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Common Sense How To Exercise It EBook Flying Machines Construction Operation EBook How and When to Be Your Own Doctor EBook How To Become Like Christ EBook How to Live a Holy Life EBook How to Live on 24 Hours a Day EBook How To Succeed EBook How to Teach EBook How to Use Your Mind EBook How To Write Special Feature Articles EBook Literary Taste How to Form It EBook Love Life Work EBook Poise How to Attain It EBook THE SILENCE What It Is How To Use It EBook The True Citizen How To Become One EBook

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  Common Sense How To Exercise It (12)    Flying Machines Construction Operation (27)    How and When to Be Your Own Doctor (8)    How To Become Like Christ (5)    How to Live a Holy Life (48)    How to Live on 24 Hours a Day (12)    How To Succeed (25)    How to Teach (14)    How to Use Your Mind (14)    How To Write Special Feature Articles (36)    Literary Taste How to Form It (13)    Love Life Work (30)    Poise How to Attain It (8)    THE SILENCE What It Is How To Use It (11)    The True Citizen How To Become One (38)

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Common Sense How To Exercise It

Why should I hesitate to express the pleasure I felt on learning that the public, already deeply interested in the teachings of Yori...

Common Sense: What Is It?
One beautiful evening, Yoritomo-Tashi was strolling in the gardens of his master, Lang-Ho, listening to the wise counsels which he k...

The Fight Against Illusion
Common Sense such as we have just described it, according to Yoritomo, is the absolute antithesis of dreamy imagination, it is the s...

The Development Of The Reasoning Power
When reading certain passages in the manuscripts of Yoritomo, one is forcibly reminded of the familiar phrase: "Nothing is definitel...

Common Sense And Impulse
Impulsive people are those who allow themselves to be guided by their initial impressions and make resolutions or commit acts tinder...

The Dangers Of Sentimentality
The Shogun says: "There are sentimentalities of many kinds, some present less dangers than others, but from every point of view they...

The Utility Of Common Sense In Daily Life
As our philosopher explains, the influence of common sense is above all appreciation of daily events. "We have," he continues, "very...

Power Of Deduction
Before entering the path which relates directly to the intellectual efforts concerning the acquisition of common sense, the Shogun c...

How To Acquire Common Sense
Common Sense is a science, whatever may be said; according to Yoritomo, it does not blossom naturally in the minds of men; it demand...

Common Sense And Action
These qualities are two relatives very near of kin; but, just for this reason, they must not be confounded. While common sense is...

The Most Thorough Business Man
One of the principle advantages of common sense is that it protects the man who is gifted with it from hazardous enterprises, the ri...

Common Sense And Selfcontrol
"Where life manifests itself," says Yoritomo, "antagonism always springs up." "In the eternal struggle between the individual and...

Flying Machines Construction Operation

This book is written for the guidance of the novice in aviation--the man who seeks practical information as to the theory, constructi...

Evolution Of Twosurface Flying Machine.
By Octave Chanute. I am asked to set forth the development of the "two- surface" type of flying machine which is now used with m...

Theory, Development, And Use.
While every craft that navigates the air is an airship, all airships are not flying machines. The balloon, for instance, is an airs...

Mechanical Bird Action
In order to understand the theory of the modern flying machine one must also understand bird action and wind action. In this connecti...

Various Forms Of Flying Machines.
There are three distinct and radically different forms of flying machines. These are: Aeroplanes, helicopters and ornithopers. O...

Constructing A Gliding Machine.
First decide upon the kind of a machine you want-- monoplane, biplane, or triplane. For a novice the biplane will, as a rule, be foun...

Learning To Fly.
Don't be too ambitious at the start. Go slow, and avoid unnecessary risks. At its best there is an element of danger in aviation whic...

Putting On The Rudder.
Gliders as a rule have only one rudder, and this is in the rear. It tends to keep the apparatus with its head to the wind. Unlike the...

The Real Flying Machine.
We will now assume that you have become proficient enough to warrant an attempt at the construction of a real flying machine--one tha...

Selection Of The Motor.
Motors for flying machines must be light in weight, of great strength, productive of extreme speed, and positively dependable in acti...

Proper Dimensions Of Machines.
In laying out plans for a flying machine the first thing to decide upon is the size of the plane surfaces. The proportions of these m...

Plane And Rudder Control.
Having constructed and equipped your machine, the next thing is to decide upon the method of controlling the various rudders and auxi...

How To Use The Machine.
It is a mistaken idea that flying machines must be operated at extreme altitudes. True, under the impetus of handsome prizes, and the...

Peculiarities Of Airship Power.
As a general proposition it takes much more power to propel an airship a given number of miles in a certain time than it does an auto...

About Wind Currents
One of the first difficulties which the novice will encounter is the uncertainty of the wind currents. With a low velocity the wind, ...

The Element Of Danger.
That there is an element of danger in aviation is undeniable, but it is nowhere so great as the public imagines. Men are killed and i...

Radical Changes Being Made.
Changes, many of them extremely radical in their nature, are continually being made by prominent aviators, and particularly those who...

Some Of The New Designs.
Spurred on by the success attained by the more experienced and better known aviators numerous inventors of lesser fame are almost dai...

Demand For Flying Machines.
As a commercial proposition the manufacture and sale of motor-equipped aeroplanes is making much more rapid advance than at first obt...

Law Of The Airship.
Successful aviation has evoked some peculiar things in the way of legal action and interpretation of the law. It is well understood...

Soaring Flight.
By Octave Chanute. [5]There is a wonderful performance daily exhibited in southern climes and occasionally seen in northerly latit...

Flying Machines Vs. Balloons.
While wonderful success has attended the development of the dirigible (steerable) balloon the most ardent advocates of this form of a...

Problems Of Aerial Flight.
In a lecture before the Royal Society of Arts, reported in Engineering, F. W. Lanchester took the position that practical flight was ...

Amateurs May Use Wright Patents.
Owing to the fact that the Wright brothers have enjoined a number of professional aviators from using their system of control, amateu...

Hints On Propeller Construction.
Every professional aviator has his own ideas as to the design of the propeller, one of the most important features of flying-machine ...

New Motors And Devices.
Since the first edition of this book was printed, early in 1910, there has been a remarkable advance in the construction of aeroplane...

Monoplanes, Triplanes, Multiplanes.
Until recently, American aviators had not given serious attention to any form of flying machines aside from biplanes. Of the twenty-o...

How and When to Be Your Own Doctor

_Tis a gift to be simple Tis a gift to be free, Tis a gift to come down Where we ought to be. And when we find ourselves In a plac...

How I Became A Hygienist
From The Hygienic Dictionary Doctors. [1] In the matter of disease and healing, the people have been treated as serfs. The ...

The Nature And Cause Of Disease
From The Hygienic Dictionary Toxemia. [1] "Toxemia is the basic cause of all so-called diseases. In the process of tissue-b...

From The Hygienic Dictionary Cure. [1] There is no "cure" for disease; fasting is not a cure. Fasting facilitates natural h...

Colon Cleansing
From The Hygienic Dictionary Autointoxication. [1] the accumulations on the bowel wall become a breeding ground for unhealt...

Diet And Nutrition
From The Hygienic Dictionary Food. [1] Life is a tragedy of nutrition. In food lies 99.99% of the causes of all diseases an...

Vitamins And Other Food Supplements
From The Hygienic Dictionary Vitamins. [1] The staple foods may not contain the same nutritive substances as in former time...

The Analysis Of Disease States: Helping The Body Recover
From the Hygienic Dictionary Diagnosis. [1] In the United States, making a diagnosis implies that you are a doctor duly lic...

How To Become Like Christ

How To Become Like Christ.
"But we all, with unveiled face reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, eve...

The Transfiguration.
"And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings, He took Peter and John and James and went up into the mountain to pray."--...

Indiscreet Importunity.
"I gave thee a king in mine anger." HOSEA xiii. 11. "Ye know not what ye ask." MATTHEW xx. 22. PSAL...

Shame On Account Of God's Displeasure.
"And the Lord said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? Let her be shut out from ...

Naaman Cured.
There is no Scripture story better known than that of Naaman, the Syrian. It is memorable not only because artistically told, but bec...

How to Live a Holy Life

Devotional Reading.
A person may almost be known by the books he reads. If he habitually reads bad books, we can pretty safely conclude that he is a bad...

If the reading of this little book encourages any on their pilgrim way; if it arouses them to greater diligence; if it creates in th...

We have only one life to live, only one. Think of this for a moment. Here we are in this world of time making the journey of life. E...

The Way The Sail Is Set.
I stood beside the open sea; The ships went sailing by; The wind blew softly o'er the lea; The sun had cloudless sky. ...

The Model Life.
In doing anything, it is always well to have a model by which to fashion our work. In fact, nothing is done without a pattern, eithe...

How To Live The Christlife.
Man can not naturally live the Christ-life. But Christ has promised to come into our hearts and live in us. In order that we may hav...

The Bible Way.
If the Bible had not been given us, we should not always know the way that Jesus walked. But he has given us his Word. The way of th...

The Heavenly Way.
There is a heaven. There is a place of rest and happiness. I have not gone to heaven, but heaven has come to me; therefore I know th...

Keeping The Commandments.
God's Word is pure. Heaven itself and the great white throne is no more pure than the Word of God. That life may be pure, it must be...

Be Doers Of The Word.
I want to remind you again that the mission of this little volume is to teach you how to live. The life beyond depends on the life h...

Who Are The Wise?
Who is a foolish man? It is a man who hears the sayings of Jesus and fails to do them. He is likened to a man who was foolish enough...

Keeping The Commandments A Test Of Love.
We are commanded to love God. It is the first and greatest commandment. Love is more than an emotion; it is an act of the will. A mo...

The Blessedness Of Obeying God's Word.
Everything is said in the Scriptures that can be said to show us the need of living in harmony with the Bible. If our lives are out ...

The Relationship We Have With Christ Through Obedience.
The reason why it is more blessed to obey the Word of God than to be the mother of Jesus is obvious. Spiritual things are higher tha...

Our Life Is To Adorn The Gospel.
To adorn is to make attractive, to beautify. We are exhorted by the apostle Paul to adorn the doctrine of the New Testament by our e...

The Christian An Epistle Of Christ.
The life we live is being read. We are not going through the world unnoticed. Some one is looking on, and some one is to some extent...

How We May Live As The Bible Reads.
It is just as natural and easy for a Christian to live the Christian life as it is for a sinner to live a sinful life. The sinner ne...

How To Keep The Word Of God In The Heart.
Since keeping the Word of God in the heart is the only way to successful Christian living, you will at once want to know how to keep...

Man The Vehicle For Exhibiting God's Perfections.
Man was created for a purpose, and that purpose was to glorify his Creator (Isa. 43:7). But man sinned and came short of the glory o...

Some Use To Jesus.
O Christ, the way, the truth, the life, Keep me safe mid the raging strife; Help me a warrior brave to be And take the bat...

Godly Living.
When some one is spoken of as living a worldly life, it is meant that he lives in a worldly manner, or in a manner like the world. L...

Something To Do.
There is so much to do that every one is needed to help in doing it. In this great, busy world of life there is something for every ...

Spiritual Dryness.
We often meet with those who complain of dryness and deadness in their worship. They are very unlike the Psalmist's picture of the "...

A work of this nature would be inexcusable for not saying something about prayer, for who can live life triumphantly without prayer?...

Keep The Roots Watered.
How often you admire a tree for the loveliness of its green foliage and the profusion of its luscious fruit. You speak to your frien...

Under The Figtree.
In the beginning of his ministry Christ called to Philip to follow him. Upon being called Philip went in search of Nathanael to tell...

Shut The Door.
It is as impossible to live and prosper spiritually without prayer as it is to live and prosper physically without food. Those who e...

Alone With God.
This life of ours will never be all that it should be unless we are much alone with God. Only those who are oft alone with him know ...

Prayerful Remembrance.
At evening time when dark'ning shades draw nigh And flickering rays of light go chasing by, When all around glad nature sweet...

He Careth For Thee.
Life will never be successful unless we learn to let God care for us. Unless we have faith to know that God is our keeper and that h...

Consider The Lilies.
What a beautiful lesson Jesus has taught us of rest and quietness from the lilies! "Consider the lilies of the field," he says, "how...

Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing.
This world is sometimes called "the vale of tears." Jesus said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation," but he also said, "In me y...

Fruit-bearing trees are used in the Scriptures to represent the race of mankind. The Savior likens the wicked to "corrupt trees," wh...

In order for life to be what it should, it must flow from a heart full of tenderness. This is that quality of soul which enables us ...

The Christian Walk.
Life is termed a walk in the Scriptures. Where they say that we ought to walk as Jesus walked, they have reference to our manner of ...

The Christian Is To Walk Circumspectly.
"See then that ye walk circumspectly." Eph. 5:15. To walk circumspectly is to walk cautiously; to look where one is stepping; to be ...

The Christian's Walk A Walk With God.
"He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk ...

The Latest Improved.
As we walk along the streets of villages and cities, we see machines of different kinds exposed to view and bearing a card with thes...

A lukewarm life is a displeasure to God; he would have us to be fervent in spirit. God is pleased with us when we are lively stones,...

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord." 1 Cor. 15:58. Steadfastness ...

How To Understand God's Will.
In order to do God's will we must first know his will. In order to have real satisfaction, rest, and contentment in the Christian li...

A View Of Jesus.
Let us take a look at Jesus. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit may unveil him and present him to us clearly. Now we see him. We see h...

Devotion To God.
Devotion to God implies ardent affection for him--a yielding of the heart to him with reverence, faith, and piety in every act, part...

The Golden Rule Of Life.
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them like wise." Luke 6:31. This is a good rule for every-day living. It i...

Timeliness In Doing Good.
To spend well this one brief life of ours, we must be active in doing good. This we have already learned. But not only should we be ...

The Warfare Of A Christian Life.
It is blessed and glorious to be a Christian. No other life is so beautiful and pure; no other life is so tranquilly peaceful; no ot...

Live By Faith.
Live by faith. There is no other true and right way to live. Without faith it is impossible to please God, and of course the life th...

A Valuable Legacy.
A legacy is a gift that some one makes to another; usually something that one leaves behind, when departing from this world, for oth...

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

Preface To This Edition
This preface, though placed at the beginning, as a preface must be, should be read at the end of the book. I have received a large ...

The Daily Miracle
"Yes, he's one of those men that don't know how to manage. Good situation. Regular income. Quite enough for luxuries as well as nee...

The Desire To Exceed One's Programme
"But," someone may remark, with the English disregard of everything except the point, "what is he driving at with his twenty-four ho...

Precautions Before Beginning
Now that I have succeeded (if succeeded I have) in persuading you to admit to yourself that you are constantly haunted by a suppressed...

The Cause Of The Troubles
In order to come to grips at once with the question of time- expenditure in all its actuality, I must choose an individual case for e...

Tennis And The Immortal Soul
You get into the morning train with your newspaper, and you calmly and majestically give yourself up to your newspaper. You do not h...

Remember Human Nature
I have incidentally mentioned the vast expanse of forty-four hours between leaving business at 2 p.m. on Saturday and returning to bu...

Controlling The Mind
People say: "One can't help one's thoughts." But one can. The control of the thinking machine is perfectly possible. And since no...

The Reflective Mood
The exercise of concentrating the mind (to which at least half an hour a day should be given) is a mere preliminary, like scales on t...

Interest In The Arts
Many people pursue a regular and uninterrupted course of idleness in the evenings because they think that there is no alternative to ...

Nothing In Life Is Humdrum
Art is a great thing. But it is not the greatest. The most important of all perceptions is the continual perception of cause and ef...

Serious Reading
Novels are excluded from "serious reading," so that the man who, bent on self-improvement, has been deciding to devote ninety minute...

How To Succeed

First Be A Man
The great need at this hour is manly men. We want no goody-goody piety; we have too much of it. We want men who will d...

Seize Your Opportunity
"The blowing winds are but our servants When we hoist a sail." You must come to know that each admirable genius is b...

How Did He Begin?
There can be no doubt that the captains of industry to-day, using that term in its broadest sense, are men who began life ...

Out Of Place
The high prize of life, the crowning fortune of a man, is to be born with a bias to some pursuit, which finds him in employm...

What Shall I Do?
No man ever made an ill-figure who understood his own talents, nor a good one who mistook them. --SWIFT. Bless...

Will You Pay The Price?
The gods sell anything and to everybody at a fair price. --EMERSON. All desire knowledge, but no one is willing to p...

Foundation Stones
In all matters, before beginning, a diligent preparation should be made. --CICERO. How great soever a genius m...

The Conquest Of Obstacles
Nature, when she adds difficulties, adds brains. --EMERSON. Exigencies create the necessary ability to meet and conq...

Dead In Earnest
It is the live coal that kindles others, not the dead. What made Demosthenes the greatest of all orators was that he a...

To Be Great Concentrate
Let every one ascertain his special business and calling, and then stick to it. --FRANKLIN. "He who follows tw...

At Once
Note the sublime precision that leads the earth over a circuit of 500,000,000 miles back to the solstice at the appointed ...

Doing well depends upon doing completely. --PERSIAN PROVERB. He who does well will always have patrons enough. ...

In the elder days of Art Builders wrought with greatest care Each minute and unseen part, For the gods see e...

Quit yourselves like men. --1 SAMUEL iv. 9. Cowards have no luck. --ELIZABETH KULMAN. He has not learn...

In the moral world there is nothing impossible if we can bring a thorough will to do it. --W. HUMBOLDT. It is ...

Guard Your Weak Point
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. --BIBLE....

Patience is the courage of the conqueror; it is the virtue, _par excellence_, of Man against Destiny, of the One against ...

If you want to test a young man and ascertain whether nature made him for a king or a subject, give him a thousand dollars ...

Live Upward
"Do what thou dost as if the stake were heaven, And this thy last deed ere the judgment day." If you wish to reach t...

I shall show the cinders of my spirits Through the ashes of my chance. --SHAKESPEARE. P...

Above Rubies
The best way to settle the quarrel between capital and labor is by allopathic doses of Peter-Cooperism. --TALMAGE. ...

Moral Sunshine
I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies, but am otherwise very well. --SIDNEY SMITH. The inborn genialit...

Hold Up Your Head
Thoroughly to believe in one's own self, so one's self were thorough, were to do great things. --TENNYSON. If ...

Books And Success
Ignorance is the curse of God, Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. --SHAKESPEARE. Prefer knowledge ...

Riches Without Wings
Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. --EPH. iv. I. Abundance consists not alone in material possessi...

How to Teach

I. The Work Of The Teacher
Education is a group enterprise. We establish schools in which we seek to develop whatever capacities or abilities the individual ma...

Ii. Original Nature, The Capital With Which Teachers Work
After deciding upon the aims of education, the goals towards which all teaching must strive, the fundamental question to be answered...

Iii. Attention And Interest In Teaching
Attention is a function of consciousness. Wherever consciousness is, attention must perforce be present. One cannot exist without th...

Iv. The Formation Of Habits
Habit in its simplest form is the tendency to do, think, or act as one has done, thought, or acted in the past. t is the tendency to...

V. How To Memorize
There is no sharp distinction between habit and memory. Both are governed by the general laws of association. They shade off into ea...

Vi. The Teacher's Use Of The Imagination
magination is governed by the same general laws of association which control habit and memory. n these two former topics the emphasi...

Vii. How Thinking May Be Stimulated
The term "thinking" has been used almost as loosely as the term "imagination," and used to mean almost as many different things. Eve...

Viii. Appreciation, An Important Element In Education
Appreciation belongs to the general field of feeling rather than that of knowing. The element which distinguishes appreciation from ...

Ix. The Meaning Of Play In Education
All human activity might be classified under three heads,--play, work, and drudgery,--but just what activities belong under each hea...

X. The Significance Of Individual Differences For The Teacher
t has been indicated here and there throughout the previous chapters that, despite the fact that there are certain laws governing th...

Xi. The Development Of Moral Social Conduct
Morality has been defined in many ways. t has been called "a regulation and control of immediate promptings of impulses in conformit...

Xii. Transfer Of Training
Formal discipline or transfer of training concerns itself with the question as to how far training in one subject, along one line, ...

Xiii. Types Of Classroom Exercises
The exercises which teachers conduct in their classrooms do not commonly involve a single type of mental activity. t is true, howeve...

Xiv. How To Study
The term study has been used very loosely by both teachers and children. As used by teachers it frequently meant something very diff...

How to Use Your Mind

Intellectual Problems Of The College Freshman
In entering upon a college course you are taking a step that may completely revolutionize your life. You are facing new situations ...

Most educated people find occasion, at some time or other, to take notes. Although this is especially true of college students, they...

Brain Action During Study
Though most people understand more or less vaguely that the brain acts in some way during study, exact knowledge of the nature of th...

Formation Of Studyhabits
As already intimated, this book adopts the view that education is a process of forming habits in the brain. In the formation of habi...

Active Imagination
A very large part of the mental life of a student consists in the manipulation of images. By images we mean the revivals of things t...

First Aids To Memory; Impression
Of all the mental operations employed by the student, memory is probably the one in which the greatest inefficiency is manifested. ...

Second Aids To Memory: Retention, Recall And Recognition
Our discussion up to this point has centred around the phase of memory called impression. We have described some of the conditions f...

Concentration Of Attention
Nearly everyone has difficulty in the concentration of attention. Brain workers in business and industry, students in high school an...

How We Reason
If you were asked to describe the most embarrassing of your class-room experiences, you would probably cite the occasions when the i...

Expression As An Aid In Study
In our discussion of the nervous basis underlying study we observed that nerve pathways are affected not only by what enters over th...

How To Become Interested In A Subject
"I can't get interested in Mediaeval History." This illustrates a kind of complaint frequently made by college students. It is our p...

The Plateau Of Despond
In our investigation of the psychology of study we have so far directed our attention chiefly toward the subjective side of the ques...

Mental Secondwind
Did you ever engage in any exhausting physical work for a long period of time? If so, you probably remember that as you proceeded, y...

One of the most vexatious periods of student life is examination time. This is almost universally a time of great distress, giving r...

How To Write Special Feature Articles

The Field For Special Articles
ORIGIN OF SPECIAL ARTICLES. The rise of popular magazines and of magazine sections of daily newspapers during the last thirty years ...

Preparation For Special Feature Writing
QUALIFICATIONS FOR FEATURE WRITING. To attain success as a writer of special feature articles a person must possess at least four q...

Finding Subjects And Material
SOURCES OF SUBJECTS. "What shall I write about?" is the first question that inexperienced writers ask their literary advisers. "If y...

Appeal And Purpose
ANALYZING THE SUBJECT. When from many available subjects a writer is about to choose one, he should pause to consider its possibilit...

Types Of Articles
METHODS OF TREATMENT. After choosing a subject and formulating his purpose, a writer is ready to consider methods of treatment. Agai...

Writing The Article
VALUE OF A PLAN. Just as a builder would hesitate to erect a house without a carefully worked-out plan, so a writer should be loath ...

How To Begin
IMPORTANCE OF THE BEGINNING. The value of a good beginning for a news story, a special feature article, or a short story results fro...

STYLE DEFINED. Style, or the manner in which ideas and emotions are expressed, is as important in special feature writing as it is i...

Titles And Headlines
IMPORTANCE OF HEAD AND TITLE. Headlines or titles, illustrations, and names of authors are the three things that first catch the eye...

Preparing And Selling The Manuscript
IMPORTANCE OF GOOD MANUSCRIPT. After an article has been carefully revised, it is ready to be copied in the form in which it will be...

Photographs And Other Illustrations
VALUE OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The perfecting of photo-engraving processes for making illustrations has been one of the most important fact...

An Outline For The Analysis Of Special Feature Articles
I. SOURCES OF MATERIAL 1. What appears to have suggested the subject to the writer? 2. How much of the article was based on ...

Teach Children Love Of Art Through Storytelling
(_Boston Herald_) "----And so," ended the story, "St. George slew the dragon." A great sigh, long drawn and sibilant, which for the...

Where Girls Learn To Wield Spade And Hoe
To go to school in a potato patch; to say one's lessons to a farmer; to study in an orchard and do laboratory work in a greenhouse--th...

Boys In Search Of Jobs
(_Boston Transcript_) BY RAYMOND G. FULLER One morning lately, if you had stood on Kneeland street in sight of the entrance of the...

Girls And A Camp

Your Porter
BY EDWARD HUNGERFORD He stands there at the door of his car, dusky, grinning, immaculate--awaiting your pleasure. He steps forward ...

The Gentle Art Of Blowing Bottles
And the Story of How Sand is Melted into Glass BY F. GREGORY HARTSWICK Remedies for our manifold ills; the refreshment that our inf...

The Neighborhood Playhouse

The Singular Story Of The Mosquito Man
BY HELEN BULLITT LOWRY "Now you just hold up a minute"--the bungalow-owner waved an indignant hand at the man in the little car c...

A County Service Station

Guarding A City's Water Supply

The Occupation And Exercise Cure
BY FRANK MARSHALL WHITE The nerve specialist leaned back in his chair behind the great mahogany desk in his consulting-room and stu...

The Brennan Monorail Car
BY PERCEVAL GIBBON It was November 10, 1909--a day that will surely have its place in history beside that other day, eighty-five ye...

A New Political Wedge
THE WAY ST. LOUIS WOMEN DROVE A NINE-HOUR DAY INTO THE LAW BY INIS H. WEED It was the evening before the state primaries--a swelt...

The Job Lady
GIVES THE YOUNG WAGE-EARNER A FAIR WORKING CHANCE BY MARY E. TITZEL The Jones School, the oldest public school building in Chicag...

Mark Twain's First Sweetheart, Becky Thatcher, Tells Of Their Childhood Courtship
To Mrs. Laura Frazer of Hannibal, Mo., Mark Twain's immortal "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a rosary, and the book's plot is the cord o...

Four Men Of Humble Birth Hold World Destiny In Their Hands
BY WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD WASHINGTON--Out of a dingy law office in Virginia, out of a cobbler's shop in Wales, out of a village doctor...

The Confessions Of A College Professor's Wife
A college professor--as may be proved by any number of novels and plays--is a quaint, pedantic person, with spectacles and a beard, bu...

A Paradise For A Penny

Wanted: A Home Assistant
(_Pictorial Review_) One illustration made by a staff artist, with the caption, "The New Home Assistant is Trained for Her Work." ...

Six Years Of Tea Rooms
BUSINESS CAREER OF A WOMAN COLLEGE GRADUATE "For the last three years I have cleared $5,000 a year on my tea rooms," declared a you...

One Man's Way Of Serving The Directtoconsumer Market
By A. L. SARRAN If you live within a hundred and fifty miles of a city, if you possess ordinary common sense and have the ability t...

Sales Without Salesmanship
BY JAMES H. COLLINS "Say, you're a funny salesman!" exclaimed the business man. "Here I make up my own mind that I need two motor t...

The Accident That Gave Us Woodpulp Paper

Centennial Of The First Steamship To Cross The Atlantic
(7-column head) One hundred years ago this week there was launched at New York the ship Savannah, which may be called the father of...

Literary Taste How to Form It

The Aim
At the beginning a misconception must be removed from the path. Many people, if not most, look on literary taste as an elegant accompl...

Your Particular Case
The attitude of the average decent person towards the classics of his own tongue is one of distrust--I had almost said, of fear. I wi...

Why A Classic Is A Classic
The large majority of our fellow-citizens care as much about literature as they care about aeroplanes or the programme of the Legislat...

Where To Begin
I wish particularly that my readers should not be intimidated by the apparent vastness and complexity of this enterprise of forming t...

How To Read A Classic
Let us begin experimental reading with Charles Lamb. I choose Lamb for various reasons: He is a great writer, wide in his appeal, of...

The Question Of Style
In discussing the value of particular books, I have heard people say-- people who were timid about expressing their views of literatur...

Wrestling With An Author
Having disposed, so far as is possible and necessary, of that formidable question of style, let us now return to Charles Lamb, whose ...

System In Reading
You have now definitely set sail on the sea of literature. You are afloat, and your anchor is up. I think I have given adequate warn...

There is a word, a "name of fear," which rouses terror in the heart of the vast educated majority of the English-speaking race. The m...

Broad Counsels
I have now set down what appear to me to be the necessary considerations, recommendations, exhortations, and dehortations in aid of t...

An English Library Period I
For the purposes of book-buying, I divide English literature, not strictly into historical epochs, but into three periods which, whil...

An English Library Period Ii
After dealing with the formation of a library of authors up to John Dryden, I must logically arrange next a scheme for the period cove...

An English Library Period Iii
The catalogue of necessary authors of this third and last period being so long, it is convenient to divide the prose writers into Ima...

Love Life Work

A Prayer

A Prayer
The supreme prayer of my heart is not to be learned, rich, famous, powerful, or "good," but simply to be radiant. I desire to radiate ...

Life And Expression
By exercise of its faculties the spirit grows, just as a muscle grows strong thru continued use. Expression is necessary. Life is expr...

Time And Chance
As the subject is somewhat complex, I will have to explain it to you. The first point is that there is not so very much difference in ...

Psychology Of A Religious Revival
Traveling to and fro over the land and up and down in it are men who manage street-fairs. Let it be known that a street-fair or Mar...

Oneman Power
Every successful concern is the result of a One-Man Power. Coöperation, technically, is an iridescent dream--things coöperate because ...

Mental Attitude
Success is in the blood. There are men whom fate can never keep down--they march forward in a jaunty manner, and take by divine right ...

The Outsider
When I was a farmer lad I noticed that whenever we bought a new cow, and turned her into the pasture with the herd, there was a genera...

Get Out Or Get In Line
Abraham Lincoln's letter to Hooker! If all the letters, messages and speeches of Lincoln were destroyed, except that one letter to Hoo...

The Weekday, Keep It Holy
Did it ever strike you that it is a most absurd and semi-barbaric thing to set one day apart as "holy?" If you are a writer and a b...

Exclusive Friendships
An excellent and gentle man of my acquaintance has said, "When fifty-one per cent of the voters believe in coöperation as opposed to c...

The Folly Of Living In The Future
The question is often asked, "What becomes of all the Valedictorians and all the Class-Day Poets?" I can give information as to two...

The Spirit Of Man
Maybe I am all wrong about it, yet I cannot help believing that the spirit of man will live again in a better world than ours. Fenelon...

Art And Religion
While this seems true in the main, I am not sure it will hold in every case. Please think it out for yourself, and if I happen to be w...

The world bestows its big prizes, both in money and honors, for but one thing. And that is Initiative. What is Initiative? I'll tell y...

The Disagreeable Girl
England's most famous dramatist, George Bernard Shaw, has placed in the pillory of letters what he is pleased to call "The Disagreeabl...

The Neutral
There is known to me a prominent business house that by the very force of its directness and worth has incurred the enmity of many riv...

Reflections On Progress
Renan has said that truth is always rejected when it comes to a man for the first time, its evolution being as follows: First, we s...

Sympathy, Knowledge And Poise
Sympathy, Knowledge and Poise seem to be the three ingredients that are most needed in forming the Gentle Man. I place these elements ...

Love And Faith
No woman is worthy to be a wife who on the day of her marriage is not lost absolutely and entirely in an atmosphere of love and perfec...

Giving Something For Nothing
To give a man something for nothing tends to make the individual dissatisfied with himself. Your enemies are the ones you have help...

Work And Waste
These truths I hold to be self-evident: That man was made to be happy; that happiness is only attainable through useful effort; that t...

The Law Of Obedience
The very first item in the creed of common sense is _Obedience_. Perform your work with a whole heart. Revolt may be sometimes ne...

Society's Saviors
All adown the ages society has made the mistake of nailing its Saviors to the cross between thieves. That is to say, society has re...

Preparing For Old Age
Socrates was once asked by a pupil, this question: "What kind of people shall we be when we reach Elysium?" And the answer was this...

An Alliance With Nature
My father is a doctor who has practised medicine for sixty-five years, and is still practising. I am a doctor myself. I am fifty...

The Ex. Question
Words sometimes become tainted and fall into bad repute, and are discarded. Until the day of Elizabeth Fry, on the official records in...

The Sergeant
A colonel in the United States Army told me the other day something like this: The most valuable officer, the one who has the greatest...

The Spirit Of The Age
Four hundred and twenty-five years before the birth of the Nazarene, Socrates said, "The gods are on high Olympus, but you and I are h...

The Grammarian
The best way to learn to write is to write. Herbert Spencer never studied grammar until he had learned to write. He took his gramma...

Poise How to Attain It

All efforts directed toward the correcting of temperamental or mental blemishes or defects and nervous conditions are of benefit to ...

The Need Of Poise In Life
Lack of poise has always been an obstacle to those who are imbued with the desire to succeed. In every age the awkwardness born o...

The Enemies Of Poise
The enemies of poise are many and of different origins, both of feeling and of impulse. They all tend, however, toward the same r...

War On Timidity
One can not be too insistent in asserting how harmful the lack of poise can be, and when once this weakness has reached the stage of...

Modesty And Effrontery Contrasted
"Never force your talents" a well-known writer has said. One always feels like crying this to those who, thinking to reach the goal ...

Physical Exercises To Acquire Poise
Before preparing oneself by the exercise of reasoning and will-power for the acquisition of poise, it is vitally necessary to make o...

Four Series Of Physical Exercises
FIRST SERIES--BREATHING The point of departure for the cultivation of poise, like that of everything else in fact, must be a well...

Practical Exercises For Obtaining Poise
COMPOSURE One of the essential conditions of acquiring poise is to familiarize oneself with the habit of composure. Timid peop...

THE SILENCE What It Is How To Use It

Approach To The Silence
Wrong thinking produces inharmony in our body, which in turn produces sickness. Our bodies sometimes are instantly re-harmonized whi...

Health Silence
Select one or more of the affirmations or formulas below to hold in thought while in the Silence. You may change or vary these as you ...

Thought To Hold In The Silence For Abundance
"The Universal Abundant Spirit Supplies All My Needs." There is no want or limitation in the law. If, perchance, there should app...

Thought To Hold In Meditation In The Silence

For Harmony Peace Comfort
Base your thought for this Silence upon the following. You may add any constructive thought you choose. "My Subconscious Mind, I ...

Thought To Hold As A Basis For This Silence For Success
"I Have Faith and Conviction in My Ultimate Success." I believe the Scripture: "My ways are not your ways, saith the Lord; neither ...

"There is abundance in the world for me given by the bountiful hand of Omnipotence. I gratefully claim and accept all the supply f...

Health Success Prosperity Universal Peace And Brotherhood
"God Made From One Blood All the Nations of the World." As I enter the Silence this time, expecting to get health, success, prosper...

How To Have More
"I Am Unselfish in Action, Being and Motive." The science of psychology as applied to everyday life is, strictly speaking, a new sc...

All Things Are In Divine Order
"Divine Harmony and Peace Actuate Every Thought and Action of My Being." I realize that all things are in Divine order for me and m...

Thought To Hold In Silence And To Meditate Upon During The Day For Justice
"There's a Spirit of Justice that Secures me in Which is My Own." If we reach a consciousness of justice, we need have no doubts as ...

The True Citizen How To Become One

Education Of The Natural Faculties.
MEMORY GEMS. Every man stamps his value on himself.--Schiller No capital earns such interest as personal culture.--President El...

MEMORY GEMS. We get out of Nature what we carry to her.--Katherine Hagar Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn ...

MEMORY GEMS. Love makes obedience easy.--T. Watson The education of the will is the object of our existence.--Emerson To lea...

MEMORY GEMS. Truth lies at the bottom of the well.--Old Proverb Candor looks with equal fairness at both sides of a subject. ...

MEMORY GEMS. Gratitude is the music of the heart.--Robert South. The best way of recognizing a benefit is never to forget it. ...

MEMORY GEMS. Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health.--Addison Give us, oh give us, the man who sings at his work.--Carlyle...

The Love Of The Beautiful.
MEMORY GEMS. The beautiful can never die.--Kingsley A thing of beauty is a joy forever.--Keats The love of beauty is an esse...

The Loye Of Knowledge.
MEMORY GEMS. Knowledge is the eye of the soul.--T. Watson Common sense is knowledge of common things.--M. C. Peters It is no...

The First Transition Period.
MEMORY GEMS. The child is father of the man.--Wordsworth Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.--Chesterfield ...

MEMORY GEMS. Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.--Hogarth. Know something of everything and everything of something. ...

MEMORY GEMS. Hope without an object cannot live.--Coleridge Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted. ...

MEMORY GEMS. Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.--Smiles He who follows two hares is sure to catch neither...

MEMORY GEMS. Self-mastery is the essence of heroism.--Emerson He who reigns within himself is more than a king.--Milton I ha...

MEMORY GEMS. Every noble work is at first impossible.--Carlyle Victory belongs to the most persevering.--Napoleon Our greate...

MEMORY GEMS. One to-day is worth two to-morrows.--Franklin Whilst we are considering when we are to begin, it is often too late...

MEMORY GEMS. Truth needs no color, beauty no pencil.--Shakespeare An honest man's the noblest work of God.--Pope The basis o...

MEMORY GEMS. Conduct is three fourths of life.--Matthew Arnold There is no policy like politeness.--Magoon Life is not so sh...

MEMORY GEMS. Self-denial is the essence of heroism.--Emerson True self-denial involves personal sacrifice for the good of other...

MEMORY GEMS. Above all things reverence yourself.--Pythagoras No one can disgrace us but ourselves.--J. G. Holland Self-dist...

MEMORY GEMS. Conscientiousness is the underlying granite of life.--Sir Walter Raleigh When love of praise takes the place of pr...

MEMORY GEMS. Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.--Bulwer Enthusiasm is the fundamental quality of strong souls.--Carlyle ...

MEMORY GEMS. The best hearts are always the bravest.--Sterne In noble souls, valor does not wait for years.--Corneille Coura...

MEMORY GEMS. Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, which we ascribe to Heaven. --Shakespeare Be su...

MEMORY GEMS. Humility is the true cure for many a needless heartache.--A. Montague It is easy to look down on others; to look d...

MEMORY GEMS. Faithfulness is the soul of goodness.--J. S. White That which we love most in men and women is faithfulness.--S. B...

The Second Teansition Period.
MEMORY GEMS. It is the pushing fellows who get well to the front.--William Black The tricky, underhanded individual pays higher...

MEMORY GEMS. Accuracy is the twin brother of honesty.--C. Simmons Without method, little can be done to any good purpose.--Ma...

MEMORY GEMS. Reverence is the crown of moral manhood.--C. Kingsley No man of sound nature ever makes a mock of reverence.--T. T...

MEMORY GEMS. Sentiment is nothing but thought blended with feeling.--J. F. Clarke Sentiment takes part in the shaping of all de...

MEMORY GEMS. The path of duty is the way to glory.--Tennyson A sense of duty pursues us ever and everywhere.--Webster The co...

MEMORY GEMS. Rum will brutalize the manliest man in Christendom.-J. B. Gough Rum excites all that is bad, vicious, and criminal...

MEMORY GEMS. The noblest motive is the public good.--Virgil The one best omen is to fight for fatherland.--Homer Patriotism ...

MEMORY GEMS. Keep out of the crowd, if you have to get above it.--M. C Peters The freedom of the mind is the highest form of in...

The Ideal Man.
MEMORY GEMS. From the lowest depth there is a path to the highest height.--Carlyle. A man seldom loses the respect of others un...

What Constitutes Good Citizenship.
MEMORY GEMS. A great nation is made only by worthy citizens.--Charles Dudley Warner Nothing is politically right that is morall...

The Citizen And The Home.
MEMORY GEMS. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.--Anon The fireside is the seminary of the nation.--Goodrich Ear...

The Citizen And The Community.
MEMORY GEMS. Municipal government should be entirely divorced from party politics. ...

The Citizen And The Nation.
MEMORY GEMS. Love your country and obey its laws.--Noah Porter The sum of individual character makes national character.--E. C....


Self Help


  Common Sense How To Exercise It  
  Flying Machines Construction Operation  
  How and When to Be Your Own Doctor  
  How To Become Like Christ  
  How to Live a Holy Life  
  How to Live on 24 Hours a Day  
  How To Succeed  
  How to Teach  
  How to Use Your Mind  
  How To Write Special Feature Articles  
  Literary Taste How to Form It  
  Love Life Work  
  Poise How to Attain It  
  THE SILENCE What It Is How To Use It  
  The True Citizen How To Become One  

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