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Early in the catholic faith an idea that Jesus has only one nature instead of the duel nature. Monophysitism is the believe that Jesus does not have separate divine and human natures.

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  Monophysitism (66)  


Early in the catholic faith an idea that Jesus has only one nature instead of the duel nature. Monophysitism is the believe that Jesus does not have separate divine and human natures.


The Metaphysical Basis Of Monophysitism
Monophysitism was a Christological heresy of the fifth century. It was condemned by the church in the middle of that century at the c...

The A Priori And A Posteriori In Christology
The following considerations prove the necessity of this procedure. Two methods of examining the being of Christ can be distinguished....

The Three Typical Christologies
The same truth holds of the other Christological systems. A different metaphysical idea lies at the root of each. Nestorian, monophy...

Dependence Of Christology On Philosophy
We mentioned above the two other chief Christological systems, the Nestorian and the catholic. No analysis of monophysitism which omi...

The Christological And The Cosmic Problems
The essence of the Christological problem is the question as to the union of natures in Christ. Are there two natures divine and huma...

The First Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Dualism
The first attempted solution of the cosmic problem is best expressed in the concept "co-existence." God and the world co-exist. God ...

Christological Dualism Nestorianism
The Christological counterpart of dualism and of deism is Nestorianism. The Nestorians halt at the lowest stage of Christological thou...

Second Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Monism
The second solution given to the cosmic problem is of special importance for our thesis. It had a direct influence on monophysitism, ...

Philosophical And Theological Monism
The systems that identify God and the world range from the crude materialism of Democritus to the lofty spiritualism of Plotinus. Sto...

Christological Monism Monophysitism
The essential doctrine of monophysitism is the assertion of the absolute numerical unity of the person of Christ. It carries to extr...

The Third Solution Of The Cosmic Problem Identity In Difference
We come now to the third and last solution of the cosmic problem. As we develop it, we shall endeavour to show that it supplies that ...

The Essence Of Catholic Christology
Catholic Christology has caught the spirit of Aristotle's teaching. It is not primarily speculative. It is in close touch with fact....

Summary Of The Chapter
We have taken a triad of ontologies and a triad of Christological systems, placed them side by side, and examined them. The result of...

The Origins Of Monophysitism
The monophysitism of the fifth century had its roots in the past as well as in the a priori. In the previous chapter we treated it as...

The Elemental Forms Of Christological Error Docetism And Ebionitism
We propose to begin the study of the antecedents of monophysitism by examining those of a Christian or semi-Christian character. For ...

The Problem Of The Hypostatic Union
The manner of the hypostatic union then became an urgent problem. The Church of the fifth century was called upon to attempt a soluti...

Apollinaris was, as far as we know, the first theologian to approach this subject. We may note in passing that, though he was bishop ...

The Nestorian Reaction
Opposition to Apollinarianism gave rise to the Nestorian heresy. The original ebionitism had died away, but its spirit and central do...

Cyril Of Alexandria
Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, led the opposition to Nestorius. He declared that the moment of conception was the moment of the union, ...

Monophysitism A Product Of Positive And Negative Currents Of Religious Thought
The foregoing sketch of the early Christological heresies exhibits monophysitism as a product of two opposite intellectual currents. ...

Monophysitism And Non-christian Thought
We leave here the subject of the influence of other heresies on monophysitism, and proceed to exhibit its affinities with non-Christia...

Aristotle's Criticism Of Dualism A Weapon In The Hands Of The Monophysites
Leaving the formal element in Aristotle's system, we come to its material content. Some of the prominent ideas of the Aristotelian c...

Aristotle's Psychology
We turn now to Aristotle's psychology. We must give a brief sketch of it in order to establish the fact that the Aristotelian and the...

Intellectualism And Mysticism Complementary Systems
After this sketch of the Aristotelian features recognisable in monophysitism, we turn to the other great pagan philosophy that assist...

Neo-platonist Ontology
The representative figure amongst the Neo-Platonists is Plotinus. His comprehensive mind gathered up the main threads of Alexandrian ...

Neo-platonist Psychology
Human souls are at an intermediate stage of this cosmic process. Like the ray of light which touches both sun and earth, they have co...

Monophysitism And Neo-platonism
When we compare monophysitism with the system of Plotinus, several points of resemblance appear. There is first the impersonal charac...

Monophysite Doctrine
The distinctive doctrine of monophysitism, that from which the name of the heresy is taken, is the assertion that there is but one n...

Classification Of Monophysite Errors
Two classes of erroneous beliefs result from a misconception of the relation between God and man in Christ. There arise, on the one h...

Monism Entails A Debased Conception Of Deity
The metaphysical basis of monophysitism made this result inevitable. Extremes meet. Extreme spirituality readily passes into its oppo...

Monophysitism And The Doctrine Of The Trinity
Monophysitism was not originally or per se a Trinitarian heresy. Equally with catholics and Nestorians its adherents accepted the Nice...

Monophysitism And Islam Sabellianism The Connecting Link
It is in place here to point out the somewhat intimate connection that existed between monophysitism and Islam. The monophysites held...

The Christological Errors Of Monophysitism
We leave here the area of theology and come to that of Christology. We have exhibited the monophysite errors with respect to the doct...

The Monophysite Theory Of A Composition Of Natures
For the consistent monophysites, then, the human nature, as a psychic entity with peculiar properties, did not survive the incarnation...

The Parts Of Human Nature
From the standpoint of psychology human nature is divisible into parts. The division must not be taken as absolute; for the whole is a...

Christ's Body
It is obvious to an unprejudiced reader of the gospels that Christ's pre-resurrection body was real and normal. It was an organism of...

Monophysitism Blind To The Dual Character Of Christ's Experience
Such were the difficulties and errors into which their Christology forced the monophysites with respect to Christ's body. Difficultie...

The Duality Of Christ's Cognition
The duality of Christ's intellectual experience is evident to a New Testament student who has any acquaintance with psychology. We fi...

Monophysitism Entails The Apollinarian View Of Christ's Human Nature As Merely An Animated Body
The Catholic welcomes these evidences of the duality of Christ's intellectual life. On the theoretical side, they confirm the central...

Two Wills In Christ
We here leave the subject of cognition and pass to that of volition. Orthodoxy teaches that Christ had two wills. This doctrine has a...

The Duality Of Christ's Emotional Experience
We come now to the third element in the human spirit. It is only in modern psychology that feeling has secured recognition as a disti...

Summary Chapter
We have examined the doctrine of one nature, and exposed its chief consequences. We have considered its effects in respect of the dei...

The Ethos Of Monophysitism
Monophysitism originated in a monastery. Eutyches, "the father of the monophysites," was a monk. The monastic temperament is peculia...

Monophysitism And Modern Psychology
Christology divorced from empirical psychology is a barren science. Abstract discussions about person, nature and union of natures soo...

Bergson's Theories Throw Light On Christology
Without claiming finality for the findings of modern psychology, we can consider some results of the science as established. They are...

Bergson's Theory Of The Interpenetration Of Psychic States
It is, says Bergson, characteristic of psychic states that they do not, like material things remain external to one another. They in...

Monophysitism Ignores The Duality In Christ's Experience
Such in outline is Bergson's theory of the interpenetration of psychic states. If this psychology be adopted, the abstract character ...

Bergson's Theory Of Deep-seated And Superficial States
Bergson's psychology throws further light on a central doctrine of catholic Christology. It not only makes conceivable, as we have sh...

Monophysitism Annuls The Distinction Between Divine Person And Divine Nature
This distinction is of paramount importance in Christology. Diphysites hold fast to the distinction. They maintain a human nature in...

Consciousness Of Personality Produced By A Violent Change Of Occupation
This assertion is justified by an appeal to human experience. Men become sure of their own or of other people's personality by exper...

Kant And The Dual Character Of The Ego
Kant distinguished the noumenal from the phenomenal ego. The former he regarded as an idea, the latter as a reality in time. The dis...

Human Personality And Human Nature
What is human personality? It is a psychic entity whose most important function is to unify the parts of a man's nature. It is the p...

Value Of Bergson's Psychology To Orthodox Christology
Person and nature are then real and distinct psychic entities. They are real alike in God and man. The distinction between them is n...

Monophysitism In The Present Day
"To believe rightly the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ" is an ideal that the thoughtful Christian strives to attain. He expects...

The Existence Of Modern Monophysitism
Is there such a thing as modern monophysitism? To this question the preceding paragraph supplies the answer, "There must be." Hereti...

Reasons For The Prevalence Of Monophysitism
Monophysitism is in our midst undetected to-day. It is not hard to account for its prevalence. The clergy are for the most part unab...

Modern Presentations Of Christ Esoteric And Deficient In Personal Appeal
Monophysitism in respect of Christ's being shows itself to-day in negative rather than positive ways. To its subtle influence is tra...

Indifference To Christ's Sufferings A Classical Comparison
Failure to appreciate the real humanity of Christ's life results in comparative indifference to the tragedy of His death. Monophysiti...

To Attribute Omniscience To Christ's Human Nature Is Monophysitism
Within recent times the question as to the limitation of Christ's knowledge was hotly debated. That debate showed how much uncertaint...

The Present Existence Of Christ's Human Nature
The view taken of the Christ of the past necessarily affects belief in the Christ of the present. It is scarcely possible to realise ...

The Doctrine Of Subjective Redemption Due To Monophysitism
The doctrines of Christ's person and of His work are intimately associated. What He did depended on what He was. Christology and So...

Monophysitism Limits The Scope Of Redemption
Monophysitism shows itself also in the modern tendency to narrow the scope of redemption. Partial salvation is offered as a substitut...

Monophysitism Shown In The Modern Tendency To Make The Death Of Christ A Secondary Factor In The Scheme Of Redemption
We have seen above that monophysitism discredits the reality of Christ's sufferings. Dogmatic reasons apart, the monophysite is moti...

Historical Character Of Christianity Obscured
Christ's mission is misunderstood to-day as well as His cosmic work. In certain religious quarters where zeal is not balanced by learn...

Christology A Determinant Of Sacramental Thought
Errors in sacramental teaching necessarily accompany misconceptions of the person of Christ. The incarnation is a cosmic sacrament, t...

Need Of A Mental Reconstruction Of The Human Nature Of Christ
As the interval of time widens, separating Christians from the human life of their God, the more urgent becomes the obligation to put ...





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