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Understanding the mind and all of the thoughts not verbally expressed

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  Mind Reading (21)    The Mind (104)  


Understanding the mind and all of the thoughts not verbally expressed

Mind Reading

There is no doubt that hypnotism is a very old subject, though the name was not invented till 1850. In it was wrapped up the mysteries...

What Is Hypnotism?
We have seen that so far the history of hypnotism has given us two manifestations, or methods, that of passes and playing upon the im...

Theories Of Hypnotism
We have now learned some facts in regard to hypnotism; but they leave the subject still a mystery. Other facts which will be developed...

How To Hypnotize
Dr. Cocke's Method--Dr. Flint's Method--The French Method at Paris--at Nancy--The Hindoo Silent Method--How to Wake a Subject from Hyp...

How To Wake A Subject From Hypnotic Sleep
This is comparatively easy in moot cases. Most persons will awake naturally at the end of a few minutes, or will fall into a natural s...

Amusing Experiments
Hypnotizing on the Stage--You Can't Pull Your Hands Apart--Post Hypnotic Suggestion--The News boy, the Hunter, and the Young Man with ...

The Stages Of Hypnotism
Lethargy--Catalepsy--The Somnambulistic Stage--Fascination. We have just given some of the amusing experiments that may be performed...

This is a state of absolute inert sleep. If the method of Braid is used, and a bright object is held quite near the eyes, and the eyes...

The next higher stage of hypnotism is that of catalepsy. Patients may be thrown into it directly, or patients in the lethargic state m...

The Somnambulistic Stage
This is the stage or phase of hypnotism nearest the waking, and is the only one that can be produced in some subjects. Patients in the...

Says a recent French writer: Dr. Bremand, a naval doctor, has obtained in men supposed to be perfectly healthy a new condition, which ...

How The Subject Feels Under Hypnotization
The sensations produced during a state of hypnosis are very interesting. As may be supposed, they differ greatly in different pers...

Self Hypnotization
How It may Be Done.--An Experience.--Accountable for Children's Crusade.--Oriental Prophets Self-Hypnotized. If self-hypnotism is...

Deception in Hypnotism Very Common.--Examples of Neuropathic Deceit.--Detecting Simulation.--Professional Subjects.--How Dr. Luys of t...

Criminal Suggestion
Laboratory Crimes.--Dr. Cocke's Experiments Showing Criminal Suggestion Is not Possible.--Dr. William James' Theory.--A Bad Man Can...

Dangers In Being Hypnotized
Condemnation of Public Performances.--A. Common Sense View.--Evidence Furnished by Lafontaine.--By Dr. Courmelles.--By. Dr. Hart.--By...

Hypnotism In Medicine
Anesthesia.--Restoring the Use of Muscles.--Hallucination.--Bad Habits. Anaesthesia--It is well known that hypnotism may be used to...

Hypnotism Of Animals
Snake Charming. We are all familiar with the snake charmer, and the charming of birds by snakes. How much hypnotism there is in the...

A Scientific Explanation Of Hypnotism
Dr. Hart's Theory. In the introduction to this book the reader will find a summary of the theories of hypnotism. There is no doubt ...

Telepathy And Clairvoyance
Peculiar Power in Hypnotic State.--Experiments.--Phantasms of the Living Explained by Telepathy It has already been noticed that pe...

The Confessions Of Medium
Spiritualistic Phenomena Explained on Theory of Telepathy.--Interesting Statement of Mrs. Piper, the Famous Medium of the Psychical R...

The Mind

How Mind Is To Be Known
THE PERSONAL CHARACTER OF CONSCIOUSNESS.--Mind can be observed and known. But each one can know directly only his own mind, and not a...

The Nature Of Consciousness
INNER NATURE OF THE MIND NOT REVEALED BY INTROSPECTION.--We are not to be too greatly discouraged if, even by introspection, we cannot...

Content Of The Mental Stream
We have seen that our mental life may be likened to a stream flowing now faster, now slower, ever shifting, never ceasing. We have yet...

Where Consciousness Resides
I--the conscious self--dwell somewhere in this body, but where? When my finger tips touch the object I wish to examine, I seem to be i...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
One should always keep in mind that psychology is essentially a laboratory science, and not a text-book subject. The laboratory materi...

Nature Of Attention
It is by attention that we gather and mass our mental energy upon the critical and important points in our thinking. In the last chapt...

The Effects Of Attention
ATTENTION MAKES ITS OBJECT CLEAR AND DEFINITE.--Whatever attention centers upon stands out sharp and clear in consciousness. Whether i...

How We Attend
Someone has said that if our attention is properly trained we should be able to look at the point of a cambric needle for half an hour...

Points Of Failure In Attention
LACK OF CONCENTRATION.--There are two chief types of inattention whose danger threatens every person. First, we may be thinking about ...

Types Of Attention
THE THREE TYPES OF ATTENTION.--Attention may be secured in three ways: (1) It is demanded by some sudden or intense sensory stimulus o...

Improving The Power Of Attention
While attention is no doubt partly a natural gift, yet there is probably no power of the mind more susceptible to training than is att...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Which fatigues you more, to give attention of the nonvoluntary type, or the voluntary? Which can you maintain longer? Which is the ...

The Relations Of Mind And Brain
INTERACTION OF MIND AND BRAIN.--How, then, come these two widely different facts, mind and brain, to be so related in our speech? Why ...

The Mind's Dependence On The External World
But can we first see how in a general way the brain and nervous system are primarily related to our thinking? Let us go back to the be...

Structural Elements Of The Nervous System
It will help in understanding both the structure and the working of the nervous system to keep in mind that it contains but one fundam...

Gross Structure Of The Nervous System
DIVISIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.--The nervous system may be considered in two divisions: (1) The central system, which consists of the...

Localization Of Function In The Nervous System
DIVISION OF LABOR.--Division of labor is the law in the organic world as in the industrial. Animals of the lowest type, such as the am...

Forms Of Sensory Stimuli
Let us next inquire how this mechanism of the nervous system is acted upon in such a way as to give us sensations. In order to underst...

Factors Determining The Efficiency Of The Nervous System
DEVELOPMENT AND NUTRITION.--Ignoring the native differences in nervous systems through the influence of heredity, the efficiency of a ...

Development Of Nervous System Through Use
IMPORTANCE OF STIMULUS AND RESPONSE.--Like all other tissues of the body, the nerve cells and fibers are developed by judicious use. T...

Education And The Training Of The Nervous System
Fortunately, many of the best opportunities for sensory and motor training do not depend on schools or courses of study. The world is ...

Importance Of Health And Vigor Of The Nervous System
Parallel with opportunities for proper stimuli and response the nervous system must possess good tonicity, or vigor. This depends in l...

Problems For Introspection And Observation
1. Estimate the mental progress made by the child during the first five years and compare with that made during the second five years ...

The Nature Of Habit
Many people when they speak or think of habit give the term a very narrow or limited meaning. They have in mind only certain moral or ...

The Place Of Habit In The Economy Of Our Lives
Habit is one of nature's methods of economizing time and effort, while at the same time securing greater skill and efficiency. This is...

The Tyranny Of Habit
EVEN GOOD HABITS NEED TO BE MODIFIED.--But even in good habits there is danger. Habit is the opposite of attention. Habit relieves att...

Habit-forming A Part Of Education
It follows from the importance of habit in our lives that no small part of education should be concerned with the development of servi...

Rules For Habit-forming
JAMES'S THREE MAXIMS FOR HABIT-FORMING.--On the forming of new habits and the leaving off of old ones, I know of no better statement t...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Select some act which you have recently begun to perform and watch it grow more and more habitual. Notice carefully for a week and ...

How We Come To Know The External World
There is a marvel about our coming to know the external world which we shall never be able fully to understand. We have come by this k...

The Nature Of Sensation
SENSATION GIVES US OUR WORLD OF QUALITIES.--In actual experience sensations are never known apart from the objects to which they belon...

Sensory Qualities And Their End-organs
All are familiar with the five senses of our elementary physiologies, sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. A more complete study o...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Observe a schoolroom of children at work with the aim of discovering any that show defects of vision or hearing. What are the sympt...

The Function Of Perception
NEED OF KNOWING THE MATERIAL WORLD.--It is the business of perception to give us knowledge of our world of material objects and their ...

The Nature Of Perception
HOW A PERCEPT IS FORMED.--How, then, do we proceed to the discovery of this world of objects? Let us watch the child and learn the sec...

The Perception Of Space
Many have been the philosophical controversies over the nature of space and our perception of it. The psychologists have even quarrele...

The Perception Of Time
The philosophers and psychologists agree little better about our sense of time than they do about our sense of space. Of this much, ho...

The Training Of Perception
In the physical world as in the spiritual there are many people who, having eyes, see not and ears, hear not. For the ability to perce...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Test your power of observation by walking rapidly past a well-filled store window and then seeing how many of the objects you can n...

The Part Played By Past Experience
PRESENT THINKING DEPENDS ON PAST EXPERIENCE.--Images or ideas of things you have seen or heard or felt; of things you have thought of ...

How Past Experience Is Conserved
PAST EXPERIENCE CONSERVED IN BOTH MENTAL AND PHYSICAL TERMS.--If past experience plays so important a part in our welfare, how, then, ...

Individual Differences In Imagery
IMAGES TO BE VIEWED BY INTROSPECTION.--The remainder of the description of images will be easier to understand, for each of you can kn...

The Function Of Images
Binet says that the man who has not every type of imagery almost equally well developed is only the fraction of a man. While this no d...

The Cultivation Of Imagery
IMAGES DEPEND ON SENSORY STIMULI.--The power of imaging can be cultivated the same as any other ability. In the first place, we may...

Problems In Introspection And Observation
1. Observe a reading class and try to determine whether the pupils picture the scenes and events they read about. How can you tell? ...

The Place Of Imagination In Mental Economy
But such a measure for the imagination as that just stated is far too narrow. A good imagination, like a good memory, is the one which...

The Material Used By Imagination
What is the material, the mental content, out of which imagination builds its structures? IMAGES THE STUFF OF IMAGINATION.--Nothing...

Types Of Imagination
Although imagination enters every field of human experience, and busies itself with every line of human interest, yet all its activiti...

Training The Imagination
Imagination is highly susceptible of cultivation, and its training should constitute one of the most important aims of education. Ever...

Problems For Observation And Introspection
1. Explain the cause and the remedy in the case of such errors as the following: Children who defined mountain as land 1,000 or...

The Nature Of Association
We may define association, then, as the tendency among our thoughts to form such a system of bonds with each other that the objects of...

The Types Of Association
FUNDAMENTAL LAW OF ASSOCIATION.--Stated on the physiological side, the law of habit as set forth in the definition of association in t...

Training In Association
Since association is at bottom nothing but habit at work in the mental processes, it follows that it, like other forms of habit, can b...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Test the uncontrolled associations of a group of pupils by pronouncing to the class some word, as blue, and having the members wri...

The Nature Of Memory
Now that you come to think of it, you can recall perfectly well that Columbus discovered America in 1492; that your house is painted w...

The Four Factors Involved In Memory
Nothing is more obvious than that memory cannot return to us what has never been given into its keeping, what has not been retained, o...

The Stuff Of Memory
What are the forms in which memory presents the past to us? What are the elements with which it deals? What is the stuff of which it c...

Laws Underlying Memory
The development of a good memory depends in no small degree on the closeness with which we follow certain well-demonstrated laws. T...

Rules For Using The Memory
Much careful and fruitful experimentation in the field of memory has taken place in recent years. The scientists are now able to give ...

What Constitutes A Good Memory
Let us next inquire what are the qualities which enter into what we call a good memory. The merchant or politician will say, Ability t...

Memory Devices
Many devices have been invented for training or using the memory, and not a few worthless systems have been imposed by conscienceless ...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Carefully consider your own powers of memory and see whether you can decide which of the four types of brain you have. Apply simila...

Different Types Of Thinking
The term think, or thinking, is employed in so many different senses that it will be well first of all to come to an understanding as ...

The Function Of Thinking
All true thinking is for the purpose of discovering relations between the things we think about. Imagine a world in which nothing is r...

The Mechanism Of Thinking
It is evident from the foregoing discussion that we may include under the term thinking all sorts of mental processes by which relatio...

The Concept
Fortunately for our thinking, the great external world, with its millions upon millions of individual objects, is so ordered that thes...

But in the building up of percepts and concepts, as well as in making use of them after they are formed, another process of thinking e...

All the mental processes which we have so far described find their culmination and highest utility in reasoning. Not that reasoning co...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Watch your own thinking for examples of each of the four types described. Observe a class of children in a recitation or at study a...

The Nature Of Instinct
Every child born into the world has resting upon him an unseen hand reaching out from the past, pushing him out to meet his environmen...

Law Of The Appearance And Disappearance Of Instincts
No child is born with all its instincts ripe and ready for action. Yet each individual contains within his own inner nature the law wh...

The Instinct Of Imitation
No individual enters the world with a large enough stock of instincts to start him doing all the things necessary for his welfare. Ins...

The Instinct Of Play
Small use to be a child unless one can play. Says Karl Groos: Perhaps the very existence of youth is due in part to the necessity for ...

Other Useful Instincts
Many other instincts ripen during the stage of youth and play their part in the development of the individual. CURIOSITY.--It is in...

Probably in no instinct more than in that of fear can we find the reflections of all the past ages of life in the world with its manif...

Other Undesirable Instincts
We are all provided by nature with some instincts which, while they may serve a good purpose in our development, need to be suppressed...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. What instincts have you noticed developing in children? What ones have you observed to fade away? Can you fix the age in both cases...

The Nature Of Feeling
It will be our purpose in the next few chapters to study the affective content of consciousness--the feelings and emotions. The presen...

Mood And Disposition
The sum total of all the feeling accompanying the various sensory and thought processes at any given time results in what we may call ...

Permanent Feeling Attitudes Or Sentiments
Besides the more or less transitory feeling states which we have called moods, there exists also a class of feeling attitudes, which c...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Are you subject to the blues, or other forms of depressed feeling? Are your moods very changeable, or rather constant? What kind of...

The Producing And Expressing Of Emotion
Nowhere more than in connection with our emotions are the close inter-relations of mind and body seen. All are familiar with the fact ...

The Control Of Emotions
DEPENDENCE ON EXPRESSION.--Since all emotions rest upon some form of physical or physiological expression primarily, and upon some tho...

Cultivation Of The Emotions
There is no other mental factor which has more to do with the enjoyment we get out of life than our feelings and emotions. THE EMOT...

Emotions As Motives
Emotion is always dynamic, and our feelings constitute our strongest motives to action and achievement. HOW OUR EMOTIONS COMPEL US....

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. What are the characteristic bodily expressions by which you can recognize a state of anger? Fear? Jealousy? Hatred? Love? Grief? Do...

The Nature Of Interest
We saw in an earlier chapter that personal habits have their rise in race habits or instincts. Let us now see how interest helps the ...

Direct And Indirect Interest
We may have an interest either (1) in the doing of an act, or (2) in the end sought through the doing. In the first instance we call t...

Transitoriness Of Certain Interests
Since our interests are always connected with our activities it follows that many interests will have their birth, grow to full streng...

Selection Among Our Interests
I said early in the discussion that interest is selective among our activities, picking out those which appear to be of the most value...

Interest Fundamental In Education
Some educators have feared that in finding our occupations interesting, we shall lose all power of effort and self-direction; that the...

Order Of Development Of Our Interests
The order in which our interests develop thus becomes an important question in our education. Nor is the order an arbitrary one, as mi...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Try making a list of your most important interests in order of their strength. Suppose you had made such a list five years ago, whe...

The Nature Of The Will
There has been much discussion and not a little controversy as to the true nature of the will. Just what is the will, and what is the ...

The Extent Of Voluntary Control Over Our Acts
A relatively small proportion of our acts, or responses, are controlled by volition. Nature, in her wise economy, has provided a simpl...

Strong And Weak Wills
Many persons will admit that their memory or imagination or power of perception is not good, but few will confess to a weak will. Stre...

Volitional Types
Several fairly well-marked volitional types may be discovered. It is, of course, to be understood that these types all grade by insens...

Training The Will
The will is to be trained as we train the other powers of the mind--through the exercise of its normal function. The function of the ...

Freedom Of The Will Or The Extent Of Its Control
We have seen in this discussion that will is a mode of control--control of our thoughts and, through our thoughts, of our actions. Wil...

Problems In Observation And Introspection
1. Give illustrations from your own experience of the various types of action mentioned in this discussion. From your own experience o...

Inter-relation Of Impression And Expression
No impression without corresponding expression has become a maxim in both physiology and psychology. Inner life implies self-expressio...

The Place Of Expression In Development
Nor are we to think that cultivation of expression results in better power of expression alone, or that lack of cultivation results on...

Educational Use Of Expression
The educational significance of the truths illustrated in the diagram and the discussion has been somewhat slow in taking hold in our ...

Problems In Introspection And Observation
1. Do you find that you understand better some difficult point or problem after you have succeeded in stating it? Do you remember bett...




  Mind Reading  
  The Mind  

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