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 Martin Luther

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  Martin Luther King Articles (27)    Martin Luther King Poems (254)    Slavery (1805)    Speeches (49)    Folk Rhymes (348)  

Martin Luther

Read famous historial articles or little known poems speaking about the black experience throughout history.

Martin Luther King Articles

Sojourner Truth, The Libyan Sibyl
Many years ago, the few readers of radical Abolitionist papers must often have seen the singular name of Sojourner Truth, ...

The assembling of the Second Session of the Thirty-ninth Congress may very properly be made the occasion of a few earnest words on ...

An Appeal To Congress For Impartial Suffrage
A very limited statement of the argument for impartial suffrage, and for including the negro in the body politic, would require ...

The Negro Exodus
A recent sojourn in the South for a few weeks, chiefly in Louisiana and Mississippi, gave the writer an opportunity to inquire i...

My Escape From Slavery
In the first narrative of my experience in slavery, written nearly forty years ago, and in various writings since, I have given t...

The Goophered Grapevine
About ten years ago my wife was in poor health, and our family doctor, in whose skill and honesty I had implicit confidence, adv...

Po' Sandy
On the northeast corner of my vineyard in central North Carolina, and fronting on the Lumberton plank-road, there stood a small ...

Dave's Neckliss
"Have some dinner, Uncle Julius?" said my wife. It was a Sunday afternoon in early autumn. Our two women- servants had gone...

The Awakening Of The Negro
When a mere boy, I saw a young colored man, who had spent several years in school, sitting in a common cabin in the South, studyi...

The Story Of Uncle Tom's Cabin
On the 29th of June, 1852, Henry Clay died. In that month the two great political parties, in their national conventions, had a...

Strivings Of The Negro People
Berween me and the other world there is ever an unasked question: unasked by some through feelings of delicacy; by others through...

The Wife Of His Youth
I. Mr. Ryder was going to give a ball. There were several reasons why this was an opportune time for such an event. Mr...

The Bouquet
Mary Myrover's friends were somewhat surprised when she began to teach a colored school. Miss Myrover's friends are mentioned h...

The Case Of The Negro
All attempts to settle the question of the Negro in the South by his removal from this country have so far failed, and I think th...

Hot-foot Hannibal
"I hate and despise you! I wish never to see you or speak to you again!" "Very well; I will take care that henceforth you have ...

A Negro Schoolmaster In The New South
Once upon a time I taught school in the hills of Tennessee, where the broad dark vale of the Mississippi begins to roll and crump...

The Capture Of A Slaver
From 1830 to 1850 both Great Britain and the United States, by joint convention, kept on the coast of Africa at least eighty guns...

Mr. Charles W. Chesnutt's Stories
The critical reader of the story called The Wife of his Youth, which appeared in these pages two years ago, must have noticed un...

Paths Of Hope For The Negro Practical Suggestions Of A Southerner
It is too late in the day to discuss whether it would have been better had the Negro never been brought into the Southern States....

Signs Of Progress Among The Negroes
In addition to the problem of educating eight million negroes in our Southern States and ingrafting them into American citizenshi...

The March Of Progress
The colored people of Patesville had at length gained the object they had for a long time been seeking--the appointment of a com...

The Freedmen's Bureau
The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line; the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men in ...

Of The Training Of Black Men
From the shimmering swirl of waters where many, many thoughts ago the slave-ship first saw the square tower of Jamestown have flo...

The Fruits Of Industrial Training
The political, educational, social, and economic evolution through which the South passed during, say, the first fifteen or twent...

The Negro In The Regular Army
When the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment stormed Fort Wagner July 18, 1863, only to be driven back with the loss of its colo...

Baxter's Procrustes
Baxter's Procrustes is one of the publications of the Bodleian Club. The Bodleian Club is composed of gentlemen of culture, who ...

The Heart Of The Race Problem
"And, instead of going to the Congress of the United States and saying there is no distinction made in Mississippi, because of c...

Martin Luther King Poems

A Negro Love Song
Seen my lady home las' night, Jump back, honey, jump back. Hel' huh han' an' sque'z it tight, Jump back, honey, jump back...

Little Brown Baby
Little brown baby wif spa'klin' eyes, Come to yo' pappy an' set on his knee. What you been doin', suh--makin' san' pies? Look at...

Ships That Pass In The Night
Out in the sky the great dark clouds are massing; I look far out into the pregnant night, Where I can hear a solemn booming gun ...

Lover's Lane
Summah night an' sighin' breeze, 'Long de lovah's lane; Frien'ly, shadder-mekin' trees, 'Long de lovah's lane. White folks' wo'...

The Debt
This is the debt I pay Just for one riotous day, Years of regret and grief. Sorrow without relief. Pay it I will to the end-- Un...

The Haunted Oak
Pray why are you so bare, so bare, Oh, bough of the old oak-tree; And why, when I go through the shade you throw, Runs a shudder...

When De Co'n Pone's Hot
Dey is times in life when Nature Seems to slip a cog an' go, Jes' a-rattlin' down creation, Lak an ocean's overflow; When de wo...

A Death Song
Lay me down beneaf de willers in de grass, Whah de branch'll go a-singin' as it pass An' w'en I's a-layin' low, I kin hyeah it a...

Negro Serenade
O, de light-bugs glimmer down de lane, Merlindy! Merlindy! O, de whip'-will callin' notes ur pain-- Merlindy, O, Merlindy! O, h...

De Cunjah Man
O chillen, run, de Cunjah man, Him mouf ez beeg ez fryin' pan, Him yurs am small, him eyes am raid, Him hab no toof een him ol' haid...

Uncle Eph's Banjo Song
Clean de ba'n an' sweep de flo', Sing, my bawnjer, sing! We's gwine ter dawnce dis eb'nin' sho', Ring, my bawnjer, ring! Den h...

Ol' Doc' Hyar
Ur ol' Hyar lib in ur house on de hill, He hunner yurs ol' an' nebber wuz ill; He yurs dee so long an' he eyes so beeg, An' he laigs...

When Ol' Sis' Judy Pray
When ol' Sis' Judy pray, De teahs come stealin' down my cheek, De voice ur God widin me speak'; I see myse'f so po' an' weak, Down ...

O, rich young lord, thou ridest by With looks of high disdain; It chafes me not thy title high, Thy blood of oldest strain. The lad...

At The Closed Gate Of Justice
To be a Negro in a day like this Demands forgiveness. Bruised with blow on blow, Betrayed, like him whose woe dimmed eyes gave blis...

Paul Laurence Dunbar
He came, a youth, singing in the dawn Of a new freedom, glowing o'er his lyre, Refining, as with great Apollo's fire, His peop...

The Negro Singer
O'er all my song the image of a face Lieth, like shadow on the wild sweet flowers. The dream, the ecstasy that prompts my powers;...

The Road To The Bow
Ever and ever anon, After the black storm, the eternal, beauteous bow! Brother, to rosy-painted mists that arch beyond, Blithely...

In The Matter Of Two Men
One does such work as one will not, And well each knows the right; Though the white storm howls, or the sun is hot, The black mu...

An Indignation Dinner
Dey was hard times jes fo' Christmas round our neighborhood one year; So we held a secret meetin', whah de white folks couldn't hear, ...

Dream And The Song
So oft our hearts, beloved lute, In blossomy haunts of song are mute; So long we pore, 'mid murmurings dull, O'er loveliness unutter...

'weh Down Souf
O, de birds ar' sweetly singin', 'Weh down Souf, An' de banjer is a-ringin', 'Weh down Souf; An' my heart it is a-sighin', Whi...

Hog Meat
Deze eatin' folks may tell me ub de gloriz ub spring lam', An' de toofsumnis ub tuckey et wid cel'ry an' wid jam; Ub beef-st'ak fried...

Dusk Song
The garden is very quiet to-night, The dusk has gone with the Evening Star, And out on the bay a lone ship light Makes a silver path...

It Was Not Fate
It was not fate which overtook me, Rather a wayward, wilful wind That blew hot for awhile And then, as the even shadows came, blew c...

A Litany Of Atlanta
Done at Atlanta, in the Day of Death, 1906 O Silent God, Thou whose voice afar in mist and mystery hath left our ears an-hungered...

Dogwood Blossoms
To dreamy languors and the violet mist Of early Spring, the deep sequestered vale Gives first her paling-blue Miamimist, Where b...

A Butterfly In Church
What dost thou here, thou shining, sinless thing, With many colored hues and shapely wing? Why quit the open field and summer air To...

The Hills Of Sewanee
Sewanee Hills of dear delight, Prompting my dreams that used to be, I know you are waiting me still to-night By the Unika Range ...

The Feet Of Judas
Christ washed the feet of Judas! The dark and evil passions of his soul, His secret plot, and sordidness complete, His hate, his pur...

Sandy Star And Willie Gee
Sandy Star and Willie Gee, Count 'em two, you make 'em three: Pluck the man and boy apart And you'll see into my heart. ...

Sandy Star I
_Sculptured Worship_ The zones of warmth around his heart, No alien airs had crossed; But he awoke one morn to feel The m...

Sandy Star Ii
_Laughing It Out_ He had a whim and laughed it out Upon the exit of a chance; He floundered in a sea of doubt-- If life was r...

Sandy Star Iii
_Exit_ No, his exit by the gate Will not leave the wind ajar; He will go when it is late With a misty star. One will call,...

Sandy Star Iv
_The Way_ He could not tell the way he came, Because his chart was lost: Yet all his way was paved with flame From the bourne...

Sandy Star V
_Onus Probandi_ No more from out the sunset, No more across the foam, No more across the windy hills Will Sandy Star come hom...

Del Cascar
Del Cascar, Del Cascar, Stood upon a flaming star, Stood, and let his feet hang down Till in China the toes turned brown. And he ...

Turn Me To My Yellow Leaves
Turn me to my yellow leaves, I am better satisfied; There is something in me grieves-- That was never born, and died. Let me be a s...

Ironic: Lld
There are no hollows any more Between the mountains; the prairie floor Is like a curtain with the drape Of the winds' invisible shap...

I kissed a kiss in youth Upon a dead man's brow; And that was long ago,-- And I'm a grown man now. It's lain there in the dus...

Sic Vita
Heart free, hand free, Blue above, brown under, All the world to me Is a place of wonder. Sun shine, moon shine, Stars, and ...

I am glad daylong for the gift of song, For time and change and sorrow; For the sunset wings and the world-end things Which hang on ...

O Black And Unknown Bards
O black and unknown bards of long ago, How came your lips to touch the sacred fire? How, in your darkness, did you come to know The ...

Sence You Went Away
Seems lak to me de stars don't shine so bright, Seems lak to me de sun done loss his light, Seems lak to me der's nothin' goin' right...

The Creation
(_A Negro Sermon_) And God stepped out on space, And He looked around and said, _"I'm lonely-- I'll make me a world."_ And far...

The White Witch
O brothers mine, take care! Take care! The great white witch rides out to-night. Trust not your prowess nor your strength, Your only...

Mother Night
Eternities before the first-born day, Or ere the first sun fledged his wings of flame, Calm Night, the everlasting and the same, ...

O Southland!
O Southland! O Southland! Have you not heard the call, The trumpet blown, the word made known To the nations, one and all? The ...

See! There he stands; not brave, but with an air Of sullen stupor. Mark him well! Is he Not more like brute than man? Look in his eye...

Fifty Years (1863-1913)
_On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Signing of the Emancipation Proclamation._ O brothers mine, to-day we stand Where half a cen...

Miss Melerlee
Hello dar, Miss Melerlee! Oh, you're pretty sight to see! Sof brown cheek, an' smilin' face, An' willowy form chuck full o' grace-...

Calling The Doctor
Ah'm sick, doctor-man, Ah'm sick! Gi' me some'n' to he'p me quick, Don't,--Ah'll die! Tried mighty hard fo' to cure mahse'f; Tr...

The Corn Song
Jes' beyan a clump o' pines,-- Lis'n to 'im now!-- Hyah de jolly black boy, Singin', at his plow! In de early mornin', Thoo ...

Black Mammies
If Ah evah git to glory, an' Ah hope to mek it thoo, Ah expec' to hyah a story, an' Ah hope you'll hyah it, too,-- Hit'll kiver Maine...

Wherefore this busy labor without rest? Is it an idle dream to which we cling, Here where a thousand dusky toilers sing Unto the wor...

Christmas At Melrose
Come home with me a little space And browse about our ancient place, Lay by your wonted troubles here And have a turn of Christmas c...

Summer Magic
So many cares to vex the day, So many fears to haunt the night, My heart was all but weaned away From every lure of old delight....

The Teacher
Lord, who am I to teach the way To little children day by day, So prone myself to go astray? I teach them KNOWLEDGE, but I know H...

A Song Of Thanks
For the sun that shone at the dawn of spring, For the flowers which bloom and the birds that sing, For the verdant robe of the gray o...

Time To Die
Black brother, think you life so sweet That you would live at any price? Does mere existence balance with The weight of your great s...

'ittle Touzle Head
(_To R. V.P._) Cum, listen w'ile yore Unkel sings Erbout how low sweet chariot swings, Truint Angel, wifout wings, Mah 'ittle Tou...

Zalka Peetruza
(_Who Was Christened Lucy Jane_) She danced, near nude, to tom-tom beat, With swaying arms and flying feet, 'Mid swirling spangles...

Sprin' Fevah
Dar's a lazy, sortah hazy Feelin' grips me, thoo an' thoo; An' I feels lak doin' less dan enythin'; Dough de saw is sharp an' greasy...

De Drum Majah
He's struttin' sho ernuff, Wearin' a lady's muff En' ways erpon his head, Red coat ob reddest red, Purtty white satin ves', Gole b...

Children Of The Sun
We are children of the sun, Rising sun! Weaving Southern destiny, Waiting for the mighty hour When our Shiloh shall appear With ...

The New Day
From a vision red with war I awoke and saw the Prince of Peace hovering over No Man's Land. Loud the whistles blew and the thunde...

The Banjo Player
There is music in me, the music of a peasant people. I wander through the levee, picking my banjo and singing my songs of the cab...

The Scarlet Woman
Once I was good like the Virgin Mary and the Minister's wife. My father worked for Mr. Pullman and white people's tips; but he died ...

The Rubinstein Staccato Etude
Staccato! Staccato! Leggier agitato! In and out does the melody twist-- Unique proposition Is this composition. (Alas! for the...

The Heart Of A Woman
The heart of a woman goes forth with the dawn, As a lone bird, soft winging, so restlessly on, Afar o'er life's turrets and vales doe...

Lost Illusions
Oh, for the veils of my far away youth, Shielding my heart from the blaze of the truth, Why did I stray from their shelter and grow ...

I Want To Die While You Love Me
I want to die while you love me, While yet you hold me fair, While laughter lies upon my lips And lights are in my hair. I wa...

My Little Dreams
I'm folding up my little dreams Within my heart to-night, And praying I may soon forget The torture of their sight. For Time's de...

The Lynching
His spirit in smoke ascended to high heaven. His father, by the crudest way of pain, Had bidden him to his bosom once again; The awf...

If We Must Die
If we must die--let it not be like hogs Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making...

To The White Fiends
Think you I am not fiend and savage too? Think you I could not arm me with a gun And shoot down ten of you for every one Of my black...

The Harlem Dancer
Applauding youths laughed with young prostitutes And watched her perfect, half-clothed body sway; Her voice was like the sound of ble...

Harlem Shadows
I hear the halting footsteps of a lass In Negro Harlem when the night lets fall Its veil. I see the shapes of girls who pass Eag...

After The Winter
Some day, when trees have shed their leaves, And against the morning's white The shivering birds beneath the eaves Have sheltere...

Spring In New Hampshire
Too green the springing April grass, Too blue the silver speckled sky, For me to linger here, alas, While happy winds go laughing by...

The Tired Worker
O whisper, O my soul!--the afternoon Is waning into evening--whisper soft! Peace, O my rebel heart! for soon the moon From out its m...

The Barrier
I must not gaze at them although Your eyes are dawning day; I must not watch you as you go Your sun-illumined way; I hear but...

To O E A
Your voice is the color of a robin's breast, And there's a sweet sob in it like rain--still rain in the night. Among the leaves of ...

So much have I forgotten in ten years, So much in ten brief years; I have forgot What time the purple apples come to juice And w...

Merry voices chatterin', Nimble feet dem patterin', Big an' little, faces gay, Happy day dis market day. Sateday, de marnin' brea...

A Prayer
As I lie in bed, Flat on my back; There passes across my ceiling An endless panorama of things-- Quick steps of gay-voiced children...

And What Shall You Say?
Brother, come! And let us go unto our God. And when we stand before Him I shall say-- "Lord, I do not hate, I am hated. I scourge...

Is It Because I Am Black?
Why do men smile when I speak, And call my speech The whimperings of a babe That cries but knows not what it wants? Is it because I...

The Band Of Gideon
The band of Gideon roam the sky, The howling wind is their war-cry, The thunder's roll is their trump's peal, And the lightning's fl...

Rain Music
On the dusty earth-drum Beats the falling rain; Now a whispered murmur, Now a louder strain. Slender, silvery drumsticks, ...

I am so tired and weary, So tired of the endless fight, So weary of waiting the dawn And finding endless night. That I ask bu...

The Negro Soldiers
These truly are the Brave, These men who cast aside Old memories, to walk the blood-stained pave Of Sacrifice, joining the solemn ti...

La Vie C'est La Vie
On summer afternoons I sit Quiescent by you in the park, And idly watch the sunbeams gild And tint the ash-trees' bark. Or else I...

Christmas Eve In France
Oh little Christ, why do you sigh As you look down to-night On breathless France, on bleeding France, And all her dreadful pligh...

Dead Fires
If this is peace, this dead and leaden thing, Then better far the hateful fret, the sting. Better the wound forever seeking balm ...

"I can remember when I was a little, young girl, how my old mammy would sit out of doors in the evenings and look up at the stars and ...

_From the French of Massillon Coicou (Haiti)_ I hope when I am dead that I shall lie In some deserted grave--I cannot tell you wh...

Before The Feast Of Shushan
Garden of Shushan! After Eden, all terrace, pool, and flower recollect thee: Ye weavers in saffron and haze and Tyrian purple, Tell ...

At The Carnival
Gay little Girl-of-the-Diving-Tank, I desire a name for you, Nice, as a right glove fits; For you--who amid the malodorous Mechanic...

The Wife-woman
Maker-of-Sevens in the scheme of things From earth to star; Thy cycle holds whatever is fate, and Over the border the bar. Though r...

We trekked into a far country, My friend and I. Our deeper content was never spoken, But each knew all the other said. He told me h...

Ah, how poets sing and die! Make one song and Heaven takes it; Have one heart and Beauty breaks it; Chatterton, Shelley, Keats and I...

Why Adam Sinned
"I heeard da ole folks talkin' in our house da other night 'Bout Adam in da scripchuh long ago. Da lady folks all 'bused him, sed, he...

The Rain Song
_Bro. Simmons_ "Walk right in Brother Wilson--how you feelin' today?" _Bro. Wilson_ "Jes Mod'rate, Brother Simmons, but den I ...

Keep Me, Jesus, Keep Me
Keep me 'neath Thy mighty wing, Keep me, Jesus, keep me; Help me praise Thy Holy name, Keep me, Jesus, keep me. O my Lamb, come, my...

Winter Is Coming
De winter days are drawin' nigh An' by the fire I sets an' sigh; De nothe'n win' is blowin' cold, Like it done in days of old. De...

I had no thought of violets of late, The wild, shy kind that spring beneath your feet In wistful April days, when lovers mate And wa...

A Little Cabin
Des a little cabin Big ernuff fur two. Des awaitin', honey, Cozy fixt fur you; Down dah by de road, Not ve'y far from town, Waiti...

Negro Poets
Full many lift and sing Their sweet imagining; Not yet the Lyric Seer, The one bard of the throng, With highest gift of song, Brea...

The Dawn's Awake!
The Dawn's awake! A flash of smoldering flame and fire Ignites the East. Then, higher, higher, O'er all the sky so gray, forlorn...

The Washer-woman
A great swart cheek and the gleam of tears, The flutter of hopes and the shadow of fears, And all day long the rub and scrub With on...

The Big Bell In Zion
Come, children, hear the joyful sound, Ding, Dong, Ding. Go spread the glad news all around, Ding, Dong, Ding. _Chorus_ Oh, ...

Star Of Ethiopia
Out in the Night thou art the sun Toward which thy soul-charmed children run, The faith-high height whereon they see The glory o...

Two Points Of View
From this low-lying valley; Oh, how sweet And cool and calm and great is life, I ween, There on yon mountain-throne--that sun-gold cr...

To Our Friends
We've kept the faith. Our souls' high dreams Untouched by bondage and its rod, Burn on! and on! and on! It seems We shall have F...

My Hero
(_To Robert Gould Shaw_) Flushed with the hope of high desire, He buckled on his sword, To dare the rampart ranged with fire, ...

Gone are the sensuous stars, and manifold, Clear sunbeams burst upon the front of night; Ten thousand swords of azure and of gold Gi...

To A Skull
Ghastly, ghoulish, grinning skull, Toothless, eyeless, hollow, dull, Why your smirk and empty smile As the hours away you wile? Has...

Placido's Sonnet To His Mother
_(En La Capilla)_ Si la suerte fatal que me ha cabido, Y el triste fin de mi sangrienta historia, Al salir de esta vida tran...

Farewell To My Mother
_(In the Chapel)_ The appointed lot has come upon me, mother, The mournful ending of my years of strife, This changing world I l...

To William Lloyd Garrison
CHAMPION of those who groan beneath Oppression's iron hand In view of penury, hate, and death, I see thee fearless stand. Still bea...

Toussaint L'ouverture
Toussaint L'Ouverture, the black chieftain of Hayti, was a slave on the plantation "de Libertas," belonging to M. Bayou. When the risi...

The Slave-ships
"That fatal, that perfidious bark, Built I' the eclipse, and rigged with curses dark." MILTON'S Lycidas. ...

Dr. Charles Follen, a German patriot, who had come to America for the freedom which was denied him in his native land, allied himself ...

The Yankee Girl
SHE sings by her wheel at that low cottage-door, Which the long evening shadow is stretching before, With a music as sweet as the mus...

The Hunters Of Men
These lines were written when the orators of the American Colonization Society were demanding that the free blacks should be sent to A...

Stanzas For The Times
The "Times" referred to were those evil times of the pro-slavery meeting in Faneuil Hall, August 21, 1835, in which a demand was made ...

Clerical Oppressors
In the report of the celebrated pro-slavery meeting in Charleston, S.C., on the 4th of the ninth month, 1835, published in the Courier...

A Summons
Written on the adoption of Pinckney's Resolutions in the House of Representatives, and the passage of Calhoun's "Bill for excluding Pa...

To The Memory Of Thomas Shipley
Thomas Shipley of Philadelphia was a lifelong Christian philanthropist, and advocate of emancipation. At his funeral thousands of colo...

The Moral Warfare
WHEN Freedom, on her natal day, Within her war-rocked cradle lay, An iron race around her stood, Baptized her infant brow in blood; ...

Written on reading the Message of Governor Ritner, of Pennsylvania, 1836. The fact redounds to the credit and serves to perpetuate the...

The Pastoral Letter
The General Association of Congregational ministers in Massachusetts met at Brookfield, June 27, 1837, and issued a Pastoral Letter to...

The Farewell Of A Virginia Slave Mother To

Her Daughters Sold Into Southern Bondage
GONE, gone,--sold and gone, To the rice-swamp dank and lone. Where the slave-whip ceaseless swings, Where the noisome insect stings,...

Pennsylvania Hall
Read at the dedication of Pennsylvania Hall, Philadelphia, May 15, 1838. The building was erected by an association of gentlemen, irre...

The New Year
Addressed to the Patrons of the Pennsylvania Freeman. THE wave is breaking on the shore, The echo fading from the chime Again the ...

The Relic
Written on receiving a cane wrought from a fragment of the wood-work of Pennsylvania Hall which the fire had spared. TOKEN of friend...

The World's Convention
Joseph Sturge, the founder of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, proposed the calling of a world's anti-slavery conventio...

Massachusetts To Virginia
Written on reading an account of the proceedings of the citizens of Norfolk, Va., in reference to George Latimer, the alleged fugitive...

The Christian Slave
In a publication of L. F. Tasistro--Random Shots and Southern Breezes-- is a description of a slave auction at New Orleans, at which t...

The Sentence Of John L Brown
Oh, from the fields of cane, From the low rice-swamp, from the trader's cell; From the black slave-ship's foul and loathsome hell, A...

The Sentence Of John L Brown
John L. Brown, a young white man of South Carolina, was in 1844 sentenced to death for aiding a young slave woman, whom he loved and h...

Texas Voice Of New England
The five poems immediately following indicate the intense feeling of the friends of freedom in view of the annexation of Texas, with i...

To Faneuil Hall
Written in 1844, on reading a call by "a Massachusetts Freeman" for a meeting in Faneuil Hall of the citizens of Massachusetts, withou...

To Massachusetts
WHAT though around thee blazes No fiery rallying sign? From all thy own high places, Give heaven the light of thine! What though un...

New Hampshire
GOD bless New Hampshire! from her granite peaks Once more the voice of Stark and Langdon speaks. The long-bound vassal of the exultin...

The Pine-tree
Written on hearing that the Anti-Slavery Resolves of Stephen C. Phillips had been rejected by the Whig Convention in Faneuil Hall, in ...

To A Southern Statesman
John C. Calhoun, who had strongly urged the extension of slave territory by the annexation of Texas, even if it should involve a war w...

At Washington
Suggested by a visit to the city of Washington, in the 12th month of 1845. WITH a cold and wintry noon-light On its roofs and steepl...

The Branded Hand
Captain Jonathan Walker, of Harwich, Mass., was solicited by several fugitive slaves at Pensacola, Florida, to carry them in his vesse...

The Freed Islands
Written for the anniversary celebration of the first of August, at Milton, 7846. A FEW brief years have passed away Since Britain dr...

A Letter
Supposed to be written by the chairman of the "Central Clique" at Concord, N. H., to the Hon. M. N., Jr., at Washington, giving the re...

Lines From A Letter To A Young Clerical Friend
A STRENGTH Thy service cannot tire, A faith which doubt can never dim, A heart of love, a lip of fire, O Freedom's God! be Thou to...

Daniel Neall
Dr. Neall, a worthy disciple of that venerated philanthropist, Warner Mifflin, whom the Girondist statesman, Jean Pierre Brissot, pronou...

Song Of Slaves In The Desert
"Sebah, Oasis of Fezzan, 10th March, 1846.--This evening the female slaves were unusually excited in singing, and I had the curiosity ...

To Delaware
Written during the discussion in the Legislature of that State, in the winter of 1846-47, of a bill for the abolition of slavery. T...

Dr. Thacher, surgeon in Scammel's regiment, in his description of the siege of Yorktown, says: "The labor on the Virginia plantations ...

Randolph Of Roanoke
O MOTHER EARTH! upon thy lap Thy weary ones receiving, And o'er them, silent as a dream, Thy grassy mantle weaving, Fold softly in ...

The Lost Statesman
Written on hearing of the death of Silas Wright of New York. As they who, tossing midst the storm at night, While turning shoreward...

The Slaves Of Martinique
Suggested by a daguerreotype taken from a small French engraving of two negro figures, sent to the writer by Oliver Johnson. BEAMS ...

The Curse Of The Charter-breakers
The rights and liberties affirmed by Magna Charta were deemed of such importance, in the thirteenth century, that the Bishops, twice a...

This poem indicates the exultation of the anti-slavery party in view of the revolt of the friends of Martin Van Buren in New York, fro...

The Crisis
Written on learning the terms of the treaty with Mexico. ACROSS the Stony Mountains, o'er the desert's drouth and sand, The circle...

Lines On The Portrait Of A Celebrated Publisher
A pleasant print to peddle out In lands of rice and cotton; The model of that face in dough Would make the artist's fortune. For Fa...

The storming of the city of Derne, in 1805, by General Eaton, at the head of nine Americans, forty Greeks, and a motley array of Turks...

A Sabbath Scene
This poem finds its justification in the readiness with which, even in the North, clergymen urged the prompt execution of the Fugitive...

In The Evil Days
This and the four following poems have special reference to that darkest hour in the aggression of slavery which preceded the dawn of ...

Moloch In State Street
In a foot-note of the Report of the Senate of Massachusetts on the case of the arrest and return to bondage of the fugitive slave Thom...

Official Piety
Suggested by reading a state paper, wherein the higher law is invoked to sustain the lower one. A Pious magistrate! sound his prais...

The Rendition
On the 2d of June, 1854, Anthony Burns, a fugitive slave from Virginia, after being under arrest for ten days in the Boston Court House,...

Arisen At Last
On the passage of the bill to protect the rights and liberties of the people of the State against the Fugitive Slave Act. I SAID I ...

The Haschish
OF all that Orient lands can vaunt Of marvels with our own competing, The strangest is the Haschish plant, And what will follow on i...

For Righteousness' Sake
Inscribed to friends under arrest for treason against the slave power. THE age is dull and mean. Men creep, Not walk; with blood to...

The Kansas Emigrants
This poem and the three following were called out by the popular movement of Free State men to occupy the territory of Kansas, and by ...

Letter From A Missionary Of The Methodist Episcopal Church South, In Kansas, To A Distinguished Politician
DOUGLAS MISSION, August, 1854, LAST week--the Lord be praised for all His mercies To His unworthy servant!--I arrived Safe at the ...

Burial Of Barber
Thomas Barber was shot December 6, 1855, near Lawrence, Kansas. BEAR him, comrades, to his grave; Never over one more brave Shall ...

To Pennsylvania
O STATE prayer-founded! never hung Such choice upon a people's tongue, Such power to bless or ban, As that which makes thy whisper Fat...

Le Marais Du Cygne
The massacre of unarmed and unoffending men, in Southern Kansas, in May, 1858, took place near the Marais du Cygne of the French voyag...

The Pass Of The Sierra
ALL night above their rocky bed They saw the stars march slow; The wild Sierra overhead, The desert's death below. The Indian fro...

A Song For The Time
Written in the summer of 1856, during the political campaign of the Free Soil party under the candidacy of John C. Fremont. Up, lag...

What Of The Day?
Written during the stirring weeks when the great political battle for Freedom under Fremont's leadership was permitting strong hope of...

A Song, Inscribed To The Fremont Clubs
Written after the election in 1586, which showed the immense gains of the Free Soil party, and insured its success in 1860. BENEATH t...

The Panorama
"A! fredome is a nobill thing! Fredome mayse man to haif liking. Fredome all solace to man giffis; He levys at ese that frely levys ...

Archdeacon Barbour
THROUGH the long hall the shuttered windows shed A dubious light on every upturned head; On locks like those of Absalom the fair, On...

With Its Frontispiece, Ary Scheffer's "christus Consolator Americanized By The Omission Of The Black Man
It is hardly to be credited, yet is true, that in the anxiety of the Northern merchant to conciliate his Southern customer, a publishe...

The Summons
MY ear is full of summer sounds, Of summer sights my languid eye; Beyond the dusty village bounds I loiter in my daily rounds, And ...

To William H Seward
On the 12th of January, 1861, Mr. Seward delivered in the Senate chamber a speech on The State of the Union, in which he urged the par...

Thy Will Be Done
WE see not, know not; all our way Is night,--with Thee alone is day From out the torrent's troubled drift, Above the storm our praye...

A Word For The Hour
THE firmament breaks up. In black eclipse Light after light goes out. One evil star, Luridly glaring through the smoke of war, As in...

Luther's Hymn
WE wait beneath the furnace-blast The pangs of transformation; Not painlessly doth God recast And mould anew the nation. Hot burns th...

To John C Fremont
On the 31st of August, 1861, General Fremont, then in charge of the Western Department, issued a proclamation which contained a clause, ...

The Watchers
BESIDE a stricken field I stood; On the torn turf, on grass and wood, Hung heavily the dew of blood. Still in their fresh mounds l...

To Englishmen
Written when, in the stress of our terrible war, the English ruling class, with few exceptions, were either coldly indifferent or hostil...

Mithridates At Chios
It is recorded that the Chians, when subjugated by Mithridates of Cappadocia, were delivered up to their own slaves, to be carried awa...

At Port Royal
In November, 1861, a Union force under Commodore Dupont and General Sherman captured Port Royal, and from this point as a basis of op...

Song Of The Negro Boatmen
Oh, praise an' tanks! De Lord he come To set de people free; An' massa tink it day ob doom, An' we ob jubilee. De Lord dat heap de ...

Abolition Of Slavery In The District Of Columbia, 1862
WHEN first I saw our banner wave Above the nation's council-hall, I heard beneath its marble wall The clanking fetters of the slave!...

The Battle Autumn Of 1862
THE flags of war like storm-birds fly, The charging trumpets blow; Yet rolls no thunder in the sky, No earthquake strives below. ...

Hymn Sung At Christmas By The Scholars Of St Helena's Island, S C
OH, none in all the world before Were ever glad as we! We're free on Carolina's shore, We're all at home and free. Thou Friend an...

The Proclamation
President Lincoln's proclamation of emancipation was issued January 1, 1863. SAINT PATRICK, slave to Milcho of the herds Of Ballym...

Anniversary Poem
Read before the Alumni of the Friends' Yearly Meeting School, at the Annual Meeting at Newport, R. I., 15th 6th mo., 1863. ONCE mor...

Barbara Frietchie
This poem was written in strict conformity to the account of the incident as I had it from respectable and trustworthy sources. It has...

What The Birds Said
THE birds against the April wind Flew northward, singing as they flew; They sang, "The land we leave behind Has swords for corn-blad...

The Mantle Of St John De Matha A Legend Of "the Red, White, And Blue," A D 1154-1864
A STRONG and mighty Angel, Calm, terrible, and bright, The cross in blended red and blue Upon his mantle white. Two captives by h...

Laus Deo!
On hearing the bells ring on the passage of the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery. The resolution was adopted by Congress, J...

Hymn For The Celebration Of Emancipation At Newburyport
NOT unto us who did but seek The word that burned within to speak, Not unto us this day belong The triumph and exultant song. Upo...

After The War The Peace Autumn
Written for the Fssex County Agricultural Festival, 1865. THANK God for rest, where none molest, And none can make afraid; For Pea...

To The Thirty-ninth Congress
The thirty-ninth congress was that which met in 1565 after the close of the war, when it was charged with the great question of recons...

The Hive At Gettysburg
IN the old Hebrew myth the lion's frame, So terrible alive, Bleached by the desert's sun and wind, became The wandering wild bees' h...

Howard At Atlanta
RIGHT in the track where Sherman Ploughed his red furrow, Out of the narrow cabin, Up from the cellar's burrow, Gathered the little...

The Emancipation Group
Moses Kimball, a citizen of Boston, presented to the city a duplicate of the Freedman's Memorial statue erected in Lincoln Square, Was...

The Jubilee Singers
A number of students of Fisk University, under the direction of one of the officers, gave a series of concerts in the Northern States,...

The earliest poem in this division was my youthful tribute to the great reformer when himself a young man he was first sounding his tr...

The Quaker Of The Olden Time
THE Quaker of the olden time! How calm and firm and true, Unspotted by its wrong and crime, He walked the dark earth through. The l...

All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.--MATTHEW vii. 12. BEARER of Freedom's holy light, ...

The Gallows
Written on reading pamphlets published by clergymen against the abolition of the gallows. THE suns of eighteen centuries have sho...

Seed-time And Harvest
As o'er his furrowed fields which lie Beneath a coldly dropping sky, Yet chill with winter's melted snow, The husbandman goes forth ...

To The Reformers Of England
This poem was addressed to those who like Richard Cobden and John Bright were seeking the reform of political evils in Great Britain by ...

The Human Sacrifice
Some leading sectarian papers had lately published the letter of a clergyman, giving an account of his attendance upon a criminal (who...

Prefixed to the volume of which the group of six poems following this prelude constituted the first portion. I WOULD the gift I off...

The Shoemakers
Ho! workers of the old time styled The Gentle Craft of Leather Young brothers of the ancient guild, Stand forth once more together! ...

The Fishermen
HURRAH! the seaward breezes Sweep down the bay amain; Heave up, my lads, the anchor! Run up the sail again Leave to the lubber land...

The Lumbermen
WILDLY round our woodland quarters Sad-voiced Autumn grieves; Thickly down these swelling waters Float his fallen leaves. Through t...

The Ship-builders
THE sky is ruddy in the east, The earth is gray below, And, spectral in the river-mist, The ship's white timbers show. Then let the...

The Drovers
THROUGH heat and cold, and shower and sun, Still onward cheerly driving There's life alone in duty done, And rest alone in striving....

The Huskers
IT was late in mild October, and the long autumnal rain Had left the summer harvest-fields all green with grass again; The first shar...

The Corn-song
Heap high the farmer's wintry hoard Heap high the golden corn No richer gift has Autumn poured From out her lavish horn! Let other ...

The Reformer
ALL grim and soiled and brown with tan, I saw a Strong One, in his wrath, Smiting the godless shrines of man Along his path. The ...

The Peace Convention At Brussels
STILL in thy streets, O Paris! doth the stain Of blood defy the cleansing autumn rain; Still breaks the smoke Messina's ruins through...

The Prisoner For Debt
Before the law authorizing imprisonment for debt had been abolished in Massachusetts, a revolutionary pensioner was confined in Charle...

The Christian Tourists
The reader of the biography of William Allen, the philanthropic associate of Clarkson and Romilly, cannot fail to admire his simple an...

The Men Of Old
"WELL speed thy mission, bold Iconoclast! Yet all unworthy of its trust thou art, If, with dry eye, and cold, unloving heart, Thou t...

To Pius Ix
The writer of these lines is no enemy of Catholics. He has, on more than one occasion, exposed himself to the censures of his Protesta...

Calef In Boston
IN the solemn days of old, Two men met in Boston town, One a tradesman frank and bold, One a preacher of renown. Cried the la...

Our State
THE South-land boasts its teeming cane, The prairied West its heavy grain, And sunset's radiant gates unfold On rising marts and san...

The Prisoners Of Naples
I HAVE been thinking of the victims bound In Naples, dying for the lack of air And sunshine, in their close, damp cells of pain, Whe...

The Peace Of Europe
"GREAT peace in Europe! Order reigns From Tiber's hills to Danube's plains!" So say her kings and priests; so say The lying prophets...

"Jove means to settle Astraea in her seat again, And let down from his golden chain An age of better metal." ...

Ben Jonson, 1615
O POET rare and old! Thy words are prophecies; Forward the age of gold, The new Saturnian lies. The universal prayer And hope ar...

The Disenthralled
HE had bowed down to drunkenness, An abject worshipper The pride of manhood's pulse had grown Too faint and cold to stir; And he ha...

The Poor Voter On Election Day
THE proudest now is but my peer, The highest not more high; To-day, of all the weary year, A king of men am I. To-day, alike are gr...

The Dream Of Pio Nono
IT chanced that while the pious troops of France Fought in the crusade Pio Nono preached, What time the holy Bourbons stayed his hand...

The Voices
WHY urge the long, unequal fight, Since Truth has fallen in the street, Or lift anew the trampled light, Quenched by the heedless mill...

The New Exodus
Written upon hearing that slavery had been formally abolished in Egypt. Unhappily, the professions and pledges of the vacillating gove...

The Conquest Of Finland
"Joseph Sturge, with a companion, Thomas Harvey, has been visiting the shores of Finland, to ascertain the amount of mischief and loss...

The Eve Of Election
FROM gold to gray Our mild sweet day Of Indian Summer fades too soon; But tenderly Above the sea Hangs, white and calm, the hunter...

From Perugia
"The thing which has the most dissevered the people from the Pope,--the unforgivable thing,--the breaking point between him and them,-...

ACROSS the sea I heard the groans Of nations in the intervals Of wind and wave. Their blood and bones Cried out in torture, crushed ...

Freedom In Brazil
WITH clearer light, Cross of the South, shine forth In blue Brazilian skies; And thou, O river, cleaving half the earth From sunset ...

After Election
THE day's sharp strife is ended now, Our work is done, God knoweth how! As on the thronged, unrestful town The patience of the moon ...

"PUT up the sword!" The voice of Christ once more Speaks, in the pauses of the cannon's roar, O'er fields of corn by fiery sickles re...

The Problem
NOT without envy Wealth at times must look On their brown strength who wield the reaping-hook And scythe, or at the forge-fire shape ...

Our Country
Read at Woodstock, Conn., July 4,1883. WE give thy natal day to hope, O Country of our love and prayer I Thy way is down no fatal ...


Fannie Berry Ex-slave
NAT TURNER Back 'fore the sixties, I can 'member my Mistress, Miss Sara Ann, comin' to de window an' hollerin', "De niggers is ...

Charles Crawley Ex-slave
THE STORY OF CHARLES CRAWLEY, EX-SLAVE God knows how old I am. All I know is I wuz born 'fore de war. Yes, I wuz a slave an' be...

Minnie Fulkes
I was born the twenty-fifth of December and I am 77 years old. My mother was a slave and she belonged to Dick Belcher in Chesterfiel...

Georgina Giwbs Ex-slave
Mrs. Georgina Giwbs, an ex-slave, resides at 707 Lindsey Avenue, Portsmouth, Virginia. The old lady marveled at the great change tha...

Candis Goodwin
Ah ain't knowd, 'xactly, how ol' ah is, but ah bawn 'fo' de war. Bawn ovuh yonder at Seaview, on ol' Masser Scott's plantation. Tain...

Charles Grandy Ex-slave
History of Ex-slave and Civil War Veteran Charles Grandy was born February 19, 1842, in Mississippi. While still an infant, he was ...

Della Harris
"I don't know just how old I is. Muma sent me to private school wid white chillun fo' one week. I was 13 years old at de time uh Lee...

Marriah Hines
Mrs. Marriah Hines--Born July 4, 1835, South Hampton County Virginia, a slave on James Pressmans plantation. Now residing on E. Aven...

Uncle Moble Hopson
THE STORY OF "UNCLE" MOBLE HOPSON. (pronounced Mobile) Interview Saturday, November 28th at his home on the Poquoson River. (Recor...

Interview Of Ex-slave And Civil War Veteran
Civil War Veteran of Portsmouth, Virginia On the outskirts of Portsmouth, Virginia, where one seldom hears of or goes for sightse...

Writer Jayne Lucille B
FOLKLORE Material from Upper Guinea. In the upper part of Guinea, generally known as the "Hook," you will find two very intere...

Autobiography Of Richard Slaughter
(Given by himself as an oral account during an interview between himself and writer, December 27, 1936.) Claude W. Anderson--Hampton, ...

Autobiography Of Elizabeth Sparks
(Interviewed at Matthews Court House, Virginia January 13, 1937. By Claude W. Anderson.) Come in boys. Sure am glad ter see ya. Y...

Interview Of Miss Mary Jane Wilson
NEGRO PIONEER TEACHER OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA One of the rooms in the Old Folks Home for Colored in Portsmouth, Virginia is occup...

Silas Abbott Rfd Brinkley Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Silas Abbott R.F.D. Brinkley, Ark. Ag...

Lucian Abernathy Marvell Interviewed By Watt Mckinney
Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: Lucian Abernathy, Marvell, Arkansas Age: 85 "I was borned in de 'streme norf part...

Laura Abromsom Rfd Holly Grove Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Laura Abromsom, R.F.D., Holly Grove, Arkansas Receives mail...

Aunt Adeline Interviewed By Zillah Cross Peel
Interviewer: Mrs. Zillah Cross Peel Person interviewed: "Aunt Adeline" Age: 89 Home: 101 Rock Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas ...

Rose Adway Interviewed By Bernice Bowden
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Rose Adway 405 W. Pullen, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 76 ...

Liddie Aiken Wheatley Arkansas Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Liddie Aiken, Wheatley, Arkansas Age: 62 "My mother was born in southwest ...

Mattie Aldridge Hazen Arkansas Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Mattie Aldridge Age: 60? Hazen, Arkansas "My mother's old owner...

Amsy O Alexander Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor. Person Interviewed: Amsy O. Alexander 2422 Center Street, Little Rock, Arkansas A...

Diana Alexander Brinkley Arkansas Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Diana Alexander, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 74 "I was born in Mississippi clo...

Fannie Alexander Helena Arkansas Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Fannie Alexander, Helena, Arkansas Age: 62 "I was an orphant child. My mot...

Lucretia Alexander Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Lucretia Alexander 1708 High Street. Little Rock, Arkansas Age...

Ed Allen Des Arc Interviewed By Miss Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ed Allen, Des Arc, Ark. Age: ? "I know that after freedom they took care o...

Lucindy Allison Marked Tree Interviewed By Miss Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lucindy Allison, Marked Tree, Arkansas With children at Bis...

Josephine Ames Interviewed By Pernella Anderson
Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subject: Early Days in Caledonia--Early days in El Dorado Name: Josephine Ames Occupation: ...

Charles Anderson Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Charles Anderson. Helena, Arkansas Age: 77 or 78, not sure "I was born in ...

Nancy Anderson Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Nancy Anderson Street H, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 66 ...

Rb Anderson Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: R.B. Anderson Route 4, Box 68 (near Granite) ...

Sarah Anderson Interviewed By Bernice Bowden
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Sarah Anderson 3815 W. Second Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Selie Anderson Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Selie Anderson, Holly Grove, Arkansas Age: 78 "I was born near Decatur, Al...

Wa Anderson Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: W.A. Anderson (dark brown) 3200 W. 18th Street, Little Rock, Ar...

Henry Anthony Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Henry Anthony; R.F.D. #1 Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 84 "I was born at Jackson, ...

Katie Arbery Interviewed By Bernice Bowden
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Katie Arbery 815 W. Thirteenth, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Campbell Armstrong Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Campbell Armstrong 802 Schiller Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

El Dorado Division Interviewed By Pernella Anderson
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson, colored. El Dorado Division Federal Writers' Project Union County. Arkansas EX-SLAVE AND RIDD...

Lillie Baccus Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lillie Baccus, Madison, Arkansas Age: 73 "I'll tell you what I heard. I wa...

Joseph Samuel Badgett Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Joseph Samuel Badgett 1221 Wright Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas...

Ex-slave Jeff Bailey Interviewed By Samuel S Taylor
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Samuel S. Taylor ADDRESS--Little Rock, Arkansas DATE--December, ...

James Baker Interviewed By Mary D Hudgins
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins. Person Interviewed: James Baker Aged: 81 Home: With daughter who owns home at 941 Wade St. ...

Uncle William Baltimore Interviewed By Rs Taylor
Interviewer: R.S. Taylor Person Interviewed: Uncle William Baltimore Resident: Route #1, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Jefferson County. ...

Mose Banks Interviewed By Pernella M Anderson
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Mose Banks Douglas Addition, El Dorado, Arkansas Age: 69 ...

Henry Banner Interviewed By S S Taylor
Interviewer: S. S. Taylor Person interviewed: Henry Banner County Hospital Little Rock, Ark....

John W H Barnett Interviewed By Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John W. H. Barnett, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 81 "I was born at Clinton Pari...

Josephine Ann Barnett
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Josephine Ann Barnett, R.F.D., De Valls Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Lizzie Barnett
Interviewer: Mrs. Rosa B. Ingram Person interviewed: Lizzie Barnett; Conway, Arkansas Age: 100? "Yes; I was born a slave. My old...

Spencer Barnett
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Spencer Barnett (blind), Holly Grove, Ark. Age: 81 "I was born April 30, 1...

Emma Barr
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Emma Barr, Madison, Arkansas Age: 65 "My parents belong to two people. Mam...

Robert Barr
Interviewer: S.S. Taylor Person interviewed: Robert Barr 3108 West 18th St. Little Rock, Ark...

Matilda Bass
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Matilda Bass 1100 Palm Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 80...

Emmett Beal
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Emmett Beal, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 78 "I was born in Holloman County, Boli...

Pernella Anderson Interviews Ex-slaves
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson, colored. EX-SLAVES Yes I was born in slavery time. I was born September 2, 1862 in the field u...

Annie Beck
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Annie Beck, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 50 "I was born in Mississippi. Mam...

Jh Beckwith
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: J.H. Beckwith 619 North Spruce Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Enoch Beel
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Enoch Beel; Green Grove, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 79 "Yes maam I was born a sl...

Sophie D Belle
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Sophie D. Belle, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 77 "I was born near Knoxville...

Cyrus Bellus
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Cyrus Bellus 1320 Pulaski Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 7...

Bob Benford
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Bob Benford 209 N. Maple Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Carrie Bradley And Logan Bennet
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Carrie Bradley Logan Bennet, Helena, Arkansas Age: 79 plus "I was born not...

George Benson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: George Benson, Ezell Quarters, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 80...

Kato Benton
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Kato Benton Creed Taylor Place, Tamo Pike ...

James Bertrand
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: James Bertrand 1501 Maple Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 6...

Alice Biggs
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Alice Biggs Holly Grove, Ark. Age: "Bout 70" "My moth...

Mandy Billings
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mandy Billings 3101 W. 14th Highland Add., Pine Bluff, Ark. ...

Jane Birch
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jane Birch, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 74 "I was three years old when the Yan...

Beatrice Black
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Beatrice Black, Biscoe. Arkansas Age: 48 Occupation: Store and "eating...

Boston Blackwell
Name of Interviewer: Beulah Sherwood Hagg Name of Ex-Slave; Boston Blackwell Age: 98 Residence: 520 Plum, North Little Rock ...

Henry Blake
Interviewer: Samuel S. Tayler Person interviewed: Henry Blake Rear of 1300 Scott Street, Little Rock, Arkansas A...

Miss Adeline Blakeley
Interviewer: Mary D. Eudgins Person Interviewed: Miss Adeline Blakeley Age: 87 Home: 101 Rock Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ...

Vera Roy Bobo
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Vera Roy Bobo (Mulatto, almost white) Holly Grove, Arkansas...

Liddie Boechus
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Liddie Boechus, (second interview) Madison, Arkansas Age: ...

Caroline Bonds
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Caroline Bonds Russellville, Arkansas Age: 70 "What's a...

Rev Frank T Boone
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Rev. Frank T. Boone 1410 W. Seventeenth Street, Little Rock, Ar...

Jf Boone
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: J.F. Boone 1502 Izard, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 66 [HW:...

Jonas Boone
Interviewer: Mrs. Annie L. LaCotts Person interviewed: Jonas Boone, St, Charles. Arkansas Age: 86 Most any day in St. Charles yo...

John Bowdry
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: John Bowdry, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 75 "I was born at Baldwyn, Mississip...

Ex-slave History
Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: Ex-Slave--History This information given by: Jack Boyd Place of Residence: Hazen, ...

Ex-slave History Old Sayings
Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: EX-SLAVE--HISTORY--OLD SAYINGS This information given by: George Braddox Place of ...

George Braddox
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: George Braddox, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 81 Most of the old songs were religio...

Edward Bradley
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Edward Bradley 115 South Plum Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Rachel Bradley
Name of Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Rachel Bradley. 1103 State Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 107? U...

Elizabeth Brannon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Elizabeth Brannon, Biscoe, Arkansas (Packed to move somewhe...

Mack Brantley
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mack Brantley, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 80 "I was born in Dallas County clo...

Ellen Brass
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ellen Brass 1427 W. Eighth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

Frank Briles
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Frank Briles 817 Cross Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: Abou...

Mary Ann Brooks
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Ann Brooks James Addition, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 9...

Slavery Days With Interviewer Velma Sample

F H Brown
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: F. H. Brown 701 Hickory Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas Ag...

George Brown
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: George Brown Route 4; Box 159, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 84...

Jn Brown
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: J.N. Brown 3500 West 7th Ave. Pine Bluff, Ar...

Lewis Brown
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lewis Brown 708 Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 83 ...

Humorous Tales Of Slavery Days
Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Humorous Tales of Slavery Days "I was born in 1854 and 'co'se I wasn't big enou...

Lewis Brown
This information given by: Lewis Brown Place of residence: 802 W. Eighth. Pine Bluff. Arkansas Occupation: None, retired minister Ag...

Mag Brown
Interviewer: Miss Bailie C. Miller Person interviewed: Mag Brown, Clarksville, Arkansas Age: 85 "I was born in North Carolina an...

Mary Brown
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Brown, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: Born in 1860 "Mama was born in slaver...

Mattie Brown
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mattie Brown. Helena. Arkansas Age: 75 "I heard mother say time and ag'in ...

Molly Brown
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Molly Brown Age: 90 or over Brinkley, Ark. One morning early I (Irene ...

Peter Brown
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Peter Brown. Helena, Arkansas Age: 86 "I was born on the Woodlawn place. I...

William Brown
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William Brown, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 67 I was born in Virginia but I was bo...

William Brown
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: William Brown 409 W. Twenty-Fifth Street N...

Maggie Broyles
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Maggie Broyles. Forrest City. Arkansas Age: About 80? "I was born in Decat...

Ida Bryant
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ida Bryant, Hazea. Arkansas (Very very black Negro woman) ...

Belle Buntin
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Belle Buntin, Marianne, Arkansas Age: Up in 80's "I never was sold. I was ...

Jeff Burgess
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Parson interviewed: Jeff Burgess, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: Born in 1664 or 1865, forgot which ...

Norman Burkes
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Norman Burkes 2305 West Eleventh Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Will Burks Sr
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertaon Person interviewed: Will Burks, Sr. Pine City, Ark.--5 mi. from Holly Grove Ag...

Adeline Burris
Interviewer: Mrs. Annie L. LaCotts Person interviewed: Adeline Burris, DeWitt, Arkansas Age; 91 Adeline Burris is a little old w...

Jennie Butler
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Jennie Butler 3012 Short Main Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Ag...

El Byrd
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: E.L. Byrd 618 N. Cedar, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 76 "...

Emmett Augasta Byrd
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson. Person interviewed: Emmett Augasta Byrd, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 83 "I was born in Washington...

Frank Cannon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Frank Cannon R.F.D., two miles, Palestine, Arkansas Age:...

Zenie Cauley
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Zenie Cauley 1000 Louisiana Pine Bluff, Ark....

Liney Chambers
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Liney Chambers, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: [TR: Some word pronunciation was mar...

Willie Buck Charleston
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Willie Buck Charleston, Jr., Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 74 "I was born up here ...

Lewis Chase
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lewis Chase; Des Arc, Arkansas Age: 90? [TR: Some word pronunciation was mar...

Katherine Clay
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Katherine Clay, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 69 "I was born in West Point, ...

Maria Sutton Clemments
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Maria Sutton Clemments, DeValls Bluff, Ark. Age: Between 85 and 90 years [TR: ...

Maria Sutton Clements
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Maria Sutton Clements, De Valls Bluff, Ark. Age: Between 85 and 90 [TR: Also r...

Maria Sutton Clements
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Maria Sutton Clements De Valls Bluff, Arkansas Age: [Dec ...

Fannie Clemons
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Person Interviewed: Fannie Clemons 940 N. Washington El Dorad...

Joe Clinton
Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: Joe Clinton, Route 2, Marvell, Arkansas Age: 86 "Uncle Joe" Clinton, on ex-Missis...

Betty Coleman
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Betty Coleman 1112-1/2 Indiana Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Lucy Cotton
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Lucy Cotton Russellville, Arkansas Age: 72 [Jan 7 1938] ...

Tw Cotton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: T.W. Cotton, Helena, Arkansas Age: 80 [May 11 1938] "I was born close to ...

Ellen Cragin
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ellen Cragin 815-1/2 Arch Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: A...

Sallie Crane
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Sallie Crane See first paragraph in interviewer's comment ...

Isaac Crawford
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Isaac Crawford Brinkley, Ark. Age: 75 "I was born the...

Mary Crosby
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Crosby 1216 Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 76 ...

Mildred Thompson
[HW: (COPY)] El Dorado Division FOLKLORE SUBJECTS (Ex-Slave) Mrs. Mildred Thompson Federal Writers' Project Union County, Arkansas...

Richard Crump
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Richard Crump 1801 Gaines Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 8...

Zenia Culp
Interviewer: Mrs. Carol Graham, El Dorado Division Person interviewed: Zenia Culp Age: Over 80 [Jan 29 1938] "Yas'm, my name is...

Wm Ball
Texarkana District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Mrs. W.M. Ball Subject: Anecdotes Story: Information given by: Albert ...

Betty Curlett
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Betty Curlett, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 66 [-- -- 1938] "I can tell you all a...

Betty Curlett
Little Rock District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson [HW: Yankees Stole Food] Subject: History--Slavery Days...

Jh Curry
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Samuel S. Taylor ADDRESS--Little Rock, Arkansas DATE--December, 1938 SU...

Lyttleton Dandridge
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lyttleton Dandridge 2800 W. Tenth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkans...

Ella Daniels
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ella Daniels 1223 W. Eleventh Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Ag...

Mary Allen Darrow
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Allen Darrow, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 74 "I was born at Monticell...

Alice Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Alice Davis 1700 Vaugine Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Charlie Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Charlie Davis 100 North Plum, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 76 ...

D Davis
Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person Interviewed: D. Davis R.F.D., six miles north of Marvell, Arkansas Age: 85 ...

James Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: James Davis 1112 Indiana St. (owner), Pine Bluff, Ark. Age:...

Jim Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jim Davis 1112 Indiana Street Pine Bluf...

Jim Davis
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Slavery Time Songs Subject: Superstitions Story:--Information ...

Jeff Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jeff Davis 1100 Texas Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 85 ...

Jeff Davis
Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: Jeff Davis R.F.D. five miles south, Marvell, Arkansas Age: 78 ...

Jordan Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jordan Davis 306 Cypress Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Mary Jane Drucilla Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Jane Drucilla Davis 1612 W. Barraque, Pine Bluff, Arkan...

Minerva Davis
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Minerva Davis, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 56 "My father was sold in Richmond, V...

Rosetta Davis
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Rosetta Davis, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 55 "I was born in Phillips County, ...

Virginia Jennie Davis
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Virginia (Jennie) Davis Scott Street, Forrest City, Arkansa...

Winnie Davis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Ex-Slaves Story:--Information This information given by: Winnie Davis (C) Place of resi...

Leroy Day
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Leroy Day (c) Age: 80 Home: 123 N. Walnut Street, Pine Bluff, Ark. "Good Lord y...

Hammett Dell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Hammett Dell, Brasfield, Arkansas Age: 90 [-- -- 1937] [TR: Some word pronu...

James Dickey
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: James Dickey, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 68 [May 31 1939] "I don't know much...

Benjamin Diggs
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Benjamin Diggs 420 N. Cypress, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 79...

Katie Dillon
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Katie Dillon 307 Hazel Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 82...

Alice Dixon
El Dorado District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS [HW: Customs] Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subject: Customs--Slavery Days [Nov 30 19...

Luke D Dixon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Luke D. Dixon DeValls Bluff, Ark. Age: 81 "My father'...

Martha Ann Dixon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Martha Ann Dixon (mulatto) DeValls Bluff, Arkansas Age: 81...

Railroad Dockery
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Railroad Dockery 1103 Short 13th, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Callie Donalson
Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: Ex-slave Information given by: Callie Donalson, Biscoe, Arkansas Story I wasn't born in...

Charles Green Dortch
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Charles Green Dortch 804 Victory Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Fannie Dorum
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Fannie Dorum 423 W. Twenty-Fourth Street N...

Silas Dothrum
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Silas Dothrum 1419 Pulaski Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

Sarah Douglas
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Sarah Douglas Route 2, Box 19-A, El Dorado, Arkansas Age: ...

Sarah Douglas
Interviewer: Carol Graham Subject: Ex-slaves Information given by: Sarah Douglas, El Dorado, Arkansas Mornin' honey. I thought y...

Tom Douglas
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Tom Douglas Route 2, Box 19-A, El Dorado, Arkansas Age: 91...

Sarah And Tom Douglas
[HW: Regrets End of Slavery] OLD SLAVE STORIES [TR: Sarah and Tom Douglas] [TR: Aunt Sarah Douglas]--Ah wuz baptized de second...

Tom & Sarah Douglas
Interviewer: Mrs. Carol Graham Person interviewed: Tom & Sarah Douglas Resident: El Dorado, Arkansas Age: 90 and 83. NOTE: T...

Sebert Douglas
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Sebert Douglas 610 Catalpa Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Henry Doyl
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Henry Doyl, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: Will be 74 Feb. 2, 1938 "I was born i...

Willie Doyld
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Willie Doyld (male), Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 78 [-- -- 1938] "I was born ...

Wade Dudley
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Wade Dudley, Moro, Ark. Age: 73 "Bill Kidd and Miss Nancy Kidd owned my pa...

Isabella Duke
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Isabella Duke Little Rock, Arkansas (towards Benton) ...

Wash Dukes
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: "Wash" Dukes 2217 E. Barraque Pine Bluff, Ar...

Lizzie Dunn
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lizzie Dunn, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 88 "I was born close to Hernando, Mi...

Nellie Dunne
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Nellie Dunne 3900 W. Sixth Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

William L Dunwoody
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: William L. Dunwoody 2116 W. 24th Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Lucius Edwards
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lucius Edwards Age: 72 Interviewer's Comment I went to see Lucius Edwar...

John Elliott
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: John Elliott Age: 80 Home: South Border (property of brother's estate) As told...

Millie Evans
Interviewer: Mrs. Carol Graham Person interviewed: Millie Evans Age: Yo' say yo' is in'rested in the lives of the slaves? Wel...

Pernella Anderson
El Dorado District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subjects: Customs related to Slavery Time [HW: Ex Slave ...

Mose Evans
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Mose Evans Home: 451 Walnut Aged: 76 Radios from half a dozen houses blared ou...

Rachel Fairley
Interviewer: S.S. Taylor Person interviewed: Rachel Fairley 1600 Brown St. Little Rock, Ark....

Pauline Fakes
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Pauline Fakes, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 74 "My mama come from Virginia. Her...

Mattie Fannen
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mattie Fannen, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 87 "My mother was named Silla D...

Robert Farmer
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person Interviewed: Robert Farmer 1612 Battery Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

Mrs Lou Fergusson
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins. Person Interviewed: Mrs. Lou Fergusson Aged: 91 Home: With daughter Mrs. Peach Sinclair, Wade Street. ...

Jennie Ferrell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jennie Ferrell, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 65 "I was born in Yellowbush C...

Frank Fikes
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Person interviewed: Frank Fikes, El Dorado, Arkansas Age: About 88 "My name is Frank Fikes. I liv...

Je Filer
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: J.E. Filer, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 76 "I was born in Washington, Georgia....

Orleans Finger
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Subject: Ex-slavery [May 11 1938] Person Interviewed: Orleans Finger [TR: In text of interview, Orle...

Molly Finley
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Molly Finley, Honey Creek 3-1/2 miles from Mesa, Arkansas ...

Fanny Finney
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Fanny Finney, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 74 plus "I was born in Marshall Coun...

Gate-eye Fisher
Interviewer: Zillah Cross Peel Information given by: "Gate-eye" Fisher Residence: Washington County, Arkansas "I was jes' a baby...

Ellen Fitzgerald
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Ellen Fitzgerald Brinkley, Ark. Age: 74 "Mama was nam...

Henry Fitzhugh
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Henry Fitzhugh Aged: 90 Home: Rooms at 209 Walnut Street Several "colored" dis...

Mary Flagg
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Flagg 1601 Georgia Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Doc Flowers
Interviewer: Mrs. Zillah Cross Peel Person interviewed: Doc Flowers Age: 85? Home: Lincoln, Arkansas Everybody calls him Uncle ...

Frances Fluker
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Frances Fluker, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 77 [May 11 1938] "I was born the...

Ida May Fluker
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ida May Fluker Route 6, Box 80, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Wash Ford
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Wash Ford, Des Arc, Arkansas Age: 73 or 75? "I was born close to Des Arc a...

Wash Ford
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Wash Ford, Des Arc, Ark. Age: 75? "One thing I remembers hearin' my folks ...

Judia Fortenberry
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Judia Fortenberry 712 Arch Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

Emma Foster
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Emma Foster 1200 N. Magnolia, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 80 ...

Emma Foster
Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Birthmarks Story:--Information This information given by: Emma Foster (C) Place...

Ira Foster
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ira Foster 2000 W. Eureka Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Ira Foster
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Songs of Pre-War Days Story:--Information This information gi...

Leonard Franklin
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Leonard Franklin Temporary: 301 Ridgeway, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Eliza Frazier
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Eliza Frazier 2003 Saracen Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Mary Frazier
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Frazier, near Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 60 "My parents was Neily and Amos...

Tyler Frazier
El Dorado District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subject: TALES OF SLAVERY DAYS Story:--Information [Fe...

Aunt Mittie Freeman
Interviewer: Beulah Sherwood Hagg Person interviewed: Aunt Mittie Freeman Aged: 86 Home: 320 Elm St., North Little Rock. In home of ...

Mattie Fritz
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mattie Fritz, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 79 "I was born at Duncan, Arkansas....

Charlie Gadson
--- -- 1937 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Charlie Gadson Brinkley, Arkansas A...

Dr D B Gaines
#771 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Dr. D. B. Gaines 1720 Izard Street, Little Rock, ...

Mary Gaines
#648 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Gaines Brinkley, Arkansas Age: Born 1...

William Gant
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William Gant Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 101 ...

Mike Genes
JAN 14 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mike Genes Holly Grove, Ark. Age: 7...

Jennie Wormly Gibson
#653 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jennie Wormly Gibson Biscoe, Arkansas Age:...

James Gill
#728 Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: James Gill R.F.D. Marvell, Arkansas Age: 86 Oc...

Cora Gillam
Interviewer: Beulah Sherwood Hagg Person interviewed: Mrs. Cora Gillam 1023 Arch Street, Little Rock, Arkan...

J N Gillespie
--- 11 1938 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: J. N. Gillespie 1112 Park Street, Little R...

Will Glass
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Will Glass 715 W. Eighth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Frank William Glenn
--- 13 1937 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Frank William Glenn Des Arc, Arkansas ...

Ella Glespie
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ella Glespie Brassfield, Arkansas Age: 71 "I ...

Joe Golden
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Joe Golden Age: 86 Home: 722 Gulpha Street, Hot Springs, Ark. "Yes, ma...

Jake Goodridge
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jake Goodridge Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 97? 87 is ...

John Goodson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John Goodson (Goodrum) Des Arc, Arkansas Age: Born...

George Govan
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: George Govan Russellville, Arkansas Age: 52 "Ge...

Julia Grace
#712 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Julia Grace 819 N. Spruce Street, Pine Bluff, ...

Charles Graham
--- 11 1938 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Charles Graham 616 W. 27th Street, North L...

James Graham
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: James Graham 408 Maple Street, Little Rock, Arkansas A...

Marthala Grant
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Marthala Grant 2203 E. Barraque, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Wesley Graves
#731 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Wesley Graves 817 Hickory Street, North Little Ro...

Ambus Gray
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ambus Gray R.F.D. #1. Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 80 ...

Green Gray
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Green Gray R.F.D. #1 Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 70--73?...

Neely Gray
#666 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Neely Gray 818 E. Fifteenth, Pine Bluff, Arkan...

Nely Gray
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Nely Gray 821 E. 18th Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Happy Day Green
MAY 11 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: "Happy Day" Green Near Barton and Hele...

Henry Green
#774 Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: Henry Green Barton, Arkansas Age: 90 Uncle H...

Frank Greene
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Frank Greene 2313 Saracen Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas...

George Greene
MAY 11 1938 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: George Greene Temporary--1700 Pulaski St.,...

Andrew Gregory
DEC -- 1937 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Andrew Gregory Brinkley, Arkansas A...

Annie Griegg
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Annie Griegg Madison, Arkansas Age: 84 "I was...

William And Charlotte Guess
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Persons interviewed: William and Charlotte Guess West Memphis, Arkansas ...

Lee Guidon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lee Guidon Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 89 "Yes m...

Linley Hadley
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Linley Hadley Madison, Arkansas Age: 77 "I wa...

Anna Hall
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Anna Hall (mulatto) Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 68 ...

Ellie Hamilton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ellie Hamilton (male) Clarendon, Arkansas Age: ...

Josephine Hamilton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Josephine Hamilton Hazen, Arkansas Age: 77 "I...

Folklore Subjects
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS [HW: Arkansas] Little Rock District Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: HERBS--CURES & REME...

Negro Customs Peter Hamilton
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Pine Bluff District Name of Interviewer: Martin--Pettigrew Subject: Negro Customs Story--Information ...

Lawrence Hampton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lawrence Hampton R.F.D., Forrest City, Arkansas Ag...

Hannah Hancock
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Hannah Hancock [HW: Biscoe, Arkansas?] Age: Past 8...

Hannah Hancock
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Little Rock District Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: Spells--Voodoo-- Story--Informatio...

Rachel Hankins
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Rachel Hankins El Dorado, Arkansas Age: 88 "I...

Mary Jane Hardridge
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Jane Hardridge 1501 West Barraque St., Pine Bluff...

Mary Jane Hardrige
#748 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Jane Hardrige 1501 W. Barraque, Pine Bluf...

O C Hardy
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Person Interviewed: O. C. Hardy El Dorado, Ark. Age: 69 "O. C. Hardy...

Rosa Hardy
#658 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Rosa Hardy Biscoe, Arkansas Age: ? "I...

Ida Harper
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ida Harper 819 West Pullen Street; Pine Bluff, Arkansa...

Eda Harper
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Signs and Superstitions Story--Information (If not eno...

Eda Harper
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Games of Pre-War Days Story--Information (If not enoug...

Abram Harris
#776 Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person Interviewed: Abram Harris Marvell, Arkansas, (6 miles west) Ag...

Betty Harris
MAY 31 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Betty Harris Brinkley, Arkansas Age...

Mary Harris
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Harris 713 N. Plum Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Rachel Harris
DEC 21 1937 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Rachel Harris 8161/2 E. Fifth, Pine Blu...

Rachel Harris
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Little Rock District Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: TALES [HW: Superstitions and Charms] ...

William Harris
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: William Harris DeValls Bluff, Ark. Age: 75 or 80 ...

William H Harrison
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William H. Harrison Forrest City, Arkansas Age: Ov...

Laura Hart
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Laura Hart Eleventh & Orange St., Pine Bluff, Arkansas A...

Hatty Haskell
#715 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Hatty Haskell 1416 W. Pullen, Pine Bluff, Arka...

Matilda Hatchett
#786 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Matilda Hatchett 424 W. Twenty-Fifth Street, Nort...

John G Hawkens
#657 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John G. Hawkens Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 71 ...

Lizzie Hawkens
#656 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lizzie Hawkens Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 65 ...

Becky Hawkins
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Becky Hawkins 717 Louisiana Street, Pine Bluff, Arkans...

G W Hawkins
#733 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: G. W. Hawkins 1114 Appianway, Little Rock, Arkans...

Eliza Hays
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Eliza Hays 2215 W. Twentieth Street, Little Rock, Arkansa...

Tom Haynes
--- 1- 1937 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Tom Haynes 1110 W. Second Street, Pine ...

Joe Haywood
#782 Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Joe Haywood 2207 West Eleventh Street, Pine Bluff, ...

Marie E Hervey
#737 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Marie E. Hervey 1520 Pulaski Street, Little Rock,...

Phillis Hicks
MAY 11 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Phillis Hicks Edmondson, Arkansas A...

Will Hicks
EX-SLAVES Interviewer: Pernella Anderson [HW: Hicks, Will] "I was born in Farmerville, La., I don't know what year. I wa...

Bert Higgins
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Bert Higgins 611 Missouri Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas...

Annie Hill
#790 FORM A Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Samuel S. Taylor ADDRESS--Little Rock, Arkans...

Clark Hill
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Clark Hill 715 E. 17th Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Clark Hill
#665 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Clark Hill 818 E. Fifteenth Street, Pine Bluff...

Clark Hill
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS #665 Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Humorous Story Story--Information (If not enou...

Clark Hill
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS #665 Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Superstitions Story--Information (If not enoug...

Elmira Hill
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Elmira Hill 1220 North Willow Pine B...

Gillie Hill
#787 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Gillie Hill 813 Arch Street, Little Rock, Arkansa...

Harriett Hill
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Harriett Hill Forrest City, Ark. ...

Hattie Hill
MAY 11 1938 Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Hattie Hill Route 2, Main Street, Pine ...

Oliver Hill
OCT 18 19-- Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Oliver Hill 1101 Kentucky Street, Pine ...

Rebecca Brown Hill
MAY 31 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Rebecca Brown Hill Brinkley, Arkansas ...

Tanny Hill
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Tanny Hill Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 56? No record o...

Elizabeth Hines
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Elizabeth Hines 1117 W. Fourteenth Street, Little Rock, A...

Charles Hinton
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Pine Bluff District Name of interviewer: Martin--Barker Subject: Ex-Slave Story: "Son of Martha ...

Charlie Hinton
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden. Person interviewed: Charlie Hinton (c) Age: 89 Home: Old River Road--Pine Bluff, Ark. "Oh ...

Ben Hite
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ben Hite 1515 Ohio Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Betty Hodge
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Betty Hodge Hazen, Ark. Age: 63 "Uncle Billy ...

Minnie Hollomon
#647 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Minnie Hollomon R.F.D., Biscoe, Arkansas A...

H B Holloway
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer--S. S. Taylor Person interviewed--H. B. Holloway (Dad or Pappy) Story: Birth, P...

Pink Holly
--- 29 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Pink Holly Holly Grove, Arkansas Ag...

Dora Holmes
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Dora Holmes [HW crossed out: (light brown)] 1500 Valentin...

Elijah Henry Hopkins
MAY 31 1938 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Elijah Henry Hopkins 13081/2 Ringo Street,...

Nettie Hopson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Nettie Hopson Helena (home--Poplar Grove), Arkansas ...

Molly Horn
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Molly Horn Holly Grove, Arkansas Age: 77 "My ...

Cora L Horton
#773 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Cora L. Horton 918 W. Ninth Street, Little Rock, ...

Laura House
Name of interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Laura House Russellville, Arkansas Age: 75? ...

Mildred Thompson
NOV 30 1936 Mrs. Mildred Thompson Mrs. Carol Graham El Dorado District Ex-Slave--Hoodoo--Haunted Houses Aunt Pinke...

Pinkie Howard
Interviewer: Carol Graham Person Interviewed: Pinkie Howard (Add) El Dorado, Ark. Age: ? "Mornin', ...

Josephine Howell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Josephine Howell Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 72 "...

Pauline Howell Nickname Pearl
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Pauline Howell Nickname Pearl Brinkley, Arkansas A...

Molly Hudgens
JAN 29 1938 Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Molly Hudgens DeValls Bluff, Arkansas ...

Charlie Huff
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Charlie Huff Brinkley, Arkansas Age: Born 1864 ...

Louvenia Huff
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Louvenia Huff Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 64 "I w...

Anna Huggins
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Mrs. Anna Huggins Home: Pleasant at John Street. "Miss Huggins? (pronounc...

Margret Hulm
Interviewer: Mrs. Annie L. LaCotts Person interviewed: Margret Hulm, Humphrey, Arkansas Age: 97 (Story of Abraham Lincoln ...

John Hunter
Interviewer: S. S. Taylor Person interviewed: John Hunter 3200 W. 17th Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age...

William Hunter
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William Hunter, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 70 "John McBride was my moth...

Ida Blackshear Hutchinson
MAY 11 1938 Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ida Blackshear Hutchinson 2620 Orange Stre...

Cornelia Ishmon
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Cornelia Ishmon 3319 W. Second Avenue ...

Mildred Thompson
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS El Dorado District Name of interviewer: Mildred Thompson & Carol Graham. Subject: Uncle Jack Island--Ex-...

Carol Graham
#792 FORM A Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Mrs. Carol Graham ADDRESS--El Dorado, Arkansa...

Mary Island
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Mary Island 626 Nelson Street, El Dorado, Arkansas ...

Henrietta Isom
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Henrietta Isom, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 81 "I was born in Mississippi....

Clarice Jackson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Clarice Jackson Eighteenth and Virginia, Pine Bluff, Arkansa...

Clarice Jackson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Clarice Jackson 1738 Virginia Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Israel Jackson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Israel Jackson 3505 Short Second, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Lula Jackson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Lula Jackson 1808 Valentine Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Lula Jackson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Lula Jackson (supplement) [HW: cf. 30600] 1808 Valentine Street...

Mary Jackson
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Mary Jackson, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 75? "My name ...

Taylor Jackson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Taylor Jackson, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 88? [Date Stamp:...

Virginia Jackson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Virginia Jackson, Helena, Arkansas Age: 74 [Date Stamp: M...

William Jackson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: William Jackson Route 6, Box 81, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Lawson Jamar
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lawson Jamar, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 66 [Date Stamp: MA...

Nellie James
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Nellie James, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 72 "Nellie Ja...

Robert James
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Robert James 4325 W. Eighth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Ellis Jefferson
Little Rock District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: HISTORY OF ELLIS JEFFERSON--(NEGRO) Story--I...

Moses Jeffries
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: S. S. Taylor Subject: [HW: Moses Jeffries] Story--Information (If not enough space on this ...

Ellis Jefson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ellis Jefson (M. E. Preacher), Hazen, Ark. Age: 77 "M...

Absolom Jenkins
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Absolom Jenkins, R.F.D., Helena, Arkansas Age: 80 [Date S...

Dora Jerman
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Dora Jerman, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 60? "I was b...

Adaline Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Adaline Johnson Joining the Plunkett farms ...

Alice Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Alice Johnson 601 W. Eighth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Allen Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Allen Johnson 718 Arch Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: Abou...

Annie Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Annie Johnson 804 Izard Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 78 ...

Ben Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ben Johnson Near Holly Grove and Clarendon, Arkansas Age: ...

Ben Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ben Johnson (deaf), Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 84 Black ...

Betty Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Betty Johnson 1920 Dennison Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Cinda Johnson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Cinda Johnson 506 E. Twenty, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 83 ...

Ella Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ella Johnson 913-1/2 Victory Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age...

Fanny Johnson
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person interviewed: Fanny Johnson Aged: 76 Home: Palmetto (lives with daughter who owns a comfortable,...

George Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: George Johnson 814 W. Ninth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

John Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John Johnson R.F.D., Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 73 "I w...

Letha Johnson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Letha Johnson 2203 W. Twelfth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Lewis Johnson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lewis Johnson 713 Missouri Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Lizzie Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lizzie Johnson, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 65 "I was born ...

Louis Johnson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Louis Johnson 721 Missouri Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Mag Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mag Johnson, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 65 or 70? "Pa w...

Mandy Johnson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mandy Johnson 607 Cypress Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Marion Johnson
Interviewer: Mrs. Carol Graham Person interviewed: Marion Johnson "Howdy, Missy, glad to see you again. As you sees I'm 'bout wou...

Marion Johnson
Interviewer: Carol Graham (Add.) Person interviewed: Marion Johnson El Dorado, Ark. Age: ? "Dar's golde...

Uncle Marion Johnson
VOODOO MAN UNCLE MARION JOHNSON, EX-SLAVE. [Date Stamp: OCT 26 1936] "Yes young missey ah'll sho tell yo-all whut yo wants ter k...

Martha Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Martha Johnson, West Memphis Age: 71 "I was born at L...

Millie Johnson
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Millie Johnson (Old Bill) El Dorado, Arkansas Age: ? ...

Rosie Johnson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Rosie Johnson, Holly Grove, Arkansas Age: 76 "I was b...

Saint Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Saint Johnson Izard Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: -- Occ...

Willie Johnson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Willie Johnson (female) 1007 Izard, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Angeline Jones
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Angeline Jones Near Biscoe and Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 79 ...

Charlie Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Charlie Jones 1303 Ohio Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 7...

Cyntha Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Cyntha Jones 3006 W. Tenth Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Edmond Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Edmond Jones 1824 W. Second, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 75 ...

Eliza Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Eliza Jones 610 E. Eighteenth, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 89...

Evelyn Jones
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Evelyn Jones 815 Arch Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: Betwe...

John Jones
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John Jones, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 71 "I was raised ...

John Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: John Jones 3109 W. 10th Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Lidia Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lidia Jones 228 N. Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 94...

Lydia Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lydia Jones 228 North Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Liza Jones Cookie
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Liza Jones (Cookie) 610 S. Eighteenth Street, Pine Bluff, Ar...

Liza Jones
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lucy Jones, Marianna, Arkansas Age: Born 1866 [Date Stamp...

Mary Jones
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Mary Jones 1017 Dennison, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 72 "...

Mary Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Jones 509 E. 23rd Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78...

Nannie Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Nannie Jones 1601 Saracen Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Reuben Jones
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Reuben Jones Ezell Quarters, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 85 ...

Vergil Jones
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Vergil Jones, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 70 "My parents ...

Walter Jones
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Walter Jones, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 72 "My father r...

Oscar Felix Junell
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Oscar Felix Junell 1720 Brown Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Ag...

Sam Keaton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Sam Keaton, Brinkley, Ark. Age: 78 "I was born close ...

Tines Kendricks
Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: Tines Kendricks, Trenton, Arkansas Age: 104 "My name is Tine...

Watt Mckinney
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Watt McKinney Subject: Superstitious beliefs Story--Information (If not enough space on this ...

Frank Kennedy
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Frank Kennedy, Holly Grove, Arkansas Age: 65 or 70? "...

W Kerns
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Mrs. A. (Adrianna) W. Kerns 800 Victory Street, Little Rock, Ar...

George Key
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: George Key, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 70 plus "I wa...

Lucy Key
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lucy Key, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 70 plus "I was ...

Anna King
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden. Person interviewed: Anna King (c) Home: 704 West Fifth, Pine Bluff, Ark. Age: 80 "Yes honey, I was...

Anna King
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Anna King 704 W. Fifth (rear), Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 82...

Mose King
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mose King, Lexa, Arkansas Age: 81 "I was born in Rich...

Susie King
Interviewer: Zillah Cross Peel Information given by: Aunt Susie King, Ex-slave. Residence: Cane Hill, Arkansas. Washington County. A...

William Kirk
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: William Kirk 1910 W. Sixth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Betty Krump
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Betty Krump, Helena, Arkansas Age: -- [Date Stamp: MAY 31...

Preston Kyles
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS [HW: Ex-slave, Texarkans Dist.] Name of Interviewer: Mrs. W. M. Ball Subject: Folk Tales. Information given by:...

Cecil Copeland
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS [HW: Ex-slave, Texarkana Dist., 9/5/31] Name of Interviewer: Cecil Copeland Subject: Apparition and Will-o'-the-Wi...

Susa Lagrone
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Susa Lagrone 25th and Texas Streets, Pine Bluff, Ark. Age: ...

Barney A Laird
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Barney A. Laird Brinkley, (near Moroe) Arkansas Age: 79 ...

Arey Lamar
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Arey Lamar 612 E. 14th Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78...

Solomon Lambert
Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson. Person interviewed: Solomon Lambert, Holly Grove, Ark., R.F.D. Age: 89 Su...

Frank Larkin
Name of Interviewer: Martin-Barker Subject: Ex-Slave Story--Information (If not enough space on this page add page) This informati...

Frank Larkin
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Frank Larkin 1126 W. Second Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Frank Larkin
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Frank Larkin 618 E. Fifteenth, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 85...

William Lattimore
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: William Lattimore 606 West Pullen Street, Pine Bluff, Arkans...

Bessie Lawsom
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Bessie Lawsom, Helena, Arkansas Age: 76 [Date Stamp: MAY ...

Henry Lee
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Henry Lee R.F.D., two and one-half miles, Palestine, Arkans...

Mandy Lee
Interviewer: Miss Sallie C. Miller Person interviewed: Mandy Lee, Coal Hill, Arkansas Age: 85 "Yes'm I was ...

Mary Lee
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Lee 1308 Texas Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 74 [...

Talitha Lewis
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Talitha Lewis 300 E. 21st Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Abbie Lindsay
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Abbie Lindsay 914 W. Tenth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

Rosa Lindsey
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Rosa Lindsey 302 S. Miller Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

William Little
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: William Little, Atkins, Arkansas Age: 83 "I was born on...

Aunt Minerva Lofton
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: "Aunt Minerva" Lofton Russellville, Arkansas Age: 69 "C...

Robert Lofton
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: S. S. Taylor Subject: Biographical Sketch of Robert Lofton Story--Information (If not enoug...

John H Logan
Mary D. Hudgins 107 Palm Street, Hot Springs, Ark. Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person interviewed: John H. Logan Aged: c. 89 H...

Elvie Lomack
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Elvie Lomack Residence: Foot of King Street on river bank, ...

Henry Long
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person interviewed: Henry Long Home 112 East Grand Age: c. 71 "Yes, 'um, I owns my own home--and w...

Annie Love
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Annie Love 1116 E. Twelfth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Needham Love
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Needham Love 1014 W. Seventeenth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Louis Lucas
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Louis Lucas 1320 Pulaski Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 83...

Lizzie Luckado
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lizzie Luckado, Hazen, Ark. Age: 71 "I was born at Du...

John Luckett
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: John Luckett Highway No. 65, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 83 ...

John Lynch
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John Lynch, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 69 "My mother was...

Josephine Scott Lynch
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Josephine Scott Lynch, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 69 "Jo...

Charlie Mcclendon
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Charlie McClendon 708 E. Fourth Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas...

Lizzie Mccloud
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lizzie McCloud 1203 Short 13th Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Lizzie Mccloud
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lizzie McCloud 1203 E. Short 13th Street, Pine Bluff, Arkans...

Avalena Mcconico
Interviewer: Mrs. Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Avalena McConico on the [TR: ---- ----] west of Brinkley, A...

Ike Mccoy
Interviewer: Mrs. Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Ike McCoy, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 65 [TR: Illegible words indicated by "----", ...

Richard H Mcdaniel
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Richard H. McDaniel, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 73 "I was born in Newton Coun...

Waters Mcintosh
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Waters McIntosh 1900 Howard Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Cresa Mack
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Cresa Mack 1417 Short Indiana St., Pine Bluff, Ark. Age: 85...

Warren Mckinney
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Warren McKinney, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 85 I was born in Edgefield County, S...

Warren Mckinney
Little Rock District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: Ex-Slave--History Story:--Information Thi...

Victoria Mcmullen
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Victoria McMullen 1416 E. Valmar, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 5...

Nannie P Madden
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Nannie P. Madden West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 69 "I am...

Perry Madden
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Perry Madden, Thirteenth Street, south side, one block east of ...

Lewis Mann
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Lewis Mann 1501 Bell Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 81 ...

Angeline Martin
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Angeline Martin, Kansas City, Missouri Visiting at 1105 Loui...

Josie Martin
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Josie Martin R.F.D., Madison, Arkansas Age: 86 "I wa...

Bess Mathis
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Bess Mathis, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 82 "I was born in De Sota County, Missis...

Caroline Matthews
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Caroline Matthews 812 Spruce Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas A...

Malindy Maxwell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Malindy Maxwell, Madison, Arkansas Age: Up in 80's "I was born close to Co...

Nellie Maxwell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Nellie Maxwell, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 63 "Mama was Harriett Baldwin. She w...

Ann May
Interviewer: Miss Sallie C. Miller Person interviewed: Ann May, Clarksville, Arkansas Age: 82 "I was born at Cabin Creek (Lamar ...

Joe Mayes
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Joe Mayes, Madison, Arkansas Age: ? "I was born a slave two years. I never...

Jesse Meeks
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jesse Meeks 707 Elm Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 76 O...

Jesse Meeks
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Superstitions Story:--Information This information given by: ...

Jeff Metcalf
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jeff Metcalf R.F.D., Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 73 "My m...

Hardy Miller
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Hardy Miller 702-1/2 W. Second Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Hk Miller
Interviewer: Beulah Sherwood Hagg Person interviewed: [HW: Henry Kirk] H.K. Miller 1513 State Street, Little Rock...

Henry Kirk Miller
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Henry Kirk Miller [HW: Same as H.K. Miller] 1513 State Street, ...

Matilda Miller
Interviewer: Mrs. Annie L. LaCotts Person interviewed: Matilda Miller Humphrey, Ark. Age: 79 The day of the...

Nathan Miller
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Nathan Miller, Madison, Arkansas Age: Born in 1868 "Lady, I'll tell you wh...

Sam Miller
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lacy Person interviewed: Sam Miller, Morrilton, Arkansas Age: 98 "I is ninety-eight years old, suh. M...

Wd Miller
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: W.D. Miller, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 65? "Grandpa was sold twice in Ra...

Mose Minser
El Dorado District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subject: Slavery Customs Story:--Information Informa...

Gip Minton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Gip Minton, Des Arc, Arkansas Age: 84 "I was born at Jackson, Alabama on t...

Aj Mitchell
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: A.J. Mitchell 419 E. 11th Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Gracie Mitchell
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Bernice Bowden ADDRESS--1006 Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas DATE--Nove...

Hettie Mitchell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Hettie Mitchell (mulatto) Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 69 ...

Mary Mitchell
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Mitchell, Hazen, Arkansas Age: 60 "I was born in Trenton, Tennessee. ...

Bernice Wilburn
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Bernice Bowden ADDRESS--1006 Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas DATE--Nove...

Ben Moon
Pine Bluff District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Martin - Barker Subject: Negro Customs Information by: Ben Moon [TR: ...

Emma Moore
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Emma Moore 3715 Short West Second, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Patsy Moore
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Patsy Moore, Madison, Arkansas Age: 74 "My mother was sold in Jamestown, V...

Ada Moorehead
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ada Moorehead 2300 E. Barraque, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Mary Jane Mattie Mooreman
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Mrs. Mary Jane (Mattie) Mooreman Home: with son Age: 90 "Yes, ma'am. I've been...

Evelina Morgan
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Evelina Morgan 1317 W. Sixteenth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

James Morgan
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: James Morgan 819 Rice Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 65 ...

Olivia Morgan
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Olivia Morgan Hazen, Ark. Age: 62 "I am 62 years old....

Tom Morgan
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Tom Morgan, Madison, Arkansas Age: 71 "My mother was the mother of fourtee...

Charity Morris
El Dorado District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subject: Slavery Days--Cruel Master Murdered by Slaves ...

Emma Morris
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Emma Morris, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 71 "My parents was Jane and Sam M...

Claiborne Moss
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Claiborne Moss 1812 Marshall Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age...

Frozie Moss
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Frozie Moss (dark mulatto), Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 69 "When my grandma wh...

Mose Moss
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Mose Moss, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 65 "Mose Moss is my name, suh, and I ...

Irene Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: S.O. Mullins, Clarendon, Arkansas Janitor for Masonic Hall ...

Alex Murdock
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Alex Murdock, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 65 "My owner or least my folks was ...

Bessie Myers
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Bessie Myers, Brassfield, Arkansas Age: 50? didn't know "My mother was nam...

Mary Myhand
Interviewer: Miss Sallie C. Miller Person interviewed: Mary Myhand, Clarksville, Arkansas Age: 85 "My mammie died when I was a l...

Griffin Myrax
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Griffin Myrax 913 Missouri Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Tom Wylie Neal
Name of Interviewer: Irene Robertson Subject: Ex-slaves--Dreams--Herbs: Cures and Remedies Story:-- This information given by: Tom...

Sally Nealy
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Sally Nealy 105 Mulberry Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Sally Neeley
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Songs of Civil War Days Story:--Information This information ...

Wylie Nealy
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Wylie Nealy [HW: Biscoe Arkansas?] Age: 85 I was born in 1852. I am 85 yea...

Emaline Neland
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Emaline Neland, Marianna, Arkansas Age: Born 1859 "I was born two years be...

Henry Nelson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Henry Nelson 904 E. Fifth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: A...

Henry Nelson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Henry Nelson, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 70 [TR: Appears to be same as last info...

Iran Nelson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Iran Nelson 603 E. Fourteenth Ave., Pine Bluff, Ark. Age: 7...

James Henry Nelson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: James Henry Nelson 1103 Orange, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

John Nelson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John Nelson, Holly Grove, Arkansas Age: 76 "My parents was Jazz Nelson and...

Lettie Nelson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Lettie Nelson St. Marys Street, Helena, Arkansas Age: 55 o...

Mattie Nelson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mattie Nelson 710 E. Fourth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Dan Newborn
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Dan Newborn 1000 Louisiana, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78 ...

Sallie Newsom
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Sallie Newsom Brinkley, Ark. Age 75? "Miss, I don't k...

Pete Newton
Interviewer: Miss Sallie C. Miller Person interviewed: Pete Newton, Clarksville, Arkansas Age: 83 [TR: 85?] Occupation: Farmer and d...

Charlie Norris
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Charlie Norris 122 Miller Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Emma Oats
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Emma Oats (Mulatto) Holly Grove, Ark. Age: 90 or older ...

Helen Odom
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Helen Odom and mother, Sarah Odom Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 30...

Jane Oliver
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jane Oliver Route 4, near airport, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Ivory Osborne
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ivory Osborne Route 5, Box 158, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Jane Osbrook
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jane Osbrook 602 E. 21st Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Annie Page
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Annie Page 412-1/2 Pullen Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Annie Page
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Annie Page 400 Block West Pullen, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Annie Page
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Subject: Apparitions Subject: Superstitions Subject: Birthmarks Story:-...

Fannie Parker
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Fannie Parker 1908 W. Sixth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Jm Parker
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Subject: Ex-slavery Story: Birth, Parents, Master. Person Interviewed: J.M. Parker, (dark brown) Ad...

Judy Parker
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Judy Parker Home: 618 Wade Street, Hot Springs, Ark. Aged: 77 For location of ...

Rf Parker
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: R.F. Parker 619 N. Hickory, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 76 ...

Annie Parks
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Annie Parks 720 Pulaski Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: Abo...

Austin Pen Parnell
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Austin Pen Parnell 4314 W. Seventeenth Street, Little Rock, Ark...

Ben Parr
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ben Parr, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 85 next March (1938) "I was born in Tenn...

Frank A Patterson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Frank A. Patterson 906 Chester Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Sarah Jane Patterson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Sarah Jane Patterson 2611 Orange Street, North Little Rock, Ark...

Solomon P Pattillo
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Solomon P. Pattillo 1502 Martin Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Carry Allen Patton
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Carry Allen Patton Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 71 "I ...

Harriett Mcfarlin Payne
Interviewer: Mrs. Annie L. LaCotts Person interviewed: Harriett McFarlin Payne Dewitt, Arkansas Age: 83 "Au...

John Payne
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: John Payne Brinkley, Ark. Age: 74 "I was born in Geor...

Larkin Payne
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Larkin Payne Brinkley, Ark. Age: 85 "I was born in No...

Cella Perkins
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Cella Perkins Marvell and Palestine, Arkansas Age: 67 ...

Maggie Perkins
Pine Bluff District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Martin & Barker Subject: Ex-Slaves--Slavery Times This Information giv...

Marguerite Perkins
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Marguerite Perkins West Sixth and Catalpa Streets, Pine Bluff, Ar...

Rachel Perkins
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Rachel Perkins, Goodwin, Arkansas Age: ? Baby during the Civil War "I was ...

Dinah Perry
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Dinah Perry 1800 Ohio Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 7...

Dinah Perry
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Dinah Perry 1002 Indiana, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78 [TR...

Alfred Peters
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Alfred Peters, 1518 Bell Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Mary Estes Peters
Interviewer: S.S. Taylor Person interviewed: Mary Estes Peters, 3115 W. 17th Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

John Peterson
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: John Peterson, 1810 Eureka Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Louise Pettis
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Louise Pettis, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 59 "My mama was born at Aiken, Sout...

Henry C Pettus
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Henry C. Pettus, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 80 "I was born in Wilkes County, ...

Dolly Phillips
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Dolly Phillips, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 67 "I ain't no ex-slave. I am 67 ...

Tony Piggy
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Tony Piggy Brinkley, Ark. Age: 75 "I was born near Se...

Ella Pittman
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ella Pittman 2409 West Eleventh Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Ella Pittman
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ella Pittman 2417 W. Eleventh Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Sarah Pittman
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Sarah Pittman 1320 W. Twentieth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Mary Poe
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Poe, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 60 "My papa used to tell about two m...

Wl Pollacks
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: W.L. Pollacks Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 68 "I was born ...

Doc John Pope
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: "Doc" John Pope, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 87 I am 87 years old for a fact. I ...

William Porter
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: William Porter 1818 Louisiana Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Bob Potter
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lacy Person interviewed: Bob Potter, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 65 "Sure, you oughter remember me--B...

Louise Prayer
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Louise Prayer 3401 Short West Third, Pine Bluff, Arkansas A...

Doc Quinn
Texarkana District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Cecil Copeland Subject: Social Customs--Reminiscences of an Ex-Slave Subj...

Doc Quinn
Texarkana District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Mrs. W.M. Ball Subject: Anecdotes of an Aged Ex-Slave. Subject: Superstit...

Henrietta Ralls
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Henrietta Ralls 1711 Fluker St. Pine Bluff, ...

Diana Rankins
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Diana Rankins, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 66 "I was born at Arlington, Tennes...

Senia Rassberry
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Senia Rassberry 810 Catalpa Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Clay Reaves
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Clay Reaves, (light mulatto, large man) Palestine, Arkansas...

Jane Reece
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jane Reece 819 W. Ninth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 8...

Frank Reed
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Frank Reed, 1004 Missouri Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

James Reeves
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: James Reeves 2419 W. Twentieth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas A...

Shepherd Rhone
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Shepherd Rhone 10th and Kentucky Pine Bluff,...

Dora Richard
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Dora Richard 3301 W. 14th Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Jim Ricks
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Jim Ricks 517 E. 22nd Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 79 ...

Charlie Rigger
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Charlie Rigger R.F.D., three miles, Palestine, Arkansas Ag...

Ida Rigley
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Ida Rigley, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 82 "I was born in Richmond, Virgin...

Milton Ritchie
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Milton Ritchie R.F.D., Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 78 "I ...

Alice Rivers
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Alice Rivers W. 17th, Highland Addition, Pine Bluff, Arkansa...

J Roberts
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: J. Roberts, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 45 or 50 Occupation: Methodist preacher ...

George Robertson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: George Robertson? or George Robinson? Brinkley, Arkansas A...

Augustus Robinson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Augustus Robinson 2500 W. Tenth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas ...

Malindy Robinson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Malindy Robinson 8th Street, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 6...

Tom Robinson
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person interviewed: Tom Robinson Aged: 88 Home: Lives with his son on outskirts of Hot Springs As ...

Isom Rogers
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Isom Rogers, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 67 "I was born in Tunica County, Aus...

Oscar James Rogers
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Oscar James Rogers, Wheatley, Arkansas Age: Up in 70's "I come to dis stat...

Will Ann Rogers
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Will Ann Rogers R.F.D., Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 70 "I...

William Henry Rooks
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William Henry Rooks Baptist Preacher; Brinkley, Arkansas A...

Amanda Rosa
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Amanda Rosa 817 Schiller Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 82...

Cat Ross
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: "Cat" Ross Brassfield, Ark. Age: Born 1862 "I was bor...

Mattie Ross
Southfield FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Subject: Centennial Snow--Spring in St. Louis addition Name: ...

Laura Rowland
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Laura Rowland (Bright Mulatto) Age: 65? Address: Brinkley...

Landy Rucker
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Landy Rucker 2315 W. Fourth Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Ag...

Martha Ruffin
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Martha Ruffin 1310 Cross Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 80...

Thomas Ruffin
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person Interviewed: Thomas Ruffin 1310 Cross Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 82...

Casper Rumple
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Casper Rumple, De Valls Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78 "I will be, providin' the ...

Henry Russell
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Henry Russell, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 72 "My father's name was Ed Russe...

Katie Rye
Interviewer: Miss Sallie C. Miller Person interviewed: Katie Rye, Clarksville, Arkansas Age: 82 "We lived in Greenbrier, Faulkne...

Bob Samuels
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Miss Hazel Horn ADDRESS--Little Rock, Arkansas DATE--Last of April, 1936...

Emma Sanderson
Interviewer: Mary D. Hudgins Person Interviewed: Emma Sanderson Home: 617 Wade Street, Hot Springs. Aged: 75 "Emma Sanderson"--...

Mary Scott
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Mary Scott DeValls Bluff or Biscoe Age: "I said if ev...

Mollie Hardy Scott
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mollie Hardy Scott, R.F.D., DeValls Bluff, Arkansas Age: 90 "I was born at...

Sam Scott
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Sam Scott, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 79 "Hello dar, Mistah L----! Don' you...

Cora Scroggins
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Cora Scroggins, Clarendon, Arkansas Age: 48 or 50 "My mother was born in S...

Bernice Bowden
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Bernice Bowden ADDRESS--1006 Oak Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas DATE--Nove...

Roberta Shaver
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Roberta Shaver, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 50 "I was born close to Natche...

Mary Shaw
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mary Shaw 1118 Palm Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 77 O...

Violet Shaw
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Violet Shaw, West Memphis, Arkansas Age: 50 "I heard Grandma Katie William...

Frederick Shelton
Texarkana District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Cecil Copeland Subject: Ex-Slave This information given by: Frederick S...

Laura Shelton
Circumstances of interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Samuel S. Taylor ADDRESS--Little Rock, Arkansas DATE--December, 1938 SU...

Mahalia Shores
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mahalia Shores, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 77 "I was born in Greene County, G...

Rosa Simmons
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Rosa Simmons 823 West 13th Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age...

Carol Graham
Mrs. Carol Graham Mrs. Mildred Thompson El Dorado District Fannie Sims. Customs. "How ole is ah? Ise about 78. Yes'm ah wuz ...

Jerry Sims
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Jerry Sims (Indian and Negro) Brinkley, Arkansas Age: Born...

Victoria Sims
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Victoria Sims, Helena, Arkansas Age: 76 "I was born in Limestone County, A...

Virginia Sims
Interviewer: Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Virginia Sims 1121 N. Magnolia Pine Bluff, A...

Senya Singfield
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Senya Singfield 1613 W. Second Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Peggy Sloan
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Peggy Sloan 2450 Howard Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: Abo...

Arzella Smallwood
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Arzella Smallwood Hazen R.F.D., Green Grove, Arkansas Age:...

Sarah Smiley
Pine Bluff District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Martin & Barker Subject: Negro Customs This information given by: Sara...

Andrew Smith
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Andrew Smith R.F.D., Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 73 "...

Caroline Smith
Circumstances of Interview STATE--Arkansas NAME OF WORKER--Carol N. Graham ADDRESS--Rear 456 West Main Street, El Dorado, Arkansas ...

Caroline Smith
Interviewer: Thomas Elmore Lucy Person interviewed: Caroline Smith, Russellville, Arkansas Age: 83 "Ca'line Smith's my name and ...

Edmond Smith
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson Person Interviewed: Edmond Smith D Avenue El Dorado, Ark. Ag...

Emma Hulett Smith
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Emma Hulett Smith; Hazen, Arkansas Age: 66 "I was the first colored baby bor...

Ervin E Smith
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ervin E. Smith 811 Ringo Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 84...

Frances Smith
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Frances Smith 2224 Havis Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Henrietta Evelina Smith
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Henrietta Evelina Smith 1714 Pine Street, Little Rock, Arkansas...

Henry Smith
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Henry Smith 702 Virginia, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 79 Occ...

Jl Smith
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: J.L. Smith 1215 Pulaski Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 76 ...

John H Smith
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: John H. Smith 2602 W. Twelfth Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas ...

Maggie Snow
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Persons interviewed: Maggie Snow and Charlie Snow R.F.D., Brinkley, Arkansas ...

Robert Solomon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Robert Solomon, Des Arc, Arkansas Age: 73 My father was African. He was bo...

James Spikes
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: James Spikes 2101 Bell Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 91...

Kittie Stanford
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Kittie Stanford 309 Missouri Street; Pine Bluff, Arkansas A...

Tom Stanhouse
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Tom Stanhouse R.F.D. Brinkley, Ark. A...

Isom Starnes
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Isom Starnes, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 78 "I was born in Marshall County, A...

Ky Hezekiah Steel
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Ky (Hezekiah) Steel West Fifth Avenue (rear), Pine Bluff, Ar...

Maggie Stenhouse
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Maggie Stenhouse, (a mile down the railway track), ...

Charlotte E Stephens
Interviewer: Beulah Sherwood Hagg Person interviewed: Mrs. Charlotte E. Stephens 1420 West 15th Street, Little Ro...

William J Stevens
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William J. Stevens, Brinkley, Arkansas Age: Up in 70's "I was born in Plea...

Minnie Johnson Stewart
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Minnie Johnson Stewart 3210 W. Sixteenth Street, Little Rock, A...

Liza Stiggers
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Liza Stiggers, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 70 plus "I was born in Poplar G...

James Henry Stith
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: James Henry Stith 2223 W. Nineteenth Street ...

Caroline Stout
Interviewer: Pernella Anderson, colored Caroline Stout EX-SLAVES I was born in Alabama in slavery time. I was sold from my mot...

Felix Street
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Felix Street 822 Schiller Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 7...

Mary Tabon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Tabon, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 67 "Pa was sold twice to my knowin...

Liza Moore Tanner
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Liza Moore Tanner, Helena, Arkansas Age: 79 "I was born in north Georgia. ...

Fannie Tatum
Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person interviewed: Fannie Tatum, Junction City, Arkansas Age: Born 1862 "I was born on Wilmin...

Anthony Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Anthony Taylor 2424 W. Ninth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age...

Lula Taylor
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Lula Taylor, R.F.D., east of town, Brinkley, Arkansas Age:...

Millie Taylor
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Millie Taylor 1418 Texas Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Sarah Taylor
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Sarah Taylor, R.F.D., Madison, Arkansas Age: 70 "I was born in Releford Co...

Warren Taylor
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Warren Taylor 3200 W. Seventeenth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas...

Sneed Teague
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Sneed Teague Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 68 Occupation: Works...

Mary Teel
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mary Teel Holly Grove, Ark. Age: 74 "Our Masters was ...

Wade Thermon
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Wade Thermon, R.F.D. (PWA Reservation), Des Arc, Arkansas ...

Dicey Thomas
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Mrs. Dicey Thomas 2500 Center Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Ag...

Mandy Thomas
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mandy Thomas, 13th and Pearl Streets, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78 Occupation:...

Omelia Thomas
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Omelia Thomas 519 W. Ninth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: ...

Omelia Thomas
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Omelia Thomas 1014 W. Fifth Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age:...

Tanner Thomas
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Tanner Thomas 1213 Louisiana, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: 78 ...

Wester Thomas
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Wester Thomas, Marianna, Arkansas Age: 79 "I was born in Sumpter County (M...

Annie Thompson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Annie Thompson, Biscoe, Arkansas Age: 55? "I was raised by my father's sis...

Ellen Briggs Thompson
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Ellen Briggs Thompson 3704 W. Twelfth Street, Little Rock, Arka...

Hattie Thompson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Hattie Thompson, Widener, Arkansas Age: 72 "I was born the second year aft...

Mamie Thompson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person Interviewed: Mamie Thompson Brinkley, Ark. Age: 68 "I come here wi...

Mike Thompson
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mike Thompson, Widener, Arkansas Age: 79 "I was born near Honey Grove, Tex...

Laura Thornton
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person Interviewed: Laura Thornton 1215 W. Twenty-Fourth Street, Little Rock, Arkan...

Joe Tillman
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Joe Tillman W. 10th and Highway No. 79 ...

Jt Tims
Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: J.T. Tims 111 Mosaic Temple, Ninth and Broadway ...

Hannah Travis
Interviewer: S.S. Taylor Person interviewed: Hannah Travis, 3219 W. Sixteenth, Little Rock, ...

Mark C Trotter
Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Mark C. Trotter, Edmondson, Arkansas Age: 71 "My owners was Miss Betty and...

James Tubbs
El Dorado District FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of Interviewer: Pernella Anderson (Colored) Subject: NEGRO FOLKLORE--Uncle James Tubbs St...

Mandy Tucker
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Mandy Tucker 1021 E. 11th Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age:...

Emma Turner
Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person interviewed: Emma Turner 330 W. Sixth Avenue, Pine Bluff, Arkansas Age: ...

Henry Turner
FOLKLORE SUBJECTS Name of interviewer: Watt McKinney Subject: Ex-Slave and Confederate Soldiers Story:--Information This informat...

Seabe Tuttle
Interviewer: Zillah Cross Peel Information given by: Seabe Tuttle Residence: Washington County, seven miles east of Fayetteville. ...

Clayton Holbert
THE AMERICAN GUIDE TOPEKA, KANSAS EX SLAVE STORY OTTAWA, KANSAS BY: Leta Gray (interviewer) "My name is Clayton Holbert, a...

Bill Simms

Belle Williams

Lucy Brooks
Maryland [--]-23-37 Guthrie AUNT LUCY [HW: BROOKS]. References: Interview with Aunt Lucy and her son, Lafayette Brooks. Aunt...

Charles Coles
Maryland 11/15/37 Rogers CHARLES COLES, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Charles Coles at his home, 1106 ...

James V Deane
Maryland Sept. 20, 1937 Rogers JAMES V. DEANE, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with James V. Deane, ex-slave, ...

Ms Fayman
Maryland 11/3/37 Rogers MRS. M.S. FAYMAN. Reference: Personal interview with Mrs. Fayman, at her home, Cherry Heights...

Thomas Foote
Maryland Dec. 16, 1937 Rogers THOMAS FOOTE'S STORY, A free Negro. Reference: Personal interview with Thomas Foote, at...

Menellis Gassaway
Maryland Sept. 22, 1937 Rogers MENELLIS GASSAWAY, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Menellis Gassaway, ex-slave, ...

Caroline Hammond
Maryland [--] 11, 1938 Rogers CAROLINE HAMMOND, A fugitive. Interview at her home, 4710 Falls Road, Baltimore, Md. "I was bo...

Page Harris
Maryland Dec. 13, 1937 Rogers PAGE HARRIS, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Page Harris at his home, Camp...

Annie Young Henson
Maryland Sept. 27, 1937 Rogers ANNIE YOUNG HENSON, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Annie Young Henson, ex-slave, ...

Silas Jackson
Maryland Sept. 29, 1937 Rogers REV. SILAS JACKSON, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Rev. Silas Jackson, ex-slave, ...

James Calhart James
Maryland [--]-20-37 Rogers JAMES CALHART JAMES, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with James Calhart James, ex-slave, ...

Mary James
Maryland Sept. 23, 1937 Rogers MARY MORIAH ANNE SUSANNA JAMES, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Mary James, ex-slave,...

Phillip Johnson
Maryland 9/14/37 Guthrie PHILLIP JOHNSON, An Ex-Slave. Ref: Phillip Johnson, R.F.D. Poolesville, Md. The subject of this ske...

George Jones
Maryland Sept. 30, 1937 Rogers GEORGE JONES, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with George Jones, Ex-slave, at ...

Alice Lewis
Ellen B. Warfield May 18, 1937 ALICE LEWIS. (Alice Lewis, ex-slave, 84, years old, in charge of sewing-room at Provident Hosp...

Perry Lewis
Maryland Sept. 4, 1937 Rogers PERRY LEWIS, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Perry Lewis, ex-slave, at his...

Richard Macks
Maryland Sept. 7, 1937 Rogers RICHARD MACKS, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Richard Macks, ex-slave, at...

Tom Randall
Maryland Dec. 21, 1937 Rogers TOM RANDALL, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Tom Randall, at his home, Oel...

Dennis Simms
Maryland Sept. 28, 1937 Stansbury DENNIS SIMMS, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Dennis Simms, ex-slave, ...

Jim Taylor
Maryland 12/6/37 Rogers JIM TAYLOR (UNCLE JIM), Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Jim Taylor, at his home,...

James Wiggins
Maryland [--]-22-37 Rogers JAMES WIGGINS, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with James Wiggins, ex-slave, at hi...

Rezin Williams
Maryland Sept. 27, 1937 Stansbury "PARSON" REZIN WILLIAMS, ex-slave. References: Baltimore Morning Sun, December 10, 1928. ...

Dan Bogie
Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) [HW: Ky 9] Interview with Dan Bogie: Uncle Dan tells me "he was born May 5, 185...

George Henderson
Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) [HW: Ky 13] Interview with George Henderson: Uncle George tells me that he was ...

Harriet Mason
Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) [HW: Ky 11] Aunt Harriet Mason--Ex-Slave: She was born one mile below Bryantsvi...

Bert Mayfield
Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) Interview with Bert Mayfield: Bert Mayfield was born in Garrard County, May 29,...

Will Oats
Mercer County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Hazel Cinnamon) Interview with Will Oats--Ex-Slave: Will Oats, 84 years of age, was born in ...

Bell Robinson
Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) Aunt Belle Robinson: I found Aunt Belle sitting on the porch, dressed nice and ...

Edd Shirley
Monroe County. Folklore. (Lenneth Jones-242) [HW: Essay] Uncle Edd Shirley (97): Janitor at Tompkinsville Drug Co. and Hospita...

Wes Woods
Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories. (Eliza Ison) Interview with Ex-Slave Uncle Wes Woods: My first visit to uncle Wes Wood, and ...

Mildred Roberts
COMBINED INTERVIEWS: Customs: By Counties Slavery: Local History and Dialect ANDERSON CO. (Mildred Roberts) Story of Ann Gud...

Mrs Heyburn
UNION CO. (Ruby Garten) Mrs. Heyburn: (These two stories were told by Mrs. Heyburn as she remembered them from her grandmothe...

George Scruggs
CALLOWAY CO. (L. Cherry) Story of Uncle George Scruggs, a colored slave: I wuz a slave befo de wa. My boss, de man dat I b'lon...

Harriet Mason
GARRARD CO. (Sue Higgins) Story of Aunt Harriet Mason age 100--a slave girl: "When I was seven years old my missis took me to ...

John R Cox
BOYD CO. (Carl F. Hall) Rev. John R. Cox: It is probable that slave labor was more expensive to the white masters than free l...

Mrs Duncan
WAYNE CO. (Gertrude Vogler) [Mrs. Duncan:] "After the War was over mammie's old man did not want us with them, so he threaten...

Elizabeth Alexander
DAVIES CO. (Cecelia Laswell) [Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander:] The following is a very old Negro sermon I found in an old scrap book...

Amelia Jones
LAUREL CO. (Perry Larkey) Amelia Jones: Concerning slaves of this section of the country, I will quote experiences and observ...

Jenny Kckee
Jenny McKee: Mrs. Jenny McKee, of color, who lives just North of London can tell many interesting things of her life. "Aunt Je...

Susan Dale Sanders
JEFFERSON CO. (Byers York) Susan Dale Sanders: The following is a story of Mrs. Susan Dale Sanders, #1 Dupree Alley, between ...

John Anderson
John Anderson: A story resulting from an interview with John Anderson, an old Negro slave: "I was born in Pennsylvania, on Shi...

Joana Owens
Joana Owens: The following is the life and traditions of Joana Owens, 520 E. Breckinridge St., Louisville, Kentucky, an old negro...

Martha Jones
[Martha J. Jones:] In an interview with Mrs. Martha J. Jones, she reminisced of the old Civil War days as follows: "I was born...

Charlie Richmond
FLOYD CO. (John I. Sturgill) Charlie Richmond: We are unable to interview ex-slaves in Floyd County, so far as anyone we are ...

George Dorsey
OWENS CO. (John Forsee) George Dorsey: Although this article is presented in narrative form and has but few characters, the w...

Mamie Hanberry
CHRISTIAN CO. (Mamie Hanberry) [TR: also spelled Hanbery.] Annie B. Boyd: Annie B. Boyd, born August 22nd 1851, resides at cor...

Kate Billingsby
Kate Billingsby: Kate Billingsby, Ex-slave, according to a record in a Bible the Buckners gave her when she married was born in 1...

Nannie Eaves
Nannie Eaves: Nannie Eaves, age 91, born in McLain County, Ky. being a slave of William Eaves, never sold, address now R.R. #2, H...

Mary Wright
Mary Wright: Mary Wright, 204 W. Fourth St., Born August 1, 1865. "I was born at Gracey, Kentucky on Mr. James Colemans far, in...

Sophia Word
CLAY CO. (Pearl House) Sophia Word: The following story of slave days is the exact words of one who had the bitter experience...

Carl Hall
BOYD CO. (Carl F. Hall) The Commonwealth of Kentucky, having for a northern boundary the Ohio River--the dividing line between t...

Mandy Gibson
BELL CO. (Nelle Shumate) Mandy Gibson: There were auction-blocks near the court houses where the slaves were sold to the high...

Scott Mitchell
BREATHITT CO. (Margaret Bishop) As told by Scott Mitchell, a former slave: Scott Mitchell, claims his age as somewhere in the ...

Ruby Girten
UNION CO. (Ruby J. Girten) A Bill of Sale: This indenture, made and entered into this 5th day of June 1850, by and between Jo...

Nancy Austin
WILL--Nancy Austin: In the name of God, Amen. I, Nancy Austin of sound mind and disposing memory, but weak in body, do make and p...

Robert Mullins
ROCKCASTLE CO. (Robert Mullins) The years 1843 to 1845 worked the development of the systematic enticing away, or stealing of sl...

Mayme Nunnelley
CLARK CO. (Mayme Nunnelley) The first records of Slaves in Clark County was given by a descendant of one of the members of the l...

Gladys Robertson
MONTGOMERY CO. (Gladys Robertson) In this community most of the slaves were kept on farms and each family was given a well const...

Lenneth Jones
MONROE CO. (Lenneth Jones) (Uncle) Edd Shirley: I am 97 years and my name is Uncle Edd Shirley and I am still working as jani...

C Hood
The Story of Mrs. C. Hood: Once upon a time during the Civil War my grandmother was alone with just one old faithful servant. The...

Evelyn Mclemore
ESTILL CO. (Evelyn McLemore) Story of Peter Bruner, a former slave: Peter Bruner, was born in Winchester, Kentucky, Clark Co.,...

Sudie Campbell
CHRISTIAN CO. (Mamie Hanbery) [HW: Ky 3] Story of Easter Sudie Campbell, (age about 72, Webber St., Hopkinsville, Ky.) Born...

Uncle Dick
[Story of Uncle Dick:] Uncle Dick, a negro servant of one of the Hendersons, was the fiddler of the neighborhood at weddings, hus...

Last Wolf
Last Wolf: [HW: KY4] On January 20, 1910, a famous gray wolf was seen in Christian County and killed by a man named Tyler. This wol...

Negro Folk Songs
Negro Folk Songs: (Contributed by William Warfield, Col.) These songs more commonly called plantation melodies, originated with the...

Annie Morgan
Annie Morgan: Story of Annie Morgan: (age 65, 207 W. 2nd St., Hopkinsville, Ky.) Annie was born of slave parents. Her mother and fa...

Mary Wooldrige
Tale of Mary Wooldridge: (Clarksville Pike--Age about 103.) "Mary and her twin sister were slaves born in Washington County, Kent...

Mary E O'malley
CALDWELL CO. (Mary E. O'Malley) [HW: Ky 6] Coal Mine Slaves: In 1836 large numbers of slaves were brought into Caldwell and work...

BALLARD CO. (J.R. Wilkerson) [HW: Ky 7] [Tinie Force and Elvira Lewis:] During the period of slavery in the Purchase Region, b...

Edna Lane Carter
LAWRENCE CO. (Edna Lane Carter) Extract from the Civil War diary kept by Elphas P. Hylton, a Lawrence Co. volunteer in the Union...

Viola Bowling
LESLIE CO. (Viola Bowling) McIntosh was a very progressive farmer and had a large supply of food, being a Rebel of the Rebel Arm...

Sue Higgins
GARRARD CO. (Sue Higgins) Myth: Notions about nature when the stars fell in 1833. At the Old Thomas Kennedy farm (Uncle Tom's ...

J Dunbar
WEBSTER CO. (J. Dunbar) Slaves were brought and sold in Clay at one time. A large, stout negro woman in good health sold for $30...

Wb Morgan
ANDERSON CO. (Mildred Roberts) Many of the following stories were related by Mr. W.B. Morgan who at one time owned and operated ...

Knox Co
KNOX CO. (Stewart Carey) Some slaves were owned in Knox Co., most of them being in Barbourville where they served as house-serva...

Christain Co
CHRISTIAN CO. (Mamie Hanbery) HOO-DOOISM A snake head an' er lizard tail, Hoo-doo; Not close den a mile o' jail, Hoo-doo;...

Jim Allen
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies Jim Allen, Clay Co. FEC Mrs. Ed Joiner [JIM ALLEN West Point, Mississippi] ...

Anna Baker
Anna Baker, Ex-slave, Monroe County FEC Mrs. Richard Kolb Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes ANNA BAKER Aberdeen...

John Cameron
JOHN CAMERON Jackson, Mississippi John Cameron, ex-slave, lives in Jackson. He was born in 1842 and was owned by Howell Magee. H...

Gus Clark
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies [GUS CLARK Howison, Mississippi] Uncle Gus Clark and his aged wife live in ...

James Cornelius
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies [JAMES CORNELIUS Magnolia, Mississippi] James Cornelius lives in Magnolia i...

Charlie Davenport
Charlie Davenport, Ex-slave, Adams County FEC Edith Wyatt Moore Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes [CHARLIE DAVEN...

Game Emanuel
Gabe Emanuel, Ex-slave, Claiborne County FEC Esther de Sola Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes GABE EMANUEL Port...

Dora Franks
Dora Franks, Ex-Slave, Monroe County FEC Mrs. Richard Kolb Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes DORA FRANKS Aberde...

Ricard Kolb
Pet Franks, Ex-Slave, Monroe County FEC Mrs. Richard Kolb Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes PET FRANKS Aberdeen...

Nettie Henry
NETTIE HENRY Meridian, Mississippi Nettie Henry, ex-slave, 19th Street, Meridian, Lauderdale County, is 82 years old. She is fiv...

Fanny Smith Hodges
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies Smith Hodges, Ex-Slave, Pike County FEC Mrs. W.F. Holmes [FANNY SMITH HODGES ...

Wayne Holliday
Wayne Holliday, Ex-slave Monroe County Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies FEC Mrs. Richard Kolb [WAYNE HOLLIDAY ...

Prince Johnson
Prince Johnson, Ex-slave, Coahoma County FEC Mrs. Carrie Campbell Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes PRINCE JOHNS...

Hamp Kennedy
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies [HAMP KENNEDY Mahned, Mississippi] Uncle Hamp Kennedy, a farmer, 78 years o...

James Lucas
JAMES LUCAS Natchez, Mississippi James Lucas, ex-slave of Jefferson Davis, lives at Natchez, Adams County. Uncle Jim is small, w...

Marjorie Woods Austin
Sam McAllum, Ex-slave, Lauderdale County FEC Marjorie Woods Austin Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes SAM McALLUM...

Charlie Moses
Charlie Moses, Ex-slave, Lincoln County FEC Esther de Sola Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes CHARLIE MOSES Broo...

Henri Necaise
Henri Necaise, Ex-Slave, Pearl River County FEC Mrs. C.E. Wells Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes HENRI NECAISE ...

James Singleton
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies [REV. JAMES SINGLETON Simpson, Mississippi] "My name's James Singleton. I's...

Clara E Stokes
Berry Smith, Ex-slave, Scott County FEC W.B. Allison Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes BERRY SMITH Forest, Miss...

Susan Snow
Susan Snow, Ex-slave, Lauderdale County FEC W.B. Allison Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes SUSAN SNOW Meridian,...

Isaac Stier
Isaac Stier, Ex-slave, Lauderdale County FEC Edith Wyatt Moore Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes ISAAC STIER Na...

Jane Sutton
JANE SUTTON Gulfport, Mississippi Jane Sutton, ex-slave, is 84 years old. She is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs 130 pounds. Sh...

Mollie Williams
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies [MOLLIE WILLIAMS Terry, Mississippi] Mollie Williams, who lives two mile...

Tom Wilson
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies [TOM WILSON near New Zion Church, Mississippi] "My name is Tom Wilson an...

Clara G Young
Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies CLARA C. YOUNG Monroe County, Mississippi Clara G. Young, ex-slave, Monroe ...

Josephine Anderson
FOLK STUFF, FLORIDA Jules A. Frost Tampa, Florida October 20, 1937 JOSEPHINE ANDERSON HANTS "I kaint tell nothin bout sla...

Samuel Simeon Andrews
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel A. Austin, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Jacksonville,...

Bill Austin
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin Richardson, Field Worker Greenwood, Florida March 18, 1937 ...

Frank Berry
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Jacksonville, F...

Mary Minus Biddie
FLORIDA FOLKLORE SLAVE CUSTOMS AND ANECDOTES MARY MINUS BIDDIE Mary Minus Biddie, age one hundred five was born in Pensacola, ...

Rev Eli Boyd
DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOLKLORE Ex-Slaves REV. ELI BOYD Reverend Eli Boyd was born May 29, 1864, four miles from Somerville, S...

Rivana Boynton
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Cora Taylor Frances H. Miner, Editor Miami, Florida RIVANA BOYN...

Matilda Brooks
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Alfred Farrell, Field Worker Monticello, Florida January 12, 1937 ...

Titus I Bynes
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Alfred Farrell, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Titusville, Flo...

Patience Campbell
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) James Johnson, Field Worker Monticello, Florida December 15, 1936 ...

Florida Clayton
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel A. Austin, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida November 20, ...

Father Charles Coates
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Viola B. Muse, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 3, 1936...

Irene Coates
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Viola B. Muse, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 16, 193...

Neil Coker
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin D. Richardson, Field Worker Grandin, Florida NEIL COKER ...

Young Winston Davis
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel Austin, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida YOUNG WINSTON ...

Douglas Dorsey
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) James Johnson, Field Worker South Jacksonville, Florida January 11...

Ambrose Douglass
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin D. Richardson, Field Worker Brooksville, Florida AMBROSE ...

Mama Duck
FOLK STUFF, FLORIDA Jules A. Frost Tampa, Florida May 19, 1937 "MAMA DUCK" "Who is the oldest person, white or colored, th...

Mama Duck
FLORIDA FOLKLORE Jules Abner Frost May 19, 1937 "MAMA DUCK" 1. Name and address of informant, Mama Duck, Governor & India S...

Willis Dukes
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Madison, Florida January 30, 1937 ...

Sam And Louisa Everett
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Mulberry, Flori...

Duncan Gaines
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Madison, Florida November 24, 1936 ...

Clayborn Gantling
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel Austin, Secretary Jacksonville, Florida April 16, 1937 C...

Arnold Gragston
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin Richardson, Field Worker Eatonville, Florida ARNOLD GRAGS...

Harriett Gresham
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 18, 19...

Bolden Hall
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Alfred Farrell, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Dive Oak, Flori...

Rebecca Hooks
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Lake City, Florida January 14, 1937 ...

Rev Squires Jackson
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Samuel Johnson September 11, 1937 REV. SQUIRES JACKSON Lyin...

Prophet John Henry Kemp
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) L. Rebecca Baker, Field Worker Daytona Beach, Florida January 11, ...

Cindy Kinsey
Barbara Darsey SLAVE INTERVIEW With CINDY KINSEY, FORMER SLAVE About 86 Years of Age "Yes maam, chile, I aint suah ezackly, bu...

Randall Lee
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Viola B. Muse, Field Worker Palatka, Florida RANDALL LEE Ra...

Edward Lycurgas
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 5, 193...

Amanda Mccray
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Madison, Florida November 13, 1936 ...

Henry Maxwell
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Alfred Farrell, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Titusville, Flo...

Christine Mitchell
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin Richardson, Field Worker Saint Augustine, Florida November ...

Lindsey Moore
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Unit) Martin Richardson, Field Worker Palatka, Florida January 13, 1937 LINDSE...

Mack Mullen
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) J.M. Johnson, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Jacksonville, Flo...

Louis Napoleon
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) J.M. Johnson, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida November 17, 1936...

Margrett Nickerson
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel A. Austin, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 5, 1...

Douglas Parish
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel A. Austin, Field Worker Monticello, Florida November 10, 19...

George Pretty
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Viola B. Muse, Field Worker Palatka, Florida November 9, 1936 G...

Anna Scott
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers Unit) Viola B. Muse, Field Worker Jacksonville, Fla. January 11, 1937 ...

William Sherman
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) J.M. Johnson, Field Worker John A. Simms, Editor Chaseville, Flori...

Samuel Smalls
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin D. Richardson, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida January 2...

Salena Taswell
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT The American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Cora N. Taylor Frances H. Miner, Editor Miami, Florida May 14...

Dave Taylor
[HW: Negro-Tampa-Slave Interviews] July 9, 1937 STORIES OF FLORIDA Prepared for Use in Public Schools by the Federal Writers' Pr...

Acie Thomas
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida November 35, 19...

Shack Thomas
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Martin Richardson, Field Worker South Jacksonville, Florida Decemb...

Luke Towns
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Rachel A. Austin Jacksonville, Florida November 30, 1936 LUKE T...

Willis Williams
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) Viola B. Muse Jacksonville, Florida March 20, 1937 WILLIS WILLI...

Claude Augusta Wilson
FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit) James Johnson, Field Worker Lake City, Florida November 6, 1936 ...

Charley Roberts

Charles H Anderson
Ruth Thompson, Interviewing Graff, Editing Ex-Slave Interview Cincinnati CHARLES H. ANDERSON 3122 Fredonia St., Cincinnati, O...

Melissa Barden
Story and Photo by Frank M. Smith Ex-Slaves Mahoning County, District #5 Youngstown, Ohio The Story of MRS. MELISSA (LOWE) BARD...

Susan Bledsoe
Ohio Guide Ex-Slave Stories Aug 15, 1937 SUSAN BLEDSOE 462-12th St. S.E., Canton, Ohio. "I was born on a plantation in Gilee C...

Phoebe Bost
Story and Photo by Frank Smith Topic: Ex-slaves Mahoning County, District #5 Youngstown, Ohio The Story of MRS. PHOEBE BOST, of...

Ben Brown
WPA in Ohio By Albert I. Dugan [TR: also reported as Dugen] Jun 9, 1937 Topic: Ex-slaves Muskingum County, District #2 BEN BRO...

Sarah Woods Burke
James Immel, Reporter Folklore Washington County, District Three SARAH WOODS BURKE Aged 85 "Yessir, I guess you all would ...

James Campbell
Hallie Miller, Reporter Audrey Meighen, Author-Editor Folklore: Ex-slaves Gellia County, District 3 JAMES CAMPBELL Age 86 ...

Fleming Clark
WPA in Ohio Federal Writers' Project Topic: Ex-Slavery Jefferson Co, District #2 FLEMING CLARK Ex-Slave, 74+ in years My ...

Hannah Davidson
K. Osthimer, Author Aug 12, 1937 Folklore: Stories from Ex-Slaves Lucas County, District Nine Toledo, Ohio The Story of MRS. H...

Mary Belle Dempsey
Betty Lugabell, Reporter [TR: also reported as Lugabill] Harold Pugh, Editor R.S. Drum, Supervisor Jun 9, 1937 Folklore: Ex-Slave...

Nance East
Former Slave Interview, Special Aug 16, 1937 Butler County, District #2 Middletown MRS. NANCE EAST 809 Seventeenth Ave., Midd...

Wade Glenn
Miriam Logan, Reporter Lebanon, Ohio Warren County, District 21 Story of WADE GLENN from Winston-Salem North Carolina: (doesn't...

David A Hall
Ohio Guide, Special Ex-Slave Stories August 16, 1937 DAVID A. HALL "I was born at Goldsboro, N.C., July 25, 1847. I never kne...

Miriam Logan
Miriam Logan Lebanon, Ohio MRS. CELIA HENDERSON, aged 88. Born Hardin County, Kentucky in 1849 (drawing of Celia Henderson) [TR...

George Jackson
WPA in Ohio Federal Writers' Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop [HW: Revised] Topic: Ex-Slaves. Jefferson County, Distri...

Perry Sid Jemison
WPA in Ohio Federal Writers' Project Written by Bishop & Isleman Edited by Albert I. Dugen [TR: also reported as Dugan] Ex-Slaves...

Julia King
K. Osthimer, Author Folklore: Stories From Ex-Slaves Lucas County, Dist. 9 Toledo, Ohio The Story of MRS. JULIA KING of Toledo,...

Angeline Lester
Story and Photo by Frank M. Smith Ex-Slaves Mahoning County, Dist. #5 Youngstown, Ohio The Story of MRS. ANGELINE LESTER, of Yo...

Kisey Mckimm
Betty Lugabill, Reporter [TR: also reported as Lugabell] Harold Pugh, Editor R.S. Drum, Supervisor Jun 9, 1937 Folklore: Ex-Slave...

Thomas Mcmillan
WPA in Ohio Federal Writers' Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop July 7, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves. Jefferson County, Distric...

Sarah Mann
Wilbur Ammon, Editor George Conn, Writer C.R. McLean, District Supervisor June 16, 1937 Folklore Summit County, District #9 S...

John Williams Matheus
WPA in Ohio Federal Writers' Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop (Revision) July 8, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson Coun...

William Nelson
Sarah Probst, Reporter Audrey Meighen, Author-Editor Folklore: Ex-Slaves Meigs County, District Three MR. WILLIAM NELSON Aged ...

Catherine Slim
WPA in Ohio Federal Writers' Project Bishop & Isleman Jun 9, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #2 MRS. CATHERI...

Jennie Small
INTERVIEW OF EX-SLAVE FROM VIRGINIA Reported by Rev. Edward Knox Jun. 9, 1937 Topic: Ex-slaves Guernsey County, District #2 JE...

Anna Smith
Geo. H. Conn, Writer Wilbur C. Ammon, Editor C.R. McLean, District Supervisor June 11, 1937 Folklore Summit County, District #5 ...

Nan Stewart
Sarah Probst, Reporter Audrey Meighen, Author-Editor Jun 9, 1937 Folklore Meigs County, District Three [HW: Middeport] NAN ST...

Samuel Sutton
Miriam Logan, Lebanon, Ohio Warren County, Dist. 2 July 2, 1937 Interview with SAMUEL SUTTON, Ex Slave. Born in Garrett County, K...

Richard Toler
Ruth Thompson, Interviewing Graff, Editing Ex-Slave Interviews Hamilton Co., District 12 Cincinnati RICHARD TOLER 515 Poplar ...

Julia Williams
Forest H. Lees C.R. McLean, Supervisor June 10, 1937 Topic: Folkways Medina County, District #5 JULIA WILLIAMS, ex-slave ...

Julia Williams
Lees Ohio Guide, Special Ex-Slave Stories August 17, 1937 JULIA WILLIAMS (Supplementary Story) "After de War deh had to pic...

Reverend Williams
Miriam Logan Lebanon, Ohio July 8th Warren County, District 2 Story of REVEREND WILLIAMS, Aged 76, Colored Methodist Minister,...

William Williams
Ex-Slaves Stark County, District 5 Aug 13, 1937 WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Ex-Slave Interview with William Williams, 1227 Rex Ave. S.E...

George Arnold
Ex-Slave Stories District No. 5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel AN UNHAPPY EXPERIENCE [GEORGE W. ARNOLD] This is written fr...

Mary Crane
Emery Turner District #5 Lawrence County Bedford, Indiana REMINISCENCES OF TWO EX-SLAVES THOMAS ASH, Mitchell, Ind. MRS. MARY...

Rosa Barber
Submitted by: William Webb Tuttle District No. 2 Muncie, Indiana SLAVES IN DELAWARE COUNTY ROSA BARBER 812 South Jefferson M...

Mittie Blakeley
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

Carl Boone
Submitted by: Robert C. Irvin District No. 2 Noblesville, Ind. SLAVES IN MADISON COUNTY CARL BOONE Anderson, Indiana Thi...

Julia Bowman
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

Angie Boyce
Wm. R. Mays Dist 4 Johnson Co. ANGIE BOYCE BORN IN SLAVERY, Mar. 14, 1861 on the Breeding Plantation, Adair Co. Ky. Mrs. ...

Edna Boysaw
Special Assignment Walter R. Harris District #3 Clay County LIFE STORY OF EX-SLAVE MRS. EDNA BOYSAW Mrs. Boysaw has been ...

Callie Bracey
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

George Washington Buckner
Ex-Slave Stories District #5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel A SLAVE, AMBASSADOR AND CITY DOCTOR [DR. GEORGE WASHINGTON BUCKNE...

Lauana Creel
Ex-Slave Stories District #5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel THE LIFE STORY OF GEORGE TAYLOR BURNS [HW: Personal Interview] ...

Belle Butler
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. BELLE BUT...

Joseph William Carter
Ex-Slave Stories 5th District Vandenburgh County Lauana Creel SLAVE STORY JOSEPH WILLIAM CARTER This information was gain...

Ellen Cave

Harriet Cheatam
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #8 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. HARRIET C...

James Childress
Ex-Slave stories District #5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel JAMES CHILDRESS' STORY 312 S.E. Fifth Street, Evansville, Indiana...

Sarah Colbert
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. SARAH COL...

Frank Cooper

Hh Edmunds
Albert Strope, Field Worker Federal Writers' Project St. Joseph County--District #1 Mishawaka, Indiana EX-SLAVE REV. H.H. EDMU...

John Eubanks
Archie Koritz, Field Worker Federal Writers' Project Lake County--District #1 Gary, Indiana EX-SLAVES JOHN EUBANKS & FAMILY G...

John Eubanks
Archie Koritz, Field Worker 816 Mound Street, Valparaiso, Indiana Federal Writers' Project Lake County, District #1 Gary, Indiana...

John W Fields
Cecil C. Miller Dist. #3 Tippecanoe Co. INTERVIEW WITH MR. JOHN W. FIELDS, EX-SLAVE OF CIVIL WAR PERIOD September 17, 1937 ...

John W Fields
Cecil Miller Dist. #3 Tipp. Co. [TR: Tippecanoe Co.] NEGRO FOLKLORE MR. JOHN FIELDS, EX-SLAVE 2120 N. 20th St. Lafayette, Indi...

George Fortman
Ex-Slave Stories District 5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel INDIANS MADE SLAVES AMONG THE NEGROES. INTERVIEWS WITH GEORGE FORT...

John Henry Gibson-
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE JOHN HENRY GIB...

Betty Guwn
Submitted by: William Webb Tuttle District No. 2 Muncie, Indiana NEGRO SLAVES IN DELAWARE COUNTY MRS. BETTY GUWN MRS. HATTIE ...

Mrs Hockaday
Archie Koritz, Field Worker Federal Writers' Project Porter County--District #1 Valparaiso, Indiana EX-SLAVES MRS. HOCKADAY 2...

Robert Howard
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE ROBERT HOWARD-...

Matthew Hume
Grace Monroe Dist. 4 Jefferson County SLAVE STORY MR. MATTHEW HUME, A FORMER SLAVE Mr. Hume had many interesting experienc...

Henrietta Jackson
Virginia Tulley District #2 Fort Wayne, Indiana EX-SLAVE OF ALLEN COUNTY [MRS. HENRIETTA JACKSON] References: A. Ft. Wayne ...

Lizzie Johnson
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. LIZZIE JO...

Elizabeth Jones
Ex-Slave Stories District No. 5. Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel THE STORY OF BETTY JONES 429 Oak Street, Evansville, Ind. ...

Nathan Jones
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE NATHAN JONES--...

Adeline Rose Lennox
Albert Strope, Field Worker Federal Writers' Project St. Joseph County--District #1 Mishawaka, Indiana ADELINE ROSE LENNOX--EX-...

Estella R Dodson
Submitted by: Estella R. Dodson District #11 Monroe County Bloomington, Ind. October 4, 1937 INTERVIEW WITH THOMAS LEWIS, COL...

Sarah H Locke
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. SARAH H. ...

Robert Mckinley
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

Richard Miller
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE RICHARD MILLER...

Henry Clay Moorman
William R. Mays District 4 Johnson County HENRY CLAY MOORMAN BORN IN SLAVERY IN KENTUCKY 427 W. King St., Franklin, Ind. ...

America Morgan
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. AMERICA M...

George Morrison
Iris Cook District 4 Floyd County STORY OF GEORGE MORRISON 25 East 5th St., New Albany, Ind. Observation of the writer ...

Joseph Mosley
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

Amy Elizabeth Patterson
Ex-Slave Stories District #5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel MEMORIES OF SLAVERY AND THE LIFE STORY OF AMY ELIZABETH PATTERSON...

Preston's Story
G. Monroe Dist. 4 Jefferson County SLAVE STORY MRS. PRESTON'S STORY Mrs. Preston is an old lady, 83 years old, very charmi...

William M Quinn
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Harry Jackson WILLIAM M. QUINN (EX-SLAVE) 431 Bright Street,...

Candus Richardson
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Harry Jackson EX SLAVE STORY MRS. CANDUS RICHARDSON [HW: Pe...

Joe Robinson
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE JOE ROBINSON--...

Rosaline Rogers
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett, 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

Parthena Rollins
Federal writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE MRS. PARTHENA ...

John Rudd
Ex-Slave Stories District #5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel TOLD BY JOHN RUDD, AN EX-SLAVE "Yes, I was a slave," said Joh...

Amanda Elizabeth Samuels
Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana F...

Jack Simms
G. Monroe Dist. 4 Jefferson County SLAVE STORY MR. JACK SIMMS' STORY Personal Interview Mr. Simms was born and raised o...

Billy Slaughter
Beulah Van Meter District 4 Clark County BILLY SLAUGHTER 1123 Watt St. Jeffersonville Billy Slaughter was born Sept. 15, ...

Alex Smith
Henrietta Karwowski, Field Worker Federal Writers' Project St. Joseph County--District #1 South Bend, Indiana EX-SLAVES MR. AN...

Barney Stone
Robert C. Irvin Noblesville, Ind. District #2 EX-SLAVE, LIFE STORY OF BARNEY STONE, FORMER SLAVE, HAMILTON CO. This is the...

Adah Isabelle Suggs
Stories from Ex-Slaves 5th District Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel 1415 S. Barker Avenue, Evansville, Indiana ESCAPE FROM BON...

Katie Sutton
Folklore District #5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel "A TRADITION FROM PRE-CIVIL WAR DAYS" KATIE SUTTON, AGED EX-SLAVE Oak st...

George Thompson
Dist. No. 4 Johnson Co. William R. Mays Aug. 2, 1937 SLAVERY DAYS OF GEORGE THOMPSON My name is George Thompson, I was bor...

Rev Wamble
Archie Koritz, Field Worker Federal Writers' Project Porter County--District #1 Valparaiso, Indiana EX-SLAVES REV. WAMBLE [TR:...

Samuel Watson
Ex-Slave Stories 5th District Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel 1415 S. Barker Avenue, Evansville, Indiana THE BIOGRAPHY OF A CH...

Nancy Whallen
Iris L Cook District #4 Floyd County SLAVE STORY STORY OF NANCY WHALLEN 924 Pearl St. New Albany, Ind. Nancy Whallen is ...

Anderson Whitted

Alex Woodson
Iris Cook Dist 4 Floyd Co. SLAVE STORY THE STORY OF ALEX WOODSON 905 E. 4th St. New Albany, Ind. Observation of Writer ...

Rachel Adams
PLANTATION LIFE RACHEL ADAMS, Age 78 300 Odd Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby [HW: (White)] Athens Edit...

Washington Allen
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slv. #4] WASHINGTON ALLEN, EX-SLAVE Born: December --, 1854 Place of birth: "Some where" in South Carolina Prese...

Rev Wb Allen
J.R. Jones REV. W.B. ALLEN, EX-SLAVE 425-Second Ave Columbus, Georgia (June 29, 1937) [JUL 28 1937] [TR: Original index refer...

Jack Atkinson
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #2] Henrietta Carlisle JACK ATKINSON--EX-SLAVE Rt. D Griffin, Georgia Interviewed August 21, 1936 [MAY 8...

Hannah Austin
Whitley 1-25-37 [HW: Dis #5 Unedited] Minnie B. Ross EX TOWN SLAVE HANNAH AUSTIN [HW: about 75-85] [APR 8 1937] When the ...

Celestia Avery
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex Slave #1 Ross] "A FEW FACTS OF SLAVERY" As Told by CELESTIA AVERY--EX-SLAVE [MAY 8 1937] Mrs. Celestia Aver...

Celestia Avery
FOLKLORE (Negro) Minnie B. Ross [MRS. CELESTIA AVERY] In a small house at 173 Phoenix Alley, N.E. lives a little old woman ab...

Emmaline Heard
MRS. EMMALINE HEARD [TR: This interview, which was attached to the interview with Mrs. Celestia Avery, is also included in the seco...

Georgia Baker
PLANTATION LIFE GEORGIA BAKER, Age 87 369 Meigs Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Mrs. Sadie B. Hornsby [HW: (White)] Athens...

Emanuel Caldwell
ALICE BATTLE, EX-SLAVE Hawkinsville, Georgia (Interviewed By Elizabeth Watson--1936) [JUL 20, 1937] During the 1840's, Emanue...

Jasper Battle
PLANTATION LIFE JASPER BATTLE, Age 80 112 Berry St., Athens, Ga. Written by: Grace McCune [HW: (White)] Athens Edited by: ...

Arrie Binns
[HW: Dist. -- Ex-Slv. #10] ARRIE BINNS OF WASHINGTON-WILKES by Minnie Branham Stonestreet Washington-Wilkes Georgia [MAY 8 1...

Henry Bland
[HW: Dist. 5 ExSlv. #7 Driskell] HENRY BLAND--EX-SLAVE [MAY -- --] Henry Bland is one of the few living ex-slaves who was bo...

Jr Jones
J.R. Jones RIAS BODY, Ex-Slave. Place of birth: Harris County, near Waverly Hall, Georgia Date of birth: April 9, 1846 Present re...

James Bolton
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW JAMES BOLTON Athens, Georgia Written by: Mrs. Sarah H. Hall Federal Writers' Project Residency 4 Athens, ...

Alec Bostwick
ALEC BOSTWICK Ex-Slave--Age 76 [TR: Preceding page that would usually contain information regarding the interview was marked 'Plac...

Barragan-Harris [TR: Miss Maude Barragan (interviewer), Mrs. Leila Harris (editor)] NANCY BOUDRY, THOMSON, GEORGIA "If I ain't...

Alice Bradley
FOLKLORE INTERVIEW ALICE BRADLEY Hull Street near Corner of Hoyt Street Athens, Georgia KIZZIE COLQUITT 243 Macon Avenue Athe...

Della Briscoe
OLD SLAVE STORY DELLA BRISCOE Macon, Georgia By Adella S. Dixon [HW: (Colored)] [JUL 28 1937] Della Briscoe, now living in...

George Brooks
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex. Slv. #11] GEORGE BROOKS, EX-SLAVE Date of birth: Year unknown (See below) Place of birth: In Muscogee County, ne...

Easter Brown
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW EASTER BROWN 1020 S. Lumpkin Street Athens, Georgia Written By: Mrs. Sadie B. Hornsby Edited By: John N...

Julia Brown
JULIA BROWN (Aunt Sally) 710 Griffin Place, N.W. Atlanta, Ga. July 25, 1936[TR:?] by Geneva Tonsill [TR: One page of this int...

Julia Bunch
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW JULIA BUNCH, Age 85 Beech Island South Carolina Written by: Leila Harris Augusta Edited by: John N. Bo...

Marshal Butler
[HW: Ex. Slv. #6] [HW: MARSHAL BUTLER] Subject: Slavery Days And After District: No. 1 W.P.A. Editor and Research: Joseph E. Jaff...

Sarah Byrd
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex. Slave #13] AN INTERVIEW ON SLAVERY OBTAINED FROM MRS. SARAH BYRD--EX-SLAVE Mrs. Sarah Byrd claims to be 95 y...

Mariah Callaway
Ex-Slave #18 INTERVIEW WITH (MRS.) MARIAH CALLAWAY EX-SLAVE [TR: A significant portion of this interview was repeated in typescri...

Susan Castle
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY EX-SLAVE SUSAN CASTLE, Age 78 1257 W. Hancock Ave. Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby ...

Ellen Claibourn
[HW: Dist. 2 Ex-Slave #17] ELLEN CLAIBOURN 808 Campbell Street (Richmond County) Augusta, Georgia By: (Mrs.) Margaret Johnso...

Berry Clay
[HW: Dist. 7 Ex-Slave #19] Adella S. Dixon District 7 BERRY CLAY OLD SLAVE STORY [MAY 8 1937] Telfair County was the home ...

Pierce Cody
[HW: Dist. 7 Ex-Slave #22] Adella S. Dixon District 7 PIERCE CODY OLD SLAVE STORY [HW: About 88] [MAY 8 1937] Pierce Cody...

Willis Cofer
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW WILLIS COFER, Age 78 548 Findley Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Grace McCune Federal Writers' Project ...

Mary Colbert
PLANTATION LIFE MARY COLBERT, Age 84 168 Pearl Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby [HW: (White)] Athens Ed...

John Cole
[HW: Dist. 1 Ex. Slave #21 (with Photograph)] [HW: "JOHN COLE"] Subject: A SLAVE REMEMBERS District: No. 1 W.P.A Editor: Edwa...

Julia Cole
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY EX-SLAVE JULIA COLE, Age 78 169 Yonah Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Corry Fowler Athens ...

Martha Colquitt
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW MARTHA COLQUITT, Age 85 190 Lyndon Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Mrs. Sarah H. Hall Federal Writers' ...

Minnie Davis
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE MINNIE DAVIS, Age 78 237 Billups St. Athens, Ga. Written By: Mrs. Sadie B. Hornsby A...

Ike Derricotte
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW IKE DERRICOTTE, Age 78 554 Hancock Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCune Athens Edited b...

Benny Dillard
PLANTATION LIFE BENNY DILLARD, Age 80 Cor. Broad and Derby Streets Athens, Ga. Written by: Grace McCune [HW: (white)] Athens ...

George Eason
[HW: Atlanta Dist. 5 Driskell] THE EXPERIENCE OF GEORGE EASON IN SLAVERY TIME [MAY 8 1937] Mr. George Eason was born in Fors...

Callie Elder
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY EX-SLAVE CALLIE ELDER, Age 78 640 W. Hancock Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby ...

Martha Everette
MARTHA EVERETTE, EX-SLAVE Hawkinsville, Georgia (Interviewed By Elizabeth Watson--1936) [JUL 20 1937] Born in Pulaski County ...

Lewis Favor
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex-Slave #30] By E. Driskell Typed by A.M. Whitley 1-29-37 FIRST COPY OF ARTICLE ENTITLED: "AN INTERVIEW WITH LEWI...

Mary Ferguson
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #28] THE STORY OF AUNT MARY FERGUSON, EX-SLAVE 1928 Oak Street Columbus, Georgia December 18, 1936 "A...

Carrie Nancy Fryer
FOLKLORE INTERVIEW CARRIE NANCY FRYER 415 Mill Street Augusta, Georgia Written by: Miss Maude Barragan Federal Writers' Proje...

Anderson Furr
PLANTATION LIFE ANDERSON FURR, Age 87 298 W. Broad Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby [HW: (white)] Athens ...

Frances Batson
INTERVIEW FRANCES BATSON 1213 Scovel St. Nashville, Tennessee "I dunno jes how ole I ez. I wuz baw'n 'yer in Nashville, durin' ...

Julia Casey
INTERVIEW JULIA CASEY 811 9th Avenue, So. Nashville, Tennessee I wuz bawn in West Tennessee en wuz six y'ars ole w'en war broke...

Cecelia Chappel
INTERVIEW CECELIA CHAPPEL 705 Allison Street Nashville, Tenn. "I'se bawn in Marshall County, Tennessee. I'm de olest ob ten chi...

Wiley Childress
INTERVIEW WILEY CHILDRESS 808 Gay St. Nashville, Tennessee "I'se 83 Y'ars ole en wuz bawn a slave. Mah mammy b'longed ter de B...

Robert Falls
SUBJECT SLAVE STORIES ROBERT FALLS 608 South Broadway Knoxville, Tennessee Interviewed by Della Yoe, Foreman Federal Write...

Rachel Gaines
INTERVIEW RACHEL GAINES 1025 10th Ave. N. Nashville, Tennessee "Lawdy! I'se dunno how ole I ez. B'leeves I'se 'round 95 ter 100...

Frankie Goole
INTERVIEW FRANKIE GOOLE 204 5th Ave. So. Nashville, Tenn. "I wuz bawn in Smith County on uther side ob Lebanon. Ah'll be 85 y'...

Precilla Gray
INTERVIEW Precilla Gray 807 Ewing Ave. Nashville, Tenn. I think I'se 107 Y'ars ole. Wuz bawn in Williamson County 'fore de Civ...

Jenny Greer
INTERVIEW EX-SLAVES JENNY GREER 706 Overton, Street. Nashville, Tennessee "Am 84 y'ars ole en wuz bawn in Florence, Alabama, '...

Emma Grisham
INTERVIEW EMMA GRISHAM 1118 Jefferson St. Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn in Nashville. I'se up in 90 y'ars, but I tell dem I'...

Measy Hudson
INTERVIEW MEASY HUDSON 1209 Jefferson St. Nashville, Tennessee "Wuz bawn' in North Carolina en I'se 90 y'ars ole in November. W...

Patsy Hyde
INTERVIEW PATSY HYDE 504 9th Avenue N. Nashville, Tennessee "Dunno how ole I ez. I wuz bawn in slavery en b'longs ter de Brown ...

Ellis Ken Kannon
INTERVIEW ELLIS KEN KANNON 328 5th Avenue N. St. Mary's Church Nashville, Tennessee "I dunno jes how ole I ez. I wuz bawn in T...

Scott Martin
INTERVIEW SCOTT MARTIN 438 Fifth Ave., No. "I'se 90 y'ars ole and wuz bawn in slavery in Sumner County, Tennessee and I b'long ...

Ann Matthews
INTERVIEW ANN MATTHEWS 719 9th Ave. South Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn in Murfreesboro on Stones River. I dunno how ole I e...

Rev John Moore
INTERVIEW REV. JOHN MOORE 809 7th Avenue So. Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn in Georgia (exact time not known) en mah mammy wu...

Andrew Moss
SUBJECT--EX-SLAVE STORIES Andrew Moss #88 Auburn Streets Knoxville, Tennessee "One ting dat's all wrong wid dis world today,"...

Mollie Moss
SUBJECT--EX-SLAVE STORIES Aunt Mollie Moss # 88- Auburn Street, Knoxville, Tennessee There is no street sign or a number on a...

Andy Odell
INTERVIEW ANDY ODELL 1313 Pearl Street Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn east ob Spring Hill, Tennessee. I dunno in w'at y'ar, b...

Laura Ramsey Parker
INTERVIEW LAURA RAMSEY PARKER 715 Gay St. Nashville, Tennessee "I'se 87 y'ars ole. Wuz bawn in slavery. Wuz freed w'en de slave...

Naisy Reece
INTERVIEW NAISY REECE 710 Overton St. Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn in slavery, in Williamson County, guess I'se 'bout 80 y...

Millie Simpkins
INTERVIEW MILLIE SIMPKINS "BLACK MAMIE" 1004 10th Avenue, No. Nashville, Tennessee I claims I's 109 ye'ars ole en wuz bawn nea...

Joseph Leonidas
Ex-Slave Stories Subject: Joseph Leonidas Star, # 133 Quebec Place, Knoxville, Tennessee If the poetic strain in the Dunbar N...

Dan Thomas
INTERVIEW DAN THOMAS 941 Jefferson Street Nashville, Tennessee "I wuz bawn in slavery in 1847 at Memphis, Tennessee en mah mars...

Sylvia Watkins
INTERVIEW Sylvia Watkins 411 14th Avenue N. Nashville, Tennessee. I'se said ter be 91 y'ars ole. I wuz young w'en de War wuz go...

Narcissus Young
INTERVIEW NARCISSUS YOUNG Rear 532 1st Street No. Nashville, Tennessee "I'se 96 y'ars ole. Bawn in slavery en mah marster wuz I...

Fannie Berry
450009 Interview of Mrs. Fannie Berry, Ex-slave 861 E. Bank Street--Petersburg, Virginia By Susie Byrd, Petersburg, Virginia Date...

Charles Crawley
450003 Interview of Mr. Charles Crawley, Ex-slave By--Susie Byrd--Petersburg, Virginia Date--February 20, 1937 THE STORY OF C...

Minnie Fulkes
450013 Interview of Mrs. Minnie Fulkes 459 E. Byrne Street--Petersburg, Virginia By--Susie [SP: Susue] Byrd March 5, 1937 I ...

Georgina Giwbs
450014 Duplicate--Copy #1 Interview of Mrs. Georgina Giwbs, Ex-slave By--Thelma Dunsto...

Candis Goodwin
450006 Interview of Mrs. Candis Goodwin Aged 80 Cape Charles, Virginia Ah ain't knowd, 'xactly, how ol' ah is, but ah bawn 'f...

Charles Grandy
450011 Interview of Mr. Charles Grandy, Ex-slave By--David Hoggard Date--February 26, 1937 [HW: Norfolk, Va.] History of E...

Della Harris
450005 Interview of Mrs. Della Harris 2 E. Byrne Street Petersburg, Virginia By--Susie Byrd February 5, 1937 "I don't know ...

Marriah Hines
450004 Interview of Mrs. Marriah Hines E. Avenue R.F.D. 1. Oakwood Norfolk, Virginia By--David Hoggard March 26, 1937 Mrs. ...

Moble Hopson
450012 [HW: Terms and phrasing to be checked and verified in further interviews.] THE STORY OF "UNCLE" MOBLE HOPSON. (pronounce...

Albert Jones
450008 [HW: Jones, Albert] Interview of Ex-slave and Civil War Veteran Portsmouth, Virginia By--Thelma Dunston January 8, 193...

Anna Burrell
W11805 [TR: moved from bottom of page] Writer--Jayne, Lucille B. Capahosic, Virginia. Gloucester Co. Typist--Nicholas [HW: C...

Richard Slaughter
450001 Autobiography of Richard Slaughter (Given by himself as an oral account during an interview between himself and writer, D...

Elizabeth Spark
450010 Autobiography of Elizabeth Sparks (Interviewed at Matthews Court House, Virginia January 13, 1937. By Claude W. Anderson....

Mary Jane Wilson
450002 Interview of Miss Mary Jane Wilson Portsmouth, Virginia By--Thelma Dunston NEGRO PIONEER TEACHER OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGIN...

Isaac Adams
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves ISAAC ADAMS Age 87 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. I was born in Louisiana, way before the War. I thin...

Alice Alexander
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves ALICE ALEXANDER Age 88 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was 88 years old the 15th of March....

Phoebe Banks
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-19-1938 1,428 words PHOEBE BANKS Age 78 Muskogee, Oklahoma. In 1860, there was ...

Nancy Rogers Bean
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-19-38 520 Words NANCY ROGERS BEAN Age about 82 Hulbert, Okla. I'm getting old a...

Prince Bee
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] PRINCE BEE Age 85 yrs. Red Bird, Okla. I don't know how o...

Lewis Bonner
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves LEWIS BONNER Age 87 yrs. 507 N. Durland Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I was born 7 miles no...

Francis Bridges
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] FRANCIS BRIDGES Age 73 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born...

John Brown
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] JOHN BROWN Age (about) 87 yrs. West Tulsa, Okla. Most of th...

Sallie Carder
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves SALLIE CARDER Age 83 yrs. Burwin, Okla. I was born in Jackson, Tennessee, and I'm goin...

Betty Foreman Chessier
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves BETTY FOREMAN CHESSIER Age 94 years Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born July 11, 1843 in R...

Polly Colbert
Oklahoma Writer's Project Ex-Slaves POLLY COLBERT Age 83 yrs. Colbert, Oklahoma I am now living on de forty-acre farm dat ...

George Conrad
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] GEORGE CONRAD, JR., Age 77 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was b...

Martha Cunningham
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MARTHA CUNNINGHAM (white) Age 81 yrs. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma My father's name was A. ...

William Curtis
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] WILLIAM CURTIS Age 93 yrs. McAlester, Oklahoma "Run N...

Lucinda Davis
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [HW: (photo)] [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] LUCINDA DAVIS Age (about) 89 yrs. Tulsa, Okla....

Anthony Dawson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [HR: (photo)] [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] ANTHONY DAWSON Age 105 yrs. 1008 E. Owen St., ...

Alice Douglass
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp AUG 19 1937] ALICE DOUGLASS Age 77 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born D...

Doc Daniel Dowdy
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 13 1937] DOC DANIEL DOWDY Age 81 yrs. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I was ...

Joanna Draper
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] JOANNA DRAPER Age 83 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. Most folks can't rem...

Esther Easter
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MRS. ESTHER EASTER Age 85 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. I was born near Memphis, Tenn., on the old...

Eliza Evans
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves ELIZA EVANS Age 87 McAlester, Okla. I sho' remember de days when I was a slave and bel...

Lizzie Farmer
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves LIZZIE FARMER Age 80 years McAlester, Okla. "Cousin Lizzie!" "What." "I'se seven...

Della Fountain
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-19-38 1,876-words DELLA FOUNTAIN Age 69 years McAlester, Oklahoma I was born af...

Nancy Gardner
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves NANCY GARDNER Age 79 yrs. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Well, to tell you de truth I don't k...

Octavia George
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves OCTAVIA GEORGE Age 85 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born in Mansieur, Louisiana, 185...

Mary Grayson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MARY GRAYSON Age 83 yrs. Tulsa, Oklahoma I am what we colored people call a "native." ...

Robert R Grinstead
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves ROBERT R. GRINSTEAD Age 80 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born in Lawrence County, Mi...

Mattie Hardman
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] MATTIE HARDMAN Age 78 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born J...

Annie Hawkins
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] ANNIE HAWKINS Age 90 Colbert, Okla I calls myself 90, but I...

Ida Henry
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] IDA HENRY Age 83 Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born in Marshall...

Morris Hillyer
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MORRIS HILLYER Age 84 yrs. Alderson, Okla. My father was Gabe Hillyer and my mother wa...

Hal Hutson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves HAL HUTSON Age 90 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born at Galveston, Tennessee, Octobe...

William Hutson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] WILLIAM HUTSON Age 98 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. When a feller gets ...

Isabella Jackson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] MRS. ISABELLA JACKSON Age 79 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. "Boom ... Bo...

Nellie Johnson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] NELLIE JOHNSON I don't know how old I is, but I is a great bi...

Josie Jordan
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] MS. JOSIE JORDAN Age 75 yrs. 840 East King St., Tulsa, Oklahoma...

George G King
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves "UNCLE" GEORGE G. KING Age 83 yrs Tulsa, Oklahoma "Prayers for sale.... Prayers for sa...

Martha King
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] MARTHA KING Age 85 yrs. McAlester, Oklahoma "They hung ...

George Kye
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves GEORGE KYE Age 110 yrs. Fort Gibson, Okla. I was born in Arkansas under Mr. Abraham St...

Ben Lawson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] BEN LAWSON Age 84 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born in Da...

Mary Lindsay
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] MARY LINDSAY Age 91 yrs. Tulsa, Oklahoma. My slavery days w...

Mattie Logan
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MRS. MATTIE LOGAN Age 79 yrs. Route 5, West Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is a mighty fitting ...

Kiziah Love
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] KIZIAH LOVE Age 93 Colbert, Okla. Lawd help us, I sho' reme...

Daniel William Lucas
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves DANIEL WILLIAM LUCAS Age 94 yrs. Red Bird, Okla. I remember them slave days well as it...

Bert Luster
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] BERT LUSTER Age 85 yrs. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I'll be jes...

Stephen Mccray
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] STEPHEN McCRAY Age 88 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born ...

Hannah Mcfarland
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves HANNAH McFARLAND Age 85 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born in Georgetown, South Caro...

Marshall Mack
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MARSHALL MACK Age 83 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born September 10, 1854. I am the...

Allen V Manning
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] ALLEN V. MANNING Age 87 Tulsa, Okla. I always been somewhar...

Bob Maynard
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves BOB MAYNARD, AGE 79 23 East Choctaw Weleetka, Oklahoma. I was born near what is now Ma...

Jane Montgomery
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 19 1937] JANE MONTGOMERY Age 80 yrs. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I was b...

Amanda Oliver
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 13 1937] AMANDA OLIVER Age 80 yrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. I 'membuh wh...

Salomon Oliver
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves SALOMON OLIVER Age 78 yrs. Tulsa, Oklahoma. John A. Miller owned the finest plantation...

Phyllis Petite
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves PHYLLIS PETITE Age 83 yrs. Fort Gibson, Okla. I was born in Rusk County, Texas, on a p...

Matilda Poe
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MATILDA POE Age 80 yrs. McAlester, Okla. I was born in Indian Territory on de plantati...

Henry F Pyles
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves HENRY F. PYLES Age 81 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. Little pinch o' pepper---- Little bun...

Chaney Richardson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-13-37 [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] CHANEY RICHARDSON Age 90 years Fort Gibson, Okla. ...

Red Richardson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] RED RICHARDSON Age 75 yrs. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I was bo...

Betty Robertson
Oklahoma Writer's Project Ex-Slaves BETTY ROBERTSON Age 93 yrs. Fort Gibson, Oklahoma I was born close to Webber's Falls, ...

Harriet Robinson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-slaves [Date stamp: AUG 18 1937] HARRIET ROBINSON Age 95 yrs. 500 Block N. Fonshill Oklahoma Cit...

Katie Rowe
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [HW: (photo)] [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] KATIE ROWE Age 88 yrs. Tulsa, Oklahoma I ...

Morris Sheppard
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves MORRIS SHEPPARD Age 85 yrs. Fort Gibson, Okla. Old Master tell me I was borned in No...

Andrew Simms
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] ANDREW SIMMS Age 80 Sapulpa, Okla. My parents come over on ...

Liza Smith
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-19-38 718 words LIZA SMITH Age 91 Muskogee, Oklahoma Both my mammy and pappy was ...

Lou Smith
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [Date Stamp: Aug 12 1937] LOU SMITH Age 83 yrs. Platter, Okla. Sho', I remembers de s...

James Southall
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-13-37 [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] JAMES SOUTHALL Age 82 years, Oklahoma City, Okla. ...

Beauregard Tenneyson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves BEAUREGARD TENNEYSON Age 87 yrs. West Tulsa, Okla. My mother and father just about sto...

William Walters
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves WILLIAM WALTERS Age 85 yrs. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mammy Ann (that was my mother) was owned ...

Mary Frances Webb
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 570 words 10-19-1938 MARY FRANCES WEBB Grand daughter of Sarah Vest, aged 92, (deceased) ...

Easter Wells
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-14-37 [Date stamp: NOV 5 1937] EASTER WELLS Age 83 Colbert, Okla. I was born in A...

John White
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves Revision of story sent in 8-13-37. JOHN WHITE Age 121 years Sand Springs, Okla. Of al...

Charley Williams
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves [HW: (photo)] [Date stamp: AUG 16 1937] CHARLEY WILLIAMS Age 94 yrs. Tulsa, Okla. ...

Sarah Wilson
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves SARAH WILSON Age 87 yrs. Fort Gibson, Okla. I was a Cherokee slave and now I am a Cher...

Tom W Woods
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves 10-19-38 1,534 words TOM W. WOODS Age 83. Alderson, Okla. Lady, if de nigger hadn't ...

Annie Young
Oklahoma Writers' Project Ex-Slaves ANNIE YOUNG Age 86 Oklahoma City, Okla. I was born in 1851, makes me 86 years old. I w...

Jennie Kendricks
[HW: Dist 5 Ex-Slave #63] Whitley, 1-22-36 Driskell EX SLAVE JENNIE KENDRICKS [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937] Jennie Kendric...

Emmaline Kilpatrick
[HW: Dist 1 Ex-Slave #62] EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW: EMMALINE KILPATRICK, Age 74 Born a slave on the plantation of Judge William Wats...

Frances Kimbrough
[HW: Dist 6 Ex Slave #65] J.R. Jones FRANCES KIMBROUGH, EX-SLAVE Place of birth: On Kimbrough plantation, Harries County, ne...

Charlie King
[HW: Dist 6 Ex-Slave #64] Mary A. Crawford Re-Search Worker CHARLIE KING--EX-SLAVE Interviewed 435 E. Taylor Street, Griffi...

Nicey Kinney
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY EX-SLAVE NICEY KINNEY, Age 86 R.F.D. #3 Athens, Ga. Written by: Miss Grace McCune Athens Ed...

Julia Larken
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE JULIA LARKEN, Age 76 693 Meigs Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCune...

George Lewis
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex-Slave #67 E.F. Driskell 12/31/36] [HW: GEORGE LEWIS] [Date Stamp: MAY 2- --] Mr. George Lewis was born in...

Mirriam Mccommons
INTERVIEW WITH: MIRRIAM McCOMMONS, Age 76 164 Augusta Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCune Research Worker A...

Lucy Mccullough
[HW: Dist. 1 Ex Slave #68] EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW: LUCY McCULLOUGH, Age 79 BY: SARAH H. HALL ATHENS, GA. [Date Stamp: MAY 8 193...

Amanda Mcdaniel
[HW: Dist. 5 (Driskell) Ex Slave #69] AMANDA MCDANIEL, 80 yrs old Ex-slave [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937] Among these few remain...

Tom Mcgruder
Dist. 7 Ex. Slave #74 TOM McGRUDER, 102 years old Ex-Slave By Elizabeth Watson, Hawkinsville, Georgia [Date Stamp: MAY 8 193...

Susan Mcintosh
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by ex-slave SUSAN McINTOSH, Age 87 1203 W. Hancook Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hor...

Matilda Mckinney
District #7 Adella S. Dixon, Macon, Georgia MATILDA McKINNEY 100 Empire Avenue, Macon, Georgia [Date Stamp: JUL 28 1937] M...

William Mcwhorter
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY EX-SLAVE WILLIAM McWHORTER, Age 78 383 W. Broad Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Mrs. Sadie B...

Mollie Malone
[HW: Dist. 6: Ex-Slave #72] Henrietta Carlisle Alberta Minor Re-search Workers MOLLIE MALONE--EX-SLAVE Route B, Griffin, Ge...

Aunt Carrie Mason
District Two EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW AUNT CARRIE MASON Milledgeville, Georgia (Baldwin County) Written By: Mrs. Estelle G. Burke...

Susan Matthews
Works Progress Administration Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator Ellen S. Woodward, Assistant Administrator Henry S. Alsberg, Directo...

Emily Mays
[HW: DIST. 6 Ex-slave #77] Alberta Minor Re-search Worker EMILY MAYS East Solomon Street, Griffin, Georgia Interviewed [D...

Liza Mention
INTERVIEW WITH LIZA MENTION BEECH ISLAND, S.C. Written and Edited By: Leila Harris and John N. Booth Federal Writers' Proje...

Harriet Miller
District Two EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW AUNT HARRIET MILLER Toccoa, Georgia (Stephens County) Written By: Mrs. Annie Lee Newton Re...

Mollie Mitchell
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #75] Folklore Alberta Minor Re-search Worker MOLLIE MITCHELL, Ex Negro Slave 507 East Chappell Street...

Elizabeth Watson
Elizabeth Watson BOB MOBLEY, Ex-Slave, Aged about 90 Pulaski County, Georgia (1937) [Date Stamp: JUL 20 1937] When recentl...

Fanny Nix
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #79] Folklore Mary A. Crawford Re-Search Worker FANNY NIX--Ex-Slave Interviewed [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1...

Henry Nix
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #80] Mary A. Crawford Re-Search Worker HENRY NIX--Ex-Slave 808 E. Slaton Ave. Griffin, Georgia Inter...

Mary A Crawford
[HW: Dist. 6] Mary A. Crawford Re-Search Worker LEWIS OGLETREE--Ex-Slave 501 E. Tinsley Street Griffin, Georgia August 21...

Richard Orford
[RICHARD ORFORD, Age around 85] The following version of slavery was told by Mr. Richard Orford of 54 Brown Avenue in South Atl...

Anna Parkes
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW ANNA PARKES, Age 86 150 Strong Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sarah H. Hall Federal Writers' Project...

Gw Pattillo
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex-Slave #83] "A TALK WITH G.W. PATTILLO--EX-SLAVE" [HW: age 78] Submitted by Minnie B. Ross Typed by: J.C...

Alec Pope
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW ALEC POPE, Age 84 1345 Rockspring Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby Federal Writers' P...

Annie Price
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex-Slave #84] Whitley, Driskell 1-20-37 SLAVERY AS WITNESSED BY ANNIE PRICE [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937] Mrs. ...

Charlie Pye
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #87] A FEW FACTS OF SLAVERY BY CHARLIE PYE--Ex-Slave [Date Stamp: MAY -- --] The writer was much sur...

Charlotte Raines

Fanny Randolph

Dora Roberts
DORA ROBERTS Dora Roberts was born in 1849 and was a slave of Joseph Maxwell of Liberty County. The latter owned a large number...

Aunt Ferebe Rogers
Written by Ruth Chitty Research Worker District #2 Rewritten by Velma Bell EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW: AUNT FEREBE ROGERS Baldwin Coun...

Minnie Branham Stonestreet
[HW: Dist. 1 Ex-Slave #92] HENRY ROGERS of WASHINGTON-WILKES by Minnie Branham Stonestreet Washington-Wilkes Georgia [Date St...

Julia Rush
[HW: Dist. 5 E.F. Driskell 12/30/36 JULIA RUSH, Ex-Slave 109 years old] [TR: The beginning of each line on the original type...

Nancy Settles
[HW: Dist. 1 Ex-Slave #96] [HW: Good ghost story on page 4.] [HW: "revolution drummer" parts very good.] EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW ...

Will Sheets
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by ex-slave WILL SHEETS, Age 76 1290 W. Broad Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby ...

Robert Shepherd
ROBERT SHEPHERD, Age 91 386 Arch Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Grace McCune [HW: (White)] Athens Edited by: Sarah H. ...

Tom Singleton
PLANTATION LIFE, AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE TOM SINGLETON, Ex-Slave, Age 94 Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby Resea...

Mary A Crawford
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex slave 100] Mary A. Crawford Re-search Worker CHARLIE TYE SMITH, Ex-slave East Solomon Avenue, Griffin, Geor...

Georgia Smith
PLANTATION LIFE, AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE GEORGIA SMITH, Age 87 286 Augusta Ave. Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCu...

Mary Smith
[HW: Dist. 2 Ex Slave 101] EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW: MARY SMITH 910 Spruce Street Augusta, Georgia (Richmond County) BY: (Mrs.) ...

Elizabeth Watson
Elizabeth Watson M.G. 7/15/37 MELVIN SMITH, Ex-Slave, 96 Years [Date Stamp: JUL 28 1937] "Yes'm, I show does 'member all 'a...

Nancy Smith
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave NANCY SMITH, Age about 80 129 Plum Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Grace McCune At...

Nellie Smith
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY EX-SLAVE NELLIE SMITH, Age 78 660 W. Hancock Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCu...

Paul Smith
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW with PAUL SMITH, Age 74 429 China Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCune Athens Edited b...

Emeline Stepney

Amanda Styles
[HW: Atlanta Dist. 5 Ex-Slave #103] 2-4-37 Whitley SEC. Ross [HW: AMANDA STYLES] On November 18, 1936 Amanda Styles e...

Georgia Telfair
GEORGIA TELFAIR, Age 74 Box 131, R.F.D. #2 Athens, Ga. Written by: Miss Grace McCune Athens, Ga. Edited by: Mrs. Sarah H. Ha...

Cordelia Thomas
PLANTATION LIFE CORDELIA THOMAS, Age 80 130 Berry Street Athens, Ga. Written by: Grace McCune [HW: (white)] Athens Edite...

Ike Thomas
[HW: Dist-2 Ex Slave #105] Alberta Minor Re-search Worker FOLKLORE EX-SLAVE--IKE THOMAS Heidt Bridges Farm near Rio Georgia In...

Jane Mickens
[HW: Dist 1 Ex-Slave #107] JANE MICKENS TOOMBS OF WASHINGTON-WILKES Age approx. 82 by Minnie Branham Stonestreet Washington...

Phil Towns
[HW: Dist. 7 Ex-slave #108] District 7 Adella S. Dixon PHIL TOWNS OLD SLAVE STORY [Date Stamp: -- 8 1937] [TR: This interv...

John N Booth
PLANTATION LIFE NEAL UPSON, Age 81 450 4th Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCune [HW: (White)] Athens Edi...

John F Van Hook
[HW: Georgia] PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE JOHN F. VAN HOOK, Age 76 Newton Bridge Road Athens, Georgia Written b...

Addie Vinson
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE ADDIE VINSON, Age 86 653 Dearing Street Athens, Georgia Written By: Mrs. Sadie B. H...

Emma Virgel
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE EMMA VIRGEL, Age 73 1491 W. Broad Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Grace McCune ...

Rhodus Walton
[HW: Dist. 7 Ex-Slave #110] Adella S. Dixon INTERVIEW WITH RHODUS WALTON, EX-SLAVE, Age 84 [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937] Ten ye...

William Ward
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex-slave #111 (Ross)] AN ACCOUNT Of SLAVERY RELATED BY WILLIAM WARD--EX-SLAVE [Date Stamp: 10-8-1937] In a sm...

William Ward
Driskell JWL 10-12-37 [MR. WILLIAM WARD] Following is Mr. William Ward's description of the bed called "The Grand Rascal." ...

Lula Washington
Willie H. Cole 10-8-37 THE STORY OF AN EX-SLAVE [MRS. LULA WASHINGTON, Age 84] Mrs. Lula Washington was born a slave. She c...

Green Willbanks
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE GREEN WILLBANKS, Age 77 347 Fairview Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Mrs. Sadie ...

Eliza Williamson
[HW: Dist 5] Josephine Lowell [HW: ELIZA WILLIAMSON] [TR: This interview contained many handwritten edits; where text was tra...

Frances Willingham
PLANTATION LIFE AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE FRANCES WILLINGHAM, Age 78 288 Bridge Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. H...

Adeline Willis
[HW: Dist-1-2 Ex-slave #114 (Mrs. Stonestreet)] ADELINE WILLIS--EX-SLAVE [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937] Who is the oldest ex-sla...

Uncle Willis

Cornelia Winfield
[HW: Dist 1-2 Ex-Slave #116] EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW CORNELIA WINFIELD, Age 82 Richmond County 1341 Ninth Street Augusta, Georgi...

George Womble
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex-Slave #117] E. Driskell Whitley 1-20-37 GEORGE WOMBLE EX-SLAVE [Date Stamp: MAY 8 1937] One of the reli...

Henry Wright
[HW: Dist. 5 Ex. Slave #118 E. Driskell] SLAVERY AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF HENRY WRIGHT--EX-SLAVE, Age 99 In Atlanta a...

Mammy Dink
[HW: Dist. 6 Ex-Slave #119 v.3] "MAMMY DINK" [HW: DINK WALTON YOUNG], Age 96 Place of birth: On the Walton plantation, near ...

Mammy Dink
Whitley, 4-29-37 Ex-Slave #119 MAMMY DINK IS DEAD [HW: (From Columbus News-Record of Dec-8-1936)] Mammy Dink, who cooked a...

Aunt Adeline
COMBINED INTERVIEWS [HW: Dist 1-2 Ex-Slave #24] FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECTS, Augusta-Athens Supervisor: Miss Velma Bell [Date...

Ellen Campbell

Rachel Sullivan
RACHEL SULLIVAN, 1327 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Ga., Born 1852. We found Rachel Sullivan sitting on the porch of a two room house ...

Eugene Wesley Smith
EUGENE WESLEY SMITH, 1105 Robert Street, Augusta, Ga., Born 1852 Eugene is 84 years old. He has thin features, trembling lips an...

Willis Bennefield
WILLIS BENNEFIELD, HEPHZIBAH, GA., Born 1835. [TR: "Uncle Willis" in individual interviews.] "Uncle Willis" lives with his da...

Emmaline Heard
FOLKLORE Interviews obtained from: MRS. EMMALINE HEARD, 239 Cain St. NE MRS. ROSA MILLEGAN, 231 Chestnut Ave. NE MR. JASPER MIL...

Camilla Jackson
FOLKLORE (Negro) Minnie B. Ross [MRS. CAMILLA JACKSON] On November 24, 1936 Mrs. Camilla Jackson was interviewed concerning...

Edwin Driscoll

Richmond County
COMPILATION FOLKLORE INTERVIEWS--RICHMOND COUNTY CONJURATION Written by: Louise Oliphant Federal Writers' Project Augusta, G...

Richmond County

Compilation Richmond

Ruby Lorraine Radford

Elisha Doc Garey
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by ex-slave ELISHA DOC GAREY 258 Lyndon Avenue Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Horns...

Leah Garrett
RICHMOND COUNTY EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW LEAH GARRETT Written by: Louise Oliphant Federal Writers' Project Augusta, Georgia...

Mary Gladdy
MARY GLADDY, EX-SLAVE Place of birth: On the Holt plantation, in Muscogee County, near Columbus, Georgia. Date of...

Edie Dennis Has

Mary Gladdy
THE STORY OF CHUCK, AS TOLD BY MARY GLADDY. Chuck was a very intelligent and industrious slave, but so religious that he a...

Sarah Gray
A SHORT TALK WITH SARAH GRAY-- EX-SLAVE A paper submitted by Minnie B. Ross Revision of original copy a...

Alice Green
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave ALICE GREEN Athens Georgia Written by: Corry Fowler, Athens -- Edited...

Alice Green
PLANTATION LIFE Interview with: ALICE GREEN 156 Willow Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby ...

Isaiah Green
AN OPINION OF SLAVERY BY ISAIAH GREEN--EX SLAVE Submitted by Minnie B. Ross Typed by J.C. Russell 1-25-37 ...

Edwin Driskell
[HW: Isaac (Isaiah) Green] Edwin Driskell THE EXPERIENCES OF AN EX-SLAVE Following is the account of slavery as told...

Margaret Green
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW: MARGARET GREEN 1430 Jones Street Augusta, Georgia. (Richmond County) BY: Mrs. Margaret Joh...

Alberta Minor
Minnie Green Interviewed Alberta Minor Re-search Worker Minnie is not an ex-slave, for she was "jes walkin'" when...

Wheeler Gresham
WHEELER GRESHAM of WILKES COUNTY GEORGIA by Minnie Branham Stonestreet Washington-Wilkes Georgia Dec. 14, 1...

Minnie B Ross

David Goodman Gullins

Milton Hammond
1-25-37 Minnie B. Ross. EX SLAVE MILTON HAMMOND. After explaining the object of the visit to Mr. Hammond he smi...

Jane Smith Hill Harmon
JANE SMITH HILL HARMON of WASHINGTON-WILKES by Minnie Branham Stonestreet Washington-Wilkes Georgia JANE...

Dosia Harris
PLANTATION LIFE As viewed by Ex-Slave DOSIA HARRIS 159 Valley Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Sadie B....

Henderson Harris
Mary A. Crawford Re-search Worker Henderson Harris--Ex-Slave Henderson Harris was born August 19, 1858, in Talbot County...

Shang Harris
Velma Bell District #2 Augusta, Ga. EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW Uncle Shang Harris Toccoa, Georgia (Stephens County) ...

Tom Hawkins
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave TOM HAWKINS 163 Bremen Street Athens, Georgia. Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby ...

Bill Heard
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW BILL HEARD 475 Reese Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Miss Grace McCune Athens -- Edit...

Emmaline Heard
A STORY OF SLAVERY AS TOLD BY EMMALINE HEARD--EX-SLAVE A paper submitted by Minnie B. Ross Revision of ori...

Mildred Heard
EX-SLAVE MILDRED HEARD. The following interviews were obtained from Mildred Heard, a young woman who has lived in the country m...

Robert Heard
ROBERT HEARD--PORTRAIT OF AN EX-SLAVE [HW: J. Jaffee] As we approached the little dilapidated, one-room cabin on the Jack...

Benjamin Henderson
Whitley, 1-22-37 M.B. Ross. Ex-Slave Benjamin Henderson. After acquainting Mr. Benjamin Henderson with the fac...

Jefferson Franklin Henry
PLANTATION LIFE, AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE Written By: Mrs. Sadie B. Hornsby Athens -- Edited By: Mrs. Sara...

Robert Henry

John L Peters

John Hill
JOHN HILL 1525 Broad Street Athens, Georgia PLANTATION LIFE, AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE Written By: Grace McCune...

Laura Hood
Mary A. Crawford Re-search Worker Laura Hood Ex-Slave Laura was born in Griffin December 23, 1850 on Mr. Henry Bank...

Carrie Hudson
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave CARRIE HUDSON 258 Lyndon Avenue Athens, Georgia. Written by: Sadie B. Hornsby...

Charlie Hudson
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave [TR: date stamp: MAY 28 1938] CHARLIE HUDSON 258 Lyndon Avenue Athens, Geor...

Annie Huff
Person Interviewed: ANNIE HUFF, EX-SLAVE, of near Macon, Georgia Jul 28 1937 A large windmill besi...

Adella S Dixon
Adella S. Dixon District 7 May 8 1937 Bryant Huff Old Slave Story Bryant Huff was the son of Janie and Daniel Hu...

Easter Huff
PLANTATION LIFE as related by Ex-Slave: [TR: Date Stamped May 13 1938] EASTER HUFF 125 Rockspring St., Athens, Geor...

Lina Hunter
PLANTATION LIFE, AS VIEWED BY AN EX-SLAVE Written By: Miss Grace McCune Athens -- Edited By: Mrs. Sar...

Emma Hurley

Alice Hutcheson
[TR: date stamp: MAY 13 1938] PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by ex-slave ALICE HUTCHESON 165 Rockspring Street Athens, G...

Mrs Amanda Jackson
[HW: Ex-Slave Interview: Mrs. Amanda Jackson] Mrs. Amanda Jackson was born a slave. She is unable to give her age but she can t...

Camilla Jackson
"MEMORIES OF HER CHILDHOOD", BY AN EX-SLAVE, CAMILLA JACKSON Submitted by-- Minnie B. Ross (Colored) Mrs. Camil...

Easter Jackson
[TR: date stamp MAY 8 1937] Life Story as Told by Aunt Easter Jackson Ex-Slave It was during the height of slavery day...

Snovey Jackson
[TR: date stamp MAY 8 1937] SLAVERY DAYS AS RELATED BY: =SNOVEY JACKSON= Ruth A. Chitty--Research Worker Aunt...

Louise Mckinney
[HW: DIST. 4 Ex. Slave.] 310 Louise McKinney 100142 [HW: "Uncle Jake"] "A Vessel Ob De Lawd". Uncle Jake was a ch...

Mahala Jewel
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave MAHALA JEWEL 177 Berry Street Athens, Georgia. Written by: Grace McCune ...

Benjamin Johnson
BENJAMIN JOHNSON EX-SLAVE Following is Benjamin Johnson's own account of some of his experiences as a slave and of conditions...

Georgia Johnson
PLANTATION LIFE as viewed by Ex-Slave GEORGIA JOHNSON 1537 W. Broad Street Athens, Georgia Written by: Grace McCune...

Manuel Johnson
MANUEL JOHNSON of WASHINGTON-WILKES by Minnie Branham Stonestreet Washington-Wilkes Georgia Seventy-four yea...

Mary A Crawford
[HW: Ex-Slave] Mary A. Crawford Re-search Worker Susie Johnson--Ex-slave Susie was only four years old when The War...

Estella Jones
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW ESTELLA JONES 1434 Wrightsboro Road Augusta, Georgia Written by: Louisa Oliphant ...

Fannie Jones
EX-SLAVE INTERVIEW =FANNIE JONES= 37--12th Street Augusta, Georgia Written By: Emily Powell Augus...

Alberta Minor
Alberta Minor [HW: over 100 years old] Rastus Jones, Ex-slave Place of Birth: Chapel Hill, North Carolina D...

Marse Glenn
Project 1885-1 From Field Notes. District No. 4. April 27, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage FOLK LORE: FOLK TALES (N...

Ezra Adams
Project #1655 Henry Grant Columbia, S. C. REFLECTIONS OF EZRA ADAMS EX-SLAVE 83 YEARS OLD Ezra Adams is incapabl...

Mary Adams
Project 1885-1. Folk Lore District No. 4. May 27, 1937. Edited by: J. J. Murray. EX-SLAVE STORIES "Aunt" Mary...

Victoria Adams
Project #1655 Everett R. Pierce Columbia, S. C. VICTORIA ADAMS EX-SLAVE 90 YEARS OLD. "You ask me to tell you so...

Frank Adamson
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. FRANK ADAMSON EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. "I 'members when you was barefoo...

Frances Andrews
Project 1815-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 10, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "I ...

Frances Andrews
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 Sept. 22, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "I...

Dorothy Lambright
Spartanburg, S. C. District No. 4 May 27, 1937. Edited by R. V. Williams [~HW: Lambrigh~] Folk Lore: Folk Tales...

Josephine Bacchus
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, January 4, 1938 No. of Words ----...

William Ballard
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 14, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "I ...

Charley Barber
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. CHARLEY BARBER EX-SLAVE 81 YEARS OLD. Charley Barber lives in a shant...

Ed Barber
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. ED BARBER EX-SLAVE 77 YEARS OLD. Ed Barber lives in a small one-room ...

Millie Barber
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. MILLIE BARBER EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. "Hope you find yourself well dis m...

Anderson Bates
Project 1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. ANDERSON BATES EX-SLAVE 87 YEARS OLD. Anderson Bates lives with his so...

Millie Bates
Project 1885-1 From Field Notes Spartanburg, Dist. 4 April 28. 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage FOLK LORE: FOLK TA...

Welcome Bees
Project #1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S. C. Georgetown County FOLKLORE VISIT WITH UNCLE WELCO...

Anne Bell
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. ANNE BELL EX-SLAVE 83 YEARS OLD. ~HW: (near Winnsboro, S. C.)~] An...

Caroline Bevis
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg, Dist. 4 July 26, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage SLAVERY REMINISCENCES ...

Maggie Black
Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, June 21, 1937 MAGGIE BLACK Ex-Slave, 79 years "Honey, I ...

Gordon Bluford
Spartanburg, S. C. June 7, 1937 FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES "I was born in Laurens County, S. C., at the 'brick house', which ...

Samuel Boulware
Project #1655 Henry Grant Columbia, S. C. SAMUEL BOULWARE EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. Samuel Boulware's only home is ...

John Boyd
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Feb. 7, 1938 Edited by: Elmer Turnage REMINISCENCES: THE RED SHIRT...

Jane Bradley
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 May 24, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "I w...

Andy Brice
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. ANDY BRICE EX-SLAVE 81 YEARS OLD. Andy Brice lives with his wife and ...

George Briggs
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Nov. 10, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "I...

George Briggs
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 July 20, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

George Briggs
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 July 12, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Josephine Bristow
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, January 27, 1938 No. Words ---- ...

Anne Broome
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. ANNE BROOME EX-SLAVE 87 YEARS OLD. "Does you recollect de Galloway pl...

Mom Hagar
Project #1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S. C. Georgetown County MOM HAGAR (Verbatim Conversation)...

Hagar Brown
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S. C. Georgetown County (Some recollections of Mom Hagar Br...

Emmie Jordan
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S. C. Georgetown County EX-SLAVE STORY (Verbatim) "...

Henry Brown
Project #1655 Augustus Ladson Charleston, S. C. EX-SLAVE BORN 1857 GRAND PARENTS CAME DIRECTLY FROM AFRICA I was...

John C Brown
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon, Winnsboro, S. C. JOHN C. BROWN AND ADELINE BROWN EX-SLAVES 86 YEARS AND 96 YEARS OLD. ...

Mary Frances Brown
Project #1655 Martha S. Pinckney Charleston, S. C. FOLKLORE Approx. 660 words INTERVIEW WITH EX-SLAVE Age 88-...

Mary Frances Brown
Project #-1655 Cassels R. Tiedeman Charleston, S. C. FOLKLORE INTERVIEW WITH AN EX-SLAVE Mary Frances Brown, a...

Sara Brown
Code No. ---- Project. 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, July 8, 1937 No. Words ---- ...

Sara Brown
Code No. ---- Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, September 10, 1937 No. Words...

Margaret Bryant
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S. C. Georgetown County FOLKLORE (Some recollections o...

Savilla Burrell
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. SAVILLA BURRELL, EX-SLAVE, 83 YEARS "Our preacher, Beaty, told me that y...

C B Burton
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg, S. C. Sept. 15, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

George Ann Butler
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County Folklore GEORGE ANN BUTLER Ex-Slave 75 Years West of the pave...

Isaiah Butler
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County ISAIAH [~HW: Solbert (?)~] BUTLER, EX-SLAVE 79 YEARS [~HW: See Ms. #~] ...

Solbert Butler
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County Approx. 800 Words SOLBERT BUTLER EX-SLAVE OF 82 YEARS Miles from t...

Granny Cain
Project 1885-1 District #4 Spartanburg, S. C. May 31, 1937 FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES "I was born on the other side of ...

Granny Cain
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 Sept. 22, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Laura Caldwell
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 May 24, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "I w...

Solomon Caldwell
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Dec. 15, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage [~HW: (Caldwell~] STORIES F...

Nelson Cameron
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon, Winnsboro, S. C. NELSON CAMERON EX-SLAVE 81 YEARS. Nelson Cameron and his wife, Mary,...

Thomas Campbell
Project #1855 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. THOMAS CAMPBELL EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. "Good mornin' Marster Wood! Ma...

Sylvia Cannon
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, October 5, 1937 No. Words Redu...

Sylvia Cannon
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, August 4, 1937 No. Words ---- ...

Albert Carolina
Project No. 1885-(1) Prepared by Mrs. Genevieve Chandler Place, Murrells Inlet, S. C. Date, March 25, 1937 Typed by M. ...

Silvia Chisolm
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County SILVIA CHISOLM Ex-Slave 88 Years Old "Aunt Silvie", sitting out in...

Tom Chisolm
Project #1655 Stiles M. Scruggs Columbia, S. C. AN EX-SLAVE WHO CLIMBED UP WITH WHITE FOLKS. Tom Chisolm, a sixt...

Maria Cleland
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 May 24, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "...

Peter Clifton
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. PETER CLIFTON EX-SLAVE, 89 YEARS OLD. "You want me to start wid my fu...

Henry Coleman
Project 1885-1 From Field Notes. Spartanburg, Dist. 4 April 29, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage FOLK LORE: FOLK T...

Rev Tuff Coleman
Project 1885-1 District #4 Spartanburg, S. C. May 31, 1937 FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES "I was born about 1857 and my wif...

Mom Louisa Collier
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, May 27, 1937 No. Words ---- Re...

John Collins
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. JOHN COLLINS EX-SLAVE, 85 YEARS OLD. John Collins lives in a two-room...

Bouregard Corry
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Nov. 29, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Caleb Craig
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. CALEB CRAIG EX SLAVE 86 YEARS OLD. Caleb Craig lives in a four-room h...

Dinah Cunningham
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. DINAH CUNNINGHAM EX-SLAVE 84 YEARS OLD. Dinah Cunningham lives about ...

Lucy Daniels
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County FOLKLORE LUCY DANIELS "Aunt Lucy is a tall well-built old woman ...

John Davenport
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Nov. 30, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES (...

Moses Davenport
Project 1886-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 8, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES "...

Charlie Davis
Code No. Project, 1886-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, July 28, 1937 No. Words ---- R...

Charlie Davis
Project #1655 Henry Grant Columbia, S. C. CHARLIE DAVIS'S MUSINGS. Charlie Davis, now seventy-nine years old, was a...

Heddie Davis
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, January 21, 1938 No. Words ---- ...

Henry Davis
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. HENRY DAVIS EX-SLAVE 80 YEARS OLD. Henry Davis is an old Negro, a bri...

Jesse Davis
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. JESSE DAVIS EX-SLAVE 85 YEARS OLD. Jesse Davis, one of the fast disap...

Lizzie Davis
Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, February 4, 1938 LIZZIE'S 'SPONSIBILITY ...

Lizzie Davis
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, December 13, 1937 No. Words ---- ...

Lizzie Davis
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, December 21, 1937 No. Words ---- ...

Louisa Davis
Project #1855 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. LOUISA DAVIS EX-SLAVE 106 YEARS OLD. "Well, well, well! You knows my ...

Wallace Davis
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Oct. 15, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES OF EX-SLAVES "...

William Henry Davis
Project 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, August 20, 1937 WILLIAM HENRY DAVIS Ex-Sl...

Elias Dawkins
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Aug. 24, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Will Dil
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 3, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES OF EX-SLAVES Upo...

Thomas Dixon
W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S. C. THOMAS DIXON EX-SLAVE 75 YEARS OLD. Tom Dixon, a mulatto, is a superannuated minister ...

Isabella Dorroh
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Dec. 1, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage [~HW: (Dorroh~] STORIES FROM...

Laurence Downing
Project 1885-1 Spartanburg, S. C. May 31, 1937 Edited by: Martha Ritter FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES "I was born in Newbe...

Washington Dozier
Project 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, Jane 23, 1937 WASHINGTON DOZIER Ex-Slave,...

Alice Duke
Project 1885-1 Spartanburg Dist. 4 Sept. 22, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES [~HW: Duk~] ...

Silva Durant
Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, June 9, 1937 AUNT SILVA DURANT Ex-Slave ...

Sylvia Durant
Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S. C. Date, October 21, 1937 SYLVIA DURANT Ex-Slave,...

Louisa Adams
LOUISA ADAMS My name is Louisa Adams. I wuz bawned in Rockingham, Richmond County, North Carolina. I wuz eight years old when the...

Ida Adkins
District No: 3 [320278] Worker: Travis Jordan No. Words: 1500 Title: Ida Adkins Ex-slave In...

Martha Allen
N. C. District: No. 2 [320276] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 402 Subject: Ex-...

Joseph Anderson
N. C. District: No. 2 [ ] Worker: Mrs. Edith S. Hibbs No. Words: 275 Subject: Story of Jose...

Mary Anderson
N. C. District: No. 2 [320086] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1905 Subject: ...

Cornelia Andrews
N. C. District: No. 2 [320280] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 789 Subject: Cornelia Andre...

Mary Anngady
N. C. District: No. 2 [320026] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 22,289 Subject: A SLAVE S...

Jane Arrington
N. C. District: No. 2 [320126] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1051 Subject: JANE ARRING...

Sarah Louise Augustus
N. C. District: No. 2 [320031] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,426 Subject: SARAH LOUI...

Charity Austin
N. C. District: No. 2 [320261] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 908 Subject: A Slave Stor...

Blount Baker
N. C. District: No. 2 [320012] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 367 Subject: BLO...

Lizzie Baker
N. C. District: No. 2 [320244] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 745 Subject: L...

Viney Baker
N. C. District: No. 2 [320182] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 339 Subject: VINEY BAKER S...

Charlie Barbour
District: No. 2 [320151] No. Words: 733 Worker: Mary A. Hicks Subject: EX-SLAVE STORY Story...

Mary Barbour
N. C. District: No. 2 [320249] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 678 Subject: MAR...

Alice Baugh
N. C. District: No. 2 [320162] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 927 Subject: Pla...

John Beckwith
N. C. District: No. 2 [320157] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 341 Subject: WHEN THE YANKE...

John C Bectom
N. C. District: No. 2 [320163] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,566 Subject: JOHN C. BE...

Laura Bell
N. C. District: No. 2 [320118] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 610 Subject: AUNT LAURA St...

Emma Blalock
N. C. District: No. 2 [320111] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1153 Subject: EMMA BLALOC...

David Blount
N. C. District: No. 2 [320165] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 1430 Subject: Da...

Clay Bobbit
N. C. District: No. 2 [320185] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 459 Subject: Ex-...

Henry Bobbitt
N. C. District: No. 2 [320190] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 793 Subject: Ex-Slave Story...

Herndon Bogan
N. C. District: No. 2 [320235] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 863 Subject: HERNDON BOGAN ...

Andrew Boone
N. C. District: No. 2 [320022] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,741 Subject: ANDREW BOO...

Marjorie Jones
STATE EDITORIAL IDENTIFICATION FORM [320002] STATE: North Carolina RECEIVED FROM: (State office) Asheville MS: ...

Mary Wallace Bowe
N. C. District: No. 3 [320279] Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: Mary Wallace Bowe ...

Lucy Brown
N. C. District: No. 2 [320148] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 377 Subject: Ex-...

Midge Burnett
N. C. District: No. 2 [320115] Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 462 Subject: PLANTATION LIFE I...

Fanny Cannady
N. C. District: No. 3 [320274] Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: Fanny Cannady Ex-S...

Betty Cofer
N. C. District: No. 3 [320193] Field Worker: Esther S. Pinnix Word Total: 3,199 Editor: P. G. Cros...

John Coggin
N. C. District: No. 2 [320188] No. Words: 340 Worker: Mary A. Hicks Subject: Ex-slave Story ...

Mandy Coverson
N. C. District: No. 2 [320150] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 433 Subject: MANDY COVERSON ...

Willie Cozart
N. C. District: No. 2 [320212] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 914 Subject: Ex-Slave Story ...

Hannah Crasson
N. C. District: No. 2 [320159] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1453 Subject: HANNAH CRASS...

Julia Crenshaw
N. C. District: No. 2 [320169] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 130 Subject: EX-SLAVE STORY...

Zeb Crowder
N. C. District: No. 2 [320239] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,414 Subject: ZEB CROWDER...

Adeline Crump
N. C. District: No. 2 [320243] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 585 Subject: ADELINE CRUMP...

Bill Crump
N. C. District: No. 2 [320232] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 844 Subject: BIL...

Charlie Crump
N. C. District: No. 2. [320148] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 652 Subject: CHA...

Mattie Curtis
N. C. District: No. 2 [320050] Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 10,018 Subject: BEFORE AND AFTE...

Charles Lee Dalton
By Miss Nancy Woodburn Watkins [320227] Rockingham County Madison, North Carolina [TR: No. Words: 1,165] Ex-Slave Bi...

John Daniels
N. C. District: No. 2 [320281] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 386 Subject: JOHN DANIELS S...

Harriet Ann Daves
N. C. District: No. 2 [320186] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 725 Subject: HARRIET ANN D...

Jerry Davis
N. C. District: No. 2 [320257] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 429 Subject: JERRY DAVIS S...

W S Debnam
N. C. District: No. 2 [320240] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1025 Subject: A Slave Sto...

Sarah Debro
N. C. District: No. 3 [320199] Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: SARAH DEBRO EX-SLA...

Charles W Dickens
N. C. District: No. 2 [320147] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 805 Subject: CHARLES W. D...

Margaret E Dickens
N. C. District: No. 2 [320184] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 655 Subject: MARGARET E. ...

Rev Squire Dowd
N. C. District: No. 2 [320156] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1369 Subject: REV. SQUIRE...

Fannie Dunn
N. C. District: No. 2 [320079] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 862 Subject: FANNIE DUNN ...

Jennylin Dunn
N. C. District: No. 2 [320187] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 382 Subject: JEN...

Lucy Ann Dunn
N. C. District: No. 2 [320125] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 1119 Subject: AU...

Tempie Herndon Durham
N. C. District: No. 3 [320271] Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: Tempie Herndon Durham ...

George Eatman
N. C. District: No. 2 [320160] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 466 Subject: EX-SLAVE STO...

Doc Edwards
District: No. 3. [320121] Worker: Daisy Whaley Subject: Ex-slave Story. Interviewed: Doc Edwards, ...

John Evans
N. C. District: No. 11 [320001] Worker: Mrs. W. N. Harriss No. Words: 658 Subject: John Evan...

Lindsey Faucette
District: No. 3 [320198] Worker: Daisy Whaley Subject: EX-SLAVE Storyteller: Lindsay Faucette ...

Ora M Flagg
N. C. District: No. 2 [320223] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 567 Subject: A SLAVE STORY...

Analiza Foster
N. C. District: No. 2 [320214] Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 361 Subject: Ex-Slave Story S...

Georgianna Foster
N. C. District: No. 2 [320088] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 570 Subject: A SLAVE STOR...

Frank Freeman
N. C. District: No. 2 [320247] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 815 Subject: FRANK FREEMA...

Addy Gill
N. C. District: No. 2 [320010] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 976 Subject: ADDY GILL St...

Robert Glenn
N. C. District: No. 2 [320020] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 2,118 Subject: A SLAVE ST...

Sarah Anne Green
N. C. District: No. 3 [ ] Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: SARAH ANNE GREEN Ex-Slav...

Dorcas Griffeth
N. C. District: No. 2 [320356] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 624 Subject: D...

Sarah Gudger
[TR: No Header Page] SARAH GUDGER [320005] Ex-slave, 121 years Investigation of the almost incred...

Thomas Hall
N. C. District: No. 2 [320007] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 734 Subject: T...

Hecter Hamilton
N. C. District: No. 3 [320016] Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: Hecter Hamilton Ex...

George W Harris
N. C. District: No. 2 [320230] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 942 Subject: GEORGE W. HAR...

Sarah Harris
N. C. District: No. 2 [320183] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 660 Subject: AN EX-SLAVE ST...

Cy Hart
N. C. District: No. 3 [320122] Worker: Daisy Whaley Subject: Cy Hart Ex-slave, 7...

Alonzo Haywood
N. C. District: No. 2 [320130] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 381 Subject: THE...

Barbara Haywood
N. C. District: No. 2 [320127] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 547 Subject: AUNT BARBARA'S...

Isabell Henderson
N. C. District: No. 2 [320210] Worker: Mrs. Edith S. Hibbs No. Words: 550 Subject: Story of...

Essex Henry
N. C. District: No. 2 [320017] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 738 Subject: Ex-Slave Story...

Milly Henry
N. C. District: No. 2 [320015] Worker: Mary A. Hicks Subject: Ex-Slave Story Story Teller: M...

Chaney Hews
N. C. District: No. 2 [320047] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 737 Subject: C...

Joe High
District: No. 2 [320158] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1554 Subject: ...

Susan High
N. C. District: No. 2 [320246] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 936 Subject: SUSAN HIGH ...

Kitty Hill
N. C. District: No. 2 [320084] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 878 Subject: K...

Jerry Hinton
N. C. District: No. 2 [320218] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 997 Subject: J...

Martha Adeline Hinton
N. C. District: No. 2 [320179] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 568 Subject: M...

Robert Hinton
N. C. District: No. 2 [320225] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 775 Subject: ROBERT HINTO...

William George Hinton
N. C. District: No. 2 [320048] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 922 Subject: W...

Eustace Hodges
N. C. District: No. 2 [320116] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 465 Subject: Eustace Hodges ...

Alex Huggins
N. C. District: No. 2 [320195] Worker: Mrs. Edith S. Hibbs and Mrs. W. N. Harriss No. W...

Charlie H Hunter
N. C. District: No. 2 [320124] Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 645 Subject: CHARLIE H. H...

Elbert Hunter
N. C. District: No. 2 [320154] Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 670 Subject: EX-SLAVE STORY ...

Harriet Eddington
"I was born in the town of Newberry, and was a servant of Major John P. Kinard. I married Sam Eddington. I was a Baker, daughter of Mi...

Mary Edwards
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 16, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Rev John B Elliott
Project #1655 Stiles M. Scruggs Columbia, S.C. A SON OF SLAVES CLIMBS UP. The Rev. John B. Elliott, A.B.A. A.M., D....

Emanuel Elmore
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Dec. 23, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage EX-SLAVE STORIES EMA...

Ryer Emmanuel
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, December 16, 1937 MOM RYER EMMAN...

Ryer Emmanuel
Project 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, December 26, 1937 MOM RYER EMMANUEL EX-SLA...

Ryer Emmanuel
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, January 7, 1938 MOM RYER EMMANUE...

Uncle Pen Eubanks
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg--Dist. 4 May 18, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Lewis Evans
Project #1655. W. W. Dixon, Winnsboro, S. C. LEWIS EVANS EX-SLAVE 96 YEARS Lewis Evans lives on the lands of the...

Phillip Evans
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon, Winnsboro, S.C. PHILLIP EVANS EX-SLAVE 85 YEARS OLD. Phillip Evans, his wife, Janie, ...

Eugenia Fair
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 16, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Caroline Farrow
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Oct. 14, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Gus Feaster
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 28, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Gus Feaster
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 July 7, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Thomas Anderson Carlisle
Project 1885-1 From Misc. Field Notes District No. 4 May 17, 1937 Edited by: Martha Ritter FOLKLORE: NEGRO SL...

Ann Ferguson
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County Approx. 388 words ANN FERGUSON EX-SLAVE 74 YEARS "Aunt Annie" sa...

Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, September 21, 1937 AARON-FORD, EX-SLAVE ...

Charlotte Foster
Project 1885 -1- District #4 Spartanburg, S.C. May 28, 1937 FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES Six miles east of Spartanburg on R...

John Franklin
Project #1655 Stiles M. Scruggs Columbia, S.C. JOHN FRANKLIN EX-SLAVE 84 YEARS OLD. "I is the son of John Frankl...

Emma Fraser
Project #-1655 Cassels R. Tiedeman Charleston, S.C. FOLKLORE EMMA FRASER--EX-SLAVE Emma Fraser, a pathetic old...

Adele Frost
S-260-264-N Hattie Mobley Project 935 Richland County ADELE FROST EX-SLAVE 93 YEARS OF AGE "I was bo'n in A...

Amos Gadsden
Project #-1655 Martha S. Pinckney Charleston, S.C. FOLKLORE AMOS GADSDEN "My name is Amos Gadsden, not Gadson,...

Janie Gallman
Project 1886 -1- District #4 Spartanburg, S.C. From Field Notes Folk-Lore May 26, 1937 FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES: ...

Lucy Gallman
Project 1885 -1- Spartanburg, S.C. May 31, 1937 District #4 Edited by: Martha Ritter FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES ...

Simon Gallman
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 May 24, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Simon Gallman
Project 1885-1 Folklore Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Oct. 25, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage EX-SLAVES STORIES "I...

Laurence Gary
Project 1885 District #4 Spartanburg, S.C. June 1, 1937 Edited by: Martha Ritter FOLKLORE: EX-SLAVES "I ...

Louisa Gause
Code No. Project 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, December 2, 1937 No. ---- Redu...

Gracie Gibson
Project #1665 W.W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. GRACIE GIBSON EX-SLAVE 86 YEARS OLD. "I was born at Palatka, Florida....

Charlie Giles
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 May 31, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Willis Gillison
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County Folklore WILLIS GILLISON Luray, S.C. There is no doubt that "...

Brawley Gilmore
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 10, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Pick Gladdeny
Project 1885-1 Ex-slave--(Pick Gladdeny, Pomaria, Rt. 3, S.C. Interviewer: Caldwell Sims, Union, S.C. EARLY RECOLLECTIONS....

Henry Gladney
Project #1655 W.W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. HENRY GLADNEY EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. Henry Gladney lives with his wife,...

Emoline Glasgow
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist 4 July 15, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Silas Glenn
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 Sept. 16, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

John Glover
Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, August 11, 1937 JOHN GLOVER Ex-Slave, 77 ...

Hector Godbold
Project, 1885-1 Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, June 28, 1937 HECTOR GODBOLD Ex-Slave, 87 Y...

Daniel Goddard
Project #1855 Stiles M. Scruggs Columbia, S.C. DANIEL GODDARD EX-SLAVE 74 YEARS OLD. "My name is Daniel Goddard....

Ellen Godfrey
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S.C. Georgetown County FOLKLORE AUNT ELLEN GODFREY ...

Mom Ellen Godfrey
Project 1655 Genevieve W. Chandler Georgetown County, S.C. FOLKLORE MOM ELLEN GODFREY (Ex-slave--Age 100) "...

Bone Baggum
Project 1655 Genevieve W. Chandler Georgetown County, S.C. FOLKLORE. (MOM ELLEN SINGS * * *) BONE BAGGUM (Bag o'...

Charlie Grant
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, August 31, 1937 No. Words ---- ...

Rebecca Jane Grant
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County Folklore [HW: Grant, Rebecca Jane] NINETY TWO YEAR OLD NEGRO TELLS...

Rebecca Jane Grant
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County REBECCA JANE GRANT "Yes, Ma'am," Aunt Beckie said, "I remembers you, ...

John Graves
Project 1885-(1) FOLKLORE Spartanburg, S.C. District No. 4. May 26, 1937. Edited by: R.V. Williams STORIES...

Sim Greeley
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg, Dist. 4: Sept. 8, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES OF EX-SLAVES ...

Elijah Green
S-260-264-N Project #1655 Augustus Ladson Charleston, S.C. Page I No. Words: 1497 EX-SLAVE BORN DECEMBER 25, ...

W M Gree
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg, Dist. 4 Sept. 7, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES OF EX-SLAVES ...

Adeline Grey
Project #-1655 Phoebe Faucette Hampton County Approx. 390 words FOLKLORE ADELINE GREY 82 YEAR OLD Ex-Slave ...

Fannie Griffin
Project #1655 Everett R. Pierce Columbia, S.C. INTERVIEW WITH FANNIE GRIFFIN EX-SLAVE 94 YEARS. "You wants me to...

Madison Griffin
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 22, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Peggy Grigsby
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg, Dist. 4 June 7, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Violet Guntharpe
Project #1655 W.W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. VIOLET GUNTHARPE EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. "I was born a slave in de Rocky...

John Hamilton
Project #-1655 Gyland H. Hamlin Charleston, S.C. FOLKLORE INTERVIEW WITH EX-SLAVE "Good a'ternoon, suh. Yassuh...

Susan Hamlin
Project #-1655 Jessie A. Butler Charleston, S.C. FOLKLORE OLD SUSAN HAMLIN--EX SLAVE (Verbatim Conversation) ...

Susan Hamlin
Project#-1655 Jessie A. Butler Charleston, S.C. Approx. 1739 Words INTERVIEW WITH EX-SLAVE On July 6th, I inte...

Susan Hamilton
S-260-264-N Project #1885 Augustus Ladson Charleston, S.C. No. Words: 1195 EX-SLAVE 101 YEARS OF AGE HAS NE...

Anson Harp
Project #1655 Stiles M. Scruggs Columbia, S.C. ANSON HARP EX-SLAVE 87 YEARS OLD. Anson Harp, eighty-seven years ...

Rev Thomas Harper
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 May 25, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Abe Harris
Project #1555 W.W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. ABE HARRIS EX-SLAVE 74 YEARS OLD. Abe Harris lives about nine miles sou...

Eli Harrison
PROJECT #1655 W.W. Dixon, Winnsboro, S.C. ELI HARRISON EX-SLAVE 87 YEARS. Eli Harrison lives on a small ten-acre...

Charlie Jeff Harvey
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 Sept. 20, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage REMINISCENCES "I was...

Eliza Hasty
Project #1655 W.W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. ELIZA HASTY EX-SLAVE 85 YEARS OLD. Eliza Hasty lives with her son-in-la...

Aunt Dolly Haynes
AUNT DOLLY HAYNES EX-SLAVE, 91 YEARS OLD, ARTHURTOWN S.C. "I nebber wuz no rockin' chair setter. I ain't nebber had no time...

Liney Henderson
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, November 11, 1937 Reduced from -...

Jim Henry
Project #1655 W.W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. JIM HENRY EX-SLAVE 77 YEARS OLD. Jim Henry lives with his wife, Mary, i...

Zack Herndon
Project 1885-1 FOLKLORE Spartanburg Dist. 4 June 1, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES ...

Lavinia Heyward
Project #1655 Stiles M. Scruggs Columbia S.C. LAVINIA HEYWARD'S STORY OF SLAVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION. Lavinia Hey...

Lucretia Heyward
Project #-1655 Mrs. Chlotilde R. Martin Beaufort County Approx. 530 Words FOLKLORE FOLKLORE Stories from Ex...

Mariah Heywood
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S.C. Georgetown County FOLKLORE AUNT MARIAH HEYWOOD ...

Jerry Hill
Project 1885-1 FOLK LORE Spartanburg, S.C. May 10, 1937 Edited by: Elmer Turnage SLAVE STORIES Living wi...

Jane Hollins
Project #-1655 Martha S. Pinckney Charleston, S.C. FOLKLORE JANE HOLLINS AGE 97 Jane was found in the sun...

Cornelius Holmes
Project #1655 W. W. Dixon Winnsboro, S.C. CORNELIUS HOLMES EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD. Cornelius Holmes lives with hi...

Uncle Ben Horry
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S.C. Georgetown County FOLKLORE UNCLE BEN HORRY (...

Uncle Ben Horry
Project # 2570 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler, Murrell's Inlet, S.C. Georgetown county. Ex Slave Story. UNCLE BEN HO...

Uncle Ben Horry
Project #-1655 Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler Murrells Inlet, S.C. Georgetown County FOLKLORE Uncle Ben Horry (Reb's...

Miss Georgie At Woodland
Project 1655 Genevieve W. Chandler Georgetown County, S.C. FOLKLORE (VERBATIM) MISS GEORGIE AT WOODLAND EX-SL...

Margaret Hughes
Project #1655 Everett R. Pierce Columbia, S.C. INTERVIEW WITH EX-SLAVE MARGARET HUGHES, 82 YEARS. "Missy, I like...

Mom Hester Hunter
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, May 18, 1937 No. ---- Reduced...

Mom Hester Hunter
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, October 15, 1937 No. ---- Red...

Hester Hunter
Code No. Project, 1885-(1) Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis Place, Marion, S.C. Date, October 26, 1937 No. ---- Red...

Mary Raines
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =MARY RAINES= =EX-SLAVE 99 YEARS OLD.= Mary Raines is the oldest livin...

Frank Range
=Project 935= =Hattie Mobley= =Richland County= =FRANK RANGE= =CIVIL WAR SERVANT and HERO= At the age of one hundred ...

Sam Rawls
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =June 15, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLA...

Sam Rawls
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Oct. 13, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAV...

Ellen Renwick
=Project 1885 -1-= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =District #4= =May 31, 1937= =Edited by:= =Martha Ritter= =FOLK-LORE: EX-SLAVE...

Anne Rice
=Project 1885 -1-= =District #4= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =June 7, 1937= =FOLK-LORE: EX-SLAVES= "I was born in Spartanburg ...

Jesse Rice
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Jan. 17, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAV...

Phillip Rice
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =June 15, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVE...

Martha Richardson
=Project #1655= =Stiles M. Scruggs= =Columbia, S.C.= =THE POT OF GOLD.= Martha Richardson, who tells this story, lives a...

Mamie Riley
=Project#-1655= =Phoebe Faucette= =Hampton County= =Approx. 416 words= =MAMIE RILEY= =Ex-Slave= "Aunt Mamie's" ha...

Susie Riser
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =May 24, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES...

Isom Roberts
=Project #1655= =Henry Grant,= =Columbia, S.C.= =ISOM ROBERTS= =EX-SLAVE 80 YEARS OLD= Isom Roberts rents one room at...

Alexander Robertson
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =ALEXANDER ROBERTSON= =EX-SLAVE 84 YEARS OLD.= Alexander Robertson liv...

Charlie Robinson
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =CHARLIE ROBINSON= =EX-SLAVE 87 YEARS OLD.= Charlie Robinson lives nin...

Al Rosboro
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon.= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =AL ROSBORO= =EX-SLAVE 90 YEARS OLD.= Al Rosboro, with his second wif...

Tom Rosboro
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =TOM ROSBORO= =EX-SLAVE 79 YEARS OLD.= Tom Rosboro lives with his daug...

Reuben Rosborough
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =INTERVIEW WITH REUBEN ROSBOROUGH, RIDGEWAY, S.C.=, =EX-SLAVE--82 YEARS, ...

Benjamin Russell
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =BENJAMIN RUSSELL= =EX-SLAVE 88 YEARS.= "I was born fourteen miles nor...

Joe Rutherford
=Project 1885 -1-= =District #4= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =May 29, 1937= =FOLK-LORE: EX-SLAVE= "I was born about 1846, 'cau...

Lila Rutherford
=Project 1885 -1-= =District #4= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =June 7, 1937= =FOLK-LORE: EX-SLAVE= "I was born about 1849 in th...

Genevieve W Chandler
=Project #-1655= =Mrs. Genevieve W. Chandler= =Murrells Inlet, S.C.= =Georgetown County= =FOLKLORE= =Uncle Sabe Rutled...

Sabe Rutledge
=Project 1655= =Genevieve W. Chandler= =Georgetown County, S.C.= =FOLKLORE= =UNCLE SABE RUTLEDGE= =(EX-SLAVE STORY)= ...

Henry Ryan
=Project 1885 -1-= =District #4= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =May 31, 1937= =Edited by:= =Martha Ritter= =FOLK-LORE: EX-SLAVE...

Henry Ryan
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Oct. 11, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAV...

Emoline Satterwhite
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =May 25, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES...

Alexander Scaife
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Sept. 9, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES OF EX-SLAVES...

Eliza Scantling
=Project #-1655= =Phoebe Faucette= =Hampton County= =FOLKLORE= =ELIZA SCANTLING EX-SLAVE= =87 Years= "If you want...

Mary Scott
=Code No. 390166= =Project No. 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Mrs. Lucile Young & H. Grady Davis= =Place, Florence, S.C.= =Date, May...

Nina Scott
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg--Dist. 4= =May 18, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVE...

Morgan Scurry
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =May 25, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES OF EX-SLAVES= ...

Ransom Simmons
=S-260-264-N= =Project #935= =Hattie Mobley= =Richland County= =South Carolina= =Uncle Ransom Simmons= =Richland Count...

Alfred Sligh
=Project #1655= =Stiles M. Scruggs= =Columbia, S.C.= =ALFRED SLIGH= =EX-SLAVE 100 YEARS OLD.= Alfred Sligh, who lives...

Dan Smith
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon,= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =DAN SMITH= =EX-SLAVE 75 YEARS.= Dan Smith lives in one room, rent fr...

Hector Smith
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, July 22, 1937= =No. Words= ...

Hector Smith
=Code No. 390144= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, July 14, 1937= =No. Wo...

Hector Smith
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, July 14, 1937= =No. Words7= ...

Jane Smith
=Project 1885-(1)= =Folk Lore= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =District No. 4= =May 28, 1937.= =Edited by:= =R.V. Williams= =S...

Mary Smith
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Nov. 9, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVE...

Prince Smith
=S-260-264-N= =Project: #1885= =Augustus Ladson= =Charleston, S.C.= =EXPERIENCES OF AN EX-SLAVE ON WARDMALAW ISLAND= =Ma...

Caldwell Sims
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Nov. 29, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAV...

Jessie Sparrow
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, May 17, 1937= =No. Words = ...

Jessie Sparrow
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date. May 24, 1937= =MOM JESSIE SPAR...

Jessie Sparrow
=Code No.= =Project No. 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, September 7, 1937= =MOM JES...

Jessie Sparrow
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, December 7, 1937= =MOM JESSIE ...

Jessie Sparrow
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, October 11, 1937= =MOM JESSIE ...

Rosa Starke
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =ROSA STARKE= =EX-SLAVE 83 YEARS OLD.= Rosa's grandfather was a slave of So...

Josephine Stewart
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =JOSEPHINE STEWART= =EX-SLAVE 85 YEARS OLD.= Phinie Stewart, as she is...

Bettie Suber
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =May 24, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES...

Ellen Swindler
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =May 25, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES= ...

Mack Taylor
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon,= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =MACK TAYLOR= =EX-SLAVE 97 YEARS.= Mack Taylor lives six miles southe...

Delia Thompson
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =DELIA THOMPSON= =EX-SLAVE 88 YEARS OLD.= "I's heard tell of you, and ...

Robert Toatley
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =ROBERT TOATLEY= =EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD.= Robert Toatley lives with hi...

Mary Veals
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =May 25, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =SLAVERY REMINISCENCES=...

Mary Veals
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Oct. 21, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAV...

Manda Walker
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =MANDA WALKER= =EX-SLAVE 80 YEARS OLD.= Manda Walker lives with her so...

Ned Walker
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =NED WALKER= =EX-SLAVE 83 YEARS OLD.= Ned Walker lives in the village ...

Daniel Waring
=Project #1655= =Stiles M. Scruggs= =Columbia, S.C.= =DANIEL WARING= =EX-SLAVE 88 YEARS OLD.= "I was born in Fairfiel...

Nancy Washington
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, June 2, 1937= =NANCY WASHINGTO...

Charley Watson
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =CHARLEY WATSON= =EX-SLAVE 87 YEARS OLD.= "Dis is a mighty hot day I t...

Uncle Dave White
=S-260-264-N= =Project 935= =Samuel Addison= =Richland County= =EX-SLAVE 91 YEARS OLD, CONGAREE, SOUTH CAROLINA= =THERE ...

Uncle Dave White
=S-260-264-N= =Project 1885= =Laura L. Middleton= =Charleston, S.C.= =No. Words: 452= =UNCLE DAVE WHITE= =An Old Tim...

Maum Tena
=Project 1655= =Martha S. Pinckney= =Charleston, S.C.= =FOLKLORE= =Approx. 637 words= =INTERVIEW WITH EX-SLAVE= ...

Bill Williams
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =BILL WILLIAMS= =EX-SLAVE 82 YEARS OLD.= Bill Williams lives on the Du...

Jesse Williams
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =JESSE WILLIAMS= =EX-SLAVE 83 YEARS OLD.= At the end of one of the sil...

Mary Williams
=Code: Folk-Lore= =Project 1885 -1-= =District #4= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =May 26, 1937= =FOLK-LORE: EX-SLAVES= Aunt Ma...

Willis Williams
=Project 1655= =Genevieve W. Chandler= =Georgetown County, S.C.= =FOLKLORE= =EX-SLAVE STORY= =UNCLE WILLIS WILLIAMS= ...

Calvin Wilson
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =May 25, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVES...

Emoline Wilson
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =Sept. 22, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAV...

Jane Wilson
=Project 1885-1= =FOLKLORE= =Spartanburg Dist. 4= =June 15, 1937= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVE...

Genia Woodberry
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, June 11, 1937= =MOM GENIA WOOD...

Julia Woodberry
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, November 23, 1937= =JULIA WOOD...

Julia Woodberry
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, November 30, 1937= =JULIA WOOD...

Julia Woodberry
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, November 5, 1937= =JULIA WOODB...

Julia Woodberry
=Code No.= =Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, November 16, 1937= =JULIA WOOD...

George Woods
=Project 1885 -1-= =District #4= =Spartanburg, S.C.= =June 1, 1937= =Edited by:= =E. Fronde Kennedy= =FOLK-LORE: EX-S...

Aleck Woodward
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =ALECK WOODWARD,= =EX-SLAVE--83 YEARS.= "You knows de Simonton plac...

Mary Woodward
=Project #1655= =W.W. Dixon= =Winnsboro, S.C.= =MARY WOODWARD= =EX-SLAVE 83 YEARS OLD.= "I knows you since you 'bout ...

Pauline Worth
=Project, 1885-(1)= =Prepared by Annie Ruth Davis= =Place, Marion, S.C.= =Date, September 15, 1937= =PAULINE WORTH= =Ex-...

Daphney Wright
=Project #-1655= =Phoebe Faucette= =Hampton County= =Folklore= =DAPHNEY WRIGHT= =106 Year Old Ex-Slave= Just arou...

Uncle Bill Young
=Project 1885-1= =Folk Lore= =District No. 4.= =May 28, 1937.= =Edited by:= =J.J. Murray.= =STORIES OF EX-SLAVES= ...

Bob Young
=Project 1885-1= =Folklore= =Spartanburg, Dist. 4= =Feb. 4, 1938= =Edited by:= =Elmer Turnage= =STORIES FROM EX-SLAVE...

John H Jackson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mrs. W.N. Harriss No. Words: 1363 Subject: Memories of Uncle Jac...

Ben Johnson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 920 Subject: EX-SLAVE STORY Story teller: ...

Isaac Johnson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 991 Subject: ISAAC JOHNSON Story teller: I...

Tina Johnson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 346 Subject: TINA JOHNSON Story teller: Tina John...

Bob Jones
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 450 Subject: EX-SLAVE STORY Story Teller: BOB JONES ...

Clara Jones Cannon Street
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 333 Subject: CLARA JONES Story teller: Cla...

Clara Jones
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 554 Subject: CLARA JONES Story teller: Clara Jone...

Abner Jordan
N.C. District: No. 3 Writer: Daisy Whaley No. Words: 250 Subject: Abner Jordan, Ex-slave ...

Jane Lassiter
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1044 Subject: JANE LASSITER Story teller: Jane ...

Dave Lawson
N.C. District: No. 3 Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: Dave Lawson Ex-Slave Story ...

Jane Lee
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 390 Subject: JANE LEE Person Int...

Chana Littlejohn
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1138 Subject: CHANA LITTLEJOHN ...

Charity Mcallister
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 625 Subject: CHARITY McALLISTER Story teller: ...

Clara Cotton Mccoy
District No.: 3 Worker: Travis Jordan Subject: Clara Cotton McCoy Ex-slave 82 years ...

Henrietta Mccullers
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 535 Subject: A GOOD MISTRESS Teller: Henrietta...

Willie Mccullough
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1050 Subject: WILLIE McCULLOUGH...

James Turner Mclean
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,477 Subject: JAMES TURNER McLEAN Storyteller: ...

Frank Magwood
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 857 Subject: FRANK MAGWOOD P...

Jacob Manson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1120 Subject: JACOB MANSON Per...

Roberta Manson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1060 Subject: ROBERTA MANSON P...

Millie Markham
N.C. District: 2 Worker: Travis Jordan No. Words: 700 Subject: MILLIE MARKHAM'S STORY Interviewed: Mil...

Maggie Mails
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 680 Subject: A SLAVERY STORY Story teller: MAGG...

Anna Mitchel
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 344 Subject: Ex-Slave Story Teller: Anna Mitchel E...

Pastsy Mitchner
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,474 Subject: A SLAVE STORY Reference: Pa...

Emeline Moore
N.C. District: II Worker: Mrs. W.N. Harriss No. Words: 396 Subject: Emeline Moore, Ex-slave. Interviewed: Emelin...

Fannie Moore
N.C. District: Asheville Worker: Marjorie Jones No. Words: 2,300 Subject: Interview with Fannie Moore, ...

Richard C Moring
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 944 Subject: RICHARD C. MORING Story tel...

Julius Nelson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 689 Subject: JULIUS NELSO...

Lila Nichols
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 679 Subject: PLANTATION LIFE Teller: Lila N...

Martha Organ
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No Words: 273 Subject: A SLAVERY STORY Person ...

Ann Parker
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No Words: 435 Subject: ANN PARKER Person I...

Amy Penny
N.C. District: 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 448 Subject: A SLAVE STORY Reference: ...

Lily Perry
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 794 Subject: SLAVERY DAYS IN FRANKLIN COUNTY Story t...

Valley Perry
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 615 Subject: A SLAVE STORY, THE WOMAN OV...

Tempe Pitts
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 389 Subject: TEMPE PITTS Person Intervie...

Hannah Plummer
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1213 Subject: HANNAH PLUMMER Person In...

Parker Pool
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 2036 Subject: PARKER POOL Person...

Rena Raines
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 779 Subject: RENA RAINES Person In...

Anthony Ransome
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 203 Subject: ANTHONY RANSOME Per...

Caroline Richardson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 1083 Subject: CAROLINE RICHARDSON Pe...

Charity Riddick
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 638 Subject: CHARITY RIDDICK Story teller:...

Simuel Riddick
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 736 Subject: SIMUEL RIDDICK Story teller: ...

Adora Rienshaw
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 453 Subject: Ex-Slave Stories Pe...

Celina Robinson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 712 Subject: CELIA ROBINSON Story teller: Celia...

George Rogers
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1239 Subject: GEORGE ROGERS Person...

Hattie Rogers
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1172 Subject: HATTIE ROGERS Person...

Henry Rountree
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 669 Subject: HENRY ROUNTREE Pers...

Anderson Scales
By Miss Nancy Watkins Madison, Rockingham County Biography Sketch of Ex-Slave, Anderson Scales, 82 Three fourths of a mile fr...

Catherine Scales
By Miss Nancy Watkins Madison, North Carolina Rockingham County BIOGRAPHY OF EX-SLAVE CATHERINE SCALES About ten years old at...

Nancy Watkins
By Miss Nancy Watkins, volunteer Madison, North Carolina Story of Ex-Slave, Porter Scales [TR: Date stamp: JUN 1 1937] Mond...

William Scott
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1197 Subject: WILLIAM SCOTT St...

Tiney Shaw
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 607 Subject: TINEY SHAW, EX-SLAVE OF WAKE COUNTY, 76. St...

John Smith Wake County
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1648 Subject: JOHN SMITH Story teller: Joh...

John Smith Pettigrew Street
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 924 Subject: JOHN SMITH Person Intervi...

Josephine Smith
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 568 Subject: JOSEPHINE SMITH Story teller: ...

Nellie Smith
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 631 Subject: NELLIE SMITH Pers...

Sarah Ann Smith
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 465 Subject: SARAH ANN SMITH Person ...

William Smith Oberline Road
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 394 Subject: WILLIAM SMITH ...

Laura Sorrell
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 797 Subject: THE BOUND GIRL Pers...

Ria Sorrell
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1414 Subject: RIA SORRE...

Chaney Spell
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 320 Subject: A SLAVERY STORY Story Teller: CHANEY SPELL ...

Tanner Spikes
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 432 Subject: A SLAVERY FAMILY Reference: Tanner S...

Annie Stephenson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 817 Subject: ANNIE STEPHENSON Pers...

Sam T Stewart
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 1519 Subject: SAM T. STEWART, EX-SLAV...

Emma Stone
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 326 Subject: Ex-slave recollections Pers...

William Sykes
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 848 Subject: WILLIAM SYKES Person Interv...

Annie Tate
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 503 Subject: ANNIE TATE Person I...

Rs Taylor
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1258 Subject: R.S. TAYLOR Story teller: ...

Elias Thomas
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1177 Subject: ELIAS THOMAS Person ...

Jacob Thomas
N.C. District: 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 260 Subject: MR. BELL'S PLANTATION Reference: Jacob Thomas...

Margaret Thornton
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 397 Subject: MARGARET THORNTON Per...

Tillie Slave Daughter
N.C. District: No. II Worker: Mrs. W.N. Harriss Words: 550 Edited: Mrs. W.N. Harri...

Ellen Trell
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 740 Subject: ELLEN TRELL Person Interv...

Henry James Trentham
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 760 Subject: HENRY JAMES TRENTHAM Pers...

Jane Anne Privette Upperman
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 631 Subject: JANE ANNE PRIVETTE UPPERMA...

Ophelia Whitley
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 901 Subject: EX-SLAVE STORIES Person Int...

Tom Wilcox
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 614 Subject: EX-SLAVE STORY Story teller: Tom Wilcox ...

Catherine Williams
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 723 Subject: CATHARINE WILLIAMS Person...

Rev Handy Williams
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 755 Subject: REV. HANDY WILLIAMS Per...

John Thomas Williams
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 544 Subject: JOHN THOMAS WILLIAMS Pers...

Penny Williams
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 801 Subject: PENNY WILLIAMS Story teller: Pe...

Plaz Williams
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 471 Subject: AUNT PLAZ Source: Plaz Williams Edito...

Melissa Williamson
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: Mary A. Hicks No. Words: 652 Subject: MELISSA WILLIAMSON Story teller: Melissa Willi...

Alex Woods
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1108 Subject: ALEX WOODS Story teller: Alex Woo...

Anna Wright
District: No. 2 Worker: Mary Hicks No. Words: 580 Subject: A SLAVE STORY, ANNA WRIGH...

Dilly Yelladay
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 1,017 Subject: DILLY YELLADAY [TR: or YELLADY?] ...

Hilliard Yellerday
N.C. District: No. 2 Worker: T. Pat Matthews No. Words: 398 Subject: HILLIARD YELLERDAY (A SLAVE STORY) Reference:...

Will Adams
WILL ADAMS was born in 1857, a slave of Dave Cavin, in Harrison Co., Texas. He remained with the Cavins until 1885, then f...

William Adams
WILLIAM ADAMS, 93, was born in slavery, with no opportunity for an education, except three months in a public school. He h...

William M Adams
WILLIAM M. ADAMS, spiritualist preacher and healer, who lives at 1404 Illinois Ave., Ft. Worth, Texas, was born a slave on...

Sarah Allen
SARAH ALLEN was born a slave of John and Sally Goodren, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Before the Civil War, her...

Andy Anderson
ANDY ANDERSON, 94, was born a slave of Jack Haley, who owned a plantation in Williamson Co., Texas. During the Civil War, ...

Fred Dibble
Dibble, Fred, P.W., Beehler, Rheba, P.W., Beaumont, Jefferson, Dist. #3. A frail sick man, neatly clad in white pajamas lying...

Uncle Willis Anderson
REFERENCES A. Coronado's Children--J. Frank Dobie, Pub. 1929, Austin, Tex. B. Leon County News--Centerville, Texas--Thursday May ...

Mary Armstrong
MARY ARMSTRONG, 91, lives at 3326 Pierce Ave., Houston, Texas. She was born on a farm near St. Louis, Missouri, a slave of...

Sterlin Arnwine
STEARLIN ARNWINE, 94, was born a slave to Albertus Arnwine, near Jacksonville, Texas, who died when Stearlin was seven or ...

Sarah Ashley
SARAH ASHLEY, 93, was born in Mississippi. She recalls her experiences when sold on the block in New Orleans, and on a cot...

Agatha Babino
AGATHA BABINO, born a slave of Ogis Guidry, near Carenco, Louisiana, now lives in a cottage on the property of the Blessed...

Mrs John Barclay
MRS. JOHN BARCLAY (nee Sarah Sanders) Brownwood, Texas was born in Komo, Mississippi, September 1, 1853. She was born a sl...

John Barker
JOHN BARKER, age 84, Houston. 5 photographs marked Green Cumby have been assigned to this manuscript--the 'Green C...

Joe Barnes
JOE BARNES, 89, was born in Tyler Co., Texas, on Jim Sapp's plantation. He is very feeble, but keeps his great grandchildr...

Armstead Barrett
ARMSTEAD BARRETT, born in 1847, was a slave of Stafford Barrett, who lived in Huntsville, Texas. He is the husband of Harr...

Harriet Barrett
HARRIET BARRETT, 86, was born in Walker Co., Texas, in 1851, a slave of Steve Glass. She now lives in Palestine, Texas. ...

John Bates
JOHN BATES, 84, was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, a slave of Mock Bateman. When still very young, John moved with his mot...

Harrison Beckett
HARRISON BECKETT, born a slave of I.D. Thomas of San Augustine, Texas, now lives in Beaumont. A great-grandson climbed int...

Frank Bell
FRANK BELL, 86, was a slave of Johnson Bell, who ran a saloon in New Orleans. Frank lives in Madisonville, Texas. "I wa...

Virginia Bell
Aunt VIRGINIA BELL, 1205 Ruthven St., Houston, was born a slave near Opelousas, Louisiana, on the plantation of Thomas Lew...

Edgar And Minerva Bendy
EDGAR BENDY, 90 odd years, was the slave of Henry Bendy, of Woodville, Texas, has to make an effort to remember and is for...

Minerva Bendy
MINERVA BENDY, 83, was born a slave to Lazarus Goolsby, Henry Co. Alabama, who brought her to Texas when she was five. The...

Sarah Benjamin
SARAH BENJAMIN, 82, was born a slave of the Gilbert family, in Clavin Parish, Louisiana. In 1867 she married Cal Benjamin ...

Jack Bess
JACK BESS was born near Goliad, Texas in 1854, a slave of Steve Bess who was a rancher. He worked with stock as a very you...

Ellen Betts
ELLEN BETTS, 118 N. Live Oak St., Houston, Texas, is 84. All of her people and their masters came from Virginia and settle...

Carlotte Beverley
CHARLOTTE BEVERLY was born a slave to Captain Pankey's wife, in Montgomery County, Texas. She has lived most of her l...

Francis Black
FRANCIS BLACK was born at Grand Bluff, Mississippi, about 1850, on the Jim Carlton plantation. When five years old, she wa...

Olivier Blanchard
OLIVIER BLANCHARD, 95 years old, was a slave of Clairville La San, who owned a large plantation in Martinville Parish, Lou...

Julia Blanks
JULIA BLANKS was born of a slave mother and a three-quarter Indian father, in San Antonio, in the second year of the Civil...

Elvira Boles
ELVIRA BOLES, 94, has outlived nine of her ten children. She lives at 3109 Manzana St., El Paso, Texas, with her daughter,...

Betty Bormer
BETTY BORMER, 80, was born a slave to Col. M.T. Johnson, who farmed at Johnson Station in Tarrant County. He owned Betty's...

Harrison Boyd
HARRISON BOYD, 87, was born in Rusk County, Texas, a slave of Wash Trammel. Boyd remained with his master for four years a...

Issabella Boyd
ISSABELLA BOYD was born a slave of Gus Wood, in Richmond, Va., who moved to Texas by boat before the Civil War. Isabella s...

James Boyd
JAMES BOYD was born in Phantom Valley, Indian Territory, in an Indian hut. A man named Sanford Wooldrige stole him and bro...

Jerry Boykins
JERRY BOYKINS, spry and jolly at the age of 92, lived with his aged wife in their own cabin at 1015 Plum St., Abilene, Tex...

Monroe Brackins
MONROE BRACKINS, born in Monroe Co., Mississippi, in 1853, was the property of George Reedes. He was brought to Medina Cou...

Gus Bradshaw
GUS BRADSHAW was born about 1845, at Keecheye, Alabama, a slave of David Cavin. He recalls being brought to Texas in the 1...

Wes Brady
WES BRADY, 88, was born a slave of John Jeems, who had a farm five miles north of Marshall. Wes has farmed in Harrison Cou...

Jacob Branch
JACOB BRANCH, about 86, was a slave of the Van Loos family, in Louisiana, who sold him when a baby to Elisha Stevenson, of...

William Branch
WILLIAM BRANCH, born 1850, 322 Utah St., San Antonio, Texas. Eyesight is so poor someone must lead him to the store or to ...

Clara Brim
CLARA BRIM, slave of William Lyons of Branch, Louisiana, now lives in Beaumont, Texas. The town of Branch was known in sla...

Sylvester Brooks
SYLVESTER BROOKS, 87, was born in Green County, Alabama, a slave of Josiah Collier. The old Negro's memory is poor, but he...

Donaville Broussard
DONAVILLE BROUSSARD, a polished gentleman of his race, was the son of a mulatto slave of Emilier Caramouche. He was born i...

Fannie Brown
FANNIE BROWN, aged Negro of Waco, Texas, does not know her age. She was born near Richmond, Virginia, a slave of the Koonc...

Fred Brown
FRED BROWN, 84, 1414 Jones St., Fort Worth, Texas, was born a slave to Mr. John Brown, who owned a plantation along the Mi...

James Brown
JAMES BROWN, 84, blind for the last 12 years and now living alone in a shack at 408 W. Belknap, Fort Worth, Texas, was bor...

Josie Brown
JOSIE BROWN was born about 1859, in Victoria, Texas. She belonged to George Heard. Her mother was born free, a member of t...

Zek Brown
ZEK BROWN, 80, was born a slave of Green Brown, owner of six slave families, in Warren County, Tennessee. Zek came to Texa...

Madison Bruin
MADISON BRUIN, 92, spent his early days as a slave on the Curtis farm in the blue grass region of Kentucky, where he had s...

Martha Spence Bunton
MARTHA SPENCE BUNTON, 81, was born a slave, Jan. 1, 1856, on the John Bell plantation, in Murphfreesboro, Tennessee. Mr. B...

Ellen Butler
ELLEN BUTLER was born a slave to Richmond Butler, near Whiska Chitto, in the northern part of Calcasieu Parish (now a part...

Henry H Buttler
HENRY H. BUTTLER, 87, venerable graduate of Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas, and ex-school teacher, was born a slave to M...

William Byrd
WILLIAM BYRD, 97, was born a slave of Sam Byrd, near Madisonville, Texas. William was with his master during the Civil War...

Loius Cain
LOUIS CAIN, 88, was born in North Carolina, a slave of Samuel Cain. After Louis was freed, he came to Texas, and has farme...

Jeff Calhoun
JEFF CALHOUN, about 98, was born a slave of the Calhoun family, in Alton, Alabama. After his master died, a son-in-law, Ji...

Simp Campbell
SIMP CAMPBELL was born January 1860, in Harrison County, Texas, He belonged to W.L. Sloan and stayed with him until 1883, ...

James Cape
JAMES CAPE, centenarian, now living in a dilapidated little shack in the rear of the stockyards in Fort Worth, Texas, was ...

Richard Carruthers
RICHARD CARRUTHERS, 100 year old ex-slave, was born in Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. Billy Coats bought him and his mother and b...

Cato Carter
CATO CARTER was born in 1836 or 1837, near Pineapple, Wilcox County, Alabama, a slave of the Carter family. He and his wif...

Jack Cauthern
JACK CAUTHERN, 85, was born near Austin, Texas. Dick Townes owned Jack and his parents. After they were freed, the family ...

Sally Banks Chambers
SALLY BANKS CHAMBERS, wife of Ben Chambers of Liberty, does not know her age. She was born a slave of Jim Moore, in Oaklan...

Jeptha Choice
JEPTHA CHOICE, 1117 Brashear St., Houston, Texas, was born in slavery, on the plantation of Jezro Choice, about 6 miles so...

Amos Clark
AMOS CLARK, 96, was born a slave of Robert Clark, in Washington County, Texas. After Amos was freed, he farmed near Belton...

Anne Clark
MOTHER ANNE CLARK, 112 years old, lives at 3602 Alameda Ave., El Paso, Texas. She is too crippled to walk, but a smile lig...

Thomas Cole
THOMAS COLE was born in Jackson Co., Alabama, on the 8th of August, 1845, a slave of Robert Cole. He ran away in 1861 to j...

Eli Coleman
ELI COLEMAN, 91, was born a slave of George Brady, in Kentucky. Eli's memory is poor and his story is somewhat sketchy. He...

Preely Coleman
PREELY COLEMAN was born in 1852 on the Souba farm, near New Berry, South Carolina, but he and his mother were sold and bro...

Harriet Collins
HARRIET COLLINS was born in Houston, Texas, in 1870. Her family had been slaves of Richard Coke, and remained with him man...

Andrew Columbus
ANDREW (Smoky) COLUMBUS was born in 1859 on the John J. Ellington plantation, one mile south of Linden, Texas. He continue...

Steve Conally
STEVE CONNALLY, 90, was born a slave of Tom Connally, grandfather of United States Senator Tom Connally, from Texas. T...

Valmar Cormier
VALMAR CORMIER was born a slave to Duplissent Dugat, a small slave-holder of Lafayette, Louisiana. He tells his story in a...

Laura Cornish
LAURA CORNISH was born on the plantation of Isaiah Day, near Dayton, Texas. She "reckons I's 'bout twelve or maybe thirtee...

John Crawford
JOHN CRAWFORD, 81, was born a slave on Judge Thompson Rector's plantation at Manor, Texas. After emancipation, John was a ...

Green Cumby
GREEN CUMBY, 86, was born a slave of the Robert H. Cumby family, in Henderson, Texas. He was about 14 at the close of the ...

Tempie Cummins
TEMPIE CUMMINS was born at Brookeland, Texas, sometime before the Civil War, but does not know her exact age. William Neyl...

Adeline Cunningham
ADELINE CUNNINGHAM, 1210 Florida St., born 1852, was a slave in Lavaca County, 4-1/2 miles n.e. of Hallettsville. She was ...

Will Daily
WILL DAILY, was born in 1858 in Missouri, near the city of St. Louis. He was a slave of the John Daily family and served a...

Julie Francis Daniels
JULIA FRANCIS DANIELS, born in 1848, in Georgia, a slave of the Denman family, who moved to Texas before the Civil War. Ju...

Katie Darling
KATIE DARLING, about 88, was born a slave on the plantation of William McCarty, on the Elysian Fields Road, nine miles sou...

Carey Davenport
CAREY DAVENPORT, retired Methodist minister of Anahuac, Texas, appears sturdy despite his 83 years. He was reared a slave ...

Campbell Davis
CAMPBELL DAVIS, 85, was born in Harrison Co., Texas, a slave of Henry Hood. He remained on the Hood place about three year...

William Davis
WILLIAM DAVIS was born near Kingston, Tennessee, on the first of April, 1845. His family were the only slaves owned by Jon...

Eli Davison
ELI DAVISON was born in Dunbar, West Virginia, a slave of Will Davison. Eli has a bill of sale that states he was born in ...

Elige Davison
ELIGE DAVISON was born in Richmond, Virginia, a slave of George Davison. Elige worked in the field for some time before he...

John Day
JOHN DAY, 81, was born near Dayton, Tennessee, a slave of Major John Day. John lives in McLennan Co., Texas. "I was b...

Nelson Denson
NELSEN DENSON, 90, was born near Hambirg, Arkansas, a slave of Jim Nelson, who sold Nelsen and his family to Felix Gr...

Victor Duhon
VICTOR DUHON was born 97 years ago in Lafayette Parish, La., a slave of the Duhon family. His blue eyes and almost white s...

Willis Easter
WILLIS EASTER, 85, was born near Nacogdoches, Texas. He does not know the name of his first master. Frank Sparks brought W...

Anderson And Minerva Edwards
ANDERSON AND MINERVA EDWARDS, a Negro Baptist preacher and his wife, were slaves on adjoining plantations in Rusk Cou...

Ann J Edwards
ANN J. EDWARDS, 81, was born a slave of John Cook, of Arlington County, Virginia. He manumitted his slaves in 1857. Four y...

Mary Kincheon Edwards
MARY KINCHEON EDWARDS says she was born on July 8, 1810, but she has nothing to substantiate this claim. However, she is e...

Lucinda Elder
LUCINDA ELDER, 86, was born a slave of the Cardwell family, near Concord Deport, Virginia. She came to Texas with Will Jon...

John Ellis
JOHN ELLIS, was born June 26, 1852, a slave of the Ellis family in Johnson County near Cleburne, Texas. He remained with h...

Lorenza Ezell
LORENZA EZELL, Beaumont, Texas, Negro, was born in 1850 on the plantation of Ned Lipscomb, in Spartanburg County, South Ca...

Betty Farrow
BETTY FARROW, 90, now living with a son on a farm in Moser Valley, a Negro settlement ten miles northeast of Fort Worth on...

John Finnely
JOHN FINNELY, 86, was born a slave to Martin Finnely, in Jackson Co., Alabama. During the Civil War ten slaves escaped fro...

Sarah Ford
SARAH FORD, whose age is problematical, but who says, "I's been here for a long time," lives in a small cottage at 3151 Cl...

Millie Forward
MILLIE FORWARD, about 95 years old, was born a slave of Jason Forward, in Jasper, Texas. She has spent her entire life in ...

Louis Fowler
LOUIS FOWLER, 84, was born a slave to Robert Beaver, in Macon Co., Georgia. Fowler did not take his father's name, but tha...

Chris Franklin
CHRIS FRANKLIN, 82, was born a slave of Judge Robert J. Looney, in Bossier Parish, Louisiana. Chris now lives in Beaumont,...

Orelia Alexie Franks
ORELIA ALEXIE FRANKS was born on the plantation of Valerian Martin, near Opelousas, Louisiana. She does not know her age, ...

Rosanna Frazier
ROSANNA FRAZIER was born a slave on the Frazier plantation in Mississippi. She does not remember her masters given name, n...

Priscilla Gibson
PRISCILLA GIBSON is not sure of her age, but thinks she was born about 1856, in Smith County, Mississippi, to Mary Puckett...

Gariel Gilbert
GABRIEL GILBERT was born in slavery on the plantation of Belizare Brassard, in New Iberia Parish, Louisiana. He does not k...

Mattie Gilmore
MATTIE GILMORE lives in a little cabin on E. Fifth Avenue, in Corsicana, Texas. A smile came to her lips, as she recalled ...

Andrew Goodman
ANDREW GOODMAN, 97, was born a slave of the Goodman family, near Birmingham, Alabama. His master moved to Smith County, Te...

Austin Grant
AUSTIN GRANT came to Texas from Mississippi with his grandfather, father, mother and brother. George Harper owned the fami...

James Green
JAMES GREEN is half American Indian and half Negro. He was born a slave to John Williams, of Petersburg, Va., became a "fr...

Ow Green And Granddaughter
O.W. Green, son of Frank and of Mary Ann Marks, was born in slavery at Bradly Co., Arkansas, June 26, 1859. His owners, th...

Rosa Green
Dibble, Fred Beaumont, Jefferson Co. Dist. #3 ROSA GREEN, 85 years old, was born at Ketchi, Louisiana, but as soon as ...

William Green
WILLIAM GREEN, or "Reverend Bill", as he is call by the other Negroes, was brought to Texas from Mississippi in 1862. His ...

Pauline Grice
PAULINE GRICE, 81, was born a slave of John Blackshier, who owned her mother, about 150 slaves, 50 slave children, and a l...

Mandy Hadnot
MANDY HADNOT, small and forlorn looking, as she lies in a huge, old-fashioned wooden bed, appears very black in contrast t...

William Hamilton
WILLIAM HAMILTON belonged to a slave trader, who left him on the Buford plantation, near Village Creek, Texas. The trader ...

Pierce Harper
PIERCE HARPER, 86, was born on the Subbs plantation near Snow Hill, North Carolina. When eight years old he was sold for $1,...

Molly Harrell
MOLLY HARRELL was born a slave on the Swanson plantation, near Palestine, Texas. She was a housegirl, but must have been t...

Ann Hawthorne
Dibble, Fred, P.W., Beehler, Rheba, P.W., Beaumont, Jefferson, Dist. #3. ANN HAWTHORNE, Beaumont, Tex., was clad in a white ...

James Hayes
JAMES HAYES, 101, was born a slave to a plantation owner whose name he does not now recall, in Shelby Co., two miles from ...

Felix Haywood
FELIX HAYWOOD is a temperamental and whimsical old Negro of San Antonio, Texas, who still sees the sunny side of his 92 ye...

Phoebe Henderson
PHOEBE HENDERSON, a 105 year old Negro of Harrison Co., was born a slave of the Bradley family at Macon, Georgia. After th...

Albert Hill
ALBERT HILL, 81, was born a slave of Carter Hill, who owned a plantation and about 50 slaves, in Walton Co., Georgia. Albe...

Rosina Hoard
ROSINA HOARD does not know just where she was born. The first thing she remembers is that she and her parents were purchas...

Tom Holland
TOM HOLLAND was born in Walker County, Texas, and thinks he is about 97 years old. His master, Frank Holland, traded Tom t...

Eliza Holman
ELIZA HOLMAN, 82, was born a slave of the Rev. John Applewhite, near Clinton, Mississippi. In 1861 they came to Texas, set...

Larnce Holt
LARNCE HOLT, 79, was born near Woodville, in Tyler County, Texas, a slave of William Holt. He now lives in Beaumont, Texas...

Bill Homer
BILL HOMER, 87, was born a slave on June 17, 1850, to Mr. Jack Homer, who owned a large plantation near Shreveport, La. In...

Scott Hooper
SCOTT HOOPER, 81, was born a slave of the Rev. Robert Turner, a Baptist minister who owned seven slave families. They live...

Alice Houston
ALICE HOUSTON, pioneer nurse and midwife on whom many San Angeloans have relied for years, was born October 22, 1859. She ...

Josephine Howard
JOSEPHINE HOWARD was born in slavery on the Walton plantation near Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She does not know her age, but when ...

Lizzie Hughes
LIZZIE HUGHES, blind Negress of Harrison County, Texas, was born on Christmas Day, 1848, a slave of Dr. Newton Fall, near ...

Moses Hursey
MOSE HURSEY believes he is about eighty-two years old. He was born in slavery on a plantation in Louisiana, and was brough...

Charley Hurt
CHARLEY HURT, 85, was born a slave of John Hurt, who owned a large plantation and over a hundred slaves, in Oglethorpe Cou...

Wash Ingram
WASH INGRAM, A 93 year old Negro, was born a slave of Capt. Jim Wall, of Richmond, Va. His father, Charley Wall Ingram, ra...

Carter J Jackson
CARTER J. JACKSON, 85, was born in Montgomery, Alabama, a slave of Parson Dick Rogers. In 1863 the Rogers family brought C...

James Jackson
JAMES JACKSON, 87, was born a slave to the Alexander family, in Caddo Parish, La. When he was about two, his master moved ...

Maggie Jackson
MAGGIE JACKSON was born a slave of the Sam Oliver family, in Cass Co., Texas, near Douglasville. She is about 80 years old...

Martin Jackson
MARTIN JACKSON, who calls himself a "black Texan", well deserves to select a title of more distinction, for it is quite po...

Nancy Jackson
NANCY JACKSON, about 105 years old, was born in Madison Co., Tennessee, a slave of the Griff Lacy family. She was married ...

Richard Jackson
RICHARD JACKSON, Harrison County farmer, was born in 1859, a slave of Watt Rosborough. Richard's family left the Rosboroug...

John James
JOHN JAMES, 78, was born a slave to John Chapman, on a large plantation in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. John took t...

Thomas Johns
THOMAS JOHNS, 508 Knopp St., Cleburne, Texas, was born April 18, 1847, in Chambers Co., Alabama. He belonged to Col. Rober...

Auntie Thomas Johns
AUNTIE THOMAS JOHNS, 508 Knopp St., Cleburne, Texas, was born in Burleson Co., Texas, in 1864. She was only two when her m...

Gus Johnson
GUS JOHNSON, 90 years or more, was born a slave of Mrs. Betty Glover, in Marengo Co., Alabama. Most of his memories are of...

Harry Johnson
HARRY JOHNSON, 86, whose real name was Jim, was born in Missouri, where he was stolen by Harry Fugot, when about twelve ye...

James D Johnson
JAMES D. JOHNSON, born Oct. 1st, 1860, at Lexington, Mississippi, was a slave of Judge Drennon. He now lives with his daug...

Mary Johnson
MARY JOHNSON does not know her age but is evidently very old. Paralytic strokes have affected mind and body. Her speech, t...

Mary Ellen Johnson
MARY ELLEN JOHNSON, owner of a little restaurant at 1301 Marilla St., Dallas, Texas, is 77 years old. She was born in slav...

Pauline Johnson And Felice Boudreaux
PAULINE JOHNSON and FELICE BOUDREAUX, sisters, were once slaves on the plantation of Dermat Martine, near Opelousas, Louis...

Spence Johnson
SPENCE JOHNSON was born free, a member of the Choctaw Nation, in the Indian Territory, in the 1850's. He does not know his...

Harriet Jones
HARRIET JONES, 93, was born a slave of Martin Fullbright, who owned a large plantation in North Carolina. When he died his d...

Lewis Jones
LEWIS JONES, 86, was born a slave to Fred Tate, who owned a large plantation on the Colorado River in Fayette Co., Texas. ...

Liza Jones
LIZA JONES, 81, was born a slave of Charley Bryant, near Liberty, Texas. She lives in Beaumont, and her little homestead i...

Lizzie Jones
LIZZIE JONES, an 86 year old ex-slave of the R.H. Hargrove family, was born in 1861, in Harrison County, Texas. She stayed...

Toby Jones
TOBY JONES was born in South Carolina, in 1850, a slave of Felix Jones, who owned a large tobacco plantation. Toby has far...

Pinkie Kelly
AUNT PINKIE KELLY, whose age is a matter of conjecture, but who says she was "growed up when sot free," was born on a plan...

Sam Kilgore
SAM KILGORE, 92, was born a slave of John Peacock, of Williams County, Tennessee, who owned one of the largest plantations...

Ben Kinchlow
BEN KINCHLOW, 91, was the son of Lizaer Moore, a half-white slave owned by Sandy Moore, Wharton Co., and Lad Kinchlow, a w...

Mary Kindred
MARY KINDRED was a slave on the Luke Hadnot plantation in Jasper, Texas. She does not know her age but thinks she is about...

Nancy King
NANCY KING, 93, was born in Upshur County, Texas, a slave of William Jackson. She and her husband moved to Marshall, Texas...

Silvia King
SILVIA KING, French Negress of Marlin, Texas, does not know her age, but says that she was born in Morocco. She was stolen...


The People Of Hayti And A Plan Of Emigration
BY PRINCE SAUNDERS [Note 1: Extracts from an address delivered at the American Convention for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery an...

Toussaint L'ouverture And The Haytian Revolutions
BY JAMES MCCUNE SMITH, M. A., M. D. [Note 2: Extracts from a lecture delivered at the Stuyvesant Institute, New York, for the benef...

Liberia: Its Struggles And Its Promises
BY HON. HILARY TEAGUE Senator at Monrovia, Liberia [Note 3: A speech delivered in 1846, on the anniversary of the founding of th...

What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?
BY FREDERICK DOUGLASS [Note 4: Extract from an oration delivered by Frederick Douglass at Rochester, N. Y., July 5, 1852.] FREDE...

Should Colored Men Be Subject To The Pains And Penalties Of The Fugitive Slave Law?
BY CHARLES H. LANGSTON CHARLES H. LANGSTON, a native of Ohio, was the first to counsel resistance to the Fugitive Slave A...

The Civil Rights' Bell
BY ROBERT BROWNE ELLIOT Representative from South Carolina [Note 6: Extracts from a speech delivered in the House of Representat...

Civil Rights And Social Equality
BY HON. JOHN R. LYNCH [Note 9: A speech delivered in the House of Representatives, February 3, 1875.] The House having under c...

Alexander Dumas Fils
The following public tribute was paid to his father by the younger Dumas on the occasion of taking his seat in the French Academy (Feb...

An Address Delivered At The Centennial Anniversary Of The Pennsylvania Society For Promoting The Abolition Of Slavery
BY JOHN MERCER LANGSTON [Note 11: Philadelphia, Wednesday, April 14, 1875.] Ladies and Gentlemen: The history of this Associ...

An Address Delivered At The Centennial Anniversary Of The Pennsylvania Society For Promoting The Abolition Of Slavery
BY MRS. FRANCES ELLEN WATKINS HARPER FRANCES ELLEN WATKINS HARPER was a distinguished anti-slavery lecturer, writer and poet, born ...

A Memorial Discourse
BY REV. HENRY HIGHLAND GARNET HENRY HIGHLAND GARNET, who at the time of the delivery of this speech was in charge of the Fifteenth ...

Crispus Attucks
BY GEORGE L. RUFFIN GEORGE L. RUFFIN (1834-1885) the first Negro judge to be appointed in Massachusetts, graduated in Law from Harv...

Oration On The Occasion Of The Unveiling Of Freedmen's Monument
BY FREDERICK DOUGLASS [Note 15: Oration delivered by Frederick Douglass on the occasion of the unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument...

Address During The Presidential Campaign Of 1880
BY PINKNEY BENTON STEWART PINCHBACK PINKNEY BENTON STEWART PINCHBACK is one of the most interesting and picturesque figures in the ...

The Black Woman Of The South: Her Neglects And Her Needs
BY ALEXANDER CRUMMELL, D. D., LL. D. ALEXANDER CRUMMELL, D.D., an eminent Negro Episcopal clergyman; a graduate of Oxford Universit...

An Open Letter To The Educational League Of Georgia
BY JOSEPHINE ST. PIERRE RUFFIN, of Boston, Mass. Founder of the National Association of Negro Women [Note 19: June, 1889.] L...

In The Wake Of The Coming Ages
BY J. MADISON VANCE, of New Orleans, La. [Note 20: Extract from an address delivered at the Music Hall, Boston, Mass., October 4, 1...

An Address Delivered At The Opening Of The Cotton States And International Exposition
BY BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, A. M. LL.D. of Tuskegee Institute [Note 21: Atlanta, Georgia, September 18, 1895.] Mr. President an...

The Negro As A Soldier
BY CHRISTIAN A. FLEETWOOD CHRISTIAN A. FLEETWOOD, Sergeant-Major, United States Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1866. Received a Medal of ...

An Address At The Unveiling Of The Robert Gould Shaw Monument
BY BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, A. M., LL.D. [Note 23: An address by Booker T. Washington, A. M., delivered on the occasion of the unveili...

The Limitless Possibilities Of The Negro Race
By CHARLES W. ANDERSON, of New York [Note 24: An address delivered before the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, Tenn., Ju...

The Party Of Freedom And The Freedmen A Reciprocal Duty

The Teachings Of History Considered In Relation To Race Problems In America
BY NATHAN F. MOSSELL, A. M., M. D. Surgeon-in-Chief, Frederick Douglass Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. [Note 26: From Howard's Ameri...

A Defense Of The Negro Race
BY HON. GEORGE H. WHITE Member of Congress from North Carolina [Note 28: Extracts from a speech delivered in the House of Repres...

The Negro's Part In The Redemption Of Africa
BY LEVI J. COPPIN, Bishop A. M. E. Church [Note 29: Delivered at Cape Town, South Africa, February 1902.] The land once lyin...

A Plea For Industrial Opportunity
BY FANNY JACKSON COPPIN FANNY MIRIAM JACKSON COPPIN, the first Negro woman in America to graduate from college--Oberlin, 1865. From...

An Appeal To Our Brother In White
BY W. J. GAINES, D. D. Bishop of the A.M.E. Church in Georgia [Note 31: From "The Negro and the White Man," 1897.] Providenc...

The Political Outlook For Africa
BY EDWARD WILMOT BLYDEN EDWARD WILMOT BLYDEN, one of the greatest scholars of the race; native of St. Thomas, West Indies. Secretar...

The Duty And Responsibility Of The Anglo-saxon Idea Of Citizenship
BY W. JUSTIN CARTER of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania [Note 33: Extract from an Address delivered before the Eureka Literary Society at ...

The Army As A Trained Force
BY THEOPHILUS G. STEWARD, D. D. Chaplain 25th United States Infantry [Note 34: Delivered before General Conference, Chicago, Ill....

The Sunday-school And Church As A Solution Of The Negro Problem
BY D. WEBSTER DAVIS, D. D. of Richmond, Virginia [Note 35: Delivered at the International, Interdenominational Sunday-school Con...

William Lloyd Garrison: A Centennial Oration
BY REVERDY C. RANSOM, D. D. Editor A. M. E. Church Review [Note 36: Delivered on the occasion of the Citizen's Celebration of 10...

Abraham Lincoln
BY JAMES L. CURTIS, of New York [Note 37: Speech delivered on the Centenary of his birth, February 12, 1909.] Since the curtai...

Abraham Lincoln And Fifty Years Of Freedom
BY ALEXANDER WALTERS, D. D., Bishop of A. M. E. Zion Church [Note 38: Extract from address given at Carnegie Hall, New York, Feb...

Address On The Occasion Of The Presentation Of A Loving Cup To Hon Joseph Benson Foraker United States Senator
BY HON. ARCHIBALD H. GRIMKE [Note 39: Delivered, in appreciation of his service on behalf of the members of Companies A, B and C, 2...

Equality Of Rights For All Citizens Black And White Alike
BY REV. FRANCIS J. GRIMKE, D. D. I Cor. 16:13. "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong." [Note 40: A di...

Is The Game Worth The Candle?
BY DR. JAMES E. SHEPARD Founder and President of the National Religious Training School at Durham, N. C. [Note 41: An address de...

Some Elements Necessary To Race Development?
BY ROBERT RUSSA MOTON Commandant of Cadets, Hampton Institute, Virginia [Note 42: An address delivered at the Tuskegee Commenceme...

The Two Seals
BY PROFESSOR GEORGE WILLIAM COOK Secretary of Howard University [Note 43: An address delivered at a banquet given in his honor, M...

A Solution Of The Race Problem
BY J. MILTON WALDRON, S. T. D. J. MILTON WALDRON, D.D., of Washington, D. C. Noted as having erected and operated the first Institu...

Life's Morn
BY WILLIAM C. JASON, D. D. Principal State College for Colored Students, Dover, Delaware [Note 45: An address delivered before th...

An Address Delivered Before The House Of Representatives Of Massachusetts
BY WILLIAM H. LEWIS Assistant Attorney-General of the United States [Note 46: Boston, Massachusetts, Wednesday, February 12, 1913...

The Life Of Social Service As Exemplified In David Livingstone
BY ALICE MOORE DUNBAR [Note 47: Delivered at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, on the occasion of the Centenary of the birth of Dav...

Education For Manhood
BY KELLY MILLER [Note 48: Reprinted from Kelly Miller's Monographic Magazine, April, 1913.] We must keep clearly in mind the p...

A Few Remarks On Making A Life
BY ROBERT E. JONES, LL. D. Editor Southwestern Christian Advocate, New Orleans, La. [Note 49: Extracts from Commencement address ...

Emancipation And Racial Advancement
BY THE REV. ERNEST LYON, D.D., LL.D. [Note 50: An address delivered upon the invitation of the citizens of Brownsville, Pa., on the...

The Future Of The Negro Church
BY HON. JOHN C. DANCY, LL.D. Secretary Church Extension Society, A. M. E. Church [Note 51: Delivered at the Celebration of the Em...

The Negro Lawyer; His Opportunity His Duty
BY W. ASHBIE HAWKINS Of the Baltimore Bar [Note 52: An address at the opening of Howard University Law School, Washington, D. C....

The Training Of Negroes For Social Reform
BY W. E. BURGHARDT DU BOIS, PH. D. Editor and Founder "The Crisis" [Note 53: From the New York Outlook.] The responsibility ...

Folk Rhymes

Jonah's Band Party
Setch a kickin' up san'! Jonah's Ban'! Setch a kickin' up san'! Jonah's Ban'! "Han's up sixteen! Circle to de right! ...

Love Is Just A Thing Of Fancy
Love is jes a thing o' fancy, Beauty's jes a blossom; If you wants to git y[=o]' finger bit, Stick it at a 'possum. ...

Still Water Creek
'Way down yon'er on Still Water Creek, I got stalded an' stayed a week. I see'd Injun Puddin and Punkin pie, But de ...

'possum Up The Gum Stump
'Possum up de gum stump, Dat raccoon in de holler; Twis' 'im out, an' git 'im down, An' I'll gin you a half a doller...

Joe And Malinda Jane
Ole Joe jes swore upon 'is life He'd make Merlindy Jane 'is wife. W'en she hear 'im up 'is love an' tell, She jumped...

Walk Talk Chicken With Your Head Pecked!
Walk, talk, chicken wid y[=o]' head pecked! You can crow w'en youse been dead. Walk, talk, chicken wid y[=o]' head pecked...

De coon's got a long ringed bushy tail, De 'possum's tail is bare; Dat rabbit hain't got no tail 'tall, 'Cep' a lidd...

Captain Dime
Cappun Dime is a fine w'ite man. He wash his face in a fry'n' pan, He comb his head wid a waggin wheel, An' he die w...

Crossing The River
I went down to de river an' I couldn' git 'cross. I jumped on er mule an' I thought 'e wus er hoss. Dat mule 'e wa'k in a...

T-u, tucky, T-u, ti. T-u, tucky, buzzard's eye. T-u, tucky, T-u, ting. T-u, tucky, buzzard's wing. Oh, Mistah W...

Chicken In The Bread Tray
"Auntie, will y[=o]' dog bite?"-- "No, Chile! No!" Chicken in de bread tray A makin' up dough. "Aunti...

Molly Cottontail Or Graveyard Rabbit
Ole Molly Cottontail, At night, w'en de moon's pale; You don't fail to tu'n tail, You always gives me leg bail.[2] ...

Juba dis, an' Juba dat, Juba [6]skin dat Yaller Cat. Juba! Juba! Juba jump an' Juba sing. Juba, [6]cut dat Pigeon'...

On Top Of The Pot
Wild goose gallop an' gander trot; Walk about, Mistiss, on top o' de pot! Hog jowl bilin', an' tunnup greens hot, ...

Stand Back Black Man[7]
Oh! Stan' back, black man, You cain't shine; Y[=o]' lips is too thick, An' you hain't m...

Samson, shout! Samson, moan! Samson, bring on y[=o]' Jawbone. Jawbone, walk! Jawbone, talk! Jawbone, eat wid a kni...

Indian Flea
Injun flea, bit my knee; Kaze I wouldn' drink ginger tea. Flea bite hard, flea bite quick; Flea bite burn lak dat ...

As I Went To Shiloh
As I went down To Shiloh Town; I rolled my barrel of Sogrum down. Dem lasses rolled; An' de hoops, dey bust; ...

Jump Jim Crow
Git fus upon y[=o]' heel, An' den upon y[=o]' toe; An ebry time you tu'n 'round, You jump Jim Crow. Now fall ...

De Jaybird jump from lim' to lim', An' he tell Br'er Rabbit to do lak him. Br'er Rabbit say to de cunnin' elf: "You ...

Off From Richmond
I'se off from Richmon' sooner in de mornin'. I'se off from Richmon' bef[=o]' de break o' day. I slips off from Mosser wid...

He Is My Horse
One day as I wus a-ridin' by, Said dey: "Ole man, y[=o]' hoss will die"-- "If he dies, he is my loss; An' ...

Judge Buzzard[9]
Dere sets Jedge Buzzard on de Bench. Go tu'n him off wid a monkey wrench! Jedge Buzzard try Br'er Rabbit's case; An'...

Sheep And Goat
Sheep an' goat gwine to de paster; Says de goat to de sheep: "Cain't you walk a liddle faster?" De sheep says: "I cain'...

Jackson Put That Kettle On!
Jackson, put dat kittle on! Fire, steam dat coffee done! Day done broke, an' I got to run Fer to meet my gal by de r...

Dinah's Dinner Horn
It's a c[=o]l', frosty mornin', An' de Niggers goes to wo'k; Wid deir axes on deir shoulders, An' widout a bit o' [1...

My Mule
Las' Saddy mornin' Mosser said: "Jump up now, Sambo, out'n bed. Go saddle dat mule, an' go to town; An' bring home M...

Bullfrog Put On The Soldier Clothes
Bullfrog put on de soldier clo's. He went down yonder fer to shoot at de crows; Wid a knife an' a fo'k between 'is toes, ...

Sail Away Ladies!
Sail away, ladies! Sail away! Sail away, ladies! Sail away! Nev' min' what dem white folks say, May de Mighty bless ...

The Banjo Picking
Hush boys! Hush boys! Don't make a noise, While ole Mosser's sleepin'. We'll run down de Graveyard, an' take out de bones...

Old Molly Hare
Ole Molly har'! What's you doin' thar? "I'se settin' in de fence corner, smokin' seegyar." Ole Molly har'! Wh...

An Opossum Hunt
'Possum meat is good an' sweet, I always finds it good to eat. My dog tree, I went to see. A great big 'possum up da...

Devilish Pigs
I wish I had a load o' poles, To fence my new-groun' lot; To keep dem liddle bitsy debblish pigs Frum a-rootin' up a...

Promises Of Freedom
My ole Mistiss promise me, W'en she died, she'd set me free. She lived so long dat 'er head got bal', An' she give o...

When My Wife Dies
W'en my wife dies, gwineter git me anudder one; A big fat yaller one, jes lak de yudder one. I'll hate mighty bad, w'en s...

Baa! Baa! Black Sheep
"Baa! Baa! Black Sheep, Has you got wool?" "Yes, good Mosser, Free bags full. One fer ole Mistis, One fer ...

He Will Get Mr Coon
Ole Mistah Coon, at de break o' day, You needn' think youse gwineter git 'way. Caze ole man Ned, he know how to run, ...

Bring On Your Hot Corn
Bring along y[=o]' hot co'n, Bring along y[=o]' col' co'n; But I say bring along, Bring along y[=o]' [13]Jimmy-john....

The Little Rooster
I had a liddle rooster, He crowed bef[=o]' day. 'Long come a big owl, An' toted him away. But de rooster figh...

Sugar In Coffee
Sheep's in de meader a-mowin' o' de hay. De honey's in de bee-gum, so dey all say. My head's up an' I'se boun' to go. ...

The Turtle's Song[14]
Mud turkle settin' on de end of a log, A-watchin' of a tadpole a-turnin' to a frog. He sees Br'er B'ar a-pullin' lak a mu...

Raccoon And Opossum Fight
De raccoon an' de 'possum Under de hill a-fightin'; Rabbit almos' bust his sides Laughin' at de bitin'. De ra...

Cotton Eyed Joe
Hol' my fiddle an' hol' my bow, Whilst I knocks ole Cotton Eyed Joe. I'd a been dead some seben years ago, If I ha...

Rabbit Soup
Rabbit soup! Rabbit sop! Rabbit e't my tunnup top. Rabbit hop, rabbit jump, Rabbit hide behin' dat stump. R...

Old Gray Mink
I once did think dat I would sink, But you know I wus dat ole gray mink. Dat ole gray mink jes couldn' die, W'en h...

Run Nigger Run!
Run, Nigger, run! De [15]Patter-rollers'll ketch you. Run, Nigger, run! It's almos' day. Dat Nigger run'd, dat Nigger f...

Shake The Persimmons Down
De raccoon up in de 'simmon tree. Dat 'possum on de groun'. De 'possum say to de raccoon: "Suh!" "Please shake dem '...

The Cow Needs A Tail In Fly-time
Dat ole black sow, she can root in de mud, She can tumble an' roll in de slime; But dat big red cow, she git all mired up...

Jaybird Died With The Whooping Cough
De Jaybird died wid de Whoopin' Cough, De Sparrer died wid de colic; 'Long come de Red-bird, skippin' 'round, Sayin'...

Wanted! Cornbread And Coon
I'se gwine now a-huntin' to ketch a big fat coon. Gwineter bring him home, an' bake him, an' eat him wid a spoon. Gwinete...

Little Red Hen
My liddle red hen, wid a liddle white foot, Done built her nes' in a huckleberry root. She lay m[=o]' aigs dan a flock on...

Ration Day
Dat ration day come once a week, Ole Mosser's rich as Gundy; But he gives us 'lasses all de week, An' buttermilk fer...

My Fiddle
If my ole fiddle wus jes in chune, She'd bring me a dollar ev'y Friday night in June. W'en my ole fiddle is fixed up righ...

Die In The Pig-pen Fighting
Dat ole sow said to de barrer: "I'll tell you w'at let's do: Let's go an' git dat broad-axe And die in de pig-pen to...

Master Is Six Feet One Way
Mosser is six foot one way, an' free foot tudder; An' he weigh five hunderd pound. Britches cut so big dat dey don't suit...

Fox And Geese
Br'er Fox wa'k out one moonshiny night, He say to hisse'f w'at he's a gwineter do. He say, "I'se gwineter have a good pie...

Gooseberry Wine
Now 'umble Uncle Steben, I wonders whar youse gwine? Don't never tu'n y[=o]' back, Suh, On dat good ole goos...

I'd Rather Be A Negro Than A Poor White Man
My name's Ran, I wuks in de san'; But I'd druther be a Nigger dan a p[=o]' white man. Gwineter hitch ...

The Hunting Camp
Sam got up one mornin' A mighty big fros'. Saw "A louse, in de huntin' camp As big as any hoss!" Sam run 'way...

The Ark
Ole Nora had a lots o' hands A clearin' new ground patches. He said he's gwineter build a Ark, An' put tar on de hat...

Gray And Black Horses
I went down to de woods an' I couldn' go 'cross, So I paid five dollars fer an ole gray hoss. De hoss wouldn' pull, so I ...

Go call ole Rattler from de bo'n. Here Rattler! Here! He'll drive de cows out'n de co'n, Here Rattler! Here! ...

Brother Ben And Sister Sal
Ole Br'er Ben's a mighty good ole man, He don't steal chickens lak he useter. He went down de chicken roos' las' Friday n...

Simon Slick's Mule
Dere wus a liddle kickin' man, His name wus Simon Slick. He had a mule wid cherry eyes. Oh, how dat mule could kick!...

Nobody Looking
Well: I look dis a way, an' I look dat a way, An' I heared a mighty rumblin'. W'en I come to find out, 'twus ...

If you wants to bake a hoecake, To bake it good an' done; Jes' slap it on a Nigger's heel, An' hol' it to de sun. ...

I Went Down The Road
I went down de road, I went in a whoop; An' I met Aunt Dinah Wid a chick...

The Old Hen Cackled
De ole hen she cackled, An' stayed down in de bo'n. She git fat an' sassy, A-eatin' up de co'n. De ole hen sh...

I Love Somebody
I loves somebody, yes, I do; An' I wants somebody to love me too. Wid my chyart an' oxes stan'in' 'roun', Her pretty...

We Are All The Go
Yes! We's "All-de-go," boys; we's "All-de-go." Me an' my Lulu gal's "All-de-go." I jes' loves my sweet p...

Aunt Dinah Drunk
Ole Aunt Dinah, she got drunk. She fell in de fire, an' she kicked up a chunk. Dem embers got in Aunt Dinah's shoe, ...

The Old Woman In The Hills
Once: Dere wus an ole 'oman Dat lived in de hills; Put rocks in 'er stockin's, An' sent 'em to mil...

A Sick Wife
Las' Sadday night my wife tuck sick, An' what d'you reckon ail her? She e't a tucky gobbler's head An' her stomach, ...

My Wonderful Travel
I come down from ole Virginny, 'Twas on a Summer day; De wedder was all frez up, 'An' I skee...

I Would Not Marry A Black Girl[17]
I wouldn' marry a black gal, I'll tell you de reason why: When she goes to comb dat head De naps'll 'gin to fly. ...

Harvest Song
Las' year wus a good crap year, An' we raised beans an' 'maters. We didn' make much cotton an' co'n; But, Goodness L...

Year Of Jubilee
Niggers, has you seed ole Mosser; (Red mustache on his face.) A-gwine 'roun' sometime dis mawnin', 'Spectin' to leav...

Sheep Shell Corn
Oh: De Ram blow de ho'n an' de sheep shell co'n; An' he sen' it to de mill by de buck-eyed Whippoorwill. Ole Joe's dead a...

Chilluns: Mammy an' daddy had a hoss, Dey want a liddle bigger. Dey sticked a plaster on his back ...

Uncle Ned
Jes lay down de shovel an' de hoe. Jes hang up de fiddle an' de bow. No more hard work fer ole man Ned, Fer he's gon...

The Master's Stolen Coat
Ole Mosser bought a brand new coat, He hung it on de wall. Dat Nigger [20]stole dat coat away, An' wore it to de Bal...

I Wouldn't Marry A Yellow Or A White Negro Girl[21]
I sho' loves dat gal dat dey calls Sally [22]"Black," An' I sorter loves some of de res'; I first loves de gals fer lovin...

Don't Ask Me Questions
Don't ax me no questions, An' I won't tell you no lies; But bring me dem apples, An' I'll make you some pies. ...

The Old Section Boss
I once knowed an ole Sexion Boss but he done been laid low. I once knowed an ole Sexion Boss but he done been laid low. H...

The Negro And The Policeman
"Oh Mistah Policeman, tu'n me loose; Hain't got no money but a good excuse." Oh hello, Sarah Jane! Dat ole Policem...

Ham Beats All Meat
Dem white folks set up in a Dinin' Room An' dey charve dat mutton an' lam'. De Nigger, he set 'hind de kitchen door, ...

Suze Ann
Yes: I loves dat gal wid a blue dress on, Dat de white folks calls Suze Ann. She's jes' dat gal what stole my h...

Walk Tom Wilson
Ole Tom Wilson, he had 'im a hoss; His legs so long he couldn' git 'em 'cross. He laid up dar lak a bag o' meal, An'...

Chicken Pie
If you wants to make an ole Nigger feel good, Let me tell you w'at to do: Jes take off a chicken from dat chicken roost, ...

I Am Not Going To Hobo Any More
My mammy done tol' me a long time ago To always try fer to be a good boy; To lay on my pallet an' to waller on de fl[=o]'...

If de people'll jes gimme Des a liddle bit o' peace, I'll tell 'em what happen To de Chief o' Perlice. He met a...

Blindfold Play Chant
Oh blin' man! Oh blin' man! You cain't never see. Just tu'n 'round three times You cain't ketch me. Oh tu'n E...

Fox And Geese Play
[24](Fox Call) "Fox in de mawnin'!" (Goose Sponse) "Goose in de evenin'!" (Fox Call) "How many geese you got?" (Go...

Hawk And Chickens Play
[25](Chicken's Call) "Chickamee, chickamee, cranie-crow." I went to de well to wash my toe. W'en I come back,...

Caught By The Witch Play
(Human Call) "Molly, Molly, Molly-bright!" (Witch Sponse) "Three sc[=o]' an' ten!" (Human Call) "Can we git dar 'fore c...

Goosie-gander Play Rhyme[26]
"Goosie, goosie, goosie-gander! What d'you say?"--"Say: 'Goose!'"-- "Ve'y well, go right along, Honey! I tu'ns y[=o]...

Hawk And Buzzard
Once: De Hawk an' de buzzard went to roost, An' de hawk got up wid a broke off tooth. Den: De hawk an' de buzzard w...

Likes And Dislikes
I sho' loves Miss Donie! Oh, yes, I do! She's neat in de waist, Lak a needle in de case; An'...

Susie Girl
Ring 'round, Miss Susie gal, Ring 'round, "My Dovie." Ring 'round, Miss Susie gal. Bless you! "My Lovie." Bac...

Susan Jane
I know somebody's got my Lover; Susan Jane! Susan Jane! Oh, cain't you tell me; help me find 'er? Susan Jane! Susan ...

Peep Squirrel
Peep squir'l, ying-ding-did-lum; Peep squir'l, it's almos' day, Look squir'l, ying-ding-did-lum, Look squir'l, an' r...

Did You Feed My Cow?
"Did yer feed my cow?" "Yes, Mam!" "Will yer tell me how?" "Yes, Mam!" "Oh, w'at did yer give 'er?" "Cawn an' hay." ...

A Budget
If I lives to see nex' Spring I'se gwineter buy my wife a big gold ring. If I lives to see nex' Fall, I'se gwinter...

The Old Black Gnats
Dem ole black gnats, dey is so bad I cain't git out'n here. Dey stings, an' bites, an' runs me mad; I cain't git out...

Sugar Loaf Tea
Bring through y[=o]' [27]Sugar-l[=o]'-tea, bring through y[=o]' [27]Ca...

Green Oak Tree! Rocky'o
Green oak tree! Rocky'o! Green oak tree! Rocky'o! Call dat one you loves, who it may be, To come an' set by de side o' me...

Kissing Song
A sleish o' bread an' butter fried, Is good enough fer y[=o]' sweet Bride. Now choose y[=o]' Lover, w'ile we sing, A...

Kneel On This Carpet
Jes choose y[=o]' Eas'; jes choose y[=o]' Wes'. Now choose de one you loves de bes'. If she hain't here to take 'er part ...

Salt Rising Bread
I loves saltin', saltin' bread. I loves saltin', saltin' bread. Put on dat skillet, nev' mind de lead; Caze I'se gwi...

Precious Things
Hol' my rooster, h[=o]l' my hen, Pray don't tetch my [28]Gooshen Ben'. Hol' my bonnet, h[=o]l' my shawl, Pray don'...

He Loves Sugar And Tea
Mistah Buster, he loves sugar an' tea. Mistah Buster, he loves candy. Mistah Buster, he's a Jim-dandy! He can swing ...

Here Comes A Young Man Courting
Here comes a young man a courtin'! Courtin'! Courtin'! Here comes a young man a-courtin'! It's Tidlum Tidelum Day. "Say! ...

Anchor Line
I'se gwine out on de Anchor Line, Dinah! I won't git back 'fore de summer time, Dinah! W'en I come back be "dead in line,...

Sallie! Sallie! don't you want to marry? Sallie! Sallie! do come an' tarry! Sallie! Sallie! Mammy says to tell her when. ...

Down In The Lonesome Garden
Hain't no use to weep, hain't no use to moan; Down in a lonesome gyardin. You cain't git no meat widout pickin' up a bone...

Little Sister Won't You Marry Me?
Liddle sistah in de barn, jine de weddin'. Youse de sweetest liddle couple dat I ever did see. Oh Love! Love! Ahms all 'r...

Raise A Rucus To-night
Two liddle Niggers all dressed in white, (Raise a rucus to-night.) Want to go to...

Sweet Pinks And Roses
Sweet pinks an' roses, strawbeers on de vines, Call in de one you loves, an' kiss 'er if you minds. Here sets a pretty ga...

De Lawd made man, an' de man made money. De Lawd made de bees, an' de bees made honey. De Lawd made ole Satan, an' ole Sa...

Johnny Bigfoot
Johnny, Johnny Bigfoot! Want a pair o' shoes? Go kick two cows out'n deir skins. Run Brudder, tell de news! ...

The Thrifty Slave
Jes wuk all day, Den go huntin' in de wood. Ef you cain't ketch nothin', Den you hain't no good. Don't look at ...

Wild Negro Bill
I'se wild Nigger Bill Frum Redpepper Hill. I never did wo'k, an' I never will. I'se done killed de Boss. I'se...

You Love Your Girl
You loves y[=o]' gal? Well, I loves mine. Y[=o]' gal hain't common? Well, my gal's fine. I loves my gal, ...

Frightened Away From A Chicken-roost
I went down to de hen house on my knees, An' I thought I heared dat chicken sneeze. You'd oughter seed dis Nigger a-gitti...

De June-bug's got de golden wing, De Lightning-bug de flame; De Bedbug's got no wing at all, But he gits dar jes de ...

How To Get To Glory Land
If you wants to git to Glory Land, I'll tell you what to do: Jes grease y[=o]' heels wid mutton sue, W'en de Devil's...

Destitute Former Slave Owners
Missus an' Mosser a-walkin' de street, Deir han's in deir pockets an' nothin' to eat. She'd better be home a-washin' up d...

Fattening Frogs For Snakes
You needn' sen' my gal hoss apples You needn' sen' her 'lasses candy; She would keer fer de lak o' you, Ef you'd sen...

The Mule's Kick
Is dis me, or not me, Or is de Devil got me? Wus dat a muskit shot me? Is I laid here more'n a week?-- Dat ole ...

Christmas Turkey
I prayed to de Lawd fer tucky-o. Dat tucky wouldn' come. I prayed, an' I prayed 'til I'se almos' daid. No tucky at m...

A Full Pocketbook
De goose at de barn, he feel mighty funny, Caze de duck find a pocketbook chug full o' money. De goose say: "Whar is you ...

No Room To Poke Fun
Nev' m[=i]n' if my nose are flat, An' my face are black an' sooty; De Jaybird hain't so big in song, An' de Bullfrog...

Crooked Nose Jane
I courted a gal down de lane. Her name, it wus Crooked Nose Jane. Her face wus white speckled, her lips wus all red, ...

Bad Features
Blue gums an' black eyes; Run 'round an' tell lies. Liddle head, liddle wit; Big long head, not a bit. Wid hi...

Miss Slippy Sloppy
Ole Miss Slippy Sloppy jump up out'n bed, Den out'n de winder she poke 'er nappy head, "Jack! O Jack! De gray goose's dea...

How To Make It Rain
Go kill dat snake an' hang him high, Den tu'n his belly to de sky. De storm an' rain'll come bye an' bye. ...

A Wind-bag
A nigger come a-struttin' up to me las' night; In his han' wus a walkin' cane, He tipped his hat an' give a low bow; ...

Going To Be Good Slaves
Ole Mosser an' Missus has gone down to town, Dey said dey'd git us somethin' an' dat hain't no jokes. I'se gwineter be go...

Page's Geese[30]
Ole man Page'll be in a turble rage, W'en he find out, it'll raise his dander. Yankee soldiers bought his geese, fer one ...

To Win A Yellow Girl
If you wants to win a yaller gal, I tell you what you do; You "borrow" Mosser's Beaver hat, An' slip on his Long-tai...

Sex Laugh
You'se heared a many a gal laugh, An' say: "He! He-he! He-he-he!" But you hain't heared no boy laugh, An' say: "She!...

Outrunning The Devil
I went upon de mountain, An' I seed de Devil comin'. I retched an' got my hat an' coat, An' I beat de Devil runnin'....

How To Keep Or Kill The Devil
If you wants to see de Devil smile, Simpully do lak his own chile. If you wants to see de Devil git spunk, Swallow...

John Henry
John Henry, he wus a steel-drivin' man. He died wid his hammer in his han'. O come long boys, an' line up de track, ...

The Nashville Ladies[31]
Dem Nashville ladies dress up fine. Got longpail hoopskirts hanging down beh[=i]n'! Got deir bonnets to deir shoulders an...

The Rascal
I'se de bigges' rascal fer my age. I now speaks from dis public stage. I'se stole a cow; I'se stole a calf, An' dat ...

Coffee Grows On White Folks' Trees
Coffee grows on w'ite folks' trees, But de Nigger can git dat w'en he please. De w'ite folks loves deir milk an' brandy, ...

Aunt Jemima
Ole Aunt Jemima grow so tall, Dat she couldn' see de groun'. She stumped her toe, an' down she fell From de Blackwoo...

The Mule's Nature
If you sees a mule tied up to a tree, You mought pull his tail an' think about me. For if a Nigger don't know de natcher ...

I'm A Round-town Gentleman
I hain't no wagon, hain't no dray, Jes come to town wid a load o' hay. I hain't no cornfield to go to bed Wid a lot ...

This Sun Is Hot
Dis sun are hot, Dis hoe are heavy, Dis grass grow furder dan I can reach; An' as I looks At dis Cotton fiel', ...

Uncle Jerry Fants
Has you heared 'bout Uncle Jerry Fants? He's got on some cu'ious shapes. He's de one what w'ars dem white duck pants, ...

Kept Busy
Jes as soon as de sun go down, My True-love's on my min'. An' jes as soon as de daylight breaks De white folks is go...

Crossing A Foot-log
Me an' my wife an' my bobtail dog Start 'cross de creek on a hick'ry log. We all fall in an' git good wet, But I hel...

Watermelon Preferred
Dat hambone an' chicken are sweet. Dat 'possum meat are sholy fine. But give me,--now don't you cheat!-- (Oh, I jes ...

They Steal Gossip
You know: Some folks say dat a Nigger won't steal, But Mosser cotch six in a watermillion fiel'; A...

Fox And Rabbit Drinking Propositions
Fox on de low ground, Rabbit on de hill. Says he: "I'll take a drink, An' leave you a gill." De fox say: "Hon...

A Turkey Funeral
Dis tucky once on earth did dwell; An' "Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!" But now he gives me bigges' joy, An' rests from all...

Our Old Mule
We had an ole mule an' he wouldn' go "gee"; So I knocked 'im down wid a single-tree. To daddy dis wus some mighty bad new...

The College Ox
Ole Ox! Ole Ox! How'd you come up here? You'se sh[=o]' plowed de cotton fields for many a, many a year. You'se been kicke...

Care In Bread-making
W'en you sees dat gal o' mine, Jes tell 'er fer me, if you please, Nex' time she goes to make up bread To roll up ...

Why Look At Me?
What's you lookin' at me fer? I didn' come here to stay. I wants dis bug put in y[=o]' years, An' den I'se gwine awa...

A Short Letter
She writ me a letter As long as my eye. An' she say in dat letter: "My Honey!--Good-by!" ...

Does Money Talk?
Dem whitefolks say dat money talk. If it talk lak dey tell, Den ev'ry time it come to Sam, It up an' say: "Farewell!...

I'll Eat When I'm Hungry
I'll eat when I'se hongry, An' I'll drink when I'se dry; An' if de whitefolks don't kill me, I'll live till I die. ...

Hello! Br'er Jack. How do you do? I'se been a-hearin' a heaps o' things 'bout you. I'll jes declar! It beats de Dickuns! ...

Negro Soldier's Civil War Chant
Ole [32]Abe (God bless 'is ole soul!) Got a plenty good victuals, an' a plenty good clo'es. Got powder, an' shot, an' lea...

Parody On Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Uh-huh: "Now I lays me down to sleep!"-- While dead oudles o' bedbugs 'round me creep,-- Well: If dey bites me bef[=o]' "...

I'll Get You Rabbit!
Rabbit! Rabbit! You'se got a mighty habit, A-runnin' through de grass, Eatin' up my cabbages; But I'll git you shore...

The Elephant
My mammy gimme fifteen cents Fer to see dat elephan' jump de fence. He jump so high, I didn' see why, If she gimme a...

A Few Negroes By States
Alabammer Nigger say he love mush. Tennessee Nigger say: "Good Lawd, hush!" Fifteen cents in de panel of de fence, ...

How To Please A Preacher
If you wants to see dat Preachah laugh, Jes change up a dollar, an' give 'im a half. If you wants to make dat Preachah si...

Looking For A Fight
I went down town de yudder night, A-raisin' san' an' a-wantin' a fight. Had a forty dollar razzer, an' a gatlin' gun, ...

I'll Wear Me A Cotton Dress
Oh, will you wear red? Oh, will you wear red? Oh, will you wear red, Milly Biggers? "I won't wear red, It's too much...

Half Way Doings
My dear Brudders an' Sisters, As I comes here to-day, I hain't gwineter take no scripture verse Fer what I'se gwinet...

Two Times One
Two times one is two. Won't you jes keep still till I gits through? Three times three is nine. You 'tend to y[=o]' b...

He Paid Me Seven Parody
"Our Fadder, Which are in Heaben!"-- White man owe me leben and pay me seben. "D'y Kingdom come! D'y Will be done!"-- ...

Parody On Reign Master Jesus Reign!
Oh rain! Oh rain! Oh rain, "good" Mosser! Rain, Mosser, rain! Rain hard! Rain flour an' lard an' a big hog head Down...

A Request To Sell
Gwineter ax my daddy to sell ole Rose, So's I can git me some new cl[=o]'s. Gwineter ax my daddy to sell ole Nat, So...

We'll Stick To The Hoe
We'll stick to de hoe, till de sun go down. We'll rise w'en de rooster crow, An' go to de fiel' whar de sun shine hot, ...

A Fine Plaster
W'en it's sheep skin an' beeswax, It sh[=o]'s a mighty fine plaster: De m[=o]' you tries to pull it off, De m[=o]' i...

A Day's Happiness
Fust: I went out to milk an' I didn' know how, I milked dat goat instid o' dat cow; While a Nigger a-settin' ...

Master Killed A Big Bull
Mosser killed a big bull, Missus cooked a dish full, Didn't give poor Nigger a mouf full. Humph! Humph! M...

You Had Better Mind Master
'Way down yon'er in 'Possum Trot, (In ole Miss'sip' whar de sun shines hot) Dere hain't no chickens an' de Niggers eats c...

Pretty Little Pink
My pretty liddle Pink, I once did think, Dat we-uns sh[=o]' would marry; But I'se done give up, Hain't got no h...

A Bitter Lovers' Quarrel One Side
You nasty dog! You dirty hog! You thinks somebody loves you. I tells you dis to let you know I thinks myse'f above y...

Roses Red
Rose's red, vi'lets blue. Sugar is sweet but not lak you. De vi'lets fade, de roses fall; But you gits sweeter, all ...

You Have Made Me Weep
You'se made me weep, you'se made me mourn, You'se made me tears an' sorrow. So far' you well, my pretty liddle gal, ...

Mourning Slave Fiancees
Look down dat lonesome road! Look down! De way are dark an' c[=o]l'. Dey makes me weep, dey makes me mourn; All 'cau...

Do I Love You?
Does I love you wid all my heart?-- I loves you wid my liver; An' if I had you in my mouf, I'd spit you in de river....

Lovers' Good-night
Cotton fields white in de bright moonlight, Now kiss y[=o]' gal' an' say "Good-night." If she don't kiss you, jes go on '...

I loves coffee, an' I loves tea. I axes you, Vinie, does you love me? My day's study's Vinie, an' my midnight dreams, ...

She Hugged Me And Kissed Me
I see'd her in de Springtime, I see'd her in de Fall, I see'd her in de Cotton patch, A cameing from de Ball. ...

It Is Hard To Love
It's hard to love, yes, indeed 'tis. It's hard to be broke up in min'. You'se all lugged up in some gal's heart, But...

Me And My Lover
Me an' my Lover, we fall out. How d'you reckon de fuss begun? She laked licker, an' I laked fun, An' dat wus de way ...

I Wish I Was An Apple
Oh: I wish I wus an apple, An' my Sallie wus anudder. What a pretty match we'd be, Hangin' on a ...

Rejected By Eliza Jane
W'en I went 'cross de cotton patch I give my ho'n a blow. I thought I heared pretty Lizie say: "Oh, yon'er come my b...

Antebellum Courtship Inquiry
(He) Is you a flyin' lark or a settin' dove? (She) I'se a flyin' lark, my honey Love. (He) Is you a bird o' one fedder,...

Invited To Take The Escort's Arm
Miss, does you lak strawberries? ***** Den hang on de vine. ***** Miss, does you lak chicken? ***** D...

Sparking Or Courting
I'se heaps older dan three. I'se heaps thicker dan barks; An' de older I gits, De m[=o]' harder I sparks. I s...

A Clandestine Letter
Kind Miss: If I sent you a letter, By de crickets, Through de thickets, How'd y...

Antebellum Marriage Proposal
(A proposal of marriage with the answer deferred) (He) De ocean, it's wide; de sea, it's deep. Yes, in y[=o]' arms I...

If You Frown
If you frowns, an' I frowns, W'en we goes out togedder; Den all de t'other folks aroun' Will say: "De rain is fallin...

(A proposal of marriage with its acceptance) Kind Miss: I'se on de stage o' action, Pleadin' hard fer satisfac...

I Walked The Roads
Well: I walked de roads, till de roads git muddy. I talked to dat pretty gal, till I couldn' stan' study. Den: I...

Presenting A Hat To Phoebe
Sister Phoebe: Happy wus we, W'en we sot under dat Juniper tree. Take dis hat, it'll kee...

W'at is dat a wukin At y[=o]' han' bill on de wall, So's y[=o]' sperit, it cain't res', An' a gemmun's heat, it call...

The Courting Boy
W'en I wus a liddle boy, Jes fifteen inches high; De way I court de pretty gals, It make de ole folks cry. De...

Pretty Polly Ann
I'se gwineter marry, if I can. I'se gwineter marry pretty Polly Ann. I axed Polly Ann, fer to marry me. She say sh...

Marriage Rhyme Section
SLAVE MARRIAGE CEREMONY SUPPLEMENT Dark an' stormy may come de wedder; I jines dis he-male an' dis she-male togedder. ...

The Newly Weds
First Mont': "Set down in my cabin, Honey!" Nex' Mont': "Stan' up, my Pie." Third Mont': "You go to wuk, you Wench! ...

When I Go To Marry
W'en I goes to marry, I wants a gal wid money. I wants a pretty black-eyed gal To kiss an' call me "Honey." W...

Bought Me A Wife
Bought me a wife an' de wife please me, I feeds my wife un'er yon'er tree. My wife go: "Row-row!" My guinea go: "Pot...

When I Was A Roustabout
W'en I wus a "Roustabout," wild an' young, I co'ted my gal wid a mighty slick tongue. I t[=o]l' her some oncommon lies de...

My First And My Second Wife
My fust liddle wife wus short an' fat. Her face wus as black as my ole hat, Her nose all flat, an' her eyes sunk in, ...

Good-by Wife!
I had a liddle wife, An' I didn' want to kill 'er; So I tuck 'er by de heels, An' I throwed 'er in de river. "G...

Awful Harbingers[36]
W'en de big owl whoops, An' de screech owl screeks, An' de win' makes a howlin' sound; You liddle wooly heads H...

The Last Of Jack
I had a liddle dog, his name wus Jack; He run forty mile 'fore he look back. W'en he look back, he fall in a crack; ...

Little Dogs
I had a liddle dog; his name wus Ball; W'en I give him a liddle, he want it all. I had a liddle dog, his name wus Trot;...

My Dog Cuff
I had a liddle dog, his name wus Cuff; I sent 'im to town to buy some snuff. He drapped de bale, an' he spilt de snuff, ...

Sam Is A Clever Fellow
Say! Is y[=o]' peaches ripe, my boy, An' is y[=o]' apples meller? Go an' tell Miss Katie Jones Dat Sam's a clever fe...

The Great Owl's Song
Ah-hoo-hoo? Ah-hoo-hoo? Ah-hoo-hoo----? An' who'll cook fer Kelline, an' who'll cook fer you----? I will cook fer myse'f,...

Here I Stand
Here I stan', raggity an' dirty; If you don't come kiss me, I'll run lak a tucky. Here I stan' on two liddle chips, ...

Pig Tail
Run boys, run! De pig tail's done. If you don't come quick, You won't git none. Pig ham's dere, Lakwise ...

A, B, C, Doubled down D; I'se so lazy you cain't see me. A, B, C, Doubled down D Lazy Chilluns gits hick...

Negro Baker Man
Patty cake! Patty cake! Nigger Baker man. Missus an' Mosser gwineter ketch 'im if dey can. Put de liddle Nigger in Mosser...

Stick-a-ma-stew, he went to town. Stick-a-ma-stew, he tore 'is gown. All dem folks what live in town Cain't mend dat...

Bob-white's Song
Bob-white! Bob-white! Is y[=o]' peas all ripe? No--! not--! quite! Bob-white! Bob-white! W'en will dey be rip...

Cooking Dinner
Go: Bile dem cabbage down. Turn dat hoecake 'round, Cook it done an' brown. Yes: Gwineter have swee...

Chuck Will's Widow Song
Oh nimber, nimber Will-o! My crooked, crooked bill-o! I'se settin' down right now, on de sweet pertater hill-o. ...

Bridle Up A Rat
Bridle up er rat, Saddle up er cat, An' han' me down my big straw hat. In come de cat, Out go de rat, Do...

My Little Pig
You see: I had a liddle pig, I fed 'im on slop; He got so fat Dat he almos' pop. ...

In A Mulberry Tree
Jes looky, looky yonder; w'at I see! Two liddle Niggers in a Mulberry tree. One cain't read, an' de t'other cain't write....

Animal Attire
Dat Coon, he w'ar a undershirt; Dat 'Possum w'ar a gown. Br'er Rabbit, he w'ar a overcoat Wid buttons up an' down. ...

If I wus de President Of dese United States, I'd eat good 'lasses candy, An' swing on all de gates. ...

Animal Fair
Has you ever hearn tell 'bout de Animal Fair? Dem birds an' beasts wus all down dere. Dat jaybird a-settin' down on 'is w...

Little Boy Who Couldn't Count Seven
Once der wus a liddle boy dat couldn' count one. Dey pitched him in a fedder bed; 'e thought it great big fun. Once der...

Miss Terrapin And Miss Toad
As I went marchin' down de road, I met Miss Tearpin an' I met Miss Toad. An' ev'ry time Miss Toad would jump, Miss T...

From Slavery
Chile: I come from out'n slavery, Whar de Bull-whup bust de hide; Back dar, whar dis gineration Natchully widdered u...

The End Of Ten Little Negroes
Ten liddle Niggers, a-eatin', fat an' fine; One choke hisse'f to death, an' dat lef' nine. Nine liddle Niggers, dey sot u...

The Alabama Way
'Way down yon'er "in de Alerbamer way," De Niggers goes to wo'k at de peep o' de day. De bed's too short, an' de high pos...

Mother Says I Am Six Years Old
My mammy says dat I'se too young To go to Church an' pray; But she don't know how bad I is W'en she's been gone away...

The Origin Of The Snake
Up de hill an' down de level! Up de hill an' down de level! Granny's puppy treed de Devil. Puppy howl, an' Devil s...

Wild Hog Hunt
Nigger in de woods, a-settin' on a log; Wid his finger on de trigger, an' his eyes upon de hog. De gun say "bam!" an' de ...

A Strange Brood
De ole hen sot on tucky aigs, An' she hatch out goslin's three. Two wus tuckies wid slender legs, An' one wus a bumb...

The Town And The Country Bird
Jaybird a-swingin' a two hoss plow; "Sparrer, why not you?" "W'y--! My legs so liddle an' slender, man, I'se fear'd ...

Frog In A Mill [38]guinea Or Ebo Rhyme
Once dere wus er frog dat lived in er mill. He had er raker don la bottom o' la kimebo Kimebo, nayro, dilldo, kiro S...

Strong Hands
Here's y[=o]' bread, an' here's y[=o]' butter; An' here's de hands fer to make you sputter. Tetch dese hands, w'en you ...

Tree Frogs Guinea Or Ebo Rhyme
Shool! Shool! Shool! I rule! Shool! Shool! Shool! I rule! Shool! Shacker-rack! I shool bubba cool. Seller! Be...

When I Was A Little Boy
W'en I wus a liddle boy I cleaned up mammy's dishes; Now I is a great big boy, I wears my daddy's britches. I c...

Grasshopper Sense
Dere wus a liddle grasshopper Dat wus always on de jump; An' caze he never look ahead, He wus always gittin' a bump....

Young Master And Old Master
Hick'ry leaves an' calico sleeves! I tells you young Mosser's hard to please. Young Mosser fool you, de way he grin. ...

My Speckled Hen
Somebody stole my speckled hen. Dey lef' me mighty p[=o]o'. Ev'ry day she layed three aigs, An' Sunday she lay f[=o]...

The Snail's Reply
Snail! Snail! Come out'n o' y[=o]' shell, Or I'll beat on y[=o]' back till you rings lak a bell. "I do ve'y well," saye...

A Strange Family
Once dere's an ole 'oman dat lived in de Wes'. She had two gals of de very bes'. One wus older dan de t'other, T'oth...

Good-by Ring
I had a liddle dog, his name wus Ring, I tied him up to his nose wid a string. I pulled dat string, an' his eyes tu'n blu...

Deedle Dumpling
Deedle, deedle, dumplin'! My boy, Pete! He went to bed wid his dirty feet. Mammy laid a switch down on dat sheet! De...

Buck And Berry
Buck an' Berry run a race, Buck fall down an' skin his face. Buck an' Berry in a stall; Buck, he try to eat it all...

Pretty Little Girl
Who's been here since I'se been gone? A pretty liddle gal wid a blue dress on. Who'll stay here when I goes 'way? ...

Two Sick Negro Boys
Two liddle Niggers sick in bed, One jumped up an' bumped his head. W'en de Doctah come he simpully said: "Jes feed d...

Grasshopper Sitting On A Sweet Potato Vine
Grasshopper a-settin' on a sweet tater vine, 'Long come a Blackbird an' nab him up behind. Blackbird a-settin' in a sou...

Doodle-bug! Doodle-bug! Come git sweet milk. Doodle-bug! Doodle-bug! Come git butter. Doodle-bug! Doodle-bug! Come git co...

Raw Head And Bloody Bones[40]
Don't talk! Go to sleep! Eyes shet an' don't you peep! Keep still, or he jes moans: "Raw Head an' Bloody Bones!" ...

Mysterious Face Washing
I wash my face in de watah Dat's neider rain nor run. I wipes my face on de towel Dat's neider wove nor spun.-- ...

Go To Bed
De wood's in de kitchen. De hoss's in de shed. You liddle Niggers Had better go to bed. ...

Buck-eyed Rabbit! Whoopee![41]
Dat Squir'l, he's a cunnin' thing; He tote a bushy tail. He jes lug off Uncle Sambo's co'n, An' heart it on a rail. ...

Captain Coon
Captain Coon's a mighty man, He trabble atter dark; Wid nothin' 'tall to 'sturb his mind, But to hear my ole dog bar...

Guinea Gall
'Way down yon'er in Guinea Gall, De Niggers eats de fat an' all. 'Way down yon'er in de cotton fiel', Ev'ry week one...

Fishing Simon
Simon tuck his hook an' pole, An' fished on Sunday we's been told. Fish dem water death bells ring, Talk from out'n ...

A Strange Old Woman
Dere wus an ole 'oman, her name wus Nan. She lived an 'oman, an' died a man. De ole 'oman lived to be dried up an' cunnin...

In '76
Way down yonder in sebenty-six, Whar I git my jawbone fix; All dem coon-loons eatin' wid a spoon! I'll be ready fer ...

Redhead Woodpecker
Redhead woodpecker: "Chip! Chip! Chee!" Promise dat he'll marry me. Whar shall de weddin' supper be? Down in de lot,...

Old Aunt Kate
Jes look at Ole Aunt Kate at de gyardin gate! She's a good ole 'oman. W'en she sift 'er meal, she give me de husk...

Children's Seating Rhyme
You set outside, an' ketch de cow-hide. I'll set in de middle, an' play de gol' fiddle. You set 'round about, an' git scr...

My Baby
I'se de daddy of dis liddle black baby. He's his mammy's onliest sweetest liddle Coon. Got de look on de forehead lak his...

A Race-starter's Rhyme
One fer de money! Two fer de show! Three to git ready, An' four fer to go! ...

De jaybird build on a swingin' lim', De sparrow in de gyardin; Dat ole gray goose in de panel o' de fence, An' de ga...

Baby Wants Cherries
De cherries, dey're red; de cherries, dey're ripe; An' de baby it want one. De cherries, dey're hard; de cherries, dey're...

A Pretty Pair Of Chickens
Dat box-legged rooster, an' dat bow-legged hen Make a mighty pretty couple, not to be no kin. Dey's jes lak some Niggers ...

Too Much Watermelon
Dere wus a great big watermillion growin' on de vine. Dere wus a liddle ugly Nigger watchin' all de time. An' w'en dat gr...

Pretty liddle butterfly, yaller as de gold, My sweet liddle butterfly, you sh[=o]' is mighty bold. You can dance out in d...

The Hated Blackbird And Crow
Dat Blackbird say unto de Crow: "Dat's why de white folks hates us so; For ever since ole Adam wus born, It's been o...

In A Rush
Here I comes jes a-rearin' an' a-pitchin', I hain't had no kiss since I lef' de ole kitchin. Candy, dat's sweet; dat's ve...

Taking A Walk
We's a-walkin' in de green grass dust, dust, dust. We's a-walkin' in de green grass dust. If you's jes as sweet as I thin...

Paying Debts With Kicks
I owes y[=o]' daddy a peck o' peas. I'se gwineter pay it wid my knees. I owes y[=o]' mammy a pound o' meat; An' I'se...

Getting Ten Negro Boys Together
One liddle Nigger boy whistle an' stew, He whistle up anudder Nigger an' dat make two. Two liddle Nigger boys shuck de ap...

Hawk And Chickens
Hen an' chickens in a fodder stack, Mighty busy scratchin'. Hawk settin' off on a swingin' lim', Ready fer de catchi...

Mud-log Pond
As I stepped down by de Mud-log pon', I seed dat bullfrog wid his shoe-boots on. His eyes wus glass, an' his heels wus br...

What Will We Do For Bacon?
What will we do fer bacon now? I'se shot, I'se shot de ole sandy sow! She jumped de fence an' broke de rail; An'--"B...

A Little Pickaninny
Me an' its mammy is both gwine to town, To git dis Pickaninny a liddle hat an' gown. Don't you never let him waller on de...

Don't Sing Before Breakfast[43]
Don't sing out 'fore Breakfast, Don't sing 'fore you eat, Or you'll cry out 'fore midnight, You'll cry 'fore you sle...

My Folks And Your Folks
If you an' y[=o]' folks Likes me an' my folks, Lak me an' my folks, Likes you an' y[=o]' folks; You's never see...

Little Sleeping Negroes
One liddle Nigger a-lyin' in de bed; His eyes shet an' still, lak he been dead. Two liddle Niggers a-lyin' in de bed; ...

Mamma's Darling
Wid flowers on my shoulders, An' wid slippers on my feet; I'se my mammy's darlin'. Don't you think I'se sweet? ...

Stealing A Ride
Two liddle Nigger boys as black as tar, Tryin' to go to Heaben on a railroad chyar. Off fall Nigger boys on a cross-tie! ...

Willie Wee
Willie, Willie, Willie Wee! One, two, three. If you wanna kiss a pretty gal, Come kiss me. ...

Frog Went A-courting
De frog went a-co'tin', he did ride. Uh-huh! Uh-huh! De frog went a-co'tin', he did ride Wid a sword an' a pistol by 'is ...

Shoo! Shoo!
Shoo! Shoo! What'll I do? Run three mile an' buckle my shoe? No! No! I'se gwineter go, An' kill dat chic...

I loves my wife, an' I loves my baby: An' I loves dem flap-jacks a-floatin' in gravy. You play dem chyards, an' make two ...

Teaching Table Manners
Now whilst we's here 'round de table, All you young ones git right still. I wants to l'arn you some good manners, So...

Miss Blodger
De rats an' de mice, dey rund up stairs, Fer to hear Miss Blodger say her prayers. Now here I stan's 'fore Miss Blodger. ...

The Little Negro Fly
Dere's a liddle Nigger fly Got a pretty liddle eye; But he don't know 'is A, B, C's. He up an' crawl de book, A...

Destinies Of Good And Bad Children
One, two, three, f[=o]', five, six, seben; All de good chilluns goes to Heaben. All de bad chilluns goes below, To [...

Black-eyed Peas For Luck
One time I went a-huntin', I heared dat 'possum sneeze. I hollered back to Susan Ann: "Put on a pot o' peas." ...

Pennywinkle, pennywinkle, poke out y[=o]' ho'n; An' I'll give you five dollahs an' a bar'l o' co'n. Pennywinkle! Pennywin...

Training The Boy
W'en I wus a liddle boy, Jes thirteen inches high, I useter climb de table legs, An' steal off cake an' pie. ...

Bat! Bat![48]
Bat! Bat! Come un'er my hat, An' I'll give you a slish o' bacon. But don't bring none y[=o]' ole bedbugs, If you don...

Randsome Tantsome
Randsome Tantsome!--Gwine to de Fair? Randsome Tantsome!--W'at you gwineter wear? "Dem shoes an' stockin's I'se bound to ...

Are You Careful?
Is you keerful; w'en you goes down de street, To see dat y[=o]' cloze looks nice an' neat? Does you watch y[=o]' liddle s...

Rabbit Hash
Dere wus a big ole rabbit Dat had a mighty habit A-settin' in my gyardin, An' eatin' all my cabbitch. I hit 'im...

Why The Woodpecker's Head Is Red
Bill Dillix say to dat woodpecker bird: "W'at makes y[=o]' topknot red?" Says he: "I'se picked in de red-hot sun, Ti...

The chivalry of the Old South rather demanded that all friends should be invited to partake of the meal, if they chanced to come calli...

Blessing With Company Present
Oh Lawd now bless an' b[=i]n' us, An' put ole Satan 'h[=i]n' us. Oh let y[=o]' Sperit m[=i]n' us. Don't let none hon...

Blessing Without Company
Oh Lawd have mussy now upon us, An' keep 'way some our neighbors from us. For w'en dey all comes down upon us, Dey e...

Animal Persecutors
I went up on de mountain, To git a bag o' co'n. Dat coon, he sicked 'is dog on me, Dat 'possum blowed 'is ho'n. ...

Four Runaway Negroes Whence They Came
Once f[=o]' runaway Niggers, Dey met in de road. An' dey ax one nudder: Whar dey come from. Den one up an' say:...

Learn To Count
Naught's a naught, Five's a figger. All fer de white man, None fer de Nigger. Ten's a ten, But it's migh...

The War Is On
De boll-weevil's in de cotton, De cut-worm's in de corn, De Devil's in de white man; An' de wah's a-gwine on. P...

How To Plant And Cultivate Seeds
Plant: One fer de blackbird Two fer de crow, Three fer de jaybird An' f[=o]' fer to grow. Den: When you...

A Man Of Words
A man o' words an' not o' deeds, Is lak a gyarden full o' weeds. De weeds 'gin to grow Lak a gyarden full o' sno...

I'se jes as innerpenunt as a pig on ice. Gwineter git up ag'in if I slips down twice. If I cain't git up, I can jes lie d...

Temperance Rhyme
Whisky nor brandy hain't no friend to my kind. Dey killed my p[=o]' daddy, an' dey troubled my mind. Sometime he drunk wh...

That Hypocrite
I tell you how dat hypocrite do, He come down to my house, an' talk about you; He talk about me, an' he talk about you; ...

Drinking Razor Soup
He's been drinkin' razzer soup; Dat sharp Nigger, black lak ink. If he don't watch dat tongue o' his, Somebody'll hu...

Old Man Know-all
Ole man Know-All, he come 'round Wid his nose in de air, turned 'way frum de ground. His ole woolly head hain't been comb...

Fed From The Tree Of Knowledge
I nebber starts to break my colt, Till he's ole enough to trabble. I nebber digs my taters up Wen dey's only right t...

The Tongue
Got a tongue dat jes run when it walk? It cain't talk. Got a tongue dat can hush when it talk?-- It cain't squawk. ...

Brag And Boast
Brag is a big dog; But Hold Fast, he is better. Dem big black rough hands, Dey cain't write no letter. Boast,...

Befo' you says dat ugly word, You stop an' count ten. Den if you wants to say dat word, Begin an' count again. ...

Speak Softly
"Wus dat you spoke, Or a fence rail broke?" Br'er Rabbit say to de Jay [50]W'en you don't speak sof', Y[=o]' ba...

Still Water Runs Deep
Dat still water, it run deep. Dat shaller water prattle. Dat tongue, hung in a holler head, Jes roll 'round an' ratt...

Don't Tell All You Know
Keep dis in min', an' all 'll go right; As on y[=o]' way you goes; Be shore you knows 'bout all you tells, But don't...

Jack And Dinah Want Freedom[51]
Ole Aunt Dinah, she's jes lak me. She wuk so hard dat she want to be free. But, you know, Aunt Dinah's gittin' sorter ole...

African Rhymes

Near-waldo-tee-do Is My Sweetheart
1. A yehn me doddoc Near Waldo Tee-do. Yehn me doddoc o-o seoh-o-o. Omah nahn mejai Near Waldo Tee-do. ...

Tuba Blay Or An Evening Song
1. Seah O, Tuba blay. Tuba blay, Tuba blay. 2. O blay wulna nahn blay. Tuba blay, Tuba blay. Tran...

The Owl
We are indebted for this Baluba rhyme to Dr. and Mrs. William H. Sheppard, pioneer missionaries under the Southern Presbyterian Church...

I Am Not Going To Marry Sumpun
1. Sai Sumpun komo. De Sumpun nenah? Sumpun se jello jeppo Boddeoh Sumpun. 2. Sai Sumpun komo. ...

A Boat Song
[=O]-[=O] Byanswahn blay Tanner tee-o-o. O Byanswahn jekah jubha. De jo Byanswahn se kah jujah dai. [=O] Byanswahn b...

The Turkey Buzzard
Dr. C. C. Fuller: a missionary at Chikore Melsetter, Rhodesia, Africa, was good enough to secure for the compiler this rhyme, written ...

The Frogs
The following child's play rhyme in Baluba with its translation was contributed by Mrs. L. G. Sheppard, who was for many years a missi...

Buscher Garden
This Negro rhyme from rural Jamaica was contributed by Dr. Cecil B. Roddock, a native of that country. The word Buscher means an overs...

Venezuelan Negro Rhymes
These Venezuelan rhymes: "A 'Would be' Immigrant" and "Game Contestant's Song," came to us through the kindness of Mr. J. C. Williams,...

Game Contestant's Song
We're going to dig! We're going to dig a sepulcher to bury those regiments. White Rose Union! Get yourself in readin...

A Would Be Immigrant
Conjo Celestine! Oh He was going to Panama. Reavay Trinidad! Celestine Revay, la Grenada! What d'you think brin...

Beautiful Marie The East Indian
Un belle Marie Coolie! Un belle Marie Coolie! Un belle Marie Coolie! Vous belle dame, vous belle pour moi. Papa...

A Tom Cat
My father had a big Tom cat, That tried to play a fiddle. He struck it here, and he struck it there, And he struck i...

Monkey Up The Cocoanut Tree
See that Monkey up the cocoanut tree, A-jumpin' an' a-throwin' nuts at me? El hombre no savoy, No like such play. ...




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