The Spirits
A writer on the subject has well said regarding this difficulty on the
part of the communicating spirit: "Spirits have many difficulti...
Difficulties Overcome
"Even on this side, when we send telegraphic messages or use the
telephone, mistakes and misunderstandings are by no means uncommon
The Psychic Triangle
In considering the question of the requisites of the mediumistic circle,
the student should remember always that there is A PSYCHIC TR...
Harmonious Relationship
The sitters composing the circle should always remember that mutual
harmony is a most important factor contributing to the success of ...
The Discordant Note
A writer recites an incident in a circle which he once attended, which
so thoroughly illustrates the point just made, that we think it...
Antagonistic Elements
Another incident of the kind is related by a writer, as follows: "On one
occasion, when some experiments were being made by a medium, ...
The Open Mind
The proper mental state of the scientific investigator of spiritualistic
phenomena is that of "the open mind." The sitters should ende...
Spirits And The Sense Of Humor
It is not necessary for the sitters to assume an attitude of
preternatural gravity and solemnity. Instead, they should be natural and
Rhythmic Harmony
The manifestation of rhythmic harmony often materially aids in the
generation of psychic power, and the consequent production of
Retarding Factors
It should be almost unnecessary to state that haste, hurry and
impatience are retarding factors in a spiritualistic seance; but, alas,...
Reasonable Demands Of Spirits
In the above stated instance, and others similar to it, it at first
seems as if the spirits were overparticular, and "finnicky" about ...
Harmonious Conditions
It is not an easy task to give specific directions for development of
mediumistic power for the guidance of one who is desirous of unf...
The Channel Of Communication
It must be always remembered that the medium is not the active agent in
the production of mediumistic phenomena--he is not called to D...
The Role Of The Spirits
We have spoken of the part of the work which it is necessary for the
sitters to perform in order to And now we shall have something to...
Differences Among Spirits
A writer on this subject well says regarding this particular point:
"Some spirits may lack both knowledge and aptitude; others may hav...
Disturbing Elements
"Frequently at the outset both spirits and sitters are ignorant of their
powers, of the conditions necessary for success, and the asso...
Impersonation Mediumship
One of the most interesting phases of mediumship, and the one perhaps
most sought after by earnest seekers of the truth concerning tho...
The True Purpose Of Mediumship
A writer has well given to mediums the following inspiring message
concerning the nature, purpose and aims of their work: "The modes o...
Gradual Development
The best authorities constantly impress upon young mediums the fact that
they should develop their mediumistic powers to a considerabl...
Public Seances
A writer, himself a successful medium, gives the following good advice
to young mediums: "I strongly advise all mediums to wait and se...
Home Circle Development
"Around the family table, where those who are united in affection meet
to hold joyous communion with their spirit friends, where the b...
Undue Prolongation Of Seances
There is a great temptation to young mediums to allow their enthusiasm,
and desire to aid in demonstrating spiritualistic phenomena, t...
Good Advice To Young Mediums
A mediumistic writer gives the following advice on this subject to young
mediums: "Never forget that your nerve-vital energy is used a...
Self-protection For Mediums
Another writer says on this subject: "Mediumship occasionally acts in
such a manner that it becomes a stimulant to every organ and fun...
Danger In Indiscriminate Magnetizing
Another point against which the medium should guard himself, is that of
allowing others, indiscriminately, to "magnetize" him to "aid ...
Detrimental Magnetic Influence
"No sensible person should surrender himself to the magnetic influence
of a human being of whom he knew nothing; he should need to kno...
Mediumistic Auto-suggestion
Other authorities have pointed out the fact that in some cases hypnotism
has resulted in a sort of pseudo-mediumship, or bogus mediums...
Psychic Sponges
A writer has also called the attention of young mediums to another
undesirable class of psychic hangers-on at seances, as follows: "Th...
Investigate Your Spirits
Finally, the young medium should understand the true nature of the
spirits, and just how far he may be safely guided by their advice a...
Spirits Are Still Human Beings
Many persons seem to be under the impression that because a spirit
happens to have passed out of the body he will, of necessity, know ...
Beware Of Domineering Spirits
A writer has given the following good advice to young mediums, which
such will do well to heed: "Do not always be ready to be controll...
Experiences In The Circle
When a circle of sensitive people has been formed, and the necessary
preliminaries of the first sitting have been completed, it is not...
Signs Of Spirit Presence
There will be manifested in most cases a peculiar sense of heaviness or
weight in the hands on the table, and an impression that the h...
Spirit Rappings
At the first sitting, or one shortly following after the first, it is
likely that raps will be produced, and communication established...
Table Tippings
Sometimes, however, in place of the raps being manifested by the spirit
forces, there will instead be manifested that peculiar tipping...
The Spirit Signals
When these rappings or table-tiltings begin to be manifested, all in the
circle should keep cool and calm, and should refuse to become...
Flashes Of Communication
In some cases the circle will have to sit several times before the
persistent though disconnected and apparently meaningless raps or
Spirit Code Signals
In this new phase, when once entered into, the formal set procedure to
be followed will be about as follows: The leader of the circle,...
Ouija Boards
Of late years the sitters at circles have found a quicker method of
obtaining "letter by letter" messages by means of the apparatus ca...
A Home-made Ouija Board
A writer has given the following directions for making a "home-made
Ouija Board," viz., "A Planchette may be used as an 'Ouija' by lay...
Trance Or Inspirational Mediumship
Through the development and unfoldment afforded by the development
circle, the mediumistic persons in that circle, particularly the me...
Symptoms Of Trance Condition
"If you are likely to become a trance-speaking medium, you will probably
experience a sensation as a falling or dizziness, as if you w...
The Entranced State
Another mediumistic writer says: "The entrancement usually takes place
all at once, and the entranced one passes into the realm of
Trance Phenomena
Another writer has said: "In entering the trance condition of
mediumship, you will probably become semi-conscious, or perhaps almost
Entering The Trance
"Let the influence have its course--say what you feel you MUST say, and
never mind about your own state of consciousness. You will be ...
Advice To Trance Mediums
"Most mediums find that their powers vary. Sometimes there seems to be a
high degree of lucidity. The impressions which they receive a...
Speaking Mediumship
In that form of Trance or Inspirational Mediumship generally known as
"Speaking Mediumship," the communicating spirit assumes partial ...
Public Speaking Under Control
A writer gives the following advice concerning Speaking Mediumship:
"Should you be controlled to give public addresses, it will be bes...
Spirit Advice And Counsel
If spirits voluntarily tender you their advice upon business matters,
especially if they are friends or relatives whom you know and tr...
Impersonating Manifestations
It will often happen that some spirit will take control of the medium
for the purpose of communicating with a friend present in the ci...
Incidents Of Impersonations
In a case such as stated above, the medium will probably find himself
either partially or completely conscious of what is being said a...
Incidents Of Inspirational Mediumship
Another writer speaking concerning inspirational mediumship, has said:
"In inspirational speaking it will be noted that the medium oft...
Value Of Identification
In impersonation mediumship, however, no matter how interesting the
manifestation may be, it is of prime importance that the identity ...
Fraudulent Claims Of Identity
We would be lacking in our sense of duty and obligation toward our
readers, however, were we to refrain from calling their attention t...
Guarding Against Fraudulent Spirits
One writer says: "While most mediums seek for some guide or control of
prominence, it must not be always taken for granted that the co...
Spirit Jokers
Another writer says, on this point: "That there are spirits who
sometimes impersonate, and seek to pass themselves off as friends of t...
A Typical Case Of Identification
The following typical case of undoubted identification of a visiting
spirit is related by Smedley in his work concerning spiritualisti...
Recalling Past Incidents
"After looking around the room very deliberately at various objects,
then at one person after another, and fixing her eyes on my wife,...
Identifying Property
"She referred to a number of incidents known only to her and ourselves.
She asked for an album in which she had written the dedication...
Identifying Historical Personages
Of course, a close, personal identification, similar to that stated in
the above recital, is impossible in cases when the spirit claim...
Higher Spirit Manifestations
We frequently hear of, and witness manifestations of, what is called
"spirit psychometry," "spirit clairvoyance," and "spirit claira...
Spirit Psychometry And Clairvoyance
In those instances in which the controlling influence of such phenomena
is clearly that of disembodied spirits, we find two distinct c...
Spirit Psychic Assistance
From the above, it will be seen that a mediumistic person may practice
in psychometry, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, either with or...
Writing Mediumship
In what is known as "writing mediumship" the medium's hand is controlled
by the spirit, and is caused to write messages to those prese...
Incidents Of Writing Mediumship
One writer says: "If the medium reaches the writing stage, he generally
passes into it in much the same manner that he does into the
Developing Writing Mediumship
Another writer on the subject of writing mediumship says to those
developing this phase of mediumship: "Your hands may be caused to sh...
Stead's Method And Results
W. T. Stead, the eminent English investigator, said: "I hold my pen in
the ordinary way, but when the writing is beginning I do not re...
Automatic Writing Vs Inspirational Writing
Another writer says: "Inspirational or impressional writing is
frequently mistaken for that which is more purely passive or automatic....
Use And Abuse Of Automatic Writing
J. A. White, a trance and clairvoyant medium himself, says of the phase
of writing mediumship: "There is a great tendency, particularl...
Advice To Writing Mediums
A French medium says: "We urge beginners in their own interest not to
take up the pencil for automatic writing, or to sit at a table f...
Drawing Mediumship
What is known as "drawing mediumship" is but a variation of writing
mediumship, at least so far as is concerned the nature of the
The Planchette
From time to time, during the past fifty years, there have been invented
or arranged various forms of mechanical contrivances designed...
How To Use The Planchette
If the sitter is mediumistic the Planchette will begin to move about
slowly at first, gradually gathering force and definite direction...
Healing Mediumship
Some mediums seem to be particularly adapted to the work of healing by
psychic force, and this phase of mediumship is known as "healin...
How To Heal By Spirit Power
"If you are impressed with the idea that you possess healing power, you
can easily experiment upon your suffering friends or acquainta...
Materialization Mediumship
One of the rarest, and at the same time the most eagerly sought after
phase of mediumship, is that known as "materialization mediumshi...
Why The Cabinet Is Necessary
Just what is the technical reason for this necessity is a source of
argument and dispute among the different authorities on the subjec...
How To Make The Spirit Cabinet
One of the best kind of cabinets for this purpose is a small alcove
room, or other small room adjoining the room in which the visitors...
How To Use The Spirit Cabinet
When the cabinet is properly arranged the medium enters it and sits down
on a chair provided for that purpose. He should not be distur...
Spirit Phosphorescence
The first evidence of the presence and activity of the spirit forces
striving to produce the phenomena and materialization will probab...
Appearance Of Materialized Substance
As the power increases, and the conditions become stabilized and
perfected, the manifestations will become more pronounced. It often
Materialized Spirit Forms
Later on, the nebulous spirit forms will take on more definite lines and
form, and will become more plainly visible, and will also ass...
Scientific Proof Of Materialization
It is not the purpose of this book to prove the existence of mediumistic
phenomena--rather it points out the means and methods whereby...
How To Conduct A Materializing Seance
In sitting for materialization, the circle should maintain the same
general demeanor that it observes at other times. Silence or digni...
Trumpet Mediumship
In what is known as "trumpet mediumship," the sound of the voice of the
communicating spirit is increased in power by the use of a tru...
Spirit Playing On Musical Instruments Etc
The spirit forces also sometimes will see fit to play upon musical
instruments placed in the cabinet with the medium, the guitar, mand...
Independent Slate Writing
What is generally known as "independent slate writing" is a very
interesting phase of mediumship, and one of the peculiarities thereof...
The Slate Writing Circle
Independent slate writing is performed as follows: The circle selects
two common slates, or else one folding slate. A small bit of cha...
Spirit Paintings
There are cases of record in which crayon drawings have been produced on
the slates by enclosing small bits of various colored crayons...
Fraudulent Slate Writing
Slate phenomena has been brought into some degree of discredit and
disrepute during the past ten years or more, by reason of the fact ...
Practical Advice To Developing Mediums
The young developing medium who has read the foregoing pages of this
book will in all probability soon discover just what phase of med...
Need Of Special Development
A writer says: "As a general rule, the best results of mediumship are
secured by special development along the lines of natural aptitu...
Advice To Discouraged Mediums
A writer gives the following excellent advice to young mediums who have
become somewhat discouraged at their lack of success, and slow...
Avoid Cross-magnetism
A popular mediumistic writer has given the following excellent words of
warning to young mediums: "Do not go into public promiscuous '...
Avoid Psychic Absorption
"You can waste your time, and you can sit in circles, absorb all kinds
of psychological influences, exhaust your own, and in many case...
The Stewardship Of Great Powers
We can not hope to more fitly close this book devoted to the brief
presentation of the facts of the psychic world, and the world of sp...
What Clairvoyance Is
Clairvoyance means literally nothing more than "clear-seeing," and it
is a word which has been sorely misused, and even degraded so ...
Simple Clairvoyance: Full
We have defined this as a mere opening of etheric or astral sight,
which enables the possessor to see whatever may be present around...
Simple Clairvoyance: Partial
The experiences of the untrained clairvoyant--and be it remembered
that that class includes all European clairvoyants except a very
Clairvoyance In Space: Intentional
We have defined this as the capacity to see events or scenes removed
from the seer in space and too far distant for ordinary observa...
Clairvoyance In Space: Semi-intentional
Under this rather curious title I am grouping together the cases of
all those people who definitely set themselves to see something,...
Clairvoyance In Space: Unintentional
Under this heading we may group together all those cases in which
visions of some event which is taking place at a distance are seen...
Clairvoyance In Time: The Past
Clairvoyance in time--that is to say, the power of reading the past
and the future--is, like all the other varieties, possessed by
Clairvoyance In Time: The Future
Even if, in a dim sort of way, we feel ourselves able to grasp the
idea that the whole of the past may be simultaneously and activel...
Methods Of Development
When a man becomes convinced of the reality of the valuable power of
clairvoyance, his first question usually is, "How can I develop...
Theodoric the Ostrogoth is one of those men who did great deeds and
filled a large space in the eyes of their contemporaries, but ...
Theodoric's Ancestors
Ostrogoths and Visigoths--Nations forming the Gothic Confederacy--Royal
family of the Amals--Gothic invasion in the Second Century--He...
The Might Of Attila
The Ostrogoths under the Huns--The three royal brothers--Attila king of
the Huns--He menaces the Eastern Empire--He strikes at Gaul--B...
Theodoric's Boyhood
Inroad of the Huns--Their defeat by Walamir--Birth of Theodoric--War
with the Eastern Empire--Theodoric a hostage--Description of
The Southward Migration
Struggles with the Swabians, Sarmatians, Scyri, and Huns--Death of
Walamir--Theudemir becomes king--Theodoric defeats Babai--The Teuto...
Storm And Stress
Death of Theudemir, and accession of Theodoric--Leo the Butcher--The
Emperor Zeno--The march of Theodoric against the son of Trianus--...
Italy Under Odovacar
Condition of Italy--End of the line of Theodosius--Ricimer the
Patrician--Struggles with the Vandals--Orestes the Patrician makes his
The Conquest Of Italy
Odovacar invades Dalmatia--Conducts a successful campaign against the
Rugians--Theodoric accepts from Zeno the commission to overthrow...
Transformation in the character of Theodoric--His title--Embassies to
Zeno and Anastasius--Theodoric's care for the rebuilding of citi...
Roman Officials--cassiodorus
The government of Italy still carried on according to Roman
precedent--Classification of the officials--The Consulship and the
The Arian League
Political bearings of the Arianism of the German invaders of the
Empire--Vandals, Suevi, Visigoths, Burgundians--Uprise of the power o...
Anastasius, the Eastern Emperor--His character--His disputes with his
subjects--Theodoric and the king of the Gepidse--War of Sinnium ...
Rome And Ravenna
Theodoric's visit to Rome--Disputed Papal election--Theodoric's speech
at the Golden Palm--The monk Fulgentius--Bread-distributions--R...
Clouds in the horizon--Anxiety as to the succession--Death of Eutharic,
son-in-law of Theodoric--His son Athalaric proclaimed as Theod...
Heodoric's Tomb
Embassy of Pope John to Constantinople--His imprisonment and
death--Execution of Symmachus--Opportune death of Theodoric--Various
Accession of the Emperor Justinian--His place in history--Overthrow of
the Vandal kingdom in Africa by Belisarius--Battles of Ad Decim...
Justinian begins his great Gothic war--Dalmatia recovered for the
Empire--Belisarius lands in Sicily--Siege of Palermo--The South of I...
Misgovernment of Italy by Justinian's officers--The Gothic cause
revives--Accession of Ildibad--Of Eraric--Of Totila--Totila's charact...
Totila again takes Rome--High-water mark of the success of the Gothic
arms--Narses, the Emperor's Chamberlain, appointed to command an...
The Theodoric Of Saga
The fame of Theodoric attested by the Saga dealing with his name,
utterly devoid as they are of historic truth--The Wilkma Saga--Story...
Crystal Reading
A Postulate
Any attempt at a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of "crystal seering," to use an irregular but comprehensive term, would perha...
There are in existence certain magical works, such as those of Trithemius and Barrett, wherein the use of the Crystal is accompanied by...
Having obtained a good Crystal, as free as possible from blemish, care must be taken to keep it is much as possible in a dark place whe...
The Vision
Visions seen in the crystal are of two kinds, both of which may be conveyed to the perception of the seer in two ways. The two kinds of...
Under this head we propose to cite a few of the obstacles to be met with in the process of inducing the psychic vision, and some also w...
Symbols are thought-forms which convey, by the association of ideas, a definite meaning in regard to the mind that generates them. They...
Some Experiences
The following facts, in connection with predictions made from the Crystal, have come within the knowledge of the writer, either as pers...
Directions For Using The Ovoids And Shperes For Crystal Or Mirror Vision
Daylight and artificial light are both equally suitable. A North light is the best suited to the human eye.
Observer should sit back...
The Practice Of Crystal Vision
Magi Spheres are considered the best. The price a few years ago was £3 3s. each, but the sale having become larger and the process less...
Concise Dictionary Of Astrological Terms
AFFLICTION.When a planet is on the cross (square) or in opposition, it is said to afflict.
AIRY SIGNS.Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius....
The Scientific Position
It would perhaps be premature to make any definite pronouncement
as to the scientific position in regard to the psychic phenomenon
Materials And Conditions
The crystal is a clear pellucid piece of quartz or beryl,
sometimes oval in shape but more generally spherical. It is
accredited by R...
The Faculty Of Seership
Until quite recently the faculty of seership has been associated
in occult literature with various magical formulae. There are in
Preliminaries And Practice
The first consideration by those who would develop clairvoyance
by artificial aids is the choice of a suitable agent. It has been the
Kinds Of Vision
There are two kinds of vision, and each of these may be
perceived in two different ways. The two sorts of vision are
called the Direc...
Obstacles To Clairvoyance
Various impediments stand in the way of inducing second sight,
and certain others may be expected to arise in connection with
the fac...
Symbols formed the primitive language of the human race, they
spoke and wrote in symbols. The hieroglyphic writings of the
Allied Psychic Phases
The faculty of second sight is not by any means the most
common of the psychic powers. Psychometric impressions which
proceed by the ...
Experience And Use
First let us have the facts, we can then best see what use we can
make of them. This I think is the correct position in regard to any
The foregoing short treatise will gain some practical value by a
statement of the conditions most suitable for scrying.
A diffused ...
A wave of Mysticism is passing over the civilised nations. It is
welcomed by many: by more it is mistrusted. Even the minds to
which ...
Nature, And The Absolute
As just stated, metaphysics and theology are to be avoided. But
since Mysticism is generally associated with belief in an
Mystic Intuition And Reason
So much for the nature-mystic's relation to the concept of the
Absolute. It would be interesting to discuss, from the same
point of v...
Man And Nature
Many thinkers of the present day pride themselves upon the
growth of what they call the naturalistic spirit. What do they
mean by thi...
Mystic Receptivity
The general character of the nature-mystic's main contention
will now be sufficiently obvious. He maintains that man and his
Development And Discipline Of Intuition
Although the outstanding mark of intuition is its immediacy,
that does not imply that it is independent of mental
development, of cul...
Nature Not Symbolic
Mysticism and symbolism are generally regarded as
inseparable: some may go so far as to make them practically
synonymous. Hence the l...
The Charge Of Anthropomorphism
There are many thinkers who are ready to acknowledge that the
contemplation of nature leads to various kinds of emotional and
The Immanent Idea
So much by way of direct answer to the formidable attack upon
the nature-mystic's position. In turning to more constructive
work, whi...
Animism, Ancient And Modern
After this metaphysical bath we return invigorated to the world
of concrete experience dear alike to the common-sense thinker
and the...
Will And Consciousness In Nature
The idea that inorganic nature is not merely informed by reason,
but is also possessed of will and consciousness, will strike many
The materials are now fairly complete for understanding the rise
and development of animism. The untrained primitive intellect
was st...
Poetry And Nature Mysticism
What a charm the nature deities of Greece and Rome can still
exercise! How large the place they still occupy in poetry, art,
and gene...
The Beautiful And The Ugly
A charge frequently brought against the nature-mystic is that he
ignores the dark side of nature, and shuts his eyes to the ugly
and ...
Nature Mysticism And The Race
The fundamental postulates and principles of a consistent
Nature Mysticism have now been expounded with a fullness
sufficient to allo...
In an earlier chapter mention was made of that truly remarkable
group of thinkers who, in the sixth century before the Christian
The Waters Under The Earth
We have found that the constant movement and change
manifested in the circulation of the waters of the globe
impressed the mind of Th...
Springs And Wells
Milton, in his noble "Ode on the Nativity," sings that, with the
advent of the Saviour,
"From haunted spring and dale,
Brooks And Streams
There is a striking passage in Tylor's "Primitive Culture" which
will admirably serve as an introduction to this chapter and the
one ...
Rivers And Life
A river is but a larger brook. And yet by virtue of its volume, it
manifests features which are peculiarly its own, and exerts
Rivers And Death
The world of fact, no less than the world of abstract thought, is
full of contradictions and unsolved antinomies. Here is one such
The Ocean
The Ocean! What is its mystic significance? A question as
fraught with living issues as its physical object is spacious and
Still Waters
Tiefer Stille herrscht im Wasser,
Ohno Regung ruht das Meer,
Und bekuemmert sieht der Schiffer
Glatte Flache rings u...
Anaximenes And The Air
Hitherto our attention has been almost exclusively fixed upon
the mystical influences of water in motion or at rest. And even
though ...
Winds And Clouds
The recognition of the mystic element in external nature has had
its fluctuations in most ages and climes, and not least so in
Heracleitus And The Cosmic Fire
Heracleitus is a philosopher whose speculations are of
surpassing interest for the student of Nature Mysticism. He was
born about 540...
Fire And The Sun
There can be no doubt, as already stated, that, of all physical
phenomena, fire had the most marked effect upon the imagination
of pr...
Light And Darkness
Robert Fludd, the English Rosicrucian, who died in 1637, wrote
a treatise on the universe, in which he taught that man was a
The Expanse Of Heaven--colour
"The broad open eye of the solitary sky."
Charles Lamb, with his native sensitiveness, considered this line
to be too terrible for ...
The Moon--a Special Problem
The contention of the nature-mystic is that man can enter into
direct communion with the objects in his physical environment,
Earth, Mountains, And Plains
And thus the three great nature-philosophers of the old world,
Thales, Anaximenes, and Heracleitus, have been our guides, so
to speak...
Seasons, Vegetation, Animals
The seasons and the months, especially those of the temperate
zones--how saturated with mysticism! The wealth of illustration
is so a...
The programme laid down in the introductory chapter has been
fulfilled. There has been no attempt to make any single section,
much le...
What Is Mysticism?
Those who are interested in that special attitude towards the
universe which is now loosely called "mystical," find themselves
beset ...
The World Of Reality
The practical man may justly observe at this point that the world
of single vision is the only world he knows: that it appears to him
The Preparation Of The Mystic
Here the practical man will naturally say: And pray how am I
going to do this? How shall I detach myself from the artificial
world to...
Meditation And Recollection
Recollection, the art which the practical man is now invited to
learn, is in essence no more and no less than the subjection of the
So, in a measure, you have found yourself: have retreated behind
all that flowing appearance, that busy, unstable consciousness
with ...
Love And Will
This steady effort towards the simplifying of your tangled
character, its gradual emancipation from the fetters of the unreal,
is not...
The First Form Of Contemplation
Concentration, recollection, a profound self-criticism, the stilling
of his busy surface-intellect, his restless emotions of enmity an...
The Second Form Of Contemplation
"And here," says Ruysbroeck of the self which has reached this
point, "there begins a hunger and a thirst which shall never more
be s...
The Third Form Of Contemplation
The hard separation which some mystical writers insist upon
making between "natural" and "supernatural" contemplation, has
been on th...
The Mystical Life
And here the practical man, who has been strangely silent during
the last stages of our discourse, shakes himself like a terrier
Stonehenge Summarised Useful Facts For The Attention Of Visitors
Each statement is furnished with a reference to the particular pages
in this book, where fuller information and arguments for and ag...
Salisbury Plain
We passed over the goodly plain, or rather sea of carpet, which I
think for evenness, extent, verdure, and innumerable flocks, to ...
Salisbury Cathedral and its neighbour Stonehenge are two eminent
monuments of art and rudeness, and may show the first essay and
The Lithology Of Stonehenge
Weatherworn and overgrown by lichen, it is not possible at the present
day to see clearly the nature of the stones which go to make up...
The Story Of The Sarsens
The geologist would probably describe the Sarsen stones of Wiltshire
as masses of saccharoid sandstone, which in plain English might b...
The Foreign Stones
While the Sarsens usually awake the greatest interest by reason of
their bulk, and the problem of how a primitive people was able to d...
The Stones Without The Circle
Outside the circle of Trilithons stand three stones which have not as
yet been described in detail, since they do not fall within th...
The Hele Stone Or Friar's Heel
This stone, as being the largest of this group of three, and such a
conspicuous feature in the structure, demands something more than ...
The Legend Of The Friar's Heel
The devil, so the story runs, determined one day to undertake some
great and stupendous work, for the like of which he is famous
The Slaughtering Stone
In all matters of archæology it is constantly found that certain
questions are better left in abeyance, or bequeathed to a coming
The Earthwork
Visitors entering Stonehenge are apt in their eagerness to reach the
stones to overlook a definite banked Avenue leading from the
The Building Of Stonehenge
The question is often asked, How did they build Stonehenge? There is
a refreshing simplicity about that indefinite word they, but fo...
Dressing The Stones
There can be little doubt that the Sarsens were first of all roughly
hewn into shape, before they were conveyed to the site. It stands...
Tenons And Mortices
Hitherto no word has been said as to the arrangement of mortice and
tenon, by which the Trilithons are keyed together. This has been d...
The Process Of Erection
Contrary to another cherished belief, the Sarsen Trilithons were
erected first, followed by the foreign stones. The building of the
Raising The Foreign Stones
The five Sarsen Trilithons already mentioned were raised into position
from the inside of the circle. Investigation has shown this to ...
When Was Stonehenge Erected?
Until comparatively recent years, the date of Stonehenge was a subject
for speculation, and so fascinating did it prove that it attr...
What Was Stonehenge?
The Megalithic Stone structures, which exist not only in this country
but also throughout the Continent of Europe, are a special fea...
The Druid Question
Perhaps one of the most persistent traditions which has been passed on
from generation to generation is that which connects Stonehen...
The Barrows Of Salisbury Plain
It is impossible to approach Stonehenge without passing numbers of
burial mounds or Barrows. North, south, east, or west they meet t...
The Round Barrows
The visitor to Stonehenge has only to turn his back to the Friar's
Heel, as he stands on the Altar Stone, and he will see a typical
The Men Of The Barrows
It is only natural that the appearance of the men who lived at this
remote age should attract some attention. Were they tall or short,...
There is a certain sense of relief, not untinged with reluctance, on
laying down the pen after dealing seriously with so solemn a su...
Supernatural Metals
Introduction Tincture
Because I have at this present undertaken to write of the of the first
Tincture, the Root of Metals and Minerals, and to inform you of...
Of The First Tincture And Roots Of Metals
But now to come to my intent, and by Gods permission to accomplish the
same. I undertake to certifie of the first Tincture, Root, an...
Of The Spirit Of Mercury
Though I have a peculiar Stile in writing, which will seem strange unto
many, causing strange Thoughts and Fancies in their Brains, ...
Of The Spirit Of Copper
The Star of Venus is very difficult, and not well to be calculated, as
all Mathematicians and Astronomers will bear me witness; for ...
Of The Spirit And Tincture Of Mars
Mars and Venus have a Spirit and Tincture as well as Gold and other
Metals, be that Spirit which is in each Metal never so mean and li...
Of The Spirit Of Gold
The Clearness of Heaven hath now commanded me to govern my Pen, to
reveal a matter of valour and of permanency; for the Sun is a bur...
Of The Spirit Of Silver
The Tincture and spirit of Silver manifests its Colour of a Watchet or
Sky-colour, otherwise it is a waterish Spirit, cold and m...
Of The Soul Or Tincture Of Tin
Good Jupiter possesses almost the mean or middle place between Metals,
it being not too hot, nor too cold, not too warm, nor too moi...
Of The Spirit Of Saturn Or Tincture Of Lead
Saturn to generate his Metal Lead, is placed in the upper Heaven above
all Stars, but he possesses the lowest and vilest degree in t...
Stibium Or Antimony
Stibium or Antimony, as the Philosophers say, is composed of a Noble
Mineral Sulphur, which they accounted to be the black secret Lead...
Now We Come To The Manual Operation
Take in the Name of God, and of the Eternal Trinity, fine and very pure
Mineral Antimony, which is fair, white, massie, and inwardly f...
In The Gout
Give three drops in a Cup of Wine fasting to the Party, just at the time
when he feels the beginning of his misery, anguish and pain t...
In The Leprosie
At the first time take six drops fasting, and cause the impure party to
be alone, free from sound people, in a place far distant, and
In The Apoplexie
Let one drop fall upon the tongue of the Patient, it will attract it
forth immediately like unto a Mist or Fume, and restore the party...
In The Dropsie
Give one drop in baulm water, or Valerian water six days together, the
seventh day give three drops in good wine, and it is sufficient...
In A Hectick
Give the party two drops the first day in water of Violets, the second
day two drops more in good Wine.
In Agues
Give the party three drops in the beginning of the Fit, early in a
morning, in good distilled water of St. John's wort, or of Succory,...
In The Plague
Give the Patient seven drops in good Wine, let the infected party be
alone, and let him sweat well upon it, by the Divine Assistance t...
Its Multiplication
The Ancient Wise, having found the Stone, and prepared it to a perfect
power, and mutation of the imperfect Metals into Gold, have a l...
A Work Of Saturn
In the Name of the Lord, Amen.
My Child shall know, that the Stone called the Philosophers Stone,
comes out of Saturn. And therefor...
Why Is It As White As Snow?
Because it is purified from all its impurities, and because its
coldness stands external as Luna doth, and its heat is internal.
Why Is It Sweet?
Because the four Elements in it are pure, and separated from all
sulphurous stink and blackness, which Saturn received in the Mine; it...
What Hath God In Us For Whose Sake He Hath Created All These Wonders And All These Things?
Wherefore, my Child, believe in God, love him, and follow him, for he
loves you, as he makes it appear, and manifests himself in all t...
Now My Child Why Is Saturn Fluxible As Wax?
By reason of its abounding Sulphur, which is therein; for I find no
fluxibleness or fusibleness in any thing saving in Sulphur, Mercur...
The Multiplication Of The Stone Now Perfected
Now my Child, you may take the half of your Powder, put it into a Glass
and melt it, have in readiness a Mould made hollow, of Box-woo...
Projection Upon Metal
Know, my Child, how and in what manner you must use this Stone, which
makes projection upon Mercury, and all imperfect Metals and Bodi...
Its Use In Physick
This Stone cures all Leprous people, Plague, and all Diseases which may
reign upon Earth, or befal Mankind; this is the true Aurum pot...
Its Use In External Diseases
My Child, there are some people who have external Distempers on their
Bodies, as Fistulaes, Cancers, Wolf, or evil Biles, or Holes, be...
The Religious Interpretation Of The World
The title of this book, contrasting as it does the naturalistic and the
religious interpretation of the world, indicates that the in...
What Is Distinctive In The Religious Outlook
At the very beginning and throughout we must keep the following points
clearly before us, otherwise all our endeavours will only lea...
Naturalism is not of to-day or of yesterday, but is very ancient,--as old,
indeed, as philosophy,--as old as human thought and doubt. ...
What Is Distinctive In The Naturalistic Outlook
At first tentative, but becoming ever more distinctly conscious of its
real motive, Naturalism has always arisen in opposition to wh...
The True Naturalism
But naturalism becomes fundamentally different when it ceases to remain at
the level of naive or fancifully conceived ideas of "natu...
Goethe's Attitude To Naturalism
The most instructive example we can take is Goethe: his veneration for
nature on the one hand, and on the other his pronounced oppos...
The Two Kinds Of Naturalism
But let us return to the two kinds of naturalism we have already
described. Much as they differ from one another in reality, they ar...
Aim And Method Of Naturalism
The aim and method of the strict type of naturalism may be easily defined.
In its details it will become more distinct as we proceed...
Fundamental Principles Of Naturalism
The fundamental convictions of naturalism, its general tendencies, and the
points of view which determine its outlook, are primarily r...
How The Religious And The Naturalistic Outlooks Conflict
Religion comes into contact with naturalism and demands to be reconciled
with it, not merely at its periphery, but at its very core,...
Mystery : Dependence : Purpose
There is then a threefold religious interest, and there are three
corresponding points of contact between the religious and the natu...
The Mystery Of Existence Remains Unexplained
1. Let us begin with the problem of the mystery of all existence, and see
whether it remains unaffected, or whether it disappears in...
Evolution And New Beginnings
All this throws an important light upon two subjects which are relevant in
this connection, but which cannot here be exhaustively de...
The Dependence Of The Order Of Nature
(2 and 3). The "dependence" of all things is the second requirement of
religion, without which it is altogether inconceivable. We av...
The Contingency Of The World
But we need not dwell in the meantime on these and the many other
difficulties and riddles presented by our cosmological hypothesis....
The Real World
(4.) What was stated separately in our first and second propositions, and
has hitherto been discussed, now unites and culminates in ...
The Antimony Of Our Conception Of Time
A few examples may serve to make the point clear. The first of the
antinomies is also the most impressive. It brings before us the
The Antimony Of The Conditioned And The Unconditioned
The antinomy of the conditioned and the unconditioned leads us along
similar lines. Every individual finite thing or event is depend...
The Antimony Of Our Conception Of Space
To bring our examples to a conclusion, we find the same sort of antinomy
in regard to space, and the world as it is extended in spac...
Intuitions Of Reality
(5.) There are other evidences of this depth and hidden nature of things,
towards which an examination of our knowledge points. For ...
The Recognition Of Purpose
(6.) We must now turn to the question of "teleology." Only now, not
because it is a subordinate matter, for it is in reality the mai...
Teleological And Scientific Interpretations Are Alike Necessary
(7.) Thus religion confidently subjects the world to a teleological
interpretation. And to a teleological study in this sense the st...
Darwinish In General
Darwinism, which was originally a technical theory of the biological
schools, has long since become a veritable tangle of the most div...
The Development Of Darwinism
In studying it we should like to follow a method somewhat different from
that usually observed in apologetic writings. "Darwinism," ...
Darwinism And Teleology
But the essential and most characteristic importance of Darwin and his
work, the reason for which he was called the Newton of biolog...
The Characteristic Features Of Darwinism
We do not propose to expound the Darwinian theory for the hundredth time;
a knowledge of it must be taken for granted. We need only ...
Various Forms Of Darwinism
The great majority of these express what may be called popular Darwinism
["Darwinismus vulgaris"], theoretically worthless, but prac...
The Theory Of Descent
Again and again we hear and read, even in scientific circles and journals,
that Darwinism breaks down at many points, that it is ins...
Haeckel's Evolutionist Position
The average type of the Theory of Descent of the older or orthodox school,
which still lingers in the background with its Darwinism ...
Weismann's Evolutionist Position
The most characteristic representative, however, of the modern school of
unified and purified Darwinism is not Haeckel, but the Frei...
Virchow's Position
Warnings of this kind have come occasionally from Du Bois-Reymond, but the
true type of this group, and its mode of thought, is Virc...
Other Instances Of Dissatisfaction With The Theory Of Descent
What was with Virchow only a suggestion of the need for caution, or
controversial matter to be subsequently allowed for or contradic...
Religion And The Theory Of Descent
In seeking to define our position in regard to the theory of descent it is
most important that we should recognise that, when it is ...
The Problema Continui
The problem of descent thus shows itself to be one which has neither
isolated character nor special value. It is an accessory accomp...
Darwinism In The Strict Sense
It remains for us to consider what is essentially Darwinian in Darwinism,
namely, the theory of natural selection as the determining...
Differences Of Opinion As To The Factors In Evolution
The theory of natural selection in the struggle for existence rapidly
gained wide acceptance, but from the first it was called in qu...
In regard to almost all the points to which we have referred, the most
consistent and decided champion of Darwinism in its essential...
Natural Selection
We have for the moment provisionally admitted the theory of natural
selection, in order to see whether it could be included in a rel...
Crities Of Darwinism
Let us turn now to the other side. What is opposed to Darwinism in the
biological investigations of the experts of to-day is in part s...
Lamarckism And Neo-lamarckism
The "Lamarckian" view as opposed to the Darwinian continues to hold its
own, and indeed is more ardently supported than ever. On thi...
Theory Of Definite Variation
But the question now arises, whether both Darwinism and Lamarckism must
not be replaced, or at least reduced to the level of accesso...
De Vries's Mutation-theory
The work that has probably excited most interest in this connection is De
Vries' "Die Mutationstheorie: Versuche und Beobachtungen u...
Eimer's Orthogenesis
Organisation is due to internal causes. Structural characters crystallise
out, as it were. "Orthogenesis," or the definitely determi...
The Spontaneous Activity Of The Organism
What is particularly luminous in all the theories that express the most
recent anti-Darwinian tendency is that they tend to bring in...
Contrast Between Darwinian And Post-darwinian Views
The new views that have thus arisen have been definitely summarised and
clearly contrasted with Darwinism by the botanist Korschinsk...
Theory Of Life
What is life--not in the spiritual and transcendental sense, but in its
physical and physiological aspects? What is this mysterious co...
The Conservation Of Matter And Energy
1. The whole mechanical theory is based upon a law which is not strictly
biological but belongs to science in general--the law of th...
The Organic And The Inorganic
2. What is on a priori grounds demanded as a necessity, or set aside as
impossible, on the strength of the axiom of the conservation...
3. A property which seems to be quite peculiar to living matter is
irritability, or the power of responding to "stimuli," that is to...
Spontaneous Generation
4. This reduction of known biological phenomena to simpler terms, the
lessening of the gap between inorganic and organic chemistry, ...
The Mechanics Of Development
5. The minds of the supporters of the mechanical theory had still to move
along a fifth line in order to solve the riddle of the dev...
6. With this fifth line of thought a sixth is associated and intertwined.
The problem of development is closely bound up with that o...
Machnical Theories Criticism
In attempting to define our attitude to the mechanical theory of life, we
have first of all to make sure that we have a right to ta...
The Law Of The Conservation Of Energy
Helmholtz's proof established mathematically what Kant had already, by
direct insight, advanced as an a priori fundamental axiom: th...
Criticisms Of The Mechanistic Theory Of Life
The course of the mechanistic theory of life has been surprisingly similar
to that of its complement, the theory of the general evol...
Virchow's Caution
Here, as also in regard to "Darwinism," which was advanced about the same
time, the typical advocate of "caution" was Rudolf Virchow...
Preyer's Position
Along with Virchow, we must name another of the older generation, the
physiologist William Preyer, who combated "vitalism," "dualism...
The Position Of Bunge And Other Physiologists
For a long time one of the most prominent figures in the controversy was
Prof. G. Bunge, of Basle, who was one of the first modern p...
The Views Of Botanists Illustrated
It might have been expected that in the domain of plant-biology, if
anywhere, the mechanistic standpoint would have been the prevail...
Constructive Criticism
Those whose protests we have hitherto been considering have not added to
their criticism of the mechanical theory any positive contr...
The Constructive Work Of Driesch
What in Reinke's case came about almost unperceived, Driesch did with full
consciousness and intention, following the necessity laid...
The Views Of Albrecht And Schneider
An outlook and interpretation which Driesch(102) maintained for a while,
but afterwards abandoned, has been developed in an original...
How All This Affects The Religious Outlook
These denials and destructive criticisms of the mechanical theory, which
are now continually cropping up, lead, as must be obvious, ...
Autonomy Of Spirit
The aim of our study has been to define our attitude to naturalism, and to
maintain in the teeth of naturalism the validity and freedo...
Naturalistic Attacks On The Autonomy Of The Spiritual
The attacks that have been made by naturalism upon the independence and
freedom of the spiritual are so familiar to every one--even ...
The Fundamental Answer
How can the religious conception of the world justify itself and maintain
its freedom in face of such views of spirit and spiritual ...
Individual Development
What lives in us, as far as we can perceive and trace it in its empirical
expression, is not a finished and spiritual being that lea...
The first of the three points we have called attention to has, so to
speak, become famous through the lectures of du Bois-Reymond, w...
Pre-eminence Of Consciousness
But we have already spent too much time over this naive mode of looking at
things, which, though it professes to place things in t...
Creative Power Of Consciousness
To this insight into the underivability and pre-eminence of consciousness
over the world of external reality there must be added at ...
Activity Of Consciousness
Naturalism takes refuge in the doctrine of association, when it does not
attain anything with its first claims, and applies this the...
The Ego
It was customary in earlier psychology, as it still is in all apologetic
psychology, to regard the soul as a unified, immaterial, in...
1. Our consciousness is not merely a knowledge of many individual things,
the possession of concrete and abstract, particular or gen...
The Unity Of Consciousness
2. The same holds true of the unity of consciousness, of which we are
directly convinced. It is quite inexplicable if consciousness ...
Consciousness Of The Ego
3. This unified self-consciousness is consciousness of the ego. It is only
by means of an artificial abstraction that we can leave o...
Freedom Of Spirit
The consciousness of the ego leads us naturally to the consciousness of
freedom. Freedom of the mind is no simple idea; it embraces ...
Feeling Individuality Genius And Mysticism
The four things here mentioned are very closely associated with one
another, especially the second and third, as is easily perceived...
It is in the four attributes here emphasised that the true nature of mind
in its underivability and superiority to all nature first ...
It is especially in "feeling" that what we call individuality has its
roots. The individual really means the "indivisible," and in t...
We cannot venture to say much about genius and the mystery of it. In it
and its creative power something of the spirit, the nature o...
Even "pronounced individuality" "has an element of mysticism" in it--of the
non-rational, which we feel the more distinctly the more...
Mind And Spirit The Human And The Animal Soul
What is the relation between the human and the animal mind? This has
always been a vital question in the conflict between naturalism...
In as far as man is endowed with a capacity for spiritual life and
spiritual possession, he is likewise destined for personality. Th...
The independence and underivability of the psychical, the incomparability
of its uniformities with those of mechanical or physico-ch...
No Parallelism
For a long time it seemed as if the theory of parallelism was to gain
general acceptance. One might write a whole history of the gra...
The Supremacy Of Mind
From the standpoint we have now reached we can look back once more on
those troublesome naturalistic insinuations as to the dependen...
The Unconscious
But one has a repugnance to descending into this strange region. And
religion, with its clear and lofty mood, can never have either ...
Is There Ageing Of The Mind?
Naturalism is also only apparently right in asserting that the mind ages
with the body. To learn the answer which all idealism gives...
It is in a faith in a Beyond, and in the immortality of our true being,
that what lies finely distributed through all religion sums ...
The World And God
The world and nature are marvellous in their being, but they are not
"divine"! The formula "natura sive deus" is a monstrous misuse of...
Witch Craft
The Beginnings Of English Witchcraft
It has been said by a thoughtful writer that the subject of witchcraft
has hardly received that place which it deserves in the histo...
Witchcraft Under Elizabeth
The year 1566 is hardly less interesting in the history of English
witchcraft than 1563. It has been seen that the new statute passe...
Reginald Scot
From the chronicling of witch trials we turn aside in this chapter to
follow the career of the first great English opponent of the
The Exorcists
In the narrative of English witchcraft the story of the exorcists is a
side-issue. Yet their performances were so closely connected ...
James I And Witchcraft
Some one has remarked that witchcraft came into England with the Stuarts
and went out with them. This offhand way of fixing the rise...
Notable Jacobean Cases
It is possible to sift, to analyze, and to reconstruct the material
derived from witch trials until some few conclusions about a giv...
The Lancashire Witches And Charles I
In his attitude towards superstition, Charles I resembled the later
rather than the earlier James I. No reign up to the Revolution w...
Matthew Hopkins
In the annals of English witchcraft Matthew Hopkins occupies a place by
himself. For more than two years he was the arch-instigator ...
Witchcraft During The Commonwealth And Protectorate
We have, in the last chapter, traced the history of witchcraft in
England through the Hopkins episode of 1645-1647. From the trials ...
The Literature Of Witchcraft From 1603 To 1660
No small part of our story has been devoted to the writings of Scot,
Gifford, Harsnett, and King James. It is impossible to understa...
Witchcraft Under Charles Ii And James Ii
No period of English history saw a wider interest in both the theory and
the practice of witchcraft than the years that followed the...
Glanvill And Webster And The Literary War Over Witchcraft 1660-1688
In an earlier chapter we followed the progress of opinion from James I
to the Restoration. We saw that in the course of little more ...
The Final Decline
In the history of witchcraft the years from 1688 to 1718 may be grouped
together as comprising a period. This is not to say that the...
The Close Of The Literary Controversy
In the last chapter we mentioned the controversy over Jane Wenham. In
attempting in this chapter to show the currents and cross-curr...
Sec. 1.--Witchcraft under Elizabeth (see ch. II).
A large part of the evidence for the trials of...
List Of Persons Sentenced To Death For Witchcraft During The Reign Of James I
1.--Charged with Causing Death.
1603. Yorkshire.
Mary Pannel.
1606. Hertford.
Johanna Harrison and her daug...
List Of Cases Of Witchcraft 1558-1718 With References To Sources And Literature
1558. John Thirkle, "taylour, detected of conjuringe," to be
examined. Acts of Privy Council, n. s., VII, 6.
---- Sev...
History of the Devil
Being An Introduction To The Whole Work
I doubt not but the title of this book will amuse some of my reading
friends a little at first; they will make a pause, perhaps, as ...
Of The Word Devil As It Is A Proper Name To The Devil And Any Or All His Host Angels
It is a question, not yet determined by the learned, whether the word
Devil be a singular, that is to say, the name of a person stan...
Of The Original Of The Devil Who He Is And What He Was Before His Expulsion Out Of Heaven And In What State He Was From That Ti
To come to a regular enquiry into Satan's affairs, 'tis needful we
should go back to his original, as far as history and the opinion...
Of The Name Of The Devil His Original And The Nature Of His Circumstances Since He Has Been Called By That Name
The Scripture is the first writing on earth where we find the Devil
called by his own proper distinguishing denomination, DEVIL, or ...
Of The Station Satan Had In Heaven Before He Fell The Nature And Original Of His Crime And Some Of Mr Milton's Mistakes Aboutit
Thus far I have gone upon general observation, in this great affair of
Satan and his Empire in the World; I now come to my Title, an...
What Became Of The Devil And His Host Of Fallen Spirits After Their Being Expell'd From Heaven
What became of the Devil and his Host of fallen Spirits after their
being expell'd from Heaven, and his wandring...
Of The Number Of Satan's Host How They Came First To Know Of The New Created Worlds Now In Being And Their Measures With Mankin
Several things have been suggested to set us a calculating the number of
this frightful throng of Devils, who with Satan, the Master...
Of The Power Of The Devil At The Time Of The Creation Of This World
Of the Power of the Devil at the Time of the Creation of this World;
whether it has not been farther straitn'd and limited sin...
Of The Progress Of Satan In Carrying On His Conquest Over Mankind From The Fall Of Eve To The Deluge
I doubt if the Devil was ask'd the Question plainly, he would confess,
that after he had conquer'd Eve by his own wicked Contrivance...
Of The Devil's Second Kingdom And How He Got Footing In The Renew'd World By His Victory Over Noah And His Race
The Story of Noah, his building the Ark, his embarking himself and all
Nature's Stock for a new World on board it; the long Voyage t...
Of God's Calling A Church Out Of The Midst Of A Degenerate World
Of God's calling a Church out of the midst of a degenerate World, and of
Satan's new Measures upon that Incident: How he attack'...
The Total Works
I have examined the Antiquities of Satan's History in the former Part of
this Work, and brought his Affairs down from the Creation, ...
Of Hell As It Is Represented To Us And How The Devil Is To Be Understood As Being Personally In Hell When At The Same Time We F
It is true, as that learn'd and pleasant Author, the inimitable Dr.
Brown says, the Devil is his own Hell; one of the most constitut...
Of The Manner Of Satan's Acting And Carrying On His Affairs In This World And Particularly Of His Ordinary Workings In The Dark
The Devil being thus reduc'd to act upon Mankind by Stratagem only, it
remains to enquire how he performs, and which way he directs ...
Of Satan's Agents Or Missionaries And Their Actings Upon And In The Minds Of Men In His Name
Infinite Advantages attend the Devil in his retired Government, as
they respect the Management of his Interests, and the carrying on...
Of The Devil's Management In The Pagan Hierarchy By Omens Entrails Augurs Oracles And Such Like Pageantry Of Hell
Of the Devil's Management in the Pagan Hierarchy by Omens,
Entrails, Augurs, Oracles, and such like Pageantry of Hell;
Of The Extraordinary Appearance Of The Devil And Particularly Of The Cloven-foot
Some People would fain have us treat this Tale of the Devil's
appearing with a Cloven-Foot with more Solemnity than I believe the
Whether Is Most Hurtful To The World The Devil Walking About Without His Cloven-foot Or The Cloven-foot Walking About Without T
In discussing this most critical Distinction of Satan's private Motions,
I must, as the Pulpit Gentlemen direct us, explain the Text...
Witches Making Bargains For The Devil And Particularly Of Selling The Soul To The Devil
Of the Cloven-Foot walking about the World without the Devil,
(viz.) of
Witches making Bargains for the Devil, and particular...
Of The Tools The Devil Works With Witches Wizards Or Warlocks Conjurers Magicians Divines Astrologers Interpreters Of Dreams Te
Of the Tools the Devil works with, (viz.) Witches, Wizards or
Warlocks, Conjurers, Magicians, Divines, Astrologers, Int...
Of The Various Methods The Devil Takes To Converse With Mankind
Having spoken something of Persons, and particularly of such as the
Devil thinks fit to employ in his Affairs in the World, it comes...
Of Divination Sorcery The Black-art Pawawing And Such Like Pretenders To Devilism And How Far The Devil Is Or Is Not Concern'd
Tho' I am writing the History of the Devil, I have not undertaken to
do the like of all the Kinds of People, Male or Female, who set...
Of The Devil's Last Scene Of Liberty
what may be supposed to be the devils End,
with what we are to understand of his being tormented for
ever and ever.
The Nature Of Psychomancy
The term "Psychomancy" (pronounced, "sy-ko-man-see"), is derived from
two Greek words, the first "psycho," meaning "the soul; the mi...
The Astral Senses
The Occult Teachings inform us that in addition to the Five Physical
Senses possessed by man, viz: Seeing; Feeling; Hearing; Tasting; ...
The Astral Body
But, to understand the Astral Senses, one must be made acquainted with
the existence of that which Occultists know as "The Astral Body...
The Three Classes
The phenomena of Psychomancy, etc., may be grouped into three classes,
each being produced by its own special class-cause. In either o...
"Clairaudience" is a term sometimes used to indicate Astral Hearing.
Some writers on this subject treat "Clairaudience" as a separate ...
How To Develop Yourself
Passing to the actual practice, we desire to inform our students that
the faculty of Psychomancy lies dormant in every person--that ...
Development Methods
Concentration. In the first place, the student should cultivate the
faculty of Concentration, that is the power to hold the attention ...
Simple Psychomancy
The phenomena of Psychomancy may be divided into three general classes,
depending upon the nature of the "seeing," as follows:
The Aura
The majority of our readers are familiar with the fact that all
persons, and objects, are surrounded by an emanation called an "Aura,"...
The Astral Tube
The term, "~The Astral Tube~," is frequently met with in the writings
of Occultists, but you will find very little more than a menti...
You have heard of "Polarity," and "Polarization" in connection with
electrical phenomena. "Polarity" is defined by Webster as: "That
The phenomena commonly known as "Psychometry," is but one phase of
Psychomancy--or it even may be said to be but a ~method employed~...
The Five Methods
The method of Psychometry may be employed in a number of ways, among
which are the following, all of which are subject to many variati...
Crystal Gazing
There has been a great revival of interest in the subject of "Crystal
Gazing," particularly in England, of late years, and many inte...
Astral Projection
In our last three lessons we considered that class of Psychomancy
arising from the erection and employment of the "Astral Tube." In ...
Space Psychomancy
As we stated in previous lessons, "Space Psychomancy" is the exercise
of the faculty in the direction of perceiving far-distant scen...
Past Time Psychomancy
As we have previously stated, "Time Psychomancy" is a term used to
designate that phase of the phenomena in which one senses objects...
The Akashic Records
The secret of Past Time Psychomancy is found in the Occult Teachings of
the "Akashic Records" by which is meant that on the higher pla...
Future Time Psychomancy
"Future Time Psychomancy," as the term itself indicates, is the name
given to that class of phenomena in which one is able to sense ...
Dream Psychomancy
The Student will have noted that in many cases mentioned in these
lessons, the Psychomantic vision manifested during physical sleep....