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 Games Kids

Large collection of games for kids.

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Games Kids

Large collection of games for kids.

Kid Games

Games For Halloween
Hallow-e'en or Hallow-Even is the last night of October, being the eve or vigil of All-Hallow's or All Saint's Day, and no holiday in a...

Walnut Boats
Open English walnuts, remove meat, and in each half shell fasten short pieces of differently colored Christmas candles, each of which ...

Dumb Cake
Each one places handful of wheat flour on sheet of white paper and sprinkles it over with a pinch of salt. Some one makes it into doug...

Flour Test
A bowl is filled tightly with flour. During the process of filling, a wedding ring is inserted vertically in some part of it. The bowl...

Lover's Test
A maid and youth each places a chestnut to roast on fire, side by side. If one hisses and steams, it indicates a fretful temper in own...

Perplexing Hunt
In this game the seeker for a prize is guided from place to place by doggerels as the following, and is started on his hunt with this ...

Apple Seeds
Apple seeds act as charms on Hallowe'en. Stick one on each eyelid and name one "Home" and the other "Travel." If seed named travel sta...

Hiding Ring, Thimble And Penny
Hide ring, thimble and penny in room. To one who finds ring, speedy marriage is assured; thimble denotes life of single blessedness; p...

Pulling Kale
All are blindfolded and go out singly or hand-in-hand to garden. Groping about they pull up first stalk of kale or head of cabbage. I...

Nuts To Crack
Pass pencils and paper to each guest with the following written upon it:-- 1 (A Dairy product.) 2 (A Vegetable.) 3 (A Country.) ...

Raisin Race
A raisin is strung in middle of thread a yard long, and two persons take each an end of string in mouth; whoever, by chewing string, ...

"what's My Thought Like?"
The players sit in a circle and one of them asks the others: "What's my thought like?" One player may say: "A monkey"; the second: "A ...

Take half as many apples as guests, tie two long strings, one red and one yellow, to each apple. Place them in one large or several...

Threading A Needle
Sit on round bottle laid lengthwise on floor, and try to thread a needle. First to succeed will be first married. ...

1. The dragon consists of half a pint of ignited brandy or alcohol in a dish. As soon as brandy is aflame, all lights are extinguished...

Pumpkin Alphabet
Carve all the letters of the alphabet on a medium sized pumpkin. Put it on a dish and set on a stand or table. Each guest in turn is ...

Dough Test
Take water and meal and make dough. Write on slips of paper names of several of opposite sex friends; roll papers into balls of dough ...

Water Experiment
A laughable experiment consists in filling mouth with water and walking around house or block without swallowing or spilling a drop. ...

The Dreamer
If a maid wishes to know whom she is to marry, if a man of wealth, tradesman, or traveler, let her, on All-Hallow-e'en, take a walnut,...

Cellar Stairs
Cellar-stairs' test is where girl boldly goes downstairs backward, holding a mirror, and trying to catch in it the features of him who...

Around The Walnut Tree
Of all Hallow-e'en spells and charms associated with nuts, the following is one of the oldest: If a young man or woman goes at midnig...

Ducking For Apples
Into one tub half filled with water are placed apples to the stems of which are tied bits of paper containing the names of the boys pr...

Game Of Fate
Guests take part, seated in a circle. Three Fates are chosen, one of whom whispers to each person in turn name of his (her) future sw...

Candle And Apple
At one end of stick 18 inches long fasten an apple; at the other end, a short piece of lighted candle. Suspend stick from ceiling by s...

Where Dwells My Lover?
Steal out unobserved at midnight; plucking a small lock of hair from your head, cast it to breeze. Whatever direction it is blown is ...

Combing Hair Before Mirror
Stand alone before mirror, and by light of candle comb your hair; face of your future partner will appear in glass, peeping over your ...

The Four Saucers
Place four saucers on table in line. Into first put dirt; into second, water; into third, a ring; into fourth, a rag. Guests are blind...

Feather Tests
To foretell complexion of future mate, select three soft, fluffy feathers. (If none is handy, ask for a pillow and rip open and take ...

One bowl is filled with clear water, another with wine, a third with vinegar, a fourth is empty. All are placed in line on table. Each...

Rose Test
Take two roses with long stems. Name one for yourself and one for your lover. Go to your room without speaking to any one; kneel besid...

Make barrel-hoop into necklace of bread, candies, red peppers and candle-ends, and hang horizontally from ceiling. Set hoop whirling a...

Winnowing Corn
Steal out into barn or garden alone and go three times through motions of throwing corn against the wind. The third time an apparition...

One of the most popular games at a party is certainly "Consequences"; it is a very old favorite, but has lost none of its charms with ...

Dry Bread
Dreams mean much on Hallow-e'en, but certain ceremonies must be carefully followed in order to insure the spell. Before going to sleep...

Magic Stairs
Walk downstairs backward, holding lighted candle over your head. Upon reaching bottom, turn suddenly and before you will stand your wi...

Acting Rhymes
For this game, half the players go outside the door, whilst those who stay in the room choose a word of one syllable, which should not...

Alphabet Game
Cut alphabet from newspaper and sprinkle on surface of water; letters floating may spell or suggest name of future husband or wife. ...

Shadow Buff
A splendid game, and one specially suitable for a large party. A sheet or white tablecloth is first of all stretched right across the ...

Wet Apple Seeds
Name two wet apple seeds and stick them on forehead. First seed to fall indicates that the person for whom seed is named is not a t...

The players divide themselves into ladies and gentlemen, if the ladies predominate some must personate gentlemen, and vice versa. The ...

Apple Paring
Each guest, receiving apple and knife, is requested to peel apple without breaking; then swing paring around head, and let it drop to ...

The Farmyard
This game, if carried out properly, will cause great amusement. One of the party announces that he will whisper to each person the nam...

Melting Lead
Each person melts some lead and pours it through a wedding-ring or key into a dish of water. The lead will cool in various shapes, sup...

Fortune Telling
The Fortune Teller must provide the person who is to have his or her fortune told with a piece of paper and a pencil and then proceed ...

Love's Dispensary
A cozy corner or a convenient part of the room may be converted into an impromptu dispensary with the addition of the Love potions and...

Remedies And Their Use.
Red pills--six, take one every two and a half minutes. Will cause your ideal to reciprocate your love. Pink pills--four at once. Wi...

Apples And Flour
Suspend horizontally from ceiling a stick three feet long. On one end stick an apple, upon other tie small bag of flour. Set stick whi...

Web Of Fate
Long bright colored strings, of equal length are twined and intertwined to form a web. Use half as many strings as there are guests...

Partners And Groups
Partners for different games or for the midnight spread may be decided by the fates. Write a number on one side of a small slip of ...

A Few Suggestions For Fortunes.
You will meet your future husband (or wife) to-night. Prosperity and love await you. A lap full of money and a lap full of children. ...

Blind Nut Seekers
Let several guests be blindfolded. Then hide nuts or apples in various parts of room or house. One finding most nuts or apples wins pr...

To Try One's Luck
In a dish of mashed potatoes place a ring, a dime, and a thimble. Each guest is provided with a spoon with which to eat the potatoes; ...

The Loaf Cake
A loaf cake is often made, and in it are placed a ring and a key. The former signifies marriage, and the latter a journey, and the per...

Each girl and boy seeks an even-leaved sprig of ash; first of either sex that finds one calls out cyniver, and is answered by first of...

Naming Chestnuts
Roast three chestnuts before the fire, one of which is named for some lady (or gentleman); the other two, for gentlemen (or ladies). I...

The Mirror
Walk backward several feet out of doors in moonlight with mirror in your hand, or within doors with candle in one hand and mirror in ...

Jumping Lighted Candle
Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely placed; each one jumps over it. Whoever succeeds in clearing candle is gu...

Ring And Goblet
Tie wedding-ring or key to silken thread or horsehair, and hold it suspended within a glass; then say the alphabet slowly; whenever r...

Mirror And Apple
Stand in front of mirror in dimly lighted room and eat an apple. If your lover reciprocates your love he will appear behind you and lo...

Needle Game
Each person floats greased needle in basin of water. Impelled by attraction of gravitation, needles will act very curiously; some cli...

Winding Yarn
Throw a ball of yarn out of window but hold fast to one end and begin to wind. As you wind say, "I wind, who holds?" over and over aga...

Few children think they will ever tire of playing games; but all the same, towards the end of a long evening, spent merrily in danci...

In 1667, Nicolas Perrot, then acting as agent of the French government, was received near Saut Sainte Marie with stately courtesy an...

Platter Or Dice.
The second in the list of games given by Father Brebeuf is that which he calls "platter." Writers who describe the habits of the Ind...

Ciphers Codes Or Keys
This lesson is intended to teach the code or key. Attention is called to the mathematical regularity of its construction, which wil...

Straw Or Indian Cards.
The third game mentioned by Father Brebeuf was that which was called straw. We have seen that the first of these games called for st...

Chunkee Or Hoop And Pole.
Among the Indians at the south, observers noted and described a game of great antiquity, of which we have no record during historica...

Other Athletic Games.
In addition to the games of lacrosse, platter or dice, straws and chunkee, there were other games, some of an athletic nature, some ...

Other Games Of Chance.
There was diversity in the forms of the games of simple chance as well as in the athletic games, and besides those which have been a...

Contests Of Skill.
Lewis and Clarke [Footnote: Vol. II, p. 140.] describe a game among the Oregon Indians which can neither be called an athletic game ...

Cat And Mouse
One pupil is designated to play the role of cat, another that of mouse. The mouse can escape the cat by sitting in the seat with some ...

Aviation Meet
Three pupils constitute a team. Two are mechanicians, one the aviator. Each team is to have a piece of string about 25 feet long, free...

Button Button
The pupils sit or stand in a circle with their hands in front of them, palms together. The one who has been selected to be "It" takes ...

Some object is determined upon for hiding, such as a coin, a button, a thimble, etc. A pupil is sent from the room. During his absence...

Hide In Sight
In this game all of the pupils except one are sent from the room. The one left in the room hides a coin, or some similar object, somew...

A certain color is determined upon. Each pupil in turn must name some object which is of that color. Failing to do this he goes to the...

I See Red
One pupil is given the privilege of thinking of some object in the room, of which he discloses the color to the rest of the pupils. Fo...

Hide The Clock
This is a good quiet game for the schoolroom. A loud ticking clock is necessary for the game. All of the pupils are sent from the room...

Poison Seat
The children all endeavor to shift seats at the clapping of the hands of the teacher. Have one less seat than pupils, so that one may ...

Aisle Hunt
Some object--a coin will do--is selected to be hidden. The children of one of the aisles leave the room, the others determine upon a h...

New Orleans
The pupils of the room are divided into two groups. One side decides upon some action it will represent, such as sawing wood, washing ...

Birds Fly
This is an attention game. The teacher stands before the class and instructs them that if she mentions some bird or object which flies...

Music Rush
A march is played on the piano and the children march from their seats in single file around the room. As soon as the music stops, all...

Change Seat Relay
The teacher claps her hands. This is the signal for all to shift one seat back. The one in the rear seat runs forward and sits in the ...

Charlie Over The Water
This is an old game and is always popular. The children form a ring, joining hands. One is selected to be "It" and takes his place in ...

Tap Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. All bend their heads forward, placing their faces in the palms of their hands on the top o...

Ratatat Race
Similar to the preceding race with the exception that upon the signal to go the one in the back seat knocks with the knuckles of his r...

Bowing Race
A book is handed to the pupil in the last seat of each aisle. At the signal to go the pupils holding the book step into the aisle at t...

Spin Around Race
A boy is selected from each aisle to take his place at least six feet in front of the aisle. Upon the signal to go, the last boy in ea...

Initial Tag
A pupil who is "It" is sent to the board. He writes thereupon the initial of some other pupil in the room. That pupil is to try to tag...

Magic Music
One pupil is sent from the room. Thereupon the remaining pupils hide some object agreed upon. The pupil sent from the room is recalled...

Hunt The Rattler
All of the players in the room are blindfolded, except one, who is given a tin can in which is placed a loose pebble. He is known as t...

The pupils stand in a circle in the center of which is "It" blindfolded, holding in his hand a blunt stick about 12 or 15 inches long...

Name Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A slip is handed to the one in the first seat in each row. At the signal to go, he writes ...

Frogs In Sea
One pupil sits in tailor fashion in the center of the playing space. The others try to tease him by approaching as closely as they dar...

Corner Spry
The pupils in the room are divided into four equal teams. Each team is assigned to a different corner. A leader stands in front of eac...

Flag Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Flags are given to the pupils in each front seat. On the signal to go, each pupil holding ...

Seat Vaulting Tag
A pupil is selected to be "It." He attempts to tag any other pupil in the same aisle in which he stands. The pupils avoid being tagged...

Jerusalem Jericho Jemima
This is a simple game of attention. The three words in the title are near enough alike to require close attention on the part of the p...

An attention game. The pupils stand in the aisle beside their seats. In starting the game, the teacher asks them to face to the north,...

The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Those in the front seats are Number 1, those next behind them, Number 2, and so on back. T...

Spelling Words
Have the pupils in aisle 1 face those in aisle 2, those in aisle 3 face 4, those in aisle 5 face 6. Appoint a captain for each aisle. ...

This game stimulates quick thinking. Some one is selected by the teacher to start the game, and thereupon gives some word to which the...

Clapping Song
A pupil is selected by the teacher to clap the rhythm of some familiar air. The rest of the children in the room endeavor to guess the...

Indian Trail
A pupil is blindfolded and placed in the front of the room. Other pupils, one or two at a time, are given the opportunity to stealthil...

Number Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. They are numbered, beginning with the one in the first seat. The teacher describes some m...

Multiplication Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The teacher decides on a multiplication table which is to be placed upon the board. A piec...

History Race
Similar to the preceding, with the exception that the pupils are requested to write upon the board the name of some historical person...

Poem Race
The pupils having learned some poem may use it in a game in the following way: The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. At the s...

Last Man
This is a good active game thoroughly enjoyed by the children. The teacher selects one pupil to be "It," and another to be chased. The...

Change Seats
This is a good relaxation game. The teacher says, "Change seats left." Thereupon all the pupils shift to the seats to their left. The ...

Relay Run Around
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The pupil in the last seat in each row, upon the signal to go, steps out in the right hand...

The group is divided into two equal teams. A leader is chosen for each. The leader of Team A begins the game by giving the name of a c...

Seeing And Remembering
Fifteen or twenty articles are placed upon a table under a sheet, in front of the pupils. The sheet is removed for a space of 10 secon...

The teacher selects some word from the dictionary, which is written upon the blackboard. Each pupil then writes the definition of that...

Jumbled Words
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. Each pupil in the aisle is given a number. The one in each front seat is Number 1, the one...

Descriptive Adjectives
An historical personage is selected, such as Columbus, George Washington, etc. The first pupil called upon must describe the subject ...

The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. The one in the front seat in each aisle is Number 1, the one behind him, Number 2, etc. ...

Distinguishing Sounds
This game is good training for the ear. Various noises, such as the shaking of a pebble in a tin can, in a wooden box, in a pasteboard...

This is a good relaxing game and one in which the practice of self control is a factor. An open handkerchief is tossed into the air. W...

Guessing Dimensions
The ability to measure with the eye is well worth cultivating. Each pupil is to guess the distance between various points indicated on...

Mysterious Articles
An article is concealed under a cloth on the table. Each pupil is given an opportunity to feel the article through the cloth and guess...

Distinguishing By Smell
Various articles invisible to the eye, with distinctive odors, such as vinegar, rose, mustard, vanilla, ginger, clove, tea, coffee, ch...

Art Gallery
Pictures of a number of famous paintings by the masters are placed on exhibition. The pupil guessing the largest number of masters and...

Drawing Animals
The teacher whispers in the ear of each pupil the name of some animal, whereupon the pupil proceeds to draw that animal, each pupil be...

Historical Pictures
A long sheet of paper is given to each pupil, with instructions to draw thereupon a picture representing some historical event. After ...

Train Of Thoughts
A word is suggested by the teacher. This is written at the top of a sheet of paper by each pupil. The pupil then writes beneath that w...

Bowknot Relay
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A piece of string is given to each pupil in the front seat. At a signal to start each pupi...

Cooking Race
This is a good game for the class in domestic science. The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A piece of chalk is handed to the o...

Spelling Game
The group, if numbering 40 or more pupils, is divided into two teams. The contestants of each team are given a different letter of the...

Grammar Race
The pupils of each aisle constitute a team. A piece of chalk is given to the one in each front seat. At the signal to go, the one with...

Schoolroom Tag
A three foot circle is made with a piece of chalk in the front of the room. Each pupil in the room is given a different number. The te...

An attention game. Taking for granted that the pupils have a general knowledge of the directions of various towns or cities in their s...

Chase The Rabbit
The group kneels in a circle with their hands on each other's shoulders. The one selected to be rabbit runs around the circle and tag...

One of the group is selected to be "It". He stands with his back to the group and counts five, at the end of which he turns rapidly ar...

This game is similar to the game "Steps," above described, excepting that the players standing behind "It" assume the poses of statues...

The players stand behind a line. Each in turn must cover the space between said line and another line twenty yards distant by a manner...

Squirrel In Trees
Players stand in groups of three--two facing one another with hands joined to form hollow trees, and the third within the tree hollow ...

Shadow Tag
This game is similar to ordinary tag, with the exception that "It" endeavors to touch or step on the shadow of one of the players. Su...

Handkerchief Tag
A player is selected to be "It". A knotted handkerchief is given to the rest of the players. "It" can only tag the player holding the ...

Puss In Corner
The players are distributed about the playing area, and given goals, such as trees, fence and building corners, etc. One player is sel...

Back To Back
This is a tag game in which "It" may tag anyone who is not back to back with one other player. ...

Peggy In Ring
A blindfolded player takes his place in the center of the group which has joined hands, forming a ring. The ring begins to dance aroun...

Link Race
The group is divided into two teams, and a leader appointed for each. A large square is marked upon the ground and the opposing teams ...

Maze Tag
All but two of the players stand in parallel lines or ranks, one behind the other, with ample space between each player and each two r...

Turtle Tag
One player is selected to be "It" and chases the rest. In order to avoid being tagged, a player may lie upon his back with both feet a...

Roly Poly
This game must be played in groups, not larger than 12. Holes are dug in the ground with the heels of the shoe. These holes are placed...

Antony Over
A group is divided into two teams, A and B. The game is played around a small building, such as a small school house or wood shed, aro...

Snake And Bird
Two lines are drawn in the schoolyard about fifty feet apart. The group is divided into two teams. The one team links hands and takes ...

In And Out
The group grasp hands, forming a circle. Two individuals are selected, one to be "It", and the other to be chased. These two are place...

Fox And Rabbit
The group link hands and form a circle. Two players are selected, one to be "It" and the other to be chased, as in the preceding game....

Chicken Market
One player is selected to be a buyer, another to be the market man. The rest of the players are to be chickens. They stoop down in a r...

Chickidy Hand
The player who is selected to be "It" interlocks the fingers of his hands and holds them against a post, which is known as the goal. T...

Pass Ball
The group form a circle and are counted off in 2's. The Number 1's are given a ball or some other object easily tossed, at one side of...

The group forms a circle, linking hands. In the center of the circle is placed on end a short log about a foot long. (A tall bottle ma...

Fox Trail
[Illustration] A large circle is drawn upon the ground. This should measure from 30 to 40 feet in radius. Another circle is drawn w...

Weavers Race
A group forms a circle which is counted off by 2's. The Number 1's in the circle constitute team A, and the Number 2's team B. Two cap...

Circle Chase
The group forms a circle and counts off by 4's. The leader takes his place in the center of the circle. He calls any number from 1 to ...

Reuben And Rachel
The group forms a circle, joining hands. One of the players is blindfolded and placed in the center of the circle. All the rest in the...

Channel Tag
The group forms a circle, faces to the right and assumes a stride position. The one selected to be "It" takes his place in the center ...

Soak Em
A sock stuffed with straw is used in this game. A circle is drawn upon the ground. The group is divided into two teams. One team takes...

The Dummy
One of the group, known as the "dummy", must take a position 30 feet in front of a line and stands with his back to the rest of the gr...

Oriental Tag
Similar to ordinary tag, except that the one "It" cannot tag any one who has his forehead to the ground. ...

Ball Tag
The one who is "It" is armed with a soft ball. He attempts to tag another by means of hitting him with the ball. The one who is hit b...

Couple Tag
Similar to ordinary tag, except that the group is arranged in couples. Couples must lock arms. The couple which is "It" endeavors to t...

Dresden Tag
The group forms a circle with at least three feet space between each individual in the circle. One individual is selected to be "It", ...

Fox And Geese
One player is chosen to be fox, another to be gander. The remaining players all stand in single file behind the gander, each with his ...

Plug The Hole
The players form in a circle with their legs in a stride position, their toes touching those of the next player. The one who is "It" t...

Partner Swat Tag
Form a circle in pairs, partners linking arms together. Two stuffed clubs (made by stuffing stockings with waste or rags), are placed ...

Freight Train Tag
The boys are divided into groups of three's. Each three line up, one behind the other, with their arms locked around the waist of the ...

Roll Ball
The players form in a circle, grasping the hands of their neighbors. The one selected to be "It" takes his place in the center and is ...

Take Away
The group is divided into two teams. One team is given a ball or some other object which can be easily caught. The object of the game ...

Red White And Blue
Two lines are marked upon the ground, about fifteen feet apart. The group is divided into three equal teams; one team is known as the ...

Pin Ball
This game is played with the same rules as basketball, except that in place of the baskets a 6 foot circle is drawn in the center of e...

Kick Ball
An inflated ball about the size of a basketball is best for this game, but a bean bag can be used. The group is divided into two teams...

Hand Baseball
This game is like regular baseball, with the exception that a tennis ball or soft rubber ball is used for a ball and the hand is used ...

Last Couple Out
This is an old Swedish game and one which can still be played and thoroughly enjoyed. The players are arranged in double file. One pla...

Spanish Fly
This is an old leap frog game. One player is chosen to be "down". The others follow the leader in taking frog leaps over the back of t...

Tony Says
This is a good game to follow formal gymnastic exercises, maintaining the same formation. The players are lined up in open order upon ...

Twenty Questions
This is a quiet, entertaining and instructive game. One member of the family is given the privilege of thinking of some specific objec...

You Know Me
One of the group is given the privilege of starting the game by assuming he is some well known character, and makes the statement, "I ...

One member of the group is given the opportunity to select some object in plain sight in the room, to be guessed by the others. That ...

Hide The Thimble
All of the group leave the room, except one, who hides somewhere about the room a thimble. The others are then called back and endeavo...

Tit Tat Too
A diagram similar to the illustration (Fig. 1) is drawn on a sheet of paper. Two players only can participate. The first player marks ...

Last Match
Three piles of matches are placed upon the table. Each pile can contain anywhere from ten to twenty matches. The object of the game is...

Your House, My House
A piece of string about three feet long is tied to the end of a slender stick of about the same length. A slip knot is tied in the end...

Catechism Of States
Q.--Which is the best State for fresh pork? A.--New ham, sure. Q.--Which is the best for an early summer hotel? A.--May in...

Step By Step
A bean bag or soft ball is needed for this game. All of the group excepting one who is selected to be leader sit on the bottom step of...

Spin The Platter
All of the players in the room are given a number. A tin plate is spun in the centre of the room by one of the players who calls some ...

Board And Nail Puzzle
[Illustration: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Spinning For 20
A wooden top is made by sawing off the end of a large spool and sticking a match or small stick through the hole in the centre. Four ...

Red Triangle Ring Toss
[Illustration] A triangle is drawn upon a board and nails are driven in, as indicated in the accompanying diagram. Six rubber Mason...

Floor Baseball
(_Game invented by T.A. Coates_) A diagram is marked with chalk on the floor, as per accompanying diagram. Round wooden disks six i...

This is a good game to be played in the loft of a barn. One player is blindfolded and sits on the floor with legs folded under him, Ch...

Captain Kidd's Gold
This is a good game in which all the members of a family may find pleasure. It develops one's power of observation and memory. A small...

Bird Hunt
Names of different birds are written on small slips of paper and pinned upon the backs of all the guests. A small card and a pencil ar...

My Month
Twelve placards with the name of a month of the year on each are posted about the room, and the players are instructed to gather aroun...

Poison Circle
The group marches in couples around the room while a march is being played intermittedly on some instrument. Small rugs are placed in ...

Shoe Hunt
Advertisements of shoes are cut out and the illustrations of pairs of shoes are halved. These are hidden around the room. The individu...

Matching Advertisements
Advertisements are cut from magazines and each advertisement is divided by irregular cuts into two halves. One half is placed in the p...

Matching Proverbs
Familiar proverbs are divided into groups of three or four words. These are distributed among the guests. There should be at least two...

Mixing March
The group, arranged in couples, forms a circle with the ladies on the inside facing their partners. When the music starts playing, the...

Musical Medley
This game is similar to the game entitled "Matching Proverbs", except that different lines of songs are distributed among the guests p...

Puzzled Words
Words are written out on slips of paper and then cut into single letters. Each letter going to make up a word is given the same number...

Trip Around The World
Various articles are distributed around the room, each representative of some country. For illustration, a package of tea, representin...

Bean Penalty
Each guest, upon entering the room, is given ten beans and instructed to ask questions of each other. Should a question be answered by...

Biographic Cartoons
Each individual is given a cardboard 12x15 inches, an old magazine, containing numerous ads, a pair of scissors, and is instructed to ...

Illustrated Songs
Each member of the group is given a sheet of paper and a pencil and is instructed to draw thereupon a picture or pictures illustrating...

The group forms in couples and marches around the room. They are then subdivided into from four to eight smaller groups. These are sta...

Tea Pot
One member of the group is selected to be "It" and leaves the room. The others decide upon some object or word which "It" is to guess....

Muddled Words
The group is divided into two teams. Each individual is given a slip of paper and takes the name of some animal, bird, or fish, and mu...

Who Are They?
Photographs of prominent individuals are numbered and placed on exhibition about the room, with the wrong title beneath them. Each me...

Who Is It?
A sheet is hung up in a doorway. The group is divided into two teams. One group goes behind the sheet. A small hole is cut in the shee...

The men are lined up on one side of the room. To each is given three or four buttons, a needle and thread, and a piece of cloth. They ...

Ten or twenty are as many as can well play this game. The group is arranged in seats around the room. The leader starts the game by s...

Poor Pussy
The group is arranged in a circle around the room. One player is selected to be "Pussy" and takes his place in the centre of the group...

The group is arranged in a circle around the room. The leader whispers some information to his left hand neighbor, remembering the exa...

A member of the group thinks of some object, and without disclosing to the other members of the group what he is thinking about, he ad...

The group sits in a circle about the room. The leader starts the game by giving a letter of the alphabet. The one at his left adds a l...

Five of the group are selected to act out a charade. These five act out a word in pantomime. While they are doing this a second group ...

Knight Of The Cracker
The ladies are lined up on one side of the room. Each is provided with a cracker. The men are lined up on the opposite side. At the si...

Match Boxing
Competitors are divided into equal teams and the teams are arranged in parallel lines. The outside cover of a small safety match box i...

What Animal?
The leader whispers the name of a different animal or object to each individual. When called upon each must try to represent the noise...

Rhyming Verbs
Half of the group leaves the room while the others decide upon a verb. The group which left the room is then called back and tries to ...

Fruit Basket
The group is seated in a circle and counted off in 4's. The number 1's are given the name of oranges, number 2's lemons, number 3's ba...

The group is arranged in seats around the room. "It" takes a place in the centre. All of the players are given a different number. "It...

Barnyard Chorus
Each player in the group is given some barnyard noise to represent. The leader takes his place in the centre of the room. If he holds ...

Donkey Solo
This is a good game to follow immediately after the Barnyard Chorus. The leader announces that he is to whisper to each member of the ...

Shifting Seats
The group is seated in a circle. There is one more chair than there are players. One individual is selected to be "It" and takes his p...

Guess The Sound
The group is arranged in a circle. The one selected to be "It" is blindfolded and takes a position in the centre of the circle. After ...

Rapid Transit
The players form in a circle. To each is given some article to be passed. These articles should vary in size anywhere from a peanut to...

Feather Tag
The group sits in a circle in the centre of the room, holding a large sheet stretched tightly between them. A fluffy feather is placed...

All the players sit in a circle. Each is given the name of a bird. The keeper takes a position in the centre of the room and begins to...

Simple Simons Silly Smile
The group is arranged in chairs around the room. The one who is selected to be "It" goes from one to another asking questions. All qu...

Chairs are arranged around the room in a circle, with the boys standing behind each chair. There should be one more chair than there a...

The group sits in a circle in a room which is semi-dark. The leader goes around inside of the circle and slips a button in the hands o...

Jacks Alive
The group sits in a circle in the room. A lighted splinter is handed to one of the group in the circle. It is then passed around the c...

Going To Jerusalem
The chairs are arranged in a circle in the center of the room, with the seats away from the center. There should be one less chair tha...

Hindoo Blind Reading
Slips of paper are given to all of the guests and they are instructed to write thereupon a brief sentence of three or four words and t...

Mental Telepathy
The group is told that if enough people think hard enough about one object they can communicate the thought to a person who knows noth...

The Paper Artist
A sheet of newspaper or any other kind of paper can be used for this game. The accomplice is sent from the room. The one performing th...

Magic Answers
An accomplice is sent from the room. Those remaining in the room determine upon some object, this object to be recognized by the acco...

The one who plays this trick must have an accomplice. The accomplice is sent from the room. It is announced that the accomplice will n...

Scissors Crossed
A simple catch game. The group is seated in a circle. It is best to have two of the company know how to play the game. One of these ha...

Knights Of The Sacred Whistle
One or two of the group are informed that they are to be initiated into the Order of the Knights of the Sacred Whistle. They are shown...

Hay Stack
Chairs are piled to a considerable height in the centre of the room and the person to be initiated is instructed to take off his shoes...

Boots Without Shoes
The leader asks one of the players to say as he directs and then asks him to say, "Boots without shoes." The player immediately says, ...

Newspaper Touch
Two individuals are instructed to stand upon a sheet of newspaper, so as not to be able to touch each other. This seems impossible and...

Coin And Card Snap
A card is balanced upon the end of the middle finger of the left hand, flat side down. A quarter or some small coin is placed upon the...

Blind Blow
A lighted candle is placed upon a table. The players are blindfolded in turn, spun around, and instructed to blow out the candle. The ...

Tricks With Matches
Six matches are given to an individual and he is requested to make with them four equilateral triangles. The Trick--Three matches a...

Pigs In Pen
A farmer has six pigs and five pens. He desires to place the pigs in the pens so that there will be an odd number of pigs in each pen....

Number Trick
How can four be made out of three 3's? 3-3/3 ...

Penny Wise
The players are provided with a bright new penny, a piece of paper and a pencil. On the paper have been written the following requirem...

Reading Temples
The group is told that thoughts can be transmitted through the temples. The demonstrator of the game has to have an accomplice knowing...

Aeroplane Ride
The player selected to take the ride is sent from the room and blindfolded. A strong board is held a few inches from the floor by sev...

Egg Smash
Several players of the group are blindfolded and take a kneeling position upon the floor. Each is given a fake egg and is told to knoc...

Musical Notes
This trick is easily played where a group is sitting around a bare wooden table. The player knowing the trick, pricks the prongs of a ...

Siam Club
Players are invited to join the Siam Club, for which certain rites and ceremonies are necessary. Those to be initiated into the club t...

The trick is to remove the vest of one of the players while he is still wearing his coat. To accomplish the trick one must stand in fr...

Standing Broad Jump
The group is divided into competing teams. Each team lines up behind the starting line. Each is instructed to see how many feet he can...

Standing High Jump
Doughnuts are suspended by means of a string, so that one hangs about eight inches above the head of each contestant. The one first s...

Bawl Game
Competitors are lined up and directed to bawl. The one doing this the best, in the judgment of the judges, wins. ...

Peanut Relay
A bowl full of peanuts is placed before each competitor. An empty bowl is placed at some distance opposite each. Each competitor is gi...

Shot Put
Competitors endeavor to throw a handkerchief unknotted from a given line for distance. ...

A number of bags are suspended in such a way as to hang four feet above the heads of the competitors. One bag contains candy; one cont...

Peanut Throw
Each contestant is given an equal number of peanuts. The one succeeding in dropping the largest number of peanuts into the mouth of a ...

Head Toss
A salt bag is filled with sand. Competitors heel a given line and place the bag of sand upon the back of their necks and without the u...

Duel Tug Of War
Two opponents are given a piece of rope about three feet long. Each takes a position on the opposite side of a line drawn upon the flo...

Discus Throw
Contestants are given some object like a quoit, a block of wood, etc. A small circle about eighteen inches in diameter is drawn upon t...

Ring The Bell
In the centre of a hoop eighteen inches in diameter--(an ordinary barrel hoop)--is hung a bell. The hoop is suspended from the ceiling...

Chair Tilting
Opponents are placed upon chairs and must stand thereon upon one foot. Each is armed with a long pole, the end of which is padded with...

Hammer Throw
An inflated paper bag tied on the end of a yard of string is used as the hammer for this event. Each contestant by swinging the bag fr...

Twenty Yard Dash
Contestants carry an egg to the distance line and return with a spoon held at full arm's length from the body. ...

Running Broad Grin
Have each competitor grin as broadly as possible. The judges measure the grins with a tape measure. ...

Light Weight Race
Contestants carry a lighted candle in one hand and a glass or bowl brim full of water in the other. If the water is spilled over or th...

Javelin Throw
Contestants endeavor to throw a short stick through a rolling hoop. ...

One Mile Run
Contestants are required to add a column of figures, the total of which will be 5280. ...

Long Glum
The player who can keep from smiling the longest in spite of the jeers and efforts to make him laugh, on the part of the others, wins....

Turtle Race
Contestants lie flat upon their backs and throw an object over their heads with their two feet, for distance. ...

Elimination Race
An equal number of chalk marks are made upon the floor in front of each contestant. A damp rag is then handed to each, and at the sign...

Suitable For Sociables And Entertainers
These stunts may be used as a means of amusement at social functions. In order to avoid calling for volunteers to come forward to pa...

Brick Relay
Have four contestants to a team and as many teams as there is space for. Two lines are drawn upon the floor about ten yards apart. Two...

Chairiot Race
Competitors stand on the starting line. Two chairs are given to each. They place the chairs behind the starting line, side by side, wi...

Chair Stubbing
Each contestant sits upon a chair with his legs straddling the back and his toes on the bottom side round. Keeping his feet off the fl...

Aviation Meet
Each team is made up of two mechanicians and four aviators. The two mechanicians hold stretched between them a piece of string upon wh...

Feather Blowing Relay
Four contestants constitute a team. A feather is placed on the starting line and is blown by the first member of each team to the dist...

Balloon Race
An inflated rubber balloon and a palm leaf fan must be provided for each team. Four players constitute a team. A balloon is placed on ...

Lobster Race
Each competitor gets down on the starting line on all fours and at the signal to go travels backward on all fours to the distance line...

Prune Tug Of War
Prunes are tied in the middle of a piece of string, three yards long. Opponents are placed opposite each other, each with an end of th...

Whistle Race
Contestants take a deep breath and whistle. The one who can whistle longest on one breath, wins. ...

Cracker Relay
Six players to a team. The players on each team sit in a row. Four crackers are given to each player. The one on the rear of each team...

Blindfold Obstacles
Obstacles, such as vases of flowers, china ware, chairs, etc., are placed in four or more long rows. Each contestant is given a row an...

Candle Roll Over
Four players are chosen for each team. Two are lined up in front of the starting line and two opposite on the distance line. One of th...

Boat Race
Two players constitute a team in this race. One of the players on each team sits upon the floor. His knees are raised so as to allow h...

Necktie Race
Two players constitute a team. Each team may stand opposite each other at different ends of the room. At the signal to go Number 1 run...

Push Cross Line
Three parallel lines are marked upon the ground about six feet apart. The group is divided into two teams. Each team lines up behind o...

This game is similar to the preceding game. Three parallel lines are made around a hollow square not less than 25 to 40 feet in dimens...

Forcing The City Gates
This is an old Chinese game. Two captains are selected, who in turn choose all the other players. The two teams are first formed in tw...

Hare And Hound
This is an old game which is always popular. Two or three players are designated as hares. Each is given a large bag filled with paper...

Human Targets
An old flour or salt bag stuffed with straw or cloth may be used for this game. One player is selected to be the target. The others en...

Sling The Sack
Either a good sized sack well stuffed with rags or straw, or a small cloth sack filled with sand, may be used for this game. The game ...

Game Of Goose
A good sized level field should be used for this game. Two gander poles, five feet high, are erected, one at each end of the field, ea...

Clock Games
The group forms a large circle. If it be a large group, the circle is counted off into 6's or 8's, if small into 4's. If they be count...

Walking Race
See clock games above. At the signal to go, the number 6 man steps out of his place in the circle and walks to the right around the...

Chariot Race
See clock games above. Similar to the preceding walking race, except that instead of running around the ring singly, the competitor...

Flathead Race
See clock games above. Similar to the preceding. A small block of wood or flat stone is given to Number 6 on each team. At the sign...

Spin Around Race
See clock games above. Similar to the preceding race, except that each captain takes a position about four feet outside of the circ...

Leap Frog Race
See clock games above. Similar to the preceding. In this race, Number 2 will take the place of the captain outside of the ring. At ...

Riding The Snail
A group is divided into two equal teams. These two teams line up in parallel lines about six feet apart, back to back. A safety line i...

Treasure Hunt
This game is a very adaptable one and can be run in a great number of different ways. It can be as simple or as complex as any leader ...

Hide And Seek
One boy is chosen to be "IT." He blinds his eyes while the others hide. He counts 100 by 5's, then says, "Ready or not, you must be ca...

Look Out For The Bear
All of the players hide their eyes, except one, who is the Bear. He hides. When sufficient time has been given for him to find a hidin...

This is a simple tag game. The player selected to be "It" starts the game by saying, "One, two, three, Still-a-feet, One, two, three, ...

Hang Tag
This is a good game to play around a barn or in a grove where there are low limbs. A player is selected to be "It." He may tag any pla...

Fox In Hole
Any number of players may participate in this game. The playing area should not be too large. A four foot circle is marked upon the gr...

Fence Tag
This is a simple active game which can be played where there is a low fence or bar, over which the players may easily climb or vault. ...

Body Guard
A small space is marked off at one end of the ground as a base or goal. One player is chosen to be the chief, an important personage r...

One of the players in the group hides, while the other players seek to find him. Should a player succeed, he endeavors to get into the...

This is a good game for boys and girls. It has furnished amusement for many generations of children. Each player must secure a stick a...

One Step Off And All The Way Across
Two goal lines about fifteen yards apart are marked upon the playing space. This game can be played on the road, using the opposite cu...

Wheel Away
This game is similar to the preceding game except the players must be behind the same goal line, and the one who is "It" says, "Wheel ...

This is a game enjoyed by boys. It is necessary to have half a dozen soft yarn balls or indoor baseballs or bean bags for this game. A...

Bombardment No. 2
This game is similar to the preceding, except that each player must secure a stick not over two feet long, which can be stuck loosely ...

Taking The Heights
This is a good rough and tumble game for boys. A bank, a low platform, a pile of dirt or some elevated position is necessary. The obje...

Wrestle Tug Of War
Opponents are so arranged on opposite sides of a line marked upon the ground that those of equal size and strength are facing each oth...

Referees Hold
Opponents take the same position as in the preceding event, but instead of attempting to pull across the line, each endeavors to make ...

Finger Wrestling
Opponents are arranged as in the preceding game on opposite sides of a line. Holding their hands well above their heads, opposing play...

One Leg Tug Of War
Opponents are arranged as in the preceding game on opposite sides of a line. They turn their backs towards each other and standing upo...

Hog Tie
Two players of equal strength are each given a piece of quarter-inch rope or a strap. Each endeavors to tie together the other's ankle...

Cumberland Wrestling
Players face each other and take a waist hold, arms around opponent's waist, and stand close up. At the signal to "go" each player tri...

Grecoroman Wrestling
Opponents face each other and may take any legitimate wrestling hold in their effort to secure a fall from the other. Should any part ...

Shoulder And Arm Push
Opponents face each other with a line marked upon the ground between them and place their right hand on the other's left shoulder and ...

Squatting Tug
Opposing players sit upon the ground facing each other, with the soles of their feet flat against each other's. They then bend forward...

Neck Tug Of War
Opponents interlace their fingers behind each other's necks and endeavor in this position to pull the other across a center line. ...

Hand Tug Of War
Opponents grasp each other's hands and each endeavors to pull the other across a center line. ...

Cane Wrestling
Opponents are given a stick, like a broomstick, which is grasped with both hands. Each endeavors to break the grasp of the other upon ...

Oysterette Race
Those sitting on one side of the table constitute team "A", those opposite them, team "B". The two captains should be sitting opposite...

Passing The Drink
Teams are arranged as in No. 1. A glass of water is given to the man at one end of the table. The glass should be filled to the brim. ...

Teams arranged as in previous games. A plate or glass must be placed in front of each contestant. Two spoons are handed to contestants...

Earth Air Fire And Water
Teams are arranged as in previous games. A member of team "A" is given an object, which can be conveniently passed or tossed across th...

Around The Chair
The teams are arranged as in previous games. The opponents at the head of the line are handed an orange. At the signal to "go" they mu...

Jenkins Up
Divide the company into two sides. One division sits around the table on one side, the other on the opposite side. The members of the ...

Malaga Grapes
One who knows the game takes a spoon in his right hand, then taking it in his left hand, he passes it to the one sitting at his left, ...

Table Football
An egg is blown and the shell used as the football. Two captains are selected, each choosing his side. Teams take places on the opposi...

Spearing Peanuts
A number of peanuts are placed in the centre of the table. Each guest is armed with a hat pin. A few of the peanuts have black spots m...

String Winding Race
Those seated at one side of the table compete against those on the opposite side. A ball of string is given to the two players sitting...

Name Writing Race
The teams are arranged on opposite sides of the table. A long slip of paper and a pencil are handed to two players sitting opposite at...

Candle And Plate Race
The teams are arranged on opposite sides of a table. The two players at the head of the table are given a plate and a candle and a box...

The Grand March
Here is one way that it can be done. While the band is playing a lively march at one end of the field which is to be used for the game...

The Games For All
One American flag on a short stick is handed to the leaders of both lines, that is, the leading lady and the leading gentleman, and at...

The Story"paul Revere"
Following the reading of Longfellow's poem the listeners are given the opportunity to give expression to their imagination in the fo...

"the Red Coats"
Divide the group into two equal teams. One team is called the farmers, the other the red coats. A goal is marked off on the ground in ...

"yankee Doodle Tag"
The group is divided into two equal teams. Two lines are marked upon the playing space parallel to each other and about 20 yards apart...

"paul Revere Race"
The group is divided into teams of from 8 to 15 each. These teams are placed on the field in parallel columns of file with a distance ...

"the Midnight Ride"quiet Games
Two teams of equal numbers are chosen and arranged in two lines facing each other. If the game is played in-doors place the teams on o...

Seeing The Old Home Town
Down the line next to the baseball diamond came the bowling alley, where everyone who was not a fan or a golf fiend was taking a hand ...

A Racket Around The Candy Booth
Mrs. Peterson, who sells the best bread in town, had charge of the cake archery. You bought arrows for this, three for ten cents, but ...

Egg And Spoon Race
A basket of eggs, apples, potatoes or stones is placed in front of each team and a spoon given to the first member of each team. Empty...

Pea Shelling Race
A basket containing peas and an empty dish are placed on the distance line opposite each team. There should be at least six peas conta...

Needle Threading Race
An individual holding a needle and a short piece of thread is on the distance line opposite each team. At the signal to go, the first ...

Button Sewing
As many buttons as there are players on each team are placed on the distance line opposite each team, a strip of cloth, a needle, and ...

Rope Skipping Relay
A piece of rope is necessary for each team. At the signal to go, the first member of each team skips rope forward to the distance line...

Rope Skipping Contest
A piece of rope is needed for each team. At the signal to go, the first individual skips rope ten times, in place, hands the rope back...

Dizzy Izzy
A cane or stick is given to the first player on each team. Upon the signal to go he places the end of the stick upon the ground, holdi...

Caterpillar Race
The players on each team sit upon the ground in single file, with the head of each team behind the base line. The knees are bent so th...

Potato Race
Two peach baskets and two potatoes, stones or blocks of wood for each contestant are needed for each team. One basket is placed before...

Apple Race
A strawberry basket full of small apples is handed to the first member of each team. At the signal to go the basket full of apples is ...

Apple Race No. 2
A basket full of apples and an empty basket are placed upon the distance line opposite each team. At the signal to go the first man on...

Apple Race No. 3
Peach baskets containing an equal number of apples (fifteen makes a good number) are placed at the front of each team. An empty basket...

Apple Race No. 4
A peach basket is placed opposite each team and ten feet beyond the distance line. The first member of each team is handed a good size...

Apple Toss
A basket containing four apples is placed on the ground in front of each team. An empty basket is placed on the distance line opposite...

Roll Over Relay
At the signal to go, the first player on each team runs towards the distance line. Somewhere between the base line and the distance li...

Spin Around Relay
One member of each team takes a position on the distance line, opposite to and facing his team. At the signal to go the first man on e...

Chair Relay
A chair is placed on the distance line opposite each team, with the back of the chair towards the team. Boxes may be used instead of c...

Chair Passing Race
A box can be used instead of a chair in this event. All of the players are asked to face to the right. A chair is given to the man at ...

Chair Sitting Race
A box can be used for this event instead of a chair. If a chair is used, it is well to have a very sturdy one. This race starts with t...

Squash Race
One crook-neck summer squash, a short stick, a piece of twine and a strawberry basket are needed for each team in this race. The straw...

Poison Club
Small logs of stove length, flat on one end, are lined up between the base and distance lines in front of each team. There should be a...

Club Change
Two small circles are drawn on the base line opposite each team. Three short logs similar to those in the preceding game are balanced ...

Fan And Bag Race
A small paper bag well inflated with air, and a palm leaf fan are given to the first player on each team. The bag is placed on the bas...

Quadruped Race
The first two players on each team stand back to back behind the base line, with the first player facing the distance line. The two lo...

Centipede Race
The players of each team lock their arms around the waist of the player next in front of them and race in this compact position across...

Blind Chariot Race
Several teams can be used in this race. The distance line is pointed out before blindfolding each team. Each team is made up of two ho...

Hoop Race
A wooden hoop is placed on the distance line opposite each team. At the signal to go the first player rushes forward and picks up the ...

Animal Show.
An amusing game for children is one in which each child is to make some sort of animal out of vegetables or fruit, and toothpicks....

Chase The Rabbit.
All the children kneel on the floor in a ring with hands on each other's shoulders. One is chosen to be the "rabbit" and runs aro...

Soapbubble Contest.
Provide each child with a clay pipe and prepare two basins of soap suds for the game. If a little glycerine is put in the water, th...

Rose Guess.
Any child can play this simple game. Take a full blown rose and hold it up where all can see it, then let them write on a slip of pa...

New Blind Man's Buff.
The one who is chosen for the "blind man" does not have his eyes bandaged as in the old game. Stretch a sheet between two doors a...

Finding Flowers.
A very simple game for children is one played like the old-fashioned "London Bridge." Two children with joined hands stand opposi...

Beanbag Contest.
Prepare an even number of bean bags of moderate size, half of one color and half of another. Appoint leaders, who choose the chil...

Blowing The Feathers.
The children are seated on the floor, around a sheet or tablecloth. This is held tight by the players about 1 1/2 ft. from the floo...

The players sit in a circle, and each takes the name of some article found in the schoolroom, such as desk, rubber, blackboard, etc....

Hide The Thimble.
All the players but one, leave the room. This one hides a thimble in a place not too conspicuous, but yet in plain sight. Then th...

Fan Ball.
Make two balls, one red and one blue, out of paper thus-- [Illustration: A drawing of three identical circles of paper. No. 1 sh...

Spool Flower Hunt.
Gather together as many spools as possible, marking each with a separate letter, which, when put together, will form the name of som...

Marble Contest.
Cut five holes of different sizes in the lid of a pasteboard box. Number the largest hole 5; the next largest 10; the next, 20; the ...

Passing By.
An amusement for children on a train, or at home when it is raining, is the following, and it will help to while away the time. I...

The Serpent's Tail.
This is a Japanese game, and is played this way. All the children form a line, each resting his hands on the shoulders of the player...

Little Bopeep.
Dress the little girl in whose honor the party is given as little Bo-peep, with a little crook. Hide small toy sheep all over t...

Spool Armies.
Children may derive a lot of fun from a large supply of empty spools of all shapes and sizes. Pieces of cotton batting stuck in the...

Spinning For 20.
On a board or piece of cardboard, mark with pencil or ink, the design illustrated, the size of the circles varying with the size of ...

Shoe Hunt.
Shoes, four inches long, are cut out of cardboard, from patterns found in catalogues. The pairs are mixed and hidden all over the ro...

Fun for the children is in store when they play this game. All stand in a circle, not too near each other. One player stands in the ...

This is played similarly to "Stage-coach." Any number of children can play it. One is chosen out and is called the "gardener." A...

Simple Simon's Silly Smile.
All the players sit in a circle and one who is bright and witty is chosen as leader. He stands in the center of the circle and asks ...

One player leaves the room, and while he is gone the rest decide upon some word which has several meanings, which he must guess when...

Blind Man's Buff.
It is hardly necessary to describe this game as almost everybody knows how to play it. There may be some who do not know, however, ...

Cat And Mouse.
The children sit in two rows facing each other, with a space between. Blindfold two children, one being the "cat" and the other the ...

Musical Chairs.
Musical Chairs, or Going to Jerusalem, is a favorite game of the children. Someone who plays the piano well starts up a lively tune ...

Button, Button.
All the children sit in a circle with hands placed palm to palm in their laps. One child is given a button and she goes to each in t...

Arrange all the children except one on chairs or a bench. This one is the leader and she stands on the floor in front of the childre...

Our Cook Doesn't Like Peas.
All the players except one sit in a row. This one sits in front of them and says to each one in turn: "Our cook doesn't like P's; wh...

Hold Fast, Let Go.
A simple game for small children is the following. Each child takes hold of a small sheet or tablecloth, the leader holding it with...

Simon Says.
One child is selected to be Simon. The rest of the children sit around in a circle. Simon stands in the middle and gives all sorts o...

Old Soldier.
One child, who represents the old soldier, goes around to each child in turn and begs for something, saying that he is poor, hungry,...

Hide And Seek.
One child is chosen out. This one stands by a post or in a corner which is called "base," and hides his eyes. The children decide am...

Two children may derive a great deal of amusement from this simple pastime. At the top of a piece of paper write all the letters of ...

Bird, Beast, Or Fish.
A simple little game for amusing two children is the following. Write on the top of a slate or paper the words "Bird, beast, and fis...

Peter Piper.
This is an amusing game for children. A blackboard is needed upon which the verse, "Peter Piper," etc., is illustrated or written so...

Look Out For The Bear!
Any number of children can play this game. One is chosen to be the "bear," and he hides in some part of the room or garden, while t...

Hoop Race.
All children love to roll hoops. For a little folks party, plan to have as many hoops as children, so each can have one. Bind the...

Button Fun.
An amusement for small children, is to gather together as many buttons of all shapes and sizes, plain and fancy, as can be obtained....

One child is chosen out. This one stands by a post or door with his back to the other players. The rest of the children stand in a r...

He Can Do Little.
All the players sit in a circle. One, knowing the catch, begins by saying: "Ahem, he can do little who cannot do this." While saying...

All the girls sit in a circle, and the boys stand outside, one boy behind each girl's chair. One chair is left vacant, but a boy sta...

Double Tag.
The children stand in pairs, one behind the other, in the form of a circle, all facing the center. Two of them are out, one who r...

Puss In The Corner.
All the children except one stand in corners, or in any fixed stations if there are not enough corners to go around. The one who is ...

I Have A Basket.
One child begins by saying: "I have a basket." The one to his left says: "What is in it?" The first one replies with the name of som...

Still Pond, No More Moving.
All the children form a circle, joining hands. One is blindfolded, given a cane, and stands in the middle of the circle. The chi...

Ring On A String.
Slip a ring on a long piece of string having the ends knotted together. The players stand in a circle and the string passes through ...

Hunt The Slipper.
All the children except one sit on the floor in a circle, with their knees raised. The one left out brings a slipper, and handing it...

What Is My Thought Like?
All the children except one sit in a circle. This one thinks of something and, standing in the middle of the circle, asks each one ...

Oranges And Lemons.
The two tallest children, one named "Orange," the other "Lemon," join hands and form an arch for the other children to pass under. ...

Redhot Potato.
The "potato" in this game is a knotted handkerchief. One player is chosen for the center, and the others sit around in a circle. Th...

Judge And Jury.
Arrange the children in two rows, facing each other. The judge sits at one end in the aisle. He asks one of the jury a question (any...

Reuben And Rachel.
Blindfold one of the players. All the rest form a ring and dance around him until he points at some one. That one enters the ring an...

Frog In The Middle.
The children form a ring. One, the frog, is chosen out, and he stands in the middle of the circle. The children, holding hands, d...

This is a rough-and-tumble game for the boys, and must be played either outside, or in a large bare room. Sides are chosen, the b...

My House, Your House.
Attach a string to the end of a small stick. At the end of the string make a loop that will slip very easily. On a table make a cir...

Malaga Grapes.
All the players sit in a circle and one who knows the trick takes a small cane in his right hand; then, taking it in his left hand, ...

Spoon Pictures.
It will be necessary for two of the players to know how to play the game. One is sent out of the room, and the other remains inside ...

Boots, Without Shoes.
All the players are sent out of the room. The leader remains inside and calls one player in. They both sit down together and the le...

Any number of persons may play this game. One is sent out of the room while the rest choose some proverb. Then he is called in and ...

Animal, Vegetable, Or Mineral.
When the party is large, this game affords much amusement. One player is sent out of the room. While he is gone the players decide u...

What Time Is It?
It requires two players who understand this game, a leader and his accomplice. The accomplice leaves the room, while the leader and ...

One of the players who does not know the game is sent out of the room. While he is gone, the others are supposed to be thinking of s...

How, When, Where.
One of the players leaves the room while the others select some word with two or three meanings, which is to be guessed. Suppose the...

All the players sit in a circle and begin to count in turn, but whenever seven, or any multiple of seven comes, "Buz" is said in its...

Jenkins Up!
Divide the company into two sides. One division sits around the table on one side, the other on the opposite side. The members of di...

State Outlines.
This is a splendid game for the beginning of an evening as the guests mingle together and become acquainted while hunting for their ...

One of the players is sent out of the room. The others then decide upon some word which he is to guess when he returns. He is told ...

My Father Had A Rooster!
All the players sit in a circle, the leader begins by saying, "My father had a rooster!" The player to his left says: "A what?" Th...

Cross Questions And Crooked Answers.
All sit in a circle for this game. The first one begins by whispering some question to his left hand neighbor, such as "Do you like ...

Magic Writing.
An assistant is necessary for this game. One gives a little talk about sign-language and says that he can read any sign made with a ...

Famous Numbers.
Provide the players with pencil and paper. Each one writes a number on his slip. The papers are collected, mixed up, and each playe...

Magic Answers.
One is sent from the room and the others decide upon some object which is to be guessed when the player enters. The player outsid...

Provide each player with a card and a toothpick, also a piece of gum, or paraffine if preferred. The hostess announces that when ...

Scissors Crossed Or Uncrossed.
A simple catch game is as follows. It is best if two of the company know how to play it. One of the two is the leader and the other ...

Capping Verses.
To while away the time before dinner, or while sitting in the twilight, this is a simple amusement for those who love poetry. One...

The leader, who knows the game, asks each one in turn: "Do you know how to play rabbit?" When all have answered, he says: "Do just ...

Turn down the lights. All the players sit in a circle. The leader has a button which she gives to some player, as in "Button, button...

What Am I?
One of the players is sent out of the room. The rest decide upon the name of some animal which he is to guess. When he returns t...

Needle Threading.
Procure several large jars. Stand these on their sides. Only men can contest for this, as ladies are supposed to be expert needle-th...

The players are provided with pencil and paper. Each player selects the name of some animal, fish, or bird, and mixes the letters so...

Verbal Authors.
The players sit in a circle. One is chosen as judge and he keeps tally. Each player in turn, rises, and names some well-known book. ...

Pin Doll Babies.
Any number may play this game. If there are men and women it is more amusing. Divide the company into groups of five or six. Each...

Building Sentences.
The hostess begins by saying one word and announces that each word of the sentence must begin with the initial letter of the given w...

Select two leaders from the company. Each leader chooses players for his side. The sides stand opposite each other. One leader begin...

What Would You Do If?
Predicaments of the worst kind are thought of and written on pieces of paper. These are handed among the guests, who write out an an...

Watch Trick.
It will require two people who know this game to be in the secret. One of them leaves the room while his confederate remains inside ...

Find Your Betterhalf.
Select a number of pictures of men and women from fashion papers, advertising books, etc. If possible, try to procure them in pairs,...

The players form a line as in a spelling match. Sides may be chosen if preferred. The first one begins by giving the first letter of...

Empty the contents of a box of "anagrams" on a table so all the letters are in a pile face downward. The players sit around the tabl...

Seeing And Remembering.
Fill a table with all sorts of things, books, gloves, dolls, pins, scissors, food, some large, striking picture, another very small ...

Live Tittatto.
On a sheet mark a regular tit-tat-to diagram in black point. Stretch the sheet so it will be smooth on the floor. Divide the company...

Bits Of Advice.
Each person is given a slip of paper and pencil. The leader then tells the players to write a bit of advice, original if possible, ...

Provide the players with pencil and paper. All sit in a circle. The leader announces that pictures are to be drawn in this manner. ...

Household Gossip.
One of the guests is sent out of the room. The hostess asks the remaining players to say something about him. As each one in turn ...

Table Football.
The "football" for this game is an eggshell which has had the egg blown out of it. The players sit around the table with their capta...

Musical Medley.
Number eight slips of paper with the same number. On each slip write a part, or a line from a verse of a familiar song. Suppose set ...

Another Musical Medley.
Provide each player with pencil and paper. Before playing this game it must be arranged with someone who plays the piano well to ha...

Passing Clothespins.
Sides are chosen among the players. Each side then takes its position, forming a row on the floor, the leader at the end. The sides ...

Give each guest a slip of paper, folded, containing words which can be acted in pantomime. Each one must keep his a secret, as the ...

Birds Fly.
The players sit in a circle, one person who is quick and witty is chosen as leader. He stands in the center of the circle. Whenev...

Trips Around The World.
There are several ways of playing this game, here are two. Provide each guest with a little paper book to represent a guide book and...

Jack's Alive.
A piece of kindling wood is held in the fire until it is well lighted. It is then passed from one player to the other, each one say...

Going Afishing.
Cut a number of small fishes about two inches long out of cardboard. Each fish counts five, but two, which may be a little larger, ...

Provide each player with pencil and paper. The first thing to write on the paper is an adjective which applies to a man. The paper ...

Personal Conundrums.
The guests are requested to think up some conundrums about some person in the present company. Each one in turn gives his conundr...

Hunting The Whistle.
The players who know how to play this game stay in one room, while the others go into the hall, or another room. Those knowing the t...

The Five Senses.
All the players sit in a circle. No. 1 begins by naming something he has seen, being careful what his last word is, as it must fur...

Provide each guest with pencil and paper. Papers four inches square will be large enough. Each player draws a line about an inch a...

Provide the players with pencil and paper. Each one then writes on his piece of paper ten letters of the alphabet in any order, usi...

Spelling Match.
Choose leaders and divide the company into sides. The sides stand opposite each other as in the old-fashioned spelling match. The...

Poor Pussy.
All the players sit in a circle, one being chosen out. This one kneels before each player in turn and says, in pitiful tones: "Meow!...

Each player receives a slip of paper and pencil. The leader begins by saying: "Guess how high the door is." "Guess how thick that b...

Nut Race.
Choose two captains from the company, who select sides until all the guests are on one side or the other. Place a pile of mixed n...

Torn Flowers.
Prepare a table full of different colored tissue paper, bottles of mucilage and white cards, one for each guest. The players si...

Spearing Peanuts.
Fill a cup with peanuts, two of which are blackened with ink on one end. The guests play one at a time. No. 1 sits down by a ta...

Peanut Hunt And Scramble.
Before the guests enter the room, hide peanuts in every conceivable place, behind pictures, under chairs, on the gas fixtures, among...

Musical Illustrations.
A blackboard and different colored chalk will be necessary for this game. Give each guest a slip of paper on which is written the...

An Apple Hunt.
The hostess should prepare beforehand cards four inches square and outline on each an apple by dots concealing the outline with othe...

Shouting Proverbs.
The more playing this game, the merrier it will be. Send one of the players from the room. The others decide upon a familiar proverb...

Baker's Dozen.
This game is just for two and is similar to Tit-tat-to. Make a drawing like the illustration and the game is ready. [Illustration...

Peanut Contest.
Place two small bowls on a table at one end of the room, at the other end of the room on a table have two bags of peanuts and two kn...

Provide each player with pencil and paper. The leader has a dictionary which she opens at any place and selects a word which the r...

Alphabetical Answers.
Prepare cards with one letter of the alphabet on each, omitting V, X, Z. Of course if the company is large, several will have the sa...

Pitch Basket.
Select a number of small fruit baskets, all the same size, and have a box of checkers handy. Suppose you have five, on the bottom o...

Who Am I?
As the guests arrive pin a card with a name of some noted author, statesman, or poet written on it, on their backs, so that every on...

Progressive Puzzles.
The players are provided with pasteboard cards 2 inches square, and scissors. At a signal, given by the hostess, they must cut their...

Tit For Tat.
Plan to have an even number of guests invited, half ladies and half gentlemen. Provide thick boards for each lady, also a hammer ...

Hang a sheet or screen in a doorway between two rooms and cut six holes, the size and shape of eyes, each pair a distance apart, in ...

The Prince Of Wales.
Any number can play this game. The players stand in a line around the room and number themselves, beginning with one, until each has...

The guests are seated around a table, each one having a pile of fifty beans in front of him. The leader has two packs of playing ca...

Laugh A Little.
The players sit in a circle with one in the middle for leader. The leader must be one who laughs heartily and is very quick. He b...

Choose two leaders who select sides. One begins by calling the name of some town or place and then counts ten. While he is counting,...

Fashion Notes.
The names of various fashion papers, such as "The Delineator," "The Styles," "Le Bon Ton," "Ladies' Home Journal," are written on ...

Stray Syllables.
Prepare long strips of paper on which the guests are requested to write several words of three or more syllables, leaving spaces bet...

Quaker Meeting.
All the guests sit in a circle and the leader begins by saying: "This is a very solemn occasion." He then twirls his thumbs and loo...

Magic Music.
One player is sent from the room and the rest decide upon something he must do when called in. When this has been done he is summ...

Patchwork Illustrations.
For this game it is necessary for the hostess to collect a large number of pictures from magazines, advertisement pages or papers. ...

Provide the players with pencil and paper. The leader then announces that a biography is to be written, and the first thing to writ...

Any number can play this game, the more the merrier. Each player is told to play some imaginary instrument. The leader with an imagi...

Who Is My Nextdoor Neighbor?
Half of the company are blindfolded. They are led to a row of chairs arranged in the middle of the room, each sitting so there is a ...

Choose two leaders from among the players. Each leader chooses his side. The sides sit opposite each other, the leader of one throw...

The Months.
The leader need be the only one who understands this game. He asks, "What month are you going away in?" One player might answer "Se...

Bell Buff.
In this game all the players except one are blindfolded. This one is called the guide and has a small bell which he rings during the...

The players sit in a circle; one is chosen for "postman," is blindfolded, and another is chosen for Postmaster. The Postmaster gi...

Spooney Fun.
All the players sit in a circle. One is chosen to be out. He is blindfolded and given a spoon (a large one) with which he is to fee...

Provide all the guests with pencil and paper. The hostess then requests that each write the name of the city in which he was born, ...

Going To China.
This is a catch game for those who have never played it. The leader begins by saying, "I'm going to sail for China next week, I woul...

A Penny For Your Thoughts.
Provide each player with pencil and paper and a penny. The hostess explains that the answers to the following questions are things w...

Misquoted Quotations.
Choose very familiar quotations from Longfellow, Shakespeare, Tennyson, or any well-known author or poet, and write them on slips of...

Literary Salad.
Salad leaves are prepared for this game by folding and twisting pieces of green tissue paper until they look like lettuce leaves. Th...

Broken Quotations.
This is a good game to play at the beginning of a social gathering, as the guests have to mingle together and thus become better acq...

Parcel Delivery.
Packages of all shapes and sizes and securely wrapped up are prepared by the hostess who has numbered each one. The players are prov...

Who Are They?
Photographs of noted people, labelled with names that do not belong to them, are hung about the room. Each picture is numbered. T...

The guests are requested to bring something wrapped up in paper, which they wish to get rid of. The hostess prepares a duplicate ...

Talking Shop.
Partners may be chosen for this game by writing names referring to ladies on one set of papers like, "Judy," "Jill," "Juliet," and n...

Sight Unseen.
Partners may be chosen in any way for this game. The host gives each pair a sheet of paper and pencil. The partners decide among the...

A Study In Zoology.
It will be necessary to have several sheets of silhouette paper (black on one side and white on the other), a large sheet of white c...

Auction Sale
Provide twenty or more bundles, all shapes and sizes, securely wrapped. Each bundle has a name on it suggestive of what is inside. ...

The Genteel Lady.
The players sit in a circle. The leader begins by saying, "I, a genteel lady (or gentleman, as the case may be) always genteel, come...

Provide each player with slips of paper and pencil. The hostess then announces that each one is to write some question at the top of...

Art Gallery.
Select copies of famous paintings, those familiar to every one, and hang them around the room. Neither the name of the painting n...

Hunting For Booktitles.
The hostess must prepare beforehand pictures, cut from magazine advertisements and miscellaneous articles, suggestive of the titles ...

Jack Frost.
Around Christmas and New Year's the children will enjoy playing this. All form a circle; one, Jack Frost, stands in the middle. J...

Magic Candles.
Arrange twelve candles, one for each month, in a row about two feet apart. Have the candles different colors suggestive of the month...

The Lucky Or Unlucky Slipper.
A slipper is waved three times over the head and then thrown on the floor. If the toe be toward the player, good luck is coming. ...

On the sixth of January, Twelfth Night was celebrated in the olden times. Then all the pastry cooks did their finest baking and deck...

When inviting the guests for a valentine party, request each one to bring an original valentine addressed to one of the guests. As t...

Initial Compliments.
Each gentleman is handed a slip of paper with the name of a lady guest on it. The gentlemen are then requested, one at a time, to go...

Heart Hunt.
Cut out of red, white, blue, yellow and green paper hearts of all shapes and sizes, then cut each heart into four pieces and scatter...

Heart Pricks.
A large heart made of some red material, (flannel or cheesecloth) is pinned securely to a sheet, which may be stretched on the wall ...

Valentine Puzzle.
Select five good paper valentines. Paste each on a piece of cardboard and cut into small pieces. Have five small tables in the room ...

Hearts And Mittens.
Cut out of red cardboard half as many hearts and mittens as you expect in your company. Out of blue cardboard cut hearts and mitten...

Riven Hearts.
Another way of securing partners for the evening is as follows: Suspend two large hearts made of either white or red paper from the ...

As the guests assemble for the Valentine party, give each gentleman a slip of paper bearing the name of a woman, and the ladies, the...

Washington's Birthday.
For a party on this day, the room should be decorated with flags, hatchets, etc., and red, white, and blue bunting, so as to add a ...

April First.
For an April Fool's Day gathering, ask each guest to come prepared to do some sleight of hand trick. When all are assembled, each on...

Easter Egg Race.
Color an even number of eggs, half the number one color, the other half, another. Place all the eggs of one color on the floor in a ...

Suspended Eggs.
After an egg hunt, several eggs may be gathered together and a string or ribbon run through each and hung in different lengths from ...

Egg Race.
Give each child a tablespoon and a hard-boiled egg. The children form in line and one is the leader. Each one holds the spoon with t...

Rolling Eggs.
Mark on the table, or on the floor, if preferred, with chalk, four parallel lines, eight or ten feet long, and four or five inches a...

Bunny's Egg.
On a sheet draw a rough-sketch of a good-sized rabbit, the regular Easter bunny, standing on its hind legs, and holding its paws as ...

July Fourth.
Aside from the enjoyment of firecrackers, etc., there are a few games to amuse the children on this day. If a party has been planned...

Flags Of All Nations.
Flags of all nations are collected and displayed around the room. Each one is numbered. The guests are given pencil and paper with n...

Our Flag.
Other games for the Fourth are as follows: Each child is given a piece of white paper or cardboard 6-1/2 by 3-1/2 inches in size. Al...

A Hallowe'en party is probably the only gathering where the stiffness and formality entirely disappear. Every one is in for a good t...

Hallowe'en Stories.
There are several ways of telling ghastly stories on Hallowe'en. Have a large ball of different colored yarn handy and before the mi...

Hallowe'en Fates.
For obtaining partners, fill a pumpkin rind with nuts, which have been opened, had the meat taken out, some token of the fate placed...

Some More Fates.
In addition to the regulation "bobbing for apples," "floating needles," and throwing the apple peel over the head, there are many o...

Water Charm.
Place three bowls on a table, one containing clear water, another soapy or muddy water, and the third one empty. Blindfold the pl...

Over The Cider Mugs.
By each place at the table place a mug of sweet cider, a small bunch of matches, two candles, and a slip of paper with a pencil. ...

Ships Of Fate.
Prepare as many half shells of walnuts as there are guests. In each fasten a small candle with a drop of the wax. Fill a tub with...

Cake With Candles.
A large cake with as many different colored candles on it as there are guests, is passed around, and each one takes a piece of it, w...

Hunt The Squirrel.
To amuse the children after the Thanksgiving dinner, ask them all to join hands and form a ring. One is chosen out and is given a nu...

Christmas Tree.
A novel amusement for children at Christmas time is to trim a Christmas tree when blindfolded. Stand a small tree at one end of the ...

Christmas Guesses.
Suspend a large bunch of mistletoe from one of the chandeliers. The children, one at a time, stand under the mistletoe, and guess ho...

Christmas Wreath.
Suspend a large Christmas wreath in a doorway at a convenient height from the floor. Prepare in advance "snowballs," made of cotton ...

Christmas Candles.
A small tree is placed on a table. The candles are lighted. Blindfold the players, one at a time, turn around three times, and allow...

A Game Within A Game.
While the children are waiting on Christmas for their presents, or dinner, or whenever the time seems to drag, suggest that each one...

Toss The Goodies.
The children form a square, each one holding the sides of an old tablecloth or piece of sheeting. In the center of this is placed a ...

A pretty idea for concealing Christmas presents for the children is to make a lot of snowballs out of white tissue paper and cotton ...

The human body a perfect machine--How to keep well--Outdoor sleeping--Exercise and play--Smoking--Walking Suppose you should wake...

The Boy Scouts Of America
Headquarters--Purpose--Scout law--How to form a patrol of scouts--Organization of a troop--Practical activities for scouts--A scout c...

A Secondclass Scout
Before being awarded a second-class scout's badge, a boy must pass the following tests: 1. Have at least one month's service as a t...

Camps And Camping
How to select the best place and to pitch the tent--A brush bed--The best kind of a tent--How to make the camp fire--What to do when i...

The Use Of Firearms
Importance of early training--Why a gun is better than a rifle--How to become a good shot Whether a boy of fifteen should have a ...

Proper tackle for all purposes--How to catch bait--The fly fisherman--General fishing rules Fishing is one sport of boyhood that ...

Nature Study
What is a true naturalist?--How to start a collection--Moth collecting--The Herbarium There is nothing in the world that will bri...

Water Life
The water telescope--How to manage an aquarium--Our insect friends and enemies--The observation beehive The eggs of so many insec...

The Care Of Pets
Cats--Boxes for song birds--How to attract the birds--Tame crows--The pigeon fancier--Ornamental land and water fowl--Rabbits, guinea ...

The Dog
Every boy should own a dog. He is the friend and companion of our youth. For a boy to grow up without a dog is to be denied one of the...

The Care Of Chickens
The best breed--Good and bad points of incubators--What to feed small chicks--A model chicken house A pen of chickens gives a boy...

Winter Sports
What to wear--Skating--Skiing--Snowshoeing--Hockey If one is fortunate enough to live in a part of the country where they have ol...

How to become a good rider--The care of a horse--Saddles So many branches of outdoor sport depend on a knowledge of horsemanship ...

How To Swim And To Canoe
The racing strokes--Paddling and sailing canoes It has been said that the human being is the only animal that does not know insti...

How to organize a team and to select the players--The various positions--Curve pitching Baseball is called the National Game of A...

How To Play Football
The various positions and how to select men for them--Team, work and signals--The rules Football is usually played in the fall of...

Lawn Tennis
How to make and mark a tennis court--Clay and sod courts--The proper grip of the racket--Golf--The strokes and equipment The stea...

The game of golf, while of comparatively recent introduction in this country, has sprung rapidly into popularity. It is hard to say ju...

The selection of a camera--Snapshots vs. real pictures--How to make a photograph from start to finish Aside from our own pleasant...

Outdoor Sports For Girls
What to wear--Confidence--Horseback riding--Tennis--Golf--Camping A generation ago the girl who joined her brother in his sports w...

Allaround Athletic Championship
This contest was instituted in America in 1884 to give athletes an opportunity to demonstrate their ability in all-around work. The c...

Archery is the art of shooting with a bow and arrow. It is especially adapted as a lawn game for ladies and gentlemen, but boys and gi...

Association Football Or Soccer
A game similar to Rugby football except that it more closely resembles what its name implies and kicking predominates. A round, leath...

An English outdoor game similar to lawn tennis but played with shuttlecocks. The net is five feet above the ground. The shuttlecock i...

A game very similar to hockey, except that it is played out of doors instead of in a covered rink and a ball is used in place of a puc...

The national game of America. (See chapter on baseball.) The game is played by eighteen persons, nine on a side, called "nines." The ...

Basket Ball
A game of ball which may be played either indoors or out, but which is especially adapted to in-door play when weather conditions make...

Bean Bags
This game is known to every one by name and yet its simple rules are often forgotten. A couple of dozen bean bags are made in two colo...

Blind Man's Buff
This game is played in two ways. In each case one player is blindfolded and attempts to catch one of the others and to identify him b...

Bull In The Ring
In this game the players form a circle with clasped hands. To be "bull" is the position of honour. The bull is supposed to be locked i...

Call Ball
In this game a rubber ball is used. One of the players throws it against a wall and as it strikes calls out the name of another player...

Cane Rush
This contest is usually held in colleges between the rival freshman and sophomore classes. A cane is held by some non-contestant and t...

Canoe Tilting
This is a revival of the ancient game of tilting as described in "Ivanhoe," except that the tilters use canoes instead of horses and ...

A small block of wood pointed at both ends is used in this game. The batter strikes it with a light stick and as it flies into the air...

Countingout Rhymes
Almost every section has some favourite counting-out rhyme of its own. Probably the two most generally used are: "_My mother to...

Court Tennis
This game, though very similar to rackets and squash, is more scientific than either. The court is enclosed by four walls. A net midw...

A game of ball which is generally played in England and the British provinces, but which is not very popular in the United States. The...

A game played with wooden balls and mallets, on a flat piece of ground. The game consists in driving the ball around a circuitous cou...

An ancient Scotch game played on the ice, in which the contestants slide large flat stones, called curling stones, from one point to ...

Dixie's Land
This game is also called "Tommy Tiddler's Land." It is a game of tag in which a certain portion of the playground is marked off as the...

Duck On A Rock
This game is also called "Boulder Up." It is not customary to "count out" to decide it. For this game usually some one suggests, "Let'...

This is the universal game of marbles. It is sometimes called "Yank," or "Knuckle There." A ring is scratched in the ground a foot or ...

Feather Race
The contestants endeavour to blow a feather over a certain course in the shortest time. The rule is that the feather must not be touch...

Foot And A Half
This is a game of "Leap Frog" also called "Par" or "Paw." One of the boys is chosen "down," who leans over and gives a "back" to the r...

The present game of football as played in American schools and colleges is a development of the English game of Rugby. There are twen...

Garden Hockey
This game is played between two parallel straight lines, 3 feet 6 inches apart and marked on the lawn with two strips of tape. At the ...

A game played over an extensive piece of ground which is divided into certain arbitrary divisions called holes. A golf course is usual...

This game may be played either by two or four persons. Wickets are placed at irregular distances, and the object of the game is to dri...

This game is played with smooth stones about the size of a butter dish. A target is marked on the sand or on any smooth piece of groun...

Haley Over
The players, equally divided, take positions on opposite sides of a building such as a barn, so that they can not be seen by their op...

Hand Ball
A game of ancient Irish origin which is much played by baseball players and other athletes to keep in good condition during the winter...

Hand Polo
A game played with a tennis ball in which two opposing sides of six players each endeavour to score goals by striking the ball with th...

Hand Tennis
A game of lawn tennis in which the hand is used in place of a racket. A hand tennis court is smaller than a regulation tennis court. I...

Hat Ball
This game is very similar to Roley Boley or Nigger Baby except that hats are used instead of hollows in the ground. The ball is tossed...

High Kick
A tin pan or wooden disk is suspended from a frame by means of a string and the contestants in turn kick it as it is drawn higher and ...

Hockey is usually played on the ice by players on skates, although, like the old game of shinney, it may be played on any level piece ...

Hop Over
All but one of the players, form a ring standing about two feet apart. Then by some "counting out" rhyme some one is made "it." He the...

Hop Scotch
Hop scotch is a game that is played by children all over the world. A court about 20 feet long and 4 or 5 feet wide is drawn with chal...

Hunt The Sheep
Two captains are chosen and the players divided into equal sides. One side stays in the home goal and the other side finds a hiding pl...

Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association Of America
This association controls the field athletic contests between the colleges known as the "Intercollegiates." It is generally known a...

I Spy
This game is sometimes called "Hide and Seek," One of the players is made "it" by any of the familiar counting-out rhymes. The rest ...

Jack Fagots
This game is the same in principle as Jackstraws except that fagots or sticks of wood two feet long are used in place of jackstraws. T...

Japanese Fan Ball
This game is especially adapted for a lawn party for girls. Either Japanese fans or the ordinary palm-leaf fans will do for rackets. T...

Kick The Stick
One player is chosen to be "it" and the rest are given a count of twenty-five or fifty to hide. A stick is leaned against a tree or wa...

King Of The Castle
This can be made a very rough game, as it simply consists in a player taking a position on a mound or hillock and defying any one to ...

A game of ball played by two opposing teams of twelve players each. The lacrosse field is a level piece of ground with net or wire goa...

Lawn Bowls
This is a very old game and of great historic importance. The famous Bowling Green in New York City was named from a small park where ...

Lawn Bowling
This game is similar in every respect to indoor bowling except that no regular alley is used. A net for a backstop is necessary. The p...

Lawn Hockey
This game is played on a field a little smaller than a football field, being 110 yards long and from 50 to 60 yards wide. The ball use...

Lawn Skittles
From a stout pole which is firmly fixed in the ground a heavy ball is suspended by means of a rope fastened to the top of the pole. Tw...

Lawn Tennis (see Chapter On Tennis)
A game of ball played on a level piece of ground, called a court, by two, three, or four persons. When two play the game is called "s...

Last Tag
There are a great many games of "tag" that are familiar to boys and girls. One of the common games is "last tag," which simply means t...

A form of coasting very much practised in Switzerland at the winter resorts where the sled used is similar to our American child's sle...

Marathon Race
A long distance race, held in connection with the Olympic Games and named from a famous event in Greek history. The accepted Marathon ...

Olympic Games
The Olympic Games are open to the athletes of the world. The following events are contested for: 60-metre run 100-metre run ...

There is a large variety of games with marbles and the expressions used are universal. Boys usually have one shooter made from agate ...

Names Of Marbles
The common marbles used by boys everywhere are called mibs, fivers, commies, migs, megs, alleys, and dubs. A very large marble is a bu...

Mumblety Peg
This game is played with a penknife. A piece of turf is usually the best place to play. Various positions for throwing the knife are t...

One Old Cat
This is a modified game of baseball that may be played by three or four. Generally there is only one base to run to, and besides the ...

Pass It
This game may be played on a lawn. Four clothes baskets are required as well as a variety of objects of various sizes and kinds, such ...

A game similar to racquets, sometimes called "Jai-a-li," that is much played in Spain and in Mexico. The game is played with a narrow ...

Plug In The Ring
This is the universal game that boys play with tops. A ring six feet in diameter is described on the ground and each player puts a top...

Polo Or Equestrian Polo
A game played on horseback, which originated in Eastern countries and was first played by the English in India. It has been introduced...

Potato Race
In this game as many rows of potatoes are laid as there are players. They should be placed about five feet apart. The race consists in...

Prisoner's Base
Two captains select sides. They then mark out on the ground two bases, or homes. They also mark out two "prisons" near each home base....

Push Ball
A game usually played on foot but sometimes on horseback, in which the object is to push or force a huge ball over the opponents' goal...

A game played with flattish malleable iron or rubber rings about nine inches in diameter and convex on the upper side, which the playe...

Racquets Or Rackets
One of the numerous court games similar to lawn tennis that is now finding public favour, but played in a semi-indoor court. A racquet...

Red Line
In this game, also called Red Lion, the goal must be a straight line, such as the crack in a sidewalk or the edge of a road. The one w...

Roley Boley
This game is also called Roll Ball and Nigger Baby, and is played by children all over the civilized world. A number of depressions ar...

This game may be called scientific croquet. A roque mallet has a dogwood head 9-1/2 inches long, with heavy nickel ferrules. Roque ba...

Rowing Record
The best amateur intercollegiate record for the eight-oared race of four miles is 18 minutes 53-1/5 seconds, made by Cornell, July 2, ...

This game may be played with any number of players, and is especially adapted for a school or lawn game. Two players are chosen as pur...

Sack Racing
A form of sport where the contestants are fastened in sacks with the hands and feet confined and where they race for a goal by jumping...

Scotland's Burning
This game is based upon the song of the same name. The players form a ring, with three judges in the centre. Each player with appropri...

This sport has recently received wide popularity in sections of the country where the winters make it possible. Skis--or, as they are ...

Spanish Fly
In this game of leap frog various tricks are attempted by the leader, as in the game of "stump master." Each of the boys following is ...

This game is similar to racquets, but is less violent or severe on a player. It is played in a court 31 feet 6 inches wide. The front ...

Stump Master
In this game one of the players is chosen master. It is usually the one who first suggests the game by saying. "Let's play stump maste...

This can scarcely be called a game, but the use of the sucker is so familiar to most boys that a description of it is surely not out o...

Tether Ball
The same as tether tennis, which see. ...

Tether Tennis
This game has been developed out of lawn tennis. A wooden pole extending 10 feet above the surface is placed in a vertical position a...

Threelegged Racing
A race in which the contestants are paired off by being strapped together at the ankles and thighs. Remarkable speed can be obtained b...

Tub Racing
These races are often held in shallow lakes. Each contestant sits in a wash tub, and by using his hands as paddles endeavours to paddl...

Volley Ball
This game is extremely simple and may be played by any number of players, provided that there is space and that the sides are evenly ...

The "warner" takes his position at a space called "home" and the rest of the players stand some distance from him. He then clasps his ...

In this game a player stands blindfolded and another player comes up and taps him. The one who is "it" then gives a penalty, such as "...

Water Polo
This game is played in a swimming pool. A white ball made of rubber fabric is used. The ball must be between 7 and 8 inches in diamete...

Water Race
In this game the contestants run a race carrying a glass or tin cup full of water on top of the head, which must not be touched by the...

Wicket Polo
A game played by two teams of four players each. The ball used is a regulation polo ball. A wicket polo surface is 44 feet square, in ...

Wolf And Sheep
In this game "it" is the wolf. The sheep choose a shepherd to guard them. The wolf then secures a hiding place and the sheep and sheph...

Indian Games
INTRODUCTION.--All the games here presented have been played in our land for untold generations, while traces of the articles used for...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--The objects which are thrown or tossed in games of hazard Dr. Culin for convenience has designated as "dice" and h...

Patol Stick Game
_Properties_.--Three wooden billets; a flat stone about six inches in diameter or square; forty stones about as "big as a fist" or lik...

Plum Stone Game
This game belongs to the second and non-ceremonial class of the games of hazard and is generally played by women. The Omaha type is ...

Introductory Note.--Games of the "subjective" class, designated as guessing games by Dr. Culin, were generally accompanied by singing....

Introductory Note.--This was a favorite game among the natives of the Northeastern States; its "strange whimsies" were first mention...

Introductory Note.--This game is played among one of the basket making tribes of California. As not infrequently occurs in Indian ga...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game, Dr. Culin states, is played among eighty-one Indian tribes of the United States. The game bears differe...

Hiding The Disks
INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game, known under a variety of names, is a favorite among the Indian tribes living on the North Pacific Coa...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game belongs to the class of guessing games. The form here presented is adapted from the game as played by ...

The Opening Ceremony
The two Judges rise in their places. The north side Judge holds the four tally-rods in his right hand, the south side Judge holds the ...

Indian ball games have one feature not found in the ball games as played by us; that is, with the Indian the ball is never pitched and...

Ball And Racket
INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--The game in which the ball is struck with a racket is almost exclusively played by men, but there are tribes whe...

INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This ball game was known to a number of tribes that formerly lived on the prairies, and called by different name...

Doubleball Game
INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--Some stories credit the Moon as the giver of this game to the women, by whom it is exclusively played throughout...

Hoop And Javelin
INTRODUCTORY NOTE.--This game was widely known and played among the various tribes dwelling within the territory now occupied by the U...

A Running Maze
Form a long line of children--one behind the other. The leader starts running, and is followed by all the rest. They must be sharp eno...

Bean Bag
All stand in a line except one who is the leader who stands a short distance opposite the line. The leader throws the bean bag to t...

Birds Fly
This is a very simple game. Each player places a finger on the table, which he must raise whenever the conductor of the game says: "Bi...

Button Button
All the children except the one who passes the button sit in a circle with hands placed palm to palm in their laps. The child passi...

"The miller's dog lay at the mill, And his name was little Bingo, B with an I, I with an N, N with a G, G with an O, His nam...

Blindman's Buff
Before beginning to play, the middle of the room should be cleared, the chairs placed against the wall, and all toys and footstools pu...

Blowing The Feather
All the children, except one, sit on the floor around a sheet or table cloth which they hold about eighteen or twenty inches above the...

Cock Fighting
This is a most amusing game, and although only two boys can play at it at one time they will keep the rest of the company in roars of ...

Catching The Mouse
The children sit in two rows opposite each other with a space between. One child takes the place of "cat," being blindfolded, the cat ...

Drop The Handkerchief
A ring is formed by the players joining hands, whilst one child, who is to "drop the handkerchief," is left outside. He walks round th...

Donkey's Tail
A good-sized donkey without a tail is first of all cut out of brown paper and fastened to the wall. The tail is then cut out separatel...

Frog In The Middle
One child is seated on the ground with his legs under him and the other players form a ring round him. They then pull him about and gi...

Green Gravel
Girls form a circle and dance around one of their number. The girl in the ring turns her head gravely as a messenger advances, while t...

Hunt The Ring
For this game a long piece of string is required. On this a ring is threaded, and the ends of the string are knotted together. The pla...

Hot Tamales
The "tamale" in this game is a knotted handkerchief. One player is chosen for the Hot Tamale man and stands in the center of the room ...

Hunt The Slipper
The players seat themselves in a circle on the floor, having chosen one of their number to remain outside the circle. The children sea...

Hot Boiled Beans And Bacon
This is a game for young children. Some small article is hidden in the room, while the little one who has to find it is sent outside. ...

Hide And Seek
One child is chosen "It." This one stands by a post or in a corner which is called "base," and hides his eyes. The children decide amo...

Hiss And Clap
This is an excellent party game. One of the company goes outside the room, whilst the remainder of the players decide amongst themselv...

London Bridge
No game has been more popular with children than this, and any summer evening, in the poorer quarters of the cities, it may still be s...

Miss Jennia Jones
The story of this is originally a love story. The young lady dies from a blighted affection and the prohibition of cruel parents. A...

Oats And Beans And Barley
All the children form a ring with the exception of one player, who stands in the center. The children then dance round this one, singi...

Puss In The Corner
This game is really for five players only, but, by a little arrangement, six or seven children can take part in the fun. Four playe...

Rule Of Contrary
This is a simple game for little children. It is played either with a pocket-handkerchief, or, if more than four want to play, with a ...

Soap Bubble Battle
Two children act as captains, one of company A, the other of company B and each in turn choose a soldier until the children are evenly...

Spider Web
Attach one end of a number of strings (one for each guest) to the chandelier. Fasten to the other end of each string a small prize wra...

Severed Flowers
Cut from colored cloth or paper a number of petals for forming wild roses, using pink material; marguerite daisies of white material a...

Acting Proverbs
The best way to play this game is for the players to divide themselves into two groups, namely, actors and audience. Each one of the a...

Blind Man's Wand
This is another way of playing Blind Man's Buff, and is thought by many to be an improvement on that game. The player, who is blind...

The Blind Postman
First a postmaster-general must be appointed, whose duty is to write down the names of the players, and the names of the cities they h...

Blowing The Candle
Place a lighted candle on a table at the end of a room. Invite someone to stand in front of it, then blindfold him, make him take thre...

Cat And Mouse
All players form a ring, joining hands, except one called the Mouse, whom they enclose within the circle, and one who is on the outsid...

The Clairvoyant
The clairvoyant goes out of the room, undertaking to name the person whom his confederate shall point out. The door being shut upon...

The Cushion Dance
The children first of all divide themselves into two parties. They then form a ring, and commence dancing round a hassock which is pla...

Change Seats: The King's Come
In this game as many seats are placed round the room as will seat all the players but one. This one stands in the middle of the room, ...

Duck Under The Water
Each child chooses a partner and stands opposite to her, so that two long lines are formed. Each couple holds a handkerchief between t...

The Gardener
Any number of children can play. One is chosen as leader and is called the "gardener." All the children sit in a circle and the "ga...

Going To Jerusalem
A row of chairs, facing alternately different ways, is placed through the centre of the room--a chair for every player except one. ...

Game Of Cat
The person who is to play the part of Cat should stand outside of the door of the room where the company is assembled. The boys and gi...

Grand Mufti
One of the company is chosen as Grand Mufti. The others then form a circle with the Grand Mufti in the centre, and every action which ...

Here I Bake Here I Brew
The players join hands in a circle, with one of their number in the middle, who is supposed to be a captive, longing for freedom and r...

Hat Game
One of the players has two hats, one he places on his own head and the other he hands to one of the company. The person who has receiv...

The Huntsman
One person represents the huntsman, the other players call themselves after some part of a huntsman's belongings; for instance, one is...

He Can Do Little Who Can't Do This
One of the players takes a stick in his left hand and thumps the floor with it, saying, "He can do little who can't do this." Then he ...

Hissing And Clapping
As many chairs as there are players must be arranged down the middle of the room. The girls then all sit down so that each has a vacan...

Hold Fast! Let Go!
For this game the company must divide themselves into parties with four in each group, and one odd player who must issue commands and ...

Hunt The Whistle
The chief participator in this game must be ignorant of the trick about to be played. He is told to kneel down whilst a lady knights h...

I Sell My Bat I Sell My Ball
A ring is formed with one child in the middle, who is called the "drummer-man." Whatever this child does the others mimic, moving roun...

Judge And Jury
The company should be seated in two lines facing each other, and one of the party should then be elected to act as judge. Each person ...

My Master Bids You Do As I Do
For all those children who are fond of a little exercise no better game than this can be chosen. When the chairs are placed in order r...

Magic Music
One of the players is sent out of the room, and the rest then agree upon some simple task for her to perform, such as moving a chair, ...

Malaga Raisins
The players sit in a circle and one who is acquainted with the trick takes a small stick in his right hand, makes some funny movements...

Our Old Grannie Doesn't Like Tea
All the players sit in a row, except one, who sits in front of them and says to each one in turn; "Our old Grannie doesn't like T; wha...

Oranges And Lemons
Two of the players join hands, facing each other, having agreed privately which is to be "Oranges" and which "Lemons." The rest of the...

Old Soldier
Old Soldier is a game for young children, and though it seems very simple, yet there is a good deal of fun in it. One of the children ...

One player begins the game by going out of the room, and then giving a double (or postman's) knock at the door; it is the duty of one ...

Peter Piper
This is an amusing game for children. A blackboard is needed upon which the verse, "Peter Piper," etc., is illustrated or written so t...

The Sea And Her Children
The players seat themselves in a circle, one of the number remaining in the center to represent the "Sea." Each player takes the name ...

The Stage Coach
The leader tells every member of the company to choose as a name some article connected with a stage coach; the wheels, the horses, th...

Shadow Buff
A splendid game, and one specially suitable for a large party. A sheet or white tablecloth is first of all stretched right across the ...

The blindfolded player is placed in the middle of the room, and the other players all place themselves at various distances round him....

The Spelling Game
Each player in this game has what are called three "lives," or chances. When the company is seated in a circle, the first player menti...

Simon Says
Seat yourselves in a circle and choose one of the company to be the leader, or Simon. His duty is to order all sorts of different thin...

The Sergeant
One player represents the Sergeant, and the others the soldiers, whom he is supposed to be drilling. When the Sergeant says "Do this,"...

The Sea King
This game can be played by any number of children. They proceed by first choosing one of the party to act as the Sea King, whose duty ...

Tongue Twisters
The leader begins by saying the first sentence, which is repeated by each player in turn. The leader in every case adds the new line, ...

Each player must choose a trade and pretend to be working at it. For instance, if he is a tailor he must pretend to sew or iron; if a ...

Think Of A Number
In this game the leader tells one of the players to think of any number he likes, but not to say it aloud. He next tells him to double...

This And That
A confederate is necessary for this trick. The one performing the trick goes out of the room and the confederate agrees with the audie...

What Am I Doing?
The players seat themselves in a row and the leader of the game takes his place behind them, beginning at the top of the row. He makes...

It is necessary that only two of the party should have a knowledge of this game, and then "wonderment" is sure to be the result. Th...

All the girls sit in a circle, and the boys stand outside, one boy behind each girl's chair. One chair is left vacant, but a boy stand...

Few children think they will ever tire of playing games; but all the same, towards the end of a long evening, spent merrily in dancing...

Each player is given a slip of paper and asked to write a piece of advice--the ladies write to the gentlemen and vice versa. The slips...

A slip of paper and a pencil is given to each player, who must then write a number of adjectives upon it. The slips are collected and ...

Animal Vegetable Or Mineral?
This is a capital game for a large party, for it is both instructive and amusing. One player is selected who has to guess what word or...

Acting Rhymes
For this game, half the players go outside the door, whilst those who stay in the room choose a word of one syllable, which should not...

The Bird-catcher
To play this game you must first decide which one of you is to be the Bird-catcher; the other players then each choose the name of a b...

This is a very old game, but is always a very great favorite. The more the players, the greater the fun. The way to play it is as foll...

Birds Fruits And Flowers
In this game every one in the company has to describe in a riddle, first a bird, then a fruit, and finally a flower. The others must g...

Materials required.--As many sheets of paper and pencils as there are players. The players seat themselves round a table, and each ...

The Cook Who Doesn't Like Peas
One of the players commences the game by saying to his neighbor, "I have a cook who doesn't like peas (p's); what will you give her fo...

One of the most popular games at a party is certainly "Consequences"; it is a very old favorite, but has lost none of its charms with ...

Cross Questions And Crooked Answers
To play this game it is best to sit in a circle, and until the end of the game no one must speak above a whisper. The first player ...

The Curate
A player is chosen to represent "The Curate." The other players are assigned such names as printer, plumber, jeweler, butcher, druggis...

A subject is given to the company by the "teacher" and those joining in the game are each to define the subject in as terse a manner a...

Earth Air Fire And Water
To play this game seat yourselves in a circle, take a clean duster or handkerchief, and tie it in a big knot, so that it may easily be...

The Farmyard
This game, if carried out properly, will cause great amusement. One of the party announces that he will whisper to each person the nam...

The Forbidden Letter
The idea of this game is to try how many sentences can be spoken without containing a certain letter which has been agreed upon. Suppo...

The Forbidden Vowels
The players seat themselves and are questioned by the leader of the game and must answer without bringing in a word containing a forbi...

Fortune Telling
The Fortune Teller must provide the person who is to have his or her fortune told with a piece of paper and a pencil and then proceed ...

The Game Of Conversation
To play this game successfully two of the company privately agree upon a word that has several meanings. The two then enter into a con...

Guilty Or Innocent?
One of the company gets himself up to represent the old man of the woods, the rest take the names of various animals, such as lion, ti...

Guessing Groceries
Into bits of muslin should be tied samples of groceries--tea, coffee, starch, rice, beans, spices, etc. The players are allowed one gu...

The leader writes out a short story. It may be a bit of gossip, a newspaper incident or anything he wishes, it should however be rathe...

How? When? Where?
One of the players goes out of the room and the players decide upon an object. Let us suppose that the word chosen is chest. The word ...

I Love My Love With An A
To play this game it is best for the players to arrange themselves in a half-circle round the room. Then one begins: "I love my love w...

One of the players is asked to go outside whilst the company think of some person in the room, and on his return he has to guess of wh...

Jack's Alive
A match or small piece of wood is lighted and when well afire blown out. It is then passed from one player to another with the words, ...

The Menagerie
To each member of the company is given the name of a bird or animal by the "Keeper" who is to relate a story of adventure in which the...

The Minister's Cat
This game is very similar to that of "I love my love." Each of the players must describe the minister's cat, going right through the ...

Magic Writing
In this game a confederate is necessary. The player states to the company, after a few remarks on ancient sign-language, that he is ab...

The Mimic Club
This is a game which causes much amusement to a company of children, and even grown-ups may join in. All the players, with the exce...

My Lady's Toilet
The leader gives to each of the party the name of some article used by a lady--a glove, fan, handkerchief, slippers, veil, belt, ribbo...

Partners Pair
Partners Pair The players divide themselves into ladies and gentlemen, if the ladies predominate they must personate gentlemen, and ...

"Proverbs" is a game that will always remain popular. One of the players is sent out of the room, and during his absence the others de...

Questions And Answers
Each player is furnished with a pencil and two slips of paper. On the first slip a question must be written. The papers are then colle...

Ruth And Jacob
One player is blindfolded, the rest dance in a circle around him till he points at one of them. This person then enters the ring, and ...

A number of slips of paper are passed among the players and each one is asked to write upon one of the papers, two words which will rh...

Each player is asked to draw a haphazard line on a piece of paper. The line may be anything he wishes and does not need to suggest o...

Traveler's Alphabet
The players sit in a row and the first begins by saying, "I am going on a journey to Athens," or any place beginning with A. The one s...

Thought Reading
This is a very good game, which always causes considerable amusement, and if skilfully carried out will very successfully mystify the ...

The Little Dutch Band
The players sit or stand around the room in a circle. The leader assigns to each some imaginary musical instrument--horn, fife, drum, ...

What's My Thought Like?
The players sit in a circle and one of them asks the others: "What's my thought like?" One player may say: "A monkey"; the second: "A ...

In going through this book of games the reader will find that the players for various reasons are penalized or required to pay a forfe...

New Year's Day
Resolved:--To do my best to-day-- Tomorrow is far away. New Year's day calling and receiving--the custom of our Gr...

Good Resolutions
Each person is given a paper and pencil and requested to write at the top of the page the word "Resolved," followed by expressions of ...

Testing Fates
Upon the floor are twelve candles in a row, all alight and each of a different color. Each candle stands for a month in the year. The ...

Spin The Plate
The players seat themselves in a circle except one who gives all a name pertaining to the calendar and chooses a name for himself. If ...

A New Year's Eve Entertainment
Look through your old newspapers and magazines and cut out all the pictures of the famous men and women of the century you find--every...

Suggestions For New Year Parties
A novel way of selecting partners for a New Year's party is to paint upon water color paper such objects as may illustrate the differe...

Lincoln's Birthday
At dinners, parties and entertainments given on February 12th, the anniversary of the birth of our immortal Lincoln, one aim of the ...

Military Euchre
A most enjoyable afternoon or evening may be furnished ones friends by giving a military euchre party, as suggested for Washington's B...

Guessing Contest
Supply pencils and papers to the guests having the following mixed words written upon them:-- 1. Olinnlc 2. Averlys 3. S...

Splitting Rails
Guests are to be supplied with pencils and papers containing the following letters:-- 1. Loadailrrfliar 2. Aliredalrig 3. G...

Breaking The Chain
Several children are chosen as slaves and stand in the center of the room. The other children stand in a circle about them, forming a ...

Log Cabin
The tiny tots would enjoy building a log cabin of tooth-picks by placing upon the table two wooden tooth-picks about two inches apart ...

St Valentine's Day
Invitations for this party are written on red paper hearts. The decorations also are red paper hearts strung from the corners of the...

St Valentine's Post Office
The players sit in a circle around the room except one who is selected for postman, blind folded and placed in the center of the room....

Cupid Is Coming
The players seat themselves round the room, and one having announced "Cupid is coming," another questions, "How is he coming?" Whereup...

Heart Hunt
Candy or paper hearts are hidden in nooks and corners, behind bric a brac, curtains, etc. Heart shaped paper baskets, boxes or envelop...

Cupid's Dart
A large white heart-shaped target having a small red heart for the bull's eye, a bow and cupid's dart are necessary for this game. Eac...

A Heart Guessing Contest
The following sentences are written on heart shaped cards and passed with pencils to the guests who are told to supply the missing wor...

Broken Hearts
Place two red paper hearts which have been cut into several irregular pieces into an envelope and distribute to each gentleman guest, ...

Two Hearts That Beat As One
Fasten a large white handkerchief on the wall or door. Paste or sew a small red paper heart in the center of it. Let each person in...

Washington's Birthday
To give a patriotic air to the surroundings should be the aim of the hostess in giving a party or entertaining on Washington's Birth...

A Washington's Birthday Luncheon In White And Red
A White cloth covered the table at this luncheon--a white embroidered linen center piece with lace edge under which showed red crepe t...

Hunting The Hatchet
Small paper hatchets (containing candy if desired) are previously hidden in every conceivable place in rooms to which guests have acce...

Cherry Ripe
A tooth pick is suspended by a string in the door way or from the ceiling just out of reach of the children. Stick a ripe cherry or a ...

Washington Pi
Distribute to each guest a pencil and a slip of paper with the following letters written upon it:-- 1 Higtaswonn 1 Washingt...

Crossing The Delaware
A space about four or five feet wide is marked off on the floor by stretching two strings from one side of the room to the other or wi...

April Fool's Day
April first would be an occasion for a fancy dress party en masque. Invitations may be written on a large sheet of paper and folded or ...

An April First Festival
A "King's Jester," painted in water-color, clad in red and yellow, smiling and beckoning, is painted on one side of the white card of ...

Follies Of Fortune
Let one of the ladies be blindfolded and seated behind a large screen or curtain or in a tent in an adjoining room which is dimly ligh...

Follow My Foot-steps
Place a number of articles such as pillows, books, handkerchiefs, inexpensive bric-a-brac, etc., on the floor. One person acts as lead...

Ask the guests to tell the most foolish thing they ever did and give a suitable prize for the most foolish answer. ...

It Is To Laugh
The players form a circle taking hold of hands and circle around one of the players who is blindfolded and holds a staff or cane. When...

The Museum
The guests are invited to inspect your collection of curios and souvenirs which are displayed in numerous paste board boxes, collecti...

Easter Day should be a peaceful, happy day of rejoicing, thanksgiving and praise to the Giver of all good. Easter is symbolic of a n...

A Luncheon In White And Yellow
Use a large plateau or mirror for the centerpiece, in the center of which lay an irregular piece of real (or artificial) moss about on...

An Easter Bonnet Party
A very pleasant entertainment to be given about Eastertide is one at which the all-engrossing head covering of the season is to be ma...

Matching Eggs
Give each person a certain number of hard boiled eggs. The one who succeeds in cracking the shells of his opponent's by hitting the en...

Egg Race
Place six hard boiled Easter eggs on each side of the room about one foot apart. A large basket is placed at the far end of the room. ...

Hen And Chickens
A leader is chosen for the "hen" and the remainder of the children are "chickens," except one who is supposed to be a chicken hawk. ...

An Egg Hunt
Hide colored Easter eggs or small candy eggs in various places, in corners, behind curtains, bric a brac, etc., etc. Provide each chil...

Get ten small toy ten-pins or use wooden clothes pins. Stand them upon end about six or eight inches apart in a line across the room. ...

May Day
May Day was one of the chief festivals of ancient times and also in more modern times. The Romans held the "Floralia" or festivals i...

May Pole Dance
If this entertainment is to be out-of-doors a long pole is erected in the center of the lawn; or fastened into a solid base and set in...

May-day Fete
A Japanese fete is suitable for a May Day affair, especially for a large affair where house and grounds can be utilized. The hostess w...

Variegated Roses
Pass pencils and slips of paper to the guests with the following written on each paper:-- 1. (A Symbol of purity.) 2. (What ...

Ring Around A Rosy
The children take hold of hands and form a circle; except one who stands in the center of the ring. They circle around singing this li...

Drop The Flower
This is played the same as drop the handkerchief except a flower is used instead of a handkerchief and the verse is a trifle different...

Fourth Of July
Fire crackers and fire works seem to have first place in the celebration of our Glorious Fourth, but a few games and amusements of a p...

What Will You Do For Your Country
The players are seated in a row or circle except the leader who is seated in the center of the group. The leader begins the game by as...

Rally Round The Flag
The children take hold of hands and form a circle, except one who is standard bearer and stands in the center of the circle holding an...

Torpedo Hunt
Hide a lot of small paper torpedoes in various places around the lawn. Give each child a paper bag and at a signal, which is the explo...

The Flag Of The Free
With water colors or crayons sketch the American flag on white cards omitting the stars. Give each guest a card and forty-six tiny muc...

Battles Of The United States For Fourth Of July
Try the following: What battle of the United States is 1. A fortified place, to perform and a walking stick? 2. An English ...

Flags Of All Nations
Drape the red, white and blue bunting from tree to tree and nail to the trees flags of sixteen different countries; the flags to be nu...

Hallow-e'en or Hallow-Even is the last night of October, being the eve or vigil of All-Hallow's or All Saint's Day, and no holiday i...

Apple Seeds Forehead
Name two wet apple seeds and stick them on forehead. First seed to fall indicates that the person for whom seed is named is not a t...

Apple Paring
Each guest, receiving apple and knife, is requested to peel apple without breaking; then swing paring around head, and let it drop to ...

Apple-seed Test
Cut an apple open and pick out seeds from core. If only two seeds are found, they portend early marriage; three, legacy; four, great w...

Blind Nut Seekers
Let several guests be blindfolded. Then hide nuts or apples in various parts of room or house. One finding most nuts or apples wins pr...

Suspend horizontally from ceiling a barrel-hoop on which are fastened alternately at regular intervals apples, cakes, candies, candle-...

Raisin Race
A raisin is strung in middle of thread a yard long, and two persons take each an end of string in mouth; whoever, by chewing string, r...

Hallow-e'en Souvenir Game
Suspend apples by means of strings in doorway or from ceiling at proper height to be caught between the teeth. First successful player...

Candle And Apple
At one end of stick 18 inches long fasten an apple; at the other end, a short piece of lighted candle. Suspend stick from ceiling by s...

True-lover Test
Two hazel-nuts are thrown into hot coals by maiden, who secretly gives a lover's name to each. If one nut bursts, then that lover is u...

Ring And Goblet
Tie wedding-ring or key to silken thread or horsehair, and hold it suspended within a glass; then say the alphabet slowly; whenever ri...

Threading A Needle
Sit on round bottle laid lengthwise on floor, and try to thread a needle. First to succeed will be first married. ...

Alphabet Game
Cut alphabet from newspaper and sprinkle on surface of water; letters floating may spell or suggest name of future husband or wife. ...

Needle Game
Each person floats greased needle in basin of water. Impelled by attraction of gravitation, needles will act very curiously; some clin...

Apples And Flour
Suspend horizontally from ceiling a stick three feet long. On one end stick an apple, upon other tie small bag of flour. Set stick whi...

Each girl and boy seeks an even-leaved sprig of ash; first of either sex that finds one calls out cyniver, and is answered by first of...

Walnut Boats
Open English walnuts, remove meat, and in each half shell fasten short pieces of differently colored Christmas candles, each of which ...

Winding Yarn
Throw a ball of yarn out of window but hold fast to one end and begin to wind. As you wind say, "I wind, who holds?" over and over aga...

1. The dragon consists of half a pint of ignited brandy or alcohol in a dish. As soon as brandy is aflame, all lights are extinguished...

Make barrel-hoop into necklace of bread, candies, red peppers and candle-ends, and hang horizontally from ceiling. Set hoop whirling a...

Winnowing Corn
Steal out into barn or garden alone and go three times through motions of throwing corn against the wind. The third time an apparition...

Magic Stairs
Walk downstairs backward, holding lighted candle over your head. Upon reaching bottom, turn suddenly and before you will stand your wi...

Pumpkin Alphabet
Carve all the letters of the alphabet on a medium sized pumpkin. Put it on a dish and set on a stand or table. Each guest in turn is b...

Jumping Lighted Candle
Place a lighted candle in middle of floor, not too securely placed; each one jumps over it. Whoever succeeds in clearing candle is gua...

Dumb Cake
Each one places handful of wheat flour on sheet of white paper and sprinkles it over with a pinch of salt. Some one makes it into doug...

Hiding Ring Thimble And Penny
Hide ring, thimble and penny in room. To one who finds ring, speedy marriage is assured; thimble denotes life of single blessedness; p...

Pulling Kale
All are blindfolded and go out singly or hand-in-hand to garden. Groping about they pull up first stalk of kale or head of cabbage. If...

Perplexing Hunt
In this game the seeker for a prize is guided from place to place by doggerels as the following, and is started on his hunt with this ...

Dough Test
Take water and meal and make dough. Write on slips of paper names of several of opposite sex friends; roll papers into balls of dough ...

Water Experiment
A laughable experiment consists in filling mouth with water and walking around house or block without swallowing or spilling a drop. F...

The Dreamer
If a maid wishes to know whom she is to marry, if a man of wealth, tradesman, or traveler, let her, on All-Hallow-e'en, take a walnut,...

Mirror And Apple
Stand in front of mirror in dimly lighted room and eat an apple. If your lover reciprocates your love he will appear behind you and lo...

Cellar Stairs
Cellar-stairs' test is where girl boldly goes down stairs backward, holding a mirror, and trying to catch in it the features of him wh...

Around The Walnut Tree
Of all Hallow-e'en spells and charms associated with nuts, the following is one of the oldest: If a young man or woman goes at midnigh...

Ducking For Apples
Into one tub half filled with water are placed apples to the stems of which are tied bits of paper containing the names of the boys pr...

Combing Hair Before Mirror
Stand alone before mirror, and by light of candle comb your hair; face of your future partner will appear in glass, peeping over your ...

The Four Saucers
Place four saucers on table in line. Into first put dirt; into second, water; into third, a ring; into fourth, a rag. Guests are blind...

Game Of Fate
Guests take part, seated in a circle. Three Fates are chosen, one of whom whispers to each person in turn name of his (her) future sw...

Where Dwells My Lover?
Steal out unobserved at midnight; plucking a small lock of hair from your head, cast it to breeze. Whatever direction it is blown is b...

Feather Tests
To foretell complexion of future mate, select three soft fluffy feathers. (If none is handy, ask for a pillow and rip open and take ou...

Rose Test
Take two roses with long stems. Name one for yourself and one for your lover. Go to your room without speaking to any one; kneel besid...

Dry Bread
Dreams mean much on Hallow-e'en, but certain ceremonies must be carefully followed in order to insure the spell. Before going to sleep...

The Loaf Cake
A loaf cake is often made, and in it are placed a ring and a key. The former signifies marriage, and the latter a journey, and the per...

To Try One's Luck
In a dish of mashed potatoes place a ring, a dime, and a thimble. Each guest is provided with a spoon with which to eat the potatoes; ...

Melting Lead
Each person melts some lead and pours it through a wedding-ring or key into a dish of water. The lead will cool in various shapes, sup...

Naming Chestnuts
Roast three chestnuts before the fire, one of which is named for some lady (or gentleman); the other two, for gentlemen (or ladies). I...

The Mirror
Walk backward several feet out of doors in moonlight with mirror in your hand, or within doors with candle in one hand and mirror in t...

One bowl is filled with clear water, another with wine, a third with vinegar, a fourth is empty. All are placed in line on table. Each...

Lover's Test
A maid and youth each places a chestnut to roast on fire, side by side. If one hisses and steams, it indicates a fretful temper in own...

Flour Test
A bowl is filled tightly with flour. During the process of filling, a wedding ring is inserted vertically in some part of it. The bowl...

Apple Seeds Charms
Apple seeds act as charms on Hallow-e'en. Stick one on each eyelid and name one "Home" and the other "Travel." If seed named travel...

After Dinner Games For Thanksgiving Day
The game of enigmatical menus, as its name implies, is not only especially appropriate for Thanksgiving Day, but has the further merit...

A Dinner For Historic Celebrities
The Guests 1. He who refused the crown of England.--Cromwell. 2. The conqueror of Napoleon I.--The Duke of Wellington. ...

A Dinner For Literary Celebrities
The Guests 1. A barrel maker.--Cooper. 2. A mixture of black and white.--Gray. 3. The baby of the flock.--Lamb. ...

Nuts To Crack
Pass pencils and paper to each guest with the following written upon it:-- 1 (A Dairy product.) 2 (A Vegetable.) 3 (...

"Christmas comes but once a year and when it comes it brings"--a whole lot of things. If there doesn't seem to be anything to be tha...

Jolly St Nicholas
One child is chosen to represent Jolly St. Nicholas or Santa Claus and stands in the center of the room. The other children stand arou...

Christmas Stocking
Paint or draw on a sheet the picture of a fireplace. Tack this to the wall and after providing each child with a small stocking and pi...

Christmas Candles
Place on a low table a small Christmas tree, on which there is arranged lighted candles. Blindfold each child in turn, having them sta...

Holly Wreath Or Snow Ball
Make several snowballs from crepe paper or white cotton. Hang a large holly wreath in the doorway and let each child in turn try to th...

A Dinner For Contemporary Celebrities
The Guests 1. The first month of the year. Janvier. 2. Strong and sturdy. Hardy. 3. An out of date arrangement for th...

A Luncheon For Literary Women
The Guests 1. A verdant one. Greene (Anna Katherine). 2. To evade. Dodge (Mary Mapes). 3. A head covering and a taver...

Graded Games For Schools And Community Recreation
The Indoor Recreation Work is given in the form of plays and games. While the plays and games listed have been carefully arranged ...

A Day In The Woods
Stretching--Reach up high. Take your coat and hat. Leg movement--Walk quickly (skip) to the woods. (Each two rows walk ...

The Circus
All ready for the big circus parade. Choose what you want to do or be in the parade. Now we are at the circus grounds. The band marche...

Moving Day
Two adjacent rows, play together. The first of May is moving day. The seats are houses. One player is chosen to be "It" and he walks u...

Old Hen And Chickens
Choose a leader to be the old hen, who goes out of the room. All the others sit at their seats, heads bowed on the desk. Touch four on...

Good Morning Game
One child is chosen as leader. He stands in front of class facing the blackboard; the teacher steps lightly down among children and to...

Birds Learning To Fly
Mother bird and little birds all stretch wings. Look up at the pretty blue sky. Fly around lightly. Tuck wings under and hop. Drink fr...

Let us go for a spin in the park. Stoop, crank your automobile. Step into the machine. Ride around the track; blow your horn. Pump up ...

A Day At The Beach
Run down to the beach, one row at a time. Stoop, gather a handful of stones. Raise hand, high, throw stones out into the sea. Now dig ...

Out For A Picnic
Pack your baskets. Hang them over your arm. Run down to the street car. Give your fare to the conductor. Step down from the car very c...

Squirrel In Trees
Three players stand so as to represent a hollow tree, facing center with hands on each other's shoulders; a fourth player stoops withi...

Bean Bag Passing
The class is arranged so that there are the same number of players in each row. A bean bag is placed on each front desk. At a given si...

Crossing The Brook
Draw two parallel lines on the floor with chalk to represent the banks of the brook. The players form in line and take a running jump ...

Days Of Week
Name first row across the room, Monday; second, Tuesday; third, Wednesday, etc. Teacher stands in front of room with rubber ball. As ...

Wee Bologna Man
I am the wee Bologna Man. Always do the best you can To follow the wee Bologna Man. A leader resourceful in ideas and ...

Do This Do That
All players stand facing one of their number who is the leader. The leader assumes any position or imitates any action, at the same ti...

I Saw
Class stands as for gymnastics. The teacher, beginning with the first file, asks the leader, "What did you see?" The leader suggests s...

Squirrel Game
Players all seated but one, heads on desks, eyes covered, one hand on desk with palm up. The odd player is a squirrel. The squirrel pa...

I Say Stoop
One person is chosen leader, taking his place before the class which is standing at their seats. Whenever the leader says "I say stoop...

Game For Alertness
Draw a circle on the floor. Call upon a child to run into the circle, while you count ten. If he succeeds in getting both feet into th...

Charley Over The Water
Players stand in a circle, hands joined. One player is chosen to be Charley. If more than twenty players have several Charlies. Charle...

Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory, Dickory, Dock, (Move arms to right, left, right, in pendulum fashion. Stamp right--left.) The mouse...

See Saw Margery Daw
(Mother Goose Melody.) 1. See Saw--Margery Daw. (Arms sideward raise, sway body to left and right.) 2. Jack shall ...

The Leaves
1. The leaves are green, the leaves are brown. They hang so high they will not come down. Leave them alone until fr...

Run For Your Supper
Players in a circle. One player chosen by teacher goes around inside, holds out his hand between two players and says, "Run for your s...

Scarf Relay
Divide the room into teams of three rows each. In front of each team, some six or eight feet distant, place a chair with a scarf tied ...

Teacher And Class
One player is chosen for "teacher". The others stand in a line side by side, facing her at an interval of five to ten feet. If there a...

Slap Jack
The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen to be "it" and runs on the outside. He taps another player, who quickly runs i...

Hand Tag
The players form a circle facing inward. A tagger stands in the center of the circle. The players raise their hands forward, palms upw...

Drop The Bean Bag Or Handkerchief
Players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen to be the runner and runs around the outside of the circle, dropping the bean bag ...

Changing Seats
The class is seated in full rows, each two rows playing together. One pupil having no seat stands in the aisle between the two rows. ...

Cat And Rat
The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen "rat" and stands inside the circle. Another is the "cat" and takes her place ...

Round And Round Went The Gallant Ship
Players form a circle, hands joined. Stepping lightly around the circle, they recite the following verse, bobbing down quickly on the ...

Jack Be Nimble
Place a small object eight to ten inches high upright on the floor to represent a candlestick. The players run in single file and jump...

Huckle Buckle Bean Stalk
One row of players leave the room. The others hide some small object, placing it in plain sight, but where it would not be likely to b...

Handkerchief Tag
One player has a handkerchief, one is chaser. The players are scattered about the field. The chaser runs after the one who has the ha...

Alphabet Game
Divide the class into two teams. Cards about 5x7, containing in large type the letters of the alphabet, are passed out to each team. T...

Run Rabbit Run
Class lines up in two groups. One group are rabbits, safe in their homes. The other group are foxes, walking about in the woods. The o...

Fairies And Indians
Let the girls be Fairies. The boys play they are Indians. The Fairies are in the woods. They run about and at last fall asleep in the ...

Automobile Race
This game is to be played by the second and fifth, the first and fourth rows, or the third and sixth rows. Place a flag on the fron...

Trip Round The World
Geographical. Players form a large circle. Number off by twos. Number one steps in front of number two and kneels facing center of ...

Club Hustle
The players are lined up in files. The leader of each file has an Indian Club. At the word "Go" all jump in half stride position ...

Floor Tag
Players form a circle, placing right or left hand on the floor as the teacher indicates. Player who is "it" stands in the center. At a...

Circus Game
A leader is chosen who stands before class and says "I went to the circus and saw a bear." The next child says, "I went to the circus ...

The Wind Blows
Players stand as for gymnastics. Leader stands in front of class and says "The Wind Blows East," upon which all turn to the east. If t...

Hoop Game
Wind six hoops each with a standard color. Make six bean bags a corresponding color. This game is played by six files of equal number....

Flag Relay
Divide room into two teams, each team holding a flag. Upon a given signal the first child in each team runs forward and makes a comple...

Touch Game
Players form a circle--one player stands in the center. A basketball is passed quickly around the circle, moving in one direction only...

King Of The Ring
A circle is drawn on the ground. The players stand shoulder to shoulder inside of the circle with arms folded, either on the chest or ...

Blackboard Relay
Draw a circle on the blackboard directly in front of each row. Supply the first child in each row with a piece of crayon. At a given s...

New Orleans
The players are divided into two groups--A and B. One group (A) performs some action representing an occupation, as sewing, picking f...

Ducks Fly
Children stand in files. Leader stands in front of class and gives names of various birds saying "Blue birds fly," or "Sparrows fly," ...

Simon Says
One player chosen to be "Simon" takes his place before the other players. He commands some gymnastic movement as "raise arms forward, ...

Fox And Hound
The players stand in rank and file. They join hands across the ranks. A fox and hound are chosen. The hound is out to catch the fox. T...

Grand Right And Left
Players in couples, right hands joined, marching in a circle counter clock wise. For convenience call outside circle number two, the i...

Automobile Relay
Each row represents some popular automobile. The first child in each alternate row, at a given signal, leaves by the right side, runs ...

Hop Toads
The players form a circle, hands joined. One toad stands in the center holding a rope, at the end of which is tied a bean bag. The cen...

Bear In The Pit
The players join hands and form a circle to represent a bear pit. One stationed as bear stands in the center. The bear tries to get ou...

Follow The Leader
One player chosen as leader performs a series of marching activities; work-a-day occupations, or gymnastic exercises, the other player...

Bear In The Ring
One player is chosen as bear, sits in the center of the room on a stool. A second player is chosen to be the keeper. The keeper stands...

Fetch And Carry
Each player is supplied with a bean bag. On the floor directly in front of each aisle a circle about eighteen inches in diameter is dr...

Corner Spry
Divide your players into four stations, one group in each of the four corners of the room. Four captains are chosen, who stand in the ...

Sentence Relay
Have the same number of children in each row. Supply the first child in each row with a crayon. Upon a signal from the teacher the f...

Frog In The Sea
One player is chosen to be frog and sits in the middle of the circle, with his feet crossed tailor fashion. The other players stand in...

Hound And Rabbit
The players stand in groups of three, clasping hands to form a circle or tree. The other players, one for each tree, are rabbits. An e...

Dodge Ball
Boys and girls form separate circles. The players form a circle, facing inward. Every other player steps inside the circle, facing out...

False Alarm
Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground, about 40 feet distant. All of the players except one stand beyond one of these lines. In t...

Got Left
The players stand in couples behind each other. One player is chosen to be catcher and takes his place about ten feet in front of the ...

Statue Tag
Any number of players may participate in the game. The one who is "it" begins the game by striking a posture to be assumed by the othe...

Third Man
Players stand in couples, facing each other, couples scattered in any way about the room. One player is chosen as runner, another as c...

Indian Dance
The players form in a circle about two steps apart. The leader stands in the center holding a cord with a small sand or shot bag attac...

Jolly Miller
Place the boys on the left and the girls on the right. The class marches in a double circle. One child acts as miller, standing in the...

Relay Race
Players are divided into two or more teams, the members of each standing one behind the other, directly back of the starting line. The...

Hill Dill
Players are arranged in two opposite lines facing the center. One player is chosen to be "it" and takes his place in the center of the...

Tommy Tiddler's Land
A square or circle drawn by Tommy around himself represents Tommy's land. Tommy stands in the center trying to protect his supposed hu...

Ten Steps
One player who is blindfolded stands in the center of the room. The other players stand anywhere they wish and in such positions as se...

Circle Stride Ball
A football or basketball is necessary to the game. All but one of the players stand in circle formation in stride position, with fe...

Center Base
One player takes his place in the center, holding a bean bag or ball. The other players form a ring around him, standing a little apar...

The Flying Ball
The players stand in a circle facing the center, some distance apart. One player called the "center" stands within the circle. A baske...

Guess Who
Two files, A and B, stand on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. One player of file A stands in the center of the room faci...

Beetle Goes Around
The players form a circle, facing inward, with hands behind body. One player who carries in his hand a towel knotted at one end walks ...

Hawk And Hen
A file of ten or twelve players, so-called "hens," stand in line behind each other, hands on shoulders of player in front. The first p...

One player, called the Bogey-Man, stands on one goal. All the other players stand on the goal opposite. The Bogey-man runs out and cal...

Day And Night
The players are divided into two teams formed in two lines about three feet apart, facing in opposite directions. ...

Boundary Ball
The players are arranged as shown in figure. The length of the space is about thirty paces, "a--a" being the outer boundaries and "b" ...

French Blind Man's Buff
A player blindfolded and furnished with a wand stands in the center of the room. The other players join hands and walk or hop around h...

Bull In The Ring
The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen bull and wanders about in the inside, testing the circle in an effort to get ...

Call Ball
A basketball is needed for this game. The players, 10 to 30, are numbered and form a circle, one of the players standing in the center...

Arch Goal Ball
Basketball and basket goal are necessary equipment. The players (8 to 10 on a team) are divided into seven groups and line up in a sin...

Chicken And Fox
Two players are chosen--one to be the mother hen and the other to be the fox, who is after a chicken for his meal. The other players a...

Changing Places
All players but one stand in a circle of about seven yards or more in diameter facing inward. The odd player stands in the middle. Eac...

Steal The Handkerchief
Players form in two lines facing each other and about eight yards apart. Each line is numbered so that there are corresponding numbers...

On The Bank In The Pond
Players form in a single file. An imaginary line to the left of the column designated as the Bank and an imaginary line to the right o...

All the players except two stand in parallel ranks, one behind the other. The distance between each player and each rank is that of ...

Playground or gymnasium suitable place for this game. Basketball and Indian clubs are necessary equipment. Number of players 10 to 40....

Japanese Tag
The players are scattered within a limited playing area. This game is played like ordinary tag except that "it" must place one hand on...

Hook Arm Tag
Players paired in circular formation, inside arms hooked at elbows, outside hands on hips. Two players stand in the center, one is "it...

Crossing No Man's Land
Formation--In single line. A parallel line is drawn about fifty feet in front and the player being "it" stands between this line an...

Object Relay Race
Players stand in files, an equal number in each file. Opposite and at about fifteen and twenty yards respectively from the front playe...

Pass And Toss Relay
This game is suitable for playground, gymnasium or classroom. Equipment necessary is Bean Bag or ball. Number of players preferably 8 ...

Down And Up
Players form in column of files. All spread legs. First player in the column passes some object (stick, stone, hat, eraser, bean ba...

Zig Zag Relay
Players form in columns of files. Place four bean bags four feet apart at a distance of ten feet in front of each column in directi...

Crows And Cranes
Players form in two lines, back to back and at about one yard interval. One line is designated "Crows" and the other "Cranes." If the ...

Jumping Circle
Players form a circle about 30 feet in diameter. One player in center holds a light rope about fifteen feet long with a soft weight on...

Hindu Tag
The players are scattered in a limited playing area, about fifty feet square. One player is "it". He chases players about and may tag ...

Swat To The Right
Any number of players may participate. Players form a circle, hands behind back, facing in, eyes closed. One player carrying a swatter...

Squat Tag
The players are scattered within a limited playing area. One player is "it". He can touch anyone who is not in a full squat position. ...

Ten Steps
One player who is "it" blinds his eyes and counts ten while all the other players run for hiding places. As soon as the one who is "it...

Hang Tag
One player is chosen chaser or "it" and changes places with anyone whom he can tag. Players may escape being tagged by hanging from an...

Club Snatch
A goal is marked off across each end of the playground. An Indian club is placed midway between the goals. A starting base is marked o...

Indian Club Wrestle
Players come up in files not more than eight in a file. Each file forms a circle. In the middle of each circle four Indian clubs are p...

Pass Round
Players are in circle formation about four feet apart. They number off, odds forming one team and evens the other. A ball, eraser or s...

Human Tug Of War
Players form in columns of files facing each other. Players stand close together, arms placed about the waist of the player in front (...

Volley Ball
Ten to thirty players may play at one time on playground or gymnasium. Equipment consists of volley ball and tennis net. For large ...

Chariot Relay
Players line up at one end of the room. Count off by threes. Each group joins hands, and on the command "Go!" they run to the other en...

Hurdle Race
Place several objects at different distances. Contestants race, jumping over them. ...

Song Contest
Song contestants are supplied with pencil and paper. Standing on one foot, each writes two lines of a patriotic song. One finishing fi...

Laughing Relay
Line up players in twos. Partners face and march backwards four steps. Leaders draw for first chance. One side named Blues, other Reds...

Give each player a pencil and paper. Ask each to write the name of the city (town or state) in which he was born. Then ask each to sep...

This is an old English game. Arrange as many chairs as there are players in a circle. All the players but one are seated. This odd pl...

The Laughing Game
Players form a circle. The first player starts with the word "ha," the second says "ha, ha," the third "ha, ha, ha," and so on, each o...

Game Of Opposite
Players stand in a circle. An extra player stands in the center, holding in his hands as many pieces of tape as there are players in t...

Musical Circle
All players sit in a circle. One in the centre is the leader. To each one is assigned some musical instrument, which he must play. The...

Memory Test
A tray piled high with all sorts of objects, as diverse as possible in character is brought into the room. The players are given one m...

Finding A Partner
An odd number of players participate. At a signal (preferably a musical accompaniment), the players, fly or skip promiscuously about t...

Nose And Toe Tag
This game is played like ordinary tag, with the exception that no one can be tagged who has his right hand on his toes and left hand o...

Spirits Move
A leader and his accomplice are required in this game. The one illustrating the game leaves the room. His accomplice passes among the ...

Hands Over Head
A leader and his accomplice are necessary to this mystifying game. The leader leaves the room while his accomplice passes around among...

Any number of couples may compete in this game. Arrange two files of Indian clubs, large bottles or ten pins, five in a file, at a dis...

Relay Spelling Race
This game is particularly interesting if the men and women of the party compete. For each team a pronouncer is chosen who takes his pl...

The Purpose
The purpose of play leaders' training classes is to develop volunteer leaders who will carry on recreational program in various school...

Before starting the class, confer with superintendents of schools, churches, and industrial leaders, and send to all institutions in t...

The Course
Experience shows that ten lessons of one hour's duration each will be sufficient in which to present a total of thirty games with such...

Recognition For Attendance
If the instructor deems it advisable, a certificate of attendance testifying to the interest shown by the student may be presented at ...

Ring Taw
This is played in the following manner:--A circle should be drawn about four feet in diameter, and an inner circle of about six inc...

Lag Out Or Knock Out
This game is played by throwing a marble against the wall, which rebounds to a distance. Others then follow; and the boy whose marble ...

Three Holes
Three Holes is not a bad game. To play it, you must make three small holes about four feet apart: then the first shot tries to shoo...

To play arches, the players must be provided with a board of the following shape, with arches cut therein; each arch being a little...

Bonce-Eye is played by each player putting down a marble within a small ring, and dropping from the eye another marble upon them so as...

Sun And The Planet Taw
This is an entirely new game, and consists of the Sun in the centre, which may be represented by a bullet, because the sun is the m...

Motions Of The Planets And Their Satellites
10. When a planet is knocked out of the outer ring (the orbit of Herschel), it belongs to him who strikes it out: the loser must repla...

To play Pyramid, a small circle of about two feet in diameter should be made on the ground, in the centre of which is a pyramid formed...

Prisoners' Base
To play this, there must be a number of boys, not less than eight or ten, and as many more as can be got together. To commence it, two...

Stag Out
In this game, one boy personates the Stag, and with his hands closed together, starts from his bounds after the other players. When he...

This game is something similar to another very good game called "Warning," which may be played by any number of players. One begins th...

Mouse In The Corner
In this game, one of the players takes the part of Puss, and places himself in the centre, and the others playing take up their positi...

King Of The Castle
This is not a bad game. One player, called King of the Castle, places himself on a little rising mound; the other players endeavour to...

This game is something like the preceding, only that one boy mounts on the back of another, who is called his Horse, another boy do...

Thread The Needle
This is a good game,--any number of boys may play it. It is begun by joining hands; and the two outside players at each end commence t...

This is a game of speed. One volunteers to be Touch, and he pursues the other players till he comes up with one of them and touches hi...

"I will play at _Bowls_ with the sun and moon."--_Byron._ "He who plays _Bowls_ must expect rubbers."--_Bowles._ This i...

"_Quoit_ me down, Bardolph."--_Shakspeare._ The game of Quoits resembles Bowls. It is played with flat rings of iron of variou...

Why And Because
This is also a new game, and one of those that combine amusement and instruction. To play it, a king must be chosen, who is called ...

Bombardment Of A Snow Castle
There is no game like this for promoting warmth and exercising the ingenuity. To play this, a Snow Castle, Tower, and Fort must be co...

Bandy Ball Or Golf
This game is played with a bat and a small ball; and the game consists in driving the ball into certain holes made in the ground. Some...

Foot Ball
Foot Ball is a very simple game. A large soft ball is procured (which is now made of Gutta Percha), and the players having assembled a...

This is an excellent game. In some places it is called "Cock Fighting." To play it, two players must be matched against each other, an...

Follow My Leader
Follow my Leader is a very good game; and when the Leader is a droll boy, causes much fun and laughter. The leader starts off at a ...

Blindman's Buff
In this game, a person is blindfolded, and endeavours to catch any one of the players, who, if caught, is blindfolded and takes his pl...

For this game a piece of wood must be procured about six inches in length and two inches thick, of the following shape:-- that i...

This game is common to the West of England, and is called a "Jingling Match." It is played by a number of players being blindfolded wi...

French And English
French and English is another good game. A rope being provided, two players stand out, and after having cleeped for first choice, sele...

Heap The Bushel
This is a very dangerous game, if it can be called a game. Should one boy happen to fall, it is the practice of other boys to fall upo...

Drawing The Oven
This is another dangerous game. It consists of several players being seated on the ground in a line, clasped by each other round the w...

This is a silly game. It is calculated to wear out the shoes. ...

Basting The Bear
This is another silly game. A boy, who is called the "Bear," kneels down on the ground in a ring marked out, to let the other boys bea...

Buck Buck
"Buck, Buck, how many horns do I hold up?" is also a stupid game. It neither requires speed, nor agility, nor wit. The game is played ...

All boys, and girls too, ought to train themselves to habits of agility, and nothing is more calculated to do this than Gymnastics, ...

First Course
EXERCISE 1. The pupil should hold out his hand at arm's length, until he can hold it out no longer, and repeat it until he has power i...

These preliminary exercises having been practised, the young pupil will commence a course of more advanced exercises, such as walking,...

In running, as the swiftness of the motion steadies the body in its course, without the aid of the oscillations of the arms, they are ...

In leaping, that with the run, is the most common and the most useful. The object of the run is to impart to the nerves of the body a ...

In climbing the rope, the hands are to be moved one above the other alternately; the feet should be crossed, and the rope held firm...

The Rope Ladder
The climber must keep the body stretched out, and upright, so as to prevent the steps, which are loose, from being bent forward. Th...

The Slant Board
This should be seized with both hands, the feet being placed in the middle. The board should be considerably aslant when first atte...

This exercise may be practised on that part of the balancing bar between the posts. It may be performed with or without running: it sh...

There are two kinds of balancing to which we shall allude; namely, the balancing of other bodies, and the balancing of our own. All...

Cricket is the king of games. Every boy in England should learn it. The young prince of Wales is learning it, and will some day b...

Single Wicket
Single wicket may be played with any number of players, and is better than double wicket for any number of players under seven. At dou...

Laws Of The Game Of Double Wicket
"Law, is law," said Evergreen; "laws must be rigidly obeyed, and, therefore, I will read the articles of war for your edification. The...

The Bowler
9. The bowler must deliver the ball with one foot behind the bowling-crease, and bowl four bowls before he changes wickets, which he ...

The Striker
Is OUT, if either of the bails be struck off by the ball, or either of the stumps struck out of the ground. He is OUT, if the ball,...

The Wicket-keeper
The wicket-keeper should not take the ball for the purpose of stumping, until it have passed the wicket. He shall stand at a proper di...

The Umpires
The umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play, and all disputes are determined by them, each at his own wicket. They shall n...

Laws For Single Wicket
1. When there shall be less than four players on a side, bounds shall be placed, twenty-two yards each, in a line from the off and leg...

1. No bet is payable in any match unless it be played out or given up. 2. If the runs of one player be betted against those of anoth...

Cricket is played by twenty-two persons, eleven on each side, and two umpires, with two persons to score and count the innings. Thirte...

No boy should be unable to swim, because it is essential to the preservation of life; but the attainment of the art has been held t...

Preliminary Exercises In Swimming
We have shown that much of the art of swimming depends upon having confidence, and that that confidence is speedily dissipated upon th...

Bernardi's System
_Upright swimming._--This is a new mode of swimming, introduced by Bernardi, a Neapolitan, and consists in adopting the accustomed mot...

We read in the sacred records, that when man was created, he was placed in a "Garden,"--the Garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it...

Laying Out The Ground
30 yds. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ...

It is of no use whatever to think of getting things to grow without manure. This is the life and soul of all garden operations. Almost...

Gardening Tools
It is quite necessary that a young gardener should have proper tools. He should have a small but strong _spade_, a small but strong _r...

The young gardener should practise digging, with a view to digging well. In beginning to dig a piece of ground, he should first clear ...

Gardens will always produce a great deal more than is wished for, in the shape of various herbs, shrubs, and plants, called weeds; suc...

Planting And Sowing
Everything in a garden must be planted in some way or other, and there are many ways of planting and sowing. Sowing relates more parti...

Hot-beds And Frames
Before we can sow many kinds of seeds in this country in the open ground, it is necessary to raise them first in a hot-bed, and for...

Open Crops
In the sowing of open crops, care should also be taken to sow at the proper time. Very early sowing is generally hazardous, but yet, i...

When seeds are sown, the beds should be nicely raked. Some seeds, such as carrot and parsnip seeds, should be beaten down with the fla...

The hoe is of very great use, both to hoe up weeds and to form drills. We have spoken about its former use, and shall now say a word o...

There are a great many vegetables which require to be transplanted,--some from the hot-bed, and some from the open ground, where they...

Boys generally fancy there is nothing like watering, and they are very pleased when they get the watering-pot in their hands. They alw...

On The Propagation Of Various Kinds Of Shrubs And Plants
Besides sowing seed and rearing plants from them by transplanting, there are many other ways of propagating plants, namely, by _off-se...

Little gardeners ought to know something of pruning trees. To cut or prune gooseberry and currant-trees is very simple. Gooseberry-...

Grafting And Budding
Grafting is the transferring of a shoot of one tree into the stem of another, called the _stock_. Into this a slit is made; and then t...

Shifting Of Crops
Crops must not be grown twice in rotation on the same ground. Peas and beans should be the crop after any of the roots, such as potato...

How To Manage A Little Garden All The Year Round
JANUARY. The chief wish of the little gardener this month is to take advantage of the hard frosts, and during their prevalence, to ...

Uses Of The Various Tools
THE SAW.--Before a saw can be used after it is purchased, it generally has to be "set," as it is termed; that is, its teeth are to be ...

The young carpenter will find it very difficult to work without stuff. He ought, therefore, to purchase a deal sawed into planks or bo...

The young carpenter ought to be fond of work; and to feel a pleasure in it. Should this be the case, there is scarcely an end to his l...

Keeping Poultry
Keeping poultry is an innocent amusement both for boys and girls. Domesticated animals, unlike the free inhabitants of the country, ...

Nature And Situation Of Fowl-house
The situation of a fowl-house should be such as to afford sun and warmth in winter and spring, and shade in summer. It should be we...

The Various Breeds Of Fowls
These are very numerous, and are becoming more so every day. Among them are the following:-- ...

The Dorking Breed
So named from the town of Dorking in Surrey. It is one of the largest of our fowls. It is of an entire white colour, and has five claw...

Poland Breed
The Poland fowls are greatly esteemed, but they are seldom to be met with pure in this country. They were originally imported from Hol...

Spanish Breed
The Spanish fowl, with the Hamburg and Chittagong, is a very large fowl, laying large eggs, and all seem more or less allied to the Po...

This breed is small, but very beautiful. It came originally from India. They are frequently feathered to the toes; but booted legs are...

Choice Of Stock
In commencing fowl-keeping, it is important to choose young and healthy sorts. There should be a two year old cock, and pullets in the...

Food And Feeding
Fowls must be well fed, but they should not have too much. Over-feeding is as bad for fowls as for men. They ought not to be fed with ...

The early period of spring, and after a cessation at the end of summer, are the two periods at which fowls begin to lay. When the peri...

Preservation Of Eggs
To preserve eggs fresh for a length of time, it is only necessary to rub each egg with a small piece of butter, which need not be larg...

Hatching Chickens
The eggs given to the hen to hatch must be perfectly fresh; they should be large in size, the produce of the most beautiful birds, wel...

Any humane person must be unwilling to keep what may be termed "pets," when, as is very often the case, they are taken from the fre...

How To Get A Stock Of Bees
They must be purchased, and the purchaser must take care and procure them of some one upon whom he may depend. This will save a great ...

Counting-out Choosing Sides And Turns Who's It?
Counting-out rhymes and other methods of choosing players for games form one of the most interesting topics in the whole ...

This is a very popular method among children. One player in the group, generally self-appointed, but sometimes chosen by popular cons...

A favorite method of choosing players, especially with boys, is that called "holders" or "hand holders." When a group of boys decides...

Drawing Cuts
In this method of choosing players, a blade of grass or hay or a slip of paper is provided for each player in the group. These should...

Racing Last Over Etc
A popular method of determining who shall be "It" for a game is for the players to race to a certain point, the last one to reach it ...

Choosing Sides
For many games the players are divided into two opposing groups or teams. When there is no special leader or captain for each group, ...

All Up Relay
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players are divided into two or more groups of like number...

Animal Blind Man's Buff
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ One player is blindfolded and stands in the center of a circle wit...

Animal Chase
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Two pens are marked off in distant corners of the playground. One player,...

Arrow Chase
_8 to 16 players._ _Out of doors._ This game is especially adapted to surroundings where a very devious chase may be given, wi...

Automobile Race
_20 to 30 players at once._ _Schoolroom._ This schoolroom game is played with most of the class sitting, being a relay race be...

Barley Break
_6 to 18 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A long, narrow strip of ground is needed for this game, divided into three spaces ...

Baste The Bear
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ One player is chosen to be bear, and sits in the center on a stool...

Bear In The Pit
_10 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A bear pit is formed by the players joining hands in a circle with one in the cen...

Bend And Stretch Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game consists in a sideways passing of two bean bags and two dumb-bells alternately. Th...

Bird Catcher
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom; playground._ Two opposite corners are marked off at one end of the ground or room, the one to...

Black And White
_10 to 100 players._ _Gymnasium; playground; parlor; schoolroom._ One player is chosen as leader, the rest being divided into t...

Blackboard Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ As here explained, this game is adapted to grammar (sentence construction, and pun...

Black Tom
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Two parallel lines are drawn on the ground with a space of from thirty to...

Blind Bell
_5 to 100 players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ All the players but one are blindfolded and scatter promiscuously. The on...

Blind Man's Buff
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ One player is chosen to be blindfolded and stands in the center. T...

Body Guard
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A small space is marked off at one end of the ground as a "home" or goal....

Bull In The Ring
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ All but one of the players stand in a circle with hands firmly clasped. T...

Bunch Of Ivy
_20 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ The players in pairs form a ring. The inner player of each couple ...

Bung The Bucket
_10 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game of leapfrog. The players are divided into two parties. Half of the...

Buying A Lock
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; schoolroom._ Oh, here we all go to buy us a lock; What kind of a lock shall ...

Cat And Mice
_5 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ One player is chosen to be cat, and hides behind or under the teacher's desk. After the cat i...

Cat And Rat
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ One player is chosen for cat and one for rat. The others all form ...

Catch And Pull Tug Of War
_10 to 100 players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ Any number of players may engage in this contest, which is one of the best for a...

Catch Of Fish
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is one of the very strenuous games, and affords opportunity for some...

Catch The Cane
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players, who should be numbered consecutively, stand in a ...

Cavalry Drill
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game of leapfrog. I. Two players make a back. They stand with backs ...

_9 to 12 players._ _Gymnasium; seashore._ The players sit in a circle on the floor, with their feet stretched out and mingled ...

Changing Seats
_20 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game is played in several different forms. The following are very popular. ...

Changing Seat
I The teacher gives the command, "Change right!" whereupon each pupil slips from his own seat to the one across the aisle to the righ...

Changing Seat
II In this form of the game the players in the displaced row run around the room and take the vacant row of seats on the opposite sid...

Charley Over The Water
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ One player is chosen to be Charley, and if there be more than twen...

_5 to 10 players._ _Dark room._ This game is a good one for the loft of an old barn on a rainy day. The writer obtained the ga...

Chicken Market
_5 to 20 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is one of the traditional dramatic games. One player is chosen...

Chickidy Hand
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ One player is chosen to be It, and stands near a post with the fingers of ...

Chinese Chicken
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom; seashore._ This game is played with small blocks of wood or bean...

Chinese Wall
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The Chinese wall is marked off by two parallel lines straight across the ...

Circle Race
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The players stand in a circle a considerable distance apart and face arou...

Circle Relay
_9 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The players stand in three or more divisions in single file, facing to ...

Circle Seat Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game starts with the players all seated, and with an even number in each row. At a sign...

Clam Shell Combat
_2 to 30 players._ _Out of doors; seashore._ Each of the players is provided with an equal number of clam shells; the players ...

Club Snatch
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is one of the best competitive chasing games. A goal is marked off across ...

Cock Stride
_3 to 15 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game is usually played with boys' caps, but knotted handkerchiefs or balls of...

Crossing The Brook
_5 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ This game is a great favorite with little children. A place re...

Cross Tag
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ One player is chosen to be It. He calls out the name of another player, to...

Do This Do That
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom; parlor._ All the players stand facing one of their number who i...

Double Relay Races
_10 to 100 players._ _Schoolroom; playground; gymnasium._ First two rows (Nos. 1 to 14) stand in aisle II and give way to rear ...

Drop The Handkerchief
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ All of the players but one stand in a circle. The odd player runs around ...

Duck On A Rock
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Each player is provided with a stone, called a "duck," about the size o...

Dumb-bell Tag
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ The players stand, scattered promiscuously, one of their number...

Every Man In His Own Den
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Each player selects for himself a den; a post, tree, or other objective po...

(Numbers Change; French Blind Man's Buff) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ One player is blindfo...

Farmer Is Coming The
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ One player, chosen to be the farmer, is seated. The remaining players, st...

Fence Tag
_4 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ This game is a great favorite with boys for outdoor play, but m...

Fire On The Mountains
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A number of stools are placed in a circle with considerable space betw...

Flowers And The Wind The
_4 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors, out of doors._ This game is suitable for little children. The players are divided into tw...

Follow Chase
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ The players stand in a circle with arms stretched sideways, resting on ea...

Follow The Leader
_5 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor; schoolroom._ One player, who is especially resourceful or skillful, ...

Forcing The City Gates
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Two captains are selected, who alternately choose players until all are i...

_10 to 100 players._ _Out of doors; gymnasium._ This is one of the very strenuous games based on the idea of warfare...

Fox And Geese
(For other games sometimes known by this title, see _Fox Trail_ and, in the division of Quiet Games, _Naughts and Crosses_.) _10 ...

Fox And Squirrel
_20 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ The players sit in their seats facing toward the aisles, so that each two adjacent lines hav...

Fox Trail Double Rim
(Fox and Geese; Half Bushel) .) _3 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors; indoors; snow._ This form of Fox Trail, ...

Fox Trail Single Rim
(Fox and Geese; Half Bushel) .) _3 to 20 players._ _Out of doors; snow; seashore; gymnasium._ This is one of the f...

French Tag
_4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ In this form of tag certain boundaries are agreed upon beyond which player...

Frog In The Middle
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ One player is chosen for the frog, and sits in the center on the f...

Garden Scamp
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom; parlor._ This game is a great favorite with children, and may b...

Going To Jerusalem
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; schoolroom._ A row of chairs is placed in the center of the room, so that they ...

Good Morning
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Schoolroom; parlor._ This is a very pretty sense-training game cultivating discriminat...

Guess Who
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor; schoolroom._ Where there are more than ten players, it is desirable...

_5 to 10 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is one of the traditional dramatic games, obviously an abbreviated ...

Hang Tag
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ One player is It, or chaser, and changes places with any other player whom he ca...

Have You Seen My Sheep?
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; parlor; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players stand in a circle. One walks around on the...

Hide And Seek
The following games of hiding and seeking will be found in alphabetical order Hide and Seek I spy! Ring-a-lie-...

Hide And Seek 2
_2 to 20 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is a simple form of "I spy," played by very little children. One cove...

Hide The Thimble
(Magic Music) _5 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom; parlor._ One player is sent from the room; while absent, one of those remainin...

High Windows
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ All of the players but one join hands in a circle. The odd player in the ...

Hill Dill
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Two parallel boundary lines are drawn from thirty to fifty feet apart; or...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground._ All of the players stand in an informal group. One of them is provided with a stick a...

Home Tag
_4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ One player is It, or chaser, and changes places with any one whom he can t...

Hopping Relay Race
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ A starting line is drawn on the ground, behind which the players stan...

Hound And Rabbit
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ A considerable number of the players stand in groups of three,...

How Many Miles To Babylon?
_10 to 100 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ The players are divided into two lines and stand facing each other, with a dista...

Huckle Buckle Bean Stalk
_5 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom; parlor._ This game is a form of Hide the Thimble. A thimble, cork, ring, or other small obje...

Hunt The
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The ground is marked off with two goals at opposite ends by parallel line...

Hunt The Fox
_20 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The players stand in two parallel lines or files facing to the front, wit...

Hunt The Slipper
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; seashore; gymnasium._ All of the players but one sit in a circle, with the feet drawn up a...

Indian Club Race
_10 to 100 players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ This game is an adaptation of the Potato Race. See also the related ga...

I Say Stoop!
_5 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ This game is a variation of the old familiar game "Simon says,"...

I Spy
(See _Hide and Seek_ for list of other games of this type.) _3 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors; indoors._ One player i...

Jack Be Nimble
_10 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ This game is suitable for very little children. Some small object abo...

Jacob And Rachel
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ All of the players but two form a circle with clasped hands. The t...

Japanese Crab Race
_2 to 60 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ If there be but few players for this game, it may be played as a simple ra...

Japanese Tag
_4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ One player is chaser, or It, and tries to touch or tag all of the other pl...

Johnny Ride A Pony
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game of leapfrog. The players are divided into two even parties, except...

Jumping Relay Race
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players are lined up in several single files behind a star...

Jumping Rope
(Skipping) _3 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Jumping a rope is admirable for both boys and girls, combining much ...

Jump The Shot
(Sling Shot) _10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ For this game a shot bag, such as is used to weight t...

(Flower Garden) _5 to 30 or more players._ _Schoolroom; parlor; playground._ This is a quiet game, and makes a pleasant and ...

Lady Of The Land
_4 to 10 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is one of the old dramatic games in which various parts are enacted...

Lame Fox And Chickens
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ One player is chosen for the fox, and stands in a den marked off at one e...

Last Couple Out
(Widower; Last Pair Pass) _11 to 31 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ An odd number of players is required for this...

Last Man
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This is a schoolroom adaptation of the game usually known as "Three Deep," or "Thi...

Leader And Footer
_50 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a leapfrog game. One player is chosen to be "back," and he choose...

The back Any player who bends over to make a back for others to leap over is called the "back." He must rest his hands on...

Leapfrog 2
_2 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The first player makes a back, standing either with his back or his side toward t...

Leapfrog Race
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The players are lined up in two or more single files, as for the simplest form o...

Letting Out The Doves
_3 to 30 players._ _In doors or out of doors._ This game is particularly suitable for young children. The players stand in gro...

Lost Child The
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Schoolroom; parlor; playground; gymnasium._ This is a quiet game designed to test the memory, and ...

Master Of The Ring
_2 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A circle is drawn on the ground. The players stand shoulder to shoulder in...

Maze Tag
(Line Tag; Right Face) _15 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; house party._ All but two of the players stand in parall...

_10 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors._ This game may be one of the funniest possible for a house party. The players sit around...

(Twelve O'clock at Night) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; classroom._ One player is the fox and the othe...

Moon And Morning Stars
_5 to 20 players._ _Out of doors._ This game is played when the sun is shining. One of the players is the moon, and takes her ...

Mother May I Go Out To Play?
This is one of the old traditional dramatic games and is found in many countries. One player represents a mother, and t...

Mother Mother The Pot Boils Over!
_5 to 11 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is a traditional dramatic game. One player represents an old witch, an...

My Lady's Toilet
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ This a French form of a game known in America as Spin the Platter. Each of t...

Numbers Change
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players stand in a large circle and are numb...

_5 to 60 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ This game is a test of visual memory. When played in a parlor, all the players are se...

Odd Man's Cap
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Twelve players make the best-sized group for this game; where there are m...

Old Buzzard
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground._ This is one of the old dramatic games, probably better known in America tha...

Old Man Tag
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ The players are in groups of two rows each, which play together. These two rows face away fr...

Old Woman From The Wood
(For boys, see _Trades_.) _10 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; playground; schoolroom._ The players are divided into two eve...

Oyster Shell
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ Two parallel lines are drawn across the center of the playground, with a space o...

_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a leapfrog game in which the distance of the back from the jumpin...

Partner Tag
_4 to 100 players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ All of the players but two hook arms in couples. Of the two who are f...

Pebble Chase
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; out of doors._ One player, who is the leader, holds a small pebble between t...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ This is a game of chase, an advancing line (rank) of players turning and f...

Pitch Pebble
_4 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; seashore._ This game may be played with pebbles, shells, or nuts, each player having two or ...

_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; seashore._ A circle is marked on the floor or ground considerably smalle...

Poison Snake
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ The players join hands to form a circle. About fifteen Indian clubs or te...

Pom Pom Pullaway
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors._ This game is often played between the curbings of a city street, but is suitable fo...

Poor Pussy
_5 to 20 players._ _Parlor._ The players sit in a circle, except one who is chosen for Poor Pussy. Pussy kneels in front of an...

Potato Races
Four forms of Potato Race are here given as follows POTATO RACE I. Individual competition; rules of Amateur Athl...

Potato Rac
I (For individual competitors) _2 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The simpler and usual Potato Race i...

Potato Rac
II (Team competition) _10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; seashore._ The first description here given is for an in...

Potato Shuttle Relay
_20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; seashore._ This first description is for an informal game. This is followed by ru...

Potato Spoon Race
_6 to 60 players._ _Parlor; playground; gymnasium._ This is a form of potato race that may afford much amusement, especially f...

Prisoner's Base
Prisoner's Base is one of the most popular games for both boys and girls who are beginning to care for team organization, ...

Puss In A Corner
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Schoolroom; playground; gymnasium._ All of the players but one are disposed in the corners or at c...

Puss In The Circle
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A large circle is marked on the ground or floor. One player, who is Puss,...

Railroad Train
_10 to 100 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom; out of doors._ Each player is named for some object on a train, such as engine, bagg...

Red Lion
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A place is marked out at one side or end of the ground called the den. In ...

(Ring-a-lee-ve-o) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors._ This is a form of Hide and Seek in opposing parties. Play...

_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ This may be made a very amusing game for young children. One is chosen fo...

Robbers And Soldiers
_10 to 100 players._ _Out of doors._ This game is best played in the country, where there are woods in which the rob...

Rolling Target
_2 to 30 players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ This game consists in shooting or hurling through a rolling hoop a stick or gymnas...

Round And Round Went The Gallant Ship
_4 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is a simple little game for very little children, consisting simply i...

Run Sheep Run!
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors._ This is a form of hide-and-seek, but the hiding and the seeking are done...

Saddle The Nag
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game of leapfrog. The players are divided into equal parties, wi...

_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; house party._ This is a game of hide and seek that reverses some of the usual methods...

Schoolroom Tag
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ A circle about three feet in diameter is drawn on the floor in the front of the room and ser...

Shadow Tag
_4 to 60 players._ _Out of doors._ This is a very pretty form of tag, suitable for little children, and they delight...

Shuttle Relay
(Double Relay) _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This form of relay race is especially adapted to large num...

_10 to 30 players._ _Out of doors; barn._ This game is suitable for a barn; the greater the number of open doors and windows a...

Single Relay Race
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game differs from the track event known as a Relay Race. The form...

Skin The Goat
_6 to 20 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game of leapfrog, differing from Saddle the Nag in the...

Skyte The Bob
_2 to 10 players._ _Playground; seashore._ _Note. The word "skyte" means a sharp, glancing blow, and as here used i...

Slap Catch
(Hands Up) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players stand in a circle, with one in the c...

Slap Jack
(Herr Slap Jack; Skipaway) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ The players stand in a circle, clasp...

Slipper Slap
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This game is played with a slipper, or a piece of paper folded in several...

Smuggling The Geg
_10 or 30 to more players._ _Out of doors._ This is an old Scotch game, evidently an outgrowth of smuggling. The "ge...

Snow Dart
_2 to 10 players._ _For the snow._ This game is played with a wooden dart about eight inches long, whittled out of wood about ...

Snow Snake
_2 to 10 or more players._ _For the snow._ This game is played by skimming or skipping sticks over the hard surface of the sno...

Spanish Fly
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game of leapfrog in which the leader (first over) sets feats for...

_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; indoors._ This is a game played by snapping buttons against a wall, their landing point dete...

Spin The Platter
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ All the players are numbered and seated in a circle, except one, who s...

_10 to 30 players._ _Children's party; adult house party._ All but one of the players stand in a circle. The odd player is bli...

Squirrel And Nut
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ All of the pupils but one sit at their desks with heads bowed on the arms as though sleeping...

Squirrel In Trees
_10 to 100 players._ _Schoolroom; playground; gymnasium._ This game is very like Hound and Rabbit, but is a little less exciti...

Stage Coach
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; schoolroom; gymnasium._ A leader is chosen who has a faculty for telling a story. This lea...

Stake Guard
_10 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game is one of the forms of Duck on a Rock, and in this form...

Stealing Sticks
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The ground is divided into two equal parts, with a small goal marked...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The ground is marked off by two parallel lines from fifty to two hundred f...

Still Pond No More Moving!
(Still water, still water, stop!) _5 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground._ One player is blindfolded; the...

_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ A large circle is drawn on the ground or floor in the center of the play ...

Stoop Tag
("Squat" Tag) _4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ One player is It and chases the others, trying to tag one ...

Sun Dial
_2 to 10 players._ _Gymnasium; playground; seashore._ A circle from twelve to twenty feet in diameter is drawn on the ground. ...

The game of plain, old-fashioned Tag may be made great sport, especially if suddenly and unexpectedly commenced in a group...

Tag 2
_4 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ Tag in its simplest form may be started by any one of a group of players suddenly ...

Tag The Wall Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ The players should all be seated, an even number in each row of seats. At a signal, the last...

Ten Steps
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; indoors._ This is a game of hide and seek and like all such games is best played wher...

Thimble Ring
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ All of the players but one stand in a circle, each one clasping with his ...

Third Man
_15 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game is another form of the game commonly known as Three De...

Third Slap
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players should be divided into groups of from five to ten e...

Three Deep
_15 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game is one of the standard favorites for both children and adults. ...

Tommy Tiddler's Ground
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The ground is divided by a line into two equal parts. One of these belongs...

Tossing Wands
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ This game is played in two forms, line form and circle form. ...

_10 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This game is the boys' form of the game played by girls as "Old Woman fro...

Tree Party
_5 to 60 players._ _Out of doors._ In these days of nature study this game is especially appropriate. It may be used on any gr...

Triple Change
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ The players form a circle, with the exception of three who stand i...

Tug Of War
(See _Catch and Pull Tug of War_ and _Wand Tug of War_; also _Contests for Two_, under "Feats and Forfeits.") ...

Under The Cuckoo's Nest
_5 to 30 players._ _House party; out of doors._ One player is chosen as leader, and stands up, generally with his back against...

Vaulting Seats
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game is played the same as Changing Seats, except that the pupils vault over the seats ...

Wand Race
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ An objective line, fence, or wall is chosen, and from ten to t...

Wand Tug Of War
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game is played with wooden gymnastic wands, from three to five feet in leng...

Water Sprite
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ The players stand in two lines facing each other, with a large open space...

Weather Cock
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This game, besides offering much sport, may be made to serve a useful purpose in familiarizi...

Wee Bologna Man
_2 to 60 or more players._ _Parlor; playground; schoolroom._ "I'm the wee Bologna Man. Always do the best you can, ...

Whip Tag
(Light the Candle; Beetle-goes-Round) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This game may be played with a kn...

Who Goes Round My Stone Wall?
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ There are two ways of playing this game. The one first describe...

_9 to 25 players._ _House party._ An uneven number of players are required for this game. Enough chairs are placed in a circle...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors._ This is an admirable hide and seek game where there are many hiding places, as in a...

Wood Tag
_3 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors; gymnasium._ This is a game of tag. When there are more than thirty players, it is de...

Yards Off
_3 to 30 or more players._ _Out of doors._ This is a form of I Spy or Hide and Seek, and seems indigenous to New Yor...

Author's Initials
_2 to 60 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ Each player is given a piece of paper on which is written various series or groups of...

B Game
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player is given a sheet of paper with numbered questions prepared like the foll...

Bargain Counter
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player is provided with a paper and pencil. The following is either written on ...

Beast Bird Or Fish
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ The players stand or are seated, preferably in a circl...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom; parlor._ This is a quiet game, as distinguished from those requi...

Cake Sale
_Any number._ _Parlor._ Each player is given a card or sheet of paper prepared with the following questions, or they may be di...

Cat Party
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player is provided with a sheet of paper on which are written the following que...

_10 to 30 players._ _House party._ Each player is provided with two slips of paper, and also with another full sheet of paper ...

Cross Questions
_10 to 60 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ All but one of the players sit in two rows facing each other, those directly opposit...

Dumb Crambo
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor._ The players are divided into two parties. One party goes outside of the room, and those ...

Find The Ring
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The players sit in a circle, holding in their hands a long piece o...

Flower Match
_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors._ This is one of the pretty Oriental games recorded from Korea by Mr. Culin, and is...

Grass Blade
_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors._ This is a pretty game for little children, recorded by Mr. Culin, as played by th...

Hands Up Hands Down
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This is a schoolroom adaptation of Up Jenkins, and is designed especially for use as childre...

Hen Roost
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ Each of the players except one chooses a word, which should be the name of so...

_5 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ This game is played very much like "Simon says." It is a quiet game th...

_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ For this game it will be necessary to prepare slips of paper, one for each player. A...

Leaf By Leaf
_Any number of players._ _Out of doors; indoors._ A basket of leaves is provided, no two of the leaves being alike. These may ...

Literary Lore
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player is given a sheet of paper on which the following questions are written. ...

1. What poem is it that sings down the vale The Brook. 2. What is the poem whose father is king The Princess. 3. ...

1. What poem is it that helps to shoe your horse The Village Blacksmith. 2. The poem that needs an umbrella ...

_2 players._ _Indoors; schoolroom; seashore._ This is a quiet game in which the players are all seated. A diagram is drawn ...

Minister's Cat The
_Any number of players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ The first player says, "The minister's cat is an avaricious cat," using an adje...

Music Box
_3 to 60 players._ _House party; schoolroom; playground._ Each player is given a slip of paper and pencil. Some one who has a ...

My Lady's Lap Dog
_5 to 30 of more players._ _Parlor._ My lady's lapdog. Two plump partridges and my lady's lapdog. Three gr...

Naughts And Crosses
_2 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ A diagram is drawn on a slate, paper, or the ground, and consists of two vertical lin...

Nimble Squirrel
_Any number of players._ _Schoolroom; parlor; playground._ This is a device for mental arithmetic. It is one of which ...

Penny Wise
_5 to 30 players._ _House party._ Each player is provided with a bright new penny (of design prior to 1909), a piece of paper,...

Planting A Garden
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player is provided with a sheet of paper and a pencil. The game consists in one...

Prince Of Paris
_10 to 30 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ A player is chosen as leader; the others are numbered consecutively from one up, and...

_Any number of players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ Each player is given a card or slip prepared with the following questions, or t...

_2 players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ One player holds on his upturned palm a ruler, a paper knife, or a small thi...

Seeking For Gold
_5 to 15 players._ _Out of doors; seashore._ A handful of small pebbles is collected, and the players sit on the ground in a c...

Shakespearean Romance A
_Any number of players._ _House party; schoolroom._ Each player is provided with a sheet of paper prepared with the following ...

Simon Says
_2 to 60 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ The players sit around a table, or if played in the schoolroom, sit at their respecti...

_3 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom; parlor._ The game here described for use with history may be used simply as a divers...

Tidbits Farmer The
_5 to 30 players._ _House party._ Each player should be given a card or slip of paper on which the following verses are writte...

Tip Tap Toe
_2 to 8 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ INDOORS A circle is drawn on a slate or paper, the size of it varying with the num...

Up Jenkins!
_6 to 20 or more players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ This is one of the most popular current games among young people, being usual...

What Is My Thought Like?
_5 to 30 players._ _Children's party; house party; playground._ The players are seated in a circle or any convenient group. One...

Woodland Lovers The
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player is given a paper on which the following is written or dictated, the word...

_5 to 10 players._ _Parlor; schoolroom._ Each player is provided with ten slips of paper, numbered conspicuously from one to t...

Contests For Two: Wrestling Matches And Tugs Of War
The following group of wrestling matches and races make a very interesting and vigorous form of game with which to close a lesson in ...

ESKIMO RACE ON ALL FOURS The performers stand with hands and feet on the floor, the knees stiff, the hands clinched and resting on th...

Miscellaneous Feats
ANKLE THROW This feat consists in tossing some object over the head from behind with the feet. A bean bag, book, or basket ball, is h...

Many of the things described in the previous section of this chapter may be used as forfeits. Forfeits are used in m...

Did You Ever See A Lassie?
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ This is a game for very little children, and with a little suggestion as ...

Draw A Bucket Of Water
_4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This game is played in groups of four, generally by girls. Two players fac...

Farmer In The Dell
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ The farmer in the dell, The farmer in the dell, Heigh-o!...

_10 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This game is especially enjoyed by little boys, for whom there ...

Itiskit Itasket
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is a form of Drop the Handkerchief, differing somewhat in play, and ...

Keep Moving
_5 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors; schoolroom._ One player is chosen as leader. He repeats or sings the following form...

King Of France The
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ The King of France with forty thousand men Marched up the h...

Kitty White
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is an admirable game for very little children. Their dramatic tenden...

Leaves Are Green
_4 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is a game for small children. The players join hands and form a ring. They da...

Let The Feet Go Tramp
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ Let the feet go tramp! tramp! tramp! Let the hands go clap! c...

London Bridge
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down. ...

Looby Loo
_5 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ Here we dance, looby, looby, looby. Here we dance, looby, looby,...

Muffin Man
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ The players stand in a circle, with one or more in the center. The circle ...

Mulberry Bush
_6 to 60 players or more._ _Indoors; out of doors._ Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulbe...

Nuts In May
_6 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ (Sung to the air of "Mulberry Bush") Here we come gathering nuts in ...

Oats Peas Beans
_6 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ Oats, peas, beans, and barley grows, Oats, peas, beans, and barley grows...

Round And Round The Village
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, ...

_10 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ This is a favorite game with very little children. For large numbers each verse m...

Specifications For Balls Bean Bags Marking Grounds Etc
BALLOONS Gas balloons have been found very useful for quite a large class of games, and are specially suitable for use in the schoo...

Marking Grounds
Where boundary lines are important in a game and need to be seen from a distance, as in many ball games, they should be plainly marked...

Bag Pile
_10 to 100 players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; oat sacks._ The players are divided into two or more e...

Bean Bag And Basket Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ Each player is provided with a bean bag. A waste-paper basket or a box is placed on the floo...

Bean Bag Board
(Faba Gaba) _2 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ This game consists in throwing bean bags through...

Bean Bag Box
_2 to 20 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ A small box measuring not less than six inches square should be...

Bean Bag Circle Toss
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; balls._ There should be a bean bag for each of ...

Bean Bag Ring Throw
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; seashore; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; blocks of wood; stones; shells._ This...

Catch Basket
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Bean bags; gas ball._ The class stands in a circle around the room, each half constitutin...

Criss-cross Goal
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ The class is divided into two teams. Each team is divided into two lines, which stand facing...

Desk Relay
_20 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Bean bags._ The pupils sit on their desks facing the rear of the room and with the toes ...

Fetch And Carry
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom; playground._ _Bean bags._ Each pupil is provided with a bean bag. A circle about fifteen in...

Hand Over Head Bean Bag
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ This is a relay passing race, the different rows of pupils competing with each other in pass...

Jump The Bean Bag
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ The class is divided into two equal divisions or teams. The teams stand in opposite outside ...

Passing Relays
There are several forms of this game, some of which are suited only to young children; others may be full of sport and interest for ...

Passing Race
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; dumb-bells._ The players stand in ranks, and bags are ...

Pass And Toss Relay Single Line
_16 to 60 players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; oat sacks._ The players stand in two or more even ra...

Pass And Toss Relay Double Line
_16 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; oat sacks._ The players are divided into two equal grou...

Target Toss
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; seashore; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Bean bags; stones; shells._ Three concentric circles sho...

Teacher And Class
_5 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; class room._ _Bean bags; balls._ This game may be played with either bean bags or...

Vaulting Relay
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Bean Bags._ The players stand in line in the aisles between the desks, all facing to ...

All Run
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; bean bag._ This game is played with a hand ball or basket b...

Arch Ball
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Basket ball; bean bag; oat sack; any substitute._ This game is ve...

Arch Goal Ball
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ The players are divided into groups, and line up in single file ...

Ball Chase
_4 to 20 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball or substitute._ A row of caps is set against a wall or fence, or a se...

Balloon Ball
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Inflated balloon._ There are two goals, each consisting of a string stretched on opposite...

Balloon Goal
_10 to 100 players._ _Schoolroom; parlor; gymnasium._ _Inflated balloon._ The game is played with two toy balloons, prefe...

Ball Puss
_3 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Gas ball; basket ball; hand ball; bean bag._ This is a form...

Ball Stand
(Burley Whush) _5 to 20 players._ _Out of doors; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; tennis ball._ This game is started by tossing a ...

Ball Tag
_3 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Gas ball; bean bag; basket ball; hand ball._ There are several...

Basket Ball Distance Throw
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ This is an interesting and simple athletic event, a...

Battle Ball
_6 to 12 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; Indian clubs._ This is one of the best and most interesting o...

_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; Indian clubs._ This game resembles Battle Ball in that it con...

Boundary Ball
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ GROUND The ground should measure about twenty feet in width by...

Bound Ball
_10 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Tennis ball; hand ball._ This game somewhat resembles tennis, but is played ov...

Call Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball._ The players are numbered and scatter promiscuously over ...

Captain Ball
Captain Ball is one of the best and most popular games for both children and adults, boys and girls. It is one of the most...

Captain Bal
I _14 players._ _Basket ball; volley ball._ I] This is in some respects a simpler form of Captain Ball than those that fo...

Captain Bal
II _18 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; volley ball._ The distinctive features of this form of Captai...

Captain Bal
III _20 to 40 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; volley ball._ This form of Captain Ball is the most str...

Emperor Ball
(Captain Bal IV) _30 to 40 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ This game is really a form of Captain ...

Progressive Captain Ball
(Captain Bal V) _20 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ This game differs from any other form o...

Schoolroom Captain Ball
_10 to 60 players._ _Gas ball._ TEAM TEAM {_B_ = Bases. {(B) = Bases. I....

Center Base
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; basket ball._ All of the players but one form a circle, wit...

Center Catch Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; basket ball; bean bag._ I. Simple form for little children....

Center Club Bowls
_; _Line Club Bowls (Double)_; _Circle Club Bowls_.) _10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; bea...

Circle Ball
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Hand ball; basket ball; bean bag._ The players stand in ...

Circle Club Bowls
_; _Line Club Bowls (Double)_; _Center Club Bowls_.) _6 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; fo...

Circle Stride Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Foot ball; basket ball._ All but one of the players form a circle, sta...

Club Bowls
Four forms of this game are given in this volume in alphabetic order. Two are in line formation and two in circle formatio...

Corner Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; volley ball._ GROUND The ground is marked off into a ...

Corner Spry
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Balls; bean bags._ The players are divided into four groups, one g...

_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Soft hand ball._ The players scatter over the playground, trying to get as far...

Curtain Ball
_10 to 100 players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ _Basket ball; volley ball._ This is one of the most interesting ball games and...

Dead Ball
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas ball; bean bags._ This game may be played with balls or bean bags. If with balls, a ...

This is one of the most popular gymnasium or playground games. It is here described first for an informal game; then in th...

Dodgeball Informal
(Informal) _10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ This game is a very popular gymnasium or play...

Circle Dodgeball
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ GROUND A circle is drawn on the ground. For practice play, a t...

Double Dodgeball
_20 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ The game is played by two opposing teams in a three-court field,...

Progressive Dodgeball
_15 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ GROUND The ground is divided into three equal courts, each 30 ...

Schoolroom Dodgeball
_10 to 60 players._ _Gas Ball._ The players are evenly divided into two teams. One team takes its place around the outer edge ...

Double Corner Ball
_14 to 100 players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ _2 basket balls._ This game is one of the comparatively few in which a la...

Drive Ball
_10 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; volley ball._ This is one of the most interesting games for playe...

Fist Ball
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlor._ _Volley ball; basket ball; gas ball._ This game is very sim...

Football Tag
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Football._ Each of the players has three points at the beginning of the...

Hand Ball Drill
(Preliminary Ball) _1 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; bean bags._ When little children first b...

Hand Football
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ GROUND The ground should be marked off with boundary li...

Home Run
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas balls or bean bags._ Arrange the players so that all the rows are filled and the same...

Line Ball
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas balls; bean bags._ For this game a line should be drawn on the floor across t...

Line Club Bowls Double
_; _Center Club Bowls_; _Circle Club Bowls_.) _2 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Hand ball;...

Line Club Bowls Single
_; _Center Club Bowls_; _Circle Club Bowls_.) _2 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Basket bal...

Mount Ball
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball; hand ball._ This is a game of ball played by half of the players...

Nine-court Basket Ball
_18 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ This is one of the comparatively few games that gives a lar...

Over And Under Relay
_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Balls; bean bags; substitutes._ This game is a combination o...

_20 to 60 players._ _2 balls or bean bags._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ OBJECTS OF GAME This is a toss and catch g...

Pass Ball Relay
_10 to 100 players. Playground; gymnasium. Basket ball._ Any number of teams may compete, but should contain an equal number o...

Pig In A Hole
_10 to 60 players._ _Playground; seashore; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ Each player should be provided with a stick about t...

Ring Call Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; bean bag._ This game is similar in some respects to Call ...

Roley Poley
(Hat Ball) _5 to 20 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball; bean bag._ A row of holes three or four inches in diam...

Round Ball
_20 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Hand ball; basket ball._ This is an advanced form of Circle Ball, ...

Russian Hole Ball
_3 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; seashore; snow._ _Ball; bean bag; stone._ This game is played with one small ball, in size...

Schoolroom Volley Ball
_10 to 60 players._ _Gas ball._ The players are divided into two teams, and the players in each team number consecutively. A n...

_10 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Any soft ball or bean bag._ This is a combination of Call Ball and Ball Tag, ...

Square Ball
_8 to 32 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ball._ GROUND The ground is marked out in one large square with a base ...

Stool Ball
_5 to 20 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Hand ball._ A stool, box, or inverted pail is set in an open place, and from te...

Stride Ball
(Straddle Club) _10 to 100 players._ _Playground or gymnasium._ _Any ball; indian club; bean bag._ The players are divide...

Ten Trips
_6 to 21 players._ _Playground._ _Baseball; tennis ball._ This game is a competition between two or more teams, and consists...

Tether Ball
_2 to 8 players._ _Out of doors._ This is one of the most delightful and vigorous games, especially adapted to small playing s...

Three Holes
_2 to 10 or more players._ _Out of doors; seashore._ _Small ball._ This game is played by rolling a ball about the size of a...

Toss Ball
_10 to 60 players._ _Schoolroom._ _Gas ball; bean bag._ This game should be played with a light gas ball or a bean bag, whic...

Tree Ball
_5 to 15 or more players._ _Out of doors._ _Football; hand ball; bean bag._ This game is a form of Ball Tag, and may be play...

Volley Ball
_2 to 30 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Volley ball._ This game consists in keeping a large ball in motion back and for...

Wall Ball Drill
_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; gymnasium._ _Hand ball._ This drill consists in throwing a ball against a wall, and ...

Circle Zigzag
_12 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Basket ball; hand ball; bean bag._ This is a game of zigzag ball (...

Line Zigza
I _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Any ball; bean bag._ The players are divided into two or more ...

Line Zigza
II _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Any ball; bean bag._ II] In this form of zigzag ball...

Line Zigza
III (Double Zigzag) _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Any ball; bean bag._ This form of zi...

Zigzag Overhead Toss
_20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Hand ball; basket ball; bean bag._ This game is a variation of Zi...

Blind Man's Buff
"Blind Man's Buff" is one of the best, oldest, and simplest of games. One player is blindfolded, is turned round two or three times to...

French Blind Man's Buff
In French "Blind Man's Buff" the hands of the blind man are tied behind his back and his eyes are left uncovered. He has therefore to ...

Blind Man's Wand
Here the blind man has a stick, one end of which is grasped by the other players in turn. The blind man puts three questions to each ...

Still Pond! No More Moving
The player who is blindfolded is placed in the middle and all the other players touch him. He counts out loud as rapidly as possible u...

Shadow Buff 2
A sheet is stretched across the room. One player stands on one side, and the rest, who remain on the other, pass one by one between th...

The Donkey's Tail
A good-sized donkey without a tail is cut out of brown paper and fixed on a screen or on a sheet hung across the room. The tail is cut...

The Blind Feeding The Blind
This is boisterous and rather messy, but it has many supporters. Two players are blindfolded and seated on the floor opposite one anot...

Deer Stalking
This is a game in which only two players take part, but it is exciting to watch. Both "Deer" and "Stalker" are blindfolded. They are t...

Blowing Out The Candle
A very funny blind game. A candle is lighted and placed in position about the height of a person's head. A player is then placed a few...

Another amusing blind game to watch is apple-snapping. An apple is hung from a string in the middle of the room about the height of th...

Bag And Stick
A good blind game for a Christmas party is "Bag and Stick." A fair-sized paper bag is filled with candy and hung from a string in the...

Puss In The Corner
Each player save one takes a corner. The other, who is the puss, stands in the middle. The game begins by one corner player beckoning ...

Hunt The Slipper
The players sit in a circle on the floor, with their knees a little gathered up. One stands in the middle with a slipper, and the game...

The Whistle
This is partly a trick. A player who does not know the game is put in the middle of the ring, round which a whistle is moving in the w...

He Can Do Little Who Can't Do This
This is partly a trick. The leader takes a cane in his left hand, thumps on the floor several times, and passes it to a player saying,...

This is a very good game. All the company leave the room save one. He stays behind with a thimble, which he has to place in some posit...

Magic Music
One player goes out. The others then hide something for him to find, or decide upon some simple action for him to perform, such as sta...

Hot And Cold
The same game is played under the name of "Hot and Cold." In this case the player is directed by words; as he gets nearer and nearer t...

The Jolly Miller
The one who shall be "it" is decided upon by counting out (see page 134), and he takes his place in the middle of the room. The others...

Going To Jerusalem
Some one sits at the piano, and a long row of chairs is made down the middle of the room, either back to back, or back and front alte...

Stir The Mash
This is another variety of "Going to Jerusalem." The chairs are placed against the wall in a row, one fewer than the players. One of t...

A circle of chairs is made, and all the players but one sit on them. This player stands in the middle and his chair is left empty. The...

This is a game for several little players and two stronger ones. The little ones are the honey-pots, and the others the honey-seller a...

Nuts In May
The players stand in two rows, facing each other and holding hands. A line is drawn on the carpet (or ground) between them. One row th...

Old Soldier
All the players, except one, stand in a line. The other, who is the old soldier, then totters up to the end player, saying-- Here...

My Lady's Clothes
A color-barred game for girls is "My Lady's Clothes" or "Dressing the Lady." The players first decide on what colors shall be forbidde...

Here I Bake
One player stands in the middle. The others join hands and surround her, their aim being to prevent her from getting out of the ring. ...

The Cobbler
The cobbler sits in the middle on a stool or hassock, and the others join hands and dance round him. "Now then, customers," says the ...

The name of this game dates from the period when stiff cylinder-shaped horsehair sofa-cushions were commoner than they are now. One of...

The Day's Shopping
The players sit in a ring, and the game is begun by one saying to the next, "I've just come back from shopping." "Yes," is the reply, ...

Clap In Clap Out
Half the players go out, and the others stay in and arrange the chairs in a line so that there is an empty one next to every person. E...

An extension of this game is "Neighbors." In "Neighbors" half the company are blindfolded, and are seated with an empty chair on the ...

Oranges And Lemons Or London Bridge Is Falling Down
This pleasant old game begins by two of the older or taller players--one being Oranges and the other Lemons--taking places opposite e...

General Post
The players sit round the room in a large circle, and, after appointing a postmaster to write down their names and call out the chang...

Spin The Platter
A tin plate, to serve as platter, is placed in the middle of the room. The players sit round it in a large circle, each choosing eithe...

Kitchen Utensils
This is a variety of "Spin the platter." The players sit in a ring and choose each the name of some kitchen utensil or something used ...

Up Jenkins
The players sit on opposite sides of a table, or in two opposite rows of chairs with a cloth spread over their laps. A quarter or dime...

Hunt The Ring
All the players but one form a circle, with their hands on a piece of string on which a ring has been threaded. The other player stand...

Lady Queen Anne
In this game, which is usually played by girls, one player hides her eyes, while the others, who are sitting in a row, pass a ball fro...

The Feather
A very exhausting game. The players sit round a table and form sides, one half against the other, and a little fluffy feather is place...

Russian Scandal Or Gossip
The players sit in a long line or ring. The first, turning to the second, whispers very rapidly some remark or a brief story. The sec...

All the players sit in a ring, except one, who stands in the middle holding a soft cushion. This he throws at any one of the players a...

Judge And Jury
The players, or jury, form up in two rows facing each other. The judge sits at one end, or passes between the two lines, and asks his ...

Cross Questions
The players sit in a circle, and the game begins by one player turning to the next and asking a question. Perhaps it will be, "Did you...

Ruth And Jacob
One player has his eyes blinded and stands in a circle made by the other players. They dance silently around him until he points at on...

Fly Away!
The player who is chosen as leader sits down and places the first finger of her right hand on her knee. The others crowd round her and...

Hold Fast! Let Go!
This is a very confusing game of contraries for five players. Four of them hold each the corner of a handkerchief. The other, who stan...

The Sergeant
In this game one player represents a sergeant and the others are soldiers whom he is drilling. When he makes an action and says "Do t...

Simon Says Thumbs Up
The players sit about on the floor or on chairs, each holding out on his knee his clenched fist with the thumb sticking straight up. O...

The Grand Mufti
A somewhat similar game of contraries is "The Grand Mufti." The player personating the Grand Mufti stands in the middle or on a chair,...

The Mandarins
There is no contrariness about "The Mandarins." The players sit in a circle, and the game is begun by one of them remarking to the nex...

This test of self-control is rather a favorite; but it is not so much a game as a means of distributing forfeits. The players sit in a...

The Ditto Game
This is another game in which laughter is forbidden. The players sit close together in a silent circle. Whatever the leader does the o...

Another trial of composure. The players choose what positions they will and become as still and as silent as statues. One player is j...

"Laughter" is just the opposite. The company sit in a circle and the game is begun by one throwing a handkerchief into the air. Immedi...

The Concerted Sneeze
One third of the company agree to say "Hish" all together at a given signal, another third agree to say "Hash," and the rest agree to ...

In "Bingo" the players begin by joining hands and marching round, singing-- There was a farmer had a dog His name was Bobby Bi...

Robin's Alive
A good game for the fireside is "Robin's Alive." There are so few children nowadays who have fireplaces that this can be modified so ...

The Mulberry Bush
The players join hands and go round and round in a ring, singing-- Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulb...

Looby Looby
This is another of the old country games in which the players all have to do the same things. They first join hands and dance round, ...

An ear-splitting game that is always great fun. The players stand in rows before the leader or "conductor," who sings a verse from any...

A Good Fat Hen
A nonsensical game, useful in leading to forfeits. The company sit in a row, and one of the end players begins by saying, "A good fat ...

John Ball
The same game may be played also with "The House that Jack Built," and there are other stories of a similar kind. Among these the most...

There is also the old rhyme of "Chitterbob," but it is usual in repeating this to say it all at once, in one round, and not prolong t...

The Muffin Man
"The Muffin Man" is another variety. The players sit in a circle, and the game is begun by one of them turning to the next and asking,...

Family Coach
In "Family Coach" each player takes the name of a part of a coach, as the axle, the door, the box, the reins, the whip, the wheels, th...

The Traveler And The Bicyclist
"The Traveler" is a favorite variety of the "Family Coach." In this game a player with a ready tongue is chosen as traveler, and the ...

Drawing-room Acrobatics
There are various feats which can be performed in a small room without injury to furniture. To lie flat on the floor on one's back and...

Acrobatic Impossibilities
If you hold your hands across your chest in a straight line with the tips of the forefingers pressed together, it will be impossible f...

The Trussed Fowls
In this contest two boys are first trussed. Trussing consists of firmly tying wrists and ankles, bringing the elbows down below the k...

The Candle-lighters
Another balancing game. Two boys face each other, each with a candle, one of which is lighted and the other not. Kneeling on the right...

Hat And Cards
A tall hat is placed in the middle of the room and a pack of cards is dealt out to the players seated round it. The game is to throw t...

Tug Of War
This is properly an outdoor game, but in a big room indoors it is all right. The two sides should be even in numbers, at any rate in t...

High Skip
The players stand in as wide a circle as the size of the room allows, with one player in the middle. He has a rope or heavy cord in hi...

Parlor Football
In this game goals are set up at each end of the room, the players are provided with fans, and the football is a blown hen's egg, whic...

A string is stretched across the room at a height of about three or four feet. The players divide into sides and line up on each side ...

Walking Spanish
This game should not be played unless there are some older, stronger players to prevent possible accidents, but it is very amusing. Ea...

Potato Race
This is a good game for a hall or landing. Two baskets are needed, which are placed at one end of the hall about two yards apart, and ...

At a fire in the country, where there is no hose, a line of men extends from the burning house to the nearest pond, and buckets are c...

In many of the games already described mention has been made of "Forfeits." They do not now play quite so important a part in an even...

Auctioning Prizes
A novel way of awarding prizes is to auction them. Each guest on arrival is given a small bag instead of a tally card. These bags are ...

Five Dots
All children who like drawing like this game; but it is particularly good to play with a real artist, if you have one among your frien...

Outlines Or Wiggles
Another form of "Five Dots" is "Outlines." Instead of dots a line, straight, zigzag, or curved, is made at random on the paper. Papers...

Eyes-shut Drawings
The usual thing to draw with shut eyes is a pig, but any animal will do as well (or almost as well, for perhaps the pig's curly tail j...

Ghosts Of My Friends
While on the subject of novel albums the "Ghost of My Friends" might be mentioned. The "ghost" is the effect produced by writing one's...

Drawing Tricks
Six drawing tricks are illustrated on this page. One (1) is the picture of a soldier and a dog leaving a room, drawn with three strok...

Composite Animals
In this game the first player writes the name of an animal at the top of the paper and folds it over. The next writes another, and so ...

Invented Animals
A variation of this game is for the players to draw and describe a new creature. On one occasion when this game was played every one w...

Heads Bodies And Tails
For this game sheets of paper are handed round and each player draws at the top of his sheet a head. It does not matter in the least ...

Pictures To Order
Each player sits, pencil in hand, before a blank sheet of paper, his object being to make a picture containing things chosen by the co...

Hieroglyphics Or Picture-writing
As a change from ordinary letter-writing, "Hieroglyphics" are amusing and interesting to make. The best explanation is an example, suc...

Pictures And Titles
Each player draws on the upper half of the paper an historical scene, whether from history proper or from family history, and appends ...

Simple Acrostics
There are "Simple Acrostics" and "Double Acrostics." The simple ones are very simple. When the players are all ready a word is chosen ...

Double Acrostics
In "Double Acrostics" the game is played in precisely the same way, except that the letters of the word, after having been arranged in...

Fives The Game
"Fives" is a game which is a test also of one's store of information. A letter is chosen, say T, and for a given time, ten minutes per...

Game Lists
"Lists" is a variety of "Fives." Paper is provided, and each player in turn calls out something which the whole company write down. Th...

Buried Names
The first thing for the players to do is to decide what kind of name they will bury. The best way is to call out something in turn. Th...

Letters And Telegrams
In this game you begin with the Letter. The first thing to write is the address and "My dear ----," choosing whomever you like, but u...

There is also the game of "Telegrams." In this the first thing to write is the name of the person sending the telegram. The paper is ...

Paper is handed round, and each player thinks of some public person, or friend or acquaintance of the company, and writes in full his ...

A more difficult game is "Riddles." At the top of the paper is written anything that you can think of: "A soldier," "A new dress," "A ...

Rhymed Replies
This is a game that needs a certain amount of readiness and some skill with words. Each of the party writes at the top of a piece of p...

Missing Information
Every one is supplied with a piece of paper and pencils and tries to write down correct answers to questions about everyday things whi...

"Consequences" is always a favorite game when a party has reached its frivolous mood. The method of playing is this: Sheets of paper a...

Consequences Extended
The form of "Consequences" above given is the ordinary one and the simplest. But in certain families the game has been altered and im...

Composite Stories
Another folding-over and passing-on game is "Composite Stories." Paper is passed round, and for five minutes each player writes the op...

Another Story Game
A variety of the story game is for each player to write the name of a well-known person or friend of the family on the top of the pape...

Improbable Stories
Another story game is one in which each player attempts to tell the most improbable or impossible story. In this case the papers are n...

The Newspaper
This is a rather elaborate but really very easy game to play. One player, who acts as editor, takes as many sheets of paper as there a...

This is a good game for a company of ingenious people, and it will be found that almost every one is ingenious when confronted with a ...

Card Games And Others
Card games proper, such as Bezique and Cribbage and Whist, do not come into the scope of this book. Nor do games such as Chess, Draugh...

Letter Games
Letters can be used for a round game by one player making a word, shuffling it, and throwing it face upward into the middle of the ta...

Patience Or Thirteens
Many games of "Patience" can be played as well with numbered cards as with ordinary playing cards. It does not matter much what size t...

There can be no real need to describe "Snap," but perhaps it may be useful to have the rules in print here in case of any dispute. A p...

In "Grab," a very rowdy variety of "Snap," a cork is placed in the middle of the table. The rules are the same as in "Snap," except th...

Snap Cards
"Snap" cards may just as well be home-made as bought. They either can be painted, in which case you must be careful that the sets of f...

Old Maid Game
This game can be played by any number, either with a home-made pack or with ordinary playing cards from which three of the queens ha...

Prophecies And Characteristics
This is a memory game and a very amusing one. It is played with two packs of cards of any sort. One pack is laid in a heap, face down,...

The Old Maid's Birthday
This game is utterly foolish, but it can lead to shouts of laughter. It has been founded on an old-fashioned card game called "Mr. Pun...

The Ship Alphabet
The players sit in a long row, as if in a class at school. The one that acts as schoolmaster asks sharply, beginning at one end, "The ...

I Love My Love
This is not played now as once it was. In the old way the players sat in a line and went steadily through the alphabet, each one takin...

My Thought
The players sit in a row or circle, and one, having thought of something--of any description whatever--asks them in turn, "What is my ...

P's And Q's
Another old game of this kind is "P's and Q's." The players sit in a circle and one stands up and asks them each a question in turn. T...

The Elements
The players sit in a circle, and the game is begun by one of them throwing a rolled-up handkerchief to another and at the same time c...

This is a game which people either dislike or like very much. The players sit round the fire or table, and one of them begins by namin...

Quotation Games
This is a game which requires some poetical knowledge. The players sit in a circle and one begins by repeating a line of poetry. The n...

Two Rhyming Games
Rhyming games require more taxing of brains than most players care for. The ordinary rhyming game, without using paper, is for one pl...

Telling Stories
This is another of those fireside games that need more readiness of mind than many persons think a game should ask for. The first play...

The company, according to the number of persons, divides up into two or three or even four groups, or clumps, in different parts of th...

Other Yes And No Games
The same game can be played without such keen rivalry, one player sitting in the midst of a great circle and answering questions in t...

My Right-hand Neighbor
This is a catch game and useless except when one of the company knows nothing about it. That player is sent out of the room, and after...

How When And Where
One player leaves the room, while the others decide on some word, the name of a thing for choice (such as tale, tail), which has one ...

A similar game is called "Coffee-Pot" or "Tea-Pot." In this case also the company think of a word with more than one meaning, but inst...

Throwing Light
This is much like "How, When, and Where," except that instead of asking questions the player, or players, that went out sit still and ...

Animal Vegetable And Mineral
This is also a similar game to "How, When, and Where," except that the player who goes out of the room has, on his return, to guess so...

One or two players go out. The others sit in line and choose a proverb having as many words as there are players. Thus, if there were ...

Shouting Proverbs
In this game, instead of answering questions one by one, when the guesser or guessers come in the players at a given signal shout the ...

Acting Proverbs
This is a very simple acting game. The players should divide themselves into actors and audience. The actors decide upon a proverb, a...

Acting Initials
Two players go out. The others choose the name of a well-known person, public or private, the letters of whose name are the same in nu...

Acting Verbs Or Dumb Crambo
In this game the company divides into two. One half goes out, and the one that remains decides upon a verb which the others shall act ...

Guessing Employments
A very simple game. One player goes out. The others decide on some workman to represent, each pretending to do some different task be...

Stool Of Repentance
One player goes out. The others then say in turn something personal about him--such as, "He has a pleasant voice"; "His eye is piercin...

A sheet, or a screen made of newspapers, is hung up, and two holes, a little larger than eyes and the same distance apart, are made in...

Making Obeisance
This is a trick. Those in the company who have never played the game go out of the room. One of the inside players, who is to represen...

Another trick. The players who are to be mesmerized--among them being the one or two who do not know the game--stand in a row, each ho...

Thought-reading Tricks
In all thought-reading games it is best that only the two performers should know the secret. Of these two, one goes out of the room an...

To Guess Any Number Thought Of
With these thought-reading tricks may be put one or two arithmetical puzzles. Here is a way to find out the number that a person has ...

To Guess Any Even Number Thought Of
In this case you insist on the number chosen being an even number. Let us suppose it is 8. Tell him to multiply by 3 (24), halve it (1...

To Guess The Result Of A Sum
Another trick. Tell the person to think of a number, to double it, add 6 to it, halve it and take away the number first thought of. Wh...

Guessing Competitions
Guessing competitions, which are of American invention, can be an interesting change from ordinary games. In some the company are all ...

Guessing Quantities
Several articles of number are placed on a table, say a box of matches, a bag of beans, a reel of cotton or ball of string, a large s...

The real name of this game may be something else, but "Observation" explains it. A small table is covered with a variety of articles, ...

A more puzzling competition is to place a row of large bottles on the table, all numbered, at the bottom of each of which is a small a...

The Topsy-turvy Concert
The performers in this concert, who should be of nearly the same size, take their places behind a sheet stretched across the room at t...

The Dancing Dwarf
This is a very amusing illusion and easy to arrange. All the players but two are sent out of the room and these stand behind a table. ...

"Charades" can be written in advance and carefully rehearsed, but in this book we are concerned more nearly with those that are arrang...

Dumb Performances
Very good fun can be had also from impromptu pantomimes, where the performers enact some story which every one knows, such as "Aladdin...

Dressing Up
It is, of course, much more fun to dress up; but dressing up is not so important that a charade is spoiled without it. If, on the day ...

Tableaux Vivants
"Tableaux Vivants" are a change from acting, but they need, if done at all well, a great deal of preparation and rehearsal, and are th...

Remarks On Acting
The drawback to all charades and dressing up at a party is that they make away with so much valuable time of the players who are out o...

One of these is the old fashioned game of bean-bag. One rainy morning can be spent in making the outfit. The girls can be occupied in ...

Ring-toss is another game in which skill can be acquired only through practice and it is very good for rainy-days. It is really indoor...

A variation of this can be played with common large nails and brass curtain rings. Eight nails are driven into a board in a circle, l...

A soap-bubble race is easy to arrange and very good fun. An old shawl or blanket is laid on a table or the floor, goals are made at ea...

A game which is good, quiet fun for a rainy day is Jack-stones. Although not played much nowadays it is very interesting and is to in...

Tying Knots
Another occupation for rainy days that will interest several children (as well as one) is puzzling out the construction of some of the...

A competitive game which is easy to manage is hit-or-miss illustrating. Any old magazine (the more the better) will furnish the mater...

A game which is often played on shipboard can be modified for an indoor, rainy day game very easily. This is shuffle-board, all the o...

Balancing Tricks
There are a number of balancing tricks which are easy and ingenious. The secret of most such tricks is in keeping the centre of gravit...

The Dancing Egg
Another good trick that needs a little practice is to make an egg dance. Boil an egg hard, keeping it in an upright position (between ...

The Dancing Pea
A pea can be made to dance on a column of air as you sometimes see a rubber ball rising and falling in a fountain of water. Take a pie...

The Glass-maker
Another trick to play with pins is the glass-making pin. Cut an ordinary rubber band in two, and stick a bent pin through the middle ...

Various tricks can be played by means of the electricity in paper. Ordinary sealing wax, rubbed briskly on a coat-sleeve until it is w...

Battledore And Shuttlecock
"Battledore and Shuttlecock" is equally good for one player or for two. The only game to be played is to see how long the shuttlecock ...

Jumping Rope
Ordinary skipping is good enough fun for most of us, but for those who are not satisfied with it there is skipping extraordinary, one ...

Tom Tiddler's Ground
The player who is first going to be Tom Tiddler stands or sits inside the part of the garden (or room) marked off for him, pretending ...

Old Stone
Another "Tom Tiddler's Ground." One player crouches down pretending to be a stone. The others run round about her, gradually, as she s...

Hen And Chickens
Even more exciting than "Tom Tiddler's Ground" is "Hen and Chickens." In this game one player represents a fox and sits on the ground ...

Other Garden Games
Many of the games described in other parts of this book are good also for the garden; such as "Still Pond! No More Moving!" (p. 4), "P...

"Witches" is a home-made game played thus, according to the description of E. H.--"One player is made witch. A good spot is chosen fo...

The Ballad Game
Another home-made game is described by E. H. thus:--"The game is taken from the player's favorite ballads. In our play the eldest of t...

Counting-out Rhymes
To decide who is to begin a game there are various counting-out rhymes. All the players stand in a circle, surrounding the one who co...

Daisy Chains
The old way of making a daisy chain is to split one stalk and thread the next through it up to the head, as in this drawing. That is f...

Flower Show
A flower-show competition is an excellent garden game. A handkerchief on sticks forms the tent. Underneath this is a bed of sand in wh...

Garden Shop
Shop in the garden or out-of-doors is played with various things that resemble articles of food. Thus you can get excellent coffee fro...

Flower Symbols
In this place a word might be said about some of the curious things to be found in flowers and plants. If you cut the stalk of a brake...

Summer Houses
If the garden has no summer-house or tent a very good one can be made with a clothes-horse and a rug. ...

Ball Games
The simplest thing to do with a ball is to catch it; and the quicker one is in learning to catch well the better baseball player one w...

Ball Games Alone
A boy with a ball need never be very lonely. When tired of catching it in the ordinary way he can practice throwing the ball straight ...

All kinds of races are easy to arrange and these can be repeated from day to day as your proficiency increases. Here are a few. The...

Quoits is a game not played as much as it should be by American boys. It is easy to arrange, for although there is an outfit sold in t...

Duck On A Rock
Duck on a Rock is a variation of Quoits which is excellent fun. One of the players, chosen by counting out, puts a stone (called in th...

Bowling is the best of sports but this usually needs too much apparatus for the average boy to have. Nine pins, however, can be arran...

Hop-scotch is a great favorite which scarcely needs a description, although there are various ways of marking the boards. The game is ...

Strength Tests
Various trials of strength are good for boys out of doors, provided rules are fixed and adhered to. Cane-spreeing is good sport, but ...

Hare And Hounds
Hare and Hounds can be played either in the country or the city and is fine fun, although it should be begun with a short run. In the ...

A game for city pavements or for smooth country roads has so many names that it is difficult to say which is its right one, but a comm...

Other Games
The endless variations of leap-frog should not be forgotten in devising outdoor games: and tournaments of long or broad jumping and h...

The first thing to learn in "Marbles" is the way that the marble should be held. Of course one can have very good games by bowling the...

Ring Taw
Two or three boys with marbles could never have difficulty in hitting on a game to play with them, but the best regular game for sever...

Other Games
Other garden games for boys will be found in the Picnic section. We might mention also "Steps" (p. 4), "Tug of War" (p. 38), and "Pota...

It Touch Last Or Tag
For a short time "It" is a good warming game. It is the simplest of all games. The "It" runs after the others until he touches one. Th...

The name explains the game, which is played as "It" is played, except that you can be caught only when you are not touching wood. It i...

Cross Tag
This is the ordinary "Tag," save that if, while the "It" is chasing one player, another runs across the trail between him and the purs...

The Little Dog
The players form a ring, leaving one outside, who passes round it singing, "I have a little dog and he won't bite you," and as he does...

Hunt The Squirrel
All the players except one join a ring. This one, with a knotted handkerchief in his hand, walks round the outside of the ring for a ...

The players form a ring: all except one, who is "It." This one runs round the ring and touches one of the players in the circle. They...

Twos And Threes Or Terza
A very good picnic game. All the players except two form a large ring, standing in twos, one behind another. Of the two who are over, ...

Hide And Seek
"Hide and Seek," which is perhaps the best out-of-door game without implements, needs no explanation. It is usual to give the player ...

I Spy
"I Spy" combines "Hide and Seek" and "Tag." One player stays in the base, covers his eyes and counts a hundred, while the others run o...

Chevy Or Prisoner's Base
There is no better running game than this. You first pick sides and then mark off the two camps and take up your station there. The f...

French And English
For this game the ground must be divided by a path or line into two territories--French and English. At the further side of each terri...

Black Man
This is rather rough. A line is drawn at each end of the playing place and one player is told off to stand between these lines. The ob...

"Stagarino" is similar to "Black Man," except that all the players who are caught, and whose business it is to catch the others, join...

Red Rover
"Red Rover" is also similar to "Black Man," except that instead of all running at the same time, the "Rover" calls out:-- "Red R...

Hop Step And Jump
This is a change from ordinary racing. The competitors, instead of running against each other, see which can cover the most distance ...

This needs no explaining. It is nearly always good fun for a while, and particularly so if the leader has original ideas. ...

Roadside Whist
In the Channel Islands visitors riding about in large wagonettes pass the time by playing a game called "Roadside Whist." The people o...

Counting Dogs
In a town there are other varieties of roadside whist for two players or sides. Counting dogs is one. In this game one takes all the ...

Guessing Horses' Tails
A good game (writes E. R.) while out for a walk is "when you see a horse coming, guess what color his tail is before he can reach you,...

Except in very dull streets shop-windows can be always entertaining. It is interesting to suppose you have so much money--say five do...

Making Sentences
It is rather exciting for each player to take a side of the road where there are shops and see which can first complete a given senten...

Collecting Jones's
In Mrs. Meynell's book, The Children, one little girl on her walks collected Jones's--that is, shops with the name of Jones over them....

The Love Alphabet
In this game you go through the alphabet, applying adjectives to your love. "I love my love with an A because he [or she] is so admira...

The Cat Alphabet
Another alphabet game requires adjectives to be put before the word cat. You begin with A. "An artful cat," one player may say; and th...

In this game the players each contribute a letter toward the spelling of a word, their object being never to be the one to complete it...

The Grand Mogul
A favorite old game which can be played as well on a walk as indoors is "The Grand Mogul." "The Grand Mogul does not like E's," says o...

This is a counting game in which, whenever the number 7 comes, or a multiple of 7, such as 14, 21, 28, 35, or a number with 7 in it, s...

Rhyming Lights
In this game one player thinks of a word and gives the others a rhyme to it. Thus, she may think of "coal," and she would then say, "I...

The Apprentice
The "Apprentice" is an old game for two or any number. One says, "I apprenticed my son to a [mentioning a tradesman or craftsman], and...

Towns And Products
This is a somewhat similar game bearing on geography. Suppose there are three players. One chooses a well-known place, say Boston, and...

Iron hoops are the best, but it is a matter of taste whether a stick or a hook is used for them. If the stick is a stout one you get r...

Two In Hoop Games
Hoop games are few in number, and, with the exception of "Posting," not very exciting. With a large hoop and a small hoop two players ...

Hoop Posting
A very good hoop game for several players is "Posting." The idea is that a distance is to be covered (as in the old posting days) as ...

The Value Of A Map
A map of the country which the train passes through is an interesting thing to have on a long journey. It tells you the names of the h...

Railway Competitions
Two persons can have good competitions. They can agree beforehand that the game is to go to whichever of them sees the more horses, or...

Railway Whist
This is a kind of "Roadside Whist," the rules for which will be found on page 163. As has been said there, most players will prefer to...

Station Observation
A variety of "Observation" (see page 104) can be played on journeys. While the train is stopping at a station every one looks out of t...

Games With A Watch
If you have a watch it is rather interesting to guess the exact time at which the train will reach the next station. The one who guess...

This is a primitive game, capital for cold weather, for it is well named. It is played by two people, one of whom spreads out his hand...

Pencils And Paper
It is well to take a pencil and paper when you go on a long journey. If the train rocks a good deal it is interesting to see which can...

Noughts And Crosses Or Tit-tat-toe
"Noughts and Crosses" is playable anywhere; all that is needed is a piece of paper--a newspaper will do--and a pencil. The framework i...

Paper French And English
"French and English," another game for two, belongs to the family of "Noughts and Crosses," and can be played anywhere and on any scra...

Letters And Words
A box of letters is an unfailing help to pass the time. A word will sometimes keep a player puzzling for hours, which is, of course, t...

Letters With A Pencil
The word-making game has been adapted into a writing competition. Each of the company is handed a card which has been prepared for the...

This is a more difficult game, very suitable for a tiring journey. The two players sit side by side, and one of them dots out on a pie...

Other Games
Many games usually kept for the house can be played in the train. "Old Maid" (see p. 79) is a good train game; so is "Buz" (see p. 167...

Food is a great help toward shortening a long journey. A little picnic every hour, if it is permitted, is something not too distant to...

Chinese Gambling
This is the simplest game possible but will while away endless hours. It is played with nothing but your hands, which are made to assu...

Among the best toys with which to play alone are bricks, soldiers, balls, battledore and shuttlecock, and dolls. No one needs any hint...

A good game of soldiers is to see how many shots are required from a cannon to kill the whole regiment. The cannon can either be a spr...

With a box of ninepins very much the same game can be played. In wet weather, in the hall, a box of large ninepins is invaluable. ...

Spanish Cup And Ball
A good quiet game to play alone is "Spanish Cup and Ball." A long stick has fastened to it a loop of wire standing out at right angles...

All kinds of balancing games are excellent when you are alone and tired of toys. There is no way to acquire proficiency in these but b...

Bruce's Heart
Where toys become tedious, games have to be made up; and in making up games no outside help is needed. At the same time, some games wh...

The Hotel Camps
Another little girl whom E. H. knew "once spent a short time in a hotel, and while there divided the other people into camps according...

Block City
The little book called A Child's Garden of Verses, by R. L. Stevenson, has several poems which describe how a lonely little boy used ...

And (in "The Land of Story-Books"):-- Now, with my little gun, I crawl All in the dark along the wall, And follow round the ...

The Bed Boat
That is ordinary play. There is also a poem describing play in bed:-- My bed is like a little boat; Nurse helps me in when I ...

Games By Rote
On this subject B. R. L. writes:--"We made a list, which was stuck on the wall with a different game for each night. One was 'I Love m...

The Imaginary Family
E. H. recommends for girls the "Imaginary Family" game. This is her description of it:--"First you have to settle the names, ages, and...

Making Plans
Making plans is always interesting, but particularly so just before Christmas, when presents have to be arranged for. ...

For Getting To Sleep
The favorite way is to imagine that you see a flock of sheep scrambling through a gap in the hedge, and to count them. A variety of t...

Games For Convalescents
A good thing to do in bed when getting better from an illness is to cut out pictures for scrapbooks. Any kind of cutting out can be do...

Bed Soldiers
In A Child's Garden of Verses there is a poem called "The Land of Counterpane," which tells what a little boy did when he was ill, lyi...

China Animals
Dolls are, of course, perfectly at home in bed when you are ill, but there is even more interest in a menagerie. On this subject it wo...

Low Tide
The first thing to do on reaching the seaside is to find out when it is low tide. In each twelve hours low tide comes twenty minutes l...

To boys who wear knickerbockers the preparations for paddling are very simple; but girls are not so fortunate. Lewis Carroll (who wrot...

A Cork Ship
Sailing a good boat in the sea is not the best fun, but there is a kind of boat which is very easily made as you sit on the beach, and...

Wet Clothes
When wading it is just as well not to get your clothes wet if you can help it. Clothes that are made wet with seawater, which probably...

Seaside places where there are rocks and a great stretch of sand are the best. Rocks make paddling twice as exciting, because of the ...

Sand Castles And Other Sand Games
To make full use of the sands a spade is necessary and a pail important. The favorite thing to make is a castle and a moat, and altho...

Seaweed and shells make good collections, but there is no use in carrying live fish home in pails. The fun is in catching the fish, no...

Shell Work
A good use for little shells is to cover small boxes with them. The shells are arranged in a simple pattern and fastened on with glue....

Good Seaside Friends
So many interesting things are to be seen at the seaside that there is no need to be always at play. Fishermen will come in with their...

Making Friends
The most important thing to do when staying at a farmhouse is to make friends with the principal people. The principal people are thos...

On reaching the farm, it is well to make a journey of discovery, in order to learn where everything is. The more one knows about the ...

Finding Hens' Eggs
The farmer's wife usually has charge of the chickens and ducks, but very often it is her daughter or a servant. No matter who it is, a...

Ducks' Eggs
Ducks' eggs, which are rather larger than hens' eggs, and pale green in color, are often more difficult to find. They have to be hunte...

Feeding The Chickens
The farmer's wife also lets her visitors feed the chickens if they are gentle with them and thoughtful. It needs quite a little though...

The Dairy
If the farmer's wife makes her own butter there will be an opportunity to help her. Perhaps she will let you use the skimmer. Turning ...

Bees swarm on hot days in the early summer, usually in a tree, but sometimes in a room, if the window is open, and often in a bush, qu...

The Cows
The man who looks after the cows is a very valuable friend. He may even let you try to milk, which only specially gifted children ever...

In a general way sheep are not very interesting, especially in low-lying farms. But though sheep, as a rule, are dull, there are two ...

The Blacksmith
It may be that while you are at the farm the day will come for having the horses shod, and you may go with them to the blacksmith. The...

One of the advantages of being in the country in spring is that that is the time when birds build. In May the weather is not yet suff...

Blowing Eggs
For blowing eggs a brass or glass blow-pipe is the proper thing, using only one hole, which is made at the side with a little drill. B...

Butterfly-hunting begins when birds'-nesting is done and the weather is hot. Here again it is not the purpose of this book to go into ...

Collecting Flowers
A quieter pastime, but a very interesting one, and also one that, unlike egg-collecting and butterfly-collecting, goes on all the year...

Nuts And Blackberries
In nutting you want a hooked stick with which to pull down the branches. For blackberries a hooked stick is not so important, but it ...

Ponds And Sailing Boats
Near the farm is certain to be either a pond or a stream. If it is a clean and high pond, not in a hollow surrounded by trees, it will...

Little Boats On A Stream
Sailing boats in a stream is little good, because there is no steadiness of wind, but ordinary boats will float along in the current ...

A Stream's Fascination
But there is no absolute need for you to have boats in order to enjoy a stream. There are so many other things to do, not the least i...

Solitary Watchfulness
Indeed, to keep absolutely quiet and watch things happening is for many people one of the most delightful occupations which the countr...

Mice And Moles
In a wood or in any place where there are old leaves, as in a dry ditch, you will usually get through the ear the first tidings of any...

Sometimes the rustling is a snake on his way to a sunny spot where he can bask and sleep. Very slender brown speckled snakes, or blin...

There is a book about bees. Hardly less wonderful are ants, concerning whom there is much curious information in the same work, the r...

Swallows And Hawks
In the flight of birds there is nothing to compare for beauty and speed with the swift, or for power and cleverness with the hawk. On ...

The time to see squirrels is September and October, when the beech nuts and hazel nuts are ripe. In the pictures he sits up, with his ...

A Country Diary
If you are fond of writing you might find a good deal of interest in keeping a country diary: that is to say, a small note-book in whi...

A Camera In The Country
Nothing is said in this book about amateur photography, because to own a camera is still the exception rather than the rule, and if on...

Country Books
In the "Reading" chapter will be found the titles of several books which describe life in the country, and tell you all about the habi...

Dolls' Gardens
One advantage of making the dolls' house yourself is that you can arrange for it to have a garden, a provision rarely made by toy-shop...

Garden Chairs And Tables
Garden seats and tables can be made of cardboard and cork. For a seat, take a card two or three inches long and not quite as broad. Ma...

The House
A dolls' house can be made of almost any kind of box. For the simplest and smallest kind cigar boxes can be used and the furniture mad...

Fireplaces, which can be bought or made at home, should be put in next. To make one yourself, take a strong cardboard-box lid about fo...

A Furnishing Game
A splendid game of shop can be played while the furnishing is going on: in fact, from the moment you have the bare house a board or si...

Windows have been mentioned, but they are not by any means a necessity. Yet even if you cannot have windows, you should put up curtai...

The floors can be stained or painted either all over or round the edges. Carpets are better not made of ordinary carpet, for it is muc...

General Remarks On Furnishing
In another place in this book (pp. 228-233) will be found instructions for making furniture for very small and simple dolls' houses; b...

Beds can be made of cardboard-boxes of different sizes. The box turned upside down makes the bed itself, and the cover should be fixed...

Bead Furniture
Chairs can be made with wire, beads, a little silk or cotton material, some cardboard and cotton-wool. To make a chair in this way,...

Pictures for the walls can be made very easily. The picture itself will be a scrap or tiny photograph. This is pasted on a piece of c...

Bookshelves And Books
The simplest bookshelves are those that hang from a nail on the wall. They are made by cutting two or three strips of cardboard of the...

Other Articles
A dolls' house ought to be as complete as possible, and though this will take a long time it is absorbingly interesting work from star...

The Inhabitants
As to dolls, the more the merrier. They are so cheap and can be dressed so easily that it seems a great pity not to have a large fami...

Dressing Dolls
It is rather difficult to dress these tiny dolls so that their clothes will take off and on, but it is much better to do so if possibl...

Dolls' Dinner Parties
Dolls occasionally require parties. The food may be real or imitation. If real,--such as currants and raisins, sugar and candied peel,...

Dolls' Flats
Just as people live not only in houses but in flats, so may there be dolls' flats as well as dolls' houses. A dolls' flat consists of ...

Smaller Dolls' Houses
So far we have been considering larger dolls' houses. But there are also smaller ones, which naturally require much smaller furniture....

Cork And Match-box Furniture
This furniture, if very neatly made, can be very successful, and it costs almost nothing. Plain pins will do quite well, although the ...

Cut a round or square piece of cork about quarter of an inch thick and one inch across. Cover it with a piece of silk or velvet, ma...

Chestnut Chairs
an be made of chestnuts. The flatter side of the nut is the seat, and in this are stuck pins for the back (and arms if necessary),...

For a sofa a piece of cork about two inches long and half an inch thick is needed. This must be covered, and then quite short pins stu...

Round tables can be made best of different-sized pieces of cork, with very strong pins for legs; and square ones of the outside of ...

Several small pieces of cork may be covered to make foot-stools. ...

Standard Lamp
A serviceable standard lamp can be made by taking a small empty cotton spool, gilding or painting it, and fixing the wooden part of a ...

Bedroom Furniture Materials
You will need-- Two large wooden match-boxes. Several corks of different sizes. Some pieces of chintz, of cotton material, f...

To make a bed, take the inside of a match-box and cut away the bottom of it. Then take two matches and glue them to the two corners...

The outside of the same match-box that was used for the bed will make a dressing-table. Stand it up on either side of its striking sid...

Take the inside of another match-box and stand it up on one of its sides. Then take five or six matches and cut them to that length w...

The wardrobe is made by standing the inside of a match-box on end, fixing inside several little pegs made of small pieces of match stu...

A towel-horse can easily be made with six long pins and two small pieces of cork. ...

To make a clothes-basket, take a round piece of cork about a quarter of an inch thick and stick pins closely together all round it,...

Dolls' Houses And Dolls Of Cardboard And Paper
A cardboard house, furnished with paper furniture and occupied by paper dolls, is a very good substitute for an ordinary dolls' hous...

The Partition
Now for the partition. Put the three tags G G G through the slits H H H and glue them firmly down on the outside. (These will have to ...

The Chimney
The chimney, of which the illustration is the actual size, is the last thing to be made. First paint, and then fold the two side piece...

The Garden
The cottage can then be fixed to a piece of wood or paste-board, to form its garden and add to convenience in moving it about. A cardb...

Another Way
It is, of course, possible to make a house of several pieces instead of one. The walls and floors can be made separately and joined wi...

The House That Glue Built
A novel kind of paper house has been gotten out in book form. It is called The House That Glue Built, and consists of pictures of room...

Paper Furniture
Everything required for the furnishing and peopling of a cardboard dolls' house can be made of paper; and if colored at all cleverly t...

Glue And Adhesive Tape
Two recent inventions of the greatest possible use to the maker of paper furniture are fish-glue which gets dry very quickly and is mo...

Home-made Compasses
A pair of compasses is a good thing to have; but you can make a perfectly serviceable tool by cutting out a narrow strip of cardboard ...

If the drawings are to be traced, tracing-paper, or transparent note-paper, and a sheet of carbon-paper, will also be needed. To trace...

Paper Dolls
Paper dolls are not as good to play with as proper dolls. One can do much less with them because they cannot be washed, have no hair t...

Making Paper Dolls
The first thing to do is to draw the doll in pencil on the cardboard or paper which it is to be cut from. If you are not good at drawi...

The Dresses
The dresses are made of sheets of note-paper, the fold of which forms the shoulder pieces. The doll is laid on the paper, with head an...

Other Paper Dolls
Simpler and absolutely symmetrical paper dolls are made by cutting them out of folded paper, so that the fold runs right down the midd...

Walking Dolls
Walking ladies are made in that way; but they must have long skirts and no feet, and when finished a cut is made in the skirt--as in t...

Tissue-paper Dresses
Dresses can also be made of crinkly tissue-paper glued to a foundation of plain note-paper. Frills, flounces, and sashes are easily im...

Rows Of Paper Dolls
To make a row of paper dolls, take a piece of paper the height that the dolls are to be, and fold it alternately backward and forward ...

A Pueblo Settlement
Suppose now that you have been reading about the life of the Pueblo Indians in our Southwest, and you have a picture of one of their ...

An Esquimau Village
Another class in the same school painted their bricks white to represent blocks of snow and made an Esquimau village. This is fascina...

A Filipino Village
Or if you get tired of living near the Arctic circle you can sweep your table clean of Esquimau dwellings and construct a Filipino vi...

A Dutch Street
You cannot only wander from one climate and from one nationality to another, but from one century to another. If you are studying earl...

Painting is an occupation which is within almost everybody's power, and of which one tires very slowly or perhaps not at all. By paint...

An even more interesting thing to do with a paint-box is to make a collection of the flags of all nations. And when those are all done...

Coloring maps is interesting, but is more difficult than you might perhaps think, owing to the skill required in laying an even surfac...

Magic-lantern Slides
If you have a magic lantern in the house you can paint some home-made slides. The colors should be as gay as possible. The best home-m...

As a change from painting there is illuminating, for which smaller brushes and gold and silver paint are needed. Illuminating texts is...

Pen And Ink Work
There is also pen and ink drawing, mistakenly called "etching," for which you require a tiny pen, known as a mapping pen, and a cake o...

In place of paints a box of chalks will serve very well. ...

Tracing Themselves
Smaller children, who have not yet learned to paint properly, often like to trace pictures either on tracing paper held over the pictu...

Pricking Pictures
Pictures can also be pricked with a pin, but in this case some one must draw it first. You follow the outline with little pin pricks ...

Easter Eggs And Painting
Home-made Easter eggs are made by painting pictures or messages on eggs that have been hard-boiled, or by merely boiling them in water...

Paper and cardboard articles can be prettily decorated by spatter-work. Ferns are the favorite shapes to use. You first pin them on w...

Making scrapbooks is always a pleasant and useful employment, whether for yourself or for children in hospitals or districts, and ther...

Scrapbooks For Hospitals
Children that are ill are often too weak to hold up a large book and turn over the leaves. There are two ways of saving them this exer...

Composite Scrapbooks
Sometimes it happens that you get very tired of one of the pictures in your scrapbook. A good way to make it fresh and interesting aga...

Scrap-covered Screens
A screen is an even more interesting thing to make than a scrapbook. The first thing to get is the framework of the screen, which will...

Collecting Stamps
Stamp-collecting is more interesting if money is kept out of it and you get your stamps by gift or exchange. The best way to begin is ...

Postage-stamp Snakes
Old American stamps can be used for making snakes. There is no need to soak the stamps off the envelope paper: they must merely be cut...

If you have a fret saw, and can use it cleverly, you can make at home as good a puzzle as any that can be bought. The first thing to d...

Soap Bubbles
For blowing bubbles the long clay pipes are best. Before using them, the end of the mouthpiece ought to be covered with sealing-wax fo...

Shadows On The Wall
Shadowgraphy nowadays has progressed a long way from the rabbit on the wall; but in the house, ambition in this accomplishment does no...

Skeleton Leaves
Leaves which are to be skeletonized should be picked from the trees at the end of June. They should be perfect ones of full growth. It...

It should be noted that if you intend to skeletonize ferns, they should not be picked before August, and they must be pressed and drie...

Wool Balls
Cut out two rings of cardboard, of whatever size you like, from one inch in diameter up to about four inches. A four-inch ring would m...

Wool Demons
To make a "Wool Demon," take a piece of cardboard as wide as you want the demon to be tall, say three inches, and wind very evenly ove...

Among other occupations which are not in need of careful description, but which ought to be mentioned, bead-work is important. It was ...

"Post-Office" is a device for providing the family with a sure supply of letters. The first thing to do is to appoint a postmaster and...

The Home Newspaper
In "The Home Newspaper," the first thing to do is to decide on which of you will edit it. As the editor usually has to copy all the c...

Paper And Cardboard Toys A Cocked Hat
To make a cocked hat, take a sheet of stiff paper and double it. Then fold over each of the doubled corners until they meet in the ...

Paper Boats
If the cocked hat is held in the middle of each side and pulled out into a square, and the two sides are then bent back to make ano...

Paper Darts
Take a sheet of stiffish paper about the size of this page and fold it longways, exactly double. Then fold the corners of one end b...

Paper Mats
Take a square piece of thin paper (Fig. 1), white or colored. Fold it in half (Fig. 2), and then again in half (Fig. 3), and then a...

Paper Boxes
Take an exactly square piece of paper (cream-laid note-paper is best in texture), and fold it across to each corner and press down ...

Cardboard Boxes
Cardboard boxes, of a more useful nature than paper boxes, are made on the same principle as the house described on p. 239, and the fu...

Scraps And Transfers
Paper boxes, when finished, can be made more attractive by painting on them, gluing scraps to them, putting transfers here and there, ...

Ink Sea-serpents
Dissolve a teaspoonful of salt in a glass of water, dip a pen in ink and touch the point to the water. The ink descends in strange se...

A Dancing Man
The accompanying picture will show how a dancing man is made to dance. You hold him between the finger and thumb, one on each side ...

Velvet Animals
The fashioning of people and animals from scraps of velvet glued on cardboard was a pleasant occupation which interested our great-gr...

Hand Dragons
All the apparatus needed for a "Hand Dragon" consists of a little cardboard thimble or finger-stall, on which the features of a dragon...

Other Uses For Cardboard
Once you have begun to make things out of cardboard, you will find no end to its possibilities and should be in no more need of any hi...

Cardboard Cut-outs
There are a great many cut-outs issued nowadays, which may be bought for a small sum at any toy shop. Perhaps the best among these are...

In China, and to some extent in Holland, kite-flying is not the pastime only of boys, but of grave men. And certainly grave men might ...

Kite Messengers
A messenger is a piece of cardboard or paper with a good-sized hole in it, which you slip over the string when the kite is steady, and...

A Simple Toy Boat
The following directions, with exact measurements, apply to one of the simplest home-made sailing-boats. Take a piece of soft straigh...

Walnut Shell Boats
To make a boat from a walnut shell, you scoop out the half shell and cut a piece of cardboard of a size to cover the top. Through the ...

Walnut Fights
Here it might be remarked that capital contests can be had with the empty halves of walnut shells. A plate is turned upside down, and ...

A sucker is a round piece of strong leather. Thread a piece of string through the middle, and knot the string at the end to prevent it...

The wish-bone of a goose makes a good skipjack. It should be cleaned and left for a day or two before using. Then take a piece of stro...

A Water-cutter
The cut-water is best made of tin or lead, but stout cardboard or wood will serve the purpose. First cut the material into a round,...

With a sharp knife a very good whistle can be made of hazel or willow, cut in the spring or early summer. A piece of wood about three ...

Christmas Evergreen Decorations
Getting ready for Christmas is almost as good as Christmas itself. The decorations can be either natural or artificial or a mixture of...

Paper Decorations
The simplest form of paper chain is made of colored tissue paper and glue. You merely cut strips the size of the links and join them o...

Mottoes and good wishes can be lettered in cotton wool on a background of scarlet or other colored linen or lining paper. Scarlet is p...

Christmas Trees
In hanging things on the Christmas tree you have to be careful that nothing is placed immediately over a candle, nor should a branch o...

Bran-tubs Or Jack Horner Pies
Bran-tubs or Jack Horner Pies are not so common as they used to be, but there is no better way of giving your guests presents at rando...

Two games with nuts and cherries may as well go at the end of this section as anywhere else. Almonds sometimes contain double kernels....

Cherry Contests
Cherry-eating races can be very exciting. The players stand in a row with their hands behind them, and a number of long-stalked cherri...

For making candy you will need an enamel or earthenware saucepan; a long wooden spoon; one or two old soup-plates or dishes; a bowl, i...

General Directions
Butter the dish into which the candy is to be poured before you begin to cook. To do this put a little piece of butter on a piece of c...

Barley Sugar
1 lb. powdered sugar. The white of an egg. 1/2 a pint of water. 1/2 a lemon. Dissolve the sugar in the water, and add the...

Chocolate Caramels
1 tea-cup golden syrup. 1 tea-cup brown sugar. 1 tea-cup milk. 2 oz. butter. 4 oz. powdered chocolate. A pinch of salt...

Cocoanut Cream
1-1/2 lb. granulated sugar. 4 oz. grated cocoanut. Melt the sugar with as little water as possible. Continue to let it boil ge...

Cocoanut Cream Another Way
1 cocoanut, grated. 1 lb. granulated sugar. 1/2 a cup of cocoanut-milk. 1 oz. butter. Put the sugar, cocoanut-milk, and b...

Cocoanut Drops
1/2 lb. cocoanut, grated. 1/2 lb. white sugar. The whites of 2 eggs, well beaten. Mix well together and bake in drops on but...

Cream Caramels
1 tin Nestle's milk. 1 lb. soft white sugar. 2 oz. butter. Vanilla. Melt the sugar with a very little water, and when boi...

Fruit Cream
1 cocoanut, grated. 1-1/2 lb. granulated sugar, moistened with a little cocoanut-milk. Put the sugar in a saucepan and let it h...

The corn has to be "popped" over a clear fire in a little iron basket with a long handle. The corn is put in the basket and shaken co...

The Plainest Toffee
3 oz. butter. 1 lb. brown sugar. Stir until done. ...

Another Toffee
1 lb. raw sugar. 1/2 lb. butter. 2 small tablespoonfuls of syrup. The juice of half a lemon. Half a teaspoonful of powder...

Everton Toffee
1 lb. brown sugar. 1 small cup of water. 1/2 lb. of butter. Boil the water and sugar together very gently until the sugar is...

Molasses Candy
1/2 lb. molasses. 1/2 lb. brown sugar. 2 oz. butter. Boil all together for half an hour. ...

Nut Candy
1 pint of chopped nuts. 1/2 lb. brown sugar. 3 oz. butter. Juice of one lemon. Tablespoonful of water. Boil everything...

Nut Candy Another Way
1 lb. brown sugar. 6 oz. butter. 3 oz. chopped nuts. Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the sugar. Boil from ten to fi...

Peppermint Candy
1 lb. syrup. 2 oz. butter. 1 small teaspoonful of essence of peppermint. Boil the butter and syrup very gently until the mix...

Stuffed Dates Etc
Very dainty and good sweets can be made without cooking at all. All that is necessary is to have a certain amount of cream with which ...

Although young America is growing more and more fond of out of doors, the lovely old occupation of gardening is less a favorite than ...

Color In The Garden
In arranging a garden, select flowers which will keep it full of blossom from May to October, and remember when planting and sowing t...

The Use Of Catalogues
A good catalogue gives illustrations of most flowers, and in many cases its cultural directions are very helpful. As an extension of t...

Gardening Diaries
It is a good thing for a gardener to keep a diary. At the beginning of the book he would make a plan of the garden, to scale: that is ...

Where several children have gardens in the same big garden, or the same neighborhood, a flower-show is very interesting to hold now an...

For simple gardening the following tools are needed:--spade, trowel, hoe, rake, watering-can with a fine rose, syringe. They should al...

Plants should never be watered when the sun is shining on them. Early morning in spring, and late afternoon or early evening in summer...

Wall Pockets
If your garden is very small, but is against a sunny wall, the growing room can be increased by fixing a number of pockets, made of wo...

The first thing to do when a plot has been given to you, is to mark it off clearly with a border. There are several ways of doing this...

The seeds of all annuals can be sown from March until June according to the locality. Any one in the neighborhood who has gardened for...

Preparations For Sowing
Before sowing any seeds, see that the soil is nicely broken up, and remove any stones. When you have decided where to sow the diffe...

Thinning Out And Transplanting
Begin to thin out the seedlings very soon after they appear, and be very careful not to pull up too many. It is easiest to thin out wh...

Weeds And Seedlings
It is most important to know what the baby-plants will look like when they come up, because one has to weed hard in the warm showery ...

Autumn Sowing
Some seeds, such as cornflowers, godetias, and poppies, can be sown in the autumn. They will stand the winter as a rule and will make ...

These are best sown in May. If the garden is full they may be sown in an ordinary wooden box filled with several inches of good earth....

Saving Seed
The best seed is saved from plants set apart for that purpose; for good seed comes from the first and finest flowers and not from thos...

Perennials are plants which, although they die down in winter, come up again and blossom every following spring or summer. They can be...

Planting Perennials
The best months for planting perennials are November, February, and March. Dig a hole large enough to take the roots when well spread ...

Planting Bulbs
For planting bulbs choose a day when the earth is dry, and make your holes with a trowel. If you want to make a clump of bulb-plants, ...

Cutting Leaves
Never cut all the leaves of plants growing from bulbs, but allow those that are unpicked to die down naturally. If they look very unti...

"Shades" are subterranean gardens: holes in the ground, some eighteen inches deep and about a foot square (or larger), the sides of wh...

Kitchen Gardens
If you want to grow other things besides flowers, lettuces, radishes, and mustard and cress are interesting to raise. Strawberries, to...

Sow a few seeds of lettuce very thinly in a line once every three weeks. When the seedlings, which should be protected from birds by ...

Sow a few radish seeds thinly once every three weeks, and cover very lightly with earth. These seedlings also must be protected by net...

Mustard And Cress
Mustard and cress seed can be sown at any time and is almost sure to be successful. In very hot weather sow in the shade, or protect f...

Plant strawberries carefully in August or September. Dig a hole for each plant and spread the roots well out. Hold the plant while fil...

Town Gardens
So far, we have been speaking of gardens in the country, or, at any rate, not among houses. There are many more difficulties to conten...

Flowers For Towns
The following list of annuals, perennials, and bulbs which grow well in the heart of towns, though it is not complete, contains enough...

No exact rule can be given for watering; but it should be noted that water ought never to be allowed to stand in the saucers. In winte...

In spring time, if the plants seem to have outgrown their pots, or if they are not thriving well, re-pot them in larger pots with the ...

Indoor Plants
A list follows of suitable plants to be grown indoors. Green plants are mentioned first. Aspidistra.--Of all green plants the aspid...

Bulbs In Glasses
Hyacinths and daffodils can also be grown in glasses filled with water, either glasses sold for the purpose, or any kind into the neck...

Window Boxes
One cannot grow very many things in a window box, but it is most interesting to grow a few. In a town it is often all the garden that ...

Flowers For Window-boxes
Nasturtiums and canary creeper can climb up a little trellis made of sticks at each end of the box, or they can cling to strings fixed...

Picking Flowers
When you are picking flowers to send away, never pick old ones. Buds are best generally, especially in the case of poppies; but they s...

The Reception Of Flowers
When flowers are sent to you, each stem should be cut with a slanting cut before you put it in water. Flowers with very thick or milky...

Dogs: Their Care And Food
All dogs need plenty of exercise; indeed it is scarcely possible to give them too much when once they are over six months of age. Afte...

Washing Dogs
Dogs should not be washed very often, nor will this be necessary if they are well brushed every day. A stable dandy-brush is best for ...

Feeding Puppies
Puppies at first need feeding five times a day. At four months old four meals will do. At twelve months they settle down into grown-up...

Young dogs are almost sure to have distemper, and if a puppy about six or eight months old is depressed and quiet, and his eyes look ...

Tricks For Dogs
If your dog is a terrier there is no end to the tricks you can teach him. Always begin by teaching him to "trust," for it is the found...

What Is Due To Dogs
Do not overdo your mastership. Remember that a dog needs much liberty and independence to develop his individuality, and an enterprisi...

Buying Dogs
If you wish to buy a dog, the best way is to get the catalogue of some big dog show, and find the address of a well-known breeder of t...

The Bull-terrier
The bull-terrier is very discriminating in his attachments and does not easily lose his temper, or, as a rule, fight, unless he is und...

The Fox-terrier
The fox-terrier is often a restless fidgety dog in a house; indeed, to keep him much in the house seems to affect his intelligence. He...

The Irish Terrier
The greatest fault of the Irish terrier is his fondness for barking unnecessarily; but he is particularly intelligent, active, and vi...

Other Terriers
There are many other terriers--the Skye, with coat nearly sweeping the ground; the black and tan, the Welsh terrier, and others less w...

Of all spaniels the Clumber is the most intelligent and beautiful; he is also, although not a very demonstrative dog, very sincere in ...

The Retriever
Retrievers occasionally make good companions, but for the most part they are dogs of one idea--retrieving--and have little interest in...

The setter is a wise and affectionate animal. He is full of spirit and needs careful training, but train him well as a puppy and you w...

The Collie
The reputation for uncertain temper which collies have is not well grounded. They are excitable, it is true, and apt to snap if you ro...

The Sheep Dog
The old English bob-tailed sheep dog is a bouncing, rough-and-ready fellow. He is not suitable for a house dog, but he is honest and t...

The Newfoundland
The Newfoundland is one of the grandest of beasts. The true Newfoundland is black all over, except for a white star on the chest, and...

The Mastiff
The mastiff is the best of all guards; it is more pure instinct with him to guard his master's property than it is with any other bree...

The Bull-dog
The bull-dog is stupid and not particularly affectionate. Although excitable he is not quarrelsome or savage, and if reasonably treate...

The St Bernard
The most majestic of dogs is the St. Bernard. He is high-couraged and sagacious and very discriminating in his devotion. Once your fri...

The Great Dane
The Great Dane, or boarhound, is a powerful and active dog. His appearance is suggestive almost of a wild beast, and he is particular...

Of hounds that hunt by sight we have the English Greyhound, swiftest of dogs, but neither very intelligent nor affectionate; the Scotc...

Toy Dogs
Toy dogs are fairly intelligent, but noisy and wayward. They cannot be recommended as interesting pets, since they have little origina...

The Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is a sharp and rather snappy dog, not remarkable for either great intelligence or amiability; but, as with all breeds, ...

Poodles are intelligent and the best of all dogs for learning tricks. They are also very expensive. ...

Mongrels can be the best of friends. They are often more original and enterprising than their too highly-bred cousins, and they are ve...

There is very little to say about cats, except that they need much petting and plenty of milk and tit-bits. They should always have a ...

Wild Rabbits
Of all rabbits the brightest and most intelligent, as a pet, is the wild rabbit. If you can get two or three baby wild rabbits and fee...

Tame Rabbits
The long-haired Angora variety of rabbit is intelligent and very handsome. These need regular grooming and great care, or their long ...

Rabbits' Hutches
A good hutch can be made of a grocer's box, by covering the open front partly with bars or wire netting and making a door. The hutch s...

Food And Exercise
Bran, grain, and vegetables--such as peas, parsley, carrots, turnip-tops, but not much cabbage--serve for rabbits' food. It is advisa...

Teaching Rabbits
If you find you have an intelligent rabbit who quickly learns to come to you when you call him by name, you will find, with patience, ...

Guinea-pigs need treatment and housing similar to rabbits. ...

In buying a squirrel make sure it is a young one, because whereas a young one is difficult enough to tame, an old one is not to be tam...

Mice should have a cage with two compartments, one of which should have a door in the woodwork but no wires. In this room should be a ...

A turtle is rather an interesting animal to keep, although he will not do much in return. Even in summer they have a curious way of d...

Bowls of goldfish are not uncommon, but few people seem to care for fish of other kinds. And yet a little aquarium can be stocked for ...

Silkworms, if kept at all, ought to be taken seriously and used for their true purpose. That is to say, you really ought to wind their...

Other Caterpillars
Silkworms are more useful but not more interesting than many other caterpillars which can be hatched from eggs. The Privet Hawk Moth, ...

Pigeons are not exactly pets, for they rarely do more than come to you for their food, just as chickens do, but they are beautiful cre...

Doves, which are happier when kept in pairs, require the same food as pigeons. As a rule they are kept in wicker cages. They are not v...

Parrots are most companionable pets, and, next to a dog, quite the most interesting and intelligent. They are always cheerful: whistli...

Smaller Cage Birds
Before coming to the different kinds of birds which you can keep, a few general words about their care ought to be said. Remember that...

All birds should have a bath given them. They like best a shallow glass dish, which should be put in the cage when the tray is out. It...

Seed-eating birds do best if they are fed on canary seed and a little summer rape, with now and then a few hemp-seeds, some Hartz moun...

Some birds are easily taught tricks. We remember a red-poll who would draw his water up from a well in the cage in a little bucket; bu...

The favorite cage-bird is the canary, which, though a foreign bird, is kept in this country in greater numbers than any other bird, an...

The Love-birds
The love-birds feed almost entirely on millet or canary seed, and they like a sod of grass in their cage. They are bright little birds...

The Cardinal
One of the most beautiful of cage-birds is the red-crested cardinal. He is quite hardy and eats seeds and insects impartially, thrivin...

Wax-bills eat millet-seed, canary seed, and a little soaked bread and sponge-cake. ...

Other Foreign Birds
Java sparrows are pretty creatures, although they do very little for you. Perhaps the most attractive of small foreign birds is the a...

The Chaffinch
The chaffinch has to re-learn his song every spring, and for a fortnight or more you will hear him trying his voice very sweetly and ...

The Goldfinch
We remember a goldfinch that became very tame, perching on his owner's hands and taking seed from her lips. Goldfinches should never b...

The Bullfinch
The bullfinch is squarely built, with a black head and pink breast. No bird can be more affectionate and intelligent. He will learn to...

The Yellow Bunting
The yellow bunting (or yellow hammer) can be a pet; and he has the sweetest little whispering song. If you have a caged bunting, his s...

The Blackbird
The blackbird is delicate when caged and must have plenty of nutritious food, bread and milk, boiled vegetables, ripe fruit, insects,...

The Robin
In the ordinary way one would not keep robins at all. They are so tame and fond of the company of human beings that they will come reg...

Garden Robins
Robins in the garden are so pretty, so cheeky, so sweetly musical, and are so friendly to man (in spite of their arrogance and selfish...

Birds In The Garden
This brings us to the other garden birds which we have no wish to put in cages, but which it is well to be as kind to as possible. In ...

Laying The Breakfast-table
1. SPREAD the cloth--this is the way, Cups and saucers, where are they? 2. Put them at one end in rows, See, a spoon...

The Breakfast Party
This game may be played immediately after the one preceding, or it may be used alone. The children seat themselves at the table, the '...

Clearing The Table
(For directions as to laying the table, see game No. 1.) 1. Breakfast over, off we go, To remove the cloth, you know. 2...

Scales and weights are required for this game. Before commencing let the children see the different weights, and hold them one afte...

Measuring Game
Before playing this game, the children should be well accustomed to the use of the foot-rule, marked with inches (cost, &c.[1]). Each ...

The shopman should stand behind a table or desk, and have articles made up in parcels ready for sale. 'The Shop' described in 'Kinderg...

Tying A Bow
Instructions.--The children should be sitting at desks or tables, and each child should have a 3/4 yard length of tape or ribbon, one ...

Thimble Game
Each child should have a thimble, and the teacher should have one also. A short conversation about the thimble should precede the game...

Knitting Game
Each child should have a pair of knitting-pins ([A]wooden ones are the best for learning), and the teacher should have a pair also. As...

The Sign-post
[Illustration: ------------+ +---...

Asking Way In Street
Preliminary.--One of her Majesty's inspectors remarked on one occasion that he could judge of the intelligence and manners of a school...

Politeness In Streets
The streets (p. 26) of Game No. 12 may be utilised for this game. The children should have on their hats and caps, and walk along the ...

Dressing Children
About a dozen of the older children stand in the centre of the room, and a number of the little ones come in with coat and hat in hand...

Father Bringing Presents
Object of Game.--Anyone who has observed children cannot fail to have noticed how very often they have to be prompted to express their...

Going Errands
The children join hands and stand round to form a 'house' and 'garden' (see diagram). A space is left for the gateway of the 'garden.'...

Taking Father's Tea
A classroom may be used for the 'house' and another for the 'workshop,' or they may both be made by rings of children (see Frontispiec...

Invitation To Play
A house with garden is needed; to make this the children join hands and stand as shown in diagram, p. 32. In the 'house' there should ...

Invitation To Drive
The house and garden described in Game No. 16, p. 32, will do quite well for this also, but the children are to be at work instead of ...

Getting Ready For Bed
This game may be used for a class of children, or for a few only. In the former case, the majority of the scholars would, of course, b...

Washing One's Self
The teacher may repeat the lines, accompanying them with the actions, which the children imitate, or the children may learn and repeat...

Asking For Drink Of Water
Preliminary.--This little game may be used to teach children to be courteous to strangers, and it should also teach them how to carry ...

The Fox And The Tiger
Directions.--The 'tiger' (a boy) hides in a 'forest,' which the children make by standing at irregular intervals and representing tree...

The Coach Game
[Illustration: x x x x 13 14 15 16 x x 11 12 x ...

The Stable
This game may be played immediately after 'The Coach,' or it may be played alone. Directions.--The 'stable' is formed by a number o...

Visiting Grandmamma
Directions.--Four little girls are selected to visit grandmamma, and to carry messages and presents to her. Grandma's 'house' is made ...

Paying Calls
Directions.--A ring of children form the 'house' (see Frontispiece, and description of same on p. 31) or a classroom may be used for i...

Afternoon Tea
The tea-tray is brought in by one of the children and placed on a table near the 'mother,' who pours out the tea. One of the children ...

Spring Flowers
All the children join to form a large ring, and one of the taller girls stands in the centre to represent 'Spring.' The twelve flowers...

Summer Flowers
This game is played like the game of 'Spring Flowers' (see instructions on p. 56). The girl chosen to represent 'Summer' may repeat...

The Three Bears
This game may be played either in the home, schoolroom or classroom. The words should be learnt previously as a recitation. Materia...

Imitating Cries Of Animals
(A simple game for the very smallest children.) One child comes out to stand in front of the class and says:-- Listen to the cr...

Preliminary.--Everyone knows how fond children are of representing ideas by action. It is for this reason that charades are recommende...

Passing The Stick
The children sit round the room, or stand in a semi-circle. The teacher should start the game, standing at the left extremity of the ...

Finding The Thimble
This is a favourite game and can be played with very little noise. At home, all the children would go out of the room except the one w...

Throwing The Handkerchief
The children stand in a ring, or sit round the room, one child standing in the middle. The handkerchief is thrown from one to another,...

Picking Up Potatoes
Take twelve potatoes and place them in two rows of six each, thus:-- [Illustration: * * * * * * * * * * * *] Two medium-s...

Throwing The Ball
One child holds the ball in her hand and stands at a little distance from the wall against which it is to be thrown. The other childre...

Lame Lassie
At the commencement of the game the children stand in a large ring, and the girl who is to be 'Lame lassie' stands in the centre. The ...

Polly Flinders
The children form a ring, joining hands, and one child sits in the middle. Those who form the ring walk round singing to the tune of '...

Drop Drop Drop
The children stand eighteen inches apart in a ring, not joining hands. One child walks round the ring, holding a handkerchief in her...

Puss In The Corner
This game may be played by four children, each standing at a corner, with one in the centre for 'pussy,' or it maybe played by a ring ...

Wolf And Sheep
One child is the 'wolf' and stands on one side of the playground, while the rest of the children are 'sheep,' and stand in a row on th...

Dancing Game
The children stand in two rows facing each other, thus:-- [Illustration: g ...

Ducking Under
The children stand in rows facing each other, each child holding the handkerchief of its opposite partner, and so helping to make a lo...

Who Will Go A-hunting
[Illustration: a / X / / / c d/ / / >X< /...

Sheep Gathering
Two rows of children are formed facing each other, with a long chalk line between. The children join hands. [The first row advances...

Hopping Game
Squares are chalked on the ground, thus:-- [Illustration: +----+----+ 5 6 +----+----+ 4 7 +----+----+ ...

Making A Chain
The game is started by one child who catches another and says:-- I have caught you, come away, Let us make a chain to-day. T...

Mother May We Go Out To Play?
One corner of the playground may be the 'house' in which the 'mother' sits. If the game is played by the children elsewhere, they will...

Even More Ciphers Codes And Keys
LESSON VII—THE TIME-TEACHING CLOCK In this clock the movable colored dots indicating the minutes are used to spell out th...

Even More Ciphers Codes And Keys
LESSON VII—THE TIME-TEACHING CLOCK In this clock the movable colored dots indicating the minutes are used to spell out th...

Ciphers Codes Or Keys
This lesson is intended to teach the code or key. Attention is called to the mathematical regularity of its construction, which wil...


Of The Legendary Past
"LITTLE WARS" is the game of kings--for players in an inferior social position. It can be played by boys of every age from twelve to...

The Beginnings Of Modern Little Warfare
THE beginning of the game of Little War, as we know it, became possible with the invention of the spring breechloader gun. This pric...

The Beginnings Of Modern Little Warfare 2
But the writer had in those days a very dear friend, a man too ill for long excursions or vigorous sports (he has been dead now these ...

The Beginnings Of Modern Little Warfare 3
There has been little development since that time in the Country. Our illustrations show the methods of arrangement, and the reader wi...

The Beginnings Of Modern Little Warfare 4
Our next step was to abolish the tedium due to the elaborate aiming of the guns, by fixing a time limit for every move. We made this a...

The Beginnings Of Modern Little Warfare 5
That seemed fair; but so desperate is the courage and devotion of lead soldiers, that it came to this, that any small force that got o...

The Beginnings Of Modern Little Warfare 6
And so our laws all made, battles have been fought, the mere beginnings, we feel, of vast campaigns. The game has become in a dozen as...

The Country
(1) The Country must be arranged by one player, who, failing any other agreement, shall be selected by the toss of a coin. (2) The ...

The Move
(1) After the Country is made and the sides chosen, then (and not until then) the players shall toss for the first move. (2) If the...

Mobility Of The Various Arms
(Each player must be provided with two pieces of string, one two feet in length and the other six inches.) (I) An infantry-man may ...

Handtohand Fighting And Capturing
(1) A man or a body of men which has less than half its own number of men on its own side within a move of it, is said to be isolated....

Varieties Of The Battlegame
You may play various types of game. (1) One is the Fight to the Finish. You move in from any points you like on the back line and t...

Composition Of Forces
Except in the above cases, or when otherwise agreed upon, the forces engaged shall be equal in number and similar in composition. The ...

Size Of The Soldiers
The soldiers used should be all of one size. The best British makers have standardised sizes, and sell infantry and cavalry in exactly...

The Battle Of Hook's Farm
AND now, having given all the exact science of our war game, having told something of the development of this warfare, let me here set...

The Battle Of Hook's Farm 2
"Red had now sighted us. Throughout the affair he showed a remarkably poor stomach for gun-fire, and this was his undoing. Moreover, h...

The Battle Of Hook's Farm 3
So far, and a little vaingloriously, the general. Let me now shrug my shoulders and shake him off, and go over this battle he describe...

The Battle Of Hook's Farm 4
Figure 5a shows the result of Red's move. His two effective guns have between them bowled over two cavalry and six infantry in the gap...

The Battle Of Hook's Farm 5
That, however, is theory; let us return to fact. Figure 8 gives the disastrous consequences of Red's last move. Blue has moved, his gu...

Extensions And Amplifications Of Little War
Now that battle of Hook's Farm is, as I have explained, a simplification of the game, set out entirely to illustrate the method of pla...

Ending With A Sort Of Challenge
I COULD go on now and tell of battles, copiously. In the memory of the one skirmish I have given I do but taste blood. I would like ...

Little Wars And Kriegspiel
THIS little book has, I hope, been perfectly frank about its intentions. It is not a book upon Kriegspiel. It gives merely a game th...

Little Wars And Kriegspiel 2
Now as to the Moves. It is suggested that: Infantry shall move one foot. Cavalry shall move three feet. The above moves a...

Little Wars And Kriegspiel 3
All troops must be kept supplied with food, ammunition, and forage. The players must give up, every six moves, one packet of food per ...

The Toys To Have
The jolliest indoor games for boys and girls demand a floor, and the home that has no floor upon which games may be played falls so fa...

The Toys To Have 2
(But I was nearly forgetting to tell this, that all the thicker and larger of these boards have holes bored through them. At about eve...

The Toys To Have 3
Then we have "beefeaters," (Footnote; The warders in the Tower of London are called "beefeaters"; the origin of the term is obscure.) ...

The Game Of The Wonderful Islands
In this game the floor is the sea. Half--rather the larger half because of some instinctive right of primogeniture--is assigned to the...

The Game Of The Wonderful Islands 2
These same negroid savages are as bold as they are ferocious. They cross arms of the sea upon their rude canoes, made simply of a stri...

Of The Building Of Cities
WE always build twin cities, like London and Westminster, or Buda-Pesth, because two of us always want, both of them, to be mayors and...

Of The Building Of Cities 2
I have taken two photographs, one to the right and one to the left of this agreeable place. I may perhaps adopt a kind of guide-book s...

Of The Building Of Cities 3
Proceeding on our way past the Cherry Tree, and resisting cosy invitation of its portals, we come to the shopping quarter of the town....




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