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  Martyrs (212)

Find information on the famous martyrs throughout the history of the world


History Of Christian Martyrs To The First General Persecution Under Nero
The history of the church may almost be said to be a history of the trials and sufferings of its members, as experienced at the ha...

St Stephen
ST. STEPHEN suffered the next in order. His death was occasioned by the faithful manner in which he preached the gospel to the betraye...

James The Great
The next martyr we meet with, according to St. Luke, in the History of the Apostles' Acts, was James the son of Zebedee, the elder bro...

Was born at Bethsaida, in Galilee, and was the first called by the name of "Disciple." He laboured diligently in Upper Asia, and suffe...

Whose occupation was that of a toll-gatherer, was born at Nazareth. He wrote his gospel in Hebrew, which was afterwards translated int...

James The Less
Is supposed by some to have been the brother of our Lord, by a former wife of Joseph. This is very doubtful, and accords too much with...

Of whom less is known than of most of the other disciples, was elected to fill the vacant place of Judas. He was stoned at Jerusalem a...

Was the brother of Peter. He preached the gospel to many Asiatic nations; but on his arrival at Edessa, he was taken and crucified on ...

St Mark
Was born of Jewish parents of the tribe of Levi. He is supposed to have been converted to christianity by Peter, whom he served as an ...

Was born at Bethsaida, in Galilee. He was by occupation a fisherman. Christ gave him a name which in Syriac implies a rock. Peter is s...

The great apostle of the Gentiles, was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, a native of Tarsus in Cilicia, and before his conversion was ca...

The brother of James, was commonly called Thaddeus. He was crucified at Edessa, A. D. 72. ...

Preached in several countries, and having translated the gospel of Matthew into the language of India, he propagated it in that countr...

Called Didymus, preached the gospel in Parthia and India, where exciting the rage of the pagan priests, he was martyred by being thrus...

The evangelist, was the author of the gospel which goes under his name. He travelled with Paul through various countries, and is suppo...

Surnamed Zelotes, preached the gospel in Mauritania, Africa, and even in Britain, which latter country he was crucified, A. D. 74. ...

The "beloved disciple," was brother to James the Great. The churches of Smyrna, Pergamos, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, and Thyatira...

Was of Cyprus, but of Jewish descent, his death is supposed to have taken place about A. D. 73. ...

The First Persecution Under Nero A D 67
The first persecution of the church took place in the year 67, under Nero, the sixth emperor of Rome. This monarch reigned for the spa...

The Second Persecution Under Domitian A D 81
The emperor Domitian, who was naturally inclined to cruelty, first slew his brother, and then raised the second persecution against th...

The Third Persecution Under Trajan A D 108
Nerva, succeeding Domitian, gave a respite to the sufferings of the christians; but reigning only thirteen months, his successor Traja...

The Fourth Persecution Under Marcus Aurelius Antoninus A D 162
This commenced A. D. 162, under Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Philosophus, a strong pagan. The cruelties used in this persecution were ...

The Fifth Persecution Commencing With Severus A D 192
Severus, having been recovered from a severe fit of sickness by a christian, became a great favourer of the christians in general; but...

The Sixth Persecution Under Maximinus A D 235
A. D. 235, was in the time of Maximinus. In Cappadocia, the president, Seremianus, did all he could to exterminate the christians from...

The Seventh Persecution Under Decius A D 249
This was occasioned partly by the hatred he bore to his predecessor Philip, who was deemed a christian, and partly to his jealousy co...

The Eighth Persecution Under Valerian A D 257
Began under Valerian, in the month of April, 257, and continued for three years and six months. The martyrs that fell in this persecut...

The Ninth Persecution Under Aurelian A D 274
The principal sufferers were, Felix, bishop of Rome. This prelate was advanced to the Roman see in 274. He was the first martyr to Aur...

The Tenth Persecution Under Diocletian A D 303
Under the Roman Emperors, commonly called the Era of the Martyrs, was occasioned partly by the increasing numbers and luxury of the c...

Persecutions Of The Christians In Persia
The gospel having spread itself into Persia, the pagan priests, who worshipped the sun, were greatly alarmed, and dreaded the loss of ...

Persecutions Under The Arian Heretics
The author of the Arian heresy was Arius, a native of Lybia, and a priest of Alexandria, who, in A. D. 318, began to publish his error...

Persecution Under Julian The Apostate
This emperor was the son of Julius Constantius, and the nephew of Constantine the Great. He studied the rudiments of grammar under the...

Persecution Of The Christians By The Goths And Vandals
Many Scythian Goths having embraced Christianity about the time of Constantine the Great, the light of the gospel spread itself consi...

Persecutions From About The Middle Of The Fifth To The Conclusion Of The Seventh Century
Proterius was made a priest by Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, who was well acquainted with his virtues, before he appointed him to preac...

Persecutions From The Early Part Of The Eighth To Near The Conclusion Of The Tenth Century
Boniface, archbishop of Mentz, and father of the German church, was an Englishmen, and is, in ecclesiastical history, looked upon as o...

Persecutions In The Eleventh Century
Alphage, archbishop of Canterbury, was descended from a considerable family in Gloucestershire, and received an education suitable to ...

Papal Persecutions
Thus far our history of persecution has been confined principally to the pagan world. We come now to a period, when persecution under ...

Persecution Of The Waldenses In France
Popery having brought various innovations into the church, and overspread the christian world with darkness and superstition, some few...

Persecutions Of The Albigenses
The Albigenses were a people of the reformed religion, who inhabited the country of Albi. They were condemned on the score of religion...

The Bartholomew Massacre At Paris &c
On the 22d of August, 1572, commenced this diabolical act of sanguinary brutality. It was intended to destroy at one stroke the root o...

From The Revocation Of The Edict Of Nantes To The French Revolution In 1789
The persecutions occasioned by the revocation of the edict of Nantes, took place under Louis XIV. This edict was made by Henry the Gre...

Martyrdom Of John Calas
We pass over many other individual martyrdoms to insert that of John Calas, which took place so lately as 1761, and is an indubitable ...

An Account Of The Inquisition
When the reformed religion began to diffuse the gospel light throughout church. He accordingly instituted a number of inquisitors, o...

An Account Of The Cruel Handling And Burning Of Nicholas Burton An English Merchant In Spain
The fifth day of November, about the year of our Lord 1560, Mr. Nicholas Burton, citizen sometime of London, and merchant, dwelling in...

The Persecution Of Dr Aegidio
Dr. AEgidio was educated at the university of Alcala, where he took his several degrees, and particularly applied himself to the study...

The Persecution Of Dr Constantine
Dr. Constantine, an intimate acquaintance of the already mentioned Dr. AEgidio, was a man of uncommon natural abilities and profound l...

The Life Of William Gardiner
William Gardiner was born at Bristol, received a tolerable education, and was, at a proper age, placed under the care of a merchant, n...

An Account Of The Life And Sufferings Of Mr William Lithgow A Native Of Scotland
This gentleman was descended from a good family, and having a natural propensity for travelling, he rambled, when very young, over the...

Croly On The Inquisition
We shall conclude this chapter with the subjoined extract from the New Interpretation of the Apocalypse by the Rev. George Croly. I...

An Account Of The Persecution In Italy Under The Papacy
We shall now enter on an account of the persecutions in Italy, a country which has been, and still is, 1. The centre of popery. ...

An Account Of The Persecutions Of Calabria
In the 14th century, many of the Waldenses of Pragela and Dauphiny, emigrated to Calabria, and settling some waste lands, by the permi...

Account Of The Persecutions In The Valleys Of Piedmont
Many of the Waldenses, to avoid the persecutions to which they were continually subjected in France, went and settled in the valleys o...

An Account Of The Persecutions In Venice
While the state of Venice was free from inquisitors, a great number of protestants fixed their residence there, and many converts were...

An Account Of Several Remarkable Individuals Who Were Martyred In Different Parts Of Italy On Account Of Their Religion
John Mollius was born at Rome, of reputable parents. At twelve years of age they placed him in the monastery of Gray Friars, where he ...

An Account Of The Persecutions In The Marquisate Of Saluces
The Marquisate of Saluces, on the south side of the valleys of Piedmont, was in A. D. 1561, principally inhabited by protestants, when...

An Account Of The Persecutions In The Valleys Of Piedmont In The Seventeenth Century
Pope Clement the eighth, sent missionaries into the valleys of Piedmont, to induce the protestants to renounce their religion; and the...

Further Persecutions In The Valleys Of Piedmont In The Seventeenth Century
Giovanni Pelanchion, for refusing to turn papist, was tied by one leg to the tail of a mule, and dragged through the streets of Lucern...

A Narrative Of The Piedmontese War
The massacres and murders already mentioned to have been committed in the valleys of Piedmont, nearly depopulated most of the towns an...

An Account Of The Persecutions Of Michael De Molinos A Native Of Spain
Michael de Molinos, a Spaniard of a rich and honourable family, entered, when young, into priest's orders, but would not accept of any...

An Account Of The Persecutions In Bohemia Under The Papacy
The Roman pontiffs having usurped a power over several churches were particularly severe on the Bohemians, which occasioned them to se...

John Huss
John Huss was born at Hussenitz, a village in Bohemia, about the year 1380. His parents gave him the best education their circumstance...

Jerom Of Prague
This reformer, who was the companion of Dr. Huss, and may be said to be a co-martyr with him, was born at Prague, and educated in that...

The real name of this zealous servant of Christ was John de Trocznow, that of Zisca is a Bohemian word, signifying one-eyed, as he had...

General Persecutions In Germany
The general persecutions in Germany were principally occasioned by the doctrines and ministry of Martin Luther. Indeed, the pope was s...

An Account Of The Persecutions In The Netherlands
The light of the gospel having successfully spread over the Netherlands, the pope instigated the emperor to commence a persecution aga...

An Account Of The Persecutions In Lithuania And Poland
The persecutions in Lithuania began in 1648, and were carried on with great severity by the Cossacks and Tartars. The cruelty of the...

An Account Of The Persecutions In China And Several Other Countries
Christianity was first established in China by three Italian missionaries, called Roger the Neapolitan, Pasis of Bologne, and Matthe...

An Account Of The Persecutions In Japan
Christianity was first introduced into the idolatrous empire of Japan by some Portuguese missionaries in the year of our Lord 1552, an...

An Account Of The Persecutions Against The Christians In Abyssinia Or Ethiopia
Towards the conclusion of the fifteenth century, and soon after the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, some Portuguese missionaries m...

An Account Of The Persecutions Against The Christians In Turkey
Mahomet, (the impostor) in the infancy of his new religion, tolerated christianity through a political motive, as he was sensible, tha...

Persecutions And Oppressions In Georgia And Mingrelia
The Georgians, are christians, and being very handsome people, the Turks and Persians persecute them by the most cruel mode of taxatio...

An Account Of The Persecutions In The States Of Barbary
In Algiers the christians are treated with particular severity; as the Algerines are some of the most perfidious, as well as the most ...

An Account Of The Persecutions In Spanish America
The bloody tenets of the Roman catholic persuasion, and the cruel disposition of the votaries of that church, cannot be more amply di...

An Account Of The Persecutions In Great Britain And Ireland Prior To The Reign Of Queen Mary I
Gildas, the most ancient British writer extant, who lived about the time that the Saxons left the island of Great Britain, has drawn...

An Account Of The Persecution In Scotland During The Reign Of King Henry Viii
The first person we meet with who suffered in Scotland on the score of religion, was one Patrick Hamilton, a gentleman of an indepen...

An Account Of The Life Sufferings And Death Of Mr George Wishart Who Was Strangled And Afterward Burned In Scotland For Professing The Truth Of The Gospel
Mr. George Wishart was born in Scotland, and after receiving a grammatical education at a private school, he left that place, and fin...

Persecutions In England During The Reign Of Queen Mary
The premature death of that celebrated young monarch, Edward the Sixth, occasioned the most extraordinary and wonderful occurrences,...

The Words And Behaviour Of The Lady Jane Upon The Scaffold
The next victim was the amiable lady Jane Gray, who, by her acceptance of the crown at the earnest solicitations of her friends, incur...

John Rogers Vicar Of St Sepulchre's And Reader Of St Paul's London
John Rogers was educated at Cambridge, and was afterward many years chaplain to the merchants adventurers at Antwerp in Brabant. Here ...

The Rev Mr Lawrence Saunders
Mr. Saunders after passing some time in the school of Eaton, was chosen to go to King's college in Cambridge, where he continued three...

The History Imprisonment And Examinations Of Mr John Hooper Bishop Of Worcester And Gloucester
John Hooper, student and graduate in the university of Oxford, was stirred with such fervent desire to the love and knowledge of the ...

The Life And Conduct Of Dr Rowland Taylor Of Hadley
Dr. Rowland Taylor, vicar of Hadley, in Suffolk, was a man of eminent learning, and had been admitted to the degree of doctor of the c...

Martyrdom Of Tomkins Pygot Knight Lawrence Hunter And Higbed
Thomas Tomkins was by trade a weaver in Shoreditch, till he was summoned before the inhuman Bonner, and confined with many others, who...

Dr Robert Farrar
This worthy and learned prelate, the bishop of St. David's in Wales, having in the former reign, as well as since the accession of Mar...

Rawlins White
Rawlins White was by his calling and occupation a fisherman, living and continuing in the said trade for the space of twenty years at ...

The Rev Mr George Marsh
George Marsh, born in the parish of Deane, in the county of Lancaster, received a good education and trade from his parents; about his...

Mr William Flower
William Flower, otherwise Branch, was born at Snow-hill, in the county of Cambridge, where he went to school some years, and then came...

The Rev John Cardmaker And John Warne
May 30, 1555, the Rev. John Cardmaker, otherwise called Taylor, prebendary of the church of Wells, and John Warne, upholsterer, of St....

John Simpson And John Ardeley
John Simpson and John Ardeley were condemned on the same day with Mr. Cardmaker and John Warne, which was the 25th of May. They were s...

Thomas Haukes Thomas Watts Thomas Osmond William Bamford And Nicholas Chamberlain
Mr. Thomas Haukes, with six others, were condemned on the 9th of February, 1555. In education he was erudite; in person, comely and of...

Rev John Bradford And John Leaf An Apprentice
Rev. John Bradford was born at Manchester, in Lancashire; he was a good Latin scholar, and afterward became a servant of Sir John Harr...

Rev John Bland Rev John Frankesh Nicholas Shetterden And Humphrey Middleton
These Christian persons were all burnt at Canterbury for the same cause. Frankesh and Bland were ministers and preachers of the word o...

Nicholas Hall And Christopher Waid
The same month of July, Nicholas Hall, bricklayer, and Christopher Waid, linendraper, of Dartford, suffered death, condemned by Mauric...

Dirick Carver And John Launder
The 22d of July, 1555, Dirick Carver, brewer, of Brighthelmstone, aged forty, was burnt at Lewes. And the day following John Launder, ...

John Denley Gent John Newman And Patrick Packingham
Mr. Denley and Newman were returning one day to Maidstone, the place of their abode, when they were met by E. Tyrrel, Esq. a bigoted j...

W Coker W Hooper H Laurence R Colliar R Wright And W Stere
These persons all of Kent, were examined at the same time with Mr. Bland and Shetterden, by Thornton, bishop of Dover, Dr. Harpsfield,...

The Rev Robert Samuel
This gentleman was minister of Bradford, Suffolk, where he industriously taught the flock committed to his charge, while he was openly...

G Catmer R Streater A Burward G Brodbridge And J Tutty
These five worthies, denying the real presence in the eucharist, were brought before Dr. Thornton, bishop of Dover, and condemned as h...

Bishop Ridley And Bishop Latimer
These reverend prelates suffered October 17, 1555, at Oxford, on the same day Wolsey and Pygot perished at Ely. Pillars of the church ...

Mr John Webb George Roper And Gregory Parker
These martyrs, after being brought before the bishop of Dover and Dr. Harpsfield, were finally examined, October 3, 1555, adjudged to ...

Mr John Philpot
This martyr was the son of a knight, born in Hampshire, and brought up at New College, Oxford, where he several years studied the civi...

Rev T Whittle B Green T Brown J Tudson J Ent Isabel Tooster And Joan Lashford
These seven persons were summoned before Bonner's consistory, and the articles of the Romish church tendered for their approbation. Th...

John Lomas Agnes Snoth Anne Wright Joan Sole And Joan Catmer
These five martyrs suffered together, January 31, 1556. John Lomas was a young man of Tenterden. He was cited to appear at Canterbury,...

Archbishop Cranmer
Dr. Thomas Cranmer was descended from an ancient family, and was born at the village of Arselacton, in the county of Northampton. Afte...

Agnes Potten And Joan Trunchfield
These godly women (before mentioned) were both of Ipswich, and suffered about the same time with Cranmer. When in prison together, Mrs...

Hugh Laverick And John Aprice
Here we perceive that neither the impotence of age nor the affliction of blindness, could turn aside the murdering fangs of these Baby...

Preservation Of George Crow And His Testament
This poor man, of Malden, May 26, 1556, put to sea, to lade in Lent with Fuller's earth, but the boat, being driven on land, filled wi...

Executions At Stratford-le-bow
At this sacrifice, which we are about to detail, no less than thirteen were doomed to the fire. Each one refusing to subscribe cont...

R Bernard A Foster And R Lawson
The first was a labourer, and a single man, of Framsden, Suffolk. He was a shrewd, undaunted professor, and fearlessly replied to the ...

Rev Julius Palmer
This gentleman's life presents a singular instance of error and conversion. In the time of Edward, he was a rigid and obstinate papist...

Joan Waste
This poor honest woman, blind from her birth, and unmarried, aged 22, was of the parish of Allhallows, Derby. Her father was a barber,...

Persecutions In The Diocess Of Canterbury
In the year 1557, fifteen were imprisoned in the castle of Canterbury, five of whom perished of hunger. We now proceed to the account ...

T Loseby H Ramsey T Thirtell Margaret Hide And Agnes Stanley
These persons were successively called up, condemned, delivered over to the sheriffs of London, in April 15, 1557, were conducted to S...

Executions In Kent
The following seven were arraigned for heresy: Joan Bainbridge, of Staplehurst; W. Appleby, Petronella his wife, and the wife of John ...

Execution Of Ten Martyrs At Lewes
Again we have to record the wholesale sacrifice of Christ's little flock, of whom five were women. On the 22d of June, 1557, the town ...

Simon Miller And Elizabeth Cooper
In the following month of July, received the crown of martyrdom. Miller dwelt at Lynn, and came to Norwich, where, planting himself at...

Executions At Colchester
It was before mentioned that twenty-two persons had been sent up from Cholchester, who upon a slight submission, were afterward releas...

Mrs Joyce Lewes
This lady was the wife of Mr. T. Lewes, of Manchester. She had received the Romish religion as true, till the burning of that pious ma...

Executions At Islington
About the 17th of Sept. suffered at Islington the following four professors of Christ: Ralph Allerton, James Austoo, Margery Austoo, a...

Mrs Cicely Ormes
This young martyr, aged twenty-two, was the wife of Mr. Edmund Ormes, worsted weaver of St. Lawrence, Norwich. At the death of Miller ...

Rev John Rough
This pious martyr was a Scotchman: at the age of 17, he entered himself as one of the order of Black Friars, at Stirling, in Scotland....

Cuthbert Symson
Few professors of Christ possessed more activity and zeal than this excellent person. He not only labored to preserve his friends from...

Thomas Hudson Thomas Carman And William Seamen
Were condemned by a bigoted vicar of Aylesbury, named Berry. The spot of execution was called Lollard's pit, without Bishopsgate, at N...

Apprehensions At Islington
In a retired close, near a field, in Islington, a company of decent persons had assembled, to the number of forty. While they were re...

Holland Even Now I Told You That Your Authority Was From God And By
his sufferance: and now I tell you God hath heard the voice of his servants, which hath been poured forth with tears for his afflicted ...

Flagellations By Bonner
When this catholic hyena found that neither persuasions, threats, nor imprisonment, could produce any alteration in the mind of a yout...

Rev Richard Yeoman
This devout aged person was curate to Dr. Taylor, at Hadley, and eminently qualified for his sacred function. Dr. Taylor left him the ...

Thomas Benbridge
Mr. Benbridge was a single gentleman, in the diocese of Winchester. He might have lived a gentleman's life, in the wealthy possessions...

Alexander Gouch And Alice Driver
These godly persons were apprehended by Mr. Noone, a justice in Suffolk. They were brought to the stake at seven o'clock in the morn...

Mrs Prest
From the number condemned in this fanatical reign, it is almost impossible to obtain the name of every martyr, or to embellish the hi...

Richard Sharpe Thomas Banion And Thomas Hale
Mr. Sharpe, weaver, of Bristol, was brought the 9th day of March, 1556, before Mr. Dalby, chancellor of the city of Bristol, and after...

William Fetty Scourged To Death
Among the numberless enormities committed by the merciless and unfeeling Bonner, the murder of this innocent and unoffending child may...

Deliverance Of Dr Sands
This eminent prelate, vice-chancellor of Cambridge, at the request of the duke of Northumberland, when he came down to Cambridge in su...

Queen Mary's Treatment Of Her Sister The Princess Elizabeth
The preservation of the princess Elizabeth may be reckoned a remarkable instance of the watchful eye which Christ had over his church....

God's Punishments Upon Some Of The Persecutors Of His People In Mary's Reign
After that arch-persecutor, Gardiner, was dead, others followed, of whom Dr. Morgan, bishop of St. David's, who succeeded bishop Farra...

The Spanish Armada
Philip, king of Spain, husband to the deceased queen Mary of England, was no less an enemy than that princess to the protestants. He h...

A Conspiracy By The Papists For The Destruction Of James I The Royal Family And Both Houses Of Parliament; Commonly Known By The Name Of The Gunpowder Plot
The papists (of which there were great numbers in England at the time of the intended Spanish invasion) were so irritated at the failu...

Rise And Progress Of The Protestant Religion In Ireland; With An Account Of The Barbarous Massacre Of 1641
The gloom of popery had overshadowed Ireland from its first establishment there till the reign of Henry VIII. when the rays of the ...

The Rise Progress Persecutions And Sufferings Of The Quakers
In treating of these people in a historical manner, we are obliged to have recourse to much tenderness. That they differ from the gene...

An Account Of The Persecution Of Friends Commonly Called Quakers In The United States
About the middle of the seventeenth century, much persecution and suffering were inflicted on a sect of protestant dissenters, commonl...

At A General Court Held At Boston The 14th Of October 1656
"Whereas, there is a cursed sect of heretics, lately risen up in the world, which are commonly called Quakers, who take upon them to b...

At A General Court Held At Boston The 14th Of October 1657
"As an addition to the late order, in reference to the coming or bringing of any of the cursed sect of the Quakers into this jurisdic...

An Act Made At A General Court Held At Boston The 20th Of October 1658
"Whereas, there is a pernicious sect, commonly called Quakers, lately risen, who by word and writing have published and maintained man...

Persecutions Of The French Protestants In The South Of France During The Years 1814 And 1820
The persecution in this protestant part of France continued with very little intermission from the revocation of the edict of Nantes...

The Arrival Of King Louis Xviii At Paris
This was known at Nismes on the 13th of April, 1814. In a quarter of an hour, the white cockade was seen in every direction, the white...

The History Of The Silver Child
About this time, M. Baron, counsellor of the Cour Royale of Nismes, formed the plan of dedicating to God a silver child, if the Duches...

Napoleon's Return From The Isle Of Elba
Soon after this event, the duke d'Angouleme was at Nismes, and remained there some time; but even his influence was insufficient to br...

The Catholic Arms At Beaucaire
In May, 1815, a federative association, similar to those of Lyons, Grenoble, Paris, Avignon, and Montpelier, was desired by many perso...

Massacre And Pillage At Nismes
Nismes now exhibited a most awful scene of outrage and carnage, though many of the protestants had fled to the Convennes and the Gardo...

Interference Of Government Against The Protestants
M. Bernis, extraordinary royal commissioner, in consequence of these abuses, issued a proclamation which reflects disgrace on the auth...

Letters From Louvois To Marillac
"The king rejoices to learn from your letters, that there are so many conversions in your department; and he desires that you would co...

Royal Decree In Favour Of The Persecuted
At length the decree of Louis XVIII., which annulled all the extraordinary powers conferred either by the king, the princes, or subor...

Petition Of The Protestant Refugees
To these reproaches it is proper to oppose the petition which the Protestant Refugees in Paris presented to Louis XVIII. in behalf of ...

Monstrous Outrage Upon Females
At Nismes it is well known that the women wash their clothes either at the fountains, or on the banks of streams. There is a large bas...

Arrival Of The Austrians At Nismes
About this time, a treaty between the French court and the allied sovereigns, prohibited the advance of the foreign troops beyond the ...

Outrages Committed In The Villages &c
We now quit Nismes to take a view of the conduct of the persecutors in the surrounding country. After the re-establishment of the roya...

Farther Account Of The Proceedings Of The Catholics At Nismes
The excesses perpetrated in the country it seems did not by any means divert the attention of the persecutors from Nismes. October, 18...

Attack Upon The Protestant Churches
Some time before the death of general La Garde, the duke d'Angouleme had visited Nismes, and other cities in the south, and at the for...

Murder Of General La Garde
At length a check was put to these excesses by the report of the murder of Count La Garde, who, receiving an account of this tumult, m...

Interference Of The British Government
To the credit of England, the reports of these cruel persecutions carried on against our protestant brethren in France, produced such ...

Perjury In The Case Of General Gilly &c
This catholic system of subornation and perjury was carried to such an infamous degree, that twenty-six witnesses were found to sign a...

Ultimate Resolution Of The Protestants At Nismes
With respect to the conduct of the protestants, these highly outraged citizens, pushed to extremities by their persecutors, felt at le...

Asaad Shidiak

Biographical Notices Of Asaad Shidiak
The following account of the remarkable convert from the Maronite Roman Catholic church, whose name has, of late, appeared frequently ...

His Early History
Asaad Shidiak was born in the district north of Beyroot, called Kesruan, where, and at Hadet, a small village five miles south-east of...

Connexion With Mr King
The dispensations of Providence often seem afflictive when they happen, and most kind and benevolent afterwards, when their design is ...

Connexion With Mr Bird
Under the influence of these doubts, which seem to have distressed him greatly, he entered the service of Mr. Bird as his instructer i...

Visits His Relations
On the 12th of November, 1825,--says Mr. Bird--Shidiak received a letter from the patriarch, in which he threatens him, with his broth...

His Return To Mr Bird
Dec. 12. Shidiak returned, after nearly a month's absence, to continue with me for a year, risking whatever obloquy and violence might...

Progress Of His Opinions
13. Spent most of the day in conversation with Asaad on the subject of religion. He had lately been much in company with the emir Sulm...

Visits The Patriarch
6. For some time, we had been looking daily for a regular excommunication to be published by the patriarch's order against Asaad; but...

Is Forcibly Detained
Feb. 22. Fearing for the safety of Asaad, since hearing that he has not written to his friends, we this morning sent a messenger with ...

Escapes And Returns To Beyroot
2. Rose early, and repaired to the room, where Asaad would have been, had he come; but there were no tidings from him. Little expectat...

Public Statement Of Asaad Shidiak
Beyroot, March 1826. Respected Brethren and Friends,--Since many have heard a report, that I have become insane; and others...

Interview With Several Of His Relatives
6. Among those who came to see Asaad to-day, were three of his brothers and an uncle. Mansoor, the oldest of the brothers, we had neve...

Interview With A Younger Brother
Asaad's brother Galed came again to-day, and discovered more feeling than yesterday on the subject of his brother's leaving the Englis...

Correspondence With His Family
8. A messenger called this morning with the following note. "To our brother Asaad Esh Shidiak: May God bless you.--We beg you to co...

Is Visited By His Mother
This letter had been gone scarcely time sufficient to reach Hadet, when the mother herself was announced at the door. We welcomed her ...

Suspects Himself To Have Been Poisoned
11. One of the neighbours brought Shidiak a letter, cautioning him, if he went to the shekh's house, not to smoke or drink with him. ...

Visits His Relatives At Hadet
17. Four of the relatives of Asaad came down, and succeeded in persuading him to accompany them home. He said he could not believe, a...

Their Violence And The Consequent Proceedings Of Phares Shidiak
24. Phares Shidiak came to my house to day, and wished to speak with me in private. "Yesterday morning," said he, "as I was in my r...

Asaad's Letter To His Brother Phares
"To my beloved brother Phares; the Lord Most High preserve him. Your departure caused me great grief. First, because you were impatien...

Conversation Of Phares With The Bishop Of Beyroot
After Galeb had gone, we put a great many questions to Phares, and he communicated some interesting particulars. Among others was the ...

Letter From Asaad To Mr Bird
"Dear Sir,--After expressing imperfectly the love I bear you, and the desire I have to see you in all health, I have to s...

His Relatives Deliver Him Up To The Patriarch
31. Information is received, that Asaad has been taken away against his will, to the patriarch. April 4. Phares Shidiak arrived her...

Asaad Is Cruelly Treated
27. The messenger, who went before to Cannobeen, had set out to go for us a second time, and this morning early returned with the foll...

Attempts Made To Procure His Release
After hearing all this, we went directly to the consul to inform him of the case, and to urge him to an interference. He consented, th...

Great Difficulties In The Way Of Asaad's Release
18. Tannoos came to converse about his brother Asaad. He had just received a letter in Asaad's own hand-writing, saying, that he was ...

His Family Attempt His Liberation
19. Phares brought us a letter, which had just been received by the family at Hadet, from the patriarch, wishing them to come immediat...

Brief History Of Asaad Esh Shidiak From The Time Of His Being Betrayed Into The Hands Of The Maronite Patriarch In The Spring Of 1826
=Translated from the Arabic of Naami Latoof.= When the relatives of Asaad brought him to the convent of Alma in the district of Kes...

Account Of The Scenes At Ava During The War
Mr. and Mrs. Judson were among the number of the first missionaries who left this country for India. After labouring for some time in ...

Removal Of The Prisoners To Oung-pen-la Mrs Judson Follows Them
"Notwithstanding the order the governor had given for my admittance into prison, it was with the greatest difficulty that I could pers...

Persecution Of The Wesleyan Missionaries In The West Indies
The exertions of Christians to spread the truths of the gospel among the Africans in the West Indies, have met with much opposition fr...

Case Of Rev John Smith
The London Missionary Chronicle for March contains a statement respecting Mr. Smith's case, occupying, with accompanying documents ne...

Persecutions Of The Wesleyan Methodists In St Domingo
We extract from the publications of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, the following account of the aggressions committed upon the Prote...

Persecutions At Port Au Prince
The following extracts from the journal of Mr. St. Denis, and letters of Mr. Pressoir, members of the Methodist Society at Port au Pri...

Persecutions In Switzerland From 1813 To 1830
The information contained in the following account of the persecution in Switzerland, is derived principally from the Christian Specta...

Persecution In The Pays De Vaud
In the month of December, 1823, a letter was addressed by three young men, ministers of that canton, and subsequently signed by a few ...

Sketches Of The Lives Of Some Of The Most Eminent Reformers
It will not be inappropriate to devote a few pages of this work to a brief detail of the lives of some of those men who first stepped ...

John Wickliffe
This celebrated reformer, denominated the Morning Star of the Reformation, was born about the year 1324, in the reign of Edward II. Of...

Martin Luther
This illustrious German divine and reformer of the church, was the son of John Luther and Margaret Lindeman, and born at Isleben, a to...

John Calvin
This reformer was born at Noyon in Picardy, July 10, 1409. He was instructed in grammar learning at Paris under Maturinus Corderius, a...

Agency Of Calvin In The Death Of Michael Servetus
It has long been the delight of both infidels and some professed christians, when they wish to bring odium upon the opinions of Calvin...

Calvin As A Friend Of Civil Liberty
The Rev. Dr. Wisner, in his late discourse at Plymouth, on the anniversary of the landing of the pilgrims, makes the following assert...

The Life Of The Rev John Fox
John Fox, was born at Boston, in Lincolnshire, in 1517, where his parents are stated to have lived in respectable circumstances. He wa...

Errors Rites Ceremonies And Superstitious Practices Of The Romish Church
TRADITIONS.] The church of Rome having deprived the laity of the Bible, substitutes in its stead apostolic and ecclesiastical traditio...

Sketch Of The French Revolution Of 1789 As Connected With The History Of Persecution
The design of those who were the primary agents in originating the causes of the French Revolution, was the utter subversion of the ...

Massacre Of Prisoners
The number of individuals accumulated in the various prisons of Paris had increased by the arrests and domiciliary visits subsequent t...

Death Of Louis Xvi And Other Members Of The Royal Family
On the 21st of January, 1793, Louis XVI. was publicly beheaded in the midst of his own metropolis, in the Place Louis Quinze, erected ...

Dreadful Scenes In La Vendee
In La Vendee, one of the departments of France, an insurrection broke out against the Jacobinical government, in 1793. Upwards of t...

Scenes At Marseilles And Lyons
Marseilles, Toulon, and Lyons, had declared themselves against the Jacobin supremacy. Rich from commerce and their maratime situation,...

The Installation Of The Goddess Of Reason
At length the zeal of the infuriated Atheists in France hurried them to the perpetration of one of the most ridiculous, and at the sam...

Fall Of Danton Robespierre Marat And Other Jacobins
These monsters fell victims by the same means they had used for the destruction of others. Marat was poignarded in 1793, by Charlotte ...





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