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ABELIA CHINENSIS (_syn A. rupestris_).--The Rock Abelia China, 1844. This is a neat, twiggy shrub, growing from 2 ft. to 3 ft. high, w...

ADENOCARPUS DECORTICANS (_syn A. Boissieri_).--Spain, 1883. This little known hardy shrub, a native of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in...

AESCULUS CALIFORNICA (_syn Pavia californica_).--California. This is one of the handsomest species, of low, spreading habit, and bloom...

AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA.--Tree of Heaven. China, 1751. A handsome, fast-growing tree, with large pinnate leaves that are often fully thr...

AKEBIA QUINATA.--Chinese Akebia. China, 1845. This, with its peculiarly-formed and curiously-coloured flowers, though usually treated...

AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA.--Dwarf June Berry. N.W. America, 1888. This is a shrub of great beauty, growing about 8 feet high, and a native...

AMORPHA CANESCENS.--Lead Plant. Missouri, 1812. This is of much smaller growth than A. fruticosa, with neat pinnate foliage, whitened ...

ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA.--An indigenous shrub of low growth, with lanceolate shining leaves, and pretty globose pinky-white flowers. Of i...

ARALIA MANDSHURICA (_syn Dimorphanthus mandschuricus_).--Manchuria, 1866. There is not much beauty about this Chinese tree, for it is ...

ARBUTUS ANDRACHNE.--Levant, 1724. This Mediterranean species is of stout growth, with narrow Laurel-like leaves, reddish deciduous bar...

ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI.--Bearberry. Britain. A neat shrub of trailing habit, and with flowers resembling those of the Arbutus, but mu...

ARISTOLOCHIA SIPHO.--Dutchman's Pipe. North America, 1763. A large-growing, deciduous climbing shrub, remarkable for its ample foliag...

ASIMINA TRILOBA.--Virginian Papaw. Pennsylvania, 1736. This is a curious and uncommon shrub that one rarely sees outside the walls of ...

AZARA MICROPHYLLA.--Chili, 1873. This is the only recognised hardy species, and probably the best from an ornamental point of view. In...

BACCHARIS HALIMIFOLIA.--Groundsel Tree or Sea Purslane. North America. For seaside planting this is an invaluable shrub, as it succeed...

BERBERIDOPSIS CORALLINA.--Coral Barberry. Chili, 1862. This handsome evergreen, half-climbing shrub is certainly not so well known as ...

BERBERIS AQUIFOLIUM (_syn Mahonia Aquifolium_).--Holly-leaved Barberry. North America, 1823. This justly ranks as one of the handsome...

BERCHEMIA VOLUBILIS.--Climbing Berchemia. Carolina, 1714. A rarely seen, deciduous climber, bearing rather inconspicuous greenish-yell...

BIGNONIA CAPREOLATA--Virginia and other parts of America, 1710. This is not so hardy as to be depended upon throughout the country ge...

BILLARDIERA LONGIFLORA.--Blue Apple Berry. Van Diemen's Land, 1810. If only for its rich, blue berries, as large as those of a cherry,...

BRYANTHUS ERECTUS.--Siberia. This is a pretty little Ericaceous plant, nearly allied to Menziesia, and with a plentiful supply of dark...

BUDDLEIA GLOBOSA.--Orange Ball Tree. Chili, 1774. A shrubby species, ranging in height from 12 feet to 20 feet, and the only one at al...

BUPLEURUM FRUTICOSUM.--Hare's Ear. South Europe, 1596. A small-growing, branching shrub, with obovate-lanceolate leaves, and compound ...

CAESALPINIA SEPIARIA (_syn C. japonica_).--India, 1857. This is as yet a comparatively little known shrub, but one that from its beaut...

CALLUNA VULGARIS (_syn Erica vulgaris_).--Common Ling on Heather. This is the commonest native species, with purplish-pink flowers on ...

CALOPHACA WOLGARICA.--Siberia, 1786. This member of the Pea family is of dwarf, branching growth, thickly clothed with glandular hairs...

CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS.--Carolina Allspice. Carolina, 1726. If only for the purplish-red, pleasantly-scented flowers, this North America...

CARAGANA ARBORESCENS.--Siberian Pea Tree. Siberia, 1752. On account of its great hardihood, this is a very desirable garden shrub or ...

CARDIANDRA ALTERNIFOLIA.--Japan, 1866. With its neat habit, and pretty purple-and-white, plentifully-produced flowers, this is worthy ...

CARPENTERIA CALIFORNICA.--Sierra Nevada, California, 1880. This is undoubtedly one of the most distinct and beautiful of hardy shrubs....

CARYOPTERIS MASTACANTHUS.--China and Japan, 1844. This is a neat-growing Chinese shrub, and of value for its pretty flowers that are p...

CASSANDRA CALYCULATA (_syn Andromeda calyculata_).--North America, 1748. This is a handsome species from the Virginian swamps, but one...

CASSINIA FULVIDA (_syn Diplopappus chrysophyllus_).--New Zealand. This is a neat-growing and beautiful shrub, the rich yellow stems an...

CASSIOPE FASTIGIATA (_syn Andromeda fastigiata_) and C. TETRAGONA (_syn Andromeda tetragona_) are small-growing species, only suitable...

CASTANEA SATIVA (_syn C. vesca_ and _C. vulgaris_).--Sweet Spanish Chestnut. Asia Minor. Few persons who have seen this tree as an is...

CATALPA BIGNONIOIDES.--Indian Bean. North America, 1798. When in full bloom this is a remarkable and highly ornamental tree, the curi...

CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS.--New Jersey Tea. North America, 1713. A shrub of 4 feet in height, with deep green serrated leaves, that are 2 i...

CEDRELA SINENSIS (_syn Ailanthus flavescens_).--China, 1875. This is a fast growing tree, closely resembling the Ailanthus, and eviden...

CELASTRUS SCANDENS.--Climbing Waxwork, or Bitter Sweet. North America, 1736. When planted in rich, moist soil, this soon forms an attr...

CELTIS AUSTRALIS.--South Europe, 1796. This species is much like C. occidentalis, with black edible fruit. It is not of so tall growth...

CERCIS CANADENSIS.--North America, 1730. This species resembles C. Siliquastrum, but is of much smaller growth, and bears paler flower...

CHIMONANTHUS FRAGRANS.--Winter Flower. Japan, 1766. This Japanese shrub is certainly one of the most remarkable that could be brought ...

CHIONANTHUS RETUSA.--China, 1852. This is not a very hardy species, and, being less ornamental than the American form, is not to be r...

CHOISYA TERNATA.--Mexican Orange Flower. Mexico, 1825. A beautiful and distinct shrub that succeeds well in the south and west of Engl...

CISTUS CRISPUS.--Portugal, 1656. This is a distinct species, with curled leaves, and large reddish-purple flowers. It is a valuable o...

CITRUS TRIFOLIATA.--Japan, 1869. This is a singular low-growing shrub, with ternate leaves, spiny branches, and fragrant white flowers...

CLADRASTIS AMURENSIS.--Amoor Yellow Wood. Amur, 1880. This is a shrub that is sure to be extensively cultivated when better known, and...

CLEMATIS ALPINA (_syn Atragene alpina, A. austriaca_ and _A. siberica_).--Europe and North America. This is a climbing species with b...

CLERODENDRON TRICHOTOMUM.--Japan, 1800. This is at once one of the most beautiful and distinct of hardy shrubs. It is of stout, nearly...

CLETHRA ACUMINATA.--Pointed-leaved Pepper Tree. Carolina, 1806. This is not so hardy as C. alnifolia, hailing from the Southern States...

COCCULUS CAROLINUS.--This is a half hardy, twining shrub, of free growth when planted by a tree stem in a sheltered wood, but with by ...

COLLETIA CRUCIATA (_syn C. bictonensis_).--Chili, 1824. With flattened woody branches, and sharp-pointed spines which take the place o...

COLUTEA ARBORESCENS.--Bladder Senna. France, 1548. This is a common plant in English gardens, bearing yellow Pea-shaped flowers, that ...

CORIARIA MYRTIFOLIA.--South Europe, 1629. A deciduous shrub growing to about 4 feet in height, with Myrtle-like leaves, and upright te...

CORNUS ALBA.--White-fruited Dogwood. Siberia, 1741. This is a native of northern Asia and Siberia, not of America as Loudon stated. Fo...

COROKIA COTONEASTER.--New Zealand, 1876. A curious, dwarf-growing shrub, with small, bright yellow, starry flowers produced in June. T...

CORONILLA EMERUS.--Scorpion Senna. France, 1596. This shrub, a native of the middle and southern parts of Europe, forms an elegant loo...

CORYLOPSIS HIMALAYANA.--E. Himalayas, 1879. This is a stronger growing species than C. pauciflora and C. spicata, with large leaves av...

CORYLUS AVELLANA PURPUREA.--Purple Hazel. This has large leaves of a rich purple colour, resembling those of the purple Beech, and is ...

COTONEASTER BACILLARIS.--Nepaul, 1841. A large-growing species, and one of the few members of the family that is more ornamental in fl...

CRATAEGUS AZAROLUS.--South Europe, 1640. This is a very vigorous-growing species, with a wide, spreading head of rather upright-growi...

CYTISUS ALBUS.--White Spanish Broom. Portugal, 1752. This is a large-growing shrub of often 10 feet in height, with wiry, somewhat st...

DABOECIA POLIFOLIA (_syn Menziesia polifolia_).--St. Dabeoc's Heath. South Western Europe, Ireland and the Azores. A dwarf, and rather...

DANAE LAURUS (_syn D. racemosa_ and _Ruscus racemosus_).--Alexandrian Laurel. A native of Portugal (1739), with glossy-green leaf subs...

DAPHNE ALPINA.--Italy, 1759. A deciduous species, which has white or rosy-white, sweet-scented flowers. It is a pretty, but rare shrub...

D Championi
(_syn D. Fortunei_), from China, is a rare and pretty species, bearing lilac flowers in winter, and whilst the shrub is leafless. It doe...

DAPHNIPHYLLUM GLAUCESCENS.--East Indies, Java and Corea. A handsome Japanese shrub that will be valued for its neat Rhododendron-like ...

DESFONTAINEA SPINOSA.--Andes from Chili to New Grenada, 1853. This is a desirable shrub, and one that is perfectly hardy in most parts...

DEUTZIA CRENATA (_syn D. scabra_ and _D. Fortunei_).--Japan 1863. This is of stout, bushy growth, often reaching a height of 8 feet, a...

DIERVILLA FLORIBUNDA (_syn D. multiflora_ and _Weigelia floribunda_), from Japan, 1864, has narrow, tubular, purplish-coloured corolla...

DISCARIA LONGISPINA.--This is at once a curious and beautiful shrub, of low, creeping growth, and poorly furnished with leaves, which,...

DIOSPYROS KAKI COSTATA.--The Date Plum. China, 1789. Fruit as big as a small apple; leaves leathery, entire, and broadly ovate; flower...

DIRCA PALUSTRIS.--Leather Wood. North America, 1750. A much-branched bush, of quite a tree-like character, but rarely more than 3 feet...

DRIMYS AROMATICA (_syn Tasmannia aromatica_).--Tasmanian Pepper Plant. Tasmania, 1843. This is, if we might say so, a more refined pla...

ELAEAGNUS ARGENTEA.--Silver Berry. North America, 1813. A spreading shrub 8 feet or 10 feet high, with lanceolate leaves clothed with ...

EMBOTHRIUM COCCINEUM.--Fire Bush. South America, 1851. This is a beautiful shrub, of tall growth, with flowers of great interest and ...

EPHEDRA VULGARIS (_syn Ephedra monastachya_), from Siberia, 1772, is a half-hardy shrub of trailing habit, with inconspicuous flowers....

EPIGAEA REPENS.--Ground Laurel, or New England Mayflower. Northern United States, 1736. This is, perhaps, in so far as stature is con...

ERCILLA SPICATA (_syn Bridgesia spicata_).--Chili, 1840. A small-growing, half-climbing shrub, with leathery, deep green leaves, and ...

ERICA CARNEA.--South Europe, 1763. This is one of the most beautiful and desirable of hardy Heaths, on account of the richly-coloured ...

ESCALLONIA FLORIBUNDA (_syn E. montevideusis_).--New Grenada, 1827. This is one of the handsomest species, bearing long, arching clust...

EUCRYPHIA PINNATIFOLIA.--Chili, 1880. This shrub, is as yet rare in cultivation, and is not suited for the colder or more exposed part...

EUONYMUS AMERICANA.--American Spindle Tree. North America, 1686. This is a deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, of about 6 feet in heigh...

FABIANA IMBRICATA.--Chili, 1838. This is, unfortunately, not hardy in any but the milder maritime parts of England and Ireland. It is ...

FATSIA JAPONICA (_syns Aralia japonica_ and _A. Sieboldii_).--Japan, 1858. This is of no particular value as a flowering shrub, but be...

FENDLERA RUPICOLA.--Mexico, 1888. A low-growing shrub, peculiar to the dry rocky parts of the United States, particularly the south-we...

FORSYTHIA SUSPENSA (_syn F. Fortunei_ and _F. Sieboldii_).--Japan and China, 1864. A slender-growing shrub, with variable leaves, and ...

FOTHERGILLA ALNIFOLIA.--North Eastern America, 1765. This is an ungainly habited shrub, of dwarf growth, the branches being somewhat ...

FRAXINUS ORNUS (_syn F. argentea, F. rotundifolia_, and _Ornus europea_).--Manna Ash. South Europe, 1730. This is a handsome tree, es...

FREMONTIA CALIFORNICA.--California, 1851. A handsome and deciduous Californian shrub, but scarcely hardy enough for the open air witho...

FUCHSIA MACROSTEMA GLOBOSA (_syn F. globosa_).--Chili. This is readily recognised by the globose form assumed by the incurved sepals, ...

GARRYA ELLIPTICA.--California, 1818. This is a handsome shrub, with dark green coreaceous leaves, resembling very nearly those of the ...

GAULTHERIA NUMMULARIOIDES (_syn G. nummulariae_ and _G. repens_). --Himalayas. This is a neat Alpine species, with small and very dark...

GENISTA AETNENSIS (_syn Spartium aetnensis_).--Etna Broom. Sicily and Sardinia, 1816. This is a large-growing species of elegant growt...

GLEDITSCHIA TRIACANTHOS.--Honey Locust. United States, 1700. As an ornamental hardy tree this is well worthy the attention of planters...

GORDONIA LASIANTHUS.--Loblolly Bay. North America, 1739. A shrub of great beauty, but one that, unfortunately, is rarely to be seen ou...

GRABOWSKIA BOERHAAVIAEFOLIA.--Peru, 1780. This is occasionally to be seen in sheltered and favoured gardens, but it is not to be relie...

GRISELINIA LITTORALIS.--New Zealand, 1872. This forms a compact bush of moderate size, and is fairly hardy. The leaves are of a light,...

GYMNOCLADUS CANADENSIS.--Kentucky Coffee Tree. Canada, 1748. When in full leafage this is a distinct and beautiful tree, the foliage h...

HALESIA DIPTERA (_syn H. reticulata_).--North America, 1758. This is not so suitable for our climate as H. tetraptera, though in south...

HALIMODENDRON ARGENTEUM (_syn Robinia Halimodendron_).--Salt tree. A native of Asiatic Russia (1779), having silvery foliage, and pink...

HAMAMELIS JAPONICA.--The Japanese Witch Hazel. Japan, 1862. This is a small species with lemon-yellow flowers. H. japonica arborea is ...

HEDYSARUM MULTIJUGUM.--South Mongolia. Hardly ten years have elapsed since this pretty shrub was introduced into England, so that at p...

HELIANTHEMUM HALIMIFOLIUM.--Spain, 1656. This species is of erect habit, 3 feet or 4 feet high, and with leaves reminding one of those...

HIBISCUS SYRIACUS (_syn Althaea frutex_).--Syrian Mallow. Syria, 1596. An old occupant of our gardens, and one that cannot be too free...

HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES.--Sea Buckthorn, or Sallow Thorn. Though generally considered as a sea-side shrub, the Sea Buckthorn is by no mea...

HOLBOELLIA LATIFOLIA (_syn Stauntonia latifolia_).--Himalayas, 1840. An evergreen climbing shrub that is more often found under glass ...

HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS.--North America, 1736. This is a plant of large growth, but the flowers are greenish-white, and by no means cons...

HYMENANTHERA CRASSIFOLIA.--A curious New Zealand shrub with rigid ashy-coloured branches, and small leathery leaves. The flowers are ...

HYPERICUM ANDROSAEMUM.--Tutsan, or Sweet Amber. Europe (Britain). A pretty native species, growing about 2 feet high, with ovate leave...

IDESIA POLYCARPA (_syns Flacourtica japonica_ and _Polycarpa Maximowiczii_).--A Japanese tree of small growth, and only introduced to ...

ILEX AQUIFOLIUM.--Common Holly. Europe (Britain) and West Asia. Though the Hollies are not usually reckoned ornamental for the sake of...

ILLICIUM FLORIDANUM, from Florida (1771), is a beautiful but uncommon shrub, probably on account of its being tender and susceptible t...

INIDGOFERA GERARDIANA (_syns I. floribunda_ and _I. Dosua_).--India, 1842. This forms a compact dwarf bush in the open, but is still b...

ITEA VIRGINICA.--North America, 1744. This is a neat, deciduous shrub of 3 feet or 4 feet in height. The ovate-lanceolate leaves are o...

JAMESIA AMERICANA.--Rocky Mountains and Colorado, 1865. Amongst early spring-flowering shrubs this pretty but neglected plant is one o...

JASMINUM FRUTICANS.--South Europe, 1570. An evergreen species, well adapted, from its rather stiff and upright growth, for planting al...

KADSURA JAPONICA.--Japan, 1846. This is a small-growing shrub, with lanceolate and pointed leaves, that are remotely dentated. The flo...

KALMIA ANGUSTIFOLIA.--Sheep Laurel. Canada, 1736. This is at once distinguished from K. latifolia by its much smaller and narrower lea...

KERRIA JAPONICA (_syn Corchorus japonicus_).--Japan, 1700. A Japanese shrub, the double-flowered variety of which, K. japonica flore-p...

KOELREUTERIA PANICULATA.--Northern China, 1763. Whether for its foliage or flowers, this small-growing tree is worthy of a place. Thou...

LABURNUM ADAMI (_syn Cytisus Adami_).--A graft hybrid form between the common Laburnum and Cytisus purpureus, the result being flowers...

LARDIZABALA BITERNATA.--Chili, 1848. Requires wall protection, there being few situations in which it will succeed when planted in the...

LAPAGERIA ROSEA.--Chili, 1847. This is, unfortunately, not hardy, unless in favoured maritime districts, but in such situations it has...

LAVANDULA VERA (_syn L. Spica_).--Common Lavender. South Europe, 1568. A well-known and useful plant, but of no particular value for o...

LAVATERA ARBOREA.--Tree Mallow. Coasts of Europe, (Britain). A stout-growing shrub reaching in favourable situations a height of fully...

LEDUM LATIFOLIUM (_syn L. groenlandicum_).--Wild Rosemary, or Labrador Tea. This is a small shrub, reaching to about 3 feet in height,...

LEIOPHYLLUM BUXIFOLIUM (_syns L. thymifolia, Ammyrsine buxifolia_ and _Ledum buxifolium_).--Sand Myrtle. New Jersey and Virginia, 1736...

LESPEDEZA BICOLOR (_syn Desmodium penduliflorum_).--North China and Japan. A little-known but beautiful small-growing shrub, of slende...

LEUCOTHOE AXILLARIS (_syn Andromeda axillaris_).--North America, 1765. This is of small growth, from 2 feet to 3 feet high, with oval-...

LEYCESTERIA FORMOSA, from Nepaul (1824), is an erect-growing, deciduous shrub, with green, hollow stems, and large ovate, pointed leav...

LIGUSTRUM IBOTA (_syn L. amurense_).--Japan, 1861. A compact growing species, about 3 feet in height, with small spikes of pure white ...

LINNAEA BOREALIS.--Twin Flower. A small and elegant, much-creeping evergreen shrub, with small, ovate crenate leaves, and pairs of ver...

LIPPIA CITRIODORA (_syns Aloysia citriodora_ and _Verbena triphylla_).--Lemon-scented Verbena. Chili, 1794. With its slender branches...

LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA.--Tulip Tree. North America, 1688. One of the noblest hardy exotic trees in cultivation. The large, four-lobed...

LONICERA CAPRIFOLIUM.--Europe. This species resembles L. Periclymenum, but is readily distinguished by the sessile flower-heads, and ...

LOROPETALON CHINENSE.--Khasia Mountains and China, 1880. This is a pretty and interesting shrub belonging to the more familiar Witch H...

LYCIUM BARBARUM.--Box Thorn, or Tea Tree. North Asia, 1696. A pretty lax, trailing shrub, with long, slender, flexible twigs, small l...

LYONIA PANICULATA (_syns L. ligustrina, Andromeda globulifera, A. pilifera_, and _Menziesia globularis_).--North America, 1806. This ...

MACLURA AURANTIACA.--Osage Orange, or Bow-wood. North America, 1818. This is a wide-spreading tree with deciduous foliage, and armed w...

MAGNOLIA ACUMINATA.--Cucumber Tree. North America, 1736. This is a large and handsome species, of often as much as 50 feet in height, ...

MEDICAGO ARBOREA.--South Europe, 1596. This species grows to the height of 6 feet or 8 feet, and produces its Pea-shaped flowers from ...

MENISPERMUM CANADENSE.--Moonseed. North America, 1691. This shrub is principally remarkable for the large, reniform, peltate leaves, w...

MICROGLOSSA ALBESCENS (_syn Aster albescens_ and _A. cabulicus_).--Himalayas, 1842. This member of the Compositae family is a much-br...

MITCHELLA REPENS.--Partridge Berry. North America, 1761. A low-growing, creeping plant, having oval, persistent leaves, white flowers,...

MITRARIA COCCINEA.--Scarlet Mitre Pod. Chiloe, 1848. This is only hardy in the South of England and Ireland, and even there it require...

MYRICA ASPLENIFOLIA (_syn Comptonia asplenifolia_).--Sweet Fern. North America, 1714. A North American plant of somewhat straggling gr...

MYRTUS COMMUNIS.--Common Myrtle. South Europe, 1597. A well-known shrub, which, unless in very favoured spots and by the sea-side, can...

NEILLIA OPULIFOLIA (_syn Spiraea opulifolia_).--Nine Bark. North America, 1690. A hardy shrub, nearly allied to Spiraea. It produces a...

NESAEA SALICIFOLIA (_syn Heimia salicifolia_).--Mexico, 1821. This can only be styled as half hardy, but with wall protection it forms...

NEVIUSA ALABAMENSIS.--Alabama Snow Wreath. Alabama, 1879. This is a rare American shrub, with leaves reminding one of those of the Nin...

NUTTALLIA CERASIFORMIS.--Osoberry. California, 1848. This shrub is of great value on account of the flowers being produced in the earl...

OLEARIA HAASTII.--New Zealand, 1872. This Composite shrub is only hardy in the milder parts of England and Ireland. It is of stiff, dw...

ONONIS ARVENSIS.--Restharrow. A native undershrub of very variable size, according to the position in which it is found growing. It cr...

OSMANTHUS AQUIFOLIUM ILLICIFOLIUS.--Holly-leaved Osmanthus. Japan. This is a handsome evergreen shrub, with Holly-like leaves, and not...

OSTRYA CARPINIFOLIA (_syn O. vulgaris_).--Common Hop Hornbeam. South Europe, 1724. A much-branched, round-headed tree, with cordate-ov...

OXYDENDRUM ARBOREUM (_syn Andromeda arborea_).--Sorrel-tree. Eastern United States, 1752. Unfortunately this species is not often foun...

OZOTHAMNUS ROSMARINIFOLIUS.--Australia, 1827. A pretty little Australian Composite, forming a dense, twiggy shrub, with narrow, Rosema...

PAEONIA MOUTAN.--Moutan Paeony, or Chinese Tree Paeony. China and Japan, 1789. A beautiful shrubby species introduced from China about...

PALIURUS ACULEATUS (_syn P. australis_).--Christ's Thorn, or Garden Thorn. Mediterranean region, 1596. A densely-branched, spiny shrub...

PARROTIA PERSICA.--Persia, 1848. Well known for the lovely autumnal tints displayed by the foliage when dying off. But for the flowers...

PASSIFLORA CAERULEA.--Passion Flower. Brazil and Peru, 1699. Though not perfectly hardy, yet this handsome climbing plant, if cut down...

PAULOWNIA IMPERIALIS.--Japan, 1840. This is a handsome, fast-growing tree, and one that is particularly valuable for its ample foliage...

PERIPLOCA GRAECA.--Poison Vine. South Eastern Europe, and Orient, 1597. A tall, climbing shrub, with small, ovate-lanceolate leaves, a...

PERNETTYA MUCRONATA (_syn Arbutus mucronata_).--Prickly Heath. Magellan, 1828. This is a dwarf-growing, wiry shrub, with narrow, stiff...

PHILADELPHUS CORONARIUS.--Mock Orange, or Syringa. South Europe, 1596. A well-known and valuable garden shrub, of from 6 feet to 10 fe...

P. ANGUSTIFOLIA (narrow-leaved Phillyrea), P. ilicifolia (Holly-leaved Phillyrea), P. salicifolia (Willow-leaved Phillyrea), P. buxifo...

PHLOMIS FRUTICOSA.--Jerusalem Sage. Mediterranean region, 1596. This is a neat-growing shrubby plant, with ovate acute leaves, that ar...

PHOTINIA JAPONICA (_syn Eriobotrya japonica_).--Loquat, Japan Medlar, or Japan Quince. Japan, 1787. This is chiefly remarkable for its...

PHYLODOCE TAXIFOLIA (_syns P. caerulea_ and _Menziesia caerulea_).--An almost extinct native species, having crowded linear leaves, an...

PIERIS FLORIBUNDA (_syns Andromeda floribunda_ and _Leucothoe floribunda_).--United States, 1812. Few perfectly hardy shrubs are more ...

PIPTANTHUS NEPALENSIS (_syn Baptisia nepalensis_).--Evergreen Laburnum. Temperate Himalaya, 1821. A handsome, half-hardy shrub, of oft...

PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA.--Japan, 1804. This forms a neat, evergreen shrub, with deep green, leathery leaves, and clusters of white, fragran...

PLAGIANTHUS LYALLI, a native of New Zealand (1871), and a member of the Mallow family, is a free-flowering and beautiful shrub, but on...

POLYGALA CHAMAEBUXUS.--Bastard Box. A neat little shrubby plant, with small ovate, coriaceous leaves, and fragrant yellow and cream fl...

POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA.--Northern Hemisphere (Britain). An indigenous shrub that grows about a yard high, with pinnate leaves and golden...

PRUNUS AMYGDALUS (_syn Amygdalus communis_).--Common Almond. Barbary, 1548. Whether by a suburban roadside, or even in the heart of th...

PTELEA TRIFOLIATA.--Hop Tree, or Swamp Dogwood. North America, 1704. A small-growing tree, with trifoliolate, yellowish-green leaves p...

PUNICA GRANATUM.--Pomegranate. For planting against a southern-facing wall this pretty shrub is well suited, but it is not sufficientl...

PYRUS ARIA.--White Beam Tree. Europe (Britain). A shrub or small-growing tree, with lobed leaves, covered thickly on the under sides w...

RHAMNUS ALATERNUS.--Mediterranean region, 1629. This is an evergreen shrub, with lanceolate shining leaves of a dark glossy-green colo...

RHAPHIOLEPIS JAPONICA INTEGERRIMA (_syn R. ovata_).--A Japanese shrub (1865), with deep green, ovate, leathery leaves that are not ove...

RHAPHITHAMNUS CYANOCARPUS (_syn Citharexylum cyanocarpum_). Chili. This bears a great resemblance to some of the thorny Berberis, and ...

RHODODENDRON ARBORESCENS (_syn Azalea arborescens_), from the Carolina Mountains (1818), is a very showy, late-blooming species. The w...

Hardy Hybrid Rhododendrons
GHENT AZALEAS, as generally known, from having been raised in Belgium, are a race of hybrids that have been produced by crossing the A...

RHODOTHAMNUS CHAMAECISTUS (_syn Rhododendron Chamaecistus_).--Ground Cistus. Alps of Austria and Bavaria, 1786. A very handsome shrub,...

RHODOTYPOS KERRIOIDES.--White Kerria. Japan, 1866. A handsome deciduous shrub, and one that is readily propagated, and comparatively c...

RHUS COTINUS.--Smoke Plant, Wig Tree, or Venetian Sumach. Spain to Caucasus, 1656. On account of its singular appearance this shrub al...

RIBES ALPINUM PUMILUM AUREUM.--Golden Mountain Currant. The ordinary green form is a native of Britain, of which the plant named above...

ROBINIA DUBIA (_syns R. echiuata_ and _R. ambigua_).--A very pretty garden hybrid form, said to have for its parentage R. Pseud-Acacia...

ROSA ALBA.--This is a supposed garden hybrid between R. canina and R. gallica (1597). It has very glaucous foliage, and large flowers,...

ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS.--Common Rosemary. Mediterranean region, 1848. A familiar garden shrub, of dense growth, with dusky-gray green ...

RUBUS ARCTICUS.--Arctic Regions of both hemispheres. An interesting species about 6 inches high, with trifoliolate leaves, and deep-re...

RUSCUS ACULEATUS.--Butcher's Broom, Pettigree and Pettigrue. Europe (Britain), and North Africa. This is a native evergreen shrub, wit...

SAMBUCUS CALIFORNICA.--Californian Elder. A rare species as yet, but one that from its elegant growth and duration of flowers is sure,...

SCHIZANDRA CHINENSIS.--Northern China, 1860. This is a climbing shrub, with oval, bright green leaves, and showy carmine flowers. For ...

SCHIZOPHRAGMA HYDRANGEOIDES.--Climbing Hydrangea. Japan, 1879. As yet this is an uncommon shrub, and allied to the Hydrangea. It is of...

SHEPHERDIA ARGENTEA.--Beef Suet Tree, or Rabbit Berry. North America, 1820. This shrub is rendered of particular interest on account o...

SKIMMIA FORTUNEI.--Japan, 1845. This is a neat-growing shrub, with glossy, laurel-like leaves, white or greenish-white flowers, and an...

SMILAX ASPERA.--The Prickly Ivy. South Europe, 1648. A trailing-habited shrub, with prickly stems, ovate, spiny-toothed, evergreen lea...

SOLANUM CRISPUM.--Potato-tree. A native of Chili, 1824, and not very hardy, except in the coast regions of England and Ireland. It gro...

SOPHORA JAPONICA (_syn Styphnolobium japonicum_).--Chinese or Japanese Pagoda-tree. China and Japan, 1763. A large deciduous tree, wit...

SPARTIUM JUNCEUM (_syn S. acutifolium_).--Spanish, or Rush Broom. Mediterranean region and Canary Isles, 1548. This resembles our comm...

SPIRAEA BELLA.--Pretty-flowered Spiraea. Himalayas, 1820. The reddish stems of this rather tall-growing species are of interest, and r...

STAPHYLEA COLCHICA.--Colchican Bladder Nut. Caucasus. This is a very distinct shrub, about 6 feet high, with large clusters of showy w...

STAUNTONIA HEXAPHYLLA.--China and Japan, 1876. This evergreen twining shrub is not to be generally recommended, it requiring wall prot...

STUARTIA PENTAGYNA (_syn Malachodendron ovatum_).--North America, 1785. This differs only from the S. virginica in having five distinc...

STYRAX AMERICANA and S. PULVERULENTA are not commonly cultivated, being far less showy than the Japanese species. They bear white flow...

SYMPHORICARPUS OCCIDENTALIS.--Wolf Berry. North America. This species has larger and more freely-produced flowers, and smaller fruit t...

SYMPLOCOS JAPONICA (_syn S. lucida_).--A small growing and not very desirable species from Japan (1850). S. TINCTORIA.--Sweet-leaf,...

SYRINGA CHINENSIS (_syns. S. dubia_ and _S. rothomagensis_).--Rouen, or Chinese Lilac. A plant of small growth, with narrow leaves, an...

TAMARIX GALLICA.--Common Tamarisk. India to Europe. This shrub often in favoured maritime places reaches to a height of fully 10 feet,...

TECOMA GRANDIFLORA (_syn Bignonia grandiflora_), from China and Japan (1800), is not so hardy as T. radicans, although in certain mari...

TILIA VULGARIS (_syns T. europea_ and _T. intermedia_).--Lime, or Linden Tree. Europe, Caucasus, and naturalised in Britain. Probably ...

ULEX EUROPAEUS.--Furze, Gorse, or Whin. This pretty native shrub needs no description, suffice it to say that it is one of the handso...

VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM.--Canada to Carolina and Georgia, 1765. This is one of the most beautiful and showy species, with dense clusters ...

VERONICA PINQUIFOLIA.--New Zealand, 1870. This is one of the hardiest species, but it is of low growth, and only suitable for alpine ...

VIBURNUM ACERIFOLIUM.--Dockmackie. New England to Carolina, 1736. This is one of the handsomest members of the family, being of slende...

VINCA MAJOR.--Band-plant, Cut-finger, and Larger Periwinkle. Europe (Britain). For trailing over tree-stumps or rockwork this pretty ...

VITEX AGNUS-CASTUS.--Chaste Tree, Hemp Tree, and Monk's Pepper-tree. A South European shrub (1670), growing from 6 feet to 10 feet hig...

VITIS HETEROPHYLLA HUMILIFOLIA.--Turquoise-berried Vine. North China and Japan, 1868. The leaves of this Vine are three to five lobed,...

WISTARIA CHINENSIS (_syns W. sinensis, Glycine chinensis_, and _G. sinensis_).--Chinese Wistaria. China, 1816. This is the only specie...

XANTHOCERAS SORBIFOLIA.--China, 1870. An extremely pretty flowered and handsome leaved shrub, but owing to its late introduction is no...

XANTHORHIZA APIIFOLIA.--Yellow-root. Pennsylvania, 1776. A small growing shrub, with yellow creeping roots, from which suckers are thr...

YUCCA FILAMENTOSA.--Silk Grass. North America, 1675. A well-known and beautiful plant, with numerous leaves arranged in a dense rosett...

ZELKOVA ACUMINATA (_syns Z. japonica_ and _Planera acuminata_).--Japan. This resembles very nearly our common Elm in appearance, and b...

ZAUSCHNERIA CALIFORNICA.--Californian Fuchsia, or Humming Birds' Trumpet. California and Mexico, 1847. A small-growing, densely-branch...

New England Trees

Pinoideae Pine Family Conifers
ABIETACEAE. CUPRESSACEAE. Trees or shrubs, resinous; leaves simple, mostly evergreen, relatively small, entire, needle-shaped, aw...

LARIX. PINUS. PICEA. TSUGA. ABIES. Buds scaly; leaves evergreen and persistent for several years (except in Larix), scattered along...

THUJA. CUPRESSUS. JUNIPERUS. Leaf-buds not scaly; leaves evergreen and persistent for several years, opposite, verticillate, or som...

Tamarack Hacmatack Larch Juniper
=Habitat and Range.=--Low lands, shaded hillsides, borders of ponds; in New England preferring cold swamps; sometimes far up mountain ...

The leaves are of two kinds, primary and secondary; the primary are thin, deciduous scales, in the axils of which the secondary leaf-b...

White Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--In fertile soils; moist woodlands or dry uplands. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, through Quebec and Ontari...

Pitch Pine Hard Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--Most common in dry, sterile soils, occasional in swamps. New Brunswick to Lake Ontario. Maine,--mostl...

Scrub Pine Gray Pine Spruce Pine Jack Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--Sterile, sandy soil: lowlands, boggy plains, rocky slopes. Nova Scotia, northwesterly to the Athabasca r...

Red Pine Norway Pine
=Habitat and Range.=--In poor soils: sandy plains, dry woods. Newfoundland and New Brunswick, throughout Quebec and Ontario, to...

Scotch Pine
(sometimes incorrectly called the Scotch fir). Indigenous in the northern parts of Scotland and in the Alps, and from Sweden and No...

Black Spruce Swamp Spruce Double Spruce Water Spruce
=Habitat and Range.=--Swamps, sphagnum bogs, shores of rivers and ponds, wet, rocky hillsides; not uncommon, especially northward, on ...

Red Spruce
=Habitat and Range.=--Cool, rich woods, well-drained valleys, slopes of mountains, not infrequently extending down to the borders of s...

White Spruce Cat Spruce Skunk Spruce Labrador Spruce
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, damp, but not wet woods; dry, sandy soils, high rocky slopes and exposed hilltops, often in scanty soil. ...

=Habitat and Range.=--Cold soils, borders of swamps, deep woods, ravines, mountain slopes. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, through...

Fir Balsam Balsam Fir
=Habitat and Range.=--Rich, damp, cool woods, deep swamps, mountain slopes. Labrador, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia, northwest...

Arbor-vitae White Cedar Cedar
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, swampy lands, rocky borders of rivers and ponds. Southern Labrador to Nova Scotia; west to Manitoba...

White Cedar Cedar
=Habitat and Range.=--In deep swamps and marshes, which it often fills to the exclusion of other trees, mostly near the seacoast. ...

Red Cedar Cedar Savin
=Habitat and Range.=--Dry, rocky hills but not at great altitudes, borders of lakes and streams, sterile plains, peaty swamps. ...

Salicaceae Willow Family
Trees or shrubs; leaves simple, alternate, undivided, with stipules either minute and soon falling or leafy and persistent; inflores...

Inflorescence usually appearing before the leaves; flowers with lacerate bracts, disk cup-shaped and oblique-edged, at least in steril...

Inflorescence appearing with or before the leaves; flowers with entire bracts and one or two small glands; disks wanting; stamens few....

Poplar Aspen
=Habitat and Range.=--In all soils and situations except in deep swamps, though more usual in dry uplands; sometimes springing up in g...

Poplar Large-toothed Aspen
=Habitat and Range.=--In rich or poor soils; woods, hillsides, borders of streams. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, southern Quebec...

Poplar Swamp Poplar Cottonwood
=Habitat and Range.=--In or along swamps occasionally or often overflowed; rare, local, and erratically distributed. Connecticut,--...

Cottonwood Poplar
=Habitat and Range.=--In moist soil; river banks and basins, shores of lakes, not uncommon in drier locations. Throughout Queb...

Balsam Poplar Balm Of Gilead
=Habitat and Range.=--Alluvial soils; river banks, valleys, borders of swamps, woods. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia west to Man...

Balm Of Gilead
=Habitat and Range.=--In a great variety of soils; usually in cultivated or pasture lands in the vicinity of dwellings; infrequently f...

Abele White Poplar Silver-leaf Poplar
=Range.=--Widely distributed in the Old World, extending in Europe from southern Sweden to the Mediterranean, throughout northern Afri...

Pussy Willow Glaucous Willow
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, wet grounds; banks of streams, swamps, moist hillsides. Nova Scotia to Manitoba. Maine,--abundan...

Black Willow
=Habitat and Range.=--In low grounds, along streams or ponds, river flats. New Brunswick to western Ontario. New England,--...

Crack Willow Brittle Willow
=Habitat and Range.=--In low land and along river banks. Indigenous in southwestern Asia, and in Europe where it is extensively cultiv...

White Willow
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, moist grounds; along streams. Probably indigenous throughout Europe, northern Africa, and Asia as far south...

Juglandaceae Walnut Family
=Juglans cinerea, L.= ...

Butternut Oilnut Lemon Walnut
=Habitat and Range.=--Roadsides, rich woods, river valleys, fertile, moist hillsides, high up on mountain slopes. New Brunswic...

Black Walnut
=Habitat and Range.=--Rich woods. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont,--not reported native; Massachusetts,--rare east of the Connect...

Mockernut White-heart Hickory Walnut
Habitat and Range.--In various soils; woods, dry, rocky ridges, mountain slopes. Niagara peninsula and westward. Maine and V...

Pignut White Hickory
=Habitat and Range.=--Woods, dry hills, and uplands. Niagara peninsula and along Lake Erie. Maine,--frequent in the southern ...

Bitternut Swamp Hickory
=Habitat and Range.=--In varying soils and situations; wet woods, low, damp fields, river valleys, along roadsides, occasional upon up...

Betulaceae Birch Family
=Ostrya Virginica, Willd.= Ostrya Virginiana, Willd. ...

Hop Hornbeam Ironwood Leverwood
=Habitat and Range.=--In rather open woods and along highlands. Nova Scotia to Lake Superior. Common in all parts of New Eng...

Hornbeam Blue Beech Ironwood Water Beech
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, wet woods, and margins of swamps. Province of Quebec to Georgian bay. Rather common throughout Ne...

Black Birch Cherry Birch Sweet Birch
=Habitat and Range.=--Moist grounds; rich woods, old pastures, fertile hill-slopes, banks of rivers. Newfoundland and Nova Sco...

Red Birch River Birch
=Habitat and Range.=--Along rivers, ponds, and woodlands inundated a part of the year. Doubtfully and indefinitely reported fr...

White Birch Gray Birch Oldfield Birch Poplar Birch Poverty Birch Small White Birch
=Habitat and Range.=--Dry, gravelly soils, occasional in swamps and frequent along their borders, often springing up on burnt lands. ...

Canoe Birch White Birch Paper Birch
=Habitat and Range.=--Deep, rich woods, river banks, mountain slopes. Canada, Atlantic to Pacific, northward to Labrador and Al...

European Alder
This is the common alder of Great Britain and central Europe southward, growing chiefly along water courses, in boggy grounds and upon...

Fagaceae Beech Family
=Fagus ferruginea, Ait.= Fagus Americana, Sweet. Fagus atropunicea, Sudw. ...

=Habitat and Range.=--Moist, rocky soil. Nova Scotia through Quebec and Ontario. Maine,--abundant; New Hampshire,--throughout the...

=Habitat and Range.=--In strong, well-drained soil; pastures, rocky woods, and hillsides. Ontario,--common. Maine,--souther...

Black Oaks
Leaves with pointed or bristle-tipped lobes and teeth; cup-scales flat; stigmas on spreading styles; fruit maturing the second year. ...

White Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Light loams, sandy plains, and gravelly ridges, often constituting extensive tracts of forest. Quebec an...

Bur Oak Over-cup Oak Mossy-cup Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Deep, rich soil; river valleys. Nova Scotia to Manitoba, not attaining in this region the size of t...

Swamp White Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--In deep, rich soil; low, moist, fertile grounds, bordering swamps and along streams. Quebec to Ontario, ...

Chestnut Oak Rock Chestnut Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Woods, rocky banks, hill slopes. Along the Canadian shore of Lake Erie. Maine,--Saco river and Mt. Aga...

Chestnut Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Dry hillsides, limestone ridges, rich bottoms. Ontario. Vermont,--Gardner's island, Lake Champlain; Fe...

Scrub White Oak Scrub Chestnut Oak
More or less common throughout the states east of the Mississippi; westward apparently grading into Q. Muhlenbergii, within the limits...

Red Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Growing impartially in a great variety of soils, but not on wet lands. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to ...

Scarlet Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Most common in dry soil. Ontario. Maine,--valley of the Androscoggin, southward; New Hampshire and Ve...

Black Oak Yellow Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Poor soils; dry or gravelly uplands; rocky ridges. Southern and western Ontario. Maine,--York county; ...

Pin Oak Swamp Oak Water Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--Low grounds, borders of forests, wet woods, river banks, islets in swamps. Ontario. Northern New Engl...

Scrub Oak Bear Oak
=Habitat and Range.=--In poor soils; sandy plains, gravelly or rocky hills. Maine,--frequent in eastern and southern sections and u...

Ulmaceae Elm Family
=Ulmus Americana, L.= ...

Elm American Elm White Elm
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, moist ground; thrives especially on rich intervales. From Cape Breton to Saskatchewan, as far north...

Slippery Elm Red Elm
=Habitat and Range.=--Rich, low grounds, low, rocky woods and hillsides. Valley of the St. Lawrence, apparently not abundant. ...

Cork Elm Rock Elm
=Habitat and Range.=--Dry, gravelly soils, rich soils, river banks. Quebec through Ontario. Maine,--not reported; New Hampsh...

Hackberry Nettle Tree Hoop Ash Sugar Berry
=Habitat and Range.=--In divers situations and soils; woods, river banks, near salt marshes. Province of Quebec to Lake of the...

=Habitat and Range.=--Banks of rivers, rich woods. Canadian shore of Lake Erie. A rare tree in New England. Maine,--doubtful...

Magnoliaceae Magnolia Family
=Liriodendron Tulipifera, L.= TULIP TREE. WHITEWOOD. POPLAR. =Habitat and Range.=--Prefers a rich, loamy, moist soil. Vermon...

=Habitat and Range.=--In various soils and situations; sandy or rich woods, along the borders of peaty swamps. Provinces of Qu...

Sweet Gum
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, wet soil, swamps, moist woods. Connecticut,--restricted to the southwest corner of the state, not far fr...

Buttonwood Sycamore Buttonball Plane Tree
=Habitat and Range.=--Near streams, river bottoms, and low, damp woods. Ontario. Maine,--apparently restricted to York count...

Pomaceae Apple Family
Trees or shrubs; leaves simple or pinnate, mostly alternate, with stipules free from the leafstalk and usually soon falling; flowers...

Mountain Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--River banks, cool woods, swamps, and mountains. Newfoundland to Manitoba. Maine,--common; New Hampshir...

Mountain Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--Mountain slopes, cool woods, along the shores of rivers and ponds, often associated with P. Americana, but climb...

Pear Tree
The common pear, introduced from Europe; a frequent escape from cultivation throughout New England and elsewhere; becomes scraggly and...

Apple Tree
The common apple; introduced from Europe; a more or less frequent escape wherever extensively cultivated, like the pear showing a tend...

Shadbush June-berry
=Habitat and Range.=--Dry, open woods, hillsides. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to Lake Superior. New England,--throughout. ...

A revision of genus Crataegus has long been a desideratum with botanists. The present year has added numerous new species, most of wh...

Cockspur Thorn
Rich soils, edge of swamps. Quebec to Manitoba. Found sparingly in western Vermont (Flora of Vermont, 1900); southern Conne...

=Habitat and Range.=--Bordering on low lands and along streams. Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Maine,--as far north as Mat...

Drupaceae Plum Family
Trees or shrubs; bark exuding gum; bark, leaves, and especially seeds of several species abounding in prussic acid; leaves simple, a...

Red Cherry Pin Cherry Pigeon Cherry Bird Cherry
=Habitat and Range.=--Roadsides, clearings, burnt lands, hill slopes, occasional in rather low grounds. From Labrador to the R...

=Habitat and Range.=--In varying soils; along river banks, on dry plains, in woods, common along walls, often thickets. From N...

Rum Cherry Black Cherry
=Habitat and Range.=--In all sorts of soils and exposures; open places and rich woods. Nova Scotia to Lake Superior. Maine,...

Mazard Cherry
Introduced from England; occasionally spontaneous along fences and the borders of woodlands. As an escape, 25-50 feet high, with a tru...

Leguminosae Pulse Family
=Gleditsia triacanthos, L.= ...

Honey Locust Three-thorned Acacia
=Habitat and Range.=--In its native habitat growing in a variety of soils; rich woods, mountain sides, sterile plains. Souther...

=Habitat and Range.=--In its native habitat growing upon mountain slopes, along the borders of forests, in rich soils. Natural...

Clammy Locust
This tree appears to be sparingly established in southern Canada and at many points throughout New England. Common in cultivation a...

Simarubaceae Ailanthus Family
=Ailanthus glandulosus, Desf.= ...

Ailanthus Tree-of-heaven Chinese Sumac
Sparsely and locally naturalized in southern Ontario, New England, and southward. A native of China; first introduced into the Unit...

Anacardiaceae Sumac Family
=Rhus typhina, L.= Rhus hirta, Sudw. ...

Staghorn Sumac
=Habitat and Range.=--In widely varying soils and localities; river banks, rocky slopes to an altitude of 2000 feet, cellar-holes and ...

Dogwood Poison Sumac Poison Elder
=Habitat and Range.=--Low grounds and swamps; occasional on the moist slopes of hills. Infrequent in Ontario. Maine,--local...

Aquifoliaceae Holly Family
=Ilex opaca, Ait.= ...

Holly American Holly
=Habitat and Range.=--Generally found in somewhat sheltered situations in sandy loam or in low, moist soil in the vicinity of water. ...

Red Maple Swamp Maple Soft Maple White Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--Borders of streams, low lands, wet forests, swamps, rocky hillsides. Nova Scotia to the Lake of the Wood...

Silver Maple Soft Maple White Maple River Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--Along streams, in rich intervale lands, and in moist, deep-soiled forests, but not in swamps. Infrequent...

Black Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--Low, damp ground on which, in New England at least, the sugar maple is rarely if ever seen, or upon moist, rocky...

Mountain Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--In damp forests, rocky highland woods, along the sides of mountain brooks at altitudes of 500-1000 feet. ...

Striped Maple Moosewood Whistlewood
=Habitat and Range.=--Cool, rocky or sandy woods. Nova Scotia to Lake Superior. Maine,--abundant, especially northward in th...

Box Elder Ash-leaved Maple
=Habitat and Range.=--In deep, moist soil; river valleys and borders of swamps. Infrequent from eastern Ontario to Lake of the...

Basswood Linden Lime Whitewood
=Habitat and Range.=--In rich woods and loamy soils. Southern Canada from New Brunswick to Lake Winnipeg. Throughout New Eng...

Flowering Dogwood Boxwood
=Habitat and Range.=--Woodlands, rocky hillsides, moist, gravelly ridges. Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Maine,--Fayette ...

Tupelo Sour Gum Pepperidge
=Habitat and Range.=--In rich, moist soil, in swamps and on the borders of rivers and ponds. Ontario. Maine,--Waterville on...

=Habitat and Range.=--Rhode Island,--occasional but doubtfully native; Connecticut,--at Lighthouse Point, New Haven, near the East Hav...

White Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--Rich or moist woods, fields and pastures, near streams. Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to Ontario. Main...

Green Ash
River valleys and wet woods. Ontario to Saskatchewan. Maine,--common along the Penobscot river from Oldtown to Bangor; Verm...

Black Ash Swamp Ash Basket Ash Hoop Ash Brown Ash
=Habitat and Range.=--Wet woods, river bottoms, and swamps. Anticosti through Ontario. Maine,--common; New Hampshire,--south...

Sheep Berry Sweet Viburnum Nanny Plum
=Habitat and Range.=--Rich woods, thickets, river valleys, along fences. Province of Quebec to Saskatchewan. Frequent throug...

Tree Terms
Abortive.= Defective or barren, through non-development of a part. Acuminate.= Long-pointed. Acute.= Ending with a sharp but not ...

Arbor Day

Origin Of Arbor Day
To J. Sterling Morton, ex-Governor of Nebraska, and Secretary of Agriculture under President Cleveland, belongs the honor of originatin...




  New England Trees  
  Arbor Day  

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