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The aim of this site is to provide information on ancient history that develops a better understanding how reality truly was before our time.

Ancient States

The Antediluvian World
The history of this world begins, according to the chronology of Archbishop Ussher, which is generally received as convenient rather...

Postdiluvian History To The Call Of Abraham And The Patriarchal Constitution And The Division Of Nations
When Noah and his family issued from the ark, they were blessed by God. They were promised a vast posterity, dominion over nature, a...

The Hebrew Race From Abraham To The Sale Of Joseph
We postpone the narrative of the settlements and empires which grew up on the banks of the Euphrates and the Nile, the oldest monarc...

Egypt And The Pharaohs
The first country to which Moses refers, in connection with the Hebrew history, is Egypt. This favored land was the seat of one of t...

The Jews Until The Conquest Of Canaan
When Joseph was sold by the Midianites to Potiphar, Egypt was probably ruled by the Shepherd kings, who were called Pharaoh, like al...

The Conquest Of Canaan To The Establishment Of The Kingdom Of David
The only survivors of the generation that had escaped from Egypt were Caleb and Joshua. All the rest had offended God by murmurings,...

The Jewish Monarchy
We can not enter upon a detail of the conquests of David, the greatest warrior that his nation has produced. In successive campaigns...

The Old Chaldean And Assyrian Monarchies
On a great plain, four hundred miles in length and one hundred miles in width, forming the valley of the Euphrates, bounded on the n...

The Empire Of The Medes And Persians
The third of the great Oriental monarchies brought in contact with the Jews was that of the Medes and Persians, which arose on the ...

Asia Minor And Phoenicia
Concerning the original inhabitants of Asia Minor our information is very scanty. The works of Strabo shed an indefinite light, and ...

Jewish History From The Babylonian Captivity To The Birth Of Christ
We have seen how the ten tribes were carried captive to Assyria, on the fall of Samaria, by Shalmanezer, B.C., 721. From that time h...

The Roman Governors
The history of the Jews after the death of Herod is marked by the greatest event in human annals. In four years after he expired in ...

The Geography Of Ancient Greece And Its Early Inhabitants
We have seen that the Oriental-world, so favored by nature, so rich in fields, in flocks, and fruits, failed to realize the higher d...

The Legends Of Ancient Greece
The Greeks possessed no authentic written history of that period which included the first appearance of the Hellenes in Thessaly to ...

The Grecian States And Colonies To The Persian Wars
We come now to consider those States which grew into importance about the middle of the eighth century before Christ, at the close o...

Grecian Civilization Before The Persian Wars
Early civilization. We understand by civilization the progress which nations have made in art, literature, material strength, social...

The Persian War
We come now to the most important and interesting of Grecian history--the great contest with Persia--the age of heroes and of battle...

The Age Of Pericles
With the defeat of the Persian armies, Athens and Sparta became, respectively, the leaders of two great parties in Greece. Athens ad...

The Peloponnesian War
The great and disastrous war between the two leading States of Greece broke out about two years and a half before the death of Peric...

March Of Cyrus And Retreat Of The Ten Thousand Greeks
The Peloponnesian war being closed, a large body of Grecian soldiers were disbanded, but rendered venal and restless by the excitem...

The Lacedaemonian Empire
I have already shown that Sparta, after a battle with the Argives, B.C. 547, obtained the ascendency in the southern part of the Pe...

The Republic Of Thebes
After Sparta and Athens, no State of Greece arrived at pre-eminence, until the Macedonian empire arose, except Thebes, the capital ...

Dionysius And Sicily
We have already seen how the Athenian fleet was destroyed at the siege of Syracuse, where Nicias and Demosthenes were so lamentably ...

Philip Of Macedon
No one would have supposed, B.C. 400, that the destruction of Grecian liberties would come from Macedonia--a semi-barbarous kingdom ...

Alexander The Great
We come now to consider briefly the career of Alexander, the son of Philip--the most successful, fortunate, and brilliant hero of an...

Rome In Its Infancy Under Kings
In presenting the growth of that great power which gradually absorbed all other States and monarchies so as to form the largest empi...

The Roman Republic Till The Invasion Of The Gauls
The Tarquins being expelled, political power fell into the hands of the patricians, under whose government the city slowly increased...

The Conquest Of Italy
Hitherto, the Romans, after the expulsion of the kings, were involved in wars with their immediate neighbors, and exposed to great c...

The First Punic War
A contest greater than with Pyrrhus and the Greek cities, more memorable in its incidents, and more important in its consequences, n...

The Second Punic Or Hannibalic War
The peace between the Carthaginians and Romans was a mere truce. Though it lasted twenty-one years, new sources of quarrel were accu...

The Macedonian And Asiatic Wars
Scarcely was Rome left to recover from the exhaustion of the long and desperate war with Hannibal, before she was involved in a new ...

The Third Punic War
The peace between Carthage and Rome, after the second Punic war, lasted fifty years, during which the Carthaginians gave the Romans ...

Roman Conquests From The Fall Of Carthage To The Times Of The Gracchi
Although the Roman domination now extended in some form or other over most of the countries around the Mediterranean, still several ...

Roman Civilization At The Close Of The Third Punic War And The Fall Of Greece
Rome was now the unrivaled mistress of the world. She had conquered all the civilized States around the Mediterranean, or had establ...

The Reform Movement Of The Gracchi
A new era in the history of Rome now commences, a period of glory and shame, when a great change took place in the internal structur...

The Wars With Jugurtha And The Cimbri
The fall of the Gracchi restored Rome to the rule of the oligarchy. The government of the Senate was resumed, and a war of prosecuti...

The Revolt Of Italy And The Social War
Great discontent had long existed among the Italian subjects of Rome. They were not only oppressed, but they enjoyed no political pr...

The Mithridatic And Civil Wars
There reigned at this time in Pontus, the northeastern State of Asia Minor, bordered on the south by Cappadocia, on the east by Arme...

Rome From The Death Of Sulla To The Great Civil Wars Of Caesar And Pompey
On the death of Sulla, the Roman government was once more in the hands of the aristocracy, and for several years the consuls were el...

The Civil Wars Between Caesar And Pompey
The condition of Rome when Caesar returned, crowned with glory, from his Gallic campaign, in which he had displayed the most consumm...

The Civil Wars Following The Death Of Caesar
The assassination of Caesar was not immediately followed with the convulsions which we should naturally expect. The people were weary ...

The Roman Empire On The Accession Of Augustus
Octavius, now master of the world, is generally called Augustus Caesar--the name he assumed. He was the first of that great line of ...

The Six Caesars Of The Julian Line
We have alluded to the centralization of political power in the person of Octavius. He simply retained all the great offices of Stat...

The Climax Of The Roman Empire
On the extinction of the Julian line, a new class of emperors succeeded, by whom the prosperity of the empire was greatly advanced. ...

The Decline Of The Empire
Able or virtuous princes had now ruled the Roman world, with a few exceptions, from Julius Caesar to Commodus, a period of more than...

The Fall Of The Empire
After the death of Constantine, the decline was rapid, and new dangers multiplied. Warlike emperors had staved off the barbarians, a...




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