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  Chalk (65)    Mechanical Drawings (33)    Crayon Portraiture (99)  

How to

Learn to how draw.


The Plan of the Book. In the preparation of this book the author has had two great plans in mind: To prepare a work...

Equipment And Materials
The necessary equipment and materials for the work include the drawing board, the drawing paper and the chalk (or lecture crayons)....

Preparing To Give The Talk
The instructions here given are for the beginner. Others will follow their accustomed methods. In our introduction we make the claim t...

The Two Faces
—Our Thoughts —Optimism "As a Man Thinketh in His Heart, So Is He"—A Lesson in Charact...

The Christmas Stockings
—Christmas —The Needy It Is Well to Remember the Poor at Christmas, but it is Infinitely Better to ...

The Key To Failure
—Temperance Day —Appetite Strong Drink Opens the Gate to Destruction and Bars the Way to Success....

A Busy Life
—Pluck and Luck —Industry A Plucky American Boy Whom the Whole World Delights to Honor. ...

The Keg And The Bucket
—Temperance Day —Purity A Temperance Talk Devoted to the Teaching of the Principles of Purity of Li...

Turn Over A New Leaf
—New Year's Day —Gladness The Psalmist Truly Says that "A Merry Heart Maketh a Cheerful Countenance.&q...

True Success
—Lincoln's Birthday —Discouragement It is Exemplified by the Life of Abraham Lincoln—Stumbling B...

The Fruits Of Riches
—Humility —Wealth If the Love of Gold Controls the Life Naught but Poverty of Soul Can Result. ...

The Christ-child
—Christmas —Giving A Lesson From the Story of the Shepherds and the Wise Men. THE LESS...

Seedtime And Harvest
—Sowing —Reaping "Whatsoever a Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap." THE LES...

The Two Flags
—Rally Day —War THE LESSON—That the same spirit which brings success in war must anima...

The Cross
—Salvation —Repentance THE LESSON—That a complete surrender to Christ is the only succ...

Easter Lilies
—Easter —Resurrection Their Introduction into America has Spread Perfume and Beauty Everywhere. ...

The Wounded Tree
—Steadfastness —Constancy It Tells the Story of Courage and Patience that Approaches the Sublime....

A Firm Foundation
—Lincoln's Birthday —Fortitude The Secret of Lincoln's Steadfastness in the Midst of Tremendous Trial...

The Blessedness Of Work
—Labor —Diligence The Truly Happy Life is the One Filled With Honest Employment. THE L...

The Doorway
—Easter —Death The Resurrection of Christ the Hope of the World—An Easter Thought. ...

The Puzzle Picture
—God's Love —Nature When We Have Solved It, Let Us Learn to Find God in All His Works of Nature. ...

The Heart Of The Trouble
—Temperance Day —Sobriety A Temperance Talk in Acrostic—One Great Evil Power—Beware! ...

If Washington Lived Today
—Washington's Birthday —Character The Principles Which Underlie Success Are the Same at All Times....

Evolution Of The Jug
—Temperance Day —Slavery While Strong Drink Makes "Poverty and Rags," the Pure Life Brings ...

The Cigarette Face
A Unique Presentation of a Truth Important to Every Child and Youth. THE LESSON—That Indulgence in inju...

Christopher Columbus
—Prayer —Faith Although He Died Believing His Mission Had Failed, His Prayer Was More Than Answered....

The Thief Of Character
—Meditation —Conscience The Unholy Thought Robs Life of Its Choicest Treasures—The Voice of Con...

Jennie Casseday
—Children's Day —Service A Children's Day Story of What One Girl Did to Make Others Happy. ...

—Mother's Day —Home Training The Great Men of the World Pay Her the Highest of Tribute—A Carnat...

New Year's Resolutions
—New Year's Day —Watchfulness Most of Them May be Rolled into One—"Hold Fast to That Which ...

The Mountain Climber
—Light —Danger All Light, Shining in the Darkness, Is Either a Guide or a Warning. TH...

The Open Saloon Door
—Temperance Day —Destruction The Young Man Who Enters Therein Endangers His Whole After Life. ...

The Simple Life
—Haste —Quietness The True Christian Life is the Safe, Sensible, Simple Life. THE LESS...

Warmth And Coldness
—Sunday —Rest A Talk on Sunday Observance and Its Relation to the Christian Life. THE...

The Desert And The Mountain
—Decision Day —Conversion THE LESSON—That as the desert cannot become productive until ...

Reflecting And Blessing
—Helpfulness —Testimony Those Who Are "The Light of the World" Should be a Guide to Those W...

Hidden Sunshine
—Missionary Day —Love How the Warmth and Brightness Stored Away Ages Ago Are Now of Service to Man....

"johnnie Appleseed"
—Boys' Day —Devotion Story of the Man Who Braved the Dangers of the Wilderness to Bless the Early Set...

Public Sentiment
—Home Department Day —Unity THE LESSON—That the earnest prayers and work of the stay-at...

The Brook
—Gossip —Our Words The Life Which is Tainted by the Habit of Speaking Unkind Words Falls Short of Its...

The Deceitfulness Of Sin
—Sin —Allurement THE LESSON—That sin gains its victims through the most alluring decep...

The Mask
—Sincerity —Truth Let Us Ask Ourselves Earnestly if We Are Guilty of Wearing It. THE L...

Washington's Strength
—Washington's Birthday —Trust Through His Great Trials He Remained Steadfast in His Hold on God. ...

"a Merry Heart"
—Cheerfulness —Smiles To Cultivate the Spirit of Cheerfulness is to Bless and Brighten Other Lives....

What Is Best?
—Success —Work Success Means the Constant Employment of Our Best Faculties in the Noblest of Service....

Messages To The Children

—Cradle Roll Day —Children The Scriptures Are Full of Beautiful Thoughts for Cradle Roll Day. ...

The Perfect Life

—Thanksgiving Day —Perfection The Love of God in Our Hearts May Be Perfect, Even Though Our Lives Fall Sh...

Bring Forth Fruit

—Children's Day —Fruitfulness A Children's Day Thought for the Entire School—The Live Branch. ...

Young Men Ahoy

—Temperance Day —Dissipation John B. Gough's Thrilling Word Picture a Remarkable Temperance Lesson. ...

Valueless Things

—Boys' Day —Ability They May Not Remain So if We Give Them Proper Attention—A Thought for Boys' Day...

The Story Of A Hat

—Politeness —The Common People A thought for the Thoughtless Who Have But Little Politeness and Respect f...

Our Country's Flag

—Flag Day —Patriotism A Little of its History and of its Meaning—Some Interesting Facts. ...

The Little Ones

—Cradle Roll Day —Teaching A Word of Appreciation to the Parents on the Occasion of Cradle Roll Day. ...

The Burned Book

—Patience —Adversity How Thomas Carlyle's Work of Many Years Was Destroyed in a Few Seconds. ...

The Man Who Finally Heard

—Kind Words —The Tongue The Restoration of His Hearing Brought to Him Pain as Well as Pleasure. ...


—Perseverance —Courage The Aeroplane Illustrates the Necessity of Going Forward Constantly. ...

The Plum Tree

—Mothers' Day —Training The Responsibility of Motherhood—A Lesson From the Tree Nursery. ...

The Hollow Tree

—Decision Day —Honesty A Figure of the Deceitful Life—The True Test of Character. THE ...

Two Men

—Ideals —Error Know Your Man Before You Trust and Follow Him—Our Ideals. THE LESSON&md...

Tree Surgery

—Rally Day —Obstacles Trees Need Skillful Surgery More Often Than People Do—Superfluous Branches....

The Pilgrims

—Thanksgiving Day —Bravery The Story of Their Steadfastness of Faith is an Inspiring Study for Thanksgivi...

Our Hands

—Visitors' Day —Conduct Actions Sometimes Speak Plainer Than Words—The Important Part Which Our Han...

Helen Keller

—Girl's Day —Seeing Her Wonderful Experience Furnishes an Inspiring Thought for Girls' Day. ...

The Story Of A Kite

—Conceit —Vanity A Fable Talk to Children About the Ambitious Flier Which Broke the String. ...

A Strange Old Epitaph

—Narrowness —Broadness A Talk to Boys Concerning the Narrow Life and the Broad Life—A Contrast....

Mechanical Drawings

The Drawing Board
A Drawing Board should be of soft pine and free from knots, so that it will easily receive the pins or tacks used to fasten down the ...

The T Square
Drawing squares or T squares, as they are termed, are made of wood, of hard rubber and of steel. There are several kinds of ...

The Triangles
Fig. 5. Two triangles are all that are absolutel...

To draw curves that are not formed of arcs or parts of circles, templates called curves are provided, examples of these forms being ...

Drawing Instruments
It is not intended or necessary to enter into an elaborate discussion of the various kinds of drawing instruments, since the purchas...

The Drawing Paper
Whatever kind of drawing paper be used it should be kept dry, or the ink, however good it may be, will be apt to run and make a thic...

Tracing Paper
For taking tracings from drawings tracing paper or tracing cloth is used. They require to be stretched tightly and without wrinkles ...

The Ink
India ink should always be used for mechanical drawing: First, because it lies upon and does not sink into the paper, and is, theref...

The Preparation And Use Of The Instruments
The points of drawing instruments require to be very accurately prepared and shaped, to enable them to make clean, clear lines. The ...

Lines And Curves
Although the beginner will find that a study of geometry is not essential to the production of such elementary examples of mechanica...

A right-angled triangle is one in which two of the sides are at a right angle one to the other. Figure 61 represents a right-angled ...

The Construction Of Polygons
Fig. 71 a. ...

Names Of Regular Polygons
A ...

The Ellipse
An ellipse is a figure bounded by a continuous curve, whose nature will be shown presently. The dimensions of an ellipse are ...

To Draw A Heart Cam
Fig. 86. Draw the line A B, Figure 86, equal to ...

Section Lining Or Cross-hatching
When the interior of a piece is to be shown as a piece cut in half, or when a piece is broken away, as is done to make more of the p...

Line Shading
Mechanical drawings are made to look better and to show more distinctly by being line shaded or shaded by lines. The simplest form o...

Marking Dimensions
The dimensions of mechanical drawings are best marked in red ink so that they will show plainly, and that the lines denoting the poi...

The Different Views Of A Mechanical Drawing
The word elevation, as applied to mechanical drawing, means simply a view; hence a side elevation is a side view, or an end...

Examples In Bolts Nuts And Polygons
Fig. 149. ...

United States Standard Dimensions Of Bolts And Nuts

Screw Threads And Spirals
Fig. 202. ...

Examples For Practice
Figure 217 represents a simple example for practice, which the student may draw the size of the engraving, or he may draw it twice t...

Reducing Scales
Fig. 224. ...

In projecting, the lines in one view are used to mark those in other views, and to find their shapes or curvature as they will appea...

Drawing Gear Wheels
The names given to the various lines of a tooth on a gear-wheel are as follows: In Figure 233, A is the face and B the flank ...

Plotting Mechanical Motions
Fig. 257. Let it be required to find how much mo...

Examples In Line-shading And Drawings For Line-shaded Engravings
Although in workshop drawings, line-shading is rarely employed, yet where a design rather than the particular details of constructio...

Shading And Coloring Drawings
The shading or coloring of drawings by tints is more employed in large drawings than in small ones, and in Europe than in the United...

Examples In Engine Work
In the figures from 308 to 328 inclusive are given three examples in engine work, all these drawings being from The American Mac...

The Drawing Board
A Drawing Board should be of soft pine and free from knots, so that it will easily receive the pins or tacks used to fasten down the ...

The T Square
Drawing squares or T squares, as they are termed, are made of wood, of hard rubber and of steel. There are several kinds of ...

The Triangles
Fig. 5. Two triangles are all that are absolutel...

Crayon Portraiture

Crayon Portraiture
To many who know nothing about the art of crayon portraiture, the mastery of it not only seems very difficult, but almost unattainab...

Photographic Enlargements
There are three kinds of photographic enlargements used as a basis for crayon portraits, and, with a little experience, the student ...

Crayon Materials
The following materials will be found necessary for crayon work: A good photographic enlargement, Easel, Mahl stick,...

The Specific Use Of Crayon Materials
I will now explain the specific use and nature of these materials, reserving the various kinds of photographic enlargements and thei...

The Strainer
The strainer, on which crayon paper or any kind of photographic enlargement is to be mounted, should be the same size as the intende...

Mounting Crayon Paper And Platinum And Silver Enlargements
Wet in clean water a piece of muslin about two inches larger each way than the paper you intend to mount, and lay it on the mounting...

Mounting Bromide Enlargements
The first requisite for this is a water-tight tray, large enough to hold the enlargements. A hard rubber tray can be purchased, or a...

Magic Lantern Outline
This is the method I am using at present in my own free-hand crayon work, and prefer because it does not require a negative. I use...

Transfer Outline
For this method an enlargement made from the photograph is required, but it needs to be an enlargement of the head only--that is, a ...

The Metroscope
Comprises a series of squares accurately engraved upon the finest plate glass by machinery. The two plates of glass (of which one fo...

The Pantograph
This instrument for enlarging or reducing a picture was invented about the year 1603. It consists of four metallic or wooden bars or...

Four Methods Of Making The Background
The background can be made first, with the crayon sauce and the use of the large gray stump and rubber eraser; second, with the cott...

Free-hand Crayons And Those Made From Photographic Enlargements
The principal difference between the appearance of free-hand crayons and those that are made over a photographic enlargement, is tha...

Filling In The Free-hand Crayon
Having your crayon outline already made on the mounted strainer, lay the latter down on the table face up, and proceed to put in a p...

Line Effect
This can be produced in crayon portraits made over a photographic enlargement, or in free-hand crayons after the filling in just de...

Stipple Effect
On a photographic enlargement or a free-hand crayon after the outline and masses of light and shade have been made wit...

Backgrounds General Principles
Always commence the portrait by putting in the background. Among the four different methods which I have given, the student can make...

First Method Of Making The Background Stump Effect
To produce the stump effect, rub the chamois block in the box of crayon sauce, and then with the large grey paper stump commence by ...

Third Method Of Making The Background Line Effect
With the cotton and crayon sauce as in the preceding method, put in the dark places and cast shadow, but not as dark as you want the...

Fourth Method Of Making The Background Stipple Effect
Lay a piece of manilla paper on the table about twelve inches larger on each edge than your strainer, placing the strainer on it fac...

Face Line Effect
Commence on the hair with the crayon point No. 2, and put in all the shadows and half-shadows, carefully preserving the lines of d...

Dress Line Effect
The above illustration represents the effect of the lines in the dress. In putting them in let every fold, sleeve and lapel have l...

Bromide Crayons
In the bromide enlargement, while the paper has to undergo all the different manipulations of development, fixing and washing, that ...

Finishing Bromide Enlargements
Examine the enlargement mounted on the strainer, looking at it from the side, to learn if there is any starch on the surface of the ...

These are portraits in one color on porcelain, glass or any hard material that has first been coated with gelatin and then photograp...

The matter of values enters into the essential quality of every work of art, and especially of a portrait. It is the truth of their ...

The amateur is not to consider the selection of his studio or work-room of minor importance; the perspective, coloring, and the effe...

The following directions in regard to framing will, I hope, be found advantageous. When framing with a passepartout mat, always use ...

Passepartout Mounting
The following method will be found useful, especially if you want to exhibit a crayon without the expense of framing it. Lay on the ...

Transparent Liquid Water Colors For Coloring Photographs
Materials Required in Their Use. A good photograph, an engraving or photogravure mounted on card-board Camel's hai...

Theory Of Color
The principles connected with coloring should be understood if one desires to produce the most pleasing and harmonious effects in p...

Transparent water colors are put up in boxes containing nine colors, and as you reduce them in the proportion of one part of color t...

Yellow is one of the primary colors and one of the most useful, as it enters into the coloring of almost every picture. Transparent ...

This is another of the primary colors and a very essential one, it being the nearest allied to shade, and although not shade itself,...

This is the nearest approach to red that we have in these colors, and as it fills out the scale it is an essential one. It is, in fa...

This is a very strong and brilliant color, and therefore needs more than usual care in handling. In landscapes it is only used in ce...

This also is a powerful color and must be used carefully. It is not adapted to landscapes, but in portraits is used for dresses and ...

This color can be used a very little in the skies of landscapes when there is a sunset effect to be represented. In portraits it is ...

This color is used in all the shadows. In landscapes, in some instances, it serves for use in the middle distance and foreground; th...

In transparent color this has more the effect of a dark gray than a brilliant black, such as is produced with body colors. When you ...

This is a combination of yellow and red, and in general can be used wherever either of these colors would answer. In landscapes a li...

Instructions For Using Liquid Water Colors
Fill the two tumblers with water, and have all the other materials ready and convenient to work with. If you have selected a burnish...

You must remember in using these liquid colors that they are transparent, and, therefore, whenever the print is light you cannot ma...

If the sky is to be blue, wash it all over with a weak solution of blue; if there are white clouds, you can touch up the highest lig...

The Principle
The study of painting as an art is based on three considerations, form, light and shade, and color. I will now treat of color--the f...

French Crystals
FRENCH CRYSTALS. These are photographs colored with liquid water colors and mounted on glass. For several years a proce...

While it is thought that all essential instructions on the topics treated of have been given in the foregoing pages, and that if fa...

Crayon Portraiture
To many who know nothing about the art of crayon portraiture, the mastery of it not only seems very difficult, but almost unattainab...

Photographic Enlargements
There are three kinds of photographic enlargements used as a basis for crayon portraits, and, with a little experience, the student ...

Crayon Materials
The following materials will be found necessary for crayon work: A good photographic enlargement, Easel, Mahl stick,...

The Specific Use Of Crayon Materials
I will now explain the specific use and nature of these materials, reserving the various kinds of photographic enlargements and thei...

The Strainer
The strainer, on which crayon paper or any kind of photographic enlargement is to be mounted, should be the same size as the intende...

Mounting Crayon Paper And Platinum And Silver Enlargements
Wet in clean water a piece of muslin about two inches larger each way than the paper you intend to mount, and lay it on the mounting...

Mounting Bromide Enlargements
The first requisite for this is a water-tight tray, large enough to hold the enlargements. A hard rubber tray can be purchased, or a...

Outlines Negative Outline
After the crayon paper has been mounted on the strainer and dried, the next step is to obtain the outline. I will first treat of fre...

Magic Lantern Outline
This is the method I am using at present in my own free-hand crayon work, and prefer because it does not require a negative. I use a...

Transfer Outline
For this method an enlargement made from the photograph is required, but it needs to be an enlargement of the head only--that is, a ...

The Metroscope
Comprises a series of squares accurately engraved upon the finest plate glass by machinery. The two plates of glass (of which one fo...

The Pantograph
This instrument for enlarging or reducing a picture was invented about the year 1603. It consists of four metallic or wooden bars or...

Four Methods Of Making The Background
The background can be made first, with the crayon sauce and the use of the large gray stump and rubber eraser; second, with the cott...

Free-hand Crayons And Those Made From Photographic Enlargements
The principal difference between the appearance of free-hand crayons and those that are made over a photographic enlargement, is tha...

Filling In The Free-hand Crayon
Having your crayon outline already made on the mounted strainer, lay the latter down on the table face up, and proceed to put in a p...

Line Effect
This can be produced in crayon portraits made over a photographic enlargement, or in free-hand crayons after the filling in just de...

Stipple Effect
On a photographic enlargement or a free-hand crayon after the outline and masses of light and shade have been made wit...

Backgrounds General Principles
Always commence the portrait by putting in the background. Among the four different methods which I have given, the student can make...

First Method Of Making The Background Stump Effect
To produce the stump effect, rub the chamois block in the box of crayon sauce, and then with the large grey paper stump commence by ...

Second Method Of Making The Background
Take a handful of cotton batting, rub it in the box of crayon sauce, and then on a piece of paper before applying it to the crayon p...

Third Method Of Making The Background Line Effect
With the cotton and crayon sauce as in the preceding method, put in the dark places and cast shadow, but not as dark as you want the...

Fourth Method Of Making The Background - Stipple Effect
Lay a piece of manilla paper on the table about twelve inches larger on each edge than your strainer, placing the strainer on it fac...

Face - Line Effect
Commence on the hair with the crayon point No. 2, and put in all the shadows and half-shadows, carefully preserving the lines of d...

Dress - Line Effect
The above illustration represents the effect of the lines in the dress. In putting them in let every fold, sleeve and lapel have lin...

Bromide Crayons
In the bromide enlargement, while the paper has to undergo all the different manipulations of development, fixing and washing, that ...

Finishing Bromide Enlargements
Examine the enlargement mounted on the strainer, looking at it from the side, to learn if there is any starch on the surface of the ...

These are portraits in one color on porcelain, glass or any hard material that has first been coated with gelatin and then photograp...

The matter of values enters into the essential quality of every work of art, and especially of a portrait. It is the truth of their ...

The amateur is not to consider the selection of his studio or work-room of minor importance; the perspective, coloring, and the effe...

The following directions in regard to framing will, I hope, be found advantageous. When framing with a passepartout mat, always use ...

Passepartout Mounting
The following method will be found useful, especially if you want to exhibit a crayon without the expense of framing it. Lay on the ...

Transparent Liquid Water Colors For Coloring Photographs
Materials Required in Their Use. A good photograph, an engraving or photogravure mounted on card-board Camel's hai...

Theory Of Color
The principles connected with coloring should be understood if one desires to produce the most pleasing and harmonious effects in p...

Transparent water colors are put up in boxes containing nine colors, and as you reduce them in the proportion of one part of color t...

Yellow is one of the primary colors and one of the most useful, as it enters into the coloring of almost every picture. Transparent ...

This is another of the primary colors and a very essential one, it being the nearest allied to shade, and although not shade itself,...

This is the nearest approach to red that we have in these colors, and as it fills out the scale it is an essential one. It is, in fa...

This is a very strong and brilliant color, and therefore needs more than usual care in handling. In landscapes it is only used in ce...

This also is a powerful color and must be used carefully. It is not adapted to landscapes, but in portraits is used for dresses and ...

This color can be used a very little in the skies of landscapes when there is a sunset effect to be represented. In portraits it is ...

This color is used in all the shadows. In landscapes, in some instances, it serves for use in the middle distance and foreground; th...

In transparent color this has more the effect of a dark gray than a brilliant black, such as is produced with body colors. When you ...

This is a combination of yellow and red, and in general can be used wherever either of these colors would answer. In landscapes a li...

Instructions For Using Liquid Water Colors
Fill the two tumblers with water, and have all the other materials ready and convenient to work with. If you have selected a burnish...

You must remember in using these liquid colors that they are transparent, and, therefore, whenever the print is light you cannot ma...

If the sky is to be blue, wash it all over with a weak solution of blue; if there are white clouds, you can touch up the highest lig...

The Principle
The study of painting as an art is based on three considerations, form, light and shade, and color. I will now treat of color--the f...

French Crystals
These are photographs colored with liquid water colors and mounted on glass. For several years a process has been taught by which a ...

Convex glasses on which to mount photographs, Bottle of Florentine, Egyptian, Grecian or other compound for mounting ...

The Method
Having secured a good photograph, rub a little pumice stone over it with the finger, and then, if it is mounted, remove it from the ...

Mounting French Crystals
The glass for mounting, whether flat or convex, should be the same size as the picture. It should be dipped in water and permitted t...

Finishing Photographs In India Ink
The principles that have been given in regard to finishing photographs with lines, apply also to finishing with India ink--with the ...




  Mechanical Drawings  
  Crayon Portraiture  

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