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Household Tips

1. Charcoal To Prevent Rust
Charcoal absorbs all dampness, for which reason it should be kept in boxes with silverware to prevent rust. ...

2. A Needle Holder
A guest of ours kept all her needles in a bottle in which was a pinch or two of emery. She said that it keeps them always bright and free...

3. Care Of A Scrubbing Brush
Scrubbing brushes should never be put away with their bristles upward, for thus the water would soak into the wooden part and the bristle...

4. In Case Of Sickness
In our home, when hot cloths are needed wet ones are put in a steamer, and water kept boiling underneath. In this way the cloths are more...

5. To Tighten Cane-seated Chair Bottoms
Cane-seated chair bottoms that have sagged may be made as tight as ever by washing them with hot water and leaving them to dry in the ope...

6. For Chilblains
To relieve the chilblains bathe the feet in warm water at night, then rub them with castor oil. This method will cure very bad cases. ...

7. Paint, Smoked By Kerosene Lamps
Paint that has been smoked by kerosene lamps may be cleaned with kerosene, which can afterward be rubbed off with a clean brush. ...

8. A Use For Sacks
Save all salt and sugar sacks; wash and boil them and they can be put to various uses. Salt sacks are nice to strain jellies through; are...

9. Soap With Stove Blacking
Use a half bar of laundry soap, and one cake of blacking. Put in an old kettle with three quarts of water. Boil down until thick. This wi...

10. To Remove White Spots From Tables
Wring cloths out of very hot water, lay them over spot and remove quickly. Repeat if necessary. When dry, rub the furniture with some of ...

11. To Clean Mirrors
To clean a French mirror which has grown dull, rub with a cloth soaked in alcohol; follow this by rubbing with a dry cloth. The dullness ...

12. To Whiten Linen
If you want your table linen to last do not use bleaching preparations. Use only clean soap and soft water. If the water is not soft, add...

13. Velveteen For Polishing Cloths
Old pieces of velveteen that have served their original purpose should be saved for polishing cloths. They will answer perfectly the purp...

14. For Clearing Vinegar
Should your home-made vinegar refuse to settle, try this: To each gallon stir in a half pint of fresh milk and let stand undisturbed for ...

15. Uses For Old Velvet
A bit of velvet is a fine polisher for brass. It quickly removes the dust from woodwork, or shoes soiled from walking which do not need r...

16. Removing Warts
Warts can be removed permanently and safely by an application of a salve made by mixing common table salt into a yolk of an egg. Change t...

17. To Save Time By Sewing
When sewing on plain garments, cut out several garments at a time, and save time by stitching all the straight seams, then doing all the ...

18. To Remove Stains From Blankets
Stains on blankets and other woolen materials may be removed by using a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and a yolk of an egg. Spread i...

19. Burn From Acid Or Lye
In case of a burn with carbolic acid or lye, the speedy application of sweet oil or olive oil will give almost instant relief. ...

20. To Wash Laces
To wash delicate or tender laces put the lace in a fruit jar with shavings of some good soap, cover with warm water, let soak for awhile ...

21. For Cut Or Bruise
Bind sugar and turpentine on the wound or bruise at once. The healing properties of this simple remedy cannot be surpassed. ...

22. Lemons; How To Obtain More Juice
Lemons placed in a moderately hot oven, for a few minutes will yield a greater quantity of juice than if used in the ordinary way. ...

23. Whipping Cream
If cream does not whip well, add to it the white of an egg, and the result will be very satisfactory. ...

24. To Clean Lamp Burners
To remove the black gummy coating which sometimes comes on the brass parts of lamp burners, moisten the cloth with common household ammon...

25. To Preserve Hot Water Bottle
Fill with air, cork tightly, and hang in a cool dry place. This keeps the walls of the bottle from coming in contact with each other and ...

26. Sweep Stairs With Paint Brush
My mother uses a paint brush with long bristles for sweeping her stairs. With its use the work is more quickly and thoroughly done than b...

27. Washing Hair Brushes
To wash hair brushes take a piece of washing soda, dissolve it in warm water, and stand the brush in it, taking care that the water cover...

28. Loops On Towels
Always have a loop on each end of the kitchen towel, where a roller is not used. Otherwise all the soil and the wear come on the lower en...

29. Changing Pillow Slips
To change pillow slips without scattering the feathers all over the house, sew up the clean tick, all except a space of about twelve inch...

30. Use Of Old Linen Collars
Cut them up into narrow strips and use them for gas-lighting instead of using wax tapers. They make a steady flame and do not drip grease...

31. Discarded Toys
My baby came in the other day hugging to his breast a toy tin goat. It was evidently one of the discarded playthings of a neighbor's chil...

32. To Clean Silver
Try curdled milk for cleaning your silverware. Let the silver stand for several hours in the milk, and you will be surprised at the resul...

33. Removing Stains
Damp salt will remove egg stains from silver and tea stains from cups. ...

34. To Keep Free From Mould
Jelly and jam can be kept entirely free from mould by pouring a thin layer of melted paraffin on top. This paraffin can be saved when the...

35. Hanging Out Clothes
The other day I came across a peculiar clothes bar. It was the same as any other, except that the crossbars had been removed, and for the...

36. A Fine Cutting Board
I measured the top of my kitchen cabinet, and had a piece of zinc cut to fit it, allowing an inch for turning over the edges. My husband ...

37. Convenient Place For Stiletto
It will be found a great convenience to have the stiletto tied to the embroidery hoop by a ribbon about a foot long, when that little ins...

38. Cleaning Paint And Varnish
Many housekeepers have been annoyed by finding their paint and varnish brushes dry and hard. To soften them, heat to the boiling water po...

39. How To Keep Cookies From Burning
To keep cookies from burning on the bottom, turn the baking pan upside down and bake on the bottom of the pan. ...

40. Non-sticking Cake Tins
Cake layers will not stick in cooking if a little meal is scorched on the cake tins and rubbed off with paper. ...

41. To Clean Sieve
Hold a sieve which has been used for straining oatmeal, tomatoes, fruit, etc., at once under the faucet, or shake it in enough water to c...

42. Washing Clothes
After the clothes have been soaked a while to loosen the dirt, spread on washboard, soap, and then rub with a common scrub brush. The dir...

43. Discoveries
When old clothes, like worn-out aprons or waists or linings come to hand, and are absolutely good for nothing else, cut them into small p...

44. To Stretch Curtains
Take curtains while wet and put on a curtain rod; also put a heavy rod as a weight on the lower hem. Hang one on curtain at a time at an ...

45. Cleaning Windows In The Winter
It is a hard task in the winter time to wash windows in the old way, but if it is very cold, windows can be cleaned by using "Bon Ami," T...

46. How To Kill Black Ants
A request for information as to how to rid plants and trees of black ants, which was received at the Pennsylvania department of agricultu...

47. Washing Windows
It is better to wash windows on a cloudy day or when the sun is not shining directly on them. Before washing, dust them thoroughly inside...

48. Home-made Soap Shaker
A baking powder can with holes punctured in both cover and bottom, makes a fine soap shaker. Put all the small scraps of soap in this, an...

49. Cleaning Rugs
When cleaning rugs first lay them out straight and brush with a stiff dry scrubbing brush. You will be surprised at the amount of dirt th...

50. Clean Leather Furniture
A good way to clean leather furniture is to add a little vinegar to some warm water and wash the leather, using a clean soft cloth. Wipe ...

51. Ironing Board, Conveniences For
Try tacking a pocket on the under side of your ironing board to keep your holder, stand and sheet of sand paper in. ...

52. Clean Gilt Furniture
Gilt furniture can be cleaned with sifted whiting made into a cream with alcohol. Cover a small space at a time and rub off before it har...

53. For Tufted Furniture
For tufted furniture use a bicycle pump to remove dust. Garments to be stored for the summer months should first be aired well on a brigh...

54. Clean Linoleum
To clean linoleum add one cupful of beeswax, shaved fine, to two cupfuls of turpentine and set on the back of the stove to melt. When coo...

55. For Broken Needles
A receptacle for broken needles in her work basket would be a boon to any woman, and this one which I am about to describe is very easily...

56. How To Carry House Key
The pocketless woman often finds it troublesome to carry a key, especially the house key, when she goes out. If an old-fashioned split me...

57. A Sewing Room Hint
Thread will not become knotted so often if the newly-cut end is put into the needle instead of the other end, which is already broken. ...

58. Convenient Addition To Kitchen
One of the most highly-prized helps in our kitchen is a bird cage hook, one which can be hung on a nail, and thus easily changed from pla...

59. To Remove Candle Grease
A simple way to remove candle grease is to scrape off all that will come off in that way, lay over the spot a piece of heavy brown wrappi...

60. Using Silk On The Machine
When sewing on the machine with silk, it often unwinds and twists around the spool spindle in a very trying manner. To avoid this make a ...

61. A Shoe Cover
When packing my trunk for a journey, I have found it to be a good scheme to use my stockings for shoe covers, this saves the added bulk o...

62. To Press Skirts
An easy way to press skirts is to use a sheet of paper in place of a cloth; lay the folds, or plaits and in place of ironing over a wet c...

63. How To Attach Holders To Kitchen Apron
Pin two holders with long tape at each side of the apron when cooking. They are convenient for handling hot kettles or dishes. ...

64. To Pack Music
An excellent place in which to pack away sheets of music that are not in constant use is a large box fitted with a hinged cover and uphol...

65. Pie Crust, How To Bake
Bake empty pie crusts on the outside of the tin, instead of the inside, and they won't shrink. ...

66. Let The Poison Bottle Tinkle
A wise house mother with half a dozen little folk needing all sorts of medicines and medical applications, has purchased in a toy shop a ...

67. A New Night Lamp
Mothers who have timid little ones will appreciate the new night lamp, the apparatus of which may be carried to the country in a trunk or...

68. Time Saved In Sewing
In a family of small children there are a great many buttonholes to be made. A quick way to make them in the everyday underwear, is on th...

69. Stews And Hash, How To Make
Stews and hash made of fresh meat or round steak instead of scraps, are delicious. When the steak is to be used without being ground, sel...

70. Dusters
Another good idea about dusters. Do not use anything that comes handy, but get squares of five-cent cheese cloth or silkoline, fold a nea...

71. Broom Bags
Good material for a broom bag or cover is old gauze underwear. The goods takes up dust very readily, and is easily rinsed out; or a piece...

72. To Settle Coffee
An economical and satisfactory way to settle coffee is as follows: Beat one egg well with an egg beater and pour over one pound of freshl...

73. Stocking Tops For Convenient Holders
For soft, convenient holders use old stocking tops. Take two thicknesses, cut in squares, bind all around with some bias pieces left from...

74. Hat Hangers
It is often convenient to hang up hats, even "Sunday-go-to-meeting ones." To make sure that everyone will stay hung up, and not fall to t...

75. To Freshen Bread
To freshen bread pour cold water all over the loaf, drain quickly, and place in the oven. When the outside is dry and hot remove the loaf...

76. Renewing Wringer Rollers
A neighbor rejuvenated a worn-out wringer the other day by covering the rolls with white felt. She cut the felt so that it would just com...

77. To Prevent Cake Tins Sticking
Flour the baking tins after greasing them. If the flour is shaken all over the grease, and the tins rapped, you will have no difficulty w...

78. Substitute For Chopping Bowl
When chopping mincemeat, tomatoes, or large quantities of other fruit, you will probably find that your chopping bowl is a good deal too ...

79. Save The Gas
Cut strips of asbestos paper an inch and a half wide and long enough to go around the burners of the gas range. Pin together to form a ri...

80. To Prevent Pitchers Dripping
Syrup or other liquids will not drip from a pitcher if a little butter or grease is rubbed on the edge and under the side of the lip. ...

81. Medicine Cupboard
An array of ordinary medicine bottles is always unsightly, and a nuisance, too, on cleaning days. Have a tiny cupboard with tight closing...

82. To Prevent Tablecloths From Blowing Off
We had some pieces of brass chain, and found them splendid to run through the hems of the tablecovers when in use on the porch in summer....

83. To Mark Poison Bottle
When you purchase a bottle of poison run a brass-headed tack into the top of the cork. It serves as a marker, and children will be more c...

84. To Remove White Spots Caused By Hot Dishes
For polishing tables after hot dishes leave a white spot, take a cloth wet in alcohol, then have one wet in sweet oil. Do it quickly and ...

85. Stains From Fly Paper, To Remove
Almost anything that has come in contact with sticky fly paper can be thoroughly cleansed by sponging with kerosene. The odor will soon e...

86. A Use For Ravelings
In trimming a tablecloth to be hemmed or stitched, one very frequently has to cut off quite a piece of the linen. Ravelings from these pi...

87. How To Remove A Glass Stopper
The obstinate glass stopper in a glass bottle will yield to a string of seaweed around the neck of the bottle. Friction, heat, slight out...

88. To Prevent Starch From Boiling Over
Add a small piece of butter the size of a walnut when the starch comes to a good boil. This not only gives a nice, smooth finish and make...

89. To Hold Sheets In Place
I worked out a little scheme which has saved me a lot of trouble and inconvenience, so I thought I would pass it on. The sheets and bed c...

90. Hints For Bathing The Baby
It is a great advantage when bathing the baby to have all the towels heated before using, as they absorb the moisture much more readily a...

91. A Satisfactory Shoe Polisher
Not long since I ripped up a velvet covered hat, only to find the velvet impossible for further use in the millinery line. A threw it int...

92. Tasty Way Of Preparing Beef-tea
Beef-tea will not prove so monotonous to an invalid if a different flavoring is used each day, as dove, bay leaf, or celery. ...

93. To Preserve Silk Gloves
If white or delicately tinted silk gloves are wrapped in blue paper, then in brown they will not discolor. The chloride of lime in white ...

94. Red Ants To Destroy
Dry sulphur, sprinkled about in cupboards or flour chests where small red ants frequent, will rid the place of the pests. ...

95. Kitchen Account Book
I have found a kitchen account book is a very useful record. I have a small vestpocket note book hanging by a string and pencil near my k...

96. A Brick Pincushion
A brick pincushion was a dressmaker's ingenious way of making easy work of basting and sewing long seams. She took a common red brick, to...

97. Fruit Stains, To Remove From Hands
When your hands become stained from paring fruit or vegetables, dip them in soap suds then rub thoroughly with coarse salt, and they will...

98. Eyelet Embroidery, Suggestions For
For some time after I began doing "eyelet work" I wondered if there was not some way to fasten the thread after completing an eyelet. A f...

100. Needle Sharpener
I know a woman who always keeps a small piece of whetstone in her machine drawer for sharpening needles when they become blunted. It is a...

101. Burned Kettles
If you have had the misfortune to burn your kettle it may be made smooth and clean by filling it with ashes and water, leaving it for an ...

102. Children's Petticoats
When making washable petticoats for her small daughters, a mother whom I know attaches two skirts to one belt, which in turn is sewed to ...

103. Systematic Housekeeping
A friend of mine who has a six-room apartment delights in taking care of it in sections, one room a day. On each of the six days in the w...

104. To Keep Grape Fruit After Cutting
When half a grapefruit or melon is left from a meal, place it cut side down on a china or agate plate, so that no air can reach it, and t...

105. How To Freshen Nuts
We had a lot of nuts that became too dry to be good, and were about to throw them away, when a friend told us of a very easy and practica...

106. Measure The Eggs
Try measuring the whites of eggs for angel food instead of counting them, for best results. ...

107. Kerosene Lamps
A neighbor who has to use kerosene for lighting purposes told me the secret of her bright lights. After cleansing the lamps well and trim...

108. Baking Help
When creaming butter and sugar for cake or cookies, add two tablespoonfuls of boiling water, then deduct this amount from the other liqui...

109. To Destroy Disagreeable Odors
The cooking of onions, cabbage, or frying articles always leaves a disagreeable odor in our house. To get rid of this I place an old tin ...

110. The Last Step
A great many times last winter I had to go into the cellar to tend to the furnace when it was too light to light a lamp, and too dark to ...

112. Boiled Potatoes
Boiled potatoes should be served as soon as they are cooled. To make them dryer, drain off the water quickly, shake them in a strong drau...

113. To Prevent Ripping
When hemming table cloths, sheets, etc., on the machine, try the following plan: Sew the hem as you always do, but when you come to the e...

114. To Mix Corn Bread
To mix corn bread more easily warm the bowl that it is to be mixed in. ...

115. Mending Table Linen
To mend table cloths and napkins, take the sewing machine, loosen the tension, lengthen the stitch, place embroidery rings over the place...

116. Children's Toy
Save all the empty spools, and when any dyeing is done in the household, drop the spools into the fluid for a few minutes, and they will ...

117. To Keep Coffee From Boiling Over
To keep coffee from boiling over add a lump of butter about the size of a small marble. ...

118. Sour Milk Pancakes
We are very fond of sour milk pancakes, and have often had to go without any in the winter when the weather was cold, just because the mi...

119. When The Wooden Scrub Bucket Leaks
When the wooden scrub bucket leaks pour sealing wax into the crevice and paint on the outside. This will make it last for a longer period...

120. Rust Spots On Clothes
Many rust spots on clothes are caused by bits of soap adhering to the latter when they come in contact with the bluing water. The discove...

121. Cleaning Stoves
Before blacking my stove I rub soap on my hands, as if washing them, letting the soap dry on. When washing my hands after the work is don...

122. Left-over Peaches
If there are not peaches enough left from an opened can to go around, mix them with orange pulp and a little sliced banana and the family...

123. Substitute For Cream In Coffee
For a substitute for cream in coffee put a pint of fresh milk into a double boiler and let it come to a boil, stirring often. Beat the yo...

124. Cooking Cauliflower
Soak cauliflower an hour before cooking. Put into boiling water to which a tablespoonful of salt is added. Boil from twenty to thirty min...

125. Uses For Child's Broom
A child's broom should find place in the bath room. It can be kept in the clothes hamper, and will be useful in sweeping under the bath-t...

126. Dish Cloths
Dish cloths are often neglected. They should be kept scrupulously clean, and in order that they may be so they should be washed out caref...

127. Watch Customers
Watch for the wishes of the customers and not the hands of the clock, and some day you will have your boss's job. ...

128. Do Not Judge
We judge our neighbor as queer and eccentric, but with the same measure comes back his judgment of us. ...

129. Uses For Men's Worn Out Collars
Men's collars when worn out, can be opened and bound together as a memorandum book which can be laundered each Monday. ...

130. Broiling Meat
A little salt thrown on the coal flame will clear it for broiling meat. ...

131. Combinations Of Cherries And Pineapple
A combination of cherries and pineapple makes a most-delicious pie. ...

132. Crepe Paper For Dish Closet
A pretty effect for the dish closet may be found in crepe paper. Some prefer white, but a tint harmonizing well with the china is pretty ...

133. Boiling Rice
One cook always puts a very little lemon juice in the water in which she boils the rice. She claims that it keeps the rice white and the ...

134. To Remove Grease From Silk
Grease may be removed from silk and woolen clothes by the use of magnesia. Scrape a quantity upon the spot, cover with a brown paper and ...

135. Hemstitching
When hemstitching wears out, take serpentine braid and stitch it across twice on the sewing machine. This makes the hem look neat and las...

136. Moths
When moths get into dresser drawers, sweep them clean, expose the wood to the sunlight and with an atomizer spray turpentine where the pe...

137. To Remove Putty
To remove putty, rub a red hot poker over it, and cut off the putty with a steel knife. ...

138. New Method For Sprinkling Clothes
Turn the nozzle of the hose to a fine spray and sprinkle the clothes while they are on the line; a very quick and good method. All plain ...

139. To Open Packages Of Breakfast Food
To open packages of breakfast food and keep boxes in a dust proof condition until empty, make an opening in the side of box close to top ...

140. Preparing Oranges For The Table
In preparing oranges for the table take a sharp knife, cut the skin straight around, insert the handle of a spoon turned over flat to fit...

141. To Make A Muddy Skirt Wash Easily
To make a muddy skirt wash easily and look white, take sour milk and dilute with water; soak the skirt in it over night, then wash in the...

142. To Make Stained Water Bottles Clean
To make stained water bottles clean and bright, put in salt and pour on vinegar, let stand a few minutes then shake. Rinse in clear water...

143. Sanitary Window Screen
Try tacking cheese cloth on the pantry window screen frame. This admits air that is sifted free from smoke and soot, before it comes into...

144. Cheerfulness At Meals
Cheer during the meals will do away with the need of digestive tablets. Make it a rule to come to the table smiling, and continue to smil...

145. Uses For Stale Bread
Take stale biscuits and grind them with a food chopper; toast in oven to a delicate brown. Serve with plenty of sugar and cream. Makes fi...

146. Washing Lemons
Always wash lemons before grating them, not only to remove any foreign matter sticking to them, but in order to remove the tiny insect eg...

147. To Give Vinegar A Nice Flavor
A small button of garlic in a quart of vinegar will give it a mysterious delicious flavor, and it will immensely improve salads or anythi...

148. If Mice Are Gnawing Holes
If mice are gnawing holes in the house, rub common laundry soap around the gnawed places, and you may depend on it they will cease labor ...

149. To Teach Darning
If young girls are taught to darn on canvas, the method of weaving the stitches is easily explained and put into practise. ...

150. Bed Sheeting
Sheeting should never be cut, but should be torn into lengths, usually two and a half yards for medium beds. ...

151. Browning Potatoes
For some kinds of frying the griddle is better and has a less tendency to grease than the frying pan. Among the other things potato cakes...

152. To Keep Bread From Souring
You will find that light bread will not sour so quickly in summer if it is not covered when taken from the oven. This steam is unnatural ...

153. Never Pour Scalding Water Into Milk Vessels
Never pour scalding water into milk vessels; it cooks the milk on the sides and bottom of the vessels making it more difficult to clean s...

154. The Water Pipes In The Kitchen
The water pipes in the kitchen will not be so unattractive, if painted the color of the kitchen woodwork. ...

155. To Brush Fringe Of A Doilie
Do not use a comb for the fringe of doilies as it pulls out the fringe, but brush it with a nail brush. ...

156. Wash Suits
Large buttons should be removed from wash suits before they are sent to the laundry. ...

157. Sewing Machine Conveniences
Always leave a piece of cloth under the presser foot of the sewing machine. This will save wear on the machine. Also it will absorb any d...

158. To Make A Ruffle Easily
To make a ruffle easily, just above depth of the ruffle make a quarter inch tuck. Insert edge of ruffle under tuck, flatten down tuck ove...

159. Greasing Cake Tins
In making a cake, grease the tin with sweet lard rather than butter and sift a little dry flour over it. ...

160. Making Children's Petticoats
When making children's petticoats gather the skirt to waistband before hemming the backs and then turn in with the hem, and when band get...

161. After Cake Is Removed From Oven
A cake which has been removed from the oven should be placed on a wire stand on the stove and the steam allowed to thoroughly escape from...

162. When The Top Cannot Be Removed From Fruit Cans
When the top cannot be removed from a fruit can, if the lid is carefully pried at one point, so the gum can be caught, the rubber can eas...

163. Darning
When darning must be done in the evening it is more easily done if a light colored darning ball be used. ...

164. In Pressing A Plaited Skirt
In pressing a plaited skirt one will gain time and have more satisfactory results if the plaits are basted before the pressing is done. C...

165. Stitching Down A Seam
After stitching down a seam, press with a hot iron, and if no seamboard is at hand, it is useful to know that a rolling pin, wrapped in a...

166. The Color Meat Should Be
Meat should be red with the fat a clear white. The fat besides being white should be firm, and suety, and never moist. Good meat has very...

167. Buying A New Oil Cloth
When you are ready to buy a new oil cloth for your kitchen table, take your old one and cut it up for aprons. Have it cover the whole fro...

168. Galvanized Tub
The popularity of the galvanized tub due to its weight and durability, is the cause of a great many people discarding the wringer on acco...

169. To Remove Mildew
Mildew, if not of too long standing, can be removed by the use of raw tomato and salt. Rub the stains with raw tomato, sprinkle thickly w...

170. Closed Cupboards In The Pantry
If there are closed cupboards in the pantry use them for storing provisions kept in screw top jars. There should be brass hooks for hangi...

171. Keeping A House Account
There are fewer reckoning days if housekeepers pay cash. If they persist in running accounts for groceries and other staples they should ...

172. Chestnuts As A Vegetable
Chestnuts have considerable food value. The boiled and mashed pulp may be used as one would use meat or vegetable, even croquettes being ...

173. To Give Starch A Gloss
A little sugar added to boiled starch will give a desirable gloss to the clothes when ironed. ...

174. Apples Cored For Baking
Apples cored for baking are delicious filled with orange marmalade and a little butter and sugar. ...

175. Beating Eggs
When heating eggs observe that there is no grease on the beater, as it will prevent the eggs from frothing. ...

176. Do Not Judge
If you judge as evil the actions of another, through the judging comes evil to you. ...

177. A Toy Saw
A toy saw may be utilized many times in the kitchen for sawing meat bones which are too large. ...

178. If A White Dress Has Turned Yellow
If last summer's white dress has turned yellow, put it in a stone jar, cover with buttermilk and let it stand a day and night. Then wash ...

179. Scorched Food
A practical cook says: When food has been scorched remove the pan from the fire and set into a pan of cold water. Lay a dish towel over t...

180. Mutton Chops To Make Tender
Mutton chops can be made tender quite as much as lamb, if before they are boiled or fried they are allowed to simmer in just a little wat...

181. Hollowing Out A Tomato
For hollowing out a tomato, previous to stuffing, a pair of scissors enables a person to remove all the pulp without breaking the skin. T...

182. The Easiest Way To Blacken A Stove
The easiest way to blacken a stove is to use a flat paint brush about one and a half inches wide, and a tin or jar, large enough to recei...

183. Making Gravies
For making gravies, thickening of roast gravies, it will be found useful to have browned flour on hand at all times, which can readily be...

184. Kitchen Mittens
Kitchen mittens can be bought in several thicknesses and sizes for various branches of housework. There are thick ones, with straps acros...

185. To Improve Baked Potatoes
To improve baked potatoes let them stand in a pan of cold water for about an hour, then put them in the oven while wet. This seems to ste...

186. Meat Shortcake
Give your household a meat shortcake sometimes. Make the shortcake as you would for a fruit filling, a rather short biscuit dough, and pu...

187. New Bottle
Put a handful of coarse oatmeal in the water bottle and half fill with water. Let stand half an hour, then shake well and rinse. The bottl...

188. Making A Kitchen Apron
In making a kitchen apron, provide it with an immense pocket in which can be carried a large dustcloth. Often one notices dusty places, o...

189. To Make A Neat Buttonhole
To make a neat buttonhole in thin white material that is likely to ravel when cut, take a piece of white soap and apply it to the back of...

190. To Mark Scallops
To mark scallops place your thimble or spool just outside the circle line and mark around it with a pencil. In this way, any sized scallo...

191. Delicate Fabrics To Clean
Delicate fabrics can be cleaned perfectly by using gasoline with a teacupful of corn meal. The meal scours out all the spots. Place the m...

192. When Using A Lap-board
While sewing a garment with the material lying on the lap-board, use glass top push pins to hold the goods on the board. One pin will oft...

193. To Shape Cookies
Cookies can be shaped with the bottom of a "star" tumbler. Flour the bottom of the glass and press it into the unbaked cookie until the i...

194. Have You Been Hoarding An Old Foulard Dress
One of that kind of dresses which you liked and hated to part with, but it went out of style. Get it out, clean it, rip it, and if there ...

195. To Wash Tarnished Brass
Save the water in which the potatoes have been boiled, and use it to wash tarnished brass. It will come out as bright as new. ...

196. Sewing Lace
When sewing two raw edges of fine lace together, like the tiny lace ruffles on lingerie blouses or dresses, do not fell it in the old-fas...

197. Roasted Chestnuts
Roasted chestnuts are said to be very delicious when salted the same as peanuts. ...

198. Mud Stains, To Remove
Mud stains will disappear from cloth by the following method of cleansing: After brushing the dry mud away sponge the remaining stain wit...

199. Drop Table For Kitchen
A woman can have a kitchen made in a very cramped quarter if she provides it with a small work table, and a drop leaf table attached to t...

200. A Convenience For Ironing Day
The laundress who knows how to take care of herself has a high stool with rungs for her feet, on which she may sit when she is ironing th...

201. Quickest Way To Core Apples
One of the simplest and quickest ways to core apples for baking is to use an ordinary clothes pin. ...

202. To Remove Iron Rust
Tartaric acid will remove almost any iron rust blemish from material and is excellent for removing yellow marks. ...

203. The Kitchen Apron
The kitchen apron should cover the skirt and the front of the waist, though not necessarily the sleeves, as most house dresses are made w...

204. Cookies, To Keep
Cookies put in an earthen jar lined with clean cloth, while they are still hot, and kept covered closely, will be much more melting and c...

205. Discolored China Baking Dishes
Discolored china baking dishes can be made as clean as when new by rubbing them with whiting. ...

206. Care Of Drippings
The care of drippings in the kitchen, with the price of food so high, should receive more attention. In cooking all meats, poultry, and i...

207. To Mend Rubber
To mend rubber, use soft kid from an old glove and paste to the patch the gum of automobile paste. The leather adheres better to the gum ...

208. Cleaning Black Woolen Clothing
The following is a good recipe for cleaning black woolen clothing: Dissolve borax in water and saturate a sponge or cloth in the solution...

209. To Prevent Tinware Rusting
To prevent tinware from rusting rub over with fresh lard and put in a hot oven for a few minutes before using it. If treated in this way ...

210. To Remove Machine Grease
Cold water and a teaspoonful of ammonia and soap will remove machine grease when other means would not answer on account of the colors ru...

211. To Keep Cheese From Drying
Wring a cloth from vinegar and wrap several thicknesses around the cheese to keep it from moulding and drying. ...

212. Small Hand Churn
A small hand churn makes home-made butter and cheese possible. It is no trouble whatever to make a pot of yellow butter, fresh and sweet,...

213. Larding A Piece Of Meat
Larding a piece of meat is a simple operation, and it is one which will greatly add to the juiciness of the dish. Cut a piece of salt por...

214. To Make Vegetables Tender
Cutting onions, turnips, and carrots across the fiber makes them more tender when cooked. ...

215. Clean Black Clothes
Clear black coffee diluted with water containing a little ammonia, will clean and restore black clothes. ...

216. To Make Linen Easier To Write On
To make linen easier to write on when marking, dip the pieces you wish to mark into cold starch, rub over with hot iron and you will be a...

217. To Air Pillows
To air pillows, rip the corner of the ticking an inch or more. Insert a piece of rubber hose pipe a few inches long, first covering the e...

218. Uses For Pea-pods
Never throw away pea-pods; they give a delicious flavor to the puree for the next day. ...

219. To Remove The Skins Of Tomatoes Quickly
To remove the skins of tomatoes quickly, put them into a wire basket and sink it quickly into a kettle of hot water. Do not let the toma...

220. Dyeing At Home
In dyeing at home amateurs often make the mistake of putting the dyed article through the wringer, possibly to avoid staining the hands f...

To Save Children's Shoes. To save children's shoes wash them occasionally to remove the dirt and old polish, and soften them with oil. Wh...

222. A Systematic Housewife
It is a handy plan for the business woman or the housewife who has much domestic accounting to do to keep two calendars, one to tear off ...

223. To Keep Candles In Warm Weather
Keep your candles in the ice box this warm weather. They will remain beautifully upright through a whole evening's use, if they are harde...

224. Tea Towels
Keep the tea towels in sight, then have them fresh, clean, and whole, and hang them on a long metal curtain pole, in a convenient place, ...

225. A Spotless House
A house that is spotless at the price of the family's peace or of the housekeeper's best self, is the worst sort of an investment. You, t...

226. To Keep Flooring In Place
Strips of moulding may be tacked around the edges of a room at the baseboard, so as to cover the edge of oilcloth or linoleum. This holds...

227. Light Colored Wall Paper
Light colored wall paper may be cleaned by a careful rubbing with a very clean rubber of the kind which artists use. If the spot cleaned ...

228. To Keep Canary Seed Away From Mice
If there are any mice in the house, the best way to keep the canary from being robbed of its food is to empty the contents of a cardboard...

229. Convenient Scrub Bucket
The most convenient scrub bucket is light, and is made of galvanized iron with a wide flaring top. The bucket is to be fitted with a wire...

230. Fruit Stains On Table Linen
Fruit stains on table linen should be taken out before the cloth is put in the wash tub. Soap and water will set the stains. ...

231. Wicker Furniture
Do not scrub your unpainted wicker furniture with soap and water, as it will turn it yellow and ruin its looks. Instead, try scrubbing it...

232. Removing Dirt From Carpet
Of all the ways to remove dirt from a carpet, the worst is by the use of the ordinary short brush which involves the housemaid's kneeling...

233. How To Preserve The Household Broom
The ordinary household broom will last twice as long, if care is taken of it, as it will if it is just used anyhow. When it is new, befor...

234. A Good Furniture Polish
A good furniture polish may be made of paraffin oil and turpentine. Kerosene too is very good, while crude oil may be used to darken wood...

235. Delicious Salad
Seeded raisins cut in pieces, broken nut meats, and a small part of celery in thin bits make up a delicious salad. ...

236. To Clean Light Rugs
Rugs with white or very light ground may be cleaned by sprinkling with cornstarch, mixed with one-sixth its bulk of prepared chalk. Let t...

237. To Light A Closet Of Any Kind
To light a closet of any kind, but especially a linen closet, the safest thing--next to electricity is a light clear glass lantern with w...

238. To Remove White Marks On Furniture
A mixture composed of equal parts of turpentine and linseed oil will remove the white marks on furniture caused by water. Rub it on with ...

239. If Your Paint Has Been Marred
If your paint has been marred by careless scratching of matches, try rubbing it with the finest sand paper. Use a half lemon for removing...

240. To Remove Inkstains From Cotton
To remove ink-stains from cotton material, place the stain over the steam and apply salt and lemon juice which will soon remove the ink. ...

241. To Clean Plaster-of-paris
To clean plaster-of-paris figures, cover with a thick coating of starch and water, let it dry on the surface and the dirt will brush off ...

242. To Clean Piano Keys
A cloth moistened with alcohol will clean piano keys. ...

243. Washing Veils
When veils are washed at home they usually come out quite limber and flimsy. To give them the stiffness add a pinch of sugar to the rinse...

244. To Take Candle Grease Out Of Linen
To take candle grease out of linen, place the linen between two sheets of thick white blotting paper, and set a hot iron on it, leaving i...

245. Cleaning The Sweeping Brush
Try cleaning the sweeping brush with an old comb. It is a good plan, for it preserves the brush and keeps it clean, and at the same time ...

246. Bright Wood Berries May Be Preserved
Almost any kind of bright wood berries may be preserved for decorative use in the winter, by dipping in melted paraffin and putting away ...

247. Old Wood Work To Keep Clean
Old woodwork, that is so hard to keep clean, can be made to look like new grained wood, by first painting it with cream colored paint to ...

248. To Prevent Chairs Marring The Floor
One should have all rockers covered with half rounds of rubber to prevent the scratching of the porch floor. These rocker tires are procu...

249. Summer Homes
Some of the wealthiest women are furnishing their summer homes with rag rugs, instead of the handsome oriental floor coverings, that are ...

250. To Destroy Flies
Flies will get into the house during the summer in spite of the greatest care. One method of catching and killing them, without having di...

251. Successful Fern Growing
A woman who has had her refrigerator placed on the porch has a long drain pipe to carry off the melted ice, and this is made to flow righ...

252. Faded Crepe
Faded crepe can be dipped into a solution of water and indigo, the water made very dark with blueing for the purpose. Dissolve in one qua...

253. Sweeping As A Beautifier
The average woman who does her own housework gets exercise enough, only it is not under the best conditions, for the air, as a rule, is n...

254. Putting Screens Away
If screens were carefully put away last fall there should be little difficulty in getting them in place on the first hot fly-breeding day...

255. Attractive Living Room
The living room is sure to have a cheery atmosphere if provided with a wooden seat at either side. The wooden shelf is a good place for t...

256. Finger Bowl
A finger bowel should always have a few flowers or a leaf floating around on the surface. ...

257. Raw Oysters
Raw oysters are further improved by sections of lemon or sprigs of mint among the cracked ice. ...

258. Cheerfulness At Meals
Meals should be something more than the consumption of food. All work stops at those times and people meet together. Nothing that can be ...

259. To Keep A Rug From Curling
The edge of the heavy rug will not curl if treated to a coat of shellac on the under side. ...

260. Grease Stains On Silk
For grease stains on silk, rub the silk with French chalk or magnesia, and then hold it to the fire. Thus the grease will be absorbed by ...

261. Ironing Centerpieces
When ironing centerpieces of tablecloths, see that the iron moves with the straight grain of the cloth. If this method is followed the ci...

262. Tucking Children's Dresses
When hand tucks are to be used on children's dresses, they should be very carefully made, and the first one kept perfectly straight to us...

263. A Neat Way To Mend Table Linen
A neat way to mend table linen is to darn it with linen threads off an older tablecloth. It will look much neater than a patch sewed on. ...

264. A Good Substitute For A Toaster
If the toaster is suddenly lost, you can find a very good substitute in the popcorn popper. It can be held over the gas or before the coa...

265. To Prepare Cauliflower
To prepare cauliflower remove all the large green leaves and greater part of stalk. Soak in cold water, to which has been added one teasp...

266. Preserving Dress Patterns
Some women, after they have used a pattern, just roll it up and tuck it away wherever it happens, and when they want to use it the next t...

267. Lace On Centerpieces
Lace that is used on centerpieces is not fulled, but is just held in enough to lie flat. The best way to get this flatness is to draw the...

268. Uses Of Mop Handles
Most women have found the mop handle with the handy clasp, a general utility tool. There is a great deal of unnecessary bending of the kn...

269. Iron Holders Made From Asbestos
Iron holders made from a piece of asbestos the desired size, and covered with drilling or heavy unbleached muslin are light and keep out ...

270. Washing Quilts
To wash quilts a housekeeper gives the following directions: Dissolve a bar of white soap in a cupful of water. Run into your bath-tub su...

271. Shrinking Dress Goods
Before making the white linen dress skirt, or any material that is liable to shrink, fold the goods carefully and place it in a tub and c...

272. Fixing Worn Corsets
For stitching over worn corset stays, a wide white tape is unequaled. ...

273. Cooking Breakfast Food
Don't leave the tin lid on the saucepan if you start the cereal in the evening for breakfast. It will rust and the moisture drip into the...

274. Tough Meat To Make Tender
Tough meat can be made tender by adding a teacupful of lemon juice to the water in which it is boiled. ...

275. To Preserve Pineapple
To preserve pineapple allow only three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of pineapple. ...

276. Hemstitching Underclothing
Hemstitching forms a dainty finish for the household linen and underclothing, but the busy woman often will not undertake it because of t...

277. To Boil Eggs Without Cracking Them
To boil eggs without the risk of cracking, hold them in a spoonful of boiling water before immersing them. ...

278. Save The Basting Thread
Basting threads, when saved, should be wound on a spool, otherwise they get hopelessly tangled and are not used again. ...

279. Threading Needles
Thread will knot less easily, if the end that is broken from the spool is run through the eye of the needle. ...

280. Measuring Dress Goods
Do not measure dress goods and laces with a tape line, as it stretches the material. Use a yardstick. ...

281. Do Not Use Coarse Thread
An expert needlewoman says that the reason why so much embroidery does not look attractive is that too coarse a thread is used for the wo...

282. Putting In A Temporary Hem
The hem of a dress that must be lengthened after it is laundered should be turned perfectly straight and stitched with number one hundred...

283. Serviceable Child's Dress
A quaint little frock that will be serviceable, can be made from a remnant of demi flouncing hemstitched on the embroidered edge. This pl...

284. Convenience For The Sewing Room
A good sized waste basket should be continually close to every sewing machine. Then it is easy to form the habit of dropping all scraps i...

285. Buttons For Future Use
When buttons are removed from a dress for future use they should be loosely strung on a thread before being put in the button box. This i...

286. Basting Long Seams
When basting long seams, if the edge of the material is slipped under the machine needle and the needle is lowered it firmly holds the tw...

287. Mending Table Linen
A woman who is expert in mending table linen does it in this manner: A piece of linen is coated with white soap, to make it stiff and the...

288. Washing Cooking Utensils
All the cooking utensils should be washed with soda immediately after they have been used, which will remove every trace of grease. ...

289. To Make Soft Soap
Soft soap made from half a pound of shaved hard soap and two quarts of water will save the soap bill at cleaning time. ...

290. Separate Night And Day Pillows
If separate night and day pillows are not used, as is now generally done, the bed will look neater if special pillow slips are kept to pu...

291. To Keep An Iron Sink In Good Condition
To keep an iron sink in good condition, scrub once or twice a week with hand soap and kerosene. Every night put a little chloride of lime...

292. Steaming Or Boiling Pudding
In steaming or boiling puddings, as the water boils away add more boiling water. If cold water is added, for a short time at least, the f...

293. Cooking Peas
When cooking peas do not shell them. Wash the pods and put them on to boil. When they are done the pods will break and rise to the top of...

294. Troubled With Ants
When troubled with ants in your pantry and kitchen pour kerosene around on the edge of your shelves and on your doorstep. They will soon ...

295. To Exterminate Roaches
A housewife says that a few drops of turpentine sprinkled around where roaches gather will exterminate them at once. ...

296. How To Economize On Gas
More gas is wasted in the oven than elsewhere. Often one burner will suffice after the oven has been well heated. It is better to run one...

297. Less Noise In Washing Dishes
If your cook insists in washing the dishes in the pantry while the family is still at dessert, insist upon her placing the dishes to drai...

298. A Useful Article In The Kitchen
A useful article in the kitchen is a small microscope. Show the cook how to use one. She will be so horrified if shown dates, prunes, or ...

299. To Restore Freshness To Vegetables
For the housewife who must practise strict economy, as well as for her who lives at a distance from the market, it is well to know that c...

300. Worn Brooms Or Whisks
Worn brooms or whisks may be dipped into hot water and uneven edges trimmed off with shears. This will make the straw harder, and the tri...

301. Making Over A Heatherbloom Petticoat
When you make over a heatherbloom petticoat, do not cut it off at the top and place the drawing string in again, and do not plait it to f...

302. The Gingham Apron For The Housewife
The gingham apron for the housewife at her daily tasks, especially if the maid is out and she has any kitchen work to do, is imperative, ...

303. After Cleaning The Sewing Machine
After cleaning the sewing machine, several yards of stitching must be accomplished before the machine runs smoothly and without leaving m...

304. To Remove Tangled Threads
No doubt you often have stopped sewing and patiently picked the threads out of the bobbin under the machine plate, or around the wheels, ...

305. Clothes Rack For Children
In one home, in the rear hall, is a low rack on which children can hang their coats, hats and mittens when they come in from school. The ...

306. To Remove Dust From Any White Fabric
To remove dust from any white fabric lay the spot over a tea-kettle of boiling water. Place a cut lemon over the spot, pressing firmly. R...

307. Amateur Dressmakers
Amateur dressmakers will probably find it difficult to decide just how to finish the necks of the collarless frocks and waists that will ...

308. To Prevent Marks On The Dining Table
If you have a highly polished dining table which you are afraid of spoiling, lay a piece of oilcloth on the table under the pad and you w...

309. For Cupboard Shelves
Put a white oilcloth on kitchen shelves instead of paper. The cloth will not turn yellow as the paper does, and can be kept clean while w...

310. Cleaning Gilt Frames
When gilt frames or mouldings of the rooms have specks of dirt on them they can be cleaned with white of an egg, rubbed on with a camel's...

311. To Clean Kid Gloves
Take a fine soft cloth, dip it into a little sweet milk, then rub it on a cake of soap, and rub the gloves with it. They will look like n...

312. Washing Fine Woolens
To keep baby's sacques and socks and your own shawls and scarfs as fluffy as when new, dry and put in oven of range, shaking often betwee...

313. To Wash Grained Woodwork
To wash grained woodwork take a half pail of hot water, add half a pound of soap chips, and boil until dissolved. Take from fire, add one...

314. Sewing On Buttons
How often the mother hears the complaint: "I do wish you wouldn't sew these buttons on so tightly that I can't button them." When you sta...

315. Airing House After Meals
After each meal, there should be another thorough airing of the lower floor in the home. No matter how perfectly the system of ventilatio...

316. House Cleaning Hints
For the last few days before house cleaning, ornaments and pictures can be washed at one's convenience. They need only be removed or cove...

317. Uses For Men's Old Silk Handkerchiefs
Men's old silk handkerchiefs should never be thrown away when worn thin. They are just the thing for dusting the polished surface of the ...

318. Cleaning Fine Fabrics
In cleaning fabrics great care should be taken not to rub them roughly between the hands. The gentle rubbing on of the solvent with a fre...

319. To Wash White Woolen Blankets
To wash white woolen blankets, dissolve four tablespoonfuls of good washing powder in a dipperful of boiling water and pour into a tub of...

320. To Take Out Wagon Grease
To take out wagon grease, which is of two kinds, that made from coal tar may be removed from cloth by an application of petroleum; the ot...

321. Old Perspiration Stains
Old perspiration stains may be removed by applying oxalic acid and water in solution, one part of the former to twenty parts of the latte...

322. Eyelet Embroidery
Eyelet embroidery is one of the daintiest as well as the simplest of embroideries, and, best of all, with a little practice the work can ...

323. A Convenience For The Household
A convenience for the household, that will be appreciated by men as well as women, is a wire rack to hang in the closet. It has a series ...

324. To Turn The Hems Of The Table Linen Easily And Accurately
To turn the hems of the table linen easily and accurately, remove the needle from your sewing machine, adjust the hemmer to the desired w...

325. Soft Wood Floors To Paint
If a soft wood floor is glue sized, before painting, it will take less paint. ...

326. Hanging Out Quilts
When hanging out quilts and pillows, pound and brush them the first thing, and let the fresh air get into them all day. Most people do th...

327. Paint That Sticks To Glass
Paint that sticks to glass can be removed with hot vinegar. ...

328. Books With Delicate Bindings
Books with delicate bindings which have become soiled through much handling, can be satisfactorily cleaned by rubbing with chamois skin d...

329. Cleaning Silverware
Old tooth brushes and nail brushes, and old knitted underwear should always be reserved for cleaning silver. Nothing is better than a too...

330. Cleaning Crockery And Enamel
By immersing, for a day or two in sour milk, glass, crockery or enamel ware articles may be perfectly cleaned of stains or limey accumula...

331. Going To Market
The housekeeper who goes to market rather than order by telephone will find she gets better things for less money. ...

332. Moths In Carpets
If moths have attacked the carpet try putting gasoline on the edges, soaking the nap of the carpet. Also work powdered borax into the car...

333. A Serviceable Furniture Brush
A serviceable furniture brush is made of turkey tail feathers. Take a stout twine and needle, sew the quills tightly together and cover t...

334. Uses Of A Wooden Spoon
Never use any but a wooden or silver spoon to stir anything with in cooking. Many a dish is spoiled by the cook stirring it with an iron ...

335. Boiling Vegetables
Boil parsnips and such vegetables with thin skins; then peel when cold. The flavor is preserved and your hands are not stained. ...

336. To Wash Furniture
Furniture washed with castile soap and tepid water and rubbed with a piece of old silk will look like new. ...

337. Old Suitcases And Purses
When suitcases and purses begin to show wear, coat all the spots with tan water color paint, and when perfectly dry rub over with a littl...

338. Putting Up Lunches
Those who find the putting up of lunches a part of the daily routine may take comfort in the suggestion of one resourceful woman. When us...

339. Paint Wicker Furniture
If you must paint wicker furniture see that you buy paint that is well mixed and thinned to the proper consistency. If too thick it gets ...

340. Bureau Drawers That Stick
Wax is better to use on the bureau drawers that stick than soap. It works better and will not catch dirt so much. ...

341. Uses For Old Envelopes
Cut out the corners from all heavy envelopes, for they are excellent for holding coins sent by mail. They always make good corner protect...

342. To Prevent Fruit From Moulding
A layer of absorbent cotton laid over the fruit in the mouth of the fruit cans is an excellent preventive against the mould. If mould sho...

343. Linoleum Or Oilcloth That Is Cracked
Linoleum that is badly cracked may be improved by a filler made of ochre and boiled flour paste. After the filling is dry the linoleum ma...

344. Borax As A Purifier For Ice Box
Borax is an invaluable aid to the woman who wishes to keep her ice box immaculate. It is especially desirable for use in small refrigerat...

345. To Clean Gilded Surfaces
To clean gilded surfaces, dip a soft brush in alcohol to which a few drops of ammonia water have been added, and with it go over the surf...

346. Hints For The Housewife
Every housewife should have plenty of waxed paper or paraffin paper about the house. It is of the greatest value in preserving eatables f...

347. Excessive Gas Light Weakens The Eyes
When the excessive light of the gas light or the electric bulb tires weak eyes, resort to the tallow candle. For the sick room wax candle...

348. Handy Disinfectant For The Household
Chlorate of lime moistened with vinegar and water, equal parts, is a handy disinfectant for the household. It can be kept in the cellar, ...

349. For Closing Windows
A piece of bamboo, an old blind roller, or any strong smoothly rounded stick about three feet long, with a small flat piece of wood about...

The Production Of Vinegar From Honey
Vinegar, or dilute acetic acid, is produced by a process of fermentation from certain vegetable substances. After alcohol...


My Beginning
_Tis a gift to be simple Tis a gift to be free, Tis a gift to come down Where we ought to be. And when we find ourselves In a plac...

From The Hygienic Dictionary
Doctors. [1] In the matter of disease and healing, the people have been treated as serfs. The doctor is a dictator who knows it all...

From The Hygienic Dictionary 2
Toxemia. [1] "Toxemia is the basic cause of all so-called diseases. In the process of tissue-building (metabolism), there is cell-...

The Cause Of Disease
Ever since natural medicine arose in opposition to the violence of so-called scientific medicine, every book on the subject of hygiene...

Why People Get Sick
This is the Theory of Toxemia. A healthy body struggles continually to purify itself of poisons that are inevitably produced while goi...

The Digestive Process
After we have eaten our four-color meal--often we do this in a hurry, without much chewing, under a lot of stress, or in the presence...

The Progress Of Disease: Irritation, Enervation, Toxemia
Disease routinely lies at the end of a three-part chain that goes: irritation or sub-clinical malnutrition, enervation, toxemia. Irri...

Secondary Eliminations Are Disease
However the exact form the chain from irritation or malnutrition to enervation progresses, the ultimate result is an increased level o...

From The Hygienic Dictionary
Cure. [1] There is no "cure" for disease; fasting is not a cure. Fasting facilitates natural healing processes. Foods do not cure. ...

The Effort Of Digestion
Digestion is a huge, unappreciated task, unappreciated because few of us are aware of its happening in the same way we are aware of m...

How Fasting Heals
Its an old hygienic maxim that the doctor does not heal, the medicines do not heal, only the body heals itself. If the body can't hea...

Essentials Of A Successful, Safe Fast
1. Fast in a bright airy room, with exceptionally good ventilation, because fasters not only need a lot of fresh air; their bodies giv...

The Prime Rules Of Fasting
Another truism of natural hygiene is that we dig our own graves with our teeth. It is sad but true that almost all eat too much quanti...

Length Of The Fast
How long should a person fast? In cases where there are serious complaints to remedy but where there are no life threatening disease ...

My Own 56 Day Long Fast
Fasters go through a lot of different emotional states, these can get intense and do change quite rapidly. The physical body, too, wi...

The Healing Crisis And Retracing
Certain unpleasant somatics that occur while fasting (or while on a healing diet) may not be dangerous or "bad." Two types, the healin...

The Unrelenting Boredom Of Fasting
Then there's the unrelenting boredom of fasting. Most people have been media junkies since they were kids; the only way they believe ...

Exercise While Fasting
The issue of how much activity is called for on a fast is controversial. Natural Hygienists in the Herbert Shelton tradition insist t...

The Stages Of Fasting
The best way to understand what happens when we fast is to break up the process into six stages: preparation for the fast, loss of hu...

Foods For Monodiet, Juice Or Broth Fasting
zucchini, garlic, onion, green beans, kale, celery, beet greens and root, cabbage, carrot, wheat grass juice, alfalfa juice, barley g...

Less-rigorous-than-water Fasts
There are gradations of fasting measures ranging from rigorous to relatively casual. Water fasting is the most rapid and effective on...

Raw Food Healing Diets
Next in declining order of healing effectiveness is what I call a raw food healing diet or cleansing diet. It consists of those very ...

Complete Recovery Of The Seriously Ill
Its a virtual certainty that to fully recover, a seriously ill person will have to significantly rebuild numerous organs. They have a...

It is true that ethical medical doctors use the least-risky procedure they are allowed to use. But this does not mean there are no ri...

Weight Loss By Fasting
Loss of weight indicates, almost guarantees, that detoxification and healing is occurring. I can't stress this too much. Of all the t...

Cases Beyond The Remedy Of Fasting
Occasionally, very ill people have a liver that has become so degenerated it cannot sustain the burden of detoxification. This organ ...

Social/cultural/psychological Obstacles To Fasting
Numerous attitudes make it difficult to fast or to provide moral support to friends or loved ones that are fasting. Many people harbo...

Preventative Fasting
During the years it takes for a body to degenerate enough to prompt a fast, the body has been storing up large quantities of unprocess...

From The Hygienic Dictionary
Autointoxication. [1] the accumulations on the bowel wall become a breeding ground for unhealthy bacterial life forms. The heavy mu...

Most Diseases Cure Themselves
If you ask any honest medical doctor how they cure diseases, they will tell you that most acute disease conditions and a smaller, tho...

The Repugnant Bowel
I don't know why, but people of our culture have a deep-seated reluctance to relate to the colon or it's functions. People don't want...

A Typical Diseased Colon
The average person also has a prolapsed (sagging) transverse colon, and a distorted misplaced ascending and descending colon. I took a...

A Healthy Colon
From my point of view the most amazing part of this whole experience was that the chiropractor did not recommend any dietary changes ...

What Is Constipation?
Most people think they are not constipated because they have a bowel movement almost every day, accomplished without straining. I have...

The Development Of My Own Constipation
The history of my own constipation, though it especially relates to a very rustic childhood, is typical of many people. I was also ra...

Rapid Relief From Colon Cleansing
During fasting the liver is hard at work processing toxins released from fat and other body deposits. The liver still dumps its wastes...

Enemas Versus Colonics
People frequently wonder what is the difference between a colonic and an enema. First of all enemas are a lot cheaper because you g...

How To Give Yourself An Enema
Enemas have been medically out of favor for a long time. Most people have never had one. So here are simple directions to self-adminis...

Curing With Enemas
It is not wise to continue regular colonics or enemas once a detoxification program has been completed and you have returned to a mai...

From The Hygienic Dictionary
Food. [1] Life is a tragedy of nutrition. In food lies 99.99% of the causes of all diseases and imperfect health of any kind. _Prof...

The Confusions About Diets And Foods
Like my daughter, many people of all ages are muddled about the relationship between health and diet. Their confusions have created a...

The Fundamental Principle
If you are a true believer in any of the above food religions, I expect that you will find my views unsettling. But what I consider "...

Lessons From Nutritional Anthropology
The next logical pair of questions are: how healthy could good nutrition make people be, and, how much deviation from ideal nutrition...

Finding Your Ideal Dietary
Anyone that is genuinely interested in having the best possible health should make their own study of the titles listed in the biblio...

The Human Comedy
I know most of my readers have been heavily indoctrinated about food and think they already know the truth about dietetics. I also kno...

The Organic Versus Chemical Feud
Now, regrettably, and at great personal risk to my reputation, I must try to puncture the very favorite belief of food religionists, ...

The Poor Start
For this reason it makes sense to take vitamins and food supplements, to be discussed in the next chapter. And because our food suppl...

Butter, Margarine And Fats In General
Recently, enormous propaganda has been generated against eating butter. Its been smeared in the health magazines as a saturated anima...

Milk, Meat, And Other Protein Foods
Speaking of butter, how about milk? The dairy lobby is very powerful in North America. Its political clout and campaign contributions ...

The Development Of Allergies
There are three ways a body can become allergic. (1) It can have a genetic predisposition for a specific allergy to start with. (2) It...

Flour, And Other Matters Relating To Seeds
One of the largest degradations to human health was caused by the roller mill. This apparently profitable machine permitted the miller...

Freshness Of Fruits And Vegetables
Most people do not realize the crucial importance of freshness when it comes to produce. In the same way that seeds gradually die, fr...

The Real Truth About Salt And Sugar
First, let me remind certain food religionists: salt is salt is salt is salt and sugar is sugar is sugar. There are no good forms of s...

Food Combining And "healthfood Junkfood"
This brings us to a topic I call healthfood junkfood. Many people improve their diet, eliminating meat and chemicalized food in favor ...

Diets To Heal The Critically Ill
A critically ill person is someone who could expire at any moment; therapeutic interventions are racing against death. Can the body r...

Diet For The Chronically Ill
The chronically ill person has a long-term degenerative condition that is not immediately life threatening. This condition usually ...

Diet For The Acutely Ill
The acutely ill person experiences occasional attacks of distressing symptoms, usually after indiscretions in living or emotional upse...

Diet For A Healthy Person
I doubt that it is possible to be totally healthy in the twentieth century. Doctors Alsleben and Shute in their book How to Survive th...

Diet Is Not Enough
Those isolated, long-lived peoples discovered by Weston A. Price had to do hard physical labor to eat, had to walk briskly up and down...

Diet For A Long, Long Life
Some people not only want to be healthy, but they want to live in good health long past the normal life span projected by statistical ...

From The Hygienic Dictionary
Vitamins. [1] The staple foods may not contain the same nutritive substances as in former times. . . . Chemical fertilizers, by ...

Vitamins For Young Persons And Children
Young healthy people from weaning through their thirties should also take nutritional supplements even though young people usually fee...

Vitamins For An Older Healthy Person
Someone who is beyond 35 to 40 years of age should still feel good almost all of the time. That is how life should be. But enjoying w...

The Future Of Life Extension
I beg the readers indulgence for a bit of futurology about what things may look like if the life extension movement continues to deve...

Vitamin Program For The Sick
No matter which way you look at it or how well insured you may be against it, being sick is expensive (not to mention what it does to ...

From The Hygienic Dictionary
Diagnosis. [1] In the United States, making a diagnosis implies that you are a doctor duly licensed to engage in diagnostic function.....

Some years back my 70 years old mother came from the family homestead in the wilds of northern British Columbia to visit me at the Gr...

Breast Cancer
I have worked with many young women with breast cancer; so many in fact, that their faces and cases tend to blur. But whenever I think...

Constant Complaints
Alice was a middle-aged woman who couldn't understand why she had always felt tired, even when she was young. Her life had been this ...

A Rampaging Infection
At the age of 40, John, an old bohemian client of mine, came into a moderate inheritance and went "native" in the Fiji Islands in the ...

Chronic Back Pain
Barry was a carpenter who couldn't afford to lose work because he was unable to bend or twist or lift. He frequently had bouts of sev...

Painful Menstruation
Elsie was twenty. She came to see me because I had helped Elsie's mother overcome breast cancer many years earlier. Elsie began to ha...

Irritable Bowels
Some peoples' lives don't run smoothly. Jeanne's certainly didn't. She was abandoned to raise three little kids on welfare. Her colleg...

A Collection Of Gallbladders
Gallbladder cases are rather ho-hum to me; they are quick to respond to hygienic treatment and easy to resolve. I've fixed lots of the...

The Frightening Heart
Heart disease is one of the major causes of death among North Americans. It evokes images of resuscitation, of desperate races agains...

Other Kinds Of Cancer
There seem to be many other kinds of cancer, at least if you believe the medical doctors. They divide up cancers and their treatments ...

Onion Cases
All too many of my cases are what I privately refer to as onion cases. By this I mean the opposite of a simple case. There are multip...

Unethical Illness
I see a lot of spiritually-induced physical illness in my practice. Maybe more than my share. Maybe its karmic; it tends to find me b...

Pulse Testing For Allergies
Coca's Pulse Tests are extraordinarily useful and simple tools for at-home allergy detection. My clients have succeeded at using this ...

A Summing Up
GIVE up resentment, give up unhealthy resistance. If circumstances, or persons, arouse either resentment or resistance in u...

Plain Every-day Common Sense
PLAIN common sense! When we come to sift everything down which will enable us to live wholesome, steady, every-day, interestin...

Human Dust
WHEN we face the matter squarely and give it careful thought, it seems to appear very plainly that the one thing most flagrant...

Positive And Negative Effort
DID you ever have the grip? If you ever have you may know how truly it is named and how it does actually grip you so that it s...

What Is It That Makes Me So Nervous?
THE two main reasons why women are nervous are, first, that they do not take intelligent care of their bodies, and secondly, t...

The Care Of An Invalid
TO take really good care of one who is ill requires not only knowledge but intelligent patience and immeasurable tact. A li...

The Habit Of Illness
IT is surprising how many invalids there are who have got well and do not know it! When you feel ill and days drag on with one...

Do Not Hurry
HOW can any one do anything well while in a constant state of rush? How can any one see anything clearly while in a constant s...

How To Sew Easily
IT is a common saying that we should let our heads save our heels, but few of us know the depth of it or the freedom and healt...

About Frights
HERE are two true stories and a remarkable contrast. A nerve specialist was called to see a young girl who had had nervous pr...

I KNOW a woman who says that if she wants to get her father's consent to anything, she not only appears not to care whether he...

About Faces
WATCH the faces as you walk along the street! If you get the habit of noticing, your observations will grow keener. It is surp...

About Voices
I KNEW an old German--a wonderful teacher of the speaking voice--who said "the ancients believed that the soul of the man is ...

Take Care Of Your Stomach
WE all know that we have a great deal to do. Some of us have to work all day to earn our bread and butter and then work a good...

Why Fuss So Much About What I Eat?
I KNOW a woman who insisted that it was impossible for her to eat strawberries because they did not agree with her. A friend t...

Don't Talk
THERE is more nervous energy wasted, more nervous strain generated, more real physical harm done by superfluous talking than a...

The Woman At The Next Desk
IT may be the woman sewing in the next chair; it may be the woman standing next at the same counter; it may be the woman next ...

Telephones And Telephoning
MOST men--and women--use more nervous force in speaking through the telephone than would be needed to keep them strong and hea...

Imaginary Vacations
ONCE a young woman who had very hard work to do day after day and who had come to where she was chronically strained and tired...

Working Restfully
ONCE met a man who had to do an important piece of scientific work in a given time. He worked from Saturday afternoon at 2 o'c...

Is Physical Culture Good For Girls?
A NUMBER of women were watching a game of basket-ball played by some high-school girls. In the interim for rest one woman said...

How To Be Ill And Get Well
ILLNESS seems to be one of the hardest things to happen to a busy woman. Especially hard is it when a woman must live from han...

The Tired Emphasis
"I AM so tired, so tired--I go to bed tired, I get up tired, and I am tired all the time." How many women--how many hundred...

Quiet Vs Chronic Excitement
SOME women live in a chronic state of excitement all the time and they do not find it out until they get ill. Even then they d...

Irritable Husbands
SUPPOSE your husband got impatient and annoyed with you because you did not seem to enter heartily into the interests of his w...

The Trying Member Of The Family
"TOMMY, don't do that. You know it annoys your grandfather." "Well, why should he be annoyed? I am doing nothing wrong." ...

You Have No Idea How I Am Rushed
A WOMAN can feel rushed when she is sitting perfectly still and has really nothing whatever to do. A woman can feel at leisure...

Why Does Mrs Smith Get On My Nerves?
IF you want to know the true answer to this question it is "because you are unwilling that Mrs. Smith should be herself." You ...

How Women Can Keep From Being Nervous
MANY people suffer unnecessarily from "nerves" just for the want of a little knowledge of how to adjust themselves in order ...

To Mothers
MOST mothers know that it is better for the baby to put him into his crib and let him go quietly to sleep by himself, than to ...

Habit And Nervous Strain
PEOPLE form habits which cause nervous strain. When these habits have fixed themselves for long enough upon their victims, the...

The Religion Of It
THE religion of it is the whole of it. "All religion has relation to life and the life of religion is to do good." If religion...

About Christmas
THERE was once a family who had a guest staying with them; and when they found out that he was to have a birthday during his v...

TO most people self-control means the control of appearances and not the control of realities. This is a radical mistake, and ...

Human Sympathy
A NURSE who had been only a few weeks in the hospital training-school, once saw--from her seat at the dinner-table--a man bro...

Other People_
HOWEVER disagreeable other people may be,--however unjust they may be, however true it may be that the wrong is all on their s...

The Circumstances Of Life
IT is not the circumstances of life that trouble or weigh upon us, it is the way we take them. If a man is playing a difficult...

SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS may be truly defined as a person's inability to get out of his own way. There are, however, some people who...

Nervous Fears
TO argue with nervous anxiety, either in ourselves or in others, is never helpful. Indeed it is never helpful to argue with "n...

A MAN once grasped a very hot poker with his hand, and although he cried out with pain, held on to the poker. His friend calle...

Hurry, Worry, And Irritability
PROBABLY most people have had the experience of hurrying to a train with the feeling that something held them back, but not ma...

How To Sleep Restfully
IT would seem that at least one might be perfectly free in sleep. But the habits of cleaving to mistaken ways of living cannot...

The Freedom Of Life
I AM so tired I must give up work," said a young woman with a very strained and tearful face; and it seemed to her a desperate...

The Guidance Of The Body
THE literature relating to the care of the human body is already very extensive. Much has been written about the body's proper...

Perversions In The Guidance Of The Body
SO evident are the various, the numberless perversions of our powers in the misuse of the machine, that it seems almost unnece...

Rest In Sleep
HOW do we misuse our nervous force? First, let us consider, When should the body be completely at rest? The longest and most p...

Other Forms Of Rest
DO you hold yourself on the chair, or does the chair hold you? When you are subject to the laws of gravitation give up to them...

The Use Of The Brain
LET us now consider instances where the brain alone is used, and the other parts of the body have nothing to do but keep quiet...

The Brain In Its Direction Of The Body
WE come now to the brain and its direction of other parts of the body. What tremendous and unnecessary force is used in tal...

The Direction Of The Body In Locomotion
LIFTING brings us to the use of the entire body, which is considered simply in the most common of all its movements,--that of ...

Nervous Strain In Pain And Sickness
THERE is no way in which superfluous and dangerous tension is so rapidly increased as in the bearing of pain. The general impr...

Nervous Strain In The Emotions
THE most intense suffering which follows a misuse of the nervous power comes from exaggerated, unnecessary, or sham emotions. ...

Nature's Teaching
NATURE is not only our one guide in the matter of physical training, she is the chief engineer who will keep us in order and c...

The Child As An Ideal
WHILE the path of progress in the gaining of repose could not be traced thus far without reference to the freedom of a baby, a...

Training For Rest
BUT how shall we gain a natural repose? It is absurd to emphasize the need without giving the remedy. "I should be so glad to ...

Training For Motion
"IN every new movement, in every unknown attitude needed in difficult exercises, the nerve centres have to exercise a kind of ...

Mind Training
IT will be plainly seen that this training of the body is at the same time a training of the mind, and indeed it is in essence...

Artistic Considerations
ALTHOUGH so much time and care are given to the various means of artistic expression, it is a singular fact that comparatively...

ADOPTING the phrase of our forefathers, with all its force and brevity, we say, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." ...

The Rational Care Of Self
A WOMAN who had had some weeks of especially difficult work for mind and body, and who had finished it feeling fresh and well,...

Our Relations With Others
EVERY one will admit that our relations to others should be quiet and clear, in order to give us freedom for our work. Indeed,...

The Use Of The Will
IT is not generally recognized that the will can be trained, little by little, by as steadily normal a process as the training...

IN climbing a mountain, if we know the path and take it as a matter of course, we are free to enjoy the beauties of the surrounding c...

Physical Care
REST, fresh air, exercise, and nourishment, enough of each in proportion to the work done, are the material essentials to a healthy p...

THE ability to be easily and heartily amused brings a wholesome reaction from intense thought or hard work of any kind which does mor...

Brain Impressions
THE mere idea of a brain clear from false impressions gives a sense of freedom which is refreshing. In a comic journal, some years ...

The Triviality Of Trivialities
LIFE is clearer, happier, and easier for us as things assume their true proportions. I might better say, as they come nearer in appea...

RELIEF from the mastery of an evil mood is like fresh air after having been several hours in a close room. If one should go to work...

WHEN we are tolerant as a matter of course, the nervous system is relieved of almost the worst form of persistent irritation it could ...

SYMPATHY, in its best sense, is the ability to take another's point of view. Not to mourn because he mourns; not to feel injured becau...

HOW to live at peace with others is a problem which, if practically solved, would relieve the nervous system of a great weight, and gi...

One's Self
TO be truly at peace with one's self means rest indeed. There is a quiet complacency, though, which passes for peace, and is like t...

WORK for the better progress of the human race is most effective when it is done through the children; for children are future genera...

AS far as we make circumstances guides and not limitations, they serve us. Otherwise, we serve them, and suffer accordingly. Just in ...

Sentiment _versus_ Sentimentality
FREEDOM from sentimentality opens the way for true sentiment. An immense amount of time, thought, and nervous force is wasted in se...

THERE are very few persons who have not I had the experience of giving up a problem in mathematics late in the evening, and waking in...

Disturbances Of The Heart In General
Of prime importance in the treatment of diseases of the heart is a determination of the exact, or at least approximately exact, con...

Clinical Interpretation Of Pulse Tracings
A moment may be spent on clinical interpretation of pulse tracings. It has recently been shown that the permanently irregular pulse is...

Interpretation Of Tracings
The interpretation of the arterial tracing shows that the nearly vertical tip-stroke is due to the sudden rise of blood pressure caus...

Tests Of Heart Strength
If both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are taken, and the heart strength is more or less accurately determined, mistakes in th...

The Effect Of Athletics On The Heart
We can no longer neglect the seriousness of the effects of competitive athletics on the heart, especially in youth and young adults. ...

Suggestions For The Control Of Athletics
1. Gymnasiums and athletic grounds in connection with all colleges, preparatory schools, seminaries and high schools are essential, an...

Signs Of Heart Weakness
It should be remembered that a normal heart may slow to about 60 during sleep, and all nervous acceleration of the pulse may be diffe...

Symptoms And Signs Of Cardiac Disturbance
It is now recognized that any infection can cause weakness and degeneration of the heart muscle. The Streptococcus rheumaticus found ...

Classification Of Cardiac Disturbances
For the sake of discussing the therapy of cardiac disturbances in a logical sequence, they may be classified as follows: Pericard...

Blood Pressure
The study of the blood pressure has become a subject of great importance in the practice of medicine and surgery. No condition can ...

It is essential that the patient on whom the examination is to be made should be at rest, either comfortably seated, or lying down. A...

Factors Increasing The Blood Pressure
With normal heart and arteries, exertion and exercise should increase the systolic pressure, and generally somewhat increase the dias...

Venous Pressure
The venous pressure, after a long neglect, is now again being studied, and its determination is urged as of diagnostic and prognostic...

Normal Blood Pressure For Adults
Woley [Footnote: Woley, II. P.: The Normal Variation of the Systolic Blood Pressure, THE JOURNAL A. M. A., July 9, 1910, p. 121.] afte...

Blood Pressure In Children
May Michael, [Footnote: Michael, May: A Study of Blood Pressure in Normal Children, Am. Jour. Dis. Child., April, 1911, p. 272.] after...

Blood Pressure And Insurance
An epitome of the consensus of opinion of the risk of accepting persons for insurance as modified by the blood pressure is presented ...

It has long been known that altitude increases the heart rate and tends to lower the systolic and diastolic blood pressures; that the...

Conditions Causing Change In Blood Pressure
Woolley [Footnote: Woolley, P. G.: Factors Governing Vascular Dilatation and Slowing of the Blood Stream in Inflammation, THE JOURNAL...

The Effect Of Drugs On Blood Pressure
Free catharsis is a well established and valuable method of relieving the heart in many cases of broken compensation, and in cases wi...

The Effect Of Drugs On Venous Blood Pressure
Capps and Matthews [Footnote: Capps, J. A., and Matthews, S. A.: Venous Blood Pressure as influenced by the Drugs Employed in Cardiov...

Arterial hypertension may be divided into stages. In the first stage the arteries are healthy, but the tone, owing to contraction of...

One of the most common causes of hypertension is clue to excess of eating and drinking. The products caused by maldigestion of protei...

In hypertension, as long as the heart, which is probably hypertrophied, remains perfectly competent, there are few symptoms, and the ...

Janeway [Footnote: Janeway, T. C.: A Clinical Study of Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease, Arch. Int. Med., December, 1913, p. 755.] ...

In this rapid high tension age the physician should be as energetic in teaching prevention of arterial hypertension as he is in preve...

Drugs In Hypertension
The drugs that are mostly used to lower blood pressure are nitrites or drugs which are like nitrites, and these are nitroglycerin, so...

A low systolic pressure and a low diastolic pressure may not cause any symptoms or give any cause for anxiety. It does show, especia...

Acute Pericarditis
As this inflammation is generally secondary to some other condition, its treatment cannot be positively outlined. Furthermore, it is...

Pericarditis Symptoms And Signs
If there is pain or much aching in the cardiac region, it tends to disappear with the exudate, if such is to occur, in the same way as...

Adherent Pericarditis
Following dry pericarditis or pericarditis with an exudate, especially when the exudate is fibrinous in character, the fibrous substa...

Myocardial Disturbances
While the myocardium is the most important muscle structure of the body, it has but recently been studied carefully or well understo...

Acute Myocarditis
Probably most acute infections cause more or less myocarditis, depending on their intensity and their prolongation. This disturbance ...

Chronic Myocarditis Fibrous
Chronic myocarditis may develop on an acute myocarditis, but is generally a slowly progressive chronic process from the beginning; it...

Myocarditis Fibrous Symptoms And Signs
The symptoms of chronic myocardial degeneration are progressive weakness, slight at first, noticeable on exertion (and what was not c...

Myocarditis Fibrous Management
The advice he should receive is well understood: to avoid physical efforts; to avoid mental tire; to avoid overeating or overdrinking ...

Fatty Degeneration
Fatty degeneration of the heart muscle may be caused by acute poisoning (as phosphorus, arsenic, etc.), by serious infections, or it ...

Fatty Heart
The cause of deposits of fat around the heart or in between its chambers is the same as the cause of general obesity. These patients ...

It should be understood that especially in acute conditions a positive separation of endocarditis from myocarditis is incorrect. Ac...

Acute Mild Endocarditis
This inflammation of the endocardium is generally confined to the region of the valves, and the valves most frequently so inflamed are...

Endocarditis A Secondary Affection
Mild endocarditis is rarely a primary affection, and is almost invariably secondary to one of the diseases named above. Nearly 75 per...

The part of the heart most affected is the part which has the most work to do--the left side of the heart--and of this side the left ...

Treatment Of Endocarditis
As mild endocarditis rarely occurs primarily but is almost always secondary to some acute disease, its immediate treatment is only a ...

Anything which tends to increase the acidity of the tissues and to diminish the alkalinity of the blood, whether from starvation or o...

It is essential for the welfare of the patient, especially after a long illness before the complication of endocarditis could occur, ...

As so many times repeated, real pain must be stopped, and morphin, either by the mouth or hypodermically, should be used to the point ...

Bromids And Chloral
If there is much restlessness and the circulation is good, that is, if myocarditis is probably not present, the bromids may be of grea...

If the patient is weak, the circulation depressed, the blood pressure low, and the heart rapid, the drug advisable to produce rest an...

As intimated in the preceding paragraph, the diet during endocarditis must be carefully regulated. It must be sufficient, and appropr...

If the bowels are known to be in excellent condition and not loaded with fecal matters, brisk catharsis is not needed simply because ...

Cardiac Drugs
Whether any drug should be used which acts directly on the heart is often a question for decision. As endocarditis is generally secon...

During rheumatism the peripheral blood vessels are generally dilated and the skin perspires profusely. This is caused not only by the ...

The question of the advisability of strychnin is a constant subject for discussion. Strychnin is overused in the cases of most patient...

It is rarely, if ever, advisable to use alcohol. In certain instances, however, especially in older patients who are accustomed to al...

Prognosis And Convalescence
The duration of acute endocarditis varies greatly; it may be two or three weeks, or the inflammation may become subacute and last for ...

Malignant Endocarditis Ulcerative Endocarditis
Since we have learned that bacteria are probably at the bottom of almost any endocarditis, the terms suggested under the classificati...

If a more malignant form of endocarditis develops on a mild endocarditis, the diagnosis is generally not difficult. If, without a def...

If pneumonia or gonorrhea is supposed to be the cause of the endocarditis, injections of stock vaccines should perhaps be used. If th...

Chronic Endocarditis
It is not easy to decide just whew all acute endocarditis has entirely subsided and a chronic, slow-going inflammation is substituted...

Rheumatism is the cause of most instances of cardiac disease which date back to childhood or youth, while arteriosclerosis and chronic...

Etiology Pathology
If a chronic endocarditis has followed an acute condition, some slight permanent papillomas or warty growths may he left from the hea...

Etiology Treatment
A subacute or a chronic infective endocarditis should be treated on the same plan as an acute endocarditis, which means rest in bed an...

Pathologic Physiology
The development of permanent injury to one or more valves of the heart may have been watched by the physician who cares for a patien...

Precautions To Be Observed
As long as compensation is complete, there are no medication and physical treatment necessary for the damaged heart. The patient, how...

To understand the physiology, pathology and the best treatment for broken compensation, it is necessary to study the physics of the c...

Physics Of Mitral Stenosis
Mitral stenosis, though less common than mitral regurgitation, is a frequent form of disease of the valves, especially in women. Often...

Physics Of Aortic Lesions
Next in frequency to mitral insufficiency is aortic insufficiency, which occurs most frequently in men. The cavity of the heart that i...

Aortic Stenosis
Aortic narrowing or stenosis is a frequent occurrence in the aged and in arteriosclerosis when the aorta is involved. It is not a fre...

Other Lesions
Tricuspid insufficiency, except as rarely found in the fetus, is generally due to a relative insufficiency rather than to an actual d...

Symptomatology And Treatment Of Chronic Valvular Lesions
Before discussing the treatment of broken compensation in general, it may be well to describe briefly the differences in the symptoms ...

Mitral Stenosis: Mitral Narrowing
This particular valvular defect occurs more frequently in women than in men, and between the ages of 10 and 30, and is generally the ...

Mitral Insufficiency: Mitral Regurgitation
This is the most frequent form of valvular disease of the heart, and is due to a shortening or thickening of the valves, or to some a...

Aortic Stenosis Aortic Obstruction
Valvular disease at the aortic orifice is much less common than at the mitral orifice, and while stenosis or obstruction is less commo...

Aortic Insufficiency Aortic Regurgitation
This lesion, though not so common as the mitral lesion, is of not infrequent occurrence in children and young adults as a sequence of ...

Tricuspid Insufficiency
This rarely, if ever, occurs alone; it is generally a sequence of other valvular defects, and represents an overworked, dilated right ...

Tricuspid Stenosis Tricuspid Obstruction
This is rare and probably always congenital, and is supposed to be due to an inflammation of the endocardium during intra-uterine life...

Pulmonary Insufficiency Pulmonary Regurgitation
If this rare condition occurs, it is probably congenital. A distinctive murmur of this insufficiency would be diastolic and accentuat...

Pulmonary Stenosis Pulmonary Obstruction
If stenosis is actually present in this location, the lesion is probably congenital. It might occur after a serious acute infectious ...

Acute Cardiac Symptoms Acute Heart Attack
It is not proposed here to describe the condition of sudden cardiac failure, or acute dilatation during disease, or after a severe h...

Paroxysm Management
The immediate conditions to meet are the rapid fluttering heart, the nervous excitation and cardiac anxiety, and perhaps the most imp...

Paroxysm Drugs
The part the nervous system plays in this paroxysm is shown by the good result obtained from injections of morphin, even when there is...

Treatment Of Broken Compensation
The consideration of this subject will include the following topics: A. Hygiene. B. Diet. C. Elimination. D. Physical measures....

Indications For Strychnin
Strychnin is a much overused drug. It is now given for almost everything and during almost every disease. It is true that the adminis...

5. Cardiac Emergency Drugs.--Besides some of the drugs already mentioned (such as camphor hypodermically, nitroglycerin when indicate...

When compensation has been restored, the patient may be allowed gradually to resume his usual habits and work, provided these habits ...

Diet And Baths In Heart Disease
The diet in cardiac diseases has already incidentally been referred to. The decision as to what a patient ought to eat or drink must...

The Resort Treatment Of Chronic Heart Disease
In line with the continued growing popularity of special resorts and special cures for different types of disease, resort or sanatoriu...

Nauheim Baths
At Nauheim, under the direction of Dr. Theodore Schott, baths form an important part of the treatment. These baths are of two kinds, ...

Heart Disease In Children And During Pregnancy
A common characteristic in a large proportion of middle-aged or old patients with heart disease is the presence of degenerative chan...

Cardiac Disease In Pregnancy
It is so serious a thing for a woman with valvular lesion or other cardiac defect to become pregnant that no young woman with heart d...

Coronary Sclerosis
While disease of the coronary arteries may occur without general arteriosclerosis, it is so frequently associated with it that it is...

The pathology of arteriosclerosis is a thickening and diminishing elasticity of the arteries, beginning with the inner coat and gradu...

The symptoms are increased tension, which means, sooner or later, hypertrophy of the left ventricle and an accentuated closure of the ...

The treatment of a suspected coronary sclerosis is the same as that of general arteriosclerosis--primarily the elimination of anything...

Angina Pectoris
This is a name applied to pain in the region of the heart caused by a disturbance in the heart itself. Heart pains and heart aches fro...

Angina Pectoris Symptoms
The pain of true angina pectoris generally starts in the region of the heart, radiates up around the left chest, into the shoulders, ...

Angina Pectoris Management
While a number of causes of true cardiac pain may be eliminated by improvement in any loss of compensation, by improvement of the hear...

While this name is more or less unfortunate, it has long been in vogue as a designation for pains and disturbances referred by a pati...

Treatment Of Pseudo-anginas
The treatment of these pseudo-angibas depends, of course, on the diagnosis of the cause, and the cause should be eliminated or modifi...

Stokes Adams Disease Heart Block
Stokes-Adams disease, or the Stokes-Adams syndrome, is a name applied to a combination of symptoms which was described by Stokes in 1...

Stokes Adams Treatment
The treatment of true Stokes-Adams disease is unsuccessful. If general arteriosclerosis is present, that condition should be treated....

Cardiovascular Renal Disease
With the strennousness of this era, this disease or condition, which may be regarded as one of the accompaniments of normal old age,...

Cardiovascular Renal Disease Treatment
While it is urged, in preventing the actual development of this disease, and in slowing its progress, that it is advisable to lower a...

Cardiovascular Renal Disease Arrhythmia
While this terns really signifies irregularity and intermittence of the heart, it may also be broadly used to indicate a pulse which...

The cause of an irregularly acting heart in an adult may be organic, as in the various forms of myocarditis, in broken compensation of...

Etiology Treatment
One has but to refer to the enumerated causes of irregular heart action to determine the treatment. In that caused by extrasystole, t...

Auricular Fibrillation Auricular Flutter
Auricular fibrillation is at times apparently a clinical entity much as is angina pectoris, but it is often a symptom of some other c...

Auricular Fibrillation Occurrence
This condition of auricular fibrillation occurs occasionally in valvular disease, and perhaps most frequently in mitral stenosis; but...

Auricular Fibrillation Pathology
Schoenberg [Footnote: Schoenberg: Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Pathol., 1909, ii, 4.] finds that in auricular fibrillation there are definit...

Auricular Fibrillation Diagnosis
If the pulse is intermittent and there is apparently a heart block. Stokes-Adams disease should be considered as possibly present, and...

Auricular Fibrillation Prognosis
The prognosis depends on the condition of the myocardium of the vagus. If this muscle is intact, and there is no pathologic condition...

Auricular Fibrillation Treatment
The condition may be stopped by relieving the heart and circulation of all possible toxins and irritants, and by the administration of...

Pulsus Alternans
By this term is meant that condition of pulse in which, though the rhythm is normal, strong and weak pulsations alternate. White [Foo...

The first decision to be made is what constitutes a slow pulse or slow heart. A pulse below 58 or 60 beats per minute should be consi...

Bradycardia Symptoms
If a person has been long accustomed to a slow-acting heart, there are no symptoms. If the heart has become slowed from disease or fro...

Paroxysmal Tachycardia
This condition is generally termed by the patient a "palpitation," and palpitation of the heart is recognized by most physicians as m...

Paroxysmal Tachycardia Management
There is no specific treatment for paroxysmal tachycardia. What is of value in one patient may be of no value in another; in fact, dr...

The presence of a well marked case of exophthalmic goiter is not necessary for the secretion of the thyroid to be increased sufficien...

Toxic Disturbances And Heart Rate
Under this head it is not proposed to consider disturbances of the heart due to infections, to cardiac disease, or to localized or ...

Intestinal Putrefaction
The most successful procedure in the management of intestinal putrefaction is to remove meat from the diet absolutely. Laxatives in s...

Enough has already been said of the value and limitations of alcohol as a therapeutic agent. As a beverage, when constantly used, it i...

Caffein can irritate the heart and cause irregularity and tachycardia, especially in certain persons. In fact, some can never take a ...

In spite of the fact that a large number of men today do not smoke, more and more frequently every clinician has a patient who smokes ...

Simple Hypertrophy
Like any other muscular tissue, the heart hypertrophies when it has more work to do, provided this work is gradually increased and t...

Simple Dilatation
The term "simple dilatation" may be applied to the dilatation of one or both ventricles when there is no valvular lesion and when the ...

Acute Dilatation Of The Heart In Acute Disease
It has for a long time been recognized that in all acute prolonged illness the heart fails, sooner or later, often without its having ...

The Heart In Pneumonia
As pneumonia heads the list of the causes of death in this country, and as the heart fails so quickly, sometimes almost in the beginni...

The treatment of shock will probably always be unsatisfactory as the cause is so varied, and, although circulatory prostration and va...

Acute Dilatation Of The Stomach
This condition is not well understood, nor is its frequence known, but not a few instances of shock are due to dilatation of this org...

Anesthesia In Heart Disease
While no physician likes to give an anesthetic to a patient who has valvular disease of the heart, and no surgeon cares to operate on ...

Decannulation After Cure Of Laryngeal Stenosis
In order to train the patient to breathe again through the larynx it is necessary to occlude the cannula. This is best done by inserti...

Typhoid Fever
Ulcerative lesions in the larynx during typhoid fever are almost always the result of mixed infection, though thrombosis of a small v...

The chief traumatic factors in chronic laryngeal stenosis are: (a) prolonged presence of a foreign body in the larynx (b) unskilled a...

Treatment Of Cicatricial Stenosis
A careful direct endoscopic examination is essential before deciding on the method of treatment for each particular case. Granulation...

Chronic postdiphtheritic stenosis may be of the panic, spasmodic or, rarely, the paralytic types; but more often it is of either the ...

Bilateral abductor laryngeal paralysis causes severe stenosis, and usually tracheotomy is urgently required. In cadaveric paralysis b...

Fixation of the crico-arytenoid joints with an approximation of the cords may require evisceration of the larynx. This, however, shou...

Decannulation in neoplastic cases depends upon the nature of the growth, and its curability. Cicatricial contraction following operat...

Decannulation after tracheotomy done for papillomata should be deferred at least 6 months after the discontinuance of recurrence. Not...

Compression Stenosis Of The Trachea
Decannulation in these cases can only follow the removal of the compressive mass, which may be thymic, neoplastic, hypertrophic or in...

In the non-cicatricial forms, galvanocaustic puncture applied through the direct laryngoscope will usually reduce the infiltrations s...

Active and persistent antiluetic medication must precede and accompany any local treatment of luetic laryngeal stenosis. Prolonged st...

Plate V Laryngeal And Tracheal Stenoses:
1, Indirect view, sitting position; postdiphtheric cicatricial stenosis permanently cured by endoscopic evisceration. (See Fig. 5.) 2...

Notes On Nursing Tracheotomized Patients
Bedside tray should contain: Duplicate cannula Scalpel Trousseau dilator Hemostat Dressing forceps Sterile vaseline ...

Chronic Stenosis Of The Larynx And Trachea
The various forms of laryngeal stenosis for which tracheotomy or intubation has been performed, and the difficulties encountered in r...

Resume Of After-care Of A Tracheotomic Case
1. Always bear in mind that tracheotomy is not an ultimate object. The ultimate object is to pipe air down into the lungs. Tracheoto...

Resume Of Emergency Tracheotomy
The following notes should be memorized. 1. Essentials: Knife and pair of hands (but full equipment better). [295] 2. Don't do a ...

Resume Of Tracheotomy
Instruments. Headlight Sandbag Scalpel Hemostats Small retractors Tenaculum Tracheotomic cannulae (proper kind) ...

When the tracheal incision is placed below the first ring, no difficulty in decannulation should result from the operation per se. Wh...

Bronchial Aspiration
As mentioned above, bronchial aspiration is often necessary. When the patient is unable to get up secretions, he will, as demonstrate...

Emergency Tracheotomy
Stabbing of the cricothyroid membrane, or an attempted stabbing of the trachea, so long taught as an emergency tracheotomy, is a mist...

The patient should be placed in the recumbent position, with the extended head held in the midline by an assistant. The shoulders, no...

No dyspneic patient should be given a general anesthetic; because any patient dyspneic enough to need a tracheotomy for dyspnea is de...

Indications.--Tracheotomy is indicated in dyspnea of laryngotracheal origin. The cardinal signs of this form of dyspnea are: 1. Ind...

Acute Stenosis Of The Larynx
Etiology.--Causes of a relatively sudden narrowing of the lumen of the larynx and subjacent trachea are included in the following list...

Plate Iv
A, Gastroscopic view of a gastrojejunostomy opening drawn patulous by the tube mouth. (Gastrojejunostomy done by Dr. George L. Hays.) ...

The stomach of any individual having a normal esophagus and normal spine can be explored with an open-tube gastroscope. The adult size...

Varix And Angioma Of The Esophagus
These lesions are sometimes the cause of esophageal hemorrhage, the regurgitated blood being bright red, and alkaline in reaction, in ...

Actinomycosis Of The Esophagus
Esophageal actinomycosis has been autoptically discovered. Its diagnosis, and differentiation from tuberculosis, would probably rest ...

Angioneurotic Edema
Angioneurotic edema involving the esophagus, may produce intermittent and transient dysphagia. The lesions are rarely limited to the ...

Deviation Of The Esophagus
Deviation of the esophagus may be marked in the presence of a deformed vertebral column, though dysphagia is a very uncommon symptom....

Lues Of The Esophagus
Esophageal syphilis is a rather rare affection, and may show itself as a mucous plaque, a gumma, an ulceration, or a cicatrix. Cicatri...

Tuberculosis Of The Esophagus
Esophageal tuberculosis is not commonly met, but is probably not infrequently associated with the dysphagia of tuberculous laryngitis....

Paralysis Of The Esophagus
The passage of liquids and solids through the esophagus is a purely muscular act, controlled, after the propulsive usually voluntary s...

Diverticulum Of The Esophagus
Diverticula may, and usually do, consist in a pouching by herniation, of the whole thickness of the esophageal wall; or they may be h...

Cicatricial Stenosis Of The Esophagus
Etiology.--The accidental swallowing of caustic alkali in solutions of lye or proprietary washing and cleansing powders, is the most ...

Functional Hiatal Stenosis Hiatal Esophagismus Phrenospasm Diaphragmatic Pinchcock Stenosis
There is no sphincteric muscular arrangement at the cardiac orifice of the esophagus, so that spasmodic stenosis at this level is not ...

Diffuse Dilatation Of The Esophagus
This is practically always due to stagnation ectasia, which is invariably associated with either organic or spasmodic stricture, exis...

Spasmodic Stenosis Of The Esophagus
Etiology - The functional activity of the esophagus is dependent upon reflex action. The food is propulsed in a peristaltic wave by th...

Chronic Esophagitis
This is usually a result of stagnation of food or secretion, and will be considered under spasmodic stenosis and diffuse dilatation of...

Compression Stenosis Of The Esophagus
The esophagus may be narrowed by the pressure of any periesophageal disease or anomaly. The lesions most frequently found are: 1. G...

Treatment Of Acute And Subacute Inflammation And Ulceration Of The Esophagus
Bismuth subnitrate in doses of about one gramme, given dry on the tongue and swallowed without water, has a local antiseptic and prot...

Ulceration Of The Esophagus
Superficial erosions of the esophagus are by no means an uncommon accompaniment of the stagnation of food and secretions. From the ir...

Differential Diagnosis Of Ulcer Of The Esophagus
Simple ulcer requires the exclusion of lues, tuberculosis, epithelioma, endothelioma, sarcoma, and actinomycosis. Simple ulcer of the...

Acute Esophagitis
This is usually of traumatic or cauterant origin. If severe or extensive, all the symptoms described under Rupture of the Esophagus m...

Rupture And Trauma Of The Esophagus
These may be spontaneous or may ensue from the passage of an instrument, or foreign body, or of both combined, as exemplified in the ...

Anomalies Of The Esophagus
Congenital esophagotracheal fistulae are the most frequent of the embryonic developmental errors of this organ. Septic pneumonia from ...

Diseases Of The Esophagus
The more frequent causes of the one common symptom of esophageal disease, dysphagia, are included in the list given below. To avoid e...

The swallowing function can be studied only with the fluoroscope; esophagoscopy for diagnosis, should therefore always be preceded by...

Indications For Esophagoscopy In Disease
Any persistent abnormal sensation or disturbance of function of the esophagus calls for esophagoscopy. Vague stomach symptoms may pro...

Contraindications To Esophagoscopy
In the presence of aneurysm, advanced organic disease, extensive esophageal varicosities, acute necrotic or corrosive esophagitis, es...

Lues Of The Tracheobronchial Tree
Compared to laryngeal involvement, syphilis of the tracheobronchial tree is relatively rare. The lesions may be gummatous, ulcerative...

Tuberculosis Of The Tracheobronchial Tree
The bronchoscopic study of tuberculosis is very interesting, but only a few cases justify bronchoscopy. The subglottic infiltrations ...

In cases not demonstrably tuberculous, hemoptysis may require bronchoscopic examination to determine the origin. Varices or unsuspect...

Angioneurotic Edema
Angioneurotic edema manifests itself by a pale or red swollen mucosa producing stenosis of the lumen. The temporary character of the ...

Autodrownage is the name given by the author to the drowning of the patient in his own secretions. Tracheobronchial secretions in exc...

Bronchial Stenosis
Stenosis of one or more bronchi results at times from cicatricial contraction following secondary infection of leutic, tuberculous or...

In most cases of bronchiectasis there are strong indications for a bronchoscopic diagnosis, to eliminate such conditions as foreign b...

Gangrene Of The Lung
Pulmonary gangrene has been followed by recovery after the endobronchial injection of oily solutions of gomenol and guaiacol (Guisez)...

Tracheobronchial Diphtheria
Urgent dyspnea in diphtheria when no membrane and but slight lessening of the laryngeal airway is seen, calls for bronchoscopy. Many ...

Abscess Of The Lung
If of foreign-body origin, pulmonary abscess almost invariably heals after the removal of the object and a regime of fresh air and re...

Bronchoscopy In Diseases Of The Trachea And Bronchi
The indications for bronchoscopy in disease are becoming increasingly numerous. Among the more important may be mentioned: 1. Bronc...

Bronchoscopic Appearances In Disease
The first look should note the color of the bronchial mucosa, due allowance being made for the pressure of tubal contact, secretions,...

Anomalies Of The Tracheobronchial Tree
Tracheobronchial anomalies are relatively rare. Congenital esophagotracheal and esophagobronchial fistulae are occasionally seen, and...

Compression Stenosis Of The Trachea And Bronchi
Compression of the trachea is most commonly caused by goiter, substernal or cervical, aneurysm, malignancy, or, in children, by enlar...

Treatment Of Compression Stenoses Of The Trachea
If the thymus be at fault, rapid amelioration of symptoms follows roentgenray or radium therapy. Tracheotomy and the insertion of the...

Influenzal Laryngotracheobronchitis
Influenzal infection, not always by the same organism, sweeps over the population, attacking the air passages in a violent and quite ...

Edematous Tracheobronchitis
This is chiefly observed in children. The most frequently encountered form is the epidemic disease to which the name Influenza has be...

Radium and the therapeutic roentgenray are today our only effective means of retarding the progress of esophageal malignant neoplasms...

Direct Laryngoscopy In Diseases Of The Larynx
The diagnosis of laryngeal disease in young children, impossible with the mirror, has been made easy and precise by the development of...

The present 100 per cent mortality in cancer of the esophagus will be lowered and a certain percentage of surgical cures will be obta...

It has been estimated that 70 per cent of stenoses of the esophagus in adults are malignant in nature. This should stimulate the earl...

Malignant disease of the esophagus is rarely seen early, because of the absence, or mildness, of the symptoms. Dysphagia, the one com...

Pedunculated malignant growths are readily removed with snare or punch forceps. Cure has resulted in one case of the author following...

Malignant Disease Of The Esophagus
Cancer of the esophagus is a more prevalent disease than is commonly thought. In the male it usually develops during the fourth and fi...

Inspection Of The Party Wall In Cases Of Suspected Laryngeal Malignancy
When taking a specimen the party wall should be inspected by passing a laryngoscope or, if necessary, an esophageal speculum down thr...

Bronchoscopy In Malignant Growths Of The Trachea
The trachea is often secondarily invaded by malignancy of the esophagus, thyroid gland, peritracheal or peribronchial glands. Primary...

Endoscopy In Malignant Disease Of The Larynx
The general surgical rule applying to individuals past middle life, that benign growths exposed to irritation should be removed, proba...

Differential Diagnosis Of Laryngeal Growths In The Larynx Of Adults
Determination of the nature of the lesion in these cases usually consists in the diagnosis by exclusion of the possibilities, namely,...

Benign Growths Primary In The Tracheobronchial Tree
Extension of papillomata from the larynx into the cervical trachea, especially about the tracheotomy wound, is of relatively common o...

Benign Neoplasms Of The Esophagus
As a result of prolonged inflammation edematous polypi and granulomata are not infrequently seen, but true benign tumors of the esopha...

Methods Of Treatment
Irritating applications probably provoke recurrences, because the growths are of inflammatory origin. Formerly laryngostomy was recom...

Papillomata Of The Larynx In Children
Of all benign growths in the larynx papilloma is the most frequent. It may occur at any age of childhood and may even be congenital. T...

Benign Growths In The Larynx
Benign growths in the larynx are easily and accurately removable by direct laryngoscopy; but perhaps no method has been more often mis...

Foreign bodies in the pleural cavity should be immediately removed. The esophageal speculum inserted through a small intercostal incis...

Pleuroscopy For Disease
Most pleural diseases require a large external opening for drainage, and even here the pleuroscope may be of some use in exploring th...

Acute esophagitis calls for rest in bed, sterile liquid food, and the administration of bismuth powder mentioned in the paragraph on ...

Extraction Of Foreign Bodies From The Strictured Esophagus
Foreign bodies of relatively small size will lodge in a strictured esophagus. Removal may be rendered difficult when the patient has ...

Extraction Of Open Safety-pins From The Esophagus
An open safety pin with the point down offers no particular mechanical difficulty in removal. Great care must be exercised, however, ...

Version Of A Safety Pin
A safety pin of very small size may be turned over in a direction that will cause the point to trail. An advancing point will punctur...

Endogastric Version
A very useful and comparatively safe method is illustrated in Figs. 94 and 95. In the execution of this maneuver the pin is seized by...

Spatula-protected Method
Safety-pins in children, point upward, when lodged high in the cervical esophagus may be readily removed with the aid of the laryngos...

Mechanical Problems Of Esophagoscopic Removal Of Foreign Bodies
The bronchoscopic problems considered in the previous chapter should be studied. The extraction of transfixed foreign bodies presen...

There is no absolute contraindication to careful esophagoscopy for the removal of foreign bodies, even in the presence of aneurism, s...

Esophagoscopic Extraction Of Foreign Bodies
It is unwise to do an endoscopy in a foreign-body case for the sole purpose of taking a preliminary look. Everything likely to be need...

Esophagoscopy For Foreign Body

Esophagoscopy is demanded in every case in which a foreign body is known to be, or suspected of being, in the esophagus. ...

The lodgement of foreign bodies in the esophagus is influenced by: 1. The shape of the foreign body (disc-shaped, pointed, irregula...

Site Of Lodgement
Almost all foreign bodies are arrested in the cervical esophagus at the level of the superior aperture of the thorax. A physiologic n...

Dysphagia is the most frequent complaint in cases of esophageally lodged foreign bodies. A very small object may excite sufficient sp...

A foreign body lodged in the esophagus may prove quickly fatal from hemorrhage due to perforation of a large vessel; from asphyxia by...

It is a mistake to try to force a foreign body into the stomach with the stomach tube or bougie. Sounding the esophagus with bougies ...

Unsuccessful Bronchoscopy For Foreign Bodies
The limitations of bronchoscopic removal of foreign bodies are usually manifested in the failure to find a small foreign body which ha...

Bronchoscopy should be done in all cases of chronic pulmonary abscess and bronchiectasis even though radiographic study reveals no sh...

If the foreign body completely obstructs a main bronchus, preventing both aeration and drainage, such rapid destruction of lung tissu...

If the foreign body be not removed, the resulting chronic sepsis or pulmonary hemorrhage will prove fatal. Removal of the foreign bod...

Foreign Bodies In The Bronchi For Prolonged Periods
The sojourn of an inorganic foreign body in the bronchus for a year or more is followed by the development of bronchiectasis, pulmonar...

Penetrating Projectiles
Foreign bodies that have penetrated the chest wall and lodged in the lung may be removed by oral bronchoscopy if the intruder is not ...

Rules For Endoscopic Foreign Body Extraction
1. Never endoscope a foreign body case unprepared, with the idea of taking a preliminary look. 2. Approach carefully the suspecte...

The Extraction Of Tightly Fitting Foreign Bodies From The Bronchi
Annular Edema Such objects as marbles, pebbles, corks, etc., are drawn deeply and with force by the inspiratory blast into the smalle...

Extraction Of Soft Friable Foreign Bodies From The Tracheobronchial Tree
The difficulties here consist in the liability of crushing or fragmenting the object, and scattering portions into minute bronchi, as...

Removal Of Open Safety Pins From The Trachea And Bronchi
Removal of a closed safety pin presents no difficulty if it is grasped at one or the other end. A grasp in the middle produces a toggl...

Removal Of Double Pointed Tacks
If the tack or staple be small, and lodged in a relatively large trachea a version may be done. That is, the staple may be turned ove...

Extraction Of Tacks Nails And Large Headed Foreign Bodies From The Tracheobronchial Tree
In cases of this sort the point presents the same difficulty and requires solution in the same manner as mentioned in the preceding p...

Inward Rotation Method
When the point is found to be buried in the mucosa, the best and usually successful method is to grasp the pin as near the point as p...

Anchoring The Foreign Body Against The Tube Mouth
If withdrawal be made a bimanual procedure it is almost certain that the foreign body will trail a centimeter or more beyond the tube...

The Light Reflex On The Forceps
It is often difficult for the beginner to judge to what depth an instrument has been inserted through the tube. On slowly inserting a...

The Use Of Forceps In Endoscopic Foreign Body Extraction
Two different strengths of forceps are supplied, as will be seen in the list in Chapter 1. The regular forceps have a powerful grasp a...

Mechanical Problems Of Bronchoscopic Foreign Body Extraction*
* For more extensive consideration of mechanical problems than is here possible the reader is referred to the Bibliography, page 3...

Removal Of Foreign Bodies From The Larynx
Symptoms and Diagnosis.--The history of a sudden choking attack followed by impairment of voice, wheezing, and more or less dyspnea c...

Complications And After-effects Of Bronchoscopy
All foreign body cases should be watched day and night by special nurses until all danger of complications is passed. Complications ar...

Choice Of Time To Do Bronchoscopy For Foreign Body
The difficulties of removal usually increase from the time of aspiration of the object. It tends to work downward and outward, while t...

Site Of Lodgment
The majority of foreign bodies in the air passages occur in children. The right bronchus is more frequently invaded than the left bec...

Foreign Bodies In The Larynx And Tracheobronchial Tree
The protective reflexes preventing the entrance of foreign bodies into the lower air passages are: (1) The laryngeal closing reflex an...

Esophageal Foreign Body
After initial choking and gagging, or without these, there may be a subjective sense of a foreign body, constant or, more often, on s...

Symptomatology And Diagnosis Of Foreign Bodies In The Air And Food Passages
Initial symptoms are choking, gagging, coughing, and wheezing, often followed by a symptomless interval. The foreign body may be in th...

Errors To Avoid In Suspected Foreign Body Cases
1. Do not reach for the foreign body with the fingers, lest the foreign body be thereby pushed into the larynx, or the larynx be thu...

The Roentgenographic Signs Of Expiratory-valve-like Bronchial Obstruction
The roentgenray signs in expiratory valve-like obstruction of a bronchus are those of an acute obstructive emphysema (Fig. 74), namel...

Roentgenray Study In Foreign Body Cases
Roentgenography.--All cases of chest disease should have the benefit of a roentgenologic study to exclude bronchial foreign body as an...

Physical Signs Of Tracheal Foreign Body
If fixed in the trachea the only objective sign of foreign body may be a wheezing respiration, the site of which may be localized with...

Physical Signs Of Bronchial Foreign Body
In most cases there will be limitation of expansion on the invaded side, even though the foreign body is of such a shape as to cause n...

Physical Signs In Esophageal Foreign Body
There are no constant physical signs associated with uncomplicated impaction of a foreign body in the esophagus. Should perforation of...

Foreign Bodies In The Larynx
Laryngeally lodged foreign bodies produce a wheezing respiration, the quality of which is peculiar to the larynx and is readily locali...

Diagnosis Of Foreign Body In The Air Or Food Passages
The questions arising are: I. Is a foreign body present? 2. Where is it located? 3. Is a peroral endoscopic procedure indicate...

Symptoms Of Gastric Foreign Body
Foreign body in the stomach ordinarily produces no symptoms. The roentgenogram and the fluoroscopic study with an opaque mixture are ...

Symptoms Of Tracheal And Bronchial Foreign Body
1. Tracheal foreign bodies are usually movable and their movements can usually be felt by the patient. 2. Cough is usually presen...

Early Symptoms Of Irritating Foreign Body Such As A Peanut Kernel In The Bronchus
1. Initial laryngeal spasm is almost invariably present with foreign bodies of organic nature, such as nut kernels, peas, beans, mai...

Symptoms Of Prolonged Foreign Body Sojourn In The Bronchus
1. The time of inhalation of a foreign body may be unknown or forgotten. 2. Cough and purulent expectoration ultimately result, a...

Symptoms Of Laryngeal Foreign Body
1. Initial laryngeal spasm followed by wheezing respiration, croupy cough, and varying degrees of impairment of phonation. 2. Pai...

Educate your eye and your fingers. Be sure you are right, but not too sure. Follow your judgment, never your impulse. Cry ov...

Foreign Bodies In The Air And Food Passages
The air and food passages may be invaded by any foreign substance of solid, liquid or gaseous nature, from the animal, vegetable, or ...

If one put into his mouth nothing but food, foreign body accidents would be rare. The habit of holding tacks, pins and whatnot in the...

Foreign Bodies In The Insane
Foreign bodies may be introduced voluntarily and in great numbers by the insane. Hysterical individuals may assert the presence of a ...

Foreign Bodies In The Stomach
Gastroscopy is indicated in cases of a foreign body that refuses to pass after a month or two. Foreign bodies in very large numbers i...

Esophageal Foreign Body Symptoms
1. There are no absolutely diagnostic symptoms. 2. Dysphagia, however, is the most constant complaint, varying with the size of t...

Endoscopy On The Human Being
Dog work offers but little practice in laryngoscopy. Because of the slight angle at which the dog's head joins his spine, the larynx ...

Practice On The Dog
Having mastered the technic of introduction on the cadaver and trained the eye and fingers by practice work on the rubber tube, exper...

Practice On The Rubber-tube Manikin
This must be carried out in two ways. 1. General practice with all sorts of objects for the education of the eye and the fingers. ...

Cadaver Practice
The fundamental principles of peroral endoscopy are best taught on the cadaver. It is necessary that a specially prepared subject be ...

Testing For Electric Defects
These tests should be made beforehand; not when about to commence introduction. If the first lamp lights up properly, use it with i...

Acquiring Skill
Endoscopic ability cannot be bought with the instruments. As with all mechanical procedures, facility can be obtained only by educatin...

Complications Following Esophagoscopy
These are to be avoided in large measure by the exercise of gentleness, care, and skill that are acquired by practice. If the instruc...

Retrograde Esophagoscopy
The first step is to get rid of the gastric secretions. There is always fluid in the stomach, and this keeps pouring out of the tube ...

Specular Esophagoscopy
Inspection of the hypopharynx and upper esophagus is readily made with the esophageal speculum shown in Fig. 4. High lesions and fore...

Technic Of Specular Esophagoscopy
Recumbent patient. Boyce position. The larynx is to be exposed as in direct laryngoscopy, the right pyriform sinus identified, the ti...

Ballooning Esophagoscopy
By inserting the window plug shown in Fig. 6 the esophagus may be inflated and studied in the distended state. The folds are thus smo...

Stage 3 Passing Through The Thoracic Esophagus
The thoracic esophagus will be seen to expand during inspiration and contract during expiration, due to the change in thoracic pressu...

Stage 4 Passing Through The Hiatus Esophageus
When the head is dropped, it must at the same time be moved horizontally to the right in order that the axis of the tube shall corres...

Difficulties Of Esophagoscopy
The beginner may find the esophagoscope seemingly rigidly fixed, so that it can be neither introduced nor withdrawn. This usually res...

Stage 2
Passing the cricopharyngeus is the most difficult part of esophagoscopy, especially if the patient is unanesthetized. Local anesthesi...

Stage I Entering The Right Pyriform Sinus
The operator standing (as in Fig. 66), inserts the esophagoscope along the right side of the tongue as far as and down the posterior ...

Introduction Of The Esophagoscope
The esophagoscope is to be passed only with ocular guidance, never blindly with a mandrin or obturator, as was done before the bevel-...

The Fulcrum Of The Bronchoscopic Lever Is At The Upper Thoracic Aperture
Disregard of this rule will cause subglottic edema and will limit the lateral motion of the tip of the bronchoscope. It is the functi...

Entering The Bronchi
The lip of the bronchoscope should be turned in the direction of the bronchus to be explored, and the axis of the bronchoscope should...

Examination Of The Trachea And Bronchi
All bronchial orifices must be identified seriatim; because this is the only way by which the bronchoscopist can know what part of th...

Difficulties In The Introduction Of The Bronchoscope
The beginner may enter the esophagus instead of the trachea: this might be a dangerous accident in a dyspneic case, for the tube coul...

Introduction Of The Bronchoscope
No one should do bronchoscopy until he is able to expose the glottis by left-handed direct laryngoscopy in less than one minute. When ...

Technic Of Bronchoscopy
Local anesthesia is usually employed in the adult. The patient is placed in the Boyce position shown in Fig. 51, with head and shoulde...

Vocal Results
A whispering voice can always be had as long as air can pass through the larynx, and this may be developed to a very loud penetrating...

Endoscopic Operations For Laryngeal Stenosis
Web formations may be excised with sliding punch forceps, or if the web is due to contraction only, incision of the true band may all...

Taking A Laryngeal Specimen For Diagnosis
The diagnosis of carcinoma, sarcoma, and some other conditions can be made certain only by microscopic study of tissue removed from t...

Removal Of Growth From The Laryngeal Ventricle
After exposing the larynx in the usual manner, if the head is turned strongly to the right, the tip of the laryngoscope, directed fro...

Inducing A Child To Open Its Mouth (author's Method)
The wounding of the child's mouth, gums, and lips, in the often inefficacious methods with gags, hemostats, raspatories, etcetera, ar...

Technic Of Laryngeal Operations
Preparation of the patient and anesthesia have been mentioned under their respective chapters. The prime essential of successful lary...

Direct Laryngoscopy In Children
The epiglottis in children is usually strongly curled, often omega shaped, and is very elusive and slippery. The larynx of a child is...

Instruments For Direct Laryngoscopy
In undertaking direct laryngoscopy one must always be prepared for bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, and tracheotomy, as well. Preparation...

Difficulties Of Direct Laryngoscopy
The larynx can be directly exposed in any patient whose mouth can be opened, although the ease varies greatly with the type of patien...

Rules For Direct Laryngoscopy
1. The laryngoscope must always be held in the left hand, never in the right. 2. The operator's right index finger (never the left)...

Contraindications To Direct Laryngoscopy
There are no absolute contraindications to direct laryngoscopy in any case where direct laryngoscopy is really needed for diagnosis o...

Instructions To The Patient
Before beginning endoscopy the patient should be told that he will feel a very disagreeable pressure on his neck and that he may feel...

Direct Laryngoscopy Adult Patient
Before starting, every detail in regard to instrumental equipment and operating room assistants, (including an assistant to hold the ...

First Stage
The spatular end of the laryngoscope is introduced in the right side of the patient's mouth, along the right side of the anterior two...

Second Stage
The spatular end of the laryngoscope should now be tipped back toward the posterior wall of the pharynx, passed posterior to the epig...

General Principles Of Position
As will be seen in Fig. 47 the trachea and esophagus are not horizontal in the thorax, but their long axes follow the curves of the c...

Position For Bronchoscopy And Esophagoscopy
The dorsally recumbent patient is so placed that the head and shoulders extend beyond the table, the edge of which supports the thora...

Anesthesia For Peroral Endoscopy
A dyspneic patient should never be given a general anesthetic. Cocaine should not be used on children under ten years of age because o...

Technic For General Anesthesia
For esophagoscopy and gastroscopy, if general anesthesia is desired, ether may be started by the usual method and continued by droppi...

Rules For Insertion Of The Catheter For Insufflation Anesthesia
1. The patient should be fully under the anesthetic by the open method so as to get full relaxation of the muscles of the neck. 2...

Bronchoscopic Oxygen Insufflation
Bronchoscopic oxygen insufflation is a life-saving measure equalled by no other method known to the science of medicine, in all cases ...

Preparation Of The Patient For Peroral Endoscopy
The suggestions of the author in the earlier volumes in regard to preparation of the patient, as for any operation, by a bath, laxativ...

Direction Of The Esophagus
The esophagus enters the chest in a decidedly backward as well as downward direction, parallel to that of the trachea, following the ...

Dimensions Of The Trachea And Bronchi
It will be noted that the bronchi divide monopodially, not dichotomously. While the lumina of the individual bronchi diminish as the ...

The Esophagus
A few of the anatomical details must be kept especially in mind when it is desired to introduce straight and rigid instruments down th...

Strict aseptic technic must be observed in all endoscopic procedures. The operator, first assistant, and instrument nurse must use th...

List Of Instruments
The following list has been compiled as a convenient basis for equipment, to which such special instruments as may be needed for spec...

Care Of Instruments
The endoscopist must either personally care for his instruments, or have an instrument nurse in his own employ, for if they are intru...

Anatomy Of Larynx Trachea Bronchi And Esophagus Endoscopically Considered
The larynx is a cartilaginous box, triangular in cross-section, with the apex of the triangle directed anteriorly. It is readily felt ...

Oxygen Tank And Tracheotomy Instruments
Respiratory arrest may occur from shifting of a foreign body, pressure of the esophagoscope, tumor, or diverticulum full of food. Rare...

Safety-pin Closer
There are a number of methods for the endoscopic removal of open safety-pins when the point is up, one of which is by closing the pin...

Mechanical Spoon
When soft, friable substances, such as a bolus of meat, become impacted in the upper esophagus, the short mechanical spoon (Fig. 30) ...

If the operator has no refractive error he will need two pairs of plane protective spectacles with very large eyes. If ametropic, cor...

Operating Room
All endoscopic procedures should be performed in a somewhat darkened operating room where all the desired materials are at hand. An e...

Esophageal Dilators
The dilatation of cicatricial stenosis of the esophagus can be done safely only by endoscopic methods. Blind esophageal bouginage is ...

No hook greater than a right angle should be used through endoscopic tubes; for should it become caught in some of the smaller bronch...

Papilloma Forceps
Papillomata do not infiltrate; but superficial repullulations in many cases require repeated removals. If the basal tissues are traum...

Bronchial Dilators
It is not uncommon to find a stricture of the bronchus superjacent to a foreign body that has been in situ for a period of months. In...

Tissue Forceps
With the forceps illustrated in Fig. 28 specimens of tissue may be removed for biopsy from the lower air and food passages with ease ...

Tucker Forceps
Gabriel Tucker modified the regular side-curved forceps by adding a lip (Fig. 21) to the left hand side of both upper and lower jaws....

Upper-lobe-bronchus Forceps
Foreign bodies rarely lodge in an upper-lobe bronchus, yet with such a problem it is necessary to have forceps that will reach around...

Delicacy of touch and manipulation are an absolute necessity if the endoscopist is to avoid mortality; therefore, heavily built and s...

Bronchoscopic And Esophagoscopic Grasping Forceps
are of the tubular type, that is, a stylet carrying the jaws works in a slender tube so that traction on the stylet draws the V of th...

Rotation Forceps
It is sometimes desired to make traction on an irregularly shaped foreign body, and yet to allow the object to turn into the line of ...

Wide gagging prevents proper exposure of the larynx by forcing the mandible down on the hyoid bone. The mouth should be gently opened...

While the usually thin, watery esophageal and gastric secretions, if free from food, are readily aspirated through a drainage canal, ...

Aspirating Tubes
Independent aspirating tubes involve delay in their use as compared to aspirating canals in the wall of the endoscopic tube; but ther...

The simplest, best, and safest source of current is a double dry battery arranged in three groups of two cells each, connected in ser...

Measuring Rule
It is customary to locate esophageal lesions by denoting their distance from the incisor teeth. This is readily done by measuring the...

The gastroscope is of the same construction as the esophagoscope, with the exception that it is made longer, in order to reach all pa...

As mentioned above the anterior commissure laryngoscope and the esophageal specula make very efficient pleuroscopes; but three differ...

The esophagoscope, like the bronchoscope, is a hollow brass tube with beveled distal end containing a small electric light. It diffe...

Direct laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy and gastroscopy are procedures in which the lower air and food passages are inspecte...

The regular type of laryngoscope shown in Fig. I (A, B, C) is made in adult's, child's, and infant's sizes. The instruments have a re...

The regular bronchoscope is a hollow brass tube slanted at its distal end, and having a handle at its proximal or ocular extremity. A...

Running The Human Automobile
The Body-Automobile. If you were to start to-morrow morning on a long-distance ride in an automobile, the first thing that you would...

What Keeps Us Alive
The Energy in Food and Fuel. The first question that arises in our mind on looking at an engine or machine of any sort is, What makes ...

The Digestive System
How the Food Reaches the Stomach. Our body, then, has an opening, which we call the mouth, through which our food-fuel can be taken in...

The Journey Down The Food Tube
The Flow of Saliva and Appetite Juice. We are now ready to start some food-fuel, say a piece of bread, on its journey down our food tu...

What Kind Of Food Should We Eat?
Generally speaking, our Appetites will Guide us. Our whole body is an ingenious machine for catching food, digesting it, and turning t...

The Three Great Classes Of Food-fuel
Food is Fuel. Now what is the chief quality which makes one kind of food preferable to another? As our body machine runs entirely upon...

The Coal Foods
Kinds of Coal Foods. There are many different kinds of Coal foods, such as pork, mutton, beef, bread, corn-cakes, bacon, potatoes, r...

Proteins Or Meats
Proteins, the First Foods. There are proteins, or meats, both animal and vegetable; and no one can support life without protein in so...

Sources of Starch. The starches are valuable and wholesome foods. They form the largest part, both in bulk and in fuel value, of our d...

Where Sugar is Obtained. The other great member of the starch, or carbohydrate, group of foods is sugar. This is a scarcer and more e...

Animal Fats
The Digestibility of Fats. We have now come to the last group of the real Coal foods, namely, the fats. Fats are the hottest and most ...

How Nuts should be Used. Another form of fat is the meat of different nuts--walnuts, pecans, almonds, etc. These are quite rich in fa...

Fruits And Vegetables
The Special Uses of Fruits and Vegetables. We come now to the very much larger but much less important class of foods--the Kindling ...

Why We Cook our Food. While some of all classes of food may be eaten raw, yet we have gradually come to submit most of our foods to ...

Filling The Boiler Of The Body-engine
The Need of Water in the Body-Engine. If you have ever taken a long railway journey, you will remember that, about every two or three ...

Where Our Drinking Water Comes From
Water Contained in our Food is Pure. Seeing that five-sixths of our food is water, it is clearly of the greatest importance that that ...

Causes And Dangers Of Polluted Water
Wells--the Oldest Method of Supplying Water. It was long ago discovered that, by digging pits or holes in the ground, the rain water, ...

Methods Of Obtaining Pure Water
Wise Planning and Spending of Money is Necessary. If our city wells are defiled by manure heaps and vault-privies, and our streams by ...

Home Methods Of Purifying Water
Boiling. Where the water that you are obliged to drink is not known to be pure, then it can be made quite safe for drinking purposes b...

The Popularity of Beverages. For some curious reason, the habit has grown up of taking a large part of the six glasses of water that...

How Alcohol is Made. The most dangerous addition that man has ever made to the water which he drinks is alcohol. It is made by the act...

Smoking, a Senseless Habit. Smoking is the curious act of drawing smoke into the mouth and puffing it out again. Why this custom shoul...

The Blood Vessels
Where the Body Does its Real Eating. When once the food has been dissolved in the food-tube and absorbed by the cells of its walls, th...

The Heart
Structure and Action of the Heart. Now what is it that keeps the blood whirling round and round the body in this wonderful way? It is ...

The Care Of The Heart-pump
The Effect of Work upon the Heart. Whatever else in this body of ours may be able to take a rest at times, the heart never can. When i...

How And Why We Breathe
Life is Shown by Breathing. If you wanted to find out whether a little black bunch up in the branches of a tree were a bird or a clust...

The Need Of Pure Air
Free Air is Pure. As air, in the form of wind, actually sweeps all outdoors, day and night, it clearly is likely to pick up a good man...

Colds Consumption And Pneumonia
Disease Germs. In all foul air there are scores of different kinds of germs--many of them comparatively harmless, like the yeasts, the...

How To Conquer Consumption
Different Forms of Tuberculosis. The terrible disease tuberculosis is the most serious and deadly enemy which the human body has to fa...

Its Cause and Prevention. The other great disease of the lungs is pneumonia, formerly known as inflammation of the lungs. This is rapi...

Our Wonderful Coat
What the Skin Is. The skin is the most wonderful and one of the most important structures in the body. We are prone to think lightly o...

The Glands In The Skin
Sweat Glands. Like all the pavement (epithelial) surfaces of the body, inside and out, the skin has the power of making glands by dipp...

The Nails
How the Nails are Made. Another trade, which our wonderful skin has literally at its fingers' ends, is that of making nails. Indeed, e...

The Blood-mesh Of The Skin
The Blood Vessels under the Skin. Not merely the nails and the lips, but the whole surface of the skin is underlaid with a thick mat, ...

The Nerves In The Skin
How We Tell Things from Touch, and Feel Heat and Cold and Pain. Last of all, the skin is the principal organ of the sense of touch, an...

Clothes should be Loose and Comfortable. Man is the only animal that has no natural suit of clothing. Birds have feathers, and animals...

Baths And Bathing
Bathing as a Means of Cleanliness. It has been said that one of the reasons why man lost his hairy coat was that he might be able to w...

Care Of The Nails
Importance of Clean Nails. On account of their constant use, your hands are brought in contact with dusty or dirty substances in your ...

Diseases And Disturbances Of The Skin
Their Chief Causes. Skin troubles are of two main kinds according to their cause: internal, due to the irritation of waste-poisons, or...

The Plumbing And Sewering Of The Body
The Wastes of the Body. Almost everything that the body does in the process of living means the breaking down, or burning, of food; an...

The Muscles
Importance of the Muscles. It wouldn't be of much use to smell food, if we couldn't pick it up and bite it after we had reached it; ...

The Stiffening Rods Of The Body-machine
What Bones Are. The bones are not the solid foundation and framework upon which the body is built, as they are usually described. They...

Our Telephone Exchange And Its Cables
The Brain. We are exceedingly proud of our brain and inclined to regard it as the most important part of our body. So it is, in a sens...

How To Get And Keep A Good Figure
Erect Position is the Result of Vigorous Health. Naturally and properly, an erect, graceful figure and a good carriage have always bee...

Our Feet
The Living Arches of the Foot. One of the most important things to look after, if we wish to have an erect carriage and a swift, grace...

Sleep And Rest
Why We Need Rest. A most important element in a life of healthful exercise, study, and play is rest. Even when we are hard at work, we...

Disorders Of Muscles And Bones
The Muscles and Bones Have Few Diseases. Considering how complex it is, and the never-ceasing strain upon it, this moving apparatus of...

Troubles Of The Nervous System
The Nervous System is not easily Damaged. The nervous system is subject to a good many more diseases than are either the muscles or th...

Exercise And Growth
Fatigue as a Danger Signal. The chief use of exercise in childhood, whether of body or mind, is to make us grow; but it can do this ...

The Lookout Department
Why the Eyes, Ears, and Nose are Near the Mouth. If you had no eyes, ears, or nose, you might just as well be dead; and you soon would...

The Nose
How the Nose is Made. The nose began as a pair of little puckers, or dimples, just above the mouth, containing cells that were particu...

The Tongue
The Tongue is not Used chiefly for Tasting. If you will notice the next time that you have a bad cold, you will find that you have alm...

The Eye
How the Eye is Made. Next in importance after the smell and the taste of our food comes the appearance of it; hence, our need of eyes ...

The Ear
Structure of the Ear. Next after sight, hearing is our most important sense; without it, speaking, and consequently reading and writin...

Our Spirit-levels
The Sixth Sense. Though we usually speak of having five senses,--sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste,--we really have also a sixt...

The Speech Organs
The Voice, a Waste Product. It is one of the most curious things in this body of ours that what we regard as its most wonderful power ...

The Teeth The Ivory Keepers Of The Gate
Why the Teeth are Important. The teeth are a very important part of our body and deserve far more attention and better care than the...

Infections And How To Avoid Them
What Causes Disease. The commonest and most dangerous accident that is likely to happen to you is to catch some disease. Fortunately, ...

Accidents And Emergencies
Ordinarily, Accidents are not Serious. Accidents will happen--even in the best regulated families! While taking all reasonable care ...

Let us suppose a swelling appears on some part of the body or limbs, but that there is no discoloration or symptom of the gathering of ...

Acetic Acid
For use in our treatment we recommend Coutts' Acetic Acid. It is of uniform strength and purity, and can be had from most druggists. We...

Acidity Of The Stomach
Often caused by unwholesome food, bad or deficient teeth, or by too rapid eating. Where these causes exist, they should be first remove...

Often in cases where our treatment fails to cure, the failure is due to the patient taking aconite as an allopathic remedy. Used homoeo...

Action Balance Of
An excellent guide to the proper treatment of any case is to be found in the distribution of heat in the patient's body. Hot parts are ...

After Pains
See Child-bearing. ...

The Black Hole of Calcutta is an object lesson of how necessary to life is the renewal of the air supply. Few people, however, reflect ...

Should be an indication that food in general or some certain kind of food is needed by the body. Thus the appetite is the natural test ...

Air Bath
This may with advantage to the health of the skin and body in general, be indulged in every morning during some of the toilet operation...

Air-tight Covering
The covering of oiled silk, or guttapercha, so frequently placed over wet bandages when these are applied to any part of the body, is n...

This, in various forms, as brandy, whiskey, rum, wine, cordials, beer and stout, is a frequent prescription in many troubles. In no cas...

These are often performed in cases in which proper treatment on the lines of these papers, would save both life and limb. By all means,...

Angina Pectoris
In a variety of cases, more or less severe spasmodic pains are felt in the chest. Angina Pectoris (literally, agony of the chest) is on...

Ankle Swelling
When long continued in connection with disease or accident, this sometimes leads to a partial withering of the limb up to its very root...

Ankle Twisted Or Crushed
Place the foot as soon as possible in warm water, as hot as can comfortably be borne; keep it there until free from pain, or for an hou...

Armpit Swelling
Often this comes as the result of a chill, or of enfeeblement of the system from various causes. In the early stage, such a swelling sh...

Is the process whereby the digested food is carried into the blood stream, and thus conveyed to the different parts of the body where t...

Back Failures
Often a severe pain in the toe, foot, ankle, or lower leg has its cause, not in anything wrong with the part which is painful, but in s...

Balance Loss Of
Cases where loss of balance in walking and standing are due to St. Vitus' Dance will be treated under that head. Other cases, where los...

Band Flannel
A piece of fine new flannel made to cover the whole back, and sewed under the usual underclothing, has a truly wonderful effect when wo...

Bandage Four-ply Flannel
The four-ply flannel bandage is simply what its name implies--a bandage of the shape and size to cover the parts treated, and at least ...

See Veins, Swollen, etc. ...

If this grain is well grown and thoroughly well cooked, it will be found to be one of the best foods for restoring an exhausted digesti...

Cold baths, while greatly to be recommended to those who are strong, should not be taken by any one who does not feel invigorated by th...

Bathing The Feet
This apparently simple treatment, if the best results are desired, must be gone about most carefully. A foot-bath for ten or twenty min...

Baths For Head
In many cases of indigestion and brain exhaustion head-baths are of great value. School teachers, business men, and many others sufferi...

There are cases in which the outer skin has been taken off by long lying, or wearing wet compresses for a long time. A large part of th...

Beef Tea
It is well to bear in mind that there is scarcely any nourishment even in home-made beef juice (the best form of any extract of meat). ...

Bile Black
For this take two tablespoonfuls of hot water every five minutes for six hours per day. A good many cases, some even given up by the do...

Bile On The Stomach
Take half a teacupful of hot water every ten minutes for ten hours. Next day take the same every twenty minutes for a like period. The ...

Biscuits And Water
The biscuits referred to are manufactured in Saltcoats.[A] They are made from the purest whole wheaten flour. The late Mr. Bryden, of t...

In any case of this pack the feet and legs as directed in Lungs, Bleeding from, and press cold cloths to the place the blood comes from...

The destruction of the skin over any painful part, by means of blisters, is to be always avoided if possible (see Burns, Knee, Pleurisy...

A most common trouble is anaemia, a lack of good red blood, showing itself in a waxy paleness and whiteness of lips, often accompanied ...

Blood Poisoning
(See Blood, Purifying; Sores). ...

Blood Purifying
Fever arising from bad state of the blood may be treated by careful cooling of the spine and head, with towels well wrung out of cold w...

Blood Supply Of
To supply good blood in cases where it is lacking, either from indigestion or low vitality, nothing is better than milk, diluted with a...

The following treatment will be found effective to heal less severe forms of boils, by soothing the whole fevered system of nerves, and...

Bone Diseased
Diseased bone is not incurable. Bone is indeed constantly being replaced as it disappears in the ordinary waste of the body. Defective ...

Bone Soft
Often, in the young, the bones are so soft that they bend more or less, and the beginning of a distressing deformity appears. In such...

Bowels Glands Of
Symptoms of glandular trouble in the bowels are--weariness and pallor, lack of appetite, softness and shrinking of limbs, with swelling...

Bowels Inflammation Of
This (called medically Peritonitis) is an inflammation of the membrane covering the bowels. It results from chill or strain, and someti...

Bowels Lax
A teaspoonful of lemon juice (freshly expressed), along with hot water and sugar, will often relieve where the bowels are acting excess...

Bowels Locking Of
Sometimes when one part of the bowels is much more active than another, it passes into that other, and they become locked, like a stock...

Bowels Reversed
See Bowels, Locking of, above. ...

Brain Exercise
Proper exercise for the brain is most important. But this is not to be found in that kind of severe mental labour which is sometimes mi...

Brain Inflammation Of
This arises often from over-schooling of young boys and girls. Care should ever be taken to avoid this. Obstinate constipation in the b...

Brain Rest
The need for this is often indicated by irritability of temper. This coming on is generally a warning that a period of rest must be tak...

Bran Poultice
Get a sufficient quantity of good bran in an ordinary washhand basin. Heat the basin before beginning operations. Have also a boiling k...

Bread Wheaten
In some cases the bran in whole wheaten bread and Saltcoats biscuits is found to irritate the stomach and bowels. As diet for those abl...

Breast With Corded Muscles
Often a slight hardness shows itself in a woman's breast, when the muscular tissue becomes what is called "corded." It is well, first o...

Breast Swelling In
A blow on the breast, or the drain of nursing a child, along with a chill, often produces swelling, sometimes hard and painful. This, i...

Breast Sore Nipples On
Take a little warm vinegar or weak acid (see Acetic Acid). Bathe the sore nipple with this, avoiding pain, for about ten minutes. Every...

Breath And Blood
Often difficulty of breathing, especially in close air, mistaken even for asthma, is due simply to the quality of blood supplied to the...

Breath And The Heart
Stout people are usually more or less "scant of breath." Accumulations of fatty material, or changing of muscle into fat, cause this, e...

Breath Hot
This may be felt either because the breath is actually hot, or because the membranes of the tongue and mouth are unusually tender, and ...

Breath And Muscles
Sometimes difficulty of breathing is due, not to anything wrong with lungs or windpipe, but to failure in the diaphragm (or large muscu...

Breath And Nerve
Difficult breathing, especially in ascending a hill, is often due simply to the lack of the nerve power by which the breathing muscles ...

Breath And The Skin
The organs of breathing remove much waste from the system, but the skin also removes a very large part. If either fails, the other has ...

Breathing And Bronchia
The bronchia are the branching small tubes which lead from the windpipe to all parts of the lungs. Two different states of these often ...

Breathing Correct Method Of
The capacity of an ordinary pair of lungs is about 250 cubic inches. In ordinary breathing, however, we only take in from 20 to 30 cubi...

Breathing In Going Uphill
See Breath, and Nerve. British Cholera is to a certain extent epidemic--that is, it affects a large number of people in a particula...

This frequent and severe trouble results most usually from chill to the skin throwing overwork on the lungs and bronchial tubes. These ...

Brow The Weary
Sometimes in the case of a child at school, the result of overwork shows itself in a weariness and weight in the brow. Often parents ar...

For slight bruises, such as children frequently get by falling, a little butter or vaseline, applied immediately, is an excellent remed...

For slight burns, immerse the injured part in cold water, and keep there till the pain abates. This is where only redness of skin is pr...

Where we prescribe this, either for drinking or for external use in poultices or bathing, it is very important it should be pure and fr...

Buttermilk Poultice
Boiled potatoes beaten up with fresh buttermilk make an excellent poultice for all eruptive sores, scabbed heads, and heated skin affec...

Swellings in the breast often arouse fear of cancer, but are generally very simple affairs and easily yield to treatment as in article ...

Cancer In Face
Treat as far as possible as recommended for breast cancer. ...

Cancer In Foot
We have noted one case in which "Cancerous Gangrene" in the foot, pronounced incurable by the medical attendant, was cured by our instr...

Cane Syrup
In the original edition, good treacle was recommended as a laxative. This treacle, which was prepared from cane sugar, we understand is...

See Boil. ...

Is simply an inflammation due to impurity of the blood. These impurities arise from bad air or wrong food, and remain in the body till ...

Cauliflower Growths
These begin like warts, and in the earlier stages poulticing and soaking with weak acid almost invariably cure. After some months the g...

Cayenne And Mustard
Mustard spread on a cold towel and applied to the spine or lumbar region of the back is often an effective aid to the cold treatment. I...

Changing Treatment
To wisely alter and arrange the treatment in any case is of the utmost importance. Treatment which at first gives great relief will oft...

Chapped Hands
Our idea is that this is caused by the soda in the soap used. At any rate, we have never known any one to suffer from chapped hands who...

Chest Pains
See Angina Pectoris. ...

Chest Protectors
These are often piled on the front of the body, while the far more important back is left exposed. In many cases of delicacy and cough,...

These occur in hands and feet where the circulative power is feeble, either from weakness or from tight pressure of boots or gloves. Th...

Simple remedies such as we advocate are found of immense service in mitigating both the pains of child-birth and the troubles coming be...

Children And Teachers
Children are of the utmost value to society; through any one of them the divine light may shine which will bless many generations. They...

Children In Fever
Fevered children, whether in any actual fever, as scarlet, typhoid, or any other, or merely heated from some minor ailment, should be t...

Children's Clothing
An infant's clothing should be soft, warm, and light in weight, covering all parts of the body with equal warmth. Tight bands and long,...

Children's Dangers
Avoidance of the causes of disease requires some idea of the dangers to which children are exposed in the usual upbringing. For instanc...

Children's Deformed Feet
See Club Foot. ...

Children's Healthy Growth
Often either the whole system or some part fails to grow properly. In this way the spine or legs may become curved, or generally the ch...

Children's Limbs
Frequently a failure of some kind shows itself in the limbs of some children. Usually it appears as either bending or inability to walk...

Children's Nerves
The nervous system of children is often damaged by shock or fright, sometimes very seriously, so that paralysis or hysterical affection...

Children's Sleep
This most important matter of good sleep for the child depends not only on health of body but on ease of the infant's mind. It is wrong...

Children's Strength
The question often arises as to the ability of children to bear certain kinds of treatment. It must ever be remembered, both in hot and...

Children's Swellings
Sometimes these occur as merely relaxed tissue full of blood. In this case everything about the part seems right and healthy except the...

Children's Teething
See Teething. ...

Children's Treatment
This should always be managed so as to soothe and not excite the little patients. They are very sensitive to heat and cold. When these ...

(1) Nerve or imaginary chills. These are feelings of cold, where there is no real chilling; the back feels as if cold water were poured...

See Child-bearing. ...

Circulation Of The Blood
Nothing is more important for the health or healing of any organ or part of the body than a good supply of arterial blood. Venous blood...

Climate And Soil
The soil on which one lives is a matter of primary importance; it may be a matter of life or death for a weakly person, but it is impor...

Clothing should be light yet warm, and sufficiently free so as not to interfere with bodily movements. The clothing next the skin shoul...

Club Foot
Children are not unfrequently born with this deformity in one or other of its various shapes. The cause is to be sought in such a defec...

Cold In The Head
Infants often are prevented sucking by this form of cold closing up the nostrils. In such a case have a small cap of cotton to fit the ...

Cold Settled
A cold is often easily overcome. At other times it "sits down," as country people say, and refuses to be cured, a hard dry cough contin...

Cold Taking
Where cold is easily "taken," it is the skin which is defective in its action. The cure must therefore deal with it. Even spasmodic ast...

Cold Cloths
See Towels, Cold Wet. ...

This trouble is often only aggravated and made chronic by the use of purgatives. Some simple change of diet, such as a ripe uncooked ap...

Consumption Prevention Of
This most insidious and deadly disease is caused by a tiny vegetable growth derived from persons or animals already suffering from tube...

Consumption Treatment Of
Turning now to the case when consumption has actually shown itself, the above treatment is exactly the course to be pursued. But we wou...

Contraction Of Sinews
This often occurs at the knee, bending the joint so that the patient cannot stretch his limb or walk properly. The injury in such a cas...

For an ordinary convulsive attack in the case of a child, hold the child's head over a basin and pour tepid water (blood heat, 98 deg. ...

The cooking of vegetables requires particular care. The valuable salts and other nutritive ingredients they contain are easily dissolve...

Cooling In Heating
Often it is difficult to get a sufficient cooling effect by means of cold cloths without unduly chilling the patient. When the head has...

These will be found treated under the various heads of Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption, etc., but some particular cases of mere cough de...

Cramp In The Limbs
The treatment of this is to apply cold cloths to the roots of the nerves which govern the affected limb or limbs. For the legs, the col...

Cramp In The Stomach
This very severe trouble, though resisting ordinary methods of treatment, is not difficult to cure by right means. If help is at hand, ...

Croup Less Serious Form
The less serious croup proceeds from a nervous closing of the windpipe, the attack being brought on by any causes of irritation in the ...

Croup More Serious Form
This is caused by an accumulation of material in the windpipe, which is coughed up in pieces of pipe-like substance, and which, if not ...

Cures Losing Their Effect
After a fortnight's treatment often matters seem to come to a standstill in a case, and then the attendants are apt to despair. Such a ...

Cures As Self-applied
Often young people in lodgings are in difficulty for want of some one to apply the necessary treatment in their own case. It is often, ...

Damp Beds
An ordinary bed which has not been slept in for some weeks, although perfectly dry to begin with, will become damp, even in a dry house...

See Hearing. ...

See Consumption. ...

Declining Limb A
See Limbs, Drawn up. ...

Delirium In Fever
The best way of treating this truly distressing symptom is by cooling and soothing applications to the head. We have seen in one case l...

This is usually a bodily illness, though often regarded as mental only. It appears in loss of interest in all that otherwise would be m...

There are two more or less distinct stages of this serious trouble; the first stage is generally curable, the second stage generally in...

Sudden attacks of this, though in a mild form, are very troublesome. An enema of cold water is in such cases often an immediate cure. T...

The composition of different articles of food varies. A turnip is not the same as a piece of cheese. It is more watery, and has more fi...

Diet And Corpulence
A tendency to obesity should always be carefully checked by attention to diet and exercise (see Exercise). The fattening foods are thos...

Diet For The Lean
To a large extent the preceding article will suggest what is suitable here, remembering, however, that regular exercise will be also ne...

Diet For Middle Age And The Aged
In advancing years when less exercise is, as a rule, taken, a restriction in the amount of food consumed is highly desirable. The incre...

Digestion is the process whereby the food we eat is turned into material fit to be assimilated by the blood. It begins in the mouth by ...

Diet Economy In
Dr. Hutchison, one of our greatest authorities on the subject of Dietetics, has well said-- "The dearest foods are by no means the be...

The most striking symptom of diphtheria is the growth of a substance in the upper part of the windpipe, which threatens to close it ent...

Douche Cold
In its most powerful form this is a solid stream of water directed down on the patient's shoulders and spine. It may be applied either ...

Drinks Refreshing
This is a matter of great importance to the sick. Nor is anything more important to be said on them than this, that the foundation of a...

This trouble is rather a symptom than a disease. It rises from accumulation of watery waste in the body, owing to improper action of th...

Many valuable lives have been saved by an elementary knowledge of what to do in the case of one apparently suffocated or drowned. Co...

We give this name to a trouble from which we have been able to save some patients, as expressing best the general failure and weakness ...

This is an affection of the bowels of the nature of diarrhoea, but much worse, as in it blood accompanies the bowel discharge. It usual...

See Indigestion. ...

In the common form this is purely neuralgic. The nerves are in shape and distribution like some tender plant, the root in the brain or ...

Ears Running
In this trouble there is indicated a failure somewhere of the clearance of waste from the body. This matter gathers locally in the ear,...

Ears Singing In The
Partial deafness is often accompanied by noises in the ear, which are very annoying. This is caused by the internal state of the ear, a...

Skin eruptions, known under this name, have very various causes. Treatment must vary accordingly. Where the cause is a failure of the...

Elbow Joint
See Armpit Swelling and Bone. ...

Enemas Cold Water
Prejudice often exists against cold treatment of any kind, but it must be overcome, unless the sick would lose some of the most preciou...

The key to action in case of epidemics prevailing in the district is found, when we consider that always, many residing amid infection ...

The first sign of such an illness is a brief and slight attack of "absence." We notice once or twice that the person "loses himself" fo...

See Hives; "Outstrikes;" Saltrome, etc. ...

This troublesome disease is also known as St. Anthony's Fire, or the Rose. The skin becomes fiery red or even purplish in hue. A violen...

Where this is advised medically, it is often taken in a manner far from wise. For weakly people seeking strength, exercise should never...

Often very serious trouble takes the form of simple overwhelming weariness. The patient's system has been wrought down till it can no l...

What is commonly called a "cough and spit" is sometimes due to some serious trouble of the lungs, and in all cases a doctor should be c...

Eyes Accidents To
Three distinct classes of these are to be considered. They require very different treatment. When the eyeball is cut or pierced, if t...

Eyes Cataract On
This disease has been arrested, and in earlier stages even cured, by the treatment described in, Eyes, failing sight. By means of this ...

Eyes Danger To Sight Of
Where inflammation has gone so far as to lead to suppuration, or even to ulceration of the eyes, there is grave danger of blindness, an...

Eyes Failing Sight
This often comes as the result simply of an over-wearied body and mind, without any pain or accident whatever. It appears as an inabili...

Eyes Hazy Sight
Frequently, after inflammation, and even when that has ceased, the sight is left in a hazy condition. The eyes may be in such cases rat...

Eyes Healthy
Cheap, ill-printed literature is responsible for much eye trouble, and it is well worth while to pay, if possible, a little extra for b...

Eyes Inflamed
For all kinds of burning inflammatory pain in the eyes, the following treatment is most effective. Place a hot BRAN POULTICE (see) bene...

Eyes Inflamed With General Eruptions Over The Body
In some cases the eye trouble is only a part of a general skin inflammation, accompanied with heat all over the body, and an acrid, irr...

Eyes Paralysis Of
The partial paralysis of the muscles of one eye produces double vision, so that the patient sees two similar objects where there is onl...

Eyes Spots On
These spots are of two different kinds, and yet they are very much the same in nature and substance. What is called "a cataract" is of ...

Eyes Squinting
Various affections of the eyeball muscles cause this. To cure it is often easy, sometimes very difficult. The method of treatment is to...

Face Skin Of
To secure a healthy appearance of this is worth much trouble, and any eruption or unhealthy redness is a great trial, especially to lad...

Fatigue, excessive heat, fright, loss of blood, hunger, etc., are common causes. The action of the heart is temporarily interfered wi...

Fall A
After a fall from a height, where there is no apparent outward injury, there is often such a severe shock to the spinal cord and brain ...

Feeding Over
It is well to remember that over-feeding is a relative term. To take more than a weak stomach can digest, is to over-feed, although ver...

Feet Cold
Continued coldness of the feet gives rise to many more serious troubles, and should always be attended to. There is no better cure than...

Feet Giving Way
Where there is a great deal of standing to be done by any one, the feet sometimes yield more or less at the arch of the instep. This be...

In all fevers, to cool down the excessive heat of the patient (see Heat, Internal) is the best process of treatment. This may be best d...

Fever At Night
Frequently, in illness, a fever sets in as night approaches, and increases toward midnight, passing away during the day. The treatment ...

Fever Delirium In
See Delirium. ...

Fever Gastric
In this fever, now known as a form of Typhoid, the disease spreads a sort of blight over the nervous centres, and from the first greatl...

Fever Hay
See Hay Fever. ...

Fever Influenza
This is a slow, smouldering kind of fever. For treatment, pack the feet and legs in hot fomentation over the knees, and apply cold clot...

Fever Intermitting
For this the treatment may be given as in gastric fever, and, in addition, the stomach and bowels should be carefully lathered over wit...

Fever Rheumatic
This results from severe damp chills, usually following exhaustion from some cause. Its best treatment at an early stage is by heat app...

Fever Scarlet Or Scarlatina
As a first precaution, when an epidemic of this exists, children should be sponged twice a week all over with hot vinegar before being ...

Fever Typhoid
Treat as under Fever, Gastric, and Fever. In addition, great care should be taken to disinfect and destroy any stools, and especially t...

See Convulsions; Nervous Attack. ...

Flannel Bands
See Band, Flannel. ...

This is the accumulation of gases in the body, usually caused by fermentation of the food at some part of the digestive process. A fail...

Flushings Hot
These are often a really serious trouble, especially to women, at certain stages of life. Most often they come about the age of fifty, ...

Some general remarks on this important treatment we give here. First, no fomenting should be done for at least an hour after a meal. An...

Fomentation Armchair
This is applied as follows. Over a large armchair spread a folded sheet. Provide a good large blanket prepared as above in Fomentation....

Food And Mental Power
Unsuitable or ill-cooked food has a most serious effect on the mental powers; and when we take the case of a mental worker, we see that...

Food In Health
As will be seen from many of these articles, the question of diet is one of the greatest importance, in health as well as in disease. T...

Food In Illness
Light, easily digested food is of the first importance in many illnesses. To know easily procured and simple foods, which are really li...

Some most distressing troubles come as the result of frights. In many cases much may be done to relieve such troubles, which arise from...

See Cancer in Foot. ...

See Abscess; Ankle; Armpit; Bone, Diseased. ...

Giddiness And Trembling
This comes very often as the result of loss of nerve power in the spinal system, due to weakness, shock, or simply old age. A great dea...

Glands Of Bowels
See Bowels. ...

Glands Swollen
This is a very common trouble, especially in the young. To restore the skin to healthy action is the first important matter. This may b...

Some have a predisposition to this most painful disease, and require to keep a strict watch on their diet. Meat, specially the internal...

Sometimes mere internal inflammation is mistaken for this disease. In the case of inflammation of the bladder, apply a large hot BRAN P...

Growth Of Body
See Limb, Saving a. ...

This drug is a West Indian gum, and is one of those remedies we are glad to say will do no harm, while in rheumatism and gout it is mos...

See Bleeding; Wounds. ...

Hair Coming Off
There are many forms of this disfiguring trouble, both in the case of young and old persons. It is chiefly due to a wrong state of the ...

Hands Clammy
Rub the hands and arms well twice a day with CAYENNE LOTION (see). ...

Hands Cold
Much more than is readily believed depends on the state of the hands and feet. We are already familiar with the subject of coldness in ...

Hands Dry And Hard
Pack the hands in SOAP LATHER (see) mixed with a little fine olive oil. The soap must be finely lathered with a brush, not melted. Pure...

Hay Fever
A most effective preventive and cure for this is the inhaling through the nostrils the vapour of strong acetic acid. The acid may be on...

There is a vast variety of ailments associated with what is called headache. In itself, it is just more or less pain in the head. When ...

Headache Sick
The stomach and head affect each other powerfully, and a disordered stomach causes severe headache, known as sick headache. In many cas...

Head Baths
See Baths for Head. ...

Head Massaging The
This is so important in many cases of neuralgia, headache, and eye troubles, that we here describe it. The brow is first gently stroked...

Head Skin Of The
The nerves of sensibility are very largely supplied to the skin of the head, and many large nerves pass under it. It is therefore an im...

Head Soaping
Have a piece of M'Clinton's soap, a good shaving brush, and a bowl of warm water. Rub the wet brush on the soap, and work the lather up...

Head Sounds In
As the result and accompaniment of deafness these are sometimes most distressing, even preventing the patient from sleeping. They are o...

Health And Money
It will be noticed that the remedies we recommend are in almost every case very cheap--even, like hot water, costing nothing, as they a...

We have had so much success in helping the deaf that we feel warranted in seeking to spread the knowledge of our methods as widely as p...

See Acidity in Stomach. ...

Heat And Weakness
We have over and over again shown in these papers how heat passes into vital action, and gives strength to failing organs and nerves. B...

Heat Internal
There is a usual (normal) temperature in all the blood and tissues of the body. If the body be either warmer or colder than this point ...

Where The Temperature Is Too Low That Is Below 98-2/5 Deg
rub all over with warm olive oil, and clothe in good soft flannel. Other methods for increasing vital action may also be tried, as give...

Heel Sprained
Often in sprains all attention is given to the bruised and torn muscles, while similarly bruised and torn nerves are overlooked; yet up...

Though often but slight, disappearing in a few minutes by some simple device, such as holding the breath, when long continued this beco...

Hip-joint Disease
Thorough heating, with moist heat is the best treatment for this trouble. This implies time, work, and patience; but all these are well...

See Rash. ...

This trouble we may consider in three ways:--First, as the effect of overstrain in using the voice; in this case rest must be taken fro...

Hooping Cough
See Whooping Cough. ...

Hope And Healing
The mind has always an influence on the body. Life rises and falls under the influences of ideas, so as to prove that these are a matte...

Hot Flushings
See Flushings. ...

Hot-water Bags
The flat rubber bags of various shapes, to be had from all rubber shops, make excellent substitutes for poultice or fomentation; but ca...

Housemaid's Knee
To cure a swelling on the knee-joint is, as a rule, easy. Rest is a first and paramount necessity. Bathing with hot water, not too hot ...

See Dropsy. ...

This is usually brought on by some excessive strain upon the brain nerves, and may show itself either in the violent or in the fainting...

Illness The Root Of
In treating any trouble it is well to get to the root of it. On one occasion a patient complained that the doctor never struck at the r...

Imaginary Troubles
These are of two kinds, the one purely imaginary, the other where bodily trouble is mixed with the imagined. In the first case the pati...

(See also Digestion; Assimilation.) This subject leads naturally to a consideration of food in relation to it. The trouble usually is t...

Infant Nursing
A mother who has had strength to bear a child is, as a rule, quite strong enough to nurse it. Suckling is natural, and usually most ben...

Infants' Food
For infants who cannot be nursed at the breast, cows' milk in the "bottle" is the best substitute. But all milk used from the cow shoul...

Infants' Sleep
See Children's Sleep. ...

Few things have so great and distressing effect as the fear of infection in disease. As a rule this fear is not justified by the facts,...

Inflammation Deep-seated
Often inflammation occurs in the centre of, or beneath, a mass of muscle, as the hip or thigh. We refer not to the formation of an ABSC...

Inflammation Of The Bowels
See Bowels. ...

Inflammation Of The Brain
See Brain. See also Knee; Limbs, Inflamed; Lungs, etc. ...

Inflammatory Outbreaks
Sometimes a severe out-break and eruption will occur in and around the nostrils or lips, and spread over the face. (If of the nature of...

Internal Relaxation
Pain is often felt in parts of the back or sides which will yield to no medicine such as usually relieves. This most probably arises fr...

See Rash. ...

This disease, or its approach, may be known by several signs: a more or less yellow colour of the skin where otherwise white; a yellown...

Kidney Complaints
See Urinary Troubles. ...

Knee Swelling Of Or Pain In
For ordinary slight injuries, complete rest, and rubbing with spirit lotion, should be sufficient. But where there is previous weakness...

Lacing Tight
This produces such serious deformity, and in many ways so interferes with the health of women, that we are constrained to write upon th...

Lancing Swellings
See Abscess. ...

Lather How To Make
One of the most powerful soothing influences which can be had, is found in the lather of M'Clinton's soap, so often recommended in thes...

Legs Pricking Pains In
Sometimes curious pricking pains are felt in the legs, becoming so severe as even to confine a patient to bed. Nothing can be seen on t...

Limb Saving A
The proper growth of the body in any part depends on the power furnished by the nervous system and the cells of that part. This power e...

Limbs Disjointed Or Sprained
In the case of an overstretch, or sprain, which has resulted in a hardened, swollen, and painful state of the muscles of the arm, bathe...

Limbs Drawn-up
We have had many cases of contracted limbs, arising from various causes. Some of these have been completely cured, even when the tendon...

Limbs Fractured
It is not always easy to say definitely whether a bone is broken or not. In general, however, the following are signs of fracture:--(1)...

Limbs Inflamed
Entirely different treatment from the above is needed for such a thing as inflammation of the elbow, wrist, shoulder-joint or knee. ...

Limbs Uncontrollable
This trouble is found in the double form; first, of limbs which will not move when their owner desires to move them; and, second, limbs...

See Constipation. ...

Liver The
Where biliousness prevails, without any symptom of real liver disease, it is well first to look to the state of the stomach and bowels....

Locomotor Ataxia
This disease is a most difficult one to deal with, and any healing is very slow work. Patients past middle life are specially difficult...

Lumbago differs from both paralysis and cramp of the lower back in that it is not chiefly nervous, as these are, but is a trouble in th...

Lungs Bleeding From
This is usually taken as a most alarming, and even hopeless, symptom. It is not necessarily so at all, and even when a considerable amo...

Lungs Congestion Of The
Treatment as below. Read preceding and succeeding articles. ...

Lungs Inflammation Of The
This is a common trouble in our climate, and, fortunately, one not difficult to cure if taken in time and properly treated. It is usual...

Is now known to be conveyed by the bite of a certain kind of mosquito. Those who live in a malarious district should carefully exclude ...

This seems a very simple thing to do, but is by no means easy to do right, and it is very desirable that any one who can see it done by...

An attack of this disease generally begins with a feeling of weariness. Then it appears as running and irritation of the eyes and nostr...

The delusion that health can be restored by swallowing drugs is so widespread that we think it well to quote the following wise words f...

Memory Loss Of
A more or less complete suspension of this faculty is a not uncommon form of mental and bodily illness. We do not so much mean the mere...

Mind In Disease
Often a person, because of physical failure, becomes possessed of an utterly erroneous idea, which no reasoning can change or remove. I...

An expectant mother should lead a quiet, orderly and healthful life (see Child-birth). By this we do not mean laziness nor idleness, no...

Muscular Action Weak
The heart is the most important of all muscles. Sometimes the action of this is so weak that the pulse in the right wrist is impercepti...

Muscular Pains
These pains occur usually when a patient has been for some time in one position, sitting or lying, and rises suddenly in a particular w...

Mustard Oil
Where this is recommended the cold-drawn oil is meant, not the essential oil. The latter is a fiery blister. ...

The use of these to give temporary relief, often degenerating into a habit, causes so much serious disease that we have felt constraine...

Neck Stiff
For this, rub the whole back with soap lather (see Lather; Soap), and then with acetic acid and olive oil. Rub the neck itself as recom...

Neck Twisted
This arises from the undue contraction of some of the muscles in the neck. It generally shows itself first in the evening, after the da...

Nerve Centres Failing
Many diseases flow from this cause, but at present we only consider one. That is where a "numbness" begins to show itself in fingers an...

Nerve Pain
See Pain. ...

Nerve Shock
After a fright, or some very trying experience, some part of the nervous system is frequently found to have given way. Heat is felt in ...

Nerves Shaken
By this we mean, not the nerve trouble which follows a sudden injury or fright, but the result of long-continued worry and overwork. Sl...

Nerves Spinal
The spinal cord is continuous with the back part of the brain. It is a mass of nerve fibres, and from it branch off in pairs, all the w...

Nerves Troubled
Often a state of the nerves exists, without any apparent unhealthiness, which makes the whole system so sensitive, that ordinary sights...

Nervous Attacks
What we call, for want of a better name, "nerve force," or "nerve action," is at any one time a definite quantity. In health it is dist...

This frequent and distressing trouble is to be traced to a state of the nervous system in which sensibility has got the upper hand, and...

Nervous Prostration
Persons suffering from nervous prostration have probably allowed the urgency of seeming duty to drive them on in work till the vital en...

Nettle Rash
This is an eruption on the skin, often coming suddenly and going off again, but sometimes of long standing. It resembles in appearance ...

This is severe pain in one part or other of the body, sometimes followed by swelling of the painful part, but frequently without much s...

Night Coughs
These frequently remain as the so-called dregs of some illness, and are found very persistent. They are also frequently very alarming, ...

In serious cases of this trouble, the patient awakes some time before he gains any power whatever to move, feeling held as in a vice. B...

Night Pains
If these are of the nature of cramps, which come on while lying in bed, the treatment is similar to that given above as morning treatme...

Night Sweats
This distressing symptom, which accompanies various illnesses, can in most cases be easily cured. The whole skin is to be sponged over ...

Noise And Disease
Perhaps nothing shows more the lack of human feeling in many people than the manner in which they inflict sore distress on the sick and...

Nostrils The
The disease called Polypus, affecting the mouth or nostril with growths which are usually removed by force, is one of those troubles cu...

Nothing is more required in healing than properly to nourish the enfeebled body. In its commencement proper nourishment demands a prope...

Nourishment Cold In
If a person is in fever, and is burning with internal heat, a little bit of ice, sucked in the mouth, gives great relief. The relief is...

Nourishment Heat In
Heat is absorbed in building up the bodily tissues, and given off when they are disintegrated. To rightly understand this is of great i...

Nursing Over
Few vital processes are more remarkable than that by which food fitted for adults becomes in the mother's breast food fit for the littl...

Oil Olive
A little oil only should be applied to the skin at once. Any such smearing as dirties the clothes or bedclothes is quite unnecessary. ...

See Narcotics. ...

Some things regarding this useful fruit require to be noted by those using them in sickness. To eat the whole substance of an orange ex...

Pain Severe In Limbs
This is often not due to any trouble in the joint itself, but to some disorder in the large nerves which have their roots in the lower ...

Ordinarily we are not aware of the beating of the heart, enormous as is the work it does; but in certain cases this beating becomes dis...

See Paralysis. ...

This serious trouble in slighter forms affects one side of the face, or even one eye only. More serious attacks involve the arm, and ev...

By this term we mean not only the sensible perspiration which is felt as a distinct wetness on the skin during exertion or heat, or in ...

This very common trouble is caused by one or more of the veins in the lower bowel losing their elasticity, so as to protrude more or le...

Pimples On The Face
See Face. ...

The pleura is the tender double web, or membrane, which lines the inside of the chest on the one side and covers the lung, or rather en...

The following are the antidotes and remedies for some of the more common forms of poisoning. ...

The patient is quite helpless, and there is usually a strong smell of alcohol. If the patient is intoxicated at the time give an emetic...

Alkalis (eg Ammonia Soda Or Potash)
Give dilute vinegar, followed by white of egg. ...

Emetic, followed by white of egg. Keep very warm. ...

Readily identified by smell of tar or carbolic. Wash mouth well with oil. Give an emetic. ...

Emetic; warm coffee, and even an enema of coffee. Artificial respiration (see Drowning) may be necessary if breathing gets very low. ...

Chloroform Or Ether (inhaled)
Fresh air. Pull tongue forward, and begin artificial respiration. If heart has stopped, strike chest two or three times over region of ...

Chloroform Or Ether (swallowed)
Emetic; enema of hot coffee; keep awake. If necessary, artificial respiration. ...

Emetic, white of egg to follow. ...

There is intense drowsiness and contraction of pupils of eye. Give an emetic and plenty of strong coffee. Walk patient up and down. On ...

Mineral Acids And Glacial Acetic
If any neutralising agent, such, e.g., as lime, chalk, soda, or calcined magnesia, is at hand, give it at once. Or give an emetic, foll...

Emetic; castor oil and enema. ...

Nicotine (tobacco)
Emetic; stimulate and keep warm; keep patient lying down. ...

Oxalic Acid
Neutralise by chalk or lime water, but not by soda or any alkali. Give plenty of water; apply hot fomentations to loins. ...

Often caused by children sucking matches. There is a burning in the throat, and often vomiting. Give an emetic. After this some barley ...

Prussic Acid
Almost hopeless. Emetic; artificial respiration. ...

Snake Bite
Suck the wound, and apply a drop or two of strong ammonia to the bite. Ammonia may be also inhaled. Artificial respiration often necess...

Emetic; keep quiet and darken the room. Chloral or bromide of potassium may be given. If spasms threaten respiration, artificial respir...

Tartar Emetic Or Other Antimonial Poisons
If vomiting is not present, induce it by an emetic. Give doses of strong tea. Keep very warm by hot blankets. Good domestic emetics ...

Poisoning Blood
Where this arises from a more or less putrid wound, what is aimed at in the treatment is to stop the manufacture of the poison in the w...

See Nostrils. ...

Potato Poultice
Potatoes boiled and beaten up with buttermilk, spread out in the usual way, make this useful poultice. Weak acid or vinegar may also be...

Potato The
The proper cooking of this root is so important for health, owing to its universal use, that we here give directions which, if followed...

Poultice Bran
See Bran Poultice. ...

Prostration Nervous
The various articles under Nerves and Nervousness should be read. Here we give simply the treatment for failure in the digestion and bo...

Pulse Counting The
Most valuable information as to the nature and progress of disease is derivable from the pulse. Every one should learn to count it, and...

Purple Spots On Skin
These arise first as small swellings. The swellings fall, and leave purple patches behind, which, if the trouble continues, become so n...

Racks From Lifting
See Muscular Pains; Sprains. ...

Rash Or Hives
Infants are often troubled with large red, angry-looking spots, breaking out over the body, and causing trouble by their heat and itchi...

Remedy Finding A
It will sometimes occur, in the case of those endeavouring to cure on our system of treatment, that on applying what is thought to be t...

In every person there is a certain amount only of force which is available for living. Also this force, or vitality, is produced at onl...

In slight cases, where the patient simply cannot sleep for tossing about in bed, a cold towel placed along the spine, with a dry one ab...

Rheumatic Fever
See Fever, Rheumatic. ...

We feel urged, in first considering this sore and very common trouble, to quote the old adage that "prevention is better than cure." Ma...

This distressing and most infectious trouble is due to a small parasite. Where that settles in the skin, a reddish ring soon appears, a...

See Erysipelas. ...

The abdomen is formed of a series of rings containing the bowels, and holding them in proper position. If the muscles and tissues holdi...

See Digestion; Nourishment. ...

The disease known by this name in Canada breaks out in the hands, especially on the palms. The skin cracks open and refuses to heal up....

This plant is the Chama Cyparissos, or ground cypress. It is of the greatest value as a remedy for worms in the bowels (not tapeworm), ...

This is a severe pain in the lower back, shooting sharply down the back and calf of the leg. It arises from inflammation of the large n...

The treatment under Glands, Swollen, should be followed. But besides, the whole membranous system of the glands must be stimulated. Dai...

Is a disease springing from disordered digestion, and caused sometimes by partial starvation, but more frequently by a deficiency of ve...

Seamill Sanatorium And Hydropathic
Very soon after the appearance of these "Papers on Health," the need was felt for some establishment where the treatment expounded here...

The cause of this is a nervous derangement of the internal organs, by which the bile passes into the stomach instead of, as it normally...

When the nervous system is in a certain state, all impressions on it are exaggerated, and the patient suffers from light sounds, and va...

See Head, Soaping. ...

Though not often fatal, this illness gives serious trouble. Its outstanding feature is a rash which comes out as a more or less regular...

This is often a trivial matter, but sometimes it is a symptom of a serious chill. It may be only the effect of a thought, or of some me...

Sick Headache
See Headache. ...

Sitting (or Sitz) Bath
This bath, in whatever form administered, is essentially a sitting in cold water with the feet out. The feet, in fact, are better to be...

Skin Care Of
Among the vast majority of people air and water far too seldom touch the skin. Want of water makes it unclean, and want of water and ai...

Skin A Wintry
Something like an epidemic of skin trouble is often experienced in cold, wintry weather. First, the skin becomes dry and hard. A moist ...

Skin Creeping
A sensation sometimes very much annoys patients, which they describe as like thousands of small creatures creeping over the skin. It mo...

No greater mistake could be made than to curtail the hours of sleep. Eight hours should be taken as a minimum, and any weak person shou...

In search of sleep men do many things both dangerous and foolish--sometimes even fatal. Sleeplessness arises in so many ways and from s...

If an epidemic prevails in the neighbourhood, or a case occurs in the house, after due and carefully performed vaccination of the famil...

Snake Bites
A snake bite is only one of a large class of injuries which may be considered under one title. From an insect sting upwards to the most...

Soaping The Head
See Head, Soaping. ...

Soap M'clinton's
Those of our readers who have followed out in practice the suggestions which we have given in these papers, will have seen some reason ...

Soapy Blanket The
It seems necessary, in getting people to use the best means for the recovery of health, carefully to consider, not the diseases to whic...

These will be found dealt with under many headings throughout this book (see Abscess; Bone, Diseased; Blood; Boils; Breast; Cancer; Car...

Spinal Congestion
In some cases of this trouble the symptoms are very alarming, consisting in violent convulsive movements, which seem altogether beyond ...

Spine Misshapen
Often in the case of delicate infants or children, the bones of the spine fail to have the necessary hardness to bear the strain which ...

Spine Weakness Of The
See Children's Healthy Growth. ...

Sprains Or Racks
A sprain is usually the result of some involuntary stress coming upon the part. If the injury be to the muscular substance only, it is ...

Spring Trouble
Many persons are distressed by some form of eruption or inflammation in the skin in spring. The change of atmosphere and temperature at...

See Rubbing. ...

This trouble is simply a loss of command of the vocal organs, and is distinctly nervous in its cause. Especially must we look to the ro...

Stiffness General
This is often an adjunct of old age, and sometimes occurs in the young and middle-aged as the result of chills. In neither case is it i...

See Alcohol; Narcotics. ...

Stomach Trouble
If you would cure thoroughly, you must first make sure that the skin is doing its part well. Very often indigestion arises from irritat...

Stomach Ulcers
Generally the tongue will tell whether the stomach is ulcerated or not. If the tongue is fiery-looking, and small ulcers show themselve...

See Gravel. ...

See Breath, and the Heart. ...

Strangulation Or Hanging
Often accidentally caused in children or intoxicated persons. Waste no time in going for or shouting for assistance. At once cut the ro...

St Vitus' Dance
This proceeds from a simple irritation of the spinal nerves, and is to be cured by soothing the spine with persistent cooling. In mild ...

Is a most valuable aid to health, acting as a physical and mental tonic. The sunbath, for either portions of the body at a time, or for...

The only sure sign of the presence of this parasite in the intestine is the passing from the bowels of some of its joints or ova. Its p...

Tea should not be infused longer than three or four minutes, and cream should be used with it. The albuminous matter in milk tends to t...

In order to prevent decay, the teeth should be carefully brushed at least once a day, preferably at night, but better still after each ...

At the outset, it must ever be remembered that this is not a disease. It is a natural growth, and often is accomplished without any tro...

Rich Foods Brandy Beef-tea Etc
must be avoided. Involuntary starting, and the manifestation of great fear on waking out of sleep, frequently arise from irritation o...

Tempering Treatment
Much, if not all, of the success in any case of treatment depends on its being properly tempered to the strength of the patient. In put...

This forms a severe feature in many cases of illness, and has to be treated variously according to its kind. It may be due first to dry...

Throat Hoarseness
This is best treated by a good large BRAN POULTICE (see) on the back of the head and neck. While the patient lies on this, cold towels ...

Throat Sore
The first question in any case of sore throat, is, What is the temperature of the patient? (see Heat, Internal). If this cannot be asce...

Throat Sore (clergyman's)
Those who are in the habit of using their voice much should be very careful to produce it in the proper way. It is noticeable that acto...

Thumb Bruised And Broken
Frequently a tradesman will strike the thumb or finger a serious blow with a hammer, in missing a stroke. If not treated properly, the ...

This trouble appears in two opposite characters. In the one it is cured by rightly applied heat, and in the other by cold. If it is mer...

Towels Cold Wet
A towel of the ordinary kind, and full size, is soaked in a basin of cold water and carefully wrung out until it is merely damp. Prejud...

A large, soft, fleshy tumour is usually simply an accumulation of waste material, which should have been excreted from the body if all ...

Turnip Poultice
Part of a raw turnip is grated down to a pulp. As much of this is prepared as will cover the inflamed part. It is put on next the skin,...

Typhoid Fever
See Fever, Typhoid. ...

An ulcer is an "eating sore": that is, a sore containing matter which eats away the skin and flesh, thereby extending itself, and incre...

There are two opposite causes of unconsciousness. One is congestion of the brain, the other sheer nerve exhaustion. Either will produce...

There is a common and very popular error, namely, that of putting too much clothing on our bodies, under the mistaken idea that additio...

Uric Acid
This acid is found in persons of a gouty tendency, such tendencies being a great deal more common than is imagined. It is really a wa...

Urinary Troubles
A healthy man usually evacuates about 30-40 ozs. of urine daily, the excretion being greater in the winter than in the summer, owing to...

Vaccination Trouble
When a child is suffering after vaccination, we should have him gently rubbed all over--thrice at least with M'Clinton's soap (see Lath...

Vegetables Green And Fruit
We would strongly recommend our readers to continually have these valuable foods on their tables. It is possible to obtain them in some...

Veins Swollen
The swelling of veins in the leg is a very common trouble, especially in middle and later life. At first this may cause no pain, one ve...

In many cases of severe illness, the stomach rejects all food, and the patient comes near to dying of simple starvation. On the slighte...

Water Hot
The frequent prescription in these papers of hot water, to be taken often in small quantities, makes it of importance that some explana...

Water For Drinking
Every care should be taken to have drinking water absolutely pure. Diarrhoea and many infectious diseases may be conveyed by impure wat...

Water In The Head
In cases where this trouble is suspected, very often there is nothing wrong but a more or less congested state of the brain, owing to s...

Water On The Chest
Sometimes a large watery swelling appears in one part or another of the chest. It is practically a bag of liquid waste, due to deficien...

Often there follows, after the cure of an inflammatory disease, very great weakness. This in itself is sometimes a great danger, but ca...

Many of the troubles which come in this process arise simply from ignorance or want of thought on the part of the nurse or mother. Some...

Where persistent weariness is felt, and the least exertion brings on a feeling of lassitude, there is evidently an undue exhaustion of ...

White Leg
When a limb becomes swelled and white, pouring hot water very gently over it with a sponge or cloth will have a blessed effect. It may ...

Whooping Cough
The cough is a spasmodic action of nerves which are otherwise healthy enough, so that when the violent action ceases, the child's healt...

Where the juices and organs of the body are thoroughly healthy, worms will not appear. Before they can breed, there must be more or les...

One of the most fruitful causes of ill-health is the habit of worrying. Many believe this to be unavoidable, and think it even an evide...

Wounds Bleeding Of
After sending for a surgeon the first thing to be looked at in case of any wound is the bleeding. Sometimes this is trifling and needs ...

Wounds Ill-smelling
For all such wounds, the best method is frequent cleansing with vinegar or dilute ACETIC ACID (see) by means of a small glass syringe, ...

Wounds Soothing
During the process of healing, wounds often give a great deal of pain, even when all is going well. It is this pain we here show how to...

Wounds Syringing
Very great good can often be done by a little careful syringing of internal wounds. Take, as an illustration, a case of a kind we have ...

Medical Amulets
Among the various subjects which belong to the province of medical folk-lore, one of the most interesting relates to amulets and pro...

A talisman may be described as an emblematical object or image, accredited with magical powers, by whose means its possessor is enab...

They ware in their foreheads scrowles of parchment, wherein were written the tenne commaundements given by God to Moses, ...

The Power Of Words
In every word there is a magic influence, and each word is in itself the breath of the internal and moving spirit. ...

The Curative Influence Of The Imagination
At the present day the remarkable benefit which often results from hygienic and mental influences combined is well shown in the so-c...

The Royal Touch
Malcolm. Well; more anon.--Comes the king forth, I pray you? Doctor. Ay, sir; there are a crew of wretched souls Tha...

The Blue-glass Mania
As illustrative of the power of the imagination, the so-called blue-glass mania, which prevailed extensively in this country, afford...

The Temples Of Esculapius
It has been truly said that temples were the first hospitals, and priests the earliest physicians. In the temples of Esculapius, in ...

Styptic Charms
Fancy can save or kill; it hath closed up wounds, when the balsam could not, and without the aid of salves, to think hath ...

Healing-spells In Ancient Times
Neither doth fansy only cause, but also as easily cure diseases; as I may justly refer all magical cures thereunto, pe...

Medicinal Runic Inscriptions
The discovery of the script of the ancient Germans, supposed to be of Egyptian or Phenician origin, was attributed to Wodan, who was...

Metallo-therapy has been defined as a mode of treating various affections, chiefly those of a nervous character, by the external ap...

Animal Magnetism
Although curative attributes were ascribed to the magnet in ancient times, and the same belief prevailed in the Middle Ages, the not...

Ancient Medical Prescriptions
From early times it was a universal custom to place at the beginning of a medical prescription certain religious verses or superstit...

Remedial Virtues Ascribed To Relics
A relic has been defined as an object held in reverence or affection, because connected with some sacred or beloved person deceased....

The Healing Influence Of Music
Dubito, an omnia, quae de incantamentis dicuntur carminibusque, non sint adscribenda effectibus musicis, quia excelleb...

The Healing Influence Of Music Continued
Dr. Herbert Lilly, in a monograph on musical therapeutics, expresses the opinion that musical sounds received by the auditory nerve,...

Quacks And Quackery
Quackery and the love of being quacked, are in human nature as weeds are in our fields. ...

Quacks And Quackery Continued
An English physician, who practised during the early part of the reign of King James I, described the charlatan of that period as sh...

Copy Of Certificate
These may Inform all whom it might Concern, that Mr. John Kaighin, of the Province of West New Jersey, hath lived with ...

THEOPHRASTUS BOMBASTUS VON HOHENHEIM, commonly known as Paracelsus, was born in 1493 at Maria Einsiedeln, near Zurich, Switzerland. Wh...

HEINRICH CORNELIUS AGRIPPA VON NETTESHEIM, a German alchemist, philosopher, and cabalist, of noble ancestry, was born at Cologne, on ...

JEROME CARDAN, an Italian physician, author, mathematician and philosopher, was born at Pavia, September 24, 1501. He was the illegit...

One of the most notorious charlatans of the eighteenth century was Giuseppe Balsamo, who was born at Palermo, Sicily, June 2, 1743. Th...

VALENTINE GREATRAKES was born at Affane, County of Waterford, Ireland, on Saint Valentine's Day, February 14, 1628. He was educated a ...

Van Helmont
JOHANN BAPTIST VAN HELMONT, a celebrated Belgian physician, scholar and visionary, of noble family, was born at Brussels in 1577. At a...

ROBERT FLUDD, surnamed "the Searcher," an English physician, writer and theosophist, member of a knightly family, first saw the light ...

MICHEL DE NOTREDAME, or NOSTRADAMUS, a celebrated French physician and astrologer, of Jewish ancestry, was born at Saint-Remi, a small...

WILLIAM LILLY, a famous English astrologer of yeoman ancestry, was born at Diseworth, an obscure village in northwestern Leicestershir...

JOHANN JOSEPH GASSNER, who was regarded as a thaumaturge by his partisans, and as a charlatan by his opponents, was born at Bratz, a ...

Dr Jerome Kidder's Electro-magnetic Machine
On opening the machine-box, as it comes from the manufacturer, there will be found a glass bottle, intended to hold the battery fluid ...

It may be proper, in this place, to spend a few words upon electrical polarization in general. Electrical polarity may be defined a...

The Electric Circuit
The Electric Circuit is made up of any thing and every thing which serves to conduct the electric current in its passage--outward and ...

Polarization Of The Circuit
I have said, in effect, a little above, that, while the current is running, the entire circuit is one complete magnet, which extends ...

The Central Point Of The Circuit
The central point of the circuit--that point which divides between its positive and negative halves--is reckoned, in practice, to be t...

The Current
The current is that moving electric essence which traverses the circuit. The course of the current is always from the positive to the ...

Modifications Of Electricity
In the present stage of electric science, the conviction has become very general among experimenters that galvanism, magnetism, faradi...

Vital Forces Animal And Vegetable
Upon these points I must be permitted to offer a few words. Of the animal kingdom, I regard the "nervous fluid" or "nervous influen...

Extent Of Electric Agency
When we have settled upon the position that the electricity of the heavens and of the artificial machine are identical, and that their...

Theory Of Man
Let the question now be raised--What is man? The answer will have much to do with the remedial system which I aim to teach. For this r...

The Lower Animals
It may, by some, be objected that, if we regard sensation as existing only in the mind, as affirmed above, then we must concede mind t...

The Vegetable Kingdom
As to the vegetable kingdom, there is here, so far as we can discover, only a duality of principle, viz: the material body and a modif...

Natural Polarization Of Man's Physical Organism
The electro-vital fluid, in the animal economy, is subject to the same principles of polarization as the magnetic current from the art...

Electrical Classification Of Diseases
There are two, and only two, primary classes of disease--those in which the electro-vital force is abnormally positive, and those wher...

Philosophy Of Disease And Cure
In every part of the animal economy, polar derangements in the electro-vital principle are liable to occur. These derangements are al...

Polar Antagonism
When the conducting cords are of equal length, as commonly they should be, each of the two poles or electrodes produces a polar effect...

Importance Of Noting The Central Point
From the above observations, it will be plain that, when we wish to bring a diseased organ under the influence of the positive pole, w...

Distinctive Use Of Each Pole
I have said that every disease is preternaturally either positive or negative. I have further said, that the application of either pol...

Use Of The Long Cord
It is often desirable to bring the entire parts of the patient, through which the current is made to pass, under one and the same kind...

The Inward And The Outward Current
I have already said that when the conducting-cords are of equal length, as for the most part they should be, the central point of the ...

Mechanical Effect Of Each Pole
The mechanical effect of the forward end of the current, or that part of it which is under the negative electrode, is to relax, expand...

Relaxed And Atrophied Conditions
I alluded, above, to a distinction between a relaxed and an atrophied condition of an organ. There is such a distinction, which shoul...

General Directions Of The Current
Negative affections, as a general rule, are best treated with the upward-running current--the positive pole being placed at a lower p...

Treating With Electrolytic Currents
For decomposing and carrying off unnatural growths, as fistula, ficus, glandular enlargements and other tumors, it is often best to di...

Positive And Negative Manifestations
Acute diseases are to be regarded as electrically positive, and chronic affections as negative. The exceptions are rare, if any at al...

For healing wounds, burns, ulcers, irritation of mucous membranes, and cutaneous eruptions, the A D current is by far the best. Recent...

Preliminary Remarks
The author wishes to caution the reader not to rely merely on the forms of treatment here prescribed, but to study thoroughly the prin...

General Tonic Treatment
Take the B D current, (A D is very good), of fair medium strength. Place the sponge-roll, N. P. [Negative Pole], at the coccyx--lowest...

Common Colds
Take the B D Faradaic current--moderate strength. If the affection be mainly in the head, give, 1st. A face bath. Let an earthen wa...

Cephalagia Headache
1. "Nervous headache." Take the B D current--moderate force. Place P. P. on back of neck, just below the brain, and manipulate with s...

The prognosis is very uncertain. This infirmity is often cured by our system, even when of long standing; and often, again, the treatm...

Inflamed Eyes
If the disease be recent and acute, (but not infectious), as from sewing or reading by lamp light or other irritation, take the C D cu...

Amaurosis Paralysis Of The Optic Nerve
Use B D current, moderate force, three or four times, and then change to C D. Apply the eye-bath, N. P., to the eye, and sponge-cup P....

Strabismus Discordance Of The Eyes
If neither of the rectus muscles have been cut and cicatrized, and if the deformity be not congenital, it may ordinarily be cured. ...

Catarrh Acute
If in the head, treat as prescribed for common colds in the head. If in the throat, place N. P. somewhere on the dorsal vertebrae, and...

Catarrh Chronic
If in the head, first give face-bath, as in common colds, except with reversed poles and changing to the A D current, very mild force....

Use the A D current, strong force. Place the N. P., long cord, upon the lower cervical vertebrae, and then treat, first, with the tong...

Aphonia Loss Of Voice
This affection requires treatment variously, as it depends on one or another procuring cause. If it be the result of recent "cold,"...

Treat croup, whether membranous or spasmodic, much the same as is prescribed for diphtheria, only, in the latter part of the form, tre...

Use the A D current, medium force. Treat with P. P. over the shoulders and between the scapulae, and with N. P. in front upon the lung...

Hepatization Of Lungs
Take A D current, pretty strong force. Treat in front, over the lungs, with P. P., moving N. P., long cord, on spine from neck to near...

Take B D current, forceful as the patient can bear, and treat briefly--say five to seven minutes, several times a day, until relief is...

Pulmonary Phthisis Consumption
After tubercles have been formed extensively in the lungs, and have softened down over considerable area, carrying down the pulmonary ...

Neuralgia And Rheumatism Of The Heart
If neuralgia, use B D current; if rheumatism, use A D. In either case, treat the heart with P. P., moderate force, placing N. P. at lo...

Enlargement Or Ossification Of The Heart
Treat these two affections in the same way. Take the A D current, moderate force. Place N. P. at the coccyx, or alternately there and,...

Palpitation Of The Heart
This is commonly a symptomatic or sympathetic affection--rarely idiopathic--and disappears on cure of the disease from which it proce...

Torpid Liver
Take A D or B D current, full medium force. Treat with N. P. over the liver, at the right side, immediately below the short ribs, and ...

Hepatitis Inflammation Of Liver
Use the B D current, with what force the patient can bear. Place N. P. at the coccyx, and also somewhat on the trunk, opposite to the ...

Enlargement Of Liver
Take A D current, with medium force. Place N. P., some three to five minutes, on left side, over the spleen; and then as much longer a...

Biliary Calculi Gravel In Liver
Take A C current, strong as can be borne; and treat the inflamed and painful part with P. P., while N. P. is upon the right end of the...

Intermittent Fever Ague And Fever
Use the A D current. First, give general tonic treatment. (See page 95.) Then close the sitting with a strong current, running from sp...

Nephritis Inflammation Of Kidneys
1. Acute. If the urinary secretion be reddish and scant, with or without sedimentary deposit, let the inflammation be regarded as acu...

Renal Calculi Gravel In The Kidneys
Take the A C current, of considerable force. Place N. P. low upon the bladder, and treat with P. P. upon the inflamed and painful poin...

Diabetes A Kidney Disease
This disease occurs in two forms--diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus. In the first named form, the disease is readily cured. In ...

This is one of the most difficult of diseases to control by any of the ordinary modes of medical practice; and yet, under judicious el...

Acute Diarrhea
Take B D current. Place N. P., long cord, upon the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum, moving it often along the spine, from a position oppos...

Chronic Diarrhea
Take A D current, of very mild force. Place P. P. at the feet, and treat with N. P. over the lower limbs briefly; then over the bowels...

Colic Of Whatever Kind
Use A D current, pretty strong force. In severe cases, introduce the rectum instrument N. P., long cord, or in mild cases, place spon...

Cholera Morbus
Keep the patient still as possible on his back. Use A D current, strong force. Place N. P., long cord, at coccyx, and treat with P. P....

Cholera Malignant
As in cholera morbus, keep the patient on his back, still as can be. Use A D current, full medium strength. In the early stage, or ...

Treat exactly as in acute diarrh[oe]a, except that P. P. should be moved more over the colon and rectum than in diarrh[oe]a. ...

Constipation Of Bowels
This disease may proceed from either a negative condition--a state of atony from lack of nutrition, or a partial paralysis of the bow...

Haemorrhoids Piles
If the case be recent, take the B D current; if old, take A D. Place the patient in a recumbent position, and let the rectum instrumen...

Rheumatism Acute Inflammatory
First ascertain if the kidneys be morbidly positive--urine scant and too highly colored. If so, as is commonly the case, begin with th...

Rheumatism Chronic
Use the A D current always in rheumatic affections. If there be no visible inflammation or swelling in the diseased parts, approach su...

Use the A D current, moderate force. Give general tonic treatment; then place P. P. with the feet, in a vessel of warm water, or place...

If the disease be general in the system, moving from place to place, or causing transient acute pains here and there, give general ton...

This is neuralgia in an ischiatic nerve, commonly the great ischiatic. Use the B D current, strong as the patient can well bear. Pla...

Take the B D current, medium force. If the paralysis be in a lower limb, place P. P., long cord, upon the lower lumbar vertebrae, so a...

Take the A. D. current, medium force, in all forms of the diseases. 1. When acute, and characterized by high inflammation, with brig...

Eruptive Cutaneous Diseases
Take A D current, pretty vigorous force in acute cases; mild in chronic affections. If the eruption be inflamed and acute, use long c...

Common Cramp
Although either the positive or the negative pole, applied to the healthy muscle, may produce spasmodic contraction, yet the negative ...

Trismus Lockjaw
For traumatic trismus, use the B D current, of vigorous force. Let the wound be kept open and clear, except that soothing emollients m...

This is substantially the same thing as trismus, except that it extends to other parts, and often to nearly all the muscles of the or...

Cancers take on a variety of forms, distinguished by different names; but since they all require substantially the same electrical tre...

Asphyxia Suspended Animation
Use B D current, pretty strong force. Place P. P. at back of neck--second or third cervical vertebra, and treat with N. P., over all ...

Recent Wounds Contusions And Burns
Use the B D current, strong force as can be borne. Bring the lesion under P. P., and place N. P. at discretion, in view of the locatio...

Old Ulcers
Take the A D current. If torpid, treat with mild force. Treat the sore with N. P., while P. P. is held upon some healthy part, and usu...

Take B D current, strong force. Apply P. P. to the open blood-vessel, or as near to it as possible; placing N. P., long cord, to some ...

Chlorosis Green Sickness
This is a disease mostly or entirely peculiar to young women who have not menstruated, and disappears on the establishment of the mont...

Amenorrhea Suppressed Menstruation
Treat as for chlorosis. But if the case be recent--the effect of taking cold--begin, in the first few sittings, to treat eight or ten ...

Dysmenorrhea Painful Menstruation
If the disease be occasioned by uterine displacement, obstructing the os uteri, the organ must be restored to its normal position. Thi...

Menorrhagia Excessive Menstruation
If the menstrual flow is apt to terminate in hemorrhage, it is best to give general tonic treatments, about three times a week, betwee...

Prolapsus Uteri Falling Of The Womb
Take the B D current, of good medium force, and give general tonic treatment (see page 95), on alternate days, ten minutes, passing b...

Leucorrhea Whites
Take A D current, very mild force. Introduce the vaginal electrode, N. P., until it meets the uterus, and manipulate with P. P. over t...

The points to be gained are, to reduce the action of the amatorial organs of the brain and the secretion of the testes, and to contrac...

Take B D current, moderate force. Treat exactly as in spermatorrh[oe]a, except with reversed poles, using the long cord with P. P. Tre...

On The Adherent Eschar
It appears scarcely necessary to describe the immediate and well known effects of the application of the lunar caustic to the surface ...

On The Unadherent Eschar
The eschar is generally adherent in cases of recent injuries, and in small ulcers, when they are nearly even with the skin and attende...

On The Treatment By Eschar And Poultice
In many cases in which it is impossible to adopt either the mode of treatment by the adherent or the unadherent eschar, it is of great...

Of Punctures Etc
In cases of recent punctured wounds the orifice and surrounding skin should be moistened with a drop of water; the caustic should then...

Punctures Case I
A.B. received a severe punctured wound by a hook of the size of a crow-quill, which pierced into the flesh between the thumb and fore...

Punctures Case Ii
Mrs. Middleton, aged 40, wounded her wrist, on the ulnar side, by the hook of a door post; there was a considerable flow of blood at f...

Punctures Case Iii
A female servant punctured the end of the finger by a pin; there succeeded much pain and swelling, and it appeared that the nail would...

Punctures Case Iv
The present case is somewhat more severe than those which have been already given, and what is of great importance, the caustic was no...

Punctures Case V
Mr. Cocking's son, aged 12, received a stab in the palm of the hand from a penknife three days ago, which has been followed by much s...

Punctures Case Vi
A little boy, aged 12, received a stab by a penknife a few days ago, in the fore part of the thigh; there are now great pain and swell...

Punctures Case Vii
Mr. Parr, aged 30, of delicate habit, trod upon a needle which pierced the ball of the great toe; a free crucial incision was made but...

Punctures Case Viii
This case illustrates the mode of treatment by the lunar caustic, of those terrible effects of punctured wounds which have been neglec...

Punctures Case Ix
James Joynes, aged 12, was bitten by an ass, on each side of the middle finger; the wounds were severe, and almost immediately follow...

Punctures Case X
Mr. Worth's daughter, aged six, was thrown down by a dog and bitten severely on the face and forehead in three places; one of the woun...

Punctures Case Xi
Mrs. G. was bitten by a little dog on forefinger about a fortnight ago. There is now a very irritable, inflamed, fungous sore. I remov...

Punctures Case Xii
A servant maid was bitten by a dog in four places--severely on the forearm--three days ago. Adhesive plaster had been applied. There i...

Punctures Case Xiii
Am old man applied leeches to the instep for inflammation occasioned by a bruise. Several very irritable sores were produced with some...

Bruises Case Xiv
The first case of bruise which I shall detail was not severe, but will serve to illustrate the mode of treatment by the adherent escha...

Bruises Case Xv
The following case was far more severe, but the mode of treatment was not less efficacious. Mr. Granger, aged 36, was exposed to a ...

Bruises Case Xvi
J. Jennings, bricklayer, aged 26, fell through the roof of a house and bruised and lacerated his shin rather severely to the extent of...

Bruises Case Xvii
An old man, aged 60, received a bruise upon the occiput from a fall; the skin was lacerated and removed to the extent of half-a-crown....

Bruises Case Xviii
Mrs. C. aged 40, was detained on a journey by a bruised wound on her knee, received a fortnight before, which was healing very slowly ...

Bruises Case Xix
Robert Hill, aged 16, received a blow yesterday from a bone which was thrown at him, upon the outer condyle of the humerus. He complai...

Bruises Case Xx
It frequently occurs to surgeons to receive slight wounds upon the hands which prove very troublesome. Of this kind is the following. ...

On Ulcers
From the preceding observations it would naturally be concluded that the lunar caustic would afford a remedy for the treatment of ulce...

Ulcers Case Xxi
Mrs. Butcher, aged 52, has two ulcers a little above the outer ankle, one the size of half-a-crown, the other, of a shilling, of four ...

Ulcers Case Xxii
J. Copeland, blacksmith, aged 38, came to me with many deep ulcerations, from the size of a horse bean to that of a pea, attended wit...

Ulcers Case Xxiii
Mr. Marshall, aged 60, had a troublesome ulcer under the outer ankle, of an oblong form and of the size of sixpence. He has been long ...

Ulcers Case Xxiv
The following case must not be regarded as altogether trifling. For such sores are very apt to spread and to remain long very trouble...

Ulcers Case Xxv
The following case illustrates the superior efficacy of the lunar caustic over the ordinary modes of treatment in some ulcers of the ...

Ulcers Case Xxvi
The following case occurred in the person of a lady with varicose veins and far advanced in pregnancy. Its speedy cure by the caustic ...

Ulcers Case Xxvii
Mrs. Wakefield, aged 36, had an extensive ulceration with excoriation on the upper part of the right breast, of two months continuance...

Ulcers Case Xxviii
Mrs. U. aged 60, has been subject to ulcerated legs for several years. She has one ulcer on the outer ankle of the size of a shilling,...

Ulcers Case Xxix
The peculiarity of the present case arose from neglect in evacuating the fluid effused under the eschar the day succeeding its formati...

Ulcers Case Xxx
C. Cocking, aged 17, has an ulcer of the size of half-a-crown on the inner part of the knee, occasioned by an accident. He had been a ...

Ulcers Case Xxxi
Mr. S. aged 30, had a sore two inches in length in the groin, the remains of a phagedenic ulcer. It had remained stationary a whole f...

Of Whitlow
The lunar caustic is very useful in the treatment of this painful affection. Patients seldom apply to the surgeon before suppuration h...

Inflammation Of The Finger Case Xxxi
A young man, aged 18, came to me with a painful swelling of the middle finger of the right hand; suspecting deep-seated abscess, I ma...

Inflammation Of The Finger Case Xxxii
Miss B. aged 23, had a slight scratch on the inside of the index finger, which issued in severe inflammation extending over the back o...

Of Fungous Ulcer Of The Navel In Infants
It sometimes occurs that a little fungous sore exists upon the navel in infants which is difficult of cure in the ordinary way. I had ...

Of Inflammation Of The Knee
Servant women, I suspect from much kneeling in scouring stairs, &c. are subject to a species of inflammation of the knee which is fre...

Of Burns
The application of the lunar caustic in recent burns or scalds, has always appeared to me to increase the inflammation and vesication,...

Burns Case Xxxiii
A little girl, aged 10, scalded her breast a week ago and has treated it with the ordinary remedies. There remained a superficial ulc...

Burns Case Xxxiv
Mr. C. aged 51, scalded his leg ten days ago on the instep. He applied ointments and poultices. The surface remained ulcerated to the ...

Burns Case Xxxv
The following case will present a specimen of my trials of the lunar caustic in larger ulcers. Anthony Knowles, aged 44, was kicked...

Burns Case Xxxvi
The last case I have to give is one of great interest, as it clearly shows the influence of the lunar caustic in subduing the inflamma...

The Relative Position Of The Cranial Nasal Oral And Pharyngeal Cavities
On making a section (vertically through the median line) of the cranio-facial and cervico-hyoid apparatus, the relation which these s...

The Relative Position Of The Superficial Organs Of The Thorax And Abdomen
In the osseous skeleton, the thorax and abdomen constitute a common compartment. We cannot, while we contemplate this skeleton, isolat...

The Relative Position Of The Deeper Organs Of The Thorax And Those Of The Abdomen
The size or capacity of the thorax in relation to that of the abdomen varies in the individual at different periods of life. At an ear...

The Relations Of The Principal Bloodvessels To The Viscera Of The Thoracico-abdominal Cavity
The median line of the body is occupied by the centres of the four great systems of organs which serve in the processes of circulation...

The Relation Of The Principal Bloodvessels Of The Thorax And Abdomen To The Osseous Skeleton Etc
The arterial system of vessels assumes, in all cases, somewhat of the character of the forms upon which they are distributed, or of th...

The Relation Of The Internal Parts To The External Surface Of The Body
An exact acquaintance with the normal character of the external form, its natural prominences and depressions, produced by the project...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Superficial Bloodvessels Etc Of The Inguino-femoral Region
Hernial protrusions are very liable to occur at the inguino-femoral region; and this fact has led the surgeon to study the anatomical ...

The Surgical Dissection Of The First Second Third And Fourth Layers Of The Inguinal Region In Connexion With Those Of The Thigh
The common integument or first layer of the inguino-femoral region being removed, we expose the superficial fascia constituting the se...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Fifth Sixth Seventh And Eighth Layers Of The Inguinal Region And Their Connexion With Those Of The Thigh
When we remove the internal oblique and cremaster muscles, we expose the transverse muscle, which may be regarded as the fifth inguina...

The Dissection Of The Oblique Or External And The Direct Or Internal Inguinal Herniae
The order in which the herniary bowel takes its investments from the eight layers of the inguinal region, is precisely the reverse of ...

The Distinctive Diagnosis Between External And Internal Inguinal Herniae The Taxis The Seat Of Stricture And The Operation
A comparison of the relative position of these two varieties of herniae is in ordinary cases the chief means by which we can determine...

Demonstrations Of The Nature Of Congenital And Infantile Inguinal Herniae And Of Hydrocele
PLATE 39. Fig. 1--The descent of the testicle from the loins to the scrotum.--The foetal abdomen and scrotum form one general cavity, ...

Demonstrations Of The Origin And Progress Of Inguinal Herniae In General
PLATE 41, Fig. 1.--When the serous spermatic tube is obliterated for its whole length between the internal ring, 1, and the top of the...

The Dissection Of Femoral Hernia And The Seat Of Stricture
Whilst all forms of inguinal herniae escape from the abdomen at places situated immediately above Poupart's ligament, the femoral hern...

Demonstrations Of The Origin And Progress Of Femoral Hernia Its Diagnosis The Taxis And The Operation
PLATE 45, Fig. 1.--The point, 3, from which an external inguinal hernia first progresses, and the part, 5, within which the femoral he...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Principal Bloodvessels And Nerves Of The Iliac And Femoral Regions
Through the groin, as through the axilla, the principal blood vessels and nerves are transmitted to, the corresponding limb. The main ...

The Relative Anatomy Of The Male Pelvic Organs
As the abdomen and pelvis form one general cavity, the organs contained in both regions are thereby intimately related. The viscera of...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Superficial Structures Of The Male Perinaeum
The median line of the body is marked as the situation where the opposite halves unite and constitute a perfect symmetrical figure. Ev...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Deep Structures Of The Male Perinaeum The Lateral Operation Of Lithotomy
The urethra, at its membranous part, M, Fig. 1, Plate 53, which commences behind the bulb, perforates the centre of the deep perinaeal...

Deformities Of The Urinary Bladder The Operations Of Sounding For Stone Of Catheterism And Of Puncturing The Bladder Above The Pubes
The urinary bladder presents two kinds of deformity--viz., congenital and pathological. As examples of the former may be mentioned tha...

Deformities Of The Prostate Distortions And Obstructions Of The Prostatic Urethra
The prostate is liable to such frequent and varied deformities, the consequence of diseased action, whilst, at the same time, its heal...

The Various Forms And Positions Of Strictures And Other Obstructions Of The Urethra False Passages Enlargements And Deformities Of The Prostate
Impediments to the passage of the urine through the urethra may arise from different causes, such as the impaction of a small calculus...

Congenital And Pathological Deformities Of The Prepuce And Urethra Stricture And Mechanical Obstructions Of The Urethra
When any of the central organs of the body presents in a form differing from that which we term natural, or structurally perfect and...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Male Bladder And Urethra Lateral And Bilateral Lithotomy Compared
Having examined the surgical relations of the bladder and adjacent structures, in reference to the lateral operation of lithotomy, it ...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Wrist And Hand
A member of such vast importance as the human hand necessarily claims a high place in regard to surgery. The hand is typical of the mi...

The Surgical Form Of The Male And Female Axillae Compared
Certain characteristic features mark those differences which are to be found in all corresponding regions of both sexes. Though the ma...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Bend Of The Elbow And The Forearm Showing The Relative Position Of The Arteries Veins And Nerves
The farther the surgical region happens to be removed from the centre of the body, the less likely is it that all accidents or operati...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Axillary And Brachial Regions Displaying The Relative Order Of Their Contained Parts
All surgical regions have only artificial boundaries; and these, as might be expected, do not express the same meaning while viewed fr...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Sterno-clavicular Or Tracheal Region And The Relative Position Of Its Main Bloodvessels Nerves &c
The law of symmetry governs the development of all structures which compose the human body; and all organized beings throughout the an...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Subclavian And Carotid Regions The Relative Anatomy Of Their Contents
A perfect knowledge of the relative anatomy of any of the surgical regions of the body must include an acquaintance with the superpo...

The Surgical Form Of The Superficial Cervical And Facial Regions And The Relative Position Of The Principal Blood-vessels And Nerves
When the neck is extended in surgical position, as seen in Plates 3 and 4, its general outline assumes a quadrilateral shape, approach...

The Surgical Form Of The Deep Cervical And Facial Regions And The Relative Position Of The Principal Bloodvessels And Nerves
While the human cervix is still extended in surgical position, its deeper anatomical relations, viewed as a whole, preserve the quadr...

The Surgical Dissection Of The Popliteal Space And The Posterior Crural Region
On comparing the bend of the knee with the bend of the elbow, as evident a correspondence can be discerned between these two regions, ...

The Form Of The Thoracic Cavity And The Position Of The Lungs Heart And Larger Bloodvessels
In the human body there does not exist any such space as cavity, properly so called. Every space is occupied by its contents. The tho...


The surface of the body should be kept clean, as far as possible, and to this end, in summer, should be well bathed at least once a da...

The diet of the sick should he nutricious, but at all times simple, free from greasy substances, and from all stimulating condiments w...

This disease consists in a looseness of the bowels, generally accompanied with pain in the abdomen, more or less severe. It sometimes ...

This disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum, (the large intestine) generally confined to the...

The symptoms of this are cramping pains in the abdomen, without fever or looseness of the bowels. The colic sometimes occurs after the...

Bilious Colic
This disease, in addition to the symptoms of cutting, cramping pains in the bowels, as in common colic, has great distress in the stom...

Cholera Morbus
This disease generally comes on at night, in hot weather, and is, in many cases, induced by over eating while the patient is suffering...

Intermittent Fever, Ague or Chill Fever. This comes on with pains in the head and back, aching in the joints, yawning, followed by ...

Bilious Fever
This fever may be either intermittent, remitting, or continued, and typhoid. It is distinguished from common intermittent, by the grea...

Typhoid Fever
This is a dangerous, and with the ordinary allopathic treatment, a very fatal disease. It generally comes on insidiously, the patient ...

Scarlet Fever
This fever assumes two principal forms: Simple or mild, and Malignant. In the _Simple form_, there is great heat of the surface, extre...

Yellow Fever
[As I have never practiced farther South than Cincinnati, and have seen but few cases of this disease, my experience with it has not b...

This is inflammation of the Pleura of one or both lungs, generally confined to one side. It is known by sharp pain in the side of the ...

Inflammation Of The Lungs - Pneumonia
This disease is often connected with Pleurisy, and consists of inflammation of the substance of the lungs. As in the former case, it ...

Inflammation Of The Bowels - Enteritis
This consists in inflammation of the muscular and peritoneal coats of the intestines, sometimes also involving the mucous coat. The...

This is a disease of children. Comes on in consequence of a sudden cold. Children suffering from Hooping Cough are more subject to it....

If an attack comes on from sudden cold, take _Aconite_ and _Ipecac_ every hour for a day, and if any symptoms remain, in place of the ...

Hooping Cough
According to my experience, though this disease may not be entirely arrested in its course, and not generally much abridged in its dur...

This term is applied so loosely and so indiscriminately to all chronic derangements of the stomach, that it is difficult to define it....

The medicine for this affection is _Nux vom._, to be taken at night on retiring. If there is fulness and pain in the head from costive...

This peculiar burning and distressed feeling at the stomach depends on imperfect digestion, but is _not_ ordinarily, as is generally s...

This is a disease of the skin, producing redness, burning and itching pains, appearing in patches, in adults, most apt to appear about...

Burns And Scalds
No matter what the nature and extent of the burn may be, the very best of all medicines of which I have any knowledge, is _Soap_. If t...

This arises generally, from inflammation of the mucous membrane of the _Larynx_, in ordinary cases but slight. It is a frequent accomp...

Inflammation Of The Brain
_Brain Fever._ Though this affection is not strictly what is called "brain fever," it is attended with more or less general fever, ...

Convulsions Of Children - Fits
These generally occur, either from the irritation of worms, or as precursors of ague, or they may arise from diarrhoeal irritation, a...

This is a contagious disease, and always begins with symptoms like a cold, with high fever, and a severe dry cough, thirst and restles...

This is a contagious disease, consisting in an inflammation of the Parotid gland. There is, at first, a sense of stiffness and sorenes...

Stings Of Insects
The effect produced by the sting of Bees, Wasps, and Hornets of all kinds, is so nearly, if not quite identical, that I shall make no ...

Bite Of The Rattlesnake
is _Alcohol_, in the ordinary form, or in common Whisky, Brandy, Rum or Gin. Let the patient drink it freely, a gill or more at a time...

This symptom or affection, (if it can be classed as a disease) may depend upon so many causes, and be so very different in its effects...

Nose Bleed - Epistaxis
If it arises from fullness of the vessels of the head, with throbbing of the temples, redness of the face and eyes, _Belladonna_ is th...

It is difficult to determine the presence of _worms_ in children, much more in adults, yet both are affected by them occasionally. In ...

Earache - Otalgia
This may arise from various causes, but a common one is sudden cold. If it arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear...

It is difficult to determine the cause of toothache, and more difficult to select the remedy. It often depends upon decay of the tooth...

Teething Of Children
Affections arising from teething of children, are often of a serious character. The most prominent of which is _Diarrhoea_. _Fever_ f...

Apthae - Thrush
This is a disease peculiar to nursing children. The mouth becomes sore, and the tongue, lips, and fauces are covered with a white crus...

Inflammation Of The Eyes - Ophthalmia
For common Ophthalmia, in the early stages, while there is more or less fever and headache, with flushed face, bloodshot eyes and thro...

Wounds And Bruises
On this subject, I must necessarily be very brief. When a wound is inflicted, the first and most important thing to be done is to _arr...

Piles - Hemorrhoids
One important matter in all cases of habitual piles, is, to keep the bowels regular. Much can be done for this purpose by diet and reg...

_Nux Vomica_ should be used once in about four hours, for twelve hours before sailing, as a preventive to sea-sickness. If, however...

Asiatic Cholera
I was practicing in Cincinnati during the prevalence of Cholera in the years 1849, and 1850, and in Northern Ohio in 1854, and had abu...

Small Pox - Variola
This disease begins with pain in the head and back, chilly sensations, followed by a high fever, so similar in all respects to a sever...

is small pox modified by vaccination. It is to be treated as a mild case of small pox. The _Macrotin_ has been used with apparent succ...

Painful Urination Incontinence Of Urine
_Involuntary Urination._ Where the discharge of urine produces smarting and burning of the urethra, _Cantharis_ is the remedy. Wher...

_Aconite_ and _Bell._ are two important remedies in this affection. If given low, and applied directly along the course of the affecte...

This disease depends upon derangement of the liver. The skin and whites of the eyes become yellow; the patient grows weak, loses his a...

I shall say but little about this very common and very obstinate affection. Everybody has a "cure for itch" yet nobody cures it short ...

Scald Head
of children, where there is a discharge of yellow and watery pus from the sores, and the eruption extends to the ears or face, like th...

This affection, though it somewhat resembles a common boil, and is by some writers considered only such, in an overgrown state, is, n...

Felon - Whitlow
For this disease, in the early stage, when the sensation is that of sharp, sticking pain, feeling as though a brier or thistle was in ...

Suppression Of The Menses Amenorrhoea
For sudden suppression from taking cold, as by wetting the feet, there being headache, more or less fever, the pulse frequent and va...

Dysmenorrhoea - Painful Menstruation
For this disorder, I know of no one remedy so valuable as the _Caulophyllin_, but _Pulsatilla_ in many cases is efficacious, and as t...

Menorrhagia - Profuse Menses - Flowing
For this affection, _Ipecac_ and _Hamamelis_ are the specifics. They should be taken alternately, at intervals of from half an hour to...

Nursing Sore Mouth
Sore mouth of nursing women, as the name of the disease indicates, is peculiar to women who are suckling children. It is an inflammati...

Mammary Abscess
(_Ague in the breast--Inflamed breast_.) This is a disease peculiar to nursing women. The first symptom is a slight pain or sorenes...

Sore Nipples
This affection of nursing women frequently comes on before the birth of the child, but generally does not make its appearance until af...

Leucorrhoea And Prolapsus Uteri - Whites Female Weakness
The disease depends in all cases upon _inflammation_ of the uterus, or vagina, or both. The inflammation may be simply in the neck ...

Morning Sickness Of Pregnant Females
The most efficient and certain remedy for this symptom is _Macrotin_. It should be taken at the first attenuation, a dose before risin...

Local Applications
That medicines act locally, that is, manifest their symptoms by peculiar derangement or disturbance of some particular part of the sys...

Is applicable to inflamed eyes, in the early stage, where the disease is in the conjunctiva, (that portion which lines the lids and co...

has great power as a local remedy in _Erysipelas_, to be applied with water in proportion of ten drops of the _tr._ to a gill of warm ...

is applied to wounds, _incised_ and _lacerated_, promoting healing by the first intention. It is a valuable application for wounds in ...

is valuable as a _palliative_ upon cancerous tumors. As a _curative remedy_ it is useful in chronic ophthalmia, especially the purulen...

is a specific when locally used for _Sycosis_, also for fungoid cancerous tumors. I have cured well-marked cases of _Fungus Haematodes...

Cornus Sericea
will often cure malignant ulcers both of the breast and uterus, used as a wash. ...

acts favorably on cancers, and is a specific when applied to the surface of _carbuncle_. ...

acts very beneficially when applied to the surface where there is high fever, with nausea and vomiting. Half an ounce of _tr._ Ipecac ...

Rhus Tox
applied, with water at the strength of thirty drops of the _tr._ to a gill, to parts affected with _Rheumatism_, acts very beneficiall...

Hepar Sulphur
is a specific for _Itch and Scald Head,_ applied in form of a wash with twenty to thirty drops of _tr. Hepar Sul._ to a gill of water....

Cuprum Aceticum
(_Acetate of Copper Verdigris_) applied to _Cancerous_ ulcers of the face, _Lupus_ or _Noli-me-tangere_, in the early stage, will in m...

Acetic Acid
is a most efficient remedy applied to old irritable _varicose ulcers_ on the limbs of females who have suffered from _Phlegmasia Dolen...

To Prevent Scarlet Fever
Give Belladonna at the 3d attenuation, three to six pellets, according to the age of the child, every morning, during the prevalence o...

To Prevent Yellow Fever
Take _Aconite_, _Belladonna_ and _Macrotin_, 1st in rotation one dose a day. If there is any headache, or pains occur in other parts o...

To Prevent Bilious Fever Or Ague
Take _Podophyllin_, _Baptisia_ and _Gelseminum_ 1st in rotation, one dose at night, and if symptoms of fever, as headache and loss of ...

To Prevent Typhoid Fever
When exposed, as in nursing the sick, take _Baptisia_ 2d, and _Macrotin_ 2d, a dose three times a day. ...

To Prevent Small-pox
Use _Macrotin_ 1st night and morning, and if nursing or exposed frequently, use it every four hours. ...

To Prevent Cholera
_Camphor_ (_pellets medicated_ with the pure tincture) _Veratrum_ 3d, and _Arsenicum_ 3d, should be taken in rotation--a dose morning,...

To Prevent Diarrhoea
Where it is prevailing as an _epidemic_, _Ipecac_ at night, and _Veratrum_ in the morning will often _suffice_. For _teething children...

To Prevent Dysentery
In hot weather when bilious diseases prevail, use _Mercurius_ 3d, _Podophyllin_ 2d, and _Leptandrin_ 1st in rotation, giving one dose ...

To Prevent Itch
A dose of _Sulphur_, or rubbing a little flour of sulphur on the hands, will generally suffice. ...

To Prevent Colds
Keep the _arms_, _hands_ and _chest_ well clothed and warm. _Affecting_ the _head_ as _catarrh_, or the pelvic regions keep the _feet...

Preparation Of Medicine
As it often becomes necessary for the practitioner to make more or less of his own dilutions and attenuations, some brief instructions...

Scarlet-fever Or Scarlatina
is an eruptive fever, produced by a peculiar contagious poison, and distinguished by extreme heat, a rapid pulse, a severe affection o...

Division Of The Process Of The Disease Into Periods
Its course is commonly divided into four distinct periods, viz.: the period of incubation, the period of eruption, the period of effl...

Period Of Incubation Or Hatching
The time which passes between the reception of the contagious poison into the system and the appearance of the rash, is called the per...

Period Of Eruption Or Appearing Of The Rash
Commonly, on the second day, towards evening, sometimes on the third, and only in very bad cases later, the rash begins to make its a...

Period Of Efflorescence Or Standing Out Of The Rash
During the first day or two of the period of efflorescence, which lasts three or four days, the above symptoms usually continue to inc...

Period Of Desquamation Or Peeling-off
About the sixth or seventh day, the epidermis, or cuticle of the skin begins to peal off, commencing in those places which first becam...

The Period Of Convalescence
under the usual drug-treatment, is, however, usually protracted to twice or thrice the duration of the disease, the patient being comp...

Varieties Of Forms Of Scarlatina
The above is the description of scarlet-fever, as it most frequently occurs. But far from taking always that regular course, the const...

Scarlatina Simplex Or Simple Scarlet-fever
In the _mildest form_ of the disease, called _scarlatina simplex_, or _simple scarlet-fever_, there is no inflammation of the throat, ...

Scarlatina Anginosa Or Sore-throat Scarlet-fever
Wherever the _throat_ is affected, which is almost always the case, the disease is called _scarlatina anginosa_, or _sore-throat scarl...

Mild Reaction Erethic
If the poison is not virulent, and the body of the patient in a favorable condition, the _reaction_ is _mild_, and the poison is elim...

Violent Reaction Sthenic
If both, the contagious poison and the organism, are very strong, a _violent reaction_ will take place, and the safety of the patient ...

Torpid Reaction Asthenic
The more violent the contagious poison, and the weaker the organic power, the less decidedly and the less successfully will the organi...

Scarlatina Miliaris
Sometimes the red patches of the rash are covered with small vesicles of the size of mustard-seed, which either dry up or discharge a ...

Scarlatina Sine Exanthemate
There are also mild cases of scarlet-fever, when little or no rash appears, and the throat is very little affected. These are the resu...

The Malignant Forms Of Scarlet-fever
are caused by the character of the epidemy, but, perhaps, more frequently by the weak and sickly constitution of the patient and the ...

Sudden Invasion Of The Nervous Centres
Of the different forms of scarlatina maligna the most dangerous is the sudden invasion of the nervous system, particularly the _brain_...

Affection Of The Brain
When the _brain_ is affected, the patient suddenly complains of violent headache, vomits repeatedly, loses his eye-sight, has furious ...

Affection Of The Cerebellum And Spine
In affections of the _cerebellum_ and _spinal marrow_, the patient complains of violent pain in the back of the head and neck, in the ...

Putrid Symptoms
Next to those most dangerous forms--most dangerous, because the organic power (the _vis medicatrix naturae_), from which the restorati...

Condition Of The Throat And Other Internal Organs
The condition of the _throat_ requires the most constant attention. From a highly inflamed state, it often passes into a foul and slou...

Other Bad Symptoms
These symptoms may present themselves with the rash standing out; but most frequently they occur when there is little or no eruption, ...

Destruction Of The Organ Of Hearing
When the glands pass into a sloughing state, the parts connected with them are frequently damaged. Thus the ulceration of the parotid ...

Other Sequels Dropsy &c
Beside the ulceration of glands and deafness, some of the sequels of scarlatina are white swelling of one or more of the joints, usual...

The Contagion Of Scarlatina Very Active
The _contagion_ of scarlatina is very active, and adheres for a long time to the sick-room, bedding, clothes and furniture. The best m...

After what has been said about the symptoms of scarlatina, it cannot be difficult to distinguish it from similar eruptive diseases. Ho...

Diagnosis From Measles
In scarlatina the heat is much greater, and the pulse is much quicker than in measles.--In scarlatina the throat is inflamed, usually ...

The Prognosis
under a well conducted course of hydriatic treatment is, in general, favorable. Much depends, however, on the season of the year (in d...

Favorable Symptoms
are the following: Absence of internal inflammation; a bright florid rash; a regular, steady appearance, standing out, and disappearan...

Unfavorable Symptoms
are: A fetid breath, with ulceration and sloughing of the throat and glands; a smarting and weakening diarrhoea; involuntary evacuatio...

The Expletive Method Blood-letting
has been advocated by some of the best authorities, and there cannot be a doubt but that it must have rendered good service in cases o...

The Anti-gastric Method
consisting in the free use of emetics or purgatives, has been recommended by some eminent practitioners. Withering, Tissot, Kennedy a...

The Ammonium Carbonicum
recommended by Peart, has been considered by many as a specific capable of neutralizing the scarlatinous poison, whilst others have us...

Chloride Of Lime
About the same opinion may be given on _Chloride of Lime_. As a gargle, and taken internally, the aqua-chlorina has done good service ...

Acetic Acid
Brown recommends diluted _Acetic Acid_ as a specific against all forms of scarlatina. Experience, however, has not supported his conf...

Mineral Acids Muriatic Acid Prescriptions
have also been used with good effect in some epidemics. _Muriatic acid_ I have frequently used myself for inflammation of the throat, ...

Frictions With Lard
were used already by Caelius Aurelianus, and recently re-introduced into practice, by Drs. Daene and Schneemann, in Germany, and by Dr...

The remedy which has attracted and still attracts in a very high degree the attention of physicians and parents, is _Belladonna_. This...

There Is Neither A Specific Nor A Prophylactic To Be Relied On
All these different methods and remedies, and many others, have been and are still used with more or less effect. But where there are ...

Water-treatment As Used By Currie Reuss Hesse Schoenlein &c
Beside the above modes of treatment _cold_ and _tepid Water_ has been extensively used and recommended by reliable authorities. Currie...

Priessnitz's Method The Wet-sheet-pack
a remedy which, alone, is worth the whole antiphlogistic, diaphoretic, and, indeed, the whole curative apparatus of the profession, in...

Technicalities Of The Pack And Bath
Let me give you its technicalities, and the rationale of its action: A linen sheet, (linen is a better conductor than cotton,) large...

Action Of The Pack And Bath Rationale
The action of the wet-sheet pack is thus easily accounted for: According to a well-known physical law, any cold body, whether dead o...

What Effect Could Be Expected From A Warm Wet-sheet?
The first impression of the wet-sheet is, as I stated before, a _disagreeable_ one. If it were _agreeable_--as a warm sheet, for inst...

No Cutting Short Of The Process Of Scarlatina The Morbid Poison Must Be Drawn To The Skin As Soon As Possible
Scarlet-fever is a disease, which cannot be cut short. Any attempt to stop the process of incubation, after the contagion has once bee...

Necessity Of Ventilation Means Of Heating The Sick-room Relative Merits Of Open Fires Stoves And Furnaces
Next to its intrinsic value, our method gives the patient the great advantage of enjoying _pure fresh air_, either in or out of bed, a...

Temperature Of The Sick-room
The _temperature of the sick-room_ should not be much above 65 deg. Fahrenheit; in no case should it rise above 70, whilst I do not se...

As the patient should have a constant supply of pure air for his lungs, so he should also have _plenty of pure cold water_ for his sto...

I have little to say with regard to _diet_, at least to physicians. During great heat and high fever, the patient should eat little or...

Treatment Of Scarlatina Simplex Or Simple Scarlet-fever
_Scarlatina simplex_, or _simple scarlet-fever_ (9), without inflammation of the throat, is generally so mild in its course, that it ...

Treatment Of Scarlatina Anginosa Or Sore-throat Scarlet-fever
In _scarlatina anginosa_, or _sore-throat scarlet-fever_, which is the most common form of the disease (1-7) we have to discriminate, ...

Treatment Of The Mild Or Erethic Form Of Scarlatina Anginosa
The _mild_ or _erethic form_ of scarlatina anginosa requires about the same treatment as scarlatina simplex. I would, however, for the...

The Throat Should Be Covered With A Wet Compress I E A Piece Of
linen four to eightfold, according to its original thickness, dipped in cold water (60 deg.-50 deg.), well wrung out and changed as ofte...

Towards The End Of The Period Of Efflorescence When The Rash
declines, fades, disappears, and the skin begins to peal off, an ablution in the morning of cool water, with which some vinegar _may_ be...

Treatment Of The Violent Or Sthenic Form Of Scarlatina Anginosa
The _violent_, or _sthenic form_ of scarlatina anginosa becomes dangerous only through the excess of reaction, when the heat is extrem...

Temperature Of The Water Double Sheet Changing Sheet
The water for the wet-sheet pack, in this violent form, ought to be cold; in summer it should be iced down to 46-48 deg. Fahr. The she...

Length Of Pack Perspiration
To make quite sure of the reaction, the single sheet may be tried first, except in exceedingly violent cases, and the double sheet may...

Before Perspiration Comes On There Is A Little More Excitement For
a few minutes (41), which must not induce the friends of the patient to take him out of the pack; only when it continues to increase, in...

Length Of Bath
Although the temperature, in sthenic cases, should be a little lower than in erethic cases, it is not advisable to use the water very ...

After the bath, the patient is rubbed dry, and either taken to his bed, or, if he feels well enough, dressed and induced to walk about...

The Wet Compress
In bed, a wet compress is put on the throat, and another on the stomach, which, beside the direct influence it has on that organ, acts...

Highly Inflamed Throat Croup
If the _throat_ is in a highly inflamed condition, repeated packing is the surest means of allaying the inflammation and preventing _c...

Necessity Of Allaying The Heat
The packs and baths should be continued, even when the patient cannot be prevailed upon to stay long enough in the packs to perspire. ...

The Half-bath The Sitz- Or Hip-bath
Should the half-bath or shallow-bath (which are technical terms for the bath described above), not be sufficient to relieve the head, ...

The Sitz-bath May Be Taken In A Small Wash-tub If There Is No
proper sitz-bath-tub at hand. It should be large enough to allow the water to come up to the navel of the patient, and to permit rubbing...

In Excessive Heat And Continuous Delirium A Half-bath May Be Given
also, every time the packing sheet is changed. The rule is that _we_ ought not to yield, but the _symptoms must_; and they will, if the ...

Action Of The Sitz-bath Explained
The _sitz-bath_ acts in a direct manner upon the abdominal organs and the spine, and through the latter on the brain. Indirectly, it h...

Relaxation Of Treatment Towards The End Of The Third Period Continuation Of Packs During And After Desquamation
When the patient is through the first part of the period of efflorescence the symptoms decrease, and he will be easier. Under the tre...

During And After Desquamation The Treatment Should Be Continued As
indicated in milder cases, except the throat continue troublesome, when more packs should be used. If the throat is well, the patient ma...

3 Treatment Of Torpid Forms Of Scarlatina Difference In The
TREATMENT POINTED OUT. When the _reaction_ is _torpid_, the pulse small, weak, quick, the skin dry, the rash slow to appear, and when...

Length Of Pack
Usually it is time for the patient to come out from his pack, when the pulse becomes fuller and stronger, the face begins to flush and...

Cold Affusions And Rubbing
After the pack, the patient is placed in an empty bathing or wash-tub, and cold water (of 65 deg.-60 deg. Fahr., only with very young ...

Ice-water And Snow-bath In Malignant Cases
If no rash appear during the first pack, which will scarcely fail, the proceeding should be repeated, and the patient stay longer in t...

Wine And Water If No Reaction Can Be Obtained
Should the patient remain cold in his pack for longer than an hour,--a case, which will seldom occur,--a little wine and water may be ...

Ablutions And Rubbing With Iced Water Or Snow
In a few very obstinate cases, when no rash would appear after two or three long packs, I have succeeded by washing the patient with i...

Wet Compress
The wet compress on the throat in torpid cases should not be changed often, but left till it becomes almost dry. Should the feet of th...

Ventilation All-important
If the circulation of air is necessary in any other form of scarlet-fever, it is all-important in torpid reaction, especially when it...

Continuation Of Packs Convalescence
Whether the eruption appear or not, the packs should be continued during the whole course of the disorder, and as long as the throat c...

Mineral Acids In Case Of Severe Sore-throat
In case the throat be very troublesome, there cannot be any objection to using the mineral acid, as I have indicated above (35), excep...

Putrid Symptoms Gargle Solution Of Chloride Of Soda Drink: Chlorate Of Potass Liquor Calcii-chloridi
Should _putrid symptoms_ make their appearance (21), I would strongly advise the acid in full and repeated doses, as well as the frequ...

Treatment Of Affections Of The Nervous Centres
In affections of the nervous centres, the _brain_, the _cerebellum_, and the _spine_ (see 17-19), the danger which threatens the patie...

Sitz-bath Anchor Of Safety
If there be much delirium, the sitz-bath may be required longer, and the pack shorter, as indicated above (81). In all such cases the ...

During an epidemic of scarlatina in 1836 two of my children were attacked by the disease, a boy of about eight, and another of five y...

Impossibility Of Answering For The Issue Of Every Typhoid Case
Although a _typhoid character_ of scarlatina will rarely set in, when the patient has been subject to the packs from the beginning of ...

1 Is Water Applicable In All Typhoid Cases?
The question has been raised, whether in typhoid cases, and in cases of torpid reaction in general, water is at all applicable? I can ...

Rules For The Application Of Water In Typhoid Cases
As a general rule, in typhoid cases, bathing should form one of the principal features of the treatment; i. e. the patient should have...

I shall give a couple of illustrations: In the winter of 1845-46, during an epidemic, which ravaged the city of Dresden and the nei...

Treatment Of Other Eruptive Fevers
The treatment as prescribed for scarlatina in this pamphlet, is applicable also for other eruptive fevers, such as small-pox, variolo...

_Small-pox_, by far the most dangerous of them, has found a barrier in its destructive progress in Dr. Jenner's discovery. Vaccination...

Varioloids And Chicken-pocks
_Varioloids_ and _Chicken-pocks_, are treated in the same manner, but require less treatment. If well attended to, neither _small-pox_...

_Measles_, which may be easily distinguished from scarlatina, by the symptoms I have given under 29, are to be treated like the mildes...

Urticaria Zoster Rubeola
_Urticaria_, _Zoster_ and _Rubeola_, are treated in the same manner as measles: the main feature, however, is the pack. ...

_Erysipelas_ being commonly the reflexion of an internal disease with a peculiar tendency towards the skin, should not be treated loca...

_Erythema_ may be considered an exceedingly mild form of erysipelas, and yields to gentle treatment, as it is given in measles. ...

Additional Rules For The Treatment Of Eruptive Diseases
In all these eruptive diseases, especially small-pox, all I have said, in speaking of scarlatina, about ventilation, air, diet, &c., o...

The Temperature Of The Room However Should Be A Few Degrees
higher than in scarlatina, as none of these other eruptive diseases shows the same degree of fever and heat. This is particularly advisa...

Conclusive Remarks Obstacles
Before concluding my article, I shall attempt to remove a few objections and obstacles, which are usually raised against the practice ...

Want Of Water
One of the obstacles is the _want of a sufficient quantity of water_ in some houses, and the difficulty of procuring it. This obsta...

Dripping Sheet Substitute For The Half-bath
To apply the _dripping sheet_, a tin bathing hat or a large wash-tub is placed near the patient's bed, and a pail of water on the brim...

Rubbing Sheet Substitute For The Half-bath
It cannot be difficult to procure a wash-tub. Should you be so situated, however, as not to be able to procure even this, you will be ...

Where There Is A Will There Is A Way!
I have been frequently compelled to resort to these milder applications, when there were no bathing utensils in families or boarding-h...

Prejudice Of Physicians Against The Water-cure
The greatest, and the most serious, difficulty lies in the prejudice of physicians against the Water-Cure. This prejudice, although in...

_This is preaching rebellion!_ I know it is, and it is with great reluctance that I preach it, as I am by no means in favor of taki...

In 1845-46 there was an epidemic in Dresden, a city of 100,000 inhabitants, where I then resided. Its ravages in the city and the den...

More Facts!
I have been treating several hundred cases of eruptive fevers during twenty-one years, and except the one mentioned above (111.) never...

Conclusion: Help Yourselves If Your Physicians Will Not Help You!
And I am none of your water-enthusiasts, who pretend to cure everything and any thing with water. My confidence in the hydriatic treat...

Medicine Terms

Acetanilide (also Acetanilid)
White crystalline compound, C6H5NH(COCH3), formerly used to relieve pain and reduce fever. It has been replaced because of toxicity....

Various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowe...

Actinomycosis (lumpy Jaw)
Inflammatory disease of cattle, hogs, and sometimes humans, caused by actinomyces; causes lumpy tumors of the mouth, neck, chest, an...

Addison's Disease
Caused by partial or total failure of adrenocortical function; characterized by a bronze-like skin color and mucous membranes, anemi...

Ad Libitum
At the discretion of the performer. Giving license to alter or omit a part. ...

Pouring on of liquid, as in baptism. ague Alternating periods of chills, fever, and sweating. Used in reference to the fevers ...

Aletris Farinosa (colicroot, Star Grass, Blackroot,

Blazing Star, And Unicorn Root )
Bitter American herb of the Bloodwort family, with small yellow or white flowers in a long spike (Aletris farinosa and A. aurea). ...

European perennial herb (Alkanna tinctoria) having cymes of blue flowers and red roots. The red dye extracted from the root. Plants ...

Acrid poisonous compound containing two lactone groups; obtained from plants of the genus Anemone and genus Ranunculus, containing t...

Aneurysm (aneurism)
Localized, blood-filled dilatation of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall. ...

Strong criticism. Critical or censorious remark: anise Aromatic Mediterranean herb (Pimpinella anisum) in the parsley family, ...

Relieves pain. ...

Antipyrine (antipyrin, Phenazone)
Analgesic and antipyretic (reduces fever) C11H12N2O formerly used, but now largely replaced by less toxic drugs such as aspirin. ...

Cavity or chamber, especially in a bone. Sinus in the bones of the upper jaw, opening into the nasal cavity. ...

Poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, C17H17NO2, derived from morphine and used to induce vomiting. ...

Perennial herbs of the genus Arnica. Tincture of the dried flower heads of the European species A. montana, applied externally to re...

Relating to joints: the articular surfaces of bones. ...

Asafetida (asafoetida)
Fetid (offensive odor) gum resin of Asian plants of the genus Ferula (especially F. assafoetida, F. foetida, or F. narthex). It has ...

Absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage such as the anus, intestine, or external ear canal. Degeneration and ...

Poisonous, bitter, crystalline alkaloid, C17H23NO3, obtained from belladonna and related plants. Used to dilate the pupils of the ey...

Large pan of hot water in which smaller pans may be placed to cook food slowly or to keep food warm. ...

Shrubs of the genus Berberis having small yellow flowers, and red, orange, or blackish berries. ...

A barium compounds, such as barium sulfate. baste Sew loosely with large running stitches to hold together temporarily. ...

Fine, plain-woven fabric made from various fibers and used especially for clothing. ...

Ornament or dress in a showy or gaudy manner. ...

Belladonna (deadly Nightshade)
Poisonous Eurasian perennial herb (Atropa belladonna) with solitary, nodding, purplish-brown, bell-shaped flowers and glossy black b...

Benne (sesame)
Tropical Asian plant (Sesamum indicum) bearing small flat seeds used as food and as a source of oil. ...

Balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Styrax and used in perfumery and medicine. Also called benjam...

Bitter-tasting yellow alkaloid, C20H19NO5, from several plants such as goldenseal. Used medically as an antipyretic and antibacteria...

Small tree (Citrus aurantium subsp. bergamia) grown in southern Italy for its sour citrus fruits. The rinds yield an aromatic oil (b...

Deficiency of thiamine, endemic in eastern and southern Asia and characterized by neurological symptoms, cardiovascular abnormalitie...

Ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane...

Collection of trinkets or jewelry; decorations. ...

Relating to bile. Excess secretion of bile. Gastric distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gallbladder. Resembling bile, espe...

Eurasian perennial herb (Polygonum bistorta) with cylindrical spikes of pink flowers and a rhizome used as an astringent in folk med...

Blue Flag
Several irises with blue or blue-violet flowers, especially Iris versicolor of eastern North America. ...

Blue Stone (blue Vitriol, Blue Copperas, Chalcanthite)
Hydrated blue crystalline form of copper sulfate. ...

Machine-woven net fabric with hexagonal meshes. boil Painful, circumscribed pus-filled inflammation of the skin and subcutaneo...

Long narrow pillow or cushion. ...

Fine twilled fabric of silk and worsted or cotton, often dyed black for mourning clothes. ...

Boracic Acid (boric Acid)
Water-soluble white or colorless crystalline compound, H3BO3, used as an antiseptic and preservative. ...

Flower or small bunch of flowers worn in a buttonhole. ...

Small genus of perennial old world tendril-bearing vines (family Cucurbitaceae) having large leaves, small flowers, and red or black...

Bubo (buboes)
An inflamed, tender swelling of a lymph node, especially in the area of the armpit or groin, that is characteristic of bubonic plagu...

Bubonic Plague (black Death)
Contagious, often fatal epidemic disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia (syn. Pasteurella) pestis, transmitted from person to pers...

Weedy, chiefly biennial plants of the genus Arctium. ...

Weight loss, wasting of muscle, loss of appetite, and general debility during a chronic disease. ...

Cajeput (paperbark)
Australian and southeast Asian tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia, M. leucadendron) of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae); yields a pungent ...

White or colorless mineral, essentially Zn4Si2O7(OH)2.H2O (hemimorphite). Pink, odorless, tasteless powder of zinc oxide with a ...

Composed of calcium carbonate, calcium, or limestone; chalky. cale Variety of cabbage in which the leaves do not form a head, bei...

Colorless, white or brown tasteless compound, Hg2Cl2, used as a purgative and insecticide. Mercurous chloride. ...

Finely woven white linen or cotton fabric. ...

Cantharis (pl Cantharides) (also Called Spanish Fly)
Brilliant green blister beetle (Lytta vesicatoria or Cantharis vesicatoria) of central and southern Europe. Toxic preparation of the...

Topical American pepper plants, genus Capsicum, especially C. annuum and C. frutescens. ...

Capsid (mirid Bug, Mirid)
Variety of leaf bug. ...

Carbolic Acid (phenol)
Caustic, poisonous, white crystalline compound, C6H5OH, derived from benzene and used in resins, plastics, and pharmaceuticals and i...

A painful localized bacterial infection of the skin that usually has several openings discharging pus. ...

Rhizomatous (horizontal, usually underground stem) Indian herb (Elettaria cardamomum) having capsular fruits with aromatic seeds use...

Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. ...

Cascara (see Rhamnus Purshiana)
A buckthorn native to northwest North America; the bark yields cascara sagrada. ...

Tropical or subtropical trees, shrubs, or herbs of the genus Cassia in the pea family, having yellow flowers, and long, flat or cyli...

Castile Soap
Fine, hard, white, odorless soap made of olive oil and sodium hydroxide. ...

Castor Oil
Colorless or pale yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of the castor-oil plant, used as a laxative and skin softener. ...

Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially in the nose and throat. ...

Catechu (cutch, Acacia Catechu, Betel Palm)
Spiny Asian tree with yellow flowers, and dark heartwood. A raw material obtained from the heartwood of this plant, used in the prep...

Near the tail or hind parts; posterior. Similar to a tail in form or function. ...

Caustic Potash (potassium Hydroxide)
Caustic white solid, KOH, used as a bleach and in the manufacture of soaps, dyes, alkaline batteries. ...

Hard, unctuous, fat or wax-based solid, sometimes medicated, formerly applied to the skin directly or on dressings. ...

Fine lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp. ...

Space around the altar of a church for the clergy and sometimes the choir, often enclosed by a lattice or railing. chary Cauti...

Herbs of the poppy family (Papaveraceae) with brittle stems, yellowish acrid juice, pinnately divided leaves, and small yellow flowe...

Breed of sheep with short thick wool, originally raised in the Cheviot Hills. Fabric of coarse twill weave, used for suits and overc...

Chicken Pox
Caused by the varicella-zoster virus; indicated by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise. Also called varicella. ...

Inflammation and itchy irritation of the hands, feet, or ears, caused by moist cold. ...

Chloral Hydrate
Colorless crystalline compound, CCl3CH(OH)2, used as a sedative and hypnotic. ...

Iron-deficiency anemia, primarily of young women, indicated by greenish-yellow skin color. ...

Cholera Infantum
Acute non-contagious intestinal disturbance of infants formerly common in congested areas with high humidity and temperature. ...

Cholera Morbus
Acute gastroenteritis occurring in summer and autumn exhibiting severe cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. No longer in scientific use. ...

Nervous disorders marked by involuntary, jerky movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face. ...

Bitter, yellow substance in Goa powder (from the wood of a Brazilian tree Vataireopsis araroba), and yielding chrysophanic acid; for...

Cinchona (jesuit's Bark, Peruvian Bark)
Trees and shrubs of the genus Cinchona, native chiefly to the Andes and cultivated for bark that yields the medicinal alkaloids quin...

Hypothetical radical, (C6H5.C2H2)2C, of cinnamic compounds. Formerly, cinnamule. ...

The nature of clonus--contraction and relaxation of muscle. ...

Poisonous bean-shaped berry of a woody vine (Anamirta cocculus) of the East Indies that yields picrotoxin. ...

Red dye made of the dried and pulverized bodies of female cochineal insects. ...

Cook in water below the boiling point: coddle eggs. Treat indulgently; baby; pamper. ...

Codling (codlin)
Greenish elongated English apple used for cooking. Small unripe apple. ...

Cohosh (baneberry, Herb Christopher)
Plant of the genus Actaea having acrid poisonous berries; especially blue cohosh, black cohosh. ...

Various bulbous plants of the genus Colchicum, such as the autumn crocus. The dried ripe seeds or corms (short thick solid food-stor...

Highly flammable, colorless or yellowish syrupy solution of pyroxylin, ether, and alcohol, used as an adhesive to close small wounds...

Colocynth (bitter Apple)
Old World vine (Citrullus colocynthis) bearing yellowish, green-mottled fruits the size of small lemons. The pulp of the fruit is a ...

Colombo (calumba)
Root of an African plant (Jatrorrhiza palmata, family Menispermaceae) containing columbin; it is used as a tonic called calumba roo...

Colostrum (foremilk)
Thin yellowish fluid secreted by the mammary glands at birth, rich in antibodies and minerals. It precedes the production of true mi...

Coltsfoot (galax)
Eurasian herb (Tussilago farfara), naturalized in parts of North America with dandelion-like flower heads. Dried leaves or flower he...

Clear soup or bouillion boiled down so as to be very rich. ...

Unforeseen disruption of the normal course of things; inopportune occurrence. ...

Transparent, often yellowish, viscous oleoresin from South American trees of the genus Copaifera in the pea family, used in varnishe...

Copperas (ferrous Sulfate)
Greenish crystalline compound, FeSO4.7H2O, used as a pigment, fertilizer, and feed additive, in sewage and water treatment, and in t...

Corrosive Sublimate
Mercuric chloride. ...

Relating to or near a rib. ...

Constipated ...

Cranesbill (geranium, Storksbill)
Plants of the genus Geranium, with pink or purplish flowers. Various plants of the genus Pelargonium, native chiefly to southern Af...

Cream Of Tartar
Potassium bitartrate. White, acid, crystalline solid or powder, KHC4H4O6, used in baking powder, in the tinning of metals, and as a ...

Creasote (creosote)
Colorless to yellowish oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained by the destructive distillation of wood tar, especially...

Crepe De Chine
Silk crepe used for dresses and blouses. ...

Heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers. ...

Croton Oil
Brownish-yellow, foul-smelling oil from the seeds of a tropical Asian shrub or small tree (Croton tiglium); formerly used as a drast...

Culver's Root
Perennial herb (Veronicastrum virginicum) native to eastern North America; the root was formerly used as a cathartic and an emetic. ...

Therapeutic procedure, no longer in use; an evacuated glass cup is applied to the skin to draw blood to the surface. ...

Copper. ...

Flavored with sour orange peel. Popular island resort in the Netherlands Antilles. ...

Inflammation of the urinary bladder. ...

Rich patterned fabric of cotton, linen, silk, or wool. Fine, twilled table linen. ...

Deadly Night-shade (bittersweet, Bittersweet Nightshade, Climbing

Nightshade, Poisonous Nightshade, Woody Nightshade, Solanum Dulcamara)
Perennial Eurasian herb with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries; extensively grown in United States; roots and le...

Cut low at the neckline. Wearing a garment that is low-cut or strapless. ...

Class of women kept by wealthy lovers or protectors; prostitutes; group whose respectability is dubious or whose success is marginal...

Soothing, usually mucilaginous or oily substance, such as glycerin or lanolin, used to relieve pain of irritated mucous membranes. ...

Hereditary predisposition to disease, allergy, or other disorder. ...

Plant of the genus Digitalis, including foxgloves. Drug prepared from the seeds and dried leaves used as a cardiac stimulant. ...

Delay or postpone. ...

Make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert; embarrass; thwart the plans of; frustrate. ...

Dry Cupping
See cupping. ...

Painful menstruation. ...

Seeping of serous, purulent, or bloody fluid into a body cavity or tissue. The effused fluid. ...

Eiderdown (eider Down)
Down of the eider duck, used to stuff quilts and pillows. Quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck. ...

Pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity. ennui Listlessness, dissatisfaction, lack of interest; boredom: ...

Epsom Salts
Hydrated magnesium sulfate, MgSO4.7H2O, used as a cathartic and to reduce inflammation. ergot Fungus (Claviceps purpurea) infe...

Genus of composite herbs having flower heads resembling asters. Formerly used as a diuretic and as a hemostatic in uterine hemorrhag...

Acute skin disease caused by hemolytic streptococcus; marked by localized inflammation and fever. Also called Saint Anthony's fire. ...

Dry scab or slough formed on the skin caused by a burn or by the action of a corrosive or caustic substance. ...

A crystalline substance, C15H21NO2, used as a local anesthetic, substituting for cocaine, in veterinary medicine. ...

Eucalyptol (cineole)
Colorless oily liquid, C10H18O, from eucalyptus; used in pharmaceuticals, flavoring, and perfumery. ...

Trees of the genus Eucalyptus, native to Australia; they have aromatic leaves that yield an oil used medicinally. ...

Farcy (see Glanders)
Chronic form of glanders that affects the skin and superficial lymph vessels. ...

ferverish felon Painful purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail. Also called whitlow...

Salt of ferrocyanic acid; a ferrocyanide. ...

An abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or other disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to t...

Strip of decorative, gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain. ...

Sweet creamy sugar paste used in candies and icings. Candy containing this paste. ...

The soft membranous gaps between the incompletely formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant. Also called soft spot. ...

Colorless gaseous compound, HCHO, used to manufacture resins, fertilizers, dyes, and embalming fluids and in aqueous solution as a ...

Aqueous solution of formaldehyde that is 37 percent by weight. fossa A small depression, as in a bone. ...

Lightweight twill or plain-woven fabric of silk or silk and cotton, often having a small printed design. Necktie or scarf, made of t...

Fowler's Solution
Solution of arsenite of potassium in water; named for Fowler, an English physician who brought it into use. ...

Frock Coat
Man's dress coat or suit coat with knee-length skirts. ...

Fuller's Earth
Highly adsorbent (attaches to other substances without any chemical action) clay-like substance consisting of hydrated aluminum sili...

Fly Blister
Blister caused by the vesicating (blistering) body fluid of certain beetles. ...

Tapered at each end; spindle-shaped. ...

Durable, often striped cotton fabric used in making clothing. ...

Galax (beetleweed, Coltsfoot, Wandflower)
Stemless evergreen perennial plant (Galax urceolata) of the eastern US, with a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small whit...

Gallic Acid
Colorless crystalline compound, C7H6O5, derived from tannin used as a tanning agent, ink dye, in photography, and paper manufacturin...

Brownish or orange resin from trees of the genus Garcinia of south-central Asia and yielding a golden-yellow pigment. ...

Awkward or tactless act, manner, or expression. ...

Genus of climbing plants. The yellow (false) jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens) is a native of the Southern United States; the root is...

Plants of the genus Gentiana, having showy, variously colored flowers. The dried rhizome and roots of a yellow-flowered European gen...

Aromatic plants of the genus Teucrium, with purplish or reddish flowers. ...

Yarn-dyed cotton fabric woven in stripes, checks, plaids, or solid colors. glace Smooth, glazed or glossy surface, such as cer...

Slimy consistency, like egg white; cough producing glairy sputum. ...

Contagious, usually fatal disease of horses, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas mallei; causes swollen lymph nodes, nasal discharge...

Glaubers Salts
(Na2SO4.10H2O); colorless salt used as a cathartic. gleet Inflammation of the urethra caused by chronic gonorrhea with a discharg...

Dilute solution of nitroglycerin used as a neurotic. ...

Preparation made by mixing or dissolving a substance in glycerin. ...

Widely distributed perennial herbs of the family Leguminosae that include licorice. Dried root of a licorice of the genus Glycyrrhi...

Goiter (goitre)
Enlargement of the thyroid gland; often results from insufficient intake of iodine. ...

Golden Seal
See hydrastis. ...

Hulled, usually crushed grain, especially oats. ...

Closely woven silk or rayon fabric with narrow horizontal ribs. Ribbon made of this fabric. gruel Thin porridge (usually oatmea...

Guaiacum (guaiac )
Tree of the genus Guaiacum; a lignum vitae. Greenish-brown resin from this tree, used medicinally and in varnishes. ...

Concerning the sense of taste. ...

Blood in the urine. ...

Genus of shrubs or small trees (family Hamamelidaceae), including the witch hazels. Dried leaves of a witch hazel (Hamamelis virgini...

Antler of a hart, formerly used as a source of ammonia and in smelling salts. Ammonium carbonate. ...

Plants of the genus Helleborus, native to Eurasia, most of which are poisonous. Plants of the genus Veratrum, especially V. viride o...

Henbane (black Henbane, Insane Root)
Poisonous Eurasian plant (Hyoscyamus niger) having an unpleasant odor, sticky leaves, and funnel-shaped greenish-yellow flowers. It ...

Hepatica (liverleaf)
Woodland plants of the genus Hepatica, especially H. americana of eastern North America, having three-lobed leaves and white or lave...

Herpes Zoster
Varicella-zoster virus: A herpesvirus that causes chickenpox and shingles. Causes an acute viral infection--inflammation of the sen...

Honduras Bark
Dried bark of a tropical American tree (Picramnia antidesma) formerly used in the treatment of syphilis and skin diseases. ...

Hunyadi (hunyady )
Hungarian noble family, partly of Romanian origin. The first recorded member of the family was Serbe, who settled in Hunyad county i...

Genus of herbs (family Ranunculaceae) with palmately lobed leaves and small greenish flowers and including the goldenseal (H. canade...

Cathartics that aid in the removal of edematous fluids and promote the discharge of fluid from the bowels. ...

Hydrophobia (rabies)
Viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals. Transmitted by a rhabdovirus (genus Lyssavirus) in infected saliva of ...

Salt of hypophosphorous acid. ...

Hyoscine (scopolamine)
An alkaloid, C17H21NO4, from plants such as henbane; used as a mydriatic (dilatate the pupils) and sedative, and to treat nausea and...

Poisonous Eurasian herbs of the family Solanaceae that have simple leaves, irregular flowers, and include the henbane (H. niger). Dr...

Oily substance prepared by the dry distillation of a bituminous mineral containing fossil fishes. Used as a remedy for some skin dis...

Dried ripe seeds of the Saint-Ignatius's-bean used like nux vomica. ...

Contagious bacterial skin infection, usually of children, indicated by the eruption of superficial pustules with thick yellow crusts...

Cause inconvenience; disturb. ...

Undergo thickening or cause to thicken, as by boiling or evaporation; condense. ...

Relating to or near a rib. ...

Yellowish crystalline compound, CHI3, used as an antiseptic. ...

Tropical American shrub (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) that yields emetine. Medicinal preparation made from this shrub used to induce vomit...

Iris Florentina (florentine Iris, Orris, Iris Germanica

Florentina, Iris Florentina)
German iris having large white flowers and a fragrant rhizome. ...

Irish Moss (carrageen)
Edible North Atlantic seaweed (Chondrus crispus) that yields a mucilaginous substance used medicinally and in preparing jellies. ...

Inflammation of the iris of the eye. jalap Eastern Mexican vine (Ipomoea purga) with tuberous roots that are dried, powdered...

Given to joking; merry; humorous. ...

Asian tree (Mallotus philippinensis) that bears a hairy capsular fruit; vermifugal powder is obtained from the capsules of this tree...

Kumiss (koumiss)
Fermented milk of a mare or camel, used as a beverage in western and central Asia. ...

La Grippe
Influenza. ...

Sensation of cutting, piercing, or stabbing. lard White solid or semisolid rendered fat of a hog. ...

Tincture of opium, formerly used as a drug. ...

Leukemia (leucemia, Leukaemia, Leucaemia)
Disease in humans and other warm-blooded animals involving the blood-forming organs; causes an abnormal increase in the number of wh...

Lime (calcium Oxide)
White, caustic, lumpy powder, CaO, used as a refractory, as a flux, in manufacturing steel and paper, in glassmaking, in waste treat...

Coloring material from lichens that turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions. ...

Liveforever (orpine, Orpin, Livelong, Sedum Telephium)
Perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers. ...

See Herb Department, page 428. ...

Normal uterine discharge of blood, tissue, and mucus from the vagina after childbirth. lupus Systemic lupus erythematosus. Chr...

Minute yellowish-brown hairs in the strobili of the hop plant, formerly used in medicine as a sedative. ...

Plant of the genus Lycopodium, including club mosses. The yellowish powdery spores of certain club mosses, especially Lycopodium cla...

Cotton or silk cloth of fine texture, usually with a plaid, striped, or checked pattern. Large handkerchief of madras cloth. ...

Thin, stiff net woven in a hexagonal pattern, used in dressmaking. ...

Mandrake (may-apple)
Southern European plant (Mandragora officinarum) having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root. This plant was once believed to...

Heavy cotton fabric with a raised pattern of stripes or figures. ...

Body opening or passage, such as the opening of the ear or the urethra. ...

Unusually heavy or extended menstrual flow. ...

Solvent used to extract compounds from plant and animal tissues and preparing drugs. ...

Lightweight, soft, shiny silk cloth with a twilled or satin weave. ...

Poisonous Eurasian ornamental shrub (Daphne mezereum) with fragrant lilac-purple flowers and small scarlet fruit. The dried bark of ...

Appearance of millet seeds. Small skin lesions with the appearance of millet seeds. ...

Eurasian plants of the genus Verbascum, especially V. thapsus. Also called flannel leaf, velvet plant. ...

Chloride; compound of chlorine with another element or radical; especially, a salt or ester of hydrochloric acid called. myrrh ...

Methyl Salicylate
Liquid ester C8H8O3 obtained from the leaves of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) or the bark of a birch (Betula lenta); now made ...

Eurasian plants of the genus Leonurus, especially L. cardiaca, a weed having clusters of small purple or pink flowers. ...

Aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia, especially A. vulgaris, native to Eurasia; used as a condiment. ...

Mustard Plaster (sinapism)
Medicinal plaster made with a paste-like mixture of powdered black mustard, flour, and water, used as a counterirritant. ...

Various acute or chronic inflammations of the kidneys, such as Bright's disease. ...

Naphthalene (naphthaline, Tar Camphor)
White crystalline compound, C10H8, derived from coal tar or petroleum and used in manufacturing dyes, moth repellents, and explosive...

To convert a liquid to a fine spray; atomize. To treat with a medicated spray. ...

Soft lightweight muslin used for babies. ...

An essential oil made by distilling the flowers of the orange; it is used in perfume. ...

Nitre (niter, Saltpeter)
Potassium nitrate, KNO3, used in making gunpowder. ...

Nux Vomica
Tree (Strychnos nux-vomica) native to southeast Asia, having poisonous seeds that are the source of the medicinal alkaloids strychni...

Ocher (ochre)
Yellow, brown, or red mineral oxides of iron used as pigments. ...

Oil Of Vitriol
Sulfuric acid; highly corrosive, dense, oily liquid, H2SO4, colorless to dark brown depending on its purity and used to manufacture ...

Folds of the peritoneum (membrane lining the abdominal cavity) that connect the stomach with other abdominal organs. ...

Ophthalmia Neonatorum (infantile Purulent Conjunctivitis)
Various forms of conjunctivitis in newborns, usually contracted during birth from passage through the infected birth canal of the mo...

Inflammation of the testes, often the result of mumps or other infection, trauma, or metastasis. ...

Organdy (organdie)
Stiff transparent fabric of cotton or silk, used for trim, curtains, and light apparel. ...

Marjoram. Genus of mint-like plants (Origanum). The sweet marjoram (O. Majorana) is aromatic and fragrant, and used in cooking. The ...

Paste or gruel of bread crumbs, toast, or flour combined with milk, stock, or water; used for soups or thickening sauces. ...

Paralysis Agitans (parkinson's Disease, Shaking Palsy)
Progressive nervous disease causing destruction of brain cells that produce dopamine, muscular tremor, slowing of movement, partial ...

A camphorated tincture of opium, taken internally for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal pain ...

Paris Green
Poisonous emerald-green powder, C4H6As6Cu4O16, used as a pigment, insecticide, and wood preservative. ...

Pedicle (pedicel)
Small stalk or stalk-like structure, especially one supporting or connecting an organ or other body part. Slender foot-like part, as...

Pell Mell
Jumbled, confused manner; helter-skelter; frantic disorderly haste; headlong: ...

Several acute or chronic skin diseases characterized by groups of itching blisters. ...

Eurasian mint (Mentha pulegium) with small lilac-blue flowers that yield an aromatic oil. Aromatic plant (Hedeoma pulegioides) of ea...

Convert protein into a peptone (water-soluble protein derivative produced by partial hydrolysis of a protein by an acid or enzyme )....

Pernicious Anemia (addison's Anemia, Malignant Anemia)
Severe anemia in older adults, caused by failure absorb vitamin B12; causes abnormally large red blood cells, gastrointestinal distu...

Inflammation of the pharynx. ...

Phenacetine (phenacetin)
White, crystalline compound, C10H13O2N, used as an antipyretic. phlox North American plants of the genus Phlox, having opposite l...

Phytolacca Decandra (scoke, Poke, Pokeweed)
Tall coarse perennial American herb with small white flowers followed by blackish-red berries on long drooping racemes; young fleshy...

Picric Acid
Poisonous, yellow crystalline solid, C6H2(NO2)3OH, used in explosives, dyes, and antiseptics. ...

Piece De Resistance
Outstanding accomplishment. Principal dish of a meal. ...

Small tropical American shrubs (family Rutaceae) with small greenish flowers. ...

Pilocarpine Muriate
3-ethyl-4-[(3-methylimidazol-4-yl)methyl]oxolan-2-one hydrochloride C11H17ClN2O2 pique Vexation caused by a perceived slight o...

Paroxysmal pain and soreness of the muscles between the ribs. Epidemic disease caused by a coxsackievirus, causing pain in the lowe...

Bitter-tasting resin from the dried root of the may apple; used as a cathartic. ...

Pokeweed (pokeberry, Pokeroot)
Tall North American plant (Phytolacca americana) with small white flowers, blackish-red berries, and a poisonous root. ...

Prickly Ash
Deciduous or evergreen shrubs or trees of the genus Zanthoxylum. ...

Long, slender, flexible rod with a tuft or sponge at the end; used to remove objects from or apply medication to the larynx or esoph...

Proteid (obsolete Term)
Protein. ...

Proud Flesh
Swollen flesh that surrounds a healing wound, caused by excessive granulation (Small, fleshy, bead-like protuberances--new capillari...

Severe itching, often of undamaged skin. ...

Prunus Virginiana (chokecherry)
Astringent fruit of a species of wild cherry; the bush or tree which bears such fruit. ...

Abnormal mass of tissue on the conjunctiva of the inner corner of the eye that obstructs vision by covering the cornea. ...

Dried medicinal herb from a pasqueflower (especially Anemone pulsatilla) formerly used to treat amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. ...

Fine point of etiquette. Precise observance of formalities. ...

Hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes having the appearance of purplish spots or patches. ...

Septicemia (blood poisoning) caused by pyogenic (producing pus) microorganisms in the blood, often resulting in the formation of ...

Pyrogallic Acid
White, toxic crystalline phenol, C6H3(OH)3, used as a photographic developer and to treat certain skin diseases. ...

Tropical American shrub (Quassia amara) with bright scarlet flowers. A bitter substance from its wood is used in medicine and as an ...

Queen Of The Meadow (meadowsweet)
European herbaceous plant (Spiraea Ulmaria). North American shrubs (Spiraea alba or S. latifolia) having umbel-shaped clusters of wh...

Bitter, colorless, powder or crystalline alkaloid, C20H24N2O2-3H2O, derived from cinchona barks and used to treat malaria. ...

Western Asian shrub or tree (Cydonia oblonga) with white flowers and hard apple-like fruit. ...

Acute inflammation of the tonsils and surrounding tissue, often leading to an abscess. ...

see hydrophobia ...

Ranunculus Bulbosus
Perennial Old World buttercup with yellow flowers in late spring to early summer. ...

Red Precipitate
Mercuric oxide (HgO) a heavy red crystalline powder formed by heating mercuric nitrate, or by heating mercury in the air. ...

Ornamented with patterns in relief made by pressing or hammering on the reverse side; ...

Resorcinol (resorcin)
White crystalline compound, C6H4(OH)2, used to treat certain skin diseases and in dyes, resin adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. ...

Rhamnus Purshiana (cascara Buckthorn )
Buckthorn of the Pacific coast of the United States, which yields cascara sagrada. ...

Dried root of South American shrubs (Krameria lappacea or K. argentea) used as an astringent and in toothpaste and mouthwash. ...

Rheumatic Fever
Acute inflammatory disease occurring after an infection from group A streptococci, marked by fever and joint pain. Associated with ...

Painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues. Chronic auto-immune disease with inflammation of the joints and mar...

Rickets (rachitis)
Childhood disease caused by a lack of vitamin D or calcium and from insufficient exposure to sunlight, characterized by defective bo...

Rochelle Salts
Potassium sodium tartrate; colorless efflorescent crystalline compound, KNaC4H4O6.4H2O, used in making mirrors, in electronics, and ...

Rumex Crispus (chrysophanic Acid)
Yellow crystalline substance found in the root of yellow dock (Rumex crispus). rush Stiff marsh plants of the genus Juncus, ha...

ammonium chloride; white crystalline volatile salt NH4Cl, used in dry cells and as an expectorant called. ...

Sodium or potassium bicarbonate used as a leavening agent; baking soda. ...

Salt or ester of salicylic acid. ...

Salicylic Acid
White crystalline acid, C6H4(OH)(COOH), used to make aspirin and to treat skin conditions such as eczema. salol White crystall...

Saltpetre (potassium Nitrate, Saltpeter, Niter, Nitre)
(KNO3) used especially as a fertilizer, explosive and a diuretic. ...

Salt Rheum
Popular name in the United States, for skin eruptions, such as eczema. Eczema; inflammatory skin disease, indicated by redness and i...

Rhizome (horizontal, underground stem) and roots of the bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) used formerly as an expectorant and emet...

Persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous. senna Plants of the genus Cassia, having showy, nearly regular, usu...

Colorless crystalline compound, C15H18O3, wormwood, especially santonica; used to expel or destroy parasitic intestinal worms. ...

Tropical American plants, genus Smilax, with fragrant roots used as a flavoring. Dried roots of any of these plants. Sweet soft drin...

Scrofula (struma)
A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially of the neck. Common in children. Spread by unpasteurized milk from infe...

Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C (citrus fruit; oranges, limes,..); causes spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the ski...

A village in Bohemia (also Sedlitz). Seidlitz powders, effervescing salts, consisting of forty grains of sodium bicarbonate, two dr...

Dried root of seneca snakeroot containing an irritating saponin and was formerly used as an expectorant ...

Oxide containing three atoms of oxygen with two atoms (or radicals) of some other substance; thus, alumina, Al2O3 is a sesquioxide. ...

See mustard plaster. ...

Sitz Bath
Bathtub shaped like a chair, used to bathe only the hips and buttocks. ...

Slaked Lime
See lime sling Drink consisting of brandy, whiskey, or gin, sweetened and usually lemon-flavored. ...

Contagious febrile (feverish) disease characterized by skin eruption with pustules, sloughing, and scar formation. It is caused by a...

Smilax (catbrier, Greenbrier)
Slender vine (Asparagus asparagoides) with glossy foliage, greenish flowers, heart-shaped leaves, and bluish to black berries; popul...

Pertaining to Socotra, an island in the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of Africa. ...

Dark brown or blackish crust-like deposits on the lips, teeth, and gums of a person with dehydration resulting from a chronic debili...

White, waxy substance from the head of the sperm whale used for making candles, ointments, and cosmetics. ...

Spematorrhea (spermatorrhoea)
Involuntary discharge of semen without orgasm ...

Spigelia (pinkroot )
Genus of American herbs (family Loganiaceae) related to the nux vomica and used as anthelmintics (expel or destroy parasitic intesti...

Squill (sea Onion)
Bulbous Eurasian and African plants of the genus Scilla, having narrow leaves and bell-shaped blue, white, or pink flowers. The drie...

Woody climbing plants of the genus Stephanotis, especially S. floribunda of Madagascar, cultivated for its showy fragrant white flow...

Staphisagria (stavesacre)
Eurasian plant of the genus Delphinium (D. staphisagria). Ripe seeds of the stavesacre contain delphinine, are violently emetic and ...

Peculiar gait seen in neuritis of the peroneal nerve and in tabes dorsalis; high stepping to allow the drooping foot and toes to cle...

Harsh snoring or gasping sound. ...

Plant of the genus Stevia or Piqueria, having white or purplish flowers. ...

Small dagger with a slender, tapering blade. Small, sharp-pointed instrument used for making eyelet holes in needlework. ...

Genus of widely distributed herbs and shrubs (family Euphorbiaceae). The dried root of a plant of the genus Stillingia (S. sylvatica...

Relating to the stomach; gastric. Beneficial to digestion. An agent that strengthens the stomach. ...

Extremely poisonous white crystalline alkaloid, C21H22O2N2, derived from nux vomica and related plants, used to poison rodents and t...

St Vitus' Dance
See chorea ...

Stye (hordeolum)
Inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland at the margin of an eyelid. suety Consisting of, or resembling, suet (hard fatty tissues...

Sugar Of Lead
lead acetate, a poisonous white crystalline compound, Pb(C2H3O2)2.3H2O, used in hair dyes, waterproofing compounds, and varnishes. ...

Root of a plant of the genus Ferula (F. sumbul); formerly a tonic and antispasmodic. ...

Summer Complaint (summer Diarrhea)
Diarrhea of children that in hot weather; often caused by ingestion of food contaminated by microorganisms. ...

Produced by combining mercaptan and acetone; employed as a hypnotic. ...

Sulphuric Ether
Ethyl ether; formerly called Naphtha vitrioli (naphtha of vitriol). ...

Sumac (sumach)
Shrubs or small trees of the genus Rhus, having compound leaves, clusters of small greenish flowers, and usually red, hairy fruit. S...

Formation or discharge of pus. Also called pyesis, pyopoiesis, pyosis. ...

Located above the kidney; a suprarenal part, especially an adrenal gland. ...

Sweet William
Annual, biennial, or perennial herb (Dianthus barbatus), native to Eurasia, widely cultivated as an ornamental for its flat-topped d...

Adhesions between the iris and the lens or cornea caused by trauma or eye surgery or as a complication of glaucoma or cataracts; may...

Oil of turpentine. ...

Mediterranean tree (Pistacia terebinthus), a source of tanning material and turpentine. ...

Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes) that cause eruptions and itching. ...

Slave or serf, who is held in bondage. One intellectually or morally enslaved. ...

A contagious childhood disease caused by a fungus, Candida albicans. Causes small whitish eruptions on the mouth, throat, and tongu...

Thuja (arborvitae)
A North American or east Asian evergreen tree or shrub of the genus Thuja, having flattened branchlets with opposite, scale-like lea...

White, crystalline, aromatic compound, C10H14O, derived from thyme oil and other oils or made synthetically and used as an antisepti...

Tolu (balsam Of Tolu, Tolu Balsam)
Aromatic yellowish brown balsam from the tolu balsam tree used in cough syrups. ...

Tormentil (potentilla Erecta)
Plant of northern Europe found in clearings and meadows. The root has been used to stop bleeding, for food in times of need and to d...

Lacking the power of motion or feeling. ...

Thorny shrubs of the genus Astragalus, especially A. gummifer, of the Middle East, yielding a gum used in pharmacy, adhesives, and t...

Surgical instrument with circular edges, used to cut out disks of bone from the skull. ...

Trillium (birthroot, Wake-robin)
Plants of genus Trillium, of North America, the Himalaya Mountains, and eastern Asia, having a cluster of three leaves and a various...

Contains three ethyls. Similar to sulphonal, used as a hypnotic. ...

Shaped like a top. A small curved bone in the lateral wall of the nasal passage. tulle Fine, starched net of silk, rayon, or n...

Turmeric (tumeric)
East Indian perennial herb (Curcuma longa) of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) used as a coloring agent, a condiment, or a stimulan...

Typhus (prison Fever, Ship Fever, Typhus Fever)
Infectious diseases caused by rickettsia bacteria, especially those transmitted by fleas, lice, or mites. Symptoms are severe headac...

Loose, long overcoat made of rugged fabric. ...

Offense; resentment. Affording shade. Vague or indistinct indication; a hint. ...

Uva Ursi
Common bearberry; a procumbent (trailing along the ground but not rooting) evergreen shrub 10-30 cm high with red berries. ...

Valerianate (valerianic)
One of three metameric acids; the typical one (called also inactive valeric acid), C4H9CO2H, is from valerian root and other sources...

Resembling or functioning as a valve. Relating to a valve, especially of the heart. ...

Mild form of smallpox occurring in people previously vaccinated or who previously had the disease. ...

Vegetable Marrow
Squash plants with elongated fruit and smooth dark green skin and whitish flesh. ...

Poisonous alkaloid from the root hellebore (Veratrum) and from sabadilla seeds. Used externally to treat neuralgia and rheumatism. ...

Blue or green powder, basic cupric acetate used as a paint pigment and fungicide. A green patina of copper sulfate or copper chlorid...

Medicine that expels intestinal worms. ...

Vervain (verbena)
New World plants of the genus Verbena, especially those with showy spikes of variously colored flowers. ...

Vichy Water
Sparkling mineral water from springs at Vichy, France or water similar to it. ...

One that is face to face with or opposite to another. ...

Reduce the value; impair the quality; corrupt morally; debase; make ineffective; invalidate. voile Light, plain-weave, sheer f...

Waldorf Salad
Diced raw apples, celery, and walnuts mixed with mayonnaise. wen Harmless cyst, usually on the scalp or face, containing the fatt...

Two deciduous shrubs, Vaccinium myrtillus, of Eurasia, or V. corymbosum, of eastern North America, having edible blackish berries. ...

Being accustomed. ...

Plants of the genus Achillea, especially A. millefolium, native to Eurasia. Also called achillea, milfoil. ...

Yellow Fever (yellow Jack)
Infectious tropical disease caused by an arbovirus transmitted by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes, especially A. aegypti, and Haemago...

Yerba Reuma
A low California undershrub (Frankenia grandifolia). ...

Tropical Asiatic and Polynesian perennial plants: ginger. ...

Tuberculosis Of The Lungs
Irregular temperatures, respiration is more frequent than normal, pulse is rapid, cough, expectoration, night sweats, perhaps, and genera...

Spotted Fever
Marked loss of appetite, chill, projectile vomiting, severe headache, pain and stiffness of the back and neck. Later head is drawn back, ...

Scarlet Fever. (scarlatina)
Comes on suddenly with loss of appetite, headache, sick stomach, perhaps vomiting, high fever, sore throat, vomiting may persist. The ton...

Rheumatic Fever Or Inflammatory Rheumatism
A number of joints become involved. It spreads from one joint to another, very painful joints; profuse sweating. ...

The onset is sudden and ushered in by a chill, nausea and vomiting, headache, and severe pains in the back and legs, without grip symptom...

It begins with a chill, fever, pain in the lungs, expectoration with cough, and the material spit up may be mixed with blood (rusty sputa...

The onset may be sudden or gradual. Sudden with a chill, fever, a severe sharp pain, stitch in the side, made worse by respiration, cough...

Ophthalmia Neonatorum. (inflammation Of Eyes At Birth)
A severe conjunctivitis in the newly-born baby, swelling and redness usually of both eyes, occurring on the second or third day after bir...

Measles (german)
Chilliness, slight fever, pain in the back and legs, coryza. The eruption appears on the first or second day, on the face, then on the ch...

Comes on gradually. There is a feeling of tiredness and languor, headache followed shortly by sneezing, cold symptoms, running at the eyes...

The swelling is in front and below and behind the ear. Hard to eat and the swallowing of vinegar is almost impossible. ...

Malarial Fever
Chill, fever, and sweat, or one stage may be absent. There may be only a slight chilly feeling with fever almost all day and then remissi...

Lock-jaw (tetanus)
History of a wound. The muscles of the jaw may be stiff and set. When there are spasms the muscles remain stiff and hard for some time. ...

Gall Stones
Sudden agonizing pain in the right upper abdomen in the region of the liver, with vomiting, prostration, tenderness in that region. Pain ...

Pain is severe and worse at night, the iris looks cloudy, muddy, the pupil is small. There is congestion around the iris (ciliary congest...

Kidney Stones
Pain goes from the kidneys down through the ureter into the bladder and into the scrotum. There may be sand in the urine that makes it lo...

This is very common in children. It comes frequently as an extension through the eustachian canal of a cold. The ache is only an evidence...

The onset is sudden, high fever, and a local redness with a sharply defined margin between it and a healthy skin. It frequently appears u...

Dyspepsia, Acute. (acute Gastritis, Acute Indigestion)
Distress in the stomach, headache, thirst, nausea, vomiting, tongue heavily coated, foul breath, distaste for food, tender stomach. [3...

The onset may be marked by diarrhea, followed by a severe, cramp-like bowel pain, with frequent small stools containing blood and mucus a...

This disease begins gradually, as a rule, with chilly feelings, pain in the back and limbs, pulse is faster, with a general redness of th...

The onset is gradual, glucose (sugar) is persistently in the urine. Great quantity of urine passed; six to forty pints in twenty-four hou...

Chicken Pox
Slight fever, chilly feelings. In twenty-four hours the eruption appears upon the body, face and forehead often only a few separate red p...

Cancer Of The Stomach
There is anemia and a gradual loss of weight. A peculiar color of the skin (cachexia), irregular vomiting, some bleeding of "coffee-groun...

Child wakes up suddenly, perhaps at midnight, with a harsh barking cough, with difficulty of breathing, and it looks as if it could not ge...

Cholera Morbus
The onset is usually sudden with nausea, vomiting, and cramp-like bowel pains; vomits at first the stomach contents. Purging follows; vom...

Addison's Disease
Great weakness, stomach and bowel disorders, weak heart and dark coloring (pigmentation) of the skin. ...

Bright's Disease
Albumin and casts in the urine. The onset is usually gradual. There is paleness and puffiness of the eyelids, ankles or hands in the morn...

Loss of appetite. There may be nausea and vomiting; there is usually a sudden onset of pain, often sharp and severe in the whole or part ...

This disease is a diminution of the total quantity of the blood of its red cells, or red corpuscles or of their Haemoglobin, the coloring ...

Physician's Treatment For Night Sweats
l. Atropine in doses of 1-120 to 1-60 grain is good to stop the sweating. It must be used carefully, three doses in twenty-four hours are...

Broncho-pneumonia. (acute Inflammation Of The Smaller Tubes And Lungs)
Causes. Most common under two years and in old people. Taking cold, whooping cough and measles. Symptoms. A primary case begins sud...

1. Pneumonia, Herb Tea And Poultice For
"Congestion of the lungs. One ounce of each of the following, slippery elm bark, crushed thyme, coltsfoot flowers, hyssop or marshmallow....

Physicians' Treatment For Pneumonia
A doctor must be called. For high fever, one to one and a half drops of aconite, for adults every hour; for children, about one-twelfth t...

Acute Pleurisy (inflammation Of The Pleura)
The pleura covers the wall of the chest cavity and infolds or surrounds the lungs. Pleurisy means the inflammation of this pleura or cove...

Physicians' Treatment For Pleurisy
1. Home Remedy. The patient must go to bed and remain there. It is a good thing to get the patient in a sweat. For this purpose you can u...

Abscess Of The Lungs. Causes
Lobular pneumonia from abscesses in pyemia, from septic pleurisy, etc. Symptoms. Fever, pain, difficult breathing, cough, and expectora...

Physicians' Treatment Of Abscess Of The Lungs
Incision and drainage. You must depend entirely upon your physician. ...

A condition in which there is air or gas in tissues that normally have none, or an excess of air in tissues that normally contain a certa...

This is an exudation (liquid) in the pleural cavity. Causes. Comes from disease causing dropsy, kidney disease, lung trouble, pleurisy, e...

Night Sweats
These are common in "consumption" and constitute one of the most distressing features of the disease. They usually occur when the fever d...

Physicians' Treatment For Asthma
1. Inhale chloroform, or break a pearl of amyl nitrite in a handkerchief and inhale the fumes; or smoke saltpetre paper; or cigarettes co...

Bleeding From The Wind-pipe And Lungs. (haemoptysis)
This is a spitting of blood. It may come from the small bronchial tubes and less frequently from the blood vessels in the lung cavities o...

Physicians' Treatment For Bleeding Of The Wind-pipe And Lungs
In many cases the bleeding is slight and no more need be done than to keep the patient quiet and absolute rest. If the bleeding is free, ...

Physicians'treatment. For Coughs
1. Flaxseed (unground) 3 teaspoonfuls Extract of Licorice 30 grains Boiling water 10 ounces "Allow the mi...

Bronchial Asthma. (spasmodic Asthma.) Causes
It occurs in all ages, but usually begins in the young, particularly males. It often follows whooping-cough. It may come from diseases of...

Mothers' Remedies. 1. Asthma, Raspberry Tincture For Adults
"Take a half pound of honey, one cup water; let these boil, take off the scum; pour boiling hot upon one-half ounce lobelia herb and one-...

Causes. There are many causes; inflammation of the larynx, bronchial tubes, lungs, also stomach and liver; and a nervous cough is presen...

Mothers' Remedies. Dry Cough And Tickling
l. "Raspberry Tincture. Take one-half pound of honey, one cup water; let these boil; take off scum; pour boiling hot upon one-half ounce...

Chronic Bronchitis. Causes
People over middle age are more liable to it. It comes chiefly in winter, in changeable, cold and damp climates. It may follow repeated a...

Physicians' Treatment For Chronic Bronchitis. Preventive
Warm equable climate, such as southern California, Florida, or the south of France, especially in the colder months; warm clothing, avoid...

1. Physicians' Treatment For Bronchitis. Sweating Remedy For
Take a hot bath and then go to bed, and take hot drinks after. See that the bowels are open. Nourishment is especially important in infan...

Mothers' Remedies. Bronchitis, Camphor And Lard For
1. "Grease a cloth well with lard to which has been added some camphor gum, then sprinkle on some dry baking soda and lay it on the chest...

Cold In The Chest. (acute Bronchitis. Inflammation Of Bronchial Tubes)
This is an acute inflammation of the larger and medium sized bronchial tubes. Causes. Youth and old age are more predisposed to i...

Physicians' Treatment For Croup
Active. 1. Dr. Douglas says wring cloths out of cold water and apply very freely to the throat, and recommends the following syrup: Sy...

Physicians' Treatment Of Child Crowing. Preventive
The gums should be carefully examined and if they are swollen and hot they should be lanced. The bowels should be carefully regulated, an...

Croup, Spasmodic
This disease gives the parents a terrible shock if they have never seen any attacks of the kind. The symptoms which attend the attack are...

Mothers' Remedies. Croup, Cold Application For
"Apply to throat a flannel wrung out of cold water, lay a dry cloth over it." This is an excellent remedy for a mother to try in case of ...

Swelling or oedma of the glottis or more correctly of the structure which forms the glottis, is a very serious affection. It may follow a...

Diet In Laryngitis
Hard and dry toasts should be avoided, for they give pain on being swallowed, same reason applies to highly seasoned foods. Milk, custard...

Physicians' Treatment For Hoarseness
1. Rest of the voice and if the case is severe keep in bed in a room with an even temperature and the air saturated with moisture from a ...

Hoarseness. Inflammation Of The Larynx. (acute Laryngitis) Causes
Due to taking cold or over using the voice; hot liquids, poisons. It may occur in influenza and measles; from irritating gases; some are ...

Physicians' Treatment For Sore Throat
1. Inhalation of steam either with or without medicine is good. (See treatment of tonsilitis-Inhaling steam) I treated a man once who...

Physicians' Treatment For Nosebleed
Place the patient on his side half lying, head and shoulders raised and apply a cold compress to the forehead, nose, and to the back of t...

Sore Throat
This is a common complaint especially among some adults. A predisposition to it is often due to chronic pharyngitis, chronic enlargement ...

Deviation Of The Septum (partition)
Deviation is the bending or curving of the partition (septum) to one side or the other, leaving one nostril very large and roomy and clos...

Nosebleed. Mothers' Remedies
1. Nosebleed; remedy sent us by a Public School Teacher. "Make a compress of paper soaked in cold water; put it under the upper lip and h...

Tumor Of The Nose. (nasal Polypus)
This tumor consists of a soft jelly- like whitish growth, usually found in the upper front part of the nostril. It may extend to the bott...

Hay Fever. (rose Cold, June Cold Or Hay Asthma)
This inflammation of the nose occurs in August and September. It is really a nervous affection of the nose membrane. Causes. A predisp...

Physicians' Treatment For Hay Fever
1. The following gives relief from the distressing symptoms. (But first the nose should be examined, for often there is local trouble the...

(Foul odor from nose, not breath, due to catarrh of the nose). The membrane is dry and shrunken. It is a very offensive odor, thus called ...

Physicians' Treatment For Catarrh
If the patient is run down, give tonics, plenty of fresh air and sunshine in the sleeping room, change of climate to a dry, unchangeable ...

Catarrh. (chronic Inflammation Of The Nose, Chronic Rhinitis). Causes
Frequent attacks of colds, irritating gases and dust, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, spurs on the septum (partition bone) or foreign bodies...

Physicians' Treatment For Colds
Preventive. Avoid the known causes of the trouble. A daily cold bath, if well borne, is held to be an effectual prevention against taking...

Colds. (coryza. Acute Nasal Catarrh. Acute Rhinitis)
This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose. Causes: Exposure to cold or wet when the body is overheated; sudden or ...


The Anatomy Of The Nose
The nose is divided by a middle partition (septum) into two cavities (nasal chambers or fossae) each being a wedge-shaped cavity, distinc...

Tonsilitis. (smooth And Follicular)
Commences with a chill, rapid rise of temperature, general aching in the back, and legs especially. The tonsils are large and red and spo...

Ulcer Of The Cornea
Light hurts the eyes very much, tears run freely and there is a feeling of something in the eye. The eyeball shows a rim of pink congesti...

Ulcer Of The Stomach
Pain, local tenderness, bleeding. Distress after eating and vomiting of a very acid fluid. Pain in the region of the stomach and usually ...

Begins with symptoms of a cold in the eyes, nose, and the chest. The cough gradually becomes worse, usually in from seven to ten days; it...

Round Worm
(Ascariasis Lumbricoides). The round worm resembles the angle worm in form; is the most common human parasite and is found chiefly in chi...

Thread Worm Or Pin Worm
(Oxyuris Vermicularis.)--This common worm occupies the rectum and colon. They produce great irritation and itching, particularly at night...

Tape Worm, Beef
(Taenia Saginata). This is a larger and longer parasite than the Pork Tape Worm. It is the common form found in this country. It may grow...

Trichiniasis (trichinosis)
The disease is caused by the trichina spiratis, a parasite introduced into the body by eating imperfectly cooked flesh of infected hogs. ...

Acne. (simple Acne)
This is an inflammation of the sebaceous (fatty, cheesy) glands. It forms these pimples or pustules and these are intermingled with black...

Baldness. (alopecia). Causes
Hereditary and diseases. Congenital and senile (old age) baldness is incurable. Congenital (born without hair) baldness is rare. MOTHE...

Bald Patches. (alopecia Areata)
These appear rather suddenly. They are circular bald patches which may appear on any hairy part of the body, but more frequently on the s...

Anidrosis. (lessened Sweat Secretion)
This means a diminution of the sweat secretion. The patient does not sweat enough, especially in certain skin diseases like psoriasis, et...

Foul Sweating. (bromidrosis). Symptoms
The odor may be very disagreeable, or resemble the odor of certain flavors or fruits. It is generally found in the arm-pit and genital or...

Callosity Or Callositas
This is circumscribed yellowish-white, thickened and horny patches of one of the layers of the cuticle (epidermis). Causes--They come ...

Corns. (calvus)
A small, flat, deep-seated, horny growth, mostly on or between the toes. Cause. Usually the result of too tight or too loose shoes. Due...

Carbuncle. (anthrax)
A carbuncle is an acute circumscribed inflammation of the skin and tissues beneath, of the size of an egg, orange, or larger. It is a har...

Liver Spots, Moth Patch, Chloasma, Etc
This is a discoloration of the skin of a yellowish to a blackish tint of varying size and shape. Causes. It may be due to external agen...

Black-heads. Flesh Worms, Comedones, Pimples, Etc
This is a disorder of the sebaceous glands in which the sebaceous (fatty, cheesy) secretions become thickened; the excreting ducts, appea...

Eczema. (humid Tetter-salt Rheum-dry Tetter). Definition
Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized at its commencement by redness, pimples, vesicles, pustules and their combin...

Eczema Vesiculosum. (vesicular Eczema)
This is preceded by a feeling of heat and irritation about the part. In a short time pinhead sized vesicles appear. These frequently run ...

Eczema Pustulosum. (pustules). Pustular Kind
This is nearly like the preceding. The vesicles have pus in them from the start or develop from the vesicles. When the pustules rupture, ...

Eczema Papulosum. (papular Variety)
This is characterized by flat or sharp pointed reddish pimples (papules), varying in size from a small to a large pin-head. They are usua...

Eczema Rubrum (red)
The skin looks red, raw, and "weeps." It is most commonly found about the face and scalp in children, and the lower parts of the legs in...

Eczema Squamosis. (scaling)
This may follow any of the other varieties, but usually follows the red and pimple (papule) variety. They are various sized and shaped re...

Boil. (furunculus, Furuncle). Causes
Boils may appear in a healthy person, but they are often the result of a low condition of the system; they are frequently seen in persons...

An accumulation of pus (matter) in any part of the body. External Abscess. Boil the knife, wash your hands in clean, hot, soapy water. ...

Felon. (whitlow)
An inflammation of the deeper structures and frequently it is under the covering of the bone, (periosteum). If under the latter it must b...

Ulcers. An Eating Away Of The Parts, Causes
Diseases like syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy. Disturbances of nutrition, constitutional ulcers, local conditions. Ulcers are acute and c...

Shingles (herpes Zoster). Definition
This is an acute inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by groups of vesicles upon the inflamed base, distributed along the cour...

Excessive Sweating. (hyperidrosis)
This is a disorder of the sweat glands in which sweat is thrown out in excessive quantities. Symptoms. It may be great only in the armp...

Freckles. (lentigo)
Freckles are an excessive deposit of pigment in the skin. Causes. Exposure to the sun's rays aggravates this condition. MOTHERS' REM...

Prickly Heat Rash
An acute inflammatory disease of the sweat glands; minute pimples and vesicles develop. Symptoms. It occurs upon the body and consists ...

Mole. (naevus)
Mole is a congenital condition of the skin where there is too much pigment in a circumscribed place. It varies in size from a pin-head to...

Enlarged Nail. (onychauxis)
The nail may become too long, thick or wide. Treatment. Remove the cause. Trim away the excessive nail tissue with a knife or scissors. I...

Inflammation Of The Nail. (onychia). Treatment
Cut into the back part if it needs it. That will relieve the tension and pain. Sometimes the nail must be removed. The inflammation is at...

Body Louse Or Clothes Louse (pediculus Corporis)
This parasite lives in the clothes. It is apt to be found in the folds or seams, especially where the clothes come in close contact with ...

(pediculus Pubis)
Lice on the hair of the pubis or about the genitals. This is the smallest parasite of the three varieties, and it attaches itself firmly ...

Blister Disease, (pemphigus)
This is an acute or chronic skin disease in which there are blisters of various sizes and shapes, and these usually occur in crops. Sy...

The Itch Disease. (psoriasis) (not Common Itch). Definition
This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, in which there appear upon the skin thick, adherent, overlapping, scales of a shiny, ...

Itch. Common Itch (scabies)
Itch is a contagious disease, due to the presence of an animal parasite. There is intense itching in this disease. The parasite seeks the...

Dandruff (seborrhoea)
The scurfs or scales (dandruff) upon the scalp are formed from seborrhoea. Definition. The word seborrboea means to flow suet or fatty ...

Oily Seborrhoea
Symptoms. This appears most frequently upon the nose and forehead and sometimes upon the scalp. The skin looks oily, glistening, with the...

Wen (sebaceous Cyst. Steatoma)
A wen varies in size from a millet seed to an egg, and it is due to the distention of a sebaceous gland by its retained secretions. They ...

Ringworm (tinea Trichophytina)
Ringworm is a contagious disease of the skin, produced by the presence of a vegetable parasite. The disease affects the hair follicles of...

Barber's Itch (ringworm Of The Beard)
Mother's Remedies. 1. Standard Remedy for. "Plain vaselin two ounces, venice turpentine one-half ounce, red precipitate one-half ounce. A...

Wart (verucca). Mothers' Remedies
1. An Application for, also Good for Cuts and Lacerations. "Make a lotion of ten drops tincture of marigold to two ounces of water and ap...

Hives, Nettle Rash (urticaria). Causes
Foods such as shell fish, strawberries, cheese, pickles, pork and sausages. Medicines that may cause it. Quinine, copaiba, salicylic ac...

When severe, sunburn may present the symptoms of inflammation of the skin. Then there will be redness, swelling and pain followed by deep ...

This is the death of a part of the body in mass. There are two forms, moist and dry. Dry Gangrene. This is a combination produced by a ...

Moist Gangrene. Causes
Wounds, fractures, injuries, pressure from lying in bed and frost bite. PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Moist Gangrene. Remove the cause if p...

This is a watery elevation of the outer skin. It is caused by rubbing, for instance of a shoe, friction from anything, or from burns. It ...

Ivy Poisoning
The parts usually affected are the hands, face, the genitals, the arms, the thighs and neck. Symptoms. These usually appear soon. Red p...

Physicians' Treatment For Chapped Hands
1. Subnitrate of Bismuth 3 drams Oleate of Zinc 3 drams Lycopodium 2 drams Mix. Apply to the p...

Frost Bites
Keep the patient in a cold atmosphere, or put into a cold bath and the frozen part rubbed with snow or ice until sensation is felt and co...

This is a lump over a joint usually of the big toe, usually due to pressure and a wrong position of the surfaces of the joint. MOTHERS'...

Chilblains. (erythema Pernio)
This occurs usually in people with a feeble circulation or scrofulous constitution, usually seen in the young or very old. The redness sh...

Canker Sore Mouth. (aphthous Stomatitis
This is a variety of inflammation of the mouth where there are one or more vesicles (cankers) upon the edges of the tongue, the cheek or ...

Canker Sore Mouth. (aphthous Stomatitis)
This is a variety of inflammation of the mouth where there are one or more vesicles (cankers) upon the edges of the tongue, the cheek or ...

Gangrenous Stomatitis
This is a rapidly spreading gangrenous affection of the cheeks and forms a rare occurrence and ending fatally in most cases. The trouble ...

Acute Dyspepsia
(Acute Indigestion, Acute Gastritis). "Gaster" is the Greek for stomach; "itis" means inflammation,--thus acute inflammation of the stoma...

Chronic Dyspepsia (chronic Indigestion)
A chronic digestive disorder characterized by increased secretion of mucus, changes in the gastric juice, weakening of the stomach muscle...

Nervous Dyspepsia
This is acquired from over work, worry, excitement, hurried or irregular meals, or inherited. It shows itself in all sorts of symptoms an...

Ulcer Of The Stomach And Duodenum (upper Part Of Bowel)
Round or perforating ulcer. The stomach ulcer is most common in women of twenty or thirty; servant girls, shoemakers, and tailors are fre...

Cancer Of The Stomach
Usually occurs after the age of forty. Symptoms. Indigestion for a few months; lack of blood and loss of weight. Well marked case shows...

Bleeding From The Stomach
(Haematemesis). Causes. Cancer and ulcer of the stomach are main causes of excessive bleeding; poisons also cause it; injuries also. ...

Neuralgia Of The Stomach (cardialgia, Gastralgia, Gastrodynia)
This is a severe pain in paroxysms in the region of the stomach. Causes. The patients are of a nervous type. They may have anemia, ex...

Causes. (a) Improper or excessive food, including green or over-ripe fruit. (b) Poison substances; such as decomposed milk or meat ei...

Diet In Diarrhea
From the Head Nurse of a Large Hospital. May Take-- Soups. Milk soup well boiled, clam juice, beef tea. Meats. Scraped fresh beef ...

Cholera Morbus (acute Inflammation Of Stomach And Upper Bowel)
This is most common in young people in late summer, after indiscretion in eating. Symptoms. Sometimes the patient feels tired, then nau...

Cholera Infantum, Symptoms
Usually begins with a diarrhea, which is often so mild as to attract but little attention, but should be a warning. If a weakly baby has ...

Physicians' Treatment For Cholera Infantum
1. Washing out of the bowel frequently by injection controls the diarrhea. Use water of a temperature of 107. Elevate the tube about two ...

This is simply a symptom; many diseases cause it, as scarlet fever, tuberculosis, meningitis, acute dyspepsia, biliousness, chronic dyspe...

Physicians' Treatment For Vomiting
The only way to treat it is to treat the disease that causes it. Here I may mention a very simple remedy; a tea made from wood soot is fr...

Inflammation of the vermiform appendix is the most important of acute bowel troubles. Sometimes the appendix may contain a mould of feces...

Appendicitis, Mothers' Remedies
Home Treatment Found Good for. "To allay the pain and stop the formation of pus in appendicitis it is recommended that a flannel cloth be...

Inflammation Of The Bowels. Mothers' Remedies
1. Inflammation of the Bowels, Excellent Remedy for. "First bathe the abdomen with warm salt water, then lay over the navel a piece of la...

Mothers' Remedies For Toothache, Dry Salt And Alum For
1. "Equal parts. Take common salt and alum. Mix and pulverize these together, wet a small piece of cotton and cause the mixture to adhere...

Mothers' Tooth Powders
1. "The ashes of burnt branches of the common grape vine make a very superior tooth powder. It will clean the blackest of teeth, if conti...

Intestinal Obstruction
Causes. This may be caused by strangulation, telescope (intussusception) of the bowels, twists and knots, strictures and tumors, abnormal...

Rupture (hernia)
Hernia means a protrusion of an organ from its natural cavity, through normal or artificial openings in the surrounding structures. But b...

Irreducible Rupture
This is when the rupture cannot be returned into the abdominal cavity, and it is without any symptoms of strangulation. They are of long ...

Intestinal Colic. (enteralgia)
Causes. Predisposing; poor general condition, worry, over-work, nervous disposition. Exciting causes; exposure, gas in the bowels, mass o...

The Liver
The liver is the largest gland in the body, and is situated in the upper and right part of the abdominal cavity. The lower border of the ...

This condition presents different symptoms in different cases, but it always includes languor, headache or dizziness, perhaps some yellow...

Jaundice (icterus)
A symptom consisting in discoloration by bile pigment of the skin, whites of the eyes, other mucous membranes and secretions. Causes. O...

Catarrhal Jaundice. (acute Catarrhal Angiocholitis)
Jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal portion of the common duct, by swelling of the mucous membrane. Causes. This occurs mos...

Gall Stones. (biliary Calculi, Cholelithiasis)
Cases of gall stones are rare under the age of twenty-five years. They are very common after forty-five, and three-fourths of the cases o...

Cancer Of The Gall Bladder, And Bile Ducts. Causes
It usually occurs between forty and seventy years of age. The cases that originate here show no percentage in either sex; but those that ...

Circulatory Disturbances Of The Liver. (acute Hyperemia)
This occurs normally after meals, and in acute infections, diseases, etc. ...

Chronic Congestion Or Nutmeg Liver
This is due to an obstruction of the blood circulation in the liver by chronic valvular heart disease with failure of heart action. Lung ...

Acute Yellow Atrophy. (malignant Jaundice)
This is fortunately a rare disease. There is rapid progress, and it is fatal in nearly all cases. The liver is very small and flabby. The...

Cirrhosis Of The Liver. (sclerosis Of The Liver)
This occurs most often in men from forty to sixty years old. It is not uncommon in children. Cause. It is usually due to drinking of al...

Abscess Of The Liver. Hepatic Abscess: Suppurative Hepatitis
This is a circumscribed collection of pus in the liver tissue. If there is only one abscess it is in the larger lobe in seventy per cent ...

The Abscess
May break into the pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, lungs and stomach, bowels, peritoneum or through the abdominal wall. Recovery. The ...

Acute General Peritonitis. (inflammation Of The Peritoneum)
Causes. Primary; Occurs without any known preceding disease, and is rare. Secondary; Occurs from injuries, extension from inflamed near...

Local Peritonitis
This may come from local injury, but it is usually secondary to empyema, tuberculosis, or cancer, abscess, perforation of the stomach or ...

Treatment Of The Acute Peritonitis
There must be absolute rest, morphine by hypodermic method, one-fourth to one-half grain to relieve the pain. Ice cold and hot fomentatio...

Tubercular Peritonitis
This may occur as a primary trouble or secondary to tuberculosis of the bowels, lungs, and Fallopian tube. It is most frequent in males b...

Ascites. (hydroperitoneum. Abdominal Dropsy)
This is an accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. It is but a symptom of disease. Local Causes. Chronic peritonitis, ob...

Ascites Caused By An Ovarian Tumor
The tumor must be removed. I am not in favor of indiscriminate operating, but operations often save lives. I remember one case in which I...

Diseases Of The Rectum And Anus
The lower part of the alimentary canal is called the rectum, originally meaning straight. It is not straight in the human animal. It is s...

Constipation. Causes
1. Mechanical obstruction. 2. Defective motion of the bowels. 3. Deficient bowel secretions. 4. Other causes. Mechanical obstructi...

Defective Worm-like Bowel Movement
Irregular habits of living head the list causing this defective action. Everyone should promptly attend to Nature's call. Some people wai...

Deficiency Of The Secretions
Many of the causes that hinder worm-like motion are also likely to lessen the normal secretions of the bowel. Some kinds of liver disease...

Sundry Causes
Diabetes, melancholy, insanity, old age, paralysis, lead poisoning and some troubles of local origin, like fissure of the rectum, ulcerat...

Prolapse (falling Of The Bowel)
This falling of the rectum may be partial or complete, and may be caused by straining or by the downward pressure exerted by the fecal ma...

Proctitis And Peri-proctitis
Inflammation of the rectum and surrounding tissue that may or may not terminate in an abscess and fistula, sometimes follows injury to th...

Neuralgia Of The Rectum
This may sometimes result from the pressure of the fecal mass upon the nearby nerves causing pain in the sacrum coccyx (bones). ...

Mothers' Remedies. Constipation
1. Constipation, a Good Substitute for Pills and Drugs"Two ounces each of figs, dates, raisins, and prunes (without pits) one-half ounce...

Abdominal Massage. (kneading, Rubbing, Etc.)
This is an essential feature in the treatment. It was practiced by Hippocrates hundreds of years ago. Place the patient in the recumbent ...

Copious Warm Water Injections
This is good at the beginning of the treatment when the feces become packed. They soften the mass and aid its discharge. The water must g...

Constipation Corrections Of Errors In Diet
This is one of the necessary features in the treatment. All kinds of foods known to disagree should be discarded. The foods should be ea...

Itching Of The Anus. (itching Piles) (pruritus Ani).causes
An inherited or an acquired nervous constitution. Disease of the colon, rectum or anus. Improper diet. Skin affections in that region. Op...

Piles. (hemorrhoids)
Hemorrhoid is derived from two Greek words, meaning blood and flowing with blood. "Pile" is from a Greek word meaning a ball or globe. He...

Skin Piles. (cutaneous)
These are enlarged tags of the skin. They frequently follow the absorption of the clot in the venous piles where the skin is bruised and ...

Mothers' Remedies For Piles. Sulphur And Glycerin For
"Equal parts of sulphur and pure glycerin. Grease parts." This preparation is very healing, and will often give relief even in severe cas...

Internal Piles. Symptoms
The two prominent symptoms are bleeding and pain. The bleeding is usually dark. It may be slight and appear as streaks upon the feces or ...

Periproctitis. Abscess Around The Anus And Rectum)
This is an inflammation of the tissues around the rectum which usually terminates in the above named abscess. It occurs mostly in middle-...


The kidneys are deeply placed and cannot be felt or distinctly identified when normal. They are most accessible to pressure just below th...

Kidney Trouble. Mothers' Remedies
1. Kidney Trouble and Inflammation of the Bladder, Cornsilk for. "Get cornsilk and make a good strong tea of it by steeping slowly, and t...

Movable Kidney. (floating Kidney. Nephroptosis)
Causes. This condition is usually acquired. It is more common in women than in men, possibly due to lacing and the relaxations of the mus...

Acute Congestion Or Hyperemia Of The Kidneys
This occurs at the beginning of acute nephritis; in acute infectious diseases, after taking turpentine, chlorate of potash, cantharides, ...

Chronic Congestion Of The Kidneys. Causes
Diseases of other organs and obstruction to the return of the circulation in the veins. Cirrhosis of the liver causes it. The kidney is e...

Blood In The Urine. (haematuria). Causes
The congestion of the kidneys, pernicious malaria, etc., nephritis, tuberculosis, kidney stones. The urine looks smoky and dark, or brigh...

Uraemic Toxaemia
This means poison in the blood occurring in acute and chronic nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). The cause is unknown. The disease ...

Acute Uraemia. Symptoms
The onset may be sudden or gradual. The headache is severe, usually on the back top of head (occipital) and extending to the neck; there ...

Chronic Uraemia
This develops most often in cases of Arterio-sclerosis or chronic interstitial nephritis, (one kind of Bright's disease). The symptoms ar...

Acute Bright's Disease. (acute Inflammation Of The Kidneys)
This occurs chiefly in young people and among grown men. Exciting causes are exposure to cold, wet, burns, extensive skin tears (lesions)...

Chronic Bright's Disease. (chronic Parenchymatous Nephritis). Causes
Young adult life and most common in males. It may come from acute inflammation of the kidneys that was due to exposure, pregnancy, or s...

Chronic Interstitial Nephritis. (sclerosis Or Cirrhosis Of The Kidneys)
This is met with, (a) as a sequence of the large white kidneys forming the so-called pale granular or secondary contracted kidney; (b) a...

Arterio-sclerotic Form
This is the most common form in this country, and is secondary to arterio-sclerosis. The kidneys are not much, if at all, contracted; ver...

This is an inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney and may be caused by bacteria from the blood, or by ascending pus, infection or tuber...

Kidney Stone. (renal Calculus. Nephro-leithiasis)
Forming of a stone or gravel in the kidney or its pelvis may occur in intra uterine, (before the child is born), in the womb, or at any a...

Inflammation Of The Bladder. (cystitis). Causes
It may occur from injury from passing a catheter, etc., from the use of drugs like cantharides, from the presence of a stone, from strict...

Chronic Inflammation Of The Bladder
Causes. It follows repeated attacks; partial retention of urine in the bladder, decomposing there; Bright's disease, inflammation of the ...

Hypertrophy Of The Prostate
This is a general enlargement of the gland in all directions. All the three lobes may enlarge and in about one-third of the men who have ...

Urinary Passage. Mother's Remedy
1. Dandelion Root Will Clean. "A decoction made of the sliced root of dandelion in white wine is very effectual for cleansing and healing...

Dropsy should be regarded as a symptom, which may arise from many causes, such as heart disease, lung disease or kidney disease, or it may...

Physicians' Treatment For Dropsy
Treat the disease that causes it. Remedies should be given that will cause an outpouring of the liquids. Salines, such as epsom salts in ...

Infection And Contagion
These words are often used in such a way that a wrong impression is made. A disease may be infectious but not contagious. Malaria is an i...

Diet In Infectious Diseases
Foods that can be used: Milk, milk-water, milk and lime-water, Mellin's food, malted milk, imperial granum, albumin water, rice water, oa...

Scarlet Fever. Definition
Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease, with a characteristic eruption. Modes of Conveying. The nearer a person is to a patient t...

Follows scarlet fever also, especially in girls from twelve to fifteen years. Diagnosis. In most cases it is easy to distinguish from o...

From Measles
By the rapid onset, absence of cold symptoms of the nose, eyes, and bronchial tubes, blotchy eruptions that occur in measles. There is no...

Measles is an acute infectious disease, distinguished by a characteristic eruption on the mucous membranes and skin. It is very contagiou...

Cough In Measles
It is likely to be severe, straining and barking and hard to relieve. If it is too severe you can give, for a child one year old: ...

German Measles
This is an acute self-limited disease and contagious. It has a mild fever, watery eyes, cough, sore throat and enlargement of the glands ...

Chicken Pox (varicella)
This is an acute infectious disease, characterized by a peculiar eruption. Children are the ones usually attacked. It generally occurs be...

Mumps (parotitis)
This is an acute infectious disease of one or both of the parotid glands, located at the angle of the jaw, and extending up to the ear, a...

Whooping-cough (pertussis)
Whooping cough is an acute specific infectious, disease caused by a micro-organism. It is characterized in a majority of cases by a spasm...

Physicians' Treatment For Whooping-cough
The patient should be isolated and sleep in a large, well ventilated room. In spring and summer weather, the child is better in the open ...

Diphtheria is an acute disease and always infectious. There is a peculiar membrane which forms on the tonsils, uvula, soft palate and thr...

Pharyngeal Diphtheria
In typical cases this begins with slight difficulty in swallowing, and reddened throat (pharynx), then there is a general congestion of t...

Laryngeal Diphtheria, Formerly Called Membranous Croup
Diphtheria in the larynx may occur alone or with the pharyngeal kind, and was formerly called "Membranous Croup." After several days of h...

Acute Tonsilitis. (follicular Inflammation Of The Tonsils). Causes
Authors regard this as an infectious disease. It is met with more frequently in the young; infants may take it. Some authors state it ca...

Quinsy. (suppurative Tonsilitis)
In from two to four days the enlarged gland becomes softer and finally may break, sometimes in the pharynx; the breaking gives the patien...

Influenza (la Grippe)
La Grippe is an acute infectious disease caused by a germ. It may be epidemic, attacking a large number of persons at one time, or it may...

Corn Sweat
The corn sweat can be used. Put from ten to twenty-five ears of corn in a boiler, boil thoroughly until the boiled corn smell appears, th...

Typhoid Fever
Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease caused by a (Bacillus) germ, named after the discoverer (Eberth). This germ enters into the ...

Typhus Fever, (filth Disease)
Typhus fever is an acute, infectious disease, characterized by a sudden onset, marked nervous symptoms, and spotted rash and fever ending...

Smallpox Or Variola
Smallpox is an acute infectious disease. It has a sudden onset with a severe period of invasion which is followed by a falling of the fev...

Why Vaccinate
Because vaccination is a preventive of all forms of smallpox, and because by traveling, or by travelers, by articles received in the mail...

Smallpox Entirely Prevented By Re-vaccination
In the Bavarian army re- vaccination has been compulsory since 1843. From that date till 1857, not even a single case of unmodified small...

Who Should Be Vaccinated
Everybody, old and young, for his own interest, and that he may not become a breeding place for the distribution of smallpox to others, s...

Who Should Not Be Vaccinated
Unless exposure to smallpox is believed to have taken place or likely to take place, teething children, pregnant women, persons suffering...

When Should A Person Be Vaccinated
The sooner the better as a rule, and especially whenever there is much liability of exposure to smallpox. Children should be vaccinated b...

Vaccination After Exposure To Smallpox
Vaccination as late as the second day after known exposure to smallpox is believed to have prevented the smallpox; vaccination the third ...

With What Should One Be Vaccinated
Because the potency of virus depends largely upon its being fresh, and it is so easy to obtain pure and fresh bovine virus, and because s...

Where Should Vaccination Be Performed
In a room or place free from persons suffering from disease, and from dust which may convey to the scratched surface germs of any communi...

By Whom Should One Be Vaccinated
The operation of vaccination should be performed always by a competent and responsible physician. To try to vaccinate one's self or one's...

After Vaccination
Let the vaccinated place alone. Do not scratch it or otherwise transfer the virus where it is not wanted. Protect it by a bandage, or clo...

Common Appearances After Vaccination
For a day or two nothing unusual should appear. A few days after that, if it succeeds regularly, the skin will become red, then a pimple ...

What To Do During And After Vaccination
Do nothing to irritate the eruption, do not pull the scab off, when it drops off throw it in the fire. When the eruption is at its height...

Make A Record Of Your Vaccination
Do not fail to procure and preserve the certificate mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and also to make a personal record of the facts...

Lives Saved From Smallpox In Michigan
Since the State Board of Health was established, many thousands of people in Michigan have been vaccinated because of its recommendations...

Vaccination, Symptoms
At first a slight irritation at the place of vaccination. The eruption appears on the third or fourth day as a reddish pimple surrounded ...

Dengue. Break-bone Fever, Dandy Fever
This is an acute infectious disease characterized by pains in the joints and muscles, fever, an initial reddish swollen eruption and a te...

Cerebro-spinal Meningitis
This is an acute infectious disease. It comes in epidemics, when there are many cases, or appears here and there as a separate case (spor...

This is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain alone, and generally commences with fever and severe headaches, with avoidanc...

Meningitis. Tubercular, (basilar Meningitis)
This affection which is also known as acute hydrocephalus (meaning water on the brain), is essentially an acute tuberculosis in which the...

Tuberculosis. (consumption)
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus, tuberculosis, and characterized by the formation of nodules or diffuse mass...

Cervical, Tuberculosis (scrofula)
This is common in children that are not well nourished, living in badly ventilated and crowded houses, and in the negroes. Chronic catarr...

Pneumonia (lobar) Lung Fever
Inflammation of the lungs. This is an acute infectious disease characterized by an exudative inflammation of one or more lobes of the lun...

Erysipelas is an infectious disease, and it is usually caused by a germ which we call "streptococcus pyogenes." The disease shows itself ...

Toxemia, Septicemia; Pyejmia
Toxemia refers to the group of symptoms and lesions caused by the presence in the blood of toxins (poison) usually resulting from bacteri...

The presence of bacteria in the blood, introduced from a local lesion (wound, injury, etc.) or with no obvious local infection. Symptom...

This means the presence in the blood of bacteria with resultant foci (places) of suppuration. Symptoms. They are local at first where t...

Asiatic Cholera
This is an acute infectious disease caused by a specific organism and characterized by profuse watery discharges from the bowels and grea...

Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease characterized by jaundice, hemorrhages, albuminuria (albumin in the urine). Cause. It is co...

Plague (bubonic Plague)
Plague is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation and suppuration of the lymph nodes and cutaneous (skin) hemorrhages. It has...

Septicemic Plague
This is characterized by symptoms of severe general infection, with hemorrhages, rapid course, and death in three or four days, without t...

Pneumonic Plague
The symptoms are those of a severe "lobular" pneumonia, with bloody sputum containing many bacilli. It is usually rapidly fatal. Death ra...

A group of inflammatory intestinal affections, either acute or chronic, and of infectious origin, characterized by frequent painful passa...

Malaria Fever
Malarial fever is a group of diseases characterized by intermittent, quotidian (daily), tertian (every other day) or quartan (every fourt...

Intermittent Malarial Fever
The symptoms of all these are the same, except that in tertian fever, the paroxysms occur every third day; in quartan they occur every ...

Remittent Or Continuous Malarial Fever (aestivo-autumnal Fever)
This form occurs in the temperate zone regions, especially in the summer and autumn. The symptoms vary greatly. The fever may be irregula...

Pernicious Malarial Fever
This is a very dangerous disease. The chief forms are the comatose, algid and hemorrhagic. (a) Comatose form is characterized by deliri...

Malta Fever
This occurs in the Mediterranean countries, India, China, the Philippines and Porto Rico. The fever is irregular or marked by intervals o...

Beri-beri is a disease rarely occurring in the United States. It is usually found in the warmer climates and peculiar to certain regions ...

Anthrax. (charbon, Wool Sorters' Disease, Splenic Fever)
This is "an acute infectious disease of animals, transmitted to man by inoculation into the wounds, or by inhalation of, or swallowing th...

Malignant Anthrax (swelling)
In this lesion is a pustule, with very marked swelling. It most frequently occurs on the eyelid and face and the swelling may terminate i...

Lockjaw. (tetanus)
Tetanus or lockjaw, as it is commonly called, is an infectious disease and is characterized by painful and violent contractions of the vo...

This is an acute disease of the horse and occasionally of man. It is called "glanders" when the affection appears in the nostrils, and is ...

Big-jaw Or Lump-jaw. (actinomycosis)
This is an infectious disease of cattle, less frequently of man, and it is caused by what is called the "ray fungus." This grows in the t...

Gonorrhea (urethritis)
This can be called an infectious inflammation of the urethra, caused by the gonococcus, a microbe or germ, causing a specific inflammatio...

Gonorrheal Arthitis. (gonorrheal Rheumatism)
This is more common in men than women. Occurring during, and at the end of or after inflammation of the urethra. It usually involves many ...

Hip Joint Disease. (morbus Coxarius)
This is more common in children than in adults. Cause. It is usually tubercular. Symptoms. First stage. It may be overlooked; slight...

Knee Joint Disease. (white Swelling)
This is simply a tuberculous knee. Treatment. Rest. Stop motion of the joint by some form of splint or plaster of Paris cast. Get a goo...

Leprosy. Definition
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease, caused by what is called the "Bacillus Leprae," and is characterized by the presence of tubercul...

Lepra Tuberosa. (tuberculated, Nodulated Or Tegumentary (skin) Leprosy)
This nodular type comprises from ten to fifty per cent of cases. After the occurring of the symptoms just mentioned spotted lesions appe...

Lepra Maculosa
This form is more common in tropical countries and is distinguished chiefly by its macular (spotty) lesions. In size they vary from a sma...

Lepra Anaesthetica. (nerve Leprosy)
Before the development of this form of leprosy there may be one or two years of ill-health. Usually the skin at this time becomes in lo...

Rabies and hydrophobia are two different terms, meaning the same disease, the former meaning to rage or become mad. This term applies mor...


Anaemia, Or Anemia
This may be defined as a reduction of the amount of blood as a whole or of its corpuscles, or of certain of its more important constituen...

Pernicious Anaemia
This is characterized by great decrease of the red cells of the blood with a relatively high color index and the presence of large number...

Secondary Anemia. Causes
Hemorrhage form (bleeding). (a) Rapid bleeding from the rupture of an aneurism, from a blow, or eating into the blood vessels by an ulcer...

An affection characterized by persistent increase in the white blood corpuscles, associated with changes, either alone or together, in th...

False Leukaemia. (pseudo-leukaemia)
Also called Hodgkin's disease, malignant lymphoma, and general lymphadenoma. This is a progressive anemia and enlargement of the lymph gl...

This is not strictly a disease, but a symptom. This includes a group of affections characterized by hemorrhages into the skin. Symptoms...

Purpura Haemorrhagic
This is a severe form, usually seen in delicate girls. The cause is unknown. Symptoms. Weakness, extensive purpuric spots (small blood ...

"Bleeders."--This is a hereditary disorder characterized by a tendency to persistent bleeding, spontaneously or even after a slight inju...

Scurvy. (scorbutus)
A constitutional disease characterized by weakness, anemia, sponginess of the gums and tendencies to bleeding. Causes. This disease has...

Addison's Disease. Diseases Of The Suprarenal (above Kidneys) Bodies
A constitutional disease characterized by great weakness, stomach and bowel symptoms, heart weakness, and dark coloring of the skin. C...

Diseases Of The Spleen
1. Rupture of the spleenThis may occur spontaneously from no apparent cause, or from hurts received in cases of typhoid or malaria. S...

Diseases Of The Thyroid Gland
Inflammation of the thyroid gland, (Thyroiditis),--Acute inflammation of the gland, simple or suppurative. It may develop in a patient wi...

Goitre (bronchial). Causes
No satisfactory explanation can be given for this disease. It seems to be more prevalent where lime-stone water is used. Heredity plays a...

Goitre, Mothers' Remedies,--1. Three Ingredient Remedy For
"The following treatment is excellent, but must be continued for several months: Extract of Belladonna 1/2 dram Compound ...

Exophthalmic Goitre. (parry's, Graves Or Basedows Disease)
It is characterized by exophthalmos (bulging of the eyes), Goitre, fast beating of the heart, trembling and nervousness. Causes. It is...

This is a constitutional disease due to atrophy (wasting away) of the thyroid gland and characterized by swollen condition of the tissue ...

Intercostal Neuralgia
A neuralgia of one or more of the intercostal nerves. These nerves run in a groove in the lower edge of the ribs. Causes. It may develop ...


Pain occurring in the course of the nerves and in their area of distribution. The pain has remission and intermissions, and is due to som...

This is as a rule a neuritis of the sciatic nerve or of its cords of origin. It is characterized by pain chiefly along the course of the ...

This term means a pain in the head, all over the head, or at one particular spot. It may be only a symptom of a general constitutional de...

Nervous Headache
This may occur as a sick headache or be simply a nervous headache: This occurs oftenest in a nervous person, or in persons who are run do...

Congestive Headache
In this kind there is or seems to be too much blood in the head. The patient may be stupid, with a flushed face. If conscious, the brain ...

Neuralgic Headache
This commonly comes periodically, usually, one- sided. It may occur at the same hour for several days in succession. The pains are of all...

Stomach Or Gastric Headache
This, as the name indicates, is due to some acute or chronic trouble with the stomach. It is caused by over-loading the stomach, or eatin...

Headache From Constipation
This is frequent. There is generally a dull, heavy feeling in the forehead, the head feels full and sometimes dizzy, the patient feels bl...

Bilious Headache
This is so-called because the bilious symptoms are the most prominent. It may be caused by violent anger, disputes, excessive eating caus...

Womb Headache
Women who suffer from womb troubles such as leucorrhea, torn cervix, falling womb displacements and diseases of the inner womb, ovaries a...

Menstrual Headaches
These are very common. They may be regular every month, and they are then caused by some trouble with the womb or ovaries, or may be due ...

Sick Headache. (migraine. Hemicrania)
Migraine is a peculiar form of severe paroxysms of unilateral (one side) headache often associated with disorders of sight. Causes. It...

First Thing To Do In Sick Headache
It is well to remain in a darkened room away from noise, etc. If the head throbs and beats very hard, either a cold ice bag or hot applic...

Emergency Medicines
If anemia is the cause, give tonics such as iron and arsenic. If the patient feels faint and nauseated, a small cup of strong hot coffee ...

Nerve Tumors (neuroma)
A morbid increase in the tissue-elements of the peripheral (the external surface) nerves. Varieties. True and False Nerve Tumors. True ...

Inflammation Of The Bundles Of Nerve Fibres)
Nagel describes it as "an inflammation of the nerves of an acute or chronic nature, associated with more or less degeneration, change in ...

Simple Neuritis
This means that a single nerve of a group of adjacent nerve trunks is affected. If a number of nerves are affected at the same time it is...

Multiple Neuritis
Other names: Polyneuritis, Disseminated Neuritis, Peripheral Neuritis. Meaning--Multiple neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the perip...

Neuritis From Lead
The first symptoms are those of intestinal colic, lead line on the gums, "dropped-wrist." The recovery is quite gradual and the poison ma...

In Neuritis From Arsenic
We have disturbance of the stomach and bowels first, then the legs and arms are about equally affected, weakened; may recover in two to s...

Nervous Prostration
Is a condition of weakness or exhaustion of the nervous system, giving rise to various forms of mental and bodily inefficiency. Causes...

A state in which ideas control the body and produce morbid changes in its functions. Causes. It occurs mostly in women, and usually app...

Symptoms Of The Paroxysms
Convulsive seizures are common manifestations of hysteria, and frequently present a great similarity to epilepsy. The prodromal (fore-run...

Preventive Treatment Of Hysteria
In order to be successful in this line of treatment the cause must be found and treated. An English physician writes: "It is pitiable to ...

Physicians' Treatment For Hysteria
If there is any womb trouble, it must be attended to. There is frequently trouble with the menses in cases of hysteria. It sometimes come...

Epilepsy. (falling Sickness)
This is an affection of the nervous system, characterized by attacks of unconsciousness, with or without convulsion. Causes. In a large...

Characteristic Paroxysm Of The Major Attacks
This may be ushered in by a localized sensation, known as the Aura, in some part of the body; but it may come without any warning and sud...

Physicians' Treatment. What To Do During The Attack Of Epilepsy
Keep the patient from injuring himself, loosen the clothing, take off the collar or anything tight about the neck. Place a cork or spool ...

Shaking Palsy. (paralysis Agitans)
This is a chronic affection of the nervous system, characterized by muscular weakness, trembling and rigidity. Causes. It usually occu...

A partial or total inability to express thoughts in words or to interpret perceptions. Varieties. Motor and sensory aphasia. Causes....

Writers' Cramp. Causes
This occurs much oftener in men than in women, and usually between the ages of twenty-five and forty. The predisposing causes are a nervo...

Apoplexy. (cerebral Hemorrhage). (brain Hemorrhage). Causes
Bleeding (hemorrhage) into the brain substance is almost always due to an affection of the walls of the large or small arteries of the br...

Apoplexy. 1. Mothers' Remedies, Simple Yet Effective Remedy For
"Place the feet of the patient in hot water and mustard," This is a very simple treatment for such a serious disease, but very often will...

Palsy. Paralysis
A loss of movement, entire or partial, in the voluntary muscles of the body. When this loss of power is complete it is called paralysis; ...

Physicians' Treatment For Palsy
Remove the cause. Give salts and iodide of potash. Paralysis from arsenic, mercury, zinc or copper:--The symptoms are those of neuritis a...

Congestion Of The Brain. (hyperaemia)
The brain is too full of blood. Causes. For Active Congestion. Over-exertion in study, etc.; chronic pletbora (too much blood in the bl...

Cerebral Anemia. (too Little Blood In The Brain). Causes
Heart disease, general anemia, and mental excitement. Symptoms. "Fainting spells," dizziness, the ears ring and there are spots before...

Tumors Of The Brain And Inflammation, Abscess, Etc. Abscess.
Causes. This is always secondary and comes from some other part of the body. It comes often in young and middle life and is more commo...

Tumors Of The Brain
Varieties in order of their frequency. Gumma, tuberculous tumors, glioma, sarcoma, cancer, etc. Causes. Predisposing. Men are about twi...

Sarcoma And Cancer Are Rare.
Symptoms. The most of the growths start in the membranes of the brain, and by compressing a certain part of the brain they produce the...

Syphilis Of The Brain
Causes. The symptoms of syphilis of the brain, belong to the third stage of the disease, and are rarely ever observed until at least one ...

General Paresis. (paretic Dementia)
This belongs under diseases of the mind, but there are so many cases that a description of this disease may be instructive and interest...

Insomnia is not a disease, but a symptom of disease. It may, however, become so active, prominent, and important a symptom as to constitu...

Anemic Congestion. Diet
A light supper before retiring, like hot milk, broths, milk punch, etc., will very frequently promote sleep by removing the cause and qui...

Sleep Walking
There is a tendency to sleep walking in some families, often more than one child will do this to a greater or less extent. It is very ext...

This may be inherited to some extent; excitement, nervousness, bodily fatigue, want of rest, etc., make it worse. MOTHER'S REMEDY. 1. S...

This is caused by intermittent, sudden contraction of the diaphragm; obstinate hiccough is a very distressing symptom and sometimes it is...

Injuries To The Head. Concussion Or Laceration Of The Brain
The brain may be injured by a blow on the head, or indirectly by falling fully upon the feet or sitting down hard upon the buttocks. S...

Injuries Of The Spinal Cord. Concussion Of The Spine
A severe jarring of the body followed by a group of spinal symptoms supposed to be due to some minute changes in the cord, of an unknown ...

Traumatism Of The Cord. (blows, Etc.)
(Fractures and dislocations, gunshot and stab wounds, etc.). Symptoms. They differ according to the place where the cord is injured. T...

Organic Diseases Of The Spinal Cord. Caisson Disease
This affection occurs in divers, bridge builders, and others who are subject to increased atmospheric pressure. The symptoms develop on ...

Myelitis is an inflammation of the spinal cord. Causes. It may occur at any age, and is more common in male than in female. The excitin...

Locomotor Ataxia. Tabes Dorsalis. Posterior Spinal Sclerosis)
A hardening (sclerosis) affecting the posterior parts of the spinal cord and characterized by incoordination, which means a condition whe...

Hereditary Ataxia. Friedrich's Disease
This peculiar disease is due to a degenerative disease of the posterior and lateral columns (parts) of the spinal cord, occurring in chil...

Infantile Paralysis. (acute Anterior Polio Myelitis)
This is an acute disease occurring almost exclusively in young children with paralysis, followed by rapid dwindling of the muscles of the...

Taste-Buds. There are three kinds of papillae or eminences on the human tongue,--the circumvallate, the fungiform and the filiform. The c...

Insanity. History
The earliest reference to insanity is found in the book of Deuteronomy. Another reference is in Samuel where it speaks concerning David's...

Causes Of Insanity
There are many and various causes. One author states: "Mental abnormality is always due to either imperfect or eccentric physical develop...

Other Causes Of Insanity
Imperfect Nutrition. Whatever tends to weaken the brain or exhaust the central forces of life must favor the growth of insanity. The bra...

Melancholia (sad Mania)
Melancholia is a disease characterized by great mental depression. Causes--Predisposition, physical disease, dissipation, work and worr...

Acute Melancholia
Is generally the result of some mental shock. CHRONIC MELANCHOLIA is the end of all other forms of mental depression. All these hav...

This type of insanity means a raving and furious madness. There are many cases of this kind. The causes are many and may be the same as t...

This term literally means "from mind," out of mind, and such a person is in a state of the most deplorable mental poverty. We all have se...

Senile (old Age) Dementia May Be Primary
Acute dementia attacks both sexes, but it occurs most often in females, though in a milder degree. It is a disease of youth, being rarely...

Chronic Dementia
Shakespeare says, "Last scene of all, that ends this strange, eventful history, is second childishness and mere oblivion; sans teeth, san...

General Paresis
Wine, worry and women produce a great many cases of this disease. The doctors claim a notorious criminal now committed to one asylum and ...


Rheumatic Gout. (rheumatic Arthritis. Arthritis Deformans)
Cause. It occurs most often from thirty to fifty-five, usually in women, generally at or after the change of life, and most frequently in...

Gout (podagra)
A disorder of nutrition characterized by excess of uric acid in the blood, attacks of acute arthritis (inflammation of joints) with depos...

Retrocedent Gout
This is a term applied to serious symptoms which sometimes go with rapid improvement of the local joint conditions. There are severe pain...

Rheumatic Fever (articular Rheumatism)
Causes. This may be acute or chronic. It is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of several joints. The joints are held in...

Chronic Rheumatism
Causes. Heredity may predispose to it. It is most common in those who are exposed to hard labor in the cold and wet; especially in women ...

Physicians' Treatment For Rheumatism
Dr. Hare gives the following to rub on large joints: 1. Ichthyol 1/2 to 1 ounce Lard 1 ounce 2. Tincture of Aconit...

Muscular Rheumatism
This is a very painful affection of the voluntary muscles, called also neuralgia, or according to its location, torticollis (stiff neck, ...

Treatment For Stiff Neck. Wry Neck, (torticollis)
Warmth applied either dry or moist as hot salt bag or fomentations of hops, etc. Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, now make a preparation call...

A Mothers' Remedy For Stiff Neck
Hot Salt and Oil of Sassafras. "If troubled with stiff neck, fill a bag with hot salt and sleep on it, or rub the neck with oil of sassaf...

Physicians' Treatment For Rheumatism
Preventive. Avoid exposure as stated for other rheumatism. Rest the chest by strapping with adhesive plaster as in pleurisy. Porous plast...

Diabetes Mellitus
A disorder of nutrition in which sugar accumulates in the blood and is excreted in the urine, the daily amount of which is greatly increa...

Diabetes Insipidus
A chronic affection characterized by the passage of large quantities of normal urine of low specific gravity. Causes. It is most often ...

An excessive development of fat; it may be hereditary. It occurs most frequently in women of middle age and in children. Its chief cause i...

(In the following article on cancer we quote in part from material issued by the Public Health Department of the State of Michigan). ...

When To Suspect Cancer And What To Do
External or Exposed Cancer. Cancer of the exposed or surface parts of the body, such as the skin of the lip, nose, cheek, forehead, templ...

Cancer Of The Stomach
The beginning of cancer of the stomach is very difficult to recognize and it is far safer and wiser, upon the appearance of the first sus...

Cancer Of The Uterus
What women should know regarding it. The menopause or change of life comes on gradually, rarely suddenly. It is not preceded by excessive...

Cancer Of The Breast
Eighty-one per cent of an tumors of the breast are cancer or become so. Whenever a woman feels a lump in her breast, particularly if she ...

Cancer (carcinoma)
This is very malignant. This kind is divided into two classes, Scirrhus and Epithelial. 1. Scirrhus cancer. This is a hard, irregular g...

Colloid Cancer; Jelly-like Substance
The cancer cells have undergone a degeneration in one of the preceding varieties. The material it contains is a semi-translucent, glisten...

2. The Epithelial Cancer (carcinoma)
These always spring from free epithelium-clad surfaces, as the skin, and mucous membranes or from the glands of the same. These growths a...

A tumor is a new growth which produces a localized enlargement of a part, or an organ, has no tendency to a spontaneous cure, has no usefu...

Diagnosis. It is uncommon under thirty, quite common after. Epithelioma of the lower lip is limited almost entirely to men. If, then, a m...

Heart Disease, Emergency Treatment
For collapse or fainting, loosen clothing, lie down, rub camphor on forehead, and keep quiet. To Revive When Fainting. Smell of camphor...

Heart Failure
The pulse may be slow and weak or fast and weak. Digitalis. Give five drops of the tincture in a little water. Another dose can be give...

Palpitation Of The Heart
Irregular or forcible heart beat action usually perceived by the person troubled. Causes. Hysteria, nervous exhaustion, violent emotion...

The Heart
The heart is the central organ of the entire system and consists of a hollow muscle; by its contraction the blood is pumped to all parts ...

This is an inflammation of the pericardium, the sac containing the heart. Primary or First Causes. They refer in this disease to a pecu...

Inflammation of the lining of the heart chiefly confined to the valves; it may be acute or chronic. Simple Kind, Cause. Occurs at all a...

Chronic Endocarditis
Usually occurs in persons under middle age. Generally follows acute endocarditis. It may be caused by syphilis, alcoholism, gout, and pro...

Chronic Valvular Disease
Results of valve lesions. Narrowing of a valve causes increased difficulty in emptying the chamber of the heart behind it. Insufficiency ...

Aortic Insufficiency Or Incompetency
The valves are not doing their work thoroughly. Symptoms. They are often long absent; headache, dizziness, faintness, flashes of light...

Narrowing (aortic Stenosis)
Caused by chronic endocarditis, etc. Their valve segments are usually adherent to each other by their margins and are thickened and disto...

Mitral Insufficiency Or Incompetency
This is the most common valvular disease. The segments of the valve may be shortened and deformed. There is often stenosis (narrowing) ca...

Mitral Stenosis
This is the narrowing of the valve opening. It is most common in young persons, chiefly females. The narrowing of the valve opening may b...

Tricuspid (valve) Insufficiency
Cause. Usually due to dilatation of the right ventricle in mitral disease or with lung emphysema or other obstruction to the lungs' circu...

Tricuspid Stenosis (narrowing)
Rare except in cases from the time of birth. Recovery from the valvular disease, depends upon the degree of compensation maintained an...

Fatty Heart
This occurs often in old age, prolonged, infectious, wasting disease, anemia, alcoholism, poisoning by phosphorus and arsenic. ...

Angina Pectoris
True angina, which is a rare disease, is characterized by paroxysms of agonizing pain in the region of the heart, extending into the arms...

A localized or diffused thickness of the inner coat and then of the other coats of the arteries. Arteries look lumpy and are crooked, dil...

This is a local dilatation of an artery. A local tumor. Treatment. Absolute rest, restrict fluids. There is always danger from rupture....

This is an inflammation of the muscle substance of the heart. It may be acute or chronic. Causes. Endocarditis and pericarditis in the ...

Phlebitis, Inflammation Of The Veins
Causes. Some irritation of the vein, as a puncture or any other injury accompanied by infection. Symptoms. Pain and tenderness along th...

Varicose Veins (varix)
This term means an enlarged, elongated, tortuous, knotty condition of the veins. The term "varicose veins" is restricted in general use t...

Physicians' Treatment For Varicose Veins
Palliative. Remove the cause if possible. Treat the heart and lung troubles. Remove the pelvic tumors. In pregnancy, the woman afflicted ...

A lens is made of glass and prisms graded in strength, one surface curved, and has the power of refracting or changing the direction of th...

Injuries Of The Iris
Concussion of the eyeball may produce an irregular dilation of the pupil. This is due to paralysis of the sphincter muscle of the pupil, ...

This is an opacity of the crystalline lens or its capsule. The lens is not clear and bright and keeps the light from going through it. Th...

Senile Cataract
The vast majority of these cataracts are found after the age of fifty. They simply come without any known cause. Of course, injury can ca...

Symptoms Of Senile (old Age) Cataract
Blurred vision, flashes and streaks of light, dark spots, double vision. There is no pain. Eye strain due to imperfect sight. Sometimes t...

Sympathetic Inflammation Of The Eye
(Sympathetic Ophthalmia.)--A condition in which the healthy eye becomes the seat of a destructive inflammation transferred from the other...

Symptoms In The Exciting Eye
This is more or less congested and painful; when pressure is made upon the upper lid, it shows tenderness. The tension is not as strong; ...

In The Sympathizing Eye
There is an inflammation involving the choroid, ciliary body and iris. There is pain, tenderness, small blocked pupil and sight is poor. ...

Inflammation Of The Retina From Bright's Disease
The retina is a very delicate structure and we are often able to diagnose Bright's disease from the peculiar effect it produces upon the...

Film On The Eye Pterygium
This is a growth beginning near the inner or outer corner and extending with its point towards the center of the cornea. Symptoms. The...

Ulcer Of The Cornea
Causes. Poor general health is an underlying cause or the cornea itself may be poorly nourished. Ulcers are common among the poor classes...

Inflammation Of The Eye Of Newly Born (ophthalmia Neonatorum)
This is a severe inflammation of the conjunctiva in the new born infant, usually due to a discharge from the mother and it is characteriz...

Acute Catarrhal Conjunctivitis (pink Eye)
Definition. This is an acute inflammation of the mucous membranes under the eyelids, and there is congestion (too much blood), swelling a...

Stye (hordeolum)
This is a swelling beginning in a gland or glands at the edge of the lid and pus forms finally. Causes. Inflammation of the edge of the...

Blepharitis Marginalis
This means a chronic inflammation of the margin or edge of the eyelids accompanied by congestion, thickening and ulceration of the parts ...

Refracting Media
The aqueous humor completely fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eyeball. The anterior chamber is the space bounded in front...

The Retina
This is a delicate membrane, upon the surface of which the images of external objects are received. Its outer surface is in contact with ...

The Cornea
This is almost circular in shape. It is convex anteriorly and projects forward from the sclerotic in the same manner that a watch glass d...


Diseases Of The Eye And Ear
The first thing we notice in looking at the eye may be the lids and at each edge are the eyelashes. When this edge becomes inflamed it...

Squint Or Strabismus
Both lines of sight are not directed towards the same object of fixation. Internal or Convergent Squint. Where one eye is turned inward...

Ear And Its Diseases
The external ear is called auricle or pinna. It is an oval funnel-shaped organ. The canal leading in to the membrane (drum) is called ...

Eczema Of The External Ear (auricle)
This is an inflammatory disease of the skin, and in the poorer classes it is very frequent. It is quite a common disease in old age. It d...

Hardened Wax Or Impacted Cerumen
This mass may be mixed with foreign bodies or be made up of "wax" alone. Symptoms. A large mass of wax may remain in the ear for many y...

Foreign Bodies In The Ear
These are not of frequent occurrence. In the case of children these bodies may comprise such objects as pebbles, beads, beans, pieces of ...

Disease Of The Middle Ear
The ordinary cold in the head rarely runs its course without one of the eustachian tubes at least is involved to some extent. ...

Simple Inflammation Of The Eustachian Tube
Causes. Acute colds, inflammation of the nose and pharynx, tonsilitis. Symptoms. The ear may feel full and numb, roaring in the ear may...

Acute Catarrhal Inflammation Of The Middle Ear
Causes. Acute coryza, acute pharyngitis, influenza, scarlet fever, inflammation of the eustachian tube, gargling, bathing, employing the ...

Serous Mucous Exudation Into The Middle Ear
The disease just described is often associated with an (exudation) watery oozing of fluid into the middle ear, but the following conditio...

Chronic Catarrhal Inflammation Of The Middle Ear
The expression, acute inflammation of the middle ear, is rightly employed when it is applied to a case in which the underlying cause is o...

Acute Suppurative Inflammation Of The Middle Ear
This inflammation of the middle ear is one in which, at an early stage of the disease, the free liquid poured out assumes a pus-like char...

Chronic Suppurative Inflammation Of The Middle Ear
An inflammation that forms pus; hence called suppurative. This is an inflammation that has become chronic (continued) and has one charact...

Inflammation Of The Mastoid' Cells. (acute Or Chronic Mastoiditis)
This disease represents one of the most serious terminations of an acute or a chronic suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. This is...

This is usually the result of a disease and is merely a symptom. Diseases of the middle ear, rupture of the drum membrane, and large ulce...

The general belief exists that earache is something which is quite harmless and entirely different from a genuine inflammation of the ear...


This is due to the fact that the flesh or bony parts do not quite properly unite. It may form a single or double hare-lip, or complicated...

Cleft Palate
The bones that form the hard palate do not unite in the median line and a longitudinal opening is left in the roof of the mouth. This is ...

Crooked Feet. Talipes
There are many varieties. The treatment should be begun, under the instructions of a physician, and continued from infancy and many a goo...

Bow Legs. (genu Varum)
This is the opposite of knock knees, and the deformity usually affects both limbs, the knees being widely separated. The disease begins i...

Club Foot (talipes)
Varieties: 1. The heel may be drawn up and the foot extended (Talipes Equinus). 2. The foot may be flexed, bent up, (Talipes Calcaneu...

Alcoholism. Acute Symptoms
The face is flushed, the breath has the odor of liquor, the pulse is full and bounding with deep respiration. Reason, memory, judgment an...

Chronic Alcoholism
This results from protracted or periodic "sprees." Symptoms. The face is red, the capillaries are dilated, eyes are watery, conjunctiva...

Delirium Tremens
This is a brain manifestation of chronic alcoholism occurring in steady drinkers after excessive drinking or sudden withdrawal of alcohol...


Chronic Alcoholism
This is different; withdraw the alcohol and substitute strychnine, one-thirtieth of a grain three or four times a day, nourishing food, c...

Morphine Habit. (morphinomania--morphinism)
This is usually acquired by the repeated use of the hypodermic syringe for pain. It is also used by the mouth or opium smoking. Sympto...

Cocaine Habit
The drug is taken as a snuff, hypodermically, or in sprays and often the habit is formed when given as sprays, etc., in disease. Sympto...

Chloral Habit. Symptoms
After a slight primary exhilaration there is depression of the mind and body; skin eruptions, bad breath, spongy gums, poor appetite, ind...

Lead Poisoning. (plumbism-saturnism). Causes
It is common in lead smelters and grinders, painters, glaziers, and plumbers, whose hands are not washed before eating. The lead is absor...

Food Poisoning. (bromototoxismus)
Food may contain the specific organisms of disease, as of tuberculosis or trichinosis; milk and other foods may become infected with typh...

Heat Stroke
Called also heat exhaustion; thermic fever, coup de Soleil. A condition produced by exposure to excessive heat. Heat Exhaustion. This i...

Sunstroke. Heat Stroke, Thermic (heat) Fever
This occurs in persons chiefly who, while working very hard are exposed to the sun. Soldiers who are marching with their heavy accoutreme...


1. Place the patient flat on his back. 2. Raise the feet and lower his head, unless blueness of the face occurs. 3. Make the patient ...

Place the patient on her back, with the head low and feet raised unless the face is flushed. The face is generally pale. Loosen the clo...

Dog Bites (not Rabid)
Treat the same as for any torn wound, wash out thoroughly with hot water and an ounce of salt in a pint of water. There is no danger of h...

Poisoned Wounds. Mosquito Bite
Remove the sting in the wound. Diluted vinegar applied to the bites is sometimes of help. Camphor is also good. ...

Snake Bite
Naturalists have discovered twenty-seven species of poisonous serpents and one poisonous lizard; eighteen species of these are true rattl...

Symptoms Of A Snake Bite
The symptoms are similar in bites of poisonous snakes. Pain in the wound, slight at first, but becoming more severe, with rapid swelling ...

Stings, Mothers' Remedies
1. Leaves of Geranium Good for Bee or Wasp. "Bruise the leaves of geranium and bind on the affected part. This has proved an excellent, t...

A dislocation is the putting out of joint some bone, such as the elbow or shoulder bone or bones. The bone has slipped out of its socket....

Dislocation Of The Jaw
It is not possible to close the mouth. The chin is too far forward. The jaw may turn toward the other side in one-sided dislocation. ...

Shoulder Joint Dislocation
There is a depression of the skin over the cavity. The shoulder is flattened. The bone of the arm points to where the head of the bone is...

Finger Or Thumb Dislocation
If the joint is dislocated forward pull the front part forward and backward. If it is dislocated backwards, pull the front part of the fi...

They are simply broken bones or cartilage, usually applied popularly to a broken bone. Varieties. Simple fracture means a break of the ...

This should be of cotton. In case of necessity, handkerchiefs, towels, pieces of muslin, cloths; hay or grass can be used temporarily. ...

In emergencies splints can be made from shingles, pasteboards or even bark. ...

How To Take Hold Of A Broken Leg Or Arm
Never take hold of it from above, but slip the hands underneath, and then take a firm but gentle hold at two points a short distance from...

For The Forearm
Two padded splints three to four inches wide and long enough to take in the hand also should be applied, one to the thumb, and the other ...

For The Arm
Put on two padded splints from the shoulder to the elbow, one in front and the one behind, and bind on at the bottom and top. Then place ...

For A Broken Leg
Pull on the foot gently to make slight extension, and lift the leg on a pillow or some sort of pad, and tie this firmly about the leg; or...

For A Broken Thigh, Upper Leg
The splint should extend from under the arm to the ankle, padded and bound to the body and to the leg by means of long towels or pieces o...

For A Broken Collar Bone
Place the patient on his back if he is to be moved and put a firm pad in the arm pit and bind the arm to the side with the forearm across...

Broken Ribs
Put on a towel, about eight to twelve inches wide. This should go around the body and be pinned tightly; or, if you have a roll of adhesi...

A Broken Jaw
Take a strong piece of muslin, long enough to reach around the neck and eight inches longer. Split this through the center to within abou...

Broken Nose
Put the parts in place by pressure and moulding. It is easily done. Do not hurry. Put a strip of adhesive plaster across the bridge of th...

Sprains or wrenches of the joints are caused by a twist or a blow. The injury consists in the tear or rupture of a number of the fibres o...

Burns. Scalds
A Burn is caused by dry heat. A Scald is caused by moist heat. A superficial burn, upon a young child, that involves the third of...

Burns From Acid
Soda, chalk, whiting, sprinkled over the surface of the skin and covered with moist coverings of gauze. Egg albumen is also good applied,...

Bums From Alkali (like Potash Or Strong Ammonia)
Vinegar poured over the part, or dress with a mild solution of boric acid. One teaspoonful to four ounces of water. MOTHERS' REMED...

Cuts. Wounds
They are named cut (incised); contused, such as made by a blunt instrument. Lacerated or torn, when the tissues are torn or ragged. ...

Punctured Wounds
From a sharp pointed instrument, nail, etc. The first thing to do is to cleanse the wound thoroughly with hot water and about one-half ou...

Rusty Nail Wound, Simple Guard Against Serious Results From
"Every little while we read of someone who has run a rusty nail in his foot or some other part of his person, and lockjaw has resulted th...

Things In The Ear; Buttons, Beads, Etc
The bent hairpin is good to use for removing these objects, unless it is too far in. Sometimes the object can be washed out with a stream...

Fits. (convulsions)
Loosen all clothing. Put something hard between the teeth to keep the patient from biting his tongue. Allow plenty of sleep afterward. ...

In-growing Toe-nails. Causes
Pressure from improperly fitting shoes, or a wrong way of cutting the nails. The flesh along the nails becomes inflamed. Toe-nails should...

If one has had a severe fall and is wholly or partially conscious, move as little as possible, in case of broken bones. Remain in a comfo...

Fire In Clothing
Keep quiet, and away from a draught. Wrap anything handy around him and roll him. Leave only the head and face uncovered. Keep mouth clos...

Choking. (foreign Bodies In The Larynx)
Produce vomiting. Give an emetic, warm water, melted lard, vaselin or one teaspoonful of mustard in one-half glass of warm water and drin...

Things In The Nose. Corn, Peas, Beans, Buttons, Etc
Children frequently get such things in their nose and also ears. They should be removed soon and then there will be no harm done. They ha...

Treatment Of The Drowned, Suffocated Or Electrically Shocked
The one action of first importance in the treatment of the drowned, the suffocated or the electrically shocked is to restore breathing. ...

Schaefer Method Of Effecting Artificial Respiration In Case Of Drowning
After an investigation and comparison of the different methods of artificial respiration, Schaefer suggests one which is by far the sim...

To Resuscitate The Drowned
First: Lose no time in recovering the body from the water. Always try to restore life; for while ten minutes under the water is usually t...

How To Keep From Drowning
To keep from drowning it is advisable, but not necessary, to know how to swim. The human body in the water weighs little more than a poun...

How To Find Drowned Persons
Make a board raft, ten or twelve feet square. Cut a round hole in the center, eight or ten inches in diameter. Lie down on the raft with ...

Electric Shock, Etc
In suffocation by smoke or any poisonous gas, as also by hanging if the neck is not broken, and in suspended breathing from effects of ch...

Bathing In Sewage Polluted Waters Is Dangerous
Cases have been reported where typhoid fever has been contracted by bathing in streams below cities and villages. Probably this occurred ...

Aconite. Symptoms
Sudden collapse; slow, feeble, irregular pulse, and breathing; tickling in the mouth and the extremities, giddiness, great muscular weakn...

Alcohol. Symptoms
Stupid, confused, giddy, staggers, drowsy, but can be aroused; full pulse, deep snoring, respiration, injected eyes, dilated pupils, low ...

Ammonia. Symptoms
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in br...

Antimony. Symptoms
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody...

Arsenic, Symptoms
Violent burning in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, ...

Arsenical Poisoning, Chronic Cases, Causes
Inhaling arsenic from dyes, in wall-paper, carpet, etc, Taking it in by the mouth in handling dyed paper, artificial flowers, etc., and i...

Atropine. Symptoms
Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Pati...

Belladonna, Symptoms
Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Pati...

Blue Stone. Symptoms
Vomiting and purging, taste of metal, severe pains, dizziness and headache and sometimes insensibility. Treatment. Emetics such as must...

Blue Vitriol. Symptoms
Vomiting and purging, taste of metal, severe pains, dizziness and headache and sometimes insensibility. Antidote. Jeaunel's antidote. ...

Carbolic Acid. Symptoms
Immediately burning pain from mouth to stomach; giddiness, loss of consciousness, collapse, partial suppression of the urine; characteris...

Chloral. Symptoms
Deep sleep, livid look, pulse weak, breathing slow, pupils contracted during sleep, but dilated when awake, temperature low. Antidotes....

Copper. Symptoms
Intense corrosion of the mouth and stomach, bleeding and cramps in the bowels. Treatment. Emetics. Mustard water, warm salt water, lard...

Corrosive Sublimate. Symptoms
Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with bloody stools, tongue white, shriveled: suppressed urine, gums sore, salivat...

Cheese, Spoiled. Symptoms
Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, weakness, cold hands and feet. Treatment. Emetics, such as warm water and salt until patient vomits freely...

Deadly Night-shade. Symptoms
Flushed face, red eyes, throbbing head, pulse fast, dizzy, staggering, hot and dry throat, dilated pupils, scarlet rash on the skin. Pati...

Fowler's Solution. Symptoms
Violent burning in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs, ...

Hydrochloric Acid, Symptoms
The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult; "coffee grounds" vomiting.; pul...

Hellebore, White And Green. Symptoms
Pain and burning in the bowels, vomiting and diarrhea, slow weak pulse, pupils dilated usually. Treatment. Emetics, such as mustard wat...

Iodine. Symptoms
Pain in throat and stomach, vomiting is yellow from the iodine, or blue if starch is in the stomach; color and odor of iodine on lips and...

Lye. Symptoms
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in br...

Laudanum. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused with...

Mercuric Chloride. Symptoms
Burning heat in stomach and bowels, vomiting, diarrhea, with bloody stools, tongue white, shriveled, suppressed urine, gums sore, salivat...

Morphine. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness, weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong; patient roused wit...

Nux Vomica. Symptoms
Appear quickly. Terrible convulsions, in paroxysms, devilish grin, the body is curved backward, jaw set. Treatment. Cause vomiting with...

Nitric Acid. Symptoms
The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult. "Coffee grounds" vomiting. Puls...

Oxalic Acid. Symptoms
Hot acrid taste; burning, vomiting, collapse, numb and stupid. Antidotes. Lime or chalk. Treatment. Medicines, soothing drinks, flax...

Opium. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness, weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused wit...

Paris Green. Symptoms
Violent burning in the stomach, nausea, and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, suppressed urine, cramps in the legs,...

Paregoric. Symptoms
Excitement at first, soon weariness, weighty limbs, sleepiness, pin-point pupils, pulse and breathing slow and strong, patient roused wit...

Phosphorus Matches. Symptoms
Vomiting and pain, the vomit may be luminous in the dark, characteristic odor, after several days deep jaundice, blood in vomited matter ...

Potash, Caustic. Symptoms
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in br...

Poisonous Plants. Symptoms
Vomiting, terrible weakness. Treatment. Emetics such as warm mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease, vaselin, lard, etc.; strong ...

Rough On Rats. Symptoms
Violent burning in stomach, nausea, and vomiting, retching, thirst, purging of blood and mucus, Suppressed urine, cramps in legs, intense...

Saltpetre. Symptoms
Intense inflammation of the stomach and bowels, often with bloody vomiting and purging; lips and tongue swollen; violent difficulty in br...

Santonin. Symptoms
Object looks blue, then yellow, ringing ears, dizziness. Treatment. Emetics such as warm mustard water, warm salt water, goose grease,...

Strychnine. Symptoms
Appear quickly. Terrible convulsions, in paroxysms, devilish grin, the body is curved backward, jaw set. Treatment. Cause vomiting, wit...

Spoiled Foods. Symptoms
Vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, weakness, cold hands and feet. Treatment. Emetics such as warm salt water until patient vomits freely; or ...

Sulphuric Acid. Symptoms
The stomach and bowels are irritated and inflamed, the mouth may burn and bleed; swallowing is difficult. "Coffee grounds" vomiting. Puls...

Tartar Emetic. Symptoms
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody...

Tobacco. Symptoms
Vomiting, terrible weakness. Treatment. Emetics, such as warm salt water, warm mustard water, goose grease, lard, vaselin, etc.; then s...

Wine Of Antimony. Symptoms
Metallic taste, violent vomiting, becoming bloody, feeble pulse; pain and burning in the stomach. Violent watery purging, becoming bloody...


Homeopathic medicines should be kept in a dry cool place. Do not leave them standing open among odors or exposed to bright lights. The fo...

Care Of Medicine In The Sick Room
Use a clean tumbler and when not using cover the tumbler with a small saucer or piece of cardboard. Set it in a cool place and where it i...

La Grippe
Gelsemium IX dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give one to two teaspoonfuls everyone-half to two hours. Feels sick, ac...

Meaning a simple inflammation of the mouth. Mercurius sol. 3X trit. (tablet form). Give one to two every one to three hours, according ...

Aphthae (thrush) In Children
l Mercurius sol. 3X trit. (tablet form). Indicated when it extends downward and produces diarrhea. Give one tablet every four hours for a...

Diseases Of The Teeth
Chamomilla 1X dil. Put ten drops in one-half glass full of water and give one to two teaspoonfuls everyone to three hours. This is especi...

Diseases Of The Gums
Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form) is good when teeth are ulcerated and decayed. Take one to two tablets every three hours. Or use, M...

Uvula, Inflammation Of
Aconite 2X di1. Ten drops of this in a glass half full of water and give one to two teaspoonfuls everyone to three hours, when there is f...

Throat, Inflammation Of
Aconite 2X dil. Ten drops in a glass one-half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls everyone to three hours, in the first stage attende...

Pharyngitis, Inflammation Of The Pharynx
Aconite 2X dil., Belladonna 3X dil., and Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) according to symptoms given above. ...

Tonsils, Tonsilitis And Quinsy
Aconite 2X dil. In the first twenty-four hours when there is fever, full pulse and dry skin. Belladonna 3X dil. instead, when there is ...

Enlarged Tonsil (chronic)
Baryta Carb. 3X trit. (tablet form). Take one to two tablets daily for some time. ...

Antitoxin is the best remedy. Belladonna 3X dil. Ten to fifteen drops in one-half glass of water and give two teaspoonfuls every one to...

Esophagus, Inflammation Of
Aconite 2X dil. if there is much fever. Belladonna 3X dil. If there is much local pain. ...

Gastritis, Acute Inflammation
Aconite 2X dil. Put ten drops or fifteen drops in a half-glass of water and give when there is active and violent inflammation with full ...

Chronic Gastritis
Arsenicum alb. 3X trit. (tablet form), one to two tablets four times a day when there is much emaciation and when there is much desire to...

Nux vomica 3X trit. (tablet form), Mercurius vivus 3X trit. (tablet form), Bryonia alb. 2X dil. are main remedies. ...

Gastralgia (cardialgia)
Pains in the stomach. Nux vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) with pressure and cramps in the stomach, more particularly if the patient uses ...

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). For acid vomiting, one tablet dry on the tongue every fifteen minutes. Ipecac 3X trit. (tablet form)...

Acute inflammation of the small intestines. Aconite 2X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give one to two teaspoonful...

Large Intestine, Inflammation
Aconite 2X dil. at the beginning. Chilly, fever, hot dry skin, usual symptoms and dose. Arsenicum alb. 3X trit. (tablet form). One to t...

Dysentery And Diarrhea
Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets every one to two hours when there is pain before stool and relieved by the passage....

Cholera Morbus
Arsenicum alb. 3X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets on tongue every fifteen minutes until better, when there is watery burning vomi...

Aconite 2X dil. at the beginning. Belladonna 3X dil. after the first twenty-four hours. Bryonia alb. 2X dil. Pains are sharp, shootin...

Correct diet and habits. Bryonia 2X dil. Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). Opium 6X dilution. ...

Colocynthis 1X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes until better. When the pa...

Painter's Colic
Opium 6X dil. As usual, prepared, and given every one to two hours, when the constipation is obstinate, hard abdomen, with intense pain, ...

Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet after each meal and before retiring. Constipation with pain in the lower back and in the low...

Bowel Falling (prolapsus Ani)
Tincture Cina is good when caused by worms, one-tenth to one drop of the tincture every two hours. Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) whe...

Tincture of Cina from one-tenth drop to two drops four times a day for pin (seat) (thread worms) and round worms. SymptomsBoring of the...

Cholera Asiatic
Aconite first stage. Tincture Camphor in drop doses second stage every fifteen minutesFollow with Arsenicum, Veratrum alb. Carbo veg...

Aconite 2X dil. at first. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet from) when patient is thirsty, very restless. Dose every hour. Bryonia alb. 2X ...

After scarlet fever. Apis Mel. 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet every two hours. In feet, ankles, and abdomenArsenicum alb. 3X trit. ...

Liver, Enlarged
Phosphorus 3X dil. Prepare and give two teaspoonfuls every four hours. ...

Biliousness, Liver
With vomiting of bile and mucus use Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) one every three hours, also from stimulants and over feeding. Su...

Bilious Diarrhea
Give Podophyllum 3X dil. one drop every three hours. ...

Bilious Attacks
In children brought on by teething, cold or anger give one drop of Chamomilla 1X dil. every three hours. Chelidonium 3X dil. Is good fo...

Aconite 2X dil. Beginning from taking cold. Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). Constipation prominent. Chamomilla IX dil. From fright, an...

Disease Of The Respiratory Organs
Coryza, cold in the head. Aconite 2X dil. Prepare as usual. Use first twenty-four hours. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet...

Catarrh, Chronic
Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). Use tablets; take about four times a day. Kali Bich 3X trit. (tablet form) thick crusts from ulcers in ...

Chronic Laryngitis
Belladonna 3X dil. Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form). Phosphorus 3X dil. ...

Aconite 2X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water, and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes in alteration with Spongia 3X...

Bronchitis, Acute And Chronic
Aconite 2X dil. Ten drops, etc. One to two teaspoonfuls everyone to three hours in first stage for the fever, etc. Belladonna 2X or 3X ...

Gelsemium 1X dil. generally at the beginning twenty-four hours one drop every hour. Belladonna 3X dil. for sore throat. Phosphorus 3...

Whooping-cough. (pertussis)
Belladonna 2X or 3X dil. Ten drops in a glass half full of water and two teaspoonfuls given every one to three hours for sudden tight, vi...

Pneumonia, Inflammation Of The Lungs
Aconite 2X dil., etc. every hour for first twenty-four hours. Bryonia 2X dil., etc. Given same way, when the patient lies quietly, hurt...

Pleurisy, Inflammation Of The Pleura
Aconite 2X dil., etc., one to two teaspoonfuls every hour, for the chill and fever, dry hot skin, full bounding pulse, shortness of breat...

Pleurodynia, (intercostal Neuralgia)
Belladonna 3X dil. Bryonia 2X dil. ...

Inflammation of inner lining of the heart. Aconite 2X dil. Spigelia 3X dil. Cactus 3X dil. ...

Angina Pectoris
Cactus 2X dilution. Spigelia 3X dil. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). ...

Aconite 2X dil. One drop. Arising from excitement. Chamomilla 1X dil. and Nux Vomica 3X dil. (tablet form) caused from anger. Nux Vom...

Pulse Intermittent
Give digitalis, spigelia 2X dil. Gelsemium 2X dil. ...

Veins Varicose
Hamamelis locally is good. Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form) for varicose ulcers. ...

Spleen, Enlargement
Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) two tablets three times a day. China 3X di!. Two drops four times a day. Bryonia 2X dil. One drop f...

Kidney (nephritis). (inflammation Of The Kidneys)
Aconite 2X dil. Ten drops in a glass half full of water and two teaspoonfuls everyone to two hours, when there is much fever. Belladon...

Bright's Disease
Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet four times a day. ...

Diabetes Mellitus
Phosphoric acid 3X dil. Two drops four times a day. Uranium nitrate 3X trit. (tablet form). One tablet three times a day. ...

Cystitis (inflammation Of The Bladder)
Acute and chronic. Aconite 2X dil. One drop everyone to two hours first twenty-four hours. Cantharis 3X dil. For painful urination, and...

Renal Calculi
Sand in the urine. Lycopodium 30X trit. (tablet form). One tablet three times a day, for red sand. Sarsaparilla 2X dil. Two drops three...

(Blood in the urine). Aconite 2X dil., etc., beginning, when there is fever. Cantharis 3X dil. Ten drops every two hours. Urine pains i...

Acute inflammatory. Aconite 2X dil. At first, and when new joints are attacked. Belladonna 2X or 3X dil. When the parts throb and beat,...

Aconite 2X dil. At first for the fever. Colchicum 3X dil. every two hours. For chronic and muscular Rheumatism; above remedies are go...

Belladonna 3X dil. Bright red color, pain in head and eyes; full throbbing, bounding pulse. Rhus tax 6X dil. When swelling is dark and ...

Sepia 6X trit. (tablet form). When caused by menstruation in dark haired women. Pulsatilla 3X dil. For blondes, and when caused by rich...

Apis Mel. 2X trit. (tablet form). One to two tablets every two hours. ...

Sulphur 6X trit. (tablet form). One tablet four times daily and sulphur ointment. ...

Graphites 6X trit. (tablet form). Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form). Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet...

Cantharis 3X dil. Dose every two hours. ...

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). Rhus tox 6X tablet. ...

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). Rhus tox 6X, Graphites 6X. ...

Belladonna 2X dil. Hepar sulph 3X tablets. ...

Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). ...

Carbo Veg. 3X trit. (tablet form). Mercurius 3X tablet. ...

Scarlet Fever
Belladonna 3X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every two hours for usual kind. Apis Mel. 2X t...

Aconite 2X dil. in the beginning. Belladonna 3X dil. for sore throat, dry spasmodic cough, headache delirium. Bryonia 2X dil. When l...

Chicken Pox
Aconite 2X dil. for fever stage. Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Tablet every three hours. ...

Small Pox
Aconite 2X dil. for fever. Tartar Emetic 3X trit. (tablet form). 2 Tablets every two hours after fever is low. ...

Fever, Intermittent, Ague, Etc
Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). Natrum Mur. 30X trit. (tablet form) especially after Quinine has failed. ...

Infantile Remittent Fever
Aconite 2X dil. Belladonna 3X dil. Mercurius 3X tablet. ...

Inflammatory Continued Fever
Aconite 2X dil. for the fever. Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form). One every two to three hours for the stomach. ...

Typhoid Fever
Gelsemium 1X dil. Ten drops in a half glass, etc., 2 teaspoonfuls every hour, generally good in beginning stage. Arsenicum 3X. trit. (t...

Yellow Fever
Tincture Camphor drop doses every hour followed by Belladonna and Arsenicum. ...

Congestion Of Brain
Aconite 2X dil. Prepare, and give one to two teaspoonfuls everyone to two hours. Belladonna 3X dil. Prepare and give one to two teaspoo...

Brain, Inflammation Of
Aconite 2X dil. at beginning. Belladonna 3X dil. This follows well after Aconite. Chamomilla 2X. Good in teething children. ...

Cord, Inflammation Of (myelitis)
Aconite 2X dil. At beginning. Belladonna 3X dil. and Bryonia 2X dil. following. ...

Spotted Fever (cerebro-spinal Meningitis)
Aconite 2X dil. Belladonna 3X dil. Bryonia 2X dil. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form). AP ...

Belladonna 3X dil. When arteries beat violently at first. ...

Water On The Brain (acute Hydrocephalus)
Helleborus nig. 3X dil. ...

Headache (cephalalgia)
Belladonna 3X dil. One to two drops every half hour until better. Pounding throbbing headache, eyes red, and pain. Bryonia, 2X dil. sam...

Sick Headache
Bryonia 2X dil. Vomiting (bilious) worse from motion. Pulsatilla 3X dil. Blondes with menstrual troubles. Iris vers. 2X dil. Ten drop...

Convulsions, In Children
Belladonna 3X dil. Ten drops in a half glass of water, one teaspoonful every half hour to one hour. Flushed face with wandering look, hal...

St. Vitus' Dance (chorea)
Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) emaciated, tired girls, weak. Belladonna 3X dil. suited to rugged looking girls, with rush of blood to...

Neuritis (inflammation Of The Nerves)
Aconite 2X dil. when caused from cold or congestion. Belladonna 3X dil. sore to touch and movement. Arnica 2X dil. when caused by in...

Aconite 2X dil. Fever, heat, and from cold or wet. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form) when cold brings on a paroxysm or aggravates the pa...

Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Pains better on motion, must move. Bryonia 2X dil. must keep quiet. Arsenicum 3X trit. (tablet form...

Rhus tox 6X trit. (tablet form). Bryonia 2X dil. ...

Palpitation Of The Heart
Nux Vomica 3X trit. (tablet form) from over eating, drinking, sedentary life. Pulsatilla 3X dil. Blondes who have menstrual troubles al...

Eyes, Simple Inflammation Of
Aconite 2X dil. First stage. Belladonna 3X dil. Second stage. Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form) when there is a thick discharge. ...

Eyes, Weak And Watery
Ruta 3X dil. (may need glasses). EYES, stye on lids. Pulsatilla 3X dil. Four times daily. ...

Ears, Boils In The Canal
Belladonna 3X dil. hourly doses. Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form) when suppuration (pus formation) appears. ...

Ear, Inflammation Or
Aconite 2X dil. First stage, followed by Belladonna 3X tablet; then Hepar sulph. 3X trit. (tablet form) or Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet...

Menses, Suppression Of
Aconite 3X dil. when caused by cold. Caulophyllum 3X dil. can alternate this with aconite every hour. ...

Ovary, Inflammation Of
Aconite 2X dil. Apis Mel 2X trit. (tablet form). These can be alternated. ...

Dysmenorrhea, Painful Menstruation
Cocculus 2X dil. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water and give two teaspoonfuls every fifteen minutes. Caulophyllum 3X dil. can ...

Menorrhagia (too Much Flow)
Sabina 3X dil. pains between sacrum and pubic bones most, bright red blood. Ipecac 3X dil. especially when there is much nausea. Chi...

Mercurius 3X trit. (tablet form). Tablet everyone to three hours. Pulsatilla 3X dil. When it goes down. Give every hour. ...

Night Sweats
China 2X dil. and Phosphoric acid 3X dil. These can be used alternately, giving each one three times a day. ...


Allen's World's Hair Restorer
Sulphur l-1/2 drams Plumbi Acetatis 2 drams Glycerin 3 ounces W...

Relief For Asthma
Powdered Lobelia 1 ounce Powdered Stramonium Leaves 1 ounce Powdered Saltpeter 1 ounce Powde...

Anti-constipation Pad
Podophyllum 3 ounces Aloes, powdered 1/2 ounce Extract Colocynth comp...

Blood And Liver Regulator
Potassii Iodidi 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Senna 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1/2 o...

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Acetate of Morphia 3 grains Tincture Sanguinaria 2 drams Wine Antimony 3 drams Wine Ipecac ...

Salve For Boils And Old Sores
Rosin 1 ounce Beeswax 1 ounce Mutton Tallow 4 ounces Copper Acetate 1 dram Melt the ...

Ayer's Hair Vigor
Plumbi Acetate 3 drams Flowers of Sulphur 2 drams Glycerin 14 drams Water enough to m...

Burns And Scalds
Raw Linseed Oil 3 ounces Lime Water 3 ounces Acidi Carbolici 15 drops This preparation for burns is...

Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla 3 ounces Fluid Extract Queen's Root. 3 ounces Fluid Extract Rumex Crispus 2 ou...

For Ague, Chills And Fever
Quinine 2 drams Tincture Chloride Iron 6 drams Simple Syrup 2 ounces F...

Royal Catarrh Cure
Muriate of Berberine 0.65 parts Acidi Carbolici 1.35 parts Common Salt 98.0...

For Catarrh Of Long Standing
Menthol 10 grains Gum Camphor 10 grains Chloroform 10 drops Oil Petrolatum ...

Barker's Bone And Nerve Liniment For Man Or Beast
Cures rheumatism, sprains, bruises, chilblains, etc. We have made an examination of the foregoing liniment and find it to be essential...

Catarrh Ointment
Eucalyptol 4 drops Terebene 8 drops Menthol 4 grains Cosmaline to make. 1 ounce...

Laxative Bromo-quinine Tablets
Aloin 1/9 grain Podophyllin 1/9 grain Sodii Bicarbonatis 1 grain Quinine Sulphate ...

Cathartic And Sure Cure For Constipation
Fluid Extract Rhamnus Purshiana 1 ounce Syrup Rhubarb 1 ounce Simple Syrup 2 o...

Brinkerhoff System Of Treating Piles And Other Diseases Of The Rectum
There have been so many inquiries of late concerning the above treatment that we deem it a duty to tell our readers, as nearly as poss...

Hydrochlorate Ammonia 1 dram Syrup Pruni Virginani 1 ounce Syrup Squills 1 ounce Tincture Opi...

Colic, Cholera And Diarrhea
Laudanum 2 drams Oil Cloves 15 drops Oil Cassia 15 drops Compound ...

Lydia Pinkham's Compound
High Cranberry Bark 1/2 pound Partridge Berry Vine 1/2 pound Poplar Bark 1/4 pound Unicorn Root ...

Powdered Alum 2 drams Honey Strained 1/2 ounce Syrup Simple 1 ounce Mucilage Acacia t...

Smith's Electric Oil
Chloroform 1 ounce Sassafras Oil 2 ounces Linseed Oil 8 ounces Cotton Seed Oil 1 pint ...

Tincture Opium 1 dram Olive Oil 1/2 ounce Glycerin 1/2 ounce Mix. This is another prescript...

Bull's Blood Syrup
Potas. Iodid 12 drams Red Iodide of Mercury 2 grains Tincture of Poke Root 3 drams ...

Sore Eyes
Acetate Lead 2 grains Sulphate Zinc 2 grains Glycerin 1 dram Pure Water 1 ounce Mix. Good. ...

Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce Fluid Extract Wahoo 1 ounce Neutralizing Cordial 2 ounces ...

Cancer Paste
I will tell you how I made it for the last twenty-three years. Take equal parts (by weight) of chloride of zinc, pulverized bloodroot,...

Any Further Information In My Power
Jer. Hess, M. D., in Med. World. Arsenic 2 ounces Sulphur 2 ounces Zinc Sulphate 2 ounces Rochel...

Colic In Infants
Dewee's Carminative 1 ounce Dose: One week old, three to five drops; one month old, five to ten drops; three months old...

Lombard Secret Cancer Remedies
Dr. J. L. Horr says in Boston Medical and Surgical Journal: "Having without solicitation on my part, become possessed of the knowledge...

Carter's Little Liver Pills
For headache, torpid liver, constipation, and the complexion take one pill every night. As a purgative take four to eight. Weight of t...

For Diarrhea, Flux And Dysentery
To one teaspoonful of Epsom Salts add eight drops of laudanum in one-fourth glass of water. An excellent medicine. The above amount w...

Senna 4 drams Manna 1 ounce Rochelle Salts 1 ounce Fennel Seed 1-1/2 dr...

Dyspepsia Tonic
Tincture Gentian Compound 2 ounces Tincture Rhubarb 2 ounces Tincture Ginger 1/2 ounce Ess...

Madame Rupert's Face Bleach
Analysis assigns the following composition to this cosmetic: Corrosive Sublimate 1 grain Tincture of Benzoin 7 ...

To Remove Blotches And Pimples From The Face
Acidi Carbolici 20 drops Powdered Borax 1 dram Listerine 1 ounce Alcohol ...

Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, And Diarrhea Remedy
Tincture Capsici 2-1/2 ounces Tincture Camphor 2 ounces Tincture Guaicum 1-1/2 ounces Mix. The above amount ...

Female Regulator
Carbonate Iron 1 ounce Tincture Gentian Compound 2 ounces Powdered Rhubarb 1/2 ounce Powd...

Cuticura Ointment
The much advertised "Cuticura Ointment" has been found to consist .of a base of petroleum jelly, colored green, perfumed with oil of b...

Prepared Chalk 2 drams Tincture Catechu 1/2 ounce Tincture Opii 1/2 ounce Aqua Cinnamon t...

Cuticura Resolvent
This preparation is said to be: Aloes, Socot 1 dram Rhubarb Powdered 1 dram Potas. Iodidi 36 g...

For Fever
Quinia Sulp 50 grains Capsicum 6 grains It will make twenty-five capsules. Mix. Dose: One every three hours. Thi...

Ely's Cream Balm
This is a proprietary article, largely advertised in the Eastern states, and meets with rapid sales and is used for catarrh. The direc...

For Sore Throat
Listerine 2 ounces Glycerin 1/2 ounce Pure Water to make 4 ounces Mix. Use as a gargle. Th...

Fellow's Hypophosphites
Glucose 1 lb. Simple Syrup 1 pint Hypophosphite Calcium 128 grains Hypophosph...

General Tonic
Citrate of Iron and Quinine 2 drams Simple Syrup 2 ounces Pure Water 2 ounces Mi...

Genuine White Oil Liniment
Carbonate of Ammonium 19 drams Camphor 20 drams Oil of Turpentine 21 drams Oil of Origanu...

Acetanilid 160 grains Citrate Caffein 1 dram Sodae Bicarbonatis 15 grains Tartaric Acid...

Good Samaritan Liniment
Oil of Sassafras 2 drams Oil of Hemlock 2 drams Spirits of Turpentine 2 drams Tincture of Capsicum...

Tincture Nucis Vomicae 1 ounce Dose: Take five drops three times a day before meals. This is good. The above amount wou...

Grandmother's Own Cough Remedy
One green paneled bottle contains seven and one-half fluid ounces of a brownish-yellow, semi-clear, very sweet, thickish liquid, of a ...

Heart Diseases, Fluttering, Palpitation, Etc
Tincture Digitalis 2 drams Elixir Valerian 1 ounce Simple Syrup to make 4 ounces Mix. Dose: Teas...

Green Mountain Salve
Resin 1 pound Burgundy Pitch 1 ounce Beeswax 1 ounce Mutton Tallow 1 ou...

Iron Tonic Bitters
Elixir Calisay and Iron 4 ounces Alcohol 1 ounce Pure Water 2 ounces Syrup Simple...

Gunn's Rheumatic Liniment
Oleum Olivi 1 ounce Oil Cedar 1 ounce Oil Amber 1 ounce Take camphor gum one-half ounce; rub in a mort...

Itch Ointment
Lac. Sulphur 160 grains Naphthaline 10 grains Oil Bergamot 4 drops Cosmoline 1 ounce This is g...

Haines's Golden Specific For Opium Habit
Myrica Cerif 8 ounces Ginger Powdered 3 ounces Capsicum, powdered 1/2 ounce Mix. The ab...

Kidney And Liver Cure
Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce Fluid Extract Uva Ursi 1 ounce Fluid Extract Buchu 1 ounc...

Chloroform 3 drams Oil Cloves 1 dram Tincture Opii 1 ounce Oil Sassa...

Hall's Hair Renewer
Sulphur Precipitated 1/2 dram Lead Acetate 1/2 dram Sodium Chloride 1 dram Glycerin ...

Camphor Gum 1/2 ounce Tincture of Capsid 1/2 ounce Oil of Turpentine 1/4 ounce Water...

Liver Pills
Aloin 5 grains Podophyllin 10 grains Capsicum Powder 5 grains Extract Nux Vomica ...

Hamlin's Wizard Oil
Alcohol 1 pint Gum Camphor 1 ounce Oil Sassafras 1/2 ounce Tincture Myrrh ...

New York Sun Cholera Cure
Essence Peppermint 1 ounce Laudanum 1 ounce Tincture Rhei 1 ounce Tincture Camphor ...

Hinkley's Bone Liniment
Oil of Wormwood 40 minims Oil of Hemlock 2 drams Oil of Thyme 2 drams Oil of Turpentin...

Tincture Chloride of Iron 1 ounce Aromatic Spirits Ammonia 1 ounce Compound Spirits Lavender l ounce Mix....

Holloway's Ointment
The formula for this preparation is said to be: Yellow Wax 2-1/2 drams White Wax 2-1/2 drams Terebinth 6 d...

Acetanilid 160 grains Sodium Bicarbonate 15 grains Tartaric Acid 5 grains Simple Elixir ...

Kellog's Red Drops
Spirits of Camphor 1 ounce Spirits of Origanum 1 dram Oil of Sassafras 1 dram Oleum Terebinth ...

Pain Killer-external
Chloroform 3 drams Tincture Opii 3 drams Tincture Camphor 3 drams Aromatic Sp...

Kickapoo Indian Oil
Camphor Gum 1/2 ounce troy Oil Turpentine 1 fluid dram Oil Peppermint 1/2 fluid ...

Poison Oak And Ivy
Zinci Oxide 1 dram Bismuth Sub. Nit. 1 dram Carbolic Acid 10 drops Glycerin 2 ounces ...

Rheumatism, Internal Use
Iodide Potash 1/2 ounce Fluid Extract Phytolacca Decandra 1 ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparil...

Mitchell's Eye Salve
Saxoline Snow White 175 grains White Wax 65 grains Zinc Oxide 22-1/2 grains Oxide of Me...

Iodide Potash 192 grains Fluid Extract Queen's Root 1 ounce Fluid Extract Prickly Ash Bark 1/2 ...

Mother Siegel's Syrup
Conc. Decoction of Aloes (1 to 4) 60.0 m. Borax 1.3 gm. Capsicum, Powdered ...

Scald Head
Acidi Boracici 2 drams Salol 2 drams Balsam Peru 1 dram Carbolic Acid 20 drops Vaselin ...

Patterson's Emulsion Of Pumpkin Seeds
Patterson's Emulsion of Pumpkin Seeds is said to be a good emulsion for expelling tapeworms. Take two ounces of pumpkin seeds, peel an...

Tape Worm
Powdered Kamalia 3 drams Syrup Simple 3 ounces Mix. This is very good. Two doses of this mixture hardly ever fail...

Southern Cholera Cure
Tincture Laudanum or Opii 1 ounce Tincture Capsicum 1 ounce Spirits Camphor 1 ounce Chlor...

Parry's Compound Sarsaparilla Blood Purifier
Turkey Corn Root 1/4 lb. Stillingia Root 1/4 lb. Sarsaparilla Root 1/4 lb. Yellow Dock Root. 1/4 ...

Gum Camphor 1 grain Chloral Hydrate 1 grain Oil of Cloves 2 drams Chloroform to make 1 ounce ...

Perry Davis's Pain Killer
Gum Myrrh 7-1/5 ounces Cayenne Pepper 2 ounces Gum Opium 1-3/5 ounces Gum Benzoin ...

Whooping Cough
Extract Belladonna 1 grain Powdered Alum 1/2 dram Mucilage Acacia 1 ounce Syrup Scillae ...

Brodie's Liniment For Asthma
Oil of Queen's Root 4 drams Oil of Cajeput 2 drams Oil of Lobelia 1 dram Alcohol 1 oun...

Johnson's Liniment
Chloroform 4 drams Sulph. Ether 4 drams Oil Spearmint 2-1/2 drams Oil of Wintergreen ...

Sage's Catarrh Remedy
Powdered Hydrastis Canadensis 1 ounce Powdered Borax 10 grains Sodium Chloride ...

Saul's Catarrh Remedy
Tincture of Benzoin Compound 1 ounce Tincture of Tolu 1 ounce Chloroform 1/2 dram...

Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower
Stearns' Bay Rum 7 fluid ounces Dist. Extract of Witch-Hazel 9 fluid ounces Sodium Chloride ...

Skinner's Dandruff Mixture
Hydrate of Chloral 1 dram Glycerin 4 drams Bay Rum 16 drams The above amount would cost abou...

St. Jacob's Oil
Gum Camphor 1 ounce Chloral Hydrate 1 ounce Chloroform 1 ounce Sulp. Ether ...

Syrup Of Figs
Senna Leaves 7 ounces Coriander Seed 3 ounces Figs 12 ounces Tamarind ...

Thomas's Electric Oil
Gum Camphor 1 dram Oil Wintergreen 1 dram Oil Origanum 1 dram Chloroform 2 drams ...

Kelly's Tonic
Tincture Nux Vomica 2 drams Dilute Nitro-hydrochloric Acid 3 drams Compound Tincture Cinchona 1-1/...

Van Buskirk's Fragrant Sozodont
The following formula may be regarded as making an article identical with the original in all essential features: Alcohol ...

Watt's Anti-rheumatic Pills
Powdered Aloes 4 drams Powdered Gamboge 4 drams Powdered Hellebore 2 drams ...

White's Cough Syrup
Syrup Tolutani 4 drams Glycerini 8 drams Hive Syrup 12 drams Syrup Ipecacuanh...

Edward's Alterative And Tonic Bitters
Fluid Extract of Hops 2 ounces Fluid Extract of Red Cinchona 2 ounces Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla 6 drams...

Harter's Wild Cherry Bitters
Wild Cherry Bark 1 ounce Yellow Cinchona Bark 1 dram Orange Peel 2 drams Cardamon Seed 1...

Hamburg Breast Tea
Marshmallow Flowers 2 ounces Glycrrhiza Root 6 drams Iris Florentina 2 drams Coltsfoot ...

Paine's Celery Compound
Celery Seed 2 ounces Red Cinchona Officinalis 1 ounce Orange Peel 1/4 ounce Coriand...

Radway's Pills
Aloes 4 parts Jalap 2 parts Zingiber 2 parts Myrrh 2 parts Make into a mass with mucilage an...

British Oil
Petroleum 1 ounce Oil Juniper 1 dram Oil of Terebinth 1 ounce Oil Amber 4 ounces Lin...

Pierce's Compound Extract Of Smartweed
Smartweed 10 drams Alcohol 6 ounces Water 2 ounces Camphor 22-...


Woman's Department
Our busy life, our manner of dress, with all its attending demands are causing havoc with the health of women who are under its terrib...

Anatomy Of The Female Genital Organs
The external genital organs, to which the term vulva is usually given, consist of the mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris,...

Mons Veneris
This is a rounded eminence surmounting the pubic bones, and is composed of fatty tissue, covered by skin and hair. ...

The Labia Majora
There are two more or less prominent longitudinal folds of cutaneous (pertaining to the skin) tissue, covered by hair and mucous membrane...

The Labia Minora
These are two smaller folds situated within the labia majora, extending from the clitoris, downward and outward for about one and one-hal...

The Clitoris
This is an erectile structure, the analogue anatomically of the cavernous body of the penis, and is an elongated organ partially covered ...

The Vestibule
This is the smooth surface of triangular form situated between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. The labia minora bound it on ...

The Vagina
This is a membranous canal and extends from the vulva to the uterus (womb) and connects the external and internal organs of generation. I...

The Ovaries
They are analogues, anatomically, of the testes in the male. They are two egg-shaped bodies situated one on each side of the womb on the ...

Many of the disorders of menstruation are due to carelessness and neglect of this function. There should be rest of both body and mind at...

The way the abdomen is now constricted, and this is now a prominent feature of women's mode of dress, is without doubt an important predi...

Prevention Of Conception
This is a very common practice among civilized women, and it has a most destructive effect upon the pelvic organs, as well as upon the ge...

Criminal Abortion
The chief danger from the criminal interruption of pregnancy is sepsis (absorption of poisons) into the system. This may be acute in char...

Child Birth
Pelvic diseases frequently come from injuries received during labor. ...

Venereal Diseases
Dr. Child says, "Syphilis exerts its usual baneful influence, but gonorrhoea is responsible for more pathological (diseased) lesions (con...

Inflammation Of The Vulva
(Vulvitis). An acute or chronic inflammation of the vulva (external genitals) either from a specific, like gonorrhoea, or non-specific ca...

Itching Of The Vulva
Vulvae or Pruritus. This intense itching is the characteristic symptom. With the itching there is more or less swelling of the parts and ...

Cysts Of The Vulva
A cyst is a cavity containing fluid and surrounded by a covering (capsule). The duct (canal) of the gland of Bartholin, situated in the l...

Inflammation Of The Vagina, (vaginitis)
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Varieties. l. Catarrhal or simple 2. granular; 3. gonorrheal; 4. di...

This is a painful reflex muscular contraction of the vaginal orifice, and is most often observed in patients of a nervous and sensitive t...

Tear Of The Cervix (laceration)
This is a tear in the lower part of the cervix. There may be one or more. The left one-sided tear is the usual form. Next comes the tear ...

Inflammation Of The Cervix
This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the canal of the cervix (cervical canal), known as Endocervicitis; it may be acute ...

Inflammation Of The Lining Of The Womb. Endometritis
Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the womb, with a tendency to extend to the lining membrane of the fallopian tub...

Septic Puerperal Endometritis
This is an inflammation of the inner lining of the womb that occurs after child-birth during the first few weeks, and is due to a poison....

Putrid Endometritis
An inflammation of the inner lining of the womb caused by putrid (rotten), decaying material. Symptoms. A chill is sometimes present at...

Malignant Diseases Of The Womb
Cancer or carcinoma is a malignant disease of the neck (cervix) of the womb. Causes. The immediate cause is not yet known. Tears and er...

Fibroid Tumors Of The Womb Or Fibromata, Frequency
Some observers state that twenty to forty per cent of all women over thirty-five years have one or more of these tumors. They are not mal...

Subinvolution Of The Womb
This simply means that the womb, after miscarriage or child-birth, fails to return to its normal size and weight. Causes. This is frequ...

Diseases Of The Fallopian Tubes
These are named after their discoverer, Fallopian, an Italian anatomist. These tubes begin at the part of the body of the womb that exten...

Salpingitis. Inflammation Of The Fallopian Tubes
It may be either acute or chronic in character. Condition. The tissues of the tubes become swollen when the inflammation runs into the...

Inflammation Of The Ovary Or Ovaritis
This is an inflammation of the ovary and it may be either acute or chronic. In the acute form the ovary is slightly enlarged and the fo...

Tumors Of The Ovary
Cystoma is the most common tumor of the ovary. The word "cystoma" means a cyst tumor, or cystic tumor. A cyst means a cavity containing f...

Menstruation And Its Disorders
Normal menstruation occurs monthly in the female. There is a flow of blood from the cavity of the womb. The time for its beginning is dif...

Premature Menstruation. Too Early Menstruation
Premature or precocious menstruation is when it occurs before puberty. This is in part hereditary, but bad associations may be a cause of...

Delayed Menstruation
This is often caused by slow development of the generative organs. The girl may not come around until seventeenth to nineteenth year. ...

Vicarious Menstruation (in Place Of)
When menstruation is absent or suppressed, bleeding sometimes occurs periodically, from the ear, nose, any existing raw surface, leg, ulc...

This is absence of menstruation. Causes. Delayed puberty, anemia (want of proper blood) chlorosis (green sickness). diabetes, malaria, ...

Too much bleeding at the monthly periods. If it occurs between the monthly periods it is called Metrorrhagia, womb-bleeding at any time, ...

Dysmenorrhea Or Difficult Menstruation
This term means difficult and painful monthly periods. The pain may occur before, during or after the periods. Causes. It may be cause...

Turning back or retro-displacements. This includes retro- version and retro-flexion. Retro-version means turning back, in plain terms. Re...

Falling Or Prolapse Of The Womb
The womb may come down and remain in the vagina (incomplete falling). When the womb escapes at the vulva it is called a complete falling ...

Leucorrhea. (the Whites)
This is an over-secretion from the glands that pour out their contents into the vagina or the cervical canal of the womb. Causes. It is...

Inflammation Of The Body Of The Womb
The discharge is thin and watery. If the Inflammation is Caused by Gonorrhea the discharge would partake of the pus-like variety. Symp...

Cystocele is simply a tumor formed by the bladder pressing into the walls of the vagina. The bladder descends into the pelvis on account ...

The muscle that holds up the lower end of the rectum is relaxed or torn and this deprives the lower end of the rectum of its support so t...


Obstetrics Or Midwifery
Small bodies are contained in the ovaries. These are called eggs or ova. The human egg is about 1/125 of an inch in diameter. This egg...

Development At Different Months
First month. There are indications of the eyes, mouth and anus. The extremities are rudimentary. The heart is 4/10 of an inch long. ...

Nausea And Vomiting
Another symptom upon which considerable dependence is placed is the morning sickness (nausea and vomiting). While this symptom is common,...

Changes in the breasts also constitute a sign of pregnancy. As an early symptom, there may be a feeling of fullness, sometimes pain. They ...

This is sometimes irritable in the later months, causing a frequent desire to pass urine. It sometimes occurs in the second or third week...

Abdominal Changes
There is a slight flattening of the lower abdomen at the second month, due to the sinking of the womb. There is also a slight retraction ...

Pigmentation or darkening of the middle line of the abdomen begins by the eighth or twelfth week, and a dark band about 1/8 of an inch wi...

This is caused by the movement of the child (foetus) in the womb. The impact of the enlarging womb, through the child (foetal) movements,...

The Blood
The blood is increased in quantity and slightly altered in its composition. The water, fibrin and white corpuscles are increased; the red ...

Nervous System
The nervous system is over sensitive and the disposition of the woman may undergo a radical change, mental exaltation and depression are ...

Constipation Is The Rule
Neuralgias in different parts of the body, especially in the face and teeth, are common. Palpitation of the heart and difficulty in breat...

The Foetal Heart-beat
This is the one positive sign of pregnancy and it may be heard as early as the sixteenth to the twentieth week. It has been compared to t...

Pelvic Signs
As early as the first month of pregnancy a faint violet color of the anterior wall of the vagina just below the opening of the urethra ma...

Duration Of Pregnancy
This is for all practical purposes two hundred and eighty days. ...

How To Determine Date Of Confinement
The best rule is to count backward three months from the first day of the last menstrual period and add seven days to it. To be more accu...

Position Of The Womb
At four months the top of the womb has risen above the pelvic brim bone in front; at five months, it is midway between the bone (pubic) a...

Children from the same ovum (egg) are always of the same sex. Of twins in general, more than one-third are males, less than one-third are ...

In twin pregnancy the symptoms and disorders of pregnancy are apt to be exaggerated, and watery swelling above the pubic bone is almost a...

Hygiene Of Pregnancy
In pregnancy the dividing line between health and disease is often so shadowy that every care should be given the pregnant woman, not onl...

This should be worn loose. The heavier garments should not be held by the waist but suspended from the shoulders. Flannels, if possible, ...

The food of the pregnant woman should be simple, wholesome, nutritious, of the kind that is easily digested and enough to satisfy the dem...

Extremes in hot and cold bathing should be avoided. The skin should be kept active by daily comfortable baths, followed by a brisk rubbin...

Exercise, Rest And Sleep
Plenty of exercise in the open air should be taken daily, without this health cannot be maintained. It should not be violent or so great ...

The Vagina
When there is a profuse discharge of leucorrhea, a daily vaginal douche is necessary. This should consist of a quart of warm solution (as...

The Breast And Nipples
These should be bathed once or twice daily in cool or tepid water until the last month or two of pregnancy. Astringent application should...

Nervous System And The Mind
The pregnant woman is very susceptible to annoying conditions of the social and domestic surroundings; such should be removed, if possibl...

Disorders Of Pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting. The simple nausea and vomiting of pregnancy needs no treatment. This kind generally disappears by the third or fourt...

Mothers' Remedies
1. Pregnancy, A Great Aid for. "Soothing syrup or Mother's friend, while pregnant. Two ounces each of cramp bark, blue cohosh, slippery e...

Indigestion And Heart-burn
This should be treated the same as under other conditions. Diet, habits, should be regulated. The bowels and kidneys should be regulated ...

The teeth are often affected during pregnancy, softening and decaying rapidly, causing severe neuralgia. The teeth should be cleaned freq...

The enlarging womb pressing upon the rectum and also irregularity in diet causes constipation at this time. Daily free bowel movements ar...

Difficult Breathing
This usually comes late in pregnancy and is due to the pressure of the womb upon the diaphragm; the patient should avoid excitement and s...

Varicose Veins And Piles
Varicose veins: These are due to the pressure on the veins so that the return flow of blood is impeded and occur as a rule late in pregna...

When these are troublesome the rectum should be emptied by a small dose of salts, and the parts thoroughly washed with warm water, the pil...

Albumin In The Urine. (albuminuria)
While the urine of about six to ten per cent of all pregnant women contains albumin, the appearance of this symptom should always be rega...

Regulation of the diet; in pronounced cases the diet should consist entirely of milk and the patient should take three or four quarts in ...

Abortion, Miscarriage, Premature Labor. (accidents Of Pregnancy)
These three terms indicate a premature expulsion of the products of conception. Let us medically define these terms as follows; Abortion ...

Threatened Abortion
If a bleeding takes place in the woman who is pregnant, abortion may be assumed to threaten; a careful examination will usually settle th...

Inevitable Abortion
The abortion is probably inevitable if the bleeding becomes persistent and free, the cervix softens, the womb dilates and the labor pains...

Treatment Of Threatened Abortion
The patient should go to bed, lie down and remain there, and if possible be not only quiet physically, but also quiet mentally. The main ...

Treatment Of The Inevitable Abortion
If the cervix is hard and the canal is not dilated, especially if the bleeding is free, the vagina should be packed full at once, if poss...

Placenta Praevia
The after-birth is placed in the lower part of the womb; (after-birth before the child). This is a dangerous condition and terrible bleed...

Labor may be defined as the physiological termination of pregnancy whereby the mature foetus (child) and its appendages (after-birth, etc....

Premonitory Signs Of Labor
Premonitory signs of labor, usually observed from one to two weeks before the onset of the labor pains, is a sinking down of the womb in ...

Stages Of Labor
First stage extends from the beginning of labor until the mouth of the womb is dilated. Second stage, from the complete dilation until th...

The First Stage
The first stage varies greatly in different women. The average duration of this stage is from ten to fourteen hours in the woman with the...

Second Stage
The pains now become more frequent and severe and last longer, and the patient now manifests a strong desire to expel the contents of the...

Third Stage
The birth of the head is very soon followed by the shoulders and the rest of the body, and the woman is now at comparative rest. The cord...

Management Of Labor
Preparation of the Bed. The bed should be high, springs not soft, with a firm and smooth mattress. It should be placed so that both sides...

Examination Of The Patient
The physician needs to satisfy himself as to the position of the child, etc. This can be done by an examination of the abdomen and also o...

Management Of The Second Stage
After the rupture of the membranes the labor proceeds faster and a termination may be expected within a reasonable time. There is a short...

The Child
The eyes should be washed soon and normal respiration established. If the child does not breathe well, cold water may be sprinkled in ...

Complete rest of the body and mind is essential to the well being of the lying-in woman. She is better off without any company, and should...

Women who have borne children frequently suffer from the after-pains, occurring at irregular intervals, for two or three days and they ma...

The Bladder
If the patient is not able to pass urine it should be drawn once in eight or twelve hours or oftener if required. A No.7 rubber catheter ...

The Bowels
There should be a movement of the bowels the second or third day, and a soap and water enema containing a small teaspoonful of spirits of...

Care Of The Breasts
Careful attention should be given them from the first. The nipples should be bathed after labor, with an antiseptic lotion (bichloride,...

Inflammation Of The Breast, Abscess; Broken Breast
This usually results from germs. The breast inflames, the milk tubes are choked and distended, there may be fever. There is sometimes sev...

The Lochia
By this term is meant the discharges from the womb and soft parts after labor. They are mixed with blood at first and contain dark clots,...

This should consist at first of liquid, unstimulating food, given in small quantities and frequently. If the baby does not nurse, the liq...

Bleeding After Delivery, Post-partum Hemorrhage
Bleeding from the womb occurring six hours after delivery is called post partum and after that time, is known as puerperal child-birth bl...

Pulse And Temperature
The temperature may rise one to one and one-half degrees without the case being abnormal. The pulse falls after labor, ranging between si...

Convulsions. (eclampsia)
All forms of convulsions may occur during pregnancy. They may occur during pregnancy and during labor. These are usually the result of ki...

Milk Leg
This is due to infection. It usually arises from an extension of a blood clot (thrombosis) of the womb or pelvic veins, to the thigh (fem...


Burns, Lime Water And Sweet Oil For
"Put unslaked lime about the size of a hen's egg in three pints of water and strain; add one cup of sweet oil, shake and keep burn moist....

Burns, Charcoal For
"Powered charcoal put on thick. This gives quick relief," It is an antiseptic poultice and keeps air from burned surface. ...

Burns Or Scalds, Grated Onions For
"Grate onions and mix two parts pulp with one part salt; apply twice or three times a day, changing as soon as onions are wilted." The on...

Burns, An Easily Prepared Remedy For
"Spread pure lard, or any unsalted grease over burned surface: cover thickly with flour and wrap with soft cloth after pain has ceased. R...

Bunions, Pulverized Salt Petre For
"Five cents worth of pulverized saltpeter put into a bottle with sufficient olive oil to nearly dissolve it. Shake well and apply to part...

Blisters From Burns Or Scalds, White Of Egg For
"Apply immediately the white of an egg. Keep the part from being exposed as much as possible to the air." White of egg is soothing and fo...

Bites From Insects, Simple Remedies For
"Tolerably strong solution carbolic acid and water. An onion cut in two and rubbed on will also do." Carbolic acid is an antiseptic; onio...

Catarrh, Burnt Alum For
"Burn alum and power finely or buy prepared burnt alum at the drug store and use as a snuff eight or ten times daily. Ten cents' worth wi...

Catarrh, Borax And Camphor For
"Inhale three times daily equal parts of borax, camphor and salt." These ingredients should be powdered very finely and a pinch of the po...

Catarrh, Pure Lard For
"Take a bit of pure lard size of a pea and draw it up each nostril every evening. It will require about a year of constant use." The grea...

Cancer, Yellow Dock Root For
Scrape narrow leaf yellow dock roots and steep in cream to make a salve and apply externally. Add a little alcohol if you wish to keep it...

"Dover's Powders 20 grains Capsicum 15 grains Camphor 10 grains Quinine 25 grains"...

Coughs And Colds, Mullein Remedy
"Steep Mullein leaves in fresh milk. Drink of it just before going to bed. This makes a soothing drink." ...

Cough Syrup, An Easily Prepared Remedy For
"Fluid Wild Cherry Bark 1/2 ounce Compound Essence Cordial 1 ounce White Pine Compound 3 ounces" Dose: Ta...

Constipation, Bran As A Cure For
"Take each night two dessertspoonfuls of bran. Take a spoonful at a time and chew it slowly and thoroughly and swallow." This simple reme...

Constipation, An Old Tried Remedy For
"One ounce of cream of tartar and two ounces of salts; pour quart of boiling water over mixture and stir till dissolved; drain off and ta...

Constipation, An Effective Remedy For
"Chop fine a half-pound seeded raisins and one ounce of senna leaves together; mix with a half ounce powdered sulphur in air-tight jar. C...

Constipation, Baby, Juice From Prunes For
"Give baby a teaspoonful of juice from cooked dried prunes whenever a laxative is needed." This remedy will be found useful, not only for...

Cramps, Turpentine For
"A cloth dipped in turpentine and applied will relieve cramps in the limbs," Any one suffering with this difficulty will find the above t...

Croup, Quick Cure For
"A quantity of raw linseed oil should always be at hand in a family where the children are subject to croup. It is an unfailing remedy, a...

Croup, Salt Water For
"A handful of salt in a basin of cold water. Wring towel out of this solution and apply over the throat. Cover with warm flannel, keep pa...

Chapped Hands, An Inexpensive Remedy For
"One-fourth ounce gum tragacanth, one-fourth ounce boracic acid, one ounce glycerin, one and one-half ounce alcohol, five cents' worth be...

Cholera Infantum, Chickweed For
"Chickweed boiled and sweetened in milk. This cured my daughter when an infant. This recipe has been used by me and my mother and proved ...

Dog Bite, Home Treatment For
"Apply common salt." Salt eats and draws poison out. Use it freely. ...

Drunkenness, Chocolate For
"Give patient all the chocolate he can or will eat. This cured one man I know." ...

"One-fourth pound loaf sugar, one-fourth pound gum kino, one-fourth ounce alum; put in a covered porcelain dish on stove in a quart of s...

Dropsy, Chestnut Leaves For
"A tea made of chestnut leaves taken freely instead of water." These leaves can be purchased at any drug store in five-cent packages. Pre...

Eczema, Lard And Sulphur For
"Melt lard and sulphur. When cool add a little alcohol to keep sweet." This combination is very soothing to the parts affected. ...

Eczema, Gasoline For
"Bathe the affected parts in gasoline; be careful not to use the liquid where there is fire or lamps." ...

Erysipelas, Antiseptic Wash For
"Hyposulphite of Soda 8 ounces Carbolic Acid (200 drops) 3-1/3 drams Soft Water 1 pint" ...

Fishbone, Choking From
"Raw egg, taken soon as possible." It helps to carry bone out of throat and is a remedy ready at hand. ...

Goitre, A Good Remedy For
"Iodine 1 dram Iodide of Potassium 4 drams Soft Water 4 ounces Apply night and morning. Rub on...

Goitre, Iodine For
"Blister with iodine. Heal with sweet cream, paint and blister again. This wore my sister's goitre away. It took time but was worth it." ...

Headache, Lemon Juice And Coffee For
"A teaspoonful of lemon juice in a small cup of black coffee will relieve." This is an old tried remedy and one that will be found benefi...

Inflammatory Rheumatism, Salt Petre And Sweet Oil For
"One ounce salt petre pulverized, one pint sweet oil. Rub parts affected." ...

Ingrowing Toenail, Home Treatment For
"Cut a notch in the top of the nail with a penknife, scrape the nail from base to top." ...

Ingrowing Toenail, A Good Canadian Remedy For
"Paint part under flesh with four parts caustic potash, six parts warm water. Paint part and scrape with piece of glass or sharp knife. R...

Ingrowing Toenail, Camphor For
"Cut part growing in with sharp knife and put camphor on intruding part. This eases the pain and prevents second growth." ...

Indigestion, Egg Shells For
"Brown egg shells in oven and crush till very fine with a rolling pin, then take a teaspoonful at meal times three times a day." ...

Inflammation Of The Bowels, A Grandmother's Remedy For
"Raw linseed oil and bean poultice. Use as hot as can be borne; keep repeating until relieved. This recipe has been used by my mother." ...

Kidney Trouble, An Easily Prepared Remedy For
"Steep plantain leaves into strong tea. Take half cup every night. This has been found good for kidney trouble." Also good for ivy poison...

La Grippe, Red Pepper Treatment From A Canadian Mother For
"Take a bottle of alcohol, put enough red pepper in it so that when four drops are put in a half cup of water it is strong. This is what ...

Rheumatism, Liniment Sent Us From Gentleman In Canada
"Capsicum Powdered 1 ounce Camphor 1/2 ounce Oil Hemlock 1/2 ounce Spirits Ammonia ...

Good Liniment
"Sweet oil, turpentine, hartshorn, equal parts. Keep corked." ...

Liniment, Sprains, Etc
English Black Oil. "Tanner's Oil 1 pint Oil Vitriol 1 ounce Spirits of Turpentine 1 ounce...

Lumbago, Ointment For
Vaselin 1 ounce Belladonna 15 grains Salicylic Acid 1 dram Sodium Salicylate 1 dram ...

Neuralgia, Soothing Ointment For
"One ounce of laudanum, baking soda to make paste." Apply to parts and cover with flannel." Its virtue is in its soothing and quieting ac...

Pain Or Rheumatism, Tansy And Smartweed For
"Boil handful each of tansy and smartweed together till strong tea is made. Dip cloths in the hot tea and apply." Good local and quieting...

Pain, Horseradish Poultice For
"Grate and make poultice. Apply to part where pain is." Makes a good drawing poultice and a counterirritant. ...

Pains, Liniment To Relieve
"Peppermint 1 ounce Oil of Mustard 1/2 ounce Vinegar 1 pint White of one egg. Beat egg and st...

Pain, Vinegar And Pepper For
"Hot flannel cloths wrung from vinegar, to which a pinch of cayenne pepper has been added, applied hot to any part of the body, will reli...

Palpitation Of The Heart, Salt Baths For
"Stop drinking tea and coffee. Add sea salt to water when bathing. This cured me and I have not been bothered for four or five years." Go...

Poison Ivy, Buttermilk And Salt Heals
"Add considerable salt to buttermilk and bathe poisoned parts in it frequently." ...

Poison Ivy, Lead Water And Laudanum Relieves
"Application of cold lead water, made in proportions of two drams of sugar of lead, half an ounce of landanum to half a pint of water and...

Poison Ivy, Excellent Cure For
"Copperas mixed with sour milk; put in all the copperas the milk will dissolve. I knew of a very bad case to be cured by this after a few...

Poisonous Wounds, Ammonia Application For
"Strong spirits of ammonia applied to the wounds of snake bite or rabid animals is better than caustic. It neutralizes the poison and is ...

Oak Poison, Gunpowder And Lard For
"Mix small quantity of gunpowder and lard and apply. One application cured me." This is an old, tried, standard remedy. ...

Milk Poison, Popular Remedy For
Yellow Poplar Bark 4 ounces Wild Gooseberry Roots 4 ounces Slippery Elm Bark 4 ounces Put in an earthern ...

Poor Circulation, Alcohol Rub For
"Rub vigorously night and morning with good whisky. Don't stop for a week or so after patient looks and feels well." Rubbing with alcohol...

Ruptures, Herb Remedy For
"Make a poultice of lobelia and stramonium leaves, equal parts, and apply to part, renewing as often as necessary." This poultice acts by...

Rheumatism, Mountain Leaf Tea For
"Tea made of mountain leaf taken frequently cures rheumatism." Rheumatism, Beef Gall for. "Two beef galls in pint bottle, fill bottle wit...

Salt Rheum, A Well-tried Remedy For
"Teaspoonful of red precipitate to two tablespoonfuls of lard. Anoint the parts affected." This recipe has been used by my mother and mys...

Snake Bites, Simple Poultice For
"Poultice of hops or salt and grease; grease is to keep salt together. Hops are always kept to be used in berry season." As a poultice it...

Snake Bites, Onions And Salt For
"Good drawing poultice for snake bites is an onion and a handful of salt pounded together. We also use this for a common poultice." ...

Stings, An Old, Tried Canadian Remedy For
"For the bee sting I put soda on and dampen it with honey." An old-time remedy and seems to do the work. Soda is an antiseptic and cleans...

Stings From Nettles, An Inexpensive Remedy For
"Rub the affected parts, if of nettles, with berry juice and let dry. This is what I always do during the berry season." Berry juice is q...

Stye, Common Tea Leaves For
" After steeping tea gather out a small handful of the steeped leaves, lay them in a cloth as you would any poultice, and apply warm over...

Splendid General Salve
"Resin 4 ounces Beeswax 4 ounces Lard 8 ounces Honey 2 ounces Boil slowly until melted, then re...

Scrofulous Difficulties, A Good Remedy For
"A tea made of ripe dried whortleberries and drank in place of water is an excellent remedy." ...

Sore Eyes, Camphor And Breast Milk For
"When a tiny baby has sore eyes, add one-half drop of camphor to a teaspoonful of breast milk; bathe the eyes several times a day." Breas...

Sore Throat, Mustard Plaster For
"Mustard plaster applied on outside of the throat. I know it is good--have tried it." Care should be taken not to allow the plaster to re...

Stammering, A Canadian Mother's Treatment For
"I always stop my boy when I hear him stammering and make him say the words by syllables. I find he is getting much better." The above is...

Sweating, To Cause
"Wet flannel cloth in vinegar, lay it on a hot soapstone and wrap in cloth. Take it to bed and you will sweat." This creates a steam and ...

Sweating, To Cause
"Hot cornmeal mush applied as a poultice to parts, will cause sweating." ...

Splinter, To Extract
"When a splinter has been driven deep into the hand, it can be extracted without pain by steam. Nearly fill a wide-mouthed bottle with ...

Toothache, Benzoin For
"Compound tincture of benzoin applied on batting to tooth," ...

Toothache, Oil Of Cinnamon For
"Oil of cinnamon rubbed on gum and on cotton batting and put in hollow tooth." ...

Weak Back, Turpentine And Sweet Oil For
"Take one part of turpentine to two parts of sweet oil, mix together and apply to back several times a day. It is well to massage the bac...

Weak Back, Liniment For
"Tincture of Cayenne Pepper 1/2 ounce Spirits of Camphor 2 ounces Tincture of Arnica 1-1/2 oun...


Salt (sodium Chloride)
This common household article is used in a great many different ways. In cooking it is used to season foods. The absence of salt gives ri...

Lemons, owing to their pleasant flavor and agreeable acidity, are very useful in a sick room. The rind yields an oil of great fragrancy. ...

Onion (allium Cepa)
It is supposed that the onion is a native of Hungary. It is now found over the whole civilized world. It contains a white, acrid, volatil...

Soda (bicarbonate Of Soda)
Uses. It is used in stomach fermentation and in sick headaches arising from this condition. Useful in acidity of the stomach. Good for ga...

This is an important constituent in certain native mineral waters. On the bowels it acts as a mild laxative. It is very good in certain s...

Turpentine (terebinthina)
Uses. It is a valuable counter-irritant in peritonitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, lumbago, pleurodynia, etc. Turpentine stupes are frequentl...

Under the name of Petrolatum is sold a semi-solid substance derived from certain kinds of petroleum called cosmoline or vaselin. It has v...

Alcohol (spirit Of Wine)
Alcohol is a liquid composed of ninety-one per cent by weight of ethylic alcohol and of nine per cent by weight of water. Alcohol dissolv...

Alum (alumen)
Dried alum is an astringent and mild "burner" for growths such as "proud flesh." The glycerite of alum is useful in tonsilitis or pharyng...

Borax (sodium Borate)
This drug as it appears in commerce of America is derived entirely from natural deposits found on the shores of lakes of California and N...

This is distilled from the wood and bark of the camphor tree, cinnamomum camphora, which grows chiefly in China and Japan. It should be k...

Castor Oil (oleum Ricini)
This is derived from the beans of Ricinis Communis, a plant in the United States. Action. It is bland and unirritating in its action as...

Olive Oil. Sweet Oil (oleum Olivae)
This is expressed from the ripe fruit. Action and Uses. It is a lubricant. It is added to poultices as an emollient in pneumonia and s...

Ginger (zingiber)
Ginger is the rhizome of Zingiber Officinale, a plant of Hindostan, Jamaica and other tropical countries. Action: It is an agreeable ca...

Honey (mel)
This is a saccharine fluid deposited in combs by the honey bee (Apis Mellifica). Action: It is slightly laxative and a pleasant article...

Lard (adeps)
This is a common household article known to all. It is frequently used as the basis for ointments and cerates and in domestic practice as...

Mustard (sinapis)
Mustard flour, two tablespoonfuls to a glass of water, acts as an emetic. If given largely it produces violent gastritis, and chronic gas...

Cream Of Tartar (potassii Bitartras)
Uses: It is useful in kidney diseases to remove dropsy. In large doses of four teaspoonfuls it acts as a watery purge. It is useful where...

Vinegar (acetic Acid)
Vinegar contains from six to seven per cent acetic acid. Dilute acetic acid contains six per cent pure acetic acid. The pure or glacial a...


The most frequent inquiry in the "beauty pages" of the papers is what to do for blackheads. In the first place, don't allow yourself to g...

Pimples are due to an impure condition of the blood, for which sulphur is a good remedy, taken internally and applied externally. One dra...

These have been poetically called "the kisses of the sun," but no girl cares for evidences of that sort of affection. Prevention is easie...

Avoid it when possible. If going on the water, apply magnesia to the face rather thickly. If sunburned, rub the skin with cold cream, lea...

Chapped Hands And Face
Many cases of "chaps" may be avoided by the simple precaution of wiping the face and hands perfectly dry. If the skin chaps easily keep a...

A Pure Face Cream
Set a bowl in a basin of hot water over the fire. In it put a quarter of an ounce of white wax and two and a half ounces of spermaceti, a...

Another Good Cream
One ounce each of white wax and spermaceti; two ounces each of lanolin and cocoanut oil and four ounces of sweet almond oil. Melt in a do...

It is a great deal easier to prevent wrinkles than it is to get rid of them after one has acquired them. A little study of women's faces ...

Unless properly done, massage may do more harm than good. If one can afford a few treatments by a scientific masseur and study her methods...

Wrinkled Hands
Wrinkled hands belong to age, and are due to loss of oil in the skin. After washing and wiping them, rub with a little cold cream or oliv...

Red Hands And Nose
Sometimes a too tight corset, impeding the circulation of the blood, is responsible for the blemishes; sometimes poor circulation due to ...

Cold Or Fever Sores
These unpleasant afflictions may be cured if taken at the first indication of what is coming--a smarting or burning sensation--by frequen...

Face Powders
There are few women who do not at times have occasion to use face powder. A woman once remarked: "It isn't decent not to in summer--one l...

To Use Powder
Wash the face; rub a little cold cream over it, rubbing it in well, wipe with a dry towel, gently, then apply the powder with a chamois--...

Liquid Whiteners
Avoid these. They are "whitewashes" that wither and wrinkle the skin and make it prematurely old. Almost without exception they contain l...

Well, don't do it. There may be a few who can have a rouge especially prepared that is the exact tint that harmonizes with the skin, the ...

The Hair
Beautiful hair is woman's crown of glory. Thousands of the sex wear it unbecomingly. They follow the latest fashion in arrangement withou...

Care Of The Hair
The hair is kept in order by frequent brushings, which excite the natural oil by which it is fed, and by washing it. Dr. Leonard, an auth...

Use Of Pomades
Hair that is dry and brittle really requires some oleaginous preparation, used in moderation. Yellow vaselin is good. Part the hair and r...

Clipping The Hair
It is a good plan to clip the ends of the hair once a month to keep the growth even. If the hair splits, trim to a point above it, as the...

Dandruff is the scaling off of dead cuticle. In excess, it becomes a disease, forming so thick a scale as to kill the roots of the hair a...

Washing The Hair
One suspects that those who advise washing the hair once a week have more of all eye to the increase of their business than to the welfar...

Color Of The Hair
Nature has suited the hair to the complexion in every case, and we cannot improve upon her idea of harmony. That is why any attempt to ch...

Dyed Hair
Dyed hair is a sorry makeshift at best. Far better let nature have her way. There is but one hair-dye that is not positively harmful, thi...

Gray Hair
"The only thing to do with gray hair is to admire it." This is true. Nothing so sets off an aged face like the crown of silver. To color ...

A Hair Tonic
A lotion Dr. Leonard recommends for the hair, especially where it is coming out calls for two drams tincture cantharides, half an ounce n...

The Hair And Health
The condition of the hair is largely predicated on the condition of the general health. In health, it should be abundant, glossy and brig...

The Hands
One of the woman's continuous tasks is trying to keep her hands clean, and one thing that militates against their good looks is careless ...

Care Of The Nails
It is a luxury to have one's nails done by a manicure, and if one can not afford this, always, it is profitable to have it done a few tim...

Mouth And Teeth
Many young people owe their homely mouths to infantile habits. Sucking the thumb, and these horrible "pacificators" or "baby comforters" ...

Cleansing The Teeth
A good brushing twice a day, using cold water and some pleasant antiseptic wash, like listerine, does much to keep the mouth and teeth cl...

Visits To The Dentist
Pain and expense are saved by consulting the dentist in good season. The smallest cavity should be filled as soon as discovered. At least...

Children's Teeth
On no account let a child's second teeth come in crowded, irregular or projecting. A good dentist can remedy all these malformations and ...

The Eyes
No gift is more precious than sight. Therefore take care of your eyes. Don't overstrain them, don't put anything in them, don't follow an...

Eyelashes And Eyebrows
The best application for these is the simplest. Just a little yellow vaselin, which encourages growth. Don't clip, either. Frequent brush...

The Feet
The three most frequent evils to which the feet are heir are corns, bunions or enlarged joints, and chilblains. Ingrowing nails are much ...

Corns are of three kinds: callous spots, soft corns, and corns. Callous spots may be rubbed or pared down and rubbed with cocoa butter. S...

These painful enlargements are due to a too short shoe, or one that does not fit well. Better discard such footwear; it will be cheaper i...

People who have, or do not want chilblains should avoid woolen stockings. Neither should they "toast their toes" at the fire, wear bed-so...

Ingrowing Nails
A bad case should be taken to the chiropodist. Shaving the nail thin on the top, or cutting a V-shaped piece out of it, tend to relieve. ...

Medicine History

Great Physicians In Early Christian Times
What we know of the life of the Founder of Christianity and how much He did for the ailing poor would make us expect that the religi...

The first great Christian physician whose works meant much for his own time, and whose writings have become a classic in medicine, was...

Alexander Of Tralles
An even more striking example than the life and work of Aetius as evidence for the encouragement and patronage of medicine in early C...

Paul Of Aegina
Another extremely important writer in these early medieval times, whose opportunities for study in medicine and for the practice of it...

Further Christian Physicians
Another distinguished Christian medical scientist was Theophilus Protosbatharius, who belonged to the court of the Greek Emperor Hera...

Arabian Christian Physicians
That this is not a partial view suggested by the desire to make out a better case for Christianity in its relation to science will be ...

Great Jewish Physicians
Any account of Old-Time Makers of Medicine without a chapter on the Jewish Physicians would indeed be incomplete. They are among the...

The life of one of the great Jewish physicians, who has come to be known in history as Maimonides, is of such significance in medica...

Great Arabian Physicians
In order to understand the place of the Arabs in medicine and in science, a few words as to the rise of this people to political pow...

The most distinguished of the Arabian physicians was the man whose rather lengthy Arabian name, beginning with Abu Bekr Mohammed, fini...

Ali Abbas
Rhazes lived well on into the tenth century. His successor in prestige, though not his serious rival, was Ali Ben el-Abbas, usually sp...

Moorish Physicians
After Rhazes, the most important contributors to medical literature from among the Arabs, with the single exception of Avicenna, were ...

The most important of the Arabian surgeons of the Middle Ages is Albucasis or Abulcasis, also Abulkasim, who was born near Cordova, in...

Undoubtedly the most important of Abulcasis' contemporaries is the famous physician whose Arabic name, Ibn Sina, was transformed into ...

Another of the distinguished Arabian physicians was Avenzoar--the transformation of his Arabic family name, Ibn-Zohr. He was probably ...

Among the distinguished contributors to medicine at this time, though more a philosopher than a physician, is the famous Averroes, who...

Arabian Influence
The fame of these great thinkers and writers in philosophy and in medicine came to be known not only through the distribution of their...

The Medical School At Salerno
The Medical School at Salerno, probably organized early in the tenth century, often spoken of as the darkest of the centuries, and r...

Constantine Africanus
Probably the most important representative of the medical school at Salerno, certainly the most significant member of its faculty, i...

Medieval Women Physicians
Very probably the most interesting chapter for us of the modern time in the history of the medical school at Salerno is to be found ...

Mondino And The Medical School Of Bologna
The most important contributions to medical science made by the Medical School of Salerno at the height of its development were in s...

Great Surgeons Of The Medieval Universities
Strange as it may appear to those who have not watched the development of our knowledge of the Middle Ages in recent years the most in...

Roger Roland And The Four Masters
Ruggero, or Rogero, who is also known as Rogerio and Rogerus with the adjective Parmensis, or Salernitanus, of Parma or of Salerno, an...

The North Italian Surgeons
After Roger and Rolando and the Four Masters, who owe the inspiration for their work to Salerno and the south of Italy, comes a group ...

Bruno Da Longoburgo
The first of this important group of north Italian surgeons who taught at these universities was Bruno of Longoburgo. While he was bor...

Hugh Of Lucca
Bruno brought up with him the methods and principles of surgery from the south of Italy, but there seems to have been already in the n...

This son, after having completed his medical studies at the age of about twenty-three, entered the Dominican Order, then only recently...

William Of Salicet
The third of the great surgeons in northern Italy was William of Salicet. He was a pupil of Bruno's and the master of Lanfranc. The fi...

After Salicet's lifetime the focus of interest in surgery changes from Italy to France, and what is still more complimentary to Willia...

The next of the important surgeons who were to bring such distinction to French surgery for five centuries was Henri de Mondeville. Wr...

One of the maxims of the old Greek philosophers was that good is diffusive of itself. As the scholastics put it, bonum est diffusivum ...

John Ardern
In English-speaking countries of course we are interested in what was done by Englishmen at this time. Fortunately we have the record ...

Medieval Surgery
Even this brief account of the surgeons who taught and studied at the medieval universities demonstrates what fine work they did. It i...

Guy De Chauliac
One of the most interesting characters in the history of medieval medicine, and undoubtedly the most important and significant of thes...

Medieval Dentistry - Giovanni Of Arcoli
If there is one phase of our present-day medicine and surgery that most of us are likely to be quite sure is of very recent developm...

Cusanus And The First Suggestion Of Laboratory Methods In Medicine
As illustrating how, as we know more about the details of medical history, the beginnings of medical science and medical practice are ...

Basil Valentine Last Of The Alchemists First Of The Chemists
Fieri enim potest ut operator erret et a via regia deflectat, sed ut erret natura quando recte tractatur fieri non potest. ...

St Luke The Physician
In the midst of what has been called the higher criticism of the Bible in recent times, one of the long accepted traditions that has...

Science At The Medieval Universities
With the growth of interest in science and in nature study in our own day, one of the expressions that is probably oftenest heard is...

Medieval Popularization Of Science
The idea of collecting general information from many sources, of bringing it together into an easily available form, so as to save o...

Early Roman Medicine
Origin of Healing--Temples--Lectisternium--Temple of AEsculapius--Archagathus--Domestic Medicine--Greek Doctors--Cloaca ...

Early Greek Medicine
Apollo--AEsculapius--Temples--Serpents--Gods of Health--Melampus--Homer--Machaon--Podalarius--Temples of AEsculapius--...

His life and works--His influence on Medicine. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, was born at Cos during the golden age of...

Plato Aristotle The School Of Alexandria And Empiricism
Plato--Aristotle--Alexandrian School--Its Origin--Its Influence-- Lithotomy--Herophilus--Erasistratus--Cleombrotus--Chrysipp...

Roman Medicine At The End Of The Republic And The Beginning Of The
EMPIRE. Asclepiades of Prusa--Themison of Laodicea--Methodism--Wounds of Julius Caesar--Systems of Philosophy--State of the...

In The Reign Of The Caesars To The Death Of Nero
Augustus--His illnesses--Antonius Musa--Maecenas--Tiberius-- Caligula--Claudius--Nero--Seneca--Astrology--Archiater--Women ...

Physicians From The Time Of Augustus To The Death Of Nero
Celsus--His life and works--His influence on Medicine--Meges of Sidon--Apollonius of Tyana--Alleged miracles--Vettius ...

The First And Second Centuries Of The Christian Era
Athenaeus--Pneumatism--Eclectics--Agathinus--Aretaeus--Archigenes-- Dioscorides--Cassius Felix--Pestilence in Rome--Ancient ...

His life and works--His influence on Medicine. Claudius Galenus, commonly known as Galen, has influenced the progress of med...

The Later Roman And Byzantine Period
Beginning of Decline--Neoplatonism--Antyllus--Oribasius--Magnus-- Jacobus Psychristus--Adamantius--Meletius--Nemesius--AEtiu...

Influence Of Christianity On Altruism And The Healing Art
Essenes--Cabalists and Gnostics--Object of Christ's Mission--Stoics--Constantine and Justinian--Gladiatorial Games--Or...

Gymnasia And Baths
Gymnastics--Vitruvius--Opinions of Ancient Physicians on Gymnastics--The Athletes--The Baths--Description of Baths at ...

Water-supply--Its extent--The Aqueducts--Distribution in city--Drainage--Disposal of the Dead--Cremation and Burial--C...

Fees In Ancient Times
The professional incomes of doctors in ancient Greece and Rome varied greatly as at the present day. A few were paid very large fees...

Forgotten Remedies

Acalypha Indica
NAT. ORD., Euphorbiaceae. COMMON NAME, Indian Acalypha, Indian Nettle. PREPARATION.--The fresh plant is macerated with two parts ...

Acidum Lacticum
COMMON NAME, Lactic acid. ORIGIN.--Lactic acid is obtained from sour milk, resulting from the fermentation of the sugar of milk und...

Aethiops Antimonialis
(This remedy is prepared by triturating together equal parts of AEthiops mineralis and Antimonium crudum; we may add t...

Agave Americana
NAT. ORD., Amaryllidaceae. COMMON NAMES, American Aloe, Maguey, Century Plant. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves are pounded to a pu...

Ambrosia Artemisifolia
NAT. ORD., Compositae. COMMON NAMES, Rag Weed, Hog Weed. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves and flowers are pounded to a pulp and ma...

Amygdalus Persica
NAT. ORD., Rosaceae. Amygdaleae. SYNONYM, Persica vulgaris. COMMON NAME, Peach. PREPARATION.--The tincture is made by pounding...

Anagalis Arvensis
NAT. ORD., Primulaceae. COMMON NAMES, Scarlet Pimpernel. Poor Man's Weather-Glass. PREPARATION.--The fresh plant, of the scarlet-...

Arsenicum Bromatum
COMMON NAMES, Arsenous or Arsenious Bromide; Arsenic Tribromide. PREPARATION.--Add one drachm each Arsenious acid, Carbonate of Pota...

[B] Aspidospermine or Quebrachine is derived from the Chilian "white Quebracho" (Aspidospermia Quebracho). At Santigo de ...

Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum
COMMON NAME.--Chloride of Gold and Sodium. PREPARATION.--A mixture composed of equal parts of dry chloride of Gold and chloride of ...

Avena Sativa
NAT. ORD., Graminaceae. COMMON NAME, Oats. PREPARATION.--The fresh green plant, gathered in August, is pounded to a pulp and mac...

Azadirachta Indica
PREPARATION.--The fresh bark is pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol. (The following synopsis of ...

Bacillinum Tuberculinum And Aviaire The Viruses Of Tuberculosis
PREPARATION.--Triturate in the usual way. (The literature on these several preparations is so extensive that we must conf...

Bellis Perennis
NAT. ORD., Compositae. COMMON NAMES, English Daisy. Garden Daisy. Hens and Chickens. PREPARATION.--The fresh plant, in flower, is...

Berberis Aquifolium
NAT. ORD., Berberidaceae COMMON NAMES, Oregon grape. Mountain grape. PREPARATION.--The fresh root and stem is pounded to a pulp a...

Blatta Orientalis
SYNONYM, Indian cockroach. CLASS, Insecta. ORDER, Orthoptera. COMMON NAME (Indian), Talapoka. PREPARATION.--Triturate in th...

Boletus Laricis
NAT. ORD., Fungi. COMMON NAMES, Larch Agaric, Larch Boletus, Purging Agaric, White Agaric. PREPARATION.--The dried fungus is mace...

Calcarea Renalis Praeparata
PREPARATION.--There are two kinds of renal calculi, the phosphatic and the uric, which should be triturated as separate preparations. ...

Ceanothus Americanus
NAT. ORD., Rhamnaceae. COMMON NAMES, New Jersey Tea. Red Root. Wild Snowball. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves are pounded to a pul...

Cephalanthus Occidentalis
NAT. ORD., Rubiaceae. COMMON NAMES, Button Bush, Crane Willow. PREPARATION.--The fresh bark of branches and roots is pounded to a...

Cereus Bonplandii
NAT. ORD., Cactacae. COMMON NAME, A variety of the night blooming cereus group. PREPARATION.--The fresh green stems are pounded t...

Cheiranthus Cheiri
NAT. ORD., Cruciferae. COMMON NAME, Wall flower. PREPARATION.--The fresh plant is pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts b...

Chionanthus Virginica
NAT. ORD., Oleaceae. COMMON NAME, Fringe Tree. Snow-flower. PREPARATION.--The fresh bark is pounded to a pulp and macerated in tw...

Cornus Alternifolia
NAT. ORD., Cornaceae. COMMON NAME, Alternate-leaved Cornel or Dogwood. Swamp-walnut. PREPARATION.--The fresh bark and young twigs...

Crataegus Oxyacantha
NAT. ORD., Pomaceae. COMMON NAME, White or May Thorn. English Hawthorn. PREPARATION.--The fresh berries are pounded to a pulp and...

Cuphea Viscosissima
NAT. ORD., Lythraceae. COMMON NAMES, Clammy cuphea. Tar-weed. PREPARATION.--The fresh plant is pounded to a pulp and macerated in...

Echinacea Angustifolia
NAT. ORD., Compositae. COMMON NAME, Pale Purple Cone-flower. PREPARATION.--The whole plant including the root is pounded to a pul...

Echinacea Angustifolia
A collection of symptoms from twenty-five different provers, anatomically arranged: MIND. 3 Dullness in head, with cross, irri...

Epigea Repens
NAT. ORD., Ericaceae. COMMON NAMES, Trailing Arbutus. Ground Laurel. Gravel Root. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves are pounded to a...

Eryngium Aquaticum
NAT. ORD., Umbeliferae. COMMON NAMES, Button Snakeroot. Water Eryngo. PREPARATION.--The fresh root is pounded to a pulp and macer...

Euphorbia Corollata
NAT. ORD., Euphorbiaceae. COMMON NAMES, Milk Weed. Wild Ipecac. Blooming or Flowering Spurge. PREPARATION.--The fresh root is pou...

NAT. ORD., Polygonaceae. COMMON NAME, Buckwheat. PREPARATION.--The fresh mature plant is pounded to a pulp and macerated in two ...

Fagus Sylvaticus
NAT. ORD., Cupuliferae. COMMON NAME, European Beech. PREPARATION.--The Beech Nuts are pounded to a pulp and macerated in five pa...

Fraxinus Excelsior
NAT. ORD., Oleaceae. COMMON NAME, European Ash. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves are pounded to a pulp and macerated with two part...

Fucus Vesiculosis
NAT. ORD., Algae. COMMON NAMES, Sea-wrack. Bladder-wrack. Sea-kelp. PREPARATION.--The fresh alga gathered in May or June are poun...

NAT. ORD., Ericaceae. COMMON NAME, Wintergreen. PREPARATION.--The distilled oil from the leaves of Gaultheria procumbens is used...

Heloderma Horridus
PREPARATION.--The virus, obtained by irritating the animal and allowing it to bite on glass, is triturated in the usual way. (...

Jacaranda Gualandai
NAT. ORD., Bignoniaceae. COMMON NAME, Carroba. PREPARATION.--The dried leaves are crushed and macerated in five parts by weight ...

Lac Caninum
PREPARATION.--The fresh milk from a bitch is triturated in the usual way. (The late Dr. Sam. Swan had a proving of this remedy...

Lapis Albus
SYNONYM. Silico-Fluoride of Calcium. PREPARATION.--The residue obtained by evaporation, from the waters of the mineral springs of G...

Latrodectus Mactans
PREPARATION.--The spiders are triturated in the usual way. (The following paper by Dr. Samuel A. Jones appeared in the Ho...

Cases Of Spider Bite
BY G. WILLIAM SEMPLE, M. D., HAMPTON, VA.[J] [J] Virginia Medical Monthly, Vol. II., No. 9, pp. 633-38, 1875. "He was commi...

Lemna Minor
NAT. ORD., Lemnaccae. COMMON NAME, Duckweed. PREPARATION. The fresh plant is pounded to a pulp and macerated in two parts by wei...

PREPARATION.--Dilutions made from the mineral water or triturations from the residue obtained by evaporation of the water. (Dr...

Lathyrus Sativus
NAT. ORD., Leguminosae. COMMON NAMES, Wild Vetch. Chick pea. PREPARATION.--Trituration of the dried pea. (Dr. W. A. Dewey...

Liatris Spicata
NAT. ORD., Compositae. COMMON NAMES, Dense Button-Snake-root. Gay Feather. Devil's Bit. PREPARATION.--The root is pounded to a pu...

Lolium Temulentum
NAT. ORD., Gramineae. COMMON NAMES, Darnel. (G.) Taumellolch. PREPARATION.--Trituration of the dried seeds. (The followin...

Lycopus Virginicus
NAT. ORD., Labiatae. COMMON NAME, Bugle Weed. PREPARATION.--Tincture of the whole plant by macerating one part by weight of the ...

Malaria Officinalis
PREPARATION.--It is prepared in three degrees of strength: No. I. Is the water that stood on decomposed vegetable matter for one we...

Mullein Oil
PREPARATION.--Fill a bottle with the blossoms from the Verbascum thapsus, cork tight, and hang in the sun for four or five weeks. By t...

Mucuna Urens
NAT. ORD., Leguminosae. COMMON NAME, Horse-eye. PREPARATION.--The pulverized bean is macerated in five times its weight of alcoh...

ORIGIN--A chemical compound procured from coal, alcohol, ether vapor, etc. PREPARATION.--Trituration of the pure naphthalin. ...

NAT. ORD., Amaryllidaceae. COMMON NAME, Daffodil. PREPARATION.--The young buds, stems and leaves are macerated in two times thei...

NAT. ORD., Sapindaceae. COMMON NAMES, Box Elder. Ash-leaved Maple. PREPARATION.--The bark of the root is macerated in twice its w...

Onosmodium Virginianum
NAT. ORD., Borraginaceae. COMMON NAME, False Cromwell. PREPARATION.--The entire plant with root is macerated in twice its weight...

Origanum Majorana
NAT. ORD., Labiatae. COMMON NAME, Sweet Marjoram. PREPARATION.--The whole plant without the root, gathered when in flower, is ma...

Oxytropis Lamberti
NAT. ORD., Leguminosae. COMMON NAMES, "Loco" Weed. Rattle Weed. PREPARATION.--The whole plant without the root is macerated in tw...

Oenthe Crocata
PREPARATION.--The fresh root is macerated in two parts by weight of alcohol. (The following paper on OEnanthe crocata was kind...

PREPARATION.--The purified Paraffin is triturated in the usual way. (This proving was made by Dr. Wahle, of Germany, who was the che...

Parthenium Hysterophorus
NAT. ORD., Synanthereae. COMMON NAME, "Bitter broom." Escoba amaya. PREPARATION.--The dry plant is macerated in five parts by wei...

Passiflora Incarnata
NAT. ORD., Passifloraceae. COMMON NAME, Passion flower. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves and flowers gathered in May are macerated ...

Penthorum Sedoides
NAT. ORD., Crassulaceae. COMMON NAME, Ditch Stone Crop. PREPARATION.--The whole fresh plant with the root is macerated in two pa...

Phaseolus Nana
NAT. ORD., Leguminosae. COMMON NAME, Dwarf Bean. PREPARATION.--The crushed beans are macerated in five parts by weight of alcoho...

NAT. ORD., Araceae. COMMON NAME, Skunk Cabbage. PREPARATION.--The fresh root gathered in spring is macerated in twice its weight...

Primula Obconica
NAT. ORD., Primulaceae. COMMON NAME, Primrose var. obconica. PREPARATION.--The entire fresh plant in flower with root is macerate...

Pyrus Americana
NAT. ORD., Rosacae. COMMON NAME, Mountain ash. PREPARATION.--The fresh bark is macerated in twice its weight of alcohol. ...

Salix Nigra Aments
NAT. ORD., Salicaceae. COMMON NAME, White Willow. PREPARATION.--The fresh aments are macerated in twice their weight of alcohol....

Salvia Officinalis
NAT. ORD., Labiatae. COMMON NAME, Common sage. PREPARATION.--The fresh leaves are macerated in twice their weight of alcohol. ...

Saururus Cernuus
NAT. ORD., Piperaceae. COMMON NAME, Lizard's Tail. PREPARATION.--The entire plant including the root is macerated in twice its w...

Scolopendra Morsitans
PREPARATION.--The insect is triturated with sugar of milk in the usual way. (In the case of a man bitten in the arm by a centi...

Scutellaria Laterifolia
NAT. ORD., Labiatae. COMMON NAME, Mad-dog skullcap. PREPARATION.--The whole fresh plant is macerated in twice its weight of alco...

NAT. ORD., Iridaceae. COMMON NAME, Blue-eyed grass. PREPARATION.--The fresh root is macerated in twice its weight of alcohol. ...

Skookum Chuck
(Some readers may be startled at this name, applied to a remedy, but under that name it came before the profession and...

Solanum Carolinense
NAT. ORD., Solanaceae. COMMON NAME, Horse-nettle. PREPARATION.--The fresh, ripe berries are macerated in twice their weight of a...

Spiritus Glandium Quercus
NAT. ORD.--Cupuliferae. COMMON NAME--European or English oak. PREPARATION.--The spirit is destilled from the tincture prepared by...

Solidago Virga-aurea
NAT. ORD., Compositae. COMMON NAME, Golden Rod PREPARATION.--The fresh blossoms are macerated in twice their weight of alcohol. ...

Stellaria Media
NAT. ORD.--Caryophyllaceae. COMMON NAME.--Common Chickweed. PREPARATION.--The whole fresh plant in bloom is macerated in twice it...

Stigmata Maidis
A Tincture of the Fresh Corn Silk. NAT. ORD.--Gramineae. COMMON NAME.--Corn Silk. PREPARATION.--One part of fresh corn silk is...

Succinic Acid
PREPARATION.--The pure chemical is triturated in the usual way. (The following is by Dr. Morris Weiner, of Baltimore, 189...

Symphytum Officinalis
NAT. ORD.--Borraginaceae. COMMON NAME.--Comfrey, Healing Herb. PREPARATION.--One part of the fresh root gathered just before bloo...

Symphoricarpus Racemosus
NAT. ORD., Caprifoliaceae. COMMON NAME, Snow Berry. PREPARATION.--One part of the fresh ripe berries is macerated in two parts b...

Tela Aranearum
COMMON NAMES, Spider's Web, Cobweb. PREPARATION.--Triturate in the usual way. (The following paper is by Dr. S. A. Jones, it...

PREPARATION.--Triturate the pure metal in the usual way. (The following is from the Homoeopathic World, 1893): In the "Frenc...

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris
NAT. ORD., Cruciferae. COMMON NAME, Shepherd's Purse. PREPARATION.--Three parts of the fresh plant in flower are macerated in tw...

PREPARATION.--The dried thyroid gland of the sheep is triturated in the usual way or an extract may be prepared from the fresh gland. ...

Trychosanthes Dioica
NAT. ORD., Cucurbitaceae. COMMON NAME, Patal. PREPARATION.--One part of the entire fresh plant is macerated in two parts by weig...

Usnea Barbata
NAT. ORD., Lichens. PREPARATION.--The fresh lichen is macerated in five times its weight of alcohol. (This appeared in No. ...

Verbena Hastata
NAT. ORD., Verbenaceae. COMMON NAMES, Blue Vervain, Purvain, Wild Hyssop. PREPARATION.--One part of the fresh plant, in flower, i...

Viscum Album
NAT. ORD., Loranthaceae. COMMON NAME, Mistletoe. PREPARATION.--One part of the fresh leaves and berries is macerated in twice it...

Wyethia Helenioides
NAT. ORD., Compositae. COMMON NAME, Californian compass plant. PREPARATION.--One part of the fresh root is macerated in two parts...

Children Of Kings
I Once upon a time, in a lonely glade between high mountains far, far above the World of Men, there stood a hut. It was a miserab...

Haensel And Gretel
I Long ago, in half-forgotten days, a little hut stood at the edge of a great forest. It was rather a meek, shamefaced little hut...

The Master Singers
I Across the wide sea, amid the green hop fields of southern Germany, is the old, old city of Nuremberg. Shut off from the busy w...

Lohengrin The Knight Of The Swan
I Long years ago a maiden, fair as the morning itself, wandered through a lonely greenwood in the Duchy of Brabant. She was Elsa,...

The Flying Dutchman
I A storm on the ocean is a fearful thing to see. It roars, it flashes, it races huge waves mountain-high one after the other, it...

Tannhaeuser The Minstrel Knight
I This is a tale of long ago. It is a tale of the days of knighthood and minstrelsy; of the days when field and forest rang with ...

Children Of Kings
I Once upon a time, in a lonely glade between high mountains far, far above the World of Men, there stood a hut. It was a miserab...

Haensel And Gretel
I Long ago, in half-forgotten days, a little hut stood at the edge of a great forest. It was rather a meek, shamefaced little hut...

The Master Singers
I Across the wide sea, amid the green hop fields of southern Germany, is the old, old city of Nuremberg. Shut off from the busy w...

Lohengrin The Knight Of The Swan
I Long years ago a maiden, fair as the morning itself, wandered through a lonely greenwood in the Duchy of Brabant. She was Elsa,...

The Flying Dutchman
I A storm on the ocean is a fearful thing to see. It roars, it flashes, it races huge waves mountain-high one after the other, it...

Tannhaeuser The Minstrel Knight
I This is a tale of long ago. It is a tale of the days of knighthood and minstrelsy; of the days when field and forest rang with ...

Children Of Kings
I Once upon a time, in a lonely glade between high mountains far, far above the World of Men, there stood a hut. It was a miserab...

Haensel And Gretel
I Long ago, in half-forgotten days, a little hut stood at the edge of a great forest. It was rather a meek, shamefaced little hut...

The Master Singers
I Across the wide sea, amid the green hop fields of southern Germany, is the old, old city of Nuremberg. Shut off from the busy w...

Lohengrin The Knight Of The Swan
I Long years ago a maiden, fair as the morning itself, wandered through a lonely greenwood in the Duchy of Brabant. She was Elsa,...

The Flying Dutchman
I A storm on the ocean is a fearful thing to see. It roars, it flashes, it races huge waves mountain-high one after the other, it...

Tannhaeuser The Minstrel Knight
I This is a tale of long ago. It is a tale of the days of knighthood and minstrelsy; of the days when field and forest rang with ...




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