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  History Smoking (13)    Smoking (55)    Smoking Poems (132)    Giving Up Alcohol (5)  


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History Smoking

The First Pipes Of Tobacco Smoked In England
Before the wine of sunny Rhine, or even Madam Clicquot's, Let all men praise, with loud hurras, this panacea of Nicot's. ...

Tobacco Triumphant: Smoking Fashionable And Universal
Tobacco engages Both sexes, all ages, The poor as well as the wealthy; From the court to the cottage, From ch...

Tobacco Triumphant - Smoking Abuse And Praise Of Tobacco
This is my friend Abel, an honest fellow; He lets me have good tobacco. BEN JONSON, _The Alchemist._ The dru...

Cavalier And Roundhead Smokers
"A custom lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black...

Smoking In The Restoration Period
The Indian weed withered quite Green at noon, cut down at night, Shows thy decay-- All flesh is hay: ...

Smoking Under King William Iii And Queen Anne
Hail! social pipe--thou foe of care, Companion of my elbow-chair; As forth thy curling fumes arise, They seem an eve...

Smoking Unfashionable: Early Georgian Days
Lord Fopling smokes not--for his teeth afraid; Sir Tawdry smokes not--for he wears brocade. ISAAC HAWKINS BROWNE,...

Signs Of Revival
Some sigh for this and that My wishes don't go far; The world may wag at will, So I have my cigar. ...

Early Victorian Days
Scent to match thy rich perfume Chemic art did ne'er presume Through her quaint alembic strain, None so sovereign to...

Later Victorian Days
When life was all a summer day, And I was under twenty, Three loves were scattered in my way-- And three at once...

Smoking In The Twentieth Century
Sweet when the morn is grey; Sweet, when they've clear'd away Lunch; and at close of day Possibly sweetest. ...

Smoking By Women
Ladies, when pipes are brought, affect to swoon; They love no smoke, except the smoke of Town. A story is to...

Smoking In Church
For thy sake, TOBACCO, I Would do anything but die. CHARLES LAMB, _A Farewell to Tobacco._ The use of tobacc...


Matrimony And Smoking Compared
The circumstances in which I gave up smoking were these: I was a mere bachelor, drifting toward what I now see to be a tragic mid...

My First Cigar
It was not in my chambers, but three hundred miles further north, that I learned to smoke. I think I may say with confidence that...

The Arcadia Mixture
Darkness comes, and with it the porter to light our stair gas. He vanishes into his box. Already the inn is so quiet that the tap...

My Pipes
In a select company of scoffers my brier was known as the Mermaid. The mouth-piece was a cigarette-holder, and months of unwearied p...

My Tobacco-pouch
I once knew a lady who said of her husband that he looked nice when sitting with a rug over him. My female relatives seemed to ha...

My Smoking-table
Had it not been for a bootblack at Charing Cross I should probably never have bought the smoking-table. I had to pass that boy ev...

Gilray is an actor, whose life I may be said to have strangely influenced, for it was I who brought him and the Arcadia Mixture ...

I have hinted that Marriot was our sentimental member. He was seldom sentimental until after midnight, and then only when he and ...

With the exception of myself, Jimmy Moggridge was no doubt the most silent of the company that met so frequently in my rooms. Just a...

Scrymgeour was an artist and a man of means, so proud of his profession that he gave all his pictures fancy prices, and so wealthy t...

His Wife's Cigars
Though Pettigrew, who is a much more successful journalist than Jimmy, says pointedly of his wife that she encourages his smoking...

Gilray's Flower-pot
I charge Gilray's unreasonableness to his ignoble passion for cigarettes; and the story of his flower-pot has therefore an obvious ...

The Grandest Scene In History
Though Scrymgeour only painted in watercolors, I think--I never looked at his pictures--he had one superb idea, which we often ad...

My Brother Henry
Strictly speaking I never had a brother Henry, and yet I cannot say that Henry was an impostor. He came into existence in a curio...

House-boat Arcadia
Scrymgeour had a house-boat called, of course, the _Arcadia_, to which he was so ill-advised as to invite us all at once. He was at ...

The Arcadia Mixture Again
One day, some weeks after we left Scrymgeour's house-boat, I was alone in my rooms, very busy smoking, when William John entered ...

The Romance Of A Pipe-cleaner
We continued to visit the _Arcadia_, though only one at a time now, and Gilray, who went most frequently, also remained longest. ...

What Could He Do?
This was another of Marriot's perplexities of the heart. He had been on the Continent, and I knew from his face, the moment he retur...

Primus is my brother's eldest son, and he once spent his Easter holidays with me. I did not want him, nor was he anxious to come, bu...

Primus To His Uncle
Though we all pretended to be glad when Primus went, we spoke of him briefly at times, and I read his letters aloud at our evenin...

English-grown Tobacco
Pettigrew asked me to come to his house one evening and test some tobacco that had been grown in his brother's Devonshire garden. I ...

How Heroes Smoke
On a tiger-skin from the ice-clad regions of the sunless north recline the heroes of Ouida, rose-scented cigars in their mouths; the...

The Ghost Of Christmas Eve
A few years ago, as some may remember, a startling ghost-paper appeared in the monthly organ of the Society for Haunting Houses. ...

Not The Arcadia
Those who do not know the Arcadia may have a mixture that their uneducated palate loves, but they are always ready to try other ...

A Face That Haunted Marriot
This is not a love affair, Marriot shouted, apologetically. He had sat the others out again, but when I saw his intention I escape...

Arcadians At Bay
I have said that Jimmy spent much of his time in contributing to various leading waste-paper baskets, and that of an evening he was ...

Jimmy's Dream
I see before me (said Jimmy, savagely) a court, where I, James Moggridge, am arraigned on a charge of assaulting the editor of the ...

Gilray's Dream
Conceive me (said Gilray, with glowing face) invited to write a criticism of the Critics' Dramatic Society for the _Standard_. I se...

Pettigrew's Dream
My dream (said Pettigrew) contrasts sadly with those of my young friends. They dream of revenge, but my dream is tragic. I see my ed...

The Murder In The Inn
Sometimes I think it is all a dream, and that I did not really murder the waits. Perhaps they are living still. Yet the scene is ver...

The Perils Of Not Smoking
When the Arcadians heard that I had signed an agreement to give up smoking they were first incredulous, then sarcastic, then angr...

My Last Pipe
The night of my last smoke drew near without any demonstration on my part or on that of my friends. I noticed that none of them w...

When My Wife Is Asleep And All The House Is Still
Perhaps the heading of this paper will deceive some readers into thinking that I smoke nowadays in camera. It is, I know, a commo...

Man Know Thy-self
Know this and be assured quite well, ...

Vanity All Is Vanity

Page Six |
stimulus. Alcohol, ever true to its companion, steps in and supplies this artificial stimulus. It is a scientific fact that tobacco...

Tobacco From A Moral Stand-point |


This is the first attempt to write the history of smoking in this country from the social point of view. There have been many books ...

The First Pipes Of Tobacco Smoked In England
Before the wine of sunny Rhine, or even Madam Clicquot's, Let all men praise, with loud hurras, this panacea of Nicot's. ...

Tobacco Triumphant: Smoking Fashionable And Universal
Tobacco engages Both sexes, all ages, The poor as well as the wealthy; From the court to the cottage, From ch...

Abuse And Praise Of Tobacco
This is my friend Abel, an honest fellow; He lets me have good tobacco. BEN JONSON, _The Alchemist._ The dru...

Cavalier And Roundhead Smokers
A custom lothsome to the eye, hatefull to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the lungs, and in the blacke...

Smoking In The Restoration Period
The Indian weed withered quite Green at noon, cut down at night, Shows thy decay-- All flesh is hay: ...

Smoking Under King William Iii And Queen Anne
Hail! social pipe--thou foe of care, Companion of my elbow-chair; As forth thy curling fumes arise, They seem an eve...

Smoking Unfashionable: Early Georgian Days
Lord Fopling smokes not--for his teeth afraid; Sir Tawdry smokes not--for he wears brocade. ISAAC HAWKINS BROWNE,...

Smoking Unfashionable: Later Georgian Days
Says the Pipe to the Snuff-box, I can't understand What the ladies and gentlemen see in your face, That you are in fash...

Signs Of Revival
Some sigh for this and that My wishes don't go far; The world may wag at will, So I have my cigar. THOM...

Early Victorian Days
Scent to match thy rich perfume Chemic art did ne'er presume Through her quaint alembic strain, None so sovereign to...

Later Victorian Days
When life was all a summer day, And I was under twenty, Three loves were scattered in my way-- And three at once...

Smoking In The Twentieth Century
Sweet when the morn is grey; Sweet, when they've clear'd away Lunch; and at close of day Possibly sweetest. ...

Smoking By Women
Ladies, when pipes are brought, affect to swoon; They love no smoke, except the smoke of Town. ISAAC HAWKINS BROW...

Smoking In Church
For thy sake, TOBACCO, I Would do anything but die. CHARLES LAMB, _A Farewell to Tobacco._ The use of tobacc...

Tobacconists' Signs
I would enjoin every shop to make use of a sign which bears some affinity to the wares in which it deals. ADDISON...

A Covnter-blaste To Tobacco
That the manifolde abuses of this vile custome of _Tobacco_ taking, may the better be espied, it is fit, that first you enter into c...

Smoking Poems

With Pipe And Book.
With Pipe and Book at close of day, Oh, what is sweeter, mortal, say? It matters not what book on knee, Old Izaak or the O...

A Poet's Pipe.
_FROM THE FRENCH OF CHARLES BAUDELAIRE._ A poet's pipe am I, And my Abyssinian tint Is an unmistakable hint That he lay...

My Cigar.
In spite of my physician, who is, _entre nous_, a fogy, And for every little pleasure has some pathologic bogy, Who will bear...

To C.f. Bradford.
_ON THE GIFT OF A MEERSCHAUM PIPE._ The pipe came safe, and welcome, too, As anything must be from you; A meerschaum pure,...

My Pipe.
When love grows cool, thy fire still warms me; When friends are fled, thy presence charms me. If thou art full, though purse ...

The Farmer's Pipe.
Make a picture, dreamy smoke, In my still and cosey room; From the fading past evoke Forms that breathe of summer's bl...

Song Of The Smoke-wreaths.
_SUNG TO THE SMOKERS._ Not like clouds that cap the mountains, Not like mists that mask the sea, Not like vapors round t...

Smoke And Chess.
We were sitting at chess as the sun went down; And he, from his meerschaum's glossy brown, With a ring of smoke made his king...

Inscription For A Tobacco Jar.
Keep me at hand; and as my fumes arise, You'll find _a jar_ the gates of Paradise. _Copes Tobacco Plant._ ...

Motto For A Tobacco Jar.
Come! don't refuse sweet Nicotina's aid, But woo the goddess through a yard of clay; And soon you'll own she is the fairest...

The Last Pipe.
When head is sick and brain doth swim, And heavy hangs each unstrung limb, 'Tis sweet through smoke-puffs, wreathing slow, ...

Ode To My Pipe.
O Blessed pipe, That now I clutch within my gripe, What joy is in thy smooth, round bowl, As black as coal! S...

A Pipe Of Tobacco.
Let the toper regale in his tankard of ale, Or with alcohol moisten his thrapple, Only give me, I pray, a good pipe of soft...

_ON A YOUNG LADY WHO DESIRED THAT TOBACCO MIGHT BE PLANTED OVER HER GRAVE._ Let no cold marble o'er my body rise-- But only ...

The Smoker's Reverie.
(_OCTOBER._) I'm sitting at dusk 'neath the old beechen tree, With its leaves by the autumn made ripe; While they cling to...

A Brief Puff Of Smoke.
Great Doctor Parr, the learned Whig, Ne'er deemed the smoke-cloud _infra dig._, In which you could not see his wig, ...

A Symphony In Smoke.
A pretty, piquant, pouting pet, Who likes to muse and take her ease, She loves to smoke a cigarette; To dream in silken ...

It May Be Weeds.
It may be weeds I've gathered too; But even weeds may be As fragrant as The fairest flower With some sweet mem...

Seasonable Sweets.
"_DON'T BE FLOWERY, JACOB._"--CHARLES DICKENS. When the year is young, what sweets are flung By the violets, hiding, dim, ...

Geordie To His Tobacco-pipe.
Good pipe, old friend, old black and colored friend, Whom I have smoked these fourteen years and more, My best companion, fai...

Invocation To Tobacco.
Weed of the strange flower, weed of the earth, Killer of dulness, parent of mirth, Come in the sad hour, come in the gay, ...

Virginia Tobacco.
Two maiden dames of sixty-two Together long had dwelt; Neither, alas! of love so true The bitter pang had felt. B...

An Ode Of Thanks For Certain Cigars.
_TO CHARLES ELIOT NORTON._ Luck, my dear Norton, still makes shifts, To mix a mortal with her gifts, Which he may find who...

An Encomium On Tobacco.
Thrice happy isles that stole the world's delight, And thus produce so rich a Margarite! It is the fountain whence all pleasu...

On A Tobacco Jar.
Three hundred years ago or soe, One worthy knight and gentlemanne Did bring me here, to charm and chere, To physical a...

To The Tobacco Pipe.
Dear piece of fascinating clay! 'Tis thine to smooth life's rugged way, To give a happiness unknown To those--who let a pi...

The Patriotic Smoker's Lament.
Tell me, shade of Walter Raleigh, Briton of the truest type, When that too devoted valet Quenched your first-recorded ...

To An Old Pipe.
Once your smoothly polished face Nestled lightly in a case; 'Twas a jolly cosy place, I surmise; And a zeal...

Titlepage Dedication.
"Let those smoke now who never smoked before, And those who always smoked--now smoke the more." ...

To thee, blest weed, whose sovereign wiles, O'er cankered care bring radiant smiles, Best gift of Love to mortals given! At ...

Another Match.
_AFTER A.C. SWINBURNE._ If love were dhudeen olden, And I were like the weed, Oh! we would live together And love the...

In Wreaths Of Smoke.
In wreaths of smoke, blown waywardwise, Faces of olden days uprise, And in his dreamers revery They haunt the sm...

Wrapped in a sadly tattered gown, Alone I puff my brier brown, And watch the ashes settle down In lambent flashes; ...

Choosing A Wife By A Pipe Of Tobacco.
Tube, I love thee as my life; By thee I mean to choose a wife. Tube, thy _color_ let me find, In her _skin_, and in her _m...

My Three Loves.
When Life was all a summer day, And I was under twenty, Three loves were scattered in my way-- And three at once are plent...

Smoke Is The Food Of Lovers.
When Cupid open'd shop, the trade he chose Was just the very one you might suppose. Love keep a shop?--his trade, oh! quickly...

Mortals say their heart is light When the clouds around disperse; Clouds to gather, thick as night, Is the smoker's univer...

In Favor Of Tobacco.
Much victuals serves for gluttony To fatten men like swine; But he's a frugal man indeed That with a leaf can dine, And...

My Cigarette.
_WORDS AND MUSIC BY RICHARD BARNARD_. To my sweet cigarette I am singing This joyous and bright bacca-role; Just now to ...

The Ballade Of Tobacco.
When verdant youth sees life afar, And first sets out wild oats to sow, He puffs a stiff and stark cigar, And quaffs c...

Smokers, who doubt or con or pro, And ye who dare to drink, take heed! And see in smoke a friendly foe,-- A slave is e...

He Respondeth.
SHE. You still persist in using, I observe with great regret, The needlessly expensive Cigarette. HE. ...

To See Her Pipe Awry.
Betty bouncer kept a stall At the corner of a street, And she had a smile for all. Many were the friends she'd greet ...

Ingin Summer.
Jest about the time when Fall Gits to rattlin' in the trees, An' the man thet knows it all, 'Spicions frost in every b...

Edifying Reflections Of A Tobacco-smoker.

The Lost Lotus.
'Tis said that in the sun-embroidered East, There dwelt a race whose softly flowing hours Passed like the vision of a royal...

The Scent Of A Good Cigar.
What is it comes through the deepening dusk,-- Something sweeter than jasmine scent, Sweeter than rose and violet blent, M...

To My Cigar.
Yes, social friend, I love thee well, In learned doctor's spite; Thy clouds all other clouds dispel, And lap me in del...

Shade of Herrick, Muse of Locker, Help me sing of Knickerbocker! Boughton, had you bid me chant Hymns to Peter Stuyvesant,...

The Discovery Of Tobacco.
_A SAILOR'S VERSION_. They were three jolly sailors bold, Who sailed across the sea; They'd braved the storm, and stood ...

The Discovery Of Tobacco.
'Twas in the days of good Queen Bess,-- Or p'raps a bit before,-- And now these here three sailors bold Went cruising ...

"keats Took Snuff."
"Keats took snuff.... It has been established by the praise-worthy editorial research of Mr. Burton Forman." So "Keats ...

The Ballad Of The Pipe.
Oh, give me but Virginia's weed, An earthen bowl, a stem of reed, What care I for the weather? Though winter freeze and ...

The Old Clay Pipe.
There's a lot of solid comfort In an old clay pipe, I find, If you're kind of out of humor Or in trouble in your mind....

Pernicious Weed!
The pipe, with solemn interposing puff, Makes half a sentence at a time enough; The dozing sages drop the drowsy strain, T...

Two Other Hearts.
Full tender beamed the light of love down from his manly face, As he pressed her to his bosom in a fervent, fond embrace. ...

The Smoke Traveller.
When I puff my cigarette, Straight I see a Spanish girl,-- Mantilla, fan, coquettish curl, Languid airs and dimpled ...

Smoking Song.
With grateful twirl our smoke-wreaths curl, As mist from the waterfall given, Or the locks that float round beauty's throat...

How It Once Was.
Right stout and strong the worthy burghers stood, Or rather, sat, Drank beer in plenty, ate abundant food; For t...

Her Brother's Cigarette.
Like raven's wings her locks of jet, Her soft eyes touched with fond regret, Doubt and desire her mind beset, Fondling her...

In The Ol' Tobacker Patch.
I jess kind o' feel so lonesome that I don't know what to do, When I think about them days we used to spend A hoein' out to...

Maecenas Bids His Friend To Dine.
I beg you come to-night and dine. A welcome waits you, and sound wine,-- The Roederer chilly to a charm, As Juno's breath th...

To My Meerschaum.
There's a charm in the sun-crested hills, In the quivering light of a star, In the flash of a silvery rill, Yet to me ...

Old Pipe Of Mine.
Companion of my lonely hours, Full many a time 'twixt night and morn Thy muse hath roamed through poesy's bowers Upon ...

Cannon Song.
And it has turned since you and I Set out to face the world alone; And, in a garret near the sky, Had scarce a crust t...

Cannon Song.
Come, seniors, come, and fill your pipes, Your richest incense raise; Let's take a smoke, a parting smoke, For good old ...

The Indian weed, withered quite, Green at noon, cut down at night, Shows thy decay; all flesh is hay, Thus thinke, then dr...

Virginia's Kingly Plant.
_BY AN "OLD SALT."_ Oh, muse! grant me the power (I have the will) to sing How oft in lonely hour, When storms would ro...

Too Great A Sacrifice.
The maid, as by the papers doth appear, Whom fifty thousand dollars made so dear, To test Lothario's passion, simply said, ...

To A Pipe Of Tobacco.
Come, lovely tube, by friendship blest, Belov'd and honored by the wise, Come filled with honest "Weekly's best," And ...

A Good Cigar.
Oh, 'tis well and enough, A whiff or a puff From the heart of a pipe to get; And a dainty maid Or a budding blade Ma...

My Friendly Pipe.
Let sybarites still dream delights While smoking cigarettes, Whose opiates get in their pates Till waking brings regre...

Ode To Tobacco.
Come then, Tobacco, new-found friend, Come, and thy suppliant attend In each dull, lonely hour; And though misfortunes l...

A Bachelor's Soliloquy.
I sit all alone with my pipe by the fire, I ne'er knew the Benedict's yoke; I worship a fairy-like, fanciful form, Tha...

The Dreamer's Pipe.
Meerschaum, thing with amber tip, Clutched between the dreamer's lip, Fragrant odors from thy bowl Mingling with the dream...

Sublime Tobacco.
But here the herald of the self-same mouth Came breathing o'er the aromatic South, Not like a "bed of violets" on the gale, ...

Smoking Away.
Floating away like the fountains' spray, Or the snow-white plume of a maiden, The smoke-wreaths rise to the starlit skies ...

A Farewell To Tobacco.
May the Babylonish curse Straight confound my stammering verse If I can a passage see In this word-perplexity, Or a fit...

A Winter Evening Hymn To My Fire.
Nicotia, dearer to the Muse Than all the grape's bewildering juice, We worship, unforbid of thee; And as her incense float...

My Pipe And I.
There may be comrades in this world, As stanch and true as steel. There are: and by their friendships firm Is life mad...

Sic Transit.
Just a note that I found on my table, By the bills of a year buried o'er, In a feminine hand and requesting My presence ...

The Betrothed.
"_YOU MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN ME AND YOUR CIGAR._" Open the old cigar-box, get me a Cuba stout, For things are running crossways, a...

On A Broken Pipe.
Neglected now it lies, a cold clay form, So late with living inspirations warm; Type of all other creatures formed of clay-- ...

A Valentine.
What's my love's name? Guess her name. Nina? No. Alina? No. It does end with "ina," though. Guess again. Ch...

My Cigarette.
My cigarette! The amulet That charms afar unrest and sorrow, The magic wand that, far beyond To-day, can conjure up to...

The Pipe Critic.
Say, pipe, let's talk of love; Canst aid me? By my life, I'll ask not gods above To help me choose a w...

A Song Without A Name.
AIR: "_THE VICAR OF BRAY_." 'Twas in Queen Bess's golden days That smoking came in fashion; And from the court it quickl...

Ad Nicotina.
"_A CONSTRAINED HYPERBOLE._" Let others sing the praise of wine; I'll tolerate no queen But one fair nymph of spotless l...

Come to me, O my meerschaum, For the vile street organs play; And the torture they're inflicting Will vanish quite away. ...

I like cigars Beneath the stars, Upon the waters blue. To laugh and float While rocks the boat Upon the waves,--...

"a Free Puff."
Do you remember when first we met? I was turning twenty--well! I don't forget How I walked along, Humm...

My Meerschaum Pipe.
Old meerschaum pipe, I'll fondly wipe Thy scarred and blackened form, For thou to me wilt ever be-- Whate'er betides t...

A Warning.
HE. I loathe all books. I hate to see The world and men through others' eyes; My own are good enough for me. These ...

The hateful man! 'Twould vex a saint! Around my pretty, cherished book, The odor vile, the noisome taint Of horrid, stal...

To The Rev. Mr. Newton.
Says the Pipe to the Snuff-box, "I can't understand What the ladies and gentlemen see in your face, That you are in fashion...

A Loss.
How hard a thing it is to part From those we love and cherish; How deeply does it pain one's heart To know all things ...

The True Leucothoe.
Let others praise the god of wine, Or Venus, love, and beauty's smile; I choose a theme not less divine,-- The plant t...

Those Ashes.
Up to the frescoed ceiling The smoke of my cigarette In a sinuous spray is reeling, Forming flower and minaret. W...

What I Like.
To lie with half-closed eyes, as in a dream, Upon the grassy bank of some calm stream-- And smoke. To climb wi...

My Meerschaums.
Long pipes and short ones, straight and curved, High carved and plain, dark-hued and creamy, Slim tubes for cigarettes rese...

Ode To Tobacco.
Thou, who when fears attack Bidst them avaunt, and Black Care, at the horseman's back Perching, unseatest; Swee...

On Receipt Of A Rare Pipe.
I lifted off the lid with anxious care, Removed the wrappages, stripe after stripe, And when the hidden contents were laid ...

My Little Brown Pipe.
I have a little comforter, I carry in my pocket: It is not any woman's face Set in a golden locket; It is not any k...

'twas Off The Blue Canaries.
'Twas off the blue Canary isles, A glorious summer day, I sat upon the quarter deck, And whiffed my cares away; And...

I. When all the panes are hung with frost, Wild wizard-work of silver lace, I draw my sofa on the rug, Before the ancie...

My After-dinner Cloud.
Some sombre evening, when I sit And feed in solitude at home, Perchance an ultra-bilious fit Paints all the world an o...

The Happy Smoking-ground.
When that last pipe is smoked at last And pouch and pipe put by, And Smoked and Smoker both alike In dust and ashes li...

Sweet Smoking Pipe.
Sweet smoking pipe; bright glowing stove, Companion still of my retreat, Thou dost my gloomy thoughts remove, And purg...

Cigarette Rings.
How it blows! How it rains! I'll not turn out to-night; I'm too sleepy to read and too lazy to write; So I'll watch the blue ...

Smoking Spiritualized.
The following old poem was long ascribed, on apparently sufficient grounds, to the Rev. Ralph Erskine, or, as he design...

Tobacco Is An Indian Weed.
Tobacco's but an Indian weed, Grows green at morn, cut down at eve; It shows decay; we are but clay; Think of this when yo...

Let poets rhyme of what they will, Youth, Beauty, Love, or Glory, still My theme shall be Tobacco! Hail, weed, eclip...

The Cigar.
Some sigh for this and that, My wishes don't go far; The world may wag at will, So I have my cigar. Some fret the...

Pipe And Tobacco.
When my pipe burns bright and clear, The gods I need not envy here; And as the smoke fades in the wind, Our fleeting life ...

The Latest Convert.
I've been in love some scores of times, With Amy, Nellie, Katie, Mary-- To name them all would stretch my rhymes From ...

Confession Of A Cigar Smoker.
I owe to smoking, more or less, Through life the whole of my success; With my cigar I'm sage and wise,-- Without, I'm dull...

The Smoker's Calendar.
When January's cold appears, A glowing pipe my spirit cheers; And still it glads the length'ning day 'Neath February's mil...

An Old Sweetheart Of Mine.
As one who cons at evening o'er an album all alone, And muses on the faces of the friends that he has known, So I turn the le...

A Pipe Of Tobacco.
Let the learned talk of books, The glutton of cooks, The lover of Celia's soft smack--O! No mortal can b...

Henry Fielding.
Friend of my youth, companion of my later days. What needs my Muse to sing thy various praise? In country or in town, on ...

To My Cigar.
The warmth of thy glow, Well-lighted cigar, Makes happy thoughts flow, And drives sorrow afar. The stronger the win...

Cigars And Beer.
Here With my beer I sit, While golden moments flit. Alas! They pass Unheeded by; A...

Effusion By A Cigar Smoker.
Warriors! who from the cannon's mouth blow fire, Your fame to raise, Upon its blaze, Alas! ye do but light...

A Pot, And A Pipe Of Tobacco.
Some praise taking snuff; And 'tis pleasant enough To those who have got the right knack, O! But give me, my b...

If I Were King.
If I were king, my pipe should be premier. The skies of time and chance are seldom clear, We would inform them all, with bl...

The Pipe You Make Yourself.
There's clay pipes an' briar pipes an' meerschaum pipes as well, There's plain pipes an' fancy pipes--things jes made to sell; ...

At Yeni-Djami, after Rhamadan, The pacha in his palace lolls at ease; Latakieh fumes his sensual palate please, While ...

In Rotten Row.
In Rotten Row a cigarette I sat and smoked, with no regret For all the tumult that had been. The distances were still ...

The Duet.
I was smoking a cigarette; Maud, my wife, and the tenor, McKey, Were singing together a blithe duet, And days it were be...

My Cigarette.
Ma pauvre petite, My little sweet, Why do you cry? Why this small tear, So pure and clear, In each blue eye? ...

A Bachelor's Views.
A pipe, a book, A cosy nook, A fire,--at least its embers; A dog, a glass:-- 'Tis thus we pass Such hours as...

Pipes And Beer.
Before I was famous I used to sit In a dull old under-ground room I knew, And sip cheap beer, and be glad for it, With...

Giving Up Alcohol

Why I Quit
First off, let me state the object of the meeting: This is to be a record of sundry experiences centering round a stern resolve to g...

How I Quit
This took some time. I didn't dash into it. I had done that before, and had dashed out again just as impetuously. I revolved the mat...

What I Quit
I had been drinking thus for practically twenty years. I did not drink at all until after I was twenty-one and not much until after ...

When I Quit
For purposes of comprehensive record I have divided the various stages of my waterwagoning into these parts: the obsession stage; th...

After I Quit
I had a good lively tilt with John Barleycorn, ranging over twenty years. I know all about drinking. I figured it this way: I have a...


Self Help


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