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The source for catholic thoughts, morals and prayers

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The source for catholic thoughts, morals and prayers


Believing And Doing
MORALS pertain to right living, to the things we do, in relation to God and His law, as opposed to right thinking, to what we believe,...

The Moral Agent
MORALS are for man, not for the brute; they are concerned with his thoughts, desires, words and deeds; they suppose a moral agent. ...

THE will of God, announced to the world at large, is known as the Law of God; manifested to each individual soul, it is called conscie...

Laxity And Scruples
IN every question of conscience there are two opposing factors: Liberty, which is agreeable to our nature, which allows us to do as we...

The Law Of God And Its Breach
WITHOUT going into any superflous details, we shall call the Law of God an act of His will by which He ordains what things we may do o...

How To Count Sins
THE number of sins a person may commit is well-nigh incalculable, which is only one way of saying that the malice of man has invented ...

Capital Sins
YOU can never cure a disease till you get at the seat or root of the evil. It will not do to attack the several manifestations that ap...

EXCELLENCE is a quality that raises a man above the common level and distinguishes him among his fellow-beings. The term is relative. ...

"WHAT is a miser?" asked the teacher of her pupils, and the bright boy spoke up and answered: one who has a greed for gold. But he and...

NEVER say, when you are angry, that you are mad; it makes you appear much worse than you really are, for only dogs get mad. The rabies...

SELF-PRESERVATION is nature's first law, and the first and essential means of preserving one's existence is the taking of food and dri...

INTEMPERANCE is the immoderate use of anything, good or bad; here the word is used to imply an excessive use of alcoholic beverages, w...

NOT the least, if the last, of capital sins is sloth, and it is very properly placed; for who ever saw the sluggard or victim of this ...

What We Believe
OUR first duty to God, and the first obligation imposed upon us by the First Commandment is Faith, or belief in God--we must know Him....

Why We Believe
BELIEF, we have said, is the acceptance of a truth from another. We do not always accept what others present to us as truth, for the g...

Whence Our Belief: Reason
MY faith is the most reasonable thing in the world, and it must needs be such. The Almighty gave me intelligence to direct my life. Wh...

Whence Our Belief: Grace And Will
TO believe is to assent to a truth on the authority of God's word. We must find that the truth proposed is really guaranteed by the au...

How We Believe
FAITH is the edifice of a Christian life. It is, of itself, a mere shell, so to speak, for unless good works sustain and adorn it, it ...

Faith And Error
INTOLERANCE is a harsh term. It is stern, rigid, brutal, almost. It makes no compromise, combats a outrance and exacts blind and absol...

The Consistent Believer
THE intolerance of the Church towards error, the natural position of One who is the custodian of truth, her only reasonable attitude, ...

AN atheist in principle is one who denies the existence of God and consequently of all revealed truth. How, in practice, a man endowed...

How Faith May Be Lost
IT is part of our belief that no man can lose his faith without mortal sin. The conscious rejection of all or any religious truth once...

Love Of God
ONCE upon a time, there lived people who pretended that nothing had existence outside the mind, that objects were merely fictions of t...

Love Of Neighbor
THE precept, written in our hearts, as well as in the law, to love God, commands us, at the same time, to love the neighbor. When you ...

NO word so common and familiar among Christians as prayer. Religion itself is nothing more than a vast, mighty, universal, never ceasi...

FOR all spiritual needs, therefore, prayer is the one thing necessary. I am in the state of sin. I desire to be forgiven. To obtain pa...

AS far back as the light of history extends, it shows man, of every race and of every clime, occupied in giving expression, in one way...

THERE is in the Church an abundance and a rich variety of what we call devotions--practices that express our respect, affection and ve...

Idolatry And Superstition
THE first and greatest sinner against religion is the idolater, who offers God-worship to others than God. There are certain attribute...

SPIRITISM as a theory, a science, a practice, a religion, or--I might add--a profitable business venture, is considered an evil thing ...

Christian Science
A RECENTLY discovered sin against the First Commandment is the worship of Mrs. Eddy, and it is commonly called Christian Science. This...

"THOU shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God in vain." A name is a sign, and respect for God Himself, as prescribed by the Fi...

THE first quality of an oath is that it be true. It is evident that every statement we make, whether simple or sworn, must be true. If...

The Professional Vows
THE professional vow is a triple one, and embraces the three great evangelical counsels of perfect chastity, poverty and obedience. Th...

The Profession
ONE of the advantages of the monastic life, created by vows, is that it is wholly in keeping with human nature such as God created it....

The Religious
OWING to the disturbance over things religious in France, vows and those who exemplify them in their lives are receiving of late a lar...

The Vow Of Poverty
ONE objection to the vow of poverty that has a serious face on it, and certainly looks wicked, is that it does not prevent the accumul...

The Vow Of Obedience
WHAT kind of obedience is that which makes religious "unwilling to acknowledge any superior but the Pope?" We have been confidently i...

The Vow Of Chastity
RELIGIOUS are sometimes called celibates. Now, a celibate, one of the bachelor persuasion, is a person who considers himself or hersel...

TO blaspheme is to speak ill of God; blasphemy is an utterance derogatory to the respect and honor due to God. Primarily, it is a sin ...

TO bless one is not merely to wish that one well, but also to invoke good fortune upon his head, to recommend him to the Giver of all ...

PROFANITY is not a specific sin. Under this general head come all blasphemy, false, rash, unjust and unnecessary oaths, rash and viola...

Third Commandment The Law Of Rest
THE last of the three Commandments that refer directly to God, prescribes a rest from toil, and profane works; and in commemoration of...

The Day Of Rest
THE third article of the Mosaic Code not only enunciates the law of rest, but says just how much time shall be given to its observance...

Keeping The Lord's Day Holy
THE Third Commandment bids us sanctify the Lord's day; but in what that sanctification shall consist, it does not say. It is certain, ...

Worship Of Sacrifice
WE Catholics contend, and our contention is based on a law of nature that we glean from the history of man, that sacrifice is the soul...

Worship Of Rest
PARTICIPATION in public worship is the positive obligation flowing from the Third Commandment; abstention from labor is what is negati...

Servile Works
BUT, if servile works are prohibited on the Lord's day, it must be remembered that "the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the ...

Common Works
THERE is a third sort of works to be considered in relation to Sunday observance, which, being of their nature neither liberal nor ser...

Parental Dignity
WE have done with the three commandments that refer directly to God. The second Table of the Law contains seven precepts that concern ...

Filial Respect
WORTHY of honor are they whom the Lord sees fit to honor. In the exalted station to which they have been called and in the express co...

Filial Love
HE who has a heart, and has it properly located, will not fail to love that which is good; he will have no difficulty in so doing, it ...

Authority And Obedience
AUTHORITY means the right to command; to command is to exact obedience, and obedience is submission of one's will to that of another, ...

Should We Help Our Parents?
THERE are few things more evident to natural reason than the obligation children are under to assist their parents when necessity knoc...

Disinterested Love In Parents
LOVE seems to resume all the obligations of parents toward their offspring; certainly, it directs all their actions, and they fulfil ...

Educate The Children
BEFORE reaching the age of reason, the child's needs are purely animal; it requires to be fed, clothed and provided with the general ...

Educational Extravagance
OUR public educational system is made up of a grammar and a high school course, the latter consisting of a four years term of studies,...

Godless Education
THE other defect, respecting education as found in the public schools of the land, is that it leaves the soul out of all consideration...

Catholic Schools
THE Catholic school system all over this land has been erected and stands dedicated to the principle that no child can be properly, t...

Some Weak Points In The Catholic School System
SOME parents claim that their children do not learn anything in the Catholic school. It is good policy always to accept this statement...

AMONG the many things that are good for children and that parents are in duty bound to supply is--the rod! This may sound old-fashione...

Justice And Rights
JUSTICE is a virtue by which we render unto every man that which to him is due. Among equals, it is called commutative justice, the wh...

TO kill is to take life, human or animal. It was once thought by a sect of crazy fanatics, that the Fifth Commandment applied to the k...

Is Suicide A Sin?
MOST people no doubt remember how, a short time previous to his death, Col. Robert Ingersoli, the agnostic lecturer, gave out a thesis...

THE thought is a terrible one--and the act is desperate in itself--of a man, however justified his conduct may be, slaying with his ow...

Murder Often Sanctioned
ALL injury done to another in order to repair an insult is criminal, and if said injury result in death, it is murder. Here we cons...

On The Ethics Of War
IN these days, since we have evolved into a fighting nation, our young men feel within them the instinct of battle, which, like Job's ...

The Massacre Of The Innocents
HEROD, the Bloody, slew all under two. A modern Moloch, a creature of lust and blood, disguised often under the cloak of respectabilit...

KILLING is not the only thing forbidden by the Fifth Commandment: thereby are prescribed all forms of enmity, of which killing is one,...

Our Enemies
WHAT is an enemy? A personal, an individual enemy is he who has done us a personal injury. The enemy, in a general or collective sense...

THE natural order of things brings us to a consideration of the Sixth Commandment, and at the same time, of the Ninth, as treating of ...

The Sink Of Iniquity
THE malice of lust consists in the abuse of a natural, a quasi-divine faculty, which is prostituted to ignoble purposes foreign to the...

Wherein Nature Is Opposed
CERTAIN excesses, such as we have already alluded to, however base and abominable in themselves and their effects, have nevertheless t...

THE heart, the seat of the affections, is, after the mind whose authority and direction it is made to obey, man's noblest faculty; but...

OCCASIONS of sin are persons, places or things that may easily lead us into sin: this definition of the little catechism is simple and...

ON only rare occasions do people who follow the bent of their unbridled passions bethink themselves of the double guilt that frequentl...

Not Good To Be Alone
A MAN may come to discover that the state in which he finds himself placed, is not the one for which he was evidently intended by the ...

A Helping Hand
THE moralist is usually severe, and the quality of his censure is merciless, when he attempts to treat the unwholesome theme of moral ...

Thou Shalt Not Steal
THE Seventh Commandment is protective of the right of property which is vested in every human being enjoying the use of reason. Proper...

Petty Thefts
A QUESTION may arise as to petty thefts, venial in themselves, but oft repeated and aggregating in the long run a sum of considerable ...

An Oft Exploited, But Specious Plea
IT is not an infrequent occurrence for persons given to the habit of petty thefts and fraud, to seek to justify their irregular conduc...

THE Eighth Commandment concerns itself with the good name of the neighbor; in a general way, it reproves all sins of the tongue, apart...

DEFAMATION differs from contumely in that the one supposes the absence, the other, the presence, of the person vilified; and again, in...

TO absolve oneself of the sin of detraction on the ground that nothing but the truth was spoken is, as we have seen, one way of gettin...

TO the malice of detraction calumny adds that of falsehood. It is a lie, which is bad; it is a report prejudicial to the character of ...

Rash Judgment
THE Eighth Commandment is based on the natural right every fellow-man has to our good opinion, unless he forfeits it justly and public...

TO lie is to utter an untruth, with full knowledge that it is an untruth. The untruth may be expressed by any conventional sign, by w...

Concealing The Truth
THE duty always to tell the truth does not imply the obligation always to tell all you know; and falsehood does not always follow as a...

A PECULIAR feature attaches to the sins we have recently treated, against the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth commandments. These o...

Undoing The Evil
WHENEVER a person, through a spirit of Police or grossly culpable negligence, becomes responsible for serious bodily injury sustained ...

Paying Back
A MAN who has stolen, has nothing more urgent and imperative to perform, on this side of eternity, than the duty of refunding the mone...

Getting Rid Of Ill-gotten Goods
IT may happen that a person discover among his legitimately acquired possessions something that does not in reality belong to him. He ...

What Excuses From Restitution
THOSE who do not obtain full justice from man in this world will obtain it in the next from God. If we do not meet our obligations thi...

Prayer Articles

Five Outlets Of Power
Five Outlets of Power. A great sorrow has come into the heart of God. Let it be told only in hushed voice--one of His worlds ...

A Prehistoric Conflict
A Prehistoric Conflict. In its simplest meaning prayer has to do with a conflict. Rightly understood it is the deciding facto...

Prayer A War Measure
Prayer a War Measure. This world is God's prodigal son. The heart of God's bleeds over His prodigal. It has been gone so long...

How God Gives
How God Gives. Some one may object to all this that the statements of God's word do not agree with this point of view. At ...

Breaking With God
Breaking with God. God answers prayer. Prayer is God and man joining hands to secure some high end. He joins with us through ...

Gods Pathway To Human Hearts
God's Pathway to Human Hearts. God touches men through men. The Spirit's path to a human heart is through another human heart...

The Traitor Prince
The Traitor Prince. There remains yet a word to be said about hindrances. It is a most important word; indeed the climactic w...

Gods Ambassadors
God's Ambassadors. If I had an ambition to be the ambassador of this country to our mother-country, there would be two essent...

Touching The Hidden Keys
Touching the Hidden Keys. One of the most remarkable illustrations in recent times of the power of prayer, may be found in th...

A Trained Ear
A Trained Ear. In prayer the ear is an organ of first importance. It is of equal importance with the tongue, but must be name...

He Came To His Own
He Came to His Own. The purpose of prayer is to get God's will done. What a stranger God is in His own world! Nobody is so mu...

Gods Door Into A Home
God's Door into a Home. The heart of God hungers to redeem the world. For that He gave His own, only Son though the treatment...

A Pen Sketch
A Pen Sketch. When God would win back His prodigal world He sent down a Man. That Man while more than man insisted upon being...

Right Rev Boyd Carpenterlord Bis
I have been asked to write some thoughts on answers to prayer. I am afraid that I cannot give from personal experience vivid and str...

Rev Theodore Cuyler Of New York
All of God's mighty men and women have been mighty in prayer. When Martin Luther was in the mid-valley of his conflict with the man ...

Rev John Watson Or Ian Maclaren
During the course of my ministry, and especially of recent years, I have been moved to certain actions for which there seemed no rea...

Rev Knox Little Canon Of Worcest
Prayer is a comprehensive word and includes, in fact, all communion between the soul and God. It is, however, commonly used to mean ...

William Quarrier Of Glasgow
For twenty-five years it has been with me a continual answer to prayer. The first seven of my service were spent in caring for the r...

Leonard Shaw Of Manchester
The work for homeless children in Manchester was cradled in prayer. Every step in preparation was laid before God. But what I want s...

Rev Horton
It has sometimes seemed to me that God does not intend the faith in prayer to rest upon an induction of instances. The answers, howe...

Rev Hugh Price Hughes
You ask me to give my experience of answers to prayer. I have never had any doubt that Dean Milman was right when he said that perso...

Rev Clifford
Immediately after my acceptance of the pastorate of the church to which I still minister, I arranged to continue and broaden my trai...

Rev Boyle Dean Of Salisbury
"What was it that struck you most in that sermon on the character of St. Paul?" said Bishop Patteson to a friend at Oxford, who had ...


Now I Awake And See The Light
Now I awake and see the light; Lord, Thou hast kept me through the night. To Thee I lift my voice and pray That Thou wilt ke...

The Morning Bright
The morning bright With rosy light Has waked me from my sleep; Father, I own Thy love alone Thy little one doth keep. ...

Now I Raise Me Up From Sleep
Now I raise me up from sleep, I thank the Lord who did me keep, All through the night; and to Him pray That He may keep me t...

O Help Me Lord This Day To Be
O help me, Lord, this day to be Thy own dear child and follow Thee; And lead me, Savior, by Thy hand Until I reach the heave...

O Lord My God To Thee Pray
O Lord, my God, to Thee pray While from my bed I rise That all I do and all I say Be pleasing to Thine eyes. Amen. ...

Jesus Lord To Thee I Pray
Jesus, Lord, to Thee I pray, Guide and guard me through this day. As the shepherd tends his sheep. Lord, me safe from evil k...

In The Early Morning
In the early morning, With the sun's first rays. All God's little children Thank and pray and praise. I, too, thanks wo...

For This New Morning With Its Li
For this new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends. For every...

I Thank Thee Lord For Sleep An
I thank Thee, Lord, for sleep and rest, For all the things that I love best, Now guide me through another day And bless my w...

Jesus Gentle Shepherd
Jesus, gentle Shepherd, Bless Thy lamb to-day; Keep me in Thy footsteps, Never let me stray. Guard me through the daytime...

Keep My Little Tongue To-day
Keep my little tongue to-day, Keep it gentle while I play; Keep my hands from doing wrong. Keep my feet the whole day long; ...

Jesus Keep Me All This Day
Jesus, keep me all this day. When at school and when at play; May I do all things I ought, May I hate each evil thought; ...

O Blessed Lord Protect Thou Me
O blessed Lord, protect Thou me And my dear parents graciously; With Thy strong arm be ever near To brothers and to sisters ...

My Father For Another Night
My Father, for another night Of quiet sleep and rest. For all the joys of morning light, Thy holy name be blest. Amen. ...

Now With The New-born Day I Give
Now with the new-born day I give Myself anew to Thee, That as Thou willest, I may live, And what Thou willest, be. Amen. ...

Lord For The Mercies Of This Ni
Lord, for the mercies of this night My humble thanks I pay And unto Thee I give myself To-day and every day. Amen. ...

Whateer I Do Things Great Or S
Whate'er I do, things great or small Whate'er I speak or frame. Thy glory may I seek in all, Do all in Jesus' name. My ...

I Thank Thee My Heavenly Father
I thank Thee, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast kept me this night from all harm and danger; and ...

Savior Lay Thy Hand On Me
Savior, lay Thy hand on me, Bless me, and remember me. Amen. ...

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake. I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to...

Dear Father In Heaven
Dear Father in heaven, Look down from above; Bless papa and mama, And those whom I love. May angels guard over My sl...

Now The Light Has Gone Away
Now the light has gone away; Savior, listen while I pray. Asking Thee to watch and keep And to send me quiet sleep. Jes...

In My Little Bed I Lie
In my little bed I lie: Heavenly Father, hear my cry; Lord, keep Thou me through this night. Bring me safe to morning light....

The Day Is Past And Over
The day is past and over, All thanks, O Lord, to Thee! O Jesus, keep me in Thy sight And save me through the coming night. ...

The Day Is Done
The day is done; O God the Son, Look down upon Thy little one! O Light of Light, Keep me this night, And shed rou...

Forgive O Lord For Thy Dear So
Forgive, O Lord, for Thy dear Son The ill that I this day have done. That with the world, myself, and Thee I, ere I sleep, a...

Watch Oer A Little Child To-nig
Watch o'er a little child to-night, Blest Savior from above, And keep me till the morning light Within Thine arms of love. A...

Jesus Tender Shepherd Hear Me
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me: Bless Thy little child to-night; Through the darkness be Thou near me, Keep me safe till mo...

Lord Send Me Sleep That I May L
Lord, send me sleep that I may live; The wrongs I've done this day forgive. Bless every deed and thought and word I've right...

Abide With Me Fast Falls The Ev
Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide, The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, ...

At The Close Of Every Day
At the close of every day, Lord, to Thee I kneel and pray. Look upon Thy little child, Look in love and mercy mild. O for...

Lord I Have Passed Another Day
Lord, I have passed another day And come to thank Thee for Thy care. Forgive my faults in work or play And listen to my even...

All Praise To Thee My God This
All praise to Thee, my God, this night For all the blessings of the light: Keep me, O keep me, King of kings, Beneath Thine ...

I Fall Asleep In Jesus Wounds
I fall asleep in Jesus' wounds, There pardon for my sins abounds; Yea, Jesus' blood and righteousness My jewels are, my glor...

The Toils Of Day Are Over
The toils of day are over; I lift my heart to Thee And ask that free from peril The hours of night may be. O Jesus, make ...

O Lord God I Pray Thee For Chr
O Lord God, I pray Thee, for Christ's sake, forgive me whatsoever I have done wrong this day and keep me safe all the night while I am...

I Thank Thee My Heavenly Father
I thank Thee, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast graciously kept me this day; and I pray Thee that...

Abba, Jesus! Amen. ...

Abba Father Bless This Food
Abba, Father, bless this food For our everlasting good. Amen. ...

Come Lord Jesus Be Our Guest
Come, Lord Jesus, be our Guest And let Thy gifts to us be blest. Amen. ...

O Bread Of Life From Day To Day
O Bread of Life, from day to day Be Thou our Comfort, Food, and Stay. Amen. ...

Be Present At Our Table Lord
Be present at our table, Lord, Be here and everywhere adored. Thy creatures bless and grant that we May feast in paradise wi...

Great God Thou Giver Of All Goo
Great God, Thou Giver of all good, Accept our praise and bless our food. Grace, health, and strength to us afford Through Je...

Jesus Bless What Thou Hast Give
Jesus, bless what Thou hast given, Feed our souls with bread from heaven; Guide and lead us all the way In all that we may d...

Lord God Heavenly Father Bless
Lord God, heavenly Father, bless us and these Thy gifts which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. ...

The Eyes Of All Wait Upon Thee
The eyes of all wait upon Thee, O Lord, and Thou givest them their meat in due season: Thou openest Thine hand and satisfiest the desi...

Grant Us Thy Grace O Lord That
Grant us Thy grace, O Lord, that, whether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, we may do it all in Thy name and to Thy glory. Amen. ...

Thanks, Lord Jesus! Amen. ...

Thanks be unto Thee, O God! Amen. ...

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Amen. ...

We Thank The Lord
We thank the Lord For meat and drink Through Jesus Christ. Amen. ...

We Thank Thee Dear Lord Jesus
We thank Thee, dear Lord Jesus. That Thou our Guest hast been; O be Thou with us ever And save us from all sin. Amen. ...

We Thank Thee For Those Gifts O
We thank Thee for those gifts, O Lord; Pray feed our souls, too, with Thy Word. Amen. ...

O Give Thanks Unto The Lord For
O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. Amen. ...

Bless The Lord O My Soul And A
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. ...

Heavenly Father Accept Our Than
Heavenly Father, accept our thanks for this and for all Thy blessings, through Jesus Christ. Amen. ...

O God Who Givest Unto All Their
O God, who givest unto all their food, make us thankful and provide for all the needy, now and evermore. Amen. ...

Accept O Lord Our Thankful Pra
Accept, O Lord, our thankful praises For all Thy goodness did bestow; May it increase our faith and lead us Our praise by go...

We Thank Thee Lord God Heavenl
We thank Thee, Lord God, heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, for all Thy benefits, who livest and reignest forever and ev...

O Lord We Thank Thee For Our Da
O Lord, we thank Thee for our daily bread. May it strengthen and refresh our bodies! And we pray Thee, nourish our souls with Thy heav...

The Lord Is Good To All And His
The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless Hi...

Lord, help me! Amen. ...

Jesus, Redeemer, have mercy upon me! Amen. ...

Tender Jesus Meek And Mild
Tender Jesus, meek and mild, Look on me, a little child; Help me, if it is Thy will, To recover from all ill. Amen. ...

I Am Weak But Thou Art Mighty
I am weak, but Thou art mighty. Help me, O my God! Amen. ...

Dear Father Help Me Believe Tha
Dear Father, help me believe that all things work together for good to them that love God. Amen. ...

O Thou From Whom All Blessings
O Thou, from whom all blessings flow, I lift my heart to Thee; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, Dear Lord, remember me. A...

Dear Father Thy Child Is Sick
Dear Father, Thy child is sick. Look upon me in tender mercy, and if it be Thy will, raise me up and grant me health and strength. Ame...

Heavenly Father It Hath Pleased
Heavenly Father, it hath pleased Thee to visit me with sickness, I know that Thou art too kind and good to send me anything but for my...

Other Refuge Have I None
Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee: Leave, ah! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. Al...

Lord Gracious God I Cry To The
Lord, gracious God, I cry to Thee, Still bless me with Thy favor, Forgive my sins, and let me live, Thy child remain forever...

Nearer My God To Thee
Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be, Nearer...

Lord Jesus Christ My Best Physi
Lord Jesus Christ, my best Physician, I come to Thee in this my sickness. I pray Thee to look upon me in tender mercy. Send Thy guardi...

Lord Jesus Look Down From Heave
Lord Jesus, look down from heaven upon my mama (papa, brother, sister) and soon make her (him) well again. Thou canst do all things; h...

Holy Jesus Every Day
Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way, And when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where...

As A Little Child Relies
As a little child relies On a care beyond his own; Knows he's neither strong nor wise, Fears to stir a step alone,-- Let ...

Faithful Shepherd Feed Me
Faithful Shepherd, feed me In the pastures green; Faithful Shepherd, lead me Where Thy steps are seen. Hold me fast and...

We Thank Thee Heavnly Father
We thank Thee, heav'nly Father, For ev'ry earthly good, For life, and health, and clothing, And for our daily food. O g...

Holy Jesus Be My Light
Holy Jesus, be my Light, Shine upon my way; Through this tempting, changing life Lead me day by day. Amen. ...

Lord Be Thou My Constant Guide
Lord, be Thou my constant Guide, Lead me all the way, Till I reach Thy home at last, Nevermore to stray. Amen. ...

O God Thou Faithful God
O God, Thou faithful God, Thou Fount that ever flowest, Without whom nothing is, Who all good gifts bestowest: A pure and...

Lord Jesus Christ To Us Attend
Lord Jesus Christ, to us attend. Thy Holy Spirit to us send. Amen. ...

Lord Teach Us How To Keep Thy D
Lord, teach us how to keep Thy day And lead and bless us all the way. Amen. ...

Lord Open Thou My Heart To Hear
Lord, open Thou my heart to hear And by Thy Word to me draw near; Let me Thy Word still pure retain, Let me Thy child and he...

Direct Me Now O Gracious Lord
Direct me now, O gracious Lord, To hear aright Thy holy Word; Assist Thy minister to preach, And let Thy Holy Spirit teach, ...

On What Has Now Been Sown
On what has now been sown Thy blessing, Lord, bestow; The power is Thine alone To make it spring and grow. Amen. ...

Blessed Lord Let Thy Blessing G
Blessed Lord, let Thy blessing go with me to-day and grant that I may be obedient to my teachers and may learn with pleasure whatever ...

O Most Gracious God Let Me Neve
O most gracious God, let me never forget the many good things that I have heard this day; but let them abide in my heart, so that I ma...

Almighty God Thy Word Is Cast
Almighty God, Thy Word is cast Like seed into the ground; Now let the dew of heaven descend And righteous fruits abound. Ame...

May The Grace Of Christ Our Sav
May the grace of Christ, our Savior, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above....

O Give Me Samuels Ear
O give me Samuel's ear, The open ear, O Lord, Alive and quick to hear Each whisper of Thy Word, Like him to answer at Thy...

Abide O Dear Redeemer
Abide, O dear Redeemer, Among us with Thy Word And thus now and hereafter True peace and joy afford. Amen. ...

Now Our Worship Sweet Is Oer--
Now our worship sweet is o'er-- Singing, praying, teaching, hearing: Let us gladly God adore For His gracious strength and c...

My God Accept My Heart This Day
My God, accept my heart this day And make it always Thine, That I from Thee no more may stray, No more from Thee decline. ...

Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing Lo
Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord; Help us to feed upon Thy Word; All that has been amiss forgive And let Thy truth within ...

Let Us All With Gladsome Voice
Let us all with gladsome voice Praise the God of heaven, Who, to bid our hearts rejoice, His own Son hath given. Amen. ...

O Lord Christ Our Savior Dear
O Lord Christ, our Savior dear, Be Thou ever near us; Grant us now a glad New Year. Amen, Jesus, hear us! Amen. ...

O Holy Child Of Bethlehem
O holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin and enter in. Be born in us to-day. Amen. ...

O Welcome Little Christmas Gues
O welcome, little Christmas Guest, Dear Jesus, from above; Upon Thy face, so pure and mild, We see God's smile of love. Amen...

Precious Babe Of Bethlehem
Precious Babe of Bethlehem, Gift of love to sinful men, Thou, our Savior, Lord, and King-- May we all Thy praises sing! Amen...

Ah Dearest Jesus Holy Child
Ah! dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Th...

Come Dearest Savior Take My He
Come, dearest Savior, take my heart And let me ne'er from Thee depart. Amen. ...

Jesus Tender Savior
Jesus, tender Savior, Thou hast died for me; Make me very thankful In my heart to Thee. When the sad, sad story Of Thy...

Lamb Of God I Look To Thee
Lamb of God, I look to Thee; Thou shalt my example be; Thou art gentle, meek, and mild, Thou wast once a little child. ...

Jesus Help My Eyes To See
Jesus, help my eyes to see All the good Thou sendest me. Jesus, help my ears to hear Calls for help from far and near. Je...

Be Near Me Lord Jesus
Be near me, Lord Jesus! I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever And love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children In Thy...

Holy Spirit Give Us
Holy Spirit, give us Each a lowly mind; Make us more like Jesus, Gentle, pure, and kind. Holy Spirit, brighten Littl...

Jesus From Thy Throne On High
Jesus, from Thy throne on high, Far above the bright blue sky, Look on us with loving eye; Hear us, holy Jesus! Be Thou...

Almighty And Most Merciful God
Almighty and most merciful God, who in Thy infinite goodness hast committed us unto the charge of loving parents, who are to watch ove...

Dear Father In Heaven Who In Th
Dear Father in heaven, who in Thy goodness hast given us teachers that they may instruct and train us in all useful knowledge, we pray...

O Almighty God Who By Thy Son J
O almighty God, who by Thy Son Jesus Christ didst give to Thy holy apostles many excellent gifts and commandedst them faithfully to fe...

While Lifes Paths We Still Are
While life's paths we still are pressing, Grant us, Father, steadfast faith And for Christ's sake grant the blessing Of a pe...

Our Father Who Art In Heaven Ha
Our Father who art in heaven; Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day o...

1 The Lord Is My Shepherd I Sh
1. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. 2. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters....

Praise God From Whom All Blessi
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host: Praise F...

Prayers Answered

The Prayer Of Faith.
The family of Mr. James R. Jordan has resided in Lake View, Chicago, since the spring of 1871. They are members of Lincoln Park Con...

Almost A Bankrupt.
A prominent Christian had just entered a merchant's counting-room, when the head man of the place said to him, "Let us kneel and ask...

Life Brought Back Again In The Midst Of Death.
The following instance, when _death itself was made to give back the life it claimed_, is personally known to us to be true: A mothe...

Saved From The Hands Of A Desperado.
The following circumstance is communicated to us by a United States Surgeon: "After the close of the Mexican war, and in the year...

The Prayer Of A Missionary In Mexico Answered - Saved From Banditti.
"In the Spring of 1872, I was, with my wife and child, in the city of Cadereita, Mexico, where we had been laboring as missionaries,...

An Infidel's Life Spared A Few Days.
"During the Summer of 1862, I became acquainted with a Mr. A----, who professed infidelity, and who was, I think, as near an atheist...

Remarkable Preservation From Brain Difficulties.
"A few weeks ago, a man who had once been a member of my church, but had fallen from his steadfastness through strong drink, fell fr...

Little George's Prayer.
A clergyman writes us these incidents: "I knew a poor family whose son George, four or five years old, was accustomed to pray. Th...

A Prayer For A Horse.
"My horse died, and, after traveling through the snow-drifts to my appointments, till I was lame, half sick, and unfit for service--...

A Prayer For A Wife.
"When I believed it would be well for me to seek a companion for life, I asked of God direction in making a wise choice, and that, i...

Church Troubles Quelled.
"I might mention a dozen instances in which church troubles were gathering, and trials between members appeared certain, when all my...

A Minister's Supplies Fall Short.
"When very much in need of funds to procure supplies for a coming Winter, all expedients failed; then I asked God for assistance, wh...

A Prayer For A Servant.
"Some time after, we failed to find anything like suitable help in the house, which we greatly needed. Before starting out one morni...

"For over three years, I was troubled with frequent raising of blood from my right lung, which physicians failed to cure. Of this I ...

That $18.75.
A man who had led a very wicked life, was converted and hopefully saved. Previous to this time, a debt of $18.75 had not given him t...

God Sent The Bag Of Flour.
In about the year 1830, in Central New York, there was a time of great scarcity of provisions. Grain was very high, and difficult to...

Incidents From The Experience Of A City Missionary.--a Prayer For Supper Answered.
An educated, accomplished lady, reduced to the very lowest round of poverty's ladder, whom we shall call Mrs. X----, bears unfailing...

Relief From A Creditor's Demands.
"At another time, being sorely pressed by a heartless creditor, and almost beside herself, she concluded to walk out and get free fr...

Two Hundred Dollars Needed And Given At The Last Moment.
"At the time of her husband's death, there were _two hundred dollars_ due an institute, for board and tuition of their two little bo...

How The Lord Repaid A Generous Gift.
"Some gentlemen, urged to contribute to a most worthy cause, said, 'Go first to Mr. Z.--whatever he gives, we will.' Mr. Z., upon ap...

The Astonished Giver.
"A gentleman, not marching in the ranks of 'cheerful givers,' was urged to bestow five dollars toward the 'Fresh Air Fund.' 'He coul...

All Saved.
In a dismal basement, A. found a very interesting American family. The father, in the last stage of consumption; a little girl of te...

"the Lord Woke Me Up In Time To Save My Clothes."
In the very top of a four-story building, used only for various manufacturing purposes, lived an old man and daughter. They lived l...

The Lord Takes Away The Custom Of A Liquor Saloon.
At one time, the landlord rented the ground floor to a liquor seller. The loafers going in and out, especially on Sunday, were a gre...

Help In Time Of Need.
A poor, humble Christian woman had a claim on some property in a neighboring State. It was in law, and she was summoned to attend co...

Cast Out Into The Street, Yet Not Forsaken.
A piteous wail was heard on the street one day, and a poor Scotchman crossed over to see the trouble. A widow and three children sat...

A Persecutor Punished By The Lord.
A most devout, hard-working and poorly paid man, was the object of constant persecution by a cross-grained, ugly, infidel neighbor. ...

How God Answered My Prayer For $90.
"Suffice it, then, I was in debt. I was owing the large sum (large for a poor home missionary) of $90.00. Expecting soon to be calle...

From Wealth, To Poverty.
A lady of superior culture and refinement, fell from opulence to extreme poverty, within four years. No less ready when at the botto...

A Prayer For Fifty Dollars.
A clergyman writes _The Christian_ as follows: "The Winter of 1872 I spent in missionary work, carrying the glad tidings of the k...

Concurrent Testimony Of The Value Of Prayer.
A request was published by the _Illustrated Christian Weekly,_ asking that all who could report positive facts as direct results of ...

A Worldly Man Surrenders.
A clergyman says, "I was very anxious for the building of a mission chapel to accommodate a flourishing mission-school that had been...

A Servant's Prayer For A Good Home.
"I was brought up religiously as a servant in a family in Connecticut, and from twelve years of age until twenty-three, knew no othe...

Before They Call I Will Answer.
"The writer was once in great trouble to know what was duty. Urged by ministers and laymen in high standing to undertake a work not ...

A Family Pray For A Good Servant.
"About three years since my family comfort was very much disturbed by failure to obtain a good housemaid. And, having been accustome...

A Recovery From A Death-bed.
"Some forty years ago, in a rural parish in New England, a young man lay apparently on his death-bed with a putrid fever. His aunt, ...

A Poor Student Prays For Money.
"I was a poor student in a Manual Labor Institute at the West. The month of February was our regular Winter vacation. We were privil...

"i Can't Stop To Pray."
"A deacon living in a Berkshire town was requested to give his prayers in behalf of a poor man with a large family who had broken hi...

Remarkable Healing Of A Child.
A clergyman writes that during the ministration of his labors at Battle Greek, Mich., there were several remarkable manifestations o...

God Paid The Rent - Answer To Prayer.
A poor Christian family were in distress. The husband, during a long and painful sickness, had borne his trials for months with chee...

He Forgetteth Not The Cry Of The Humble.
A City home missionary has told us of the case of a poor colored family, the husband nearly one hundred years old, totally incapacit...

Incidents In The Life Of An Invalid - How God Cares And Comforts In Small Things.
The following incidents are from the life of an invalid, personally known to the editor of this book, and can be depended upon as au...

Giving Her Last Money To The Lord.
"'The first money the Lord gives me I will send to you,' were the last words I said to my old father, as I stood waiting for the tra...

Money Wanted To Pay Railroad Fare.
"Once, on a visit, I left the company below, and went up stairs for an hour's quiet and prayer. I was to return the coming week and ...

Prayer Saves The Life Of A Little Child.
"A year ago this Summer, my sister's little baby, only five months old, was taken very ill with that distressing complaint which oft...

The Lost Thimble.
"One day I lost my silver thimble, a gift from my mother when I was a young girl. I prized it _very highly_. I looked everywhere, lo...

A Prayer For $25.
"God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." "I had a present of twenty-five dollars once, which was a direct ...

Praying For Others.
"My sister's husband wished to raise a certain sum of interest money by a given time, but could see no way; was very much troubled a...

A Visit To Friends.
"I will hold thee by thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee." "Once I held in my hand an open let...

Praying For A New Hat.
"Whatsoever thing ye ask in _My_ name"-- "For a long while I had been without money, and my need was very great. I wanted a n...

Praying For A Sewing Machine.
"One day a lady friend said to me: 'Would you like some nice sewing, easy to do?' I answered, 'Yes.' 'Have you a sewing machine?' 'I...

Money For Postage.
"One day I opened my port-monnaie to get change for some little needful, when I found I had but ten cents. I used five of it. As vis...

Praying For A Bible.
"For a long while it has been my habit to be entirely guided for the day by the first verse in the Bible on which my eyes rested. Wh...

A Spring Mattress.
"Last Summer, when I bought my bedstead, I did not have money to get either springs or a mattress, so I fixed up a clean, straw bed,...

The Healing Of Mary Theobald.
The following incident is related by her pastor, at Woburn, Mass., who, for three and a half years, was well acquainted with her phy...

How Prayer Helped Him To Keep The Pledge.
In a rural district, in the North of England, lived a shoe-maker who had signed the temperance pledge often, but never had strength ...

One Who Refused The Holy Spirit.
The following incident is related by D.L. Moody, the Evangelist, which contains a warning, how the Holy Spirit avenges itself to tho...

The Praying Shoe-maker.
A correspondent of _The American Messenger_ relates this instance of a poor man in the village where he lived, who, with a family of...

How The Lord Controls Even The Locomotive And The Railroad Train.
A remarkable instance of how the Lord controlled circumstances for the detention of one train, and speeded the arrival of the other,...

Another Instance Of Superhuman Control Of The Locomotive, In Answer To

An exact parallel instance to the foregoing is given in the experience of a correspondent of _The Christian_, which occurred in the ...

Another Wonderful Record Of $25.
_A Christian minister_, living in Northern Indiana, was in want, and knelt in prayer again and again before his Father in heaven. Hi...

Mr. Spurgeon's Cow.
"My grandfather was a very poor minister, and kept a cow, which was a very great help in the support of his children--he had ten of ...

Charles Spurgeon."

"trust In The Lord."
"A poor negro woman, after the death of her husband, had no means of support for herself and two little children, except the labor o...

Exactly Eighty Dollars.--"they Are Safe That Trust In Thee."
A clergyman somewhat advanced in years recently related to a correspondent of _The Messenger_ an incident in his own life, which wel...

A Prayer For Four Dollars.
A Home Missionary from Brooklyn called one day upon an editor to gather some tracts for distribution which he had published. The edi...

"aunt Sally's" Faith.
"'Aunt Sally,' says the _American Messenger_, was a devout, working, trustful Christian. Her husband was a cripple, almost helpless,...

God Careth For You.
"Nearly forty years ago I was given up by the doctors for a dying man from consumption. I had a wife and five children dependent on ...

A Prayer Not Answered.
"Many years ago, a man then recently married, settled in my native town. It was then quite new, destitute of religious privileges, a...

Trust In The Lord.
"A pious woman, who was reduced to extreme poverty and deserted by her intemperate husband, was taken sick, and lay several days wit...

The Necessity Of Asking God's Blessing Every Day, Upon Your Daily Work.
"A colporteur in the Wabash valley became quite discouraged and was almost ready to give up his work, on account of the smallness ...

Prayer Found The Remedy For The Disease.
"A correspondent of _The Illustrated Christian Weekly_, states that a mother of her acquaintance had a child taken alarmingly ill. S...

Prayer Instantaneously Answered For Conversion.
On the evening of the fifty-first daily prayer-meeting in Augusta, Ga., a large gathering assembled in the St. John's M.E. Church, a...

Help For The Shipwrecked.
Admiral Sir Thomas Williams, a straight-forward and excellent man, was in command of a ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean. His course ...

Samuel Harris's Lawsuit, And How The Lord Settled It For Him.
"When Samuel Harris, of Virginia, began to preach, his soul was so absorbed in the work, that he neglected to attend to the duties o...

A Wagon-load Of Food.
"A young minister and his wife were sent on to their first charge in Vermont about the year 1846. On the circuit were few members, a...

"god's Raven."
"A lady who lived on the north side of London, set out one day to see a poor sick friend, living in Drury Lane, and took with her a ...

How The Stolen Sleigh Was Returned By A Thief.
The widow of a minister of the Gospel sends to "_The Christian_" the following instance illustrating God's faithfulness in hearing a...

"He returned home with the letter, and started for L----; went there the same day, some forty miles; found sleigh and harness safe, wi...

"none Of The Lord's Children Left Desolate."
"_The Christian Era_ tells of a Dutch preacher who held a meeting one evening in a strange city. While he was preaching, and enforci...

The New Coat That Fitted Exactly.
"A few years since, a young preacher in the State of Massachusetts, who was laboring in a field which yielded no great pecuniary ret...

Praying To Stop The Wind And The Sailing Of A Vessel.
The late aged and venerable Rev. Dr. Cleaveland, of Boston, relates the following incident: "In a revival of religion in the chur...

Insanity Cured And Suicide Prevented.
"_Augusta Moore_, writes _The Christian_, of a young lady called home by the illness of her widowed mother, who died before she coul...

Answers To Prayer.
Dr. Newman Hall, minister of Surrey Chapel, London, gives the following instances of answers to prayer from his own experience: "...

Bishop Simpson's Recovery.
Bishop Bowman gives the following instance from his own experience: "In the Fall of 1858, whilst visiting Indiana, I was at an ann...

The Seven Letters.
The following incident is given by "_The Presbyterian_," on the authority of a private letter from Paris: "At a Bible reunion, he...

The Lord Did Not Forget The Potatoes.
"A correspondent of _Arthur's Magazine_ tells of a poor woman who had been washing for us, who said: 'Seems as if the Lord took very...

The Prayer In The Woods.
A friend relates the following incident, as received from the lips of a poor afflicted, crippled orphan boy, whose own experience is...

The Lord Can Do It.
"In one of the mountainous towns--says _The Christian_--in the north- western part of Connecticut, there lived, some time since, an ...

Answer To Prayer In All The Little Temporal Anxieties Of Life
The question having been asked, "Does God answer Prayer, in even all the little anxieties and cares of daily life." _The Illustrated...

Bread To The Hungry.
"God was pleased to deprive me totally of my hearing in early boyhood. By the late war I lost all of my earthly possessions. I have ...

No "ifs."
"A number of years ago I went West to better my condition.... After a little time I went into business of my own, had but little capit...

The Horse Is His.
"The writer was preaching Sundays at a little country church, about 70 miles by rail from the institution where he attended. He went...

All Our Needs.
"About eight years ago, while a Student in college, I became embarrassed for want of funds. Debts began to accumulate. Anticipating ...

He Healeth The Sick.
"The wife of Deacon W. was sinking rapidly with pneumonia. Friends gave up all hope of her recovery, and even the hopeful physician ...

A Powerful Dream.
"My father, a minister of the gospel, was prostrated by sickness. A large family of little ones was dependent upon him for support. ...

Ask And Ye Shall Receive.
"In 1874, through Providence, I became sore pressed to provide for myself and family; two of my children had just begun to learn to ...

Casting All Your Care On Him.
"Once, soon after the death of my husband and the loss of all his large property, I had a bill of _fifty dollars_ to pay, and was no...

In Everything Make Known Your Wants.
"Six years ago, on the low country of South Carolina, a friend asked me to go with him to a camp-meeting. I was delighted with the i...

The Great Physician.
"Nearly five years ago, after a decline of almost two years, I was brought very near to the grave. Medical aid availed nothing. I wa...

Shall Save The Sick.
"I was desperately ill. My physicians had done all in their power, without success--and yet I lived! For my father's sake, the heart...

All-sufficient For All Need.
"I am a mother of seven children. By the help of our Father in heaven, we have all of us gone regularly to church and Sunday-school....

A Very Present Help In Trouble.
"At one time, during a season of adversity, there was urgent occasion for a certain sum beyond the income of the family, and there was...

He Shall Direct Thy Paths
"I am a teacher by profession, and, a few years ago, I found myself placed in a school whose every surrounding was utterly repugnant t...

How The Lord Is Constantly Caring For His Trusting Poor.
A city missionary recently found, in this city on the streets, a refined Englishwoman with her children, who had been turned out of ...

A Prayer For Bread.
"Washington Allston, who stood at the head of American artists a half century ago, was, at one time, so reduced by poverty, that he ...

The Daughter's Prayer.
The late Doctor Krummacher, chaplain to the king of Prussia, in referring to faith and prayer, writes as follows: "A little incid...

The Lord Will Provide.
"A city missionary, one Saturday night, was going home with a basket of provisions on his arm. Meeting a policeman, he asked him if ...

A Prayer For A Load Of Wood.
Here is an illustration of the way in which God sends relief in trouble. The story is told by the Christian woman to whom it happene...

A Refractory Man Compelled To Pay A Debt.
A refractory man who owed a small debt of about $43, refused to pay it all, but offered to do so if ten dollars was taken off. His c...

A Hurricane Passes Around A Ship.
A Sea Captain relates to the editor of the _Christian_, a remarkable incident, whereby in one of his voyages his ship was unaccounta...

Recovery From Spinal Disease.
"Miss M---- is the daughter of a respectable farmer, an elder in a Presbyterian church in Western Pennsylvania. When a young girl he...

Prayer For A Pair Of Boots.
In the Fall of 1858, H----, a student in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J., was in great need of a new pair of boots. His ...

Under Garments In Answer To Prayer.
Among the students in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J., in 1860, was my intimate friend L----. He was at the time poorly ...

Unexpected Relief.
Henry Badgerow was a man about seventy years of age at the time of the incident, and a resident of Steuben county, State of New York...

That Beautiful Christmas Gift. How The Lord Used It.
A lady and gentleman were walking up Madison avenue, New York City, from church, when incidentally the lady said, "We are trying to ...

The Widow's Wood And Flour.--the Unbelieving Ones Made Speechless.
The following instance is known to _The Christian_ as true, and to a remarkable degree indicates how thoroughly God knows our minute...

A Pair Of Shoes.--the Lord's Rebuke To Those Who "didn't Believe."
The following incident occurred in Connecticut: In an humble cottage two sisters were watching over and caring for a much-loved brot...

The Lame Healed.
Rev. Charles G. Finney, during his life-time, was familiar with the circumstances connected with the remarkable healing of a sick la...

The Wonderful Cure Of Mrs. Sherman.
Although there are so many cases of healing in answer to prayer, yet the incident of the healing of Mrs. Sherman is so minute, and r...

Dr. Newman Hall's Testimonies To The Value Of Prayer.
Dr. Newman Hall, of London, in his wide experience has met with many incidents of answered prayer, and thus relates several: ...

A Prayer For Thirty Pounds.
"On a recent evangelizing visit to Newport, one of its citizens said to me, 'In yonder house dwell a man and wife, who recently need...

Recovery From Dangerous Illness.
Dr. Newman Hall was once visiting, on his dying bed, John Cranfield, son of the great originator of ragged schools, under the minist...

A Sunday School Teacher In Distress.
"My brother," says Dr. Hall, "told me that when superintendent of a Sunday school he felt a strong impulse, one Saturday evening, to...

Rescued In Peril.
"With my brother I was once climbing the _Cirrha di Jazze_, one of the mountains in the chain of _Mount Rosa_. When nearly at the to...

A Physical Impediment Removed.
"A clergyman, of great scholarship and genius, has told me of a remarkable answer to prayer, authenticated by three missionaries kno...

Restoration From Death.
"My father, the author of the _Sinner's Friend_, narrates in his autobiography a circumstance which he often used to speak of with g...

The Help Of The Lord In Little Things.
The Rev. Dr. Patton, of Chicago, in receiving many letters from clergymen, received one from Mr. F., a pastor in Massachusetts. I...

A Boy's Faith In Prayer
In a letter to Dr. W.W. Patton, by Mr. T.I. Goodwin, M.D., of Staten Island, he describes a little incident which happened to him wh...

A Prayer For Five Dollars.
One of the City Home missionaries in New York city received on a certain day five dollars with special directions that it be given t...

Go To The Post-office.
A correspondent of "_The Guiding Hand_" relates this incident: "In the year 18--, having a brother living in the city of R., I wen...

The Widow's Tree
Not many years ago a violent storm, with wind and thunder, spread devastation all through the valley of Yellow Creek, Georgia. For a...

The Lord Paid His Interest.
A most curious answer to prayer occurred in the experience of a home missionary in Brooklyn. It illustrates how God, in his trials o...

Will The Lord Deliver From Bad Habits Of Tobacco, Rum, Liquor,

Licentiousness, Etc., In Answer To Prayer.
This question having been asked by a clergyman of Brooklyn, Rev. S.H. Platt, he received a large number of communications, which evi...

Cured Of Tobacco Appetite.
"A little more than a year has elapsed since I left off the use of tobacco. This further time has more fully developed the thoroughn...

Bad Habits Wholly Overcome.
"A physician of extended practice was converted and reclaimed while I had charge of the place in which he lived. He had acquired the...

Was It Instantaneous?
"Yes, as respects tobacco; he became convicted of its sinfulness by a voice saying, 'That is not the way to glorify God: stop, and s...

The Lord Delivers From Bodily Sins.
"I had used tobacco from my childhood, and the love and use thereof grew upon me. I became convicted of its sinfulness, went to God an...

Another Deliverance.
"Tobacco was a great trouble to me; and I had tried a number of times to leave it off, but could not do so. One night as I was retir...

Not Your Own Strength Can Break The Habit.
"I smoked tobacco excessively for fifteen years, commencing when I was about twenty years old. I often strove to break off from the ...

A Double Cure.
"At the age of twelve years I commenced to use tobacco, and continued to use it, both smoking and chewing, till five years ago, when...

A Special Word To All Seeking To Escape Evil Ways.
Should these words meet the eye of any one so troubled over any evil way or bad habit from whose bondage he would gladly escape, let...

Help At The Very Last Moment. Faith Rewarded.
A clergyman in the State of New York, through the influence of a disaffected member, was unfairly and precipitately deprived of his ...

Spinal Disease Cured.
"There was a little girl in this place that had the cerebro-spinal-meningitis; several had died with this disease, and the physicia...

An Old Man's Prayer.
"I feel also like mentioning another instance. I knew an old father in Israel, a minister of the gospel, who once in speaking with a...

The Mysterious Leadings Of Providence.
The following incidents are contributed to the book by a prominent clergyman: "A period, ever memorable in the life of the writer...

Life Spared For Two Weeks.
"On the 8th of January, last, I was called upon to visit a dying man in Jersey City, whom the doctors had said could not live but a ...

A Missionary's Experience In Mexico.
"While laboring with my wife as a missionary in Northern Mexico, we supported ourselves for nearly four years by teaching and such o...

The Greatest Of Physicians.
Miss X. of Brooklyn, had suffered long and severely from a distressing tumor. One physician after another had plied his skill, but t...

How The Lord Paid Back The $5.
Mr. H., missionary, was appealed to by a poor man who seemed almost distracted. He had a wife and five children; one of them ill; ha...

Praying For Money For A Journey.
A lady, Miss E., residing in New Bedford, received a letter telling of the serious illness of her mother, in New York. Sick herself,...

Employment Found.
A man and wife were out of employment, and in very great trouble. Mr. H. (missionary) had added his efforts to theirs, and sedulousl...

A Barrel Of Flour.
For the "Faith Home for Incurables" Mr. H. received, one day, five dollars. A barrel of flour was terribly needed. He went to a larg...

Wonderful Ways Of The Lord In Guiding His People.
Our missionaries move amidst the reality of scenes which religious fiction vainly strives to equal. Remarkable proofs of genuine and...

Wonderful Conversion Of A Roman Catholic.
A frame dwelling in an alley, two rooms on the first floor, in the smaller one a bed-ridden old colored man, who had fought the batt...

Remarkable Preservation Of Life From Lightning In Answer To Prayer.
I was riding on top of the Boulder Pass of the Rocky Mountains, in the summer of 1876, when a sudden storm of rain, wind, and furiou...

God Never Failed Her.
An aged colored woman, lived that life of faith which shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. Born a slave, on Long Islan...

His Mother's Prayer.
A poor sailor, leading a most profligate and abandoned life, whose praying mother followed him like a shadow into and out of his dri...

The Heart Of Stone Relents.
Another consumptive in the neighborhood, was thoroughly an infidel. Mr. A. visited the house three times a week, and, at last, succe...

A Discouraged One Revived.
Mr. C----, walking home one Saturday afternoon, fell into a discouraged train of thought because he appeared to have done so little ...

The Prisoner Loosed.
On the third floor of a tenement house, a missionary, Mr. B., found a comely, intelligent young English woman in great distress. Her...

Praying For Tea.
On a top floor in a street of tenements lives a colored woman one hundred and ten years old! Her son, a man over seventy, lost his w...

Giving Her Last Dollar To The Lord.
A poor woman, sitting in a little church, heard the minister make an urgent appeal for money enough to pay a debt of two hundred dol...

The Danish Girl's Blessing.
A very poor Danish girl, broken down in health, utterly unable longer to labor for her own support, was provided with the means, and...

The Swedish Girl Blessed.
A Christian Swedish girl, who had, for three years, done the washing of a certain family, had so interested them by her care of an a...

Saved From Drowning.
A poor German woman rushed frantically through the street and into the house of a countrywoman, very little better off than herself,...

The Widow In "want".
A home missionary in Brooklyn, who has an enviable reputation for his entire consecration to the work of helping the poor, one day w...

The Sewing Girl Relieved Just In Time.
A sick Scotch girl was found lying on a narrow bed in a close, uncomfortable room, her sobs audible to the missionary, when half-way...

Praying For A Home.
A young Southern girl, who had lost a position through five months' sickness, and found herself, at last, in the street and penniles...

How Much Good Two Dollars Did.
A lady sent two dollars to a brave-hearted sister--who, by faith alone, and not by money, had gathered some sick and poor about her,...

Saved From Starvation.
On the second floor of a rear house lived a lady well known once as among the foremost members of a wealthy church. The first blow o...

God With Us.
An old woman was taking home' some sewing the night before, and passing through a narrow and dark street, was knocked down by a runa...

A Vessel Saved.
A vessel was six months making the passage from Liverpool to Bermuda Island. Fogs enveloped it; winds sent it hither and thither; ca...

A Remarkable Prayer Concerning A Remarkable Text.
A clergyman, accustomed to preach regularly in his journey through Fleming Circuit, Kentucky, was preparing on one Saturday for the ...

How She Learned To Love The Bible.
The Rev. Frederick G. Clark thus writes of an answer to prayer, from one who wanted to love the Bible more: "Twenty-seven years a...

The Blind Restored To Sight.
At the age of twenty years, a lady in Winchester, Iowa, began to lose her health, and in a short time was confined to her bed. And s...

The Widow's Shoes.
A poor woman--a widow with an invalid son--a member of the church, could not attend church, or the neighborhood prayer-meetings, for...

A Remarkable Dream.
The late Dr. Whitehead was accustomed to repeat with pleasure' the following fact: In the year 1764, he was stationed as an itineran...

"you Must Not Go."
A remarkable instance of deep impression occasionally made by the Holy Spirit on the mind of the Rev. William Bramwell during prayer...

Evil Averted.
A correspondent of the _Guide to Holiness_ says: "We remember a poor woman who had had a life of sore vicissitude which she bore wit...

How A Poor Little Cripple Converted A Village.
Mr. D.L. Moody relates the instance of a poor little cripple, whose prayers were answered to the conversion of _fifty-six people._ ...

Please God, Give Us A Home.
Mr. Moody tells of a beautiful answer to the faith of a little child. "I remember a child that lived with her parents in a small v...

"of Course He Will."
Mr. Moody also gives the story of a little child whose father and mother had died, and she was taken into another family. The first ...

Striking Answer.
The following incidents are specially contributed to these pages by Rev. J.S. Bass, a Home Missionary of Brooklyn, N.Y.: "While l...

A Remarkable Case.
On the afternoon of Monday, August 20, 1869, I was sent for to visit Mrs. M., who was reported to be very sick. Arriving at the hous...

A Little Girl's Beautiful Faith.
A little German girl, who had never hitherto known the name of the Lord Jesus, was led to attend a Mission school. It was the custom...

The Lord Helps To Pay Debts.
The author of this incident is known to the editor of "Remarkable Providences," and speaking of it says: "_God never gave me exactly...

Praying For A Lost Pocket-book.
A contributor to _The Christian_ writes as follows: "A few months since I lost my pocket-book, containing money and papers of a l...

An Extraordinary Life Of Faith And Trust.
For many centimes there has not been a more remarkable testimony of unfaltering trust in the faithfulness of God in supplying human ...

The Consumptive's Home.
In the United States there is a Parallel Record to George Mailer's Life of Faith and Trust, found in the history of the Consumptive'...

A Bad Debt Paid.
"To-day a bill was paid of $31, which I had given up as good for nothing. A long time ago I gave it to the Lord in prayer, and promi...

Help In Need.
"The sums received for several days had been small. One day as the Doctor was in prayer for his needs, he received a note from a lad...

Praying For Stoves.
"This afternoon, knowing the necessity of stoves for some of the upper rooms, as the weather is quite cool, I went to the Lord, in p...

Praying For A Furnace.
"I am earnestly praying for the means to purchase a furnace, for we cannot receive patients into the new Home until it can be warmed...

The Lord's Return For Giving Unto The Poor.
"This afternoon a poor woman, whose history I have known for some time, and who has a sick husband over eighty years of age, called ...

A Watch Given To The Lord--how The Lord Returns A Better One.
"Last year, during a season of great need, I sold my watch; yesterday, the Lord returned it by a gift of a much better one from a fr...

The Lord Gave Double What Was Asked For.
"This morning and noon I called upon the Lord in prayer for the means to pay a bill of $100. By three P.M., a check was sent me of $...

Blessings Amid Calamities.
"The roof of one of our houses having caught fire from a spark from a neighbor's chimney, it was mostly destroyed; some of the furni...

A Remarkable Promise.
At one period in the history of the Consumptive's Home, a sum of three thousand dollars placed in the safe, and reserved to be used ...

A Woman Delivered From The Habit Of Drinking.
"I visited a family for whom I have felt a deep interest for weeks past. The father had been out of employment some time, and they h...

Prayer For Purchasers.
When removal to the new Home was determined upon, there still remained five of the old buildings on hand to be disposed of. This too...

Asking For Large Gifts.
Upon the 26th of September the record of the Home was as follows: "There is due on the first of next month, $2,450 interest on our p...

A Severe Tumor Healed.
During the year 1872, there was under the professional care of Dr. Cullis, at the Consumptive's Home, a Christian lady with a tumor ...

Faith Cured Her.
This incident was related by the lady herself in a public meeting in Boston, where it was heard by the sorrowing wife of an afflicte...

Cured Of Cancer.
A lady came to the Consumptive's Home with a cancer in the cheek, which had attained the size of a filbert. It had a very red and an...

Cured Of Neuralgia.
A lady of East Cambridge writes, "For nineteen years I have been afflicted with neuralgia; added to this, of late years a combinatio...

Cured Of Spine Disease.
Dr. Cullis thus speaks of a signal answer to his prayer. "While at the home of L.R. in England, I was asked to pray with his daughte...

An Injured Leg Restored To Proper Length.
"Some months ago a young lady called, requesting to be prayed for. She simply told me that some years ago she was run over and her h...

A Lost Voice Regained.
"Some nine months since a lady showed signs of indisposition, and soon was attacked by a cough. Change of air was prescribed, but af...

Cured Of St. Vitas' Dance.
"Very early in childhood, I was seized with a nervous trouble, something like St. Vitus' Dance. As I grew older it did not pass off,...

Hip Disease Cured.
A lady from Brooklyn, N.Y., came to the Consumptive's Home for prayer cure. "She had a diseased hip, and _had used crutches for t...

A Bad Debt Paid.
A correspondent of Doctor Cullis, who was unable to collect a debt from a refractory and worthless debtor, promised to give it to th...

Consumption Instantly Healed.
"At a meeting in the Chapel of the Consumptive's Home, held March 7, 1876, public prayer was offered for a young man in Florida, who...

Cured Of Catarrh.
"I have been afflicted with catarrh for over twenty years. I had consulted many physicians and used many remedies--all failed to hel...

A Mother's Faith--the Life Of Beate Paulus.
In a sketch of the life of Beate Paulus, the wife of a German minister who lived on the borders of the Black Forest, are several inc...

The Persecutor's Fate.
Dr. Eugenio Kincaid, the Burman missionary, states, that among the first converts in Ava were two men who had held respectable offic...

The Captain And The Quadrant.
A godly man, the master of an American ship, during one voyage found his ship bemisted for days, and he became rather anxious respec...

The Faith Of Dorothea Trudel.
The life of Dorothea Trudel has afforded some remarkable instances of answer to prayer; during the years 1850 to 1860, at the Swiss ...

Remarkable Cures.
There have been gathered together in her biography, well authenticated cases of answer to prayer, when the patient was considered wh...

Cured Of The Small-pox.
"Even when I had the small-pox, and became blind, no doctor was sent for, and no one was told of it. Our father was not at home (he,...

Cured Of Severe Fits.
"Once again, one of my brothers had a fit brought on through fright. It was a most violent and painful attack, and we were greatly a...

Buying A Cow.
"Our father going away abroad, he sold one of our two cows, and took the proceeds with him. (He, the father, was a reckless spendthr...

A Lady Cured, Who Had Been Rejected From An Asylum.
"Madam M----, the mother of twelve children, had been quite shattered in mind by the death of her husband, and had been actually sen...

The Soul Cured As Well As The Body.
On many occasions she experienced wonderful help from God, who, while performing marvels for the body, which is the least important ...

Prayer, Not Mesmerism.
"Several people have maintained that her work was one of mesmerism; and when once she was asked to visit an out patient, she earnest...

Help In Pecuniary Affairs.
"In pecuniary affairs, also, the Lord was their helper. Many times something had to be paid, and they had no means wherewith to meet...

The Faith Life Of Mr. Zeller.
After the death of Dorothea Trudel, the work at Maennedorf, instituted by her, has been furthered and carried on by Mr. Samuel Zelle...

The Blind Restored To Sight.
Prayer was asked for a young lady who was wholly blind. A letter received soon after brought this joyful news: "In answer to your...

The Bank Of Faith. God The Guardian Of The Poor.
Perhaps the providence of God in supplying the wants of the poor never was more closely watched and better described than has been d...

The Life Of His Child Saved.
"My eldest daughter now living fell sick at about five or six months old, and was wasted to a skeleton. She had a doctor to attend h...

God Sent Supplies.
"When I had been three weeks out of employment, I found a new place, and after pawning all my best clothes to pay expenses, when the...

The God Who Supplied Elijah By A Raven Supplied Me With Fish.
One of the most beautiful instances ever known, which almost identically repeats the Bible over again, especially in the instance of...

God Takes Away The Snow.
"In the Winter the Lord sent a very deep snow, which lay a considerable time on the ground. We were brought into great straits, as o...

Sight Restored.
"A violent humor came into my eyes, and for some months I was in danger of losing my sight. Both myself and my second daughter had i...

Praying For Tea.
"As the life of faith consists in bearing the cross of Christ, we must not expect to be long without trials. Providence soon frowned...

The Lord Paid His Debt.
"It was the time of my returning from the north country. I observed that there were some small debts to be discharged. But the hand ...

God Keeps Hold Of The Other Hand.
A little boy with his mother was returning from a visit; the night was very dark, and little could be seen ahead. She led her little...

A Child Whose Life Was Saved In Answer To Prayer--by His Own Prayer The

Life Of His Sister Is Saved.
One of the most beautiful incidents ever known relating to the faith of children, and the reward of their trust, is contained in the...

Trusting In God's Promises.
"It was a fierce, wild night in March, and the blustering wind was blowing, accompanied by the sharp, sleety snow. It was very desol...

The Faith Of A Little Child.
An incident most beautiful was told in the Fulton Street prayer meeting by a converted Jew. "Journeying in the cars, I was attrac...

The Wanderer Found.
A mother sent a request for prayer to the Fulton Street prayer-meeting, that she might hear from him who had long ago left home, and...

Are You There.
A mother, one morning, gave her two little ones books and toys to amuse them while she went up-stairs to attend to something. A half...

God Knows The Bottom Of The Barrel.
"Mother, I think God always hears when we scrape the bottom of the barrel," said a little boy to his mother one day. His mother was ...

God's Care For Little Children In Little Wants.
"I was early taught that God cares for His children, even to regard their _little_ daily wants. An illustration of my implicit confi...

A Child's Prayer For Papa.
A drunkard, who had run through his property, returned one night to his unfurnished house. He entered his empty hall. Anguish was gn...

A Little Quaker Boy's Prayer Right Out In Meeting.
A little Quaker boy, about six years old, after sitting, like the rest of the congregation, in silence, all being afraid to speak fi...

What The Little Children May Do.
At family prayer, little Mary, one evening when all was silent, looked anxiously in the face of her back-sliding father, who had cea...

The Unbelieving Father Led To Go To Church.
An unbelieving father came home one evening and asked where his little girl was. "She has gone to bed," said his wife. "I'll just go...

A Child's Prayer For Relief
An interesting little daughter of a professor in Danville, Kentucky, in the Summer of 1876, in eating a watermelon, got one of the s...

God's Care Over His People--the Praying Widow
A young widow with two children was living in the city of Berlin. She was a Christian woman, and trusted in Jehovah-Jireh to take ca...

God Saved A Family Mercifully.
One morning a Christian farmer, in Rhode Island, put two bushels of rye in his wagon and started to the mill to get it ground. On hi...

A Child's Faith In The Lord's Prayer.
About the 30th of July, 1864, the beautiful village of Chambersburgh was invaded and pillaged by the Confederate army. A superintend...

A Child Preserved From Wolves.
A little girl only nine years old, named Sutherland, living at Platteville, Col., was recently saved from death by ferocious forest ...

Jesus Cured Me.
In the family of a missionary pastor in Kansas, was a daughter of twelve years of age, seriously afflicted with chronic rheumatism. ...

The Little Boy Who Wanted His Sister To Read The Bible.
Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, of London, tells of the excellent faith of a little boy in one of the schools of Edinburgh, who had attended a p...

Nettie's Daily Bread.
A little girl in a wretched attic, whose sick mother had no bread, knelt down by the bedside, and said slowly: "Give us this day our...

The Brother's Prayer.
A physician, who for many years practiced his profession in the State of California, was called once to see the child of Mr. Doak, o...

Light Given To A Blind Child.
"A missionary visiting one of the mission schools of Brooklyn, was introduced to a remarkable child. He was brought into the school ...

Asking The Lord To Help Him In His Lessons.
"A little boy was at school, he was diligent, and determined to succeed, but found that parsing was rather hard. "One day he went...

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.
"The _American Messenger_ tells the story of Johnny Hall, a poor boy. His mother worked hard for their daily bread. 'Please give me ...

God Will Take Care Of Me.
"When the yellow fever raged in New Orleans, the pestilence visited a Christian household, and the father died. Then the mother was ...

Laura Healed.
"A Christian teacher, connected with a Southern Orphan Asylum, writes _The Christian_, that often when the children were sick, and m...

A Little Slave's Faith.
A missionary in India, passing one day through the school room, observed a little boy engaged in prayer, and overheard him say, "O, ...

A Good Reason For Praying.
A little girl about four years of age being asked, "Why do you pray to God?" replied: "Because I know He hears me, and I love to pra...

My Heart Talked.
A child six years old, in a Sunday school, said: "When we kneel down in the school-room to pray, it seems as if my heart talked." ...

Why, Sir, I Begged.
A little boy, one of the Sunday school children in Jamaica, called upon the missionary and stated that he had lately been very ill, ...

A Little Child's Prayer For Healing.
A very little child, who had but recently learned to talk, and the daughter of a Home missionary, had been for weeks troubled with a...

The Blessedness Of Giving
"_Blessed is he that considereth the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble_." "_Honor the Lord with thy substance, a...

How The Lord Blesses Those "who Give Liberally To His Cause.
A disciple of the Lord Jesus, poor in this world's goods, but rich in faith, became greatly perplexed in regard to the meaning of th...

Dividing With God.
A merchant, in answer to inquiries, refers back to a period when, he says, "In consecrating my life anew to God, aware of the ensnar...

Prosperity And Liberality.
A London correspondent of the _Western Christian Advocate_, writing some years ago of raising a fund for the extinction of debts on ...

The Deacon's Singing School.
"I am going out to see if I can start a singing school," said a good man, as he stood buttoning up his overcoat, and muffling up his...

It Pays To Give To The Lord.
"A clergyman states, that soon after he dedicated himself to the service of Christ, he resolved, as Jacob did, 'Of all that thou sha...

Another Example Of Beneficence.
"A liberal donor, in enclosing $100 to a sister institution, but strictly withholding his name, says, 'When I began business, it was...


Commendable Examples.
The Methodist Missionary Society mention one of their donors who, for twenty years, has used the power given him of getting wealth, ...

System In Giving.
A correspondent of the American Tract Society says, "It was their publications which induced me to appropriate statedly one-tenth of...

Lending To The Lord.
"A poor man, some of whose family were sick, lived near Deacon Murray, (referred to in the tract, 'Worth of a Dollar,') and occasion...

A Steward Of His Lord's Bounty.
An aged benevolent friend in a western city, states some interesting facts respecting his own experience in giving systematically as...

The Five-dollar Gold Piece.
"'A friend,' says a venerable clergyman, Rev. Mr. H----, 'at a time when gold was scarce, made me a present of a five-dollar gold pi...

A New Year's Incident.
"One New Year's day I was going out to visit some of my poorer neighbors, and thought I would take a sovereign to a certain widow wh...

Feneberg's Loan To The Lord.
"A poor man with an empty purse came one day to Michael Feneberg, the godly pastor of Seeg, in Bavaria, and begged three crowns, tha...

Compound Interest.
_The Christian_ tells of a minister in Ohio, who in 1860 was engaged to statedly supply a congregation who were in arrears for a who...

The Brown Towel.
The editor of _The Christian Woman_ tells the story of a poor woman who, in her anxiety to give to the Lord, could find nothing but ...

Giving Blessed.
A merchant of St. Petersburg, at his own cost, supported several native missionaries in India, and gave liberally to the cause of Ch...

Lending To The Lord.
As a series of religious meetings was held in a Baptist church in ----, and the hearts of God's people were greatly encouraged, the ...

The Liberal Farmer.
A farmer in one of the retired mountain towns of Massachusetts, began business in 1818, with six hundred dollars in debt. He began w...

Experience Of A Saddler.
Normand Smith, a saddler of Hartford, Conn., after practicing for years an elevated system of benevolence, bequeathed in charity the...

An anonymous writer says of himself, that he commenced business and prosecuted it in the usual way till he lost $900, which was all he...

Jacob Not Blessed Until He Became A Liberal Giver.
Jacob went out from his father's house "with his staff," a poor man. But at Bethel he vowed to give to God the _tenth_ of all that G...

The Lord's Insurance Money.
A tradesman in New York had pledged to give to the Lord a certain portion of his business receipts as fast as they were collected. H...

Give And It Shall Be Given.
"'Cheerful giving,' writes an aged minister, 'is what enriches the giver and brings down a blessing from above. A poor clergyman att...

"lending To The Lord."
"A physician who is not a professor of religion, in a neighboring city, has for many years exhibited an unshaken faith in that decla...

The Praying Shoe-maker.
A shoe-maker being asked how he contrived to give so much, replied that it was easily done by obeying St. Paul's precept in I Cor. 1...

The History And Business Successes Of Liberal Givers.
Mr. Nathaniel R. Cobb, a merchant connected with the Baptist church in Boston, in 1821, at the age of twenty-three, drew up and subs...

"n.r. Cobb."

Faith In God's Liberality.
A clergyman, himself an exponent of God's bountiful dealings with men, was called upon in test of his own principles of giving to th...

He Gave His Last $5 To The Lord.
A missionary agent thus relates this incident in the life of a poor physician: "I preached a missionary sermon in the town of ---...

Help In Paying A Mortgage.
A business man in New York had several large amounts due for payment. An unprecedented series of calls from tradesmen wishing their ...

A Remarkable Prayer And Its Answer.
A lady, who had led for many years a life of faith, caring for orphans and invalids, was led one day in thought to wish that she mig...

Recovery From Insanity.
A most remarkable case of recovery from insanity is given by President William M. Brooks, of Tabor College, Iowa. "A young lady o...

Seeking Direction In Business.
A lady clerk employed in an apparently successful business was offered an opportunity in a new business, which, though much smaller ...

Seeking Guidance Of The Lord.
A school teacher, without family or a special home, in New York City, asked the Lord for direction in finding a home, and prayed oft...

Saved From Cholera.
The Rev. J.B. Waterbury relates several incidents which prove the power of Prayer. "In the year 1832 he was compelled by pulmonar...

The Aid Of The Lord In Business And Social Prosperity. The Wonderful

Deliverance Of Daniel Loest.
John Daniel Loest, a celebrated German tradesman of Berlin, Germany, was, by the aid of the Lord, so prospered in his worldly circum...

Spurgeon's Prayer For Money.
Charles Spurgeon relates this incident connected with his ministry: "When the college, of which I am President, had been commenced, ...

The Prayer Of Latimer.
The prayers of the martyr, Latimer, were very remarkable for their faith. There were three principal matters for which he prayed: ...

A Mother's Prayers Answered.
A Christian evangelist, whose work has been most singularly blessed, related this incident, how once in the days of his folly and si...

How The Lord Rescued Him.
A wonderful incident is told by Dr. S.I. Prime among his many facts relating to prayer, as published in _The Observer_ and "_The Pow...

Jesus Keeps Me From Drinking.
A young man arose in the Fulton Street prayer-meeting one day, and detailed his struggles and triumphs with his appetites. He was a ...

Mr. Moody's Faith, In Prayer. A Remarkable Answer.
Mr. Moody, on his return from England, while conducting a prayer-meeting in Northfield, Mass., gave this illustration of the power o...

The Wonders Of A Single Prayer.
The Rev. Dr. Edwin F. Hatfield, of New York City, well known and eminent among the clergymen of the Presbyterian church, is personal...

The Tavern Keeper Overcome.
Rev. Charles G. Finney relates, in his "Spirit of Prayer," of an acquaintance of his whose faith and importunity in prayer and the a...

Victories Over Bad Habits, Tobacco, Opium, Etc.
The Rev. W.H. Boole, a city missionary in New York City, has been witness in his ministries, of many cases of complete deliverance f...

Mrs. Whitney's Cure In Answer To Prayer.
Mrs. C.S. Whitney of Hartford, Conn., a lady well known for her Christian work among the poor, thus gives in a letter to Dr. Patton,...

President Finney's Prayer For Rain.
The following incident of the prayer of President Finney for rain, and its immediate answer, is furnished by Professor Cowles, the i...

Luther's Mighty Prayer And Prophecy.
At one time in the life of Luther, there was a critical moment in the affairs of the Reformation. Bitter persecution prevailed with ...

John Knox And His Prophetical Prayer.
"John Knox was famous for his earnest prayers. Queen Mary said that she feared his prayers more than she did all the armies of Europ...

Melancthon's Life Saved From Death In Answer To Luther's Prayer.
The most powerful tribute to the efficacy of prayer, was the answer to Luther's prayer which the Lord sent. A messenger was sent to ...

The Wonderful Power Of Faith And Trust In The Lord To Deliver Wholly

From Bad Habits.
A victim of licentiousness and sensuousness, who often, amid his sinful pleasures, had the memory of Christian parents before him, f...

Recovery From Paralysis.
"Between two and three years ago, the writer was struck down by paralysis, disabling entirely the limbs of the left side. In this a...

The Stolen Bonds Returned.
The _New York Observer_ relates a remarkable instance of the return of stolen property, which in its extraordinary way can be accoun...

Mr. Moody's Answers To Prayers.
Mr. D.L. Moody, the Evangelist, when a boy, was possessed of an unusual amount of muscular strength and animal spirits, and a strong...

No Flour In The House--in The Days Of Famine, His Soul Shall Be Satisfied.
Mr. Moody's domestic life has always been a happy one, but in the early days of his marriage, he was very poor, and his faith was of...

Persevering Prayer.
At one of the prayer-meetings at the Brooklyn tabernacle, Mr. Moody closed by narrating an instance of persevering prayer by a Chris...

Noah's Prayer.--he Did Not Get Discouraged.
The life of faith and the necessity of uncompromising hold on the promise's, expecting their fulfillment, is admirably explained in ...

Samuel Hick's Prayer For Rain.
Samuel Hick was one of the men of "_mighty faith_" in the Lord, and as a preacher among the Methodists of England. He was of great e...

Praying For The Wind To Come.
A remarkable incident, showing how God makes the winds to obey him in obedience to the prayer of his righteous ones, and the expecta...

Snails In The Ark.
To many who with despondency protest that they have not faith enough, get along so slow, are too weak, &c, the following sharp retor...

He Gave All The Money He Had.
At one time he attended a missionary meeting near Harrowgate. "We had a blessed meeting," said Samuel, "I was very happy and gave al...

"the Lord Will Provide."
A poor but pious widow in Boston, in her eighty-seventh year, said to a friend, "When I was left a widow with three little children,...

Abraham Lincoln's Faith In Prayer.
When President Lincoln left his home in Springfield, Ill., February 11, 1861, on his way to Washington, he made the following farewe...

Extraordinary Care Of The Lord In Answer To Prayer.
"The scenes of the riots in New York, at the time of our civil war, are of national celebrity; but few, however, know that one of th...

A Remarkable Decision By A Jury.
"In one of our northern cities, a trial at law took place between a Christian and an infidel. The latter had sued the former for a h...

That Wonderful $25. Another Evidence Of The Ever-present Spirit Of God.
The following incident is marvelous, as at the time of its occurrence neither party had ever been known to each other: In _New Ha...

Why He Failed.
A prominent business man failed in the Spring of 1877. He had been for years a prominent and consistent member of a Christian church...

John Easter's Prayer.
In his "Memorials of Methodism in Virginia," Dr. W.W. Bennet relates the following incidents in the life of John Easter, one of the ...

The Hushed Tempest.
The following circumstance is communicated to _The Christian_ by a minister of the editor's acquaintance, as a memorial of God's car...

Praying In Fair Weather.
The ways in which God saves those whom he wishes to deliver from death, are sometimes too wonderful for our understanding. A certain...

The Rescue From The Ville Du Havre, And The Loch Earn.
A remarkable illustration of God's mysterious way is found in connection with the rescue of some of the passengers of the ill-fated ...

The Storm Made Calm.
At a Sunday morning meeting at Repository Hall, January 25, 1874, a Christian brother, in illustration of the power and faithfulness...

No Fear Of Thunder.
Some years ago a camp-meeting was held in Southern Indiana. It rained nearly all the time of the meeting. Father Haven, a man mighty...

The Prayer Of The Pilgrims For Rain Answered.
It is well known that many of the good men who were driven from England to America by persecution in the seventeenth century, had to...

The Enemies Of A God Fearing Nation.
"An answer to prayer," says Le Clerc, "may be seen by what happened on the coast of Holland in the year 1672. The Dutch expected an ...

Changing The Course One Point.
Walking across Palace Square in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with an American ship-master, (says a correspondent of the _Watchman_) he in...

Answers To Prayer From Its History, Records And Correspondence.
The following Incidents of Prayer and the remarkable Answers, have been obtained from the records of the Fulton Street Prayer Meetin...

Saved From A Life Of Degradation.
"Your prayers for my husband have been answered; _on the very day_ I wished your prayers for him, and _before the hour of prayer had...

Recovery Of An Invalid.
"One year ago, the prayers of this meeting were asked for an invalid who had years of intense suffering before her, unless soon reli...

Relief In Business.
"_None of those who trust in Him shall be made desolate_." "Some three weeks ago, I wrote you, stating that _my business had been ...

A Daughter Saved From Marriage With A Corrupt Man.
"I pray you give God praise and thanks for His merciful deliverance of my dear daughter from the _evil influence_ of the man to whom...

A Skeptic Overpowered.
"More and more God is pouring out His Spirit, gloriously answering your prayers and ours. I have been constantly asking your prayers...

Saved From Death.
"My brother, that lay apparently at the point of death, has been restored to comparative health." ...

An Intemperate Young Man Reclaimed.
"Rejoice with me, and thank God for his gracious answer to prayer. The intemperate young man for whom I requested prayer some months...

The Conversion Of Intimate Friends.
"Some time since, I sent request for prayer for the conversion of friends. Since then _three_ have united with the church." ...

Raised Up From Death's Door.
"Our former pastor was raised up from death's door, in answer to your prayer. _The doctor gave him up_. He says the Lord alone saved...

The Desire Of The Heart Fulfilled.
"A few weeks since I sent a request for prayer in my behalf, asking you to pray God very earnestly that He would grant me the desire...

A Poor Old Sick Lady Restored.
"The poor, sick old lady for whom I requested your prayers some time since, wishes to return thanks to Almighty God, for _restoring ...

A New Birth.
"Give thanks with me. Since I wrote you last, our son has given himself to Jesus." ...

A Church Saved From Strife.
"It is with heartfelt gratitude to God that I write you of answer to your prayer. Last Spring, I asked your prayers in behalf of our...

Reason Restored.
"Last March, I requested you to pray for a dear friend in Massachusetts, who was deprived of her reason through sickness and great t...

The Appetite For Strong Drink Taken Away.
"Sometime ago I wrote to you for my husband. He was _a victim to strong drink_ at that time, but _blessed be God, he has not drank o...

Spiritual Strength.
"I feel your prayers; I think I know the day and the hour, for I felt strengthened with strength in my soul." ...

Healing Of Soul And Body.
"I have reason to rejoice that I have been greatly blessed in answer to your prayers. Two young lady friends of mine have been enabl...

An Intemperate Husband Saved By Prayer.
"Some three weeks since, I asked you for my intemperate husband, that you would pray that he might be _willing to be saved. He has b...

Religion Lost, Religion Regained.
"I wrote you two months since, asking an interest in your prayers for a young man that experienced religion a year ago, but failed t...

Drunkards Reformed.
"Return thanks to God for two men signing the pledge, about one month ago, who have been enabled to keep it through great temptation...

A Hopeless Case.
"A little less than a year ago, prayers were desired at the Fulton street prayer-meeting for a man whose case seemed wholly hopeless...

A Harvest Of Conversions.
"Last Fall, I wrote you to pray for us. You did pray. The result was a wonderful increase of spiritual life--_fifty conversions."_ ...

A Family Made Happy.
"Two years ago, I wrote asking your prayers for a dear sister, brothers and nieces. Since then, one brother, about sixty, and my two...

The Power Of The Holy Spirit
"About two years ago we requested your prayers for the Holy Spirit upon a revival work then in progress in our church." _The Lord an...

Hearts Made Glad.
"We return most hearty thanks for the answer to prayer given. I wrote more than a year ago last August of our low state. Last Winter...

Given Up By Man, But Rescued By The Great Physician.
"The writer was himself raised up by prayer, from the gates of death, offered by the heart and lips of one who is now a sufferer. _T...

The Story Of A Wayward Life, Saved By Prayer.
"In the last fourteen years I have stood beside the deathbeds of eight who were near and dear to me, and the last words that each sp...

A Wonderful Cure.
An earnest Christian woman who believed the Lord greater than any earthly physician, cries, "_O, praise the Lord. He hath delivered ...

Given Up.
"Our pastor, after four months' sickness, preached to us last evening the most solemn sermon I ever heard, and says he was raised up...

Chains Broken At Last.
"Long months, week by week, I have asked you to pray that my husband might be saved from the eternal doom of a drunkard. God has mer...

Better Than We Expected.
"We asked your prayers; they have been answered. They were answered more and better than we had hoped or dreamed they could be." ...

Prayer Answered For Employment.
"A foreigner without means and friendless tried in vain for ten months to succeed in finding some employment. He requested your pray...

Found Employment.
"God has answered our united prayers, and given employment to his child." ...

An Old Lady Saved From Little Annoyances.
"Your prayers have been heard and answered in mercy. The old lady has not been quite so much annoyed. Thank God for some peace for t...

Insanity Dispelled.
"I sent a petition months ago, for prayers for an insane husband. Your prayers have been answered. He has rapidly recovered." ...

"I must ask you to return thanks with me that your prayers have been answered. An intemperate brother has been reclaimed." ...

Restored To Health.
"One month since, I requested prayer specially for my own family. My oldest son, who was then sick, has been restored to his usual h...

Temptations Removed.
"Some months ago I asked your prayers for a son in college, amid great temptations. I desire to give thanks that those temptations h...

The Heart Of A Clergyman Turned From Thoughts Of Ambition.
"I sent a request to you for a young man, who was called, and eminently fitted for the ministry, but was tempted, by ambition, not t...

A Grateful Tribute.
"For a long time I have been the subject of personal affliction, caused by _two internal tumors_ of the _worst type_. Speedy death s...

Was A Perfect Slave To Liquor.
"Please return _thanks_ to our kind Heavenly Father for this answer to prayer. All last Winter requests were sent in for a gentleman...

Always Answered.
"Several times in years past I have asked for the prayers of this meeting, and always found them answered." ...

Cured Of Epilepsy.
"I wrote you to aid me by your prayers, that my afflicted son, who was troubled with epilepsy, might be cured. Thanks be to the Heav...

Almost Lost.
"Your prayers and mine for my son have been answered. He was almost lost, on the downward road of intemperance. He has now reformed....

A Situation Obtained By Prayer.
"Yesterday I sent a request that God would give me sustaining grace and abiding faith, and in his own good time give me a situation ...

A Bountiful Blessing.
"Some time ago I solicited your prayers for a blessing on my services, and _never, in all my life_ before have I been blessed as sin...

Saved From The Company Of A Bad Lover.
"A week ago I begged you to pray for my daughter, who had given her heart to an unworthy man, praying that God might guide her to se...

Away From Home, But Not Away From God.
"Some weeks since I sent in a request for prayer for my sons who had fallen victims to intemperance and vice. My heart rejoices to-d...

God Always Answers Believing Prayer.
"Your prayers asked on several occasions have all been graciously answered. Return thanks unto the Lord that sendeth mercy." ...

The Hardest Heart Yields At Last.
"Several years since your prayers were solicited in behalf of one who seemed given over to hardness of heart and reprobacy of mind. ...

Up From The Lowest Depths.
"One year ago I wrote you respecting prayer for my husband. He has since been reclaimed from the lowest depths of a drunkard's life,...

Saved And Honored.
"Almost three years ago I asked you to pray for a young man that was wandering from God. Thank God, your and my prayers were answere...

Almost Persuaded.
"Some weeks since I requested prayer for a member of this Institution who was 'almost persuaded' to be a Christian. Thanks to our Fa...

Answered The Same Day.
"You received a letter yesterday. My husband rose for prayers the same night." ...

Oh, How Precious.
"I wrote five months since for prayers for myself, and I now write to say that I have found my Savior very precious to my soul." ...

Praying For A Pastor.
"Several months ago I wrote asking you to pray for a feeble church in need of a pastor. Since then I am happy to say that this churc...

A Telegram Of Prayer.
An incident was related at one of the meetings by a clergyman who had written a telegram asking for prayers. God heard it before it ...

He Did Not Keep His Promise, But God Did.
A remarkable instance of how God keeps his promises and is faithful, and how man often forgets to keep his, and at last receives des...

A Double Prayer Answered.
At the Fulton Street prayer-meeting a number of remarkable cases were related of real answers to prayer for recovery to health, and ...

How The Lord Blessed An Old Advertisement.
"I had another acquaintance who was also greatly distressed. With a wife and family to care for, and all his means gone, and no pros...

Hating The Accursed Drink.
A brother rose in the meeting and said, "I believe it is God's will that I should tell you how He saved me, about two years since. I...

A Drunkard For Thirty Years.
Another told a remarkable story of his life: "I was a drunkard for thirty years, and I tried all kinds of means to get free, but all...

The Hopeless One Brought Home.
"A pastor related the incident of the conversion of a man who had disgraced his family, and all through drink. All the people in the...

"no Man Can Pluck Them Out Of My Father's Hand."
A brother says, "Jesus says this, and I rest just there." "A year ago I was in Philadelphia. I had resolved not to drink any liquor ...

Answer To Prayer In Temporal Matters.
A speaker said at one meeting, "God answers prayer in temporal matters. In a Western college, at a time when the last morsels of foo...

The Lord Proved True.
"The Lord reigns," another exclaimed, "I have proved that during my long life! It has looked dark very often, and I have been in dif...

A Little Boy's Question.
A brother related a touching incident which occurred in Brooklyn. "A little boy asked his father at the dinner table, '_Papa, why do...

A Little Girl's Question.
A touching little story, with eternal results in it, was told at one of the meetings, illustrating that word of God's book, "A littl...

God Cared For Me.
At a meeting a young man in broken English, said: "If any man ought to believe in prayer, I ought to. My friends turned me out of my...

The Blind Can See.
Said another, "I came here yesterday to ask you to pray for my sister. She has been sick some time, and then she lost her _sight_. I...


The Organised Sects
The tragic death of the monk Rasputin made a deep impression upon the civilised world, and truth was lost to view amid the innumerable...

The Negativists
The most propitious and fertile soil in which collective mania can grow is that of unhappiness. Famine, unjust taxation, unemployment...

The White-robed Believers
Sometimes this longing for a better world, where suffering would be caused neither by hunger nor by laws, took touching and poetic for...

The Stranglers
A sect no less extraordinary than the last was that of the Stranglers (_douchiteli_). It originated towards the end of 1874, and prof...

The Fugitives
The suffering of a people nourishes the spirit of rebellion, enabling it to come to birth and to survive. There are some religious se...

The SoutaÏevtzi
The Soutaïevtzi (founded in 1880 by a working-man of Tver, named Soutaïeff) scoffed at the clergy, the ikons, the sacraments, and mil...

The Sons Of God
The "sons of God" held that men were really gods, and that as divinity is manifested in our fellows and in ourselves, it is sufficient...

The Tolstoyans
The numerous admirers of Count Tolstoi will find in his writings some derivations, whether conscious or unconscious, from the principl...

The Spiritual Christians
The Slavonic atmosphere exhales an intense longing for the ideal and for heaven. Often a kind of religious ecstasy seems to sweep ove...

A Laboratory Of Sects
We will now travel to the south of Russia, and examine more closely what might be called a laboratory of sects, or in other words a b...

The Douchobortzi
The religious ferment of South Russia was due to some special causes, its provinces having served since the seventeenth century as lan...

The Molokanes
A sect of considerable importance, that of the _molokanes_, owed its origin to the _douchobortzi_. It was founded by a sincere and ar...

The Stoundists
This sect believed that man could attain to perfection of life and health only by avoiding the fatigue of penance and fastings; and th...

The Merchants Of Paradise
Side by side with these flourishing sects whose followers could be numbered by millions, there existed other communities, founded upon...

The Jumpers And The Holy Brother
The Jumpers, or _sopouny_, founded by one Petroff, considered it their duty to blow upon one another during Divine Service. This aros...

The Little Gods
The sect of the "little gods," or _bojki_, was founded about 1880 by a peasant named Sava. Highly impressionable by nature, and influ...

The Followers Of Grigorieff
The forms taken by religious mania are not always as harmless as in the case of the "God Sava." Ivan Grigorieff, founder of the Russi...

The Napoleonites
Imagination can scarcely conceive of some of the strange forms under which the thirst for religious truth in Southern Russia was revea...

The Divine Men
The origin of this sect seems to be lost in the mists of the past. Some connect it with the teachings of Vishnu, some with mysterious ...

The Religion Of Rasputin
The career of Rasputin provides one of the most disquieting chapters in the history of sexual and religious emotions, and furnishes re...

The Inspired Seers
The official clergy, finding it incumbent on them to defend the articles of the orthodox faith, were themselves frequently swept away ...

The Religion Of Sister Helen
Sister Helen Petrov, of the convent of Pskov, declared in a moment of "divine illumination" that the Church had no hierarchy, that pri...

The Self-mutilators
The thirst for perfection, the ardent desire to draw near to God, sometimes takes the form of an unhappy perversion of reason and comm...

The Non-sectarian Visionaries
In addition to the sects having their prophets and leaders and a certain amount of organisation, almost every year in Russia saw--and ...

The Brothers Of Death
From time to time this thirst for the ideal, this dissatisfaction with the actual, gave rise to a series of collective suicides. We m...

The Divinity Of Father Ivan
It seems enough, in Russia, when a single individual is obsessed by some more or less ridiculous idea, for his whole environment to be...

Among The Miracle-workers
The pilgrims and "workers of miracles" who wander through Russia can always find, not only free lodging, but also opportunity for maki...

The Mahometan Visionaries
The flood of religious mania reached even beyond the borders of European Russia, and its effects were seen as much among the followers...

The Religion Of The Polar Marsei
Let us now travel to the extreme north, to the land where dwell the Yakuts, the Marseillais of the Polar regions. Living a life of ga...

The Religion Of The Great Candle
On the outskirts of Jaransk, in the Viatka district, a race called the _Tcheremis_ has dwelt from time immemorial. While Russian scho...

The New Israel
Although most of the sects of which we have spoken sprang from the orthodox church, the _molokanes_ and the _stoundists_ were indirect...

The Mormons Or Latter-day Saints
In the American of the United States there exist two distinctly opposed natures: the one positive and practical, the other inclined to...

The Religion Of Business
Joe Smith was, to speak plainly, nothing but an adventurer. Having tried more than twenty avocations, ending up with that of a gold-...

The Adepts Of The Sun Of Suns
Nearly all Communistic theories when applied in practice prove failures, but there seems to be one infallible safeguard--that supplied...

The Christian Scientists
The marriage between Science and the Bible, brought about by Mary Baker Eddy, has given birth to a most prosperous sect. In this amal...

Schlatter The Miracle-man
The town of Denver, the "pearl of Colorado," was _en fête_. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were flocking to it from all parts of A...

Sects In France And Elsewhere
During the second half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, scarcely a single country has been free from rel...

The Religion Of Murder
There are certain periodical publications which as a rule are neither examined nor discussed. Yet their existence dates back for many...

The Reincarnationists Paradise
Amid luxuriant vegetation, in an enchanting position overlooking the Pacific Ocean, flourishes the religion of reincarnation "without ...

Church History

The First Division Of Ancient Ch
By the accession of Constantine to the sole sovereignty of the Roman Empire, A. D. 324, ancient Christianity may be conveniently divided...

Period I The Apostolic Age To C
The period in the Church before the clash with Gnosticism and the rise of an apologetic literature comprises the apostolic and the p...

1 The Neronian Persecution
The Neronian persecution took place A. D. 64. The occasion was the great fire which destroyed a large part of the city of Rome. To t...

The Death Of Peter And Paul
Eusebius, Hist. Ec., II, 25. (MSG, 20:207.) Cf. Mirbt, n. 33. For an examination of the merits of Eusebius as a historia...

The Death Of The Apostle John
(a) Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, II, 22, 5; III, 3, 4. (MSG, 7:785, 854.) Irenaeus was bishop of Lyons soon after 177. He w...

The Persecution Under Domitian
What is commonly called the persecution under Domitian (81-96) does not seem to have been a persecution of Christianity as such. The...

The Post-apostolic Age A D 100-
The post-apostolic age, extending from circa 100 to circa 140, is the age of the beginnings of Gentile Christianity on an extended s...

Christianity And Judaism
The Christian Church grew up not on Jewish but on Gentile soil. In a very short time the Gentiles formed the overwhelming majority w...

The Extension Of Christianity
It is impossible to determine with accuracy even the principal places to which Christianity had spread in the first half of the seco...

Relation Of The Roman State To C
The procedure of the Roman Government against the Christians first took a definite form with the rescript of Trajan addressed to Pli...

Martyrdom And The Desire For Mar
Ignatius of Antioch, Ep. ad Romanos, 4. Ignatius was bishop of Antioch in the opening years of the second century. Acco...

The Position Of The Roman Commun
The Roman Church took very early a leading place in the Christian Church, even before the rise of the Petrine tradition, and its imp...

Chiliastic Expectations
Primitive Christianity was marked by great chiliastic enthusiasm, traces of which may be found in the New Testament. By chiliasm, st...

The Church And The World
So long as chiliastic expectations were the basis of the Christian's hope and his judgment of the order of this present world, the C...

Theological Ideas
In the post-apostolic period are to be traced the beginnings of distinctive forms of religious and ethical ideas as distinguished fr...

Church Organization
No subject in Church history has been more hotly discussed than the organization of the primitive Christian Church. Each of several ...

Church Discipline
The Church was the company of the saints. How far, then, could the Church tolerate in its midst those who had committed serious offe...

Moral Ideas In The Post-apostoli
Christians were convinced that their religion made the highest possible moral demands upon them. They were to live in the world, but...

Period Iii The Critical Period
The interval between the close of the post-apostolic age and the end of the second century, or from about 140 to 200, may be called ...

The Church In Relation To The Em
In the course of the second century the Church spread rapidly into all parts of the Empire, and even beyond. It became so prominent ...

The Extension Of Christianity
Under the head of Extension of Christianity are to be placed only such texts as may be regarded as evidence for the presence of the ...

Heathen Religious Feeling And Cu
The Christian religion in the course of the latter part of the second century began to attract the attention of heathen writers; it ...

The Attitude Of The Roman Govern
No general persecution of the Christians was undertaken by the Roman Government during the second century, though Christians were no...

The Literary Defence Of Christia
In reply to the attacks made upon Christianity, the apologists defended their religion along three lines: It was philosophically jus...

The Internal Crisis The Gnostic
In the second century the Church passed through an internal crisis even more trying than the great persecutions of the following cen...

The Earlier Gnostics Gnosticism
Gnosticism is a generic name for a vast number of syncretistic religious systems prevalent, especially in the East, both before and ...

The Greater Gnostic Systems Bas
The Gnostic systems having most influence within the Church and effect upon its development were those of Basilides and Valentinus. ...

The School Of Valentinus
The Valentinians were the most important of all the Gnostics closely connected with the Church. The school had many adherents scatte...

Recently Marcion has been commonly treated apart from the Gnostics on account of the large use he made of the Pauline writings. By s...

Asceticism is a wide-spread phenomenon in nearly all religions. It is to be found in apostolic Christianity. In the early Church it ...

Montanism was, in part at least, an attempt to revive the enthusiastic prophetic element in the early Christian life. In its first ...

The Defence Against Heresy
The Church first met the various dangerous heresies which distracted it in the second century by councils or gatherings of bishops (...

The Beginnings Of Councils As A
Ecclesiastical councils were the first defence against heresy. As the Church had not as yet attained its hierarchical constitution a...

The Apostolic Tradition And The
The Gnostics claimed apostolic authority for their teaching and appealed to successions of teachers who had handed down their teachi...

The Canon Or The Authoritative N
The Gnostics used in support of their doctrines writings which they attributed to the Apostles, thus having a direct apostolic witne...

The Apostles Creed
By the middle of the second century there were current in the Church brief confessions of faith which had already been in use from a...

Later Gnosticism
Though Gnosticism was expelled from the Church as it perfected its organization and institutions on the basis of the episcopate, the...

The Results Of The Crisis
The internal crisis, or the conflict with heresy, led the Church to perfect its organization, and, as a result, the foundation was l...

The Beginnings Of Catholic Theol
The theology of the Church, as distinguished from the current traditional theology, was the statement of the beliefs commonly held b...

The Apologetic Conception Of Chr
Christianity was regarded as a revealed philosophy by the apologists. This they considered under three principal aspects: knowledge,...

The Asia Minor Conception Of Chr
The Asia Minor school regarded Christianity primarily as redemption, salvation, the imparting of new power, life, and incorruptibili...

Period Iv The Age Of The Consoli
In the fourth period of the Church under the heathen Empire, or the period of the consolidation of the Church, the number of Christi...

The Political And Religious Cond
The accession of Septimius Severus, A. D. 193, marks a change in the condition of the Empire. It was becoming more harassed by front...

State And Church Under Septimius
Although Christians were at first favored by Septimius Severus, they were still liable to the severe laws against secret societies, ...

Religious Syncretism In The Thir
In the third century religious syncretism took two leading forms--the Mithraic worship, which spread rapidly throughout the Empire, ...

The Extension Of The Church At T
Some approximately correct idea of the extension of the Church by the middle of the third century may be gathered from a precise sta...

The Internal Development Of The
The characteristic Eastern and Western conceptions of Christianity began to be clearly differentiated in the early years of the thir...

The Easter Controversy And The S
The Church grew up with only a loose form of organization. Each local congregation was for a while autonomous, and it was the local ...

The Religion Of The West Its Mo
In the writings of Tertullian a conception of Christianity is quite fully developed according to which the Gospel was a new law of l...

The Monarchian Controversies
Monarchianism is a general term used to include all the unsuccessful attempts of teachers within the Church to explain the divine el...

Later Montanism And The Conseque
In the West Montanism rapidly discarded the extravagant chiliasm of Montanus and his immediate followers; it laid nearly all the str...

The Penitential Discipline
In baptism the convert received remission of all former sins, and, what was equivalent, admission to the Church. If he sinned gravel...

The Catechetical School Of Alexa
Three types of theology developed in the ante-Nicene Church: the Asia Minor school, best represented by Irenaeus (v. § 33); the Nort...

The last phase of Hellenic philosophy was religious. It aimed to combine the principles of many schools of the earlier period and to...

The First General Persecution An
On account of various principles of the Roman law, Christians were always liable to severe penalties, and parts of the Church occasi...

The Decian-valerian Persecution
The first persecution which may fairly be said to have been general in purpose and effect was that falling in the reigns of Decius (...

Effects Of The Persecution Upon
The persecution developed the popular opinion of the superior sanctity of martyrdom. This was itself no new idea, having grown up in...

The Period Of Peace For The Chur
After the Decian-Valerian persecution (250-260) the Church enjoyed a long peace, rarely interrupted anywhere by hostile measures, un...

The Chiliastic Controversy
During the third century the belief in chiliasm as a part of the Church's faith died out in nearly all parts of the Church. It did n...

Theology Of The Second Half Of T
By the second half of the third century theology had become a speculative and highly technical science (a), and under the influence ...

The Development Of The Cultus
The Church's cultus and sacramental system developed rapidly in the third century. The beginnings of the administration of the sacra...

The Episcopate In The Church
The greatest name connected with the development of the hierarchical conception of the Church in the third century is without questi...

The Unity Of The Church And The
In the middle of the third century there were in sharp conflict two distinct and opposed theories of Church unity: the theory that t...

Controversy Over Baptism By Here
In the great persecutions schisms arose in connection with the administration of discipline (cf. § 46). The schismatics held in gene...

The Beginnings Of Monasticism
Asceticism in some form is common to almost all religions. It was practised extensively in early Christianity and ascetics of both s...

The last great rival religion to Christianity was Manichaeanism, the last of the important syncretistic religions which drew from Pe...

The Last Great Persecution
The last of the persecutions was closely connected with the increased efficiency of the imperial administration after a period of an...

The Reorganization Of The Empire
After a period of anarchy Diocletian (284-305) undertook a reorganization of the Empire for the sake of greater efficiency. Followin...

The Diocletian Persecution
The last great persecution was preceded by a number of laws aimed to annoy the Christians. On March 12, 295, all soldiers in the arm...

Rise Of Schisms In Consequence O
The Diocletian persecution and its various continuations, on account of the severity of the persecution and its great extent, seriou...

The Second Division Of Ancient C
The second division of the history of ancient Christianity, or Christianity under the influence of the Graeco-Roman type of culture, ...

Period I The Imperial State Chu
The history of the Church in the first period of the second division of the history of ancient Christianity has to deal primarily wi...

The Empire Under Constantine And
Constantine became sole Emperor of the West, 312, and by the defeat of Licinius, July 23, 324, sole ruler of the entire Roman Empire...

Favor Shown The Church By Consta
Neither on his conversion nor on his attainment of the sole rule of the Empire did Constantine establish the Church as the one offic...

The Repression Of Heathenism Und
Constantine's religious policy in respect to heathenism may have been from the first to establish Christianity as the sole religion ...

The Donatist Schism Under Consta
The Donatist schism arose in connection with the Diocletian persecution, in part over the policy of Mensurius of Carthage regarding ...

Constantines Endeavors To Bring
One of the intentions of Constantine in his support of Christianity seems to have been the employment of the Christian religion as a...

The Outbreak Of The Arian Contro
The Arian controversy began in Alexandria about 318, as related by Socrates (a). The positions of the two parties were defined from ...

The Beginnings Of The Eusebian R
Shortly after the Council of Nicaea, Constantine seems to have become aware of the fact that the decision at that council was not ac...

The Victory Of The Anti-nicene P
When Constantine died in 337 the party of Eusebius of Nicomedia was completely in the ascendant in the East. A council at Antioch, 3...

Collapse Of The Anti-nicene Midd
When Constantius became sole Emperor, on the death of his brother Constans in 350, there was no further need of considering the inte...

The Policy Of The Sons Of Consta
Under the sons of Constantine a harsher policy toward heathenism was adopted. Laws were passed forbidding heathen sacrifices (a, b),...

Julian The Apostate
The reign of Julian the Apostate (361-363) is important in the history of the Christian Church, in the first place, as indicating th...

The Triumph Of The New Nicene Or
The Arian controversy was the most important series of events in the internal history of the Christian Church in the fourth century,...

The Emperors From Jovian To Theo
The reign of Jovian lasted so short a time, June, 363, to February, 364, that he had no time to develop a policy, and the assertion ...

The Dogmatic Parties And Their M
The parties in the Arian controversy became greatly divided in the course of the conflict. Speaking broadly, there were still two gr...

The Emperor Theodosius And The T
The Emperor Theodosius was appointed colleague of Gratian and Valentinian II, 378. He issued in conjunction with these emperors an e...

The Empire And The Imperial Stat
In the period extending from the accession of Constantine (311 or 324) to the death of Theodosius the Great (395), the characteristi...

The Constitution Of The State Ch
The Church's constitution received its permanent form in this period. The conciliar system was carried to its logical completion in ...

Sole Authority Of The State Chur
When Theodosius had successfully forced upon the East the theology of Nicaea, his policy as to religious matters was manifest. No lo...

The Position Of The State Church
The elevation of the Church exposed the Church to worldliness whereby selfish men, or men carried away with partisan zeal, took adva...

Social Significance Of The State
The Church at no time degenerated into a mere department of the State. In spite of the worldly passions that invaded it and the diss...

The Extension Of Monasticism Thr
Asceticism arose within the Christian Church partly as the practical expression of the conviction of the worthlessness of things tra...

Celibacy Of The Clergy And The R
The insistence upon clerical celibacy and even the mere regulation of the marriage of the clergy contributed not a little to making ...

Period Ii The Church From The Pe
In the second period of the history of the Church under the Christian Empire, the Church, although existing in two divisions of the ...

The Church At The Beginning Of T
Although Theodosius the Great had been the dominating power in the government of the Empire almost from his accession in 379, he was...

The Empire Of The Dynasty Of The
Emperors of the West: Honorius; born 384, Emperor 395-423. Valentinian III; born 419, Emperor 425-455; son of Galla...

The Extension Of The Church Abou
The most important missionary work in the early part of the fifth century was the extension of the work of Ulfilas among the German ...

The Church Of The Western Empire
The period between the closing years of the fourth century, in which the struggle was still going on between heathenism and Christia...

The Western Church Toward The En
Heathenism lingered as a force in society longer in the West than in the East, not merely among the peasantry, but among the higher ...

Augustines Life And Place In Th
Aurelius Augustinus, the greatest of the Latin fathers, was born 354, at Tagaste, in Numidia. He was educated to be a teacher of rhe...

Augustine And The Donatist Schis
After the recall of the Donatists by the Emperor Julian, the sect rapidly increased, though soon numerous divisions appeared in the ...

The Pelagian Controversy
The Pelagian controversy, in which the characteristic teaching of Augustine found its best expression, may be divided into three per...

Semi-pelagian Controversy
With the condemnation of Pelagianism the doctrine of Augustine in its logically worked out details was not necessarily approved. The...

The Roman Church As The Centre O
In the confusion of the fifth century, when the provinces of the Roman Empire were being lopped off one by one, Italy invaded, and t...

The Church In The Eastern Empire
At the beginning of the permanent division of the Empire, the church life of the East was disturbed by a series of closely connected...

The First Origenistic Controvers
In the East the leading theologians of the fourth century were educated under the influence of Origenism; among these were Basil of ...

The Christological Problem And T
The Arian controversy in bringing about the affirmation of the true deity of the Son, or Logos, left the Church with the problem of ...

The Nestorian Controversy The Co
The Council of Ephesus was called to settle the dispute which had arisen between Cyril and the Alexandrians and Nestorius, archbisho...

The Eutychian Controversy And Th
What is known as the Eutychian controversy is less a dogmatic controversy than a struggle between the patriarchs of the East for sup...

Results Of The Decision Of Chalc
The definition of the Council of Chalcedon, in spite of its condemnation of Nestorius and its approval of the letters of Cyril, was ...

The Church Of Italy Under The Os
The schism between New and Old Rome lasted from 484 to 517, but attempts were made on both sides to end the deplorable situation. Th...

The Dissolution Of The Imperial
The third period of the ancient Church under the Christian Empire begins with the accession of Justin I (518-527), and the end of th...

The Age Of Justinian
Justinian I, the greatest of all the rulers of the Eastern Empire, succeeded his uncle Justin I (518-527); but he had, from the begi...

The Byzantine State Church Under
According to Justinian's scheme of Church government, the Emperor was the head of the Church in the sense that he had the right and ...

The Definitive Type Of Religion
The works of Dionysius the Areopagite first appear in the controversies in the reign of Justinian, when they are quoted in the Confe...

The Celtic Church In The British
Christianity was probably planted in the British Isles during the second century; as to its growth in the ante-Nicene period little ...

The Conversion Of The Franks The
Chlodowech (Clovis, 481-511) was originally a king of the Salian Franks, near Tournay. By his energy he became king of all the Frank...

The State Church In The Germanic
So long as the Germanic rulers remained Arian, the Catholic Church in their kingdoms was left for the most part alone or hindered in...

Gregory The Great And The Roman
Gregory the Great was born about 540. In 573 he was appointed prefect of the city of Rome, but resigned the following year to become...

The Foundation Of The Anglo-saxo
The Anglo-Saxon Church owes its foundation to the missionary zeal and wise direction of Gregory the Great. Augustine, whom Gregory s...

The Foundation Of The Ecclesiast
In the period between the conversion of the Franks and the rise of the dynasty of Charles Martel, or the period comprising the sixth...

Foundation Of The Mediaeval Dioc
An outline of some of the legislation is here given, whereby the parish as organized in the West was built up, and the diocese was m...

Western Piety And Thought In The
In the century following Augustine, the dogmatic interest of the Church was chiefly absorbed in the Christological controversies in ...

The Foundation Of The Mediaeval
The penitential system, as it was organized in the Western Church in the sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries, was but the carrying ...

The New Monasticism And The Rule
In the first centuries of monasticism in the West, the greatest variety was to be found among the constitutions of the various monas...

Foundation Of Mediaeval Culture
Schools never wholly disappeared from Western society, either during the barbarian invasion or in the even more troublous times that...

The Rise And Extension Of Islam
Mohammed (571-632) began his work as a prophet at Mecca about 613, having been "called" about three years earlier. He was driven fro...

The Monothelete Controversy And
The Monothelete controversy was the natural outcome of the earlier Christological controversies. With the assertion of the two compl...

Rome Constantinople And The Lomb
The Sixth General Council was the last great diplomatic triumph of Rome in the East in matters of faith, though two centuries after,...

Rome Constantinople And The Lomb
By the eight century the veneration of pictures or icons had become wide-spread throughout the Eastern Church. Apart from their due ...

Children Bible

The Story Of Creation
In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth, and while the earth was still unformed, God said, "Let there be light," and the...

Gods Good Gifts To Man
At the time when Jehovah made earth and heaven, no trees or plants grew on the earth, for Jehovah had not yet sent the rain; and the...

The First Disobedience
Now the serpent was more deceitful than any other animal that Jehovah had made; and it said to the woman, "Has God really said, 'You...

Cain And His Brother Abel
Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all living beings. She had two sons, Cain and Abel. Abel was a shepherd, but ...

Noah And The Great Flood
When Jehovah saw that men were growing more wicked in the world and that their thoughts were always evil, he was greatly grieved and...

The Story Of The Tower Of Babel
All the people of the earth spoke one language; and as they travelled westward, they found a broad valley in the land of Babylonia, ...

Abraham The Friend Of God And Ma
The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. Terah, a descendant of Shem, was the father of Abraham, Nahor and...

Lots Escape From A Wicked City
And Abraham went along with them to start them on their way. Jehovah said, "The complaint has come that the people of Sodom and Gomorr...

Gods Care For The Boy Ishmael
Jehovah remembered what he had told Sarah, and he did as he had promised. So Sarah had a son, and when the child grew up, Abraham made...

Abrahams Loyalty To God
Later Jehovah tested Abraham, saying to him, "Abraham"; and he answered, "Here am I." Jehovah said, "Take your son, your only son Isaa...

How Rebekah Became The Wife Of I
When Abraham was very old and Jehovah had blessed him in every way, Abraham said to the eldest of his household servants, who had char...

How Jacob Deceived His Father
Now Isaac prayed to Jehovah for his wife, because she had no children; and Jehovah heard his prayer, and Rebekah became the mother of ...

Jacobs Dream
Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing which his father had given him. And Esau said to himself, "My father will soon die; then I wi...

The Deceiver Deceived
Then Jacob went on his journey and arrived at the land of the children of the East. And he looked and saw a well in the field, and the...

Meeting A Brother Who Had Been W
In time Jacob became very wealthy, and he had large flocks, slaves, and asses. But he heard Laban's sons say, "Jacob has taken all tha...

Joseph Sold As A Slave By His Br
When Joseph was seventeen years old, he and his brothers were shepherds, but he made them angry, for he brought a bad report about the...

Josephs Eagerness To Help Other
Joseph was taken down to Egypt, and Potiphar, an Egyptian, one of Pharaoh's officers, the captain of the guard, bought him from the I...

A Prisoner Who Became A Mighty R
Two years later Pharaoh had a dream: as he stood by the river Nile, he saw coming up from the water seven cows, well fed and fat, for ...

The Testing Of Josephs Brothers
When Jacob learned that there was grain for sale in Egypt, he said to his sons, "Why do you stand looking at each other? I have heard ...

Josephs Forgiveness Of His Brot
When Judah and his brothers came back to Joseph's house, Joseph was still there; and they threw themselves before him on the ground....

Josephs Loyalty To His Family
The news that Joseph's brothers had arrived became known in Pharaoh's palace; and it pleased Pharaoh and his servants greatly. Pharaoh...

The Boyhood And Training Of Mose
After the death of Joseph and his brothers, the Israelites increased so rapidly and became so many and powerful that the land was fill...

The Voice From The Bush
After a long time the king of Egypt died. Moses was taking care of the flock of Jethro his wife's father. Once he led the flock to the...

Pharaoh The Stubborn Ruler
Then Jehovah said to Aaron, "Go into the wilderness to meet Moses." So he went and met him on the mountain of God and kissed him. And ...

The Cost Of Being Cruel And Stub
Then Jehovah said to Moses, "Pharaoh is stubborn; he will not let the people go. Go to Pharaoh early in the morning, as he is going ou...

The Escape From Egypt
Moses called together all the leaders of Israel, and said to them, "Take lambs from the herds according to your families and kill the ...

Gods Commands To The People
Moses led the Israelites forward from the Red Sea until they came to the wilderness of Sinai, and there the Israelites camped before t...

Our Duties To God And Man
Hear O Israel: Jehovah our God is the one Lord. You shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all ...

The Report Of The Hebrew Spies
Moses sent certain men to explore the land of Canaan and said to them, "Go up into the South Country and on into the highlands, and se...

The Last Words Of Moses
When Moses was old, he said to all the Israelites, "I am a hundred and twenty years old this day. I can no longer go out and come in, ...

Crossing The River Jordan
After the death of Moses, Jehovah said to Joshua, Moses' helper, "Moses my servant is dead: Now arise, go over the Jordan with all thi...

The Capture Of Jericho And Ai
Now Jericho had closed its gates because of the Israelites, and no one went in or out. But Jehovah said to Joshua, "See, I have given ...

Women Who Saved A Nation
Later Sisera, who had nine hundred iron chariots, cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years. Then the prophetess Deborah, the ...

Gideons Brave Band
In course of time the Midianites conquered the Israelites. To escape them the Israelites made for themselves dens in the mountains and...

Jephthahs Foolish Promise
Jephthah, the Gileadite, was an able warrior, but he was the son of a wicked woman, and had fled from his relatives and lived in the l...

Samson Who Did To Others As They
There was a certain man of Zorah, of the clan of the Danites, named Manoah; and he and his wife had no children. But the angel of Jeho...

A Strong Man Who Lost His Streng
Afterward, Samson fell in love with a woman in the valley of Sorek, named Delilah. Then the rulers of the Philistines came to her and ...

The Devotion Of Ruth
During the days of the judges, there was once a famine in the land; and a certain man from Bethlehem in Judah took his wife and two so...

Samuel The Boy Prophet
Elkanah, a Zuphite of the hill country of Ephraim, lived at Ramah with his two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but ...

The Ark Among The Philistines
In those days the Israelites went out to meet the Philistines, and in a hard-fought battle the Israelites were defeated by the Philist...

How Samuel Found A Leader
There was a rich Benjamite named Kish, who lived at Gibeah. He had a son named Saul, a man full grown and handsome; no one among the I...

Jonathans Brave Deed
Saul picked out three thousand men from the Israelites. Two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and on the highland of Bethel, and a t...

Davids Victory Over The Giant
As long as Saul lived there was bitter war with the Philistines. Whenever Saul saw a strong or able man, he would take him into his s...

Sauls Mean Jealousy
When the Israelites and David returned from slaying the Philistines, the women came out from all the cities of Israel, singing and dan...

Jonathans Love For David
Then David went and found Jonathan and said, "What have I done? What is my guilt, and what is my sin in the mind of your father, that ...

The Cost Of A Lie
Then David went to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest who came trembling to meet David and said to him, "Why are you alone, and no one with ...

A Soldier Who Spared His Enemy
Now when David was told, "The Philistines are fighting against Keilah and are robbing the threshing-floors," he inquired of Jehovah,...

Abigails Sensible Advice
Then David went away into the Wilderness of Maon. Now there was a man in Maon, whose property was in Carmel. The man was very rich; he...

Making The Best Of Trouble
Then David said to himself, "I shall be killed some day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than to escape into the la...

The Death Of Two Brave Warriors
Samuel had died and all Israel had mourned for him and had buried him in his own town Ramah. Saul, too, had put the mediums and those ...

A Shepherd Boy Who Was Called To
After this David asked of Jehovah, "Shall I go up into one of the towns of Judah?" Jehovah answered, "Go up." When David asked, "To wh...

Jerusalem Made The Capital City
David and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the people of the land who had said to David, "You shall not come in here, ...

Davids Kindness To Jonathans S
Then David asked, "Is any one left of the family of Saul to whom I may show kindness for Jonathan's sake?" And there was a servant of ...

A Rich Man Who Was A Thief
One evening, while Joab was besieging Rabbath Ammon, David rose from his bed and walked upon the roof of the royal palace. From the ro...

Absalom The Ungrateful Son
Some time later Absalom, David's son, prepared a chariot and horses and fifty men to run before him. He used to rise early and stand b...

A Broken-hearted Father
After Absalom and all the men of Israel crossed the Jordan, David counted the troops who were with him, and put over them commanders o...

How Solomon Became The Ruler Of
Now when David was old, Adonijah thought, "I will be ruler of Israel." So he prepared for himself chariots and horsemen and fifty men ...

A Young Mans Wise Choice
Solomon went to Gibeon to offer a sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. He offered upon that altar a thousand animals as...

Building A Great Temple
In the fourth year of Solomon's rule over Israel he built the temple of Jehovah. The temple was ninety feet long, thirty feet wide, an...

A Ruler Who Wronged His People
Solomon was building his palace thirteen years before he finished it. He also built the throne-hall where he judged the people. This r...

Rehoboams Great Mistake
When Solomon died, Rehoboam his son ruled after him. As soon as Jeroboam, who was still in Egypt, heard that Solomon had died, he ret...

Elijah And The Widows Son
When Asa had been ruler of Judah for thirty-one years Omri became ruler over Israel, and he ruled twelve years. He bought the hill Sam...

The Prophet Of Fire
In the third year of the famine this command came from Jehovah to Elijah: "Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain upon the e...

Gods Low Whisper
Now when Ahab told Jezebel that Elijah had put the prophets to death with the sword, she sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, "As surel...

Ahab The Thief
Now Naboth, the Jezreelite, had a vineyard in Jezreel next to the palace of Ahab, who ruled at Samaria. So Ahab said to Naboth, "Give ...

Micaiahs Courage In Telling The
For three years there was no war between Aram and Israel. But in the third year, when Jehoshaphat the ruler of Judah came to visit the...

The Mantle Of Elijah
When Jehovah took up Elijah to heaven in a whirlwind, he was going with Elisha from Gilgal. And Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, for...

Elisha Healing The Sick Boy
One day Elisha went over to Shunem where a rich woman lived, and she asked him to be her guest. Afterward, whenever he passed by, he s...

A Slave Girl Who Helped Her Mast
Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a man who was beloved by his master and was held in high honor, for through...

Elishas Way Of Treating Enemies
Once while the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he said to his officers, "In such and such a place we shall hide and surprise them...

The End Of Ahabs Selfish Family
Elisha the prophet called one of the followers of the prophets and said to him, "Tighten your belt, take this flask of oil in your han...

The Boy Joash On The Throne Of J
When Joram had ruled twelve years over Israel, Ahaziah the son of Jehoram began to rule over Judah. And he went down to Jezreel to vis...

A Young Man Who Said Send Me
Uzziah, Joash's grandson, was sixteen years old when he began to rule over Judah and he ruled fifty-two years in Jerusalem. He foug...

Jeremiahs Call To Do A Hard Tas
This was the message which came to me from Jehovah: "Before you were born I knew you and prepared you for your work. I have appointed ...

The Young Josiah And The Book Of
Josiah was eight years old when he began to rule, and he ruled thirty-one years in Jerusalem. In the eighteenth year of his rule he s...

The Writing Of An Ancient Book
When Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, had been ruler for four years, this message came to Jeremiah from Jehovah, "Take a parchment roll a...

A Prophet Who Saved A Great City
Once the king of Assyria sent a high official with a great army to Jerusalem. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they called for Hezekiah...

Jeremiahs Courage In Danger
The command came to Jeremiah from Jehovah, "Stand in the door of the temple and speak this message: 'Hear the word of Jehovah, all you...

The Sad Fate Of A Guilty Nation
Jerusalem was taken in the eleventh year of the rule of Zedekiah, on the ninth day of the fourth month. An opening was made through th...

The Courage Of Four Captives
Nebuchadrezzar, the king of Babylon, commanded Ashpenaz, the chief of his servants, to bring to him certain of the Israelites and some...

A Kings Strange Dream
Nebuchadrezzar in the second year of his reign had dreams, and his mind was so troubled that he could not sleep. Then the king sent fo...

The Test By Fire
Nebuchadrezzar, the king, made an image of gold ninety feet high and nine feet wide. He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the provinc...

The Handwriting On The Wall
Belshazzar, the king, made a great feast for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine before them all. Under the influence of wine, he ...

Daniel In The Lions Den
It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom a hundred and twenty officers who ruled the whole kingdom, and over them three chief officia...

Queen Esthers Love For Her Peop
After Xerxes had been king of Persia for three years, he gave a feast for all his officials, officers, and servants. The commanders of...

Rebuilding The Temple
That the promise made by Jehovah through the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, Jehovah influenced Cyrus, king of Persia, in the fi...

Nehemiahs Answer To A Call For
In the twentieth year of Artaxerxes' reign, in the month of November, I (Nehemiah) was in Shushan, the royal palace, when Hanani, one ...

Overcoming Great Difficulties
Now when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he was so angry and indignant that he mocked the Jews. He spoke before his ...

A Brave Knight
Then the common people and their wives raised a loud cry against their fellow Jews. Some said, "We must give up our sons and our daugh...

Jonah The Narrow-minded Patriot
This message from Jehovah came to Jonah, the son of Amittai: "Arise, go to that great city, Nineveh, and preach against it; for their ...

The Story Of Job
In the land of Uz there lived a man named Job; and he was blameless and upright, one who revered God and avoided evil. He had seven so...

The King Of Glory
The earth is the Lord's in its fulness, The world and those who live in it; He founded it upon the seas, ...

God The Loving Creator
Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord, my God, thou art great; Thou art clothed with glory and majesty, ...

God The Loving Father
Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, ...

God From Whom All Good Things Co
Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman wakens in ...

Gods Goodness And Mercy
The Lord is gracious and merciful, Patient, and full of loving-kindness. The Lord is good to all, Sh...

God The All-seeing
O Lord, thou searchest and knowest me, Whether I sit or stand, thou knowest, Thou readest my thought afar off...

God Who Always Watches Over His
I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will...

God Who Protects From All Danger
Give thanks to the Lord, for his goodness, For his love endures forever. Let those he has redeemed say so, ...

Gods Protection Of Those Who Tr
I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise is continually in my mouth, My soul glories in the Lord, ...

Gods Loving Care
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me to the still w...

Trusting In Gods Care
Be not disturbed because of the wicked, Nor be envious of those who do wrong; For like grass they shall quick...

A Prayer Of Trust
To thee, O God, I lift up my soul, All the day long do I wait for thee. I trust in thee, O God, let me not be...

Safety In Gods Care
You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, Who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, Who say to the Lord, ...

God Our Refuge
God is our refuge and strength, An ever-present help in trouble. So we fear not, though the earth trembles, ...

The Joy Of Worshipping God
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord, Let us shout to the Rock who saves us, Let us come before him with thanksgi...

What God Asks Of Those Who Worsh
O Lord, who may be a guest in thy tent? Who may dwell on thy holy hill? He who lives blamelessly and does r...

A Call To Praise God
Oh, sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth, Sing to the Lord, praise his name, ...

The United Song Of Praise
Praise the Lord from the heavens, Praise him on the heights. Praise him, all his angels, Praise him,...

Mans Place In Gods World
O Lord, our God, how glorious Is thy name in all the earth! Thou hast spread thy splendor over the heavens;...

The Reward Of Doing Right
Happy is the man Who follows not the counsel of the wicked, Nor takes his stand with sinners, Nor si...

A Prayer For Forgiveness
Have mercy upon me, O God, According to thy loving-kindness, According to the multitude of thy tender mercies...

The Rewards Of Listening To The
My son, if you heed my words, And store my commands in your mind, Pay close attention to wisdom, And...

What God Likes And Dislikes
The eyes of the Lord are all-seeing, Keeping watch on both wicked and good. A man thinks all that he does is ...

Gods Care For Those Who Try To
The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, But he blesses the home of him who does right. Surely he...

The Way To Be Well And Happy
Many a man tells of his own kindness. But a trustworthy man who can find? A child is known by his acts, ...

The Importance Of Being Willing
The lips of the wise speak knowledge, But the fool does not understand. A fool's way seems right in his sight...

How To Honor Your Parents
My son, hear the instruction of your father, And forsake not the teaching of your mother; They shall be a cro...

The Troubles Of Those Who Are La
The lazy man says, "A lion is outside! I shall be killed in the streets!" As the door turns on its hinges, ...

Things That Are Better Than Rich
Better is a poor man who lives uprightly Than one who is dishonest, though he be rich. Better is a little wit...

Right Eating And Drinking
If you find honey, eat only what you need, That you may not be too full and be ill. Wine is a mocker, stron...

The Right Use Of The Tongue
Do you see a man who speaks before he thinks? There is more hope for a fool than for him. He who answers befo...

The Control Of The Temper
A mild answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. A man without self-control Is a r...

What It Means To Be Modest
Do not boast what you will do to-morrow, For you know not what a day may bring forth. Do you see a man wise i...

Being Generous And Loving
He who returns evil for good, From his house evil shall not depart. It is an honor for a man to avoid strif...

Jesus Is Born At Bethlehem
The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a young woman named Mary in Nazareth, a town of Galilee. She was to be married to a man named J...

The Wise Men Bring Gifts To The
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the newly born King of the Jews? For w...

The Boy Jesus Asks Questions
After Joseph and Mary had done all that the law commanded, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. And the boy Jesus g...

John The Baptist Tells Of Jesus
While Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea and Herod was ruler of Galilee, a man named John, the son of Zachariah, lived in the desert...

Jesus Decides How He Will Do His
At this time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And as he was coming up from the water, he sa...

Jesus Wins Devoted Friends
Herod seized John the Baptist and bound him, and put him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, for John said to hi...

The Wedding At Cana
Two days later there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invite...

The Healing Of The Ten Lepers
On their way to Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples passed through Samaria and Galilee. When he entered a certain village, he was met b...

Healing The Man At The Pool
There was a festival of the Jews in Jerusalem, and Jesus went there. In Jerusalem there is a pool beside the sheep gate. In Hebrew it ...

Jesus Talks With A Samaritan Wom
When Jesus left Judea and went back into Galilee, he had to pass through Samaria; and he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near...

Giving Life To A Widows Son
Jesus went to a town called Nain; and his disciples went with him followed by a large crowd. Just as Jesus came to the gate of the tow...

Jesus Heals The Sick
Jesus and his disciples entered Capernaum; and on the next Sabbath he went into the synagogue and began to teach. And the people were ...

Jesus Cures A Man Who Cannot Wal
When Jesus entered Capernaum again, after some days, it was reported that he was at home, and so many people gathered about him that t...

Jesus Makes Even Wrong-doers His
Then Jesus went out again beside the Sea of Galilee; and all the crowd came to him, and he taught them. As he passed along he saw Levi...

Jesus Finds Joy In All His Work
Once when John's disciples and the Pharisees were keeping a fast, people came to Jesus and said, "Why do the disciples of John and the...

Jesus Calms The Storm
Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples, and a crowd followed him from Galilee. Also from Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea the other side...

Jesus Heals A Little Girl
When Jesus again crossed the Sea of Galilee in a boat to the other side, a large crowd had gathered to meet him; so he stayed beside t...

Jesus Visits His Old Home
Jesus went to Nazareth where he had been brought up. As was his custom, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to rea...

Jesus Calls Together His Friends
Jesus went up on the hillside near Capernaum and called to him the men whom he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve to be...

What Jesus Asks Of His Friends A
Once Jesus entered a certain village where a woman named Martha invited him to her house. She had a sister named Mary who seated her...

The Way To Learn From Jesus
Jesus taught his disciples, saying, "Do not think that I came to set aside the old law or the teachings of the prophets. I did not com...

The Rewards For Following Jesus
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, once came to Jesus and said, "Master, we want you to do for us what we shall ask." So he said, "W...

Gods Love Even For Sinners
Because tax-gathers and sinners kept coming to Jesus to hear him, the Pharisees and scribes complained, "This man welcomes sinners and...

Gods Readiness To Answer Prayer
Jesus said: "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you; for every one who asks receiv...

How To Pray
The apostles said to Jesus, "Help us to have greater faith." But he said, "If you had faith even the size of a mustard-seed and said t...

Why We Should Trust God
"Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall wear. Does not life mean more than food, and the body more t...

The Kingdom Of God
Once when little children were brought to Jesus that he might touch them, the disciples found fault with those who brought them. When ...

The Two Great Commandments
Once a lawyer asked Jesus, "What is the most important of all the commandments?" Jesus answered, "The most important is: 'The Lord our...

The Rewards Of Modesty And Unsel
Once Jesus went into the house of a leading Pharisee to dine. When he saw how the guests chose the best places, he gave them this advi...

How To Use Money
A man from the crowd once said to Jesus, "Master, tell my brother to give me my share of the property that belongs to us." Jesus answe...

Different Ways Of Using Talents
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who before going abroad called his servants and gave what he had into their charge. To one he gav...

The Good Samaritan
Once a lawyer stood up to test Jesus with this question, "Master, what shall I do to receive eternal life?" Jesus said to him, "What i...

The Way To Treat Those Who Wrong
"If your brother wrongs you, go, show him his fault when you and he are alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. E...

The Golden Rule
"You have heard the saying, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who c...

The People Who Are Really Happy
Jesus said to his disciples: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are the meek, ...

Jesus Sends Out The First Missio
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news about the Kingdom of God, and he...

Jesus Praises John The Baptist
When John heard in prison what Jesus was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, "Are you the Promised One who is coming, or are we t...

Jesus Feeds The Hungry
When Herod the ruler of Galilee heard what Jesus was doing, he was greatly puzzled, for some said that John had come back from the dea...

Jesus Tells What It Means To Be
The Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem went together to Jesus, because they had seen that some of his disci...

Jesus Is Kind To A Stranger
Certain Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, "Go away from here; for Herod wishes to kill you." He said to them, "Go and tell that...

Jesus Makes An Heroic Choice
On their way to the villages of Caesarea Philippi Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say I am?" They told him, "John the Baptis...

Jesus Is Glorified
Six days later Jesus took Peter, James and John up a high mountain where they were alone, and in their presence he was transfigured. H...

Jesus Tells How One May Become G
Leaving Caesarea Philippi, Jesus and his disciples passed through Galilee; but he wished no one to know of this, for he was teaching h...

Jesus Makes The Wicked Zaccheus
As Jesus passed through Jericho a man named Zaccheus, who was the chief tax-gatherer and rich, tried to see what Jesus was like, but c...

Jesus Is Gladly Welcomed By The
As Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples, followed by a large crowd, there sat by the road a blind beggar, Bartimaeus (the son ...

Jesus Fights Wrong In The Temple
About this time certain people came to tell Jesus of the Galileans whom Pilate had killed while they were offering sacrifices. He said...

Jesus Condemns Those Who Pretend
The common people were listening to Jesus eagerly. As he taught he said, "Be on your guard against the scribes, who like to walk about...

Jesus Warns His Disciples
As Jesus went out of the Temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Master, see what great stones and what a beautiful building!" Then...

Jesus Cures A Blind Man
As Jesus was passing along the road he saw a man who was born blind, and the disciples asked him, "Master, for whose sin, his own or h...

Jesus Tells What He Came To Do
Jesus said to the people, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light which g...

Jesus Brings Lazarus Back To Lif
Now a certain man, Lazarus of Bethany, was sick. He was the brother of Martha and of the Mary who anointed the Master with perfume and...

Jesus Praises A Woman Who Gave H
While Jesus was at dinner at Bethany in the house of Simon, the jar-maker, a woman came in with an alabaster jar of pure perfume, whic...

Jesus Eats The Last Supper With
Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the high priests with the intention of betraying Jesus. And when they heard, they...

Jesus Encourages His Friends And
Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many homes; if it were n...

Jesus Is Seized By The Mob
When Jesus and his disciples came to a certain place called Gethsemane, he said to them, "Sit here while I pray"; but he took with him...

Jesus In The Hands Of His Enemie
The men who seized Jesus mocked him and flogged him. They also blindfolded him and said, "Prophet, tell us who is it that struck you?"...

Jesus Is Crucified By His Enemie
The soldiers led Jesus to the courtyard of the governor's palace and called together the whole company. Then they clothed him in a pur...

Jesus Conquers Death
When the Sabbath was over, Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices to embalm Jesus. Soon after sunrise on ...

Jesus Walks And Talks With Two O
On the same day two of Jesus' disciples were on their way to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem; and as they ta...

Jesus Gives His Last Commands To
While the two disciples were speaking, Jesus himself stood among them. And they were frightened and believed that they saw a ghost; bu...

The Healing Of The Lame Man At T
By agreement the believers met together daily in the Temple. They had their meals from house to house, eating their food with gladness...

The Generosity Of The Early Chri
All of the believers were as one in heart and mind; and not one of them called what he had his own, but they all shared with one anoth...

Stephen The First Christian Mart
During these days, while the number of the disciples was rapidly increasing, the Jews who came from lands where Greek was spoken began...

Philip And The Ethiopian
When Stephen was stoned to death a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scatt...

Peter And The Roman Officer
While Peter was going through the whole country, he stayed for a long time at Joppa, in the house of Simon, a tanner. Cornelius, th...

Peters Escape From Prison
Now about that time Herod, the king, began to persecute the members of the church; and he killed James, the brother of John, with the ...

Pauls Account Of What He Saw An
I am a Jew, born at Tarsus in Cilicia, but I was brought up in Jerusalem, educated as a disciple of Gamaliel in the strict way laid d...

The Christian Church At Antioch
The disciples who had been scattered by the persecution which came after the killing of Stephen went to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antio...

Paul And Barnabas In Foreign Lan
Paul and Barnabas, sent by the Holy Spirit, went to Seleucia and from there sailed to Cyprus. When they came to Salamis, they, with Ma...

Why Paul Went To Macedonia
After they had stayed at Antioch for some time, Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us return and visit the brothers in all the cities where w...

Paul And Silas In Macedonia
One day as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave girl met us who was under the control of a spirit that made her clairvoyant, ...

Pauls Great Speech At Athens
While Paul was waiting at Athens for Silas and Timothy, his anger was aroused when he saw that the city was filled with idols. So he a...

Paul Writes To His Friends At Th
Paul and Silas and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians which lives in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May good-wil...

Pauls Work At Corinth
And Paul left the place and went to the home of Titius Justus, who worshipped God, whose house was next to the synagogue. Crispus, the...

Paul Writes To His Friends In Co
Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and brother Sosthenes to the church of God at Corinth. I thank Go...

The New Life After Death
Now, brothers, remember the good news I preached to you, that Christ died for our sins, and that he was buried and rose again the thir...

Ways Of Showing Love
Now about the collection for God's people in Jerusalem, you must carry out the same directions that I gave to the churches in Galatia....

Pauls Trials And Victories At E
After spending some time at Antioch Paul went off on a trip to Galatia and Phrygia to strengthen the faith of all the disciples; then ...

Paul Writes To The Christians At
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart to tell God's good news about Jesus Christ our Lord, to all God's ...

Pauls Last Journey To Jerusalem
After we had said good-by to the elders of Ephesus we sailed to Syria and landed at Tyre, where the ship was to unload her cargo. Ther...

Pauls Narrow Escape From Death
The seven days during which the men had promised to make special offerings were almost over when some Jews from Asia, who saw Paul in ...

A Prisoner Who Preached To His J
Some days later Felix came with his wife, Drusilla, who was a Jewess, and sent for Paul and heard what he had to say about the faith i...

Pauls Shipwreck
When it was decided that we were to sail for Italy, Paul and certain other prisoners were placed in charge of Julius, an officer of th...

The End Of Pauls Long Journey
The natives of the island showed us unusual kindness, for they kindled a fire and welcomed us all, because of the pouring rain and the...

Pauls Last Words To His Friends
Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all of Christ's followers in Philippi, as well as to the ministers and their helpers. M...

The Meaning Of Faith
Now faith is the confidence that we shall receive the things for which we hope, the proof of the reality of things we do not see. It w...

The Importance Of Doing What Is
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the true Israelites scattered among the nations, greeting. My brothers, re...

The Love That Makes Men Brothers
We know what love is by this, that Christ laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if any on...

The Glory And Honor That Jesus H
John, to the seven churches in the province of Asia. May a blessing be granted you and peace from him who is and was and ever shall be...

The Reward Of The Faithful
After that I saw a vast host, which no one could count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing before the thron...

The New Heaven On Earth
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more. And I saw t...

History Christianity

Providential Preparations For Th

Spanish Conquest The Propagation
It is a striking fact that the earliest monuments of colonial and ecclesiastical antiquity within the present domain of the United S...

The Project Of French Empire And
For a full century, from the discovery of the New World until the first effective effort at occupation by any other European people,...

Antecedents Of Permanent Christi
We have briefly reviewed the history of two magnificent schemes of secular and spiritual empire, which, conceived in the minds of gr...

The Puritan Beginnings Of The Ch
There is sufficient evidence that the three little vessels which on the 13th of May, 1607, were moored to the trees on the bank of t...

The Neighbor Colonies To Virgini
The chronological order would require us at this point to turn to the Dutch settlements on the Hudson River; but the close relations...

The Dutch Calvinist Colony On Th
THEY BOTH FALL UNDER THE SHADOW OF GREAT BRITAIN. When the Englishman Henry Hudson, in the Dutch East India Company's ship, the H...

The Planting Of The Church In Ne
The attitude of the Church of England Puritans toward the Separatists from that church was the attitude of the earnest, patient, hop...

The Middle Colonies The Jerseys
The bargainings and conveyancings, the confirmations and reclamations, the setting up and overturning, which, after the conquest of ...

The American Church On The Eve O
By the end of one hundred years from the settlement of Massachusetts important changes had come upon the chain of colonies along the...

The Great Awakening
It was not wholly dark in American Christendom before the dawn of the Great Awakening. The censoriousness which was the besetting si...

Close Of The Colonial Era The Ge
The quickening of religious feeling, the deepening of religious conviction, the clearing and defining of theological opinions, that ...

Seven years of war left the American people exhausted, impoverished, disorganized, conscious of having come into possession of a nat...

The Second Awakening
The closing years of the eighteenth century show the lowest low-water mark of the lowest ebb-tide of spiritual life in the history o...

Organized Beneficence
When the Presbyterian General Assembly, in 1803, made a studious review of the revivals which for several years had been in progress...

Conflicts Of The Church With Pub
The transition from establishment to the voluntary system for the support of churches was made not without some difficulty, but with...

A Decade Of Controversies And Sc
During the period from 1835 to 1845 the spirit of schism seemed to be in the air. In this period no one of the larger organizations ...

The Great Immigration
At the taking of the first census of the United States, in 1790, the country contained a population of about four millions in its te...

The Civil War--antecedents And C
It has been observed that for nearly half a generation after the reaction began from the fervid excitement of the Millerite agitatio...

After The War
When the five years of rending and tearing had passed, in which slavery was dispossessed of its hold upon the nation, there was much...

The Church In Theology And Liter
The rapid review of three crowded centuries, which is all that the narrowly prescribed limits of this volume have permitted, has ne...

Tendencies Toward A Manifestatio
The three centuries of history which we have passed under rapid review comprise a series of political events of the highest importan...




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