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Deaf Anecdotes

Ask A Blessing
A little boy was admitted as a pupil into the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Derby. Previous to his admission he had given his p...

Deaf And Dumb Clergymen
In America there are four deaf and dumb clergymen working in connection with the Church Missions to the Deaf and Dumb. There are also ...

How To Save The Rates
In a vast majority of cases where the deaf and dumb are allowed to grow up uneducated and uncared for they become inmates of Workhouse...

Fatal Accident To A Deaf And Dumb Bride On The Day Of Marriage
The following is taken from the Manchester Mercury and Harrop's General Advertiser, June 10, 1800:--"On the 12th ult., in the Island o...

M Berthier
This gentleman, who is now senior professor in the Paris Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, is described as a man of rare merit, proba...

His Right Name
In a letter received by the head master at the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Derby, a lady writes about a little boy she had assisted i...

An Ingenious Boy
We were lately shown a curiosity in the shape of a sewing machine entirely of wood. It was whittled out of ordinary pine with an ordin...

Mighty Proud
At a meeting held in a country village in aid of the Deaf and Dumb Institution, Derby, a number of the pupils were present on the plat...

A Deaf And Dumb Sculptor At Brussels
A deaf and dumb sculptor named Van Louy de Canter has recently obtained two prizes, one a silver medal with a ribbon of Belgian colour...

Monograph Of The Colleonbola & Thysanura
BY SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, BART, M.P., &C. This work is one of the many magnificent contributions to the literature of natural history is...

The Countess Of Orkney
The following curious anecdote is related of Mary, Countess of Orkney. She was deaf and dumb, and was married in 1753, by signs. Sh...

In St. Modwen's Churchyard at Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, the following inscription has been copied from the tombstone of a deaf...

A Happy Death Bed
Not long ago there died in the county Wexford, in Ireland, a deaf and dumb shoemaker named Henry Plunkett. He had for many years been ...

The Coming Mayoralty
The state coach for the Lord Mayor elect will be furnished by Mr. J. Offord, of Wells Street and Brook Street, who has also supplied t...

The Deaf And Dumb In Texas
Deaf and Dumb men have a poor chance in Texas. One of them went to a farmhouse, and, when asked what he wanted, put his hand in his po...

The Indians And Deaf And Dumb
We are quite sure the Indians were delighted by the reception tendered them by the children of the public schools and the inmates o...

Exhibition 1851
At the great Exhibition in 1851 there was exhibited a set of oak tables and cabinet of Stanton oak, combined with glass and ormolu, et...

A Mate For Laura Bridgman
Hetty Hutson lives in the city of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a girl seventeen years old, who has been deaf and dumb and blind from...

A Thought Of The South Sea Islanders
Among some of the islands of the South Sea the compound word for "hope" is beautifully expressive; it is "manaolona" or "swimming tho...

Deaf Dumb Blind And Lame
David Simons, of Boston, is deaf and dumb; he is also blind; likewise he is lame. Penniless he is, and houseless. Finally, he is black...

International Exhibition
(From The Graphic, May, 1874.) Messrs. Doulton and Co., who have done so well with stoneware, dignifying the simplest material by g...

A Young Genius
(From the Journal of the Society of Arts, May 1, 1874.) Another artist who has made his mark on the ware by the originality of his ...

The Little Demerarian
A little coloured deaf and dumb girl in Demerara came to Mrs. H----'s school, and wished to learn to read. It was thought impossibl...

Mr. James Wyllie (the Herd Laddie), the greatest living draught player, has been in Aberdeen for a whole week, playing in public again...

The Unwelcome Tap
Isabella Green was a young woman who was completely blind and deaf, and she was brought before a number of eminent surgeons to see ...

Corot And His Pupil
Corot the Artist had a deaf and dumb pupil. The young fellow was employed in copying one of his master's beautiful pencil drawings, wh...

Dumb For Two Years
Two years ago, says the Auburn Advertizer, George Scott, one of a gang of desperadoes in New York City, committed a robbery, for which...

The Bachelor Of Science
A fact without precedent has just happened at the Sorbonne. A young deaf mute, M. Dusuzeau, underwent recently with success the examin...

Like The Copy
Florence B----, a little girl in the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Derby, was painting in water colours during her leisure hours. She h...

Drunken Billy
A poor deaf and dumb man, who might be said to be entirely friendless in the world until the Institution of the Deaf and Dumb was f...

Rapid Bicycle Travelling
Yesterday week a young man named Sydney Cornwall, of Coventry, started at six o'clock in the morning for Salisbury (a distance of 128 ...

Heroic Conduct Of A Deaf And Dumb Girl
On Tuesday last an inquest was held by Mr. Michael Fullam, Coroner, at Aughaward, near Ballinale in this County, on the body of a r...

A Victory
Peter Sims, a deaf and dumb boy, was walking past a large shop one day in winter, when he saw a beautiful pair of skates in the window...

The Queen And The Deaf And Dumb
Not far from Osborne House, Isle of Wight, there lives a poor man in a small cottage, who a few years ago had a deaf and dumb daughter...

The Converted Mute
During a revival of religion in one of the New England villages, a son of the clergyman returned home for a brief visit. The lad was a...

Nothing Bad
On entering the school room one morning, one of the little deaf and dumb girls quickly turned over her slate, and colouring in the fac...

A Sad Case
T---- L---- lived near Derby. Hers was a sad case--deaf, dumb, and so nearly blind that she had to be led about; moreover, she suff...

A Deaf And Dumb Clergyman
Among those who were ordained deacons on Trinity Sunday last year by the Bishop of Winchester was Mr. R. A. Pearce, who is deaf and du...

A Deaf Mute's Beautiful Answer
The Rev. R. Stewart says: "I knew of a gentleman who went to a Deaf and Dumb Asylum to make known to the inmates the way of salvation ...

I Must Help
The following little incident will show how interested the deaf and dumb are in trying to help Institutions struggling to obtain mo...

Canon Farrar With The Deaf And Dumb
The Washington Post gives an account of Canon Farrar's visit to that city. He was interviewed by one of their reporters as to what ...

Robert S Lyons
Robert S. Lyons went about Ireland last summer visiting the deaf and dumb, and talking to them about Jesus. He was then home for vacat...

Helen Silvie
Helen Silvie was a Scotch girl. She was born in the village of Dunblane, situated on the beautiful banks of the river Allan. She...

A Cat Assisting A Deaf And Dumb Woman
The chill wind was moaning, the rain falling drearily, and day darkening rapidly, when a lady might have been seen walking along quick...

The Earl Of Shaftesbury
At a meeting in aid of the deaf and dumb held in Dundee, at which Lord Panmure presided, a number of deaf and dumb children were prese...

Deaf And Dumb Lady's Idea Of Music
A lady who graduated from the Institution at New York some years ago, was questioned as to the capacity of the deaf to enjoy music;...

Half A Score Deaf Mutes
On Tuesday evening last the Stamford Corn Exchange was crowded with people eager to see half a score little deaf mutes from the Instit...

A Dumb Dog
A deaf and dumb lady living in a German city, had, as a companion, a younger woman, who was also deaf and dumb. They lived in a sma...

Cleansing From Sin
Matthew Jones, a poor deaf and dumb boy, once wrote the meaning of Jesus Christ's blood washing away sin. Being asked if he was afraid...

The Bible And The Deaf And Dumb
The following is taken from the British and Foreign Bible Society's Report for 1885, being an extract from one of their agents in Belg...

Cork Temperance Exhibition
The following were won by deaf mutes:--Both certificate and prize, E. Morgan, for painted album; A. Corkey, doll's dress; B. Henderson...

Good Influence
A few years since an aged man, who had long been a sincere and devoted christian, was placed in the same ward in the Infirmary of N...

A Deaf And Dumb Man In The Revision Court
On Thursday afternoon a singular scene was witnessed during the proceedings of the Revision Court, at Ashton-under-Lyne. A man named ...

Julia Brace
Julia Brace, a deaf, dumb, and blind woman, who died in August, 1884, in her seventy-eighth year, was well known all over America, at ...

An Amusing Story
Here is an amusing story hailing from Munich. During the past year the professor of Aesthetics in the University, whose lectures are ...

A Deaf Mute's Heroism
About five o'clock on Sunday afternoon several gentlemen standing on Vine Street Wharf witnessed an act which was highly commendabl...

The Right Hon W E Gladstone And The Deaf And Dumb
Mr. Gladstone, on being presented with the freedom of the Worshipful Company of Turners, gave an address from which the following is a...

A Deaf And Dumb Girl's Dream
(WRITTEN BY HERSELF.) I had a dream on the 26th of January. I was going for rolls, and going back I met Gracie, a friend of mine, a...

A Deaf And Dumb Councillor
Kapotrine Moller, a Russian Councillor of State, son of General Moller, and nephew of the tutor to the Grand Dukes Nicholas and Michae...

Deaf And Dumb Boy And His Mother
Zachariah was a deaf and dumb boy, thirteen years of age, who was being educated in an Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, after an abs...

Speed Of Manual Spelling
In reply to a question "What is the number of words a good hand speaker can make or say in one minute?" A deaf mute says, "Take the...

Portobello Swimming Club
On the mornings of Wednesday and Thursday the deep-diving medal of this club was competed for by five members. The depth of water vari...

Dear Tammas
A poor old deaf man resided in Fife; he was visited by his minister shortly after coming to his pulpit. The minister said he would oft...

Royal Scottish Academy Exhibition For 1880
John S. Rennie Reid, a young Aberdeen lad, now resident in Edinburgh, who, though labouring under the great disability of being deaf a...

In Derby Police Court
A few years since the Head Master of the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Derby was sent for, with a request that he would hasten to th...

An Interview With Laura Bridgman
We presume most of our readers will have read of Laura Bridgman, who is without any perfect sense except that of touch. A correspon...

A Deaf And Dumb Boy's Devotion
Under the trees standing by the left bank of the Thames, and sheltered from its waters by a mound of earth, is an old but comfortab...

The Deaf Mute's Faith
One day a minister's servant brought a subscription book and laid it on his study table, saying, "A dumb man brought it, sir." On look...

Deaf Dumb And Blind
An examination of students who were deaf, dumb, and blind took place on Washington Heights. The principal, Dr. Isaac L. Peet, gave var...

Ordination Of Deaf Mutes In Philadelphia Usa
Nearly all the deaf mutes connected with the Protestant Episcopal Church in this city assembled yesterday morning in the church of the...

Pictures By Deaf And Dumb Artists In The Royal Academy 1876
No. 1301. "Despatches." T. Davidson. " 30. "Elter Water, Langdale." C. E. Emerson. " 1235. "The late W. A. La...

Fairly Done
A good story is told of ex-governor Magottin, of Kentucky, who is a good talker and likes to do most of the talking himself. Recently,...

A Novel Situation
During the past year a gentleman had occasion to visit a certain city in New England. He arrived at night, went directly to his acc...

The Deaf And Dumb Both Heard And Spoke
Vincent Ogden was recently charged with begging, under the pretence of being deaf and dumb, at Launceston. P. C. Barrett said that he ...

Entertainment By Deaf And Dumb
The inhabitants of Mansfield had some most enjoyable meetings on Monday last, when a number of the pupils from the Deaf and Dumb Insti...

Lord Seaforth
Lord Seaforth, who was born deaf and dumb, was to dine one day with Lord Melville. Just before the time of the company's arrival, Lady...

A Supposed Lunatic In Derby
At the Borough Police Court this morning, a man, who said his name was "Jim," but from whom no further information could be obtaine...

A Clever Gymnast
Walter Stevens, a member of the British Mission to the Deaf and Dumb, last year won the first prize for "all round performances" at th...

William De Courcy
This boy was educated at a Deaf and Dumb School. He was fond of learning, and soon had many companions. One of the delights of his lif...

A Deaf And Dumb Sculptor
There has just been placed outside St. Saviour's Church, for the Deaf and Dumb, Oxford Street, London, a statue of "The Good Shepherd,...

The Entertainments given on Tuesday in the Pavilion by Deaf and Dumb children from the Institution at Derby drew large audiences. The ...

Her Latest And Best
A little girl was admitted to a Deaf and Dumb Institution, and in due course, before she had obtained a thorough knowledge of language...

The Little Deaf And Dumb Preacher
In a small town in Germany lived a locksmith and his wife, to whom God had given one child, a girl, who rejoiced the hearts of her ...

A Naval Chef D'euvre
Gervase Murray, a deaf and dumb young man, the son of a poor widow living at Balbriggan, has just completed a miniature merchant sh...

Alexander Ferguson The Famous Deaf And Dumb Swimmer
Alexander Ferguson, a dock mason of Dundee, (though now in employment at Irvine), has rescued forty-seven persons from drowning--on...

Great Swimming Feats
1. Fourteen miles down the river with the rapid ebb tide, from the middle buoys opposite the Tay ferries to far buoy at the mouth of t...

A Deaf Mute's Gratitude
M. Felix Martin, an artist, deaf and dumb from his birth, has just executed a group representing the Abbe de L'Epee teaching a deaf...

Sir Walter Scott On The Deaf & Dumb
Sir Walter Scott in his novel "Peveril of the Peak," uses the following language as to the deaf and dumb of his day:--"All knowledge i...

What would any of us be without education? By education, I mean not book-learning only, but the training in good habits which is given...

Trades Of The Deaf & Dumb In England And Wales
The following particulars showing the trades of the Deaf and Dumb are taken from the last Government Census of 1883:-- FEMALES...

A Will Made By Pantomime
The Supreme Court of Maine recently, after a six days trial, sustained the will of Horatio N. Foster, who was deaf and dumb, seventy-s...

A Brave Defender
After reaching our encampment (at Jenin in Palestine) our dragoman told us that the people of the village were so quarrelsome and thie...

A Deaf And Dumb Lawyer
Mr. Lowe, a gentleman who has been deaf and dumb from his infancy, will, we understand, be called to the Bar by the Society of the Mid...

A Deaf And Dumb Man On The Bible
The following remarks on the Bible were written by a deaf and dumb young man 26 years of age:--"The Bible is more valuable than all ot...

Uneducated Deaf Mute's Ignorance Of God
Vauncey Thompson wrote after having been under instruction in the Deaf and Dumb School for six years:--"When I was at home, I knew ...

Do The Deaf & Dumb Think Themselves Unhappy?
Two deaf and dumb scholars of the late Abbe Siccard were asked--Do the deaf and dumb think themselves unhappy? The following is the an...

A Deaf Mute's Ideas Before Instruction
The following extract from the correspondence of a deaf and dumb pupil with his teacher is a fair specimen of the natural condition of...

Observations Of Deaf & Dumb Children
A gentleman called to see some little deaf and dumb girls who had been present at a large meeting in aid of the Institution on the pre...

A Deaf & Dumb Boy's Remarkable Dream
William Brennen, aged about fourteen and a-half years, having been awakened from sleep, his first words were that he had been dream...

The Scriptures And The State Of The Deaf And Dumb
"Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. "Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plea...

United States Of America
The Tenth Census Report of the U. S. of America for 1880 contains some interesting statistics of the deaf and dumb, and apparently sho...

Causes Of Deaf-mutism
The intermarriage of blood-relations is doubtless one cause. In one school for the deaf and dumb 25 per cent., in another 20 per cent....

A Deaf And Dumb Boy Not Afraid To Die
Bernard Grimshaw, a little deaf and dumb boy, lay seriously ill in the sick ward of an Institution, and was asked, "Would you be afrai...

A Deaf And Dumb Sexton Robbed
George E. Fischer, the deaf and dumb sexton of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational Church, put out the lights and started for his boa...

Acuteness Of Educated Deaf Mutes
One evening the senior class of girls and boys in a School for the deaf and dumb were invited to put any questions they wished to the ...

A Russian Deaf And Dumb Youth's Reply
A young Russian, of great talents, though deaf and dumb, who had been to a Deaf and Dumb Institution to be taught, with a view to beco...

The Age Of Deaf Mutes
The question is frequently asked, "Is there a greater mortality among the deaf mutes than there is among the total population?" The...

Deaf Mutes In The Town And Country
Wilhelmi tried to ascertain by means of his statistics in what proportion deaf mutism occurred in towns and in the country, and found ...

Comparative Numbers Of The Sexes Of Deaf Mutes
In all countries where statistics have been compiled, the number of male deaf mutes exceeds that of the female. In 1871 there were in ...

Probable Numbers Of The Deaf & Dumb
There is an increasing desire on the part of the various Governments of the world to give information likely to be useful to the instr...

King George Iv & The Deaf & Dumb Boy
When King George IV. visited Ireland a deaf and dumb boy determined to send a letter to His Majesty. The following extracts taken from...

Poor Sam Tranter
The lot of the uneducated deaf and dumb in this world is a pitiable one, and their isolation is keenly felt. Often have we seen some o...

Faith Cometh By Hearing
A deaf and dumb Lady said that the first time she went to church after she was impressed with the truths of christianity, she saw over...

One of the best educated and most distinguished deaf mutes was Massieu, who gave the following remarkable replies to questions put to ...

Grace Annable
Grace Annable was deaf, dumb, and blind, and although her form and features were well proportioned, she was a great sufferer from con...

A Deaf And Dumb Boy And His Brother
Brownlow Harrison, a bright little boy who had spent a few years in the school for the deaf and dumb, was watching with great earnestn...




  Deaf Anecdotes  

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